Você está na página 1de 187

% Federated Territories Campaign "Second Empire"

% Remember, if you don't want spoilers, don't read this file...

% but if you do want spoilers, come on in!

1 -> Adventure Initialization
2 -> Hogye Mine
3 -> PC has permission to enter Cyclops lair2
4 -> PC has done as Forager said
5 -> PC has recovered Argoseyer fuel rod
6 -> Markheim Mushroom Farm
7 -> Cesar's Innards
8 -> Markheim Defense Wins
9 -> PC has defeated Ladon
10 -> Dragon Mark
11 -> Wind Shrine
12 -> Earth Shrine
13 -> Water Shrine
14 -> Fire Shrine
15 -> Spirit Shrine
16 -> Have completed all five elemental shrines
17 -> Have entered Nara
18 -> Have recovered rusty scepter
21 -> Mecha Sporch Rank
22 -> Warhammer Arena Rank
23 -> Colosseum Rank
24 -> Robot Warriors Rank
25 -> Flesh Pit Rank
26 -> Recovered crystal disk
27 -> Recovered Old City Key


The g1xxx variables are used by the end-of-game plot...

G1001 -> Location of GaruFight city
G1002 -> CID of endgame enemy
G1003 -> Get CLUE-1
G1004 -> Reveal the enemy camp

% Set the item key just to protect the standard key items.
SetKeyItem 100
% Every 5 minutes, load a standard plot.
5min <BatchLoadPlot .standard 1>
.standard <PLOT_*.txt>
start <if= V1 0 else GoCheckPlots V= 1 1 GlobalStoryPattern .city .UrbanStory Gl
obalStoryPattern .lmcity .LanceStory>
.city <URB_STORY>
.UrbanStory <TS_GSP_*_STORY.txt>
.LanceStory <TS_LANCE_*_STORY.txt>
% There are, at the moment, 8 possible Lancemate locations.
% Maybe load some plots here, depending on config file options.
GoCheckPlots <BatchLoadPlot .standard 5>
% Do things when the key items are retrieved.
Get35 <if= G26 0 G= 26 1>
Get17 <if= G27 0 G= 27 1>
Get44 <G= 18 1>


Msg1 <You feel villainous.>
Scene 2 0
name <Hogye>
type <Target Town Village Destination>
desc <Hogye is a small village in the mountains north of Snake Lake. It is h
ome to the Mecha Sporch arena.>
sdl_portrait <scene_hogye.png>
GAPFILL <-4 -9 -4 -4>
SetFaction 11

1 -> Message first time entering town
10 -> First time opening locked mine door
101 -> Use SURVIVAL
102 -> Use SCIENCE
103 -> Use MYSTICISM

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
MSG2 <You enter Hogye.>
rumor <Hogye used to be an important mining town, until the ore dried up
and the raiders moved in.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
CLUE14 <Print 101 V= 101 1>
CLUE29 <Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
CLUE34 <Print 103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
Msg101 <The ground in this village seems quite rich. A person would have
no trouble farming here.>
Msg102 <Natural signs indicate that there may be rich mineral deposits i
n this area.>
Msg103 <There is a sense of peace in this community. You feel that it ha
s a good aura.>
GET7 <if= V2 0 V= 2 1 Print 201>
Msg201 <This old phone was probably discarded by someone who upgraded to
a newer model. It's a bit heavy and uncomfortable, but it may come in handy.>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
width 30
height 30
name <Town Center>
special <ShowAll>
gapfill <-8 -4 -4>

name <Entry Grid>
special <StartHere>
width 5
height 5
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!
% Why include it? So that when entering from the
world map,
% the PC will always appear at this same point.
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
room 7 5
name <Hogye Clinic>
BorderType 18
FloorType 26
room 6 6
name <Ki Rin MegaMart>
FloorType 14
BorderType 27
rumor <KiRin MegaMart is the best place to buy things ar
ound here.>
room 5 7
name <Mecha Sporch>
FloorType 26
BorderType 27
room 5 5
name <Mayor's House>
FloorType 25
BorderType 13
room 3 3
name <Bus Terminal>
BorderType 27
room 5 5
name <Diner>
BorderType 37
FloorType 26
team 1
% Player team
room 5 5
name <Hogye Mine>
rumor <when the mine closed a lot of heavy machinery got left be
FloorType 26
BorderType 15
destination 3

USE <ifG -99 MetaPass else GoCloseDoor if= L10 0 else G
oBeenBefore ifYesNo 3 4 5 else GoBeenBefore Print 6>
GoBeenBefore <L= 10 1 Print 1 SetStat STAT_Pass 0 Tra
nsform 1>
GoCloseDoor <Print 2 SetStat STAT_Pass -100 Transform 2
NPCOpenDoor <SetStat STAT_Pass 0 Transform 2>
roguechar <+>
roguechar1 <->
roguechar2 <+>
Msg1 <You open the door.>
Msg2 <You close the door.>
Msg3 <A sign has been posted to this door. "DANGER! KEEP
Msg4 <Leave this door alone.>
Msg5 <Open it anyways.>
Msg6 <That was probably a wise decision.>
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
TEAM_COLORS <88 113 86>
home <Town Center>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
rumor <the mines were closed because of all the dangerous creatu
res which live there.>
TEAM_COLORS <88 113 86>
home <Town Center>
% ******************************
% ******************************
Persona 1
% Professor HyoLee
% Var 1 -> Journal Quest Status
greeting <NewChat ifG React 25 else GoMediumReact if= V1 0 else
GoAfterJournal V= 1 1 Say 2 StoryLine .JournalArc>
goMediumReact <ifG React 3 else GoLowReact Say 1>
goLowReact <SayAnything>
.JournalArc <ARC_TS_Hyolee.txt>
GoAfterJournal <Say 3 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 4 School SkillList Say 5>
SkillList <22 29 15 16 24>
msg1 <I can't talk right now. I'm working on a new model of geno
me reconstruction. I hope to have some results worth publishing soon.>
msg2 <Hello. I seem to remember having forgotten something, but
I can't remember what it was...>
msg3 <I've been entering the journal data into my computer.>
msg4 <Sure, I can show you a few things. It might be a bit advan
ced, though... I hope you can keep up.>
msg5 <There. Now wasn't that easier than we thought it was going
to be?>
Prompt1 <Can you explain your research?>

Persona 2
% Nurse
greeting <NewChat Say 1>
msg1 <Welcome to the grounds of \SCENE 2 Hospital. I'm sure \PER
SONA 3 is around here someplace.>
Persona 3
% Doctor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 4>
result2 <Say 3 NewChat AddChat 3>
result3 <Say 5 Shop NoWares EndChat Say 4>
prompt1 <I'm in a lot of pain...>
prompt2 <No problem, doctor.>
prompt3 <Actually, I think I may have a cold.>
Msg1 <Hello there. What seems to be the problem today?>
Msg2 <Let me take a look at you.>
Msg3 <Really? That's a shame... healthy patients are bad for bus
Msg4 <Remember, don't lift any heavy objects until those stitche
s come out...>
Msg5 <Well why didn't you say so? Come on, I'll have you patched
up in no time!>
Persona 4
% Shopkeeper
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
result1 <Say 2 NewChat AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
result2 <Say 4 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
result3 <Say 5 NewChat AddChat 2 AddChat 4 AddChat 5 AddChat 6 A
ddChat 7 AddChat 8 AddChat 9 AddChat 10 AddChat 12 AddChat 13 ifG 2 SkRoll 29 Ad
dChat 11>
result4 <Say 6>
result5 <Say 7>
result6 <Say 8>
result7 <Say 9>
result8 <Say 10>
result9 <Say 11>
result10 <Say 12>
result11 <Say 13>
result12 <Say 15>
result13 <Say 16>
Wares <4 5 10 11 14 17 18 MECHA>
prompt1 <What shop? This is just an empty room!>
prompt2 <Let me see what you've got.>
prompt3 <Maybe you can explain some things.>
prompt4 <What does "DC" mean?>
prompt5 <What does "DP" mean?>
prompt6 <What does "ACC" mean?>
prompt7 <What does "RNG" mean?>
prompt8 <What does "SPD" mean?>
prompt9 <What does "BV" mean?>
prompt10 <What is "10/10a"?>
prompt11 <What is "$", and what's that number for?>
prompt12 <What does "AC" mean?>
prompt13 <What does "SF" mean?>
MSG1 <Welcome to my shop. It's not particularly impressive, I kn
ow, but I think you'll be pleased with our selection.>
MSG2 <Look, I already told you it isn't very impressive! I'm gon

na spruce it up once I've decided on a paint scheme! You wanna see what I've got
or not?>
MSG3 <Come back once you've earned some more money, okay?>
MSG4 <Take a look around, let me know if you see anything you li
MSG5 <It would be my pleasure. It's hard to be a smart consumer
when you don't know what you're buying, and modern technology can be very confus
ing on times. What do you want to know about?>
MSG6 <DC means Damage Class. The higher it is, the more damage a
weapon will do. There are other things to consider when buying a weapon but for
most people DC is the most important factor.>
MSG7 <DP means Damage Points. It's a measure of how much punishm
ent an object can take before it breaks down. If DP is preceded by a number in b
rackets, that's the armor rating of this item.>
MSG8 <ACC refers to the accuracy of a weapon. A positive value m
eans that you will hit more often. A negative value means you'll hit less often.
Many weapons have ACC:0, meaning that they neither aid nor hinder your natural
MSG9 <RNG refers to the range of a weapon. There are three range
bands. It is easiest to hit a target at short range, slightly more difficult to
hit at medium range, and much more difficult at long range.>
MSG10 <SPD is short for speed. It measures the recharge time of
a weapon. This is usually only important for fighters who have good initiative,
since there's no point in having your weapon recharge faster than you are able t
o fire it.>
MSG11 <BV is short for Burst Value. Some weapons can fire a larg
e number of shots in a single action. If you use burst fire you are more likely
to hit and will probably do better damage, but you'll also run out of ammunition
much sooner.>
MSG12 <This is the weapon's ammunition counter. The first value
is the number of rounds currently in the magazine; the second value is the maxim
um number of rounds that the weapon can hold.>
MSG13 <*sigh* You really don't get out much, do you? "$" means m
oney. You can exchange money for goods and services. The number is how many piec
es of money you need for the transaction. Understand now? Well, try not to think
too hard.>
MSG15 <AC means Armor Class. The higher your AC value, the less
damage you'll take when struck by an attack.>
MSG16 <SF means Scale Factor. Meks can have low-scale weapons in
stalled for dealing with small enemies. There's a penalty for shooting at someth
ing smaller than yourself, so an antipersonnel weapon can be a good thing to hav
Persona 5
% Mecha Sporch manager
% V1 = Arena Registration / Current Fight PV
% V2 = Recharge Time for battle.
% V3 = Competition Rank
greeting <NewChat ifG G21 V3 else GoOldGreet V= 3 G21 V+ 1 d3 Ca
shPrize Reward Threat V1 100 250 if= V3 10 else GoSayReward Say 11 G+ 21 1 V+ 3
1 Goto GoWin>
GoWin <MechaPrize .MSPrize Reputation 6 3 History 13 PCAlly 6>
.MSPrize <BuruBuru.txt>
GoSayReward <Say 12>
GoOldGreet <Say 1 if= V1 0 else GoAlreadyRegistered AddChat 1 Ad
dChat 2>
goAlreadyRegistered <ifG ComTime V2 else GoNotReady AddChat 1 Ad
dChat 5>
goNotReady <Say 10>
result1 <NewChat Say 2>

result2 <NewChat Say 3 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 V= 1 5>

result3 <NewChat ifG PCMEKS 0 else goLiedAboutMecha Say 4 AddCha
t 5 AddChat 6>
goLiedAboutMecha <Reputation 2 -1 Say 5>
result4 <NewChat Say 9 StoryLine GoVikki>
GoVikki <TS_PLOT_Hogye_Vikki.txt>
result5 <ifG PCMEKS 0 else goNoMeks EndChat Say 8 SavePos Dynami
c 2 Threat V1 75 FrzNU1 FrzNU2 V= 2 ComTime V+ 2 50000 SetMapType ArenaMap SetMa
pString .map>
FrzNU1 <if= T1 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 LoseRenown>
FrzNU2 <if= T2 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 G+ 21 1 Reputation 6 1>
.map <SOLO>
goNoMeks <NewChat Say 7>
result6 <NewChat Say 6>
Msg1_1 <Welcome to Mecha Sporch, where armored titans compete fo
r prizes and glory! Are you interested in watching the games, or did you think y
ou might take part?>
CMsg1_1 <ifG React 20 ACCEPT>
Msg1_2 <This is Mecha Sporch. Are you thinking of taking part, o
r are you just taking up space?>
CMsg1_2 <ifG 21 React ACCEPT>
Msg2 <Mecha Sporch can be seen on TV five nights a week. Check y
our local listings for time and channel.>
Msg3 <Great! We're always on the lookout for fresh talent. First
of all the most important question: do you already own a mecha?>
Msg4 <That's good. We've got a fight ready to go right now... if
you win, come see me for the prize money. You interested?>
Msg5 <Bring your mecha to the arena, and we'll talk about gettin
g you into your first battle.>
Msg6 <Too bad. Well, come back when you feel like testing your m
ettle again.>
Msg7 <I'm sorry, but it seems as though you don't currently have
a mecha to pilot... Can't take part in the games without one.>
Msg8 <Excellent... get yer battle-bot ready, it's time for some
extreme destruction!>
Msg9 <We could loan you one of the house meks, but I better warn
you they're not in very good shape. Ask Vikki about that.>
Msg10 <The next battle won't be taking place until tomorrow. Go
get some rest, and fix up your machine.>
Msg11 <Congratulations! You've won your tenth battle, making you
one of our grand champions! In recognition of your efforts, I am proud to prese
nt you with this brand new BuruBuru mecha!>
Msg12 <You did well out there. Here's the prize money you earned
for winning the fight. Come back tomorrow for another round, okay?>
Msg13 <You were crowned Mecha Sporch arena champion.>
prompt1 <I'm just here to watch.>
prompt2 <Tell me more about taking part...>
prompt3 <Yes I do.>
prompt4 <Nope. Got any loaners?>
prompt5 <I'm ready to fight.>
prompt6 <Maybe some other time.>
Persona 6
% Vikki the mecha gladiator
greeting <NewChat ifG 0 PCRep 6 else GoNoWangtta if= V1 0 else G
oNoWangtta Say 2 AddChat 2>
GoNoWangtta <Say 1 ifG G21 0 AddChat 1>
result1 <NewChat if= G21 1 else GoMultipleWins Say 7>
GoMultipleWins <ifG G21 10 else GoStillWorking Say 8>
GoStillWorking <Say 9>

result2 <NewChat V= 1 1 AddReact 10 Say 3 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 Ad

dChat 5>
result3 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result4 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 3 AddChat 5>
result5 <NewChat Say 6 Reputation 6 1>
Msg1 <Hi.>
Msg2 <Hi. You're looking a bit down today.>
Msg3 <"Wangtta" means loser, outcast, reject... I guess you've d
one something to pick up that reputation.>
Msg4 <That's a tough question. Find something you can succeed at
, and do that. Only success can wash off the smell of failure that's lingering o
ver you.>
Msg5 <Usually you get the reputation by failing to complete miss
ions, losing in the arena, that sort of thing. You can also become wangtta just
by acting stupid in public.>
Msg6 <Good attitude to have... But if you do care what other peo
ple think, you'll work to get rid of your bad reputation before it sticks.>
Msg7 <You've won your first fight at the arena. Congratulations!
I hope to do that too, some day...>
Msg8 <You have won ten battles in the arena and are now one of o
ur reigning champions. Congratulations!>
Msg9 <You have won \VAL G21 battles in the arena. If you can win
ten, you'll get a special prize.>
prompt1 <How's my arena score?>
Prompt2 <Why do people say I'm "wangtta"?>
Prompt3 <How can I change my reputation?>
Prompt4 <How did I get this reputation?>
Prompt5 <I don't care what others think.>
Persona 201
% Hogye Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <This is Hogye Bus Terminal. From here you can take a bus t
o nearby cities, or get packages delivered from just about anywhere.>
Msg2 <The newly expanded bus service makes getting around the te
rritories more convenient.>
Msg3 <I'll see you around.>
Msg4 <If you have a mecha it's easy to drive most places, but lo
ok out for bandits.>
Prompt1 <I'd like that.>
Prompt2 <No thanks.>
Persona 202
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 19 els
e GoNoMoney Say 6 CASH+ -20 PCEat>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <What can I get for you today?>
Msg2 <The special of the day is a hamburger platter. The special
of the day is always a hamburger platter. That comes with a hamburger, coleslaw
, and poutine. It's $20 for the set.>
Msg3 <Well, if you ever get hungry, you know where to come...>
Msg4 <You don't have enough money! Come back when you're not dir

t poor, you can get some food then...>

Msg5 <You don't seem hungry enough to have a meal right now. Com
e back later, if you want.>
Msg6 <Here's the hamburger platter. Enjoy your meal.>
Prompt1 <I'd like something to eat.>
Prompt2 <Nothing, thanks.>
Prompt3 <I'll take it.>
Prompt4 <On second thought, I don't want anything.>
% Inv components. Add NPCs & contents here.
NPC Scientist
name <Hyolee>
home <Entry Grid>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1
stat 8 15
skill 19 5
skill 16 5
age 1
chardesc Female Heroic Cheerful
rumor <Hyolee is always working on something or another.>
sdl_portrait <por_f_ladi_hyolee(YC-).png>
sdl_colors <70 121 119 142 62 39 234 180 88>
NPC Shopkeeper
name <Quentin>
rumor <Quentin is very helpful.>
home <Ki Rin MegaMart>
chardesc Male Easygoing Sociable Cheerful
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4
Skill 21 1
Skill 15 5
Stat 6 8
Stat 7 14
home <Ki Rin MegaMart>
home <Ki Rin MegaMart>
NPC Doctor
name <Doctor Kim>
home <Hogye Clinic>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3
NPC Nurse
name <Nurse Park>
home <Hogye Clinic>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2
NPC Citizen
home <Mecha Sporch>
job <Arena Manager>
chardesc Cheerful Passionate Renowned

SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5
NPC Mecha Pilot
name <Vikki>
mecha <Thorshammer.txt>
SDL_PORTRAIT <por_f_ladi_vikki(JAY).png>
SDL_COLORS <201 205 229 255 212 195 245 213 160>
rumor <Vikki is one of the unluckiest mecha pilots ever.>
home <Mecha Sporch>
chardesc Female Young Cheerful Shy Wangtta
CHAT_EJECT <I hate when this happens to me...>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6
NPC Leader
name <Megi>
home <Mayor's House>
rumor <Megi is well known for her wisdom and compassion.>
chardesc Female Old Lawful Heroic Renowned
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 17
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 7
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 8
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 9
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 12
NPC Shopkeeper
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 201
job <bus dispatcher>
home <Bus Terminal>
NPC Cook
SetTeam 2
home <Diner>
SetPersona 202
Name <Old Mobile Phone>
mass -1
SetKeyItem 7
Scene 1 5
% V1 = d80 + Survival Roll
% V2 = Encounter Value Percent

% V3 = Encounter Modified Rep

name <World Map>
type <World>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= G1 0 G= 1 1>
Map <TS_MAP_World.txt>
% Check for random encounters on the world map.
TM1 <IfG d100 97 V= 1 d50 V+ 1 SkRoll 11 TRIGGER LOCAL MAPTILE PCX PCY>
% For now, because I'm lazy, there will be no difference between
% the different terrain-encounters.
% Open Ground
LOCAL1 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Light Forest
Local2 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Heavy Forest
Local3 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Highway
Local6 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Swamp
Local7 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Dead-Zone
Local17 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
% Desert
Local39 <Goto GoStandardEncounter>
GoStandardEncounter <ifG V1 70 else GoConvoy ifNoObjections ENC 3 ifYes
No 51 52 53 ifG d4 1 else GoRaiders Print 55 CashPrize 25000>
Msg51 <Sensors indicate a large deposit of metal somewhere nearby.>
Msg52 <Investigate the matter.>
Msg53 <Leave it alone.>
Msg55 <You discover a sizable chunk of valuable ore!>
GoConvoy <ifG V1 55 else GoCheckRaiders ifNoObjections ENC 2 ifYesNo 2
1 22 23 SavePos Staged .convoy Threat PCRep 6 85 SetMapType MapTile PCX PCY>
.convoy <TS_Scene_Convoy*.txt>
Msg21 <In the distance you can see a convoy of trucks protected by sever
al mecha.>
Msg22 <Approach the convoy.>
Msg23 <Leave them alone.>
GoCheckRaiders <ifNoObjections ENC 1 ifG V1 40 else GoRaiders ifYesNo 3
1 32 33 Goto GoRealRaiders>
GoRaiders <ifG PCScale 0 else GoSmallAttack print 1 Goto GoRealRaiders>
GoRealRaiders <SavePos V= 2 10 V+ 2 d65 V= 3 PCRep 6 V+ 3 -d15 Dynamic 2
Threat V3 V2 FrzNU1 FrzNU2 Encounter 3 1 .encdata SetMapType MapTile PCX PCY>
Msg1 <You are attacked by raiders!>

Msg31 <You spot a group of well-armed mecha in the distance. They appear
to be raiders.>
Msg32 <Approach them.>
Msg33 <Leave them alone.>
FrzNU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
FrzNU2 <if= T2 0 Salvage>
.encdata <ArchEnemy +PCRA +ECRA>
GoSmallAttack <Print 41 SavePos MDynamic 0 PCRep 6 .monstertype FrzMU1
FrzMU2 SetMapType MapTile PCX PCY>
Msg41 <You are attacked by monsters!>
.monstertype <Animal Plains Forest>
FrzMU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
FrzMU2 <if= T2 0>
name <Hogye Village>
Destination 2
XPos 25
YPos 25
Scale 5
name <Snake Lake City>
Destination 10
XPos 26
YPos 29
Scale 5
name <Gyori Village>
destination 11
XPos 29
YPos 18
Scale 5
name <Mauna Village>
Destination 44
XPos 18
YPos 17
Scale 5
name <Wujung City>
Destination 17
XPos 16
YPos 26
Scale 5
name <Ipshil Village>
Destination 13
XPos 22
YPOs 32
Scale 5

name <Namok City>

Destination 16
XPos 43
YPos 16
Scale 5
name <A dark cave>
Destination 9
XPos 23
YPos 23
Scale 5
name <Kist Village>
Destination 14
XPos 24
YPos 11
Scale 5
name <Pirate's Point>
Destination 38
XPos 16
YPos 40
Scale 5
name <Last Hope>
Destination 39
XPos 5
YPos 27
Scale 5
name <Ironwind Fortress>
Destination 43
XPos 28
YPos 48
Scale 5
name <Hwang-Sa Temple>
Destination 15
XPos 5
YPos 38
Scale 5
name <Enemy Fortress>
Destination 47
XPos 27
YPos 33
scale 5
stat 5 -1
update <ifG G1004 0 SetStat 5 0>
name <Nara Ruins>
Destination 48

XPos 39
YPos 4
Scale 5
name <The Ziggurat>
Destination 51
Scale 5
XPos 6
YPos 3
name <Markheim Fortress>
Destination 57
Scale 5
XPos 12
YPos 9
name <Tokto>
Destination 60
Scale 5
XPos 45
YPos 34
name <Slimy Cave>
Destination -1
scale 5
xpos 47
ypos 10
use <Print 1 LoadD .sitename PassVar 3 5 PassVar 4 10 SeekGate 1>
.sitename <TS_SCENE_SlimyCave.txt>
msg1 <This cave appears to be highly unstable...>
Scene 3 0
name <Hogye Mines L1>
special <NoExit>
Type <Dungeon Mine Open>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Hogye Mines, level one.>
BorderType 31
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 2
Width 3
Height 3

Destination 4
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Earth Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 3
Scene 4 0
name <Hogye Mines L2>
Type <Dungeon Mine Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Hogye Mines, level two.>
BorderType 31
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 3
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 5
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Earth Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 4
Scene 5 0
name <Hogye Mines L3>
Type <Dungeon Mine Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Hogye Mines, level three.>

BorderType 31
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 4
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 6
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Earth Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 5
gear 4 0 5
name <Pick>
scale 0
mass 2
stat 3 1
Scene 6 0
name <Hogye Mines L4>
Type <Dungeon Mine Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Hogye Mines, level four.>
BorderType 31
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 5
Width 3
Height 3

Destination 7
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Earth Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 7
gear 4 0 5
name <Pick>
scale 0
mass 2
stat 3 1
gear 4 0 5
name <Pick>
scale 0
mass 2
stat 3 1
gear 4 1 19
name <Laser Drill>
scale 0
stat 2 -2
stat 3 1
rubble 10
Clue29 <if= G2 0 else GoAlreadyKnow ifG ComTime V1 else GoNoFind
Reputation 7 1 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 172800 V+ 1 d172800 ifG SkRoll 29 15 else GoNo
Find StartStory .orestory else GoNoFind G= 2 1 Print 3 XPV 150>
.orestory <TS_Story_HogyeMine.txt>
GoNoFind <Print 2>
GoAlreadyKnow <Print 4>
Msg3 <These rocks appear to contain Impervium ore. This metal wa
sn't usable when the mine was closed many years ago, but advances in technology
have made it quite valuable. Maybe you should tell someone about this discovery.
Msg4 <These rocks contain valuable ore! Still, they are in the w
rubble 10
Clue29 <if= G2 0 else GoAlreadyKnow ifG ComTime V1 else GoNoFind
Reputation 7 1 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 172800 V+ 1 d172800 ifG SkRoll 29 15 else GoNo
Find StartStory .orestory else GoNoFind G= 2 1 Print 3 XPV 150>
.orestory <TS_Story_HogyeMine.txt>
GoNoFind <Print 2>
GoAlreadyKnow <Print 4>
Msg3 <These rocks appear to contain Impervium ore. This metal wa
sn't usable when the mine was closed many years ago, but advances in technology
have made it quite valuable. Maybe you should tell someone about this discovery.
Msg4 <These rocks contain valuable ore! Still, they are in the w

Scene 7 0
name <Hogye Mines L5>
Type <Dungeon Mine Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
start <Print 3>
Msg3 <You enter Hogye Mines, level five.>
BorderType 31
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 6
Width 3
Height 3
use <if= V1 0 else GoUseElevator V= 1 1 MechaPrize LoadT
hisMecha Print 1 XPV 100 Exit 1 SeekGate 2>
LoadThisMecha <Wolfram.txt>
GoUseElevator <Print 2 Exit 1 SeekGate 2>
Msg1 <You find an old cargo elevator, and an abandoned m
ining robot inside... Hey! Someone left the keys in the ignition!>
Msg2 <You ride the cargo elevator back to the surface.>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Earth Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 9
gear 4 0 5
name <Pick>
scale 0
mass 2
stat 3 1
rubble 10
Clue29 <if= G2 0 else GoAlreadyKnow ifG ComTime V1 else GoNoFind
Reputation 7 1 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 172800 V+ 1 d172800 ifG SkRoll 29 15 else GoNo
Find StartStory .orestory else GoNoFind G= 2 1 Print 3 XPV 150>
.orestory <TS_Story_HogyeMine.txt>
GoNoFind <Print 2>
GoAlreadyKnow <Print 4>

Msg3 <These rocks appear to contain Impervium ore. This metal wa

sn't usable when the mine was closed many years ago, but advances in technology
have made it quite valuable. Maybe you should tell someone about this discovery.
Msg4 <These rocks contain valuable ore! Still, they are in the w
rubble 10
Clue29 <if= G2 0 else GoAlreadyKnow ifG ComTime V1 else GoNoFind
Reputation 7 1 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 172800 V+ 1 d172800 ifG SkRoll 29 15 else GoNo
Find StartStory .orestory else GoNoFind G= 2 1 Print 3 XPV 150>
.orestory <TS_Story_HogyeMine.txt>
GoNoFind <Print 2>
GoAlreadyKnow <Print 4>
Msg3 <These rocks appear to contain Impervium ore. This metal wa
sn't usable when the mine was closed many years ago, but advances in technology
have made it quite valuable. Maybe you should tell someone about this discovery.
Msg4 <These rocks contain valuable ore! Still, they are in the w
rubble 10
Clue29 <if= G2 0 else GoAlreadyKnow ifG ComTime V1 else GoNoFind
Reputation 7 1 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 172800 V+ 1 d172800 ifG SkRoll 29 15 else GoNo
Find StartStory .orestory else GoNoFind G= 2 1 Print 3 XPV 150>
.orestory <TS_Story_HogyeMine.txt>
GoNoFind <Print 2>
GoAlreadyKnow <Print 4>
Msg3 <These rocks appear to contain Impervium ore. This metal wa
sn't usable when the mine was closed many years ago, but advances in technology
have made it quite valuable. Maybe you should tell someone about this discovery.
Msg4 <These rocks contain valuable ore! Still, they are in the w
scene 8 0
name <Calmegie Research Station>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
Type <Dungeon Closed>
start <print 1>
msg1 <You have entered the Calmegie Genetic Research Station.>
special <NoExit>
CLUE14 <Print 101>
Msg101 <This level is a man-made garden, fed by hydroponic nutrients and
fluorescent lights. Many of the plants here are completely unfamiliar to you.>
room 7 7
name <Lab>
special <ShowAll>
Destination 9

Width 7
Height 5
name <Meadow>
FloorType 1
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Dinosaurs>
setenemy 1
type <Forest Exotic Reptile>
stat 2 5
STC Computer-1
home <Lab>
clue29 <ifYesNo 4 5 6 ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore Print 7 V
= 1 NextDay Reputation 7 d4 MENTAL ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoDice ifG PCRep 7 -d
100 else GoNoDice Print 1 SkillXP 22 65>
GoNoDice <Print 2>
GoBeenBefore <Print 3>
Msg1 <You learn quite a bit about bio-technology.>
Msg2 <You can't understand a thing.>
Msg3 <You've already looked at this computer today.>
Msg4 <This computer contains Hyolee's research notes.>
Msg5 <Read the notes.>
Msg6 <Turn off the computer.>
Msg7 <You read the research notes...>
Scene 9 0
name <Dark Cave>
Type <Dungeon Open>
% V102 -> Use SCIENCE
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 2>
Start <if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter a small, dimly lit cave.>
CLUE14 <Print 101>
CLUE29 <Print 101 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
Msg101 <This cave seems to be the inner core of an extinct volcano.>
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 8
Width 3
Height 3

Destination 1
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
setenemy 1
type <Cave Exotic Mutant>
stat 2 8
Scene 10 0
name <Downtown Snake Lake>
desc <Snake Lake is the capital of the Federated Territories of Earth. It is
a sprawling metropolis whose neighborhoods range from the gleaming towers of th
e corporate zone to the crime-infested warrens of the spaceport.>
type <City Town Target URB_STORY Destination>
sdl_portrait <scene_snakelake.png>
SetFaction 11
special <ShowAll>

V1 = First time entry counter
V102 = Use SCIENCE

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
rumor <there aren't really any snakes in the water. They were all eaten
by the giant spike-toads.>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the city of Snake Lake.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>

<Print 101>
<Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
<Print 103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
<The conditions in this area would be perfect for raising Spike-T

Msg102 <The ground beneath this city is solid. It was likely formed by a
sludge-slide in the dark years following the Night of Fire. There are no ruins
near here, as they all would have been swept away at that time.>
Msg103 <You meditate for a few moments on the bustling energy of the cit
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens

SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
name <Entry Grid>
width 7
height 12
% This is another hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
name <Bus Stop: City Park>
Destination 23
name <Bus Stop: Corp Sector>
Destination 24
name <Bus Stop: Waterfront>
Destination 25
room 12 8
name <Snake Lake Mall>
FloorType 28
BorderType 32
room 5 7
name <Monkey Wrench>
FloorType 14
BorderType 38
room 5 5
name <Snake Lake Clinic>
FloorType 28
BorderType 18
room 8 7
name <Robot Warriors>
rumor <Robot Warriors is the most prestigious mecha competition
in all the federated territories.>
FloorType 28
BorderType 24
room 9 5
name <Guardians HQ>
FloorType 28
Height 8
Width 6

name <Federation Hall>

Height 5
Width 7
BorderType 13
FloorType 20
name <Mansion>
Lock 12
room 6 5
name <Hunter's Guild>
FloorType 25
room 5 6
name <Soju Haus>
FloorType 26
BorderType 36
room 5 7
name <Bus Terminal>
width 2
height 2
name <Hot Dog Stand>
height 3
width 3
MarbleType 17
name <Manhole>
Destination 32
Msg1 <You go down the manhole.>
Persona 18
% Mechanic
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 3 Shop Wares EndChat Say 2>
Msg1 <This is Monkey Wrench. You got a problem? I can help you w
ith that. Let's take a look at it.>
Msg2 <Remember, keep out of trouble. I don't want to see you mes
sing up my fine work.>
Msg3 <Let me see the damage.>
Wares <17 DELIVERY>
prompt1 <My mecha is damaged.>
Persona 19
% Elric, of Elric's House of Hurt
greeting <NewChat if= G17 1 else GoNoNara Say 8 AddChat 3 AddCha
t 4>
GoNoNara <AddChat 1 if= V1 0 else goWelcomeBack V= 1 1 Say 1>
goWelcomeBack <if= V1 1 else GoWelcome2 ifG React 45 else GoWelc

ome2 ifG PCRep 6 d90 else GoWelcome2 V= 1 2 Say 5 AddChat 2>

GoWelcome2 <Say 2 if= V1 2 AddCHat 2>
result1 <Say 3 Shop Wares EndChat Say 4>
Wares <4 5 20>
result2 <Say 6 School .sklist EndChat Say 7>
.sklist <5 6 7 8 10>
result3 <NewChat G= 17 -1 Say 10 AddChat 5>
result4 <NewChat G= 17 -1 Say 9 Reputation 3 -d10>
result5 <NewChat Say 11 AddChat 6>
result6 <NewChat Say 12 AddChat 7>
result7 <NewChat Say 13 AddChat 8>
result8 <NewChat Say 14 if# G3 0 AddReact d20>
Msg1 <Greetings and salutations! I'm Elric, and this is Evil Elr
ic's House of Hurt! What implements of destruction can I interest you lot in, eh
Msg2 <Welcome back! It's good to see you again. Looking for some
thing big and spiky? Of course you are, can't get enough stuff like that. Take a
look around, let me know what you like.>
Msg3 <There's something in my shop for everyone. I pride myself
on quality and variety. And firepower, of course.>
Msg4 <Enjoy your new toys... and remember to never point that th
ing at your face or your crotch.>
Msg5 <Good to see you! You've seen all the toys in my shop befor
e, but today old Elric's got an offer for you. You've got lots of potential, tha
t's obvious. What you need right now is an experienced teacher. How about it?>
Msg6 <Let's get down to tacks. This is just some of what I've le
arned over a long lifetime of not dying...>
Msg7 <Keep up the training and you'll get it eventually!>
Msg8 <I hear that you've been to my old home town, Nara... Well,
if you're ever planning to go back, you should know about its history a bit...>
Msg9 <Suit yourself.>
Msg10 <Nara was a real quiet town, not the sort of place you'd e
xpect this to happen. All of a sudden one day an army of monsters showed up on o
ur doorstep, no indication where they came from, all sizes and shapes and mean a
s hell.>
Msg11 <At first the orders were to fight them off. One hour late
r that plan was abandoned, and we were ordered to evacuate the civilians. I was
a young punk with a big gun, more courage than brains, and I dug in to protect t
he buses.>
Msg12 <Mostly, yeah, but I didn't. One of the creatures shot me
with a plasma weapon, nearly vaporized the left side of my face. I thought I was
gone for sure. I looked up, and towering over me was a great big one-eyed monst
Msg13 <That's the amazing thing. That monster asked me, in perfe
ct English, whether or not I was okay. It stood guard over me, and its companion
s helped drive off the creatures that were threatening the buses.>
Msg14 <I've heard that they blamed the destruction of Nara on th
e one-eyes, but that's not the way it happened. They arrived and helped protect
us against those other monsters. I don't know much else about it, but I know thi
s to be true.>
Prompt1 <Let me see your goods.>
Prompt2 <Teach me about fighting.>
Prompt3 <Tell me about it.>
Prompt4 <That's none of your business.>
Prompt5 <What did you do?>
Prompt6 <Did they make it out okay?>
Prompt7 <How did you survive that?>
Prompt8 <That's quite a story.>
Persona 20

% Shopkeeper
greeting <Say 1 NewChat AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <4 5 10 12 14 16 17 18 20>
Msg1 <Welcome to my shop. I specialize in adventuring goods. Wou
ld you like to take a look around?>
Msg2 <Take your time browsing, I'll be over here if you need any
Msg3 <Have a nice day!>
prompt1 <Okay, I'll have a look.>
Persona 21
% Shopkeeper
greeting <Say 1 NewChat AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <11>
Msg1 <Good day to you. Feel free to look around at our clothing.
.. I believe we may even have a few items in your size.>
Msg2 <If you need to try on anything, the changing room is in th
e back. Don't mind the security cameras.>
Msg3 <Goodbye.>
prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 25
greeting <Say 1 NewChat AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
result2 <Say 4 NewChat AddChat 1>
Msg1 <Hello, this is the Snake Lake Hospital. Are you in need of
Msg2 <Let me take a look at you, see if anything's wrong.>
Msg3 <Take care, and safe journeys.>
Msg4 <Doctor Wiseman passed away a short while ago. I've had to
try and keep this hospital running by myself since then.>
prompt1 <I need medical aid...>
prompt2 <Not much of a hospital, is it?>
Persona 26
% Craig, of Robot Warriors.
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <NewChat ifG G21 9 else GoNoTitles ifG G22 9 else GoNoTi
tles ifG G23 9 else GoNoTitles StartStory .RWArc else GoNoLoad Say 5>
.RWArc <TS_Story_RobotWarriors.txt>
GoNoLoad <Say 6>
GoNoTitles <ifG PCRep 6 35 else GoNotFamous Say 2>
GoNotFamous <Say 4>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <It's a good day to bend some metal! This is Robot Warriors
, where the brightest and the strongest come to settle once and for all which on
e of 'em has the biggest actuators!>
Msg2 <There are certain strict rules about who can compete in Ro
bot Warriors... while I know your reputation speaks for itself, you don't have e
nough experience in the dueling circuit to take part here.>
Msg3 <Robot Warriors can be seen on ETV and on trideo pay-per-vi
ew every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30PM.>
Msg4 <Only the best of the best get to compete at Robot Warriors
. If you dream of winning glory in our arena, first you should get some practice
in amateur dueling.>
Msg5 <Excellent! You're exactly the kind of pilot we're looking
for. I'll sign you up for the competition... Go get your mecha ready, it's time


Msg6 <I'd like to let you compete, but there seems to be a probl
em with the script. Go fire off an angry letter to Pyrrho12@yahoo.ca and come ba
ck here later.>
prompt1 <I'm here to compete.>
prompt2 <Neat! What time is it on?>
Persona 27
% Philippa, of Robot Warriors.
Greeting <NewChat Say 1>
Msg1 <Are you planning to enter the competition? Tell me about y
our mecha.>
Persona 1012
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <This is Snake Lake Bus Terminal. Would you like a ticket?
Or maybe you need something delivered?>
Msg2 <Getting around wasn't so easy in the old days, let me tell
Msg3 <Safe journeys.>
Msg4 <Please come again.>
Prompt1 <I could use that.>
Prompt2 <No thanks.>
Persona 1013
% Hot dog salesperson...
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <NewChat ifG PC$ 29 else GoNoMoney Cash+ -30 GiveSTC .de
sc Say 2>
GoNoMoney <ifG React d100 else GoNoLike AddReact -d10 GiveSTC .d
esc Say 3>
GoNoLike <AddReact -d20 Say 4>
.desc <FOOD-2>
Msg1 <Hot dogs for sale! Your choice of 17 toppings! Only $30 ea
ch, get em while they're warm!>
Msg2 <Here's your food. Enjoy.>
Msg3 <Look, you don't have the money, but since you are who you
are I'll help you out. Don't let it become a habit, though...>
Msg4 <How do you expect to get a hot dog, you got no money! Come
back here if you ever earn a buck, you lousy bum...>
Prompt1 <I'll take a hot dog, please.>
NPC Mechanic
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 18
home <Monkey Wrench>
NPC Soldier
name <Elric>
mecha <>
home <Snake Lake Mall>
% SDL_Portrait <por_m_elric.png>
SDL_Colors <6 50 140 240 212 180 234 180 88>
rumor <Elric used to live in Nara, but had to move shop when tha
t town was destroyed by troglodytes.>

chardesc Male Old Passionate Cheerful Sociable Chaotic Renowned

SetTeam 2
SetPersona 19
stat 6 13
Skill 21 11
Skill 23 1
Skill 28 11
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Snake Lake Mall>
chardesc Cheerful
SetPersona 20
SetTeam 2
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Snake Lake Mall>
chardesc Melancholy
SetPersona 21
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 22
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 23
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 24
SetTeam 2
NPC Doctor
home <Snake Lake Clinic>
SetPersona 25
SetTeam 2
NPC Celebrity
home <Robot Warriors>
name <Craig>
chardesc Male Chaotic Sociable
SetPersona 26
SetTeam 2
NPC Celebrity
home <Robot Warriors>
name <Philippa>
chardesc Female Easygoing Cheerful
SetPersona 27
SetTeam 2
Skill 15 10
skill 21 11
NPC Celebrity
home <Robot Warriors>
name <Johnathan>
chardesc Male Passionate Pragmatic
SetPersona 28
SetTeam 2

NPC Guardian
chardesc Old Female Heroic
job <Guardian Chief>
home <Guardians HQ>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 14
SetFaction 3
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 15
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 16
NPC Leader
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1001
home <Federation Hall>
home <Federation Hall>
use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 Print 4 MoreText .text>
.text <TS_TEXT_SnakeLakeFedCon.txt>
Msg1 <These books detail the history of the Federated Territorie
s. Would you like to read them?>
Msg2 <Yes please.>
Msg3 <No thank you.>
Msg4 <You do some reading.>
NPC Bounty Hunter
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1004
home <Hunter's Guild>
NPC Bounty Hunter
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1005
home <Hunter's Guild>
NPC Scientist
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1006
home <Federation Hall>
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1009
Mecha <Radcliff.txt>
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1010
NPC Bartender
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1011
home <Soju Haus>

NPC Shopkeeper
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1012
home <Bus Terminal>
job <bus dispatcher>
NPC Cook
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1013
home <Hot Dog Stand>
CHAT_SAFE <Hot dogs! Just $30 each!>
NPC Nurse
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1014
home <Snake Lake Clinic>
STC Kiosk
name <Hot Dog Cart>
home <Hot Dog Stand>
use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 ifG PC$ 29 Cash+ -30 GiveSTC .desc Print 4>
.desc <FOOD-2>
Msg1 <Hot Dogs! $30 each.>
Msg2 <Buy a hot dog.>
Msg3 <Don't bother.>
Msg4 <You buy a hot dog.>
home <Soju Haus>
Treasure 500
name <Amethyst Geode>
mass 20
type <STOLEN>
home <Mansion>
Treasure 1000
name <Golden Statue>
mass 8
type <STOLEN>
home <Mansion>
Scene 11 0
name <Gyori>
desc <Gyori is an industrial town controlled by Kettel Industries. Most of t
he factories are placed underground in the ruins of the city that once sat here.
It is home to the Warhammer Arena.>
sdl_portrait <scene_gyori.png>
SetFaction 11
special <ShowAll>
FloorType 17
GapFill <-7 -7 -14 -14 -13 -1 -13>
% ******************************************

% ******************************************
% 1 -> Message first time entering town.
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
rumor <the Kettel family runs this town.>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1 V= 1 1 StoryLine .plot>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
.plot <TS_PLOT_IriaRuby.txt>
Msg1 <You enter a small but noisy town. The air is thick with the black
smoke of industry.>
Msg2 <You enter Gyori.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
CLUE14 <Print 101>
Msg101 <There's not a lot of nature left in this town for you to use thi
s skill on.>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
team_colors <80 40 120>
FloorType 17
MarbleType 1
width 6
height 5
% This is another hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
% The stairs down to the factory.
room 3 3
name <Factory>
FloorType 14
BorderType 35
Destination 12
use <IfFactionEnemy 4 else GoRealUse Print 2>
GoRealUse <Print 1 Exit 12>
Msg2 <The way down is blocked by a thick steel gate. It
doesn't seem that there's any way in.>

room 12 7
name <Warhammer Arena>
FloorType 28
room 20 5
name <Warehouse>
FloorType 14
BorderType 29
room 6 9
name <Trading Post>
BorderType 29
room 15 5
name <Stuckey's Truck Stop>
FloorType 14
BorderType 38
room 9 5
name <Hospital>
FloorType 30
BorderType 18
Persona 42
% Warhammer Arena manager
% V1 = First time seeing player, will ask if they work at Factor
Also used as Enemy PV
% V2 = Arena Recharge
% V3 = Arena Rank
greeting <NewChat ifG G22 V3 else GoOldGreet V= 3 G22 V+ 1 d4 Ca
shPrize Reward Threat V1 100 100 if= V3 10 else GoSayReward Say 10 G+ 22 1 V+ 3
1 CashPrize 250000 Reputation 6 3 History 12>
GoSayReward <Say 11>
goOldGreet <if= V1 0 else GoSeenBefore V= 1 15 Say 1 AddChat 1 A
ddChat 2>
goSeenBefore <ifG ComTime V2 else GoNotReady Say 7 AddChat 3 Add
Chat 5>
goNotReady <NewChat Say 9>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 if# PCFac 4 Reputati
on 2 1>
result2 <NewChat Say 3 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 if# PCFac 4 Reputati
on 2 -1>
result3 <ifG PCMEKS 0 else goNoMeks EndChat Say 4 SavePos Dynami
c 2 Threat V1 75 FrzNU1 FrzNU2 V= 2 ComTime V+ 2 50000 SetMapType ArenaMap SetMa
pString .map>
FrzNU1 <if= T1 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 LoseRenown>
FrzNU2 <if= T2 0 Salvage Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 G+ 22 1 Reputati
on 6 1>
.map <SOLO>
goNoMeks <NewChat Say 6>
result4 <Say 5 NewChat>
result5 <Say 8 NewChat>
Msg1 <Welcome to Warhammer Arena. After a long day at the factor
y, there's nothing like some mecha combat to release all that pent-up stress. Ar
e you an employee of Kettel Industries?>
Msg2 <Well, it doesn't really matter. The arena was built as a c
ompany facility but it's not like anyone ever followed that rule. You interested

in taking part in a match?>

Msg3 <Strange, I don't recall seeing you around here before... S
o what do you say to taking part in a mecha battle?>
Msg4 <Great! Today's big contest is about to begin. Suit up and
head over to the starting position.>
Msg5 <It takes all kinds, I guess. If you change your mind come
on back.>
Msg6 <Great! Now, if only you had a mek, I could give you a waiv
er to sign...>
Msg7 <Welcome back to Warhammer Arena. We've got another battle
lined up this afternoon... are you interested in joining the match?>
Msg8 <Too bad. Well, I'm sure there'll still be plenty of compet
itors to trash when you're ready to play again.>
Msg9 <There'll be another fight tomorrow. It's going to take us
that long to clear the wreckage out of the arena.>
Msg10 <Congratulations on winning your tenth battle at the Warha
mmer Arena! This allows you entry into our Winner's Club! Here is your prize, a
cheque for $250,000!>
Msg11 <You did really well out there! Here's your prize money.>
Msg12 <You were crowned Warhammer Arena champion.>
prompt1 <No, I'm not.>
prompt2 <Yes I am.>
prompt3 <Just show me to the arena!>
prompt4 <No thanks, I don't want to die.>
prompt5 <Maybe some other time.>
Persona 47
% The shopkeeper at the trading post.
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <11 12 14 16 17 18>
Msg1 <Welcome to the Gyori Trading Post.>
Msg2 <Take a look around. If you see something you like I'll tel
l you how much it is.>
Msg3 <Good bye.>
prompt1 <I'd like to buy something.>
Persona 49
% The doctor
Greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
Result1 <Say 2 Shop NoWares Say 3 EndChat>
Result2 <Say 4 NewChat>
Msg1 <This is Gyori Hospital. Are you in need of assistance?>
Msg2 <Hop up on the bench and let me examine you.>
Msg3 <Don't you feel better now? Here, have a lollipop.>
Msg4 <Well, that's fortunate. Try to keep in good shape.>
Prompt1 <Yes I am.>
Prompt2 <Not right now.>
Persona 1105
% Truck stop mechanic
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddCHat 2 AddChat 3>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3>
wares <DELIVERY>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 1>
Msg1 <Welcome to the Gyori truck stop. What can I do for you tod
Msg2 <Let me take a look at your mecha, see if I can fix what's
wrong with her.>

Msg3 <Keep her rolling!>

Msg4 <Well, you know where to come if you ever have any mechanic
al troubles!>
Msg5 <To the east you can get to Namok across the Sunrise Bridge
; west is Mauna resort and Wujung city; south is Snake Lake. North there's nothi
ng much but deadzone; there's a small village named Kist, but I wouldn't bother
going there.>
Prompt1 <I need to get my stuff repaired.>
Prompt2 <Nothing, thanks.>
Prompt3 <Where can I go from here?>
Persona 1106
greeting <NewChat if= G22 0 else GoWonSomething SayAnything>
GoWonSomething <if= G22 1 else GoMultipleWins Say 1>
GoMultipleWins <ifG G22 10 else GoStillWorking Say 3>
GoStillWorking <Say 2>
Msg1 <Congratulations on your arena victory! Win 9 more times an
d you'll become our region champion.>
Msg2 <Wow, you've already won \VAL G22 times in the arena! If yo
u win ten times, you'll win a fabulous Kettel Industries shopping spree.>
Msg3 <You're a great pilot!>


Persona 1107
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 49 els
GoNoMoney Say 6 CASH+ -50 PCEat PCMoraleDmg -1>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <Welcome to the truck stop diner. Can I get anything for yo
Msg2 <You can get a soup and a sandwich for $50. There's a choic
of cream soup, beef noodle, or vegetarian chili.>
Msg3 <Please come again.>
Msg4 <You don't have enough money! Sorry, I can't feed you if yo
can't afford it.>
Msg5 <You don't seem hungry enough to have a meal right now.>
Msg6 <Here's the food. Dig in.>
Prompt1 <I'd like something to eat.>
Prompt2 <No thank you.>
Prompt3 <Sounds good. I'll take it.>
Prompt4 <That doesn't sound appetizing...>

Persona 1109
% Gyori Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <Looking for a bus to go someplace exciting? How about gett
ing packages delivered to bring the excitement to here? Whatever you need, the t
ruck stop has you covered.>
Msg2 <We've got trucks and buses going all day and all night.>
Msg3 <Pleasant journeys.>
Msg4 <Enjoy your stay in Gyori.>
Prompt1 <I need transportation.>
Prompt2 <Sorry, but I don't need anything.>

NPC Mecha Pilot
SetPersona 42
home <Warhammer Arena>
mecha <>
SetTeam 2
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Trading Post>
SetPersona 47
SetTeam 2
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 46
SetTeam 3
NPC Guardian
home <Warehouse>
SetPersona 48
SetTeam 3
NPC Doctor
home <Hospital>
chardesc Cheerful Easygoing
SetPersona 49
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 44
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1101
SetTeam 2
NPC Trucker
name <Carter>
CharDesc Male Old Shy Easygoing Lawful
mecha <Corsair.txt>
StatLine 14 16 12 15 14 11 13 9
SDL_Portrait <por_m_comiccarter(OUY).png>
SDL_Colors <25 80 100 255 212 195 122 82 65>
SetPersona 1103
SetTeam 3
skill 1 6
skill 2 6
skill 3 6
skill 4 6
skill 5 7
home <Stuckey's Truck Stop>
NPC Trucker
SetPersona 1104
SetTeam 2
NPC Mechanic
SetPersona 1105

SetTeam 2
home <Stuckey's Truck Stop>
chardesc Passionate
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1106
SetTeam 2
home <Warhammer Arena>
NPC Cook
SetPersona 1107
SetTeam 2
home <Stuckey's Truck Stop>
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1108
SetTeam 3
NPC Shopkeeper
job <bus dispatcher>
SetPersona 1109
SetTeam 2
home <Stuckey's Truck Stop>
Scene 12 0
name <The Factory>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit -1>
Start <Print 1>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
THIEF! <V+ 1 1 ifG V1 2 Alert 2 TeamAttack 3 MonsterUp 3 60 PCFEnemy 4>
Msg1 <You enter the factory.>
Msg2 <You've been spotted! An alarm rings!>
FloorType 17
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team_colors <80 40 120>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
team_colors <80 40 120>
width 40

height 40
FloorType 17
Room 7 7
name <Workroom 1>
FloorType 28
BorderType 29
Room 7 7
name <Workroom 2>
FloorType 28
BorderType 29
Room 6 12
name <The Showroom>
FloorType 28
Room 9 6
FloorType 20
name <The Office>
room 5 5
name <Human Resources>
FloorType 28
name <Way Up>
FloorType 17
width 6
height 6
Destination 11
Persona 41
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
wares <4 5 10 MECHA>
Msg1 <The machines produced by our factory are of a high quality
not seen since before the great war. Take a look around, admire our work!>
Msg2 <I'm glad you asked! Here is our current catalogue. Be sure
to check back often, since we are always introducing exciting new products!>
Msg3 <Enjoy your stay in Gyori!>
prompt1 <What do you have for sale?>
Persona 43
% Shop mechanic.
Greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
result2 <Say 4 NewChat AddChat 3>
result3 <Goto Result1>
wares <MECHA MEXTRA 8 6>
Msg1 <Gyori Factory is the most advanced industrial complex in t
he world. It's an honor to work in a place like this. Do you require a demonstra
tion of our technical wizardry?>
Msg2 <We are proud to offer repair services for all machines up
to "Giga" class, and a wide selection of manufactured items.>

Msg3 <Pleasant journeys!>

Msg4 <Not at all; in fact I admire the brilliance of it! Geother
mal heat supplies 90% of our electricity, and we've trained the local fruit bats
to deliver interoffice memos...>
prompt1 <Sure, I could use one of those.>
prompt2 <You don't mind that it's in a cave?>
prompt3 <I'll take a look at your shop now.>
Persona 1201
% Human Resources manager
% V1 = Renown + Reaction, determines if PC can get job...
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 4 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 4 else GoCheckFaction Say 1 AddChat 1>
GoCheckFaction <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction Say 2 AddChat 2>
GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .skills Say 4>
.skills <1 2 3 4 5 15 19 20 21 31 17>
result2 <NewChat ifG 1 PCRep 2 else GoR2Apt Say 5>
GoR2Apt <V= 1 PCRep 6 V+ 1 React ifG V1 15 else goR2Fail Say 7 A
ddChat 3 AddChat 4>
goR2Fail <Say 6>
result3 <NewChat Say 8 MechaPrize .mek XPV 200 CashPrize 25000 S
etPlayerFaction 4>
.mek <BuruBuru.txt>
result4 <NewChat Say 9 AddReact -d4>
Msg1 <As a member of the company, you are eligible for workshops
and membership training. Improving your skills will improve your chances of pro
Msg2 <Kettel Industries keeps a competitive edge by only hiring
the brightest, best workers.>
Msg3 <That's the spirit. Gotta keep up that competitive edge!>
Msg4 <Remember, the company rewards hard work and loyalty.>
Msg5 <Potential employees for our company must show an aptitude
for loyalty and honest work. You have not yet demonstrated that. Maybe one of th
e lesser corporations would be willing to hire you.>
Msg6 <Sorry, you've got the proper attitude to join our company,
but I'm not personally convinced that you're ready to work with us. Maybe somed
ay if you work hard you'll change my mind.>
Msg7 <This is all very good... you're exactly the type of person
that we're looking for. So, how about it? Would you like to join Kettel Industr
Msg8 <Welcome to the team! To start with, here is a new entry-le
vel mecha and a cash bonus. You will also be eligible for training.>
Msg9 <Ah. Well, keep us in mind if ever you're looking for a job
Prompt1 <I'd like to train.>
Prompt2 <Here, look at my resume.>
Prompt3 <Yes I would!>
Prompt4 <No, I was just checking.>
% There's a strong bend towards Lawful Cheerfulness in this
% organization.
NPC Leader
name <Elisha Kettel>
job <Corporate President>
sdl_portrait <por_f_joe_elisha(AA-).png>
sdl_colors <80 40 120 255 230 200 166 47 32>
rumor <Elisha's father was a great man.>

home <The Office>

chardesc Lawful Lawful Lawful Sociable Passionate Female Renowne
d Renowned Renowned
SetPersona 32
Age 12
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
NPC Soldier
job <Executive Assistant>
chardesc Lawful Female
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1202
SetFaction 4
mecha <Savin.txt>
equipchar 25000
home <The Office>
NPC Mecha Pilot
chardesc Lawful Renowned
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1203
SetFaction 4
mecha <Maanji.txt>
EquipChar 15000
NPC Mecha Pilot
chardesc Lawful
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1204
SetFaction 4
mecha <Jos.txt>
EquipChar 10000
NPC Corporate Executive
home <The Showroom>
chardesc Lawful Lawful
SetPersona 41
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
NPC Mechanic
home <WorkRoom 1>
chardesc Lawful Lawful Cheerful Passionate
SetPersona 43
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
NPC Corporate Executive
home <WorkRoom 2>
chardesc Lawful Lawful Cheerful Passionate
SetPersona 33
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
NPC Corporate Executive
home <WorkRoom 2>
chardesc Lawful Lawful Cheerful Passionate
SetPersona 34
SetTeam 2

SetFaction 4
NPC Soldier
EquipChar 15000
job <Security Guard>
home <Way Up>
chardesc Cheerful Passionate Lawful Heroic
SetPersona 30
SetTeam 3
NPC Mechanic
job <Manager>
home <Human Resources>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1201
Scene 13 0
name <Ipshil>
desc <Ipshil is a small port town. Traditionally it has been a haven for pir
ates and renegades.>
sdl_portrait <scene_ipshil.png>
special <ShowAll>
SetFaction 11

1 -> Message first time entering town.
2 -> Enter Wine Cellar

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1 V= 1 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a small but brightly lit town. Neon lights illuminate ma
ny of the shops and businesses.>
Msg2 <You enter Ipshil.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
rumor <there's a hive of scum and villainy just south of town.>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2

Team 4
% Gang at pub.
Stat 1 3
Room 6 6
name <Guns and Stuff>
BorderType 36
FloorType 16
room 7 5
name <Denomolos>
BorderType 36
FloorType 25
room 7 7
name <Metal Psychosis>
BorderType 33
FloorType 16
room 5 5
name <Skip Tracer>
FloorType 25
BorderType 24
Room 11 8
name <Wayward Pub>
FloorType 26
BorderType 15
Destination 20
stat 5 20
update <ifG L2 0 SetStat 5 0>
room 7 8
name <Extropia Health>
BorderType 32
FloorType 25
room 5 5
name <Deli Noodles>
BorderType 37
FloorType 25
width 8
height 8
name <City Hall>
room 5 5
name <Ipshil Bus Terminal>
width 2
height 2
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!

Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Persona 55
% Shopkeeper - Guns and Stuff
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
wares <4 5 10 20>
Msg1 <It's a dangerous world out there. You looking for some per
sonal protection? I have just the stuff you need.>
Msg2 <Take a look through the wares. Take your time, I've got al
l day.>
Msg3 <Remember, if you find that you don't have enough firepower
, come back here and get some more.>
prompt1 <I'd like to buy a weapon.>
Persona 56
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
wares <10 11>
Msg1 <This is Denomolos, the new vision clothing store for the m
odern future warrior. Our lines are clean, stark but lush, exotic with a dangero
us hint of savage brutality.>
% Msg2 <Certainly. Demonolos clothing is created with both fashi
on and utility in mind. Our motto is "Better, Stronger, Faster, Style".>
Msg2 <Certainly. Denomolos clothing is created with both fashion
and utility in mind. Our motto is "Better, Stronger, Faster, Style".>
Msg3 <Remember, fashion is but an outward mirror of the inward t
ruth. Shop Denomolos.>
prompt1 <Uh, do you sell armor here?>
Persona 59
% Brock, of the Wayward Inn
% V1 = Visited Dungeon Before
greeting <NewChat Say 11 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 ifG V1 0 AddChat
result1 <NewChat Say 12 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 AddChat 5 AddCh
at 6 AddChat 7 AddChat 8 AddChat 9>
result2 <EndChat Say 13 Shop .wares Say 19>
.wares <18>
result3 <NewChat Say 14 AddChat 11 AddChat 12>
result4 <NewChat Say 15 Print d10>
result5 <Goto result4>
result6 <Goto result4>
result7 <Goto result4>
result8 <Goto result4>
result9 <Goto result4>
result10 <EndChat Say 16 L= 2 1 UpdateProps Exit 20>
result11 <V= 1 1 Goto result10>
result12 <NewChat Say 17 AddChat 14 AddChat 13>
result13 <NewChat Say 18 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 AddChat 5 AddC
hat 6 AddChat 7 AddChat 8 AddChat 9>
result14 <V= 1 1 Goto result10>
Msg1 <It tastes good!>
Msg2 <It tastes great!>
Msg3 <Ugh... That's horrible!>
Msg4 <You hear someone snickering at you.>
Msg5 <The drink fizzes like cherry cola.>

