Você está na página 1de 11


~A~ Pn 1 n ..cf

T .np ( 1 n


EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203

Participation Log Complete Ser1Jice Lear11ing Crotces to equal 10 hours or- more
Be sure to attach specific add,riollai dOC(Jrnents mquired for each tyoe of service iisted below._
Your Full Name (print):
Community Service:
Component m which the student works"' a volunteer
capacity at any organtzat on that wtii allow volunteers. that
serves the betterment of school age cho 0dren m the
community. and one tn wt11clt the student can obtatn a

Agency/Type of Service:

verified letter of participation or certificate from the


organization's leadership documenting participation and

hours of credit.

\N.\\.. ~ \rcJ G\ e Yll(?.t') t-Qr'j Cs ~~c. de)

_ q--'-/_'2-_S______


Private School Service:

The student must obtain written permiss1on from tile
school's admintstratton pnor to vtsttat ton, and must have an

Total Hours:

offtcer of the school provide signed verification upon school

letterhead of the type of, and duration of the service .

Organized Field Trip:

Your CSN tnstructor may be able to organtze an educat on
based fteid tnp on wh.ch all merrbers of the class rreet at

Supervisor Name (print):

Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Phone:
Supervisor e-mail:

another location. tnstead of attend ing class at the regular

scheduled at tome. Students must fttl out CSN's Field Trip
Waiver a1d provide tt to the instructor before traveling to an offcampus event. Credtt hours and venficat ton for lhts expenence
Will be determoned by your mstructor.

Additional participation at school assigned by

CCSD during Field Observation:
If the CSN student and assgned CCSD cooperattng teacher
agree, a student can Simply choose to rematn at the asstgned
school and classroom beyond the ma1datory 10 hours of Fteld
Observatton. and continue accumulattng uo to 10 addttional
hours at the site. The student and cooperattng teacher are
encouraged to tncrease the level of act ive parttcopation by the
CSN student beyond a stmple pass,ve observatton.

Other Service
The student can destgn and present ad tterent servce
onented educattonal expenence to the:r tnstructor. The

Agency/Type of 'Service:


5\ernentoG ( t)""cde.)


Total Hours:
.: Supervisor Name (print):
Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Phone:
Supervisor e-mail:

proposal must be in writing and agreed upon by the CSN

student and CSN instructor pnor to accJmulat on of hours.

Agency/Type of Service:
Total Hours:
Supervisor Name (print):
Supervisor Signature:
Supervisor Phone:
Supervisor e-mail:

-ieili~ -)53~
lLSpE'Cht oJ \" t-e.cQC t= .CC.Sd.


Lervicc: L 'larnLc. b P eap;.h O""" a... u Hou~E' >

Complete this form and submit to your CSN instructor before proceeding with your contact hours

ftr-vtf7i2rz.... &ee_egrr

Your Full Name (print):

___,W,~~_.Y?'--"'B"'--~---1--------------------Name of Agency/Contact Person \."-J, \ h C \ fY\ E \ e..;!l}(?J)~/ i,.... \ 1'1 d j

S pe Cl) T
Go<""1 W . A\e'f..Oflder '<td,. k.J\.-\J , 'i$-qo3d. __
CSN Professor (print):

Agency Phone:

b ._._,G
"""'-'-\_- __,5:
__L.l3"""---'3""'-_.l...,_,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Contact Person's email:

DIRECTIONS: Complete the following 3 sections so that your instructor and impacted agency is aware of your service learning requirement plan.

NEED/PURPOSE: - Why is this service needed? How will it help the community?

I~.Pa-t~ t+t>V~ tJ




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~roTI ~\p


\..B%vw~ I f'A%r ~'(,


h'lb~tfilb .

OUTCOMES: - What positive impact will this service have on the community? What do I personally hope to gain from

the experience? What evidence do I need to c~llect from the agency/contact person to verify my participation?


Lf;f-.~ 'f!>\j B-B)tJA.. ~VJ.t~e;t Tb Asstsr ttJ. ~$~,

oP Te-.6ffiet2-S Tt rr-v"E f?L( ULLf:f{l~C.. t;t;rp, r ~~ ~ N M,6tal!_f-.~


F\2~ Vf lrto ~
H7tz.- td-b\JD ~ ~ ~1/Wl~r-J Dvct~

'fbv'- sfU~-t?

