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The Podcast Episode Project

The Podcast Episode Project: Writing In Sound

Your assignment is to compose a podcast episode that chases after a few
good questions that relate to your idea/issue/narrative regarding university
life. Well listen to quite a few examples of podcasts in class so you get the
sense of the genre, the expectations that others have of this medium. No, I
dont expect you to produce perfect, studio-quality podcasts episodes that
could make you famous. (Although, feel free to do just that.) You arent
providing concrete answers to the questions you chase afterpodcasts
episodes rarely settle on one answer. Instead, you need to productively
complicate your issue by chasing down these questions, wherever they
might lead (as long it stays legal, of course) and tell a story with your
That is to say, in this assignment you will be a storyteller,
constructing a new way of approaching an issue related to your
university lifea way that dos more than just reproduce arguments
made by others. Youre attempting to make your own narrative meaning
The details and assignment rubrics are all below. Return to this document
whenever you get confused and/or stuck. And, of course, get me to help you
with anything you dont understand.
To get started with your thinking, consider a couple things:
Remember, your research may not speak directly to your topic, but
you can use it to help you enrich your own point of view on the topic.
Rely on your observations of university life so far to get you started.
In other words, you might find that Utechts assertion that what
we really need is problem finders, not problem solvers (par 11)
actually connects to your own questions about whether or not
expensive Rec centers on college campuses are useful for more
than working out. That sounds strange, but an interesting
connection could be made. It all depends on how you evolve your
idea in the podcast. You are in charge here. You make the
connections for your listeners.
In making this podcast episode, you will use all the moves youve
started to practice this quarter. A new form of writing like this doesnt
mean you have to ignore the work that youve already done. One of
the most important elements, of course, is what you want this thing to
do. What story do you want to tell? And who do you want to tell it to?
So it begins....

The Podcast Episode Project

The Podcast Episode Project

Act One: Focus Sentence (Due 1/18)

Remember, a Focus Sentence frames the overarching structure of the
It goes like this:

Someone (character) wants to do so something

(activity) because (desire), but... (conflict).
1. The someone might be the podcast creator you. But it could be
anyone! Freshmen students at WWU, professors in the Psych
department, even Punxsutawney Phil.
2. It does sound exactly the way a plot is structured because most (if not
all) good research has a kind of plottells some kind of story.
3. The but or the conflict can be pretty nuanced and, thus, interesting.
It doesnt always have to be deeply dramatic. BUT there does need to
be some form of conflict for your podcast/story to be interesting in the
first place.
In the Focus Sentence Assignment on Canvas, heres what I expect to see:

One drafted and one revised focus sentence.

A short paragraph that tells me what specific changes you made

to your revised sentence (e.g. word choice, different conflict, word
order, slightly re-worded desire) and why. I want to know the
reasons you made the changes you did.

Based on this Focus Sentence, please also tell me what are your next
o How do you want to tell this story?
o Where will you start to research/collect tape?
o What structure do you imagine this taking? How will it look?
o Etc. Etc.

Important note: You may not know exactly what will happen in the podcast
just yet. That is good. The research and writing will help you discover that.
Right now, you just need to know what this project is basically about, why it
matters, and what the story you will tell might be.

The Podcast Episode Project

FOCUS SENTENCE RUBRIC (all or nothing): To earn all 5 points, your
assignment must meet my 3 expectations above.

The Podcast Episode Project

Act Two: Storyboard (Due Date 1/20)

Hopefully (!) at this point youve started to research your topic a little bit. At
the very least, youve begun to observe more about your topic out in the real
world. Now, what you will need to consider is how you will piece together a
podcast episode about it.
Perhaps youve noticed already, but Podcasts tend to be segmented, so that
you move from one section to the next. Sometimes this is done very
blatantly (This American Life), but oftentimes the segments move quickly
from source to source, the extending and countering of ideas happening in
between (what comic artists call the gutter).
In order to do this, you need to Storyboard your podcast, which means youll
create a tentative structure for the narrative arc of this episode. Using the
Storyboard Template Sheet, youll need to do the following:
Map out 4-5 segments of your podcast based either on sources
or interviews you want to get, or your own ideas that you
already have. No, you most likely dont have all of this material yet.
But this will help you to see where you should go to record, research,
interview, etc. This does not include the how you might introduce or
conclude your podcast. Those can appear here, but are in additionnot
part of the 4-5 segments.
For each segment, identify the focal point Is it an idea proposed
by a source? An interview that inspired a train of thought? Your own
observations of your topic at work?
Highlight how the segment EXTENDS or COUNTERS. Tell me why
THIS segment needs to be HERE and nowhere else. How does it extend
or counter the neighboring segments? What happens in the gutter in
In addition, try to create Introduction and Conclusion segments
as well. This will help you see how you want to frame the entire
Keep in mind that this is tentative. Your storyboard can and should change
with more research, writing, and recording. Regardless, it needs to be as
specific as possible. Youll return to this more as you keep working, but
you need to start with a specific narrative shape.
The Storyboard needs to feature 4-5 segments, not including introduction
and conclusion, and needs to be uploaded on time. Please ask me for any
clarification you need well before the deadline.