Msg6 <The room starts spinning about your head.>

Msg7 <The smell of the drink nearly knocks you off the barstool.
Msg8 <The drink smells like paint thinner. You down it in one gu
Msg9 <That was really tasty!>
Msg10 <It's an okay drink.>
Msg11 <Hruh... What'll you be having?>
Msg12 <What kind of a drink? We've got all kinds here.>
Msg13 <Take a look at what's available.>
Msg14 <Certainly... Just head on down to the wine cellar and pic
k yerself out a bottle.>
Msg15 <Here ya go, enjoy your drink.>
Msg16 <Just through the trap door and down the staircase... Be c
areful, we've got some awful big rats down there.>
Msg17 <Why? Er, well, um... I have to stay here and wipe these g
lasses, that's why. Now will you be wanting some wine or not!?>
Msg18 <Makes no difference to me. So, what's your pleasure, then
Msg19 <I'll be right here minding the bar if you ever happens to
need anything else.>
Prompt1 <I'll have a drink.>
Prompt2 <I need some provisions.>
Prompt3 <Wine.>
Prompt4 <Foul Spirits.>
Prompt5 <Whiskey.>
Prompt6 <Ale.>
Prompt7 <Zima.>
Prompt8 <Root Beer.>
Prompt9 <Mead.>
Prompt10 <I'd like to see the Wine Cellar, please.>
Prompt11 <I'll be right back.>
Prompt12 <Why don't you go get it yourself?>
Prompt13 <I'll just have something else.>
Prompt14 <Okay, I'll go.>
Persona 60
% The bandit leader... PC can get into a fight!
greeting <ifG React 30 else GoStartFight Say 1 NewChat>
% The player might get into a fight here, might lose face, or so
GoStartFight <if= V1 1 else GoRealStart SayAnything>
GoRealStart <EndChat V= 1 1 Say 2 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 Reputation 6 -2>
result2 <ifG Skroll 28 12 else GoNoDice Say 4 XPV 150 NewChat Ad
dChat 3 AddChat 4>
GoNoDice <EndChat Say 6 ATTACK 4 1>
result3 <Say 5 NewChat>
result4 <Reputation 6 1 goto GoNoDice>
Msg1 <If you're into the game then you're smokin'. Everything is
going down in Ipshil.>
Msg2 <You're breathing my air, wastesucker. Get out of here befo
re I have to smash that ugly face in.>
Msg3 <That's right... go on home to mommy. Count yourself lucky
that you didn't piss me off too badly.>
Msg4 <Don't be harsh... No need to escalate the tension, you're
cool on our turf. Let's be buds, okay?>
Msg5 <This town is owned by the MacGuffins. They're the only gam
e around here. If you want to live long you'll get on their good side.>
Msg6 <You know what? Your sorry carcass is going to smell even w

orse when you're lying face down in a puddle of your own blood... NOW YOU DIE!!!
prompt1 <Sorry, didn't mean to offend.>
prompt2 <Don't insult me unless you want to die.>
prompt3 <Sure, we're buds now.>
prompt4 <No, you're going to apologize...>
Persona 61
greeting <Say 1 ifG React 30 else GoNoChat NewChat>
GoNoChat <EndChat>
Msg1 <Splooge monkey snackpants!>
Persona 63
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <17 19>
Msg1 <Welcome to Extropia Health Clinic. Are you in need of any
aid, or perhaps augmentation?>
Msg2 <Tell me whatever you need.>
Msg3 <May the future bring you interesting times.>
prompt1 <Yeah, I could use some of that.>
Persona 1304
% Metal Psychosis shopkeeper
greeting <NewChat AddChat 1 ifG PCMeks 5 else GoFewMeks Say 1>
GoFewMeks <ifG PCMeks 1 else GoOneMek Say 2>
GoOneMek <ifG PCMeks 0 else GoNoMeks Say 3>
GoNoMeks <Say 4>
result1 <EndChat Say 5 Shop Wares Say 6>
wares <Mecha MEXTRA 8 6>
Msg1 <Ah, it's nice to see someone who's into mecha almost as mu
ch as I am. Are you here for some upgrade parts, to sell one of your used machin
es, or maybe to pick up a new one?>
Msg2 <You must really enjoy power machines. Take a look around o
ur showroom, see if there's anything you like.>
Msg3 <One mecha is never enough. Have you thought about upgradin
g your current unit or perhaps purchasing a second model?>
Msg4 <Here at Metal Psychosis we cater to the true mecha enthusi
ast. You should really have a look around our showroom, there might be something
you like.>
Msg5 <These are the models we currently have available. If you d
on't see what you're looking for, check back again later.>
Msg6 <Ride the wind, baby.>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 1305
% Metal Psychosis mechanic
greeting <NewChat ifG PCMeks 0 else GoNoMeks Say 1 AddChat 1 Add
CHat 2>
GoNoMeks <Say 5>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop NoWares Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <Any problem with any mecha, I can fix it. These machines n
eed to be kept in top shape for when you push them to their limits.>
Msg2 <Let me take a look...>
Msg3 <If you take care of your gear you can play as rough as you
need to.>
Msg4 <Take good care of your machine and she'll take good care o
f you.>
Msg5 <This here is a pro shop for extreme pilots. The mecha maga

zines are over that way, if that's what you're looking for.>
Prompt1 <I've got some damage to fix.>
Prompt2 <No problems right now.>
Persona 1306
greeting <NewChat ifG React 50 else GoMedReact Say 1>
GoMedReact <ifG React d49 else GoLowReact Say 2>
GoLowReact <SayAnything>
Msg1 <I don't have any bounty notices at the moment. Actually, I
kind of like it when there's nothing to do.>
Msg2 <This is such a nice lazy job... Especially when there's no
work to be done...>
Persona 1308
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 149 el
se GoNoMoney Say 2 CASH+ -150 PCEat PCMoraleDmg -d6>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <This is Deli Noodle, the best noodle house in Ipshil! We h
ave beef noodles, seafood noodles, bean noodles, ice noodles, and black bean noo
dles. All meals $150 per dish.>
Msg2 <Enjoy your meal.>
Msg3 <All noodles, all the time. That's our motto.>
Msg4 <Sorry, this restaurant is for paying customers only. Come
back when you have some money.>
Msg5 <Are you sure you're hungry? I'd be more than happy to take
your money, but I don't like throwing food away...>
Prompt3 <I'd like some noodles, please.>
Prompt4 <Maybe some other time...>
Persona 1309
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <This is Ipshil Bus Terminal. You want a ticket or somethin
Msg2 <Then don't just stand there, tell me what you need. Do I l
ook like a mind reader?>
Msg3 <Remember here when you get where you're going.>
Msg4 <That's what they all say.>
Prompt1 <Actually, I do.>
Prompt2 <Not right now.>
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 60
home <Wayward Pub>
rumor <the Wayward Pub isn't a safe place to hang out.>
chardesc Villainous Villainous Villainous Chaotic
SetTeam 4
CHAT_SAFE1 <We smashed him up real good...>
CHAT_SAFE2 <You lookin' at me?>
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 61
home <Wayward Pub>
SetTeam 4

CHAT_SAFE1 <I told him not to make you angry, huh huh...>
CHAT_SAFE2 <Man, someone's looking for a beating.>
NPC Cyberdoc
SetPersona 63
home <Extropia Health>
SetTeam 2
NPC Bartender
SetPersona 59
name <Brock>
home <Wayward Pub>
rumor <Brock is always wiping glasses.>
SetTeam 2
chardesc Male Old Shy Easygoing Renowned
home <Wayward Pub>
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 55
SetTeam 2
home <Guns and Stuff>
skill 15 1
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 56
SetTeam 2
home <Denomolos>
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 54
chardesc Chaotic
SetTeam 3
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 51
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 13
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 52
SetTeam 3
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1301
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1302
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1303
SetTeam 2
chardesc Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 1304
home <Metal Psychosis>

SetTeam 2
chardesc Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic Cheerful Passionate
NPC Mechanic
SetPersona 1305
home <Metal Psychosis>
SetTeam 2
chardesc Passionate Passionate Passionate Passionate Passionate
Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
NPC Bounty Hunter
SetPersona 1306
home <Skip Tracer>
name <Skippy>
chardesc Male Cheerful Easygoing Chaotic
SetTeam 2
NPC Leader
SetPersona 1307
SetTeam 2
home <City Hall>
NPC Cook
SetPersona 1308
SetTeam 2
home <Deli Noodles>
NPC Shopkeeper
job <bus dispatcher>
SetPersona 1309
SetTeam 2
home <Ipshil Bus Terminal>
Scene 14 0
name <Kist>
type <Village Town Target>
SetFaction 10

1 -> Message first time entering town.

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 if= SceneFaction 14 10 else GoS
econdTime Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <This village is strangely quiet. You notice a lot of men with auto
matic rifles walking around.>
Msg2 <You enter Kist.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1

% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
rumor <there's a way into the ruins, but it's hard to find.>
team 3
% Occupying Force
name <Bone Devils>
SetAlly 2
width 40
height 30
special <SHOWALL>
MarbleType 17
gapfill <-14 -10 -4 -1 -8 -1 -8>
width 10
height 6
name <Town Square>
FloorType 17
MarbleType 1
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
room 8 5
name <General Store>
FloorType 26
BorderType 15
room 5 8
name <Kist Hospital>
FloorType 28
BorderType 18
room 7 7
rumor <Kist was built on top of an ancient pre-Zero ruin
FloorType 14
BorderType 15
Destination 18
Hide 10
room 5 5
FloorType 14
BorderType 15
room 5 5

FloorType 14
BorderType 15
Persona 1406
% Honest bandit
greeting <NewChat ifG React 25 else GoNoFriend Say 1>
GoNoFriend <SayAnything>
Msg1 <You know, with all these bandits keeping an iron grip on t
he town, it's tough for an honest thief like me to make a living.>
Persona 1407
greeting <NewChat if= SceneFaction 14 10 else GoBanditsGone ifG
React 50 else GoMedReact Say 5 AddChat 1>
GoMedReact <ifG React 25 else GoLowReact Say 6 AddChat 2>
GoLowReact <Say 1 AddChat 3>
GoBanditsGone <Say 2 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 3 Shop Wares Say 4 EndCHat>
Wares <4 5 10 11 17 18 MECHA>
result2 <Say 7 Shop PithyWares Say 4 EndChat>
PithyWares <5 17 18>
result3 <ifG PCRep 1 5 else GoNoHero Say 8 Shop NoWares Say 4 En
GoNoHero <ifG React 15 else GoNotLiked Say 9 Shop NoWares Say 4
GoNotLiked <NewChat Say 10>
Prompt1 <Let me see your wares.>
Prompt2 <Let me see what you have.>
Prompt3 <Can I get my stuff repaired?>
Msg1 <Sorry... this store is closed.>
Msg2 <With the bandits gone, my store can once again open for bu
Msg3 <Here's what I have for sale. Since this is the only shop i
n town, I try to keep a little bit of everything on hand.>
Msg4 <Have a good expedition.>
Msg5 <Those bandits don't much like for us in town to do busines
s with outsiders, but seeing as who you are I'll show you what I have.>
Msg6 <It's tough keeping the store running when the town has bee
n over-run by bandits. I don't have much in stock, but you can take a look at it
Msg7 <Take a look through, let me know if you see anything you l
Msg8 <I'm not supposed to do this, but you seem like a good sort
. I'll take a look at your gear.>
Msg9 <Eh, I guess I could do that. Let me take a look at it.>
Msg10 <Nope, the shop's closed, there's nothing I can do for you
. Good day.>
Persona 1408
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop NoWares Say 3 EndChat>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <Our hospital hasn't been able to get new supplies in a lon
g time, but we do our best to keep things running. Are you in need of any help?>
Msg2 <Tell me where it hurts and I'll do what I can.>
Msg3 <Be careful, it's a dangerous world out there.>
Msg4 <That's good. I hope you remain in good health.>
Prompt1 <Yes I am.>
Prompt2 <No, not today.>

NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1401
SetFaction 10
home <Town Square>
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1402
SetFaction 10
stat 2 19
stat 5 5
stat 7 2
home <Town Square>
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 10
SetPersona 1403
home <Town Square>
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 10
SetPersona 1404
home <Town Square>
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 10
home <Town Square>
SetPersona 1405
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1406
chardesc Lawful Heroic
SetFaction 13
NPC Shopkeeper
SetTeam 2
home <General Store>
SetPersona 1407
Skill 15 1
chardesc Old Easygoing
NPC Doctor
SetTeam 2
home <Kist Hospital>
SetPersona 1408
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1409
SetTeam 2
chardesc heroic
NPC Citizen

SetPersona 1410
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1411
SetTeam 2
chardesc heroic
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1412
SetTeam 2
Scene 15 0
name <Hwang-Sa Temple>
type <Town Temple LANCEMATE_HERE>
special <ShowAll>
% ******************************************
% ******************************************
% 1 -> Message first time entering town.
% 2 -> Opened entrance to Proving Ground.
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1 V= 1 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
% Local event 1 is the opening of the pit to the training ground.
LOCAL1 <Alert 3 L= 2 1 Exit 62 SeekGate -1>
Msg1 <You discover a peaceful temple complex. All the buildings are carv
ed from yellow sandstone. You hear the sound of a bell somewhere in the distance
Msg2 <You enter Hwang-Sa Temple.>
Msg3 <Suddenly, a pit opens beneath you! You fall into a deep dark tunne
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3 1
name <The Monks>
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
TEAM_COLORS <163 63 0>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2 1
name <Monk Warriors>
TEAM_COLORS <163 63 0>


9 12
<Enlightenment Hall>
5 26
7 24
Destination 62
Hide -1
use <if= StatVal STAT_MetaVisibility 0 Print 1 Exit Stat

Val 4 SeekGate -1>

Msg1 <You slide down the tunnel into the Proving Ground.
update <if# L2 0 SetStat 5 0>

9 12
<Legacy Hall>
5 26
7 24


9 12
<Practice Hall>
5 26
7 24


5 6
<Gift Shop>
5 14
7 24


10 5
<Zen Mechanics>
5 30
7 24

Width 7
Height 7
name <Shrine Hill>
width 2
height 2
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Persona 1506
% Kaema, the head monk of the temple
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 12 else GoSomething SayAnything
GoSomething <if= G10 1 else GoNoMark Say 14 AddChat 8 AddChat 9
AddChat 10>
GoNoMark <if= PCFac 12 else GoNoMember Say d10>
GoNoMember <AddChat 1 AddChat 2 ifG 0 PCRep 7 else GoNoFaith Say

GoNoFaith <Say 101>

result1 <NewChat Say 102 V= 2 4 V+ 2 d3 AddChat V2>
result2 <NewChat Say 103 V= 2 4 V+ 2 d3 AddChat V2>
result3 <NewChat Say 106 V= 2 4 V+ 2 d3 AddChat V2>
result4 <NewChat Say 107 V= 2 4 V+ 2 d3 AddChat V2>
result5 <NewChat V= 2 10 V+ 2 d3 Say V2 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddC
Hat 3 AddChat 4>
result6 <goto result5>
result7 <goto result5>
result8 <NewChat G= 10 -1 Say 15 mechaprize .mek XPV 500 PCSkill
+ 9 1 SetPlayerFaction 12>
.mek <Scylla.txt>
result9 <NewChat G= 10 -1 Say 16>
result10 <NewChat Say 17>
Msg1 <Do not seek enlightenment, allow it to find you instead.>
Msg2 <Our temple is not the path to enlightenment but instead th
e shoes.>
Msg3 <Open your mind but do not allow your brains to fall out.>
Msg4 <Be as the difference between a duck, when one of its legs
are both the same.>
Msg5 <Seek your wisdom in the ocean; just remember to listen.>
Msg6 <Give your faith totally but cautiously. Not all prophets a
re false, nor all fortune cookies true.>
Msg7 <It may be that I am speaking gibberish. It may be that gib
berish is what you need.>
Msg8 <Strive for a harmonious body, harmonious mind, and harmoni
ous life.>
Msg9 <All things are circular.>
Msg10 <Embrace your destiny, whatever it may be.>
Msg11 <Certainly. What do you wish to know?>
Msg12 <You may ask.>
Msg13 <Always seek knowledge... that is good.>
Msg14 <You return here with the Mark of the Phoenix... So, does
this mean that you've decided to give up your previous life, and become a monk?>
Msg15 <Very good. You are now one among us, \RANK \PC . In your
quests you may need to travel... This mecha will serve you well.>
Msg16 <You will find your own destiny, or it will find you...>
Msg17 <Very well. When you have reached a decision, return and l
et me know what it is.>
Msg101 <Welcome to our temple, wanderer. I hope that you will fi
nd here that which you seek.>
Msg102 <We do many things here. It is the place where our monks
work, train, and pray. We support ourselves by selling crafts and metalwork. Our
temple also has the great responsibility of preserving historic records from be
fore the war.>
Msg103 <This temple is not dedicated to any one particular faith
, but instead to preserving all the religious traditions from before the night o
f fire. Our monks also study craftwork, history, and martial arts.>
Msg106 <Well, we do offer visitor lessons in the Practice Hall.
You should ask the monk there if you want to learn martial arts.>
Msg107 <It is not within my authority to induct you as a monk; t
hat is something only you can do for yourself.>
Prompt1 <What exactly do you do here?>
Prompt2 <What religion do you follow?>
Prompt3 <Can you teach me to kick ass?>
Prompt4 <How can I become a monk?>
Prompt5 <Can I ask you something else?>
Prompt6 <I've got another question for you.>
Prompt7 <There's something else I have to know.>
Prompt8 <Yes, that's what I want.>

Prompt9 <No, I don't want that.>

Prompt10 <I need some time to think about it.>
Persona 1507
% Librarian
greeting <NewChat Say 1>
Msg1 <This is the Hwang-Sa Legacy hall, perhaps the greatest dep
ository of human culture currently on the planet. Have a look through our collec
Persona 1508
% Gift Shop storekeeper
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <4 10 11>
Msg1 <Welcome to our gift shop. I hope you are enjoying your vis
it to Hwang-Sa Temple.>
Msg2 <All of these items are either crafted by the monks themsel
ves, or used by them in their daily martial arts practice.>
Msg3 <Fortune go with you!>
prompt1 <Let me see the stuff.>
Persona 1509
% Zen and the art of Mecha Maintenance
% V1 = Have given free mecha
greeting <NewChat if= PCMeks 0 else GoHasMeks if= V1 0 else GoHa
sMeks ifG PCRep 1 -1 else GoHasMeks Say 4 AddChat 2>
GoHasMeks <Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop NoWares Say 3 EndChat>
result2 <NewChat Say 5 V= 1 1 mechaprize .mek>
.mek <Esher.txt>
Msg1 <The mecha is an extension of self, the machine spirit an e
xtension of personal karma, this is what I believe.>
Msg2 <Certainly you can. That is what I am here for, to mend the
twisted metal of this world in preparation for the next.>
Msg3 <May the machine spirits honor you.>
Msg4 <How did you manage to get all the way out here in the dese
rt without having a mecha? Walking back to civilization is going to be difficult
... I may be able to help you, though.>
Msg5 <We found this old mecha in the wastes. It doesn't have an
owner, and no-one here has any need of it. I think its machine spirit would be h
onored if you were to accept it.>
prompt1 <Can I get my stuff repaired here?>
Prompt2 <Any help at all would be appreciated.>
Persona 1510
% Herbal doctor
% V1 = Reputation bonus
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <ifG PCRep 7 0 else GoFaith if= V1 0 else GoFaith NewCha
t Say 4 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
GoFaith <Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3 EndChat>
.wares <17 18>
result2 <NewChat Say 5>
result3 <Say 6 Shop .Wares Say 3 EndChat if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Reputat
ion 4 1>
result4 <Say 7 Shop .Wares Say 3 EndChat if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Reputat
ion 4 -1>
result5 <Say 8 AddReact -8 Shop .Wares Say 3 EndChat if= V1 0 V=
1 1 Reputation 7 1>

Msg1 <This is a traditional healing shop. Are you in need of med

ical help?>
Msg2 <My therapies will mend both your mind and your soul. Allow
me to see your troubles.>
Msg3 <May you live a long life.>
Msg4 <I can tell that you don't really believe in the healing po
wers of nature. My arts will be unable to help you if you don't first believe in
Msg5 <That is good. Well, may you continue to enjoy good health.
Msg6 <It is always wise to keep an open mind. Come, allow me to
see what your troubles are.>
Msg7 <I always want to talk beliefs. It is our beliefs which def
ine who we are. Here, allow me to see your troubles.>
Msg8 <I most certainly am not! I may choose to prescribe only na
tural medicines, but all my practices are strictly in accordance with FTMA guide
lines! Here, just let me see your wounds...>
prompt1 <Yes I am.>
prompt2 <Not today.>
prompt3 <Alright, if it works I'll believe.>
prompt4 <I'm injured and you want to talk beliefs!?>
prompt5 <You're a quack.>
Persona 1512
% V1 = Conversation Randomizer
greeting <NewChat if= PCFac 12 else GoNoMember Say d3 AddChat 1>
GoNoMember <Say d3 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 10 School .skill1 V= 2 150 V+ 2 d6 Say V2>
.skill1 <3 4 6 8 9 10 12 13 18 25 26 34>
result2 <EndChat Say 11 School .skill2 V= 2 150 V+ 2 d6 Say V2>
.skill2 <9>
Msg1 <The body is the temple of ones soul. You should train regu
larly, in order to attain your perfect self.>
Msg2 <You know, chicks really dig black belts. Having your secon
d degree mastery is even better than owning a giant robot.>
Msg3 <Healthy mind, healthy body... that's the only condition by
which your spirit can flourish.>
Msg10 <Certainly, \RANK \PC . What is it that you need to learn?
Msg11 <We offer courses for visitors of all skill levels. Let's
get to work right away!>
Msg151 <May the road rise up to meet you.>
Msg152 <Think about the things you've learned here today.>
Msg153 <Keep practicing that spin kick, it needs some work.>
Msg154 <Have an exciting adventure!>
Msg155 <Practice, practice, practice.>
Msg156 <Keep up your training.>
prompt1 <I'm here to practice my skills.>
prompt2 <I want to study martial arts.>
NPC Warrior Monk
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1501
SetFaction 12
NPC Warrior Monk
name <Aspis>
mecha <Phoenix.txt>

CharDesc Male Heroic Sociable Passionate Cheerful Spiritual

StatLine 17 14 15 14 10 15 16 24
SDL_Portrait <por_m_ladi_aspis(-C-).png>
SDL_Colors <166 47 32 255 212 195 245 215 150>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1502
SetFaction 12
NPC Warrior Monk
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 1512
home <Practice Hall>
SetFaction 12
mecha <>
chardesc young male cheerful spiritual spiritual spiritual spiri
tual spiritual
NPC Monk
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1503
SetFaction 12
NPC Monk
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1504
SetFaction 12
NPC Monk
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1505
SetFaction 12
NPC Leader
name <Kaema>
home <Enlightenment Hall>
job <Monk Leader>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1506
chardesc old male heroic easygoing shy cheerful spiritual
skill 4 20
skill 5 20
SetFaction 12
home <Enlightenment Hall>
name <Shrine of Ascension>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400
Reputation 7 -d4 MENTAL ifG SkRoll 34 12 else GoNoDice ifG d150 PCRep 7 else Go
NoDice if= L2 1 else GoNoOpen Print 2 XPV 50>
GoNoOpen <if= V10 1 else GoFirstTime Print 2 Trigger LOCAL 1>
GoFirstTime <V= 10 1 Print 5 XPV 50>
Msg5 <You meditate at the shrine. You hear a mischievous chuckle
from somewhere behind you.>
NPC Monk
home <Legacy Hall>
job <Monk Librarian>
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 12

SetPersona 1507
STC Bookshelf-1
home <Legacy Hall>
use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 moretext .text>
.text <TS_TEXT_HwangSa_1.txt>
Msg1 <This bookshelf contains the Complete Encyclopedia of the M
odern Age.>
Msg2 <Read it.>
Msg3 <I'll pass.>
STC Bookshelf-1
home <Legacy Hall>
use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 moretext .text>
.text <TS_TEXT_HwangSa_2.txt>
Msg1 <This bookshelf contains the Complete Encyclopedia of the M
odern Age.>
Msg2 <Read it.>
Msg3 <I'll pass.>
STC Bookshelf-1
home <Legacy Hall>
use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 moretext .text>
.text <TS_TEXT_HwangSa_3.txt>
Msg1 <This bookshelf contains the Complete Encyclopedia of the M
odern Age.>
Msg2 <Read it.>
Msg3 <I'll pass.>
NPC Monk
home <Gift Shop>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1508
NPC Mechanic
home <Zen Mechanics>
job <Tantric Mechanic>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1509
NPC Doctor
home <Zen Mechanics>
job <Herbalist>
chardesc spiritual old passionate
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1510
NPC Priest
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 1511
SetFaction 12
SDL_COLORS <89 52 137 252 212 195 80 80 85>
% V2 = Have gotten the "big prize" at this shrine.
name <Wind Shrine>
home <Shrine Hill>
rumor <there are five shrines to the elements scattered througho
ut the world.>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400

Reputation 7 -d4 MENTAL FacXP+ 12 1 ifG SkRoll 34 15 else GoNoDice Goto GoCheck
GoCheckElements <if= V2 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G11 0 else GoSma
llPrize ifG G12 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G13 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G14 0 else G
oSmallPrize ifG G15 0 else GoSmallPrize Goto GoBigPrize>
GoBigPrize <ifG -50 PCRep 7 else GoSmallPrize V= 2 1 Print 101 P
CStat+ 6 2 XPV 100 if= G16 0 History 102 G= 16 1>
GoSmallPrize <G+ 11 1 Print 2 XPV 50>
Msg2 <You meditate at the shrine. You hear the whisper of the wi
Msg101 <You meditate at the shrine. The touch of a summer breeze
is lighter than a feather, yet still the wind may uproot the strongest of trees
. You attain illumination.>
Msg102 <You have meditated at each of the elemental shrines.>
Scene 16 0
name <Namok>
desc <Namok is a prosperous island city. It is home to the Colosseum Arena a
nd the headquarters of the Solar Navy.>
type <City Town Target URB_STORY DESTINATION>
special <ShowAll>
sdl_portrait <scene_namok.png>
SetFaction 11
% ******************************************
% ******************************************
% 1 -> Message first time entering town.
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1 V= 1 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a well-ordered and very clean city.>
Msg2 <You enter Namok.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3 1
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team_colors <70 130 180>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2 1
team_colors <75 200 220>
room 8 8

name <Colosseum>
FloorType 30
room 10 6
name <Duelist's Hall>
FloorType 26
BorderType 33
room 7 7
name <City Hall>
FloorType 25
BorderType 23
room 6 5
name <Namok Oil>
FloorType 14
BorderType 38
room 8 5
name <Mercy Hospital>
FloorType 30
BorderType 18
room 5 5
FloorType 25
BorderType 27
room 5 5
FloorType 25
BorderType 27
room 5 5
name <Bus Terminal>
room 7 5
name <Typhoon Restaurant>
FloorType 20
BorderType 37
room 8 8
name <Regex Building>
BorderType 35
width 2
height 2
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Destination 37
Persona 1657
% Manager of the Colosseum
% V1 = Current Challenge Rating
% V2 = Arena Recharge Time

% V3 = Rank
greeting <NewChat ifG G23 V3 else GoOldGreet V= 3 G23 V+ 1 d5 Ca
shPrize Reward Threat V1 100 250 if= V3 10 else GoCashPrize Say 7 G+ 23 1 V+ 3 1
MechaPrize .tcmek Reputation 6 3 History 9>
GoCashPrize <Say 8>
.tcmek <Vadel.txt>
GoOldGreet <ifG ComTime V2 else GoNotReady if= V1 0 else GoHereB
efore V= 1 10 Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNotReady <Say 2>
GoHereBefore <Say 3 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <ifG PCMEKS 0 else goNoMeks EndChat Say 4 SavePos Dynami
c 2 Threat V1 75 FrzNU1 FrzNU2 V= 2 ComTime V+ 2 50000 SetMapType ArenaMap SetMa
pString .map>
FrzNU1 <if= T1 0 if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Return LoseRenown>
FrzNU2 <if= T2 0 if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Return G+ 23 1 Reputation 6 1
XPV 50>
.map <SOLO>
goNoMeks <NewChat Say 5 L= 2 1>
result2 <NewChat Say 6>
Msg1 <This is the Colosseum, the largest recreational battlegrou
nd in all the Federated Territories. Pilots come from all over to battle here. W
hat's your interest, stranger?>
Msg2 <Service crews are hosing down the arena now. The next figh
t won't be for another few hours, at least.>
Msg3 <Welcome back to the Colosseum. What can I do for you today
Msg4 <Very good. Gear up and head over to the starting position.
Msg5 <Sorry, but you need to have a functioning mecha in order t
o compete here. I hear \PERSONA 1658 has an old junker he might not mind parting
with. Ask him.>
Msg6 <There's a direct cam TV in the Duelist's Hall. Most people
watch from there. You could go out to the field, but that's not so popular ever
since Russel lost his arm...>
Msg7 <You have completed your tenth victory making you a gladiat
or champion! In recognition of your achievement, you have won a new top-of-the-l
ine mecha. Congratulations.>
Msg8 <That was a good fight! Here's your prize money for winning
Msg9 <You were crowned Colosseum champion.>
prompt1 <I want to compete.>
prompt2 <I want to watch the games.>
Persona 1670
% Score Indicator
greeting <NewChat if= G23 0 else GoWonSomething SayAnything>
GoWonSomething <if= G23 1 else GoMultipleWins Say 1>
GoMultipleWins <if= G23 10 else GoCheckChamp Say 4>
GoCheckChamp <ifG G23 10 else GoStillWorking Say 3>
GoStillWorking <Say 2>
Msg1 <Well, you managed to win once, but they say anyone can do
that. It'll take 9 more fights to reach the championship.>
Msg2 <I love watching the games. You've had \VAL G23 wins so far
. Think you can go all the way? If you can win ten fights, you'll be crowned are
na champion.>
Msg3 <You're a pretty good pilot. It's always fun to watch you i
n a match.>
Msg4 <You did it! You won the championship! Go speak to \PERSONA
1657 because I think there's a prize involved...>

Persona 1658
% Maybe can get mecha from this pilot.
% V1 -> Already gave away his mek.
greeting <NewChat if= V1 0 else GoNormalGreeting ifG L2 0 else G
oNoReccomend Say 2 AddChat 1>
GoNoReccomend <ifG PCRep 1 45 else GoNormalGreeting Say 3 AddCha
t 2 AddChat 3>
GoNormalGreeting <Say 1>
result1 <NewChat ifG PCRep 1 -7 else GoVillain say 6 AddChat 4>
GoVillain <Say 7>
result2 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 4>
result3 <EndChat Say 4 Reputation 2 -3 V= 1 1>
result4 <NewChat Say 8 V= 1 1 ifG PCRep 1 90 else GoNoSuper Mech
aPrize Mek_Super>
GoNoSuper <ifG PCRep 1 50 else GoNoVery MechaPrize Mek_VeryGood>
GoNoVery <ifG PCRep 1 25 else GoPlain MechaPrize Mek_Good>
GoPlain <MechaPrize Mek_Plain>
Mek_Super <Radcliff.txt>
Mek_VeryGood <Vadel.txt>
Mek_Good <BuruBuru.txt>
Mek_Plain <Razer.txt>
Msg1 <The old days are gone, and we shall never see their like a
Msg2 <You seem as if you're looking for something... what busine
ss could you have with an old retired pilot like me?>
Msg3 <I've heard tell of your exploits, young one. I have a favo
r to ask of you.>
Msg4 <I see... well, pleasant journeys to you.>
Msg5 <Well, you see, I retired a while back. My body's not in su
ch good condition anymore... but my steed, well, she's as good as ever. I was wo
ndering if you could take her off my hands... keep her useful.>
Msg6 <I've got an old mecha, yes. It's well-worn and not very us
eful I thing. You want to take it off my hands?>
Msg7 <Sorry, I don't own a mecha and I don't know where you can
find one.>
Msg8 <Here are the keys. Take good care of her.>
prompt1 <I'm looking for a mecha.>
prompt2 <How can I help you?>
prompt3 <I'm too busy to do favors for old fogies.>
prompt4 <I'd be glad to!>
Persona 1609
% Turing - Can train the player in personal or mecha combat
% V1 -> Player has chosen whether to learn mecha or personal ski
greeting <NewChat if= V1 1 else GoNoMecha ifG React 50 else Go
NoChance ifG PCRep 1 0 else GoNoChance Say 11 AddChat 3 AddChat 2>
GoNoMecha <if= V1 2 else GoNoTraining ifG React 50 else GoNoCha
nce ifG PCRep 1 0 else GoNoChance Say 6 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoTraining <ifG React 50 else GoNoChance ifG PCRep 1 d100 els
e GoNotYet ifG PCRep 6 d100 else GoNotYet Say 14 AddChat 4 AddChat 5 AddCHa
t 6>
GoNotYet <Say d5>
GoNoChance <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 12 V= 1 2 School .comskills Say 13>
.comskills <6 7 8 10 13 18 26 12>
result2 <NewChat Say 6>
result3 <EndChat Say 12 V= 1 1 School .mekskills Say 13>
.mekskills <1 2 3 4 5 11 15>
result4 <NewChat Say 15 AddChat 3 V= 1 1>

result5 <NewChat Say 15 AddChat 1 V= 1 2>

result6 <NewChat Say 16 AddChat 1 AddChat 3>
Msg1 <Bounty hunting has taught me a lot... It has also taken a
lot from me.>
Msg2 <I've been close to death more times than I care to remembe
r. The main thing is to keep that fighting spirit.>
Msg3 <A few years ago I thought I'd start looking for an apprent
ice, someone to pass all my skills on to.>
Msg4 <You know, it wasn't the troglodytes which destroyed Nara..
. But maybe I shouldn't go dredging up old memories like that.>
Msg5 <You can learn a thing or two from your elders. If I had fo
llowed that advice when I was young maybe I'd still have both of my own legs.>
Msg6 <It's a pleasure to have you here. Tell me about all your l
atest exploits.>
Msg11 <Good to see you again. You up for some more training, or
just here to chat for a while?>
Msg12 <Let's get to work. There are two ways to learn something.
.. Go make the mistakes yourself, or listen to all the mistakes other people mad
Msg13 <Keep up the training and you'll be making progress in no
Msg14 <Tell me something... I know that you're an adventurer, yo
u've got quite a reputation for yourself. Which do you prefer, piloting a mecha
or up close personal fighting?>
Msg15 <So I see. Well, I'll tell you why I asked. I want to help
train you. I've learned quite a bit in my decades as a bounty hunter, and I fig
ure you'd be a good one to pass my knowledge on to.>
Msg16 <I'll tell you why I was asking. I want to train you. Whic
h group of skills would you most like to brush up on?>
Prompt1 <I want to study my combat skills.>
Prompt2 <I'm just visiting.>
Prompt3 <I want to study my mecha skills.>
Prompt4 <I'm a mecha pilot.>
Prompt5 <I prefer personal combat.>
Prompt6 <I'm not a fighter at all.>
Persona 1610
% Shopkeeper - Guns
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
wares <4 5>
Msg1 <Welcome to the Duelist's shop. We specialize in the best e
quipment for the modern professional warrior. Feel free to peruse our selection
of blades and firearms.>
Msg2 <I hope that we have something that you'll be interested in
Msg3 <Come back again.>
prompt1 <I'd like to look at your weapons.>
Persona 1611
% Shopkeeper - Armor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
wares <10 11 20>
Msg1 <Welcome to the Duelist's shop. We provide arms and armamen
ts for the modern professional warrior. Here you will find all the latest protec
tive gear.>
Msg2 <Remember, we custom fit all our armor for maximum comfort
and flexibility.>
Msg3 <Come back again.>

prompt1 <I'd like to look at your armor.>

Persona 1615
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
Msg1 <This is Namok Oil. Are you in need of repair, or would you
like to have a look at the new and used equipment we have here for sale?>
Msg2 <Let me know what you need and I'll make sure that you get
set up correctly.>
Msg3 <Good luck out there.>
prompt1 <Let me see what you've got.>
Persona 1616
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop NoWares EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 5>
Msg1 <Welcome to Namok Hospital. Are you injured? Do you need an
y help?>
Msg2 <I'll do what can be done for you.>
Msg3 <Try not to get yourself killed, please.>
Msg5 <That's a relief.>
prompt1 <I need medical help!>
prompt2 <I'm doing fine.>
Persona 1619
% Namok Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <This is Namok Bus Terminal. Would you like to go somewhere
, or are you planning to have things delivered?>
Msg2 <With the new intercity buses, the mainland has never been
Msg3 <Have a nice adventure!>
Prompt1 <Let me tell you what I need.>
Prompt2 <Nothing today, thanks.>
Persona 1601
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 1 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction ifG React 20 else GoN
oOffer ifG PCRep 6 15 else GoNoOffer Say 2 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
GoNoOffer <Say 1 AddChat 6>
GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <NewChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 SetPlayerFaction 1 XPV 500 mechaprize .fa
.facmek <Condor.txt>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result4 <Goto result1>
result5 <Goto result2>
result6 <NewChat Say 6>
Msg1 <You should know that the Navy is always looking for skille
d new recruits.>
Msg2 <We are always on the lookout for the best of the best to j
oin our ranks. How would you like to become a member of the Solar Navy?>
Msg3 <That's too bad. We could really use someone with your tale
nts on our side.>
Msg4 <Very good! Here is the claim form for your new standard is
sue mecha. Welcome to the team. You can ask around to see if there are any missi

ons currently underway.>

Msg5 <You will be expected to take part in military operations w
ith our forces, defending the unity of the FedTer or otherwise acting on our beh
alf. You will have access to skill training, and be given a combat mecha.>
Msg6 <You'll note that I said skilled new recruits. I'm afraid t
hat you're going to have to shape up a bit before we can consider you for member
prompt1 <I'm not interested.>
prompt2 <Definitely!>
prompt3 <What exactly is involved?>
prompt4 <Thanks, but no thanks.>
prompt5 <Sounds good to me.>
prompt6 <Can I join the Navy?>
Persona 1622
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 11 AddChat 12 AddChat 13 AddChat
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
result11 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 49 el
se GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -50 PCEat>
result12 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 el
se GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -100 PCMoraleDmg -d8 PCEat>
result13 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 499 e
lse GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -500 PCMoraleDmg -d20 PCEat>
Msg1 <Welcome to Typhoon restaurant. We specialize in fish, sush
i, and the fruits of the sea. May I take your order?>
Msg2 <You can get a sushi roll for $50, haemul soup for $100, or
a complete lobster dinner for $500.>
Msg3 <Be seeing you again.>
Msg4 <How do you intend to pay for that?>
Msg5 <You don't seem hungry enough to have a meal right now. Com
e back later, if you want.>
Msg7 <Here's your order. Please enjoy the meal.>
Prompt1 <May I see the menu?>
Prompt2 <Sorry, I came in here by mistake...>
Prompt4 <On second thought, I don't want anything.>
Prompt11 <I'll take the sushi.>
Prompt12 <I'll take the soup.>
Prompt13 <I'll take the lobster.>

