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DMH Weekly Update from Commissioner Mary MoultonFebruary 1, 2013


Berlin Psychiatric Hospital

Architectural Update
The design development process has resulted in a long-awaited architectural presentation
of the hospital design to take place Monday, February 4th. DMH, BGS, and Architecture
+ have held meetings with the Berlin Hospital Work Group over a 9-month period since
May of 2012. The three presentations will be (1) Architectural Building Design, (2)
Landscape Architecture Design, and (3) Interior Design Concepts. See attachment for
detailed agenda.
This meeting of the Berlin Hospital Work Group is open to all interested. Questions?
Contact Judy.Rosenstreich@state.vt.us
Location: Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) Conference Room,
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor, City Center, Montpelier, at 9:00 a.m.
Construction Update
Asbestos abatement for five existing buildings prior to demolition will begin next week.
Excavation concrete and structural steel packages will be going out to bid. When
accomplished, both of these forward steps will bring us to the start of actual construction
of the Berlin psychiatric hospital starting with the foundation.
Legislative Update
The Department of Buildings and General Services (BGS) has presented a project update
to the House Committee on Corrections and Institutions, the committee of jurisdiction for
writing the Capital Construction Bill for long-term financing of state buildings. BGS
does not yet have a final determination of the proportional resources from insurance
coverage, federal FEMA funding, and capital bonding for the new psychiatric hospital.

Green Mountain Psychiatric Care Center

GMPCC Advisory Board We will be forming an Advisory Board and invite all who are
interested in serving to contact Cheryl.Mowel@state.vt.us and indicate your availability,
i.e. days of the week, time of day.

Middlesex Secure Residential Recovery Program

As progress is made licensing Middlesex as a Therapeutic Community Residence, work
moves forward on the construction side. During a recent walk through, it became clear
that a lot has been accomplished in one week since the last time! Of particular note, most
of the insulation is in place helping the interior space take shape. The data and telephone
lines are in and the pad for the fire pump has been poured. Most of the exterior siding

and fencing is in place as well. Installation of the generator and fuel source, the
plumbing rough in, and the sheetrock is next.
March 24 is the expected construction completion date, which would allow DMH to open
the residential program in April.


Fiscal Year 2014 Proposed Mental Health Budget

Commissioner Mary Moulton will present the Department of Mental Health proposed
budget to the House Committee on Appropriations next week.

Legislative Committee Schedules

Committee schedules are posted on the legislatures website and are generally updated on
Fridays for the following week. Revisions may occur at any time. To see what topics are
being heard, you may go to this link and click on the committee(s) of interest.

Legislative Reports
Of the many reports filed this month, readers of the Weekly Update may access some of
the reports pertinent to mental health at these links.

(1) Act 180 Transportation of Individuals in the Custody of the Commissioner of

Mental Health
(2) Act 114 Administration of Non-emergency Involuntary Psychiatric Medication
(3) Act 114 Independent Study of the Administration of Involuntary Non-emergency
Medications under Act 114 during Fiscal Year 2012
(4) Act 79 Reforming Vermonts Mental Health System
(5) Mental Health Oversight Committee
(6) Health Care Oversight Committee
(7) Act 87 Incarcerated Individuals with a Serious Functional Impairment


Peers interested in serving, especially from Washington and Lamoille counties, which are
not currently represented, are encouraged to contact either
Clare Munat, Co-facilitator of the Standing Committee
Telephone: (802) 824-3909
Melinda Murtaugh, Department of Mental Health
Telephone: (802) 828-3822 Melinda.Murtaugh@state.vt.us

An advisory body to the Commissioner of Mental Health, the Adult Mental Health
Standing Committee includes individuals with lived experience of mental illness, or
peers; families of peers; and providers of mental-health services. The Standing
Committee meets monthly and offers advice to the Department of Mental Health on
issues important to stakeholders in the public mental-health systemfor example,
quality, data on agency and system performance, budgets and resources, and integration
of health and mental health.


Lamoille County Mental Health, Inc.

Changes have occurred with the names of community mental health and developmental
services agencies over the years. Howard Mental Health Services once became the
Howard Center for Human Services and then changed again to its current name--HowardCenter. Orange County Mental Health became the Clara Martin Center. Always
a thoroughly debated decision, the question of a name signals to the community what the
agency does and who it serves. In announcing its name change this month from Lamoille
Community Connections to Lamoille County Mental Health, Executive Director Savi
VanSluytman stated the feeling of the nonprofits board of directors that our former
name better reflects the nature of the services we provide to our communities and that
this change will eliminate any confusion that exists over our current name.

