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BSL Narrative

Health Analysis
My first BSL narrative video focuses on the topic of Health we learnt in
Semester 1. I chose to focus on one topic instead of incorporating
multiple topics as I thought this would allow me to be more in depth and
Sign Language Production
Generally, the formation of signs is accurate and clear throughout the
video. Elements such as the handshape, orientation, location and
movement are also produced accurately, such as with the sign ILL. For
this sign, the I handshapes is used, which usually has negative
connotations, and is moved down on the body as this is associated with
health and emotion. The non-manual features add more information to
the story, with raised eyebrows to signal new topics such as a new
location. They also are used to show emotion and role shift between
different characters which makes the story more interesting to watch.
Use of Classifiers & Size and Shape Specifiers (SASS)
Size and shape specifiers are used to describe the wires attached from the
body to the heart monitor machine, with the machine outlined and
showing the heartbeat patterns on the screen. This is an effective way to
make the story more visual and engaging. The heartbeats are also
outlined in different patterns, giving more information about the outcome
of the different tests. FRIENDS is transformed into a classifier, showing
multiple people sitting around the table, and a different classifier is also
used for when I walk out of the shower. The varying classifiers used within
the video makes the narrative more visual and gives clearer information.
Spatial Features
Spatial features are shown by structuring space, establishing the three
different medical assessments in the neutral signing space. This makes it
clear that there are three different tests, allowing for further information
to be given about each one, and it is also easier to refer back to them if
needed. Another form of structuring space used is lists, by stating the
symptoms that I had. This is an efficient way of giving information,
particularly for less descriptive information, as it is clear and concise.
Furthermore, the layout of the classroom is described, showing the
placement of objects such as the TABLE and PLANT to make the
narrative turn more into a picture for the audience so it is clearer and

Fingerspelling and Numbers

There is not a large amount of fingerspelling within the video, yet the
fingerspelling present is accurate with no mistakes. However, the
fingerspelling is produced slowly which impacts the mouthings made
alongside it, making them more exaggerated. There is difficulty with the
word C-O-N-C-U-S-S-I-O-N, most likely due to the large number of vowels
within the letter, especially since some of them are next to each other. It
can be difficult to ensure the correct vowel is pointed to on the hand when
fingerspelling. This could be improved by being less worried about
making mistakes and trying to fingerspell faster, possibly practicing with
complicated words that include a significant number of vowels. Numbers
are used within the video to establish time, such as TEN YEARS AGO and
TWO DAYS LATER. They are produced and used accurately.
Grammar and Syntax
Overall, BSL grammar is accurate throughout the narrative, showing the
topic-comment structure. There is also indicating verbs used. An
example of these aspects is SCHOOL MUM PHONE, with the phone
moving in the direction of where MUM was placed, to convey that the
school was phoning her. However, there are some errors such as WHAT
WRONG signed which follows English syntax, and after watching my
narrative I believe it would have been more accurate to sign PROBLEM
WHAT. In future videos, I should aim to become less fixated on English
phrases such as whats wrong and focus more on the meaning and how
to produce this accurately using BSL.
The narrative appears to be produced quite fluently, with appropriate
pauses between different topics. However, it becomes less fluent at times
as there are some awkward pauses when processing how to produce the
next part of the narrative in BSL. To improve this for future videos, I
should be more confident and allow myself to deviate from my planned
narrative, allowing myself to sign more spontaneously so the story can
flow more smoothly. Furthermore, there is a false start within the story. At
the end, I begin to sign the classifier of a person fainting rather than the
sign used within the narrative previously. This is corrected immediately,
but the false start might be confusing for the audience. After reviewing
this, it would have been likely that the audience would have understood
what the classifier meant due to the mouthing and the use of it within

previous parts of the story. Therefore, this false start was unnecessary
and I should try not to doubt myself and make false starts, instead letting
the narrative flow naturally.
Composure and Appearance
The appearance consists of a plain dark top, which does not distract the
audience and contrasts against my skin colour, making the signing easier
to follow. However, rings and bracelets are worn which can be distracting,
and I will aim to remember to take these off before filming. There are also
mannerisms present throughout the video, such as pushing hair back from
the face. To improve on this and to be more controlled with mannerisms
in future videos, I will have my hair tied up and out of the way.
Overall, positive aspects of my health narrative include including a wider
range of classifiers and size and shape specifiers, which is an
improvement from my first narrative video about topics covered within
weeks 1-3. This makes the story much more visual and engaging. The
sign language production is also in general very accurate and clear, with
good use of non-manual features throughout the narrative.
Similarly to my previous video, weaknesses include hesitancy. There are
many awkward pauses throughout the video when thinking about what
part of the narrative to sign next. Furthermore, mannerisms such as
moving my hair are still present which is distracting. Therefore, I should
aim to make my stories more fluent and ensure my hair is not a

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