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25 Expert Tips To

Maximize Muscle Growth

Eric Bach
Chris Coulson
Bret Contreras
Brad Dieter
Tony Gentilcore
Menno Henselmans
Eric and Ryan Johnson
Bryan Krahn
Jason Maxwell
Dr. John Rusin
Charles Staley

When it comes to building muscle, the basics are simple:
Lift weights and eat more food than your body consumes.
But simple doesnt mean effective.
Or easy to implement.
Im Eric Bach and I reached out to 10 fellow coaches.
The question: Whats your best muscle-building tip?
The answers from some of the best minds in fitness are eye-opening.
They might just change your life,
or at least the way you train.
Some of the tips are presented verbatim between quotation marks,
attributed to the coach who wrote them.
Unattributed tips represent my own opinions.
The bottom line?
These 25 tips will help you simplify training.
And start making #gainz.
Lets get to it.

Tip #1: Get Strong First

Building greater levels of strength creates an overload stimulus in the body.
This requires adaptation to take place in response to stress to handle future

Muscle fibers break down and require repair. During repairs, the body
forges a larger, stronger muscle fiber to be resilient to future stressors.

It Gets Better: Stronger muscles and a super-charged nervous system

allow the use of greater training loads to achieve greater levels of metabolic
stress, mechanical tension, and muscular damage, which are the three
primary methods of muscular hypertrophy, as shown in T
he Mechanisms of
Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance Training.

Placing an emphasis on building strength directly builds muscle in

beginners. Advanced trainees will progressively build muscle as a
byproduct of greater work capacity.

Bottom line: Want to add muscle? Get strong first.

Tip #2: Use Active Recovery Workouts

Dr. John Rusin writes:
If the goal is building muscle, two variables that you can't fake are total
volume and frequency. So for many athletes who have their nutrition on
point and aren't going off the rails with brutally compensated ugly reps:
the ability to recover becomes the limiting factor to growth. Simply put, the
faster you can expedite the recovery process between training bouts, the
more you can train, and the more volume you can place on your system.
How do we do this? Don't overlook secondary recovery workouts centered
around foam rolling, biphasic stretching, catch all mobility drills and low
intensity steady state cardio. Make those simple additions to your "off" days
and watch yourself grow.

Tip #3: Incorporate Frequent

Bodyweight Training To Build Muscle
Many guys jump the gun with isolation exercises and intense training
programs before they master the basics. Before you jump into two-hour
workouts and hammer every isolation known to man, practice bodyweight
exercises until youre an absolute bad-ass at moving your body. That
means adding 50-100 push-ups daily, getting a doorframe chin-up bar, and
doing bodyweight squats.

Bodyweight training alone isnt ideal for building muscle. But when added to
a solid routine its an excellent way to monitor leanness and relative
strength. Youll increase volume and training frequency for more muscle
growth. Incorporate mini-workouts throughout the week with your
bodyweight and youll be pleasantly surprised by more muscle and better
movement quality.

Tip #4: Scale Stagnant? Eat More

Brad Dieter of Science Drive Nutrition writes:
If you are hammering it in the gym and increasing volume but still arent
seeing any more progress, you arent eating enough. Now I know you are
going to say, but I am eating enough, trust me, I eat so much.

Well, you need to eat more.

If you are a 6-foot, 185 pound male trying to put on mass you are going to
need around 3,000 calories to meet your daily energy expenditure
(assuming you move around during the day). Add in training and you are
going to need to be eating upwards of 3,500 4,000 calories day to see
any real big increases in muscle mass in a short amount of time.

Trying to eat 4,000 calories in a day is not an easy task, especially if you
adopt the chicken breast, broccoli, potato approach to your nutrition; that is
an obscene amount of chicken breast, kale, and potato. Add in some more

calorie dense (more calories per volume) foods like beef, eggs, rice, honey,
nut butters etc.

Tip # 5: Vary Your Training Tempos and

Rep Ranges
Eric Bach popping back in again to say:

Im a huge fan of lifting explosively to supercharge the nervous system and

build power. But its not the only answer for building muscle.

Your muscles need tension from heavy and explosive lifts, but they also
need metabolic stress and muscular damage to maximize muscle growth.

Start your workouts with an explosive exercise like jumps or throws, move
to a pure strength movement for greater tension, and then incorporate
longer duration sets for more metabolic stress and muscular damage.

