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Personal Connection

Ben Black
I am pro-life. I have grown up in a Christian home with most of my family on both sides being
religious. Because most of my family is religious and believes what they believe I have grown up
believing that we should not be aborting fetuses. My views on this topic mainly come from my
parents and going to church all my life, I have that influence on me. Also growing up with the
family I have I have been taught to cherish life and not degrade it, which I feel abortion is.
Biblically speaking and because I have grown up going to church, I have been under the
impression not to have sex unless you plan on having a kid. Even further not have sex until
marriage; abstinence.
Also I am very against that tax dollars are funding abortions. This is not right in my mind
at all we shouldn't be doing this. Tax dollars shouldn't be going to something that is devaluing
life, especially when it can easily be prevented by not having sex or using birth control. Ill state
right now that I am for birth control and I am for abortions in cases of rape, incest, or harm to the
mother. I think these are a necessary for our world and what goes on. I realize that is a little more
left leaning thinking but that should be an unarguable position that if women are raped, or there
is incest or damage to the mother's life then that is reasonable to have an abortion. Those are the
only reasons abortions should happen.
Another reason why abortion should be illegal is because your getting rid of someone
who could have been able to contribute to society and make the world a better place. Imagine our
world right now if more people did abortions? How far would we be with innovations and such?
Would worse things be going on in the world? I realize this is far fetched, but every individual
has the chance to do good and change the world and we shouldnt be limiting those possible
opportunities by abortion. I know the love of a newborn baby to the parents, family and people
around them. How would they feel if they decided to abort their baby then? Or if a family knew
the love that a child could bring them, and if they could see their child be born would they have
an abortion at all? If they could see the life that the mother and the father gave birth to, I don't
think anyone would have an abortion. I realize I'm not a woman and I'm not the one that has to
carry a baby and all that entitles, but I feel like most women are pro-choice is because they
havent had kids and they don't know what that is like.
I have heard strong arguments on the pro-life side that even further support my personal
opinion. Even one here at school in which a woman here had a premature birth and her kid lived.
The same number of weeks that she had her baby, babies are still able to be aborted in some
states at that time. The main argument on the other side is that it's not alive in the fetus when
cleary during her pregnancy at that time it was and it lived. It is things like this that lead me to

my position, this story has especially changed my mind. How do you think the woman that this
happened to views abortion? Probably not very well.
Another thing that frustrates me is the excuses people make to have an abortion. The life
that people make is special and shouldn't be aborted because they don't wanna have it. I have
said it a bunch in this and I will say it again, Life is special. Everyone could ask themselves right
now if they would have wanted to be aborted when they were still developing in the womb. I
guarantee everyone would say no, I would want my parents to have me and not abort me.
Because them and their parents have seen life. I bet like 90% of high school and college girls
who are pro choice have never had a baby and don't realize what it is like. They just identify with
other women in thinking pro-choice before looking at facts. Even if they are having sex there are
numerous ways to prevent having a baby. There are tons of birth control methods to prevent it.
Women do have a choice Its pro-choice... the choice whether or not to have sex, which is
what it all comes down to.

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