Você está na página 1de 101


Placesand Times......................................................3
Crimeand Punishment........................................... 7
Calendar and Holidays...........................................9
Money of Mystara................................................. 18
Races, Herosand Feats......................................... 19
Racesof Mystara....................................................20
Classesof Mystara..................................................38
Immortalsand Priests.............................................54
Domainsof theSpheres..........................................58
Spellsand Runes.....................................................57
Secret Craftsof Glantri..........................................64
Nordic Runes...........................................................72
Goodsand Services..................................................85
Captain Quinn'sNautical Emporium.......................87
Tarla'sEpicurean Delights.......................................92
This w or k is not a challenge to any copyr ight or tr adem ar ks held by any individual or com pany.
This is a conver sion fr om BECM I Dungeons and Dr agons to 5th Edition Dungeons and Dr agons.
This handbook is fr ee for any w ho w ish to dow nload it. M any thanks to Br uce Hear d and the other
author s of M ystar a for giving us the gr eatest setting for our adventur es. All ar t is filler except
w or ks by M ischa Jones, I w ill r eplace it as she finishes. This is a fan w or k and is not for sale.
Wr iting and Layout: Glen Welch
Illustr ations: M ischa Jones https://w w w.facebook .com /tehphr 33k
Special Thanks To: Glen Butcher, W 'r aa Butler, Daniele Cuocci, David Finch, Giuliano M ichelon,
Giovanni Paniccia, Pieter Spealm an, Sam Stockdale
If anybody can help out fund new ar t please go her e: http://w w w.gofundm e.com /M ystar a

Placesand Times

Nationsand Peoplesof Mystara

Ki n gdom of Al f h ei m

Fi ve Sh i r es

Com pr ised entir ely of the gr eat for est of

Canolbar th, Alfheim is the r esettled hom eland
of the Sylvan elves. Steeped in myster y, the
elves keep to them selves w ith the exception of a
single tr ading city.

The hom eland of the hin, the Shir es ar e r ich in

agr icultur e and cultur e. The population enjoys
their pastor al life, but w ill defend to the death if
pr ovoked.

Language: Elven

Em pi r e of Al ph at i a
Located on the continent of the sam e nam e,
Alphatia is a pow er ful m agocr acy w her e
w izar ds contr ol all aspects of gover nm ent and
those w ithout the ar t ar e second class citizens.

Language: Hin

Pr i n ci pal i t i es of Gl an t r i
A splinter ed m agocr acy, Glantr i is hom e to a
var iety of cultur es and peoples, all devoted to
im pr oving their position thr ough m agic.
Extr em ely pow er ful, but highly fr actious.

Language: Alphatian, Nithian

Languages: Thyatis, Alphatian, Belcadiz, Elven,

Aver oigne, Flaem ish, Ethengar, Klantyr e

At r u agh i n Cl an s

Ki n gdom of I er en di

Isolated fr om the r est of the Know n Wor ld, the

five tr ibes of Atr uaghin ar e content to be left
alone to their hunts. A deeply spir itual people,
the clans r ever e the Im m or tals m or e than any.

A peaceful m ar itim e nation, this chain of islands

has becom e one of the m ost popular tour ist
attr actions for the w ealthy. Their love of
adventur er s goes a gr eat w ay to keep their
nation safe.

Language: Atr uaghin

Repu bl i c of Dar ok i n
One of the tw o m ajor tr ading pow er s of
M ystar a, Dar okin is a functional plutocr acy
populated by an extr em ely har d w or king
people. W hile possessing a m ighty ar my,
Dar okin pr efer s diplom acy.

Languages: M akai

Gr an d Du chy of Kar am ei k os
The new est nation, am icably split fr om Thyatis,
Kar am eikos is an untam ed land still being
settled. Scar cely populated, it is filled w ith
thr eats both know n and unknow n.

Language: Dar okin

Languages: Tr aladar an, Thyatian

Et h en gar Kh an at es

M i n r ot h ad Gu i l ds

A w ar like people now r eunited under a Golden

Khan, the Ethengar people ar e skilled hor sem en,
and consum m ate w ar r ior s. W hen united they
pr esent a ter r ifying foe.

The second gr eat tr ading pow er, M inr othad is

an elven island nation that w elcom es hum ans,
dw ar ves and hin into their business. The
undisputed pow er house in over seas tr ade, w ith
a bit of pir acy for fun.

Language: Ethengar

Language: Patois

Ki n gdom of Ost l an d

Em pi r e of Thyat i s

The m ost pow er ful of the Nor ther n Reaches,

Ostland is the m ost aggr essive as w ell. Though
w eaker than they used to be, they like to r em ind
the other Nor ther n nations of their pow er.

The m ost pow er ful em pir e on the m ainland,

Thyatis' influence is felt thr oughout the
continent. Though w eakened by stagnation, it is
still the m ost pow er ful m ilitar y for ce

Language: Heldannic

Language: Thyatian

Ki n gdom of Rock h om e

Ki n gdom of Vest l an d

Found deep under gr ound, the Dw ar ves r un

Rockhom e as they alw ays have. Slow to change,
slow to pr ogr ess Rockhom e has few fr iends and
few enem ies. Just the w ay the dw ar ves like it.

The m ost m oder n of the Nor ther n Reaches,

Vestland has put behind its r aiding histor y and
has settled on becom ing an econom ic pow er
once it has secur ed its ow n bor der s.

Language: Dw ar ven

Language: Heldannic

Soder f j or d Jar l dom s

Em i r at es of Yl ar u am

Less a nation than a gr oup of allied m inor

nobles, Soder fjor d is a land tr apped in the past.
Politically w eak and hopeless divided,
Soder fjor d is looking for a str ong leader to unite
them .

A deeply r eligious deser t kingdom , Ylar uam has

thr ow n off the yoke of tw o em pir es and is in the
m iddle of a spir itual debate on its ow n futur e.
Language: Ylar i

Language: Heldannic

Citiesof Mystara
Al f h ei m Ci t y set up in the in the m iddle of the
Canolbar th for est as a tr ading outpost, this
unofficial capitol of Alfheim is w hat m ost people
see w hen they visit the elven kingdom . W hile
little gover ning is done her e, this is w her e other
nations set up their em bassies.
Ci t y of St ar s is the lar gest city of the Shadow
Elves. Unknow n to outsider s, the entir e city is
built in a pocket of r ever se gr avity on the r oof of
a caver n. Sur r ounded by hostile envir onm ents
and cr eatur es, it is a testam ent to the Shadow
Elves w ill to sur vive.
Dar ok i n Ci t y is the lar gest tr ade city on the
m ainland. Hom e to the M er chant's Guild Hall,
ther e is nothing you cannot buy in Dar okin City.
The lar gest financier s also r eside her e, m aking
this city an unr ivaled econom ic pow er house.
Den gar is tw o cities in one. On the sur face is
w her e the dw ar ves m eet w ith other r aces. But
below gr ound is w her e ever ything happens.
Built by dw ar ves for dw ar ves just the size of it
m akes it intim idating for other r aces.
Gl an t r i Ci t y is the hear t of the fr actious Glantr i,
com pr ised of canals for str eets and bicker ing
w izar ds for citizens. M agic is the nor m her e,
w her e even the m ost m undane tasks ar e
accom plished thr ough sor cer y.
I er en di is the scenic capitol of the island nation
of the sam e nam e. Like the nation ar ound it, it
is a scenic m ar vel filled w ith r esor ts and
enter tainm ents. Ever ything happens at a
leisur ely pace, exactly as its people like it.
M i n r ot h ad is the nautical tr ading pow er house.
Set in a calder a, its pr otected position allow ed it
to flour ish as a tr ading por t. The city is filled
w ith shops of all types, and it is one of the
lar gest shipbuilder s in the Know n Wor ld.
Nor v i k k is the pr ide of Vestland. It r epr esents
the nation's attem pt to becom e a m oder n state.
Now m er chants have r eplaced w ar r ior s as the
m ost com m on sight, and new buildings ar e
being er ected on a r egular basis.

Ser r ai n e is r ar ely seen but often talked about.

A m agical flying city built by the Sky Gnom es, it
tr avels the continent engaging in m ad
exper im ents and tr ading exotic m ater ials w ith
the nations below them .
Sh i r et on is the hear t of hin cultur e. Her e you
you find a city w ith little bustle, no gr eat
intr igues and a people w ho ar e content w ith
life. M ost find the spr ead out city bor ing, but
the hin w ould not have it any other w ay.
Soder f j or d is a poor tow n, r eflecting it's nations
for tunes. It is a spr aw ling m ess of poor ly
constr ucted buildings w ith little or ganization.
Its r eputation for being a danger ous place to be
after dar k is ver y w ell deser ved.
Specu l ar u m is the capitol of Kar am eikos. It is a
blending of tw o cities and peoples. The older
Tr aladar an cultur e is slow ly being r eplaced by
the new er Thyatian settler s. It is a fascinating
place to w atch the cultur es clash and m er ge.
Thyat i s Ci t y is the lar gest city on the m ainland
and is the busiest as w ell. Ever ything in Thyatis
is bigger, fr om the slum s to the m ansions.
Constantly in m otion, ther e is nothing and no
one you cannot find her e.
Su n dsval l is the m agical capitol of Alphatia.
Her e the m ar velous is m undane, as skyships fill
the air. Buildings float above the gr ound,
r eachable only w ith m agic. It is a city built by
w izar ds for w izar ds.
Yl ar u am is a r elatively new city com par ed to
the w or ld. Built by Al-Kalim , Ylar uam is a
oddity of a nom adic cultur e in one place.
Fam ed for its m ar kets and tem ples, it is not
often fr iendly to outsider s.
Zeabu r g, the capitol of Ostland is com pr ised of
ver y r ich nobles and ver y poor peasants. The
city is m or e of a place for the ar my to cam p than
for people to live. Only the pr esence of the King
and his cour t keeps the city fr om being
im pover ished.

Centersof Learning
Col l ege of W i zar dr y is not as im pr essive as it
sounds. Shadow Elf sham an do not allow
w izar ds any for m al education, this sm all school
in the City of Star s is in the back of a m agic
supply shop.
Col l egi u m Ar can u m is the official school of
m agic in Thyatis. W hile not as im pr essive as
other s of its type, it is still one of the lar gest.

M eal i dor Li br ar y Tr ee is an actual tr ee, filled

w ith scr olls and books dating back thousands of
year s. Exclusive to Clan M ealidor, few outside
elves and even few er hum ans ar e allow ed entr y.
Sch ool of Ar t in Ier endi is the lar gest bar dic
school in the Know n Wor ld. W hile it teaches
other ar ts, it is the m ain sour ce for classically
tr ained bar ds. Painter s, w r iter s and sculptor s
also flock to the school as w ell.

Dar ok i n Di pl om at i c Cor ps r un a ser ies of

colleges to teach its new officer s how to negotiate Thyat i s Gr eat Li br ar y is the lar gest collection of
w ith outsider s. It focuses heavily on languages, books and scr olls know n. W hile not a m agical
business and for eign cultur e. It also teaches
school, all things m undane and histor ical can be
Aur um ancer s spells r elated to finance.
lear ned her e. It is open to the nobles of Thyatis
Gr eat Sch ool of M agi c in Glantr i City is possibly and those w ith enough coin to gain entr y.
the m ost fam ous school in the Know n Wor ld.
Filled w ith w izar ds of all sor ts, fr om appr entices
to ar chm ages, w ith r um or s of hidden lor e
ever yw her e.

Tu t or i al Gu i l d is the lar gest school in M inr othad.

W hile it teaches m any nautical tr ades, it is m ost
fam ous for being the sour ce of m any
Aur um ancer spells r elated to nautical tr ade.

I er en di Pu bl i c Sch ool is the w her e the islander s

go for a basic education. It is the only public
school for the entir e nation, but m or e than
adequate for the entir e population.

Un i ver si t y of Su n dsval l at tw enty city blocks is

the unquestionably the lar gest univer sity know n.
Ever y w izar d in Alphatia r ecieves their tr aining
her e, w ith entir e w ings devoted to m agical
r esear ch.

Crimesand Punishment



Fr aud

M ur der





Tr eason















Fine or


Fine or

Fine or

Fine or

Death or

Atr uaghin


Not a Crime


Exile or


Not a Crime

Not a


Exile or

Dar okin




















Five Shir es




Quest or




Quest or

Quest or

Glantr i






Up to ten




Ier endi

Up to 3

Up to 3

Up to 4

Up to 30

Up to 4

Up to 4

Up to 4

Up to 30

Up to 30

Up to 1 year

Up to 6

1 year up to

Up to 6

Up to 6

Up to 6

1 year up
to death


Kar am eikos Up to 1

M inr othad

Loss of

Loss of

Up to 20




Loss of







Slavery or


Slavery or

Slavery or

or death


Rockhom e




Life, Exile or




Life, Exile
or Death

Life, Exile
or Death

Soder fjor d


Beating or


Beating or


Beating or


or Death




1 month up
to death


1 month up
to death


1 month up
to death





Fine or

Fine or


Death or



Fine or

Death or


Ylar uam


Censure or








Mystara Calendar
Nuwmont (Nyxmir)
Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain



Loshdain Soladain

1 See Below

2 Spring Equinox

10 Ylaruam
Ashura' Shi'a




14 Glantri Spring















1 Nuw m ont- Var ious New Year s, Glantr i Good Spr ite Day

Vatermont (Amphimir)
1 See Below

7 See Below

10 M inr othad
Feast of the
Silver Pur ge





15 Alphatia
Closing Day



18 Glantr i
M onster s Fair



21 Pear l Islands
The Dr ow ning


23 Dar okin
Chancellor 's





28 Alphatia
Extr a Day

1 Vater m ont- Alphatia New Year, Ethengar W inter Festival

7 Vater m ont- Alphatia Land Fall Day, Ethengar Day of the Golden Khan

Thaumont (Alphamir)
1 See Below

Landfall Day

10 Glantr i
Spr ing Br eak





15 See Below


17 Rockhom e
Car avan Day








25 Glantr i
Ar canum



28 Kar am eikos
Day of the Dead

1 Thaum ont- Fir st Day of Spr ing, Ylar uam Independence Day, Shadow Elves Discover y Day, Ier endi
Rebir th
15 Thaum ont- Alphatia Opening Day, Ethengar W hite Hor se Cer em ony

Flaurmont (Sulamir)
Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain



Loshdain Soladain

1 Var ious Day of


3 Glantr i
Par liam ent Day

7 Rockhom e
Ar r angem ent

10 M inr othad
M er chant Pr ince



13 Alphatia
Er iadna's
Bir thday


15 Ethengar Day
of Blessings

16 Shir es Fir st
Flow er ing




20 Glantr i
Par ade Day

21 Dar okin
M asked Ball

22 Thyatis
Em per or 's
Bir thday







16 Flaur m ont- Shir es Fir st Flow er ing, Ethengar Day of Par tings

Yarthmont (Sudmir)
1 Alphatia Day
of M agic



12 Ylar uam
M aw lid an Nabi


14 Glantr i
Gondola Gam es

15 See Below






21 Rockhom e
Cler ic's For um






27 M inr othad
M inr othad Day


15 Yar thm ont- Alphatia How ling Day, Ethengar Day of Bir th Blessings

Klarmont (Vertmir)
1 See Below

7 Rockhom e
Weddings Day



12 Shadow Elves
The Rejection



15 See below







22 Shir es





27 See Below

28 See below

1 Klar m ont- Fir st Day of Sum m er, Ier endi Fr eedom day and Cr ow n Tour ney, Kar am eikos Day of the
Str aw M en, Alfheim Ilsundal Day, Soder fjor d Thing
15 Klar m ont- Thyatis Days of the Hoof, Glantr i Night of the Red M oon, Ylar uam Laylat Al-Bar aa
27 Klar m ont- Ylar uam Lailat al M ir aj, M inr othad M inr oth Day
28 Klar m ont- Glantr i, Kar am eikos Night of Fir e

Felmont (Islamir)
Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain



Loshdain Soladain

1 Karameikos
Beast's Day

6 Hattias Vanya's





14 See Below

15 See Below

16 Rockhome
Battle of Sardal









25 Glantri
Beggar's Hope


27 See Below

28 Minrothad
Day of Silence

1 Felm ont- Kar am eikos Beast Day, Ier endi The Rebir th
14 Felm ont- Glantr i Fer ia de Tor os, Shadow Elves Cor ner stone Day
15 Felm ont- Thyatis Days of Valer ias, Alphatia Dogger el Days, Shir es High Sum m er, Ethengar
Gather ing
27 Felm ont- Ylar uam Lailat al Qadr, M inr othad All's Reckless Day

Fyrmont (Andrumir)
1 See Below




13 Dar okin Day


15 Glantr i
Car nival







22 Ethengar
Gr eat Hor se Fair







1 Fyr m ont- Shir es Day of Her oes, Ylar uam 'Id al Fitr

Ambyrmont (Cyrpimir)
1 See Below

2 Ier endi
Celebr ation of
the Sea

3 Rockhom e
Show ing day








17 Shadow
Elves M uster ing










27 M inr othad


1 Am byr m ont- Fir st Day of Fall, Shir es Fast and Feast, Ethengar Fir st Day of Riding


Sviftmont (Hastmir)
Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain



Loshdain Soladain

6 See Below

8 See Below




13 Shadow Elves
Tarasfir Birthday

14 Glantri
Raising of the

15 Darokin Great








23 Ethengar Day
of Counting

24 Ethengar Day
of Naming




28 Karameikos
Stefan's Birthday

6 Sviftm ont- Glantr i Best W ishes of Kr ondahar, Ethengar New Year

8 Sviftm ont- Thyatis Vanya's Day, Alphatia Star t of W ine Festival

Eirmont (Eimir)
1 Ethengar
Cr etia's Day

5 Glantr i
Necr om antia

6 Dar okin
Har vest Day






15 Ethengar
Night of Spir its














22 Eir m ont- Five Shir es The Reaping, Thyatis Pr otius' Day

Kaldmont (Burymir)
1 Fir st Day of
W inter

3 Ier endi, Days

of Right

10 Ylar uam 'Id al





14 Glantr i Ice
Gam es

15 See Below








23 M inr othad
M idw inter




27 See Below

28 Glantr i Bells
of Fate

15 Kaldm ont- Thyatis Footm an's Gam es, Glantr i Boldavian Pr ocession, Ethengar Blessing of Golden
27 Kaldm ont- Glantr i Alexander Day, Ethengar Day of Law
28 Kaldm ont- End of Year, Glantr i Bells of Fate, Nor ther n Reaches Loki Day, M inr othad M idw inter

Cal en dar s of Ot h er Nat i on s


Five Shir es

Rockhom e

Ylar uam

Am ai


W har lin

M uhar r am

Hiskm ai


M or lin


Yalm ai

M aehin

Hr alin*

Rabi al Aw w al

Haim ai


Hw yr lin

Rabi al Thani*

Kevam ai

Gondulr im

Styr lin

Jum ada'l Aw w al

Seim ai

M ithintle

Bahr lin

Jum ada'l Thani

Lingm ai


Buhr lin


Tr ingm ai

Fyr tal



Dem ai

Aum byr

Bir r lin

Ram adan




Shaw w al


Tem biir

Jhyr lin


Kom ai




* Indicates star t of year.

Days of t h e Week



Five Shir es

Rockhom e

Ylar uam


M ajhur

Xingqir i


Syhar dan

Yaum al-ahad

Gr om dain



Gr om dain

Thr adan


Tser dain



Tser dain


Yaum at-talit






Yaum al-ham is



Xingqiw u









Yaum as-sabt


M inr othad Calendar

Shadow Elves Calendar

The M inr othad Guilds use the Thyatian calendar

for tr ade pur poses, but that their ow n calendar
for national date r eckoning. They divide their
year into 11 m onths of 30 days, each w ith five
six-day w eeks. To balance the year, they add a
special six day w eek to the end. The cur r ent
year is 311 by M inr othad Dating.

The shadow elves divide their year into 14

m onths of 24 days each. Each m onth takes its
nam e fr om a ver se of the Refuge of Stone, an
im por tant histor ical text. Ther e ar e no w eeks,
and days ar e not nam ed. The shadow elves'
cur r ent year is 2116.

Onm un (Nuw m ont 1-Vater m ont 2)

Nam e (Nuw m ont 25-Vater m ont 20)

Tom un (Vater m ont 3-Thaum ont 4)

Refuge (Vater m ont 21-Thaum ont 16)

Dr eim un (Thaum ont 5-Flaur m ont 6)

Sham an (Thaum ont 17-Flaur m ont 12)

Fir m un (Flaur m ont 7-Yar thm ont 8)

Cr ystal (Flaur m ont 13-Yar thm ont 8)

Bir m un (Yar thm ont 9-Klar m ont 10)

Bir th (Yar thm ont 9-Klar m ont 4)

Sagm un (Klar m ont 11-Felm ont 12)

Wander er s (Klar m ont 4-28)

Sebm un (Felm ont 13-Fyr m ont 14)

Tem ple (Felm ont 1-24)

Oxm un (Fyr m ont 15-Am byr m ont 16)

Food (Felm ont 25-Fyr m ont 20)

Nom un (Am byr m ont 17-Sviftm ont 18)

Days (Fyr m ont 21-Am byr m ont 16)

Decm un (Sviftm ont 19-Eir m ont 20)

Ar my (Am byr m ont 17-Sviftm ont 12)

Elfm un (Eir m ont 21-Kaldm ont 22)

King (Sviftm ont 13-Eir m ont 8)

M itw ok (Kaldm ont 23-28)

Other s (Eir m ont 9-Kaldm ont 4)

Gather ing (Nuw m ont 1-24)

Bounty (Kaldm ont 5-28)


Holidaysof theKnown World

Al ex an der Day. Glantr ians hold an hour of

silence then gather looking for a good om en.

Best W i sh es of Kr on dah ar . Native Ethengar in

Glantr i celebr ate the new year.

Al l 's Reck l ess Day. M inr othad celebr ates the

end of tax day w ith a no holds bar r ed par ty.

Bi r t h day of Tar asf i r . Shadow elves celebr ate

thier fir st king w ith feasts and r evels.

An cest or 's Day. Alphatians set aside a table

setting for dead ancestor s and visit gr aves.

Bi r t h day of Th i n col I . Im per ial fam ily hosts

gam es and par ades and thr ow coins to the poor.

Ar can i u m . Four day fair in Glantr i to lear n new

spells, buy new m agic item s and m ingle.

Bl essi n g of t h e Gol den Kh an . The Ethengar

host gam es at the w inter cam p of their khan.

Ar r an gem en t s Day. Dw ar ves pr opose m ar r iage

tr aditionally on this day.

Bol dav i an Pr ocessi on . Peasants m ar ch the

str eets till daw n holding tor ches and gar lic.

Ash u r a' Sh i 'a. The Ylar i lose their r estr ained

natur e and cut loose, alcohol is even toler ated.

Car avan Day. Car avans leave Rockhom e, those

left behind feast and toast the m er chants.

Bask Day. A day of laziness, no one in

M inr othad w or ks.

Cel ebr at i on of t h e Sea. Ier endi tie their boats

together into a flotilla to host a m assive par ty.

Bat t l e of Sar dal Pass. Dw ar ves r elive their

m ost fam ous battle w ith m ilitar y celebr ations.

Ch an cel l or 's Day. Wor king holiday in

celebr ation of Dar okin's fir st Chancellor.

Beast s Day. Tr aladar ans dr ess up in costum e to

r em em ber defeating the beastm en of old.

Cl er i cs For u m . Pr iests of Kagyar m eet to

discuss pr oblem s and changes to their or der.

Beggar 's Hope. For one day beggar s in Glantr i

ar e allow ed on the city str eets unhar r assed.

Cl osi n g Day. Alphatians schools close, and the

childr en r etur n hom e.

Bel l s of Fat e. Glantr ians r ing bells all night to

w ar d aw ay even spir its.

Cr et i a's Day. Ethengar play har m less pr anks on

each other all day.

Dar ok i n Day. Dar okin closes all shops and

celebr ates the bir thday of its founder.

Feast of t h e Si l ver Pu r ge. M inr othaddians tell

scar y stor ies and ar e gr ateful for good luck .

Dar ok i n M ask ed Bal l . Annual ball is held in the

capitol, w ith pr oceeds going to char ity.

Fer i a de Tor os. Belcadiz elves r elease bulls in

their str eets and r un alongside them .

Day of Adu l t h ood. Childr en r eaching the age of

m ajor ity ar e pr esented as adults.

Fi r st Day of Ri di n g. Ethengar childr en r eceive

their fir st hor se.

Day of Bi r t h Bl essi n gs. The sham an pr ay to the

W hite Hor se to w atch over the bir th of the foals.

Fi r st Fl ow er i n g. Hin gather up seeds to be

planted in the fall.

Day of Bl essi n gs. Tr ibal khans divide up their

w ealth am ong their follow er s.

Foot m an 's Gam es. Week long celebr ation of

w eaponsm ithing and w ar gam es.

Day of Cou n t i n g. Ethengar count their her ds to

gain favor w ith the khan.

Fr eedom Day/Cr ow n Tou r n ey. Ier endi elects a

new King and Queen w ith m uch fanfar e.

Day of Her oes. Hin spend the entir e day

cleaning up w ar m em or ials and battlefields.

Gon dol a Gam es. Gondolier s host m ock jousts

all day, no business is done.

Day of Law. Ethengar r ecite their law s given by

Tubok , all cr im e is punishable by death.

Good Spr i t e Day. Glantr ians play har m less

pr anks on each other all day.

Day of M agi c. Alphatia celebr ates w ith m agical

displays for the cr ow ds, m ost businesses close.

Gr eat Hor se Fai r . For a w eek Ethengar

w ar r ior s tr ade hor ses and sham an convene.

Day of Nam i n g an d Wel com i n g. Ethengar

pr esent pr esent childr en and get engaged.

Har vest Day. Dar okinians dr ess up like

far m er s and celebr ate the har vest.

Day of Par t i n gs. Ethengar tr ibes split up and go

their ow n w ays.

Hi gh Su m m er . For tw o w eeks the Hin feast and

per for m dr am as, bur ning a dead or c for luck .

Day of Si l en ce. Silence is m andated in

M inr othad for one full day under legal penalty.

How l i n g Day. Alphatians r un w ild, having just

one huge par ty.

Day of t h e Dead. Tr aladar ans clean their

houses, then feast m er r ily at night.

I ce Gam es. Glantr i City shuts dow n for thr ee

days of w inter gam es and balls.

Day of t h e Hoof . Ker endas host a w eek of

equestr ian events.

'I d al Adh a. Som ber day of r em em br ance and

sacr ifice to the Im m or tals.

Day of t h e St r ay M an . Tr aladar ans bur n little

str aw m en in effigy to absolve their sins.

'I d al Fi t r . A childr en's holiday of giftgiving and

gener ally m er r y m aking.

Day of Val er i as. Follow er s of Valer ias get

engaged, m ar r y or other w ise engage in tr ysts.

I l su n dal Day. Celebr ating Ilsundal's ascension,

each elf tr ibe holds a differ ent celebr ation.

Days of Ri gh t . Tr adition Ier endi day of

engagem ents and m ar r iage.

I n depen den ce Day. A day of r em em br ance of

those m ar tyr ed dr iving out for eign invader s.

Dogger el Days. Alphatian schools celebr ate

dr am a, m usic and other ar ts in a sponsor ed fair.

Ki n g St ef an 's Bi r t h day. A day of par ades and

m ilitar y gam es, w ith petty cr im es par doned.

Em pr ess Er i adn a's Bi r t h day. Nobles give gifts

to the Em pr ess or a coin to beggar s in her nam e.

Lai l at al M i r aj . Holy day at the tem ple

celebr ating Al-Kalim 's im m or tality.

Lai l at al Qadr . Ylar i pr ay at their hom es hoping

to be blessed w ith good for tune.

Sh ow i n g Day. Dw ar ves get together to show off

new w ar es and discuss new techniques.

Lan df al l Day. Solem n celebr ation of Alphatian

ar r ival in new w or ld.

Spr i n g Br eak . Glantr i students cut loose and

use spells to blow up ice in the canals.

Layl at Al -Bar aa. Dinner s ar e held w her e past

slights ar e for given.

Th e Cor n er st on e. Shadow Elves celebr ate

cr eation of their tem ple by star ting new r epair s.

M aw l i d an Nabi . Cler ics spend the day telling

cr ow ds about Al-Kalim 's teaching.

Th e Di scover y. Shadow Elves celebr ate

discover y of their hom e w ith songs and food.

M er ch an t Pr i n ce Day. W izar ds cr eate m agical

fir ew or ks w hile par ents thr ow out old clothes.

Th e Dr ow n i n g. Pear l Islander s launch toy

canoes w ith candles to appease the sea.

