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y Arm 3 192: 4 AK ' os | wg TA-MERRY/"EGYPT", and HER RELIGIOUS 21 From Judaism-Christianity-Islam to Marxian Hw anisms fP (7 or ORIGINS OF WESTERN FROM ISRABL-SUMERIA-GREECEjor TA-MERRY/"EGYPT"?: A Retiree's Academic Delight! ohye Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan, Adjunct Pro- fessor of the History of Religion and Ezypt- ology; A.S, and R.C,, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York AFRICANA LIBRARY Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan/"\Johannes'' Jn Momory Of Fifteen Years Of Faithful Service To My Students 1973 - 1988 C.E,/A.D, ‘Student of Africana Studios Adjunct Professor of History and Egyptology ‘Africana Studies and Research Center [A.8, and R.C.] Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. OO —™ PREFATORY REMARKS BEFORE MY PARTING: The African whose picture appears on the previous page stamis before y Academic Integrity" can be maintained equally with "Africana Studies"; ths 1s providing our can Scholars and Administrators are willing to pay whatever cost is exacted to maintain the erect posture in defense of our African Heritage generally, and Nile Valley High-Culture part ou as living-proof calarly and specifically. My departure, probably, would have been just a few oral "iit-bits". However this pacivity was impossible by virtue of the fact that the entire meaning for being here at Africana. Studies and Research Center [A.S. and RC.] was unier attack; one of my former students carrying my ban= ner of certain "African Origins in Greek Philosophy" and/or "Western Civilization” being condem ed by one of Cornell University's "star professor"! But behind my student stood the following, and of course millions more of the same, “Airican -(or "“Nubians/Blacks", ete.]~ Greeks-Romans''y who.are otherwise known as "Europeans"; thus: No. 1: Black Marble Statue Of A Boy, Hind Century BCE No. 2: Bronze Statue Of A Boy With Hair in Curls. No. ble Statue Of A ‘Young Bath Attendant. No.4: x Silver Pepper Caster Of A Man [See pages 295 - 296, "Black Man Of The Nile Family", 3rd Edition, 1981, Alkebu-lan Books Assi Consistant with my method of documentation, using visual aides of all es ineluding pictures, books, maps, artifacts, etc., i present you with fur- "AFRICAN" IN EARLIEST "EUROPE"! MEMNOW EAR TO FIGHT POR THE GREEKS SHOWN IN BATT ST THE PERSIANS FROM ASIA, BTC. OF EUROPE AGAL ther evidence of original "Greeks" who were in fact "Africans" as others who were Asian and Euro peans. The above "Greek", otherwise known as Memnon, was in fact Pharaoh Amenhotep IV {ealled later "Amenorphis IV" by the Greeks], XVIII Dynasty, ca, 1405 - 1370 B.C. E., husband of Great Queen ‘Tiyi, and father of Pharaoh Amenhotep TV ~ - the "father of Monotheism"" - - Akhenaten, wa: in-law of Grandfather Queen Tit, mother of “Tutankhaten Phacson ‘athena ca,1405-1870 B.C. E. 2 Grandmotner-in-law of | taraoh HT MATE ‘Dutankhaten Father in-law of Tutanith ~ shown as per the following page by by his fellow idigenous Age ae can Egyptians fronting his Funerary ‘Temple on the West Bank of onde 1283 B.C. Be the Sacred River Nile; thus: WIN COLOSSAL STATUES OF PHARAOH AMUNHOTER [The Greeks Misnomered Them "Memnoa'. Wh LEFT; Colossal sandstone statues of Pharaoh ‘Amenhotep III ~ husband of Queen Tiyi, son of Queen Mut-em-Weya and Pharaoh Amehotep II, father of Pharioh Ameahotep IV or Akhenaten, cto, [see page "2" for "amily tree"). RIGHT; A close-up view of one of the colossal sandstone statuesof ?ha~ raoh Amenhotep III, with Queen Tiyi on the left. Queen Mut-em-Weya is on the right side |this is the statue at the left of the two shown above]. ‘True, partly of "Ethiopian Parentage" -- his mother --, he was never ".,,an Ethiopian Ge eral in the Greek Army..." He was, however, the Ethiopian-Nubian-Egyptian from Upper Egypt Ta-Merry/Kemit/Sais/etc.] who rebuilt in stone the Grand Lodge [""Temple"] of Wa'set after it ha been burnt to the ground. It is here the "Mysteries [Education] System's Priest-Scribes" who taugi re~ the earliest Haribu or Hebrews [otherwise called "Jews"'], and later Greeks, Romans, et al. ceived their first glimpse into "High-Culture" or "Civilized Living"; from Moses to Aristotle. 1 now show you some scenes of the ruined structure after the Site Plan and General Floor Layout. | FLOOR PLAN OF THE GRAND TEMPLE/"LODGE" age SITE PCAN: WA'RIT/WA'SET OF WA'SET [Thebes or Luxor], EGYPT, N. E, A, _[Today's "Karnak, Luxor, Thebes"] Beale: ">= Scale: $m : fhus "Western Civilization” in to Here, at the Grand Lodge of Wa'set, the early he eae ad Greeks" of every discipline either came to receive their education, or from here their earliest "African -- Egyp- Sian, Nubian, Ethiopian, etc. Priest-Seribe Teachers ‘pent out and taught them until Aristotle and Pharaoh Ptolomey I [formerly "General Soter"" who changed his seme to "Ptolemy"] sacked its "Grand Library" and carried Ss contents to the City of Alexandria [named after "Alexader Z, son of Philip of Macedonia", the so-called "great" ; fas starting what was later known as the "Peripathic AREA SITE PLAN: WA'SET, WEST "BANK, WA'RIT, UPPER EGYPT Scale: —— J" as part thereof, Henceforth, as before, this was the center where so-called “Western Civilizatior School” of which the "Great Library of Alexandria" BAN Bad its first daylight. Yet, it was at Sakhara the earliest Priests and Scribes of Nile Valley and Gre Lakes Region "High-Culture/Civilization” established what is now being called "Greek Philosophy" e2s the likes of same. And it is equally here that indigenous [so-called] "Black Africans" spread ot Sfecuch the Great Doors of the following Grand Pylon of the Front [South] Elevation of the Grand edge of Wa'set to establish Suhorditate Lodges that are now called "Masonic, Elks, Odd Fellows, ALKEBU-LAN EDUCATIONAL TOUR GROUP PASS! ‘THROUGH THE GREAT HYPOSTYLE HALL OF THE GRAND TEMPLE/LODGE OF WA'SET, EGYPT, N.E.A. Mechanics, Alphas, Kapas +, etc, Within these walls, laso was the Inner Colonnades where the In- nitiates went before they were "Circumsize”, the same as ''Pythagoras" and others from Greece sho told of the "pains we were subjected to bear" before receiving the first word of instruction fror the "Ebon Philosophers" Wilson Armistead spoke about in his A Tribut To The Negro, 1848 C.E., axi George G. M. Jamest Stolen Legacy so eloquently depicted with reference to the Greek Students who supposedly begun what they learnt from their "African/Nubian/Egyptian Teachers; "Africans" THE GREAT COURT OF COLUMNS, OR DOUBLE COLONNADE HAL OF THE PRIESTHHOD OF THE GRAND TEMPLE/LODGE OF WA'SET HALL OF PAST MASTERS OF THE GRAND TEMPLE/LODGE, ‘VISITED BY MEMBERS OF ALKEBU-LAN EDUCATIONAL TOUR BELOW EAVE OF THE MOSQUE OF ABO HAGGAD, WA'SET, EGYPT, NORTHEAST AFRICA ‘who were no different than these we see on the following two pages. The same type of Indigenous Africans as those mentioned by my former student in an article To The Editor of The Cornell Daily = in commemoration of so-called "Black History Month'' -- a prime reason for this expression, I the face of this colossal statue, called "Sphinx of Ghizeh [Giza]" by the Greeks who did not know ‘Ewes the likeness of Pharaoh Khafra ["Khafre/Xfre", etc.]