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Madison Bohman
The biggest thing that changed in this GATI Model from the one I made in the first week
is the amount that each circle overlapped. In my original GATI model, the circles were
relatively large because I have learned a lot about elementary school content and pedagogy
strategies. Also, I had a pretty large amount of knowledge about technology as far as personal
electronics go. However, my circles did not overlap very much at all. Even though I knew a lot
about technology, I didnt know any ways to incorporate it into a classroom.
After taking this course, I have a collection of ideas that I can use in my future. The
matrices helped me apply all of these ideas to different subjects and potential lessons. It is
important to apply technology in the classroom because that is the direction society is moving.
In order to create a 21st century environment I need to know how I can create schoolappropriate, technology-based opportunities for my students.

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