M i dw i n t er Fest i val . M inr othaddians celebr ate

w ith gift giving and m er r y m aking.

Th e Fast an d t h e Feast . For tw elve days hin

fir st fast for six days then feast for six days.

M i n r ot h ad Day. Election day, celebr ated w ith

r egattas and picnics.

Th e Gat h er i n g. Ethengar celebr ate sum m er by

decor ating cam p w ith gar lands.

M on st er s' Fai r . M onster s ar e par aded thr ough

Glantr i City on the w ay to the auction block .

Th e Reapi n g. Last hin holiday of the year w ith

feasting, r om ance and r est.

M u st er i n g Day. Shadow Elves take a census and

per for m m ilitar y dem onstr ations.

Th e Rebi r t h . Week long holiday in Ier endi

alongside planting of new cr ops.

Necr om an t i a. Klantyr e celebr ates its fallen

her oes, cleaning up gr aves and battlefields.

Th e Rej ect i on . Shadow Elves fast to r eflect on

their betr ayal by Alfheim .

New Year s. Typically celebr ates ar ound the

continent w ith gift giving, par ades and festivals.

Th e Th i n g. Soder fjor d Jar ls m eet to enact new

law s and settle old scor es.

Ni gh t of Fi r e. Tr aladar ans ever yw her e go

looking for lost tr easur e.

Th e Un sh eat h i n g. The Shir es r em em ber the

Thyatian invasion by ar m ing them selves.

Ni gh t of Spi r i t s. Ethengar fast as the boundar y

betw een the spir it w or ld w eakens for a day.

Van ya's Dan ce. Hattians and Heldannic Knights

per for m r itual dances in full ar m or.

Ni gh t of t h e Red M oon . Glantr i w izar ds

celebr ate a r ed full m oon.

Van ya's Day. Thyatis celebr ates victor y by

Vanya w ith good natur ed duels and feasts.

Open i n g Day. Alphatian univer sities have their

fir st day of class.

Vyon n ese Car n i val . New Aver oigne celebr ates

w ith br ight costum es and loud noises.

Par ade Day. Glantr i ar my m ar ches in par ades

and hosts m ock gam es.

Weddi n gs Day. The m ost popular day for

dw ar ves to m ar r y.

Par l i am en t Day. Glantr i politicians take a day

off w or k .

W h i t e Hor se Cer em on y. Sham ans sacr ifice a

w hite hor se to pr otect her ds in the new year.

Pr ot i u s' Day. Celebr ated w ith cler ical r ituals

and quiet feasts.

W i n e Fest i val s. A w eek long w ine festival w ith

contests and tastings.

Rai si n g t h e Wal l s. Glantr ian w izar ds tr y to one

up each other cr eating defenses for their city.

W i n t er Fest i val . For a w eek the Ethengar

com pete and feast.

Coinsof theKnown World


1/100 CP

1/10 SP

1/2 EP

1 GP

5 PP



Tentr id

Half Dar o

Dar o

Leaf (r ar e)



M ir r or


Cr ow n


Atr uaghin






Dar okin


Tentr id

Half Dar o

Dar o








Five Shir es






Glantr i

Penny (5)

Sover eign



Cr ow n (50)

Ier endi





Pali (10)

Kar am eikos


Cr ona




M inr othad


Quer t


Cr ona



Or en

Eyr ir


Kr ona


Rockhom e




Tr ader /M oon

Sun (10)

Soder fjor d

Or en



M ar kka



Denar ius

Aster ius



Em per or


Or en

Flor en




Ylar uam


Dir ham




Special Cur r encies

Glantr i's Penny is w or th 5cp, the Cr ow n is enchanted platinum w or th 10pp. If the enchantm ent is
dispelled the coin is only w or th 1pp
Rockhom e's Sun is w or th 2pp, They have a silver tr ade coin they use w or th 1gp w ith other nations.
Ethengar 's Tang is m ultiple stam ped coins, each w or th 1, 5 or 10 of its r espective type.
Alfheim 's Leaf is a gold piece, but is consider ed collectible and w or th m or e than it's m etal content.

Races, Heroesand Feats


Racesof Mystara
Dw ar ves

Ther e ar e no Dr ow in M ystar a.

Dw ar ves in the Know n Wor ld ar e separ ated

betw een the dw ar ves that live deep
under gr ound in Rockhom e and those that live
above gr ound in var ious hum an cities. The one
exception is the dw ar ven Clan Wyr w ar f, the
far m er s, w ho attitudes ar e m or e akin to their
sur face dw elling cousins. In addition, all
M ystar a dw ar ves ar e highly m agical r esistant,
this r esistance goes up as they becom e m or e
pow er ful.

Al l El ves i n M yst ar a l ose t h e Tr an ce abi l i t y.

Rockhom e Dw ar ves other than Clan Wyr w ar f

use the M ountain Dw ar f subr ace.
Sur face Dw ar ves and Clan Wyr w ar f use the Hill
Dw ar f subr ace.
Dw ar ven Resi st an ce (r eplaces dw ar ven
You alw ays add their pr oficiency bonus to
saves vs spells and spell effects.
El ves
Elves in M ystar a ar e gr eatly var ied, being fr om
tw o differ ent or igins. The Souther n elves
em igr ated fr om Ever gr un befor e the Gr eat Rain
of Fir e. The shadow elves tr aveled
under gr ound to escape the disaster and settled
in lar ge caver ns under neath the continent.
Another gr oup of elves, the Belcadiz cam e fr om
another land far over the ocean. They ar e
fur ther br oken dow n by w her e they settled.

Sylvan Elves
Located in Alfheim , Glantr i and Kar am eikos
m ainly, Sylvan elves ar e by far the m ost
num er ous. Sylvan elf m ales tend to gr ow long
w hite bear ds late in life. They use the default
Wood Elf Subr ace.
Bel cadi z El ves
Located exclusively in Glantr i, Belcadiz ar e
know n for their fier y passions and extr avagant
clothing. Their m en ar e noted for spor ting
shor t thin bear ds. Belcadiz Elves ar e shor ter
than nor m al elves, and possess dar ker skin and
alm ost alw ays black hair, though br ow n and
r ar ely r ed hair can be found. Belcadiz Elves
use the High Elf Subr ace w ith one var iance.
Bel cadi z Weapon Tr ai n i n g. You have
pr oficiency w ith the r apier, shor t sw or d, shor t
bow and longbow.
Sh adow El ves
As a Shadow Elf you have lived your life
under gr ound w aiting for the r etur n of your
people to the sur face. Your people w as split off
fr om the r est of your r ace in the Gr eat Rain of
Fir e and have spent thousands of year s
under gr ound not know ing w hat w as left of the
sur face w or ld. You com e fr om a deeply

Shadow elves ar e know n for their pale skin and

light hair. Their ear s ar e lar ger than other
elves, it is a giveaw ay in the com pany of other s
of their type.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease: Your w isdom scor e is
incr eased by +2
El f Weapon Tr ai n i n g: You have pr oficiency
w ith the long sw or d, shor t sw or d, cr ossbow and
Dar k Vi si on : You can see per fectly fine in the
dar k to a r ange of 90ft.
Sea El ves
The Sea Elves ar e a tr ibe of elves native to the
M inr othad Guilds. They ar e know n for their
uncanny sense of dir ection, ingr ained fr om
year s at sea. They ar e an adventur ous people,
spending m or e of their tim e at sea than on land.
Ther e is som e m inor distr ust am ong Sylvan
elves for a r esem blance to Shadow Elves, but the
sim ilar ity is pur ely coincidental.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease: Your intelligence scor e
r aises by 1.
El f Weapon Tr ai n i n g: You have pr oficiency
w ith the long sw or d, r apier, long bow and
tr ident.

r aises by 1.
Bon u s Pr of i ci en cy. You have pr oficiency w ith
the Natur e skill.
Hi dden Tr ai l s: You can cast Pass W ithout Tr ace
once using this tr ait. You r egain the ability to do
so after a shor t r est.
Hi n
The hin of M ystar a ar e a stout and pr oud r ace.
They value fr eedom and fam ily m or e than
anything else. Located pr im ar ily in the Five
Shir es, w ith a lar ge pr esence in M inr othad, the
hin ar e on fr iendly ter m s m ost nations and
r aces save Glantr i. They do possess on occasion
the ability to counter m agic, based entir ely on
their r elationship w ith the land of the Shir es.
Shir es and M inr othad hin use the Stout subr ace.
Lightfoot halfings ar e not found in M ystar a.
Gn om es
Gnom es ar e the only m ajor dem ihum an r ace
w ithout a hom eland in the Know n Wor ld. They
do possess a giant flying city know n as Ser r aine,
but the m ajor ity of them live in settlem ents in
the hum an and dw ar ven kingdom s. W hile not
know n for being the adventur ing type, som e
gnom es do set off to see the w or ld.

Bon u s Tool Pr of i ci en cy: You ar e pr oficient w ith

sailing vessels.

Hill Gnom es: Use For est Gnom e subr ace

Bon u s Feat : You gain the Keen M ind feat.

Hal f Races

Vyal i a El ves

In M ystar a ther e ar e no half r aces. In the case

of a m ixed couple, the r ace of the child is the
r ace of the sam e sex par ent. Hum ans and
dem ihum ans can inter br eed, as can hum ans
and or cs. Som e r aces need m agical assistance to
have childr en though, like hum ans and hin.
M yst ar a does n ot h ave t i ef l i n gs, aasi m ar or
dr agon k i n . Hal f el ves an d h al f or cs t ak e on
t h e r ace of a par en t , bu t can st i l l h ave
ch i l dr en of t h e ot h er r ace.

Located in Thyatis and Kar am eikos, the

r eclusive Vyalia ar e exper t for ester s, know n for
their ability to disappear into the for est w ithout
a tr ace. W hile they keep to them selves m ostly,
the Em pir e of Thyatis has contr acted them on
m ultiple occasions to teach the w ay of the
Eldr itch Knight to hum an soldier s. The Vyalia
other w ise stay by them selves, and ar e r em ote
enough that the countr ies they live in leave
them alone.

Sky Gnom es: Use Rock Gnom e subr ace

Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease: Your intelligence scor e


Human Ethnicities
Al asi yan s ar e the sm aller of the m ajor ethnicities
of Ylar uam , and one of the ter r itor ies held by
Thyatis. They ar e consider ed a good natur ed
people, m er ging the cultur es of Thyatis and
Ylar uam . They pr efer dialogue to violence, and
have adjusted their tr aditional gar b for fashion
and pr acticality over r eligious r easons. They
possess dusky skin and dar k hair. Their native
language is Thyatian.
Al ph at i an s ar e found in the Em pir e of Alphatia.
Extr em ely m agical, their land is r uled by
w izar ds. They have tw o distinct ethnic m ake ups,
the com m oner s have copper y color ed skin and
hair r anging fr om r ed, and black . Noble
Alphatians have black hair and blue toned skin.
Native language is Alphatian
At r u agh i n ar e native to the plateau of the sam e
nam e. They ar e an isolated people and behind
other nations in ter m s of technology. They have
r eddish skin and black hair. Native language is
Atr uaghin.
Aver oi gn e ar e found in Glantr i. They ar e fr om
another w or ld r esem bling that of Fr ance. They
or iginally fr om Alphatia. They ar e a volatile
have been plagued by lycanthr opy in the past,
people, descendants of the fir e w or shiper s of old.
and their nobles ar e know n for being ver y
M any feel they ar e the r ightful r uler s of Glantr i.
eccentr ic. They tend to have fair skin and blonde
Flaem ish have copper toned skin and br ight r ed
to br ow n hair. Native language is Aver oigne.
hair. Native language is Flaem ish.
Dar ok i n is a m ixed r ace fr om all the var ious
Hat t i an s ar e fr om an island off the coast of
peoples that have com e to live in the countr y of
Thyatis. They w er e once an equal par t of the
the sam e nam e. They ar e a w ealthy and
em pir e until an ill fated r evolt caused them to be
industr ious people, built on tr ade. They tend to
conquer ed again. They ar e know n for their
have tan skin and dar k hair. Native language is
r acism and super ior ity com plex. They tend to
Dar okin.
have olive skin and hair r anging fr om light to
Et h en gar ar e pr oud w ar r ior s of the steppes on dar k . The native language is Thyatian.
the Sea of Gr ass. They ar e nom adic and fam ily
Hel dan n i c Fr eeholder s com e fr om the lands to
or iented. It it said they lear ned to r ide befor e
the far nor th. They ar e fier cely independent to
they lear ned to w alk . Ethengar have dar k copper
the point of being disor ganized. They have
toned skin and black hair and tend to be of a
r esisted attem pts at conquest by Ethengar and
slight build. Native Language is Ethengar.
Ostland, and r efused to be m er ged by the other
Fl aem i sh w er e the or iginal settler s of Glantr i,
Nor ther n nations. Fr eeholder s have fair hair

and pale skin. Their native language is Heldan.

Hi n t er l an der s r elish life, w her e they ar e
fighting or car ousing. Their lands ar e at w ar
w ith the Thyatian Em pir e, though som e of them
have changed sides. Hinter lander s value
individual achievem ent over all else.
Hinter lander s tend to be lar ger than other s,
w ith fair skin and hair that r anges fr om light to
r ed. Native language is Thyatian.
Jen n i t es fr om Ester hold ar e a conquer ed
people. Over r un by Alphatia and used for slave
labor the Jennites look to escape their w izar d
over lor ds. Jennite ar e of aver age height but
lar ge build. They have dar k br ow n skin, w ith
dar k eyes. Native language is Alphatian.
Kl an t yr e ar e found in Glantr i. They w er e
br ought over by the people that br ought over
the Aver oigne, a land r esem bling Scotland.
They tend to be a haunted people w ith a lar ge
num ber of ghosts in their r egion. Klantyr e tend
to be lar ger that nor m al hum ans, w ith pale skin
and br ow n to r ed hair. Native language is
Klantyr e
M ak ai ar e the native islander s to Ier endi.
Playful in tim es of peace, fear som e in tim es of
w ar, the M akai never do som ething halfw ay.
They ar e a sim ple people, living off the vast
bounty the isles have to offer. Their skin tone is
typically br onze, w ith str aight or extr em ely
cur ly black hair. Native language is Thyatian.
M ak i st an i ar e the lar gest ethnic gr oup in
Ylar uam . A deeply r eligious people, they ar e
consider ed ster n and unfor giving by other
cultur es. They w er e lar gely nom adic until
r ecently, w hen they began to for m cities. They
hold honor above all, and have str ict sex r oles.
M akistani have br ow n skin and black hair and
tend to have a lot of hair. Their native language
is Ylar i.
Th ot h i an s com e fr om the Isle of Daw n, unlike
other people native to the island, Thothians
have dar k skin and hair. Though they shar e the

sam e language as the r eclusive Nithians of

Ylar uam , their cultur e is vastly differ ence.
Native language is Nithian.
Nor t h m en com pr ise the population of Ostland,
Vestland and Soder fjor d. They ar e a r ugged
people, living in a har sh clim e and hostile
hum anoids. They ar e of a lar ge build, w ith fair
hair and heavy bear ds. Native language is
Nu ar i ar e dar k skinned peoples fr om the Pear l
Islands. Conquer ed by Thyatis at the star t of the
Em pir e, they have acclim ated w ith the Em pir e
w hile keeping their ow n cultur e. Nuar i str ive
for per fection no m atter their task , they str ive to
be gr eat w ar r ior s and scholar s. Nuar i have
alm ost coal black eyes and black hair. Native
language is Thyatian.
Och al ean s ar e a conquer ed people in the
Em pir e of Thyatis. They ar e exotic com par ed to
the r est of the Em pir e, w ith yellow skin and
dar k hair. Ochaleans ar e know n for their
ar tistr y, food and their unar m ed fighting styles.
Native language is Thyatian.
Thyat i an s ar e the m ajor ity in the Thyatian
em pir e, and have spr ead thr oughout the know n
w or ld. They ar e found in neighbor ing countr ies
and as far aw ay as Ostland and Glantr i. They
ar e know n for their tr eacher ous natur es, but
m ostly inside of Thyatis. Thyatians have a light
olive skin tone and light to dar k br ow n hair.
They ar e know n for their lar ge noses. Native
language is Thyatian, w hich is consider ed
Com m on for M ystar a.
Tr al adar an s ar e native to w hat is now the
Gr and Duchy of Kar am eikos. They ar e a
super stitious people, living in a land plagued by
undead, invasions, and m onster s. They tend to
dr ess br ightly w hen they can affor d it. Their
tastes r un sim ple, valuing function over for m .
Their hair tends to be dar k and their skin pale.
They ar e shor ter than other nationalities. Their
native tongue is Tr aladar an.

A fier ce and nom adic people, the noble lupin
tr avel the w ilder ness in fam ily packs follow ing
the her ds they hunt. A fr iendly people, lupin
get along w ith hum ans and dem ihum ans,
though the canine r ace pr efer open spaces to
cr ow ded cities. Lupin ar e the natur al foe of
w er ew olves, hunting them w ithout m er cy w hen

St ou t an d Ru gged
Lupin ar e cover ed head to toe in fur, though the
fur can be shor t to the point of bar ely cover ing
the skin, to thick and shaggy for the nor ther n
tr ibes. The heavier coated lupin for obvious
r easons avoid heavy ar m or. They tend to tr avel
light, and don't car r y a lot of possessions.
Excess equipm ent is given to the pack to be used
as needed.
Lupin value loyalty m or e than other
r aces. They ar e pack cr eatur es, to them the
fam ily is all im por tant. A lone lupin that is
outcast or a sole sur vivor of his pack can go m ad
fr om loneliness. Lupin such as these tend to
becom e adventur er s to for m a new pack , and
ar e fier cely loyal to their new found fam ily.
There is no glory to be had alone cub, true glory
comes from the pack. Together we hunt, together
we prosper. All lupin know their roles, from the
our swiftest scouts to our strongest warriors to
our wiliest trackers. You cannot fault another for
being bigger, nor can he fault you for being small
of frame. Remember you can rely on his strength
to aid you as much as he must rely on your speed
to aid him. Differences are only weaknesses if
you do not work towards the same goal.
Together we are stronger than alone. That is the
way of the lupin.

Loyal t o a Fau l t
Lupin packs ar e w ell know n and w elcom ed in
m ost nations of the Know n Wor ld. They live off
of the land, tr ading for w hat they need w ith the
fur s and food they gather in their tr avels. W hile
they ar e not allied w ith any nation, lupin w ill
not think tw ice about pr otecting innocents
under attack . The lupin packs ar e not
associated w ith each other, but w hen they m eet
it is a tim e of celebr ation. M any betr othals ar e
cr eated this w ay to keep the pack's blood fr esh.

-Horr the Scarred, lupin Elder


Lupin can be appr oached by var ious

com m unities for tr ade, assistance or to hir e out
as m er cenar ies as needed. Often if a tow n is
beset by w er ew olves lupin w ill descend to r oute
out their hated enemy. W hile they ar e w elcom e
in m ost par ts, lupin ar e nom ads and seldom
stay for long. W hen they com e to any ar ea w ith
am ple gam e, they w ill set up a tem por ar y
village to allow them to hunt for longer per iods
of tim e.

Lon e Wol ves

Lupin often becom e adventur er s w hen they
have left a pack for w hat ever r eason. Som e
cubs gr ow enam or ed of the w or ld and w ish to
see m or e than w hat follow ing their pack can
offer. Other s ar e exiled for som e unspoken
cr im e, and other s ar e the only sur vivor s of som e
gr eat catastr ophe. Regar dless of the r eason, the
lupin bond w ith their fellow adventur er s like
fam ily.

Bu l l Lu pi n
The har diest of the lupin, the Bull var ieties ar e
know n for their str ength and cour age.
Consider ed the best w ar r ior s of the br eed, the
bull lupin ar e often found looking for tr ouble
w hen the pack ar r ives at a new hunter gr ound.
W hen the hound lupin find w er ew olves, the
bull lupin ar e the fir st to go in.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your str ength
incr eases by 1.
Bu i l t f or Fi gh t i n g. Bull lupin gain pr oficiency
in the Intim idation skill.
Hou n d Lu pi n
The scouts of the lupin, hound lupin ar e
r esponsible for hunting dow n gam e and finding
new places to hunt. Their sense of sm ell is
legendar y, and they ar e fear ed for the their
tenacity w hen they detect a foe.

Lupin Trait s

Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your w isdom incr eases

by 1.

Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Constitution scor e

incr eases by 2.

Hei gh t en ed Sen se of Sm el l : You have

advantage on all Per ception tests using sm ell.

Age: Lupin r each m atur ity quickly, ar ound 10

year s old. They live on aver age about 90 year s.

Hu n t er Lu pi n

Al i gn m en t: M ost lupin ar e law ful in natur e, and

m ost ar e good as w ell.
Si ze: Lupin aver age 5'5. They aver age 180lbs
fully gr ow n. They ar e m edium cr eatur es.
Speed: Your base speed is 30 feet.
Lan gu ages: You can speak , r ead and w r ite
Com m on and Lupin
Dar k v i si on : Lupin can see in the dar k 60'
Keen Sen ses: Lupin gain pr oficiency in the
Per ception skill.

One of the m ost num er ous types of lupin, the

hunter lupin ar e sm aller than other lupin, but
m ake up for it by being m uch m or e agile.
Skilled w olf r ider s and know n for their ar cher y
skills, they for m m ost of the lupin outr ider s on
the hunt.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Dexter ity
incr eases by 1.
Wol f Ri der . Hunter lupin ar e alw ays tr eated as
having a saddle w hen r iding a w olf or other

Wer ew ol f An i m osi t y: Lupin autom atically

know if som eone is a w er ew olf w hen looking at
them , even if they ar e in hum an for m .


Li t h e an d Agi l e
Rakasta ar e as var ied as lupin, but all r akasta
shar e an alm ost unnatur al gr ace. They ar e
extr em ely var ied in size, fr om ar ound 5' for the
dom estic Rakasta to alm ost 7' tall for the gr eater
Rakasta. Likew ise their w eight can be
anyw her e fr om 90lbs for the lither ver sions, to
alm ost 500lbs for the lar gest Gr eater Rakasta.
Rakasta appear as fur r y hum anoids w ith feline
heads. The sm aller r akasta appear to have
heads of com m on house cats, w her e the lar gest
of r akasta have heads r esem bling lions or tiger s.
Their coats can be any var iety of color s, though
the gr eater r akasta often have coats sim ilar to
tiger s or leopar ds.

Fi ck l e Cr eat u r es

Despite what you think I'm not a normally a

burglar. But if you want me in on your little
heist, I want double. Plus I get first pick of the
loot and top billing on the wanted poster if the
guard starts looking for us.
Neulla M arta- Acquisitions Specialist

Rak ast a
Rakasta ar e a r ace of nom adic feline hum anoids
that ar e found on the Isle of Dr ead and in par ts
of Thyatis. They ar e a w ar like r ace, pr iding
them selves on their m ar tial skills. They ar e also
know n for their ar tistic natur e, w ith their
potter y and ar t being quite collectible am ong
the nobles of var ious hum an kingdom s. Rakasta
tr avel in fam ily gr oups, alw ays looking for new
pr ey. They ar e valued as tr ading par tner s
am ong the Dar okin and M inr othad m er chant
pr inces.

Rakasta tr avel in fam ily gr oups usually. They

ar e not tied dow n to the fam ily gr oup, but ow e
allegiance to their chief. M any of the r akasta
seek glor y on the battlefield, w hen their chief
does not pr ovide them w ith enough glor y they
w ill challenge the chief or seek it for
them selves.
Rakasta ar e know n for their fine cr aftsm anship,
w hen they ar e not at w ar they tur n to m aking
high quality w or ks of ar t. M any m er chants seek
them out for tr ade, br inging w eapons in
exchange for valuable fur s, jew elr y and
tapestr ies. Rakasta pr efer to tr ade r ather than
steal, ther e is no honor for them in r obber y.

Hi gh l y Adapt abl e
Rakasta ar e found alm ost ever yw her e in the
Know n Wor ld. Though not the m ost num er ous
of r aces, ther e ar e few places on the continent
they have not tr aveled. Rakasta pr efer w ide
open spaces like the Isle of Dr ead, but they ar e
not a r ar e site in m ajor cities either. The
r akasta on the m ainland tend to stay in the
w ilder ness follow ing the gam e anim als.


M any r akasta have adapted to the var ious

envir onm ents. The solitar y gr eater r akasta tend
to be loner s, and can be found in higher
m ountains or deep for ests instead of w ith packs.
Som e r akasta fall in love w ith the bustle of the
city and the fact m any find them exotic and
instead r eside in the gr eat m etr opolises in
Glantr i or Thyatis.

Hi gh l y Cu r i ou s
Rakasta ar e w ell know n for their cur iosity, and
its ability to lead them into tr ouble. M any
r akasta gr ow tir ed of the pack life and seek out
new fr iends to take them to m or e inter esting
places. W hile m any r akasta r etur n, som e
becom e devoted to the adventur ing life and
never settle dow n at all.
Rak ast a Abi l i t i es
Ability Scor e Incr ease. Your Dexter ity scor e
incr eases by 2.
Age. Rakasta r each m atur ity ar ound 12 year s
old. They live on aver age 90 year s.
Al i gn m en t : M ost r akasta ar e neutr al in
alignm ent.
Si ze. Rakasta ar e fr om 6-7' tall, but only w eight
ar ound 150lbs. They ar e m edium cr eatur es.
Speed. Your base speed is 35 feet.
Lan gu ages. You can speak , r ead and w r ite
Com m on and Rakasta
Dar k v i si on . Rakasta can see in the dar k 90'
Fear of Wat er . W hen on a boat or w hen
com pletely dr enched, r akasta have disadvantage
to attacks until they get on land or dr y off.
Cat f al l . Rakasta have r esistance to falling
dam age.
Nat u r al Weapon s. Rakasta claw s deal 1d4
points of dam age, and ar e consider ed light
w eapons.
Weapon Pr of i ci en cy. Rakasta have pr oficiency
in the Kasas, a for m of shor t sw or d they w ear as

claw s. See w eapons on page 86.

Gr eat er Rak ast a
The lar gest of the r akasta, gr eater r akasta ar e
solitar y hulking br utes. Unlike other r akasta
the gr eater r akasta live alone, hunting pr ey for
them selves. They tend to be sur ly and
suspicious of outsider s. They can be found in
alm ost any type of w ilder ness, often as hunter s
or r anger s.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Str ength incr eases
by 1.
Roar . All enem ies w ithin 10' m ust m ake a
W isdom save DC 8 + pr oficiency bonus + your
Char ism a bonus or becom e fr ightened for 1d6+1
r ounds. You cannot use this ability again until
you take a shor t r est.
W i l d Rak ast a
The m ost com m on r akasta, w ild r akasta ar e
found in packs in secluded ar eas or w ide open
spaces. Know n for their ability to leap gr eat
distances, they sur pr ise their foes by closer
faster than thought possible.
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Constitution
incr eases by 1.
Pou n ce. W hen jum ping you double the distance
jum ped. You have advantage on all tests w hen
jum ping over obstacles or seeing if you land on
your feet.
Dom est i c Rak ast a
Giving up living in the w ilds for the com for ts of
ur ban living, dom estic r akasta ar e an
uncom m on sight in the lar ger cities. W hile they
have lost som e of the savager y of their kin, they
ar e also know n for their alm ost super natur al
luck .
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Char ism a
incr eases by 1.
Ni n e Li ves. You have advantage on death saving
thr ow s.

Et h er eal an d Ti m el ess
The appear ance of the sidhe is as var ied as the
hum ans. Sidhe appear to be a hybr id of m an
and elf, though they ar e r elated to neither r ace.
They can usually pass as hum an easily. Sidhe
r ange fr om 5'8 to w ell over 6' on aver age,
though they tend to be of light build, w eighing
less than a hum an of sim ilar size. Hair color for
the sidhe can r ange fr om nor m al hum an color s
to unusual like dar k gr een or br ight pink . Their
eyes ar e the sam e w ay and can be any color and
need not even m atch. Sidhe ar e effectively
im m or tal, they do not age and if slain instead
r eincar nate back in the Good Kingdom .
Sidhe skin color tends to be the sam e shade of
hum ans, though they can go to extr em es, w ith
skin w hite as snow or black as onyx. Facial hair
is r ar e on sidhe m en, but not unhear d of. Both
sexes tend to ador n them selves w ith jew elr y, the
m or e extr avagant the better. Their clothing
r anges fr om sim ple fur s to gow ns finer than
w hat em per or s could even dr eam of.
Look at it! The light reflects off it so perfectly!
Have you ever seen something so shiny? To think
this was made by nature, no craftsman shaped it,
no one designed it, it happened naturally. Just
left alone in this cave undisturbed until the
dragon made its layer right beside it. I call this
for my first share of the treasure, this pebble.
-Aurora Stargrove, sidhe Bard

The m ost hum an of the fey cr eatur es, the sidhe
ar e highly m agical cr eatur es that ar e know n for
their cur iosity of m or tal r aces. Each one is an
innate spell caster, and possess all of the
str engths and w eaknesses of the other fey
cr eatur es. They ar e know n for their w eakness
to ir on, it hur ts them gr eatly and just possessing
it r obs them of their m agical abilities.

