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Recurrent miscarriage Search

Posted on June 20, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

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Miscarriages and stillbirth and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinic. Recurrent miscarriage
Unexplained infertility and
Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion
A miscarriage is the spontaneous abortion of an embryo or fetus before its developed Male Infertility
enough to survive. This can happen even before a woman is aware that she is pregnant.A Google baby,Egg donor,Indian
surrogates and Surrogacy in india
miscarriage usually occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy, before 12 weeks gestation.
Getting Pregnant Second Time
A small fraction of miscarriages less than 1% of them are called stillbirths, as they
occur after 20 weeks of gestation. Archives
June 2010
May 2010
Miscarriage is often an upsetting event and with repeated miscarriages, a
woman or a couple can find themselves on an emotional roller coaster. Almost Categories
Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion
anyone who has suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth worries about the risk of having
Fertility India
subsequent losses. Recent information indicates that women should look into testing after Getting Pregnant
two losses when it used to be common to wait until three. This is especially important for Infertility India
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women in their 30s and 40s. Newer studies indicate a miscarriage rate of 26-40% after a
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woman has suffered two losses, so earlier testing makes sense both emotionally, IVF India Fertility India Infertility
physically, and in many cases financially as well. India Surrogacy In India
Male Infertility
Miscarriages and stillbirth
outsourced surrogacy
Polycystic ovary syndrome
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secondary infertility
surrogacy and adoption
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Surrogate Mother
unexplained Infertility

Miscarriages and stillbirth
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The Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinic like Deccan IVF can assists women and
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couples experiencing three or more miscarriages, a late pregnancy loss, or WordPress.com

women over thirty-five with two miscarriages.
IVf India
Recurrent miscarriage
Symptoms of a Miscarriage? Unexplained infertility and
Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion
Male Infertility
Many women dont even know that theyve had a miscarriage, thinking that its just a
Google baby,Egg donor,Indian
particularly heavy menstrual flow. surrogates and Surrogacy in india
Getting Pregnant Second Time
Surrogacy,Embryo,Sperm and
Some women experience cramping, spotting, heavier bleeding, abdominal
Egg Donation in India.
pain, pelvic pain, weakness, or back pain. Spotting is not always a sign of a Insulin resistance : a root cause of
miscarriage; many women experience it early on in pregnancy. But just to be Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Surrogacy in India
safe, if you have spotting or any of these other symptoms anytime during
Infertility India
your pregnancy, talk with your doctor. IVF INDIA

IVF India
Reasons for Recurrent miscarriage:
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Some Reasons for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss can be genetic or Chromosome problems,
Hormonal factors, Problems with the uterus, Immune system disorders or Unexplained
Miscarriage. There is sometimes more than one reason for recurrent pregnancy loss so
investigations need to be complete.

Miscarriages and stillbirth

The loss of pregnancy can result in feelings of grief.For many, the emotional
healing that follows a pregnancy loss takes longer than the physical healing. Your feelings
of grief may be different from those of your partner and the healing process may progress
at a different speed.


A stillbirth, which many experts define as the death of a baby after the 20th week of
pregnancy, can occur before delivery or during labor or delivery. It is rare and occurs in
less than 1% of all births. A stillbirth also is sometimes referred to as intrauterine fetal
death or antenatal death.

While there are some known risk factors for stillbirth (such as smoking, high blood
pressure, and diabetes), there is no way to predict when stillbirth will happen or who will
have one, and the cause of many stillbirths remains unknown.

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The first and most common sign of a stillbirth is decreased movement in the
baby. Other possible signs include persistent cramping or stabbing pains in the pelvis,
back, or lower abdomen, or vaginal bleeding. If you experience any of these symptoms,
call your doctor immediately.

Your doctor can use an ultrasound to detect the heartbeat or give you an electronic fetal
non-stress test, which involves lying on your back with electronic monitors attached to
your abdomen. The monitors record the babys heart rate, movements, and contractions
of the uterus.

Stillbirth is common. It may affect anyone. There is no way to predict when stillbirth
will happen or who will experience it. Stillbirth occurs in families of all races, religions,
and income levels.

Always remember that the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Recurrent miscarriage or

Stillbirths can be cured like any other disease and it does not mean that you cannot have
family. If you have been through or experiencing Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Recurrent
miscarriage or Stillbirths, come share your experiences with us.

Budget IVF Clinic for everyone: Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery

Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992 Fax: +91 22 2444 4443

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Unexplained infertility and Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion

Posted on June 20, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Treatment of unexplained infertility and Fallopian tube sperm perfusion.