The Podcast Episode Project

Storyboard RUBRIC: To earn 10 points, your storyboard must meet

all 4 expectations above.

The Podcast Episode Project

Act Three: Interview & Research Reflections (Due Date 1/23)

As weve discussed in class, you need to know what youre doing with your
sourceshow you are using them to help you tell your story, rather than
reporting on somebody elses point. Youve started to consider where and
what to look for in your Storyboard, and how to make it your own narrative.
Now show me what youve got so far.
So in the Interview & Research Reflections assignment on Canvas, please
1. One written reflection that lists 2 interviews YOUVE ALREADY DONE
and details how you are thinking about using them. (300 words)
2. One written reflection that lists the 2 important sources THAT YOUVE
ALREADY COLLECTED and how you are thinking about using them. (300
Heres what I expect to see in the Interview Reflection:

A short description of who you interviewed and how the format

felt. Did it feel like a good conversation? Did you ask too many
questions? Too few? Were you able to get off script a little and
encourage the interviewee to tell stories?

If you could do each interview over again, what would you do

differently and why. How the interviews changed your thinking
about your topic (or not). If they did not change your thinking, write
a bit about why you think that is.

What you think you might do with the interviews? How might
you best incorporate them into your episode (think about Methods)?
Its fine if they are not going to work for your podcast episode; just
write about why that is.

Heres what I expect to see in the Sources Reflection:

What two sources other than interviews are you most excited
about so far? Why? This does not include sounds or other bits of
tape. This is the research youre doing outside of gathering tape and

How might you best incorporate these into your episode (think
about Methods)?

The Podcast Episode Project

Each Reflection needs to be around 300 words (total of at least 600 words),
single-spaced, and uploaded on time. Please ask me for any clarification you
need well before the deadline.
Interview & Source Reflection Rubric: Youre able to earn 10 points
here (See Next Page)

Interview & Research Reflection Rubric: Youre able to earn 10 points

Not Complete.

Almost Basic
Basic Criteria
Criteria (7 points) (8 points)

This project does not Theres evidence of Two 300 word

earn enough points interviews and
to be considered
research, but the
One 300-word
complete because it descriptions dont
reflection on your
does not
respond to the why
demonstrate the
(e.g. description is One 300-word
labor required to
just about
reflection on your
meet the basic
interviewee, or the
criteria. Bummer.
place they were
interviewing, etc.)
The Interview
The Interview
Reflection addresses Reflection needs to
the questions but
respond directly and
doesnt explain the in detail to all 3
why, or the reasons questions in the
behind the answers. assignment

Advanced Criteria
(10 points)

Lengthy description
and reflection that
shows foresight in
project planning and
careful attention to
language, perhaps
indicating a trip to
the Research Writing
Not only responds
directly to the
questions, but also
reflects on how your
own questions might
have already
influenced the
The Source
The Source
Not only responds
Reflection addresses Reflection needs to directly to the
the questions but
respond directly and questions, but also
doesnt explain the in detail to the 2
evaluates the quality
why, the reasons
questions in the
of these sources in
behind the answers, assignment
detail and what
and is unspecific.
other research it
points you towards.

The Podcast Episode Project

Assignment needs to Or other things that
be copy-edited, and go beyond my
turned in on time.

The Podcast Episode Project


Act Four: Podcast Episode In-Process Presentation (Due Date 1/30)

As youve probably already experienced, research projects like this are really
hard to work on in isolation. It can be lonely, and you cant be sure that what
youre making will connect with the world that exists outside your head.
So Im asking you to give about a four-minute presentation to the class
where you:
1. Introduce and explain the structure or the story of your episode
(basically a more in-depth version of your Focus Sentence).
2. Play us at least one pre-chosen audio clip from your episode and
explain how you are going to use it. This could be a rough interview
clip or it could the way youve already designed your introduction. You
decide. (Clips cant be longer than 2 mins.)
3. Tell us what youre most excited about as you move forward and what
youre concerned about, as well as what you what youre most
interested in receiving feedback on.
Heres what I expect to see in the Presentation:

Evidence of planning and preparation. This is not something you

can jump up and wing. To get the best feedback, youll need to prepare
the order and structure of what youre going to say and how youre
going to present. (Practice makes perfect!)

