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Free Autoresponder Script

Welcome to Infinite Responder!

Created by Aaron Colman of Adaptive Business Design.

Have you ever wanted a completely customizable free self-hosted autoresponder script? To set
the times you want? For as many messages and users as you want?
Infinite Responder is an autoresponder & newsletter hybrid that allows you to send as many
messages, as many emails to as many lists as you want. It can behave as both a sequential
autoresponder and a newsletter mailer.
I created it years ago in order to send out e-courses without buying a big, expensive package for
hundreds (or thousands) of dollars. I wanted to be able to import my own lists and send from my
own server without having to deal with the headaches of going thru a 3rd party.
And so here it is. Years of support and several bursts of development later we've got a pretty
sophisticated package.
Need help? Check out our forums.
Discuss Infinite Responder issues there!
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Note: I've been having some hosting problems lately. If this site appears down, it's not. It's just a
problem with the server. Please try again later. Thanks!
Some of it's features:

GPL Licensed

Single or Double Opt-In

Easy web-based subscriptions

Email-based subscriptions

Sequential and absolute autoresponder timing

Newsletter style mail bursts

Easy bounce handling

Unlimited messages and lists

Individual scheduled messages

Full web-based control panel

Easy setup and installation

Easily add emails individually or in a group

HTML and text email messages

Multi-part HTML ensures readability

Strong security features

Numerous remote subscription possibilities

30+ custom tags to personalize your mail

Convenient in-line help system

HTML editor plug-in

Global blacklist capability

Simple templates allow easy customization

RFC compliant emails aid deliverability

Unlimited custom fields

Subscription referral tracking fields

Daily and per-batch throttling

Queued message cache

Efficient mail delivery functions

Easy opt-in and opt-out redirect

And more!

Infinite Responder Manual

1. The Top
2. Requirements
3. Installation
4. Login Screen
5. Configuration
6. Main Screen
7. Edit Users
8. Delete Users
9. Add a List
10. Add Subscribers
11. Edit Responder List
12. Delete a Responder
13. Mailbursts
14. Create a Burst
15. Delete a Burst
16. Edit Bursts
17. Edit a Responder
18. Edit Responder Messages
19. Code-it
20. Bulk Add

21. Add Subscribers

22. Blacklist
23. Tools
24. Bouncers
25. Bouncer Regexps
26. Templates
27. Custom Fields
28. Message Tags
29. Sendmails.php
30. Bounce and Mail Checker
31. Remove Subscription Handling
32. License and Copyrights
33. Getting Help
34. Custom Changes & Additions
35. Tips for Avoiding Spam Filters
36. The End...
You will need MySQL and PHP and a way to handle external tasks. Later there is a special
section of this file dedicated to setting up a *nix crontab. That is the program I recommend for
this task scheduling, but you can use any service that you find if it'll do the job.
For this you will need:
A web server (Apache or IIS)
PHP 4.3 or greater (the 5.x series seems to work fine)
MySQL 4 or greater (MySQL 5 is highly recommended)
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Install process

Note: I do offer professional installations of this package for $30 provided that you have the
required system (PHP 4+, MySQL 4+). I know that a lot of people won't need this, and that's
fine... but given how cheap I'm making it there's no reason to teach yourself MySQL and PHP
just to install it. Your time is valuable, use it wisely.
Installing this app is pretty straight forward. As with any php program that needs database access
you first need to set up your database. You can use a previously existing DB if you want, but
only 1 copy of Infinite Responder can run per database. Otherwise simply create a new DB,
setup a user (user and password) and assign the user to the newly created database. The user
needs permission to create, insert, delete, alter and create tables.
After the database is created unpack the Infinite Responder zip file into a directory on your hard
drive. Edit config.php and put in the database and user information there. Save the file and
upload all of the files to your server, retaining directory structure (there needs to be a templates,
images and jscripts folder w/ all of the same subfolders and all of the files in the right
Once the files are on the server go to:
And it'll automatically create the tables you need and populate them with starting data. It should
immediately direct you to the config screen where you can set your admin login/pass and change
various settings.
At the top of the config screen you'll see the system location of the install. This will come in
handy later when you create your crontab.
Now that the app is installed you need to setup a scheduler to run sendmails.php on a regular
basis. If you don't have access to crontab you can use an 3rd party scheduler service or attach
sendmails.php to another page with an include(). Either way, you will need to have this run on a
regular basis.
Setting up the crontab:
Crontab is an program that runs the background of most unix servers. All it does it wait for
timing instructions and runs things according to the schedule. You can change your scheduled
crontabs by running.
crontab -e
From a *nix command line. Also, a lot of hosts offer a crontab utility that gives you access to the
crontab from a control panel. Setting up a crontab isn't simple if you have no unix experience. It's
doubly difficult as the standard editor is VI, a very complex editor that is difficult for beginners
to learn.
If you have MySQL and PHP on your server I offer custom installations for only $30.