-- builder of the second largest Pyra- ‘Sit only to that of his father - Pharaoh Khufu/Xufu {whom Herodotus called "Cheops", IVth Dynas FILE VIEW OF THE COLOSSAL. A CLOSE-UP VIEW OF AN ANCIENT AFRICAN ‘the beginning of a very special event in my per perspective, Thus let me cite onl; ‘The Prefatory Remarks above lead to life, all of yate gee> xill take numerous volumes to truly put in its proj lights that come forward as I try to recapture what Like Count C. F. Volaey, and Baron Viviant Denon - the one who drew the bor aise bi I must take through life with so man Wee clessantries. 4 on sight at The Horizon of Khufu/"Akhet Khufu/Xufu'; "I'm that much richer for having you" -- all of yous only I could move time back to "Labor Day", September 1973 C.E,/A.D., I would have sictures and taped alll of my lectures; all in keeping the memories of the precious moments enced here at Africana Studies and Research Center [A.S, and R.C.]. Everything started Geckie Haskins and Daisy Rowe of the Administrative Staff saying on the day of my arrival: "Tt ‘ice to have you aboard Doctor Ben"; and a very young and dazzling Director, James Turner ‘Doc. , did you have a good flight", following an adventurous ¥urfboard-like ride on one of twin engines propeller "put-put--put" [?]. The background of this is on page 6, John H. Clarke, Congress Mbata, Betty Parker, Robert Harris, Abdul Nanji, Rosean Bell, Sayes II, Ruduku Murapa, Tendai Mutuno, Bill Cross, Maries Evans, Eleanor Traynor, an of other stalwart "Africana Professors"[too many to recall on short notice);all of whom add- ‘Seether notch to a life needing their consolation so many times when I stood almost aloné in the ‘ef destructive critics of my otherwise morthodox methods in European and/or Euro-America with regards to the Sacred and Most Holy African People, our Glorious Heritage and ide History; I found "glory" indulging in the warmth of your protective counciling. And now for the "Saviors Of My Eversearching Soul", both Undergraduates and Graduates eettered at the far-reaching end of my jolting tongue elucidating on the virtue of Sexually Ex- Divine Praises for the African Female and her Sacred-Holy Womb ["Heaven"], as I equal- red for "Free Thought"[open discussions] in A.S. and R.C. No. 460; African Origins of Religions" and 'Greek Philosophy" classroom settings. or You, “Street-Corner students ex late brother Malcoln "X" [Little], once again on the "Soap Box" and/or "Ladder" of my Un: e Classroom in the University of the Corner at West 125th Street and Adam Clayton Powel Seslevard [formerly "7th Avenue"] and Graduate School of the University of First World Allianc favorable as those brothers and sisters reach for their Ankh. Arwey of Life" through Sa ‘= the contest of our Osagyefo ["'Savior"] Kwame Nkrumah and other Redeemers as the late Ie Marcus Moziah Garvey, Dr. Edward Wilmoth Blyden, "Queen Mary, Bottom Belly and Eiesbun", Neg Yosef, Elijah {"Poole"| Muhammad,etal. this thrust may our eyes, Direct: Bebert Harris, find in God Asaru the ccncept of the "Living Resurrection” of the "Immaculate of Goddess Asetand Her "Virgin Born Son" God Heru strength to persevere in this!"Bal Hotep--Denestele—-Peace and Equilibrium. Ge side of "God 1” STRANEOUS HAPPENINGS OF EURO- APRO-8CADEMIA FOR "BLACK HIS- [OUR]-STORY MONT" AT CORNELL Tnow look at the "on-going academic dialogue of the time" on Cornell University's Main Ga ‘nas Chapter VII: African Origins Of "Greek Philosophy" [the myth], in Yosef A.A, bea~ | | bennan's Elgck Man Of The Nile And His Family, Srd Bd. , the foundation of which begins below On page 9 or my pamphlet Htled: Spectal Lecture No. 1, April 9, 1984; Course No. A.S. and R.C. 460; No. 2, April 16, 1984; and No. 3, April 30, 1984: The African Mysteries System ; Of Wa'set, Egypt and its European Stepchild: "Greek Philoso- phy", I show @ picture of the bust of the following statue of the ; ‘African-European Greek known as "'Sokrates /Socrates" AFRO” - SOKRATES/SOCRATES: ? - 399 B.C.E tee relectiona are not eul= Aictent to he the presentation, Tot that we wore supposedly exgaged In the celebration of "BLACK which rod hve been "ATi teat ry, 1980, Yet very te, # ay thing, of what have go fa dvlged tm Ine than ONE PAGE of the PAPER 28 mention during tho entire TWEN| ‘TE-NINE [20] DAYS Afciean people in tho Unltd Staten of Ameren were allt to tll cor mm HISTORY, a leo lory {nour comm HERITAGE = all of he millions of years of = from ZENEAN ‘TuRoPUSbolae 2.6 millon yore ego (he present 1980 CAE. (Of eouree I mnt Ing a he at tome to male We belleve that tho esti} WORLD'S OLDEST PEOPLE, esprtally ur exatonce universally, ea be tld tf "TWENTY-EIGHT of TWENTY-NOME [consecutive BAYS ofeach your whe [AND SORTY-FIVE or THREE HUNDRED AND SOCTY-S0¢ [consecutive] DAYS. santa itory"t nt shold in no way teat fom the auditory effort of ear late Aflosn-Ameriean scholar and {ellow Nstoian Dr. CARTER G, [WOODSON for ving entablishod whet vas proviusly clad "NEGRO HIBTORY WBEK". "Blubber lips, broad nose, knotty hair, swarthy color"; is this not quite the manner you felt Sokrates/Socrates was de. scribed by European scholars of the 19th century C.E. ? See H. Prettyman and L. Meister's THF PRILOSCPHERS OF ANCIENT EGYPT, London, 1888; they called him "a hunchback-type with blubber lips and a swarthy complexion", ete. Is he not equally the the same 2s 2 so-called "Negro" is described’ If not; why not? era AgaTemi2iaas” fhat ancient Greece’ comments above are only a reminder to "We: Juded thousands who woul have bean "ghettoized" on most eollege carpuses in the America [U.8.A.]. Ieited Sokrates/"Soerates", ca. 22% 399B.C.E,, because thanks to his alleged "student" and only avow dient Greece's. greatest philosoph "" who wrote of his existence™ [ could have listed such as "Zeus" and "Apolo", [From J.B. Bury, A HISTORY OF GREECE ‘TO THE DEATH OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1966. Revised by Russell Meiggs, 3rd Edition; origin~ al Edition, Macmillan, London-Melbourne- ‘Toronto, July 190C] cording to Homer's Odyssey [ca. 833 B.C. E.], or of course Euclid of Meghera [ea, 555 B.C. E. Tmhotep"tof Wa'set [or "Aescalipius - God of Medicine") - whom Hippocrates, et al. , wo and builder of the first stone building and Step Py: jorld's first multigenius: creat khara, physician, grand vizier, prime minister, ete, (ca, 2780 - 2680 B,C.E., Iird Pharaoh Djoser/"Zozer" [as shown on the following page], followed by "Hercules" se5 “Telephus"' [Africans/Ethiops 7]; all of Pyrrhus-Helladas/"Greece": Is it possible that all of and nothing at all of the Africar place between Egypt/''Ta-Morry" and Greece/"'Hellada: Jato” there would be no "Sokrates/Socrates"; the latter left no writings of his own, philosophy, astrology, geometry, mathematics, science, music, art,"etc., ferent to thelr Emropenn isin: Paris, Trance. Main PYRAMID dimensions: L=431'0" x W= | @ Sesece and elswhere a8 they came i Stx Ho200.0" tat of oxo. wall enclose et even from the first encounter? Se this regards I am reminded of the ie by Pharaoh Amenhotepjv/"Akhen- Di Sone of his many teachings to the teries sometime between ca. you set in the Western horizon of heaven world is in darkness like the dead -y lion comes forward from his den The serpents all sting, and darkness