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To a Greater Understanding of Physics:

Why Vectors are the Thing
David E. Westra
EDER 651.09-L50
HsingChi von Bergmann, Ph.D.
University of Calgary


To a Greater Understanding of Physics: Why Vectors are the Thing
This paper explores the idea that the early introduction of vectors, and the continued use of
vectors, will greatly increase the understanding of physics concepts and reduce the trepidation that
students feel if and when they take their first physics course. By reflecting on personal classroom
experience, a working definition will emerge for what a vector is and why it is important to know when
and how to use them. As well, we will explore when and how the programs of studies for Alberta broach
the topic, and provide examples where vectors could be introduced and expanded on. Last, we will look
at the preparedness of pre-secondary teachers in regards to science education, and their ability to
recognise opportunities to use vectors.
A Working Definition
Each year when I begin teaching Physics 20, I tell the students that if there is anything that they
can get out of Physics 20; it is that Vectors are the thing. All of the students that took Science 10 in
Alberta should have been introduced to vectors. It has been my hope that they were comfortable with
using vectors to solve problems. The more often that I have taught this course, the more obvious it is that
the students are not. Many can recite the textbook definition of what constitutes a vector quantity. Some
remember that it has something to do with navigating. A few even can tell me it is an arrow. Most look at
me thinking that it must be hard, because Physics is hard.
I define a vector as a picture. Granted, it is a special picture that we can use in all Science, not
just Physics. This picture has a beginning and an end, much like an arrow. And
much like an arrow, it points to somewhere. More academically, a vector is
a geometric object which has both a magnitude [size] and a direction (Jones, 2010).

Figure 1
Example of Vector


The students have failed to make a distinction between what a vector quantity is, and what a
vector is. They have memorized what a vector quantity is. The Addison Wesley Science 10 textbook
defines a vector quantity as a quantity that indicates magnitude and direction (Sandner & Lacy, 2004).
Very similar definitions. But the difference is important. By limiting their definition of a vector to a
quantity, the student limits the vectors usefulness to solve problems.


In fairness, in grade 10, students are also taught about vectors as a pictorial representation. But
too often, students are taught to memorise the difference between what the Addison Wesley textbook calls
the X-Axis method (I prefer the name Coordinate or Cartesian Method) and the Navigator Method
(Sandner & Lacy, 2004). (See figure 2) Often, this undervalues the importance of a vector because
students learn to name a vector when they see one, but not be able to use one. Once students can
understand that a vector is then only a picture to be used as a tool for solving problems, they can move on
to using this very powerful tool
Figure 2: Cartesian Method vs. Navigator

5 m @ 60
(Clintberg, 2007)

5 m @ 60 NE
Why Are Vectors Important

By using the tools of physics in their teaching, instructors can move students from mindless
memorization to understanding and appreciation (Wieman & Perkins, 2005). When students have a
solid foundation of what a vector is, and how to use one, students can move from memorizing problems
and switching the numbers, to having the ability to apply certain tools to any problem. Studies have
shown that post secondary students are not prepared to answer simple kinematic problems because of
their inability to use vectors. In one study conducted at the University of Washington only 30% of the
introductory physics students gave correct responses to a question about velocity and acceleration
(Shaffer & McDermott, 2005). The goal is to create conceptual knowledge with a relational
understanding of the concepts rather than procedural knowledge with an instrumental understanding of
separate techniques (Poynter & Tall, 2005). And a solid understanding of vectors is foundational in
physics. From simple concepts like translations, to more formalised physics concepts like force and


velocity, to complicated 3 dimensional matrices, vectors are important (Watson, Spyrou, & Tall, 2003). If
science is a cognitive activity concerned with the generation of knowledge (Giere, 1988) and humans
create internal representations of their environment (Giere, 1988) it follows that this creation needs to
begin early in the students science education and continually emphasised. In order to fully develop the
ability to use vectors, then, the elementary and junior high teachers need to have a solid grounding in
making these representations, of which vectors, in physics, are at the fore.
The Alberta Curriculum
The Alberta Science curriculum has 4 main sections; Elementary Science- written in 1996 for
grades 1-6, Junior High- written in 2003 for grades 7-9, Grade 10- written in 2005, and Physics 20-30written in 2007. While there is no specific mention of the word vector until Grade 10, it is my contention
that there are opportunities to use vectors as a pictorial representation as early as grade 2. Explicitly, the
elementary science curriculum document states:
An elementary science program engages students in a process of inquiry and problem solving in which
they develop both knowledge and skills. The purpose of the program is to encourage and stimulate
childrens learning by nurturing their sense of wonderment, by developing skill and confidence in
investigating their surroundings and by building a foundation of experience and understanding upon
which later learning can be based.
Elementary and secondary science programs help prepare students for life in a rapidly changing
worlda world of expanding knowledge and technology in which new challenges and opportunities
continually arise. Tomorrows citizens will live in a changing environment in which increasingly
complex questions and issues will need to be addressed. The decisions and actions of future citizens
need to be based on an awareness and understanding of their world and on the ability to ask relevant
questions, seek answers, define problems and find solutions (Alberta Education, 1996).
This philosophy follows closely to what Martin and Inge Goldstein define as one of the features
that characterise science. It is a search for understanding (Goldstein & Goldstein, 1984).


