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So like I said its pretty simple but before I get into the actual process, first some

background info. I'm sure some of you know from school physics experiments and
science fair projects that potatoes can be used as batteries, but has anyone
wondered why? Sure Ph and alkalinity have a fair share to do with it, and why? I
don't know how many of you grew up on a farm or grow vegatables, but potatoes in
particular are a very difficult crop to raise and require a very fat and alkaline earth
to grow at all, otherwise above ground the plant might look healty and sound but
below ground when you go to harvest them might be just little shriveled up potatoe
sprouts attached to the roots. Some of you might have heard of the high ormus
content of areas of the US like around The Great Salt Lake, the Essene has spoken of
it on numerous occasions as well as the guys from ZPTECH, who harvest the ormus
and grow crystals from it. But that area of the U.S. is where the majority of potatoes
sold at market is grown. Anyways get to know potatoes well, the conditions in which
they grow and the manner in which they grow as well as the nutrition they provide
holds a great key to understanding nature. So well on with the process.
Since it is ormus or the occult gold that we are after, and we know that it occurs in
alkaline, fat earth, and we know it exists in the ash of evergreen trees(vibuti) and
concord grapes/red wine as anthocyanin and other purple foods, then purple
skinned potatoes (or any purple food as a matter of fact is a good canadite for this
process, if tried blueberries, black olives and others as well) or purple yams is our
best choice.
Start out by selecting the smallest, roundest, most perfect potatoes out of the sack
its most important that they have no blemishes and the skin is not broken, if the
skin is broken don't even start it won't work. Now take about 6 of them and place
them in a pot to simmer, just covered with distilled but not tap water, previously
charged,-trap, magnetite or moon water, water works best. Do not boil the
potatoes, we do not want them softening to the point that the skin breaks, and
make sure the pot is covered with a lid and just simmer them for about an hour till
they soften. You may have to do an experiment with some potatoes you can eat just
to find out the proper temperature and time length that is for your particular stove.
What we want is for the potaotes to absorb that water and soften but not fully cook.
So when they are ready, turn off the heat and let the pot cool, but do not open it,
many times we will be pulling our matter out of the stove to cool and condense, so
we want those fumes and steam to re-condense and re-seed the earth below, kinda
like an alchemical circulation. So when they have cooled take them out of the pot
and place them in a large, pyrex, oven-safe glass bowel and find a porcelain or
stoneware plate to cover the bowl so that it contains the steam for the most part,
but still allows a little to escape, eventually we will want to rid ourselves of the
superflous moisture but we also want to unite earth with air through the medium of
water or steam/fog. It essential that there still remain plenty of room above the
potatoes for circulation, and place the bowl in the oven at about 250-270 degrees
for about two hours, then take it out to cool, rest and condense, but do not open the

top and allow the steam to escape! I hope you have plenty of time because this
process can't be rushed and takes about four days of cooking and resting to
complete it. Now when it has completely cooled and I for one allow my bowl to cool
by the window overnight so that the moon, stars can pentrate it and condense into
it as the steam condenses,but if you do that make sure you remove it from the
window before the sun comes up. Now when it cools place it in the oven again for
another two hours, and then remove it again to cool, condense again, before
returning it to the oven for another two hours. For the first day, day and a half the
potatoes will still be soft, but eventually after a few days when all the superflous
moisture has escaped, the potatoes will eventually turn so hard and shrivel up and
become hollow in the middle and turn to stone, you will have to take a hammer and
whack the daylights out of it to break them open. And you will see inside the flesh of
the potatoes has turned to glass!!! A red glass.
Now from here there are several ways to procede, I checked its virtue by projecting
this powder upon lead and did get a fair amount to turn to gold.
Although the sugar content remaining in the potatoe flesh/glass makes it
problematic because, you see glucose has a tendency to reduce, metal oxide back
into metals, and all of you here should know by now, that in order to transmute a
metal it has to be first returned to its first matter, its oxide. Thats right
transmutation can only procede when the electrons are burnt away, and no longer
able to conduct energy away from the nucleus. Many of you have tried transmuting
lead into gold but have only gotten a gold colored oxide, that is you have noticed
under fusion, that at a certain temperature the lead produced a gold colored skin
where it had contact with the air, its is reacting with the nitrogen in the air to
produce this, so you have in effect transmuted only the shell of the lead atom into
gold and not the nucleus, to achieve this the nucleus must be imbibed with the
etheric, astral energy from the soul of the plant, or transfered as we say to the soul
of the metal.
So in my opinion what you have in your possesion with the potatoes in this state is
only very acurrately the first matter. Now we will procede with this glass, stone as
such, without air we must do a dry distillation on this crushed, glass powder and
extract its mercury as a fume and condense it, as well as its sulfur in the form of an
oil and condense it, with lastly calcining what is left to a white ash and collecting its
salt once again with "charged" water. Next we must volatilize this fixed salt with a
quantity of the mercury and at the same time fix the later with the former, into an
ice-like product that you will wash through the distillation train with more mercury.
Now you will imbibe this volatlized salt with the purified mercury and sulfur to
achieve a stone and you will see that its virtue has arisen, being stripped of all that
was impure. You can then procede with multiplication of this stone in the usual
manner by projecting it upon gold oxide or purple/ red gold calx, and re-wetting with
more mercury under mild digestion of a BM, this I have yet to do so I can't offer

conjecture on how long it takes to do a multiplication, but its virtue is already sound
enough on the human spirit and lead to effect transmutation.

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