Thoughtful consideration of podcast episodes process. Even if

youre just starting to record and design in earnest, which Im sure is
true for many of you, Id like to hear carefully chosen audio and
specific joys and concerns. The more thoughtful you can be here, the
better feedback youll get from the class. Be sure to consider what
youve done and what you still hope to do.

Practiced Professionalism. Throughout college (and certainly

outside school!), youre going to be asked to formally offer updates,
and share work with others who also have a stake in the project. Heres
a chance to practice that skill. Im looking for you to be as polished as
possible regarding what you have to say, to generously consider the
feedback you get, and to be mindful of the four-minute time frame.


20 points, your presentation must meet my 3 expectations above.
Note: really use my assignment prompt to plan this thing.

The Podcast Episode Project


Act Five: Podcast Episode Script (Due Date 2/3)

In the Podcast Episode Script assignment on Canvas, please upload a
complete script. Weve, of course, been drafting this in and out of class, so I
expect this script to be polished, useable, and to work as good and stable
ground for you as you record and design your episode. Return to the
Millennial transcript that we used for reference.
Heres what I expect to see in the Script:

A 3-part design of some kind that easily communicates where

the monologues, dialogues, music, sound effects all layer
together. Make use of the template I gave you. Any other way of
setting this up will quickly become confusing for both you and me.

Written text for all monologues and any interruptions into

interviews or other source work you might be planning. Leave
no stone unturned. Any time you speak, I should see what youre
saying at the exact place you say it.

Written text for the interview clips you plan to use. This means
that you need (need!) to transcribe your interviews. Dont just tell me
that theres an interview there. Write out what is said and in a way
where I can tell who is saying what.

List of the conversations you plan to incorporate (if

applicable). Dont have everything you want yet? Thats okay, but
you need to tell me what it is and show me where its going as well as
why it needs to be there.

Detailed descriptions of the music (including song title AND

the feel of the song). Like my template demonstrates, the musical
descriptions need to be written in a place where it is easy to see what
monologue or dialogue you are pairing them with.

Detailed descriptions of sound effects. Like my template

demonstrates, the sound effects descriptions need to be written in a
place where it is easy to see what monologue or dialogue you are
pairing them with. Dont just say what the sound effect is, but WHY its
there in the first place.

Script Rubric: Youre able to earn 20 points here (See Next Page)

The Podcast Episode Project


Script Rubric: Youre able to earn 20 points here

Not Complete

Almost Basic
Criteria (14

Basic Criteria
(17 points)

Advanced Criteria
(20 points)

This project does not Although all script

earn enough points elements are
to be considered
present, the script
complete because it design makes it
does not
difficult to
demonstrate the
understand how
labor required to
music, voice, and
meet the basic
sound effects are
criteria. Bummer.
layered together.
In other words, what
goes with what.

Designed script that At the end of the

clearly discerns
script, a short
monologues/dialogu explanation of your
es, sound effects,
design choices and
and music.
how you hope it
Design indicates
helps a reader better
layering of music,
understand what
text, and sound
your episode will
effects (e.g. what
sound like.
song goes with what
conversation should
be clear).
Most of the
Revised monologue
monologue text is
text for accessibility.
there but not yet
This demonstrates
you have taken mine
Have not taken mine & your peers
or your peers
feedback into
feedback into
Most of the interview Revised interview
text is there but not text for accessibility.
yet revised.
This demonstrates
Have not taken mine you have taken mine
or your peers
& your peers
feedback into
feedback into
List of conversations Written summaries
you plan to
for any
incorporate but have conversations you
not yet had (if
plan to incorporate
but have not yet
had. Tells me why
they will need to be

The Podcast Episode Project

Only song titles are Detailed description
listed, and names of of the music,
sound effects.
including song title
and the feel of the
Detailed description
of the sound effects.
Again, this text is all
about accessibility.

Written description
of the kind of
meaning/mood the
music and sound
effects create.

The Podcast Episode Project


Act Six: Podcast Episode & Self-Evaluation (Due Date: 2/6)