Once you get into the crontab edit you need to figure out 4 things:
How often do you want it ran?
How do you want to run it?
And where is the file you want to run?
Where do you want output to go?
The first is the most complex. There are 5 time entries to crontab. The last 3 are day settings, and
as they're not often enough for this script we're going to leave them as just *'s.
This leaves you with:
minutes hours * * *
Minutes is the minutes that you want to run the script on. Hours is the hours.
Lets say you want to run the script at 3:30 every morning:
30 3 * * *
30 minutes at 3 o'clock, every day.
If you only want to run it every hour, do this:
0 1-24 * * *
That's at the zero minute marker of every hour.
Some people suggest that you run it constantly with:
But in my experience this risks putting a high load on your server if you have a lot users,
messages, responders or mails to sort thru. There are 1440 minutes in a day, there is no reason to
run it this script 1440 times per day.
Most of the time 10 minute intrevals are enough:
00,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *
That only runs it 144 times per day, which should be enough and not put too much stress on the
If you've got a small list or need to check things more often try this:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
While that's a big long, it runs the script every 5 minutes. That's 12 times an hour or 288 times
per day.
The second thing you need to know is how you're going to call the script. You can set up a

seperate shell script or CGI wrapper if you need to, but again... if you don't have a lot of unix
experience then doing this would be very time consuming.
You can call the PHP file directly by calling PHP. Depending on how crontab is ran, you may be
able to do this by just using:
PHP sendmails.php
But that's not likely. You can also use lynx if you have it available with:
lynx -dump http://www.yourdomain.com/responder/sendmails.php
That works very well, but it does take some time to load lynx. This isn't enough to stop you on a
small list, but on a big list... or on a server without lynx, you'll need to do it another way.
The easiest and quickest way is to call PHP by it's complete path name with:
/usr/local/bin/php sendmails.php
Again, that will depend on where your php is. You can find either lynx or php with the whereis
Just type:
whereis php
whereis lynx
From the command line. If you don't have whereis then ask your admin or tech support.
Where the file you're running is. This is important because cron won't run things from the
directory you want it to. It needs the full path of the filename in almost every setup. This isn't a
problem. You can get the name of full system path of the install from the first line in the config
It'll look like:
Then just tack on the name of the script at the end like this:
Simple enough.
Now, where do you want output to go? By default, most systems will send it to your email
address. You don't want this. Why? Because you'll get an email each and every time it runs. Do
you want 300 emails per day telling you that it actually ran your crontab? Yea. I wouldn't either.

At the end of the filename this:

> /home/user/www/responder/cron.log
And all information will be sent to cron.log Or, if you don't want to use a file (I wouldn't, it takes
up space) just send it to a special "black hole" file.
> /dev/null
Putting it all together:
Now just add all of it together.
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php
/home/user/www/responder/sendmails.php > /dev/null
That runs your script thru PHP every 5 minutes and drops the the output into the great void.
A convenient resouce for this can be found at:
Configuration Settings >>
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The login screen
Here you simply put your assigned login name and password. If this is your first time logging in
then it will go directly to the configuration screen instead and instruct you to set an admin
Login sessions last for 24 hours or until you log out, or until someone else logs in as the admin.
At the top of the main screen you'll see a logout button that will log you out.
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This has various configuration options.
Max sends per sendmails run: In order to send email you need to have sendmails.php ran on a
frequent basis. This script is what processes the queue and sends stuff out. This option allows
you to crank up (or down) the number of messages to process and send per run. This script is
pretty efficient in high numbers as most of the data is pre-cached at the start of the program. Still
if you're experiencing timeouts then set this number lower. I usually run between 200 and 500,
depending on how many other people use the server. A shared server might only want 200, a
dedicated might be able to handle 1000 or more.