WRAP Facilitator Training and WRAP Facilitator Refresher Training

The Vermont Blueprint for Health and the Department of Mental Health, with the
Vermont Center for Independent Living and Vermont Psychiatric Survivors, is training
Vermonters to facilitate Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP). This will include
coaching and mentoring for first-time WRAP facilitators.
WRAP facilitation training was developed and implemented by the Copeland Center for
Wellness & Recovery (http://copelandcenter.com/) based on ongoing consultation with
Mary Ellen Copeland, her associates, Mental Health Recovery and WRAP facilitators
and people with a lived experience in recovery. Effective approaches in facilitation
require continued learning and a refresher course at least once every two years to stay up
to date on developments and best practices. Contact Julie Brisson, Peer Network

Coordinator, Vermont Center for Independent Living, at (802) 224-1818 (voice/TTY) or

WRAP Facilitator Training: March 25-29
WRAP Facilitator Refresher Training: April 1-3

Pathways to Wellness May 21

NAMI Vermont has notified the mental health community to save the date of May 21st
for their second annual spring conference, Pathways to Wellness, to be held at the Lake
Morey Resort on May 21st.


NAMI Family-to-Family Education Course

The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Course is a FREE, evidence-based 12-week
course structured to help families and friends of individuals with mental health challenges
understand and support their loved ones while maintaining their own well-being. Parents,
siblings, spouses, teen-age and adult children and significant others of persons with
mental illness are encouraged to attend. Many family members describe the impact of
this program as life changing. The course begins in March and meets once a week for 12
weeks in the early evening and is taught by volunteer trained family members. To learn
more, contact NAMI Vermonts new Program Director, Laurie Emerson
lemerson@namivt.org or 800-639-6480. www.namivt.org<http://www.namivt.org>
Advanced registration is required. Family-to-Family begins in March and will be
available in Williston, Berlin, Rutland, and Bellows Falls.


Berlin Hospital Work Group

Distribution List
Judy Rosenstreich
February 1, 2013

Architectural Presentation on February 4, 2013

The architectural development design process has advanced through stages, starting with
programming concepts and goals in May 2012, and leading to schematic design of the building
perimeter with final determination (freeze) in August. User focus groups began in the fall to
address functionality, furniture, equipment, and system needs of individual rooms. Architects
focused on the technical development / engineering of building design. Architects presented an
updated schematic design to the work group in September. Architectural presentation and site
plan/landscaping features were discussed with the work group in October. A series of design
review Focus Groups were nearly completed in January.
Architects further developed the interior architecture and layout of the building. BGS selected
Engelberth Construction, Inc., a Vermont firm established in 1972, as Construction Manager
(CM). Concrete foundation, structural steel package, and all site work went out to bid.

9:00 9:15

Project Schedule Update Frank Pitts, Principal Architect, Architecture +

Sara Wengert, Project Manager, Architecture +

9:15 10:45

Architectural Building Design (Exterior)

Black River Design will present the sketch up model of the building, including
the walls, roof, windows, entrances, security fence with gate, covered walk,
pavilion, and overall building design. Samples of clapboards, brick and other
materials will be available.
Architecture + will seek approval of the building design.

11:00 12:30 Landscape Architecture Update

Amy Houghton, Landscape Architect / Civil Engineer of H. Keith Wagner
Landscape Architects will present plantings and surfaces on entire property,
including outside of building, courtyard and green space. Options of raised
planting beds, bluestone, lawn and planting areas will be reviewed. Proposed
design of passive, more introspective spaces and other more communal spaces

will be presented. The function, value and appropriateness of the labyrinth will
be presented.
A+ is seeking direction on materials, surfaces, key design elements, and approval
of the site plan concept. Discussion of the role/inclusion of a labyrinth and water
feature on the project will explore options of such elements to reach consensus.

1:00 2:30

Interior Design Concepts Presentation

Architecture + will present interior design ideas. The discussion will address the
overall feel of what we are trying to create. There will be a scrapbook of images.
Architects will present 3D views of many (not all) interior spaces to understand
space and proportion. These views are conceptual, not replicas of final interior
design. Importantly, they will provide a framework that will help A+ to gather
information from the work group as to how the group wants the space to look and
feel. This will help A+ to prepare for a full presentation in a couple of months.
The future presentation will include a full color and materials palette.

Architecture + will distribute copies of materials at the meeting.

A lunch break will occur at the convenience of the group and presenters. Several options are
available in City Center so that a take-out type lunch can be obtained without going outdoors.
Another option is to bring your lunch.
LOCATION: Department of Financial Regulation, 89 Main Street, City Center,

3rd Floor, Montpelier

In lobby of City Center, take elevator to 3rd floor. Go straight into
DFR past reception desk to large conference room. (Do not go to
Green Mountain Care Board suite.)

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