The following list identifies areas where vectors could be used from grades 2-9, identifying units
and more specific learner expectations. The use of vectors is explicit after grade 9. In early grades,
vectors would only be pictorial, with limited or no explanation of their components. The teacher would
have to recognise these opportunities, and make a decision as to how deep the explanation might evolve.
The following list is broken down by Grade, Unit, Specific Learning Expectations (for simplicity I
will only use this heading, although these are broken down further in Junior High), and finally
my recommendations of how vectors could be used. Further examples will be given in the next
1. Pictorially- the teacher would only use vectors as a pictorial representation of a
2. Component- Vectors would still be pictorial, but opportunities would be taken to
break down the vectors into components
3. Mathematically- Simple mathematic calculations would be used to calculate
List 1- Instances where vectors could be used, based on the Alberta Program of Studies
Grade 2 (Alberta Education, 1996)
Unit- Topic B: Buoyancy and Boats
Specific Learning Expectations
Alter or add to a floating object so that it will sink, and alter or add to a non-floating
object so that it will float.
Unit- Topic C: Magnetism
Specific Learning Expectations
Compare and measure the strength of Magnets


Grade 3 (Alberta Education, 1996)
Unit- Topic B: Building with a Variety of Materials
Specific Learning Expectations
Using a variety of materials and techniques, design, construct and test structures that are
intended to support objects
Unit- Topic C: Testing Materials and Designs
Specific Learning Expectations
Identify and apply methods for making a structure stronger and more stable; e.g., by
adding or joining parts to form triangles
Grade 4 (Alberta Education, 1996)
Unit- Topic B: Wheels and Levers
Specific Learning Expectations
Construct and explain the operation of a drive system
Specific Learning Expectations
Construct and explain the operation of a drive system that transfers motion from one
shaft to a second shaft, where the second shaft is:

parallel to the first

at a 90 angle to the first.



Specific Learning Expectations
Construct models of levers; and explain how levers are involved in such devices as:
teeter-totters, scissors, pliers, pry bars, tongs, nutcrackers, fishing rods, wheelbarrows
Unit- Topic C: Building Devices and Vehicles that Move
Specific Learning Expectations
Use simple forces to power or propel a device; e.g., direct pushes, pulls, cranking
mechanisms, moving air, moving water and downhill motion
Grade 6 (Alberta Education, 1996)
Unit- Topic A: Air and Aerodynamics
Specific Learning Expectations
Recognize that in order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to
overcome the downward force of gravity
Grade 7 (Alberta Education, 2003- Updated 2009)

Unit D: Structures and Forces

Specific Learning Expectations
Investigate and analyze forces within structures, and forces applied to them
recognize and use units of force and mass, and identify and measure forces and


identify examples of frictional forces and their use in structures (e.g., friction of
a nail driven into wood, friction of pilings or footings in soil, friction of stone
laid on stone)
identify tension, compression, shearing and bending forces within a structure;
and describe how these forces can cause the structure to fail (e.g., identify tensile
forces that cause lengthening and possible snapping of a member; identify
bending forces that could lead to breakage)
Grade 8 (Alberta Education, 2003- Updated 2009)
Unit D: Mechanical Systems
Specific Learning Expectations
Investigate and describe the transmission of force and energy between parts of a
mechanical system
analyze mechanical devices to determine speed ratios and force ratios
compare theoretical and actual values of force ratios, and propose explanations
for discrepancies (e.g., identify frictional forces, and estimate their effect on
identify work input and work output in joules for a simple machine or
mechanical system (e.g., use a device to lift a measured mass an identified
distance, then calculate the work output)
Specific Learning Expectations