TP;(Cf~ ~ IYlb( -rt~e; ,tV,6tL,6r?iX

SIGNATURES: I have reviewed this serv1ce proposal and approve to proceed. The service will begin on


Agency/Contact Person's Approval :

CSN Instructor Approval:

fo fll,f!X17-

(approximate date)

~~ \. ~--- -

CSN Education Department Field Observation TIME LOG

~tn:=f~> erz....
"'-=_G.. . .~.. . V::.._.;_
'l fLe
--"--- - , - - - - - - - - -

CSN Student:
CSN Instructor:


....::::...:"'-'-!.--'.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CCSD School Assignment:

CCSD Cooperating Teacher.

;;;___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

CCSD Grade/Department/Disdpline: __,_P~P:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

-.:..:.f'2_ . .=:.
.;;;:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

School Principal:
School Phone & Fax




Time In

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Verification Initial

'3 . 10


Cooperating Teacher's

/( )


Please complete the following evaluation (with the student) after the observation, using the Performance
Indicator Ratings. Our constructive comments are very valuable to the student. If you wish to fax or mail the
completed document, you may do so by sending it to the teacher's attention: Fax 702.651.4908or CSN Ed. Dept.
3200 E. Cheyenne Ave. SORT CODE S2A, Las Vegas, NV 89030-4228
Check the appropriately box 4=exemplary/3=consistent level/2=notconsistent/1-lacking 4

Professional appearance, adherenCe to CCSD dress code

Reliability, punctuality
Communicates effectively with teacher and staff
Demonstrates manners, graciousness
Reflects upon observation by using appropriate language and critical thinking
Demonstrates enthusiasm and curiosity
Models respectful behavior
Uses appropriate language

Cooperating Teacher's Signature -.,(d~~~~~~-'!:!::.=;q.~~-----


C SN E ducation D epartment, Field Observation Activities Packet

1. Contact your assigned school by telephone and ask the office manager, or other
contact person , for the best day/time to come and meet your assigned cooperating teacher. School
phone numbers, locations and other information can be found on the CCSD web site at
http ://ccsd . net/schools/
2. Preplan an on-time arrival, and make sure that al l interaction with CCSD employees and students is
respectfu l, courteous, and professional. You are a guest in their school, and a representative of this
CSN class and institution. The school is allowing you to visit to further your understanding of the
profession . It is imperative that your actions reflect a willingness to learn , and are reflective of a future
professional educator.

3. The first half of your field observation/experience will be centered around learning about the school
you were assigned, and focusing on the general and unique characteristics of its culture. You will be
looking at, and reflecting upon things that are going on in the classroom at the grade level or subject
that you were assigned. You are simply observing during this time . Your cooperating teacher will give
you guidance on how, and if, your experience can be expanded beyond these observations when
he/she feels comfortable with your professionalism and skills .


Introduce yourself. Since this is your first visit, ask the teacher where he/she would like you to sit
whi le you complete your observation hours for this CSN Introduction to Education class . Show the
teacher this "Field Observation Activities Packet", your "Field Observation Time Log" and
"Cooperating Teacher's Field Observation Student Evaluation" pages . Let the teacher know
that you will be asking him/her to verify your hours of attendance each time you visit, and grading
you after the observation hours are complete .