If you are thinking about trying fertility treatments to help you conceive, you will likely
undergo a variety of tests to determine the source of your infertility. However, many
couples undergo dozens of tests only to come up with few answers.

Known as unexplained infertility, such a situation can often be quite frustrating for
everyone involved. Unfortunately, it is quite common and can sometimes hinder the
fertility treatment process.

Unexplained infertility is actually quite common. Up to 10% of couples who visit a

fertility clinic for treatment receive a diagnosis of unexplained fertility. Of course, these
rates vary from clinic to clinic, and country to country.

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Unexplained infertility

In the treatment of couples with unexplained infertility, the FSP procedure

seems to give a better birth rate.FSP is less invasive and less expensive than
alternative procedures such as GIFT, ZIFT and IVF.

Possible Causes of Unexplained Infertility

There are a number of things that may underlie your unexplained infertility. Through
patience and careful testing it may be possible to attribute your infertility to one of these
underlying factors. Fertility treatment can then proceed based on the diagnosis. To name
the few Abnormal Fallopian Tubes, Abnormal Eggs, Luteinized Uncultured Follicle (LUF)
Syndrome, Abnormal Luteal Phase, Immune Problems, Infection, Weak Sperm.

Intrauterine, artificial, Insemination (IUI) has been used to treat infertility for many
years and is most often employed where there is mild male factor infertility,
antigen/antibody reactions in the cervical mucus, or a male donor.

Most infertility clinics in India currently use the standard technique of Intra Uterine
Insemination (IUI), where sperm are placed inside the uterus. Pregnancy rates in
clinics vary depending on the way the insemination is performed, the type of ovarian
stimulation, the quality of the gametes and the cause of infertility. Age of the woman and
luteal phase efficiency (or deficiency) are also major factors contributing to the success of
the treatment. Unfortunately, those IUI success rates have been much lower than with
IVF. Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion (FSP) is a relatively recent modification of
IUI in which the insemination will directly place sperm into the fallopian tubes. It is
thought that insemination with FSP may yield higher pregnancy and live birth rates for
couples with unexplained infertility.FSP use the same protocols of ovarian stimulation
and the monitoring of the cycle as for the IUI but FSP has shown very encouraging
results in pregnancy efficiency. It is widely considered as more efficient technique and
suggested to be appropriate for cases with unexplained infertility.

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Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion, FSP,

Always remember that infertility can be cured like any other disease and it does not mean
that your masculinity is at stake.

By being fit you can fight infertility.

If you have been through or experiencing unexplained infertility or

infertility, come share your experiences with us.

Budget IVF Clinic for everyone:Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery

Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992 Fax: +91 22 2444 4443

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Perfusion, FSP, unexplained Infertility | Leave a comment

Male Infertility
Posted on June 20, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Male infertility refers to the inability of a male to achieve a pregnancy in a

fertile female.

Infertility is a couples inability to conceive a child after 12 months of unprotected sex. It

is widely assumed that infertility has more to do with women rather than men, however
it is not so. Estimates suggest that 30% of infertility is caused by male factors, another
30% is caused by female factors and the remaining 40% is caused by a combination of
female and male factors. Men also suffer from infertility due to genetic reasons, lifestyle,
hormonal imbalance, and age.

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Understanding Male Infertility

Lets take a look at the cause, diagnosis, and possible treatments available.

Rapid urbanization has changed the way men eat, drink, and sleep and that has taken a
toll on their health. Consumption of alcohol, smoking, drugs, unhealthy eating patterns,
stress and obesity are believed to be the common causes for infertility. Being overweight
or underweight may also prove to be risk factors. A recent study also suggests that
external factors like pollution can also infiltrate male reproductive organs. However, you
can reduce the risk by a proper exercise and a healthy diet.

Other reasons why a man has trouble getting a woman pregnant, besides male infertility
include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, or problems
from penis enlargement surgery.

A low sperm volume (or none at all) can be caused by severe mumps infection, hormone
problems, genetics, or an infection. It can also be caused by poor blood circulation due to
tight underwear, smoking, alcohol or illegal drugs, and also by pollution.

Some of the factors that play an important role in male infertility are: Sperm Motility,
Sperm Morphology, and Sperm Count.

Usually a semen
analysis is conducted to
diagnose the cause
which includes the

Sperm motility

Sperm motility is the

ability of sperms to move
towards the egg which
results in its fertilization.
Sperm which do not
Male Infertility Causes and Treatments
properly swim will not
reach the egg in order to
fertilize it.

