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Novembro - Dezembro/2016

Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicaes e muitas

outras coisas legais ligadas s linhas de pesquisa do NISP.

Chamadas de Trabalho/Bolsas

Revue Management Decision: Valrie Michaud (ESG-UQAM, CRISES) et Emmanuel Raufflet (HEC
Montral, CRISES) vous proposent un appel communications pour un numro spcial de la
revue Management Decision Organizing for social innovation: tensions and paradoxes of
managing social and collective enterprises.
Date de soumissions: 31 janvier 2017.

6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise: EMES, in partnership with
the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Work, State and Society (CIRTES, Universit catholique
de Louvain) and the Social Enterprise Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP), are pleased to
announce the 6th EMES International Research Conference on the theme Social enterprise for
sustainable societies which will take place on July 3-6, 2017, at the Universit catholique de
Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Deadline for submission: January 9th, 2017.

Business Models, Ecosystems, and Society in the Sharing Economy: Special issue of Academy of
Management Discoveries.
Deadline for submission: December 31st, 2016.

Revue Sociologia Urbana e Rurale: Marco Alberio, CRISES-UQAR, dirige le numro

thmatique Innovation sociale, territoires et socits locales/ Innovazione sociale, territori e
societ locale, pour la revue Sociologia Urbana e Rurale.
Soumissions au plus tard le 1er janvier 2017.

Revue Espaces et Socits: Mlanie Doyon vous propose un appel articles pour un numro de
la revue Espaces et Socits portant sur l'articulation entre biens communs et territoires (en
franais, anglais et espagnol).

Date de soumissions : 15 avril 2017.


Hybrid organizations: walking at the edge between economic performance and social &
environmental impact. The 1st IESE-LUISS Conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social
Entrepreneurship. April 18-19, 2017, Rome, Italy.
Deadline for submission: January 20th, 2017.


The Political Organization of Markets: social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-market

Strategy. Conference convening as part of the 33rd annual colloquium of the European Group of
Organization Studies (EGOS) - Sub-theme 25. 7 th - 8 th July, 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Deadline for submission: January 9 th, 2017.

International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Ankara, 5-7 October 2017): several members of
CIRIEC will take part in this conference on "Social Economy Networks. Co-operation for Global
Change". This theme will be articulated in 8-10 sub-topics dealing notably with innovation
management, knowledge transfer, accessing financial capital, human capital.
Deadline for submission: 1 sept 2017.

Large open conference CIRIEC & EUsers (Rouen, Friday 9 June 2017): conference on
Governance of Public organisations, University of Rouen, France, 9 june 2017.

Nonprofits and the Social Economy - From Far and Wide: ANSER (Association for Nonprofit and
Social Economy Research/ARES (lAssociation de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif
et de lconomie sociale) 2017 Conference. May 31St - June 2nd, 2017. Ryerson University,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Deadline for submission: January 11th, 2017.

Des mergences la reconnaissance - Trajectoires dinnovation: 5me dition du Colloque

international du CRISES. 6 et 7 avril 2017. Universit du Qubec Montral (UQAM), Montral,
Qubec, Canada.
Date finale pour proposer une communication: 3 mars 2017.

conomie sociale et conomie politique: regards croiss sur lhistoire et sur les enjeux
contemporains. Les XXXVIImes journes de l'AS (Association dconomie Sociale) organiss par
le Laboratoire dconomie dionysien. 7 et 8 septembre 2017. Universit Paris 8, St-Denis, France.
Date limite de rception des projets de communication : 21 novembre 2016.


Polticas pblicas e governana pblica

Can Nonprofit Enterprises Lead to Better Revenue Conditions in Local Government?

Soyoung Park and Sungchan Kim.
The American Review of Public Administration, volume 46, issue 6, November 2016.
Abstract: Nonprofit enterprises may play an important role in revenue diversification from a government
perspective, especially when local governments suffer from revenue shortages. This study attempts to
examine whether an increasing number of nonprofit enterprises influence revenue diversification, as
measured by the HerfindahlHirschman Index (HHI), as well as volatility using a panel data set from 2007
to 2012. The results indicate that local governments can secure more diversified and increased income
sources as more nonprofit enterprises are created throughout the county. Moreover, nonprofit
enterprises with stable business categories contribute more and therefore actively improve revenue
conditions of local governments.
The Development of the Social Economy in the Welfare Mix: Political Dynamics Between the State and
the Third Sector
Lim Sanghun and Endo Chikako.
The Social Science Journal, volume 53, issue 4, Pages 486-494, December 2016.
Abstract: this paper explores how social economy organizations (SEOs) position themselves in the welfare
mix without being occupied by the state or market, especially in a context where they have not yet taken
firm root in society. Focusing on the South Korean case, this paper analyzes the developmental path of
the social economy in light of two factors: the degree of state involvement in the social economy, and
SEOs political power. Based on these two factors, we develop four ideal types of the social economy: (1)
a quasi-governmental social economy, (2) governmentSEO partnership, (3) a marketized social economy,
and (4) an autonomous social economy. The Korean case shows a path where politically strong SEOs and
a strong interventionist state incubate the social economy. However, it also presents SEOs struggle to
maintain their political influence to develop as an independent sector, without being occupied by the
government or market.

