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edTPA Lesson Plan Format

Student Name: Bailey Pinckernell
Length of Lesson: _63 minutes_ _

Grade and Topic: _2nd Grade Math

The focus of this lesson is that the students will develop an understanding of place values
and the meaning of numbers. Students will demonstrate their learning of how place
values work, what they are called, and what they mean.
Students comprehend the meaning of numbers, their values, and when to use them.
TN CC Math Understanding Place Value 2 : Count within 1000 ; skip- count by 5s, 10s, and
Given a computer and word processing software, TSW write one or two sentences that
demonstrate a clear understanding of the Counting with Objects lesson and what it means
to him/her with 75% accuracy.
Given a selected image, TSW explain why they chose that image and reflect how it relates
to place values and numbers on paper, with 80% accuracy.
Formative assessments will consist of activity worksheets that count with objects by 5s,
10s, and 100s, that will be completed individually. A summative assessment will be
given where the student works with an elbow partner to create their own version of a
Counting by Objects activity sheet to show that they understand the lesson, and can piece
all of the counting and place value understanding together.
Picture sheet for counting by 10s:
Microsoft Word
Internet Access to: Microsoft Clipart Gallery:
Dry erase board



The key concept for this lesson is for students to find the importance of place value and
understand how to count by 10s.
Academic Language
Academic Vocabulary: place value, tens place, ones place, skip counting,
Language Function: analyzing, identifying, describing, listening
Discourse: thumbs up, elbow partner
In the previous lessons the student have knowledge about counting by ones, counting to
ten, and counting to 100.

In the next lesson the students will learn about further skip counting, and group counting
by 100s and then 500s.
I planned this differentiated tasks/activities and/or assessments because the hearingimpaired student will have an assigned seating placement to hear the instruction and the
lesson. The visually impaired students need to have enlarged font Microsoft word
document and worksheets to be able complete the assignments. The gifted student will
not only create their own counting sheet but with more difficult numbers, such as
counting by 5s, 10s, or 100s, to a higher number to make it more challenging for them.
For students with IEPs for a specific learning disability in reading fluency and
comprehension, they will be given leveled instruction on the worksheets and instruction
to access the technology, so that they are able to understand and complete the task
correctly. The students with IEPs for a specific learning disability in written expression
will be provided with a scribe to help complete the assignment.
For students who need enrichment, they will re-tell the purpose of the creation of their
counting by objects worksheet in written form.
This lesson connects our different groups of numbers and three number place values
together in relation.


Introduction: 3-5 Minutes State the objective, review prior knowledge and connect todays
TTW: For the past few days, we have been discussing numbers by ones, and counting by
ones. Today, we will be learning to count by 5s and 10s, while learning the meaning of
place values.
TTW will motivate and engage the students by showing a short YouTube video.


o TTW display circular magnets on the dry erase board in groups to begin counting
by 5s and 10s.
While moving the magnets in their groups, explain that each magnet is
worth one place value, or one single number.
o Have students turn to a partner and answer the following questions. (5 Minutes)
o TTW ask questions about the stories.
Level 1 Remembering, Level 2 Understanding
HOTQ Level 1 Remembering: Can someone tell me what the meaning of
the ones place is, and what it may look like in a number?
HOTQ: ASKS an OPEN ENDED QUESTION: Explain why you think
we need to know how to count using grouping and larger numbers,
instead of just ones.
o TTW lead into the two activities: Counting Activities and Microsoft Word
Counting Assignment (5 Minutes)
o TTW have students participate in interactive white board game by selecting
bubbles to correctly count by 10s to 100. The students will do this with the
teacher, and then independently.
The teacher will demonstrate how to count to 100 using 10s.
TTW will scaffold students to decide what comes next after, when
counting to 500, is it best to count by 10s or 100s?
o TTW will explain the instructions: Each student will pick up one activity sheet
from each pile, containing a 5s, 10s, and 100s sheet. The students will work
with their table groups, or independently, to complete the activity sheets. (15
o Students will get their pencils and writing supplies from the baskets.
o TTW ask students to give them thumbs up when they have completed each
worksheet to let the teacher come over and check for understanding.
o TTW walk around examining making sure everyone is on task and track.
Observing each childs activity sheet and the progress of their counting.
Giving quick feedback about their ideas.
o TTW pull up each groups activity sheet on the Smartboard and have different
students come up and help complete each one. (20 Minutes)
TTW ask:
Each group used a different object, however are we doing the same
thing on each activity sheet?
What is special about counting by 5s and 10s?
In each counting group, what are the place values that we see?
o TSW compare and contrast their Counting by Objects activity sheet with one
other groups activity sheet.
o TTW introduce the counting activity sheet creation.
o TSW create a counting sheet on their own using their own objects that reflects the
activity sheet they did earlier in the lesson with the penguins.

o TSW get in groups of two and create a word document. They will choose an
object of their liking and paste it a certain amount of times on the document.
Then, TSW write in the numbers, counting either by 5s or 10s with the objects.
The worksheet is to be saved and printed, and then turned into the teachers basket
for grading.
Closure: (5 Minutes)
o TSW speak with their elbow- partner to share what they found similar and
different in their worksheet that they created together, with the other worksheets
created by other groups.
o Each student will be given 2 minutes to discuss with his or her partner
while the partner listens. Each student will share what his or her partner
o TTW monitor and listen to the students responses for understanding. As
we saw today class, each number grouping is different, but the way we
count and use those numbers is the same. We learned the significance of
place value and how place values help us organize numbers for counting.
The teacher will briefly state ways that counting can be seen in our own
lives. What is a way that you can use counting by grouping at home?
Formative Assessment- TSW turn in their three counting activity sheets to be assessed to
see who mastered and who needs remediation. TTW assess students by observing and
listening to their conversations about their understanding and small group discussion.
List specific future modifications/accommodations for students who did not master the
o TSW count with physical objects, such as number blocks.
o TTW give students an opportunity to explain why place value is significant in
written form, and give an example.
o TSW orally talk to the teacher about the relationships of numbers, and how place
values help us tell what type of number we are counting by, or how big that
number may be.
List specific modifications for students who are ready for enrichment activities.
o TSW create problems that consist of counting to higher numbers by 5s and 10s
on their own Microsoft Word activity sheet.
o TSW explain a real life situation where they may have to use counting as a group
to the class.

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