NPC Leader
SetPersona 1601
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 1
home <City Hall>
home <Duelist's Hall>
Msg1 <This is a widescreen flatvision video terminal. Very nice.
Would you like to check the news?>
NPC Corporate Executive

SetPersona 1602
SetTeam 2
home <Regex Building>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetPersona 1603
SetTeam 2
home <Regex Building>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetPersona 1604
SetTeam 2
home <Regex Building>
SetFaction 6
NPC Professor
Chardesc Heroic Old
SetPersona 1605
SetTeam 2
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1608
SetTeam 3
NPC Bounty Hunter
name <Turing>
rumor <Turing had an exciting career as a bounty hunter, and now
has the cybernetic parts to prove it.>
home <Duelist's Hall>
mecha <Longman.txt>
chardesc Old male Lawful Heroic Pragmatic Sociable
SetPersona 1609
SetTeam 2
skill 2 15
skill 5 15
skill 10 15
skill 13 19
skill 12 17
skill 26 19
skill 30 16
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Duelist's Hall>
SetPersona 1610
SetTeam 2
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Duelist's Hall>
SetPersona 1611
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1612
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1613
SetTeam 2

NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1614
SetTeam 2
NPC Mechanic
home <Namok Oil>
SetPersona 1615
SetTeam 2
NPC Doctor
home <Mercy Hospital>
chardesc melancholy sociable passionate
SetPersona 1616
SetTeam 2
NPC Nurse
home <Mercy Hospital>
SetPersona 1617
SetTeam 2
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 1618
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 1
mecha <Excel.txt>
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 1619
SettEAM 2
home <Bus Terminal>
job <Bus Dispatcher>
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1620
SetTeam 3
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1621
SetTeam 3
NPC Cook
SetPersona 1622
SetTeam 2
home <Typhoon Restaurant>
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetPersona 1658
SetTeam 2
mecha <>
chardesc Lawful Heroic Old Pragmatic Melancholy
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1657
SetTeam 2
home <Colosseum>
job <Arena Manager>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1670

SetTeam 2
home <Colosseum>
Scene 17 0
name <Wujung>
desc <Wujung is an old fortress-city. From here the Federation Defense Force
patrols the edge of the deadzone.>
sdl_portrait <scene_wujung.png>
special <ShowAll>
SetFaction 11
% ******************************************
% ******************************************
% 1 -> Message first time entering town.
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1 V= 1 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter an old and impressive city. New construction has been bu
ilt atop the ruins of the past.>
Msg2 <You enter Wujung.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
rumor <Wujung was built on top of a ruined city.>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3 1
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2 1
team_colors <77 156 131>
room 9 6
name <Elite Armaments>
FloorType 20
room 10 12
name <Blue Fortress>
FloorType 20
BorderType 29
room 8 8

name <Wujung Tires>

FloorType 26
BorderType 38
room 8 5
name <Wujung Hospital>
FloorType 28
rumor <Wujung Hospital is the oldest building in town.>
use <if= StatVal STAT_MetaVisibility 0 Print 1 SavePos L
oadD .scene PassVar 2 29 PassVar 3 5 PassVar 4 12 SeekGate -1 if# G27 1 PassVar
1 17>
.scene <TS_SCENE_WujungUndercity.txt>
Hide 20
REVEAL <Print 7>
Msg7 <You have found a secret passageway!>
room 5 5
name <Allied Armor>
FloorType 26
BorderType 29
room 7 7
name <Black Isle Pub>
FloorType 20
BorderType 15
room 5 5
FloorType 20
room 5 5
name <Bus Terminal>
room 5 5
Name <Barbecue Nara>
FloorType 20
BorderType 37
width 2
height 2
% This is a hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
{ Bus stop }
Destination 35
name <Bus Stop: University>
Persona 1712
% Shopkeeper - Guns
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
wares <4 5 MEXTRA MECHA>

Msg1 <Welcome to Elite Armaments. This is the leading weapons sh

op in the Federated Territories. We stock all kinds of personal scale and mecha
Msg2 <Take a look through the showroom.>
Msg3 <Please come again.>
prompt1 <Show me what you've got.>
Persona 1713
% Shopkeeper - Armor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
wares <10 11 17 MEXTRA>
Msg1 <This is Allied Armor. Our shop maintains a connection betw
een the greatest researchers and craftsmen working on armor today. We have prote
ction for people, we have protection for mecha. We have everything you'll need.>
Msg2 <Take a look through what we have. If you can't see what yo
u want then chances are you don't really need it.>
Msg3 <Keep it safe.>
prompt1 <I'll take a look.>
Persona 1714
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares EndChat Say 3>
Msg1 <Welcome to Wujung Tires, where the lowest price is a happy
accident! We do service and repairs on all kinds of civilian and military mecha
Msg2 <Really? I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.>
Msg3 <Goodbye.>
prompt1 <I've got damage to repair.>
Persona 1715
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop NoWares EndChat Say 3>
Msg1 <Welcome to Wujung Hospital. My name is Doctor \PERSONA 171
5 and I'll be your medical health professional for today.>
Msg2 <Please take off your clothes and I'll see how bad the dama
ge is.>
Msg3 <Stay healthy.>
prompt1 <I'm injured.>
Persona 1720
% Wujung Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <Welcome to Wujung Bus Terminal. We offer shuttle service t
o nearby cities and global package delivery.>
Msg2 <The newly expanded bus service makes getting around the te
rritories more convenient.>
Msg3 <Have a nice day.>
Msg4 <Be careful out there.>
Prompt1 <I need your services.>
Prompt2 <Just passing through, thanks.>
Persona 1701
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 2 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction ifG React 20 else GoN
oOffer ifG PCRep 6 15 else GoNoOffer Say 2 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
GoNoOffer <Say 1 AddChat 6>

GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <NewChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 SetPlayerFaction 2 XPV 500 mechaprize .fa
.facmek <Daum.txt>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result4 <Goto result1>
result5 <Goto result2>
result6 <NewChat Say 6>
Msg1 <Remember that the Defense Force is always looking for a fe
w good recruits.>
Msg2 <We are always on the lookout for the best of the best to j
oin our ranks. How would you like to become a member of the Terran Defense Force
Msg3 <That's too bad. We could really use someone with your tale
nts on our side.>
Msg4 <Very good! Here is the claim form for your new standard is
sue mecha. Welcome to the team. You can ask around to see if there are any missi
ons currently underway.>
Msg5 <As a member of the Defense Force you will receive a MPB me
cha and full access to our training facilities. You will aid us in protecting th
e Federated Territories from all threats, both external and internal.>
Msg6 <I'm sorry, but you don't match our minimum standards. Get
a bit more practical experience and then we can talk.>
prompt1 <I'm not interested.>
prompt2 <Definitely!>
prompt3 <What exactly is involved?>
prompt4 <Thanks, but no thanks.>
prompt5 <Sign me up!>
prompt6 <I'd like to join!>
Persona 1702
greeting <NewChat if= PCFac 2 else GoNoMember Say 2 AddChat 1>
GoNoMember <ifG React d50 else GoNoLike Say 1>
GoNoLike <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .sklist Say 4>
.sklist <1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 18>
Msg1 <I am the lead combat trainer for the Defense Force.>
Msg2 <I am the chief drill sergeant for the Defense Force. What
are your needs, soldier?>
Msg3 <Let's get started. You will need to master each of these s
kills if you hope to survive on the battlefield.>
Msg4 <Keep working on those skills.>
Prompt1 <I'm here to do training.>
Persona 1723
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 40 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 els
e GoNoMoney Say 2 CASH+ -100 PCEat Reputation 4 d4>
result2 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 40 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 els
e GoNoMoney Say 2 CASH+ -100 PCEat PCMoraleDmg -d3>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 40 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 els
e GoNoMoney Say 2 CASH+ -100 PCEat Reputation 4 -d4>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <This is Barbecue Nara, where chicken is our business and b
usiness is good. We have three recipes to choose from: Regular, Suicide Hot, and
Bland Original. It's just $100 per meal.>
Msg2 <Enjoy your food.>

Msg3 <Come back when you're hungry, okay?>

Msg4 <Sorry, this restaurant is for paying customers only. Come
back when you have some money.>
Msg5 <I don't really think you're hungry.>
Prompt1 <I'll take the bland original chicken.>
Prompt2 <I'll take the regular chicken.>
Prompt3 <I'll take the suicide hot chicken.>
Prompt4 <I don't really want chicken.>
NPC Leader
SetPersona 1701
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 2
home <Blue Fortress>
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 1702
chardesc Old Renowned
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 2
home <Blue Fortress>
mecha <>
NPC Soldier
name <Evan>
mecha <Esher.txt>
SDL_PORTRAIT <por_m_ladi_ahnuld(O-Y).png>
SDL_COLORS <166 47 32 184 124 81 136 141 101>
statline 14 16 14 15 9 15 11 9
SetPersona 1703
chardesc Male Old Renowned Shy Spiritual
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 1704
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetPersona 1705
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
mecha <Zerosaiko.txt>
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetPersona 1706
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
mecha <Excel.txt>
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetPersona 1707
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
mecha <Puma.txt>
NPC Guardian

SetPersona 1708
SetTeam 3
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1709
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1710
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 1711
SetTeam 2
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 1712
SetTeam 2
home <Elite Armaments>
Skill 21 14
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 1713
SetTeam 2
home <Allied Armor>
NPC Mechanic
SetPersona 1714
SetTeam 2
home <Wujung Tires>
NPC Doctor
SetPersona 1715
SetTeam 2
home <Wujung Hospital>
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 1717
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 13
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 1718
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 2
home <Blue Fortress>
NPC Bartender
SetPersona 1719
SetTeam 2
home <Black Isle Pub>
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 1720
SetTeam 2
home <Bus Terminal>
job <bus dispatcher>
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1721

SetTeam 3
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 1722
SetTeam 3
NPC Cook
SetPersona 1723
SetTeam 2
Home <Barbecue Nara>
NPC Nurse
SetPersona 1724
SetTeam 2
home <Wujung Hospital>
home <Black Isle Pub>
Scene 18 0
name <Kist Ruins L1>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 14>
start <if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 1 Print 2>
GoBeenBefore <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Kist Ruins, level one.>
Msg2 <You find an ancient set of tunnels, apparently once part of an und
erground complex. In the distance you hear the humming of a very large machine.>
name <Entrance>
Width 7
Height 7
FloorType 14
Destination 14
width 8
height 8
name <Way Down>
FloorType 16
Destination 19
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Robot Ruins Synth Earth Bug>

setenemy 1
stat 2 19
monster Sentinel
SetTeam 2
home <Way Down>
Prop 10
roguechar <%>
home <Entrance>
name <Skeleton>
use <if= V1 0 else GoUBefore V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoUBefore <Print 2>
Msg1 <It's a skeleton. He looks like he's been here for quite a
long time. A dusty fedora and tattered leather whip lie close to the body.>
Msg2 <It's a skeleton.>
CLUE14 <Print 101 V= 101 1>
CLUE29 <Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
CLUE34 <if= V103 0 else GoC34Again V= 103 1 Reputation 7 -d6 ifG
SkRoll 34 10 else GoC34NoWin Print 103 XPV 100>
%CLUE34 <if= V103 0 V= 103 1 else GoC34Again Reputation 7 -d6 if
G SkRoll 34 10 else GoC34NoWin Print 103 XPV 100>
GoC34NoWin <Print 104>
GoC34Again <Print 105>
clue37 <Print 106>
Msg101 <If you were really that concerned about survival, maybe
you'd get out of this place.>
Msg102 <The bones of this skeleton have been partially vaporized
, and some of the joints were fused by heat. Looks like this explorer was killed
by a very high powered plasma weapon.>
Msg103 <You say a short prayer for the soul of the deceased.>
Msg104 <You say a short prayer that you don't end up dead like t
his guy.>
Msg105 <You've already prayed here.>
Msg106 <This skeleton obviously didn't die of natural causes.>
Scene 19 0
name <Kist Ruins L2>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 14>
% V1 = Message Counter
% V2 = Activate down stairway
start <if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 1 ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoScien
ce Print 2>
GoNoScience <Print 3>
GoBeenBefore <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Kist Ruins, level two.>
Msg2 <As you descend into the second level, you realize that these ruins
were once a factory.>
Msg3 <The walls on this level appear to be made of rusted steel.>
FloorType 14
MarbleType 16
BorderType 35

BorderType 35
Width 12
Height 12
SecretDoorChance 75
LockedDoorChance 50
FloorType 16
Destination 18
FloorType 16
Special <Cell>
BorderType 35
SecretDoorChance 75
LockedDoorChance 50
Width 7
Height 5
FloorType 16
name <Machine Room>
BorderType 35
Width 8
Height 12
SecretDoorChance 75
LockedDoorChance 50
FloorType 16
Destination 26
stat 5 -1
update <ifG L2 0 SetStat 5 0>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Robot Bug Synth Factory>
setenemy 1

stat 2 55
STC Machine-1
% V1 = Found access port
Use <Print 1>
home <Machine Room>
clue37 <ifG SkRoll 37 10 else GoNoSci Print 3 V= 1 1>
GoNoSci <Print 2>
clue32 <ifG V1 0 else GoNotFound ifG SkRoll 32 15 else GoNoCB L=
2 1 UpdateProps Print 5>
GoNotFound <Print 4>
GoNoCB <Print 6>
msg1 <You find an old, broken down machine of some type.>
msg2 <You don't learn anything from this rusted piece of junk.>
msg3 <You discover an old keypad on this machine. The lights are
flashing, so maybe it still does something.>
msg4 <There's no obvious way to use that skill with this item.>
msg5 <You play around with the keypad. You hear a grinding noise
in the distance.>
msg6 <You play around with the keypad.>
Scene 20 0
name <Brock's Wine Cellar>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 13>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the wine cellar.>
SecretDoorChance 5
LockedDoorChance 10
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 13
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 21
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Dark Cave City Criminal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 14

Food 5
name <Fine Wine>
% Status Effect (1), Duration Step2, Stoned(4), Skill4 to resist
effect <1 2 4 4 CanResist>
FoodXValue 100
FoodMorale 5
Food 5
name <Fine
effect <1

2 4 4 CanResist>

Food 5
name <Fine
effect <1

2 4 4 CanResist>

Food 5
name <Nasty Wine>
effect <1 6 4 6 CanResist>
FoodXValue 50
FoodMorale -1
Food 5
name <Golden Rum>
effect <1 3 4 9 CanResist>
FoodMorale 8
Scene 21 0
name <Ipshil Sewers>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 13>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ipshil Sewers.>
FloorType 14
MarbleType 7
Width 5
Height 5
FloorType 14
Destination 20
Width 5
Height 5
FloorType 14
Destination 22

team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Dark Water City Criminal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 13
Scene 22 0
name <Ipshil Catacombs>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 13>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ipshil Catacombs.>
SecretDoorChance 10
LockedDoorChance 20
FloorType 14
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 1
Destination 21
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 1
Destination 36
Hide 20
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Dark Ruins Criminal Devo>
setenemy 1
stat 2 25
Prop 20
name <Cryogenics Tank>
roguechar <=>
use <Print 1>
clue34 <Print 2>
Msg1 <This tank is filled with a viscous blue liquid. Through a
small porthole you can see organic shapes floating around inside.>
Msg2 <You say a prayer for whoever or whatever lies entombed in
this tank.>

Prop 20
name <Cryogenics Tank>
roguechar <=>
use <Print 1>
clue34 <Print 2>
Msg1 <This tank is filled with a viscous blue liquid. Through a
small porthole you can see organic shapes floating around inside.>
Msg2 <You say a prayer for whoever or whatever lies entombed in
this tank.>
Prop 20
name <Cryogenics Tank>
roguechar <=>
use <Print 1>
clue34 <Print 2>
Msg1 <This tank is filled with a viscous blue liquid. Through a
small porthole you can see a large dark mass inside.>
Msg2 <You say a prayer for whoever or whatever lies entombed in
this tank.>
Scene 23 0
name <Snake Lake Park>
special <ShowAll>

V1 = First time entry counter

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Snake Lake Park.>
CLUE14 <Print 101>
Msg101 <It's a well-landscaped park. Not nature, but a remarkable simula
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2

name <Zoo>
width 35
height 25
FloorType 1
MarbleType 17
name <Penguin Exhibit>
width 6
height 6
PARAM <Fill 30 0 Ellipse 30 8 9 Wall 21>
name <Marsh Exhibit>
width 6
height 6
PARAM <Fill 7 2 Wall 21>
name <Dragon Exhibit>
width 5
height 5
PARAM <Fill 14 9 Wall 21>
width 7
height 7
PARAM <Fill 1 0 Wall 21>
name <Zoo Sign>
width 5
height 5
FloorType 17
MarbleType 1
Msg1 <Welcome to the Snake Lake zoo. Please enjo
y our many exhibits from all over the world. Take your kids to see the penguins!
room 7 12
name <Mecha Museum>
WallType 13
name <Model Display>
Use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 Print 4 moretext .signtext>
.signtext <TS_Text_SLMM1.txt>
Msg1 <You stand before a display of mecha models, loving
ly crafted in 1/144 scale. Do you want to read the plaque?>
Msg2 <Yes please.>
Msg3 <No thank you.>
Msg4 <You read the display.>

name <Model Display>

Use <ifYesNo 1 2 3 Print 4 moretext .signtext>
.signtext <TS_Text_SLMM2.txt>
Msg1 <You stand before a model of a strangely organic fl
ying mecha. Do you want to read the plaque?>
Msg2 <Yes please.>
Msg3 <No thank you.>
Msg4 <You read the display.>
width 5
height 5
Destination 10
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>
Msg1 <This sign points the way to the Snake Lake Nature
Trail. At the bottom of the sign is a warning message, but the text has been gna
wed off by some kind of animal.>
Msg2 <Follow the trail.>
Msg3 <Sounds dangerous.>
Destination 27
Persona 2304
% Curator of mecha museum.
greeting <NewChat Say 1 ifKeyItem 2 AddChat 1>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
result2 <NewChat CashPrize 1000000 DeleteKeyItem 2 AddReact d10
AddReact d10 Say 3>
result3 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <This is the Snake Lake Mecha Museum. Please enjoy our exhi
Msg2 <Well, this is amazing... As far as I can tell, these are t
he original plans for an unreleased ITM-series mecha. Would you sell these to me
for $1,000,000?>
Msg3 <Thank you very much! These blueprints will provide a valua
ble historical reference, and a new attraction for the museum!>
Msg4 <Well, if you should happen to change your mind, you can al
ways come back.>
prompt1 <Here, look at these blueprints I found.>
prompt2 <Definitely!>
Prompt3 <No, I wanna keep them.>
Monster Electric Rat
SetTeam 2
home <Zoo>

Monster Emperor Fire Penguin

SetTeam 3
home <Penguin Exhibit>
CHAT_SAFE1 <Squaaaaak!!!>
CHAT_SAFE2 <Broo? Bru Bru.>
CHAT_SAFE3 <Squak! Squak!>
CHAT_SAFE4 <Squak? Broo squak.>
CHAT_SAFE7 <Squak.>
CHAT_SAFE8 <Broo.>
Monster Fire Penguin
SetTeam 2
home <Penguin Exhibit>
Monster Fire Penguin
SetTeam 2
home <Penguin Exhibit>
Monster Dark Dragon
SetTeam 3
home <Dragon Exhibit>
Monster Swamp Viper
SetTeam 2
home <Marsh Exhibit>
Monster Spike Toad
SetTeam 2
home <Marsh Exhibit>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 2301
SetTeam 2
home <Zoo Sign>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 2302
SetTeam 2
home <Zoo Sign>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 2303
SetTeam 2
home <Zoo Sign>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 2304
SetTeam 2
home <Mecha Museum>
job <Curator>
chardesc old
NPC Guardian
home <Nature Trail>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 2305

Scene 24 0
name <Snake Lake Corporate Zone>
special <ShowAll>

V1 = First time entry counter
V2 = LifeCorp Labs quest given

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Snake Lake Corporate Zone.>
NU5 <if= T5 0 if= V2 0 V= 2 1 StoryLine .bioplot>
.bioplot <TS_PLOT_BiocorpBasement.txt>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
team 5
% BioCorp Monsters
setenemy 1 2
Team 6
% BioCorp Scientist
width 5
height 5
Destination 10
Height 15
Width 10
name <Factory>
BorderType 35
FloorType 14

room 7 5
name <BioCorp Building>
BorderType 34
FloorType 30
name <BioCorp Labs>
BorderType 34
FloorType 30
width 10
height 10
FloorType 30
name <BioCorp Labs Scientist Room>
FloorType 14
name <Holding Cell>
special <Cell>
Lock 20
Update <ifG L2 0 SetStat 6 0>
Destination 30
Hide 25
Update <ifG L2 0 SetStat 5 0>
room 7 5
name <Regex Corporation>
BorderType 35
room 7 7
name <Kettel Building>
BorderType 29
FloorType 28
room 7 5
name <Twilingate's>
BorderType 37
room 5 5
name <Leiji Hospital>
BorderType 18
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <Automata>
BorderType 38
FloorType 28
Persona 2415
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>

GoNoMoney <Say 4>

GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 11 AddChat 12 AddChat 13 AddChat
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>
result11 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 49 el
se GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -50 PCEat>
result12 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 el
se GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -100 PCMoraleDmg -d8 PCEat>
result13 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 499 e
lse GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -500 PCMoraleDmg -d20 PCEat>
Msg1 <Welcome to Twilingate's restaurant. May I take your order?
Msg2 <You can get fried rice for $50, a cesar salad for $100, or
a steak for $500.>
Msg3 <Well, if you ever get hungry, you know where to come...>
Msg4 <Sorry, but your credit rating isn't quite good enough to p
urchase this meal. Come back after payday.>
Msg5 <You don't seem hungry enough to have a meal right now. Com
e back later, if you want.>
Msg7 <Here's your order. Please enjoy the meal.>
Prompt1 <May I see the menu?>
Prompt2 <Sorry, I came in here by mistake...>
Prompt4 <On second thought, I don't want anything.>
Prompt11 <I'll take the fried rice.>
Prompt12 <I'll take the salad.>
Prompt13 <I'll take the steak.>
Persona 2416
% V1 = PC has paid the registration fee
greeting <NewChat if= V1 -1 else GoCheckContract Say 3>
GoCheckContract <if= V1 1 else GoFirstTime Say 11 AddChat 8 AddC
hat 9>
GoFirstTime <Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoOpenShop <shop .wares Say 13>
.wares <19>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 6 AddChat 7>
result4 <NewChat Say 6>
result5 <EndCHat Say 7 V= 1 -1 Reputation 4 -d8 PCMoraleDMG -d8>
result6 <ifG PC$ 9999 else GoR6NoMoney EndChat Time 3600 Cash+ 10000 Say 8 V= 1 1 Goto GoOpenShop>
GoR6NoMoney <NewChat Say 9>
result7 <NewChat Say 10>
result8 <EndChat Say 12 Goto GoOpenShop>
result9 <NewChat Say 14>
Msg1 <This is Leiji Memorial Research Hospital. We are pushing b
ack the limits of human mortality through the advancement of improved bodies. Wh
at is your business here?>
Msg2 <Sorry, but this is not a regular hospital... we lack the f
acilities and mandate for treatment of the general public. There is a hospital d
owntown; you should proceed there to have your wounds treated.>
Msg3 <This is Leiji Memorial Research Hospital. As you have no b
usiness here, I must ask you to leave.>
Msg4 <We perform research into the fields of cybernetics, genete
ch, longevity extension and chronic health care management.>
Msg5 <Normally our test patients are referred here by other doct
ors. They need to undergo a lengthy registration procedure. If you really want,

I can register you as a patient, though the cost for that and for the examinatio
n will be $10,000.>
Msg6 <I hope you get the help you need.>
Msg7 <Good day.>
Msg8 <Just a minute, we'll need to review your medical history b
efore you can be admitted... There. You're in the database, I can offer you trea
tment now.>
Msg9 <Come back when you can afford the registration and I'll se
e what I can do for you.>
Msg10 <As I believe I mentioned, there's a hospital downtown. Yo
u should be able to get help there.>
Msg11 <Welcome back, \PC . How may I be of assistance today?>
Msg12 <Certainly. Here are the services we have available.>
Msg13 <Good health be with you.>
Msg14 <That's fortunate. So your body is performing adequately,
Prompt1 <Help, I've been injured!>
Prompt2 <Just seeing what you do.>
Prompt3 <Isn't there anything you can do?>
Prompt4 <Alright, thanks for your help.>
Prompt5 <Screw you too!!!>
Prompt6 <Okay, I want to do that.>
Prompt7 <That's too much.>
Prompt8 <I could use your skills.>
Prompt9 <I don't need any help today.>
Persona 2414
% President of RegEx corporation
% V1 = Renown + Reaction, determines if PC can get job...
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 6 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 6 else GoCheckFaction Say 1 AddChat 1>
GoCheckFaction <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction Say 2 AddChat 2>
GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .skills Say 4>
.skills <1 2 3 4 5 15 19 20 21 31 24>
result2 <NewChat ifG 1 PCRep 3 else GoR2Apt Say 5>
GoR2Apt <V= 1 PCRep 6 V+ 1 React ifG V1 15 else goR2Fail Say 7 A
ddChat 3 AddChat 4>
goR2Fail <Say 6>
result3 <NewChat Say 8 MechaPrize .mek XPV 200 CashPrize 25000 S
etPlayerFaction 6>
.mek <BuruBuru.txt>
result4 <NewChat Say 9 AddReact -d4>
Msg1 <Good to see you again. What can I do for you today?>
Msg2 <RegEx corporation is the corporation of the people. We are
the most dependable employer in the Federated Territories, and are always on th
e lookout for skilled workers to join our staff.>
Msg3 <If you have the right skills, then nothing is impossible.>
Msg4 <Keep up the hard work and you'll be rewarded!>
Msg5 <Look, I said that we're the corporation of the people. You
don't seem to be much of a people-person. Maybe some other company would be wil
ling to hire you.>
Msg6 <You've got the attitude, but I don't know if you've got th
e right stuff. The resume is good, but I don't think you're ready to work here y
Msg7 <Wow, this is exactly the kind of thing that we've been loo
king for. You've got a job here at RegEx if you want it! You do want it, don't y
Msg8 <Welcome to the company! To start you off, here's a brand n
ew entry-level mecha plus a cash bonus. You'll also be eligible for training lat

er on if you want.>
Msg9 <Oh. I'm not disappointed... really...>
Prompt1 <I'd like to train.>
Prompt2 <Here, look at my resume.>
Prompt3 <Absolutely!>
Prompt4 <No, not particularly.>
Persona 2417
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <Mecha 17 MEXTRA 4>
Msg1 <This is Automata. The finest machines from all over the Fe
derated Territories and beyond are sold here. We also repair all types of mecha.
Msg2 <We offer many services for our customers. Let me know anyt
hing you need.>
Msg3 <Please come again.>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you can do.>
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2401
home <Regex Corporation>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2402
home <Regex Corporation>
Mecha <Renegade.txt>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2403
home <BioCorp Building>
chardesc Villainous
SetFaction 5
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2404
home <BioCorp Building>
SetFaction 5
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2405
home <Kettel Building>
SetFaction 4
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2406
home <Kettel Building>
SetFaction 4
NPC Scientist

SetTeam 6
SetPersona 2407
% home <BioCorp Labs>
home <BioCorp Labs Scientist Room>
SetFaction 5
home <Factory>
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 2408
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 2409
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2410
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2411
NPC Journalist
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2412
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2413
home <BioCorp Building>
SetFaction 5
NPC Leader
job <Corporate President>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2414
home <Regex Corporation>
SetFaction 6
NPC Cook
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2415
home <Twilingate's>
NPC Cyberdoc
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2416
home <Leiji Hospital>
Skill 22 5
Skill 24 12
home <Leiji Hospital>
NPC Mechanic
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2417

home <Automata>
Ego 16
Monster Hunter-Killer
home <Holding Cell>
SetTeam 5
SetKeyItem 3
Scene 25 0
name <Snake Lake Waterfront>
special <ShowAll>

