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When we listen to our heart, we amplify the whisper,

and it becomes our reality.

This book is dedicated to all whom choose to cultivate heart whispers, transcending the
paradigms of mainstream, while graciously guiding others to experience abundance.
This book is for you if you believe in the concept of abundance and are ready to experience
the inner peace that accompanies the reality of abundance in this moment, in your life.

Table of Contents

pg 4

Peace is a Sacred Container in Which Abundance of the Heart Grows

pg 6

The Energetic Meaning and Feel of Abundance

pg 8

When We Feel Abundance in Spirit

pg 9

Gratitude Illuminates Abundance

pg 11

Heart Overflowing with Abundance

pg 13

The Myth of Perfection

pg 15

Author's Notes

pg 16

About the Author

pg 17

My Wish for You

pg 19

As you create, and connect, from your heart truth,

your commitment to the process
invites expansion into abundance.

This ebook is from my heart to yours.

In a world full of messages that we need to do more, be more, have more...so many people
succumb to the feelings of not enough. We yearn for freedom, yet , we are tethered to
obligation. We listen to numerous messages on minimalism that sound wonderful, yet conflict
with this striving for abundance that mainstream adheres to.
The paradox is that we wish to fit in, so we ride this current of needing more while our
beings scream enough already. Please stop.
With tools and resources on how to manifest abundance, we are primed for more yet left

wondering why we don't have it.

Inner peace is as elusive as external well-being. In general, we don't feel abundant, we feel
burnt out, exhausted. We wish to be the change, yet it is impossible to thrive from survival
We know how to cultivate abundance, but we hadn't been taught how to receive it. So, we
don't. Receive it. We analyze, refuse, deflect, and even give it away, and then we tend to
berate and/or criticize ourselves for not having abundance.
Feels painful. A society knowing how to manifest abundance, yet living in pain.
This book invites us to explore, together, the art of receiving abundance.
I am not going to tell you to simply open to receive it. (Open what? Your heart, your arms,
your energetic being, your physical bank account....we have that covered, we are waiting with
the doors wide open!).
Together we will explore the meaning of the art of receiving abundance as well as the
energetic application of this practice.
I will ask you to consider the concepts as you read them; to incorporate anything that
resonates, and to release anything that doesn't. (We contribute to the feel of abundance
by not allowing clutter in our space).
I fully understand that mine is a heart-centered, energetic approach to life. I ask that, as we
walk these few steps together, we meet each other in the reflection, allowing our similarities
to affirm our practices and our differences to affirm opportunities to explore and learn.
All photos in this book are my originals, taken with a Droid camera phone as I walk at water's
edge or hike in the local hills. All typos are mine. Abundance is Universal. The ability to
receive abundance is personal choice.
Much peace and abundant love,

Peace is a sacred container

in which abundance of the heart grows.

As I move through World, creating and connecting, I consistently apply the concept of a
sacred container to the moment, the experience, the specific connection, and creative
The parameters of the sacred container of this ebook are unconditional love, curiosity,
and gratitude. We are vesting presence in this sacred container because we are interested in
contemplating a way that either affirms what we know, or invites us to explore beyond what
we know.
Within unconditional love is acceptance, within curiosity is the willingness to explore,
within gratitude is appreciation for the experience.

Establishing the parameters sets the tone for the experience.

Honoring the parameters means that as we explore together, we will focus on what is
positive, affirming the process of exploration with our presence.
If you choose to review past patterns and conditioning that might now feel like barriers to
abundance, please do so with compassion and kindness.
The purpose of this exploration is to begin the practice of the art of receiving abundance now;
when we center our presence into now, we integrate past and future amplifying the
effectiveness of our thoughts, words, and actions.
When I create, I center into this peaceful state; gently stretching into expansion. Aligned
with abundance of spirit, this resonance allows me to feel the depth of the richness of the
This, then, is the first tenet of the art of receiving abundance: center into peace.
Energetic check in: May you notice that we eased into this study. Had I said, center into
peace your mind would have said this is most unfamiliar in the exploration of abundance
and you might have skipped this section. Instead, I presented to you the space in which to
contemplate, invited you in, and began the conversation. You may certainly apply these
practices to any connection or creation in your life.
When our beings are in a state of peace, the moment is full of trust. We do not question
why we are receiving something (such as: am I good enough, do I deserve it?). We do not
question the volume of what we are receiving (such as: have I worked hard enough, is there
enough room?).
We simply receive it. As it is. As we are.
Can you feel the freedom in that?
Affirmation: From a centered space of peace, I am open to receiving abundance, as I am,
as it is.