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Sperm count

Sperm count is the quantity of sperms or cells, the more the sperms more are the
chances of normal pregnancy. A healthy sperm count should total about 20 million sperm
per milliliter and the normal semen volume per ejaculation is 2 ml. Azoospermia is a
condition in which there is complete absence of sperm. It can also be congenital.
Correctible causes must be found and treated. Even then if there are no sperm in the
ejaculate, sperm can often be harvested and used to achieve fertilization.

Sperm morphology

Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape (form) of an individual sperm which is
evaluated during semen analysis.

According to WHO manual of 1989, morphology is considered normal if it is around 30%

or more.

Deficiency of any of these factors can result in infertility.

If you are facing infertility that does not means that your parental hopes have become
extinct. Infertility is a common problem among men and fortunately these days,
treatment options are available. If the cause is diagnosed at an early stage your chances
of success are more as age plays an important role in infertility treatment. Modern
scientific technologies like ART, ICSI, and IUI have made the treatment easy. However,
this treatment can be very expensive and can burn a hole in your pocket. Today
inexpensive methods are also available without any compromise on the treatment and

Once the cause of male infertility is established, your doctor may recommend a range of
treatments now for the design of the pair as possible. Each treatment corresponds to a
particular case.

At least one-half of male fertility problems can be treated so that conception is possible.
There are three basic categories of treatment for male infertility namely, Assisted
reproduction, Drug therapy, Surgery.

A couple experiencing infertility should not underestimate the significance of the

problems that can exist in the male. These problems may be the sole or contributing
reason for the couples failure to conceive and are best identified by a male infertility
specialist. Care and attention in looking for and identifying disease processes in both the
man and woman will prevent missed opportunity for a potential cure and give the couple
the timeliest and most efficient pathway to start or expand their family.

Always remember that infertility can be cured like any other disease and it does not mean
that your masculinity is at stake. By being fit you can fight infertility.

If you have been through or experiencing infertility, come share your experiences with us.

Budget IVF Clinic for everyone:

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If you have been through or experiencing infertility, come share

your experiences with us.


Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992 testtubebabyclinic@gmail.com

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ICSI, Infertility, Infertility Causes, Infertility Cure, IVF, Sperm morphology, Sperm motility, causes of male infertility,
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Google baby,Egg donor,Indian surrogates and Surrogacy

in india
Posted on June 17, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Google Baby and surrogacy in India

Infertility is a global problem and we have its global solution, third party
reproduction or Surrogacy in India.

Resent story online is about the documentary Google Baby explores what happens when
surrogacy meets international outsourcing. The same process that can cost more than
$100,000 in the U.S. can be done in India for about $10,000.

Google Baby which derives its title from the practice of finding potential egg
donors online. The documentary shows a business in which womens eggs harvested in
the United States are sent to a surrogacy center in India. It examines the ways in which
globalization has further complicated and diffused the fertility industry. Google Baby,
though, is also the chronicle of an idea, one belonging to an Israeli entrepreneur named
Doron, who gets into the business of using egg donors in the United States and
gestational carriers in India to provide for the childless of the Western world.

Now everyone can have baby

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Happy Israeli gay couple Omer and Yonatan Gher

Logistically, this involves freezing multiple donor embryos and shipping them to a
surrogacy center in India, by using good CryoShip Global Service like one offered by
Rotunda the Center For Human Reproduction. Rotunda the Center For Human
Reproduction now offers a CryoShip Global service from any location with a tie-up with
the DHL Import/Export Express Service .CryoShip TM overnight Service from any

India has for years been providing foreigners with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment at
a cheaper rate than the equivalent services in Western countries. Surrogacy comes in
when the biological mother is unable to carry the child. Alternatively, a surrogate also
provide eggs when the woman wanting a child is unable to do so herself.

India has become the worlds number one capital for surrogacy, As everyone who wants
economical solutions for surrogacy goes to India.

LGBT pride

This Indian surrogates are like a God to them because without them they would never
had had their child, and The joy that is there at the end of the day is a million times
more than the money you can count.

What intended parents pay for third party reproduction or surrogacy outsourced to India
is considerably less than the procedure can cost in the United States. Proven success in
surrogacy is inspiring more and more to come to for third party reproduction or
Surrogacy in India. India has the highest volume of surrogacy, because procedures here
are simple and more affordable than other countries.