V1 = First time entry counter
V2 = Can access the black market

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the waterfront. It looks like a pretty dangerous area.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
name <Delinquents>
type <Criminal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 7
rumor <some of the local street gangs aren't too fond of outside
room 8 5
name <Guardian Station>
BorderType 29
room 5 5
name <Lakeside Chapel>
BorderType 15
FloorType 30
room 8 8
name <Spaceport Authority>
FloorType 26

name <Boarding Party>
Width 7
Height 7
BorderType 36
FloorType 25
room 5 5
name <Honest Weasel>
BorderType 38
FloorType 28
room 6 5
name <Pirate's Den>
BorderType 35
FloorType 14
width 5
height 5
Destination 10
Persona 2502
% Guardian Recruitment
% V1 = Renown + Reaction, determines if PC can get job...
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 3 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 3 else GoCheckFaction Say 1 AddChat 1>
GoCheckFaction <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction Say 2 AddChat 2>
GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .skills Say 4>
.skills <1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36>
result2 <NewChat ifG 10 PCRep 2 else GoR2Apt Say 5>
GoR2Apt <V= 1 PCRep 6 V+ 1 PCRep 1 ifG V1 15 else goR2Fail Say 7
AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
goR2Fail <Say 6>
result3 <NewChat Say 8 MechaPrize .mek XPV 500 CashPrize 50000 S
etPlayerFaction 3>
.mek <Renegade.txt>
result4 <NewChat Say 9 AddReact -1>
Msg1 <As a guardian, you have to keep in top physical condition.
You want to train?>
Msg2 <It's up to us, the Guardians, to keep law and order in the
Federated Territories. It's a tough job with all those ravagers and criminals o
ut there.>
Msg3 <Let's get started. You look a bit out of shape... Nothing
some strenuous exercise won't fix.>
Msg4 <Keep working on it.>
Msg5 <Maybe you weren't listening to me. The Guardians are the d
efenders of the law... I don't know if you even know what a law is. Either shape
up your behavior or find someone else to hire you.>
Msg6 <You? You've got some spirit, it's true, but you haven't ex
actly proven yourself yet. I honestly don't think you'd survive two days as a gu
Msg7 <You? Well, I guess you've shown a bit of talent... I'll te
ll you what. We could use another patrolman on the force. I've got a position av
ailable, if you're seriously interested.>

Msg8 <Welcome to the force. Here's a patrol car for your use, a
cash allowance so you can pick up some better equipment than that crap you're us
ing, and you can come back for training later. Now get out there and make yourse
lf useful.>
Msg9 <Uh-huh. Well, stop wasting my time like that. Don't ask me
again unless you're serious about it.>
Prompt1 <That's what I'm here for.>
Prompt2 <I'd like to join you.>
Prompt3 <I'll take it.>
Prompt4 <Sorry, not right now.>
Persona 2511
% Weasely Crusher, used mecha dealer.
Greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <Say 2 Shop Wares Say 3 EndChat>
Wares <MECHA>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 1>
Msg1 <Welcome friend... Are you interested in power machines? I
have a wide selection of almost new and slightly used mecha available for sale.
I'm also in the business of buying salvage parts, if you happen to have any.>
Msg2 <Take a look around. Make me an offer.>
Msg3 <Keep on truckin'!>
Msg4 <Well, it's a dangerous world out there, you know. Many of
these machines were parted from their previous owners under most unfortunate cir
cumstances... But their loss can be your gain! I have the best selection in Snak
e Lake City!>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Prompt2 <Where did you get all these robots?>
Persona 2512
% Black market shopkeeper...
greeting <NewChat if= V1 1 else GoFirstTime Say 4 AddChat 3>
GoFirstTime <if= L2 1 else GoCheckCharm L= 2 2 Say 1 AddChat 1 A
ddChat 2>
GoCheckCharm <ifG React 30 else GoNothing L= 2 2 Say 8 AddCHat 5
GoNothing <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Reputation 2 -1 V= 1 1 Goto GoOpenStore>
result2 <NewChat Say 3 Reputation 2 1 V= 1 2>
result3 <EndChat Say 5 Goto GoOpenStore>
result4 <NewChat Say 6 if= V2 0 V= 2 1 Reputation 3 d10>
result5 <EndChat Say 9 V= 1 1 Goto GoOpenStore>
GoOpenStore <shop .wares Say 7>
.wares <4 5 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 MEXTRA>
Msg1 <What're you think you're doing in here? This look like a p
lace of business, or something!?>
Msg2 <Well in that case, come on in! We've got all kinds of thin
gs in here.>
Msg3 <Remember, you saw nothing...>
Msg4 <Well, here you is again. Looking for something or you just
stop by to chat?>
Msg5 <Here's what I've got in stock at the moment. There's all k
inds of stuff that finds its way through those doors, so you just might find som
ething you've been looking for.>
Msg6 <That's good of yer. I'll tell you a story about my times i
n Oceania, and the pirates of Jackson's Reef...>
Msg7 <If anyone asks where you got that stuff, tell 'em it fell
off a truck.>
Msg8 <I like you, \PC , so I'm gonna let you in on a little secr
et... This here is the black market, we have things from all over Earth and beyo

ne. You want something? I can get it.>

Msg9 <I came groundside a while back but I still have some conne
ctions with the Blades of Crihna. Lots of this stuff came from the spinners; it'
s higher quality than the things made on Earth.>
Prompt1 <I'm looking for the black market.>
Prompt2 <Sorry to intrude...>
Prompt3 <I'd like to see your wares.>
Prompt4 <I'm just here to chat today.>
Prompt5 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 2513
% Pirate will tell PC about black market.
greeting <NewChat ifG L2 0 else GoCheck Say 2>
GoCheck <ifG React 15 else GoNoGood L= 2 1 Say 1>
GoNoGood <Say 2>
Msg1 <I've got a tip for you... if you're looking for the black
market, the best one to ask is a pirate...>
Msg2 <I was born on Mars, worked as a privateer out of Maquise S
pinner for a while, now I'm living on Earth. I have to drift... it's my nature t
o keep on moving.>
NPC Trucker
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2501
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2502
SetFaction 3
name <Britaine>
job <Guardian Commander>
home <Guardian Station>
Skill 2 16
Skill 5 17
skill 6 23
mecha <Monstrous.txt>
chardesc Male Heroic Lawful Passionate Passionate Passionate Ren
owned Renowned Renowned
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2503
chardesc villainous
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2504
chardesc chaotic
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2505
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2506

NPC Trucker
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2507
NPC Priest
home <Lakeside Chapel>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2508
chardesc chaotic heroic
home <Lakeside Chapel>
NPC Citizen
home <Boarding Party>
job <Hostess>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2509
chardesc Young Chaotic Female
NPC Journalist
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2510
NPC Bandit
name <Weasely Crusher>
mecha <>
sdl_portrait <por_m_punk(J-Y).png>
sdl_colors <152 61 97 255 212 195 136 141 101>
chardesc Male Pragmatic Wangtta
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2511
home <Honest Weasel>
Skill 21 6
NPC Shopkeeper
name <Miaga>
home <Pirate's Den>
job <Reformed Pirate>
sdl_portrait <por_f_ladi_miaga(YU-).png>
sdl_colors <255 150 120 142 62 39 1 75 67>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 2512
chardesc chaotic Sociable Cheerful Easygoing Female
skill 21 25
Ego 17
Craft 8
Reflexes 16
Speed 14
Age 3
EquipChar 250000
NPC Bounty Hunter
mecha <Neko.txt>
rumor <Bounty Hunters generally know where to shop for adventuri
ng equipment.>
SettEAM 2
SetPersona 2513
chardesc chaotic Sociable
equipchar 10000

NPC Thief
SetPersona 2514
SetTeam 2
mecha <Alba.txt>
SetFaction 13
Scene 26 0
name <Kist Ruins L3>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 14>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Kist Ruins, level three.>
FloorType 14
MarbleType 16
BorderType 35
BorderType 35
Width 12
LockedDoorChance 80
SecretDoorChance 30
Height 12
FloorType 16
special <Cell>
Destination 19
BorderType 35
Width 17
Height 17
LockedDoorChance 50
SecretDoorChance 90
name <Storage Cell>
special <Cell>
FloorType 16
SecretDoorChance 90
Door 0
Lock 30
use <if= V1 1 else GoFirstTime Print 3>
GoFirstTime <ifKeyItem 55 else GoNoFuel ifKeyIte
m 35 else GoNoDisk ifYesNo 4 5 6 DeleteKeyItem 55 DeleteKeyItem 35 GiveKeyItem 2

6 Print 2 History 7 Exit 1 SeekGate 14 V= 1 1>

GoNoFuel <Print 1>
GoNoDisk <Print 1>
Msg1 <There is something large buried in the deb
ris here. On top is a metallic panel with two small openings.>
Msg2 <You have reawakened the Argoseyer! The eno
rmous mecha lifts free from the rubble and awaits your command.>
Msg3 <There's nothing else here.>
Msg4 <There is something large buried in the deb
ris here. On top is a metallic panel with two small openings. It looks like the
fuel rod and crystal disk will fit.>
Msg5 <Insert items into panel.>
Msg6 <Better not try it...>
Msg7 <You recovered the legendary Argoseyer.>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Robot Bug Synth Factory>
setenemy 1
stat 2 100
Treasure 10000
name <Mecha Blueprints>
SetKeyItem 2
home <Storage Cell>
use <Print 3>
Clue29 <Print 1>
Clue37 <Print 2>
Msg1 <These blueprints detail a forerunner of the Esher mecha. A
nyone interested in the history of mecha would probably be eager to buy them.>
Msg2 <These blueprints are very well preserved, considering thei
r age. They probably belong in a museum.>
Msg3 <It's a very old set of mecha blueprints.>
Scene 27 0
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail L1>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You follow the Snake Lake Nature Trail.>
type <Dungeon>
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>

Msg1 <This sign points the way back to Snake Lake Park.>
Msg2 <Return to the park.>
Msg3 <Stay here.>
Destination 23
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>
Msg1 <This sign points the way to second part of the nat
ure trail. The text is partly obscured by what appear to be blood stains.>
Msg2 <Follow the trail.>
Msg3 <Sounds dangerous.>
Destination 28
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Forest Monsters>
type <Animal Forest City Criminal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 12
Scene 28 0
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail L2>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You follow the Snake Lake Nature Trail.>
type <Dungeon>
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>
Msg1 <This sign points the way back to Snake Lake Park.>
Msg2 <Return to the park.>
Msg3 <Stay here.>
Destination 27
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5

name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>
Msg1 <This sign indicates the continuation of the nature
trail. A pile of skulls sits at the base.>
Msg2 <Follow the trail.>
Msg3 <Sounds very dangerous.>
Destination 29
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Forest Monsters>
type <Animal Forest City>
setenemy 1
stat 2 24
Scene 29 0
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail L3>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 10>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You follow the Snake Lake Nature Trail.>
type <Dungeon>
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
MarbleType 2
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4>
Msg1 <This sign points the way back to Snake Lake Park.>
Msg2 <Return to the park.>
Msg3 <Stay here.>
Destination 28
name <Nature Trail>
width 5
height 5
MarbleType 2
% V1 = XP Award for completing the nature trail
name <Snake Lake Nature Trail>
use <IfYesNo 1 2 3 Time d600 Exit StatVal 4 SeekGate 27
if= V1 0 V= 1 1 Print 4 XPV 500>
Msg1 <This sign indicates the end of the Snake Lake Natu
re Trail. You can follow it directly back to the park.>

Msg2 <Return to the park.>

Msg3 <Stay here.>
Msg4 <You have completed the nature trail.>
Destination 23
name <Clearing>
width 8
height 8
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Forest Monsters>
type <Animal Forest>
setenemy 1
stat 2 36
% V2 = Have gotten the "big prize" at this shrine.
name <Earth Shrine>
home <Clearing>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400
Reputation 7 -d4 MENTAL FacXP+ 12 1 ifG SkRoll 34 15 else GoNoDice Goto GoCheck
GoCheckElements <if= V2 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G11 0 else GoSma
llPrize ifG G12 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G13 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G14 0 else G
oSmallPrize ifG G15 0 else GoSmallPrize Goto GoBigPrize>
GoBigPrize <ifG -50 PCRep 7 else GoSmallPrize V= 2 1 Print 101 P
CStat+ 2 2 XPV 100 if= G16 0 History 102 G= 16 1>
GoSmallPrize <G+ 12 1 Print 2 XPV 50>
Msg2 <You meditate at the shrine. You feel the strength of the e
Msg101 <You meditate at the shrine. The green earth has been sca
rred by the wars of man, yet spirit shall not be extinguished. You attain illumi
Msg102 <You have meditated at each of the elemental shrines.>
Scene 30
name <BioCorp Basement L1>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 24>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the BioCorp Basement, level one.>
SecretDoorChance 5
LockedDoorChance 2
FloorType 28
BorderType 23
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 28

Destination 24
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 28
Destination 31
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Dark Synth Robot HUNTER-X>
setenemy 1
stat 2 16
Scene 31
name <BioCorp Basement L2>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 24>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the BioCorp Basement, level two.>
SecretDoorChance 5
LockedDoorChance 2
FloorType 28
BorderType 23
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 28
Destination 30
height 7
width 7
FloorType 28
MarbleType 5
name <Spawning Pit>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Dark Synth Robot HUNTER-X>
setenemy 1
stat 2 21

Prop 30
name <Spawning Vat>
home <Spawning Pit>
SetTeam 2
SetKeyItem 4
Monster Hunter-Slayer
SetTeam 2
home <Spawning Pit>
Scene 32 0
name <Snake Lake Sewer L1>
Type <Dungeon Sewer Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 10>
start <Print 3>
Msg3 <You enter Snake Lake sewer, level one.>
BorderType 29
FloorType 17
MarbleType 7
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 10
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 33
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Sewer Monsters>
type <Swamp Water City Reptile>
setenemy 1
stat 2 11
Scene 33 0
name <Snake Lake Sewer L2>
Type <Dungeon Sewer Open ISOLATED>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 10>
start <Print 3>

Msg3 <You enter Snake Lake sewer, level two.>

BorderType 29
FloorType 17
MarbleType 7
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 32
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 34
width 15
height 15
FloorType 17
Room 5 5
name <Research Station>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Sewer Monsters>
type <Swamp Water City Reptile>
setenemy 1
stat 2 15
team 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
Persona 3301
% V1 = "victory" counter.
greeting <NewChat if= V1 1 else GoCheckLancemate Say 10>
GoCheckLancemate <if= ItemTeam 5 NAV_LancemateTeam else GoCheckD
eath V= 1 1 AddReact 20 Reputation 6 2 Say 9 AddChat 7 AddChat 8>
GoCheckDeath <ifItemOK 5 else GoDeath Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 6>
GoDeath <V= 1 1 Say 14 AddChat 11 AddChat 12>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 5>
result2 <NewChat Say 3 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result3 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result4 <NewChat Say 5>
result5 <NewChat Say 6>
result6 <EndChat Say 7 Shop .nowares Say 8>
result7 <NewChat Say 11 Reputation 4 d8 AddChat 9 AddChat

result8 <NewChat

Say 11

Reputation 4 -d8

AddChat 9 AddChat

result9 <NewChat

Say 12

CashPrize 120000

XPV 100


eyItem 5>
result10 <NewChat Say 13 Reputation 3 d6>
result11 <NewChat Reputation 2 -1 Say 15>
result12 <NewChat Reputation 2 1 Reputation 6 1 AddReact -30
Say 16>
Msg1 <Hello! It's nice to see a new face down here... we don't g
et many visitors. Of course, I wouldn't trade my research for the world.>
Msg2 <This sewer is the natural habitat of albino alligators. I'
ve been tracking the movements of a particularly old male that we call "Bone-Cra
cker". His lair is somewhere below this research station.>
Msg3 <Well, Bone-Cracker does seem to have a fondness for human
flesh, but I've been here so long that I apparently smell like the environment,
so I'm apparently safe.>
Msg4 <If you're attacked by an albino alligator, run away. One b
ite can easily mean instant death. If you have to fight, aim for the belly where
their scales are softest. They're good at hiding in water and vegetation, so be
very cautious.>
Msg5 <The Snake Lake department of sanitation has given me a res
earch grant. Bone-Cracker has eaten several of their workers, as well as a numbe
r of bounty hunters sent here to get rid of him.>
Msg6 <He's bigger than most albino alligators, very aggressive,
and likes to eat people. In his lair downstairs he's accumulated quite a collect
ion of bones, weapons, and shiny objects taken from the people he's killed.>
Msg7 <Maybe I can help you. Living down here and studying the lo
cal wildlife, I've picked up a thing or two about first aid...>
Msg8 <Have a good expedition.>
Msg9 <What... You have Bone-Cracker with you!? He's been tamed?
This is incredible... How did you ever manage to do that?>
Msg10 <My research project is done now. I'm getting ready to ret
urn to the surface.>
Msg11 <Well... if you don't mind, would you mind if I studied hi
m for a while? I could learn so much by observing him up close. Don't worry, Bon
e-Cracker won't be harmed... not that I think I could do that anyhow.>
Msg12 <Thank you! In return, here's what's left of my research g
rant. I guess I don't have any reason to stay down here now... Bone-Cracker and
I will go to the Wujung University Reptiles Center.>
Msg13 <I understand. Well, now that Bone-Cracker is leaving, I g
uess there's nothing left for me to study here. I'll be packing up and returning
to the university soon.>
Msg14 <It's very strange... My remote sensors have lost track of
Bone-Cracker. I guess he could have died, but he was in pretty good health and
there's nothing down there powerful enough to fight him.>
Msg15 <Well, unless I can find him again, my research project he
re is over.>
Msg16 <You did what!? Why did you do that!? There was no reason
to go into his territory... And now my research project is ruined! I guess there
's nothing left for me but to return to the university...>
Prompt1 <What exactly are you researching?>
Prompt2 <Isn't that dangerous?>
Prompt3 <What should I do if I meet one?>
Prompt4 <Why are you doing this?>
Prompt5 <Tell me about Bone-Cracker.>
Prompt6 <Help! I've been injured!>
Prompt7 <It wasn't easy.>
Prompt8 <Just another day's work for me.>
Prompt9 <Alright, you can have him.>

Prompt10 <Sorry, I'd rather keep him with me.>

Prompt11 <I don't know anything about that.>
Prompt12 <I killed Bone-Cracker.>
NPC Nurse
job <Grad Student>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3301
home <Research Station>
skill 20 12
home <Research Station>
clue29 <ifYesNo 4 5 6 ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore Print 7 V
= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400 Reputation 7 d4 MENTAL ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoDice ifG
PCRep 7 -d100 else GoNoDice Print 1 SkillXP 14 65>
GoNoDice <Print 2>
GoBeenBefore <Print 3>
Msg1 <You learn quite a bit about nature.>
Msg2 <You can't understand a thing.>
Msg3 <You've already looked at this computer today.>
Msg4 <This computer contains research notes on the creatures fou
nd in the sewer.>
Msg5 <Read the notes.>
Msg6 <Sounds too boring.>
Msg7 <You read the research notes...>
Scene 34 0
name <Snake Lake Sewer L3>
Type <Dungeon Sewer Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 10>
start <Print 3>
Msg3 <You enter Snake Lake sewer, level three.>
BorderType 29
FloorType 7
MarbleType 2
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 33
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Sewer Monsters>
type <Swamp Water City Reptile>
setenemy 1

stat 2 19
width 7
height 7
name <Lair>
FloorType 7
MarbleType 17
Monster Albino Alligator
statline 15 23 13 9 3 15 2 2
skill 8 11
skill 13 15
SetTeam 2
SetKeyItem 5
home <Lair>
cash 896
NPC Citizen
equipChar 7000
% Mark these bodies as artifacts so they won't be deleted
type <artifact>
home <Lair>
Damage 500
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
equipChar 11000
% Mark these bodies as artifacts so they won't be deleted
type <artifact>
home <Lair>
Damage 500
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
equipChar 7000
% Mark these bodies as artifacts so they won't be deleted
type <artifact>
home <Lair>
Damage 500
SetTeam 2
Scene 35 0
name <Wujung University>
type <Town University URB_STORY>
special <ShowAll>

L2 = Have been given permission to explore the undercity

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.

NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 17>

start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter Wujung University.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
gapfill <-9 -7 -7 -4 -4 -4 -4 -1>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3 1
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2 1
team_colors <77 156 131>
width 5
height 5
Destination 17
room 8 12
name <Humanities Building>
FloorType 30
BorderType 24
room 8 12
name <Sciences Building>
FloorType 30
BorderType 24
room 8 12
name <Technicum Building>
FloorType 30
BorderType 24
room 6 6
name <Regex Co-Op>
BorderType 35
room 5 5
name <Chaplain's Office>
FloorType 30
room 5 5
BorderType 29
FloorType 14

use <Print 1 SavePos LoadD .scene PassVar 2 60 PassVar 3

5 PassVar 4 8 SeekGate -1 if# G26 1 PassVar 1 35>
.scene <TS_SCENE_WujungUndercity.txt>
Hide 1
REVEAL <Print 7>
Msg7 <You have found a secret passageway!>
Lock 20
Update <ifG L2 0 SetStat 6 0>
Persona 3503
% Humanities Professor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 School .skills Say 3>
.skills <19 30 27 34 35 39>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 1>
Msg1 <I am \PERSONA 3503 , dean of the humanities department.>
Msg2 <Certainly. What subject do you require instruction in?>
Msg3 <Remember, everything can be a learning experience.>
Msg4 <There are also departments for science and technical studi
es, but honestly the most important things can be learned in the humanities.>
Prompt1 <I'd like to study.>
Prompt2 <What else do you teach here?>
Persona 3504
% Science Professor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 School .skills Say 3>
.skills <16 22 24 29 31 38>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 1>
Msg1 <I am \PERSONA 3504 , head of the science department.>
Msg2 <Let's get started. What subject do you require instruction
Msg3 <Science is all about observation. Keep your eyes open and
the world can be your teacher.>
Msg4 <Well, \PERSONA 3503 is in charge of the humanities departm
ent, while \PERSONA 3505 takes care of technical studies.>
Prompt1 <I'd like to study.>
Prompt2 <What else do you teach here?>
Persona 3505
% Technical Professor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 School .skills Say 3>
.skills <15 20 23 14 37>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 1>
Msg1 <I am \PERSONA 3505 , head of the technical studies degree
Msg2 <What do you want to learn about? I can teach you all kinds
of things which you may find useful.>
Msg3 <Keep working hard! Remember, you may not see any immediate
progress, but every bit of studying you do helps!>
Msg4 <There are also science and humanities majors programs at t
he university, but if you're really interested in finding a job you'll want to s
tick with the technical department.>
Prompt1 <I'd like to study.>
Prompt2 <What else do you teach here?>

Persona 3506
greeting <NewChat if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore ifG React 10 else G
oBeenBefore V= 1 1 Say 1 AddCHat 1 AddChat 2>
GoBeenBefore <SayAnything>
result1 <NewChat Say 2>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <In the Age of Superpowers, "Cyclops" were created to act a
s soldiers. Now Kettel Industries is planning to destroy the last known cyclops
habitat in the green zone!>
Msg2 <We don't use terms like "monsters" any more... In any case
, the Cyclops are part of the new ecology, and as such they need to be protected
Msg3 <They say Cyclops are very intelligent... maybe even as sma
rt as humans! Plus, I don't like the thought of any living creature being killed
just to satisfy corporate greed.>
Prompt1 <Good. Monsters should be eliminated.>
Prompt2 <Why do you think that's a bad thing?>
Persona 3515
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <DELIVERY>
Msg1 <This is the Wujung University Student Mechanics Lab. If yo
u've got a damaged mecha, our students can repair it and get valuable work exper
ience in the process.>
Msg2 <Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on the students to make
sure they put everything back together right...>
Msg3 <Let me know how the repairs turned out so I can give them
a final grade.>
Prompt1 <Here's my mecha.>
NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3501
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3502
job <Campus Security>
EquipChar 15000
NPC Professor
home <Humanities Building>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3503
NPC Professor
home <Sciences Building>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3504
home <Sciences Building>
home <Sciences Building>

NPC Professor
home <Technicum Building>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3505
NPC Citizen
name <Patch>
Chardesc Young Passionate Heroic
SetTeam 2
job <Student>
SetPersona 3506
rumor <Patch is deeply involved in the environmental movement.>
CHAT_SAFE1 <Save the Morlocks!>
CHAT_SAFE2 <Down with oppression!>
CHAT_SAFE3 <Don't raise school tuition!>
NPC Citizen
Chardesc Young
SetTeam 2
job <Student>
SetPersona 3507
NPC Citizen
Chardesc Young
SetTeam 2
job <Student>
SetPersona 3508
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3509
NPC Scientist
home <Sciences Building>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3510
NPC Priest
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3511
home <Chaplain's Office>
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3512
home <Regex Co-Op>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3513
home <Regex Co-Op>
SetFaction 6
NPC Corporate Executive
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3514
home <Regex Co-Op>
SetFaction 6

NPC Mechanic
home <Technicum Building>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3515
home <Chaplain's Office>
Scene 36 0
name <Ipshil Sump>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 13>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter a dark and mysterious ruin, far beneath Ipshil. It seems
awfully well-maintained for someplace so remote.>
map <TS_MAP_Guild.txt>
% L2 = Have recovered Primal Genome.
utd3602 <GrabTeam
utd3603 <GrabTeam
utd3604 <GrabTeam
utd3605 <GrabTeam
utd3606 <GrabTeam
utd3607 <GrabTeam
GET36 <L= 2 1>









Team 1
SetEnemy 2 3
Team 2
name <NPCs>
SetEnemy 1
SetAlly 4
team_colors <208 80 30>
Team 3
name <Monsters>
SetEnemy 1 2 4
Team 4
name <Guildmaster>
SetAlly 2
Persona 3601
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 13 else GoSomething SayAnything
GoSomething <if= PCFac 13 else GoNoMember Say 7 AddChat 5>
GoNoMember <if= L2 1 else GoNoOffer Say 2 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoOffer <Say 1>
result1 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result3 <NewChat Say 6 TeamNeutral 2 Reputation 2 -10 SetPlayerF
action 13 XPV 200 MechaPrize .mek>
.mek <Corsair.txt>
result4 <NewChat Say 5>

result5 <EndChat Say 8 School .skill Say 9>

.skill <41 5 6 10 11 12 25 28 32 37>
Msg1 <It really is quite dangerous in here... Be careful.>
Msg2 <You are apparently quite a thief... Sneaking in here and s
tealing one of my most valuable treasures, all without causing too much of a dis
turbance! It would be a shame if such considerable talents were to go to waste.
I could help you.>
Msg3 <Ah, you have the ability but not the aptitude. That's a sh
ame. You can keep the item you stole, though I may try to steal it back... you s
hould leave this place before one of my less friendly associates take exception
to your presence.>
Msg4 <I represent the League of Treasure Hunters. We are a group
of thieves and ne'er-do-wells, dedicated to perfecting the art of larceny. I co
uld train you, point you in the right direction to find some filthy lucre. Do yo
u want in?>
Msg5 <It's your choice. In that case, I suggest that you leave t
his place by the same way you came in, before my guards find that there's an uni
nvited guest in the halls.>
Msg6 <Ah, welcome to the club. You'll need a mecha to get around
in. From now on you can come in here through the front door.>
Msg7 <Welcome to the guild hall. Are you here for training, or j
ust to brag about your recent acquisitions?>
Msg8 <Here are the things you're going to have to know. Pay clos
e attention.>
Msg9 <If your talents are up to par, you can get whatever you wa
nt without ever getting your hands dirty.>
Prompt1 <Tell me more.>
CPrompt1 <ifG 0 PCRep 2 Accept>
Prompt2 <I'm not interested in that.>
Prompt3 <Sounds good. I'd like to join.>
Prompt4 <No, I'd rather not join.>
Prompt5 <I'm here for training.>
name <Jjang Bogo>
chardesc Old Chaotic Shy Easygoing Renowned
job <Guildmaster>
sdl_colors <208 80 30 240 215 195 200 200 230>
roguechar <J>
SetTeam 4
SetPersona 3601
SetFaction 13
XPos 20
YPos 38
NPC Thief
EquipChar 6000
SetPersona 3602
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPOs 42
YPos 28
Monster Assassin
name <Jiro>
sdl_portrait <por_m_ninja(Y-Y).png>
chardesc Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy

roguechar <J>
SetPersona 3603
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPos 27
YPos 34
NPC Thief
EquipChar 6000
SetPersona 3604
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPOs 40
YPos 28
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 3605
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPOs 40
YPos 30
mecha <>
NPC Thief
EquipChar 6000
SetPersona 3606
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPOs 43
YPos 38
NPC Bandit
SetPersona 3607
SetFaction 13
SetTeam 2
XPOs 43
YPos 40
mecha <>
Lock 15
XPos 15
YPos 38
BigTreasure 45
name <Primal Genome>
SetKeyItem 36
use <Print 4>
clue37 <print 1>
clue29 <if= v1 0 else godid Print 2 v= 1 1 SkillXP 22 50
clue22 <if= v1 0 else godid Print 2 v= 1 1 SkillXP 22 50
clue32 <if= v1 0 else gonomore Print 2 v= 1 1 SkillXP 22
GoDid <Print 3>
GoNoMore <Print 5>
Msg1 <Marked on the side of this canister is the inscrip
tion "KCF-HX-OSIRIS PG1".>

Msg2 <Searching through the unencrypted files on this ca

nister, you learn a few things about biotechnology.>
Msg3 <You've already examined the Primal Genome.>
Msg4 <It's a data canister. Whatever is stored in here m
ust be pretty important.>
Msg5 <You can't bypass the security to learn any more fr
om the Primal Genome.>
Monster Hunter-Destroyer
SetTeam 3
XPos 26
YPos 24
Monster Hunter-Berserker
SetTeam 3
XPos 43
YPos 22
Destination 22
XPos 12
YPos 44


































Scene 37 0
name <Namok Spaceport>

type <Town Spaceport LANCEMATE_HERE URB_STORY>

special <ShowAll>
% ******************************************
% ******************************************
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate 16>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Namok waterfront district.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3 1
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
rumor <the SpacePort is the best place to go shopping.>
team_colors <70 130 180>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2 1
team_colors <75 200 220>
width 5
height 5
Destination 16
room 10 10
name <Navy Academy>
FloorType 25
BorderType 33
room 8 8
name <Maquise Consulate>
FloorType 30
BorderType 24
room 7 5
name <Silver Virtue>
FloorType 30
BorderType 34
room 5 5
name <Campaign Outfitter>
BorderType 32

room 5 5
name <Fourth Horseman>
BorderType 32
FloorType 25
room 8 6
name <BioCorp Building>
BorderType 34
FloorType 25
room 7 7
name <Kettel Building>
BorderType 29
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <Delta Arcade>
BorderType 36
room 5 5
name <Frigate Up>
BorderType 38
FloorType 25

ob to
e and

Persona 3702
greeting <NewChat if= PCFac 1 else GoNoMember Say 2 AddChat 1>
GoNoMember <ifG React d50 else GoNoLike Say 1>
GoNoLike <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .sklist Say 4>
.sklist <1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12>
Msg1 <I am the lead combat trainer for the Solar Navy. It's my j
make sure all of our recruits have the skills they're gonna need to surviv
win on the modern battlefield.>
Msg2 <I am the chief drill sergeant for the Solar Navy. What are
needs, \RANK ?>
Msg3 <Let's get started. You will need to master each of these s
if you hope to survive on the battlefield.>
Msg4 <Keep working on those skills.>
Prompt1 <I'm here to do training.>

Persona 3712
% Okko, of Silver Virtue Technologies
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <Mecha 19 MEXTRA 14 8>
Msg1 <Hello, welcome to Silver Virtue Technologies. We deal in a
dvanced robotics and cybernetics. How may I be of assistance today?>
Msg2 <Take a look through our inventory. I am certain that you w
ill not be disappointed.>
Msg3 <Please come again.>
Prompt1 <What do you have for sale?>
Persona 3713
% Campaign Outfitters
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <4 5 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 20>
Msg1 <Welcome to Campaign Outfitters. For the cavalier who doesn
't spend his entire life in a cockpit, this is the only shop you'll need. What c

an I do for you today?>

Msg2 <Everything's here. If you can't find what you're looking f
or come back again, we'll probably have it later.>
Msg3 <Have a good expedition.>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 3718
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <4 5 20 MEXTRA MECHA>
Msg1 <This is the Fourth Horseman armaments shop. What can I do
for you today?>
Msg2 <So you've come to the right place. Take a look through the
storeroom and tell me what you want.>
Msg3 <Remember, forearmed is forewarned, and that's half the bat
Prompt1 <I'd like to buy a weapon.>
Persona 3714
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <MEXTRA MECHA 6 8 10 12 17 DELIVERY>
Msg1 <Welcome to Frigate Up, where pilots come after they've don
e just that. We handle watercraft, spacecraft, and mecha of all sizes.>
Msg2 <I'll have a look at things and give you an estimate. While
you're waiting, you might as well take a look through the second-hand mechas an
d spare parts we have for sale.>
Msg3 <Take care.>
Prompt1 <I've got damage to repair.>
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 3701
SetTeam 3
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 3702
chardesc Old Renowned
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 1
home <Navy Academy>
mecha <>
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 3703
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 1
mecha <Puma.txt>
NPC Soldier
SetPersona 3704
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 1
mecha <Puma.txt>
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Wasp.txt>
SetPersona 3705
SetTeam 3