ASSIGNMENT ONE Observations : After arrival, take a seat in a non intrusive location to
begin your classroom observations. Complete the questions below:
(,L),s..-stz~ ~wVlQot~~fJll vJ/:.S Ffz.H:;;-tJDL.'f)
oF ftL~S, .A?TWOR.K e>N ~ -1)/}.u_g
Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom/school environment? Warm?
Friendly? Organized etc? Describe the physical environment in detail. DEsks ~\.lf'0) t,JP/>1~
Ft>e ~ s.uf"roe:t" s.\p.~ ~ w0/2k. c.vrR+ Sfn.bLL ~DUfS, CE;\L-f~S... l-tt4~ a:>V~""'' Tv
*tr~t~ tu/ seu~ {~....,.ut;;S
Observcltion 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender,
eth nicity , ELL, students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are
important to note. MC..S CLi;E, t+-A.D Co Bo'f& g_ a, e:. lf21-& . f1Zt1'11A~y />tlTisn1 Cl,6'26 f-l-).0
(p t2d{s. 11-t.J\cl~ w),-s wt:t~ v;.efm. U'UC/>SI.A~J, ~~ W?f.Mlc.., J:&t.t>r.J, 0c.s cv.~
* f:.<-5c> !+A'b \/,6~ 1::>\'SPBl~/.
Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written)
~c;- w~~ !'ID twLs ~ 1.-J ~'lf{\/:>eJ._{ fo'\Af{of-"\ ~ MCS Cl...1GS. (nbSfl-Y
~/)>~ IW()oR-ff'C-/ of= ~tO?
Observation Ll: Does the teacher enforce the rules? Are rewards or consequences being
used for compliance or noncomplian_ce? -re6~ V(:::.'"f-;1?/->LI:?G WW.::> 1 0.1 lib COI'JSO~vJf
~Y[,,.__(us~s 1 !'1Dsr sf[H)f!A\.TS 1-ti>vt. ~ To~ 'BD).!CD oK- &:1'-'<814-t~ T\\t'( ~
'\WDI2~1Nv 1 ' fO~ TO ~c.,p ~~r-l~b(Z(c; WDD Mf--,AVIOt'L,



CS N Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013

CSN Education Department, Field O bservation Activities Packet

ASSIGNMENT TWO (Classroom Layout): Use graph paper or drawing software to create an
accurate overhead view, labeled drawing, of your assigned classroom before answering the
questions below.








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CSN E ducation D epartment, Field Observation Activities Packet

ASSIGNMENT THREE (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned
classroom, and record your observations when presented with the questions below:

8" I!]Struction Question 1: What is the posted daily schedule for different subjects or.Jberi9js?

~ ,"'a:i~- ~r.:z~ 1J:'is~l~lff:~"~>'r~ :~?i:o~~~~#/cJJJ~ ;;jf:J;~~ ~ . :tf~e;JeJ~ ~/1/S~"'


Instruction Question 2: Is in,Rtn.Jction done in small oroups, centers, who le. grou_Q_s, individual? t:t!>-z:11
!'.!5l\2-VC-noJ 0/)"}'1~-o 4S f./l.l.:h, ~( l'-103. ~ g-l~IPL6'0 b?Af tD tW'P~ ~'5k~S 11\..[

~T ef:-

Chi>%. l>WbU>{ (it1\lD

0\Jt';;'2 ~I) v\\'sf~CfiO,J.

Instruction Question 3: How would you describe your cooperating teacher's teaching style?
Te~ ts lJffSt;:;/!T cJ t:JA/covRL:f.p~r-l(p 70 >TVP.,!*, Te;&CifeJ!.- ~~ .4 rcsmL APPte-0_,/C/-f 10
NJV /flu
cfT~A4moN srlloaff:S wir/f ftz~lnf7:5: ,fofint/ID~ f2e~ fliPtXLIWleJA!Ts,
Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning
stylesl_? If so, give examP.Ies Tr::A~ ts ttJAis~!l!t!--<J..mtdt:-tAI& ltc.orrwD.;irJtJI'/.s- /JA/.D btfcrfT~
;{;OJ J"b l:JA-6"/)f<E" e:-f/Bi&'!tNe t>F ~S-TVPeNr-; CAA../ f//LflCip,/-rc N tfC!lYtT/b-:5: e 7Hel- lWeL,
:;t?mG's{ll/)eJJ/5 AJ6e0 t/Jof!-& SGJJ.s.of<l( LJ/:-F Cblli~Uidf!S CtJVO-~]) ~~ Y!SI/,4L-Iti>S
Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being
presented? Please explain. Ljg:; Cttfi.X>~~ f>\2C vJ1.9b(&lq). ~~!:>,A~ tr-lT~V(; ~
MDW />V-f: D\q:r?-t%1 Tr216L--. 1ElCHGYZ5 USE ~uJw~ J.s W10fi V.hTtoJ 10 ~er::;p sruDEA/rs



f. I'/V?l>tem.

Instruction Question 6: Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class for any
reason? Why? rjo u.., SfUDe\JTS ~I (}ED 1r-J (2.)