As weve incessantly discussed together, the podcast episode youre making
needs to be narrative-driven, but, rather than one long monologue, it needs
to include voices other than your own. It needs to be grounded in this
narrative, but also try to answer questions that have arisen out of your issue
regarding college. These elements (narrative, multi-voiced, exploratory)
make for good podcasting and they are what folks expect from the genre.
Beyond that I expect the podcast episode to at the very least:
Make use of dialogue between one or more people. That might
mean we get to hear some interview tape or it might mean that you
script some back-and-forth. Or maybe both. But use conversation to
chase after your question(s) and to propel your narrative.
Carefully assembled recordings, music, and sound effects. I
dont expect you to produce studio-quality work, but the podcast still
needs to make sure voice recordings are not drowned out by music or
that the sound effects are not out of place or too loud. You must layer
these things together so that they produce a unified whole.
Make purposeful musical choices that can be well explained in
your self-evaluation. In other words, I expect the music (and sound
effects) to be chosen for an explicit purpose. You should know what the
music is doing (i.e. what mood it creates) and also be able to clearly
explain its use.
Stay focused and tell the story you developed! The podcast is
after one or two questions related to your narrative idea/topic. Dont
lose your Focus Sentence. Each segment needs to be clearly related to
the wholereturn to your Storyboard.
Be in between six and ten minutes long. (Try really hard not to go
over 10 minutes.)
Along with the Podcast, you must also upload a Self-Evaluation. I need this
evaluation to be turned in with the podcast episode because without it I cant
evaluate your work. In other words, the only way I can understand what you
are trying to do and how you understand what youre trying to do is to
evaluate your work with you. Again, I dont expect you to be professional
audio-producers, so I need to read about what you are doing and why you
are doing it in order to best evaluate the labor underlying your work.
So please, fill out the Podcast Self-Evaluation Rubric, which you can
find here (or under the Self- Evaluations module on Canvas). This is

The Podcast Episode Project


(basically) the exact same rubric I use to evaluate your work. That way, well
both have a say in the labor you did.
There is no requirement for your self-evaluation regarding word count or
length. But I really want you to dig into these criteria on the Rubric and help
me understand what you are trying to do in this podcast episode. Get very
specific. Dont just tell me that you chose this resource because it makes
your claim more valid, tell me HOW.
Please Note: If I dont have a Self-Evaluation from you then I dont
have a Podcast Episode. Its all one project.
Podcast Rubric: Youre able to earn 40 points here (See Next Page)

The Podcast Episode Project


Podcast Rubric: Youre able to earn 40 points here

Not Complete

Almost Basic Criteria

(28 points)

Basic Criteria
(34 points)

Criteria (40

This project does

not earn enough
points to be
complete because
it does not
demonstrate the
labor required to
meet the basic
criteria. Bummer.

A question that hasnt

evolved into a good
question through revision
(e.g. a yes/no question, or
a question with confusing
word choice, or doesnt
move beyond writers
initial assumptions).
As a result, your narrative
is loose and doesnt give
the listener a clear idea of
the story youre telling.

Clear & Purposeful

A driving question
that "guides" the
podcast episode,
creating some sort of
narrative. I'm looking
for a question and a
story that clearly
underlies your entire

Storyboard Puts All

Segments in
Your driving question(s)
set up a story for your
research. Podcast
makes use of good
questions to set up a
narrative structure for
your research:
The scene being set, the
complication being
introduced (i.e. the good
question), the wrestling
with and complicating
possible responses and
answers to the question,
a climax where you
reach a response that
will work for now, and a
conclusion that explains
the climax and reflects
on the implications of
both the question and
the response.

The Podcast Episode Project

Poorly used sources (e.g.
dropped in, not explained
or introduced, etc.)

Background and
Research: At some
point during the podcast
(or all throughout), help
your listeners better
understand your
issue/topic by weaving
some good research into
the mix.
This includes outside
research such as articles
or essays or blogs that
inform your topic as well
as interviews and bits of
tape youve collected.

Overly long monologues

and/or interviews, which
dont evolve the episodes
main idea.

Multi-Voiced: The
podcast needs to
incorporate voices and
ideas that are not your

In order to better tell the

story of your research,
make good use of
outside articles,
historical accounts,
movies or songs that
help readers make
Please dont drop in
this research. Each
source needs to be
introduced, quoted and
cited appropriately, and
then (then!) explained in
a way that helps readers
see the connections.

The Podcast Episode Project

Sound design that is
unintentional and
See Podcast SelfEvaluation for more
description about Sound

Sound Design: You
need to incorporate a
good deal of sound
design, which means the
podcast makes
interesting, thoughtful,
and, above all,
purposeful use of
music and sound

Evidence of obsessive
editing: The podcast is
nearly flawless when it
comes to integration of
sound design (i.e. music
and effects) with the
spoken word.
Again, I know youre
not audio engineers, but
one important part of
this project is helping
you practice with newer
ways of producing
meaning and
arguments. So music,
sound effects, and
voices will carefully and
purposefully put
together with little to no
rushed or awkward
To accomplish this, I
imagine youll need to
enlist the help of the
Student Technology
Center and (and!) get
your friends to listen to
several drafts because
you need to hear what
other people hear.

Podcast is between 6
and 10 minutes long.
Completely fill out the
podcast self-evaluation

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