Você está na página 1de 18

insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Cost Category Ma
ster','Added record is not getting displayed. The queries need to be changed to
procedures. Unnecessary buttons to be removed. Sorting should work.
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' or lastname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' ),'2016/12/05',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Stock Updation',
'Stock Update (Pending Inventories)
The records from the Stock_Update_Master sho
uld be displayed. While clicking the StockUpdate link, The Material Inventory Ma
ster is displayed in popup where the currentstock will be given and the Add link
is clicked to add the details, The Material Pending Details page is opened in t
he popup. In this page, the location and bin will be selected and the total qty
will be added. When the record is updated, the stock qty is update in the Stock
_Update_Master table and the Stock_Update_details table will have multiple recor
ds in for the total qty added. In the details table the TransactionId is the row
id of the Stock_Update_master table. The AlreadyStockQty will be added with the
TotalQty given. The BatchNo/Serial Number will be updated in the Stock_Update_De
tails table. A record need to be added in the Ledger table with the TransactionT
ype as C for credit and TransactionID as POID and the in Stock_Current table Qty n
eed to be added with the existing value for that LocationID, BinLocationID.
In the Summary grid, the sorting, showing number should be correct. Mandatory al
erts should be present. Alert messages should be proper. Tab order should work
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Jegan R' or lastname = 'Jegan R' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Jegan R' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'DELIVERY CHALLAN
','DC Screens
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pandi M' or lastname = 'Pandi M' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Pandi M' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Purchase Payment
s','Purchase Payments Page
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Rakeshwari R' or lastname = 'Rakeshwari R' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Rakeshwari R' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'MISC JOURNAL','M
iscellaneous Journal Entry
This is the original Journal Entry screen but the vou
cher type should be Payments , Receipts . The link for adding the costcenter should b
e present in this mode.
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' or lastname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' ),'2016/12/05',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'GRN','In Entry
time field, backspace functionaliity is not working it should be working
IN GRN master page,Entry date should be accept past date
In updated mode ,GRN Exit time and date should be updated.

Grn exit time and date should not be bind default any value in text box,it need
to be entered
Address Details is not binded correctly,now binded twice times in Address label
Tab order is not working after choosing GRN type
Attachment document and View Document should be shown after click the save butto
n with Fields
In updated mode ,GRN Exit time and date should be updated.
IN updated Mode ,Release Check Box should be Disabled
If PO haven\'t in grid then show alert as No record Found and also Select ,Close
button should not be show
In PO Pop up,vendor code and name flitering should be also autocomplete and inte
rchange the vendor code ,vendor name
Reference Pop up, If PONumber haven\'t in grid then show alert as No record Fo
und and also Select ,Close button should not be show
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or lastname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or conca
t(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sivaiah Devara ' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Cost Centre Mast
er','Search not working. The record need to be added in the footer row. Sorting
should work in the grid, tab order should work, unnecessary buttons to be remove
d. Showing no should be correct
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' or lastname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' ),'2016/12/06',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Material Issue',
The approved records from MRS and ILT should be displayed here. The mode nee
d to be ILT or MRS. When MRS is selected, it should display only the record from
MRS. When the mode is ILT it should display the records from ILT. When the Issu
eDetails link is clicked, the Issue details page is opened in the popup. There t
he location and binloaction will be selected. When the search button is clicked,
the items present in the location-bin location is displayed in the grid with th
e checkbox. The details need to be displayed from the Stock_Update_Details for t
hat location and bin location. The required items are checked and when the save
button is clicked, a record need to be inserted in the Stock_Issue_Details table
, Stock_Ledger table with the TransactionType as D (for Debit) and in the Stock_Curr
ent table, the corresponding stockqty should be subtracted with the current qty.
When the record is saved, it should be checked that the total quantity given is
equal to the no of items checked
In the Summary grid, the sorting, showing number should be correct. Mandatory al
erts should be present. Alert messages should be proper. Tab order should work
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Jegan R' or lastname = 'Jegan R' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Jegan R' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'DC Screens','DC
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pandi M' or lastname = 'Pandi M' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Pandi M' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Purchase Payment
s Approval','New Page - Need to have an approval screen for the Purchase Payment

