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Online Learning Is Not As Good As Face-to-Face

I can bet that everyone has seen a variety of advertisements about online tutoring
in subways and buses. These advertisements aim at students who are too busy to go to
school for education and parents who want their kids study more at home instead of
playing games. These advertisements aim at students who are too busy to go to school for
education and parents who want their kids study more at home instead of playing games.
However, compared with face-to-face learning, which as we know is like being in school or
varsity where you have your lecturer or teacher at the front of the room and you have
breaks and classes at specific times (SACOB, 2014), online learning is not as good as faceto-face learning.
First of all, online learning is not as efficient as face to face learning. In face-to-face
classes, students have their classmates, learning centers on campus, professors' office
hours, tutors, and teaching assistants to support and help them with their various learning
needs (Arleen R. Bejerano, 2008).Lets imagine that you are learning financial
management by watching a video and you have some trouble telling the difference
between the discount rate and the coupon rate. But what you can do is to repeat this
video again and again until you got the point. But when you are learning the same thing
face to face with the teacher, you can raise your hand, ask your teacher and get this
problem solved very immediately, which is much more efficient than thinking about the
question alone. What is more, when learning a foreign language, face to face learning may
be more necessary than online learning because you need to observe the way to

pronounce those foreign words close from your teacher, which online studying could not
On other aspect, online learning could not provide with discussions and refutations.
As we all know, nothing can be always right. Queries and arguments exist everywhere. It is
the same as studying. Participants are able to maintain engagement in a community of
learners when and where they choose. (Garrison& Cleveland-Innes, 2010). But when
something that you dont agree occurs to you, you can talk with your teacher face to face
right away but you can do nothing with your online studying. Moreover, if such arguments
cannot be solved in time, over time, the further knowledge will be more difficult to
understand. And maybe that is why Similarly suggested that learning is influenced more
by the instructional strategy than by the type of technology used to deliver instructions
(Anderson, 2011). Based on this idea, face-to-face learning is a kind of social
communication as well. When you don't have direct interactions with your instructors or
partners, you may tend to do not as well with the work you already have (Bird, 2014).
On the other hand, online learning may drive giving up more easily. With many
problems unsolved, you would become really upset. At this time, you may want to get
others courage very much. However, this kind of courage cannot be given by online
education video. It looks like a privilege only from face to face learning. Learning should
not be a lonely progress. You need someone to congratulate you when you get
improvements and someone to encourage you when you fell down. And a recorded
teaching video will never achieve such interaction. When you feel really tired learning,
your real teacher may help you move on but your online teacher who cannot answer your
question on time may directly make you quit in all likelihood.

Of course everyone will admit that online learning dose give us much convenience
and helps saving much time. But it only works when talking about short time affections.
But it doesnt mean that online studying is as good as face-to-face learning and even can
replace it. Longer the study period is, less efficient online learning will be.
To be concluded, online learning would never be as good as face to face learning
even this technology improves very fast these days. So if you dont have enough time to
go to the class, you can choose online learning. Still, I recommend going to the tutorial
school to get face-to-face learning if there is any possibility.

Reference list:
1. The theory and practice of online learning
Similarly suggested that learning is influenced more by the instructional strategy than by
the type of technology used to deliver instructions

Terry Anderson
Fifth printing 2011
Dec 8th
2. Facilitating Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: Interaction Is Not Enough
Participants are able to maintain engagement in a community of learners when and
where they choose.
D. Randy Garrison & Martha Cleveland-Innes
Published online: 07 Jun 2010
Dec 8th
3. Face-to-Face or Online Instruction? Face-to-Face is Better
In face-to-face classes, students have their classmates, learning centers on campus,
professors' office hours, tutors, and teaching assistants to support and help them with
their various learning needs.
Arleen R. Bejerano
CUMMUNICATION CURRENTS, Volume 3 , Issue 3 - June 2008

Dec 21st
4. Online vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Never Expected
When you don't have direct interactions with your instructors or partners, you may tend
to do not as well with the work you already have.
Kendall Bird
Blogs oft college life in Rasmussen College 2/19/2014
Dec 21st
As we know Face to Face learning is like being in school or varsity where you have your
lecturer or teacher at the front of the room and you have breaks and classes at specific
Posted by SACOB on Thu, Oct 16 2014
Dec 21st

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