The variation will challenge a greater number of muscle fibers to stimulate

a greater growth response to help you accelerate hypertrophy.

Tip #6: Track Your Progress

Charles Staley writes:
No one ever got bigger muscles by accident. Muscles only get bigger
when they have a REASON to get bigger. And that reason is progressively
more difficult workouts.

This doesnt necessarily mean every single workout must be more difficult
than the last, but the trend must be progressively more difficult. Incidentally,
progressive overload doesnt always mean more weight on the bar. It
might also mean progressively more volume (number of difficult sets)
and/or greater training density (the same work done in less time).

Finally, using looser and looser form in order to lift heavier weight doesnt
count. Make sure your technique is consistent.

Tip #7: Dont Sweat the Olympic Lifts for

Building Muscle
Bret Contreras writes:
If you suck at Olympic lifts, dont sweat it. As it pertains to muscle building,
youre better off sticking with exercises you already know that create a
similar training effect.

In the case of Olympic lifts, were talking about explosive hip extension.

You will derive similar benefits from implementing the kettlebell swing and
hex bar jump squats.

Glute Guy KB Video

These two exercises have a rapid learning curve and yield similar joint
torques and muscle activations compared to cleans, making them a more
time efficient muscle builder.

Tip #8: De-Load to Reload and Come

Back Stronger
Eric Bach again...with more than you ever wanted to know about deloading.

Until this week youve been adding slabs of muscle, and hitting personal
records in the gym. Now, youre fried. Progress has stalled. Warm-up sets
feel like a piano on your back, and motivation is fading. In fact, youd rather
try a Tracey Anderson workout than lift another barbell. What gives?

To address the problem, we look to the General Adaptation Syndrome

(GAS) by Hans Seyle to analyze how changes in performance actually
happen. GAS states that the body goes through a specific set of responses
(short term) and adaptations (longer term) after being exposed by an

external stressor. The theory holds that the body goes through three
stages, two that contribute to survival and a third that involves a failure to
adapt to the stressor.

Deload frequency varies depending on the athlete, training age, goals,

sport requirements, and number of workouts per week. Here is a sample
macrocycle with a built-in deload. Volumes and intensities are for a
compound exercise, such as a power clean and for the
moderate-to-advanced athlete.

Week 1: High Intensity/Low-Moderate Volume, 43, 85-92.5% 1RM

Week 2: Moderate Intensity/Moderate-High Volume, 55, 75-85% 1RM
Week 3: Very High Intensity/Low Volume, 43, then 2,2,1,
85-100% 1RM
Week 4: Low Intensity/Low-Moderate Volume, 35, 50-60% 1RM
With stronger lifters, flip weeks one and two, and three and four, for better
performance benefits during the highest intensity workouts.

Week 1: Moderate Intensity/Moderate-High Volume, 55, 75-85% 1RM

Week 2: High Intensity/Low-Moderate Volume, 43, 85-92.5% 1RM
Week 3: Low Intensity/Low-Moderate Volume, 35, 50-60% 1RM
Week 4: Very High Intensity/Low Volume, 43, then 2,2,1, 85-100% 1RM

Now, heres the deal:

There is an inverse relationship between intensity (1RM) and the number of

reps per set. Training in both manners, if you can even do it, is a recipe for
overtraining. For this reason, varying intensity and volume through
workouts is ideal to allow recovery and maximal effort. On deload weeks
training is still performed in an effort to preserve the neuromuscular
pathways of training without actually breaking down the body. This works
well for form and speed work to preserve form and muscle mass.

Cool, eh? That means yes, you can still do your glorious bench press or
deadlifts on deload weeks, but not as heavy.

9) Use Jumps and Throws

Eric and Ryan Johnson of S
ons Of Strength write:
Its easy to become distracted by all the bells and whistles in todays gyms.
The options are endless.

With a ton of strength and conditioning toys at your disposal, you may feel
the need to incorporate all of them. But to build muscle, you have to get
down to the nuts and bolts of hypertrophy. The stuff that gives you the most
bang for your buck.

While multi-compound movements and isolation exercises using barbells,

dumbbells, cables and machines should make up the meat of your muscle

... jumps and throws are a too-often-overlooked piece of the puzzle.

Many believe that plyometrics for the upper and lower body are exclusively
for those that want to improve their athleticism.

We beg to differ.

Whether you want to break a deadlift PR, run a faster 40 yard dash time, or
look better naked, jumps and throws are an effective way to accomplish
more muscle growth.