s. The record should be saved in th PO_Payments Approval Table

',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Rakeshwari R' or lastname = 'Rakeshwari R' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Rakeshwari R' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'AP/AR Clearance'
,'Search Not working. Need to display the records from the AP or AR Master for t
he approved records. This updates the status of the cheque whether it is cleared
or bounced. In the Summary grid, the sorting, showing number should be correct.
Mandatory alerts should be present. Alert messages should be proper. Tab order
should work
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' or lastname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' ),'2016/12/06',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Location Branch
Access','This is not working now. This page need to be like the Dashboard Access
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or lastname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or conca
t(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sivaiah Devara ' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Vendor Master','
GUI Issues. In the Summary grid, the sorting, showing number should be correct.
Mandatory alerts should be present. Alert messages should be proper. Tab order s
hould work
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' or lastname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' ),'2016/12/07',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Material Issue',
The approved records from MRS and ILT should be displayed here. The mode nee
d to be ILT or MRS. When MRS is selected, it should display only the record from
MRS. When the mode is ILT it should display the records from ILT. When the Issu
eDetails link is clicked, the Issue details page is opened in the popup. There t
he location and binloaction will be selected. When the search button is clicked,
the items present in the location-bin location is displayed in the grid with th
e checkbox. The details need to be displayed from the Stock_Update_Details for t
hat location and bin location. The required items are checked and when the save
button is clicked, a record need to be inserted in the Stock_Issue_Details table
, Stock_Ledger table with the TransactionType as D (for Debit) and in the Stock_Curr
ent table, the corresponding stockqty should be subtracted with the current qty.
When the record is saved, it should be checked that the total quantity given is
equal to the no of items checked
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Jegan R' or lastname = 'Jegan R' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Jegan R' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Packing Slip','P
acking Slip Screen changes
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pandi M' or lastname = 'Pandi M' or concat(firstname , '

' , lastname) = 'Pandi M' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';

insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Product Offers',
'Product Offers page is nt working now. Record si not gettng saved
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Rakeshwari R' or lastname = 'Rakeshwari R' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Rakeshwari R' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Pending Cost Cen
ter Details','Sync the Products, Vendors, Employees, Branches, Customers from th
e base tables into the Cost Center Table. The Branches need to be taken from th
BO_BranchMaster, Vendors from ERP_VendorMaster. Products from ERP_ItemMaster, Em
ployees from HRMS_EmployeeMaster, Customers from LMS_Customer Master. If the rec
ord is already present in the costcenter table should be updated only based on t
he status and if the record is not present, then it need to be added
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' or lastname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' ),'2016/12/07',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Vendor Item Mast
er','GUI Issues
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or lastname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or conca
t(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sivaiah Devara ' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Cheque Book Summ
In this page, the record is getting saved and updated.
ary','Cheque Book Master
But need to convert the queries to procedures.
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' or lastname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' ),'2016/12/08',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Material Issue',
'MI The approved records from MRS and ILT should be displayed here. The mode nee
d to be ILT or MRS. When MRS is selected, it should display only the record from
MRS. When the mode is ILT it should display the records from ILT. When the Issu
eDetails link is clicked, the Issue details page is opened in the popup. There t
he location and binloaction will be selected. When the search button is clicked,
the items present in the location-bin location is displayed in the grid with th
e checkbox. The details need to be displayed from the Stock_Update_Details for t
hat location and bin location. The required items are checked and when the save
button is clicked, a record need to be inserted in the Stock_Issue_Details table
, Stock_Ledger table with the TransactionType as D (for Debit) and in the Stock_Curr
ent table, the corresponding stockqty should be subtracted with the current qty.
When the record is saved, it should be checked that the total quantity given is
equal to the no of items checked
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Jegan R' or lastname = 'Jegan R' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Jegan R' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor

',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pandi M' or lastname = 'Pandi M' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Pandi M' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Changes in Vendo
r Evauation','Add Add/Remove Vendor link in the page. If the Vendor is Removed,
then the corresponsing quote id should be made inactve so that they cannot add
the quotation. When the Vendor is added, then the Quote id should be made active
and the vendor should be abke to see the quotation in vendor quotation master
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Rakeshwari R' or lastname = 'Rakeshwari R' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Rakeshwari R' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Account Payable
Workflow need to be configured','Account Payable Workflow need to be configured
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' or lastname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' ),'2016/12/08',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'Product Compare
Page','Now the values are not getting bind properly. The images saved are not ge
tting displayed.
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or lastname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or conca
t(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sivaiah Devara ' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' or lastname = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Pamujula Sravan Teja' ),'2016/12/09',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Jegan R' or lastname = 'Jegan R' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Jegan R' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pandi M' or lastname = 'Pandi M' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Pandi M' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Rakeshwari R' or lastname = 'Rakeshwari R' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Rakeshwari R' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';

insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sujila Y' or lastname = 'Sujila Y' or concat(firstname ,
' ' , lastname) = 'Sujila Y' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' or lastname = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed
' or concat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Hajima Beer Mohammed' ),'2016/12/09',
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Bug'),(select id from projects where name = 'ERP'),'No Work','No Wor
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or lastname = 'Sivaiah Devara ' or conca
t(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sivaiah Devara ' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'MAF STAT
EMENT','Corporate Card Statement Generation
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Existing Customer - Verfication screen for Loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Application Related Enquiry for Loans
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','MAF Suppport & Suryoday Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','MAF Suppport & Suryoday Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'MAF STAT

EMENT','Testing and Fixing issues on Statement Enhancement
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Design and display of Landing page screen for personal loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Oracle Connection, Display of incident box incident summary by today , f
ollowup, userview and Group view
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Bulk Status, Bulk Email
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Incident Detail
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','MAF Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Issue Fixing & Test Result Publishing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Incident Workflow,
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Template Summary
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us

ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '

, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','New Incident Screen, Loan Account Information
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Design and Display of Loan info using the view
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Passing the selected information to incident Loggin screen
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Link Master
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Incident Login - Bulk Upload for Personal Loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','New Leads for Loans
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment Schedule
- Repayment Listing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment Schedule
- Repayment Listing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';

insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'MAF-CRM'),'Personal
Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment Schedule
- Repayment Listing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Suryoday Support','Suryodaya Changes
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ashok Kumar' or lastname = 'Ashok Kumar' or concat(firstn
ame , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ashok Kumar' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'LMS Competitor Management','LMS - Competitor Management
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ashok Kumar' or lastname = 'Ashok Kumar' or concat(firstn
ame , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ashok Kumar' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'LMS Competitor Management','LMS Reports - Competitor Analysis
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ashok Kumar' or lastname = 'Ashok Kumar' or concat(firstn
ame , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ashok Kumar' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'LMS Dashboard - 1 - 6','LMS DashBoards - 6 Nos
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ashok Kumar' or lastname = 'Ashok Kumar' or concat(firstn
ame , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ashok Kumar' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'LMS Dashboard - 7 - 12','LMS DashBoards - 6 Nos
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ashok Kumar' or lastname = 'Ashok Kumar' or concat(firstn
ame , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ashok Kumar' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Audit Trail','Audit Trail - Separate Database - Provision for Capturing all Aud
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sathish Kumar' or lastname = 'Sathish Kumar' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sathish Kumar' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Audit Trail','Audit Trail - Separate Database - To capture Column Names in a ta
ble and routine for auto update when there are change in source DB
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sathish Kumar' or lastname = 'Sathish Kumar' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sathish Kumar' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Audit Trail','Audit Trail - Reports
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sathish Kumar' or lastname = 'Sathish Kumar' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sathish Kumar' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Audit Trail','Audit Trail - Documentation + Project Closure
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sathish Kumar' or lastname = 'Sathish Kumar' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sathish Kumar' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Audit Trail','CUB Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sathish Kumar' or lastname = 'Sathish Kumar' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sathish Kumar' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Collection Management Issues','Fixing of Collection Management Issues
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ganesh Durai' or lastname = 'Ganesh Durai' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ganesh Durai' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'KHCB Support','KHCB Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ganesh Durai' or lastname = 'Ganesh Durai' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ganesh Durai' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Collection Management Reports 1 - 3','Building of Collection Management Reports
1 - 3
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ganesh Durai' or lastname = 'Ganesh Durai' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ganesh Durai' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Collection Management Reports 4- 6','Building of Collection Management Reports
4 - 6
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ganesh Durai' or lastname = 'Ganesh Durai' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ganesh Durai' ),'2016/12/01','8','2016/12/01';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView BO running for multiple statements','New Design Multi Statement Gener
ation - CUB, KHCB, 2 new designs posted by Manish
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Ganesh Durai' or lastname = 'Ganesh Durai' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Ganesh Durai' ),'2016/12/02','8','2016/12/02';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),