SetFaction 1
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Condor.txt>
SetPersona 3706
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 1
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Jos.txt>
SetPersona 3707
SetTeam 3
SetFaction 1
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 3708
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 3709
SetTeam 2
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 3710
SetTeam 2
NPC Leader
job <Ambassador>
SetPersona 3711
SetTeam 2
home <Maquise Consulate>
NPC Shopkeeper
name <Okko>
sdl_portrait <por_f_allisonnewver(J--).png>
sdl_colors <201 205 229 255 212 195 199 188 162>
chardesc Female Heroic Shy
Charm 22
Ego 11
Body 6
home <Silver Virtue>
SetPersona 3712
SetTeam 2
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 3713
SetTeam 2
home <Campaign Outfitter>
NPC Mechanic
SetPersona 3714
SetTeam 2
home <Frigate Up>
NPC Corporate Executive
SetPersona 3715
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
home <Kettel Building>

NPC Corporate Executive

SetPersona 3717
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 4
home <Kettel Building>
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 3718
SetTeam 2
home <Fourth Horseman>
Body 6
Speed 17
NPC Corporate Executive
SetPersona 3719
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 5
home <BioCorp Building>
NPC Corporate Executive
SetPersona 3720
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 5
home <BioCorp Building>
NPC Thief
SetPersona 3721
SetTeam 2
SetFaction 13
mecha <Corsair.txt>
home <Delta Arcade>
home <Delta Arcade>
Scene 38 0
name <Pirate's Point>
type <Target Town Village LANCEMATE_HERE URB_STORY>
Special <ShowAll>
param <Fill 1 0>
gapfill <-1 -1 -14 -10 -8 -19 -19 -14>

1 -> Message first time entering town

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
MSG1 <You enter a small coastal port town. From the look of things, this
is a haven for smugglers and criminals.>
MSG2 <You enter Pirate's Point.>

FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
Team 1
% PC Team
team 2
% Town Citizens
stat 1 3
SetAlly 3
team 3
% Town Defenders
SetAlly 2
team 4
name <The Fightin' Drunks>
type <Criminal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 16
rumor <there's a lot of drunk sailors in town just looking for a
team 5
% Aegis Consulate
room 6 5
name <Kira's Tattoos>
BorderType 27
FloorType 26
room 7 7
name <Aegis Consulate>
BorderType 34
FloorType 25
room 8 5
name <Armor Forge>
BorderType 15
FloorType 26
room 7 5
name <Fafnir Pub>
BorderType 37
FloorType 14
room 5 5
name <The Doctor's Lair>
BorderType 18
FloorType 26
room 7 6
name <Rowdy Repairs>
BorderType 38
FloorType 26
room 5 5
name <Ye Olde Bazooka>
BorderType 32
FloorType 26

name <Entry Grid>
width 3
height 3
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Persona 3801
% Tattoo and Body Modification Expert... kind of.
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
rumor <Kira really likes pain.>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3>
.Wares <17 19>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
Msg1 <This is Kira's Tattoos and Body Modification. We have all
kinds of things in here, so long as you're not afraid of a little pain...>
Msg2 <Have a look through the books, if you see anything you lik
e I'll see about sticking it in you.>
Msg3 <Catch you later.>
Msg4 <Actually, I'm all out of needles. I'll let you know when I
get some more in stock, though.>
Prompt1 <I'd like some body modification.>
Prompt2 <What about a tattoo?>
Persona 3805
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <NewChat Say 2>
Msg1 <The Earth is primitive and barbaric. Look at the depravity
all around you... Things would be much better if a strong central government wa
s in place, but these terrans lack the willpower needed to do so.>
Msg2 <Can't I? This town is the most civilized place on this bac
kwards world. The Aegis Council wouldn't have built the consulate here if there
were a better site. From what I see, this entire planet is badly in need of our
Prompt1 <You can't judge the Earth from this one town.>
Persona 3812
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <10 11 Mecha MEXTRA>
Msg1 <This is Armor Forge. We carry the equipment that'll keep y
ou alive when you go into battle- from personal armor to Mega-class mecha.>
Msg2 <The price should be marked on everything you see. Have a l
ook, pick up some things.>
Msg3 <Come back safely, and buy some more gear.>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 3813
% Cook
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <18 5 12 14>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 74 els
e GoNoMoney Say 5 CASH+ -75 PCEat>
GoNotHungry <Say 6>

GoNoMoney <Say 7>

result4 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <This is the Fafnir Pub. What can I do for you lot today?>
Msg2 <We've got a lot of stuff you can buy. I carry food, medici
ne, and whatever I've taken from pirates who haven't been able to pay their tab.
Msg3 <Be seeing you back here sometime.>
Msg4 <Special of the day is the fisherman's platter. That'll set
you back around $75. You want I should go fix one up for you?>
Msg5 <Here's your food. Enjoy your meal.>
Msg6 <I don't think you're hungry enough to eat yet. How can I t
ell? I just knows, that's all!>
Msg7 <Hey, what kind of scam are you trying to pull!? Come back
here when you've got money or I'll break both your elbows.>
Prompt1 <I need to buy provisions.>
Prompt2 <I'd like something to eat.>
Prompt3 <I'll take it.>
Prompt4 <Nah, I'm not that hungry.>
Persona 3814
% Doctor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <17>
Msg1 <This is the clinic and I am Doctor \PERSONA 3814 . How may
I be of assistance?>
Msg2 <Is that so? Well, it's a rough neighborhood. Let me have a
look at you.>
Msg3 <Be careful.>
Prompt1 <I need some medical help.>
Persona 3815
% Repair
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop wares Say 3>
wares <DELIVERY>
Msg1 <Come on in to Rowdy Repairs. Did your last adventure leave
your ride a bit messed up? Show it to me and I'll do my best to put it back tog
Msg2 <Let me have a look at the damage, and give you an estimate
of how much it's gonna cost.>
Msg3 <Take care of your machine.>
Prompt1 <I need to get my mecha repaired.>
Persona 3816
% Weapons
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <4 10 20>
Msg1 <Pirates, Bandits, and Cavaliers all need the right tools..
. and in nearly every case, the right tool is a really big gun.>
Msg2 <Take your time, look around at what we have. When you've m
ade up your mind bring it over here and I'll check you through.>
Msg3 <Goodbye.>
Prompt1 <I'd like to buy a weapon.>
NPC Celebrity
job <Artist>

name <Kira>
home <Kira's Tattoos>
SDL_POrtrait <por_f_ladi_punk(JA-).png>
SDL_Colors <112 28 28 245 213 160 99 181 175>
chardesc Female Passionate Chaotic
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3801
Skill 21 16
Skill 24 3
NPC Thief
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3802
SetFaction 13
EquipChar 7500
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3803
NPC Bandit
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3804
NPC Soldier
home <Aegis Consulate>
mecha <Chimentero.txt>
job <Ace Pilot>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3805
SetFaction 7
Skill 1 15
Skill 2 15
Skill 3 15
Skill 4 15
Skill 5 15
EquipChar 45000
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Luna2.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3806
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 20000
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Luna2.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3807
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 20000
NPC Mecha Pilot
mecha <Gigas.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3808
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 20000
NPC Mecha Pilot

mecha <Gigas.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3809
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 20000
NPC Soldier
home <Aegis Consulate>
mecha <Chameleon.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3810
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 30000
NPC Soldier
home <Aegis Consulate>
mecha <Chameleon.txt>
SetTeam 5
SetPersona 3811
SetFaction 7
EquipChar 30000
NPC Shopkeeper
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3812
home <Armor Forge>
NPC Cook
home <Fafnir Pub>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3813
NPC Doctor
home <The Doctor's Lair>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3814
NPC Mechanic
home <Rowdy Repairs>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3815
NPC Shopkeeper
home <Ye Olde Bazooka>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3816
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3817
Scene 39 0
name <Last Hope>
desc <Last Hope is a deadzone village that has only recently joined the Fede
ration. Biocorp maintains a research lab here.>
type <Target Town Village URB_STORY DESTINATION>
special <ShowAll>
sdl_portrait <scene_lasthope.png>

SetFaction 11
FloorType 39
FeatureType 14
gapfill <-8 -13 -20 -20 -20 -13>

1 -> Message first time entering town
101 -> Use SURVIVAL
102 -> Use SCIENCE
103 -> Use MYSTICISM

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a small town on the edge of the desert. This seems to be
the limit, as far as civilization goes.>
MSG2 <You enter Last Hope.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
CLUE34 <Print 103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
Msg103 <You feel a sense of buried dread in this village, as though some
thing dark was lurking just beneath the surface.>
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team_colors <130 143 114>
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
room 8 7
name <BioCorp Head Office>
BorderType 34
FloorType 28
room 9 5
name <Frontier Service>
BorderType 38
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <Busgang Transit>
BorderType 31
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <General Provisioner>

BorderType 32
FloorType 28
room 6 5
name <Hope Hospital>
BorderType 18
FloorType 28
name <Entry Grid>
width 3
height 7
floortype 39
marbletype 1
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
name <Road Sign>
use <Alert 3>
Msg3 <You stand before an ancient road sign. The origina
l text has faded away, but over it someone has written "You have reached the end
of the sidewalk. Turn back while you still can.">
Persona 3901
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result3 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 49 els
e GoNoMoney Say 6 CASH+ -50 PCEat>
result4 <NewChat Say 7>
Msg1 <This is the Frontier Service Station diner. If you're head
ing out into the dead zone, you better get something to eat before you leave.>
Msg2 <Today's special is Mojave Tofu with a side order of salted
cabbage. It's $50 for the set.>
Msg3 <You will be...>
Msg4 <You don't have enough money! Come back when you're not dir
t poor, you can get some food then...>
Msg5 <You don't seem hungry enough to have a meal right now. Com
e back later, if you want.>
Msg6 <Here's the food. Enjoy your meal.>
Msg7 <Go wander around the wastes for a while, then. It'll look
pretty good when you're half-starved.>
Prompt1 <What's on the menu?>
Prompt2 <Sorry, I'm not hungry.>
Prompt3 <I'll take it.>
Prompt4 <That doesn't sound appealing.>
Persona 3902
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop nowares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is the Frontier Service Station. If you've got any pr
oblems with your mecha, I'm the one to see.>
Msg2 <Let me have a look at it, then. You won't want to be going

any further until everything's been fixed.>

Msg3 <Don't get yourself killed out there.>
Prompt1 <I need to get my stuff repaired.>
Persona 3903
% Last Hope Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
Msg1 <This village is where the highway ends. From here we send
trucks out into the dead zone. It's dangerous work, but the fortresses there wil
l pay top dollar for manufactured goods and fresh produce.>
Msg2 <This is about the farthest out that you'll be able to get
things delivered. If you're planning to explore the wastes, you should know that
you're going to be on your own.>
Msg3 <See you again.>
Msg4 <Good luck.>
Msg5 <Hwang-Sa Temple is a short distance southwest of here. Iro
nWind Fortress is far to the south. Markheim is a bit north. There are some smal
l villages on the edge of the green zone, but nothing worth visiting.>
Prompt1 <I need a ticket.>
Prompt2 <That's all for now.>
Prompt3 <What cities are there in the wastes?>
Persona 3905
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .wares Say 3>
.wares <10 12 14 16 17 18>
Msg1 <This is the general provisions shop. We carry all kinds of
goods here.>
Msg2 <Take a look around. I'll be over here if you need any help
Msg3 <Before heading out to explore the dead zone, you should ma
ke sure that you have all the supplies that you're going to need.>
Prompt1 <I'll take a look at what you have.>
Persona 3906
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop nowares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is Hope Medical Center. Are you in need of any help?>
Msg2 <I'll do what I can for you.>
Msg3 <Try to stay healthy.>
Prompt1 <I've been injured.>
Persona 3910
% Human Resources manager
% V1 = Renown + Reaction, determines if PC can get job...
greeting <NewChat ifFactionEnemy 5 else GoSomething SayAnything>
GoSomething <if= PCFac 5 else GoCheckFaction Say 1 AddChat 1>
GoCheckFaction <if= PCFac 0 else GoHasFaction Say 2 AddChat 2>
GoHasFaction <SayAnything>
result1 <EndChat Say 3 School .skills Say 4>
.skills <1 2 3 4 5 15 29 20 21 31 22>
result2 <NewChat ifG -1 PCRep 7 else GoR2Apt Say 5>
GoR2Apt <V= 1 PCRep 6 V+ 1 React ifG V1 15 else goR2Fail Say 7 A
ddChat 3 AddChat 4>
goR2Fail <Say 6>
result3 <NewChat Say 8 MechaPrize .mek XPV 200 CashPrize 25000 S
etPlayerFaction 5>

.mek <BuruBuru.txt>
result4 <NewChat Say 9 AddReact -1>
Msg1 <As a member of BioCorp you should keep your skills honed.
It is by the superiority of our workers that we have established ourselves as th
e industry leader.>
Msg2 <BioCorp is the most technologically advanced corporation i
n the Federated Territories. If you have a scientific mind, there's no better pl
ace to work.>
Msg3 <Expanding your mind should be a lifelong pursuit.>
Msg4 <Keep learning.>
Msg5 <BioCorp focuses strongly on research and cutting edge scie
nce. You don't seem to be too interested in those things. Maybe you're better su
ited to work somewhere else.>
Msg6 <You have the proper attitude to work here, but I am uncert
ain of your life experiences. You'll have to do a better job of convincing me if
you really want the job.>
Msg7 <This is excellent. You would be a welcome asset for this c
ompany... So, will you join us?>
Msg8 <Welcome to our team. Here is your entry-level mecha and st
arting cash allowance. Later on, you will be eligible for promotions and trainin
Msg9 <Keep us in mind should you ever be in need of a job.>
Prompt1 <I'd like to train.>
Prompt2 <Here, look at my resume.>
Prompt3 <Yes I will.>
Prompt4 <Not right now, thanks.>
room 5 5
name <Cave Entrance>
rumor <you can't climb the mesa to the BioCorp lab, but you can
get there through the caves.>
Door 30
Lock 20
GoDoorLocked <ifKeyItem 39 else GoNoKey Print 1 SetStat
STAT_Pass 0 Transform 1>
GoNoKey <Print 6 Alert 101>
Destination 40
NPC Cook
home <Frontier Service>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3901
NPC Mechanic
home <Frontier Service>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3902
NPC Mecha Pilot
job <Bus Dispatcher>
home <Busgang Transit>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3903

NPC Guardian
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3904
NPC Shopkeeper
home <General Provisioner>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3905
NPC Doctor
home <Hope Hospital>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3906
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3907
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3908
NPC Corporate Executive
home <BioCorp Head Office>
SetFaction 5
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3909
NPC Leader
job <President>
home <BioCorp Head Office>
SetFaction 5
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3910
chardesc Pragmatic
NPC Corporate Executive
home <BioCorp Head Office>
SetFaction 5
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3911
NPC Corporate Executive
home <BioCorp Head Office>
SetFaction 5
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 3912
NPC Mecha Pilot
name <Onawa>
mecha <Scylla.txt>
CharDesc Female Shy Easygoing Melancholy
StatLine 15 14 14 15 12 15 12 11
SDL_Portrait <por_f_joe_brianna(JAY).png>
SDL_Colors <64 130 109 150 112 89 103 3 45>
SetFaction 5
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 3913

Monster Fire Penguin

SetTeam 3
Monster Fire Penguin
SetTeam 3
Monster Emperor Fire Penguin
SetTeam 3
Scene 40 0
name <Sandstone Cave L1>
special <NoExit>
Type <Dungeon>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 39>
start <Print 1 ifKeyItem 39 else GoNoKey TeamNeutral 3>
GoNoKey <TeamAttack 3>
Msg1 <You enter the Sandstone Cave, level one.>
BorderType 24
FloorType 17
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 17
Destination 39
name <Exit Grid>
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 17
Destination 41
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Fire Desert Exotic>
setenemy 1
stat 2 15
team 3
name <Sentinel>
home <Exit Grid>
Monster Sentinel
SetTeam 3

Scene 41 0
name <Sandstone Cave L2>
special <NoExit>
Type <Dungeon>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 39>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Sandstone Cave, level two.>
BorderType 24
FloorType 17
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 17
Destination 40
name <Exit Grid>
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 17
Destination 42
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Fire Desert Exotic>
setenemy 1
stat 2 19
Scene 42 0
name <Anubis Lab Site>
special <NoExit>
Type <Dungeon Lab>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 39>
start <Print 1 ifKeyItem 39 else GoNoKey TeamNeutral 3>
GoNoKey <TeamAttack 3>
Msg1 <You enter the Anubis Research Lab.>
PARAM <Fill 24 0 Ellipse 24 17 17>
SELECTOR <-1 7 24>
gapfill <-20>
name <Exit Grid>
Width 3
Height 3

FloorType 17
Destination 41
room 5 5
name <Lab>
BorderType 31
room 5 5
name <Data Center>
BorderType 31
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Fire Desert Exotic Lab>
setenemy 1
stat 2 23
team 3
name <Robot Guards>
Monster Androbot
SetTeam 3
Monster Androbot
SetTeam 3
STC Computer-1
home <Data Center>
use <if= V1 0 else GoUnlocked Print 1>
GoUnlocked <ifYesNo 2 3 4 moretext .more>
.more <TS_TEXT_Cetus.txt>
Clue32 <if= V1 0 else GoAlreadyDone Mental ifG SkRoll 32 25 else
GoNoDice V= 1 1 Print 6 XPV 100>
GoNoDice <Print 7>
GoAlreadyDone <Print 5>
Msg1 <It's a computer.>
Msg2 <It's a computer. Do you want to look at the data on it?>
Msg3 <Yes please.>
Msg4 <No thank you.>
Msg5 <You've already hacked into this computer.>
Msg6 <You hack into the computer and unlock the data files.>
Msg7 <You try to hack into the computer but its protection is to
o good.>
home <Lab>
Scene 43 0
name <Ironwind Fortress>
type <Target Town Fortress Wasteland LANCEMATE_HERE>
special <ShowAll>

SetFaction 9
FloorType 39
FeatureType 14
gapfill <-14 -19 -20 -20 -14 -19>

1 -> Message first time entering town
101 -> Use SURVIVAL
102 -> Use SCIENCE
103 -> Use MYSTICISM

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a fortress-city in the middle of the dead zone. This one
seems even more harsh and despotic than most.>
MSG2 <You enter Ironwind Fortress.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
CLUE14 <Print 101 V= 101 1>
CLUE29 <Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
CLUE34 <Print 103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
Msg101 <In the dead zone, very few plants or animals can survive. Only t
hose which have mutated far beyond their original forms prosper here.>
Msg102 <This area could likely be made green again, if modern reclamatio
n technology were employed.>
Msg103 <You sense that the people of this fortress have been made cold b
y the harshness of their surroundings. There is no hope here, only a dull resign
ation to the brutality of fate.>
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 2
% If T3 attacks, it will get the following reinforcements...
type <Criminal Guard>
room 8 5
name <Iron Lodge>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <The Flesh Pit>
BorderType 15
FloorType 17

room 7 7
name <Desert City Service>
BorderType 38
FloorType 17
room 5 5
name <Fortress Hospital>
BorderType 18
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <The Tomb>
BorderType 15
FloorType 14
LockedDoorChance 50
Hide 20
Destination -1
scale 5
xpos 47
ypos 10
use <if= StatVal STAT_MetaVisibility 0 Print 1 LoadD .si
tename PassVar 2 19 PassVar 3 5 PassVar 4 14 SeekGate -1 if= G18 0 PassVar 1 44>
.sitename <TS_SCENE_IronTomb.txt>
width 3
height 3
floortype 39
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Persona 4301
% Leader of Clan Ironwind; will give an overview of the
% Clan Ironwind philosophy.
greeting <NewChat Say d3>
Msg1 <The greenzoners have no business meddling in our territory
. The wastes belong to Clan Ironwind!>
Msg2 <Only strength can guarantee survival in these harsh lands.
Clan Ironwind will unite all the fortresses of the dead zone under our rule.>
Msg3 <Clan Ironwind is the strongest force in the wasteland. We
must unite all the tribes beneath our guidance, crush the ravagers and drive out
the greenzoners.>
Persona 4309
% Manager of The Flesh Pit, monster arena
% V1 = Current Difficulcy Rating
% V2 = Arena Recharge Timer
% V3 = # of wins when last rewarded
% G25 = # of victories total
greeting <NewChat ifG G25 V3 else GoOldGreet V= 3 G25 V+ 1 d10 i
f= V3 10 else GoStdReward Goto GoBigReward>
GoBigReward <Say 10 G+ 25 1 V+ 3 1 GiveKeyItem 43 Reputation 6 3
History 12>
GoStdReward <Say 11 CashPrize Reward Threat V1 100 200>

goOldGreet <if= V1 0 else GoSeenBefore V= 1 35 Say 1 AddChat 3 A

ddChat 4>
goSeenBefore <ifG ComTime V2 else GoNotReady Say 7 AddChat 3 Add
Chat 4>
goNotReady <NewChat Say 9>
result3 <EndChat Say 4 SavePos MDynamic 0 V1 .mdesc .nu1 .nu2 V=
2 ComTime V+ 2 43200 SetMapType ArenaMap SetMapString .map>
.mdesc <Mutant Animal Robot>
.NU1 <if= T1 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 LoseRenown>
.NU2 <if= T2 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 G+ 25 1 XPV 50 Reputat
ion 6 1>
.map <SOLO>
result4 <NewChat Say 5>
Msg1 <This is the Flesh Pit, our arena of champions. Skilled war
riors face terrible monsters captured from the wastes, hoping to earn cash and p
rizes. You look like an adventuring sort... How'd you like to give it a try?>
Msg4 <Try to defeat all of the monsters. Remember, only one comb
atant is gonna come out of that arena alive.>
Msg5 <Suit yourself. You can't win if you don't play... then aga
in, you won't die if you don't play either, so I can kind of see the benefits of
each proposition.>
Msg7 <So, you're back again. We have another battle lined up if
you want to test your courage.>
Msg9 <The next battle doesn't start until tomorrow. Come back th
en and we'll have something for you to fight.>
Msg10 <You've survived ten battles. That makes you some kind of
champion. To mark the occasion, I present you with this Golden Sword. It's made
of solid Titanium-Impervium alloy, and constructed to the highest specifications
. Use it well.>
Msg11 <Well, you made it. Here's your prize money. Come back aga
in and I'll try to find something more dangerous to challenge you with.>
Msg12 <You survived ten fights at the Flesh Pit.>
prompt3 <I'm ready to fight.>
prompt4 <No thanks.>
Persona 4310
% Mechanic
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is the desert service station. If you have mechanical
damage to fix, or need to get your ammo reloaded, you've come to the right plac
Msg2 <Tell me what you need.>
Msg3 <Come again.>
Prompt1 <I need service.>
Persona 4311
% Doctor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is the Ironwind Fortress Hospital. We're usually shor
t on supplies, but if you're injured I'll do my best to treat you.>
Msg2 <Let me see where it hurts.>
Msg3 <Take care of yourself. The wasteland is an unforgiving pla
Prompt1 <I need medical aid.>
NPC Soldier

job <Warlord>
home <Iron Lodge>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4301
SetFaction 9
chardesc Melancholy Shy Pragmatic Villainous
EquipChar 25000
NPC Mecha Pilot
home <Iron Lodge>
mecha <Daum.txt>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 4302
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 15000
chardesc Melancholy Shy
NPC Mecha Pilot
home <Iron Lodge>
mecha <Esher.txt>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 4303
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 15000
chardesc Melancholy Shy Pragmatic
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
mecha <Renegade.txt>
SetPersona 4304
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 25000
chardesc Melancholy
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
mecha <BuruBuru.txt>
SetPersona 4305
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 25000
chardesc Shy
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
mecha <Claymore.txt>
SetPersona 4306
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 25000
chardesc Melancholy Shy
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
mecha <BuruBuru.txt>
SetPersona 4307
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 25000
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
mecha <Claymore.txt>

SetPersona 4308
SetFaction 9
EquipChar 25000
NPC Citizen
job <Arena Manager>
SetTeam 2
home <The Flesh Pit>
SetPersona 4309
chardesc Villainous Pragmatic
NPC Mechanic
home <Desert City Service>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4310
NPC Doctor
home <Fortress Hospital>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4311
NPC Citizen
chardesc Shy
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4312
NPC Citizen
chardesc Melancholy
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4313
NPC Citizen
chardesc Pragmatic
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4314
NPC Priest
job <keeper of the law>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 4315
chardesc melancholy old
home <The Tomb>
SetFaction 9
name <The Rock of Prophecy>
home <The Tomb>
use <ifG PCSkillVal 34 4 else GoCantRead Print 1 Alert 2>
GoCantRead <Print 3 Alert 4>
Msg1 <You read the ancient writing on this monolith.>
Msg3 <You attempt to read the ancient writing on this monolith.>
Scene 44 0
name <Mauna>

desc <Mauna is a quaint resort town nestled in the mountains. It is famous f

or its hot springs and traditional cuisine.>
type <Target Town Village Resort URB_STORY DESTINATION>
sdl_portrait <scene_mauna.png>
gapfill <-1 -8 -8 -4 -4 -4 -9>
SetFaction 11
special <SHOWALL>

1 -> Message first time entering town
101 -> Use SURVIVAL
102 -> Use SCIENCE
103 -> Use MYSTICISM

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a quiet picturesque village. Despite the fact that you a
re in the mountains, the air is warm and moist. The whole place feels very invit
MSG2 <You enter Mauna.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
me caves.>


101 V= 101 1>

102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
must be some hot springs around here, and possibly also so

<This town is a hotbed of geothermal activity.>

<You feel at peace in this town. It has a relaxing aura.>

% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
Width 20
Height 8
room 5 5
name <Natural Spa>
BorderType 27
FloorType 30
Width 5

Height 5
width 5
height 8
Destination 45
use <Print 1 ALert 2>
msg1 <You read the sign.>
Msg2 <Warning! This cave is home to extremely dangerous
wildlife. Enter at own risk.>
room 5 5
name <Mauna Clinic>
BorderType 18
FloorType 30
room 6 5
name <Far Traveller>
BorderType 32
FloorType 30
room 5 5
FloorType 30
name <Town Hall>
room 5 5
FloorType 30
name <Tourist Center>
width 3
height 3
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
% ******************************
% ******************************
Persona 4405
% Doctor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3>
result2 <NewChat ifG ComTime V1 else GoNeedRecharge Say 5 AddCha
t 4 AddChat 5>
GoNeedRecharge <Say 4 AddChat 3>
result3 <Goto result1>
result4 <NewChat Say 6 AddChat 1>
result5 <NewChat ifG PC$ 499 else GoNoCash Cash+ -500 Time 3600
PCMoraleDmg -30 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400 Say 8>
GoNoCash <Say 7>
Msg1 <Welcome to Mauna Clinic. Are you in need or medical help,

or are you just here for the deep-muscle massage?>

Msg2 <People sometimes hurt themselves in the cave. I wish visit
ors would stop going there, but the underground springs are a big tourist attrac
Msg3 <Be in good health.>
Msg4 <You've already had a massage today. You shouldn't take thi
s massage too often... it could make your ligaments fall off.>
Msg5 <The massage costs $500. It is good for relaxing and for th
e relief of muscle fatigue.>
Msg6 <That's too bad. Well, is there anything else I can do for
Msg7 <You don't seem to be able to afford the massage.>
Msg8 <Just lie back and listen to the music. I'll be rearranging
your skeletal structure. It may hurt a little, but afterwards you'll feel compl
etely refreshed.>
Prompt1 <I need medical aid.>
Prompt2 <I'll take the massage.>
Prompt3 <In that case, how about some medicine?>
Prompt4 <That's too expensive for me.>
Prompt5 <Sounds good.>
Persona 4406
% Mechanic
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .Wares Say 3>
.wares <MECHA 5 10 12 14 17 18 DELIVERY>
Msg1 <This is Far Traveller, where you can get your gear repaire
d or buy supplies for traveling.>
Msg2 <We have a bit of everything in this shop. We don't stock w
eapons or high-end adventuring gear, you'll have to go to Gyori if you want anyt
hing like that.>
Msg3 <Enjoy your stay in Mauna.>
Prompt1 <Let me see what you have.>
Persona 4409
% Spa Manager
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
result1 <EndChat ifG V1 ComTime else GoBuyTicket Say 2 Time 3600
PCMoraleDMG -50>
GoBuyTicket <ifG PC$ 999 else GoNoMoney Cash+ -1000 V= 1 ComTime
V+ 1 86400 Say 2 Time 3600 PCMoraleDmg -50>
GoNoMoney <Say 3>
Msg1 <Mauna has wonderful mineral hot springs. Our spa features
naturally heated water from deep underground. A day pass costs $1000. Would you
like to take a relaxing bath in our pools?>
Msg2 <Enjoy your time in the pool. Don't stay in too long or you
'll look like a raisin.>
Msg3 <I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy a pass.
Please come again later.>
Prompt1 <Yes I would!>
Persona 4410
% V1 = Have asked about the snacky cakes.
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
GoNoMoney <Say 4>
GoNotHungry <Say 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 AddChat 11 AddChat 12 AddChat 13 AddChat
4 if= v1 0 AddChat 14>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result4 <NewChat Say 3>

result11 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 99 el

se GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -100 PCEat>
result12 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 199 e
lse GoNoMoney Say 7 CASH+ -200 PCMoraleDmg -8 PCEat>
result13 <EndChat ifG PCHunger 10 else GoNotHungry ifG PC$ 1999
else GoNoMoney Say 9 CASH+ -2000 PCMoraleDmg -20 PCEat SkillXP NAS_Vitality d10
SkillXP NAS_Resistance d10>
result14 <NewChat Say 8 v= 1 1 AddChat 15 AddChat 16>
result15 <Goto result13>
result16 <Goto result1>
Msg1 <Welcome to Maison de Mauna. This is the only restaurant in
the world that offers authentic pre-zero Imperator Zeta cuisine. Would you like
to see a menu?>
Msg2 <You can get a processed meatlike burger for $100, macaroni
mixed with cheesy flavor powder for $200, or a vintage shrink wrapped snack cak
e for $2000.>
Msg3 <Be seeing you again.>
Msg4 <How do you intend to pay for that?>
Msg5 <It would be a waste to prepare this food if you're not goi
ng to eat it. Come back later, when you're hungry.>
Msg7 <Here's your food. Enjoy!>
Msg8 <Absolutely! We discovered a warehouse full of them in the ruins, a
nd thanks to lost preservative technology they're as delicious now as they were
the day they were extruded.>
Msg9 <Here you go. They say that eating one of these cakes will help you
live a long life yourself.>
Prompt1 <Alright.>
Prompt2 <Not now, sorry.>
Prompt4 <On second thought, I don't want anything.>
Prompt11 <I'll take the burger.>
Prompt12 <I'll take the macaroni.>
Prompt13 <I'll take the snack cake.>
Prompt14 <Is that cake really from prezero times?>
Prompt15 <I'll take one!>
Prompt16 <Maybe I'll have something else...>
Persona 4411
% Mauna Bus Terminal
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
result1 <Say 2 ShuttleService EndChat Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4>
result3 <Newchat Say 5 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result4 <Goto result1>
result5 <Goto result2>
Msg1 <Welcome to Mauna, the village in the clouds. How can I hel
p you?>
Msg2 <No problem. Buses run to all major destinations every thir
ty minutes.>
Msg3 <Safe travels.>
Msg4 <If there's anything I can do to make your stay more enjoya
ble just let me know.>
Msg5 <You can visit the spa for a relaxing bath, or go hiking in the mou
ntains. I wouldn't advise visiting the hot springs on your own, though- the cave
s are filled with monsters.>
Prompt1 <I need transportation.>
Prompt2 <I'm just passing through.>
Prompt3 <What is there to do around here?>
Prompt4 <Tell me about the bus schedule.>
Prompt5 <That's all for now.>

NPC Guardian
SetPersona 4401
SetTeam 3
NPC Guardian
SetPersona 4402
SetTeam 3
NPC Leader
SetPersona 4403
SetTeam 2
home <Town Hall>
CharDesc Cheerful Easygoing
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 4404
SetTeam 2
CharDesc Cheerful Easygoing
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 4407
SetTeam 2
CharDesc Easygoing
NPC Doctor
SetPersona 4405
SetTeam 2
home <Mauna Clinic>
Charm 14
NPC Mechanic
SetPersona 4406
SetTeam 2
home <Far Traveller>
NPC Citizen
SetPersona 4408
SetTeam 2
CharDesc Cheerful
NPC Shopkeeper
SetPersona 4409
SetTeam 2
home <Natural Spa>
NPC Cook
SetPersona 4410
SetTeam 2
home <Natural Spa>
CharDesc Cheerful Heroic
NPC Shopkeeper
job <bus dispatcher>
SetPersona 4411
SetTeam 2
home <Tourist Center>
Scene 45

name <Mauna Cavern>

special <NoExit>
Type <Dungeon Open>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 44>
gapfill <-21>
start <Print 1>
5min <PCMoralDmg -1>
Msg1 <You enter Mauna Cavern. The air is hot with geothermal steam.>
BorderType 31
FloorType 39
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 39
Destination 44
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Fire Water Exotic>
setenemy 1
stat 2 42
% V2 = Have gotten the "big prize" at this shrine.
name <Fire Shrine>
% move around the shrine, to prevent it being trapped in a pool.
update <ifG ComTime V103 V= 103 ComTime V+ 103 20000 GrabSource
GSetNAtt NAG_Location NAS_X 0>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400
Reputation 7 -d4 MENTAL FacXP+ 12 1 ifG SkRoll 34 15 else GoNoDice Goto GoCheck
GoCheckElements <if= V2 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G11 0 else GoSma
llPrize ifG G12 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G13 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G14 0 else G
oSmallPrize ifG G15 0 else GoSmallPrize Goto GoBigPrize>
GoBigPrize <ifG -50 PCRep 7 else GoSmallPrize V= 2 1 Print 101 P
CStat+ 1 2 PCStat+ 8 2 XPV 100 if= G16 0 History 102 G= 16 1>
GoSmallPrize <G+ 14 1 Print 2 XPV 50>
Msg2 <You meditate at the shrine. You feel the heat of the world
's heart.>
Msg101 <You meditate at the shrine. Creation and destruction exi
st as two parts of the same whole. You attain illumination.>
Msg102 <You have meditated at each of the elemental shrines.>
% There's a lot of steam in the cavern...