Sidhe tr easur e things of beauty m or e than

physical value. A w ell m ade etched glass w ould
be w or th m or e to them than a chest of gold
bullion. They ar e cr eatur es of passion and
em otion, and love ar t of all types, fr om dw ar ven
histor y r ecitals to r ustic hin dances. They abhor
ugliness, str ive for per fection in anything they
m ake.

St r an ger i n a St r an ge Lan d
Despite their hum an appear ance, sidhe ar e
for eign to the Know n Wor ld. For them
ever ything is extr em ely unusual. The lack of
m agic, the static natur e ar ound them and the
shor t lived cr eatur es they encounter intr igue
them . Sidhe ar e dr iven to exper ience all they
can in nor m al w or ld. They ar e not attr acted by
gold or pow er, but by new exper iences. A sidhe
w ill agr ee to go on an adventur e that pays
nothing if it sounds exciting to her.

To outsider s the sidhe seem over ly gener ous but

foolish. They don't under stand the inhum an
m otivations of the sidhe. They ar e im m or tal,
they have no need for r iches or pow er. W hen
they r etur n to the Good Kingdom their stor ies
ar e their cur r ency. The fey m em or y is coin and
excitem ent it's ow n r ew ar d.

appear s fully gr ow n after 20 year s.

El dr i t ch Or i gi n s

Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.

All sidhe com e fr om another r ealm called they

call the Good Kingdom . The m ost w ell know n
por tal is in Alfheim , but other s exist. The
Dr eam land is a place w ithout tim e or death,
w her e ever ything seem s to change but nothing
tr uly does. Ober on has been king for longer
than m an has w alked the face of the planet. The
sidhe have w atched m ountains r ise and fall, and
it is no sur pr ise that m any of them get bor ed
w ith their im m or tal existence.
Sidhe r ar ely tr avel together, they exper ience
enough of each other in the Good Kingdom , they
w ant to m eet new cr eatur es and see new sites.
Sidhe often blend in w ith hum an societies, their
neighbor s none the w iser. Sidhe even get
m ar r ied to tr y and lear n about love, but they
ar e doom ed to w atch their spouse w ither and
die fr om age.

Ex pl or i n g t h e n ew w or l d

Al i gn m en t . M ost sidhe ar e chaotic by natur e,

though their r uler s ar e law ful. Evil sidhe ar e
consider ed unseelie and shunned.
Si ze. Sidhe aver age 5'6 to over 6' tall. They ar e
lithe, aver age ar ound 120-150lbs.

Lan gu ages. You can speak , r ead and w r ite

Com m on, Elven and Fey
For sak en by t h e I m m or t al s. Due to a schism
w ith the Im m or tals over the cr eation of the
w or ld, fey cannot beseech the Im m or tals for
favor s. Sidhe ar e pr ohibited fr om the cler ic,
dr uid, r anger and paladin classes.
Fey M agi c. Star ting at level 2 and ever y other
level after that, you m ay select a spell fr om the
Enchantm ent or Illusion schools. The spell level
m ust be half the sidhe's level. you m ay cast that
spell once w ithout needing com ponents. You
r egain the ability to cast the spell after a shor t
r est.
I n v i si bl e t o M or t al s. The sidhe m ay becom e
invisible exactly like the invisibility spell to
living, non-fey cr eatur es. The sidhe cannot use
the ability again until they have had a shor t
r est.

Sidhe w hen enter ing the new w or ld tend to seek

out the lar ge population center they can find.
M any becom e adventur es because of the
excitem ent it br ings. Their lack of desir e for
w ealth cause m any to think them naive, but few
under stand the myster ious cr eatur es w ell. Once
the sidhe has cir cled the globe a few tim es, they
r etur n to the Good Kingdom to shar e their tales.

Wat er Br eat h i n g. The sidhe can br eathe w ater

as w ell as it can br eathe air.

Si dh e Tr ai t s

Tr u e Fey. The sidhe ar e im m une to nonm agical

diseases, can see other fey that ar e invisible and
take dam age fr om holy w ater as if they w er e
undead. As they r eincar nate into a new for m ,
spells that r aise them fr om the dead do not
w or k unless cast w ithin ten m inutes of the
sidhe's death.

Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Char ism a scor e

incr eases by 2.
Age. Sidhe have no concept of age as they ar e
effectively im m or tal, r eincar nating back in their
native land after death. The aver age sidhe

I r on Al l er gy. Sidhe cannot stand the touch of

ir on. Sidhe cannot cast spells w hile w ear ing or
touching m etal w eapons or ar m or. Item s w ith a
+2 enchantm ent or better ar e not consider ed to
be m ade of ir on. The sidhe has dam age
vulner ability against ir on w eapons.


Tor t l e
Tor tles ar e a stoic and placid r ace, content to
live in their shor eline villages fishing. W ith
natur al heavy ar m or and nothing of r eal value,
m ost other r aces ar e content to leave them
alone. W hile they have few enem ies, Tor tles do
not go out of their w ay to m ake fr iends either.

Sl ow an d Pon der ou s
Tor tles have little in the w ay in var iety, they
have color ation r anging fr om br ow n to gr een
but ar e har d to tell apar t except for their shells.
Each tor tle shell is a unique patter n on the back ,
and occasionally the Tor tles w ill paint them for
decor ation. The aver age tor tle stands 6' tall,
w eighing in at alm ost 700lbs or m or e.

Tor tles ar e r eptilian in natur e, w ith r ough scales

over m uch of their body. They have a heavy
shell that in on par w ith heavy ar m or. Their
faces have beaks for m ouths, and also have
lar ge over sized hands and feet.
This is the life I tell you. No worries, no fretting.
Just fishing all day and lounging around in the
sun. This is how a tortle is meant to live, leave all
the running around and worrying to the other
races. Here we live in peace and harmony with
all other things. Just fishing and sunning. That's
the life. Of course if you feel obliged to take up
arms and go live a short brutal life before some
orc pries open your shell and eats you, that's up
to you. I won't stop you, who know maybe the
change of scenery might do you some good. They
are looking up at that keep for somebody to clean
out some caves of goblins. You grab a club and
go head over there and sign up. M aybe you
should do that, because if I catch you with my
niece again, I'm gonna throw you in the ocean.

Bou n d by Tr adi t i on
Tor tles above all else value their peace and
quiet. M ost Tor tles live alone, fishing and
keeping their huts tidy. They ar e not know n for
being cr aftsm en or w ar r ior s. Tor tles far m
com m unally, com ing together as a gr oup in
tim es of need. W hen w inter com es often they
load up on w agons and head to w ar m er clim es.
W hile Tor tles ar e know n as kind and car ing
cr eatur es, they ar e not the m ost fr iendly. Rar ely
w ill you find a tor tle going to tr ade w ith other
r aces, and alm ost never w ill you find one living
inside a city. Tor tles ar e happy w atching the
w or ld go on by them .

-Flash Yellowbeard, concerned uncle


Coast al Cr eat u r es

incr eases by 2.

Tor tles ar e found exclusively on the shor es of

the m ainland and the islands in the Sea of
Dr ead. They build sm all fishing villages w her e
they can also m aintain their far m s. They don't
build up for tifications but r ely on their natur al
ar m or and neighbor s to aid them in case they
ar e attacked. W hile m er chants m ay com e to
tr ade, tor tles ar e gener ally know n for their
m eager existences.

Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your W isdom scor e

incr eases by 1.

Tor tles do m aintain a for tified building for their

eggs. Her e the fem ale tor tles com e to lay their
eggs, guar ded by older tor tle m ales. Once the
eggs ar e laid the fem ales die shor tly ther e after,
follow ed by the older m ale guar dians. The r est
of the village then r aises the hatchlings w hen
they em er ge.
Nat u r al Bor n Gu ar di an
For som e tor tles living solitar y bor ing lives until
they die isn't enough. They have to go out and
m ake som ething of them selves, even if just
br iefly. Once in a long w hile a tor tle w ill put
dow n his hoe and fishing pole, pick up a
w eapon and go and tr y to m ake the w or ld a
better place. W hile not the m ost agile cr eatur es,
they m ake excellent w ar r ior s because of their
natur al str ength and heavy ar m or.
Tor t l e Tr ai t s
Abi l i t y Scor e I n cr ease. Your Str ength scor e

Age. Tor tles r each m atur ity ar ound 5 year s old.

They ar e a shor t lived r ace, only r eaching 50
year s old on aver age.
Al i gn m en t . Alm ost all tor tles ar e law ful in
alignm ent.
Si ze. Tor tles ar e usually 6' tall, and w eight on
aver age 700lbs. They ar e m edium cr eatur es.
Speed. Your base speed is 20 feet.
Lan gu ages. You can speak , r ead and w r ite
Com m on and Tor tle.
Nat u r al Ar m or . Tor tles have a har dened shell
that gives them gr eat pr otection and counts as
ar m or for all pur poses. The older the tor tle the
str onger its shell. You add your pr oficiency
bonus to your ar m or class. You cannot w ear
other ar m or, as nothing fits over your shell.
Per son al Sh el t er . As a bonus action the tor tle
can w ithdr aw into his shell. This gives you +2
AC and advantage on all saving thr ow s, but you
ar e consider ed blind until you spends another
bonus action to com e out of your shell.
I n cr eased Lu n g Capaci t y. You can hold his
br eath for 2 hour s.
Cl u m sy. You have disadvantage on Acr obatics


Classesof Mystara
Unlike other settings for Dungeons and Dr agons, not all classes ar e available to all r aces or
geogr aphical ar eas. In som e cases the r ace just can't per for m m agic of a par ticular type, and
cer tain nations classes ar e for bidden or r estr icted. Som e classes ar e extr em ely r ar e, and som e do
not function the sam e in M ystar a. Additionally ther e ar e sever al ar chetypes found only in M ystar a.
Cl ass/Ar ch et ype

Regi on al Rest r i ct i on s

Raci al Rest r i ct i on s

Bar bar ian/Ber ser ker

Unknow n outside of Nor ther n


No hin

Bar bar ian/Totem War r ior

Unknow n outside of
Ethengar /Atr uaghin

No hin

Bar d/Any

No Restr ictions

No Dw ar ves

Cler ic/Any

Illegal in Glantr i, Regional

Ar chetypes available.

No sidhe. Regional Ar chetypes

have their ow n r estr ictions.

Dr uid/Any

Illegal in Glantr i, Regional

No sidhe

Fighter /Eldr itch Knight

Glantr i or Thyatian Hum an

only if hum an

Elf or sidhe only other w ise

M onk/Open Hand or Shadow

Ver y r ar e outside Ochalea

Ver y r ar e outside hum ans.

M onk of the Open Fist

Ver y r ar e outside of Glantr i

Hum an, elf or sidhe only


Illegal in Glantr i, Regional

Ar chetypes available

No sidhe


Illegal in Glantr i

No sidhe

Rogue/Ar cane Tr ickster

Glantr i or Thyatian Hum an

only if hum an

Elf or sidhe only other w ise

Sor cer er /Dr aconic or W ild

Not available in M ystar a

Not Available in M ystar a

Sor cer er /Disciple of Radiance

Glantr i or Shadow Elves only

Hum an or Elf only

War lock/Any

Illegal in m ost nations

No dw ar ves or sidhe

W izar d/Any

No Restr ictions, Regional

Ar chetypes available

No dw ar ves

Any class or ar chetype not listed has no r estr ictions at all.


NewMystara Archetypes

Go around? Do you have any idea how much

time we would lose going around the storm? I
will not be beaten to market by some random
Thyatian flea market reject because of a little
rain. Fetch me my spell books, we will see about
this so called storm.
-Emil Pavous, M inrothad Aurumancer

Aur um ancer
W izar d Ar chetype
The m er chant houses of Dar okin and
M inr othad have long used m agic to incr ease
their advantage on long tr ade r outes. Not only
can the Aur um ancer s defend them selves, but
they can also contr ol w eather or m end br oken
w agons and sails to keep the tr ade flow ing.
W hile other w izar ds consider the Aur um ancer
not tr ue w izar ds, the Aur um ancer com for t
them selves w ith the finest luxur ies m oney can

Restr ictions. Char acter m ust be native of

M inr othad or Dar okin
Bu si n ess M i n ded. At 2nd level w hen r olling on
the Running a Business char t for dow ntim e, you
r oll the per centiles tw ice and takes the higher
num ber.
Gr adu at e of t h e Bu si n ess Col l eges. At 2nd
level you gain pr oficiency in the Insight and
Per suasion skills.
Bon u s Spel l . At 6th level you can cast the spell
Evaluate at w ill.
Pr ef er r ed Cu st om er . At 10th level you get a
25% discount on all spell com ponents and
copying spells.
Sel l er 's M ar k et . At 14th level you can alw ays
find a buyer for m agic item s, no r oll is needed.
W hen on the char t to deter m ine pr ice, r oll
per centiles tw ice and use the higher num ber.


Der vish
Dr uid Ar chetype
Your m aster y of the sands of Ylar uam give you
pow er ful advantages in the deser ts of your
hom eland.

The Der vish is found only in the deser t sands of

Ylar uam , though som e m aybe found to the West
in Sind. The Der vish gives up m any of his
possessions for unpar alleled m ovem ent and
elem ental contr ol.
Restr iction: Native of Ylar uam only.
Yl ar u am Resi l i en ce. W hen you becom e a
Der vish at second level you only need half as
m uch w ater a day to sur vive, and gains
advantage on extr em e heat checks.
Pat h of t h e Deser t . At second level you gain
pr oficiency in unar m ed attack and add your
pr oficiency bonus to your ar m or class if not
w ear ing ar m or.

You can go that way if you wish ajaniib, I will not

be held responsible for your passing, but I will
offer a prayer in your memory. If you wish to
pass through the great sands and live, I
recommend you acquire the services of a Dervish.
Only the hardiest of Ylari can live in this blasted
desert, only the Dervish thrive in it.
-Aljari Al-Kaz, Ylari porter

St ep Th r ou gh San d. At 6th level you m ay cast

M isty Step a num ber of tim es up to your
W isdom bonus befor e needing a long or shor t
r est. W hen using Step Thr ough Sandyou m ust
be in deser t ter r ain, and leaves any m etal you
w er e holding or w ear ing behind.
Bl ade of t h e Ef r eet . At 10th level you m ay cast
Flam e Blade at w ill.
W h i r l i n g Der v i sh . At 14th level you m ay spend
a W ild Shape use to becom e an Air Elem ental.


Diplom at
Rogue Ar chetype
Par t m er chant, par t spy and w illing to act both
par ts, the Dar okin Diplom atic Cor ps tr ains m en
and w om en in the fine ar t of negotiation. Sent
to all par ts of the w or ld to secur e the safety and
secur ity of Dar okin's inter ests, the Diplom ats
ar e not above a bit of espionage if it w ould
fur ther their m ission.
Restr iction: Native of Dar okin only.

Di pl om at i c Tr ai n i n g.
At 3r d level you can use Insight, Per ception or
Investigation as a bonus action to gain cur sor y
know ledge about a per son they ar e talking to.
This includes their m ood, any insignias they ar e
w ear ing, or a r esem blance to another per son
pr esent. The m or e obscur e the detail the m or e
difficult the test.

Li n gu a Fr an ca.

I understand your concern sir, and believe me it

is quite and unusual request. However I might
that there is a lot of money riding on this trade
deal so I suggest you take it to avoid loosing face
or status in the guild. You will provide M r.
Oktarki here the grain and clothing requested, in
exchange you will receive the agreed upon
amount, as well as a bonus of four horses and the
betrothal of his middle daughter. I suggest you
take his generous offer, sir.

At 9th level you lear n tw o additional languages,

and lear ning new languages only takes 100 days
of dow ntim e instead of 250.

Ei det i c M i n d.
At 13th level you gain the Keen M ind and
Obser vant Feats

M ast er Negot i at or .
At 17th level you gain advantage on Deception
or Per suasion tests.

Corwin Beltiar, Darokin Diplomatic Corps


In the m agic steeped land of Glantr i and in the

subter r anean hall of the Shadow Elves lies a
str ange pow er called the Radiance. The elves
believe it a gift fr om the Im m or tals, w hile the
atheist w izar ds of Glantr i view it as just another
tool. W hat is know n is that exposur e to it over
the year s has caused a new br eed of m age to
appear, one that can cr eate spells w ithout
m em or izing them and can alter m agic at w ill.
Restr ictions. Radiance Adept is r estr icted to
natives of Glantr i and Shadow Elves.

Ar can e Vi si on .
At 1st level you have begun to under stand the
w ays of m agic and can see its effect. You can
cast Detect M agic at w ill.

Con t r ol Fl ow.

Power? You call that power? I am no mere

mage! You learn your spells through rote
memorization and study, they came naturally to
me! I command magic like no other! You
struggle with your words while with a wave of
my hand I command the air to burn or your lungs
to become ash. Speak no more to me of gaining
power old man. I am power.
Seamus M cClantyre, Disciple of the Radiance

At 6th level you lear n to fuel your m agic at the

expense of your ow n life for ce. You m ay take
1hp of dam age to gener ate 1 sor cer y point. This
dam age is slow healing and cannot be healed by
m agical m eans, and is only healed dur ing a long
r est after all other dam age has been healed.

Con t r ol Fl u x .
At 14th level you can subtly contr ol the flow of
m agic, optim ize the dam age yield as the spell is
r eleased. W hen you r oll for dam age on a spell
you can r er oll the dice one.

Con t r ol Fat e.

Disciple of the
Sor cer er Ar chetype

At 18th level you can channel your m agical

ener gy into adjusting the ver y w inds of for tune.
W hen the sor cer er fails a skill check or saving
thr ow they m ay spend the differ ence in sor cer y
points to m ake up the differ ence, using Contr ol
Flow to conver t hp in sor cer y points if
necessar y. You can only spend points need to
br ing the total up to the m inim um needed to


For ester
Ranger Ar chetype
Pr otector s of the Vyalia For est, For ester s ar e a
secr etive gr oup of pr otector s inside of Thyatis.
Char ged w ith keeping the Em pir e's savage
enem ies at bay fr om acr oss the bor der s of
Kar am eikos, For ester s str ike fr om am bush fr om
the tr eetops. Nor m ally com pr ised of Vyalia
elves, Em per or Thincol paid the elves a pr incely
sum to tr ain hum ans in the w ay of the For ester.
Restr ictions. Vyalian elves or Thyatian hum ans
only, m ust have for est as their Natur al Explor er
ter r ain.

Ph an t om War r i or s.
You double your pr oficiency bonus w hen
m aking Stealth tests inside a for est.
Orcs. A full raiding party at least four dozen
judging by the tracks. Look to be heading to
Karameikos from the way they are heading. Go
on ahead and warn the others, we will need
reinforcements for this. Tell everyone the
ambush is a the Crooked Tree Crossroads in two
hours. You know your place and you known your
position. Don't start firing until I do, and no
flashy magic to give away your location. We
can't risk them crossing the border and this
become an bigger problem.
Septimus Altari, Thyatian Forester

El dr i t ch M agi cs.
At 7th level you can use w izar d spells fr om the
school of illusion as Ranger spells.

Tr eew al k er .
At 11th level w hile inside a for est you can m ove
acr oss the tr ee tops and br anches as if it w er e
nor m al ter r ain.

Seven Leagu e St r i der s.

At 15th level you can telepor t fr om fr om
location to any par t in the for est. This is tr eated
as a Tr ee Str ide spell, except the r ange is
incr eased to any location inside the for est. You
m ust take a long r est befor e using this featur e


Victor y. Do not stop until you ar e victor ious or
Loyalty. Never betr ay those that fight alongside
Pr ow ess. War is life, be pr epar ed at all tim es.
Stoicism . Do not let other s know of your
tr oubles.

Ch an n el Di v i n i t y
W hen you take this oath at 3r d level, you gain
the follow ing to Channel Divinity options.
W i l l of Van ya. As an action you can invoke the
nam e of Vanya to r em ove Fr ightened conditions
fr om all allies in 30'.
Aegi s of Vi ct or y. As a bonus action you can
challenge a foe w ithing 60', using your Channel
Divinity. For 1 m inute your foe's attacks against
you have Disadvantage.
Save your bluster for someone who cares
burgomaster. Either oppose me or surrender, I
am not here to entertain idle threats. You have
neither the will nor the strength to oppose me
and deception will avail you not. Vanya requires
only victory, your survival is not her concern.
Gunter Wulfson, Heldannic Knight

Heldannic Knight
Paladin Ar chetype
The sw or n r eligious or der of the Im m or tal
Vanya, the Heldannic Knights ar e know n for
their pr ow ess at ar m s and their extr em e
m ilitancy. The Knights ar e at constant w ar,
w hether w ith the hum anoids that plague the
nor th lands, the Ethengar nom ads or even their
fellow nor th lander s, it is the w ill of Vanya her
knights seek out conflict.
Restr ictions: M ust be hum an of Heldannic
descent and w or ship Vanya.

Au r a of Vi ct or y
W hen you r each 7th level if at any tim e you ar e
at a quar ter of your hit points or below, you
have advantage on all your attacks.

Bl essed of Van ya
At 15th level Vanya char ges you w ith leading
her follow er s into battle and to gr eatness. You
ar e alw ays under the effect of a cr usader 's
m antle spell.

Et er n al Ch am pi on
At 20th level even death w ill not stop you fr om
fulfilling your vow s. W hen you r each 0 hit
points in com bat, you ar e im m ediately healed to
full hit points sim ilar to a tr ue r esur r ection
spell. You m ust w ait seven days befor e you can
use this ability again.
Heldannic Knight Spells


3r d

Command, Compelled Duel


Branding Smite, M agic Weapon


Blinding Smite, Elemental Weapon


Death Ward, Staggering Smite


Destructive Smite, Banishing Smite

Ten et s of Van ya.

Heldannic Knights cr ave battle in the nam e of
their patr on Im m or tal. They never show fear or
accept less than total sur r ender. They ar e a
highly str uctur ed or der, each Knight know s his


Br indor hin bequeathed cer tain hin w ith the

pow er to defend the Shir es fr om all enem ies.
M uch of the M aster 's pow er com es fr om the
land itself, only pow er ful M aster s can leave the
shir e and still m anifest their pow er s at full
str ength.
Restr iction. Cler ic m ust be a hin fr om the Five
Shir es. You only r ecover spells of a level equal
or less than half your W isdom bonus outside the
Shir es.

Hin M aster Dom ain Spell


Locate Animals or Plants

3r d

Create Food and Water


Commune with Nature


Divine Word


M ass Heal

M ast er Si gh t .
At 2nd level you gain dar kvision w ith a r ange
equal to your level x10'
It's good to the raspberries are coming in good
this year! Bodes well for the Brandypot's ales. So
how is the missus? Got another one on the way?
That's fantastic, what's that, number eight now?
M other was worried you that were going to have
a small family, just getting started late that's all.
Wait you smell that? Let me cast a spell real
quick. As I suspected, gnolls over in the rolling
hills. Sigh, fetch me my hand axe, the one that
catches on fire by itself, yes that one. Keep the
food warm for me, I don't want to miss supper.
Rose Cobblecreek, Hin M aster

Hin M aster
Cler ic Ar chetype

Ex t r a Sk i l l Pr of i ci en ci es.
At 2nd level you gain pr oficiency in Natur e and
M edicine skills.

En h an ced Den i al .
At 6th the you gain the denial feat (see page 52
of this handbook), and adds double your
pr oficiency w hen using it.

Hi gh M ast er .
At 8th level you gain gain Evasion and can now
r egain spells nor m ally outside the Shir es.

Ti m el ess Body.
At 17th level you only ages one year for ever y
ten that pass.

The keeper s of the Five Shir es, the M aster s

follow the hin pantheon of Im m or tals. The
Im m or tals Nob Nar, Cober ham Shadow glint and

Hor se War r ior

Fighter Ar chetype
The fear ed w ar r ior s of the Ethengar steppes,
Hor se War r ior s ar e unpar alleled in their
m aster y of m ounted com bat. Alm ost as one
w ith their hor se, they can fight at r ange or up
close fr om the saddle. W hile astr ide their hor se,
ther e ar e few that can m atch in the field of
com bat.
Restr ictions. Char acter m ust be Ethengar and
have pr oficiency w ith the Anim al Handling skill.

Bor n i n t h e Saddl e.
At 3r d level you gain the M ounted Com batant

No Hor se, No M an .
At 7th level you gain advantage on all Anim al
Handling and Sur vival Tests.
Concentrate on your attack, for the Heldann,
Glantrian and orc will not hesitate to kill you.
You mush strike quickly then fade. Do not
present your self as a target, pepper them with
arrows and only then, when they are exhausted
beyond all measure, only then do you close in and
kill. Fight as if you and your horse are one.

St eady M ou n t .

Damotai, Ethengar Horse Warrior

Fl u r r y of Deat h .

At 10th level you gain advantage w ith all attacks

w ith a shor t bow w hile m ounted.
Com bat Ri der .
At 15th level w hile you ar e m ounted he gains

At 18th level you m ay split your attacks and

your m ove up w hile m ounted any num ber of
tim es. You have3 attacks at this level, you m ay
r ide 20', shoot w ith his bow, r ide another 20'
and shoot again, then finish your m ovem ent use
bonus action to sw itch to his sw or d and attack a
thir d foe.


unpr ecedented.
Restr iction: Only dw ar ves m ay take this
ar chetype.

Kagyar Dom ain Spell


Thunderous Smite

3r d

Stone Skin


Stone Shape





Gi f t of Kagyar
At 2nd level the cler ic can use a bonus action to
spend channel divinity use as a r eaction. The
cler ic doubles his pr oficiency bonus w hen
m aking a saving thr ow against that spell. This
r eplaces the tur n undead ability.

Ar m s of Kagyar
At 2nd level you gain pr oficiency in Heavy
Ar m or.
You wish to threaten me mage? I am no mere
peasant cowed by your feeble parlor trick. I am a
servant of Kagyar the Stone Lord. The very
creator of the dwarven race. He knew of your
trickery and your spells and prepared his sons
well. Cast your magics wizard. Cast them and
Rolf Dargez, Cleric of Kagyar

Kagyar Dom ain

Cler ic Ar chetype
Dw ar ves ar e m onotheistic in M ystar a, they
follow the teachings of their fir st Im m or tal. In
r etur n Kagyar gives them pow er s unknow n by
the other r aces. W hile they do not have the
nor m al abilities against undead other cler ics
have, their r esistance to m agic is

Aegi s of Kagyar
At 6th level you gain advantage to saving thr ow s
m ade against m agic.

Bl essi n g of Kagyar
At 8th level you m ay use a channel divinity to
give another char acter w ithin 10' of the dw ar f
the sam e bonuses the Gift and Aegis pr ovide the
cler ic. This effect lasts for 1 tur n. This r eplaces
the Destr oy undead affect, each tim e that effect
w ould incr ease the dw ar f m ay give the Blessing
to one m or e additional per son.

Ch am pi on of Kagyar
At 17th level the cler ic has r esistance to spell
dam age.


the eyes of the Im m or tals.

Selflessness. Pr otect the w eak
Justice. All ar e equal in the eyes of the law.
Char ity. Help the less for tunate w ith deeds
Succor. Heal the sick , and br eak foul m agics.

Ch an n el Di v i n i t y
W hen you take this oath at 3r d level, you gain
the follow ing to Channel Divinity options.
Petr a's M er cy. At 3r d level the Paladin gains the
ability to r em oves foul enchantm ents. The
paladin m ay spend a Divine Channel use to cast
Rem ove Cur se like the spell.

You think you can take this village gnoll? I will

warn you that I alone stand vigil and will I draw
breath not one of you will step foot inside. I
possess the strength of Halav, the wisdom of
Petra and endurance of Zirchev. All you have a
paltry few dozen minions. Enough banter, lay on
if you dare.
Aliana Illescu, Or der of the Gr iffon

Or der of the Gr iffon

Fur y of Halav. At 3r d level as an action you can

use your holy sym bol to call on your or der 's
ancient enm ity evil hum anoids to send them
fleeing fr om your sight. The paladin spends a
Divine Channel use to tur n evil hum anoids. All
the nor m al r ules for tur ning applies.

Au r a of San ct i t y.
Star ting at 7th level, you and fr iendly cr eatur es
w ithin 10ft of you cannot be attacked by
non-m agical anim als in Kar am eikos, at 18th
level this aur a extends to 30ft.

