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MUCT 153

Practice Journal #7
Kleberson Calanca

You need to study/practice for at least 50 minutes to earn full credit. You could split your
practice time, if you prefer.
When (date and times) did you practice?
Date: 11/24/2016. Time: 9:10am to 10:05am
Date: 11/25/2016. Time: 10:15am to 10:45am
Date: 11/27/2016. Time: 7:10pm to 7:30pm (total: 1h45 min)
Required practice:

Prepare for the Final Performance Hearing (November 16-17!)

Prepare for quiz on intervals & sonorities

Divide your time wisely so you do meaningful work on all required aspects

Turn in Practice Journal via this LearningHub questionnaire

You will earn credit based on the amount of practice you did, and the quality of your
In at least 250 words (minimum; more is OK), answer the following questions:
1. Activities: What did you actually do during your session(s)?
2. Evaluation: Be very specific. What specific skills did you improve? Which specific
excerpts have you mastered? What do you still need to work on?
3. Plan: describe your preparation plan for the final performance hearing. What will you
do between now and then? (activities, days, who you will work with, etc.)
1. Activities: For this time, I organized all topics I had to study on the
green handout. I started memorizing the melodic patterns. I
harmonized them to sing on tune. I understand melodies better when
I see the harmonic context. In another day, I studied the three
augmented-sixth chords. I play the chord in the piano and arpeggiate
all the sequences. After I could fill the harmony in my ears, I
arpeggiate them without the piano. I did the same with the
Neapolitan6 chord. With Ottman, I studied the melody #15.30 and
#16.35. I practiced rhythm #13.49, #13.53, 13.61 and 13.49. I
played some harmonic sequences in the piano to practice harmony in
context and improve my aural skills also.
2. Evaluation: I memorized both melodic patterns. I have mastered the
Neapolitan Chord arppegiation and Augmented 6 th chord. I mastered
the exercise #13.61, #13.49 and #13.53. I still need to work on
rhythm syllables and the scale degree dictation. With rhythm where
you need to sing and clap your hands at the same time, I really need

to put more attention and study more. Finally, I need to practice more
modulations in melodic singing.
3. Plan: I decided to divide all material I have to study in small parts
and study a little every day, trying to improve more every day. I
decided to studied rhythm first, and then melody. I will use the piano
for tuning, but I will try to sing without any accompaniment to
improve my aural skills.

MUCT 153
Practice Journal #8
Kleberson Calanca

When (date and times) did you practice?

Date: 11/26/2016. Time: 10:15am to 10:45am
Date: 11/27/2016. Time: 7:30pm to 8:20pm (total: 1h20 min)
Required practice:

Prepare for the Final Performance Hearing (this Wednesday & Thursday!)

Divide your time wisely so you do at least something on each aspect of the exam:
basic elements, Rogers/Ottman melodies, and Rogers/Ottman rhythms, spending
more time on the most demanding activities

Turn in Practice Journal via this LearningHub questionnaire

You will earn credit based on the amount of practice you did, and the quality of your
In at least 250 words (minimum; more is OK), answer the following questions:
1. Activities: What did you actually do during your session(s)?
2. Evaluation: Be very specific. What specific skills did you improve? Which specific
excerpts have you mastered? What do you still need to work on?

1. Activities: I started revising everything I have mastered before

(melodic paterns, augmented-sixth and Neapolitan 6). Then, I started
studing what is more dificult to me at the moment: 2-part rhythm
exercises and modulations in singing melodies. After that, I focused
on the other Ottman rhythm exercises (syncopation and ties). This is
easier because Brazilian music is based on this kind of syncopation,
so I am very familiar with this kind of division. I played some
harmonic progressions putting all the chords we learn in context.

2. Evaluation: For this unit I have mastered the melodic paterns, all
augmented-sixth and the Neapolitan6 chord. I also mastered some
exercises from Ottman book (15.30, 15.85). Although I have tried very
hard, I still need more practice on 2-part rhythms exercises. In
cromatic singing is still a little confusing to sing the numbers with flat
and sharp (shive, shev, flu, etc).

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