Formulate operational definitions of major variables and other aspects of their
investigations (e.g., define frictional force by identifying a method to be used for
measuring it)
Grade 9 (Alberta Education, 2003- Updated 2009)
Unit E: Space Exploration
Specific Learning Expectations
Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended
on technological development

describing the position of objects in space, using angular coordinates

The Opportunity for Vectors
In this section we will examine more closely how vectors can be introduced, and then their use
fostered for the necessary skills needed for high school Physics, by looking at an example from
Annenberg Media (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice is a
college course developed for students preparing to be teachers, as well as in-service K-12 classroom
teachers and other educatorsThe course will explore learning theories, examine their own teaching, and
discuss applications for classroom practice (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). For the purposes of this
section, I will use screen captures and transcripts of the video portions of the class to show how vectors
could be used in the grade 1 and grade 8 classrooms shown. This is not to make the topic more
complicated, but to show that it is a fallacy is to emphasize process to the exclusion of content, placing
utmost importance on how children learn rather than what they learn (A position statement of the
National Association for the Education of Young Children and he National Association of Early
Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education, Mar 1991). It must be said that in the same


paper it is stated that it is also a fallacy to emphasize content over process, assuming that there is a body
of content that all students should master and that emphasizing content is necessary to ensure academic
rigor. A logical extension of this argument leads to the third fallacy--that there is a universal curriculum
that is "best" for all children (A position statement of the National Association for the Education of
Young Children and he National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of
Education, Mar 1991). The introduction of what are traditionally thought of as higher level thinking
concepts is an effort to challenge the cognitive area of a students science education, (Tilgner, 1990), and
provide the framework for understanding vectors in high school. Reasons why this is difficult to do will
be discussed in the next section.
The two teachers that are used in the video lesson (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010) are teaching
the concepts of momentum. First is a grade 1 teacher at Paddock Elementary School in Michigan. She
introduced the topic well, using concrete examples from the students lives. She then used a story board
to affirm the concepts that they were going to discuss. Next she uses a ramp, to begin the science part
of the lesson. It is impressive that the teacher, Fe Maclean, uses the concept of controlling variable
without overtly teaching the concept. Fe [to the class]: Its the same ball. We didnt change the ball. I
wonder whats happening here? Okay, lets try it again. Fe MacLean [as commentary]: I want to make
sure that in their participation they are very clear of what we would call controlling of variables. We
would call it fair, so that it starts from the same place, and we time it the same time until the end
(Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). MacLean also talks to the students about proper collection of data, a key
science concept and term. She is having the students draw representations of the ramp, which she says is
a very abstract way of representing what we were doing, so thats no longer concrete (Annenberg Media,
1997-2010). MacLean then is shown on the board drawing a picture of the ramp. We are only given a
small snapshot of this class, and what I am suggesting may be done in a future class. My contention is
that the more times the better. I would introduce the concept of gravity at this point, using vectors, even if
she only used it like the term data.


MacLean is shown at the board drawing figure 3 (I have enhanced the lines). Figure 4 is what I
would have drawn with the gravity vector shown. At this level, I would probably have left it like that,
although I may have drawn steeper and less steep ramps with gravity vector always pulling down (figure
Figure 3- The picture on the board

Figure 4- My changes

(Annenberg Media, 1997-2010)

(Annenberg Media, 1997-2010)
Figure 5- Different inclinations

The concept of gravity pulling down would need to be introduced earlier. Depending on the level
my particular class was, I might ask leading questions about gravity like What is pulling the ball down
the ramp and then said that gravity always pulls down and can be represented by this picture. But this is
almost certainly not explicit in the curriculum; certainly not a visual representation of gravity like a
vector. For this reason, it is important that teachers are able to recognise when a topic like vectors are
applicable, and also recognise their importance for future physics classes. This will be discussed in the
next section of this paper. Maclean does introduce the idea that gravity has a lesser or greater affect on
the speed of the ball. Fe: The lower the ramp, the lower the ball, oh the slower the ball goes
(Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). This statement could be made while she illustrated figure 5.
Maclean then moves her lesson to momentum, where she ties in what the students have learned
about inclined planes, i.e. that the ball will be moving faster from a steeper incline. Again, vectors could
be used to represent this idea (Figure 6). These vectors could represent velocity or momentum, and can
be immediately related to how far a block would move after a collision with the rolling ball.


