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Reading &


Be The Change
Category: Reading & Writing
You you will become an important Renaissance inventor/thinker/artist and
give a presentation about all of the important things you have contributed to
the Renaissance. Imagine that you are in the running for a big award and to
win you must PROVE that YOU have made the biggest impact on the
Renaissance. How have you helped or advanced society? What have you
contributed? Have you made any mistakes that you have learned from?
What can you provide to future generations? How has your
art/invention/idea affected the Renaissance or European Worldview?
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts formed the basis
for the Worldview of the Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider different beliefs,
values, and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time,
geographic location, and societal context
8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that shaped the
worldview evolving in Western Europe during the
Renaissance by Exploring and reflecting upon the following
questions and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

o How did the Ren. spark the growth and
exchange of ideas and knowledge across
Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics,
religion, etc)?
o How did the physical geography of Renaissance
Europe affect trade and competition among
European countries?
o How did increased trade lead to the emergence
of powerful city-states?
o In what ways did thinkers and philosophers
influence society in the development of a
humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?

In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact

during the Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity
of Europeans?

Step by

1. Choose an important and influential Renaissance artist, thinker, or
2. Research all about the thinker/artist/inventor you have chosen on your
device. Write down all of the research you find and what site
you found it from. Research and write about the following
a. the life of your person: where they grew up, what they did, their
family, their background, etc.
b. what their biggest contributions to society werewhat ideas, art,
or inventions did they create and WHY.
c. Focus on their main invention, on a few paintings or sculptures,
or on their main idea. Explain its importance and significance.
What was the reason behind the creation? Why did your person
choose to create what they did?
d. Explain in detail the art, invention, or idea. You must be very
clear. Remember: YOU are pretending to BE this famous and
important Renaissance person!
e. where were their creations shown? Did the public observe them
or were they meant for the aristocracy? What does this tell you
about the worldview of Renaissance Europe?
f. How were their creations received? Did it cause uproar or
issues? Or did people generally agree with their
invention/idea/art? Why did it cause such a reaction?
g. Include a variety of images of your person, as well as images of
their invention/art/idea.
3. Explain in detail How has your art/invention/idea affected the
Renaissance or European Worldview?
4. Describe in detail what you can provide to future generations. How has
your breakthrough creation affected society?
5. Brainstorm how you can present this information. You can present it in
a format of your choosing, but remember that you are being
marked on your reading and writing skills.
6. You must have a write up of your research information IN YOUR

7. Submit on Google Classroom

Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
Any poster materials you may like (paper, glue, scissors, poster board,
Additional Resources:
History Network- Renaissance Art information and video
Important Renaissance People:

Artists and architects:

Leonardo da Vinci
Filippo Brunelleschi
Sandro Botticelli
Albrecht Durer
Rosso Fiorentino
Francesco Fiorentino
Piero della Francesca
Galileo Galilei

Luca Pacioli
William Shakespeare
Leonardo Bruni
Niccol Machiavelli
Leonardo Bruni
Pico della Mirandola
Marsilio Ficino
Pietro Pomponazzi
Leonardo da Vinci

Gilles Binchois
William Byrd
Heinrich Isaac
Claudio Monteverdi
Explorers and
John Cabot
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Hernn Corts
Francis Drake
Giovanni da

Renaissance Newspaper
Category: Reading & Writing
Imagine you are a famous newspaper editor during the Renaissance and you
are responsible for creating the front page of a Renaissance
newspaper. What are the biggest headlines? What important
information and stories do the people NEED to read about? Think about BIG
changes and BIG developments that could change their daily lives and
their worldview. Are there any controversial issues happening at this time
that Renaissance people should know about? YOUR job as newspaper EDITOR
unique Renaissance name and discuss the happenings of the Renaissance.
How does your newspaper show the Renaissance worldview?
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts formed the basis for the
Worldview of the Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider different beliefs, values,
and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time,
geographic location, and societal context
8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview
evolving in Western Europe during the Renaissance by Exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

How did the Ren. spark the growth and exchange of ideas and
knowledge across Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics, religion,
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade
and competition among European countries?
How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states?
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?
In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact during the
Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of Europeans?

Step by
1. Begin to research important movements or creations during the
Renaissance period and choose what you want to feature on your
newspaper cover. You must write down all of your research and work.
2. You may find it helpful to look at real newspaper covers for inspiration.
Ask your teachers, find a copy of The Lethbridge Herald, or go the
library. There are exemplars and templates at the end of this project
write up, as well as others on Google Classroom.
3. Come up with a creative newspaper name and include editor
information, the cost of the newspaper, and the date of the
4. You must have at least 2 articles about MAJOR Renaissance inventions,
ideas, or issues. How have these major newsworthy events affected
the Renaissance worldview? Is there anything you can take away from
this experience?
5. Explain and discuss in detail in all of your articles. You must be very
6. GET CREATIVE!!!! Use juicy words!
7. Edit and revise your articles and all other writing or creating done by
8. The front page of your newspaper needs to be inviting, creative,
and engaging for the reader!! Your job is to grab my attention
and inform me about important happenings and events
occurring in the Renaissance.
9. Submit on google classroom after you have looked it over numerous
Be sure to include:
a. Title
b. Editor & paper info (date, etc)
c. Name of writers contributing to newspaper
d. Large, interesting headlines
e. At least 2 articles about MAJOR Renaissance issues and how
these moments have greatly affected the Renaissance worldview
f. Engaging images and graphics for your readers
1. Community Announcements
2. Roast & Toast Section (giving praise or complaining)
3. Advice/Opinion pieces
4. Wanted ads