The Energetic Meaning and Feel of Abundance

Before we continue our exploration of the art of receiving abundance, may we take the time to
identify what abundance means physically and energetically to us. What does abundance
feel like?
We will each have our own definitions of what abundance is physically and how it feels. All
of the definitions are truth in this moment, as we are. In other words, there is a not a right
or wrong.
As we continue exploring the art of receiving abundance, may you honor your unique
physical definition and energetic feel of abundance.
Energetic check-in: As we evolve, the physical and energetic meaning and feel of a concept
evolves as well. Sometimes we feel as if we are stuck. When this happens, check your
physical and energetic meaning of the concept to see if perhaps you might be holding onto
something that you have outgrown. Allowing your definitions to evolve as you evolve is
one way of honoring organic growth within unfolding. This is also a very significant form
of internal energy movement; honoring the fluidity of movement with ease.
As we learn to identify our physical definition and energetic feel, we are learning to
listen to and create with our heart truth. Again, I have gently eased you into the
experience of an esoteric concept (heart truth) made real in the physical world.
Much like abundance is an esoteric concept made real in the physical world.
We are easing into the idea of the art of receiving abundance by connecting with the
esoteric through whole-body integration: contemplating and feeling.
This, then is the second tenet of the art of receiving abundance: contemplate and feel it.
Affirmation: I fully understand the meaning and feeling of abundance; allowing the
experience of esoteric as my reality.

When we feel abundance in spirit,

the moment overflows with a depth of "richness",
regardless of external.

As stated in the previous section: When I create, I center into this peaceful state; gently
stretching into expansion. Aligned with abundance of spirit, this resonance allows me to feel
the depth of the richness of the moment.
This, then, is the third tenet of the art of receiving abundance: alignment and resonance
with abundance.
Once we have identified the meaning and feel of the concept, we may then draw to us that
which is in alignment with the meaning and resonates with the feel.
When something resonates strongly, we receive it naturally, effortlessly, as we move through

World. This concept goes against much of what we have been conditioned to believe (there
must be a 'struggle', hard work, a 'climb'). Alignment and resonance invite us to
experience abundance, as we are, this very moment. While inner work might hone our
alignment and deepen our resonance, and external creation and connection might broaden
the scope of abundance available; resonance and alignment allow us to receive abundance,
joyfully, this moment.
Energetic Check-in: As you allow this concept of receiving effortlessly through resonance
and alignment to settle, how does it feel? If these is any hesitation, may you allow your mind
to consider the possibility, as your heart feels the experience.
One of the blocks to receiving abundance is that abundance feels unfamiliar to us. When
something feels unfamiliar, we energetically tend to block it. This manifests in such a way that
external circumstances seem to support the presence of abundance, yet we cannot draw
it to us, or feel it internally. We are left feeling 'stuck'.
When we honor alignment and resonance, in essence we draw to us that which is in
harmony (feels comfortable). The fact that it resonates also means that we readily embrace
the presence (resistance naturally sloughs away as we embrace).
Affirmation: As I move through World, I effortlessly, joyfully, draw to me abundance in
full resonance within connections and creations that align with my heart truth.


Gratitude illuminates abundance

Energetic Check-in: Now that we are fully immersed in the concepts of ease and flow within
abundance, how do you feel? As you read the above affirmation, and absorb the feel of the
photo, is your mind comfortable with the feel, or is there residual discomfort?
As you read Gratitude illuminates abundance does your being feel this as an affirmation
of a heart truth or is there disbelief/doubt?
It is important to engage in an energetic check-in before we continue exploring, because we
wish the concepts to resonate, to feel good.
Abundance feels good. Reveling in abundance feels good.
This, then, is the fourth tenet of the art of receiving abundance: centering into


We may have some beliefs that hold us back from feeling good, from reveling in, anything.
When we revel, we readily accept (and celebrate) that which is being shared, in this moment.
When our being is at peace, when we feel comfortable and full, we tend to revel, effortlessly.
To achieve this, regardless of external, we center into gratitude. The space of gratitude feels
like overflowing abundance. (May you try this, now?...think Thank you. Your mouth
begins to form a smile, your essence feels lighter, if you look around you will spot something
in the physical realm that is light. All of this happens the moment you think thank you; you
hadn't changed external, yet you feel inner peace and abundance in this moment).
We are not ignoring external; choosing to center into gratitude is choosing to focus upon
the positive, thus drawing to us that which resonates with positive. The specific details of
what we draw to us will evolve as our resonance evolves, as our gratitude deepens.
Affirmation: I choose to center into gratitude, reveling in the abundance of the


My heart is overflowing with abundance!

I am grateful for this moment and all in it!

Gratitude amplifies the feeling of abundance, which invites full trust.

This, then is the fifth tenet of the art of receiving abundance: trust that abundance is
available, with no limit or cap, exactly as we are, exactly where we are.
Energetic check-in: How does this feel for you? In my life, the reality of this statement felt so
unfamiliar to me. I was raised with ideas and beliefs that: limited the availability of abundance,
required I choose between let's say money or love (but not both), I would need to be in a
certain state of being before I could receive anything in. It took a lot of inner work before this
statement even resonated a little, let alone strongly.
However, I do believe that abundance is available this moment; when we choose to receive it,
it is the act of receiving that amplifies our trust in the process.
Energetically, we don't trust in something until we believe it is true, yet, with abundance, we
won't know we may trust the ease and flow until we begin to receive.