Personally, we love to include them as part of the warm up. Jumps and
throws prime the CNS, improve and maintain power, and tap into the
coveted Type 2 muscle fibers.

Everything you need to set the hypertrophy stage and prepare the body to
build muscle.

Tip # 10: Tweak your Rest Periods for

Maximum Growth
Few training variables get less respect in the gym than rest periods. But
these exercise rest period guidelines will have you resting your way to
gains in no time.

Dont follow the same exercise rest periods for workouts ad-nauseum. As
loading parameters and volume change, so will the rest period and active
recovery exercise.

If youre torched after two minutes, take another minute. You know your
body better than a timed rest-interval. But keep exercise rest period in the
ballpark to match your goals.

Want to gain muscle? Its best to vary your rest periods. Strength plays a
huge role in muscle building. But not all rest periods need to be 2-3 minutes
when building muscle.

The pump and metabolic stress from short rest periods between sets is a
vital stimulus for muscle growth as well. According to Brad Schoenfeld, the
accumulation of metabolites is the result of short rest and long tension
exercises. These require the use of anaerobic glycolysis, resulting in the
buildup of lactate, hydrogen ions, creatine, and other metabolites. So yes, if

youre looking to get jacked then a nauseating pump with short rest is
perfect for training.

The bottom line: Training for muscle growth requires a well-rounded

approach. Emphasize heavy weights/low reps (1-6), moderate weight with
moderate reps (8-12), and the occasional higher rep sets (15+).
Hitting all rep ranges maximizes stimulation of the muscles to you build
tons of muscle. Rest periods of 2-5 minutes, 45-90 seconds, and 0-30
seconds fit the various rep ranges, respectively.

11) Dont Eat Too Much Junk Food

Jason Maxwell of JMAXFitness writes:
Most people think that most guys eat too little when trying to put on
muscle. I feel like the pendulum has swung too far the other way. Now,
guys eat too much food when trying to put on muscle.The problem with this
is obvious: they end up getting fat. Just because youre training hard, it
doesnt mean that you can eat 4000 Calories per day.

Think about this logically for a second. Research shows that the rate of
muscle gain is dictated by how much training experience that you have. A
beginner is able to gain 1-1.5% total body weight per month, an
intermediate can gain 0.5-1% total body weight per month, and an
advanced trainee can gain between 0.25-0.5% total body weight per


If youre trying to put on muscle (without the fat), you only need to eat
enough to gain muscle at the speed that you are capable of. For example,
if youre 200 lbs and are an advanced trainee, you might only gain 0.5 1
lb. of muscle per month (on average), so your nutrition should dictate this.
Using an approximated model, this means that you only need to be eating
an extra 1750 3500 Calories per month. This is approximately an extra 58
117 Calories per day (above maintenance level).

Thats like two or three stinkin bananas. Two! Eat enough to build muscle,
but dont get out of control unless you want to pile on tons of body fat.

Tip #12: Do A Risk/ Reward Analysis

Tony Gentilcore writes:
I love the deadlift. But not all deadlifts (or squats, or bench presses, or
overhead Gnome throwing exercises) are created equal.

As much as I love the deadlift and as much as I feel everyone should

perform it, it's important to remember everyone is different and that not
everyone can walk into a gym on Day #1 and perform the most advanced
version: the conventional deadlift from the floor.

In fact, unless you're a competitive powerlifter or Olympic lifter no one HAS

to deadlift from the floor or with a straight bar. One's injury history, training
experience, movement quality, and goals all need to be considered.

Someone with limited training experience and the mobility of a rusty

crowbar will have a hard time with the conventional deadlift (from the floor).
The risk to reward ratio is too high.

So, why not perform an elevated deadlift, or maybe a Sumo deadlift, or

better yet a trap bar deadlift. They all tend to be a bit more "user friendly,"
get people to get into better positions, and still allow for a kick-ass training

Tip #14: Train Muscles According To

Their Functional Anatomy and Fiber
Menno Henselmans of Bayesian Bodybuilding writes:
One piece of advice thats extremely well received is not to train every
body part the same way. Instead, you want to train each body part
according to its functional anatomy and its muscle fiber type profile.
Each muscle has a different fiber type composition. Some muscles are fast
twitch dominant while others are slow twitch dominant.