5. Political Cartoon If you would like to include this, then please

analyze the cartoon and critique it. Ask yourself: What message
is this cartoon sending to the public? Why is it saying that? What
is the rationale behind this cartoon?
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
Scissors, glue, paper, etc. (whatever you may need to work on YOUR
Additional Resources:
What is on a newspaper front page http://www.newseum.org/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/education_resources_frontpageposter.pdf
Examples: http://calgaryherald.com
Newspaper templates on google classroom
Newspapers to look at (Lethbridge Herald, for example)
Below is a picture of a front page from the Calgary Herald and an exemplar:


Change This Title

Catchy Subtitle, if you want to put one, if not, erase this line.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Title of Your First Article
Your name
VERONA Here you write an

Caption about the picture above.

Start your second paragraph here.

it might be necessary to adjust size
and the information to fit inside the

The third paragraph here

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title of Your Second Article
Your name
VERONA - Here you write
another article about anything
you like.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is placeholder text; you just
highlight this text with the cursor
and clear it or start writing your
This is placeholder text; you just
highlight this text with the cursor
and clear it or start writing your

A Third Article
Your name
VENICE - Here you write another
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is placeholder text; you just
highlight this text with the cursor and
clear it or start writing your material.

Time Capsule
Category: Reading & Writing

Pretend that you are a Grade 8 student living in the Renaissance and you
have decided to leave a time capsule for Grade 8 students to open hundreds
of years in the future what would you put in it? What is important for
students of the future to know about the Renaissance time period you are
living in? You must include at least 8 items and provide a description and
rationale for why these items are important enough to be in your
time capsule. What do these items do? What do they symbolize to you?
Do you want humans to advance these items? Choose items that
represent the Renaissance Worldview. Why do you feel they are
important enough to go into your capsule? You must take the position of
someone else and demonstrate and explain WHY these items are
important to you and to show the future.
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts
formed the basis for the Worldview of the
Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider
different beliefs, values, and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are
shaped by time, geographic location, and
societal context
8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that
shaped the worldview evolving in Western Europe during the
Renaissance by Exploring and reflecting upon the following questions
and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

How did the Ren. spark the growth and exchange of ideas and
knowledge across Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics, religion,
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade
and competition among European countries?
How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states?
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?
In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact during the
Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of Europeans?

Step by
1. Begin by brainstorming a list of items that you could put in your
Renaissance time capsule. You can look online, in the textbook, or on
google classroom to get some ideas.
2. Get creative!!! Maybe pick a person and choose their
invention, recreate a famous artwork or sculpture, make a
statue of an influential Renaissance person, a mini
Renaissance book or printing press, etc.
3. Brainstorm how you can present this information. You can present it in
a format of your choosing, but remember that you are being
marked on your reading and writing skills.
4. For each item in your time capsule you must write up a rationale
about WHY you chose this item to put in your Renaissance time
capsule. Your rationale must explain:
a. What the item is
b. Why you chose this item to represent the Renaissance to future
c. What the cultural and historical significance of this item is how
did it help advance society? Or did it hinder society?
d. How this item represents the Renaissance Worldview?
5. Write a letter to include in your time capsule to be read when it is
opened. See the link below for exemplars. Remember: this is a letter
to the future.
6. Submit on Google Classroom
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
A visual representation of each item (could be a drawing or image)
Any other items that will help you in making or writing about your time
Additional Resources:
How to Create a Time Capsule: http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-TimeCapsule
o This also shows exemplars of a time capsule letter
What is in a Time Capsule? (from the Smithsonian Museum)
Inventions of the Renaissance https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/10inventions-of-the-renaissance

Googledoc templates:

Create a Childrens
Category: Reading & Writing
You will create a childrens story that explores and demonstrates a major
theme from the Renaissance! Think about your favourite book from
childhood-what do you remember about it? The colours, images, or funny
characters? Or the absurd language and rhyming pattern? Childrens
storybooks are beautiful works of art that explain big concepts in ways that
kids can understand-so, that is now your job. Teach the Renaissance to
children through your book. Provide your own personality and really jazz up
your book! Make it become your own piece of artwork, just like
Michelangelo!! Your story book could focus on an important
artist/thinker/inventor, the exchange of ideas, or a major idea or theme from
the Renaissance. You must show the Renaissance Worldview and how
the main theme of your story relates to the Renaissance Worldview! Like all
storybooks, your book must have text, illustrations, and front and back
covers. Get creative and be original- maybe your book could get published!
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts formed the basis for the
Worldview of the Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider different beliefs, values,
and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time,
geographic location, and societal context

8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview

evolving in Western Europe during the Renaissance by Exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

How did the Ren. spark the growth and exchange of ideas and
knowledge across Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics, religion,
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade
and competition among European countries?
How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states?
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?
In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact during the
Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of Europeans?

