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Statistical Inference

Submitted to: Maam Najma Jamil

Submitted by: Hamza Haider

Statistical Inference
Applications of statistical tools in various processing stages of textile production 3

Fiber Production........................................................................................... 3

Textile Testing of Fiber Yarn and Fabrics........................................................3

Yarn Production............................................................................................. 4

Fabric Production.......................................................................................... 4

Chemical processing and Garment Production.............................................4

Statistical Techniques............................................................................................ 5

Chi-square Test............................................................................................. 5

'F' Test:......................................................................................................... 5

'T' Test:......................................................................................................... 5

Critical Difference:........................................................................................ 5

Six Sigma:.................................................................................................... 5

Linear Programming:.................................................................................... 5

Snap Study:.................................................................................................. 5

Graphical Analysis................................................................................................. 6

Control Chart:............................................................................................... 6

Histogram:.................................................................................................... 6

Nomo gram:................................................................................................. 6

Coefficient of Variation.......................................................................................... 7
Standard Deviation:............................................................................................ 7
Sampling by factor distribution:............................................................................. 7

Binomial Distribution:................................................................................... 7

Binomial theorem of probability:..................................................................7

Poisson distribution:..................................................................................... 7

Normal Distributions:................................................................................... 8

Probability Distribution:................................................................................ 8

Baye's Theorem:.......................................................................................... 8

Conclusion............................................................................................................. 8

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Statistical Inference
Applications of statistical tools in various processing stages of textile production

Fiber Production
Measures of central tendency like process average gives an idea about average staple length
of fiber produced in a continuous or batch wise process. Coefficient of variation (CV) of the
process signifies about the process control. On the other hand, analysis of time series is
helpful in estimating the future production based on the past records. Measures of dispersion
such as standard deviation and CV are useful in comparing the performance of two or more
fiber-producing units or processes. Significance tests can also be applied to investigate
whether significant difference exists between the batches for means or standard
deviations. Analysis of variance can be applied for studying the effect of parameters of fiber
production and methods of polymer dissolving.

Textile Testing of Fiber Yarn and Fabrics

Results analysis in textile testing without the applications of statistical tools will be
meaningless. In other words every experiment in textile testing include the use of statistical
tools like average calculation, computation of SD, CV and application of tests of significance
(t-test, z-test and f-test) or analysis of variance (one way, two way or design of experiments).
Populations can be very well studied by normal or binomial or Poissons distributions.
Random sampling errors are used in studying about the population mean and SD at 95% and
99% level of confidence. Application geometric mean for finding out the overall flexural
rigidity or Go has an important role in fabric selection for garment manufacture.
A special mention is made in determination of fiber length by bear sorter where all the
measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean length, modal length quartile deviation,
etc., in the form of frequency distribution) are computed to understand about the cotton
sample under consideration for testing its potential in yarn manufacture. On the other hand
ball sledge sorter uses weight distribution from which mean and SD are computed. In the case
of cotton fibers, the development of cell wall thickening commonly referred as Maturity
concept can be very well determined using normal distribution and confidence intervals.
Several properties are tested for different packages produced from the same material or from
the same frame by applying significance tests. Effect of instruments and variables for
different types of samples can be
very well studied by using ANOVA. All the fabric properties tested on a single instrument or
different instrument can be understood by using design of experiments. In one of the research
applications, which include the testing of low stress mechanical properties for nearly 1000
fabrics are studied by Principle Bi component analysis or Bi plot. Measures of dispersion
like coefficient of variation and percentage mean deviation are very much used in evenness

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Statistical Inference
Yarn Production
There are several stages involved in the cotton yarn production. When fibers are mixed and
processed through blow room, within and between lap variations are studied by computing
mean, SD and CV lap rejection, and production control are studied by p and x charts. Average
measure is used to find the hank of silver in carding, draw frame, combing and average hank
of roving in roving frame and average count at ring frame. Generally the spinning mill use
average count as the count specification if it is producing 45 counts. On the other hand the
weaving section uses resultant count which is nothing but the harmonic mean of the counts
produced. Control charts are extensively used in each and every process of yarn production
(for example, the process control with respect to thin places, naps, etc.). Application of
probability distributions like Poisson, Weibull and binomial for various problems in spinning
is found very much advantageous to understand the end breakage concept. In ring spinning
section several ring bobbins are collected and tested for CSP and difference between the
bobbins and within the bobbins is studied using range method. In cone winding section the
process control can be checked either by using control chart for averages or chart for number

Fabric Production
Design of experiments such as Latin square design or randomized block design can be used
to identify the effect of different size ingredients on wrap breakages on different looms in
fabric formation. Most of the suiting fabric constructions involve the use of double yarn
which is nothing but the harmonic mean of different counts. Poissons and normal
distribution can be applied for loom shed for warp breakages. Using statistical techniques the
interference loss can also be studied in loom shed. Various weaving parameters such as loom
speed, reed and pick can be correlated with corresponding fabric properties and are
interpreted in terms of loom parameters. Control charts are used to study the control of
process/product quality in fabric production also. For example, selection of defective cones in
a pirn winding from a lot (fixed population) or in a production shift n p and p charts are used.
The width of the cloth and its control can be understood by x and defectives per unit length
and their control are understood by c charts. The testing process includes determination of
average tensile strength (and single thread strength also) and the corresponding CV%.