Instruction Question 7: Is instructional time manag_ed efficientlY.? Please expl,ainlirne- IS. lh.tt

~cn.wEO .Tl?f-f~ ~ ~
~ bP ~IC,bl., 11l'Yl~t!'f2- SfVDru15. tO 5tf.'{ M Tl~. ~~7 is ~
WtAlDf1At--- ~t<wrn
t.?~~vtr'-f w q.r.lez.cJt~crt ~{/)5 5f'.L-!T126flti/Sihl"ny op J:-r)5;

Instruction Question 8: ow oes the cooperating eacher handle transitions from one
subject or period to another, and are these transitions effective? .>[tt~ ~~ ~uJf?CD
,Jr- uP
U>W\'~'l;' \(1.;6r-l7rt'l t?t-\.5 ~ c:f:i~ t+-.c.~ ~po.-J9t~IL.l~ :DtW.-ti-Lv 112-,t,.Js iDD~ Ll ~~ ~f\1, 'P
IVJ-:ftNJ.p vN./orf' 41Mf->, W'l>btlf1!t .ftbW\ Dt-5/? lP f{M)~ 1 l?..ASSt~\, t>\{f .SUfft,(~s- 1 e.t[_.,
Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any "attention getting"
commands? (Ex: Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they?1!~ ~e;s
t.r~-1 !~C~ p. t.MJ uJtu.- ~~ ;oe wu:;T
aHf~ c?p;J .A/2Nl Cf2.6Pff vJ/{I!J{..f)~ Cfi~
~f-te>IY 1. wlVctt'WIO~ rvttiW ru1J0TS went ..&Go ~~. ~tvle5 tf lj)}b Qvtcb ~ -ru~ A'lq2.f; P~
Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with?
How does the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. if~L--tJy 1 5-nmrflt~ 1 Wfd~J~)
lrJrJtr6)JntJr;-.J T~ee ~.AIDS. A~ ~1--ilfll-':f. ~mtef:Cf71\l"" ~ ~~~ ~~ Q t.emtn~
~ Wlf.tTS{U~B:,.D~"()JO$(,.J& ~'(tllf-~~ lACU.6!-{,Af vn~,-u~-w~ W..lte-t:O.
Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder
instructional time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time.


Tl3P.~ W]~~L~ ~~ ntt~ fii'YlOCP'l+~f"" ~eEm ~ ~G" f-.13~

rvo~P-b tr-.l ~uvtt ~

WM -n+Jr NlPkB


uJW~~t~ fO~IOf ~

T~ U..,b0-&S 9 ~ \D '13e- Le7b 'e-ll?tD ft>~ ~lD.S &Uf PUts Tt:?,Arft~ UiJI)lt10
\Nl6~ f~ 13eGf-,VtS~
Wl~ fVlAcY{ ~ f120CEOU~ vYLD'f~ 17f>C~~Jl~

1T lk>5

"DI>f2vpnw To


TD .JoT 1~-Pr 11 ~G, 11ft c;fiC,lpL.-!sfS ti+.bT [OWI-6 tJn ct% plfl) r~y TD
~"{; ~ Wft?T 1/(9f>L{ftlVG fS ffbSt r7t~

CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013

CSN Education Departm en t, Field Observation Activities Packet

ASSIGNMENT FIVE Coo eratin Teacher Interview): Complete the questions below by
interviewing your cooperating teacher during a convenient time. Include any school documents
that your cooperating teacher will allow you to photocopy for your packet.

Interview Question 1: What was the primary reason you became a teacher ~W'l- ~~

K'.tV .A- CD\J.St.J lOf0 i+.:bt> {...ina.Ler:fU.bL Cit~



~--p l:t-C'e.-



lnterview Question 2: What is the main challenge(s) you face as a teacher?

tv\~1'4., AlL- Tl+b' t"-lotutCu~L- ~8;q)S CF-3111~ / 8bf~(;.v{)f2__l;;:::.
Interview Question 3: What is the best part(s) of being a teacher?

Sft<.D~I' V-->~1-.t-~ L~l4J.:>l)(Yle11tttt-L(; -3l-6 LS


Interview Question 4: How do you determine where students sit in class?

l#I+AT .ACLotvVDAtio~ 11-t~t( ~\l~ {~ W~
Interview Question 5: How do you determine the members of any flexible groups?

~~Vtu~ ~ f-.'BIL-Cf1~

Interview Question 6: Beyond standardized testing, what

"{:>\sc~ \t2--t,AL-; sfY)Arq(_6D*o ~es

assessmen~ 1

do you use regularly?