Daily send limit: Daily throttle for hosts that have one. You should probably set the throttle just
below your host's limit so you can still send emails normally. Example: If you can only send
1000 a day, set it to 900, etc.
Inactivity trim: Various actions update a user's "last activity" setting. This setting isn't very
useful for large newsletter lists, but responder lists or lists where current activity is more
important than size can benefit greatly from trimming old, inactive, users. This setting is in
months and can be anything from 1 to 9999 or higher. So you can set multiple years by using
larger month numbers.
Charset: This allows you to change the system's charset. Unfortunately php's support of
extended multibyte charsets is still a bit lacking, so some sets like korean or japanese might not
work correctly. Still, latin-based languages like english, french, spanish, german, and others
(sorry if your's isn't listed, but the list is long) should work fine with UTF-8. I strongly suggest
UTF-8 as the database is now coded to use it as the default.
Check mail on sendmails.php: One way or another, if you want to use mail-based
subscriptions, you need to run mailchecker. If you never plan to use them, then you don't need to
run it. If you do want to use them but need sendmails.php to run as fast as possible you can either
run mailchecker manually thru the tools option or set a seperate crontab for it. Turning this on
makes the process automatic, but does so at the price of increasing the work load during a
sendmails.php call. If you've got a big email list set this to no, it'll probably let you send your
bursts out quicker.
Check bounces on sendmails.php Similar to mailchecker except it also runs the bounce checker
too. Good for small lists and easy automation, bad for large lists when you need to streamline
your sendmails.php call. Turn it off and run manually or with a seperate crontab, or keep it on for
simplicity. Up to you.
Autocall sendmails.php on subscribe: This will call sendmails.php when a user subscribes. The
downside is added server load. If you're concerned about the number of times it's called per hour
and you have a lot of subscribers coming in this can overload a server. On the upside it's nice to
have if you're sending out 0-minute messages. If enabled this'll make a 0-minute message behave
exactly like another welcome message, if disabled the subscriber will have to wait until
sendmails.php is called before they can get that message.
Lines on the subscriber add page: You can add subscribers with this option. This lets you set
the number of subscribers you can add at a time.
Subscribers per page: Controls the page flow of the user list. Set it small or set it high. Up to
Site code: If you've purchased a seperate license you'll be given a code that can disable the
promotional banners at the bottom and in your unsub links. Disabling these messages without an
appropriate license may effect your ability to receive support.

Admin username/pass: Simple enough. Set this to whatever you want. Change as often as you
Enable TinyMCE: TinyMCE is a stand-alone plugin designed by Moxiecode. It's under a
seperate license (LGPL) and can be enabled or disabled. It's the HTML editor that's used in the
various html areas. Disabling this will convert those areas to simple textareas instead of active
html areas. I tend to like the html editor, but if you're operating under a stricter licensing situation
and don't want to pay for a seperate tinyMCE license then you may need to disable this.
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The main screen
This is the "Edit users" screen. It's a list of responders. If you click on "edit users" you'll be taken
to that responder's user list and be able to edit them.
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Edit users
Here is a list of the users for that responder. You'll see the email address, their subscriber ID and
the name of the responder they're subscribed to. Here you can page thru the list, add a bulk list of
users or add a smaller list with add subscriber.
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The user edit screen
Click on the pen. Here you are presented with various subcriber options. At the bottom you can
edit custom field data. This is self-explanatory, first name, last name, email, html, IP addy, etc.
The unique code shouldn't be changed unless you know what you're doing, a unique code is
generated for every user as part of the subscription process Also, here you can resend confirm
messages, reset the user's join timestamp or resend responder messages.
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The delete user screen
Click on the trash can. Here you are presented with various details of the user and asked to
confirm whether you really want them gone. Deletes are permanent and cannot be undone.
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Add a list