Zi r ch ev 's Bl essi n g.
At 15th level you have advantage on all saving
thr ow s.

Par agon of Tr al dar .

Paladin Ar chetype
The knightly or der of the Chur ch of Kar am eikos,
the Or der of the Gr iffon is sw or n to pr otect the
people and land of Kar am eikos against all
enem ies. They ar e a self sacr ificing or der, using
their pow er s gr anted by the Im m or tals to put
them selves betw een danger and their char ge.
Their selfless acts have done m uch to br ing the
divided people of Kar am eikos together as one.

At 20th level you invoke the pow er of the thr ee

patr ons Im m or tals of Kar am eikos. For one
m inute all enem ies that can see you m ust attack
only you, ignor ing other s. W hile under this
effect you gain tw o extr a attacks, ar e r esistant to
all dam age and autom atically pass all saving
thr ow s. Once you use this featur e, you can't use
it again until you finish a long r est.

Or der of the Gr iffon Spells

Restr ictions. Char acter follow the Chur ch of

Kar am eikos.

3r d

Compelled Duel, Goodberry

Tenets of the Gr iffon.


Lesser Restoration, Aid

The Or der of the Gr iffon ar e the sw or n

pr otector s of the Gr and Duchy of Kar am eikos,
pledging their lives to defend their countr y.
They ar e beloved in their hom eland,
em phasizing equality of all the people befor e


Create Food and Water,


Locate Creature, Death Ward


Circle of Power, Greater


Pr ivateer
Fighter Ar chetype
W hile M inr othad is w ell know n for it's
m er chant ships, they do issue Letter s of M ar que
to br ing in extr a r evenues. Captaining these
r aider s ar e the fear ed Pr ivateer s. Excelling at
naval com bat far m or e than m er e sailor s, the
Pr ivateer s ar e r om anticized for their dar ing
Restr ictions. M ust be native of M inr othad Guilds

Sea Legs.
At 3r d level the Pr ivateer gains Pr oficiency in
vehicles (w ater ) and advantage on Acr obatics
tests w hen sw inging fr om a r ope.

Boar der s Aw ay.

At 7th level if w ear ing light or no ar m or, w hile
on boar d a ship you gain +2AC.

St eady As Sh e Goes.
At 10th level if you ar e in com m and of a ship,
all attack r olls using your ship's ar tiller y have
advantage. You need not be the one fir ing the
ar tiller y to gain this bonus.

M ast er Nav i gat or .

There she is, 80 degrees of port. Lower the sails,

hoist the Roger and more speed! She'll not escape
us today, I want marines on deck and prepare
boarders. A double share to the first sailor to set
boots upon her! M ages and archers aloft, make
sure the wind is ours. Tonight we shall adorn
ourselves with the trappings of the Empress of
Alphatia herself! M inroth, I love this job!

At 15th level w hile you ar e in com m and of a

ship, all Navigation, and Vehicle (w ater ) tests on
your ship have advantage.

Dr ead Pi r at e.
At 18th level all your attacks against a r ival
ship's captain have advantage.

-Aleera Vass, M inrothad Privateer


Rogue Ar chetype
A com m on sight in the cour ts of Alphatia
and Thyatis, r akes r ely on their cunning and
char m to succeed. Cour tesans, char latans and
r apscallions follow this ar chetype. You tend to
m ake your w ay thr ough your w its and char m ,
though you quickly lear n the finer ar ts of
cour tly com bat. You low er other s' defenses w ith
w or ds and char m , then steal their hear t or their

Cou r t l y I n di scr et i on
W hen you choose this ar chetype at 3r d level,
you halve the tim e needed to don or doff light
ar m or, w ith help you r educe the tim e to a single
r ound.

Bon u s Pr of i ci en cy
At 3r d level you gain pr oficiency in the Histor y
and Religion skills

Fi gh t i n g St yl e
At 9th level you gain either the dueling or tw o
w eapon fighting style.
You like it? It's a Belcadiz vintage, quite rare. I
picked it up on a trade mission there during my
stint in Darokin. Darokin? No I'm actually from
Kerandas, the Emperor wanted me to negotiate
trade pacts with those plutocrats. You would
have been ashamed, their clothes were so last
season. I see you are enjoying your wine.
Darokin may have money but they have no taste
for fashion. I see your robe is now on the floor.
Well in the name of international relations I
accept your offer. On second thought that is your
husband coming home early, instead I shall take
my leave, through your window.

Ex t r a Pan ach e
At 13th level you gain pr oficiency in Char ism a
saving thr ow s.

Soci al Bu t t er f l y
At 17th level you gain 2 additional skills fr om
the star ting Rogue's list of skills, and 3
additional languages.

Agrippa Centauri, Thyatian Rake



Sham an Dom ain Spells


Guiding Bolt

3r d

Speak W ith Dead






True Resurrection

M ar k ed Sh am an .
At 2nd level you can sense m agic up to 90' aw ay.
You cannot tell w hat kind it is unless it is a
soulstone, only its pr esence. You ar e pr esented
w ith a soulstone w or th 100gp w hen r eaching
this level fr om the tem ple.
We offer praise to the wise Rafiel, for without him
we would be lost. We wait for him to give us the
sign to return to the surface, to take what is ours
and so bask in the glow of the sun once again.
We offer ourselves as his vessel as he has chosen
us to be his faithful. Though the Soul Stones are
race grows strong, and soon we shall return to
take our place among the nations above.
Taljaria, Life Shaman

Shadow Elf Sham an

Cler ic Ar chetype
The chosen of Rafiel, Sham an ar e keeper s of the
soul stones, the sacr ed ar tifacts of the Shadow
Elves. W ith them they can cast pow er ful m agic
though they have to keep questing for m or e
pow er ful soul stones to cast the m or e pow er ful
spells. A m ajor ity of sham an ar e fem ale but not
enough to m ake m ale sham an r ar e. Each
sham an is m ar ked w ith a sym m etr ical pur ple
bir thm ar k on their head, a sign of favor of the
Im m or tal Rafiel
Restr iction. Shadow elf only.

Sou l St on e Ch an n el l i n g.
At 2nd level you need a soulstone w or th 100gp
x spell level to cast a spell of that level. This
counts as your divine focus. If lost or destr oyed
you cannot cast spells of that level.

Deat h Sh am an .
At 6th level you gain the duties to take the dead
and the dying aw ay fr om the city. You gain
advantage on Sur vival tests in an under gr ound
ar ea.

Li f e Sh am an .
At 8th level you gain the duties to car e for the
sick and injur ed. W hen you cast a healing spell,
you m ay r er oll any dice once and take the
higher of the tw o r olls.

Col or l ess Sh am an .
At 17th level you gain the duties to r aise fr om
the dead those Rafiel still sees a need for. W hen
casting a spell that r aises fr om the dead you
double the tim e that deceased can be r aised. A
r aise dead spell can affect a char acter that has
been dead for 20 days, instead of 10.



Shamani Domain Spell


Animal Friendship

3r d

Conjure Animals


Commune W ith Nature




Wrath of Atruaghin

Restr iction. Atr uaghin Clan only. Sham ani

cannot use Channel Divinity or ar chetype
abilities w ear ing m etal ar m or. Sham ani cannot
har m anim als that ar e sacr ed to his tr ibe.

Sen se I l l n ess.
At 2nd level the Sham ani can cast Detect Poison
and Disease at w ill. The Sham ani cannot detect
m agical poisons or disease this w ay.

Nat u r e's Tou ch .

Wear this marking with pride young brave. For
you are the chosen of our people. You will show
courage! You will show ferocity! You will be
victorious! The spirits of our tribe ride to war
with you, let them guide you to your destiny.
Trust the spirits, trust mighty Atruaghin, for he
has never led us astray.
Tomas Fastclaw, Bear Shamani

Sham ani
Cler ic Ar chetype
The holy m en of the Atr uaghin Clans, the
Sham ani lead their people into r ituals, pr ovide
for the sick and tend to the anim als. Though
they shun ar m or and the ability to tur n undead,
Sham ani m ake up for it w ith unr ivaled healing
pow er s and r ituals. Sham ani ar e used by all the
tr ibes of the Atr uaghin Clans, w hen they have to
leave the plateau they br ing the pow er of their
totem s w ith them .

At 2nd level the Sham ani can spend a Divine

Channel use w hen casting a healing spell to
autom atically heal the m axim um am ount of
dam age possible. Natur e's touch r eplaces the
Tur n Undead ability.

Nat u r e's Al l y.
At 6th level no non-m agical anim al w ill attack
the Sham ani unless attacked fir st. This includes
giant ver sions of anim als. This pr otection does
not extend to allies.

Spi r i t Ri t u al .
At 8th level the Sham ani can spend a Channel
Divinity to cast any spell available as a r itual.
The sham ani cannot per for m Spir it Ritual again
until after a long r est. The sham ani does not
need to have the spell m em or ized. This ability
r eplaces Destr oy Undead, any incr eases to that
ability instead allow s one additional use of
Spir it Ritual befor e needing to r est.

Spi r i t M ast er .
At 17th All r ituals take half the tim e needed.

by 1. The spir it sham an can talk to the anim als

of his spir it guide's type at w ill.
(equivalents in par enthesis)
St r en gt h . Hor se (Dr aft), Eagle, Yak (Rhinocer os)
I n t el l i gen ce. (Haw k , Wolf, Snake (Constr ictor )
W i sdom . Ow l, Dog (M astiff ), Ger bil (Rat), Falcon
(Haw k)
Dex t er i t y. Tiger, Cat, M onkey (Baboon)
Con st i t u t i on . Cam el, Goat, Bear (Black)
Ch ar i sm a. Lion, Sw an (Vultur e), Cham eleon
(Lizar d)

I n vok e Spi r i t .

No now is not the time for war. Horse has told

me of a harsh winter coming. He strong and he is
fast, if he fears the coming snows then we must
prepare for them and not waste energy on a war
we cannot finish. In the Spring when the snows
are melted, then Horse says we go to war. But
first we must survive W inter.
Uktai the Swift, Spirit Shaman

Spir it Sham an

At 2nd level you tap into the teachings of your

spir it anim al. You lose the ability to shape
change but can spend your w ild shape as a
bonus action to gain advantage on any test
associated w ith your anim al's attr ibute .

Rebu k e t h e Spi r i t s.
At 6th level the Spir it Sham an can for ce out
unnatur al cr eatur es. The sham an can tur n
fiend, celestial and fey cr eatur es as if he w er e a
cler ic of the sam e level. The sham an uses his
w ild shape uses to activate this ability. The
Spir it Sham an can tell if cr eatur es ar e fey, fiend
or celestial as w ell just by looking at them .

Becom e t h e Gu i de.
Dr uid Ar chetype
Consider ed ter r ifying exam ples of the for eign
natur e of the Ethengar, their sham an ser ve as
their holy m en. W hile their shape changing
abilities ar e lim ited com par ed to other dr uids,
their m aster y over anim als and cr eatur es not of
the pr im e m ater ial plane ar e unr ivaled.

Spi r i t Gu i de.
At 2nd level the sham an picks a spir it guide, or
the m or e pr ecisely the spir it guide picks him .
The Spir it Sham an chooses a guide fr om the list
below, then r aises the cor r esponding attr ibute

At 8th level the Spir it Sham an can use a w ild

shape to assum e the shape of his spir it anim al.
The sham an can r etain the shape for a full day
befor e r ever ting back .

Tr avel t h e Spi r i t Real m s.

At 14th the Spir it Sham an can cast Plane Shift,
but only to the Beastlands, Ar bor ia or the
Dr eam land. The Spir it Sham an can r etur n back
to the pr im e m ater ial plane using this ability
again. The Spir it Sham an cannot use this ability
after r etur ning to the pr im e m ater ial plane until
he has taken a long r est.

fighting styles of their ancestor s. The Toa ar e

not m indless ber ser ker s fuelled by r age, their
pr ow ess com es fr om r itual and tr aining. Found
m ost com m only am ong the m ar ines of Ier endi
ships, the Toa ar e ter r ifying foes in close
quar ter s.

Hak a.
At 3r d level the Toa lear ns the sacr ed w ar songs
of his people. To gain the benefit of the Haka
the Toa m ust not be w ear ing any ar m or heavier
than light ar m or and m ust be using sim ple
m elee w eapons. The toa spends a full action to
per for m a M akai w ar dance com plete w ith
chanting, for the r em ainder of the com bat he
gains advantage on all attacks.. The Toa cannot
be r estr ained or silenced to per for m this action.
The Toa m ust take a shor t r est to use this ability

Tr i bal Savager y.
At 7th level under the effects of the Haka the
Toa now scor es a cr itical hit on a r oll of 18, 19 or
Kara-kara this close to Ierendi? Those inbred
savages must be getting desperate to try and
attack our ship. Let's give those waterlogged
orcs a remember on why no one attacks us.
M aster of the M arines, tell the Toa to start the
Haka. Show those swine men the true meaning
of savagery.
-Thana Koori, Ierendi Captain

M akai Toa
Fighter Ar chetype

Ta M ok o.
At 10th level w hile w ear ing light or no ar m or,
the Toa doubles the AC bonus he gains fr om his
Dexter ity.

St or m of Bl ow s.
At 15th level w hen the Toa char ges, that r ound
he scor es a cr itical hit on a r oll of 16, 17, 18, 19
or 20.

Sk u l l cr u sh er .
At 18th level the Toa now does tr iple dam age on
cr itical hits.

M ost M akai of the Ier endi island ar e content

leading pastor al lives w ithout w or r y or conflict
on their native islands. A handful how ever long
of the old days w hen the M akai w er e know n for
their w ar r ior savager y. These heavily tattooed
w ar r ior s, called Toa, em br ace the ancient

Tr eekeeper
W izar d Ar chetype
Sacr ed w izar ds of the Canolbar th for est,
Tr eekeeper s ar e r esponsible for m aintaining the
m agic of the gr eat for est. Though their pow er s
ar e ar cane, not divine, the elves ar e often
m istaken for dr uids. Their har m ony w ith
natur e is so gr eat they can change the ver y
clim ate ar ound them .

Tr eew al k er .
At 2nd level the Tr eekeeper tr eats all for est
ter r ain as open ter r ain.

M agi c of t h e Can ol bar t h .

At 2nd level the Tr eekeeper can lear n Dr uid
spells as if they w er e w izar d spells. The spells
ar e tr eated as ar cane spells in ever y w ay.

W i se i n t h e Ol d Ways:
At 6th level the Tr eekeeper gains advantage on
all Anim al Handling, Natur e and M edicine tests.
Friend squirrel please tell M aple Bark if she could
move so we may plant a new Sentinel Tree? I
know she is stubborn but that is the best place for
the tree. Treants can move where they like, we
can only build our fortresses where needed. Of
course she will be cross, but tell her you are just
my messenger. She can talk to me directly if she
would like. Now go, I have to memorize my spells
of the day.

Pr ot ect or of t h e Woods:
At 10th level the Tr eekeeper can see thr ough
tr ees as if they w er e not ther e, and can cast a
spell w ithout har m ing plants if they ar e caught
in an ar ea of affect spell.

On e w i t h Nat u r e:
At 14th level the Tr eekeeper can cast Speak w ith
Anim al or Plant at w ill.

Brightleaf, Treekeeper of Alfheim


M i x ed Bl ood


Per son al i t y Tr ai t

You w er e bor n of tw o r aces, a r ar ity in M ystar a.

Though you only have the featur es of one of
your par ents, you have a bond w ith both of your
cultur es. You ar e accepted as the her itage of
your appear ance, but you sur pr ise people w ith
your know ledge of your other par entage.

I sw itch betw een my r acial languages on accident w hen

talking to fr iends.

I am obsessed w ith tr ivia about my hidden her itage.

I tr y not to m ention the fact I am m ixed r ace.

I dr ess like the m em ber s of my other r ace.

I go out of my w ay to m ake fr iends w ith people of my other

r ace.

I cannot stand pr ejudice of any sor t.

I can't stand it w hen people assum e I know ever ything about

both my cultur es.

I w ant to see the lands of my par ents.


I deal s

Cu r i osi t y: The w or ld is m eant to be explor ed. (Chaotic)

Har m on y: We m ust all live together as one people to thr ive.


Reven ge: I w as never given my due for my her itage, now I

w ill take it. (Evil)

I sol at i on : I never fit in either cultur e, I just w ant to be left

alone. (Any)

Fr i en dsh i p: No r eason you can't be a cheer ful sor t, after all,

that's how your par ents m et! (Good)

Bitter : You never knew one par ent, leaving you alone in a
w or ld that you didn't belong. (Evil)

Choose r aces for your her itage, hum an and elf

ar e the m ost com m on but other com binations
ar e not unhear d of, w ith the help of m agic even
hum an and hin have happened. You have all
the tr aits of one par ent, you ar e consider ed
their r ace for all pur poses. You have som e of
the behavior tr aits of the other par ent, a hin's
hunger, an elf ' patience or a dw ar f 's gr uffness.
Sk i l l Pr of i ci en ci es: Histor y, Insight
Lan gu age: Your other par ent's language
Equ i pm en t : A piece of jew elr y (a heir loom fr om
your par ents), 2 books about your r aces, set of
com m on clothes, 5 sheets of paper, pen, ink .
Feat u r e: Best of Bot h Wor l ds
As a half-br eed you ar e affor ded a bit m or e tr ust
that people outside your r ace. W hile you m ight
not be tr usted com pletely by str anger s, your ar e
given the benefit of the doubt by m em ber s of
both your r aces. A dw ar ven taver n m ight m ake
your fr iends w ait outside w hile you ar e
per m itted entr ance, or you can enter a gr ove
sacr ed to elves for a r itual because of your
her itage.

Su ggest ed Ch ar act er i st i cs
Half br eeds ar e caught betw een tw o w or lds.
Though they com pletely pass as one r ace, they
w ill fr equently car r y m em entos of their other
r ace. Their flaw s m ight be a pr efer ence of one
r ace over another, or a denial of their hidden
her itage all together.


Bon d

M y fr iends ar e my fam ily now.

I w as accepted openly by my village, I w ill never for get that.

I w as consider ed exotic, but ther e w as one that liked m e for

w ho I w as.

I never knew one par ent, the one that r aised m e is my life.

Though w e didn't shar e the sam e par ents, it didn't m atter to

I pr om ised by fam ily I w ould do them pr oud.


Fl aw

I hate one of my races.

My openness gets me into trouble.

I tend to become obsessed with relics of my ancestors.

I don't want people to know about my mixed blood.

I trust members of my secret race too easily.

I tend to be quite indecisive.


Sl ave


Per son al i t y Tr ai t

You w er e ow ned by another sentient being.

Either in a land w her e slaver y is allow ed like
Thyatis or Alphatia, or kidnapped by a cr im inal
or ganization like the Ir on Ring, or taken by
hum anoids, you only r ecently r egained your
fr eedom .

I w ake up in the m iddle of the night fr om bad dr eam s.

The sound of a w hip m akes m e flinch.

M y m aster w as kind, but I w ill never adm it that.

If I'm not told w hat to do I don't know how to act.

I don't like taking or der s.

Choose w ho w as your m aster, either a noble

fr om a nation w her e slaver y is allow ed, a cr im e
boss or a tr ibe of hum anoids that held you
pr isoner. They m ay have been kind, but m or e
than likely they w er e br utal. You know you w ill
never give up your fr eedom again how ever.
You ar e fr ee now, and that is never going to

I hoar d little things so they can't be taken fr om m e.

If str uck I fight back w ith all my m ight.

I don't like to be touched.


I deal s

Abol i t i on . I w ill fr ee all that I find being held unjustly.


Reven ge. Those that w r onged m e w ill pay in kind. (Evil)

Li ber t y. Now that I am fr ee, I w ill live my life as I see fit.


Con f or m i t y. I need som eone giving m e or der s to m otivate

m e. (Law ful)

For gi ven ess. You w ill not let those w ho w r onged you contr ol

Hedon i sm : You w er e denied your w ishes w hen you w er e in

bondage, now you w ill live it up. (Chaotic)

Sk i l l Pr of i ci en ci es: Deception and Sur vival

Tool Pr of i ci en ci es: One type of Ar tisan's tools
Lan gu age: The language of your m aster.
Equ i pm en t : One set of poor clothes, br oken
m anacles, a sm all per sonal heir loom blanket,
sack , sm all pouch containing 10sp

Feat u r e: Not a Nu m ber

As a slave you per for m ed w hat ever task your
m aster dem anded of you. Now that you ar e fr ee
you have let it be know n that you w ill not be
contr olled again. Because of your histor y ther e
ar e quite a few that give you a lot of leew ay.
Thieves w ill not attem pt to cr oss an escaped pit
fighter, and m any tem ples offer aid to those that
have suffer ed such as your self. You m ay not
w ant their aid, but it your s for the asking.


Bon d

I ow e my life to the per son that liber ated m e.

M y br other s that toiled alongside m e get my undying loyalty.

Ther e w as a slave that taught m e to r ead, I sw ear I w ill them

and fr ee them .

M y m aster one day fr ee m e w ithout explanation. I w ill never

for get that.

I sw or e my devotion to the noble that saw my m aster br ought

to justice.

The only thing of value is the heir loom my m other left m e, it

never leaves my side.


Fl aw

Any attem pt to hold m e dow n w ill be m et w ith for ce.

I am par anoid my for m er m aster is still after m e.

I hate the people of my m aster 's r ace.

I r ar ely get a good night's sleep.

M y tem per gets the best of my w hen I'm for ced to do

I left behind people I could have saved w hen I escaped

Su ggest ed Ch ar act er i st i cs
Slaves tend to be either w ithdr aw n or r esentful
of their past. Per haps your m aster still lives and
w ants you r etur ned. How you r espond is up to
you. Do you fight or do you flee? Does the sight
of other s in chains r aise your ir e?


Weapon M ast er (Sk i l l ed)

Requir em ents: Fighter or Bar bar ian, level 4,
pr oficiency in chosen w eapon.
You have begun to tr ain past the nor m al skill of
m ost w ar r ior s. Select one of the follow ing
benefits, you m ay take this feat m ultiple tim es,
each tim e choosing a differ ent benefit:
- 1 Handed/Sim ple: Incr ease dam age die to
next level. (d4 becom es d6, d6 becom es d8)
- 2 Handed/Sim ple: Extr a die of dam age.
- Ranged/Sim ple: Can attack w ithin 5' w ithout
- 1 Handed/M ar tial: Incr ease dam age die to
next level. (Includes Ver satile)
- 2 Handed/M ar tial: Extr a Die of Dam age.
- Ranged/M ar tial: Incr ease dam age die to next
- Net: Counts as shield if w ielded in off hand.

Weapon M ast er (Ex per t )

Feat s
Den i al
Pr er equisites: Hin only, 4th level.
You have a lim ited for m of m agic r esistance tied
to your hom eland:

Requir em ents: Level 8, Skilled level

You ar e r ecognized as a a deadly w ielder of your
favor ite w eapons. Select a w eapon type that
you have have alr eady applied the Skilled level
1 Handed/Sim ple: If enemy is sur pr ised or on a
cr itical hit, ignor e all dam age r esistance.

- As a r eaction you m ay attem pt to stop a

m agic spell as it is being cast. This is tr eated
exactly as the spell Counter spell, w ith
W isdom being used for deter m ining the your
equivalent spellcasting ability. W hether the
Denial succeeds or fails, the you take 1d4
dam age fr om the feat. If you ar e disabled
fr om this dam age, it has no effect on
w hether the Denial succeeds or fails. Denial
only w or ks inside the boundar ies of the Five
Shir es. Once you have used the Denial, you
cannot m ake another until you have
com pleted a full r est.

- 2 Handed/Sim ple: Incr ease dam age die to

next level.
- Ranged/Sim ple: Incr ease both r anges 50%
- 1 Handed/M ar tial: Extr a die of dam age.
- 2 Handed/M ar tial: On a cr itical hit enemy
m ust m ake a Str ength save vs DC8 +
Pr oficiency Bonus + Str ength Bonus or be
knocked pr one, enem ies tw o sizes lar ger
than char acter ar e im m une.
- Ranged/M ar tial: Incr ease both r anges 50%
- Net: DC to escape net incr eases to 15.


Weapon M ast er (M ast er )

Weapon M ast er (Gr an d M ast er )

Requir em ents: Level 12, Exper t level

Requir em ents: Level 16, M aster y level

You ar e a full fledged w eapon m aster, few w ho

know your r eputation dar e to appr oach. Select
a w eapon type that you have have alr eady
applied the Exper t level to:

Now w ith unsur passed levels of com bat

tr aining, you can per for m feats of car nage.

- 1 Handed/Sim ple: Extr a die of dam age.

- 2 Handed/Sim ple: On a cr itical hit enemy
m ust m ake a Str ength save vs DC8 +
Pr oficiency Bonus + Str ength Bonus or be
stunned for one r ound.
- Ranged/Sim ple: Incr ease dam age die to next
- 1 Handed/M ar tial: On a cr itical hit enemy
m ust m ake a Str ength save vs DC8 +
Pr oficiency Bonus + Str ength Bonus or be
stunned for one r ound.
- 2 Handed/M ar tial: Extr a die of dam age.
- Ranged/M ar tial: Extr a die of dam age.
- Net: Any tr ying to escape has disadvantage

Select a w eapon type that you have have alr eady

applied the M aster y level to:
- 1 Handed/Sim ple: On a cr itical hit enemy
m ust m ake a Str ength save vs DC8 +
Pr oficiency Bonus + Str ength Bonus (or
Dexter ity for Finesse w eapons) or be
stunned. for one r ound.
- 2 Handed/Sim ple: Extr a die of dam age.
- Ranged/Sim ple: Extr a die of dam age.
- 1 Handed/M ar tial: Extr a die of dam age
- 2 Handed/M ar tial: Cr itical hits deal
m axim um dam age and ignor e dam age
r esistance.
- Ranged/M ar tial: On a cr itical hit apply
w eapon dam age to another enemy w ithin 5'
of or iginal tar get.


Immortalsand Priests


Im m or tals of M ystar a
M ystar a does not have actual gods like other
settings, cler ics vener ate the Im m or tals instead.
Im m or tals w er e once gr eat adventur er s that
have epic quests and petitioning to past
Im m or tals tr anscended their m or tal for m to
take their place for ever in the Outer Planes.

Each Im m or tal ser ves one of the five Spher es of

Pow er, each Spher e r epr esents one of the
distinct com ponents of the M ultiver se. Cler ics
of M ystar a can vener ate a specific Im m or tal,
and entir e pantheon or just a Spher e of Pow er.

The Im m or tals hold each other in balance, none

m ay actively inter fer e w ith the w or ld w ithout
r ebuke fr om other s. Instead the Im m or tals
secr etly take m or tal guise to w alk the w or ld
unnoticed. W hile their pow er is gr eatly
r educed w hen they do this, they ar e still
cr eatur es of im m ense pow er in their guise.

The pr im ar y r ole of the Im m or tals is to keep

balance am ong the Spher es. Each Spher e m ust
be kept in har m ony w ith the other s for the
M ultiver se to continue. An im balance betw een
the Spher es can have catastr ophic r esults. The
Spher e of Entr opy stands apar t fr om the other s,
tr ying to cause the end of the M ultiver se to they
can r ecr eate the next w or ld in their im age.

The other pur pose for Im m or tals is to sponsor

m or tals that w ish to join them . It is not a easy
task , for m or e per ish than ever succeed. One
cannot becom e an Im m or tal w ithout the help of
a sponsor, and ther e is no guar antee a m or tal
w ill ever gain a sponsor. Once a m or al has
obtained a sponsor they m ust par take of a task
to pr ove the m or tal is indeed w or thy.

The path of the Dynast is one of tim e. The her o

m ust pr ove them selves w or thy by building a
dynasty w or thy of an Im m or tal. This task
r equir es the her o to establish a long lasting r ule
by the her o and descendants. The her o m ust
populate the r ealm w ith sufficient people and
build a capitol for the new r ealm .
The other challenge of the Dynast is they m ust
tr avel in tim e to help their descendants r etain
the r ealm built by the her o. The her o m ust
quest for an ar tifact to accom plish this, then
they ar e w or thy of im m or tality.

The Epic Her o m ust under go a ser ies of quests,

fir st to find a pow er ful ar tifact of Thought.
Then to destr oy an ar tifact of Entr opy. Then the
Epic Her o m ust cr eate a gr eat w eapon, tr ain a
w or thy successor and finally com plete an epic
quest taking no less than five year s to
accom plish.

The Par agon is a test of cr eation and conquest.

The her o m ust find an ar tifact of Thought, then
cr eate an entir ely unique m agical item that
r equir es at least one im possible com ponent.
Once those ar e finished the Par agon m ust tr ain
no few er than half a dozen appr entices and see
them r ise in pow er. Finally the Par agon m ust
challenge and defeat all w izar ds w ith 1,000
m iles befor e they ar e eligible.