Scene 46
name <Garu Fight>
nu1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1 SeekGate G1001>
special <ShowAll>
param <Fill 6 40>
gapfill <-1 -12 -12 -13 -19 -22 -5>
start <if= V1 0 Alert 1 Alert 2 V= 1 1>
Msg1 <After defeating the guards, you find the building where your enemy
has gone. The surroundings have been pounded to rubble by mecha fire.>
Msg2 <Guarding the building are three creatures, no longer quite human..
. Obviously these are products of bioengineering gone horribly wrong. They look
room 7 5
name <Ruin Entrance>
MFX 22
MFY 10
use <Print 1 SavePos LoadD .dung SeekGate -1 PassVar 1 G
1002 PassVar 2 30 if= G1003 0 else GoGotClue PassVar 3 5 PassVar 4 35>
GoGotClue <Print 101 PassVar 3 25 PassVar 4 40>
.dung <SCENE_MeetingDungeon.txt>
Msg101 <You follow the shortcut given to you by the prof
essor. The weapons should be just a few levels deeper.>
width 16
height 4
FloorType 6
MarbleType 5
name <Garu Grid>
MFX 17
MFY 22
width 4
height 4
name <Entry Grid>

FloorType 6
MarbleType 5
MFX 23
MFY 43
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
Team 1
setenemy 2
home <Entry Grid>
team 2
setenemy 1
home <Garu Grid>
SetTeam 2
EquipChar 30000
name <GARU SuperSoldier>
SetTeam 2
EquipChar 30000
name <GARU SuperSoldier>
SetTeam 2
EquipChar 30000
name <GARU SuperSoldier>
Scene 47 2
name <Enemy Fortress>
nu1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
map <TS_MAP_Fortress.txt>
Team 1
Scene 48 0
name <the ruins of Nara>
type <Dungeon Ruins>
Special <ShowAll>
SELECTOR <1 5 1>
gapfill <-1 -4 -8 -12 -13 -19 -17 -22>

1 -> Message first time entering town

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>

START <if= G17 0 else GoSecondTime G= 17 1 Print 1>

GoSecondTime <Print 2>
MSG1 <You enter the ruins of a small town. From the look of the devastat
ion, there was a huge battle here many years ago.>
MSG2 <You enter the ruins of Nara.>
Team 1
% PC Team
SetEnemy 3
team 2
% Town Citizens
stat 1 3
team 3
name <Monsters>
type <Mutant Ruins HUNTER-X dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 26
name <Entry Grid>
width 3
height 3
Destination 1
stat 5 -1
room 5 5
LockedDoorChance 90
Destination 49
stat 5 25
Scene 49 0
name <Cave of the Progenitors>
Stat 1 -16
FloorType 14
gapfill <-25>

1 -> Message first time entering town

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= G3 1 else GoAttack TeamNeutral 2 Goto GoMessage>
GoAttack <TeamAttack 2 Goto GoMessage>
GoMessage <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1 ForceChat 4901>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
MSG1 <You enter a wide cavern. Large inhuman creatures can be faintly se
en in the distance. Two of them approach you; the larger one speaks.>

MSG2 <You enter the cave of the Progenitors.>

Team 1
% PC Team
team 2
% Cyclops Guards
type <CYCLOPS>
setEnemy 1
stat 2 30
width 25
height 25
FloorType 14
width 3
height 3
floortype 14
Destination 48
name <Guard Post>
width 3
height 3
floortype 14
Destination 50
Persona 4901
greeting <NewChat if= G3 1 else GoNoClearance Say 1>
GoNoClearance <EndChat if= G3 -1 else GoMaybe Say 2>
GoMaybe <ifG PCRep 1 45 else GoNoHero Say 3 TeamAlly 2 G= 3 1>
GoNoHero <Say 4 AddChat 1 AddChat 2 AddChat 3 AddChat 4>
result1 <EndChat Say 5 Exit 48>
result2 <EndChat Say 6 G= 3 -1 Reputation 3 d10>
result3 <EndChat Say 7 Reputation 3 -d10>
result4 <EndChat if= G4 1 else GoR4NoForager Say 8 G= 3 1 TeamAl
ly 2>
GoR4NoForager <ifG PCRep 2 50 else GoR4NoLaw Say 9 G= 3 1 TeamAl
ly 2>
GoR4NoLaw <ifG Conversation 12 else GoR4NoChance Say 10 G= 3 1 T
eamAlly 2>
GoR4NoChance <Say 11>
Msg1 <You return \PC . The ancients are below if you must speak
with them.>
Msg2 <Your presence here is not permitted. You have no chance to
survive, make your time.>
Msg3 <Ah, \PC . Your deeds are well known to us. Know that you a
re one of the very few humans permitted to enter this place.>
Msg4 <State your purpose here. Your species is not permitted in
this place.>

Msg5 <You have been unexpectedlyreasonable.>

Msg6 <There is no treasure here, only the pain of death if you d
o not leave immediately. You have no chance to survive; make your time.>
Msg7 <It is our duty to guard this place. Leave immediately or y
ou will die.>
Msg8 <You have earned the trust of one among us. I will allow yo
u to pass here. Do not abuse your welcome, or I may just as easily revoke the de
Msg9 <Among humans, you are known as honorable. I will allow thi
s visitation. Do not abuse your welcome, or I may just as easily revoke the deci
Msg10 <You appear to be speaking the truth. I will allow this vi
sitation. Do not abuse your welcome, or I may just as easily revoke the decision
Msg11 <There is no reason to trust you. You have been warned. Le
ave this place or face certain death.>
Prompt1 <Sorry, I'll leave now...>
Prompt2 <I'm here searching for treasure!>
Prompt3 <What business is it of yours?>
Prompt4 <I am here to speak with your leader.>
Persona 4902
greeting <NewChat if= G3 1 else GoNoClearance Say 1>
GoNoClearance <EndChat Say 2>
Msg1 <You are permitted here, \PC .>
Msg2 <You have come a long way just to die, human. You should ha
ve escaped as instructed by Guyjes.>
Monster Cyclops Guard
name <Guyjes>
home <Guard Post>
job <Cyclops Guard>
SetPersona 4901
SetTeam 2
Monster Cyclops Guard
name <Nolbu>
home <Guard Post>
job <Cyclops Guard>
SetPersona 4902
SetTeam 2
Monster Cyclops Progenitor
SetTeam 2
scene 50 0
name <Cyclops City>
BorderType 15
FloorType 14
% ******************************************

% ******************************************
% 1 -> Message first time entering town
% 2 -> Disarm the security system
% Add level scripts here.
% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= G3 1 else GoAttack TeamNeutral 2 Goto GoMessage>
GoAttack <TeamAttack 2 Goto GoMessage>
GoMessage <Print 1>
MSG1 <You enter Cyclops City.>
rumor <BioCorp knows the truth about what happened to Nara.>
Team 1
Team 2
width 5
Height 5
FloorType 16
Destination 49
width 8
Height 9
BorderType 15
LockedDoorChance 90
SecretDoorChance 80
FloorType 16
name <Storage Cell>
width 7
Height 7
LockedDoorChance 50
SecretDoorChance 40
FloorType 16
name <Computer Cell>
Monster Cyclops Guard
job <Cyclops Protector>
name <Praetor>
roguechar <P>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5001

Monster Cyclops Guard

SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5002
Monster Cyclops Guard
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5003
Monster Cyclops
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5004
Monster Cyclops
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5005
Monster Cyclops
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5006
home <Computer Cell>
clue32 <if= L2 0 else GoDone Mental V= 1 SkRoll 32 ifG V1 12 els
e GoNoDice L= 2 1 Print 2 XPV 100>
GoNoDice <ifG V1 5 else GoFail Print 3>
GoFail <L= 2 -1 G= 3 -1 TeamAttack 2 Print 4>
GoDone <Print 1>
Msg1 <Whatever else happens, you've done all you can with this c
omputer station.>
Msg2 <You hack into the computer system and disable the security
Msg3 <You attempt to hack into the computer system, but make no
Msg4 <Your attempt to hack into the computer system has been det
ected! An alarm sounds.>
Scene 51 0
name <the Poisonous Swamp>
% V1 = Been here before
% V2 = First time poisoned
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore Print 1>
GoBeenBefore <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a ruined city in the middle of a vast, stinking swamp. F
loating in the putrid water are the corpses of people and animals. An enormous z
iggurat dominates the centre of the ruins.>
Msg2 <You enter the Poisonous Swamp.>
Msg3 <You choke on the toxic fumes!>
Msg4 <You breathe in the vapors of something truly horrible, and your lu
ngs scream for air.>
5Min <ifG d6 SkRoll 36 GrabPCPilot GAddNAtt NAG_StatusEffect NAS_Poison

d10 if= V2 1 else GoFirstPoison Print 3>

GoFirstPoison <Alert 4 V= 2 1>
type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>
SELECTOR <1 5 1>
gapfill <-1 -17 -17 -12 -22 -19 -17 -22>
MFY 24
Width 3
Height 3
Destination 1
Hide -1
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
MFX 25
Width 25
Height 45
SecretDoorChance 70
LockedDoorChance 40
SecretDoorChance 90
LockedDoorChance 90
FloorType 28
Destination 52
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Mutant Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 20
Scene 52 0
name <the Ziggurat L1>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ziggurat, level one.>
Msg3 <You choke on the toxic fumes!>
5Min <ifG d4 SkRoll 36 GrabPCPilot GAddNAtt NAG_StatusEffect NAS_Poison
d6 Print 3>

type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>

special <NOEXIT>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
SecretDoorChance 60
LockedDoorChance 40
FloorType 28
Destination 51
FloorType 28
Destination 53
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Ruins Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 30
Scene 53 0
name <the Ziggurat L2>
% V2 = First time not choking
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
special <NOEXIT>
Msg1 <You enter the Ziggurat, level two.>
Msg2 <You expect to choke on the fumes again, but instead find that the
air here is safe. You must be far enough away from that swamp.>
5Min <if= V2 0 ifG d8 SkRoll 36 Alert 2 V= 2 1>
type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
SecretDoorChance 60
LockedDoorChance 40
FloorType 28
Destination 52

FloorType 28
Destination 54
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Ruins Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 42
FloorType 14
name <Research Room 1>
Lock 25
Melee 20
mass -12
Acc 2
Recharge 5
name <Bonesword>
type <ArmorPiercing Mystery>
Scene 54 0
name <the Ziggurat L3>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ziggurat, level three.>
type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>
special <NOEXIT>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
SecretDoorChance 60
LockedDoorChance 40
FloorType 28
Destination 53

FloorType 28
Destination 55
team 1
setenemy 2 3
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Ruins Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 50
FloorType 14
name <Research Room 2>
Lock 25
HeadArmor 7
mass -12
name <Chitin Helm>
Lock 25
BodyArmor 7
mass -9
name <Chitin Breastplate>
Scene 55 0
name <the Ziggurat L4>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ziggurat, level four.>
type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>
special <NOEXIT>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
SecretDoorChance 60
LockedDoorChance 40
FloorType 28

Destination 54
FloorType 28
Destination 56
FloorType 28
Destination 1
use <Print 1 LoadD .sitename PassVar 3 1 SeekGate -1 Pri
nt 101>
.sitename <TS_SCENE_Ziggurat.txt>
Msg101 <The section of the ruin appears to be highly uns
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Ruins Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
stat 2 55
Scene 56 0
name <the Ziggurat L5>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the Ziggurat, level five.>
type <NoRescue Dungeon Ruins>
special <NOEXIT>
BorderType 33
FloorType 28
SecretDoorChance 60
LockedDoorChance 40
FloorType 28
Destination 55
FloorType 14
name <Altar Room>
SecretDoorChance 100

FloorType 28
name <Computer Room>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Monsters>
type <Ruins Wasteland Robot Dark>
setenemy 1
setally 3
stat 2 60
team 3
setenemy 1
setally 2
% V2 = Have gotten the "big prize" at this shrine.
name <Heaven's Shrine>
home <Altar Room>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400
Reputation 7 -d4 MENTAL FacXP+ 12 1 ifG SkRoll 34 15 else GoNoDice Goto GoCheck
GoCheckElements <if= V2 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G11 0 else GoSma
llPrize ifG G12 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G13 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G14 0 else G
oSmallPrize ifG G15 0 else GoSmallPrize Goto GoBigPrize>
GoBigPrize <ifG -50 PCRep 7 else GoSmallPrize V= 2 1 Print 101 P
CStat+ 4 2 PCStat+ 7 2 XPV 100 if= G16 0 History 102 G= 16 1>
GoSmallPrize <G+ 15 1 Print 2 XPV 50>
Msg2 <You meditate at the shrine. You feel the spirits of those
who once walked this earth.>
Msg101 <You meditate at the shrine. This place bears the scars o
f the past age. The bodies and souls of those who died here are bound to the swa
mp. Their ghosts linger to prevent such tragedy from unfolding once more. You at
tain illumination.>
Msg102 <You have meditated at each of the elemental shrines.>
Monster World Maggot
home <Altar Room>
SetTeam 3
STC COmputer-2
home <Computer Room>
% v1 = Unlocked
use <if= V1 0 else GoDisplay Print 1>
Clue29 <if= V1 0 else GoDone Mental Reputation 7 d6 ifG SkRoll 2
9 10 else GoFail XPV 100 V= 1 1 Goto GoDisplay>
Clue32 <if= V1 0 else GoDone Mental ifG SkRoll 32 10 else GoFail
XPV 100 V= 1 1 Goto GoDisplay>
GoDone <Print 2>
GoFail <Print 3>
GoDisplay <ifYesNo 4 5 6 MoreText .text>
.text <TS_TEXT_Ziggurat.txt>
Msg1 <It's a computer.>
Msg2 <You've already unlocked the data in this computer. You can
just use it now.>
Msg3 <You attempt to find some interesting data on this computer
, but don't find anything of note.>

t tell you something

<You locate some old data files on this computer. They migh
about the history of this place.>
<Access the files.>
<Don't bother.>

Scene 57 0
name <Markheim Fortress>
type <Town Target Fortress LANCEMATE_HERE>
special <ShowAll>
FloorType 17
gapfill <-1 -1 -8 -20 -14 -21 -13 -22>

V1 = First time entry counter
V102 = Use SCIENCE

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
start <if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore Print 1 V= 1 1>
GoBeenBefore <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter a fortress in the middle of the dead zone. At first it a
ppeared as if this fortress were built atop a small hill, but as you draw closer
you realize that it was instead built upon the wreckage of some enormous buildi
ng or vehicle.>
Msg2 <You enter Markheim Fortress.>
rumor <our fortress was built in the wreckage of a city-smashing tank fr
om the Age of Superpowers.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
CLUE29 <Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>
Msg102 <Given the size of the hill at the center of town, you think that
there may still be some functional machinery in the heart of the wreckage.>
% Sub components. Add teams & stuff here.
team 1
% Player team
team 2
% Town Citizens
SetAlly 1 3
% Set this team's default orders to PASSIVE
Stat 1 3
team 3
% Town Militia
SetAlly 1 2
width 16
height 8
FloorType 17

room 5 5
name <Mushroom Farm>
width 3
height 5
name <Patch>
Width 7
Height 5
Destination 58
room 7 5
name <Legion Hall>
BorderType 27
FloorType 39
room 6 6
name <Provisioner>
BorderType 37
FloorType 28
room 5 5
name <DeadZone Health>
BorderType 18
room 5 5
name <Garage>
BorderType 38
room 5 5
name <Fortress Center>
borderType 33
FloorType 39
name <Entry Grid>
FloorType 17
width 3
height 3
% This is another hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
Hide -1
Persona 5704
rumor <the swamp northwest of town is a cursed place.>
greeting <NEWCHAT Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <NewChat ifG PCRep 6 50 else GoR1NoRenown Say 2>
GoR1NoRenown <Say 3>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddCHat 3>
result3 <NewChat Say 5>
Msg1 <All places in the dead zone are cursed, but the swamp of t

he Ziggurat is worse than most. You look like an adventuring sort... tell me, ha
ve you ever been there?>
Msg2 <Then you've seen the worst that this world has, a living g
limpse into the face of hell...>
Msg3 <I'm surprised that you made it back alive! Most folks who
go there aren't so lucky.>
Msg4 <It could be the toxins in the water, or radiation left beh
ind from the Night of Fire, but nothing that dies in that swamp ever rots. The w
ater is filled with corpses and body parts...>
Msg5 <It is. Sometimes young folks go there, to see if they can
find any treasure in the ruins, or in that giant pyramid. Most of them don't com
e back. The pollution and the scavengers in that place are just too deadly.>
Prompt1 <Yes I have.>
Prompt2 <No, I haven't.>
Prompt3 <Sounds pretty bad.>
Persona 5705
greeting <NewChat AddChat 1 AddCHat 2 AddChat 3 if= V1 0 else Go
SecondTime V= 1 1 Say 1>
GoSecondTime <Say 2>
result1 <NewChat AddChat 2 AddChat 3 if= G6 3 else GoR1Nothing i
fPersona 5706 else GoR1Dead Say 3>
GoR1Dead <Say 8>
GoR1Nothing <Say 6>
result2 <NewChat Say 4 AddChat 4>
result3 <NewChat Say 5 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result4 <NewChat AddChat 1 AddChat 3 ifPersona 5704 else GoR4Dea
d Say 7>
GoR4Dead <Say 9>
Msg1 <Hello, welcome to the fortress. You look like you're a gre
enzoner... we don't get many of those around here. Well, what can I do for you t
Msg2 <Good to see you again, \PC . What can I do for you today?>
Msg3 <Well, now that the food shortage is over, you should be ab
le to get some from \PERSONA 5706 over at the general provisioner's.>
Msg4 <Some local kids like exploring the wreckage of the Cesar;
that's what we call the big machine at the centre of town. You might think you'd
find valuable artifacts in there but all the interesting stuff has already been
Msg5 <I'm not sure how current this news is, but I hear the chie
ftain was looking for some help dealing with those bandits that keep attacking t
own. If you're a mecha pilot you might be able to find something there.>
Msg6 <Well, for that your best bet would be to turn around and h
ead back to Gyori or Mauna. The fortress has been having a bit of a food shortag
e; there's barely enough to go around, and absolutely none leftover to sell to s
Msg7 <If Cesar isn't thrilling enough for you, you could head to
the Ziggurat. It's an old pre-zero building of some kind northwest of town. \PE
RSONA 5704 lost \PPR 5704 son there a few years back. From what I hear it's plen
ty dangerous.>
Msg8 <Unfortunately our only shopkeeper passed away a while back
, so you won't be able to buy anything here. Maybe you should head south to eith
er Gyori or Mauna.>
Msg9 <If Cesar isn't thrilling enough for you, you could head to
the Ziggurat. It's an old pre-zero building of some kind northwest of town. Fro
m what I hear nobody ever comes back from that place alive.>
Prompt1 <I need supplies.>
Prompt2 <What's there to do in town?>
Prompt3 <I'm looking for work.>
Prompt4 <Anything else?>

Persona 5706
% The storekeeper - shop must be unlocked first
% V2 = Unlocked
greeting <NewChat if= V2 1 else GoLocked Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat
GoLocked <if= G6 3 else GoNoFood V= 2 1 Say 2 AddChat 1>
GoNoFood <Say 3 AddChat 3>
result1 <EndCHat Say 4 shop .wares Say 5>
.wares <5 17 18>
result2 <NewChat Say 6>
result3 <NewChat ifG PCRep 1 50 else GoR3NoChance ifG React 10 e
lse GoR3NoChance V= 2 1 Say 7 AddChat 1>
GoR3NoChance <Say 8>
Msg1 <Hey there \PC . What can I do for you today?>
Msg2 <You're \PC , aren't you? I heard about how you helped the
mushroom farm... Since the food crisis is over, I suppose I can open up the stor
e again. If there's anything you need just let me know.>
Msg3 <This is the general provisioner.>
Msg4 <Here's what we currently have in stock. You could find mor
e in one of those big cities down south, of course.>
Msg5 <Use it well.>
Msg6 <So, just stopping by for a chat, then? We can do that, I s
Msg7 <You know, I'm not supposed to be selling anything... there
's been a lot of trouble here, and everything from water to bullets in being rat
ioned. Still, I've heard of your adventures... You might be just the one to help
Msg8 <I'd love to show them to you, but we don't have anything f
or sale. There's been a food shortage in town... we're rationing everything. It'
s for the survival of the fortress.>
Prompt1 <I need to buy some things.>
Prompt2 <Nothing, thanks.>
Prompt3 <I'd like to see your wares.>
Persona 5707
% The town doctor
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .NoWares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is DeadZone Health Clinic. medicine is always in shor
t supply, but if you're injured I'll do what I can to help.>
Msg2 <Let me examine you, and decide upon the best course of tre
Msg3 <Try not to die out there.>
Prompt1 <I could use some medical aid.>
Persona 5708
% The town mechanic
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1>
Result1 <EndChat Say 2 Shop .NoWares Say 3>
Msg1 <This is the Markheim Fortress garage. If you've got damage
to fix I'd be overjoyed to take a look at it.>
Msg2 <Wow, it's been a long time since I've had to repair anythi
ng... I hope I can remember how the arc welder works.>
Msg3 <We have no shortage of repair parts, because the town garr
ison doesn't have any mecha...>
Prompt1 <I need some repairs done.>
Persona 5709
% Mushroom Farmer

Greeting <NewChat if= G6 3 else GoCheckFood Say 3 AddChat 1>

GoCheckFood <ifG V1 0 else GoNoSolve ifG ComTime V1 else GoWait
Say 2 AddReact d40 XPV 250 Reputation 1 2 G= 6 3>
GoWait <Say 1>
GoNoSolve <Say 5 ifG G6 0 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 4 PCEat>
result2 <NewChat Say 6 if= G6 2 AddChat 3>
result3 <NewChat Say 7 V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 10800>
Msg1 <I'm still working on your idea about the mushrooms. It's a
bit too early to tell yet, but it looks promising.>
Msg2 <Your idea worked! I've managed to cross the mushrooms from
Cesar with our crop fungus, and the resulting plants are thriving! I don't have
any cash to give you a reward, but come back any time for a feed of mushroom so
Msg3 <Hi \PC . If you're hungry, I've got a pot of mushroom soup
on the stove.>
Msg4 <Enjoy your meal.>
Msg5 <The only crop that will grow in the dead-zone is fungus, b
ut lately my mushrooms haven't been doing too well. If we can't grow any food th
en what will happen to the fortress?>
Msg6 <I know about those already... Unfortunately they aren't ed
ible so they're worthless to us.>
Msg7 <Hybridizing the edible mushroom stock with the non-edible
wild mushrooms... That just might be the answer! I'll start on it right away. Co
me back in a few hours and I'll let you know if it worked.>
Prompt1 <I'd like some.>
Prompt2 <I saw some healthy mushrooms in Cesar.>
Prompt3 <I could show you how to hybridize them.>
Persona 5710
% The leader of the fortress
% V1 = Have defeated bandits perminantly
% V2 = # of wins when last rewarded
% V3 = Combat Recharge Timer
% V4 = Combat Threat Level
greeting <NewChat if= V1 1 else GoCheckQuest SayAnything>
GoCheckQuest <if= G8 5 else GoCheckReward V= 1 1 History 11 Say
6 XPV 200 Reputation 6 1 CashPrize Reward Threat V4 100 200>
GoCheckReward <ifG G8 V2 else GoCheckRecharge Say d3 CashPrize R
eward Threat V4 100 100 V+ 4 d20 V= 2 G8 if= G7 3 AddChat 1>
GoCheckRecharge <ifG V3 ComTime else GoMaybeCombat Say 4 if= G7
3 AddChat 1>
GoMaybeCombat <ifG V4 0 else GoFirstTime Say 5 AddChat 2 AddChat
3 if= G7 3 AddChat 1>
GoFirstTime <Say 7 AddChat 4 if= G7 3 AddChat 1>
result1 <NewChat Say 8 History 11 V= 1 1 XPV 500 Reputation 1 7
Reputation 6 3 CashPrize Reward Threat 90 100 300>
result2 <EndChat Say 9 V= 3 ComTime V+ 3 86400 SavePos Dynamic 2
Threat V4 100 .nu1 .nu2 SetMapType 11>
.nu1 <if= T1 0 Return if= V1 0 V= 1 1 LoseRenown>
.nu2 <if= T2 0 if= V1 0 Return V= 1 1 G+ 8 1 Reputation 1 1>
result3 <NewChat Say 10>
result4 <NewChat Say 12 V= 4 30 AddChat 2 AddChat 3>
Msg1 <You really showed those bandits something! But they aren't
the kind to give up so easily... you can be sure that they'll be back tomorrow,
and might even bring a few friends along with them.>
Msg2 <You defeated them! Here's a reward for helping to protect
our fortress... unfortunately, I know that the bandits will be back again tomorr
Msg3 <You've driven them off, but they'll be back again tomorrow

. Here's a small reward for helping to protect us.>

Msg4 <Everything's quiet here now, but I know that later on the
bandits will return.>
Msg5 <The bandits who have been terrorizing us are back. If you'
ve got a mecha, we could certainly use some help driving them off. I can offer y
ou $ \VAL Reward Threat V4 100 100 for your services.>
Msg6 <I think we've finally done it! The bandits have thrown all
they have against us, and lost! They won't be bothering us again. Here's a rewa
rd for all your help.>
Msg7 <The ravagers of the wastes hold this town at their mercy.
They frequently come here to steal food and water, but we have no mecha with whi
ch to defend ourselves.>
Msg8 <Really? If the ancient cannon works, we can defend ourselv
es from the bandits using that! Thank you very much! Here's a small reward for h
elping to defend our town.>
Msg9 <Good luck. Come back here when you're finished and I'll se
e if I can find a reward for you.>
Msg10 <Ah, so that's the way it goes...>
Msg11 <You helped defend Markheim Fortress against the ravagers.
Msg12 <Would you be willing to help us? A gang of bandits is now
lurking just outside of town... We need a pilot to defend ourselves against the
Prompt1 <I've repaired the Cesar's weapons.>
Prompt2 <I'll help to defend you.>
Prompt3 <Sorry, I can't.>
Prompt4 <What you need is a good pilot on your side.>
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5701
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5702
NPC Citizen
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5703
NPC Mecha Pilot
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5704
chardesc Old Sociable
home <Legion Hall>
mecha <>
NPC Bartender
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5705
home <Legion Hall>
NPC Shopkeeper
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5706
home <Provisioner>
chardesc Heroic Shy
NPC Doctor

SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5707
home <DeadZone Health>
NPC Mechanic
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5708
home <Garage>
NPC Citizen
job <Farmer>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5709
home <Mushroom Farm>
home <Patch>
use <if= G6 3 else GoNoFood Print 1>
GoNoFood <Print 2>
Clue29 <ifG 3 G6 else GoOkayNow Print 3>
Clue34 <Print 4 if= V1 0 Reputation 7 -d10 V= 1 1>
Clue14 <ifG 3 G6 else GoOkayNow Print 5>
GoOkayNow <Print 1>
Msg1 <You see a thriving garden of edible mushrooms.>
Msg2 <You see a scrawny patch of edible mushrooms.>
Msg3 <It appears that the problem with this mushroom patch isn't
the soil but the mushrooms themselves. They aren't well suited to the local con
Msg4 <You say a short prayer for this pitiful garden.>
Msg5 <The mushrooms being cultivated here aren't well suited to
the soil in this community, and that's why they aren't doing well.>
NPC Leader
job <Chieftan>
home <Fortress Center>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 5710
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5711
EquipChar 23000
NPC Soldier
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5712
EquipChar 23000
NPC Mecha Pilot
job <Mercenary>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5713
EquipChar 15000
NPC Bounty Hunter
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5714
EquipChar 23000
NPC Bandit

SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5715
SetFaction 13
chardesc heroic
Scene 58 0
name <Cesar Wreckage L1>
Type <Dungeon Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <if= V1 0 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoBeenBefore <Print 2>
Msg1 <You enter the wreckage of some enormous machine. A steel plate abo
ve the entrance reads "CESAR".>
Msg2 <You enter the wreckage of Cesar, level one.>
BorderType 35
FloorType 14
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 14
Destination 57
Width 15
Height 15
FloorType 14
MarbleType 40
Room 8 8
FloorType 16
BorderType 29
SecretDoorChance 150
LockedDoorChance 100
Destination 59
Width 7
Height 7
name <Patch1>
Width 5
Height 5
name <Patch2>
team 1

setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Mutant Animal>
setenemy 1
stat 2 23
team 3
% Forager's Team
update <if= G3 -1 TeamAttack 3>
Persona 5801
% Forager
% V1 = Have offered quest; =cash reward
greeting <NewChat if= G4 1 else GoNoComplete Say 3>
GoNoComplete <ifG V1 0 else GoFirstTime Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat
GoFirstTime <ifG PCRep 1 10 else GoNoChance ifItemOK 36 else GoN
oChance Say 4 AddChat 3 AddChat 6 AddChat 5>
GoNoChance <Say 5 AddChat 4 AddChat 5>
result1 <NewChat Say 2 DeleteKeyItem 36 Reputation 1 1 CashPrize
V1 XPV 250 Memo 0 G= 4 1>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
result3 <NewChat V= 1 Reward Threat PCRep 6 100 500 Say 9 Memo 1
result4 <EndChat Say 6 Reputation 1 -1 Reputation 4 -20>
result5 <NewChat Say 7 ifG PCRep 1 10 AddChat 3 AddChat 6>
result6 <NewChat Say 8 Reputation 4 -5>
Msg1 <Have you liberated the primal genome from Ipshil?>
Msg2 <It shall be removed to a safe place. I promise to you that
this knowledge will never now be used to harm either of our species. Thank you
for your assistance.>
Msg3 <My search for the past continues.>
Msg3_1 <The creators of my species, the Progenitors, and their c
reators, the Humans, bear joint responsibility for the destruction of the Earth.
It is the function of my creation to undo that damage.>
Msg4 <\PC , your name is known to us. Your achievements have bee
n spoken to the ancients. I have been sent to locate someone such as yourself; I
require your assistance.>
Msg5 <This is not a safe place to remain, human. Return to the s
urface world.>
Msg6 <I have no time to converse with you. Leave this place befo
re you get hurt.>
Msg7 <Individually or generally? I am a cyclops, second generati
on progeny of a soldier genome created by your ancestors. My name is Forager. I
have been tasked with recovering artifacts, to protect the future of both our sp
Msg8 <It is not generally possible to tell who is the monster si
mply by examining their skin. Still, you have no reason to trust me.>
Msg9 <I seek the "Primal Genome". It was stolen from BioCorp Lab
s. Its last known location is Ipshil. My appearance prevents me from searching b
eyond the desert. I can offer you $ \VAL V1 if you recover the artifact.>
Msg10 <Forager in Cesar Wreckage L1 offered you $ \VAL V1 to rec
over the "Primal Genome" from Ipshil.>
Prompt1 <Here it is. [give Primal Genome]>
CPrompt1 <ifKeyItem 36 Accept>
Prompt2 <I'm still looking for it.>
Prompt3 <Tell me what you want.>
Prompt4 <Now you'll die, monster!>