reigns. cht falls over the earth when you rise in the horizon two lands are in daily festival en all over the world they do toil. fruitful are your work! are hidden from our presence. Oh my only God, whose powers no other has. x alone created the earth as you desired, and alone: that are upon the earth, + now see the plagiarism and distortion of this African teach~, 's been labeled "Psalm 104" in the He~ Ee & the following from wha Se== Holy Torah/Eive Books of Mases/or "Olé Testament", which had ce before ca. 700 B.C.E, when its First Book /*Genesis" lished. Of course, I am copying an "Old English" presentation most of you are familiar; thus: .ou makest darkness and it Is night, Wherein all the beasts of the forest da creep forth; .e young lions roar after their prey; they seek their meat from God, The sun ariseth, they get them away And lay them down in their dens. Man goeth forth unto his work And to his labour until the evening... Lord, how manifold are thy works isdom has thou made them all; he earth is full of creatures. Amenhotep IV was as much a principal in Greek religiousity Philosophy", It is impossible to develop any kind as was God Hercules; the im- which also reflected in so-called "Gr ‘gultural environment" of one's neighborhood and/or entire natic = “Pedlosophy" independent of the Not only Zeus and Apollo were “deity figures" from Africa; Herculese also causgd to retlaneum Worship of Goddess Aset [Isis}"' that later became Christendom's "Worship of = = or Not” Dr. Frank W. Snowden of Howard University, Wash.,D.C. in his book, Blacks In Bi Greece and people of ancient Egypt". For this reason all types of "racist" Euro-academicians scur- Hercules and Telephas, wall painting from Herculaneum, tst century 8.€ {National Muscuin, Neples. ». aNDeRson edited African Historians such as Dr. John H. Clarke, Cheikh Anta Diop, Joel A. Rogers, et al.; solely because they used independent research dif- Se to "White Caucasian-Semitic Academia’s Kosher Seal of Approval". Thus Snowden's greater Sesinder: "No doubt there were Negroes in ancient Egypt"! He forgot: 'No doubt there were indige ins ["Indians''?] in America before the White men committed genocide op them!: Fact The curtain is gradually descending on an academic career here at Africana Studies and Re- Geter [A.S, and R,C.J, 310 Triphammer Road, ithaca, New York; the same as it began the Federal Works Project Agency(F.W.F.A.] for Continuing Adult Education a pro- ‘= Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Posession ["'Colony"] of the tes of America (U.S.A.], September, 1941 C.E. It makes a shattering-blinding noise ‘= = archeologist John Holladay, who has excavated Pithom, one of these sites, said: “There was noth- ing there during the period of the| Exodus.” ‘The implications of these findings| — many of which have been pub- lished in English only in the past year — may be divided into three parts. First, there is an almost uniform rejection of the theory associated with US. archeologist William Al- bright, which was widely accepted {in the fities, that the early books of the Bible, and in particular Joshua, would provide a guide to the re gion’s 2arly history that archeology ‘would confirm. “In the old days things looked simple You went to Israel etie there | “arlier than the ‘Toronto, Canada Page A | Jewish state. The massiveness_ of Bible in hand, went co Jericho and 2 to Work looking for buried trum- pets and fallen stones, Well things Giant work like that,” sald Johns Hopkins University” Egyptologist Hans Goedicke deed, in thelr revisionst_ap- proach some skeptical archeologists fave talten the tack hat the Bible tas proved sounreliale they should pay scant attention to the portions Before its accounts of the early Kings, of Israel Starting at that point the Old Testament is external- Iy verified by other sources. “There has been a felt need for archeology to support is rationale iy uence ann ihe Seo. child of people trying to find out Something. sbout the Bible.” said Prof. Seger. Amon others, Prof. Dever has suggested tat the tar biblical archeology, be. discarded and be replaced by the more gener- ie syro-Palestnian archeology: Second, the “evidence “of the stones," as the archeologists allt, has lent empirical support to & umber of biblically heretical theo- Hes ofthe formation of the ancient SINAI PENINSULA 9 when I wrote the same thing in "We ‘The Black Jews" in P.R. See recent excavations in hitherto Searchers a confidence ‘that the general pattem of development Sey see will not easily be over- Grown by future findings. | Tee appearance of the Israelite [erent i Samana interpret. | ei in several ways, Some support Se view, first proposed in the twen- Ses by German scholar Albrecht | ‘Alt, that there was a kind of peace- | 5a infitration by people from out- | See the area. Others, notably Israel Finkelstein of Bar-lian University, | bese recent book summarizing the xcheology of the early settlements rested a stir in Israel, say it was 2 | ses of nomadic people already in | Canaan setiling down, |} he lack of any abject that: is specifically Jewish in the villages generally accepted as early Israe, Sie leads some archeologists to be- Seve that Judaism may have arisen f Canaan itself sometime during She twelfth century B.C. i's rather like Islamic con 3 hand of takeover Som the inside," Prof. Dever said, A variant of this theory, which sess put forward by George Menden- ‘eal in 1962, suggests that Judaism ‘arose out of a kind of peasant revolt Sesinst city dwellers. In this model Ge peasants drifted away from the ‘existing city states of Canaan and ‘came together as Israelite commu- sities in the highlands — “although ‘ere is no more archeological evi- gence for this than for the Exodus,” Prof. Finkelstein remarked, Finally, those trying to salvage something of Exodus suggest that ‘what the Bible describes — depend- ‘ng on the reading of a key word — Sight of about 3 millon 0 +3000 people from Egypt might have ‘smounted to what Harvard archeol- ‘ogist Lawrence Stager calls "a sta stically insignificant number” of ‘people, (Prof. Goedicke suggests 400 individuals.) ‘Such people, this sbeory holds, were “missionaries” "sho converted the people of Sama- ‘Ha to Judaism. Although their an- ‘cestors had not been in Egypt, the ‘sem converts would graft the histo- Fy of the missionaries to their own. Tus, the tiny Exodus would be “made the norm for all Israel,” in the words of Prof. Joseph Callaway, an archeologist recently” retired froth the Southern Baptist Theologi- eal Seminary, | he significance of this new ar- | eheclogical consensus for both the | mademn state of Israel and for be- | Severs in the Bible is both greater | 254 less than it may seem, in the | Wiew of the archeologists. Prof. Finkelstein says that part of the controversy over his book, The | Archeology of the Israelite Settle- iments, has had to do with a sense feat if was somehow undermining ed areas has given te- | the legacy ofthe modern sat, iodsver, ie archesogs eso recognae the tralty an the ln Ti thet new derstanding 1 fray noc be pestle tha ine i acs being examined woul pec. arly reveal ihe iedogy of thet faker“ ii a quasten of fin ng the origin of Yahweh (eho: ea, us very kay Tam got Joe ‘wat fn posers