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Reflection Elective Human Development #390

Developing Anti-Bias Curriculum: Teaching Our Values to our Children

I believe I fulfilled my goals in this class, H D 390. I have more knowledge of diversity, anti
bias, and curriculum the effects of discrimination in around our world. I have looked closely at
my feelings toward human behavior. I understand we all have different beliefs and that we are all
different and unique. It is crucial that human beings respect, learn from each other, and get along.
I now understand there are so many biases that surround us. I believe through those biases, we
make a world of misunderstandings and confusions.
While taking this class there were hate crimes happening around the world. I remember when
we would share our thoughts and opinions about these events. We would have conversations on
topics that concerned serious biases and racisms. The topics were hard to discuss, but it is reality.
It is sad what our young children hear in the news on a daily basis. Parents should be ready to
answer any questions regarding what kids hear and see outside their homes. I do believe that
through conversations and reflections we extended ourselves to a higher level of understanding.
We understood more biases within our communities and schools.
In this class our main assignments were a field observation, a movie reflection and a group
presentation. In all three assignments observation was required. It is amazing how observing
brings out new strategies to continue in our work. When we reflect on what we observe, I could
say we learn from those scenarios. The assignment I am proudest of was about understanding
class concepts, understanding materials read, identity and social justice. I am proud of myself to

have completed this assignment, which came to seven pages long. I am also proud to learn and
know now the privileges I earned just by continuing in this class and not giving up.
It is incredible how race, gender, and sexual orientation could make at times a difference of
how much we earn in a job. People need to have a powerfully set mind to not give up when they
are being discriminated against. All human beings need to realize their privileges. We do not
need violence to make a difference in our society. We need to learn and reflect on our biases that
are all around us. When professor Shey, talked about biases he was straight and direct in his point
a view. He would say we all have some kind of biases. He was right; I will never forget all my
peers had something to say about their biases including me.
We need to help stop racial, gender and bias discriminations crimes, currently it is of control.
Our young generation needs to learn about this at an early stage of their education. It is
important that a curriculum be offered to our young children as early as elementary school.
Students should learn all the different ethnicities, cultures and diversity we have in this world. It
should be learned through books, movies, and learning from each other in a class setting. It is up
to all caregivers to educate their children about whats happening around the world. It is
important for children to learn about privileges and why some human beings have more than
others. The behavior of some affects others and as human beings we each deserve respect,
communication, and learning from each other.
In conclusion this class has helped me appreciate now human beings are unique. It takes
learning from observation to understand, respect and accept others. Through the writing
assignments and weekly topics and conversations, I now know it is important that we learn from
others in order to have peace in this world.

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