In the United States, laws governing adoption and surrogacy vary from state to state,
while in India the service is legal, so far at least non-discriminatory on grounds of
sexual orientation.

Apart from low-cost IVF treatment, India also is offering surrogate mothers at a
considerably lower price than couples would pay in the U.S. or Europe. India offers clear
grounds for Surrogacy Legalities At Affordable Cost with best Surrogacy Procedure and
IVF treatment you can think of. Foreigners find Indian legal procedures easy and less
exploitative, unlike [in the] U.S., where any complication could cost a fortune.

Rotunda -The Center for Human Reproduction is embarking upon a quiet revolution

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regarding a secure, permissible, affordable, and frustration-free journey to parenthood.

With best of the industry knowledge pool of Fertility specialist doctors at the Rotunda -
The Center for Human Reproduction, can help you in all the stages of your successful
journey to parenthood.

Rotunda offers Gestational Surrogacy in India to people of all nationalities. All couples
including lesbian and gay couples and even single men and single women can avail this
facility to fulfill their dream of enjoying parenthood. Now everyone can have baby.

The first foreign gay partners to acquire a baby through surrogacy in India in May
2008 were Israelis who used the Rotunda Fertility Clinic in Mumbai, which has been
at the forefront of what some call the pregnancy outsourcing trend in India. They have
since then handled pregnancies for 60 overseas gay couples.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender

(LGBT) SURROGACY Option for Parenting.

The most fascinating thing is that you dont have to come to India, You have
to just send your sperm by The Rotunda CryoShip Global service. We find an
egg donor; we get your surrogate pregnant.You just come down, pick up
your baby, and go back home.

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction


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Rotunda The Center for Human Reproduction is Ivf Clinic and fertility centre in
Mumbai, India, Asia. We are state-of-the-art IVF laboratory which is Mumbais first ISO
9001-2000 facility. We are Infertility, Fertility & IVF, Surrogacy Clinic for Male & Female
in Mumbai, India. Our fertility center provides the best affordable quality infertility,
fertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART, GIFT, ZIFT,
TET, ICSI, donor egg, surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.




same-sex couples surrogacy Now everyone can have baby

surrogacyindia lgbtsurrogacy lgbtfamily indiansurrogates

Posted in Fertility India, Surrogate Mother, outsourced surrogacy, surrogacy and adoption, surrogacy india | Tagged
LGBT surrogacy, Google Baby, Egg donor, Surrogacy in india, Indian surrogates, Lgbt family, same-sex | Leave a

Getting Pregnant Second Time

Posted on June 7, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Secondary Infertility Sex, Age & Lifestyle Factors

It is a misconception in majority of the population that if you get pregnant once you have
no problem next time.

Secondary infertility is a common problem that can be heartbreaking for many couples.
Once you have had a child, you normally think that getting pregnant again should be no
problem; after all, havent you proven your fertility?

Fertility is a function of age. It starts to decline at age 27, and the most pronounced
decline is above age 40.Unfortunately, theres no test that shows when fertility starts to

Secondary infertility means that couple has at least one biological child but are having
difficulty in conceiving for the second time. Twenty percent of women experience a
condition called secondary infertility. Even for a healthy couple with no reproductive

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problems it can take time to conceive. However, such problems can be avoided if you are
careful about your body.

Read about what you can do to prevent secondary infertility.

Secondary infertility may happen at any time and the causes are almost identical to those
of primary infertility. The problem can lie with the womans reproductive system, the
mans reproductive system, or with both partners.

Many womens dont have any problems getting pregnant for the first time. So they never
believe trying for a second child would be an issue. However, even after trying for more
than a year if someone is not able to conceive, a visit to the infertility specialists is must.
The biggest step in coping with the problem is deciding that a person needs some help
this time. A trip to the doctor may result in women undergoing number of tests. The
outcome may be secondary infertility.

About 20% of couples who wish to conceive do so within a month. During each
subsequent month, about 20% of the remaining couples conceive, so that there is about
an 85% chance of conceiving within six months. A physician will generally initiate a
medical evaluation only if a couple has not conceived after one year of trying, or, if the
woman is over 35, after six months. About one in seven couples have problems
conceiving. The percentage of couples experiencing secondary infertility in particular is
not known because some couples do not seek medical help.

India's first budget IVF clinic

Why do I have secondary infertility?