Figure 6- Velocity vectors

The next classroom we see is a grade 8 class at Birmingham Covington School discussing the
same topics. There is an indication that they have all ready talked about the force of gravity, or at least
the acceleration due to gravity, as students are able to correctly recite the magnitude of acceleration due to
gravity. The teacher, George Mixon, begins his lesson by asking his students to make predictions, and
then his students are to collect data to determine the acceleration of their object. His lesson is
constructivist in nature, in that he explicitly says I got two cars, I got two tracks. Youre going to go in
two groups. Make sure you get a graph of the speed of your car. And also, were going to see if we can
calculate the acceleration of your car. So by the end you should have two graphs. Calculators, stop
watches, you guys have got the sheet, read it, figure it out, get going (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010)
Mixons descriptions of his class indicate to me that the students are ready to move into what I
called earlier component and even mathematical representations of vectors. With this age group you
have to start these kids off with something thats a little more concrete and more solid for them to
understand and then you can kind of branch them off into the abstract and get them to formulate ideas and
almost, what I call taking intellectual risks (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). Mixons goal was to have
the students gather and organise data. I toss a lot of variables at the kids because I think one of the goals
as a scientist is that theyre going to be bombarded with variables that will hinder experiments or
procedural steps, and they have to learn how to control those and identify what is an independent and
whats dependent variable (Annenberg Media, 1997-2010). My goal in this lesson would also be to find
teachable moments where vectors could have been used. This may have occurred in a culminating lesson
after the 2 experimental gathering days. The students could see how well their data reflected a calculated
amount using components of vectors and then hypothesized on the differences. Figure 7 illustrates this.


Figure 7- Components of vectors

F g sin

Acceleration can be calculated using

F g sin=ma
The lesson could be extended to find
force of friction

In the culminating lesson, you could introduce the ideas here if calculating acceleration using
component vectors. This might be the first time the students have seen this type of calculations, but that
is fine. One of the goals of the experiment was to collect data and decide on what variables needed to be
controlled. These mathematical calculations could confirm for the students their choices. From this,
students could ask why the calculated amount was larger, and an idea of force of friction as a vector could
be introduced.
Admittedly, Mixons goal was for the students to collect data and be able to graph that data,
deciding for themselves what variables needed to be controlled. We do not get to see all of the lesson, or
lessons before or after these ones. But it is important to note that when Mixon begins the instruction on
momentum, he makes what I believe are serious scientific errors, or at least does not correct the students
misconceptions. And these errors are foundational theories in Physics.
Are Elementary and Junior High Teachers Prepared to Teach Science
George: Lets just say that I got this as a concrete wall. I got these little sand barrels, okay. If
youre driving in a car. kay, we got that little bounce back there. If I do this, kay, this kind of, it
bounces back a little bit, but it also absorbed, this is gonna absorb more momentum. Would you
rather run into a nice concrete wall or some sand filled barrels, if youre in a car?
Class: Sand filled barrels.
George: Why Darin?
Darin: Well the concrete wall is going to be denser, its gonna have more mass.
George: Ok, its going to have more much more mass.


Darin: And it will exert a lot more force back on you.
George: Good, its going to exert way more force back on you.
(Annenberg Media, 1997-2010)
In this excerpt from the Mixon lesson, two fundamental laws of physics are examined; the Law of
Conservation of Momentum, and Newtons Second Law of Motion. Mixon has introduced this topic
through an investigation into it. However, he does so erroneously. The wall does not exert any more
force on the car than the sand or water filled barrels, but the latter increases the time the force is applied.
Mixon does well to introduce this topic experimentally. As Kuhn writes, Scientistsnever learn
concepts, laws, and theories in the abstract and by themselves (Kuhn, 1996). But if science is a search
for understanding, and that understanding is achieved by means of statements of general laws or
principles [which] can be tested experimentally (Goldstein & Goldstein, 1984) then it is important that
students are grounded correctly in those laws. But are pre-secondary teachers prepared to lay the
groundwork for those laws that secondary teachers will use in specific science courses like chemistry,
biology, and physics?
There are many things that hinder the ability of Elementary Science teachers to teach properly.
Tilgner lists among others, inadequate teacher training, lack of equipment, time constraints,
underutilization of community resources, and over-reliance on textbooks (Tilgner, 1990). I maintain that
the last four constraints are incurred by science teachers at all levels. Unique to pre-secondary teachers is
the lack of adequate teacher training, and in addition, a personal interest in science.
In a national survey, Weiss (1986) found that 69% of K-3 teachers and 58% of 4-6 teachers did
not meet the National Science Teachers Association's (NSTA) guidelines for elementary science teacher
preparation (Berenson, Hodgin, Ward, Andrews, & Rudin, 1991). This has to be an area of concern. In
the same study, Only 16% of the teachers most enjoyed teaching science, while 37% least enjoyed
teaching science. Fifty-eight percent of the teachers felt least qualified to teach science, and only 8%
would select science to teach if they could teach only one subject (Berenson, Hodgin, Ward, Andrews, &
Rudin, 1991). One of the reasons for this is that only a small portion of teachers in middle years and even