Muscle fiber type composition is largely genetically determined and has

important muscle-specific training implications. Fast twitch fibers respond
best to low volume, long rest intervals, high intensity, and low frequency.
Slow twitch fibers, in opposition, respond best to high volume, short rest
intervals, low intensity, and high frequency.

Perhaps most importantly, fast twitch muscle fibers have significantly

greater growth potential, roughly 100% more than slow twitch fibers. Even
in untrained individuals, theyre normally over 20% larger, and its not
uncommon for them to be over twice as large.

The fiber type composition of each muscle varies per individual, but as with
most physiological characteristics, people dont differ that much. In the
general population, differences in the percentage of slow twitch muscle
fibers are normally above 5% but usually below 10%. So, you probably
arent that special in this regard, even though your momma said you were.
Find out the specific breakdown of muscle fiber type-based hypertrophy
training check out this great post by Menno on JMAXfitness, and head to
his personal blog.

Tip #14: Basic Progressive Overload Is

Still King
Eric Bach back for the next few tips.

Its sad how many guys train for years yet remain the same size. Theyre
still benching 135 for three sets of ten, year after year.

To make progress you must stress the system above what youre currently
doing whether its via more weight, more dense training, or a higher total

Pick your program, stick with the same lifts, and add weight to the bar.
Whether its 5 x 5, Starting Strength or 5/3/1, the principle is the same
stress the organism beyond its current capacity to create a higher level of

As a result, the body creates stronger muscles, stores more fuel, and

Tip #15: Optimize Your Workouts Based On Neural

When setting up any training program or workout, you need to place more
neurologically demanding exercises early in the week, and early in each

In other words, neural demands are the requirements placed on the

nervous system for the ideal execution of an exercise.

With high speed and high weight exercises (like sprinting, cleans, or a
heavy deadlift) the nervous system is the driver of performance.
If youre blasting cleans with excess fatigue, the nervous system fails to
send signals to the muscles fast enough to allow technique execution of the
exercise. This leads to missed lifts, altered technique, and potentially
wreckin yo gains.

Keep the high-intensity exercises like sprinting, cleans, or near-maximal

lifts with full recovery in the beginning of your workouts.

Exercises towards the velocity portion of the graph (i.e. speed) are
obviously faster and more sensitive to changes in technique than slower
speed exercises like heavy deadlifts or squats.

To get jacked to the max, start your workout with explosive movement like
sprints, jumps, or throws and then hit the weights to get stronger and create
muscular damage to stimulate hypertrophy.

For more information on maximizing your workout for muscle gain check
out this post for Roman Fitness Systems on exercise order for optimal
muscle building.

Tip #16):Use Creatine Monohydrate to

Improve Work Capacity
Creatine is arguably the best muscle-building supplement of all time as it
directly improves your ability to perform short duration, high-intensity
exercises like sprints and heavy weight lifting.

The body only stores a limited amount of creatine, so adding 5-10 grams
daily will improve your work capacity on high-intensity exercises for a
greater training response. As a result, youll be able to lift more weight for
more reps to gain more muscle.

On workout days dose it pre- and post-workout with your beverage of

choice. Taking creatine with a protein or carbohydrate beverage increases
absorption, as the increased insulin response will pull more creatine into
the muscle tissue.

On non-workout days creatine works well in the morning with a drink such
as green tea. Using a warm drink helps dissolve creatine better, so the
bottom of your beverage doesnt taste like a sandbox.

Tip #17: High-Frequency Training Builds

Mass Faster
Would you be stronger performing squats in 52 workouts per year or 104
workouts per year?

Logic says to go with 104, but why?

Consistent exposure to stimuli is vital for learning new movement patterns,

allowing you to become better at exercises faster.

While this doesnt mean you should train every movement pattern daily,
performing total body training routines a few times per week will accelerate
hypertrophy is most lifters.

Back in 2000, a study compared 1 day and 3-days per week of

equal-volume resistance training (McLester, et al 2000). Twenty-five
experienced subjects were randomly separated into training groups.

Group one performed one day per week of strength training with three sets
to failure, using rep ranges moving from three to ten reps per set. Group

two performed workouts three days per week with one set to failure per
day, while working in the same rep ranges.

Training volume between the two groups was the same, yet group two had
greater increases in both lean body mass and improved one-rep max
strength. With total volume held constant, spreading the training frequency
to three doses per week produced superior results in both strength and
muscular hypertrophy.