The Polym ath dem ands its candidate par take a

quest for an ar tifact that w ill for ce the her o to
quest for it sever al tim es. Each tim e the her o
attains the ar tifact the ar tifact r esets the her o
back to 1st level of a differ ent class w ith no
m em or ies of the past lives. The her o m ust then
find the ar tifact again w ith a par ty w ith at least
four differ ent classes, until the four th tim e
w hen all m em or ies and levels ar e r etur ned.
Then the candidate m ust build an m onum ent of
their achievem ent.

I m m or t al

I n f l u en ce

Sph er e

Dom ai n

M aj or Fol l ow i n gs


Ylar uam

Ener gy/

War /
Know ledge

Ylar uam , Ier endi

Ahm anni

Tur tle Clan

Tim e

Sham ani

Atr uaghin



Entr opy


Alphatia, Thyatis

Atr uaghin

Atr uaghin

M atter

Sham ani

Atr uaghin


Sacr ifice

Entr opy


Atr uaghin, Tiger Clan Only

Aster ius

M er chants


Know ledge

Thyatis, Dar okin

Augr ism


M atter

Know ledge

M inr othad Dw ar ves

Cr etia

W ind


Tr icker y


Dainr ouw

Wood Elves

Tim e

Natur e

M inr othad (Wood Elves)

Tiger Clan
Tiger str ipes

Entr opy

Sham ani

Atr uaghin, Tiger Clan Only

Diam ond

Law ful

M atter


Law ful Dr agons


Victor y

Ener gy



Eir yndul


Tim e

Natur e



Sea Elves

Tim e

Tem pest

M inr othad (Sea Elves)

Fr ey and
Fr eya

Fam ily

M atter


Vestland, Ostland, Soder fjor d

Gar al

Gnom es

M atter

Tr icker y

Gnom es



M atter


Kar am eikos, Thyatis


Bear Clan

M atter

Sham ani

Atr uaghin, Bear Clan



Entr opy


Soder fjor d

Her oes

Hin Pantheon M atter

Hin M aster

Five Shir es




Uses Dr uid class Elves Ever yw her e


Dw ar ves

M atter

Ar chetype

Rockhom e, Thyatis

Khor onus

Histor y

Tim e

Know ledge

Dar okin

Kor otiku the

Tr icker y


Tr icker y

Thyatis, Pear l

Kor yis


Tim e


Thyatis, Alphatia


M ischief


Tr icker y


M aeliden

Tr ee of Life

Tim e



M ahm atti

Elf Clan

Ener gy

Sham ani

Atr uaghin

M inr oth

M inr othad

Tim e


M inr othad Guilds


W isdom


Know ledge

Nor ther n


Neutr al Dr agons

Tim e

Know ledge

Neutr al Dr agons

Or dana

For ests


Natur e

M inr othad Guilds

Pear l

Chaotic Dr agons

Ener gy

Tem pest

Chaotic Dr agons

People's Tem ple




Ier endi

Petr a


Tim e


Kar am eikos,

Pr otius, Old M an


Tim e

Tem pest




Ener gy

Tem pest

Glantr i


Shadow Elves

Ener gy

Shadow Elf

City of Star s,


Fir e

Ener gy

Tem pest



Hor se Clan


Sham ani

Atr uaghin

Tar astia


M atter





Entr opy


Now her e



Ener gy

Tem pest

Nor ther n
Reaches, Thyatis






Valer is



Tr icker y




M atter



Yam uga

Yur ts

M atter



Zir chev

For est Folk


Know ledge

Kar am eikos,

Redu ced Rest

At 1st level you finish a long r est in 4 hour s.

Bon u s Can t r i p
W hen you take this dom ain at 1st level, you gain
the produce flame cantr ip if you don't alr eady
know it.

Al t er En er gy

Can you feel it? Chaos and change all around you.
That is energy: motion, progress and power. If you
want power, that is energy in all its forms. Through
energy lies immortality, for being immortal is the
greatest change of all.
Vandovar Allenas, Priest of Alphatia

Ener gy
Cler ic Dom ain
The Spher e of Ener gy is extr em ely dynam ic.
Ener gy seeks to cr eate m or e ener gy and activity,
and as such is closely tied to the elem ent of fir e
and the Chaotic alignm ent. Ener gy consum es
M atter, slow s Tim e and stim ulate Thought. It is
opposed to M atter 's attem pt to contr ol it,
Thought's attem pts to define it and Tim e's
attem pts to outlast it.
Level Ener gy Dom ain Spells

Continual Flame

3r d





Reverse Gravity


Storm of Vengeance

Star ting at 2nd level you can spend use Channel

Divinity to change the ener gy type of a spell.
W hen you cast a spell you invoke your devotion
to the Im m or tals of Ener gy. If the spell has an
ener gy dam age type you can alter it to another
type. The dam age types that can be changed
fr om or to ar e Cold, Fir e, Lightning, and

En er gy Bl eed
At 6th level the pow er you channel fr om the
Spher e of Ener gy begins to over pow er your
spells. W hen you cast a dam aging spell, you
add 1 point of dam age to each die you r oll. A
spell doing 5d6 dam age w ould do an addition 5
points of dam age.

Di v i n e St r i k e
At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your
w eapon str ikes w ith divine ener gy. Once on
each of your tur ns w hen you hit a cr eatur e w ith
a w eapon attack , you can cause the attack to
deal an extr a 1d8 dam age of the ener gy type of
your choice to the tar get. W hen you r each 14th
level, the extr a dam age incr eases to 2d8. The
ability is affected by Ener gy Bleed.

Over pow er ed
Star ting at 17th level w hen you cast a dam aging
spell, you cannot r oll less than a 3 on any of the
dice. Tr eat all r olls of the dice low er than that
as r oll of 3.


Bon u s Pr of i ci en cy
W hen you choose this dom ain at 1st level, you
gain pr oficiency in m ar tial w eapons.

Di sci pl e of Decay
Also star ting at 1st level, your inflict w ound
spells ar e m or e effective. W henever you use an
inflict w ound spell, the cr eatur e takes an
addition am ount of dam age equal to 2 + the
spells level.

M i n or Hex
Life is pain, this is not to be disputed, as you live
you will suffer. Every one suffers. People grow
old and die, nations fall, races go extinct. But
what if we could start anew? That is the promise
of Entropy. This world is flawed, the Immortals
that shaped it ruined it. We can be rid of them,
we can be rid of everything. Watch the world
burn, and build a perfect one from its ashes.
Sonya the One Eyed, Cleric of Hel

Entr opy
Cler ic Dom ain
Entr opy is the end of ever ything. Not associated
w ith any elem ent, Entr opy is m or e closely
aligned w ith death and evil. Its sole pur pose is
the destr uction of the other four spher es. It is
the spher e of r ot and decay. Entr opy seeks to
destr oy M atter, stagnate Tim e, dissipate Ener gy
and stop Thought. This dom ain is pr im ar ily for
NPCs, ask your DM befor e selecting it.

Entr opy Dom ain Spells


Inflict Wounds

3r d

Bestow Curse




Finger of Death


Power Word Kill

At 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity

to m ake other s m or e susceptible to m agic. As
an action you pr esent your holy sym bol and
select a tar get to be hexed. For 10 m inutes the
tar get has disadvantage on saving thr ow s, this
effect im m ediately ends if you use the ability
again dur ing the dur ation. A bless or r em ove
cur se spell ends this effect im m ediately.

Di ssi pat e En er gy
Star ting at 6th level w hen you take dam age
fr om any sour ce, r educe the dam age by the
num ber of dice. A sour ce doing 3d8 points of
dam age is r educed by 3 points befor e any other
m odifier s.

Di v i n e St r i k e
At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your
w eapon str ikes w ith divine ener gy. Once on
each of your tur ns w hen you hit a cr eatur e w ith
a w eapon attack , you can cause the attack to
deal an extr a 1d8 necr otic dam age to the tar get.
W hen you r each 14th level, the extr a dam age
incr eases to 2d8.

Redu ce Pr obabi l i t y
Star ting at 17th level all attacks against you
have disadvantage.



M atter Dom ain Spells



3r d

Stone Shape


Stone Wall




M eteor Swarm

Bon u s Pr of i ci en cy
At 1st level, you gain pr oficiency w ith heavy
ar m or.

En du r an ce
Also at level one ever y tim e you gain a level you
gain 1 addition hit point.
For anything to persevere it must stand on its
own. Change for its own sake is doomed to fail,
life must have purpose. That is the reason for
M atter. If everything has a place, everything
knows its role. There is no more suffering, there
is no more struggle, every one will do what is
expected of them and as a whole our people will
Grund Rockroar, M inister of M inrithism

M atter
Cler ic Dom ain
The Spher e of M atter is stable and dur able.
M atter is the building block of all things. M atter
is constantly tr ying to cr eate new for m s. M atter
is tied to the elem ent of Ear th and the Law ful
alignm ent. M atter r esists Tim e's attem pt to
change it, to channel Ener gy into a useful for m
and pr ovides or der to Thought.

St eady as a Rock
Star ting at 6th level you have advantage on any
save or test to avoid being knocked pr one. In
addition you have advantage any attem pts to
escape being gr appled.

Di v i n e St r i k e
At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your
w eapon str ikes w ith divine ener gy. Once on
each of your tur ns w hen you hit a cr eatur e w ith
a w eapon attack , you can cause the attack to
deal an extr a 1d8 bludgeoning dam age to the
tar get. W hen you r each 14th level, the extr a
dam age incr eases to 2d8.

I m pl acabl e Def en se
At 17th level you have r esistance to
bludgeoning, pier cing and slashing dam age.


Level Thought Dom ain Spells


Detect M agic

3r d

Clair voyance


Dr eam


M ir age Ar cane


For esight

Bon u s Pr of i ci en cy
At 1st level, you gain pr oficiency in tw o of the
follow ing skills: Ar cana, Histor y, Insight or
Per ception.

Bon u s Can t r i p
W hen you choose this dom ain at 1st level, you
gain the m essage cantr ip if you don't alr eady
know it.
Befor e it can be done it m ust be conceived.
W ithout Thought ther e is nothing, m atter
cannot be constr ucted, tim e cannot be
m easur ed, ener gy cannot be utilized. W hen you
w alk the path of Thought you show your self to
be the tr ue visionar y. Thought gr ow s on its
ow n, you just pr ovide the spar k . Your ideas w ill
cr aft this w or ld, your philosophies w ill spar k
debate and discussion and cr eate m or e thoughts
to be consider ed. Thought cannot be stopped as
long as som eone w onder s w hy?
Petr ov Rom anov, disciple of Zir chov

Cler ic Dom ain

Deep Th i n k er
At 6th level you gain pr oficiency in Intelligence
saving thr ow s.

Di v i n e St r i k e
At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your
w eapon str ikes w ith divine ener gy. Once on
each of your tur ns w hen you hit a cr eatur e w ith
a w eapon attack , you can cause the attack to
deal an extr a 1d8 psychic dam age to the tar get.
W hen you r each 14th level, the extr a dam age
incr eases to 2d8.

Savan t
Star ting at 17th level you have advantage on all
Intelligence based skill tests.

The Spher e of Thought is m anipulative and

logical. Thought is the essence of the Im m or tals,
it ser ves to categor ize all of existence. Thought
r epr esents r ealization, philosophy and
under standing. Thought is tied to the elem ent
of Air but not any specific alignm ent. Thought
opposes the excesses of Ener gy, attem pts to
m anipulation Tim e and cr eate for m in M atter.


Tim e Dom ain Spells


Expeditious Retreat

3r d



Legend Lore




Time Stop

Bon u s Sk i l l
W hen you select this dom ain at 1st level you
gain pr oficiency w ith the Histor y skill.

Sense Tim e
At 1st level you can spend a full action to know
exactly w hat tim e of day it is.

Extr a Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack tw ice,
instead of once, w henever you take the Attack
action on your tur n.
Everything has its place, a time for its creation
and a time for its end. If nothing is created and if
nothing ends, the world will stagnate. Time is the
judge of all things. Because of Time as things end
new things are created to replace them, the cycle
of life continues. There is no end to time, there is
only the next moment.
Galtar von Breck, High Priest of Vanya

Tim e
Cler ic Dom ain

Divine Str ike

At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your
w eapon str ikes w ith divine ener gy. Once on
each of your tur ns w hen you hit a cr eatur e w ith
a w eapon attack , you can cause the attack to
deal an extr a 1d8 necr otic dam age to the tar get.
W hen you r each 14th level, the extr a dam age
incr eases to 2d8.

Im pr oved Reaction
At 17th level you gain pr oficiency in Dexter ity
saving thr ow s.

The Spher e of Tim e pr om otes change and

pr ogr ess. Tim e is constant, alw ays flow ing and
ebbing for w ar d. Tim e r epr esents change and
r ebir th, teaching the futur e w ith the lessons of
the past. Tim e is tied to the elem ent of Water
and the Neutr al alignm ent. Tim e opposes
M atter 's r esistance to change, lessens Ener gy
over tim e, and teaches Thought the lessons of
histor y.

Spells and Runes


Secret Magical Craftsof Glantri

Deep in the halls of the Gr eat School of M agic in

Glantr i city r ar e m agics ar e taught. Using
m ethods they have gleaned fr om study of the
Radiance, the w izar ds of Glantr i can use m agic
in w ays unhear d of outside the nation. Such
know ledge does not com e w ithout r isk , as the
Radiance can have unusual effects on car eless
w izar ds.

Tim e and cost to lear n each Cir cle:

Requir em ents:

Skill Test: M any of the feats r equir e a skill test to

activate. Unless other w ise stated, the num ber of
tim es a you can use a Cr aft feat befor e needing a
long r est is equal to your Intelligence bonus.
Failed tests count as uses.

The Cr aft Cir cles ar e lear ned as feats. W izar d or

Sor cer er m ust be a hum an or elf w ith a Glantr i
or igin. Once you have taken one Cr aft feat, you
m ay not take a feat fr om another cr aft, you can
only pr ogr ess in the Cir cle you ar e in. You m ust
take tim e off in the cam paign and spend the
r equisite am ount of gold befor e you can lear n
the feat. A char acter gains all the abilities listed
under a feat.

Fir st Cir cle: 7,000 gp/14 days

Second Cir cle: 28,000 gp/28 days
Thir d Cir cle: 63,000 gp/42 days
Four th Cir cle: 112,000 gp/56 days
Fifth Cir cle: 175,000 gp/70 days

Cr itical Failur e
If the m age is r equir ed to test Ar cana for an
effect and r olls a 1, r er oll the die. If the r esult is
another 1 then apply the Cr itical Failur e r esults
descr ibed by the Feat. Other w ise tr eat the
r esult as just a nor m al failur e.

Al ch em y
1st Ci r cl e of Al ch em y
Requir em ents: 4th level, W izar d or Sor cer er
- Find Com ponents: You m ay m ake a DC10
Ar cana check to know the r equir ed
ingr edients to r eplicate a potion. This
destr oys the potion in the pr ocess.
- Alchem ical Pr epar ation: You m ay cr eate any
com m on availability potion as a balm . This
r equir es a DC15 Ar cana test and 1 hour of
w or k . The balm is good for 1d4 days
after w ar ds it separ ates and is useless. If the
the Ar cana test is failed the ingr edients ar e
lost and the you w ill need to m or e
ingr edients to tr y again.

2n d Ci r cl e of Al ch em y
Requir em ents: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of Alchemy
- Find M agical Com ponents: You can identify
m agical potions on a DC15 Ar cana test. In
addition you can take a bonus action to
identify the dam age type of any m agic item
on a DC15 Per ception test.
- M agical Pr epar ation: You can now cr eate any
potion up to uncom m on availability. These
ar e cr eated at half the tim e and speed it
w ould take to m ake the potion nor m ally, but
only lasts 1d4 after it is cr eated.

3r d Ci r cl e of Al ch em y
Requir em ents: 2nd Cir cle of Alchemy, Level 12
- Tr ansm ute M atter : You m ay alter one
non-living object to another non-living
object. You m ay change 1lb of m ater ial per
exper ience level. Yout can change the item
into another item of the sam e w eight, excess
m ater ial is lost. The item 's value is w or th the
caster level x the w eight of the item . You
m ust spend a day inside a fully stocked
labor ator y and m ake a DC20 Ar cana check .
Cr itical Failur e: The tr ansfor m ation fails and
ever yone w ithin 20' takes 1d6 points of dam age

per pound of m ater ial being tr ansm uted. The

lab is autom atically destr oyed.

4t h Ci r cl e of Al ch em y
Requir em ents 3r d Cir cle of Alchemy, Level 16
- Tr anscend Ener gy: You can attem pt to focus
ener gy into m atter to cr eate one of the
follow ing effects:
- Rechar ge an expended m agic item . Item is
r etur ned to it's nor m al status w ith its star ting
num ber of char ges.
- Rever se the aging pr ocess. The r ecipient
r ever sed 1 w eek of aging per level of the
alchem ist. You can use this pr ocess on
your self.
- Anim ate a golem . The golem had 1HD per
level of the caster, cost to cr eate the golem is
the sam e as a r ar e m agic item .
- Raise the dead. A cor pse cannot be dead
m or e than a num ber of days equal to the
caster 's level, it is tr eated as if it has r eceived
a r aise dead spell. In or der to use the pr ocess
the alchem ist m ust m ake a DC25 Ar cana
check , and needs to take the test in an ar ea
w ith a lar ge ener gy outbur st like a lightning
stor m . Alter natively you m ay expend spells
that do a com bined 60d6 points of dam age.
Cr itical Failur e: The lab explodes as above.

5t h Ci r cl e of Al ch em y
Requir em ents: 4th Cir cle of Alchemy, Level 20
- M utate Lifefor m : You can take on pr oper ties
of another cr eatur e or m ater ial. You can
change into another cr eatur e, or just adapt
par t of its physiology. You m ake a DC20
Ar cana check as a bonus action and selects
one of the follow ing effects:
- Gaseous Form: As the spell, but cannot effect
- True Polymorph: As the spell, but only
cr eatur e to cr eatur e.
- Stoneskin: As the spell.


Dr acol ogy
1st Ci r cl e of Dr agon s
Requir em ents: 4th level, W izar d or Sor cer er
- Dr agon Totem : The w izar d picks a dr agon
type, w hen he m akes a test using a cir cle of
dr agons feat, he m anifests changes into the
featur es of a dr agon of that color.
- Pr otection fr om Dr agons: The char acter
m akes a DC15 Ar cana test to pr event a dr agon
fr om attacking him . The effect is autom atic if
he is a higher level than the dr agon's hit dice,
other w ise the dr agon m ake m ake a w ill save
against the w izar d's spell pow er to ignor e the
effect. W hile the effect is active the dr agon
cannot attack the w izar d or his par ty,
including casting spells or using a br eath
w eapon. The dr agon can com m unicate w ith
the w izar d and know s their exact location but
cannot har m him . The effect ends if the
w izar d gets m or e than 120' fr om the dr agon,
or if he or a m em ber of his par ty attacks the
dr agon or tr ies to steal fr om the dr agon.

2n d Ci r cl e of Dr agon s
Requir em ents: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of Dr agons

- Dr agon Scal e: The char acter m akes a DC20

ar cana test, if successful their natur al ar m or
class becom es equal to a dr agon w ith equal or
lesser hit dice than his level. This ability last
one r ound per level of the caster.
- Dr agon W i n g: The caster m akes a DC20
ar cana test, if successful they m anifest w ings
of the chosen type, and can fly at the speed of
his chosen dr agon, his car r y w eight is 100lbs
per char acter level.

3r d Ci r cl e of Dr agon s
Requir em ents: 2nd Cir cle of Dr agons, Level 12
- Dr agon Br eat h : The caster gains a br eath
w eapon identical to his chosen dr agon. The
dam age is the sam e as a dr agon w ith equal or
lesser hit dice to the caster 's level. This ability
can be used thr ee tim es befor e needing a long
r est.

4t h Ci r cl e of Dr agon s
Requir em ents 3r d Cir cle of Dr agons, Level 16
- Dr agon M i gh t : The caster m ay attem pt to
dom inate a dr agon, the dr agon m akes a
saving thr ow against the Dr aconology's spell
pow er, if the dr agon fails to save tr eat the
effect as a Dom inate M onster spell. The effect
lasts 1 tur n per the caster s level.

- Dr agon Toot h : The char acter m akes a DC20

ar cana test. If successful he can m anifest
m agical fangs that have a r ange of 10' and
5t h Ci r cl e of Dr agon s
attack as a dr agon bite attack of a dr agon w ith
the hit dice equal or lesser to the char acter 's Requir em ents: 4th Cir cle of Dr agons, Level 20
level. The effect lasts five r ounds.
- Hi gh M ast er of Dr agon s: You m ay m ake a
- Dr agon Eye: The char acter m akes a DC20
DC25 ar cana check , the caster polym or phs
ar cana test. For a num ber of r ounds equal to
into a Gr eat Wyr m var iant of the chosen
his level, the w izar d autom atically detects
dr agon. This effect lasts for 1d4 r ounds.
invisible or polym or phed dr agons.
Cr itical Failur e: A Gr eat Wyr m of your type
- Dr agon Cl aw : The char acter m akes a DC20
appear s in 1d6 tur ns and attacks. The Gr eat
ar cana test, if successful his hands becom e
Wyr m has m axim um hit points.
claw s and attack as a dr agon of the sam e hit
dice equal or lesser to his level. This effect
lasts one r ound per level.


El em en t al i sm

4t h Ci r cl e of El em en t s

1st Ci r cl e of El em en t s

Requir em ents: 16th level, 3r d Cir cle of Elem ents

Requir em ents: 4th level, W izar d or Sor cer er

El em en t al M ast er y: You gain fur ther abilities

based on their focus.

Pr otection fr om Elem ents: Pick an elem ental type

as your Elem ental focus. You gains the follow ing - Full Elem ental Contr ol: You m ay m ake a D20
ar cana check . If successful the you can cr eate
benefits depending on elem ent.
an elem ental out of appr opr iate m ater ials on
- Fir e: Resistant to Fir e dam age, can w alk over
hand. The new ly cr eated elem ental is
lava w ithout har m for 90ft or 3 r ounds,
com pletely under the your contr ol.
w hichever com es fir st.
- Fir e: You takes no dam age fr om heat, though
- Water : Resistant to Water dam age, can w alk
still takes dam age as nor m al fr om fir e. The
over w ater for 90ft or 3 r ounds, w hichever
you can change the size of a fir e by 2ft per
com es fir st.
r ound at w ill.
- Ear th: Resistant to dam age fr om Ear th
- Water : The you can m ake w ater be as still or
dam age. Can w alk over quicksand, m ud or
r ough as a stor m equal to 3ft tim es your caster
cr um bling ledges for 90ft or 3 r ounds,
level. You can br eathe w ater at w ill, and has
w hichever com es fir st.
advantage on all sw im m ing checks, ignor ing
- Air : Resistant to dam age fr om Air dam age.
even cur r ents and w hir lpools.
Can w alk on clouds or clim b sm oke up for 90ft
- Ear th: The you can cast move earth at w ill.
or 3 r ounds, w hichever com es fir st.
You can never im m obilized by being bur ied.
2n d Ci r cl e of El em en t s
- Air : The you can cast gust of wind at w ill. All
m issile attacks against the you ar e at a
Requir em ents: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of Elem ents
disadvantage. The you take no dam age or can
- M inor Conjur ation: You m ust m ake a DC15
be m oved by high w inds.
ar cana check . On a success the you sum m on
Cr itical Failur e: The cr eated elem ental cr eatur e
1d4 m inor elem entals of you focus. The
goes ber ser k , attacking all near by.
elem entals have the m inim um am ount of hit
points they could have. The elem entals w ill 5t h Ci r cl e of El em en t s
per for m one task , and disappear after
Requir em ents: 20th level, 4th Cir cle of Elem ents
finishing it. They also vanish after a num ber
M etam or phosis: You m ust m ake an Ar cana D25
of days equal to your caster level.
test, if successful you becom e an elem ental of
Cr itical Failur e: A elem ental of the r ival elem ent
your focus. You r etain all spells and abilities. In
appear s, hostile to you.
addition the you can tr avel to the elem ental plane
3r d Ci r cl e of El em en t s
of your focus at w ill.
Requir em ents: 12th, 2nd Cir cle of Elem ents
- M ajor Conjur ation: As above, except you
sum m on any cr eatur e fr om the chosen
elem ental plane. That cr eatur e w ill per for m a
task exactly as above.

Cr itical Failur e: An elem ental of the focus type

appear s w ith m axim um hit points hostile to you.

Cr itical Failur e: The cr eatur e ar r ives hostile

tow ar ds you.

I l l u si on
1st Ci r cl e of I l l u si on
Requir em ents: 4th level, w izar d or sor cer er.
- Hypnosis: You m ust m ake a DC10 Ar cana
test. If successful the tar get m akes a w isdom
save against the your spell casting ability. If
the tar get fails, they act as if they ar e under a
suggestion spell. The suggestion cannot
m ake the tar get violate their alignm ent or
har m them selves. The effect ends w hen
tar get has per for m ed a task for the
Illusionist, taken dam age or the Illusionist
ends it. If the suggestion isn't clear the effect
autom atically fails. You r egains the ability to
use this after a shor t r est.
Cr itical Failur e: You ar e affected by the
suggestion instead, w ith all the above
r estr ictions.

2n d Ci r cl e of I l l u si on
Requir em ents: 8th Level, 1st Cir cle of Illusion
- Dr eam Alter ation: You m ust m ake a DC12
Ar cana test against a sleeping tar get. The
tar get can be up to 1 m ile aw ay per caster
level. You can send a m essage or a
nightm ar e. If a m essage is sent the tar get
w akes up w ith the m essage fr esh in their
m ind. If a nightm ar e is sent, the tar get m ay
m ake a W isdom save vs. the your spell
casting ability. If successful nothing
happens. Other w ise the tar get does not
benefit fr om the r est. If the tar get can pass
tw o saving thr ow s in a r ow they ar e im m une
to your pow er Dr eam Alter ation m ay only be
used once per dr eam .
Cr itical Failur e: The sleeping tar get w akes up
w ith the know ledge of your identity.

3r d Ci r cl e of I l l u si on
Requir em ents: 12th Level, 2nd Cir cle of Illusion
- Delir ium Tr em ens: You m ust m akes a DC15
Ar cana test, if successful a tar get w ithin 120'

is attacked by an illusionar y m onster or

m onster s w ith a CR no gr eater than your
level. The cr eatur es exist only in the tar get's
m ind, but the dam age dealt is r eal. The
effect lasts until the illusionar y m onster is
defeated, you end it, or br eaks concentr ation.
You r egains this ability after a long r est.
Cr itical Failur e: The Illusionist sees w hat he
w ants to see happen, but nothing actual occur s.
You can take no other actions than attem pting to
m aintain the failed illusion until they pass a
DC20 Intelligence test at the star t of each r ound.

4t h Ci r cl e of I l l u si on
Requir em ents: 16th level, 3r d Cir cle of Illusion
- Shadow Reality: You m ust m ake a DC20
Ar cana test, if successful you m ay dimension
door fr om one shadow to another in sight, or
becom e a non-cor por eal shadow. W hile in
the shadow you can cr eate im m ovable solid
objects like stair s out of shadow s. You can
alter shadow s w ith in 1 yar d per level.
Cr itical Failur e: You ar e instead tr anspor ted to
the Dim ension of Nightm ar es, w her e you m ust
find your ow n w ay back to safety.

5t h Ci r cl e of I l l u si on
Requir em ents: 20th level, 4th Cir cle of Illusion
- Dr eam lands: You cr eate an inter dim ensional
str onghold in the Dim ension of Nightm ar es.
This is tr eated exactly like M ordenkainen's
M agnificent M ansion, except the m ansion
does not expir e. To entir e the str onghold you
m ust m ake a DC20 Ar cana check .
- You can cr eate shadow cr eatur es w ith a CR
up to your level and send them fr om
str onghold on a m ission. This r equir es a
DC25 Ar cana test. You can see thr ough their
eyes and hear w hat they hear. They w ill
r em ain until the task is done or they ar e
Cr itical Failur e: The cr eated cr eatur es go
ber ser k instead and attack you.

Necr om an cy
1st Ci r cl e of Necr om an cy
Requir em ents: 4th level, w izar d or sor cer er
- Pr otection fr om Undead: You m ust m ake a
DC10 Ar cana test. W hile this is active a
num ber of undead cr eatur es w ith CR up to
the your level cannot attack anyone w ithin
10? of the your r itual. Cr eatur es w ith low er
CRs ar e affected fir st. This pow er lasts until
the you m ove out of the cir cle, or som eone in
the cir cle attacks.
Cr itical Failur e: The you cannot attack undead
instead until you is attacked by one.