Beck Stapereai Teed, ne ofthe lesson for sl eats eiverging from the exesva. ttn tat gy have to fcok ee yond te stones’ to deciment tbe rowthot Judsism Asan eamole, Bret: Sager says there is wack foing cn ati king the eave ck of pg bnes ancient ga Bige beaps to the. grow of the Sevishpor-caung afoo ana dent Teationof Jewish communities, ‘ven a they generally accede to anew rion oft the Sits seas tote actual story of Ista the trchedogsts fer tome hope {oF those tring co salvage the eel biota "actoune Firs, Joshon thd hight the bale of Jericho ab deserted in Ue Dibeal book Rear ing is nae, the otk of uiges offers view of genershy mare peacetloccpaton. “archeslogy Reavtiyonthe side ot Judges Fo. Dever “Ten ay the archeologiets, what does mater for those’ whe uly Selieve in the Bible wheter the ttchedogeal evden end the txt contradic each ‘ser? "ts ihe Same ting os Chestens wh dnt take we fesurrectonserosty but Stil odatrse Boston? Bros Dever fald te conceded, however, that Sento pem te ew coset tDlay auences he ote “Ryoatrage and’ cismiseed as a eee Som biblical scholars have al- ready reaped fo thse ne id tnga Jo Bimson and David Lh ingot for example, receny pro. posed a highly controversial redat- Mig‘ ot ue edcdement ef Canaan They suggest ascent that would freien Sngusst at abou 10 B.C. $s wold Us awit some dena: tn found to have occurred a a time rae (ite rs, generally accepted nonce ference larachtes ie Canaan isan Egyptian engraving Aited 0? Be. Working back time ung bla etertocas pro oie" iment cate forieevng EU) York aversty profesor Baruch uatpem chartered in revised they as a rchedoglaly probebie hypohess (ne) les ts ars bind a venesof benevolent Ly. Prof. Goedicke has proposed redatirg the Exodus instead to 1483 B.C., the time of the giant volcanic eruption on tne not-toodistant ‘Ac. gean island of Santorini, which ‘would explain the Bible's ‘account both ofthe parting ofthe waters and of the tower of fire supposedly seen ‘during the wandering in the wilder- However, he admits that part of his motivation is to avoid the sug- ‘gestion put forward by a number of archeologists — that the Exodus story is, in Prof. Dever's words, “only an historical myth.” “Alter all, you wouldn't want to celebrate Passover to. celebrate somebody's historical fiction, would you?” Prof. Goadicke asked. Thursday, 18 February 1988, GLOBE AND MAIL __ Toronto, Canada___Page Al~? Evidence from Sinai a Biblical exodus a myth, archeologist suggests BYSTEPHEN STRAUSS fin of people, moving through [TheGlobeand Mai the. area,” which archeologists. Evidence from recent exeava. [have found tobe the only inhabits lions in the Sinai desert indicates {ed site inthe Sinai at the time. [there was no exodus by Jews | The Ways of Horus, Prof. Oren {rom Egypt, an Israeli archeolo- |said, was such a well-charted, igist says, * Jand protected domain that Eeyp~ Eliezer Oren, a Ben-Gurion {tian records are able to track the University professor who, fram |movements of two,? runaway {i972 to 1982, oversaw the excava- |slaves. : tion of 80 sites in the Sinai penin- | “They were ‘spotted and the Guta‘land bridge that links pre- [biblical account of 2.5. million ‘Sent-day Egypt and Israel, said |people with 600,000 of military hhis research. indicates" that jage weren't? This can't be ex: [Egypt controlled the area during [plained unless you invoke mira Ithe time when the exodus is {cles here, and { am a member of [generally supposed to have oc- {the department of archeology ‘curred — 1300 to 1275 BC and not of miracies.” ‘The excavations, Prof, Oren] He said other recent excava- ‘said, show the Egyptians had |tions indicate that \cities that established a heavily fortified |were supposed to have been, Jeorridor in the coastal areaconquered by the Israelites ac- | Known 2s The Ways of Horus tofcording to the Bible were ,not link itself militarily and com-even in existence at the time. |mercially with provinces that} “The same applies to the only |stretched as far north as pre-|readily identifiable place ‘they |sentday Syria, spice: farrived at during their wander- ings, the town of Kadesh, he | According to the Old "Testa-|caid ment, the Jews, through divine’ “To our great surprise, : there is nothing there earlier intervention, lei thelr slavery in| {tenho tenth century. = Egypt by passing through a part." He added: ““As far as ancient Nine. of water. They wandered jnistory and archeology goes, the | through a desert and arrived in a Jexodus has not been substantiat- | promised land roughly identitied |eqs."= today with Israel, They were oe supposed to conquer. this |supported. by . other. archeolo- 7 eists * | prot. Oren, who was in Teron-|" “It is a perfectly logical recon. |to yesterday to give a speech on struction and one to ‘which 1 | his findings, said his conclusions [would subscribe,” University of ‘contradict the biblical account of [yorente archestenis® John Holla- the escape from Egypt, ay sal Fi he sald. the’ supprsed | Prof. Holladay has excavated lcrossing. of the Red Sea would {Tell el-Maskuta, the remains of Jot have taken the Jews out of an ithe Egyptian city ‘of Pithom. rea of Egyptian contol. "The /Pithor, Identified {Egyptian presence in the area is }of Exodus as one of the treatin {So overwhelming that, i you jcities that the Jews built before [rossed the Red Sea, you tll ANIME ERE gas, noweves Jwould have been for ‘all intents | ations, however, jand purposes in Egypt.” Jindieate there was nothing there "More important, he said, there before the sixth century BC, are many gyptisn accounts of =—<————————— the region that include no men- Jere persecution and economic pressure for writing the same in defence of "Egypti: Prof, Oren’s conclusions are De conrinced that neither of these two Lhavs beea written before the 1960's Sf ap Slee within the Evrapoua and Eoro-Amecfean “acarlemic communities" of the so- “Western (Caueasiaa-semitie-Hamitic-White] World", * i,e.,..,Zurope, Britain, — sesording to Genesis/First Book o} joly Torah [Five Boo'ss of Mose s}written by Haxiby lier than ca, 700 B.C.E, Jn otherwords "Ruro-Academia” Is gradually losin its selfrighteous and selfappointed "representotives of God" [anyone of Sees, and Jesus - the Christ; Al'lah not yet accepted] in all forms of "God Inspired” and/or =i Holy Scriptures" * coming forwar to challenge certain long-standing bigoted religious end "allegories" that condemned aations of "Africa" and their indigenous "African sons ‘Seetters", i.e.,...!'Bzyptians” [developers of the High-Culture/Civilization that originated i seoPat the beginning of the beginning of the Nile, where God Hapi dwells at the foothllls of the of the Mooa'y‘specifically. ..from the turn of the nineteenth century C.E. by "Western/ Serls” Euro-academicians, As such we may inquire; when will they publish the long overdue enous Africans of Exypt [""Egyptians"] against whom "Judaism" and "Jews" sesmitted thousands of years of "eultural-spiritual genocide" in a continuous "holocaust" fro. 255 5.C.E,, XiXth Dynasty to the present 1988 C.E. What ?; no charge of "anti-Semitism'': & Light of the foregone we are equally experiencing "Euro-Academicians" and their "Negro: clones joining African scholars and other intellectuals in challenging the myth of