A simple comma spliced list, addy@domain1.com, addy@domain2.com, etc. Select whether or

not they should receive HTML email, or upload a csv file.
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Add a subscriber
This shows a small set of rows for adding subscribers. Email address, html, first name and last
name can be set here.
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Edit Resps
This allows to edit the responders themselves. Here you can send a mail burst, edit the responder
details, add new responder-style messages or delete the responder completely.
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Delete a responder
The trash can deletes the responder. Again, this cannot be undone. Confirm if you're sure.
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Mail bursts
The envelope icon takes you to mail bursts. You'll see the list of any bursts you've sent. From this
list you can edit an existing burst or delete an old burst. These messages are added to a cache and
sent over time. At the bottom-right you'll see where you can create a new burst. The pen icon
edits, the trash icon deletes.
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Create a new burst
The tag reference at the top-right is a list of tags you can use during the message. These are
variable run-time tags that allow you to customize messages.
Here you add a subject, a text version and an html version. If you've enabled tinyMCE from the
configuration you'll be able to use the html editor to help compose the message.
At the bottom you'll see the scheduler. You can preschedule messages to start whenever you
want. If you're running an offer you want broadcasted at a specific time, well that's how you do
it. One important detail is that the email is cached whenever you create the message, so
subscribers that happen after it's cached may not receive the email. Still, if you're going to be

busy and want the message to go out on-time, it's a great way to do it. The time option uses a
form of military time. Hours:Minutes using a 24 hour format.
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Delete a burst
Same as before. It presents details. Cannot be undone. Confirm if you're sure. If you delete a
burst any messages that haven't gone out yet are stopped.
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Edit a burst
Same as before. It presents fields that you can change. These changes occur to the message, any
that haven't been sent out yet will be changed. Obviously you can't edit a message once it's been
delivered. At the bottom you can deactivate a message without deleting it. This will stop it from
being sent any further, but keep it in the queue incase you want to reactivate it at a later date.
You'll see the message queue's progress at the bottom, this will tell you how far along the burst
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Edit a responder
Either from the edit resps list or from the "edit responder messages" you can get to the edit
responder screen. If you just want to zoom down to the message list, which appears at the bottom
of this screen, you can click on the link at the top.
In the responder screen you can set the name of the responder. You can set the opt-in level to
single or double. You can instruct the system to send a notification to the owner when someone
joins or leaves. You can set the name of the owner, and both the owner's email and the reply-to
The description is an HTML-capable field that's used to describe the responder on list.php or
using the description tag.
Below that you have 2 opt redirects. This allows you to redirect to a different URL after a
successful opt-in or opt-out. This is especially useful when creating squeeze pages. Below that
you have 2 confirmation pages. These are html-capable areas that are presented to the user after
they're sent a confirmation code. This allows responder-level changes, if you leave these fields
blank the system will default the global confirmation templates. You don't need to use these, but
you can if you want a more fine-grained control over these messages.
At the bottom, before the message list, you can download all custom data for this responder in a
csv file.

You can also edit the POP3 details for mailchecker. This allows you to setup email-based
subscriptions. When someone sends an email to this account it will start a subscription process
for them. Despite the name it also supports imap if you want to use that. This area uses the
imap() routines in php so you'll need those compiled. There are various related options. The
spam header is particularly nice if the address has spamassassin running. The system will ignore
these messages and not subscribe them.
Note: It's usually good practice to use an un-used email address for this. Unless you have a
specific reason not to, it's best to delete the messages after they're checked. Otherwise these
messages will need to be checked every time it connects, slowing your system down and perhaps
re-adding users that have unsubscribed. Unless you have another system checking and clearing
this mailbox, make sure delete is on.
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Edit responder messages
At the bottom of the edit responder screen is where you add or edit responder-style messages.
Same as before, trashcan = delete, pen = edit. Changes cannot be undone, so be sure before you
save or confirm a delete.
Most of this is self-explanatory. Subject, text version and html version. Towards the bottom are 2
different timing options.
For the most part you'll want sequential timing. This is how sequential responders are done. If
you want the message to go out 1 day after they subscribe simply put "1" in the days column. A 0
minute message will be set to send as soon as they subscribe, so you can send specific custom
welcome messages that way. You can set messages months in advance if you want.
Then there's absolute timing. Absolute timing adds to sequential timing by re-positioning the
timer at a specific moment of that day. For instance if you want a message to be set for the
wednesday of the week after they join, you can do that here. You'd set the weeks in sequential to
1, and then set the day to "wednesday" and it'll be set for then. Here you can specify a day, if you
do it'll re-position the minutes and hours to midnite so, for example, you can schedule a message
to go out on Friday at 8pm, 1 month after their join.
Save when you're ready. Again, tag reference at the top to help you use tags in your messages.
Creating a new responder message follows the same pattern.
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The Code-it dialog
This allows you to make a quick-n-easy subscription form. It's a simple matter, just pull down
and code-it. Down below you can even do a custom code-it. If you change the custom fields you