2n d Ci r cl e of Necr om an cy
Requir em ents: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of
Necr om ancy
- Contr ol Undead: You m ust m ake a DC15
Ar cana test. If successful he im m ediately
gains contr ol of undead w ithin 120' w ith a
com bined CR equal to your level. This
undead can be contr olled or destr oyed at
w ill. The effect ends at the r ise of the next
full m oon. Liches ar e im m une to this affect.
Cr itical Failur e: You fall under the contr ol of the
near est intelligent undead w ithin 120', or goes
catatonic for 1d8 hour s other w ise. You stay
under contr ol until the next full m oon or the
undead is destr oyed.

3r d Ci r cl e of Necr om an cy
Requir em ents: 12th level, 2nd Cir cle of
Necr om ancy
- Cr eate Undead: You can cr aft undead after a
r itual. The r itual r equir es tw o w eeks of
r esear ch per challenge r ating, and 1000gp
per CR. Cor por eal undead need a fr esh
cor pse, incor por eal just a par t of a cor pse.
The actual r itual r equir es 1 hour per CR and
r equir es a Ar cana DC15 test, at the end the
undead is com pletely loyal to you, unlike
Contr ol Undead. Liches cannot be cr eated.

Cr itical Failur e: You take 1d6 points of Necr otic

dam age per CR of the cr eatur e attem pted, plus
another d6 for each im m unity or special attack
of the undead. This dam age ignor es any
r esistance or im m unities.

4t h Ci r cl e of Necr om an cy
Requir em ents: 16th level, 3r d Cir cle of
Necr om ancy
- Raise Dead: You m ust m ake a DC20 Ar cana
test. If successful you can cast Tr ue
Resur r ection w ithout spell com ponents.
Cr itical Failur e: You loses 1 point of Constitution
for ever y level or Hit dice of the cr eatur e you
w as tr ying to r aise. If this r educes your
Constitution to 0 the caster tur ns to a pile of ash
and cannot be r esur r ected by any m eans.
Other w ise the Constitution r etur ns at the r ate of
1 per long r est.
5th Cir cle of Necr om ancy
Requir em ents: 20th level, 4th Cir cle of
Necr om ancy

At t ai n Li ch dom
- The Necr om ancer under takes a r itual that
r equir es 20 w eeks to com plete, and costs
25,000gp. At the end of the r itual the
Necr om ancer m akes a DC25 Ar cana test. If
successful the caster im m ediately gains the
follow ing abilities fr om the Lich entr y in the
m onster m anual:
- Dam age Resistance: per lich
- Dam age Im m unity: per lich
- Condition Im m unity: per lich
- Tr uesight 120ft
- Legendar y Resistance 3/day
- Rejuvenation
- Par alyzing Touch
- Tur n Resistance
- Undead
Cr itical Failur e: The Lich is tur ned into a dem on
of the DM 's choice and is r em oved fr om the
gam e.

Cr ypt om an cy
Runic m agic is extr em ely danger ous, the m or e
you use r unes the m or e likely ther e is a
catastr ophe. Each r une used past the fir st in a
given day incr eases the chance of a cr itical
failur e by 1. So the second tim e you check for a
Cr itical Failur e the failur e is confir m ed on a 2,
then 3, 4 etc. All r unes use the sam e Cr itical
Failur e char t.
Cr itical Failur e: Fir st attem pt that day: A stor m
occur s in a 24 m ile ar ea center ed on you. No
tr avel is possible. The stor m lasts 1d12 hour s.
Second attem pt that day: A earthquake occur s
like the spell. The ear thquake has a 36 m iles
r adius center ed on the you. The ear thquake
lasts for one m inute.
Thir d or m or e attem pt that day: The stor m and
the ear thquake both occur, and the r une is
r ipped fr om the m ind fr om your m ind and m ust
be r elear ned.

1st Ci r cl e of Ru n es
Requir em ent: 4th level, W izar d or Sor cer er
- Rune of M atter : You lear n the tr ue nam e for
a com m on m ater ial (gold, sand, glass, ir on).
M ake a DC10 Ar cana test. If successful the
you can m old the m ater ial 1sq ft per caster
level. The m ater ial r etur ns to its nor m al
shape in 1d4 r ounds. To acquir e a r une
r equir es 1 w eek of study, 100gp in cost and a
DC10 Investigation test.

2n d Ci r cl e of Ru n es
Requir em ent: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of Runes
- Rune of Life: Your lear n the tr ue nam e for a
non-m agical cr eatur e of anim al intelligence
or low er. M ake a DC12 Ar cana test, if
successful can take contr ol of the nam ed
cr eatur es, w ith a com bined CR equal to their
level. You can see thr ough their eyes and
hear w hat they hear. The ability lasts for
1d10 tur ns. The anim al's actions ar e lim ited

by its intelligence. To acquir e a r une

r equir es 2 w eeks of study, 500gp in cost and
a DC12 Investigation test.

3r d Ci r cl e of Ru n es
Requir em ent: 12th level, 2nd Cir cle of Runes
- Rune of Pow er : Your lear n the tr ue nam e for
a sour ce of ener gy, (fir e, cold, electr icity, etc).
M ake a DC15 Ar cana test to incr ease or
decr ease the dam age of a spell using that
ener gy by a num ber of dice equal to your
level. This cannot r educe dam age below 0 or
incr ease it above 20d6. This m ay be done as
a r eaction. To acquir e a r une r equir es 4
w eeks of study, 1000gp in cost and a DC15
Investigation test.

4t h Ci r cl e of Ru n es
Requir em ent: 16th level, 3r d Cir cle of Runes
- Runes of M agic: You lear n to bind spells to
item s. M ake a DC20 Ar cana test, if successful
the spell is bound to an item . The spell
tr igger s w hen the item is used or picked up.
Each spell r equir es a differ ent r une. Only
one r une per item can inscr ibed, the r une is
per m anent until activated or dispelled. The
r une is invisible after casting. You can bind
cr eatur e nam es to ar eas to pr event the
cr eatur e fr om enter ing. You can inscr ibe
five r unes on a golem to activate it, at a
m ater ial cost of 1,000gp per hit die. To
acquir e a r une r equir es 8 w eeks of study,
2500gp in cost and a DC20 Investigation test.
5th Cir cle of Runes
Requir em ent: 20th level, 4th Cir cle of Runes.
- Tr uenam e: You lear n the tr ue nam e of an
intelligent cr eatur e. This acts exactly as a
Rune of Life. You can r eplace spells the
tar get has m em or ized w ith your ow n, and
can cast the tar get's spells or inscr ibe them
in your spell book . To acquir e a r une
r equir es 6 m onths of study, 5000gp in cost
and a DC25 Investigation test.

W i t ch cr af t

3r d Ci r cl e of W i t ch cr af t

Penalties: After each feat is acquir ed the

char acter loses 2 points of Char ism a
per m anently, to a m inim um of 3.

Requir em ent: 12th level, 2nd Cir cle of

W itchcr aft

1st Ci r cl e of W i t ch cr af t
Requir em ent: 4th level, W izar d or Sor cer er
- Br ew s and Potions: Identical to the Alchemy
feat Alchem ical Pr epar ation, except the
concoction is in the for m of a potion. You do
not get the incr eased pr epar ation tim e like
alchem ists how ever.
Cr itical Failur e: The potion has the opposite
affect intended.
- Silver Tongue: M aks a DC10 Ar cana check , if
successful the you gain advantage on all
per suasion r olls for one hour.
Cr itical Failur e: You ar e incapable of falsehoods,
including by om ission for one hour.

2n d Ci r cl e of W i t ch cr af t
Requir em ent: 8th level, 1st Cir cle of W itchcr aft
- Doll Cur se: You cr eate a pair of dolls that
look like your victim , the pr ocess taking tw o
days per level of the victim , r equir ing you to
place one doll in the victim 's hom e. If the
doll is destr oyed all effects end. Each night
you can per for m one of the follow ing actions
by m aking a DC12 Ar cana test.
- Pain: The victim takes 1d6 dam age, not
r educed by anything.
- Sickness: The victim becom e violently ill, no
m agic can cur e the disease.
- M adness: The victim m ust m ake a W isdom
Save vs. your Spellcasting Ability or lose a
point of Constitution. The only w ay to
r estor e this loss is to find and destr oy the

- Spellbinding: M ake a DC15 Ar cana test, if

successful you conjur es a num ber of
cr eatur es w hose com bined CR ar e equal to
the your level. The cr eatur es m ust be of the
sam e alignm ent as you. The cr eatur es ar e
utter ly loyal to you, and you can see thr ough
their eyes. The cr eatur es last until slain or
dism issed.
Cr itical Failur e: Instead of appear ing, the
cr eatur e takes over your body for an entir e day.

4t h Ci r cl e of W i t ch cr af t
Requir em ents:16th level, 3r d Cir cle of
W itchcr aft
- Shapechange: M akes a DC15 Ar cana test and
can assum e the shape of a cr eatur e or
cr eatur es w hose com bined CR is equal or
less than your s. The cr eatur es cannot have
m or e than 4HD each. In the case of m ultiple
cr eatur es you becom es a single cr eatur e and
contr ols the other s. Dam age dealt to a
contr olled cr eatur e is dealt the you w hen
you r etur ns to nor m al for m . This ability
lasts until you dispels it.
Cr itical Failur e: You cannot r etur n to nor m al
for m , the effect m ust be dispelled nor m ally

5t h Ci r cl e of W i t ch cr af t
Requir em ents: 20th level, 4th Cir cle of
W itchcr aft

Cr itical Failur e: The doll is destr oyed and the

you suffer the effects of a Bestow Curse spell,
effects up to the DM . The cur se is dispelled
nor m ally.

Ultim ate Possession: On a DC25 Ar cana test the

W itch m ay M agic Jar into an unw illing victim as
per the spell. The victim m ust be of equal or
low er level but gets no save. You m ay stay in
the victim s body until you decides to r elinquish
contr ol. The victim is fully aw ar e of w hat is
happening w hile possessed. The w itch m ay
cast her spells or use any of the victim 's abilities
w hile in possession.

W itches Char m : M akes a DC12 Ar cana test, if

successful the Char m r estor es all lost Char ism a
fr om the W itchcr aft Cir cle for 24 hour s.

Cr itical Failur e:You possess the victim , but your

body dies. If you r elease contr ol or ar e for ced
out by a dispel m agic spell or sim ilar, you die.

Cr itical Failur e: The w itch loses a per m anent

point of Char ism a.


Nor dic Rune Magic

In the old tales of Jar ls, ther e w er e given to the
gr eat lor ds of old w or ds of pow er by the
Im m or tals. The w or ds give those that use them
tr em endous w isdom , str ength, w ealth or a host
of other gifts, but at a ter r ible cost. Each tim e a
Nor thm an lear ns a new r une, ther e is a ver y
good chance they w ill per ish in the attem pt.
Ther e is a gr eat cost to acquir ing each r une.
To acquir e a r une you m ust seek out a cler ic of
the Nor ther n Im m or tals, know n as a godr ic.
You m ust then convince the godr ic to per for m
the r itual to let them r equest know ledge fr om
the Im m or tal. Dur ing the r itual the ar e ar e
hung fr om a tr ee, bur ied alive, left to the
elem ents or other w ise placed in extr em e
danger. Ther e the char acter w ill r em ain for
nine days. W hen the Godr ic r etur ns you w ill
either aw aken, gr eatly w eakened fr om the
or deal, or have died in the attem pt. It is a r isk
m any ar e w illing to take.
To per for m the r itual you m ust w or ship of the
Nor ther n im m or tals (Odin, Thor, Fr ey/Fr eya,
Loki or Hel) and m ust contact the Godr ic as

above. If you ar e able to convince the Godr ic

helps you under goe a r itual suicide. This puts
you at 0 hit points. Then you m ust m ake thr ee
death saves w ith no healing or help fr om other s.
Any non-m agical ability to m odify deaths saves
is allow ed. If you die then you cannot be
r esur r ected. Other w ise you w ill aw aken in nine
days fr om your near death state. You then lose
1 point of Constitution per m anently, but gain
the know ledge of a r une. You m ust m ake a DC15
Char ism a save, if successful you can pick the
r une you have lear ned, other w ise it is
deter m ined at r andom .
A r une has m ultiple uses. You can use
each ability of the r une once befor e needing a
long r est. The effect of the r une lasts for 1 tur n
unless a spell effect or other w ise stated. If the
r une allow s for a saving thr ow, you use your
char ism a to deter m ine the DC of the saving
thr ow. Som e r unes have per m anent affects that
tr igger autom atically. Rune effects that tr igger
im m ediately r esolve upon being activated. The
r une m ust be applied to an item or a per son to
activate. This take a full action.

Rune/Nam e






You detect gr eatest

am ount of tr easur e in

Indicates dir ection to a

specifically identified
cr eatur e

Item of value is under

effect of nondetection
spell for one day

Per m anently
announces your
ow ner ship of an item

Ur ur /Aur och

Causes hostile w ild

anim al to becom e
placid unless a w isdom

Your str ength becom es


All attacker s w ithin 30'

w ill only attack your
char acter for dur ation


Thur s/Giant

Per m anent advantage

on per suasion tests
against giantish
cr eatur es.

Hostile giant cr eatur e

becom es stunned
unless it can pass a
saving thr ow at the
star t of each r ound

Char acter enlarges like

the spell.


As/Im m or tals

Gr ants True Sight like


Center s a Protection
from Good and Evil in a

You have advantage on

all saving thr ow s


Raidu/Jour ney

For next six hour s

autom atically aw aken if
enemy or hostile

Can autom atically

deter m ine w hich w ay is
your destination

For the next six hour s

gain advantage on all
Constitution tests due to


Kaunna/Fir e

For tw o hour s the r une

w ill bur n on an item
like a tor ch, but not
consum e the item .
Rune goes out if
subm er ged.

The r une w ill bur n on a

w eapon, dealing 3d4
extr a fir e dam age. This
w ill not har m the
w eapon.




You gain advantage on

any Per suasion tests to
acquir e assistance

You gain advantage on

Per suasion tests to
com e to a peaceful




You gain advantage on

Per for m tests in fr ont of

You gain advantage on

any Per suasion test to

Cr eatur es in 20' m ust

m ake Char ism a saving


Hagla/Cr uelty

Casts a lightning bolt

like the spell, for 3d6
dam age

Casts sleet stor m

center ed on your self
for 1 tur n.



Isar /Ice

Fr eezes a 10x10 ar ea of
w ater into ice thick
enough to hold your
w eight.

Casts Ice Storm w ithin

60'. Dam age is 3d6.



Jar n/Fr uitful Natur e

You detect poison of

any type in food or
dr ink

You detect spell

com ponents or
alchem ical ingr edients



Ihw ar /Hunter

You gain advantage to

hit w ith m issile
w eapons.

W hen using Sur vival

skill to hunt, you can
autom atically captur e
anim als alive.

You autom atically pass

any attem pt to tr ack a
non-m agical anim al.



Rune/Nam e





Pethr u/Unseen

You ar e ignor ed by
those w ithin 60' until
effect ends or you
attack .

M essages w r itten w hile

the r une is activated ar e
invisible except to
r ecipient

You know s of pr esence

but cannot see invisible
cr eatur es w ithin 60'


Algir /Elk

Your shield gains a +1

m agical bonus.

You gain advantage on

savings thr ow s against
m agic.

You can cause one

attack against him to
m iss autom atically.


Sow elu/Sun

One healing effect used

heals the m axim um
am ount of dam age. The
r une then expir es.

You can cast Revivify

just like a cler ic.



Tiw ar /War

You can autom atically

do m axim um dam age
w hen r olling, r une then
expir es.

You ar e im m une to fear

for dur ation of r une.

Enem ies w ithin 10'

have disadvantage
testing for fear.


Ber kana/Bir ch

You cast Barkskin on

your self.

You have r esistance

against next sour ce of
dam age

You can im m ediately

use any available hit
dice for healing.


Ehw ar /Hor se

You can see thr ough

your hor se's eyes.

You autom atically

passes any Anim al
Handling tests w ith
hor ses

Can sum m on specific

hor se w ithin one m ile if
hor se know char acter.


M annar /M an

You im m ediately know s

m otivation of one
str anger.

You can ask thr ee

questions to a per son
that m ust be answ er ed
in full and tr uthfully.

Instantly know the

dir ection of the ow ner
of an item .


Lagur /Water

You can cast water

br eathing.

You can float,

r egar dless of w eight, as
w ell has hold up one
per son.

Invoking the r une on a

ship keeps it fr om
sinking for 1d10 tur ns.

Using the r une on a

stick causes the stick to
keep one per son afloat
for 24 hour s.

Ingw ar /Gr ow th

Causes vegetation to
gr ow r apidly in 15',
cr eating difficult
ter r ain.

Causes a single item

m ade out of a plant
m ater ial to becom e 5x
lar ger.

Casts enlarge on a single

anim al.


Odala/Bir thr ight

Another char acter

im m ediately ignor es
one attack that w ould
r educe their hit points
to 0

You ignor e the next

attack that w ould
r educe them to 0 hit
points. This effect does
not expir e until attack
is negated.



Dagar /Day

Rune becom es br ight as

day for 200'.
Illum ination is tr eated
as dir ect sunlight.

Rune cr eates dar kness

w ithin 120' of char acter.

Char acter can see

per fectly in the dar k for



Accou n t i n g

Cal l u pon Radi an ce

4th Level Divination (W izard)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 Tur n

5th level Invocation (W izard, Sorcerer/Radiance)


Ran ge: 10 feet.

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (1 ledger w or th 10gp,

consum ed)

Ran ge: Self

Du r at i on : Instantaneous

Du r at i on : 1 tur n per level

W hen cast on a r oom no bigger than 10x10x10,

this spell checks the m ath of ever y ledger,
invoice, and sales slip in the ar ea. All er r or s ar e
discover ed, em bezzling detected, and r ecor ds
balanced. Anything suspicious is r ecor ded in
the ledger used as a com ponent. This spell is
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild
and M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

The caster infuses him self w ith the pow er of the

Rad, gr anting him 1 char ge per level. The caster
can spend the char ges w hen casting later spells
to change the one die per char ge to it's
m axim um value. The spell expir es at the end of
the dur ation or w hen all char ges ar e spent.
W hen the spell is cast the caster m ust m ake a
Constitution save or becom e exhausted, the DC
goes up by tw o for ever y tim e a Radiance spell
has been cast since a long r est. This spell is
consider ed extr em ely r ar e, casting it in public,
especially in Glantr i or Alphatia w ill dr aw all
sor ts of unw anted attention.

Bl each
Cantrip (W izard)

Com pon en t s: V, M (soul cr ystal)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: S
Du r at i on : Per m anent
W ith a touch you r em ove a stain fr om a cloth,
non-m agical w r iting fr om paper, or dye fr om
fabr ic. This spell is extr em ely popular w ith the
students at the Gr eat School of M agic.

Car een
2nd level Transmutation (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: 100 feet
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sand paper )
Du r at i on : Per m anent
This spell r em oves all sea gr ow th fr om a 10x10
section of a ship. If used as a touch attack , the
victim takes 1d8+1 per caster level on a failed
saving thr ow. This spell is taught only by the
M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Ch eck Car avan

4th level Divination (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 hour
Ran ge: 1 m ile
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (Cr ystal w or th 100 GP)
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
This spell finds any flaw s in a car avan befor e it
leaves. Sick anim als, badly secur ed car go, or
dam aged w agons, the spell w ill let the caster
know autom atically w hat is the pr oblem . The
spell w ill w or k on car avans up to 100 w agons in
length, but m ust be cast befor e they leave in the
m or ning. It w ill only detect physical pr oblem s,
not intentions. It w ill not tell you if the guar ds
ar e planning to r ob you. This is spell is only
taught by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild.


Ch eck Load

Cl ot h w al l

2nd level Divination (W izard)

4th level Conjuration (W izard)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute

Cast i n g Ti m e: 5 m inutes

Ran ge: Touch

Ran ge: Self

Com pon en t s: V, S

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (silver needle)

Du r at i on : Instantaneous

Du r at i on : Per m anent

By touching the w agon you can autom atically

detect w her e the w agon w as packed cor r ectly.
This spell does not guar antee the w agon w ill be
r epacked cor r ectly, just if it w as done r ight the
last tim e. The spell is taught only by the
Dar okin M er chant's Guild.

A single sheet of cloth extr udes fr om your

hands, cr eating a single 30x30 non-m agical
cloth. If you have pr oficiency in Weaver 's Tools
you can shape the cloth into a shape like a tent
or a gar m ent. The cloth com es out a single
color, and is tough and dur able. It cannot be
attached to anything w hen cast, it com es in a
pile on the gr ound.

Cl ear Si gh t
1st level Divination (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: V, S
Du r at i on : Concentr ation
You can see to the hor izon as if it w er e ten feet
in fr ont of you. You ar e r estr icted by nor m al
conditions like fog or dar kness, and can only see
nor m ally or at m axim um r ange. Spells and
abilities that ar e in effect ar e not affected, so
spells like Tr ue Seeing ar e am plified by this
spell. This spell is nor m ally only available
thr ough the M inr othad Tutor ial School.

Col or
1st level Transmutation (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sm all bit of ink)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
W hen you touch the desir ed item , you
per m anently change its color to the color of
your choice. The m ost it can affect is a 10x10
squar e. It cannot m ake patter ns, just a single
unifor m color.

Con t r ol Dest i n y
Cl i m at e
3rd level Transmutation (W izard)

7th Level Enchantment

(W izard/Sorcerer/Radiance)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 hour

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 M inute

Ran ge: 30 feet

Ran ge: Self

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sm all jar of w ater )

Com pon en t s: V, S

Du r at i on : 1 hour per level

Du r at i on : 1 hour per level.

W hen cast this spell changes the clim ate in 1

m ile per level. You can decide any clim ate fr om
ar ctic to tr opical. The w eather w ill behave like
the desir ed patter n for as long as the spell is
active. Weather patter ns w ill for m slow ly, it is
not an instantaneous effect.

W hen you cast Contr ol Destiny you gain a

num ber of Destiny char ges equal to your level.
Until the spell expir es or w hen you r un out of
char ges w hen you have to m ake a saving thr ow
you autom atically pass the saving thr ow. Each
saving thr ow costs one char ge.
W hen the spell is cast the caster m ust
m ake a Constitution save or becom e exhausted,
the DC goes up by tw o for ever y tim e a Radiance

spell has been cast since a long r est. This spell

is consider ed extr em ely r ar e, casting it in
public, especially in Glantr i or Alphatia w ill
dr aw all sor ts of unw anted attention.

Cou n t Coi n s
Cantrip Divination (W izard)

Cr ow ds ar e natur ally dr aw n to you w hile this

spell is active. Any test to gain attention fr om
people or selling a pr oduct have advantage. You
m uch have at least 50 people in the affected
ar ea to cast this spell. It does not pr ohibit them
fr om leaving, but m akes you m uch m or e
inter esting to them . This spell is nor m ally
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild
and M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
W hen you touch a container and cast this spell
you instantly know n the num ber and quantify
of the coins w ithin. This has no effect on
anything other than m etal coins, and does not
tell you the nationality of the coins. This spell is
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild
and M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Cr eat e Ai r

Di sch ar ge
8th level Invocation (W izard/Sorcerer/Radiance)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 Action
Ran ge: 10' per char ge
Com pon en t s: V, S
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
You r elease all Radiance char ges you still have
fr om other spells. This spell does 10 points of
Radiant dam age per char ge expended to a single
tar get. Dischar ge ignor es all dam age r esistance
and im m unity.

3rd Level Conjuration (W izard)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: S, M (gr ain of sea salt)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You cr eate enough fr esh air to fill a 10x10x10
r oom . The cr eated air displaces any gas ther e,
but heavier gases w ith displace the air after the
casting. The air cr eated is not pow er ful enough
to push anything other than gas.
At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, cr eate an
additional 10x10x10 section of air for each level
above 3r d.

W hen the spell is cast the caster m ust

m ake a Constitution save or becom e exhausted,
the DC goes up by tw o for ever y tim e a Radiance
spell has been cast since a long r est. This spell
is consider ed extr em ely r ar e, casting it in
public, especially in Glantr i or Alphatia w ill
dr aw all sor ts of unw anted attention.

Dou se Fl am e
1st Level Abjuration (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 Action
Ran ge: 10 feet
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (spr inkle of w ater )
Du r at i on : Per m anent

Cr ow d Su m m on i n g
2nd Level Enchantment (Bard, W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n
Ran ge: 120' feet
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (a piece of shiny cloth)
Du r at i on : Concentr ation, up to 1 hour

You im m ediately extinguish a 10x10 section of

non-m agical fir e. You even r em ove all heat, so
ther e is no danger of the fir e r eigniting. This
spell has no effect on m agical fir e or cr eatur es
m ade of fir e.
At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 2th level or higher,
extinguish an additional 10x10 section of fir e
for each level above 1st.

Du el -Sh i el d

Du r at i on : 1 Day

8th Level Conjuration (W izard)

After casting this on a docum ent or ledger, all

tests to check the m ath or see if m oney is
m issing is at a disadvantage. This spell is
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild
and M inr othad Tutor ial Guild, though they ar e
both loathe to adm it it.

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 hour
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (r uby w or th 5,000 that is
cr ushed w hen spell is cast)
Du r at i on : 2 hour s or death of w izar d.
This spell r equir es tw o m ages to cast, each m ust
know the spell. This is a spell unknow n outside
Alphatia, w hen it is cast it can only end w ith the
death of one of the w izar ds. It cr eates a dom e
60' in diam eter encom passing both w izar ds.
Nothing shor t of a w ish spell can br ing this
shield dow n once cast. Nothing can penetr ate
the shield fr om either dir ection.
The shield is used for duels to the death,
as soon as one of the w izar ds is slain the shield
ends. If neither of the w izar ds is dead at the
end of tw o hour s, the shield dissolves,
disintegr ating all tr apped inside, no saves or
m agic r esistance allow ed. If w izar ds br ing
gr oups w ith them , all pr esent m ust declar e their
loyalty. The spell ends w hen the last com batant
of one side is dead.

Eye of the Eagle

5th level Enchantment (Cleric/Druid)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (eagle feather )
Du r at i on : 1 tur n
W hile under the effect of this spell, if the per son
affected by this spell r olls m axim um dam age
w ith an attack fr om a long or shor t bow, you
can r oll another die of the sam e type and add
that dam age to the total. Continue doing so
until you do not r oll m axim um dam age on the

Fabr i cat e
4th level Conjuration (W izard)

Eval u at e
1st Level Divination (W izard)
Ca sting Time: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (1 platinum piece)
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
By touching an item you im m ediately know its
value in gold pieces. This spell r eveals nothing
other than m onetar y w or th. This spell is taught
only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild and
M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Em bezzl e
4th Level Illusion (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute
Ran ge: Touch

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n
Ran ge: 10 feet
Com pon en t : V, S, M (sm all toy house)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You cr eate com m on household item s w ith this
spell. W hen you cast the spell you m ay cr eate
either : M eals for 3 people, clothes for 3 people,
or fur nitur e for one r oom . None of the item s
cr eated ar e m agical, the item s ar e of aver age
cr aftsm anship, they pr ovide no bonuses other
than w hat nor m al item s of their type w ould
pr ovide.
Fi r ebow
3rd level Invocation (Cleric)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (hickor y ash)

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (a touch of char coal)


Du r at i on : 1 r ound/level or until all the char ges

ar e used.

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (dir t fr om the r oad being

A long or shor t bow is char ged w ith 3 char ges.

W hen the ar cher shoots an ar r ow, he can use
any num ber of char ges. Each char ge adds 1d8
to the dam age if the attack hits. If the attack
m isses the char ges ar e lost. The spell expir es if
all the char ges ar e spent.

Du r at i on : 1 day

At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell

using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, add tw o
additional char ges for each level above 3r d.

Fi r e Gat e
5th level Conjuration (Cleric)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 r ound
Ran ge: 10 feet
Com pon en t s: V, S
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
W hen you cast this you enter any bonfir e lar ge
enough to cover you com pletely. You take no
dam age fr om the fir e w hen you do this. You
m ay then telepor t to any fir e that you know of,
stepping out of the second fir e unscathed.

tr aveled on)
W hile under this spell car avans ar e able to
avoid holes, bad w eather and other pitfalls
along badly m aintained r oads. You have
advantage on all Anim al Handling or Vehicle:
Land tests you have to m ake w hen testing to see
how far you've tr aveled over land. This spell is
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild.

