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Learning in Higher

Complexity and Education

Education, Citizenship and

Social Justice


Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, peer reviewed publication
for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who
undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in
universities and colleges. The journal is devoted to all aspects of development,
innovations and good practice in higher education teaching and learning,
including the use of information and communication technologies and issues
concerning the management of teaching and learning.


Complicity is an open access (free to all readers), peer-reviewed journal that
publishes original articles on all aspects of education that are informed by the idea
of complexity (in its technical, applied, philosophical, theoretical, or narrative
manifestations). The journal strives to serve as a forum for both theoretical and
practical contributions and to facilitate the exchange of diverse ideas and points of
view related to complexity in education.


Education, Citizenship and Social Justice is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a
strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue for all academic
educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the meanings and form
of citizenship and social justice as these are realized throughout the time spent in
educational institutions.


3000-5000 words.


4,000 to 10,000 words


Articles should normally be

The text should be clearly or

Each manuscript should con

International Journal of
Educational Research


Proposals for special issues and individual papers can be on any contemporary
educational topic of international interest. Reports of high quality educational
research involving any discipline and methodology will be welcome.

A title page with full t

refereeing, full name
An abstract of 100-15
Up to 6 keywords.

For individual papers, a leng
This excludes tables, figures
applicable for "Research Pro

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