Chemical processing and Garment Production

The scope of statistics is unlimited. For example the effect of n number washes (identical
conditions) on m fabrics on a particular fabric property can be easily found by either tests of
significance or analysis of variance. Similarly the effect of different detergents on fabric types
can be investigated by two-way analysis of variance. Similarly different types of fabrics and
the effect of sewing conditions can be studied by ANOVA.
In garment production the control of measurements and its distribution can be well
understood by control and polar charts.
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Statistical Inference

Statistical Techniques

Statistics is defined as scientific method, which deals with collection, compilation, analysis
and presentation of data. It is also defined as the science of average and the study of
variability. They enable us to take corrective and preventive actions in case of variability and
certainty. Some of the statistical techniques are:

Chi-square Test: This method is used when there is no prior knowledge of the
distribution of test values. They are also used to identify the goodness of he fit of the given
samples. End breakages in spinning, roving, carding, nap generation in blow room and
carding are assessed using this test. The results are compared with the confidence limits and
the performances are determined.

'F' Test: This distribution is used to test the equality of variance of the populations
from which two small samples have been drawn. Auto-leveler performance, C.V. of sliver
hank, twist variability, etc. are determined using this test.

'T' Test: They are used to assess the performance of the same
specimen produced from different sectors, machines and to compare the result to improve the
status. E.g. comparing hairiness between two samples produced
from the different machines.

Critical Difference: It is a measure of the difference between two values that

arises solely due to natural or unavoidable causes. This determines the number of samples to
be taken for each test and the tolerance limit for the results. E.g. for 2.5% span length testing
4 combs per sample are to be tested and the tolerance value is 4% of mean.

Six Sigma: Used to designate the distribution spread about the mean of any
processes or procedure or product that indicates how well the process is performing. The
performance sigma measures the 3.4 defectives per million which is virtually defect free. As
sigma increases costs go down, cycle time goes down and customer satisfaction goes up.
Q * A = E; Q=quality A=acceptance E=effectiveness

Linear Programming: In this method the individual properties are

combined to give the resultant property of the mixing in spinning.

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Statistical Inference

Snap Study: A round inside the department to list the number of machines
stopped due to various causes is known as snap study. It helps in calculating the production
accurately by avoiding the machines stoppages.

Graphical Analysis

Charts are used represent the data in graphical form so that we can get relative variations
between two or more variables. Some of the various graphical representations are:

Control Chart: It shows when the job is running satisfactorily, shows a needing
corrective action when something went wrong and it provides a measure for improving the
process. It as a powerful tool for monitoring variations in process. It is applicable mainly in
spinning to have control over the various process and variables such as hank, degree of
opening and cleaning. Variations in production and quality in various sectors like spinning,
weaving, knitting, etc. can be analyzed.

Histogram: Histogram is a simple graph compiling measured data such as GSM,

Dia., Garment measurement, etc. It serves to estimate the extend of variation in the group and
to determine either the non-conformance is due to setting or variability.

Nomo gram: The variables of the calculation are indicated on scales of separate
graphs and the answer is arrived at with the aid of a straight edge. Nomo gram is used in ring
frame production, spindle speed calculation, twist/cm, yarn delivery, etc.

Nomo gram for Ring Frame Production

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Statistical Inference

Coefficient of Variation

When we refer to "average" of something, we are talking about its arithmetic mean. For
ungrouped population, population arithmetic mean is given by

Standard Deviation: This measure of dispersion is probably the most widely used
method of indicating scatter, together with the associated coefficient of variation.
In the view of above inherent variations, the frequency, i.e. the number of times each
characteristic will occur in a sample, would also vary when a large number of readings are
taken. The variation in count, yarn strength, yarn twist, roving stretch, effective length of
fibers, between and with-in bobbin count variations, fiber length can be measured by the "Coefficient of variation" (C.V) which is merely the standard deviation expressed as a percentage
of the average.
Sampling by factor distribution:

Distributions are used to calculate the number of trials to be taken for testing and to get the
accurate results. The following distributions are used in textile for testing, sampling etc.

Binomial Distribution: We consider n trials made in an experiment, p as

probability of getting a success and q as probability of getting a failure. If the number of
samples is less than 30 binomial distribution is used. It is used to determine the displacement
of driving pin with the crank angle in the weaving looms by this we can also calculate the
speed of the machine.

Binomial theorem of probability: let there be n independent trials of

an experiment with p as probability of success and q=1-p as the probability of failure.


P(r successes) =

Poisson distribution: In

a Poisson distribution with

mean m, the probability is Poisson distribution is when the number of samples is more than
30.It is used for nap counting, i.e. to determine the number of naps present in the blow room
lap, carding slivers, etc.

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Statistical Inference

Normal Distributions: A sample is called large or small according as n30

or n<30. The sampling distribution of large samples is assumed to be normal. The normal
curve with mean and standard deviation is given by

Using confidence limits, critical regions in normal distributions we can determine the
productivity as well as quality is within control or not.

Probability Distribution: Probability distribution can be thought to be a

theoretical frequency distribution that describes how outcomes are expected to vary. Since
these distributions deals with expectations, they are useful models in making inferences and
decisions under conditions of uncertainly. There are two distributions namely, addition
theorem and multiplication theorem of probability.

Baye's Theorem: If H1, H2.Hn forms a set of mutually exclusive and

exhaustive events of a random experiment and E is an event.

In textile from cotton to apparel manufacturing every process is carried out by calculations.
In order to get the required quality and production mathematical knowledge is essential
especially for the management peoples. Instead of going for testing the samples for
identifying many numbers of variables to arrive at the result, mathematical conversions and
formulas are used for easy calculations and time saving. These mathematical formulas are
mostly applied in textile sampling and testing. In order to for a new process in the industry
apart from the regular process, mathematical applications are involved to obtain the optimum
standards and settings.

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