the"... “Seesterity of the Greeks as creators of the original concepts of philosophy. .:’ without any previou “gestion on which they were based from other peoples of preceding High-Cultures™ in Africa an Sess whe brought Pyrrhus {later valled "Helladas" and/or "Greece" not earlier than ca, 1000 BCE “gee Se ich! of a civil compact", Thus I continue the openting "academic feud" in the two article: See Te Cornell Daily Sun of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in the chronological order in Sette they were published, beginning with a "Letter to the Editor", Sunday, 24 February, 1983 fro see of my former students, Anthony 1 , Course No. A.S, and R.C. 400: African Origins of igi and "Greek Philosophy". alebrating Black History ' Why is Black History Month To | The origin ot ts omission started when Africa | (ot Ben, oy Mot mera | Te il ti SE Ce on ae oak tn [chm eno he |), TS Sa a noe | Specially inthe United States, When one begs (0 | humanity. As one begins to read outside of the *re- study the issue in detail, the destructiveness of the | quired” curriculum, the reader begins to see why this. | Eurocentric view and its continuing effect, a disurd- | notion developed. | sng picture begins to form, | Many scholars would argue that Greece played a | pivotal role in the development or Western culture, [inc that “great philosophers” such as Plato, Ariso- lc, Socrates and others were responsible for helping being the world to the “enlightened” period we row But as one reads about the lives of these “great” sven, especially in the book Stolen Legacy by Georse James, the reader is clearly shown that these men secre all charlatans. They all spent considerable parts of their lives in Africa (especially Egyp#) and, in 4o- fog so, raped the continent of its books and feachings; they then retumed back to Greece preaching “new” ideas and never gave credit to wbere & all originated, ‘The myths of these men hold true evento this Say sand hence signily the importance of African-black istry. This is because one might ask, what ifthe Greeks had given credit where it was due? How seculd the world now view Africans and their deeen- Gants? (Taking this into consideration, blac history can be used as a force against “white studies” that are cx iusive of @ majority of the earth, people of calor Ge ofthe first blacks to look at the problem of the feiclusion of black bistory and ifs subsequeat effects Sas Carter G. Woodson, Although many of his Srorks were published in the early part of this cen- fry, many OF the situations he described still hold true today. In examining Woodson’s pioneering observations, Wester philosophers neglected to cite their African sources. ‘one sees the imperatives of Aftican history. Wood- Son had three core isues on which most of his book, The Miseducation of the Negro 1s based: vif sEenation, sociology of knowledge and education — Sil of which are imperative to the educational liera- ‘ion of black people "As a result of miseducation, blacks are given segative images of themselves and their peopl; this Ssseducation, which is dysfunctional, prediscoses them to accept several views of their culture as given because they have beea taught a Eurocentric point of |niew. And, as Woodson points out, if you teach peo- Uae they ate inferior, they will undoubtedly begm to ‘ice inferior “An example of this is blacks who finish their education only knowing a Euroceatrie viewpoint, Sed co upon enterina the workforce, besin to live —ereeor Amonthto discover a history that has been ‘omitted.’ S response Cornell's "John L. Stambaugh professor of the History of Science", L. Pearce "48, equally submitted his own article to The Cornell Daily Sun, Sunday, 1 March, 198¢ ee ——_—_— | to have the “high social stats job” instead of coming | back to the community and having a buisness among their people. ‘Sociology of knowledge involves knowing why cet tain things are taught and others are omitted. From | the standpoint of those who control the system, this becomes an important tool in socialization. Since ‘educational institutions are where the development ‘Of social consciousness begins, education undoubted- | Iy shapes our values and loyalties and determines our fosial wad political perspectives. Thus, it isan impor- {ant influence on our behavior. ‘Consequently, a black person going through a ful- ly Buropean curriculum basicaly thinks in that perspective when, in reality, the circumstances that they face are so dissimilar that the black student's ‘education wil do litle to broaden his vision into why the communities are in their present condition, Subsequently, they will not posess the tools with ‘which they may alleviate this situation, and the cycle ‘will continue. ‘Accarding to sociologist M. Ron Karenga, there are sx major contributions of African (black) studies that established its academic and socal contributions ‘and purpose in society. Fist, it. contributes to the humanities an understanding in itelf and, in doing so, realizes ‘Aftica’s founding role in civilization and humanity. ‘Second, itis a contribution to the U.S, understan-| ding of its true sel, Third, itis a chance for e univer sity to hold true to its claim and teach the whole ‘ruth. ‘Fourth, Africana studies is a contribution to the! rescue and reconstruction of black history. and) | humanity (ather than myths or distortions), Fifth i | isa new social science chat will not only ‘blacks but also the nation and the world. (tis ritical ‘and corrective of the inadequacies, omissions and] ‘munity and society. In response 10 a question on Malcom X once said, “When you go back into the! past and find out where you once were, then you wil now that you were not always at this level that once you had attained a higher level, had made great Tohievements, contributions 0 society, civilization and science. . | seand you — if you once did it — you can do it ‘again, you automatically get the incentive, the in Spiration and the energy necessary to duplicate whe tour forefathers formerly did.” ‘But, by keeping a people completely cut off from] their past, its easy fOr those who control the cu. faeulum to make them willing to stay at this level because they feel they were always at this level. Thay is why Black History Month is of che utmost impor tenes black history, “ Defense of Civilization’ -- which we have already read on page 12. The aforementioned Professor of "Government and Near Easiera Studies", Martin Bernal ef Black Athenian},“" countered with another Letter to the Editor titled "How Not To Read sm The Cornell Dafly Sun, 4 March, 1988 as per page 11. Gs Tuesday, 8 March, 1988 the feud kad illiminated student Browne, as on page 5 professor = hadi another Letter to the Editor in The Cornell Daily Sun titled "Vague History", 2 cop; e& follows below: Vague History “To the Editor was Babylonian mathematics, ‘rot Martin Bernal (Leste, | made avalable bythe conquest March 4) displays an unusual | of Alexander the. Great, that Ucgree of vagucnoss for someone | enabled the Hellenistic Greeks (0 ping to argues specific pot, | perfect a mathematical Sihougn when he hspecinc. he | strosomy no to be surpassed Emply wrong. To take his er | unt the seventeenth centry. tong, Reweies “No-one. 10| "Let me conclude by challeng” thy knowledge has ever Caaed | ing Bernal to give. me. the thar Seerse went 10 Africa | elidence for his satement that Rationy Browne (Leite, Feb. | the. founders ofthe modem 30) afte naming Mato, Aristo: | dscipiine of the history of die’ ana Socrates, wrote, =i | science wete al racists Could we Spent consigerable pars of thar | please have’ some names an ives in Aftica, especially | Some texte? Otherwise, Tf Eaypt.” More important is Bern's rather tou ignorance of the - Fistory of ancient schonee. We dou fh Bve numb challenge: Spaining most" of Egyptian Show:ne Chilzation, and they are, in a deed, puerile. 