can change the custom code-it template to match if you want. Subscription forms are just that, a
simple form. You don't need to use this option but you can if you want. I usually use it as a base,
then tweak the colors to fit the site.
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Bulk add
A simple comma spliced list, addy@domain1.com, addy@domain2.com, etc. Select whether or
not they should receive HTML email, or upload a csv file.
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Add users
This shows a small set of rows for adding subscribers. Email address, html, first name and last
name can be set here.
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Blacklisted users cannot subscribe to any of the lists on your system. Use this if someone is
causing trouble, or if they've requested to be removed from all your lists. If you add someone to
the blacklist their address will be automatically deleted from all lists on your system. Blacklisted
users cannot be added manually or in bulk, nor can they subscribe via form or email.
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Allows you to run manually run sendmails, bouncechecker or mailchecker. I may add other tools
to this area in the future.
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Bouncers handle bouncing emails. They aren't assigned to any specific responder (a bad address
is a bad address, regardless of which list it's on) but are assigned to specific system email
addresses. At the bottom you can add a new bouncer, the pulldown will contain a list of owner
and reply-to emails that aren't currently assigned. You can either select one, or select "other
address" and add your own.

On the next screen you set the various options. You can set the delete level (clear bounces is the
default), you can set notify (it'll send a notify to the assigned email) so that it'll tell you when it
removes someone, you can set a spam header to ignore. The rest is fairly self-explanatory.
Note: setting a username it's usually good to use the full email address as your username, ex:
myuser@mydomain.com. Most systems work best this way. Consult your host's helpdesk or
FAQ for more information.
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Add a regexp
At the top, right, below the "logout" is a "Regexp rules" button. This is where you add regexps.
All regular expression are set case-insensitive and multi-line, so you only need to add the pattern.
This is the bouncer rules area. Here you add perl-compat regular expression rules to detect and
remove bounced addresses. If you know perl regexp you can add your own. If not, well we have
an area in the forums for this. I'll also distribute new regexps as time goes by so you can keep
your list up to date without the headache.
This is a very powerful rule system and can allow you to match some very complex bounces.
The system will automatically try to detect the bounced address from the list by looking for the
first email address in the bounced message. If the bounce message doesn't contain the bounced
address then don't make a rule for it, there's no point since the system can't remove anything.
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The templating system
I'm not using any complex template systems, the files in /templates are merely php snippets.
Mostly html, but some php code at the top to prepare the options. Here you can change the layout
and presentation of any part of the script. I've begun migrating to CSS, so many things can be
tweaked by changing the main.css file. The files are named by their location and what file they're
attached to, for instance "create.responders.php" is the template for the "create a responder"
screen in responders.php.
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Custom fields
The custom field system isn't quite where I want it to be, but it works. In the next major version
I'm going to implement a better interface, but for now it's defined by the rows in your custom
fields table. Adding new rows creates new fields named after the row. If you want to refer to their
tags you can do so by %cf_fieldname% where fieldname is the name of the field in the custom
fields table.

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The tag list is available in tagref.html. There are numerous ways to customize your messages.
For instance if you want a simple "hello firstname" line you'd do:
Hello %subr_firstname%
Pretty straight-forward. These tags are interpreted inside of the subject line, text and html
messages for both responder-style messages and newsletter-style mailbursts.
A new tag that was added recently was the "referralsource" tag %subr_referralsource%. You can
provide a referral source using "ref" in the subscription form. This is a great way to test co-reg
effectiveness, ezine solos, etc. Or you can use it as part of your affiliate marketing campaign. It's
a simple matter to put a hoplink's ?hop information in there so you can track which affiliates are
providing the best results. You can even use this to rebrand the affiliate links in your messages so
your affiliates can get paid for their hard work.
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This script needs to be called on a regular basis. You can do this by setting up a crontab, using an
outside scheduler service or by attaching it to one of your pages via an include(). The crontab is
probably the most reliable and is the one I recommend, but there are plenty of other options.
When sendmails.php runs it will pre-load most of the data it needs. This reduces the number of
database calls it has to make during the process but increases overhead a little. On small batches
this is probably not very efficient, but on larger batches with hundreds or thousands of messages
to send it ends up being very fast. Responder-style messages are given priority over newsletterstyle bursts. Responder messages tend to be more time-sensitive and there tends to be fewer of
them being sent at any time, so it makes the most sense to squeeze in newsletter messages after
the responder side is done.
Sendmails.php will send straight text messages for those that request them, otherwise it will send
multi-part text/html mime alternates for html messages. This makes html messages pretty safe to
use since they also include their text counter-part for people that don't want or can't see html in
their email. In general these 2 message types should be kept as similar as possible, if you include
radically different versions many spam filters will react negatively.
When sendmails.php is called it can also call bouncechecker and mailchecker if you've set that
option in the config screen.
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Bouncechecker and mailchecker