A 2010 study on anabolic processes in human skeletal muscle found that

repeated phases of net protein balance, which can be a generated
response to repeated bouts of resistance exercise and protein ingestion,
underpins muscle hypertrophy (Phillips, S., & West, D., 2010). This shows
that frequent exposure to training increases protein synthesis at the cellular
level, leading to greater amounts of muscle growth.

Tip #18: Focus on Food Quality

Chris Coulson writes:

You can eat ice cream to bulk all day, but quality matters.

Eat fruits. Eat veggies. Eat carbs to support heavy training.

Shop the aisles and dont use your bulk as an excuse to be a gluttonous

slob. Eating a majority of your calories/protein from whole, high quality,

foods will ensure you pack pounds of muscle.

Tip #19: Hammer the Basics, Then Get

Bryan Krahn writes:

There are two big stumbling blocks for guys looking to get big: lack of
respect for the essentials, and a lack of creativity.

For the first one, you have to do the bodybuilding basics before all else.
That means eating a significant calorie surplus, lots of protein, a good
amount of good fat, and reasonably frequent meals.

Yet people seem to want to hack that they want to fast most of the day
and shovel food at night, or do some weird macronutrient cycling voodoo,
or use overly hyped supplements.

What a waste of time. Even if what youre doing works and it might
why risk it when you can do what others before you have done. And grow.

The lack of creativity stems from your bodys ability to adapt. Even the
absolute best workout will eventually quit delivering results, cause your
body has adapted it.

So you have to change exercises up, use different rep ranges, exercises,
rest intervals, even tempos.

And you have to stop training o

nly to your strengths. Maybe getting your
chest to finally grow again requires strengthening your unsexy upper
back? Or maybe it requires simply learning to bench for a big chest instead
of a strong bench press.

It all boils back to humility. Accept that you dont know everything yet, and
that some others before you are light years ahead of you.

Tip #20: Move Isolation Exercises Into

Time Blocks
There's overwhelming anecdotal evidence that isolation exercises help you
build muscle.
While athletes shouldn't make isolation exercises the main focus of their
training, specific hypertrophy has its benefits.

Besides balancing out the unbalanced nature of sport and helping you look
better naked, muscle cross-sectional area can improve force-generating
capabilities and provide structural support for injury prevention.
That said, you won't get much out of isolation work until you build
significant strength. Forget the 20-pound biceps curls and instead strive to
hang 50 pounds around your waist for chin-ups.
Get strong, then do isolation work at the end of your training session in
10-15 minute blocks.
Here's an example of an isolation finisher for shoulders that builds
cross-sectional area:
A. Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3x12
B. Standing Lateral Raise 3x12
C. Dumbbell Front Raise 3x12
Perform all exercises back-to-back and then rest 60-90 seconds. Repeat
for three sets.

Tip #21: Ready, Set, Grind

Not sure what it means to toughen up? Think of these three words: pride,
passion, and perseverance.

Eric Bach here again, remembering my high school football coach

preaching these qualities over and over again. I used to think he was full of
it. But in hindsight, I realize he was right. These three terms are vital to your
success on and off the field (or training floor).
Pride means you'll put yourself out there and take a risk, regardless of
what anyone else thinks.
Passion means you'll be relentless, and put in the time even when
nobody's watching.

Perseverance means you'll overcome the struggles that will inevitably

Training this way is foundational to building toughness and athletic muscle.

Knowing what to do is great, but it won't get you results.

Stop making excuses, do the work, and get better every day.

Tip #22: Use Finishers

Think back to the most fun youve had in the gym. Yes, actual fun. Im sure
it wasnt fasted cardio, a dynamic squat workout, or even a workout filled
with biceps, biceps, yoga pants, and biceps.

No, it was when you loosened the reins at the end of your workout, got
creative, and came up with a finisher to drain every ounce of energy from
your body.

Its the workout equivalent to M

ortal Kombat, with voices uttering finish
him and turning thoughts into action that leaves you completely spent after
a grueling finish.
Finishers kick-start muscle growth in advanced trainees because they
create massive amounts of metabolic stress.

Its been documented by Hypertrophy Expert Brad Schoenfelds review The

Mechanisms of Muscular Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance
Training that accumulation of metabolites plays a role in muscle growth.

Exercises that require significant anaerobic glycolysis result in the buildup

of lactate, hydrogen ions, create, and other metabolite, leading to increased
muscle damage and the migration of hypertrophy promoting satellite cells.
Adding a concentrated dose of dense training provides a metabolic
environment conducive to building lean muscle.