There are many reasons why you can have secondary infertility. These reasons are often
the same reasons why couples experience primary infertility. See a fertility specialist to
try and help diagnose your secondary infertility but some common reasons for secondary
infertility include:

* ovulation problems
* uterine fibroids
* endometriosis
* you or your partner got an infection since your last pregnancy

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* you or your husband/partner gained weight

* you or your husband/partner changed your diet
* egg or embryo quality has changed
* sperm issues are now present sperm count, morphology, motility.

There are many reasons you can have secondary infertility. Your lifestyle can be a huge
factor in your fertility so check first to see if you have made any lifestyle changes that
might be affection your fertility.

There are several factors mentioned below contributing to the Secondary Infertility and
which can be controlled by you.

Unavoidable factor in todays life-stress

Stress can be a major factor in trying to get pregnant. The stress hormone cortisol
interferes with ovulation, leading to decreased fertility. In addition, stress can also cause
elevated blood pressure and other conditions, which can create complications in a
pregnancy. Research has shown that 77 percent of women who were able to reduce their
levels of cortisol succeeded in restoring their ovulation abilities.

Reducing stress can be done in different ways. Generally, reducing stress hormone levels
involves a change in diet and exercising. Meditation has also proved effective as a stress
buster. Many doctors may also recommend taking a short vacation to rejuvenate your

Fertile period
The fertile period during the monthly cycle in a women decreases with the increase in the
age. Finding fertile period every month becomes a priority because the egg released the
ovary remains fertile only for around 12 hours or so. Ovulation kit or ovulation stick is
used to determine when a person is ovulating.

Age and the fertility.

Fertility decreases with the age It is an accepted medical fact that the chances of female
not conceiving or infertility in women is higher once she is 30 years old. It is not
common with all.In most cases decreased fertility does not hamper a womans chances of
getting pregnant, especially if she has been pregnant before. However, some women do
experience the problem of infertility, termed as secondary infertility. This is more
common in women who have had their first child after the age of 30. Many treatments
are available to overcome this stage.

Complete Medical checkup.

Couples under the age of 35 when they fail to conceive after trying for more than a year
should consult a specialist and undergo a complete check up. For women over 35, the
waiting period is six months. The basic test includes Pap smear test to check for
abnormalities in the uterus and ovaries and a three-day FSH/ estradiol blood test to
measure the level of FSH or follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for release
of eggs from the ovary.High levels of the hormone indicate that body is working more to
stimulate your ovaries.

Additional help of vitamins.

Iron and folic acid is very good to improve the fertility.Available in the form of

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multivitamin tablets,it is taken in addition to the regular meals.The use of this increases
the chances of a successful conception and also prevents the baby inside from suffering
certain birth defects.

Unlike those couples who have never had a child, those couples going through secondary
infertility find it hard to get support from their network of friends and family.

The good news is that secondary infertility can be treated just like primary infertility. If
you suspect you have a fertility problem, get checked out. The sooner you find out the
problem, the sooner you can get back on track to having your second, third or fourth

You can know more about secondary infertility causes, secondary infertility blog,
secondary male infertility, secondary infertility men, secondary infertility definition,
secondary infertility statistics, primary secondary infertility, secondary infertility
treatment, Fertile period, Age and the fertility, vitamins and fertility, Prevent secondary
infertility, fertility problem, Getting Pregnant, Pregnant ,infertility, female infertility,
male infertility and IVF Treatment Step by Step at Indias first budget IVF clinic:

Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery Center

Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 Fax: +91 22 2444 4443

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secondary infertility, surrogacy and adoption | Tagged budget IVF clinic, Deccan ivf, Getting Pregnant, Infertility India,
IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India, Rent-A-Womb, secondary infertility, Surrogacy India | Leave
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Surrogacy,Embryo,Sperm and Egg Donation in India.

Posted on June 2, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Realizing the baby dream with Surrogacy and India.

India has earned itself the sobriquet of the cradle of the world thanks to cheap medical
facilities and inadequate laws.

As has been much discussed here and around the web, India is a popular destination for
individuals and couples seeking to use a surrogate mother to have children. Sometimes
the decision to go to India is driven by economics. Sometimes its motivated by
inhospitable law in the home country of the commissioning parents.

The Indian law governing these arrangements has been less that clear. Coupled with
uncertainty about law in the home country, this has created much legal confusion, like
one recently of Israeli gay father Dan Goldberg.

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Israeli gay father Dan Goldberg, stranded in Mumbai for the last three months with
twin boys Itai and Liron who were born to a surrogate mother quietly celebrated a
personal victory .Now Gay Israeli dad can take surrogate sons home after long legal fight.

