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Preguntas dirigidas a conocer datos generales del paciente/ Questions aimed

to know the general data of the patient.

Cmo te llamas?

What's your name?

Qu edad tiene?

How old are you?

Dnde vive?

Where do you live?


Do you work?


Do you study?

Qu hace? / ?

A qu se dedica? What do you do?

Cul es su empleo?

What's your job?

Qu hace para vivir?

What do you do for a living?

2- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer la dolencia/ Questions aimed to know the

chief complaint
Qu lo trae al mdico hoy?

What brings you to the doctor


Cul parece ser el problema?

What seems to be the trouble?

Cul es el problema?

What's the problem?

Qu le pasa?

What happens?

Qu le molesta ms?

What's been bothering you most?

Cul es el principal problema por What is the main problem you

el que quera verme?
wanted to see me about?
Cul es su dolencia principal?

What is your number one


3- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer las caractersticas de la dolencia/ Questions

aimed to know the characteristics of the chief complaint
Tiene algn dolor / fiebre /
sangramiento relacionado con

Do you have any pain / fever /

bleeding. associated with this?

Cmo es?

How is it?

Qu tiempo hace que lo tiene?

How long have you had it?

Cundo fue la primera vez que lo When was the first time you
noticed it?
Cundo le comenz?

When did it start?

Le duele cuando aprieto/presiono Y aqu ? Does it hurt when I

press here? And here?
Podra sealar exactamente
dnde le duele?

Could you point to where exactly

the pain is?

Se le corre hacia algn otro


Does the pain go to any other


Se le aumenta cuando se

Does it increase when you

mueve/camina/se para?

move/walk/stand up?

Cmo se le alivia?

How does it alleviate?

4- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer la historia de la dolencia/ Questions aimed to

know the history of the chief complaint
Ha tenido ese problema

Have you had this problem before?

Es la primera vez que lo tiene?

Is it the first time you have this?

Cundo le comenz?

When did it start?

Le ha sucedido en otras

Have this happened on other


Ha tenido tratamiento para el

Le han mandado algn

Have you had any treatment for

this pain?
Were you prescribed any
Were you operated for that

Se oper por ese motivo?

5- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer la historia familiar pasada/ Questions aimed

to know the past family history
Padece alguien en su familia de Has anyone in your family suffered
la presin alta / diabetes /
from hypertension / diabetes /
Tiene algn familiar con
malformacin al nacer?

Does anyone in your family have


6- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer informacin ginecolgica del

paciente./Questions aimed to know gynecologic information of the patient.
Tiene alguna secrecin vaginal?

Do you have any vaginal discharge?

De qu color es la secrecin?

What color is it?

Es amarilla-verdosa?

Is it yellowish-green?

Es espumosa?

Is it frothy?

Es blanquecina?

Is it whitish?

Tiene picazn?

Do you have itching/pruritus?

Tiene algn dolor?

Do you have any pain?

Dnde es el dolor?

Where is the pain?

Cmo es?

How is it?

Le da dolor durante la relacin sexual?

Do you have any pain on intercourse?

Cundo le comienza?

When did it start?

Tiene sangramiento vaginal?

Do you have vaginal bleeding?

Es la primera vez que tiene algo as?

Is it the first time you have something like


A usted ya le comenz la menopausia?

Have you started menopause yet?

Cundo fue su ltima menstruacin?

When was your last period?

Ha tenido algn sangramiento desde su ltima


Have you had any bleeding since your last


Cundo comenz a tener relaciones sexuales?

When did you start sexual relations?

Ha tenido algo como esto anteriormente?

Have you had anything like this before?

Cundo fue su primera menstruacin?

When was your first period?

7- Preguntas dirigidas a conocer informacin obsttrica del

paciente./Questions aimed to know obstetric information of the patient.
Es usted soltera o casada?

Are you single or married?

Son sus menstruaciones


Are your periods regular?

Qu tiempo le duran sus


How long do your periods last?

Con qu frecuencia tiene sus


How often do you have your periods?

Ha tenido nuseas o vmitos?

Have you had nausea or vomiting?

Le duelen los senos?

Do you have pain in your breasts?

Tiene secrecin por el pezn?

Do you have nipple discharge?

Cundo fue la ltima vez que tuvo When was the last time you have the
la menstruacin?
Cundo tuvo su primera

When was your menarche/first


Est tomando tabletas


Are you taking contraceptive pills?

Est usando algn mtodo


Are you using any contraceptive method?

Se ha hecho la citologa?

Have you had a pap smear?

Cuntos embarazos ha tenido?

How many pregnancies have you had?

Cuntos partos ha tenido?

How many deliveries have you had?

Ha tenido algn parto prematuro

o aborto?

Have you have any premature births or


Est tomando algn


Are you taking any medication?

Ha tenido alguna vez la presin

alta / diabetes / infeccin renal?

Have you ever had


Alguien de su familia ha tenido la

Has anyone in your family had
presin alta / diabetes / infeccin
hypertension/diabetes/kidney infections?

Vive en una casa o en un


Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Cmo es su nivel de vida?

How is your living standard like?

Tiene algn problema en el

Do you have any problem at
trabajo / en la casa / en la escuela? work/home/school?

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