I n f u si on
6th level Enchantment (Cleric)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n
Ran ge: 10 feet
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of buffalo dung)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You m ay cast this spell on a num ber of tar gets
equal to your cler ical level. W hile this spell is
active, each per son under its effect
autom atically passes their next saving thr ow.
The spell for them then expir es. The spell can
expir e on one per son and stay active on

Hu n t i n g Pai n t
2nd level Enchantment (Cleric, Druid) ritual

I n ven t or y

Cast i n g Ti m e: 30 m inutes

3rd level Divination (W izard)

Ran ge: touch

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (face paints)

Ran ge: Touch

Du r at i on : 1 day

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sm all abacus)

W hile the paint is w or n by the tar get, they ar e

under the effects of a bless spells and have
advantage on all Sur vival tests. If the bear er of
the paint fails a saving thr ow against a w ater
based attack or is subm er ged the spell ends. If
cast as a r itual the caster m ay tar get a num ber
of people equal to his caster level w ith this spell.

Du r at i on : Instantaneous

I gn or e Road

You instantly know the contents and quantity of

any container, w agon or vessel that you touch.
You w ill know w hat is in it, but not anything
m or e specific than w hat it is m ade of. You
cannot detect if som ething is m agical inside.
You w ill know a chest contains a sw or d, but not
if it is a the king's sw or d. This spell is taught
only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild and
M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

1st level Abjuration (W izard)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n
Ran ge: 100 feet

Ni gh t w at ch

Pr eci pi t at i on

2nd level Enchantment (W izard)

1st level Conjuration (W izard, Druid)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n

Ran ge: Touch

Ran ge: Self

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bat's w ing)

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (vial of pur e w ater )

Du r at i on : 1 night

Du r at i on : 1 hour

The affected cr eatur e can see in the dar k as w ell

as he could see if it w as daylight, up to 200 feet.
After 200 feet ever ything appear s to be in a
haze. This spell has no affect in daylight, or
inside or under gr ound. This spell is taught only
by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild and M inr othad
Tutor ial Guild.

You cr eate a light pr ecipitation or r ain, snow,

sleet or hail in a 120' diam eter center ed on
your self. The w eather isn't heavy enough to be
anything m or e than annoying. Fr ozen
pr ecipitation w ill m elt in hotter tem per atur es
w hen it hits the gr ound.

Oi l sk i n

Pr edi ct Weat h er

1st level Transmutation (W izard)

2nd level Divination (W izard, Druid, Ranger)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n

Ran ge: Touch

Ran ge: 10 m iles

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of eel skin)

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (dir t fr om local ar ea)

Du r at i on : 2 tur ns

Du r at i on : Instantaneous

You cannot get w et by any m eans shor t of

com plete im m er sion. Rain w ill not touch you,
even w aves acr oss a ship w ill not get you w et.
You suffer no penalty tr ying to see in a stor m
because r ain does not get in your eyes. This
spell is taught only by the M inr othad Tutor ial

You know w hat kind of w eather and of w hat

intensity it w ill occur in a 10 m ile diam eter
ar ound you. You have a gener al idea w hen the
w eather w ill ar r ive, and fr om w hat dir ection.

At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell

using a spell slot of 2th level or higher, the
dur ation incr eases 2 tur ns for each level above

Qu i ck en Pace
2nd level Enchantment (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sm all w hip)

Or i en t at i on

Du r at i on : 1 day

Cantrip Divination (W izard, Ranger)

Any hor se or w agon under your contr ol dur ing

this spell incr eases it over land tr avel by 2 m iles
for daily tr avel. It has no effect on speed other
than total daily distance tr aveled. This spell is
taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild.

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: S
Du r at i on : Instantaneous
You autom atically know w hich dir ection is
nor th w hen you cast this. It does not tell you
anything apar t fr om the or ientation.

At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell

using a spell slot of 3r d level or higher, you
m ove an addition 2 m iles for each level above


Ret ai n Pow er
7th level Enchantment
(W izard/Sorcerer/Radiance)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (soul cr ystal)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You can r etain the char ges fr om Radiance spells
per m anently by casting this spell. You can then
spend the char ges w henever you w ish, stor ing
them indefinitely. The m or e Radiance you stor e
in your body the m or e difficult it becom es to
cast spells. Ever y five char ges of Radiance you
have stor ed counts gives a +2 to the DC of any
tests m ade to avoid fatigue fr om casting
Radiance spells.
This spell is consider ed extr em ely r ar e,
casting it in public, especially in Glantr i or
Alphatia w ill dr aw all sor ts of unw anted

2nd level Necromancy (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of r ust)
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You cause a single non-m agic item to decay into
uselessness. The item m ust be able to be held in
your hand. Wood r ots, cloth becom es m oth
eaten, m etal r usts. Item s held by another m ust
be touched w ith an attack r oll, the ow ner of the
item can m ake a Dexter ity save to avoid the
item 's destr uction.

Sav i or Fai r e
2nd level Enchantment (Bard, W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

have advantage in tests to m ake fr iends in

locations w her e you ar e not fam iliar. You m ay
not know the language but can get by being a
w allflow er or w ith hand gestur es. This spell is
nor m ally taught only by the Dar okin M er chant's
Guild and M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.
At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3r d level or higher, the
dur ation is incr eased by an hour for each level
above 2nd.

Sea Legs
1st level Enchantment (W izard)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of lim e)
Du r at i on : 1 hour
W hile under the effects of the spell the tar get
suffer s no penalties for m oving on a r ocking
ship, and is im m une to seasickness and other
ailm ents br ought on by being unaccustom ed to
ship life. This spell is taught only by the
M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Si l ver Ton gu e
2nd level Enchantment (Bard, W izard)
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: self
Com ponents: V, S, M (silver piece)
Dur ation: 1 tur n
As long as you do not lie, you have advantage on
all Per suasion tests. Om issions and
exagger ations ar e per m itted, but if you tell a
blatant falsehood the spell ends. Telling
som eone ?This is the finest dagger in Dar okin?
is acceptable, but not that it w as w ielded by
Halav him self. This spell is nor m ally taught
only by the Dar okin M er chant's Guild and
M inr othad Tutor ial Guild.

Ran ge: Self

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of cologne)
Du r at i on : 1 hour
You instinctively know how not to em bar r ass
your self w hen in an unfam iliar setting. You

Sm u ggl i n g

be set on fir e as nor m al.

3rd level Illusion (W izard)

Th or n spear

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 tur n

1st level Conjuration (Cleric, Druid)

Ran ge: Touch

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (sm all electr um statue)

Ran ge: Self

Du r at i on : 1 day

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of m istletoe)

This spell can affect a per son, a w agon, or a

ship. W hile affected anyone tr ying to sear ch the
tar get for hidden contr aband has disadvantage
on all Per ception tests. It does not m ake the
car go invisible, but people ar e m or e likely to
over look it. This spell is taught only by the
Dar okin M er chant's Guild and M inr othad
Tutor ial Guild, but not openly.

Du r at i on : 1 m inute
You cr eate a 5' long m agical spear that does
3d10 dam age and can be thr ow n. The spear is
nor m al in all aspects, but disappear s after you
attack w ith it.

Th u n der dr u m
3rd level Invocation (Cleric)

Tal k t o Sea Cr eat u r es

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

1st level Divination (Druid, W izard) ritual

Ran ge: 120'

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (dr um )

Ran ge: Self

Du r at i on : Instantaneous

Com pon en t s: V, S

Your dr um cr eates a deafening noise that dr ives

enem ies aw ay. Cr eatur es, fr iend or foe, w ithin
10' of you ar e not affected. Cr eatur es CR1 or
less autom atically becom e fr ightened.. Other
cr eatur es m ust pass a W isdom saving thr ow or
becom e fr ightened. This spell has no effect on
cr eatur es w ith m or e hit points than you. All
cr eatur es affected take Thunder dam age equal
to your cler ic level.

Du r at i on : 10 m inutes
You gain the ability to com pr ehend and ver bally
com m unicate w ith sea cr eatur es for the
dur ation. The know ledge and aw ar eness of
m any beasts is lim ited to their intelligence, but
at a m inim um beasts can give you infor m ation
about near by locations and m onster s, including
w hatever they can per ceive or have per ceived
w ithin the past day. You m ight be able to
per suade a sea cr eatur e to per for m a sm all
favor for you, at the DM 's discr etion.

1st level Conjuration (W izard)

W hile fr ightened by this spell, a cr eatur e

m ust take the Dash action and m ove aw ay fr om
you by the safest available r oute on each of its
tur ns, unless ther e is now her e to m ove. If the
cr eatur e ends its tur n in a location w her e it
doesn't have live of sight to you, the cr eatur e
can m ake a W isdom saving thr ow, on a
successful save the spell ends for that cr eatur es.

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch

Tr an scen d Li f e For ce

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (a sm all bit of tar )

9th level Transmutation (W izard, Sorcerer,

Radiance) ritual

Du r at i on : Per m anent
You cover a 50' r ope or 10x10 ar ea w ith tar. The
tar is sticky and w ill bur n if an open flam e is
applied to it. Tur pentine w ill r em ove it. You
can cast this spell offensively, if the tar get fails a
Dexter ity save they ar e cover ed in tar, and m ay

Cast i n g Ti m e: 2d12 hour s

Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (lich's skull, nightw ing's
tongue, 12 ounces of phoenix ashes, pint of

fr esh gr em lin blood, tw o m andr agor as, tooth

fr om the Star Dr agon, 2 m alfer a's eyes and 12
feather s fr om an Ar chon, all of w hich is
consum ed in the casting)

If cast at a r iver or ocean the spell w ill cr eate an

iceber g, w hich w ill be m oved by cur r ents as
nor m al. The ice in non-m agical, and is tr eated
as r ough ter r ain if on the gr ound.

Du r at i on : Per m anent
The ultim ate spell of the Radiance, this spell
gives you a chance at becom ing an Im m or tal.
Just lear ning this spell should be the goal of an
entir e cam paign. The only w ay to acquir e the
spell is to lear n it fr om a Pr ince or Ar chduke of
Glantr i, be a m em ber of the Br other hood of the
Radiance, and have the sponsor ship of an
Im m or tal of the Spher e of Ener gy.

Tr u st

To cast the spell you m ust have 50

Radiance char ges saved thr ough the Retain
Pow er spell. Once cast the you finds your self
floating befor e a golden door, w hich becom es
m or e difficult to r each as the caster tr ies. To
r each the door the caster m ust pass six tests in
the for m of saving thr ow s. You m ust save
against each saving thr ow at DC25 to pr ove they
ar e w or thy. If you fail any of them you w ake up
in pain at the end of the spell. For 2d4 days you
have a 30% chance of spell failur e and cannot
cast any Radiance spells for the dur ation. In
addition you m ust m ake a DC15 Constitution
save or lose a point of Constitution per m anently.

Your gain advantage on the next Deception or

Per suasion test you m ake befor e the spell
expir es. This spell is nor m ally taught only by
the Dar okin M er chant's Guild and M inr othad
Tutor ial Guild.

If all the tests ar e passed, you find

your self on the other side of the door befor e an
Im m or tal of the Spher e of Ener gy. The
Im m or tal w ill explain ever ything that has just
happened, and the m eaning behind the
Radiance. The Im m or tal w ill then explain the
last test is a duel. You m ust fight an Em pyr ean
loyal to the Spher e of Ener gy alone. If you
succeed, you have becom e an Im m or tal, if you
fail your life for ce is used to pow er the
Radiance. Your char acter is r em oved fr om play
to becom e a pow er ful for ce in the Know n
Wor ld.

Du r at i on : Per m anent

1st level Enchantment (W izard)

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Self
Com pon en t s: S, M (silver piece)
Du r at i on : 1 r ound

War p Wood
1st level Transmutation (W izard, Druid)
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: Touch
Com pon en t s: V, S, M (bit of w yr m w ood)
You cause a single non-m agic w ooden item to
w ar p into uselessness. The item m ust be able to
be held in your hand. Item s held by another
m ust be touched w ith an attack r oll, the ow ner
of the item can m ake a Dexter ity save to avoid
the item 's destr uction.
Wat er y For m
2nd level Transmutation (W izard) ritual
Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute
Ran ge: Self

Tr an sm u t e Wat er t o I ce

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (dr op of pur e w ater )

3rd level Transmutation (W izard)

Du r at i on : Concentr ation

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 m inute

You tr ansfor m into a volum e of w ater equal to

your m ass. Your clothing and gear tr ansfor m s
w ith you, and you cannot be separ ated. W hile
you ar e in this state you can only be har m ed by
m agic w eapons, cannot attack , and m ove 1/3
your nor m al speed. In addition you can br eath
w ater nor m ally, but if you ar e in a body of

Ran ge: 100 feet

Com pon en t s: V, S
Du r at i on : Per m anent
You change all w ater in a 10x10x10 ar ea to ice.


w ater you m ove along w ith the w ater at the

speed of the cur r ent.

Wr at h of At r u agh i n
9th level invocation (cler ic)

Wal l of Wood

Casting Tim e: 1 action

4th level Conjuration (Druid)

Range: 120 feet

Cast i n g Ti m e: 1 action
Ran ge: 120 feet

Com ponents: V, S, M (m edicine pouch,

consum ed in the casting)

Com pon en t s: V, S, M (hear tw ood of an oak)

Dur ation: Instantaneous

Du r at i on : Concentr ation, up to 10 m inutes

You br ing dow n the w r ath of the Im m or tal

Atr uaghin on your foes. Assign a num ber of
dice equal to tw ice your cler ic level to the
tar geted cr eatur es, the pool m ay be divided any
w ay you decided by you, it need not be the sam e
dam age type per tar get. You can descr ibe each
affect, som e cr eatur e ar e hit by fir e, other s by
lightning for exam ple.

A nonm agical w all of solid w ood spr ings into

existence at a point you choose w ithin r ange.
The w all is 6 inches thick and is com posed of ten
10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel m ust be
contiguous w ith at least one other panel.
Alter natively, you can cr eate 10-foot-by-20-foot
panels that ar e only 3 inches thick .
If the w all cuts thr ough a cr eatur e?s space w hen
it appear s, the cr eatur e is pushed to one side of
the w all (your choice). If a cr eatur e w ould be
sur r ounded on all sides by the w all (or the w all
and another solid sur face), that cr eatur e can
m ake a Dexter ity saving thr ow. On a success, it
can use its r eaction to m ove up to its speed so
that it is no longer enclosed by the w all.
The w all can have any shape you desir e, though
it can?t occupy the sam e space as a cr eatur e or
object. The w all doesn?t need to be ver tical or
r est on any fir m foundation. It m ust, how ever,
m er ge w ith and be solidly suppor ted by existing
w ooden suppor ts. Thus, you can use this spell to
br idge a chasm or cr eate a r am p.
If you cr eate a span gr eater than 20 feet in
length, you m ust halve the size of each panel to
cr eate suppor ts. You can cr udely shape the w all
to cr eate cr enelations, battlem ents, and so on.
The w all is an object m ade of w ood that can be
dam aged and thus br eached. Each panel has AC
15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness.
Reducing a panel to 0 hit points destr oys it and
m ight cause connected panels to collapse at the
DM ?s discr etion.
If you m aintain your concentr ation on this spell
for its w hole dur ation, the w all becom es
per m anent and can?t be dispelled. Other w ise,
the w all disappear s w hen the spell ends.


Goodsand Services


Toolsand Equipment
M any adventur er s in M ystar a ar e tr ained in a tr ade or pr ofession befor e becom ing adventur er s.
For som e, especially in M inr othad and Dar okin, adventur ing is a m eans to acquir e m or e capitol for
a side business. Other adventur er s pick up use tr ades that help them m end or cr eate w eapons,
ar m or or even legal know ledge in cases of legal difficulties.
Weapon s
Nam e
Cost Dam age
Wt. Pr oper ties
Advocacy Books
10 lbs
1gp 1d4
1 lb. Finesse, Light
Ar m or er 's Tools
70 lbs
Bar ge M aking Tools


7 lbs

Bow yer Tools


3 lbs

Builder 's Tools


20 lbs

Cabinetm aker 's


7 lbs

Canvas M aker 's


4 lbs

Car t M aker 's Tools


8 lbs

Cooper 's Tools


5 lbs

Far m er 's Tools


22 lbs

Financier 's Ledger s


8 lbs

Fletcher 's Tools


1 lb

Law yer 's Books


15 lbs

Lum ber jack's Tools


30 lbs

M ining Tools


25 lbs

Net M aker 's Tools


4 lbs

Rope M aker 's Tools


6 lbs

Saddle M aker 's


10 lbs

Shepher d's Tools


10 lbs

Shipw r ight's Tools


120 lbs

Tailor 's Tools


4 lbs

Tool M aker 's Tools


18 lbs

Tr ap M aker 's Tools


7 lbs

Wagon M aker 's


6 lbs

W heelw r ight's Tools 15gp

4 lbs


25gp 1d6 slashing

W histling 3 sp None
Ar r ow

3 lb. Finesse, Light


Signal noise


Captain Quinn's Nautical Empor ium

The pr ide of the Minr othad Islands is pr oud to of f er these f ine magical items
acquir ed af ter a lif etime of adventur e on the high seas. Each of these f ine
magic items w ill make any ship's captain's lif e so much easier , you'll w onder
how you got along w ithout them. Pr ices ar en't listed, because if you have to
ask, you can't af f or d it. Check us out in Harbortow n, the Old Tow n side.
Am u l et of Ti m ek eepi n g. For those you who know anything about navigation,
the only real way to know where you are going east to west is by keeping
accurate time. This beauty does exactly that. Use the command word and it
will keep accurate time no matter what.
W hile activated you know the exact tim e, and gain advantage on all Sur vival
tests m ade on the open ocean for navigating. (Uncom m on)
Bal an ce of Con ver si on . This beauty is a must for people trading in areas that
don't accept coins, or for cashing in gems without having to pay the jeweler's
fee. Simply put either coins or a gem on one side of the balance, say the magic
word, and the balance will turn coins into a gem of equal value or the gem into
coins of the gem's worth.
W hen activated the balance w ill tur n up to 1,000 coins (the balance only
holds 100 coins if not in a bag) in a gem of equal value. If a gem is placed on
the balance then the balance tr ansfor m s it into local coins of equal value.
The balance can be used up to thr ee tim es a day. (Rar e)
Bead of Dew. This one you'll want to stock up on. Perfect when you have to
stock up on your water supplies but your source of water is of a dubious
nature. Just drop one of these into a barrel of water, and you've instantly got
pure clean drinking water.
The bead w ill pur ify up to 100 gallons of w ater w hen places in the vessel
containing the w ater. The effect is per m anent, though the w ater m ay foul
nor m ally after w ar ds. This uses up the bead. (Com m on)
Cabi n et of Secu r i t y. A must for captains who don't like people meddling in
their affairs. The cabinet has several functions, and you'll use all of them. First
only you can open it without magic. Second it can't be moved unless you want
it to. Third, and most important, you can decide what drawers are visible when
people are looking through it.
The cabinet has thr ee effects, all tr igger ed w ith the com m and w or d. The fir st
effect causes Ar cane Lock to be cast on the cabinet. This lasts until its ow ner
uses the com m and w or d to deactivate it. The second pr events the cabinet
fr om being m oved. The only w ay to m ove the cabinet to take a section of the
floor w ith it. The last effect allow s the ow ner to cr eate an illusion that any
num ber of dr aw er s to appear as em pty shelves. Any of the effects can be
used as often as needed. (Rar e)
Ch al i ce of Det ect i on . This one is a true lifesaver. Nothing fancy about it, any
kind of poison is put into the chalice and it turns it into a frothy foul smelling
green liquid. You will instantly know that somebody is trying to drug you.
Then all you have to do is use the cat of nine tails to figure out who.
W hen a poison is placed in the chalice, the chalice tr ansfor m s the liquid
inside it to a gr een foul sm elling fluid. W hile it does not neutr alize the
poison, it is im possible to m iss the tr ansfor m ation. (Uncom m on)

Desk of St u dyi n g. For you Aurumancers or other wizardly types, you need
this. The desk speeds up the time it takes to memorize spells from a few hours
to just a few minutes. W hile the desk to too large to take adventuring, it's
perfect in a captain's cabin.
W hen a w izar d sits at the desk to pr epar e spells, it only takes 1 tur n to
pr epar e all the spells instead of 1 m inute per spell level. (Ver y Rar e)
Ear r i n g of Seam an sh i p. So you've got a landlubber that don't know the jib
from the head and you can't just throw him overboard. W ith this little gem
you'll make a salt out of him yet. Just stick it in his lobe and he'll automatically
know the difference between a rope and a line. If he ain't got his ears pierced
yet, well, that's why they made knives.
W hile w ear ing the Ear r ing you gain pr oficiency in Vehicles (Water ).
(Uncom m on)
Fi gu r eh ead of Pr ot ect i on . If you don't have one of these on your ship yer a
damned fool. This beauty will keep your ship from harm, no matter what.
Rocks, sea monsters, or ballista fire fire just scratches the paint. The only way
your ship is going to the deep is through sorcery, nothing else will touch it.
W hile attached to the bow of an ocean going ship, the ship gains Im m unity
(non-m agic attacks). (Legendar y)
Gaf f of Dock i n g. The best way to make money on the seas is to leave nothing
to chance. This item's effect isn't impressive, but the peace of mind it gives a
ship's captain is worth the price. Just touch the gaff to the ship or mooring you
are docking with and your ship will effortlessly slide along side it. Can also be
used for boarding actions, but you didn't hear that from me.
W hen touched to a dock or another ship, your ship w ill gently m ove along
side it, no test needed. (Com m on)
Gavel of Au t h or i t y. W hile a Captain's M ast is rarely a pleasant thing, with the
gavel at least they will listen to you. Just slam it down once and everyone
present will be captivated by your every word. Great for stopping mutinies
before they start.
W hen activated your Char ism a based tests have advantage for 1 tur n. The
Gavel can be used thr ee tim es per day. (Uncom m on)
Han dk er ch i ef of Fl i r t i n g. This one you will get a lot of use out of at parties
and soirees. Just wave it in front of your face, say the magic word and for the
next hour you will be the life of the ball. Ladies will find you irresistible, no
matter how bad your jokes.
W hen activated you have advantage on all Per suasion tests of a r om antic
natur e against char acter s of the opposite sex for one hour. The Handker chief
of Flir ting w or ks once per day. (Uncom m on)
Han dk er ch i ef of Len gt h s. This is a discrete but effective lifesaver. Looks like
an ordinary kerchief, but you say the command word and you can lengthen it
out for a couple hundred feet. Great when you need to make a quick get away
off a balcony or have to tie up some guard while you do a little ransacking.
The Handker chief w ill go fr om sever al inches long to up to 200 feet long
w hen you pull on it as you use the com m and w or d. The w eight w ill not
change, and the handker chief has the sam e toughness of silk r ope. It w ill
r etur n to nor m al size if you use the com m and w or d again, untying itself on

the opposite end if necessar y. (Uncom m on)

Ever f u l I n k w el l . If you're a penny pincher like myself, you'll love this magical
creation. It never runs out of ink, ever! Write your memoirs knowing you've
spent your last copper on ink. It won't even spill when tipped over! How can
you beat that kind of value?
The inkw ell never r uns out of ink w hen used w ith a pen. The ink is
non-m agical, and w ill only com e out w hen a pen is dipped in it. (Com m on)
I r on s of I m pr i son m en t . Sometimes you have to clap a man in irons. Knowing
our business, that man will usually know his way around a lock or two. So
what to do? Try these magical shackles. They work on command words, they
don't even have a lock! One word locks them in place, another word frees them.
Remember to take them off before you chuck the sorry bastard overboard.
The ir ons w hen activated lock in place as an Ar cane Lock until the other
com m and w or d unlocks them . The ir ons cannot be dam aged except by
m agic. (Uncom m on)
Ladl e of Dr i n k i n g. An absolute must for extending the life of your rum ration!
Just say the magic word and the ladle will refill itself ten times with what ever
beverage you just poured. M orale is much easier to maintain if they know the
booze is safe.
W hen activated the Ladle r efills up to ten tim es w ith a non-m agical bever age
that w as last in the ladle. The bever age is non-m agical, but has all the sam e
pr oper ties as the copied bever age. The copied bever age m ust be potable. The
Ladle can be used once per day. (Uncom m on)
Li br u m of Eval u at i on . W hen you are tired or just being lazy, this book will
turn the task of appraising your latest haul into a minor distraction. Just touch
the gem or jewelry to the blank page on the left, and the librum will give you a
description and monetary appraisal on the blank page on the right. Then just
turn the page and start with the next bit of loot. W hen the book is full, close it
up and start again the next day with all the pages pages magically wiped clean!
A Libr um of Evaluation com es w ith 80 + 2d20 pages. Touching a non-m agical
piece of jew elr y or gem causes the libr um to cast an evaluate spell on it, w ith
the r esults m agically w r itten on the opposite page. W hen the book is full, it
ceases to function for 24 hour s after w ar ds the book is w iped clean and can be
used again. (Uncom m on)
Por t abl e M ast . You will want several of these, trust me. Say you lose a mast in
a storm or to hostile action. Normally you are in dire straights, but with a
portable mast replacing the lost sail is a breeze. Just clear the damaged one out
of the way, place this pole and say the magic word. The pole will grow to
replace the missing mast, complete with fully rigged sails!
The por table m ast only w or ks on ships. W hen the com m and w or d is spoken
the 10' pole gr ow s to the size of the desir ed m ast, and even pr oduces sails and
r igging of the appr opr iate type. Saying the com m and w or d again r etur ns the
sail back to its nor m al shape. (Rar e)
Needl e of Sew i n g. Got this little treasure off an Ierendi captain in a game of
cards, along with everything she was wearing but her socks. This one is a real
time saver. Just touch it to what you need fixed, say the magic word and the
needle will stitch back up! Not just cloth, I've seen this thing sew back
splintered wood good a new. Your sailmaker will thank you for this one.

The needle can be used to cast the mending cantr ip at w ill. (Com m on)
Oar of Row i n g. Another fantastic piece of nautical magic, the Oar will row by
itself with the strength of twenty men! Just put the business end in the water
and say the magic word and off you go. Now unless you want to go in circles,
you'll need twenty men on the other side of the boat as well. Or just just buy
W hen the paddle is placed in the w ater the oar w ill r ow by itself as if pulled
by tw enty m en until the com m and w or d is spoken again. Unless an equal
am ount of r ow er s or another Oar of Row ing is on the opposite side of the
ship, the ship w ill go in cir cles. (Rar e)
Ar om at i c Pi pe. This is just a creature comfort, but a needed one. Place any
combustible material in the pipe, from tobacco to paper, say the command
word and the pipe will turn it into a lovely pipeweed with any flavor desired.
Turn torn up paper into the finest Belcadiz tobacco, or go for more exotic smells
like cherry wood or m int.
W hen the com m and w or d is spoken the pipe the pr oduces a flavor ed sm oke
of the sm oker 's choice. (Com m on)
Pol e of An gl i n g. If you need fresh fish for the crew, or you are fishing for
bigger game, this gem here is what you be needing. Bait the hook, cast the line,
and name your catch. As long as its near by you'll haul it without harm within
a minute. Best part it as long as it lives in the sea, you can catch it! Giant
crabs, sea serpents, merfolk, all can snatched from the sea with this beauty.
Yeah don't expect the mermaid to be happy to see you if you reel her in with
The user nam es a sea cr eatur e and casts the line. If the cr eatur e is w ithin 1
m ile they w ill sw im to the line in 1d6 r ounds. Once the tar get has taken the
bait the pole w ill r eel them in w ithout har m . The pole w ill not w or k on
cr eatur es w ith 100hp or m or e, and any cr eatur e CR3 or higher can m ake a
Str ength save vs. DC10 to avoid the affects. The pole can be used thr ee tim es
a day, including failed attem pts.
Qu i l l of For ger y. W hile I'm not suggesting you partake of any illegal activities,
sometimes you need something authorized and the local authorities are asking
for a tad more than the going price for the service. W ith this dandy item, just
get a sample of their handwriting and you can make any form look perfectly
The Quill of For ger y r equir es a sam ple of the w r iting to be copied to be held
in the off hand. W hen activated you can per fectly copy the handw r iting of
the sam ple w ell enough to pass any scr utiny. The Quill can w r ite up to 100
w or ds per day befor e needing to r echar ge for 24 hour s. (Rar e)
Ru dder of Gu i dan ce. Any captain that doesn't have one of these on his ship is
a damned fool if you ask me. You put the rudder on your ship, say the
command word and your destination and the rudder will steer straight to the
destination, never once veering off course. If you have to take a detour, just say
the command word again and the ship is yours. Cuts down on the need for a
helmsman dramatically.
The Rudder of Guidance has to be installed on a ship to w or k . Once activated
the ship w ill not go off cour se, but w ill go the shor test w ay possible, even if
that r oute takes the ship thr ough inclem ent w eather or danger ous ar eas.
(Rar e)

Soap of Wash i n g. You will thank me for this purchase later. Just put this bar
of soap in a bucket of water and for the next hour and stain the water touches is
instantly cleaned. Works on crew as well! Just line them up in a row and get to
washing, your nose will appreciate it!
Put the soap in a container of w ater, for the next hour any non-m agical stain
touched by the w ater is instantly cleaned. The soap is used up in the pr ocess.
(Com m on)
Spoon of M edi cat i on . So you've got a man down with an illness, before it
spreads to the rest of the crew get him back to shipshape with this dandy
charm. Just fill it with honey and shove the remedy down his throat, disease
To activate fill the spoon w ith honey and im bibe. The spoon w ill cur e all
non-m agical diseases. The spoon can be used once per day. (Com m on)
Tabl e of Pl en t y/Ban qu et s. This wonder is perfect for saving your ship's stores,
especially if your steward isn't the greatest cook in the world. Simply say the
command word and four meals will magically appear, complete with settings!
The food is adequate fare, and can be summoned three times a day. Now if you
have the gold, upgrade to the Table of Banquets to keep the entire ship happy.
Now the table will expand to feed up to 40 people, just like above. You'll need
the space of course, my suggestion is to use it above decks when possible as the
table will be 60' long. Best part, say the command word again and all the
scraps instantly vanish!
The Table of Plenty w ill m agically cr eate up to four m eals thr ee tim es a day,
com plete w ith place settings, candles and tablecloth. Anything m oved m or e
than 5' fr om the table vanishes. The Table of Banquets w ill also expand up to
60', w ith settings for four additional people per 5' expanded. The Table of
Banquets w ill r etur n to nor m al size w ith the com m and w or d again. It is
identical in all other pur poses as the Table of Plenty. (Rar e/Ver y Rar e)
Tom e of Tr an sl at i on . So you're ashore on the Isle of Dread and the village
chief is telling something and you don't know if he's offering you his daughter
or inviting you to be the main course at dinner. Well, worry no longer! Hold
open the Tome of Translation and all conversation will be translated into the
language of the reader. Works great until you realize the village chief can't
W hen the Tom e is open all dialogue is tr anscr ibed into the language of the
per son being spoken to. The Tom e w ill r ecor d up to 300 pages of dialogue
befor e it slam s shut and r equir es 24 hour s to r echar ge, then it w ill open w ith
all pages blank again. (Uncom m on)
Xylogr aph. One problem you have with a lot of sailors is they can't write for
anything. This is the answer to your prayers! This seemingly boring square
piece of wood will sketch out everything you say with perfect spelling as soon
as you say the command word. Say it again and the grooves magically fill with
ink! Then just put a piece of parchment to it and you've got yourself a letter
that would make any scribe jealous.
W hen you say the com m and w or d the Xylogr aph r ecor ds ever ything said in
its pr esence by inscr ibing the w or ds onto its self. Activating it again fills the
gr ooves w ith m agical ink and you can use paper to m ake the dialogue into a
letter. You can also dr aw on it w ith just your finger, the Xylogr aph w ill shape
to for m your dr aw ing. The Xylogr aph can be used once per day.