LGBT friendly clinic

But Surrogacy still not an option for family for Indian gays. According to the new draft
Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill 2010, till gay and lesbian
relationships are legalized in India, gay couples would not be allowed to have children
through a surrogate.

Gay couples may not be allowed to hire surrogates in country. But if the draft bill to
regulate surrogacy becomes law, gay couples like them may not be allowed to hire
surrogates in India. The draft legislation, Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation)
Bills and Rules, 2008, states that only couples that are living together and in a sexual
relationship that is legal are permitted surrogacy to have children.

International or cross-border surrogacy raises serious questions of law relating to

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citizenship, nationality, motherhood, parentage and the rights of a child to be raised by

their parents.It is for these reasons that is it important for intended parents to
carefully assess the legal risks involved in surrogacy in the country the birth will occur
and the country the child will be raised in.

In 2002 India had passed law making surrogacy legal in the country. In India the law
states that a surrogate mothers name is not to appear on the birth certificate and that
she has no right to keep the child. Lower prices in India make surrogacy affordable by
middle class Americans. Under guidelines issued by the Indian Council of Medical
Research, surrogate mothers sign away their rights to any children. A surrogates name is
not even on the birth certificate.

In the United States laws governing surrogacy and adoption vary from state to state. In
India, commercial surrogacy is legal, though unregulated. Clinics draw binding contracts
with the birth mothers who relinquish all rights on the baby soon after it is born and
parents who commission the surrogate, such as Fister, straightaway get their names on
the childs birth certificate.

Surrogacy bill looks to protect childs interest on both sides. Having emerged as
the hottest destination for surrogacy, it is but natural for India to take the lead in
evolving a law that safeguards the interests of all the parties concerned, including the
child born through assisted reproductive technology.

Soon, rent-a-womb couples may have to get home country nod in their own interest.
Foreigners or NRIs coming to India to rent a womb will soon have to submit two
documents one confirming that their country of residence recognizes surrogacy as legal
and secondly that it will give citizenship to the child born through agreement from an
Indian mother.

Both conditions are reasonable as they are designed to deal with the legal uncertainties
thrown up by a couple of surrogacy cases that did not pan out in the agreed manner. In
the Manji Yamada case, the baby was embroiled in litigation as the commissioning
Japanese parents had divorced by the time it was born in India.

And in the subsequent case involving German parents, the twins found themselves in a
no-mans-land as their country did not recognize surrogacy as a means of parenthood.

There is no way the surrogacy agreements will be enforceable unless the

commissioning parents are in a position to take the child back to their country and it is
accorded citizenship, which it would have automatically received had it been born to
them in the natural course.

As the outsourced surrogacy or fertility tourism has become increasingly visible, its
hardly surprising that India might consider legislation to regulate the practice of
surrogacy. Of course, legal change comes slowly and apparently the draft moving forward
now has been in the works for five years. Im sure it is even more complicated because as
India is now a global surrogacy center, all sorts of intereststhose of prospective fertility
tourists, those of people who stand to gain financially from continued surrogacy and so
oncome into play in the legislative process.

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

Over the next decade, with more experience in this field, India may find a solution to
how to regulate surrogacy. There is no certainty regarding the laws of surrogacy in India
at the moment.

LGBT friendly clinic Surrogacy Information in Hebrew

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surrogacy and adoption, surrogacy india | Tagged commercial surrogacy, LGBT surrogacy, Rent-A-Womb, surrogacy
agreements, Surrogacy bill india, Surrogacy Cost, Surrogacy India | Leave a comment

Insulin resistance : a root cause of Polycystic

Ovarian Syndrome
Posted on May 31, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Infertility Treatment, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Are you one of the millions of women with Polycystic

Ovarian Syndrome who, no matter what theyve
tried, has failed to better manage or reverse the
symptoms of this condition? It may not be due to
lack of willpower.

Instead, you could be Insulin Resistant, a root

Infertility Treatment, Polycystic Ovarian
cause of PCOS. Scientists at the National Institutes
of Health, Stanford University and other research
centers have clearly identified the existence and
effects of Insulin Resistance, a biochemical condition that can cause excessive weight
gain and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal imbalance linked to the way the body
processes insulin after it has been produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar
(glucose). Insulin Resistance, an underlying cause of PCOS, has many factors that
contribute to its presence in the body. In essence, our environment and lifestyles have
evolved too rapidly for our bodies to keep pace. We are still genetically wired to thrive
on the entrenched habits of our ancestors, who consumed different, nutrient-rich foods
and a diet low in carbohydrates and who sustained greater levels of movement and
exercise. Some people may also have a genetic predisposition to Insulin Resistance, while
others develop the condition through high stress and unhealthy lifestyles.


