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Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Student-Teacher: Haya


Grade Level: 4
Subject: Math
Learning Outcomes:
In this lesson students will practice their multiplication, so by the end of the lesson they will be able to:
-Demonstrate mastery of multiplication basic facts.
-Multiply multi-digit numbers.
Soccer Ball label with numbers one through nine on
white sections.

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before

Make sure that there is enough space in the classroom to sit
in a circle.

White board and markers.

Mathematics book.

Key vocabulary/ Target Language

Commutative (Order) Property of Multiplication: Numbers can
be multiplied in any order and the product will be the same.
Factors: Numbers that are multiplied to give a product.
Product: The answer to a multiplication problem.
Times: Multiplying two factors.

Time: 40 minSmallTime: 15 minWhole

Equal: A mathematical symbol used to indicate equality.

Zero Property of Multiplication: The product of any number
and zero is zero.
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
I will Connect to prior knowledge of multiplication by asking students what they remember about
multiplication/division fact families. I will build background by asking them about multiplication vocabulary words
by writing them on the board and in groups they have to define the words.

Flip up (in pairs activity)

Students compete to see who can answer all of the problems correctly in the shortest amount of time.
Two students sit together facing each other. Student A holds the flash cards so the problem faces student
The other student says the answer aloud and the student holding the card confirms the answer.
If the student is correct, the flash card is discarded. If the student is incorrect, the card is returned to the desk.
The student continues until he has provide all of the correct answers and then the students switch places.

Soccer ball game (whole class activity)

To make sure that they understand I will ask the students to answer two questions in the book, I will praise the
first 3 students who finish.


5 minWhole

In a circle I will explain the game to the students and told them if the ball is not kept on the floor, they will not be
able to play, only listen.
First, i will call out a number and roll the soccer ball to a student. When the ball arrives at the student, he have
to multiply by the number where their right thumb is and the number that I said.
Students then roll the ball to another student and they then do the same procedure. Process continues
until all students have had a turn.


Reflection WWW/EBI
what went will in this lesson is that the students like the activities where they can communicate with each other and all
my activities were in pairs and whole class.
I think it will be better if I differentiate in activities and give each group a specific appropriate activity according to their
Next Steps in learning and teaching

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