1 suggest Bernal evidence consult Otto Neugebauer’s of racist Scns in Amiguigy=onlerrbe historians: feele that, Neugebauer is opeesly rackt. If 20, hen I feb thore sma one eee ané 1 ‘pat ‘Bemnats Erowicdige of at honorable men and women Hefoslyphis is inadequate (0 | who cannot defend themselves. the tok 1 sugeest that Bernal and ‘Beenal’s “circumstantial | others who think. tke “him evidence” is also weak, 1 have | eschew charscs of racism when already explained why the} alt else fails them. in the cigh- Tats might have appecied to | tenth century, Samuel Johnson eypt av the source of much Of | remarked that “Patriotism i the ‘their knowledge. The calendar | Iasi refuge of scoundrels.” In the indicates, pothing abou! | (wenteth couy, we acd oaly mathematics ‘The scientific | substitute the words “The charge Gevelopments in Hellenistic | of racim™ for -Patiodem” t0 thc were, in facts highly in| havering true FRucnced. by "non Greeks, Du Te Pearce Willans "4, eG fappened to be inhabitans | John I. Stambaugh Profesor SE etnotna nor Eeypt It] ofthe History af Science ‘See sould certainly conclude from the above that professor Williams was quite prepared fo c= 2 "Vague History" with regards to the presence of one solitary "Greek Philosopher exce set foot on Egypt, Northeast Africa - - from Thales (ca, 633 B.C.E.] to Aristotle = 5.C.E.); which he failed to support in his subsequent disasterously bad debate against D: 3 "Black Man Of The Nile And His Family, 3rd Ed., pp. 487 - 464, Chap. V! ‘Gesthers, Director of the Center for Inner City Studies, Nortern linois University, Chicag = Merch, 1958 C.E., Cornell University Campus, who was himself not adequately prepared ‘ee Sbiividual facts on "Graeco-Egyptian History". Set content to have himself outmanuvered, since quite recently in 1987 C.E. he released a workon a sterile "Greek Philosophy" and/or "Western Civilization" void of any \Aisiean input, professor Bernal once again countered in The Cornell Daily Sun, 17 March, 5 “The Historic Historians" which you are about to read. The Historic Historian : Prof, L. Pearce Willams is | _“-.- Professor Otto | he wax convinced members of “in- eeieight’— eathony P.Browas | Neueebauer whose name. has | ferfr socites" were Incapable o SOLED AR GENS ta been | almost tantele power among | logical thought without the help (Letter, March 1). I was | defenders of the status quo. | of white civilization. ‘wrong when I wrote that “no one” ; Neugetauer's range is astounding | The point 1 am trying to make | (Bed made this claim: 1 should | 5 MEbest knowa work it been J here, i that in all cses, but [have written, “No ancient authori. | 0” science in Antiquity. Here he | especially when dealing with dif- fy ce modern scholar has ~ to my | bas bem more broad minded then | Feult. and often ambiguous Knowledge — made this claim.” ane ae — ies sie en | evidence in Envptian cence: the | the other hand, I think this | Prepared to conce he Islamic | researcher's basic point of view is: a is less serious than that | Sience behind Copernicus, he has | of critical Pimperteace, Imade by Williams, when. he | Gemonstrated some significant | Neugebauer's classification of the forcefully stated that “Plato, | Mesopotamian influences on | Ancient Egyptians as “natives” | Asttotle and Socrates never were | OTECK . mathematics and | meant that i was literally un- ares tas oy | astrononiy. He has also published | thinkabe that there coulé be 27 Sects Signin foe, shew | Several” works on Egyptian | truth in the. Greck reports of DESSE TR tat piece (Lever, | estronomy, in colaboration with | Egyptian wisdom. There 1s 20 Erich aj Mere te good evidence | Beypologist,butin these in | doubt that spite Hs super i seat that But ci gote | arp ona oh tent’ of | ‘sles, he upendou ea. and [Epis that he and Artote | Mesopstamia he share his col | Wis great kindness younger ee eain wome or ther ideas om | lborsors” condescending. snd | scholars, Prot, Neugebauer, who country. contemptuous attitude towards | was born in 1899, is a product of On the more substantial issue Ree eters his times, raised by Willams, 1 id nol 3 at Insed hat the UEC Stn and. 20th. cemury | Eeyptiins ‘had no original of | _ He has found it impossible 0 ER and, 20m century | Saebace ideas, "Tne -sccurate | escape competey trom it em ly. What I claimed was that.they uments of the pyramids and | vironment, and he seems to have 3 ee work Rad been Infene- | SPH and tbe we QF Pare al | accepted Views of his. teachers, fed by the intense racism of the | ¢xpiaited as the results of prac- | reinforced by those of contem- |feriou tn "witch “they “lived | U&t,kiaeks,rather than of pro-) porary society at a whole before ‘ found thoughts an example of ths | POra SOY at who, Defoe E Aihoueh acm ~ and sbee’ | fens e Wlonngs hs even | being Herve Ti i i SeiiSemitam — are tll with us | PEO oe ncy natin ates of a ferteuiy ance’ ihe 96s, The | eT*SHETE was corey Cound n earings particularly snce'the 190s, the | an" erample ofthe” Moscow | myzheh he. wanscended, isin |feeshre eur oe ie ad | pee dss | MUGS therein doubt that in acadere | PE "raien more pimive inter | (Re, Ace! Mesoptamians and ices though not essary | remem whch preebies | eS Mime ino ee a eo = eed ‘The reason why Neugebauer seem prefered. the “primitive inters | Wiliams is right 10 poin. out REEL aes us with some | dreaton” becomes clear inalater | my temerity in challenging such | pen provides us with some | Dassage from Ne Book, where he | reat hstorians- of slence ss |ExeRhets expression tm all especs | Weote! "For a deeper undersan- | Neugebauer, To my” ming, ff 19th and early 20th century life | ding of the- background which | however, it is surpassed jby che of 39uy and ary 20 etary a he cater of Ep. | Horas own hubris fens aaeeye eine suscde of ue | tan axthmeti the study of the | ing the Ancient Grecke’ descrip ere Willams stands of ths | FS a ek wil be of great | fons of the pati rilan sue, but | am convinced that in | folowing works WE he OF CU | Greeks like Thales, Plato. and i periods scholarship and sclence | ons mentales dans ies ocietes in: | Eudorus thought it worth while ‘o have only partial independence | Corton learn from Egypt, who ate the from the society in which the |""Y'eyr bruh’ book appeared in | 19th and 20th century scholars scholar or scents practices. | gign as flow natives tink and | tell therm thal it-was. points Williams has specifically | fie ater works included Primifve | because Egyptian science was only| challenged me on the attitude of | Meniaity and The “Soul” of the | “puerile"? the dapen ofthe history of ancient | MAMally and The “Sour of ihe science, Otto Neusebauer, bout | nothirg in parewar to do with | {nis final paragraph Williams P | whose work he seems to suppose! | Anclent Egypt. Sirctly speaking, | accuses me of using the charge of |am in “rather total ignorance.” 