Both of these use imap() routines to run. These routines are a bit tricky to use and if you're
having trouble getting them to work talk with your host to make sure your settings are correct. If
they are then post for help on the forums. There are ways to get non-standard settings to work,
but it usually takes a little time to figure everything out.
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Remote subscriptions
Since I designed this to be email-course friendly, I figured someone out there might want to use
this to handle subscriptions advertised by others. Ie: Design an email course for your affiliates to
give away, but let them handle the form capture from their end to build both of your subscriber
For this reason the subscribe routine has a silent subscription feature that will disable all normal
output, including the template files and redirects. It won't, however, disable the confirmation
message sent to their email address for double opt-in lists.
Subhandler variables:
e = The email address
r = The responder ID
a = "sub"
h = 1 for HTML email. 0 for text.
s = 1 for silent sub, 0 for normal.
ref = referral source
So lets say you want to set this up from yourdomain.com under /course:
Then simply set up your PHP variables: $email, $resp and $html. At that point, all you have to do
is call that link somehow. You can use a redirect, a silent post/get or even an image load to
seamlessly start the confirmation process from any other site.
if you trust other sites to sign up users directly you can even turn off the silent feature, enable
single opt-in and set the redirect to another page. Users passed to it will be signed up and sent on
to your redirect.
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License and copyright
This app is copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 by Aaron Colman and Adaptive Business
Design and released under the GPL. The GPL requires that you maintain proper credit (the image
at the bottom and links in the unsubscribe messages) and that any changes you make be
redistributed. You can post code changes to the forum or send them to me via email, I'll repost
them for others. Removing the "powered by" and credit links without an alternate license may
effect your ability to receive support in the forums.

A copy of the GPL can be found in this distribution as gpl.txt.

Some plugins (namely tinyMCE) operate under a different license. TinyMCE, written by
Moxiecode at http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ is an open source LGPL html editor. It's seperately
licensed and any changes you make specifically to it may require something different.
There are, however, some situations where the GPL isn't the perfect option. If you have clients
and need to rebrand the script to fit their site, or if you want to operate w/o the image banner or
links in the unsub message. We offer additional licensing capabilities that can allow you to
rebrand and make changes w/o redistribution. These also usually include free email support for
up to a year, too, so they're generally worth it. Check the website for more information about
alternate licensing options.
These alternate licenses cannot expand to cover TinyMCE (or any other plugin) however. If you
need a license specifically for that you can get one at http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ that will
cover your needs. You can also disable tinyMCE via the config screen if this becomes a problem
for you.
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Support is provided at the forums for anyone that needs it. Check http://infinite.ibasics.biz for
more information. For those with more specific needs I can provide some limited email support
(or unlimited support can be purchased if you need it) or even a telephone support agreement if
you need it. If you've paid for a custom installation you'll have 30 days of unlimited email
support where I can step you thru any problems you have.
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Custom mods
Custom changes or additions to this application are available. Visit http://infinite.ibasics.biz for
more information.
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Tips on avoiding spam filters
This script has been tested with spam assassin at it's tightest levels to ensure that it won't
artificially trip spam filters. Infinite Responder's headers are RFC compliant.
If you're having trouble w/ spam filters you should check spam assassin's page on the topic. It
has some great tips available at:

If you're still having trouble, send to a test address and replicate the problem locally. Then post
the headers to the forum. We can take a look at the triggered rules and give you a better idea of
what's going on.
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The End...

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