1+-/--vt 'Pf2-l~~ '-1 N~7YJ~t0

Interview Question 7: What requirements are placed on you for reporting progress to
parents? {12~~ \l..lfC>f2-W\f-f1DlC ls seW;r'(t-l>VY\6 ~IL-(F-ef'lP-"f.S, AL:s6 (~ Wl~~,

ft.-1'-{ ~D~-nou,6t.- c~~ l'5> fMA C6u..Mo~

Interview Question 8: How often do you interact with a student's parents in person?
P~1~.ry R-Jt2.-- :s-(Wle UkfO 1"}'2-,.o ~JSfVIZi (? D5, ~YG cJV-iL-Y .AT lc;;:f
Interview Question 9: What type of discussions do you typically have with parents?
~bltPiftr>'e.- eo~s., A-~"PeM-{C... CC>N:ceY?..$\ls

Interview Question 10: How much grading do you complete on a daily/weekly basis?


Interview Question 11: How long does it take to prepare lessons for the day/week?

fi-R ..S..._

*Interview Question 12: What procedures or strategies do you use to maximize instructional
time ? [L).Ss {imf: (jf}F-Y ''f(lf.A~[lA~fb f!. U~:;~ ~TtC!CS W -ft/ft:-VUU?. _,.4/I::A 4~1-sT
t.Af f4:::t?PtAi(.;.fqos (!)A/ 7/!12-urzr- FoiJ 1Ns'm/Jcrtod' t>l! (e;C{#E-. pey 70 c,e.e~r6
} Bsv;J'.s ~r~S(J:Pams f/4f?-T7Ctt9417Aiv Lf;::-:e'&/l/1~12-T#b/f??-P
Interview Question 13: What Rositive reir}forcement programs have you had success with?
* ~/(.e)J/3o/ff2-DS fJI.-1--- fCIOS /A.J[J/(_fc!Af{; I




Interview Questi6n 14: What behavioral consequences seem most effective with this age
grou p? /<tos. ft,!./1~ f3RE:~rc.rf}dC' Wlfz:;NP!Sft~YI'"-/(P tNAI.A P~Of!Z-/~(l:: /Sc.lfj!:,I/!O
fl.LS6 rfl-et tAd LO>r;; Pf?tv tc/&e cp Pf2Fr-mm 1-r@r1
Interview Question 15: How are specialist

teac ~ers

involved in the



propess?sfECI.AL/S'T tN{f20DUC:s,-R..ATfldl::S ~ -,e-C!ft.ltcprA?S\ &Vt.D& rr;::4 Cft'llC

IAIS(1_{)C{T 6-,J


Interview Question 16: How often are you evaluated , and what measurement tool(s) is used
by the administration for determin ing your own performance?CV/Jt.~MrtU>J S (;6{:::(;; PU W' ,/Jfl tJ

oF/at f:1( f~rtlCffl {;' f [)/sr1CTofEUALt${:5/ C:.t/!P {JNN rt:ALIPT-Lrtwsr L!fl v; p.

,~-. 1
weJTEUt>,PI:SC!t>LIIll4e..y./lc 110''-{-'

Interview Question 17: vJJ}at conseguences are there if your evaluation is not f(jtvorable?

r PIF!EfLr?ZJr~.-eY.ew/

Interview Question 18: What types of support do you receive instructionally, financially or
professional ly from the school, parent organization or school district to enhance in~ruction?
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas , Nevada 2013 P/Sre!CT ~ s-C/f6?)L I f!;0//1 De;'

sru1oEJ.tr AcaJfYlt;DA17tA.tr;. ~tkYL 'fU~?-(If;&~s tnAAtLf ti/iA.fw tf-tfj)DA




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CSN Education Department, Field Observation Activities Packet

Interview Question 19: What surprised you most about teaching as a profession?