1 jc". not. physiologically racist | racism as my last refuge when all . | think my best response is © quote | because Levy-Brubl believed that | else has failed, Here he isl from ‘my book Black Athena | pon-nhite “tives” were capable | mistaken, The impact of racism) stich appeared last yar. Of becoming cviized, However, | and aniSemiism on scholarship] ‘particular is one of my prime con- \Geres, about ahi [ave recently [pebihed 2 large volume. © $e ft accept that racism only ‘essed in the past and ig now Serciy 2 ohantaam keot alive by Vie te Editor: Tanng been “following wih | see detached interest the recent! ‘between Professors L. Pans John’ Stam. * " eesh Professor of the History of | (See and Martin Bernal, Ipeeement and Near Eastern Sees, concerning racism and an: Ses mathematics, | find myselt fee lorecr able t0 refrain from “eeessent. I have no particular in- Ses in debating the details of Exortisn mathematics, beyond | Ssescovins that, as regards the state {ef se endence (if such considera- Sess ate not considered as being. ‘Seba iastc), Williams is right and (Bessal is wrong if the latter im- ‘ages that Egyptian mathematics © = samc kind of enterprise as Geek mathematics — the Exyp- Sas simply did not pursue the game of formal deductive (the hallmark of Greek ics), much as the Incas ‘sor play Bridge. The evidence |S sseslarly clear in both cases. ‘By the same token, Bernal for the wrong reasons) ‘eee and Williams is wrong the later asserts that Egyp- ‘ssathematics was “puerile” — computational techni- Williams, “white skin". general and historiography in| leftsning. malcontents for their ‘own nefarious purposes. On the ontery, arn convinced that | racism has bee, and remains, a | Enornously powerful force. pe. ‘acing almof all aspects of our “ciety “and that i Influence ques were no more “puerle” fhatherates than is balancing heckbcok; the Egypllans werent trying to do Euclidean geometry. ‘The ont historical question here isvvhy of earth the Greeks were. Which brings me 10 my reason for wring: the slaring irony of Bernat postion, Quite simply, 3 trying to redress what "he fistoriographical tradition, he un- sritingl splays pressely the Tame ethnocenric "asumptions held by those whom he challenges. Onis secount, scholars who have Sinimised the role of Eayptian fratheratis and other afeas of Tearing and cultural endeavor in the formation of Greck thought did so because they wanted 10 trace those. cultural tradition, which they esteemed so highly 0 European, non-semitie roots "The rony i that Beal thinks the appropriate way t0 overturn | that implied disparagement of Egyptian culture is to use exactly; the sane criteria in re-evaluating it in short, Bernal seems to think that anyone who claims that the ‘The clot thickened with the entry of professor Peter Doar, who is repittedly "a dear friend Williams". He tried to give theimpression of being rather conciliatory and corrective |. bat all with the end result to in fact chastise professor Bernal, and of course with full ‘Ser student Browne and anyother person who dares to challenge the Euro-racist myth of "Greek Philosophy" exclusive of its African Egyptian imput. Thus Dear's Letter to ‘led "Looking into the Past", Sunday, 28 March, 1988: Looking into the Past ‘oui be taken nt account ven) in the historiography of ancient| Prof, Martin Bers Ea 4 Neat Easter stl a GESTS eerie i ad geo | ena eel a TR ogre hu Grek The historian displays) the ‘same ethnocentric | assumptions’ held by | those he challenges. ‘mathematics, or Greek culture in sgeneral? And if Bernal does not think that modern Western | cultural values have absolute Superiority over others, why does he think that the way to | tehabilitate Egyptian culture is to impute to it those same modern | Western values? Bernal’s position is profoundly ‘ethnocentric precisely 10 the ex- { tent that he does not even realize | that regarding Greek-style mathematics (and s0 forth) 35 @ hallmark of civilization that has been wrongfully denied to the| Egyptians is, in effect, requiring, the Egyptians to be well-springs of | ‘modern Western culture in order Egyptians didn’t do, Greek | 1g merit his approval mathematics is saying that they | Prof. Peter Dear, history| wwere culturally inferior, and that ‘The shove is just another case in defence of "Western Lies", otherwise labled academicall spd/or "allegories"; as when we are reading from Genesis/First Book of Moses, Chay 2 to Thales’ first words and last words of Aristotle, et al. ,°! of the so-called "Greek Se deal with White "Euro" Jewist "anti-Black Judaism" hypocritically cited by the slleg: Exodus Moses of Ethiopia's Beta Israel [so-called "Falasha''] into Israel. Israel's oy ‘5 creation in 1947 C,E. refused to recognize "Beta Israel/Falasha" as "Hebrews/Jev “Gees” from Rassia and anyother “White-Euro" country solely because of our "'black sk ‘minus their "African/Egyptian Mysteries System's'* root back to at least ca, 4100 at Sckiara, and ca, 1400 B.C.E, at the Grand Lodge/Temple of Wa'set [which Aristotle ctth Greek conqueror Alexander II in ca. 320 B.C,E, "renamed "Thebes", subsequent- tesor" by the Arab Muslim forefathers of the curreat rulers in ea, 640 CE. /A-D. oF =}. Surely "African Aceredition" in this area of history is abundantt “Secbably the latter exchange will contiaus for sometime ta the futuro, evan on ofher Bara~ campuses throughout the U.$.A. The question; Is this bad or good? But why now, 4s of years of overinflated so-called ‘little white lies" and/oc “myths” about the. Gg the Israelite peopl> from bondage in Egypi,. ." aad"... Greek Philosophy void of any ceout...!"in almost every curriculum courses on all eollege campuses of the so-called sas Nations”, i.e., "Westera Civilization"; moce specifically in this citation - the citadel Seoremacy"' known a3 Cornell University, Cayuga Heights, Ithaca, New York, being prac “Ssterent than so-called "Negro” and/‘or "Colored" colleges that advertise daily: "A MIND 1S A TERRTLE THING TO WASTS" {if you have net] Sted "Negro" and/or "Colored" mind is le, particularly when he/she has to prattle corrupt "White-Caucasian-Semitic-Hamitio" propaganda by the ame “anti-African" au~ sexthoolss of the "Cornelis" of the U.S.A, and the rest of "Western ['Free World'] Civili- = some instances even moreso! Seaese “theosophical" and "philosophies!" academic falsifications have been for centuries Civilization's" greatest and most cherishe’ "God [Jehovah and/or Jesus - the Christ ox- Ssspired Truths" upon which "Western Democracy" stands or falls we are led to believe. sin the preseat 20th century C. E. the withering away process of the eventual non-exst- “ice [White-Cancasian-Semitic] Man's Inhereitance" has began as evidence Py. student si professor Beraal's articles in The Cornell Daily Sun of February ~ April 1988 0-B- Gowis it be that what's being taught at No. $10 Triphammer Road, Ithaca, New York by the “ef Ske Africana Studies and Research Center [A.S. andR.C,], 35 elsewhere on Cornell Usi- ‘Secin