Tarla'sEpicurean Delights
After a successful career adventurering, I havesettled down and focused on my try loveof finefood and
drinks. NowI amableto offer you thewidest variety of beverages, cheesesand breadsfromacrossthe
known world. Perfect for dining with royalty or sea salts. With locationsin Darokin, Minrothad, Thyatis,
Alphatia and nowGlantri City, you arenever far away fromthebest foodsat thelowest prices.
Ask about dealson larger quantities.
W ines
Azu r e Lu n e de Vi n : A m agical br ew fr om the W izar ds of W ines, this fr uity br ight blue w ine m akes
its im biber aler t and ener getic, until the effect w ear s off and the full effect of the w ine kicks in.
(Rem ove one level of fatigue for 4 hour s at the end of four hour s gain tw o levels of fatigue.)
Bottle: 20pp, Glass: 7pp (You m ay only benefit fr om a glass once per day)
Cava: A light, bubbly w ine m ade by the Belcadiz elves of Glantr i. The w ine of choice by them ,
consider ed a delicacy by vintner s.
Bottle: 8pp, Glass: 8gp
Ch am pagn e de l e St om p: Fr om the W izar d of W ines w iner y in New Aver oigne, de le Stom p is
consider ed one of their finest. A heady w ine, w ith a str ong distinct taste.
Bottle: 15pp, Glass: 3pp
Deepw ood Spi ce W i n e: A special blend fr om Clan Chossum , this one is unique as its r ich alm ost
bitter flavor is loved by hum ans and dw ar ves, but elves consider it a poor house w ine.
Bottle: 12pp, Glass: 12gp
Gl ow t r ee Fr u i t W i n e: Another im por t fr om Clan Chossum , this one is pr efer r ed by elves and has a
sm all dem and by Hin. To other s the str ong citr us flavor can be over w helm ing.
Bottle: 5pp, Glass: 1pp.
Hi gh Sh i r e M u l ber r y W i n e: A com m on w ine im por ted fr om the Shir es, the ber r y taste on this
vintage is an acquir ed taste.
Bottle: 2pp, Glass: 2gp
I m per i al Spi ce W i n e: Fr om the Alphatian Em pir e, this m agically enhanced br ew can leave the
hear tiest dr inker in an alcoholic stupor after a single glass. (M ake a DC15 Constitution save or be
stunned for 1d6 r ounds)
Bottle: 120pp, Glass: 14pp
M osi t i u s Label Red: One of the finest w ines pr oduced in the Thyatis Em pir e, a thick str ong bodied
w ine favor ed by Em per or Thincol him self.
Bottle: 20pp, Glass: 4pp


M osi t i u s Label W h i t e: Not as in dem and as Red Label, this light fr uity w ine is still extr em ely
popular in the Thyatis Em pir e.
Bottle: 16pp, Glass: 13gp
Nor w or l d I ce W i n e: A r ar e im por t fr om Alphatia, this obviously m agically enhanced w ine is cold
no m atter how long it has set out. A unique taste, this w ine is bought m or e for the novelty value.
Bottle: 20pp, Glass: 4pp
Pat x ar an : An acquir ed taste even am ong the Belcadiz elves, this bitter spiced w ine is consider ed
best ser ved w ith the zesty food you find am ong the Glantr ian Elves
Bottle: 2pp, Glass: 2gp
Pu r pl e Gr apesm ash #3: A m ass pr oduced w ine fr om the W izar ds of W ines in Glantr i City, this
w ine can be found in m ost taver ns acr oss the know n w or ld.
Bottle: 1gp Glass: 2sp
Red Dr agon Cr u sh : A r ich hear ty w ine popular am ong adventur er s, this W izar ds of W ines
specialty is in gr eat dem and in M inr othad.
Bottle: 4pp, Glass: 1pp
San gr i a: The m ost com m on of the Belcadiz w ines, this fr uity blend is pr oduced in enough quantity
to m ake it to the tables of m ost taver ns in Glantr i and Dar okin.
Bottle: 2pp, Glass: 2gp
Si l ver Sel ect i on Sh er r y: A extr em ely com m on m ass pr oduced w ine fr om Dar okin, w hose pr im ar y
advantage is it w ill get you dr unk quickly and cheaply.
Bottle: 1gp, Glas:s 2sp
Su n l ess Sea Bl u e W i n e: A dw ar ven w ine of unknow n or igin, this dar k blue tinted liquor is filled
w ith unusual but delicious flavor m aking it gr eatly in dem and. Dw ar ves seem to hate it though.
Bottle: 60pp, Glass: 12pp

Br a ndies
Al l 's Reck l ess Br an dy: Br ew ed but once a year on the holiday that gives it the nam e, this liquor is
gr eatly in dem and outside M inr othad as m ost of it is dr unk in a single day.
Bottle: 12pp, Glass: 3gp
Bl ack bot t om Por t : A br andy despite its nam e, this cheap quality Shir e dr ink is fam ous for tasting
better the m or e you dr ink it.
Bottle: 2gp Glass: 1sp
Qu or t w i z: A gnom ish br andy m ade fr om r utabagas and cauliflow er. A unique taste, usually dr unk
by other r aces on a dar e, then follow ed up w ith a chaser, tr aditionally w ith six shots of Wodka.
Bottle: 8gp, Glass: 1ep


Ales, Beer s a nd M ea ds
Bl ack h ear t Dar k St ou t : One of the few things to com e out of that dar k land, this stout is a thick and
heady dr ink , w ith m or e than enough kick so you w on't need m or e than a few to for get the day.
Keg: 37gp, Pint: 3sp
Br ok en Lan ds St ou t : An extr em ely str ong beer com ing out of Dar okin, this one is thick enough to
m ake it a sipping beer. The str ong taste is not m eant to be taken all at once.
Keg: 6gp Pint: 5cp
Deep Dar k Pal e Al e: Sold in lim ited quantity by the dw ar ves of Rockhom e, this ale is sur pr isingly
sm ooth for a dw ar ven dr ink . W hile m uch m or e expensive, m ost think its w or th it.
Keg: 62gp Pint: 1ep
Gai t y Local Bl en d: The house br ew of Gaity Island in Alphatia, this beer is know n for its r ich taste,
m er ciful hangover s and over pr iced m ugs. You ar e paying for the nam e.
Keg: 124pp (124gp in Alphatia), Pint: 5gp (5sp in Gaity Island, 1gp in Alphatia)
Hat t i an Lager : W hile the people m aybe unpleasant, their beer is not. This lager is a r ich and
flavor ful blend that alw ays seem s to beg for another r ound.
Keg: 2pp, Pint 8cp
Jar l 's Al e: The com m on nam e of any num ber of ale pr oduced in the Soder fjor d Jar ldom s, this m ass
pr oduced bever age is typically found acr oss the r ealm s in taver ns ever yw her e.
Keg: 1pp, Pint: 4cp
Low Por t Al e: A com m on citr us tasting ale fr om M inr othad, this cheap str ong dr ink is ver y popular
w ith sailor s as they say it keeps scur vy aw ay.
Keg: 6gp, Pint: 4cp
M l ek o Bor su k Gol den Label : A sur pr isingly sm ooth and cr eamy m ead fr om the gnom es, this
r ecipe is kept secr et, though the dr inker s don't ask m any questions.
Keg :2pp, Pint 8cp
Och al ean Gi n ger Beer : Don't let the nam e fool you, this is a Thyatian br ew. M ade w ith a r ather
com plicated br ew ing pr ocess, this br ew has a shar p citr us taste that can sur pr ise you.
Keg: 2pp, Pint: 8cp
Ol d Tow n Lager : A new beer fr om Vestland, Old Tow n is alm ost clear br ew w ith a str ong kick but
flavor ful after taste.
Keg: 62gp, Pint: 1ep
Ross' Fi n est : The pr ide of Klantyr, this Glantr i br ew is the favor ite of Cr ow nguar d w ar r ior s, though
its thick body and extr em ely high alcohol content ar e too m uch for m any m en.
Keg: 7gp 1ep, Pint: 6cp


Ru by Dr agon St ou t : The str ongest beer m ade in the Shir es, this nutty stout w ill knock dw ar ves off
their stools, and leave them w ith a str ong w alnut sm ell on their br eath.
Keg: 1pp, Pint: 4cp
Tan gor : Low in flavor, but high in alcohol this cheap beer fr om the Isle of Daw n at least w ill let you
for get how bad it tastes w hen you w ake up.
Keg: 3gp, Pint 2cp
Tr al dar 's Ki ss: An extr em ely com m on, cheap and str ong beer fr om Kar am eikos, this is the beer for
som eone looking to get dr unk on a budget.
Keg: 4gp, Pint 3cp
Wyr w ar f Fu n gal M ead: A ver y unusual m ead fr om Rockhom e, m ade out of fer m ented
m ushr oom s. Dw ar ves m ay favor it, but it is a dr ink other s have to for ce them selves to like.
Keg: 6gp, Pint: 4cp
Zeabu r g Royal M ead: W ithout a doubt the best m ead pr oduced. This Ostland dr ink pr ovides the
r ight am ount of flavor com par ed to its kick . It's a dr ink to enjoy w ithout getting dr unk too quickly.
Keg: 6gp, Pint: 5cp

Spir its
Br am bl er ose Rose W h i sk ey: The best w hiskey fr om the Five Shir es, Br am bler ose is long
fer m ented in r ose w ood vats to give it a ver y distinctive taste. The flavor m akes it quite popular
Bottle: 7gp, Shot: 6sp
Cr ow n gu ar d Bl ack Label : W hile other lands pr efer w ine, the Klantyr e love their w hiskey. Ther e is
no w hiskey in the w or ld better know n than Black Label.
Bottle: 50gp, Shot: 4gp
Jen ev i r : A har sh liquor fr om Glantr i, only the Flaem ish dr ink this str aight. Alm ost ever yone else
m ixes it w ith a w eaker dr ink to lighten the kick .
Bottle: 12gp, Shot: 1gp
Ku m i s: An extr em ely unusual dr ink fr om Ethengar, m ar e's m ilk fer m ented w ith sugar. The taste is
highly exotic w ith a legendar y kick . W hile an acquir ed taste or other s the Ethengar love it.
Gour d: 4gp
Nal ew k i : A str ong fr uit liquor fr om Kar am eikos, this Tr aladar an staple has found a hom e in
Thyatis and elsew her e for it's pleasant flavor and m ild after taste.
Bottle: 16gp, Glass: 2gp
Sapaa: A fr uity liquor fr om the Pear l Islands, this is a m ajor expor t of Thyatis m ainly because of the
ease to br ew it. W hile not the best tasting liquor, it is one of the cheapest.
Bottle: 8sp, Glass: 2cp


Sea Sh i r e Bu m bo: The m ost popular r um am ong sailor s of Ier endi, M inr othad and the Shir es,
Bum bo is found on m ost ships. Sailor s pr efer its citr us base for keeping aw ay disease, and the
flavor helps.
Bottle: 4pp, Glass: 1pp
Wodk a: A com m on and cheap bever age fr om Kar am eikos, w odka is a staple in that nation as w ell
as gaining popular ity am ong the peasants in Thyatis and Glantr i.
Bottle: 1gp, Shot: 1cp

Al -Qah w a: A popular coffee fr om Ylar uam , this is m ixed w ith cinnam on for extr a flavor. Tr aded
heavily, w ith high dem and in Dar okin and the Shir es.
Pound: 10gp, Cup: 2sp
At ?y: A popular Ylar uam tea, this is gaining popular ity due to being br ew ed w ith m int leaves. Even
the stoic dw ar ves and Ethengar i have star ted buying it in bulk .
Pound: 15gp, Cup: 3sp
Her bat a: A Kar am eikos tea, her bata is an acquir ed taste. The local Tr aladar ans love it for its heavy
bitter taste, but it has not caught on it other lands.
Pound 3gp, Cup: 6cp
Kava: An Ier endi her b dr ink , the bitter dr ink is said to have m edicinal pr oper ties. Pr efer r ed by the
local M akai, visitor s to the islands tr y it m or e for its r eputation than its taste.
Glass: 5cp.
Qah w ah S?dah : The m ost com m on Ylar uam coffee by far, this str ong black blend is loved by
adventur er s for its low cost and ease of flavor ing.
Pound: 2gp, Cup 2: cp
Qu i ck h an d Br an d Cof f ee: The Shir e's attem pt to get in on the Ylar uam coffee m ar ket, Quickhand is
a m ild coffee, gr ow n in quantity in Highshir e. W hile not as str ong as Ylar i coffee, it is cheaper.
Pound: 1gp, Cup: 1cp
Veequ ay's Laf f y Fi zz: Despite w hat you think , it's not a gnom ish dr ink . M ade for a r ogue bor n in
ancient tim es, this str ange fizzing dr ink actually tickles as you dr ink it. Popular w ith childr en.
Bottle: 4sp
Zh ? Ch : A tea fr om Ochalea, Thyatis began expor ting it w hen Em per or Alexian I gr ew fond of it.
It can be br ew ed sever al w ays, fr om sw eet to bitter and in betw een.
Pound: 4gp, Cup: 3cp


Ack aw i : An extr em ely popular cheese fr om Ylar uam , this sem i-har d cheese as a m ild salty taste
and holds up w ell in deser t heat. Ylar i view it as a snack m or e than a m eal por tion.
5lb W heel: 4gp, Wedge: 1ep.
Bel l i ssar i an Cr eam Ch eese: Popular Alphatian cheese, this tasty spr ead has been expor ted acr oss
the continent. Cheap, healthy and tasty, it is com m on in m ost m ajor cities.
3lb Loaf: 2gp
Br u n ost : A com m on cheese in the Nor ther n Reaches, Br unost is sw eet chew able cheese, per fect for
a m eal or just a snack on the tr ail.
4lb W heel: 8sp, Wedge: 1sp
Cr ossr oads Br an dy-Ch eese: A unique cheese fr om the Alphatian Isle of Ne'er -do-w ell, this cheese
actually has a high alcohol content. It can be used for cooking, but is usually just eaten plain.
3lb W heel: 10gp, Wedge 1ep.
Dam m e: Found m ainly w ith the Flaem ish of Glantr i, this extr em ely spicy cheese isn't popular
outside its pr incipality except as an ingr edient in som e dishes.
5lb W heel: 8gp, Wedge 2gp
Gl i m m er Ch eese: A tr anslucent cheese fr om Alfheim , this cheese is know n for a m elt in your
m outh flavor, and a str ong taste that lasts for sever al m inutes.
1lb Br ick: 6gp, 1 Slice: 2sp
Hat t i an Br i ck Ch eese: This bitter cheese is extr em ely har d, alm ost im possible to bit off a piece and
difficult to cut w ith a knife. It is m eant to be soaked in lager and chew ed over tim e.
5lb W heel: 4sp, Wedge: 3cp
Labn eh : A Ylar i cheese know n for its sm ooth flavor, it is extr em ely easy to m ake but som ew hat
difficult to expor t. Double pr ice for countr ies not adjacent to Ylar uam .
1lb Loaf: 3cp
M i m ol et t e: This popular cheese com es fr om New Aver oigne in Glantr i. It has a sw eet, nutty flavor,
and tr anspor ts w ell. It is cur r ently enjoying incr eased popular ity in Dar okin.
2lb W heel: 6sp, Slice: 2cp
M oon h i l l Ni gh t Ch eese: This str ong, bitter cheese is bar ely know n outside the Shir es. It som ehow
gives hin w ho eat it 30 'dar kvision for 1d6 hour s once per day. It has no affect on other r aces.
1lb W heel: 5gp, Slice: 1gp
Oscypek : This cheese fr om Kar am eikos is instantly r ecognized by its spindle shaped for m . A ver y
com m on cheese in Kar am eikos, it also tr anspor ts w ell for adventur er s.
Spindle: 3cp.


Pr i m : The spr eadable for m of Br unost, Pr im is found m ainly in the Nor ther n Reaches, but
tr anspor ts w ell enough to r each other m ar kets.
1lb Loaf: 2sp
Ru sh an : A ver y tough cheese fr om Ochalea, Rushan is m eant to be cover ed w ith sw eets or nuts so
the eater can savor it over tim e. Eating it plain is not advised.
lb Stick: 2cp.
Sat eek a Fang Cheese: This dur able cheese is found all over the Shir es and is expor ted to other
nations. A m ild, cr um bly cheese, it is par t of field r ations for m any ar m ies in the Know n Wor ld.
5lb W heel: 6sp, 1 Wedge: 3cp
Sel en i ca Gol d: One of Dar okin's m ost popular expor ts, this cheese is sem i har d until eaten then
alm ost m elts in your m outh. It is also extr em ely popular as a cooking ingr edient.
3lb W heel: 1gp, 1 Wedge: 2sp
Tw ar og: Another com m on Tr aladar an cheese, Tw ar og is a soft cr eamy cheese that does not tr avel
w ell, but is extr em ely easy to m ake. It is a staple in m any diets.
1lb Loaf: 5cp
Wek r an St on e Ch eese: A com m on cheese fr om Rockhom e, it lives up to its nam e. The cheese is
extr em ely har d, the dw ar f sucks on it to soften it, usually w hile he w or ks, r eleasing the flavor
slow ly.
10lb W heel: 8gp, 1 Slice: 1ep
Wer esk al ot Fi ve Year Ch eese: A difficult cheese to m ake, Wer eskalot Five Year is a str ong
extr em ely bitter cheese that is a m ajor cooking ingr edient in sever al nations. It is pr iced
accor dingly.
5lb W heel: 12gp. Slice: 1ep.
W h i t e Noso Ro?ec: An extr em ely str ong and unusual gnom ish cheese, it is consider ed an
expensive delicacy am ong the sm all folk . For other r aces, it is best eaten quickly.
5lb W heel: 3pp, Slice 1gp.

Br eads:
Bagu et t e: A thin cr ispy br ead fr om New Aver oigne, baguettes ar e long loafs of br ead usually eaten
along side br eakfast or lunch.
1 Loaf: 2cp.
Desem : Another Glantr i br ead, Desem is found in Ber gdhoven. Desem is a tangy br ead, often
spiced to the desir es of the Flaem ish living ther e. It has found som e popular ity as a novelty food.
1 Loaf: 4cp.


Favar o Deep Gr ai n : A popular Shir e br ead, Favar o has a thick taste to it, and is extr em ely chew y.
The hin use som e spices to give it a tangy textur e, incr easing its dem and.
1 Loaf: 7cp.
Kh u bz: The staple br ead of the Ylar i, Khubz is a slightly leavened flat br ead that is used to ser ve
other food w ith. In par ts of Ylar uam it has r eplaced dishes entir ely.
5 Loafs 1cp.
Ku bl at z Spi ced Br ead: A gnom ish delicacy, Kublatz is spiced w ith cinnam on, saffr on, cayenne,
gar lic, pepper m int, ginger and tw elve other spices. Best eaten quickly.
1 Loaf: 2sp
Lef se: A flaky flat br ead com m on to the Nor ther n Reaches. Tr aditional uses is to w r ap other foods
in it and eat ever ything together. Catching on in Rockhom e and Ethengar.
5 Loafs: 1cp
Lon g Br ead: An expor ted staple fr om Alfheim , this bland tasting br ead w ould not be popular
except for the fact it never spoils, m aking it in dem and w ith sailor s and adventur er s.
1 Loaf: 8sp
Lu ci an Sal t Br ead: A com m on staple fr om Seashir e, Salt Br ead does not go bad easily, w hile the
taste leaves m uch to be desir ed, sailor s cannot pass up its longevity.
12 Biscuits: 1cp
M al l ow f er n Dar k W h eat : Another Shir e br ead, M allow fer n is know n for its full taste and
satisfying natur e. It does not take m uch to fill a stom ach, and the flavor is quite enjoyable as w ell.
1 Loaf: 8sp
M an ch eco: Baked by the elves of Belcadiz, this br ead is cooked w ith nuts and fr uits inside, giving it
a ver y pleasant taste. It is one of the few delicacies of Belcadiz the other pr inces enjoy.
1 Loaf: 1ep
M an t ou : A sw eat br ead fr om the Thyatis pr ovince of Ochalea, M antou is m eant to be filled w ith
other tr eats. It is com m only ser ved as a pastr y filled w ith sw eet m eats or candies.
1 Loaf: 3cp
M u l l : The people of Klantyr e love str ength, and their br ead is no exception. W ith a ver y distinctive
flavor and loaded w ith fr uit, M ull is ver y m uch a food of it's land.
1 Loaf: 7cp
Pan em : Possibly the m ost com m on br ead in the Know n Wor ld, this basic Thyatian br ead is given
out fr eely to its people. Know n for being extr em ely easy to m ake, it is a staple ever yw her e.
5 Loaves: 1cp


Pl ai n Br ei d: Another br ead of Klantyr e, Br eid is a sim ple br ead, though chew y and ar om atic. The
people of Klantyr e bake the loafs tall, so fam ilies can put m or e food w ith them .
1 Loaf: 4cp
Reedl e Br ead: A com m on br ead found in Dar okin, Reedle m akes it r ye br ead baked w ith com m on
nuts. It is found in taver ns acr oss the nation.
1 Loaf: 2cp
Sh adow gat e W h i t e Br ead: The m ost com m on br ead m ade in the Five Shir es. W hile the taste is
nothing special, the hin pr oduce it in enough quantities that it is found of peasant tables
ever yw her e.
1 Loaf: 1cp
Sk yf yr M i l l et Loaf : An extr em ely low quality br ead found in Alphatia, this is w hat passes for food
for the Jennite slaves. Flavor less and har d, it's only r edeem ing quality is it is extr em ely cheap to
m ake.
10 Loaves: 1cp
St on ebr ead: This flaky br ead is a popular expor t fr om Alphatia. Long lasting, w ith a distinctive
but not unpleasant taste, it is a com m on choice for adventur er r ations.
1 Loaf: 3cp
St r eel Ri ver Fl at Br ead: A failed attem pt at Dar okin to copy the br eads of Ylar uam , the Flat br ead
is used as a br eakfast food w ith any host of spr eads.
1 Loaf: 2cp
Th an t abbar Fest i val Br ead: A r ecipe that w on sever al cooking contests in a r ow, this is a sw eet
br ead cooked w ith a nutty glaze sw ir led inside. Consider ed a tr eat for childr en.
1 Loaf: 6cp
Th r esh ol d Sal t ed Ch el b: A com m on br ead in Kar am eikos, Chelb is a sour dough that is used for all
for m s of cooking, One pr actice is to scoop out the ends to m ake a bow l for soup.
1 Loaf: 2cp
Tor t i l l a: This Belcadiz specialty as a flatbr ead m ade fr om finely gr ound flour. Per fect for w r apping
up your m eal into just a few single bites, it is per fect for the adventur er on the go.
5 Tor tillas: 2sp
Vest l an d Zw ei back : This tw ice cooked br ead is com m on in the Nor ther n Reaches. It tr anspor ts
w ell, and can be dipped in jam s to ser ve as a snack . Popular w ith par ents of teething childr en.
2 Sticks: 1cp
Wyr w ar f Fu n gal Br ead: A br ead m ade by dw ar ves fr om fungus. It has a str ange taste, and a
linger ing after taste as w ell. Dw ar ves seem to the only r ace that can stom ach it.
1 Loaf: 4cp


Ex ot i c Speci al t i es
Al h am br a Gol d Sn u f f : A extr avagance am ong the nobles, this finely gr ound tobacco causes a
r elaxing feel w hen you w ant it, w ithout the need for lighting a pipe or a cigar.
1 Tin: 8gp
Ci gar : M ade w ith fine Belcadiz tobacco leaves, these exquisite sm oking tr easur es ar e tr easur ed by
gentr y ever yw her e. Per fect for celebr ations, they go w ell w ith any of our br andies.
1 Cigar : 4gp
Cocoa: This bean can be tur ned into any num ber of tr eats, and the taste is bor der line addictive.
Im por ted fr om an unknow n location by M inr othad, this delicacy is taking the continent by stor m .
1 lb Bag: 50gp
Locu m : A popular specialty fr om fr om the finer confectioner s of Thyatis, Locum is m ade w ith dates
w r apped in a sw eetened gel then cover ed in pow der ed sugar. Extr em ely popular w ith the nobles.
1 Tin (20 pieces): 4gp
M ok t aar : A str ange dw ar ven tr eat, this is the for m of a har d candy popular am ong its m iner s.
Instead of being sw eet, it tastes of a var iety of m eat pr oducts. A single M oktaar candy lasts for
about six hour s.
1 Pack (six pieces): 6sp
Pem m i can : Fr om the Atr uaghin plateau com es this sm oked bison delicacy. Pow der ed and
flavor ed w ith a var iety of ber r ies, this high ener gy r ation is per fect for adventur er s on long ter m
1 Str ip: 2gp
Pepper pot 's Pr i sm at i c Taf f y: A tr eat fr om the Shir es, this candy consists of a foot long str ing of
sticky taffy of var ious color s. The delight is that each of the seven color s is a differ ent flavor.
1 Str ip: 1cp
Pi pew eed: Gr ow n in m any var ieties acr oss the Five Shir es, w hile a staple am ong the hin, pipe
sm oking is not as com m on in other countr ies. For those that possess the habit, please specify br and
w hen or der ing.
Com m on Quality 1lb pouch: 8sp. Good Quality 1lb pouch: 2gp. Excellent Quality 1lb pouch: 1pp.
Pipe: 1 ep.
Qu azzi di n gs (Candied): A gnom ish confection, The Quazziding is a extr em ely bitter fr uit w hen
candied m akes for one of the m ost unique tastes of extr em e bitter ness and tar t sw eetness.
1 Jar (5 fr uits): 1ep
Tabl et : Fr om the Pr incipality of Cr ow nguar d com es this cr um bly tr eat. M ade w ith butter, eggs and
sugar and flavor ed w ith w hisky. Consider ed a delicacy by the Klantyr e w ar r ior s, and it tr avels
w ell.
1 Half-Pound Br ick: 3sp


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