ASSIGNMENT SIX (Classroom Interactions):

Teacher Exchange Directed to Bovs vs. Teacher Exchange Directed to Girls.
Record tally marks for a 20 minute period when direct instruction is taking place. When
interaction is between the teacher and any male student, add a tally mark. Do the same when
teacher interaction is between the teacher and any female student. Record your tally marks in
chart form, and then summarize your findings in one paragraph.
Teacher Exch-ange Directed to Boys


Te.acber Exchange Directed to Girls

\i \

CSN Education Department, Las Vegas , Nevada 2013

A-56 Ht~Urtte-TUT 0


~feul/.>~lSt (N,D~S

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~M tpjp~ 1::6 ~~ '"DD L...i GW9Sl2b0yY") Ci f\9e'b _,tGS~;tJvJC~ ~SomE

~evtS -yo g,t; ~ t:Su; 10 f>.Ae:TI C tf',6\tz; ,

2. SolY'it. sru~r-.s rn~~ :PHL{;lU LUf et:ee-t::ti\.\AWI> ~ - ~ ~ ~ +>.A Pit e-t-PilR

tn+ 1'-{Pl Gb- ~ . ~Mg c).~ ~w TH3 v(;)J~toJs. LrJCSE'f'e'I\L~RL-f wt-ttu;Offf6Lt; .+Jap ,t.tJ .Atc>s A'Lg;y-.o~cz--.z> VYW~Ytf T!tt= .ACflVlT~ so ~ ~m~

~ . Gl~lC..U'LL.VYY\ \S V~'f ~Pe('AR C..tD .b-su~ez:r-. ED t~

t>rtYSlU'--J0t\VlT\j ~ ~)V2-NI~lp

BbT\1' &fs\LbL ~

t't IT l-5 ,i.t.-L ,ASlJl.tl

[bcf>ee.,6{1~ ~~ U,~

4. -"""[e,OC-l+BE- WoUL-'1) l>~Ce.-t~ T~ ,6C[)Vll\-jt ftzo\JLO~ I~VC[l()JJ

/:S {D t!6VDTD

f',A~tlf>\f,AT~ f-.~~~~ VSU/->Wf :tiJW-b?{) UP Wmi 4 PEW1DrJ;rf2;)>)1D}.j.

1"11J.~ W75llLP .6lfb tfl4>tkl wtf;sr 4>uJLITH~5 tti:5 Wl)U.L-1> BG ~,_1\.o fW...
To i>~ 9\uOelJ,lS
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-ye-~ &,6::> STJZ-/l~lrZS 10 t:fEP Cifi5G ..67ft2Afll ve: ~ l'.6a-tYl- 1 Us6 tfir~
To ~ W% QUieT) BIZAl<.-S ~tps: t~ srrv:\~ M~ M6A1t:tp(2,lc t4-tfuf5 ~ lAse-s
-""j1t~r-J 1 ,6\L.l ,jv. tv ~~'-f o(LO~fL.. W,l2-1 rJt,.... ,.6[;tttJ tn-0S. ,
lo. 0tt.~G~.s ,rJLtUD m.J:.~t~.u.p sot t::.{D>J tJDis~ Ll?\lb'L, ,.6-rr&tJ-nv~N-.o::;si ~BEP t ~
sruo{:Th}t:s 0\.\ T6St:::- ~ woret=-ttJft., tDbi>6l2ft"n VE\--lf.
1. s-ru\:>~tt.b:.vf:Tttt:o.fPoflfVNttL(
tstNJtrL-{ ptt'IS:Ie.PL AcnvlTLf Wttt~ Lt'f .fl-'-.ttl\lfp
10 Wb~ AS 1fi..&m& l1 tt~fit--Ttl'J LDIYl('eTlTlO\.J-


CSN Educatiqn D ep artm en t, Field Observation Activities Packet

ASSIGNMENT NINE (Observin a student): Discretely observe one student .in your
assigned regular classroom during an extended period of direct instruction. Summarize what
the student did during the observation, making sure to document ALL behavior. Detail what
was goi ng on in the environment, and what you observed the student doing while the lesson
was bei ng given.

CS N Edu cation Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013


CSN E ducation D ep artment, Field Observati on Activities Packet

Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field Observation Placement.

Before final grading for EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 courses can occur, the CSN student
must submit their completed Field Observation Activities Packet to their CSN Instructor for
grading , AND turn in their validated "Field Observation Time Log" and "Field Observation
Student Evaluation" sheets. The CCSD cooperating teacher must also email the student's
CSN Instructor before the final exam date. The instructor's email can be found on the first
page of this packet. (pass/fail for the student)
Remember to save this completed packet in digital form, or as a hard copy for your
Education Capstone Course, (EDU 299)
CS N Edu cation Department, Las Vegas , Nevada 2013


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