Heres a Sample Finisher:

Combining movements into a superset will make fun-finisher even better.

Set 1: Chin Up 10 reps

Push-Up 10 reps
Rest: 30 seconds
Set 2: Chin-Up 9 reps
Push-Up 9 reps
Continue all the way to 1 rep of each exercise. Enjoy.

Tip #23: Lower Slower, Build Muscle

Controlled eccentrics provide greater muscular damage for hypertrophy.
Research shows that eccentric training causes increased microtrauma of
the muscle fibers, which in turn can lead to increased muscle growth. In the
presence of sound nutrition, controlled eccentrics cause greater muscular
damage and subsequent migration of nutrients for recovery and growth.
There's a fine balance between acceptable and excessive soreness that
limits training intensity, frequency, and athletic performance. In the case of
competitive explosive athletes, care must be taken to avoid excessive
eccentric training if it hinders training frequency and intensity.

Size-focused lifters need to analyze the trade-off between training soreness

and training frequency. Muscle soreness happens when training for
hypertrophy, but it shouldn't exceed recovery capabilities and hinder
training frequency.
What to do: Control the eccentric with isolation and hypertrophy-focused
work, but be aware of the risk-reward factor if fatigue and soreness limits
training frequency and training intensity.
24) Be Present. Stop Going Through the Motions.
Focus. You can't approach the rack swiping for babes on Tinder and
simultaneously be engaged with your training. Ever notice how the guys
training like caged animals (even when form sucks) have good physiques
and move a significant amount of weight? That's intensity and
determination at work.
Close your eyes, imagine yourself crushing the weight, and then do it. Don't
worry about tempo, number of sets, and what Tabata hip-thrusting routine
is best for you. Focus on each rep, each set, and each workout with
intensity. Combine your knowledge and technique with intense focus and
you'll maximize your training. The babes can wait an hour.

Tip #25: Find a Workout Routine that Fits Your

Many lifters pick workout plans that exceed their capabilities for consistent
training. They wind up with unbalanced programs.

Choosing a five-day-per-week body-part split might be perfect, but missing

a day or two every week throws the entire program out of whack. You might
end up with nine or 10 days between leg workouts, for example. Not
optimal. When this happens, we leave huge performance gaps that cause
plateaus down the road, imbalances that lead to injury, and shoddy training
Your workout plan must match your ability to consistently complete full
training cycles. That's why total-body training splits are a good idea for
many people.

Even if you miss a day, you're still hitting major muscle groups and
movements two or three days per week.

The Grande Finale:

Expert Muscle-Building Tip Wrap Up
Consistent, hard training in the presence of enough calories is the
no-brainer way to accelerate hypertrophy.
Coupled with these tips, youre truly setting yourself up for success to
finally build the strong, shredded, and athletic body you desire.
Heres What the Experts Say about Building Muscle:
Get Strong First
Use Active Recovery Workouts
Add Bodyweight Training
Scale Stuck? Eat More!
Vary your Training Tempos and Rep Ranges
Track your Progress
Dont Sweat the Olympic Lifts
De-Load to Reload
Add Jumps and Throws to Fire up your CNS
Tweak Rest Periods for Maximum Growth
Dont Eat Too Much Food
Do a Risk/ Reward Analysis
Train Muscles According to Their Fiber Type
Progressive Overload is Still King
Optimize Workouts Based on Neural Demands
Use Creatine Monohydrate to Improve Work Capacity
High Frequency Training Builds Mass Faster
Focus on Food Quality

Hammer the Basics. Then, Get creative.

Move Isolation Exercises Into Time Blocks
Ready, Set, Grind
User Finishers
Lower Slower, Build Muscle Faster
Be Present
Find a Workout that fits your Schedule

McLester, J., Bishop, E., & Guilliams, M. (2000). Comparison of 1 day and 3 days per week of
equal-volume resistance training in experienced subjects. The Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 14(3). Retrieved from
Phillips, S., & West, D. (2010). Anabolic processes in human skeletal muscle: restoring the
identities of growth hormone and testosterone. Physician and Sportsmedicine, 38(3), 97-104.
doi: 10.3810/psm.2010.10.1814
Schoenfeld, Brad. The Mechanisms of Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance
Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24.10 (2010): 2857. Web. 21 Nov.

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