'CRM Service Request - SCAN','Scan Facility on Attach Documents in Service Reque
st Module with auto crop facility and tiff option (multi page)
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or lastname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or c
oncat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CRM Service Request - SCAN','Scan Facility on Attach Documents in Service Reque
st Module with auto crop facility and tiff option (multi page) - continue
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or lastname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or c
oncat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'XM Support, SNPB Support','XM Support, SNPB Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or lastname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or c
oncat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Customer Onboarding module','Customer Onboard Module - Scan Facility AS IN SERV
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or lastname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or c
oncat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or lastname = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' or c
oncat(firstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Lakshmanan Selvam' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'OutLook Integration','Calendar Integration Module as a configurable Unit
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen' or lastname = 'Praveen' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Praveen' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'OutLook Integration','Testing of Calendar Integration Module for Leads, CRM, an
d CAMS Pending Tasks
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen' or lastname = 'Praveen' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Praveen' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'OutLook Integration','Calendar Unit Documentation

',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us

ers where firstname = 'Praveen' or lastname = 'Praveen' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Praveen' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'nTireCRMKT','Email Service - KT from Sugumar and Implementing Text Version pull
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen' or lastname = 'Praveen' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Praveen' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'nTireCRM-Testing','Email Service - Text Alternate in XM Implementation
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen' or lastname = 'Praveen' or concat(firstname , '
' , lastname) = 'Praveen' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Leads - time call','Preferred Time to call, Preferred Number to call (Mobile, r
es, office), Call over week ends
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen S' or lastname = 'Praveen S' or concat(firstname
, ' ' , lastname) = 'Praveen S' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Service Request - time to call','Preferred Time to call, Preferred Number to ca
ll (Mobile, res, office), Call over week ends
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen S' or lastname = 'Praveen S' or concat(firstname
, ' ' , lastname) = 'Praveen S' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Competitor Management','Competitor Management + Lost Reason in LMS - New Lead,
Lead Feedback Screens, product functionality as in Procurement for comparison, d
isplay this in Lead Management
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen S' or lastname = 'Praveen S' or concat(firstname
, ' ' , lastname) = 'Praveen S' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'nTireCRMKT','KT on remaining Modules
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen S' or lastname = 'Praveen S' or concat(firstname
, ' ' , lastname) = 'Praveen S' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'nTireCRM-Testing','Testing of Lead Management, CRM Modules and submit test resu
lt with video
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Praveen S' or lastname = 'Praveen S' or concat(firstname
, ' ' , lastname) = 'Praveen S' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),