Campus, is the major problem in terms of "Courses" offered; or a specific one: “ELC. No. 460, African Origins of Western Religion’ and ‘Greek Philosophy'"? The lat- aly one specifically directed to aires fhe question of the exoluston of fundamental as- “-évican Original Concepts adopted in "Judaism, Christianity; Islam" and "Greek Philoso- © ste. thot challenge the standard "Euro-White Caucasian-Semitic-Hamitic" racist and bigoted sexyths" and/or "lies" professor W'lliams [I hope not his students] and too many other ners continue trying to defend and hold-on like a person protecting a cancerous nose away solely for "cosmetic modesty". “Sud professor George G. 3 James's Stolen Legacy found a place in the syllabus of profess- ; ‘= courses a8 a "refereace source"; at least if only to demonstrate that there opinions from the aormélly scores of "Euro Semiti-Hamitic" racistly Insp! “Western Civilization" and/or "Middle Eastern Studies" before the creatior and Research Center in the crucial 1960's C.E./A.D. the current Student vs. Professors vs c epied in 2 mode of sharing rather than shearing [the "bending moment" having quite overthe rigidity of shearing action'']. The savage tragedy of the reality is that ‘rofessor encounters over the "African Origins of Greek Philoso- presented affirm student 3rowne and professor Bernal's position brought forth Williams! one main response; at least the only one that was clearly stated by him! “I WILL NOT TEACH ANY OF THAT IN MY COURSE", professor Williams seemed to be saying: "DON'T CONFUSE ME WITH THE FAC READY MADE UP MY MIND’. ‘Ss I'VE AL- » this age-old position is quite dominant among gollege professors here and elsewhere. ‘Seccested, by myself of course, that professor Williams and others of equal academic fake note of the hundreds of thousands of ancient and contemporary works by Greek, others of Europe who attested to “Exyptian" [correctly "Ta-Merrian" or *Kemotian'] ‘SeGigenous Nile Valley-Great Lakes Region "African [truly 'Alkebu-lanian'] "Priests/ 3" of the ancient "European Greeks-Romans" alike. "Truth", eventually, shall pre ‘yea from a "slave" his/her "master" learns something “original/new'' all of the time! Bi master's mind" is open; not closed like some of Cornell's professors! ‘Pearce Williams '48, Cornell Uninversity John L. Stambaugh Professor of the History o = seems to languish in his ignorance of the writingsby the Greeks and other Europeans and cans’ very "first historian" ~ Herodotus®® ~ and his masterpiece titled Euterpe, or The ea, 450 B.C.E, ,and Homer's [liad and Odyssey ca, 633 B.C. E. [Europe's first two ‘writings of any kind], He must have read in the "History of Science", his major field of Till assume, about the Philosophy of the Law of Opposites [or "Contraries", etc.], and examined the Diugram of the Law of Opposites related thereto which one of his "Greek -s"" - Aristotle - plagiarized with his own version as demonstrated below: AR Hot FIRE "blood" 3 Y N 7 BOE, ~ ‘Wet K Egyptian's Truth} Dry \ ea. 3000 / % Y Se Ln WATER Cold EARTH Ess of Opposites four "Elements" and "Qualities" are listed thusly: FOUR ELEMENTS [EUROPEAN] Yellow bile, black bile, blood, phelzm FOUR QUALITIES [EUROPE. Hot, Dry, Wet, Cold James! Stolen Legacy, page 80, deals with the Africans of Egypt, Nubia, Ta- Giopl, Pemwet‘"etc. ; all High-Cultures of the West and East Bank of the Sacred =} River and Great Lakes Region{"a coverage of at least 4,100 miles from south ‘points to Aristotle's error in forgetting what he had been taught to remember in with regards to the "Four Elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth",which Aristotle dic tion calling them: "yellow bile, black bile, blood, phelgm", Would professor ‘the shove mere coincidence that there is so much commonality between that of the (She other of the "European''! E not; is he telling us that the "European-Greeks" did Sch from the Africans [ represented under the name "Egyptians""] philosophical “eteer=° If so; why not explain this to your students at Cornell University? ‘eeemine just another concept in the same light: Pythagoras'™ "Works" or "Theorum’ | Beets” [another 'African'] "Geometries". Probably both belongs to professor L, P. “GeeeE Origins /Creations" which 2e teaches in "The History of Science" course, or othe ‘st Cornell University! Am | to believe this from a Learned Professor of his state: "St equally not to inquire why professor Jake Carruthers failed to raise some of these SS his debate with professor Williams! Iam as much surprise here, just as I would “Ge topic was that there is a bit of truth "Moses/Moshe [if in fact such a personality Northeast Africa where he was alleged to have been born in the City of Goshem {the irony of it all]. Or that "Benny Goodman was the King of Swing" in the pre- American Masters of Swing" such as Lionel Hampton,” Duke Ellington,” Cab ‘ak. of the African American Gommunity of "Harlem", New York City, New York (be status inherrited from this racist "Jewish term" along with "inner-city", etc.], cestinuously reinforced and tmght Goodman "swinging techniques" all the way of which Egypt/Ta-Merry is a part thereto! ‘thet this "Paper" is limited to the pros and cons of an newspaper article caused m ‘=th my own final quiery: Does professor L. Pearce Williams Imow that all of Egypt stone pyramids were built hundreds, some even thousands, of years before the (est Haribu [misnomered "Jew"] named "Avrm/Abraham' in ca, 1675 B.C.E., XII peer of the Hyksos or "Shepherd Kings of Beduina"' invasion and conquest of Egypt]"® ‘here was no "Etrusca" that became Rome or "Pyrrhus" that equally became Greece ‘GBerlton Heston's "The Ten Commandments'",er Mayor Edwin 8, Koch's ridiculous _this is one of the pyramids my ancetors built..." " etc, while standing on the make “Gee Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu/Xufu, IV Dynasty, #a,2780 - 2258 B.C,E. below, OHS OF THE GREAT PYRAMIDS OF GHIZEH, EGYPT,N.E.A. if PHARAOH KHAFRA/XFRA IVth DYNASTY, ca, 2780 - 2258 B.C.£. ASHE’ KHUFU/HORIZON OF PHARAOH KHUFU, GHIZEH ste Ce KEY TO SITE PLAN OF PYRAMIDS ABOVE TGrest Serine 14. Funerery vemple nerory Temple oF Keae-Re orm Cemetery 1a. cause Wa - Rock-cut Tombs BAT PYRAMID OF SUE aL RIA Dee eee WEST ELEVATION, GHIZEW, EGYPT,N.E, AFRICA THIEVES OPENING IN THE WEST ELEVATION OF THE GREAT PYRAMID OF PHARAOH KHUFU/XUFU Seosjon this page; this thousands of years before another "Greek myth" relative ‘vith [daughter of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIith], XXX Dynasty, ea. 40 - 30 B.C.E. SS See tausht looked like the 19th century C.E. Greek woman on the left below in- (seSef I personally shot at the Temple of Goddess Het-Heru, Denderah, Upper Se 2275 C.F. on the right. SACE" AND “TRUTH IN EUROPEAN "ACADEMIA! G °WHITE VIE" OF ACADEMIA. te-black] DO NOT LOOK ALIKE"! story C.E./A.D, Buropear/White Woman Just Lmagine! y greater shock for tne se-called raoh on a previous page than we so-called "Queen Cleopatra of Egypt" Gopaira, hotn in ty iene rig, wat the latofte Premed Exp at ato rider ts 2g De oe See cece, which I have extracted from Henry H AN OBELISKS, page 72a. This type of ,pical throughout"White Academia” ‘you find Europeans/Whites in con-}

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