Are there beliefs that you hold that might form a barrier to receiving abundance? I mentioned
a few of my own above, but there were so many. Society tends to reinforce the disbelief, so I
find that un-plugging from mainstream current and plugging into natural flow dissolves
the doubt.
Living in a state of gratitude (a feeling of abundance), invites natural resonance with
I use the word natural to describe flow and abundance. Natural is a state of being, there
is nothing to do, to study, to accomplish; what exists in the moment of being, then, is
pure faith. What exists within gratitude is pure faith. From this space, we trust implicitly.
Again, this trust is a natural state of being.
Can you feel the freedom in that?
Affirmation: I trust that abundance is available this moment, as I am, and I readily
receive it into my life.


The Myth of Perfection

The myth of perfection is a barrier to abundance; vesting full presence through
vulnerability invites effortless expansion.
In general, trust is associated with vulnerability; we often feel vulnerability is a sign of weakness
and we choose not to engage from such a space. Yet, as we discovered above, trust is a
natural state of being; the experience of infinite possibility in this moment because we are
vulnerable enough to allow it to be so.
Trust is vesting whole-body presence in this moment, as it is. From a state of gratitude,
we are willing to vest full presence; meaning we are also willing to receive full presence. (Full
presence resonates with full presence...can you energetically feel this concept?)
The myth of perfection acts as a barrier to full presence. When we don't feel perfect we
tend to not show up. When we don't show up, we are unable to receive (because 'we are not
there'). When we wait for perfection, we are in essence, putting abundance in a holding area;
yet the discouragement from not receiving (praise, money, presence...whatever it is) feeds
into our need for perfection, often resulting in tension and pain. We feel stuck which
amplifies our doubts, encouraging us to remove our presence even further.
This is why I chose to share this ebook, because so many are stuck in this cycle.
When we understand that creating and connecting with our imperfections (the core of
our vulnerability) allows us the experience of inner peace due to alignment, we
enthusiastically vest full presence, resonating with abundance in all realms!
This, then is the final tenet of the art of receiving: create and connect with our
Affirmation: As I move through world in alignment with my heart truth, I
enthusiastically vest full presence, resonating with abundance in all realms.
I have created a simple one-page PDF of the tenets and affirmations within this ebook.
Please click here to download: Affirmations of Abundance!
Thank you for exploring the art of receiving abundance!


Author's Notes
You may wonder why I chose the font style that I did. You may wonder why I chose the
colors that I did. I weave energetic application throughout my creations.
I purposely chose something flowery to symbolize the heart whispers, to set them apart from
the bulk of the text.
I understand that some people reading these words might be reluctant to explore heart
whispers, and I didn't want that to impede the study of the art of receiving abundance. I
believe in the use of gentle exposure in ways that we might readily receive, rather than
insistence upon a certain way.
I purposely chose the colors to draw your eye to (and through) the tenet, the energetic
check-in, and the affirmation. The tenet is a sea blue that is calming and symbolic of flow.
The affirmation is green to symbolize the action of yes. The energetic check-in is orange to
symbolize radiance and expansion.
These subtleties are my way of introducing practices within the field of energy work and
energy movement to those who are interested. (Those who are not interested in energy
work may gloss over those sections and read the text without feeling preached to).
This is my way of guiding through my personal creative expression.
If you like the format and style of this ebook, I offer a 30-day self-guided ecourse Sharing
the Gift of Presence Affimations in which you receive daily emails with a photo affirmation
and a written reflection. The material is quite different, but the style is similar to what is
shared here.
Because I feel that the topic of the art of receiving abundance is so relevant in today's society,
I did not place a price tag on this material. It is my wish that those with whom the material
resonates will have access to it, barrier-free.
It is also my wish that you receive the material into your life without obligation; that you
choose the practices that resonate and the art of receiving amplifies the abundance in your
life. As I practice the art of receiving in my life, I graciously receive donations for my work
through this link: donate here.


About the Author

Formal Bio: Joy Holland is an Intuitive Empath, Energy and Clarity Facilitator who shares the
gift of presence to magnify your inner brilliance.
Joy shares her gifts to assist others in experiencing inner peace regardless of external
circumstances. She helps clients come to know their personal truth and live it, while finding
and releasing the fears that block them from their highest self. With this unique blend of skills,
she is able to swiftly cut through your barriers to your inner core, where Truth lies waiting to
be identified and expressed. Joy is the founder of FacetsofJoy.com and the author of the
collaborative ebook "Cultivating your Voice " (click the title to download your complimentary
If you are interested in creating (and living) a life of alignment, in congruence with your
values, these sessions are for you:
A burst of refreshment, a spark of light, an illumination of expression, and an invitation
to transformation. Click this link for more information: magnify my inner brilliance.


Informal bio:

I am a woman in love with World! I practice full presence to unfolding within organic growth.
Sunsets move me to tears, moonlight invites me to dance, and a juicy berry nourishes my
entire being.
I plant seeds of love as I create and connect...and it thrills me to observe as these seeds
blossom beautifully, far beyond what I could imagine!
My life truly is as magical as I allow it to be!
Thank you for your presence!
Much peace and abundant love,



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