Step by
1. Begin by choosing a topic or theme of the Renaissance to explore and
showcase in your childrens storybook. Make a mind map and
brainstorm to begin the writing process.
2. Your book must contain the following:
a. Characters
b. A clear plot/storyline
c. Illustrations
d. Text
e. Front Cover (title, author, any awards your book may have won)
f. Back Cover (author/artist information, a brief summary of the
g. A connection to the Renaissance Worldview
3. Create a first draft of your book and check it over with your teacher
before you work on the final copy. You may also want to ask a peer to
read over your rough draft and give you feedback.
4. Revise and edit your first draft based on conferencing with your
5. Make sure that your illustrations are completed or near completion
before conferencing
6. Create a final draft of your storybook and get creative!!!! You can
make your storybook however you want. For example, you could
watercolour your illustrations, create an interactive book, or make your
book out of any material. You could also create your storybook online
using program software.
7. Remember: you are being marked on your writing skills!

Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
Markers or Pencil Crayons
Childrens books to get inspiration from
Any other items you would like for your storybook.
Additional Resources:
The Canadian Childrens Book Centre http://bookcentre.ca
Childrens storybooks in the library

Worldview and Renaissance

Category: Reading & Writing
You will explore the evolving worldview within the Renaissance! Different
categories you may examine include: Art, Literature, Science, Religion,
Politics, Trade/Exploration, Philosophy, Expansionism, or Imperialism. You will
demonstrate how the worldview evolved from the Middle Ages to
the Renaissance in your own unique way. This may be a website or even a
Google Slides presentation. It is your job to show evidence of the worldview.
You may want to use information from the web, your textbook, or pictures
online! You may explore important figures from the Renaissance and explain
how they shaped the worldview during that time. You must make sure you
include a summary of all seven concepts of worldview with evidence
for each. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the Renaissance
worldview to someone who may not know anything about the Renaissance!
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts formed the basis for the
Worldview of the Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider different beliefs, values,
and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time,
geographic location, and societal context
8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview
evolving in Western Europe during the Renaissance by Exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

How did the Ren. spark the growth and exchange of ideas and
knowledge across Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics, religion,
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade
and competition among European countries?
How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states?
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?

In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact during the
Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of Europeans?

Step by
1. Begin by exploring the seven areas of the Renaissance: Art, Literature,
Science, Religion, Politics, Trade/Exploration, and Philosophy - how did
these areas shape the Renaissance Worldview?
2. Decide what format you will present your information through. Will you
create a website about the Renaissance worldview, or even a Google Slide
3. Look at important figures from the Renaissance and examine how they
shaped the Renaissance Worldview.
4. Examine the concepts of worldview and identify evidence of their
worldview for each concept
5. Your Worldview project must contain the following:
-Evidence of Worldview within Art, Literature, Science, Religion, Politics,
Trade/Exploration, and Philosophy
-Important figures from the Renaissance and how they impacted the
-The seven concepts of worldview with evidence
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
Additional Resources:
www.weebly.com - this website will allow you to create your own free
PowerPoint another resource to present the Renaissance Worldview
Google Slides
www.prezi.com - create presentations for free (similar to powerpoint)

Current Events
Category: Reading & Writing
You will explore how the changes that occurred during the
Renaissance shaped the world and worldview in our lives today! You
will explore a minimum of four articles from the news that may relate to art,
politics, religion, humanism, science, or philosophy. You will then explore how
the changes that occurred in the Renaissance affected our world, and
specifically the articles from the news that youve found! Lastly, you will
create your own news article to report your findings!
8.2.1 Appreciate how Renaissance Concepts formed the basis for the
Worldview of the Western World
8.2.2 Demonstrate a willingness to consider different beliefs, values,
and worldviews
8.2.3 Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time,
geographic location, and societal context
8.2.4 Examining, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview
evolving in Western Europe during the Renaissance by Exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

What was the Renaissance?

How did the Ren. spark the growth and exchange of ideas and
knowledge across Europe (astronomy, math, science, politics, religion,
How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade
and competition among European countries?
How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states?
In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the
development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance?
In what ways did thinkers, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of
Imperialism give expressions of an expansionist worldview?

In what ways did the exploration and intercultural contact during the
Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of Europeans?

Step by
1. Begin by exploring the news (online or print) to find FOUR
interesting articles related to art, politics, religion, humanism, science,
or even philosophy.
2. You must know relate these to the Renaissance how did the
Renaissance impact these events in our lives today!
3. You will create your own article for the news to report your findings
how the Renaissance impacted these events.
4. Make sure in conferencing with your teacher you are presenting a
rough draft of your article.
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Textbook Worldviews Contact and Change (optional)
Google Classroom & Renaissance Slides
Additional Resources:
CBC News
Lethbridge Herald
Global News
CTV News

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