Over time, the above factors have damaged the complex ability of the bodys cells to
properly utilize insulin to convert glucose to energy. This process creates Insulin

For further information on any question relating to polycystic ovary syndrome hirsutism
infertility specialist you may contact us at:

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

Budget IVF Clinic for everyone.

Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery Center

Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992
Fax: +91 22 2444 4443

Posted in Infertility India, PCOS, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Uncategorized | Tagged PCOS, polycystic ovarian
syndrome, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome hirsutism, getting pregnant polycystic ovary syndrome | Leave
a comment

Surrogacy in India
Posted on May 26, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Low Cost Fertility Treatments Available In India.

Parenthood is a life changing and eternally rewarding experience.

In the past 2 decades, there has been a spectacular change in the field of reproductive
technologies. Reproductive sciences have come in with techniques like donor
insemination, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer methods which have completely
revolutionized the reproductive environment. These techniques have infused hope into
many infertile couples and singles, who long to have a child of their own and make a

For infertile couples or singles, miracle babies are the joy of a lifetime, but
they often come with a hefty price tag. But like so many other services, more
affordable surrogate mother candidates are beginning to be found
overseas.Finding an affordable option would mean traveling half way around
the world to an infertility clinic in India.

It is about Outsourcing Surrogate Mothers in India Outsourcing Surrogacy to India.

Find A Surrogate Mother With Rent-A-Womb Business that Outsources Indian Uteruses
is serious medical business that keeps intended parents at the center.You can find the
best Low Cost Fertility Treatments Available In India.Most of the Surrogacy Agency or
Surrogacy Agency Abroad will take you to Indian hub for Gestational surrogacy
,commercial surrogacy and traditional surrogacy at Affordable Cost.

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

Surrogacy Cost India- India Low Cost Surrogacy- India Surrogacy Cost

Why surrogacy in India?

1. Surrogacy in India has become an increasingly popular alternative for intended

parents worldwide.
2. The laws for Surrogacy in India favor parents more than other countries.
3. The cost for Surrogacy in India is roughly a third of what it costs in the U.S and
lowest in the world.
4. The range of treatment options is broad, and is at the fore-front of ART technology.
5. Surrogacy in India offers a unique opportunity for discretion, which would be difficult
to achieve in the U.S or other parts of the world.

India offers clear grounds for Surrogacy Legalities At Affordable Cost with best Surrogacy
Procedure and IVF treatment you can think of.We have a very simple business model
that keeps intended parents at the center.Having the industrys most elaborate and
exclusive Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams with our Clinic, we provide you
the smoothest and seamless surrogacy care you ever imagined in India.

Outsourcing Surrogacy Abroad to India will offers a wide range of options to fulfill your
dreams of parenthood. With the most well-equipped, state of the art infertility treatment
available and highly experienced experts in the field; we at Rotunda Clinic have been able
to assist couples and singles all over the world at a most affordable price.Think of us if
you are thinking of Cheaper Overseas: Surrogate Mothers,Surrogacy Procedure Abroad At
Affordable Cost,egg donation India,surrogate motherhood India,surrogacy agencies India,
IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India.

We have IVF and Surrogacy specialist doctors maintain a vast database of surrogate
mothers. These ladies are recruited after a vast selection procedure of investigations,
counseling and medical and emotional history.

The intended parents almost always assume financial responsibility for the entire
pregnancy process. This includes paying for IVF (or artificial insemination when the

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

egg donors egg is used in place of the intended mothers egg), all doctors or midwife
visits, tests and procedures.The total cost includes all travel and accommodation
arrangements for the Intended Parents, as well as start-to-finish medical and pregnancy
care for the surrogate mother in India.

We encourage the intended parents to submit their query with their medical details and
clinical details. We will revert to your query within 2-3 working days. Our Surrogacy
Program manager will get in touch with you personally to discuss the case and provide
you with a personalized medical quote.

Whether it is financial,legal, immigration, travel or medical issues that Intended Parents

had to contend with; these issues are no longer going to keep anyone from their dream of
beginning a family.

Our business is about people helping people to make families every day.We have helped
no of couples including [lgbt]lesbian and gay couples and even single men and single
women to fulfill their dream of enjoying parenthood.