Prompt5 <What exactly are you?>

Prompt6 <Why should I help you, monster?>
home <PATCH1>
use <Print 1 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue14 <Print 2 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue29 <Mental ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoSKill Print 4 ifG 2 G6
G= 6 2 XPV 50>
GoNoSkill <Print 3 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
Msg1 <You see a very healthy patch of brightly colored fungus.>
Msg2 <These mushrooms are not of an edible variety.>
Msg3 <You examine these mushrooms thoroughly but don't manage to
learn anything from them.>
Msg4 <You examine the mushrooms. If these wild mushrooms could b
e hybridized with a commercial edible variety, it would result in a much stronge
r strain.>
home <PATCH2>
use <Print 1 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue14 <Print 2 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue29 <Mental ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoSKill Print 4 ifG 2 G6
G= 6 2 XPV 50>
GoNoSkill <Print 3 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
Msg1 <You see a very healthy patch of brightly colored fungus.>
Msg2 <These mushrooms are not of an edible variety.>
Msg3 <You examine these mushrooms thoroughly but don't manage to
learn anything from them.>
Msg4 <You examine the mushrooms. If these wild mushrooms could b
e hybridized with a commercial edible variety, it would result in a much stronge
r strain.>
use <Print 1 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue14 <Print 2 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
clue29 <Mental ifG SkRoll 29 10 else GoNoSKill Print 4 ifG 2 G6
G= 6 2 XPV 50>
GoNoSkill <Print 3 if= G6 0 G= 6 1>
Msg1 <You see a very healthy patch of brightly colored fungus.>
Msg2 <These mushrooms are not of an edible variety.>
Msg3 <You examine these mushrooms thoroughly but don't manage to
learn anything from them.>
Msg4 <You examine the mushrooms. If these wild mushrooms could b
e hybridized with a commercial edible variety, it would result in a much stronge
r strain.>
Monster Cyclops
name <Forager>
job <Cyclops Explorer>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 5801
chardesc sociable heroic
DAge 12
Scene 59 0

name <Cesar Wreckage L2>

Type <Dungeon Open>
special <NoExit>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 57>
start <Print 1>
Msg1 <You enter the wreckage of Cesar, level two.>
BorderType 35
FloorType 14
Width 3
Height 3
FloorType 14
Destination 58
Width 12
Height 17
FloorType 14
Height 15
Width 10
FloorType 16
BorderType 35
SecretDoorChance 150
LockedDoorChance 70
floortype 16
name <Weapon Room>
Width 17
Height 12
FloorType 14
Height 10
Width 15
FloorType 16
BorderType 35
SecretDoorChance 150
LockedDoorChance 70
floortype 16
name <Control Room>

Width 17
Height 17
FloorType 14
Height 15
Width 15
FloorType 16
BorderType 35
SecretDoorChance 150
LockedDoorChance 70
floortype 16
name <Engine Room>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Cave Mutant Robot>
setenemy 1
stat 2 30
name <Fusion Engine>
home <Engine Room>
Clue15 <Goto Use>
use <if= V1 1 else GoCheckRepair Print 1>
GoCheckRepair <ifG PCSkillVal 15 0 else GoNoSkill ifYesNo 3 4 5
Mental ifG SkRoll 15 13 else GoNoDice V= 1 1 G+ 7 1 Print 8 XPV 100 ifG G7 2 Pri
nt 6>
GoNoSkill <Print 2>
GoNoDice <Print 7>
Msg1 <The engine is working fine now. Not bad work, considering
that it's nearly two hundred years old.>
Msg2 <This fusion engine isn't working. No wonder, considering t
hat it's nearly two hundred years old.>
Msg3 <This fusion engine appears to be in pretty good condition.
You could maybe even get it running, with a little work.>
Msg4 <Attempt repairs.>
Msg5 <Forget about it.>
Msg6 <The Cesar weapon systems are probably operational now.>
Msg7 <You work on the engine, but don't manage to fix anything.>
Msg8 <You repair the engine and start a controlled hydrogen reac
name <Plasma Condenser>
home <Weapon Room>
Clue15 <Goto Use>
use <if= V1 1 else GoCheckRepair Print 1>
GoCheckRepair <ifG PCSkillVal 15 0 else GoNoSkill ifYesNo 3 4 5
Mental ifG SkRoll 15 13 else GoNoDice V= 1 1 G+ 7 1 Print 8 XPV 100 ifG G7 2 Pri
nt 6>
GoNoSkill <Print 2>

GoNoDice <Print 7>

Msg1 <The plasma condenser is now in working condition.>
Msg2 <This plasma condenser is broken.>
Msg3 <This plasma condenser once powered the Ceser's weapon syst
ems. You think it might be repairable.>
Msg4 <Attempt repairs.>
Msg5 <Forget about it.>
Msg6 <The Cesar weapon systems are probably operational now.>
Msg7 <You work on the condenser, but don't manage to fix it.>
Msg8 <You repair the plasma condenser. Now, if only it had a sou
rce of power you could test it out.>
name <Command Console>
home <Control Room>
Clue15 <Goto Use>
use <if= V1 1 else GoCheckRepair Print 1>
GoCheckRepair <ifG PCSkillVal 15 0 else GoNoSkill ifYesNo 3 4 5
Mental ifG SkRoll 15 13 else GoNoDice V= 1 1 G+ 7 1 Print 8 XPV 100 ifG G7 2 Pri
nt 6>
GoNoSkill <Print 2>
GoNoDice <Print 7>
Msg1 <The command console is in perfect working order thanks to
your technical expertise.>
Msg2 <This computer isn't working. Even if it was, it wouldn't h
ave any power to operate nor any systems to control.>
Msg3 <This computer seems to be in fairly good condition. With a
little work you think you could restore it to full operation.>
Msg4 <Attempt repairs.>
Msg5 <Forget about it.>
Msg6 <The Cesar weapon systems are probably operational now.>
Msg7 <You work on the computer, but don't manage to fix anything
Msg8 <You repair the command console.>
Scene 60 0
name <Tokto Village>
Special <ShowAll>
param <Fill 1 0>
gapfill <-26 -26 -4 -4 -4>

1 -> Message first time entering town

% Add level scripts here.

% If no player units on map, exit to WORLD MAP scene.
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
START <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime V= 1 1 Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
MSG1 <You enter a small, primitive island village. You get the distinct
feeling of being unwelcome here.>
MSG2 <You enter Tokto village.>
FIRE! <AirRaidSiren>
% Local event 1 is being taken to the volcano.

LOCAL1 <Alert 3 Print 5 Exit 61>

Msg3 <Before you can even react, you are given a ceremonial headdress, p
laced on a litter loaded with supplies needed for the afterlife, carried up the
mountain and tossed into the volcano!>
Msg5 <You are thrown into the volcano!>
LOCAL2 <Print 6 PCMoraleDmg -100 XPV 100 Time 3600 ForceChat 6001>
Msg6 <\PC seduces \PERSONA 6001 .>
l strange.>
he distance.>

<Print 102 if= V102 0 Reputation 7 d3 V= 102 1>

<Print 103 if= V103 0 Reputation 7 -d3 V= 103 1>
<You can't see anything unusual about this place, but it does fee
<You feel a sense of dread emanating from the large mountain in t

Team 1
% PC Team
team 2
% Town Citizens
stat 1 3
SetAlly 3
team 3
% Town Defenders
SetAlly 2
MapFeature -21
MFX 15
MFY 40
Height 30
Width 70
name <Lagoon>
room 5 6
name <Shaman's Hut>
BorderType 15
FloorType 26
room 5 5
name <Explorer's Hut>
FloorType 14
BorderType 27
LockedDoorChance 90
name <Entry Grid>
width 7
height 7
% This is another hidden exit to the world map!
Destination 1
Hide -1
Persona 6001
greeting <NewChat if= G9 1 else GoNotYet Say 1>

GoNotYet <SayAnything>
Msg1 <The voice of Ladon has gone silent... I have never before
known such peace.>
Persona 6002
greeting <NewChat if= G9 1 else GoNotYet Say 1>
GoNotYet <SayAnything>
Msg1 <Until Ladon was silenced I did not know how her voice had
corrupted our village. Now we must atone for the sins we have committed.>
Persona 6008
greeting <NewChat Say 1 AddChat 1 AddChat 2>
result1 <EndChat Say 2 Exit 1 SeekGate 16>
result2 <NewChat Say 3>
Msg1 <You don't belong here. If you want to leave, I can bring y
ou as far as Namok on my boat.>
Msg2 <Let's head out. I'll drop you on the island; from there yo
u can walk to the city.>
Msg3 <Be careful not to offend the spirits with your presence...
Prompt1 <That would be good.>
Prompt2 <I don't want to leave.>
NPC Monk
job <Shaman>
home <Shaman's Hut>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 6001
chardesc Young Shy Passionate Melancholy
Age -2
Charm 14
Body 8
NPC Leader
Job <Chieftan>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6002
chardesc Old Male
NPC Warrior Monk
job <Warrior>
mecha <>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 6003
home <Entry Grid>
EquipChar 5000
NPC Warrior Monk
job <Warrior>
mecha <>
SetTeam 3
SetPersona 6004
EquipChar 5000
NPC Citizen
job <Villager>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6005

NPC Citizen
job <Villager>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6006
NPC Citizen
job <Villager>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6007
NPC Citizen
job <Fisherman>
SetTeam 2
SetPersona 6008
home <Lagoon>
home <Explorer's Hut>
cash 500
hide 20
lock 20
TreaSure 1
name <Printout>
use <print 1>
Msg1 <It's a printout of some chemical analysis. The sam
ple tested negative for psychoreactive compounds, but did contain anomalous micr
obes which could possibly be genetically engineered lifeforms.>
Treasure 1
name <Sample Jar>
use <if= V1 0 else GoUsed ifYesNo 1 2 3 else GoNoUse Pri
nt 6 if= G9 0 else GoNoEffect if= SceneID 60 else GoNoEffect Goto GoUseIt>
GoUseIt <V= 1 1 Alert 4 GrabPCPilot GAddNAtt NAG_StatusE
ffect NAS_Stoned 5 Trigger Local 1>
GoNoEffect <V= 1 1 Print 5 GrabPCPilot GAddNAtt NAG_Stat
usEffect NAS_Sickness -1>
GoNoUse <Print 8>
GoUsed <Print 7>
clue29 <Print 9>
Msg1 <This jar contains a thick, red liquid. It's presum
ably a potion of some kind. Do you want to try it?>
Msg2 <Drink the liquid.>
Msg3 <Better not...>
Msg4 <You hear voices in your head! It is a very old voi
ce... not human... screaming for blood... your blood!>
Msg5 <Nothing happens, except you make yourself very sic
Msg6 <\PC drinks the potion.>
Msg7 <The jar is empty now.>
Msg8 <You put away the jar.>
Msg9 <The liquid in this jar closely resembles blood...>
name <Metal Plate>
roguechar <%>
hide 20
home <Lagoon>

% Every time the plate gets moved, re-hide it.

update <if= V1 0 if# V2 SelfX if# V3 SelfY SetStat 5 20 V= 2 Sel
fX V= 3 SelfY>
use <Print 1>
Clue14 <if= V1 0 Print 3 Goto GoGetMecha>
Clue29 <if= V1 0 Print 5 Goto GoGetMecha>
Clue34 <if= V1 0 Print 6 Goto GoGetMecha>
Clue37 <if= V1 0 Print 7 Goto GoGetMecha>
GoGetMecha <Print 4 V= 1 1 SetStat 5 -1 mechaprize .mek>
.mek <BuruBuru.txt>
msg1 <It's a metal plate of some kind.>
msg2 <You find a metal plate half-buried in the sand!>
msg3 <You realize that this metal plate can't be natural. Examin
ing it more closely, you realize that it's the top hatch of a buried mecha!>
msg4 <\PC has recovered BuruBuru.>
msg5 <This plate appears to be made of an alloy that was commonl
y used in mecha armor during the Age of Superpowers. Examining it more closely,
you realize that you've discovered the top hatch of a buried mecha!>
Msg6 <This plate has a lucky feeling to it. Examining it more cl
osely, you realize that you've discovered the top hatch of a buried mecha!>
Msg7 <You examine the plate, and come to the conclusion that it
must be the top hatch of a mecha buried in the sand!>
Scene 61 0
name <Inside Ladon>
map <TS_MAP_Ladon.txt>
special <NOEXIT>
% Once the PC enters LADON, there's no getting out
% until LADON-2 has been defeated.
% I think this is my most complicated single scene ever.
% It's kind of a display piece, to show what the game's
% capable of.





Initialization counter
Get first aid kit
Message after LADON-2 dies
Counter for desctivating Ladon's vital organs
Ladon has been shut down from the inside

UID of the entry stairs

Have closed entranceway
UID of digestion chamber center
Have closed digestion chamber
UID of womb
Have released LADON-2

start <if= V1 0 Alert 3 V= 1 1>

nu1 <if= T1 0 Exit 1>
tm1 <if= L201 0 else GoTM1_2 ifG Range PCUID L101 3 L= 201 1 Print 1 Dra
wTerr 26 7 42>
GoTM1_2 <if= L202 0 else GoTM1_3 ifG 3 Range PCUID L102 L= 202 1 Print 7
DrawTerr 26 10 42>
GoTM1_3 <if= L202 1 else GoTM1_4 ifG Range PCUID L102 5 L= 202 2 DrawTer

r 22 15 42 DrawTerr 30 15 42 DrawTerr 26 16 42>

GoTM1_4 <if= L203 0 if= L5 0 ifG 4 Range PCUID L103 L= 203 1 DrawTerr 30
43 41 Alert 5 NPCGoPC 6101>
% Every five minutes spent here, the monsters get worse.
5MIN <MonsterUp 2 d3>
get61 <if= L2 0 Print 2 L= 2 1>
utd6101 <if= L3 0 L= 3 1 Print 4 DrawTerr 40 47 41>
clue29 <Print 8>
% event LOCAL1 is called when the PC has deactivated each of
% Ladon's major organs.
LOCAL1 <if= L5 0 Alert 6 L= 5 1 DrawTerr 24 43 41>
Msg1 <The passageway closes behind you... This is no natural cave.>
Msg2 <They included a first aid kit in your sacrificial litter. Someone
in the village must have a good sense of irony.>
Msg3 <Fortunately, you aren't killed by the fall. You awake in a hot, we
t cave. There's no way to climb back out.>
Msg4 <With the defeat of its child, the body of the mountain-mother sudd
enly goes still. It would appear that Ladon is dead.>
Msg5 <You suddenly hear a terrible screech, as though some foul creature
had just entered this world.>
Msg6 <As you shut down the terminal, the entire cave goes still. In the
distance you hear a faint crying noise. The sound fades to silence. Ladon has di
Msg7 <It suddenly dawns on you that you are standing in the body of some
gigantic creature!>
Msg8 <This place appears to be a gigantic piece of biotechnology. If tha
t's the case, there should be a control panel somewhere.>
Team 1
SetEnemy 2 3
Team 2
name <Antibodies>
SetEnemy 1
stat 2 25
type <Synth Mutant>
team 3
setenemy 1
name <Entry Spot>
width 3
height 3
MFX 25
name <Final Rest>
width 5
height 3
MFX 24

MFY 12
name <Womb>
width 4
height 4
MFX 35
MFY 45
use <Print 1 History 2 XPV 500 Exit 1 SeekGate 60 G= 9 1>
XPos 44
YPos 44
Msg2 <You defeated the biomonster Ladon.>
use <Print 1 History 2 XPV 500 Exit 1 SeekGate 60 G= 9 1>
XPos 9
YPos 44
Msg2 <You defeated the biomonster Ladon.>
Prop 50
name <Organic Mass>
sdl_sprite <prop_default.png>
frame 5
XPos 13
YPos 16
roguechar <&>
Clue29 <if= L3 1 else GoReal Print 5>
GoReal <ifG PCSkillVal 29 V4 else GoDid if= V3 0 else GoDid Ment
al V= 4 PCSkillVal 29 ifG SkRoll 29 12 else GoNoSolve V= 3 1 Print 1 XPV 75 L+ 4
1 ifG L4 1 Trigger LOCAL 1>
GoDid <if= V3 1 else GoNoSkill Print 3>
GoNoSolve <Print 2>
GoNoSkill <Print 4>
Msg1 <You recognize this organ as a control panel, and use it to
shut down Ladon's circulatory system.>
Msg2 <This is obviously an organic control panel, but you can't
figure out what it's for or how to use it.>
Msg3 <You've already shut down Ladon's circulatory system.>
Msg4 <Your skill isn't currently high enough to do anything with
Msg5 <This appears to have been a biotech control panel.>
Prop 50
name <Organic Mass>
sdl_sprite <prop_default.png>
frame 5
XPos 41
YPos 18
roguechar <&>
Clue29 <if= L3 1 else GoReal Print 5>
GoReal <ifG PCSkillVal 29 V4 else GoDid if= V3 0 else GoDid Ment
al V= 4 PCSkillVal 29 ifG SkRoll 29 12 else GoNoSolve V= 3 1 Print 1 XPV 75 L+ 4
1 ifG L4 1 Trigger LOCAL 1>
GoDid <if= V3 1 else GoNoSkill Print 3>
GoNoSkill <Print 4>
GoNoSolve <Print 2>

Msg1 <You recognize this organ as a control panel, and use it to

shut down Ladon's respiratory system.>
Msg2 <This is obviously an organic control panel, but you can't
figure out what it's for or how to use it.>
Msg3 <You've already shut down Ladon's respiratory system.>
Msg4 <Your skill isn't currently high enough to do anything with
Msg5 <This appears to have been a biotech control panel.>
Destination 60
Hide -1
XPos 26
YPos 4
update <L= 101 SelfUID>
Hide -1
XPos 26
YPos 13
update <L= 102 SelfUID>
Hide -1
XPos 27
YPos 42
update <L= 103 SelfUID>
FirstAidFuel 100
name <First Aid Kit>
SetKeyItem 61
home <Entry Spot>

<Entry Spot>


<Entry Spot>


<Entry Spot>

Melee 10
name <Ceremonial Blade>
home <Entry Spot>
Recharge 4
Acc 1
name <LADON-2>
roguechar <L>
SDL_SPRITE <monster_ladon2.png>
SDL_COLORS <143 143 114 122 88 170 255 107 83>
SetTeam 3

home <womb>
setPersona 6101
statline 19 19 16 12 19 21 18 16
skill 6 8
skill 8 11
skill 9 7
skill 10 9
skill 11 12
skill 12 12
skill 13 9
skill 25 8
mod head
armor 4
emelee 5
name <Tendrils>
type <Poison>
BeamGun 8
name <Acid Spray>
range 4
recharge 1
mod body
armor 4
mod arm
armor 4
melee 6
name <Claw>
mod arm
armor 4
melee 6
name <Claw>
mod arm
armor 4
melee 6
name <Claw>
mod arm
armor 4
melee 6
name <Claw>
mod wing
armor 2
mod wing
armor 2
mod leg
armor 4
mod leg
armor 4

home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
home <womb>
Scene 62 0
name <the Proving Ground>
special <NoExit>
type <SOLO>
NU1 <if= T1 0 Exit 15>
start <if= V1 0 else GoSecondTime Print 1>
GoSecondTime <Print 2>
Msg1 <You find yourself dumped in a strange maze, with no obvious way ba
ck out.>
Msg2 <You enter the Proving Ground.>
BorderType 24
FloorType 14
SecretDoorChance 50
% The entrance chamber...
FloorType 14
Destination -1
Hide -1

FloorType 14
Destination 15
FloorType 14
name <Rest Area>
FloorType 14
name <Monolith Room>
team 1
setenemy 2
team 2
name <Cave Monsters>
type <Exotic Light Air Desert>
setenemy 1
stat 2 17
home <Rest Area>
home <Monolith Room>
use <if= V1 0 else GoNoGood ifG PCRep 1 0 else GoNoGood ifYesNo
2 3 4 Goto GoTouch>
% Getting the mark of the dragon will earn the PC a point of vit
GoTouch <Alert 5 Print 6 History 7 G= 10 1 V= 1 1 ifG PCSkillVal
13 0 else GoGetXP PCSkill+ 13 1>
GoGetXP <SkillXP 13 150>
GoNoGood <Print 1>
Msg1 <This is a large, black, featureless monolith.>
Msg2 <This monolith is featureless, except for a glowing red ima
ge of a phoenix.>
Msg3 <Touch the phoenix.>
Msg4 <Leave it alone.>
Msg5 <It's hot!!! The image of the phoenix is burnt into your sk
Msg6 <\PC has acquired the Mark of the Phoenix.>
Msg7 <You acquired the Mark of the Phoenix.>

% For all factions, V1000 is the core difficulcy number.


the Federation Council

+- the Solar Navy
+- the Territorial Defense Force
+- the Guardians
Kettel Industries
Regex Corporation
HwangSa Monestary

Faction 1
name <the Solar Navy>
type <Military>
SetEnemy 7
SetAlly 2 3 11
% V1 = Promotions pending
% V2 = Highest Promotion Gift Accepted;
used so if the PC goes up two levels at once,
he still won't get the same gift twice.
quarter <iffaction 1 if= d4 1 ifStoryless StartStory .milstory i
fG 70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.milstory <TS_MIL_*_STORY.txt>
start <if= PCFac 1 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 1 else GoPro1
StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 < ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLeve
l+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_MilitaryPromotion_*.txt>
% If the PC isn't a member of this faction, set the
% faction XP total to zero.
GoNoMember <FacXP= 1 0>
FACRANK_8 <Admiral>
Faction 2
name <the Federation Defense Force>
type <Military>
SetEnemy 9 10
SetAlly 1 3 11
% RECRUITMENT: Must be renowned
Threats to FT from terrestrial sources
quarter <iffaction 2 if= d5 1 ifStoryless StartStory .milstory i
fG 70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.milstory <TS_MIL_*_STORY.txt>
start <if= PCFac 2 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 2 else GoPro
1 StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 <ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLevel
+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_MilitaryPromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 2 0>
Faction 3

name <the Guardians>

type <Police>
quarter <ifFaction 3 ifStoryless if# d3 1 StartStory .crime ifG
70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.crime <TS_GRD_*_STORY.txt>
SetAlly 1 2 11
% RECRUITMENT: Must be lawful and nonvillainous
Crimes happening within FT
start <if= PCFac 3 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 3 else GoPro
1 StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 <ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLevel
+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_GuardianPromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 3 0>

<Junior Inspector>

Faction 4
name <Kettel Industries>
type <CORPORATE GoodEnemy>
SetEnemy 5 6
% Upon loading a new story, increase the faction's
% difficulcy rating.
quarter <ifFaction 4 ifStoryless if# d3 1 StartStory .corp ifG
70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.corp <TS_CORP_*_STORY.txt>
% RECRUITMENT: Must be lawful and pragmatic
Business stuff
start <if= PCFac 4 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 4 else GoPro
1 StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 <ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLevel
+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_CorporatePromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 4 0>
FACRANK_0 <Wage Slave>
FACRANK_1 <Employee of the Month>
FACRANK_2 <Committee Head>
FACRANK_3 <Assistant Junior Manager>
FACRANK_4 <Junior Manager>
FACRANK_5 <Manager>
FACRANK_6 <Senior Manager>
FACRANK_7 <Branch Director>
FACRANK_8 <Vice President>
Faction 5
name <BioCorp>
type <CORPORATE GoodEnemy>
SetEnemy 4 6

% Upon loading a new story, increase the faction's

% difficulcy rating.
quarter <ifFaction 5 ifStoryless if# d3 1 StartStory .corp ifG
70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.corp <TS_CORP_*_STORY.txt>
% RECRUITMENT: Must be _very_ pragmatic
Business stuff
start <if= PCFac 5 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 5 else GoPro1
StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 < ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLeve
l+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_CorporatePromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 5 0>
FACRANK_0 <Wage Slave>
FACRANK_1 <Employee of the Month>
FACRANK_2 <Committee Head>
FACRANK_3 <Assistant Junior Manager>
FACRANK_4 <Junior Manager>
FACRANK_5 <Manager>
FACRANK_6 <Senior Manager>
FACRANK_7 <Branch Director>
FACRANK_8 <Vice President>
Faction 6
name <RegEx Corporation>
SetEnemy 4 5
% Upon loading a new story, increase the faction's
% difficulcy rating.
quarter <ifFaction 6 ifStoryless if# d3 1 StartStory .corp ifG
70 V1000 V+ 1000 15 V+ 1000 d10>
.corp <TS_CORP_*_STORY.txt>
% RECRUITMENT: Must be pragmatic
Business stuff
start <if= PCFac 6 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 6 else GoPro1
StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 < ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLeve
l+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_CorporatePromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 6 0>
FACRANK_0 <Wage Slave>
FACRANK_1 <Employee of the Month>
FACRANK_2 <Committee Head>
FACRANK_3 <Assistant Junior Manager>
FACRANK_4 <Junior Manager>
FACRANK_5 <Manager>
FACRANK_6 <Senior Manager>
FACRANK_7 <Branch Director>
FACRANK_8 <Vice President>
Faction 7
% NPC Faction... doesn't need much detail.
name <Aegis Overlord Luna>

type <Military GoodEnemy>

SetEnemy 1 3 11
Faction 9
% NPC Faction... doesn't need much detail.
name <Clan Ironwind>
type <Military GoodEnemy>
SetEnemy 2
Faction 10
% NPC Faction... doesn't need much detail.
name <the Bone Devil gang>
type <Military GoodEnemy>
SetEnemy 2 3 11
start <if= V1 0 StoryLine .plot V= 1 1>
.plot <TS_PLOT_Kist.txt>
Faction 11
name <the Federation Council>
SetAlly 1 2 3
SetEnemy 7 8 9 10
Faction 12
name <HwangSa Temple>
SetAlly 1 2 3 11
quarter <ifFaction 12 ifStoryless if= d2 1 StartStory .monk ifG
70 V1000 V+ 1000 10 V+ 1000 d10>
.monk <TS_MONK_*_STORY.txt>
start <if= PCFac 12 else GoNoMember ifFactionEnemy 12 else GoP
ro1 StartStory .fired>
.fired <TS_PLOT_Fired.txt>
GoPro1 <ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else GoCheckPromotion PCFacLevel
+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_MonkPromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 12 0>

<Master of
<Master of
<Master of
<Master of
<Master of


Four Winds>
World Tree>
Silver Waves>
Dragon's Flame>
Sun and Moon>

Faction 13
name <the Thieves Guild>
hour <ifFaction 13 if= d6 1 Storyline .thief>
.thief <TS_GTH_*_PLOT.txt>
start <if= PCFac 13 else GoNoMember ifG PCFacXP FacXPNeeded else
GoCheckPromotion PCFacLevel+ 1 PCFacXP= 0 V+ 1 1>
GoCheckPromotion <ifG V1 0 StartStory .promostory V+ 1 -1>
.promostory <TS_PLOT_ThiefPromotion_*.txt>
GoNoMember <FacXP= 13 0>


<Expert Thief>
<Master Thief>
<Criminal Mastermind>

Plot 0
% Load the PC's origin story
START <StartStory .StartStory else GoError AdvancePlot 0>
.StartStory <TS_STORY_Entry_*.txt>
GoError <Print 1 AdvancePlot 0>
Msg1 <Error loading the Intro story. Please report to "pyrrho12@
Plot 0
START <Storyline .StartStory else GoError AdvancePlot 0>
.StartStory <TS_PLOT_CoreIntro_*.txt>
GoError <Print 1 AdvancePlot 0>
Msg1 <Error loading the Core Introduction.>
Plot 0
START <Storyline .IslandStory AdvancePlot 0>
.IslandStory <TS_PLOT_Island.txt>
Plot 0
START <StartStory .MusicStory AdvancePlot 0>
.MusicStory <TS_STORY_MusicIndustry.txt>
% I'll comment out the IronWind story until it's actually playable...
Plot 0
START <StartStory .IWStory AdvancePlot 0>
.IWStory <TS_IronWind_STORY.txt>
Plot 0
START <StartStory .CetusStory AdvancePlot 0>
.CetusStory <TS_STORY_Cetus.txt>
Treasure 1000
SetKeyItem 39
name <BioCorp Labs Passcard>
Melee 20
SetKeyItem 43
name <Golden Chainsword>
Recharge 6
Acc 3
mass -14
type <ArmorPiercing>
Treasure 150
name <Rusty Scepter>
SetKeyItem 44
clue37 <Print 1>
Msg1 <Maybe this scepter could be valuable to someone who cares about hi
desc <This scepter is far too old and rusted to be useful for anything.>

Treasure 25000
name <Fuel Rod>
SetKeyItem 55
desc <This is an antique fuel processor, probably for a large biotech ma
chine of some type.>
Treasure 10000
name <Crystal Disk>
SetKeyItem 35
desc <This is an antique style datachip. It appears to be military grade
Treasure 20
name <Old City Key>
SetKeyItem 17
Clue29 <Print 2>
Clue37 <Print 1>
Msg1 <This is a very old key. Maybe it belongs to the ancient city that
Wujung was built on top of?>
Msg2 <This key is made of Impervium.>
desc <This is a very old key.>
% V2 = Have gotten the "big prize" at this shrine.
SetKeyItem 6
name <Water Shrine>
clue34 <ifG ComTime V1 else GoBeenBefore V= 1 ComTime V+ 1 86400 Reputat
ion 7 -d4 MENTAL FacXP+ 12 1 ifG SkRoll 34 15 else GoNoDice Goto GoCheckElements
GoCheckElements <if= V2 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G11 0 else GoSmallPrize
ifG G12 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G13 0 else GoSmallPrize ifG G14 0 else GoSmallPr
ize ifG G15 0 else GoSmallPrize Goto GoBigPrize>
GoBigPrize <ifG -50 PCRep 7 else GoSmallPrize V= 2 1 Print 101 PCStat+ 3
2 PCStat+ 5 2 XPV 100 if= G16 0 History 102 G= 16 1>
GoSmallPrize <G+ 13 1 Print 2 XPV 50>
Msg2 <You meditate at the shrine. You feel the unity of the world soul.>
Msg101 <You meditate at the shrine. All life originated from the same so
urce, and will return to the same end. You attain illumination.>
Msg102 <You have meditated at each of the elemental shrines.>
hoverfighter 8
name <Argoseyer>
sdl_sprite <hov_argoseyer.png>
sdl_colors <65 135 120 201 205 229 160 0 100>
SetKeyItem 26
mod turret
name <Right Cannon Housing>
size 7
armor 8
mass -10
Gun 6
name <Nuclear Cannon>
Acc -1
range 8
Magazine 24
BV 2

mass 5
Ammo 6
name <Right Cannon Mount>
mass -13
TurretArmor 7
mass -7
mod turret
name <Left Cannon Housing>
size 7
armor 8
mass -10
Gun 6
name <Nuclear Cannon>
Acc -1
range 8
Magazine 24
BV 2
mass 5
Ammo 6
name <Left Cannon Mount>
mass -13
TurretArmor 7
mass -7
mod body
armor 8
mass -14
Armor 2
mass -1
Gyro 8
armor 2
mass -1
Engine 8
armor 2

mass -1
Sensor 8
TarComp 2
BeamGun 22
name <Phase Bubble>
recharge 1
Range 14
mass -15
ArcJet 12
BodyArmor 8
mass -8
fits <hoverfighter>
OverCharger 8
mod wing
name <Right Wing>
size 9
armor 8
mass -10
ArcJet 7
EMelee 5
name <Beam Tendril>
name <Right Wing Mount>
WingArmor 9
mass -5
mod wing
name <Left Wing>
size 9
armor 8
mass -10
ArcJet 7
EMelee 5
name <Beam Tendril>
name <Left Wing Mount>
WingArmor 9

mass -5

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