less in elementary have any specific training in science (National Science Foundation's Division of
Science Resources Statistics , 2008). This has changed little in over twenty years. A similar study
conducted nationwide found 22% of the K-6 teachers felt they were well-qualified to teach science as
compared to 63% who thought they were well-qualified to teach reading (Gerlovich, Downs, &
Magrane, 1981).
Since elementary teacher education students have had limited success in their own science
learning (Appleton & Kindt, 2002) they do not feel confident to teach it. Coupled with their lack of
academic training, it is very unlikely that these teachers will recognise opportunities to introduce higher
level science concepts, never mind feel competent enough to use them. It is therefore not surprising that a
study has found that Eighty percent (80%) of K5th grade multiple-subject teachers who are responsible
for teaching science in their classrooms reported spending 60 minutes or less per week on science, with
16% of teachers spending no time at all on science (Dorph, Goldstein, Lee, Lepori, Schneider, &
Venkatesan, 2007).
Is it too much to ask that teachers use vectors when the opportunity arises? Will a grade 2 teacher
of boats and buoyancy recognise the opportunity to use a pictorial representation i.e. vectors, to show that
the downward force of the boat is balanced with the upward force of the water; a grade 4 teacher be able
to break down vectors into component pictures when talking about levers? Given the lack of education,
time, and resources that is the reality of the pre-secondary teacher; it may be too much to ask. But that
does not mean we should ignore the problem. Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the
largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. Moreover, its the basis of many other sciences,
including chemistry, oceanography, seismology, and astronomy (American Physical Society , 2010). In
the United States, physics is traditionally not taught until grade 12. Physics First calls for a resequencing of high school courses so that students study physics before chemistry and biology
(American Association of Physics Teachers, 2006). The main reason for this is that only 30% of U.S.
high school students take any course in physics (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2006).


While I am hopeful, this initiative does not address the underlying problem. By grade 9, many of the
misconceptions are ingrained in a students mind (Weiler, 1998). One of those misconceptions we saw in
Mixons grade 8 science class. Large objects exert a greater force than small objects (Weiler, 1998). A
concerted effort must be made to continue to provide professional development to science teachers at all
levels, both to increase the knowledge base of pre-secondary teachers, and help secondary physics
teachers understand what has and has not been taught in previous science courses. It has been profoundly
interesting and enlightening as I researched this paper to see my own misconceptions as to the level of
knowledge I thought my students had.
If teachers lack experience and understanding they feel less certain of their knowledge and rely
more and more on the textbook to provide the knowledge they think they are to dispense (Tilgner, 1990).
For my first teaching job, I was asked to teach Biology 30. I did not even take Biology in high school,
but in a small school (K-12 had 117 students) I was the senior science teacher. While I found
supplemental material, I relied mostly on the accompanying textbook. I consider myself first a physics
teacher, and knew that computer simulations worked well in physics (Finkelstein, et al., 2005) so I used
them substantially in biology. There were two reasons for this:
1) That I was untrained in the subject and was not enthusiastic about the subject as a student and
2) That I was confident the textbook and websites I used would have not only the information
needed, but the correct ones
Lillian McDermott (McDermott, 1976) saw that despite new and improved teaching methods reading
textbooks and memorising facts constitute the majority of a students education. But given the constraints
previously mentioned that teachers find themselves working in, I can understand the reasons some
teachers fall back on this strategy of teaching science.
I maintain vectors are the thing. There are opportunities for them to be introduced that will
benefit the long-term understanding of science. We need to find ways that will encourage teachers to use
them, if even pictorially. We must address the root problems of inadequate teacher training, lack of
equipment, time constraints, underutilization of community resources, and over-reliance on textbooks


(Tilgner, 1990). Teachers recognise they lack the education, so professional development is absolutely
necessary. School boards must continue to value science and allow time for its instruction. If we can
increase the knowledge base of the teachers, and allow for its instruction, we can increase the desire for
teachers to teach science. This will affect the students desire to learn science. If we can increase a
students desire to study science, we will increase the number of teachers who have an understanding of
scientific concepts. And so on.


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