This Indian surrogates are like a God to them because without them they would never
had had their child, and The joy that is there at the end of the day is a million times
more than the money you can count.

Rotunda -The Center for Human Reproduction is embarking upon a quiet revolution
regarding a secure, permissible, affordable, and frustration-free journey to
parenthood.Fertility specialist Dr Gautum Allahbadia,is Medical Director of
Rotunda -The Center for Human Reproduction.

The most fascinating thing is that you dont have to come to India,You have to just send
your sperm by The Rotunda CryoShip Global service. We find an egg donor, we get your
surrogate pregnant.You just come down, pick up your baby, and go back home.
For making your family today contact us:

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction

Mumbai India.
+91 22 2655 2000


Rotunda The Center for Human Reproduction is Ivf Clinic and fertility centre in
Mumbai,India,Asia.We are state-of-the-art IVF laboratory which is Mumbais first ISO
9001-2000 facility. We are Infertility, Fertility & IVF,Surrogacy Clinic for Male & Female
in Mumbai,India.Our fertility center provides the best affordable quality
infertility,fertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART,
GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSI,donor egg,surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.

Posted in Surrogacy Cost, Surrogate Mother, surrogacy india | Tagged Rent-A-Womb, Surrogacy Cost, Surrogacy
India, Surrogate Mothers in India | Leave a comment

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

Infertility India
Posted on May 14, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

Infertility India
Everything about IVF in India .
IVF India
Fertility India
Infertility India
Surrogacy In India

Posted in IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India, Uncategorized | Tagged Fertility India, Infertility
India, IVF India, IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India, Surrogacy India | Leave a comment

Posted on May 14, 2010 by ivftreatmentindia

The cost of Infertility treatments in India is almost 1/4th of that in most of developed
nations. The availability of modern assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF and a
full range of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services have made India the first
choice for infertility treatments. India has become very fast most favored nation for
Infertility treatments abroad with Best Infertility clinics, fertility clinics, fertility doctors
offering advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART, GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSI,donor
egg,surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.

India is a perfect destination for IVF Fertility medical tourism that combines health
treatment with visits to some of the most alluring and awe-inspiring places of the world.
A growing number of tourists are flocking in large numbers because of the superlative
medical care, equipments and facilities that India offers.

India excels in providing quality and cheap health care services to overseas tourists. The
field has such lucrative potential that it can become a $2.3 billion business by 2012,
states a study by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). In 2004, some 150,000
foreigners visited India for treatment, and the numbers have been rising by 15 per cent
each year.

India is in the process of becoming the Global Health Destination owing to the
following advantages:

1. The cost of medical services in India is almost 30% lower to that in Western countries
and the cheapest in South-east Asia.
2. Language is a major comfort factor that invites so many foreign tourists to visit India
for medical and health tourism. India has a large populace of good English speaking
doctors, guides and medical staff. This makes it easier for foreigners to relate well to
Indian doctors.
3. Indian hospitals excel in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, joint replacements,
transplants, cosmetic treatments, dental care, Orthopaedic surgery and more.
4. The medical services in India include full body pathology, comprehensive physical and
gynecological examinations, audiometry, spirometry, Chest X-ray, 12 lead ECG, 2D
echo Colour Doppler, gold standard DXA bone densitometry, body fat analysis,

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IVF India | IVF India Fertility India Infertility India Surrogacy In India

coronary risk markers, cancer risk markers, high strength MRI etc.
5. All medical treatments and investigations are done using the latest, technologically
advanced diagnostic equipments.
6. Indian doctors have got an expertise in performing successful cardiac surgeries, bone
marrow transplants, liver transplants, orthopaedic surgeries and other medical
7. The cost of Infertility treatments in India is almost 1/4th of that in developed nations.
The availability of modern assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF, and a full
range of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services have made India the first
choice for infertility treatments.

Good IVF Clinics in India offers a comprehensive range of infertility services under
one roof, and our associated IVF Centres are known for innovation, integrity, medical
and technical excellence, personalized service, and consistent willingness to accept
patients facing the most difficult medical challenges. The center has all the facilities
required to deliver a full range of services to couples requiring assistance conceiving. This
ensures that patients are required to visit only one IVF Center for all stages of their
diagnosis and treatments.

Posted in Fertility India, Infertility India, ivf india, ivf india cost | Tagged artificial insemination india, icsi india, Infertility
India, iui india, ivf india cost, ivf procedure india, pgd india | Leave a comment

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