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Draft MC Closing Ceremony CommTech Highlight 2016

Rawicak - Madeline
(Rawicak) Ladies and Gentlemen, attention please,
This event will be started soon. Please have your seats.
(break for a while)
Distinguished the Vice Rector of Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, ST,
Distinguished The Head of International Office, Dr. Maria Anityasari
Distinguished The Vice Head of International Office Dr. Eng. Trika Pritana
Distinguished The Head of Biomedical Engineering
Distinguished The Head of Multimedia and Networking Engineering
Distinguished The Head of Business Management
And distinguished to all participants and commitee of CommTech Highlight 2016
(Madelie and Rawicak)
Good evening

First of all we would like to welcome all of you to this very special occasion The Closing Ceremony of
Community and Technological Camp Highlight which is held on August, 26th 2016 at Tristar
International Restaurant, Surabaya.
My name is Rachmat Ananto Wicaksono
And my name is Madeline Rosmariana
It is a wonderful and precious chance for us, to be your Masters of Ceremony in this beautiful day.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
On behalf of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, we would like to say high appreciation and
gratitude to all of you who have come here to join, participate, and share the moments together. Without
your contribution, it is not possible for us to run this seminar. We hope this seminar will give an
endowment to the better future, and the world.
(Madeline) On this special day we have several agendas, they are:
1. Opening dance (Wicak)
2. Welcoming speech by Chairperson of the 2nd ISoC 2016 (Madeline)
3. Opening speech by Vice Rector of ITS (Wicak)
4. First session of keynote speeches (Madeline)


Coffee break (Wicak)

Second session of keynote speeches (Madeline)
Lunch (Wicak)
Poster session (Madeline)
Parallel Session (Wicak)

(break for a while)

(Madeline) Ladies and gentlemen,
Now we are coming to the first agenda, that is opening dance by Putra Bima Respati Dance Crew. Ladies
and gentlemen, please give a warm applause.
What an amazing dance performance by Putra Bima Respati.
(Wicak) The next agenda would be a Welcoming Speech by Chairperson of The 2nd ISoC. To Dr. Yuly
Kusumawati, time is yours.
(Madeline) Next, will be the Opening Speech that will be delivered by the Vice Rector of ITS. To Prof.
Dr. Ir. Heru Setyawan, M.Eng time is yours.
Thank you Prof. Dr. Ir. Heru Setyawan for the speech.

(Wicak) Now, we come to the main session., which is seminar session.

The first session will be delivered by Mr. Sudjoko Harsono Adi, Director of Bioenergy of the
Directorate of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Indonesia and the second keynote speaker, from . This will be moderated by Dr. Dra.
Ratna Ediati, M.S., Ph.D from ITS, Indonesia. For those who are concerned, the time will be yours.
Thank you Mr. Sudjoko Harsono Adi, the second keynote speaker and Dr. Dra. Ratna Ediati, M.S.,
The next session will be a coffee break for 15 minutes, so we will meet again at 10.30 AM.
(Madeline) Ladies and gentlemen,
Let us continue our session today. This next session will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Aishah Abdul Jalil
from UTM, Malaysia and Prof. Sung-Yeon Jang from Kookmin University, South Korea. This
session will be moderated by Dr. Adi Setyo Purnomo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D from ITS, Indonesia. For
those who are concerned, the time will be yours.
Thank you for Prof. Dr. Aishah Abdul Jalil, Prof. Sung-Yeon Jang and Dr. Adi Setyo Purnomo, S.Si.,
M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Wicak) Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the end of our session today. The next session will be lunch time continued by Parallel Session.
For all of the audience, the information about parallel session can be seen at
(Madeline) On behalf of this organizing committee, as the MC, we would like to apologize for any
inconveniences that might be happened during this seminar.
(Wicak & Madeline) Thank you for attention.
(Wicak & Madeline) Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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