'Fixing of Issues','Multi Function - Creation multiple functions and check only
necessary menu, master data, upload, workflow are created. Check reports are va
lid only for that function
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan RS' or lastname = 'Manikandan RS' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan RS' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Fixing of Issues','SmartRep / Quick Report to work based on Stored Procedure fo
r Graphs and fixing of graph issues
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan RS' or lastname = 'Manikandan RS' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan RS' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Fixing of Issues','SmartRep / Quick Report to work based on Stored Procedure fo
r Graphs and fixing of graph issues
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan RS' or lastname = 'Manikandan RS' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan RS' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan RS' or lastname = 'Manikandan RS' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan RS' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan RS' or lastname = 'Manikandan RS' or concat(fi
rstname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan RS' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Social CRM','Social CRM Pending works completion - extended Day 1
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sugumaran TK' or lastname = 'Sugumaran TK' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sugumaran TK' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Social CRM','Social CRM Pending works completion - extended Day 2
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sugumaran TK' or lastname = 'Sugumaran TK' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sugumaran TK' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Social CRM','Social CRM Google+ Integration and showing of customer key data fr
om G+ like in mobile device
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sugumaran TK' or lastname = 'Sugumaran TK' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sugumaran TK' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Social CRM','Social CRM Google+ Integration and showing of customer key data fr
om G+ like in mobile device
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sugumaran TK' or lastname = 'Sugumaran TK' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sugumaran TK' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Social CRM','Vibe Integration on Social Media
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Sugumaran TK' or lastname = 'Sugumaran TK' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Sugumaran TK' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CUB Enhancements','CUB Email Processing brining in functionalities of Base Prod
uct - Reply, Trash, Tagging
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan N' or lastname = 'Manikandan N' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan N' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CUB Enhancements','CUB New Reports for above scenario
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan N' or lastname = 'Manikandan N' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan N' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CUB Enhancements','CUB New Incident Screen search customer based on Email / Mob
ile and display pending / Closed incidents and tag the current call to any of th
em or provision for adding new incident
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan N' or lastname = 'Manikandan N' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan N' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CUB Enhancements','Report for tagged incidents
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan N' or lastname = 'Manikandan N' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan N' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'CUB Enhancements','CUB Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manikandan N' or lastname = 'Manikandan N' or concat(firs
tname , ' ' , lastname) = 'Manikandan N' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView','New Design with Off Line Capabilities - 2 designs
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manish' or lastname = 'Manish' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Manish' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView','New Design with Off Line Capabilities - 2 designs
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manish' or lastname = 'Manish' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Manish' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView','Design for Securities
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manish' or lastname = 'Manish' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Manish' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView','Design for Securities
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manish' or lastname = 'Manish' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Manish' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'InstiView','Design for TelCos
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Manish' or lastname = 'Manish' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Manish' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'MAF STATEMENT','Corporate Card Statement Generation
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Existing Customer - Verfication screen for Loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Application Related Enquiry for Loans
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','MAF Suppport & Suryoday Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la
stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','MAF Suppport & Suryoday Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us

ers where firstname = 'Unni' or lastname = 'Unni' or concat(firstname , ' ' , la

stname) = 'Unni' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'MAF STATEMENT','Testing and Fixing issues on Statement Enhancement
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Design and display of Landing page screen for personal loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Oracle Connection, Display of incident box incident summary by
today , followup, userview and Group view
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Bulk Status, Bulk Email
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Incident Detail
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','MAF Support
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Issue Fixing & Test Result Publishing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Baskar' or lastname = 'Baskar' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Baskar' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Incident Workflow,
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/05','8','2016/12/05';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_

to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where

name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Template Summary
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/06','8','2016/12/06';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','New Incident Screen, Loan Account Information
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Design and Display of Loan info using the view
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Passing the selected information to incident Loggin screen
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'venkat' or lastname = 'venkat' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'venkat' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Link Master
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Incident Login - Bulk Upload for Personal Loan
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','New Leads for Loans
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Muthu' or lastname = 'Muthu' or concat(firstname , ' ' ,
lastname) = 'Muthu' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment
Schedule - Repayment Listing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/07','8','2016/12/07';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment

Schedule - Repayment Listing

',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/08','8','2016/12/08';
insert into issues(tracker_id,project_id,subject,description,status_id,assigned_
to_id,start_date,estimated_hours,due_date) select (select id from trackers where
name like 'Feature'),(select id from projects where name = 'Customer Support'),
'Personal Loan','Transaction Details - Disposal - Dispersal Schedule - Repayment
Schedule - Repayment Listing
',(select id from issue_statuses where name = 'New'),(select distinct id from us
ers where firstname = 'Pravin' or lastname = 'Pravin' or concat(firstname , ' '
, lastname) = 'Pravin' ),'2016/12/09','8','2016/12/09';

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