Sociedade Civil e Esfera Pblica

Le rle de la socit civile

Jean-Marie Fardeau
Revue Projet, n.354, 2016/5
Rsum: Si les responsables politiques jouent un rle central dans la comprhension de la ralit, il revient
aux associations de peser davantage dans le dbat public et de permettre aux plus prcaires de faire
entendre leur voix.La hausse du vote protestataire dextrme droite et de labstention sont lexpression
de la colre et de la dsesprance dune partie de la population, quun parti xnophobe parvient...

La socit civile organise et limpratif participatif. Ambivalences et concurrence

Sandrine Rui
Histoire, Economie et Socit, 35e anne, 2016/01.
Rsum: alors que, historiquement, leur rle dans le modle politique franais a t progressivement
rvalu, les acteurs de la socit civile organise affrontent avec scepticisme les dveloppements
contemporains de la dmocratie participative. Mis en concurrence dans leur propre capacit autonome
investir et structurer lespace public, ils doivent aussi compter avec un rgime normatif contraignant qui
altre leur capacit daction et leur lgitimit. Pourtant, la contribution des corps intermdiaires aux
dispositifs participatifs savre non seulement dcisive pour la qualit dlibrative, mais elle est aussi une
source de rgnration dans un contexte o ils nchappent pas eux-mmes la dfiance.
Le corporatisme en France lpoque contemporaine : tentative de bilan historiographique et
perspectives de recherches
Olivier Dard
Histoire, Economie et Socit, 35e anne, 2016/01
Rsum: la contribution propose part du constat suivant : il nexiste pas de synthse sur lhistoire du
corporatisme en France mais son historiographie, pour disperse quelle soit, nest pas ngligeable. Cette
contribution, qui mle bilan et perspectives de recherche, est organise en quatre tapes. La premire
sattache revenir sur un terme, corporatisme, tout la fois polmique et polysmique. Ensuite, sont
abords successivement les doctrinaires du corporatisme, ses contenus et enfin ses tentatives et
expriences dinstitutionnalisation domines par le rgime de Vichy.

Empreendedorismo e Inovao Social

Social Innovations in Companies and in Social Economy Enterprises

Furmaska-Maruszak Agnieszka and Sudolska Agata.
Comparative Economic Research, volume 19, issue 3, pages 169-191, September 2016.
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Abstract: this paper compares the way of perceiving and implementing social innovations in companies
and social enterprises in Poland with those in Europe. Special attention is paid to internal social
innovations, so-called workplace innovations (WPI), and the reasons and outcomes of their introduction
in companies, both in Poland and in other European countries. Moreover, the paper investigates the
relationship between the need for internal social innovations and positive employment relations in
analyzed entities. The research findings prove that introducing innovations, including social innovations,
is mainly driven by the need to improve a company's performance. Among social innovations which both
companies and social enterprises value is investment into improving employees' work conditions.
Moreover, for more than half of Polish companies and social enterprises the need for innovations is
related to creating development opportunities, higher work flexibility, better social and life conditions of
employees, as well as supporting employee's reconciliation between work and family life. These reasons

for introducing social innovations were also noted by both managers and employees in other European
companies. The paper also shows the links between issues of internal social innovations and positive
employment relationships. The presented research findings prove that positive relationships among
employees are significantly and positively correlated with a broad approach to the need for introducing
social innovations. Moreover, the paper points out that positive employment relations are perceived as
an important outcome of workplace innovation practices in European companies.
Modelling Social Enterprises
Aleksandra Szymanska and Marc Jegers.
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, volume 87, issue 4, pages 501-527, December 2016.
Abstract: the majority of research concentrates exclusively on the objectives of governments, profit
entities or non-profit organizations, while a significant number of organizations are hybrids. One form of
these hybrids is the social enterprise. This paper theoretically describes social enterprises taking into
consideration their main aims. Based on the earned income school of thought, the principal-agent theory
and considering the nature of social enterprises activities we propose the objective functions of their
owners (principals) and managers (agents). The maximization problem of the social enterprise is defined
as the weighted average of the utilities of two groups of stakeholders who have an influence on the degree
of the realization of the social mission and business orientations. We point out the direction which social
enterprises should follow in order to obtain the highest value of their objective functions. The desired
state for social enterprises should be one in which they reinvest all surpluses in the process of their
mission realization and their profit is slightly higher than the required level by the principal's contract.
Social Innovation and Development Policies: The Case of Land Exchange (Bolsa de Terras)
Bernadete De Lourdes Bittencourt and Luciana Francisco De Abreu Ronconi.
Revista de Administrao Pblica, volume 50, issue 5, pages 795-817, September-October 2016
Abstract: social innovation policies have sparked extensive discussions on the future of European socioeconomic development, despite there being very few studies that link them to the question of territorial
development. This paper analyzes how social innovation initiatives encourage the development of policies
capable of boosting territorial development. The case study, which is based on a qualitative analysis,
describes the experience of the Bolsa de Terras (Land Exchange). The Land Exchange was created within
the field of social economy in order to make use of abandoned land and was transformed into a national
policy in Portugal. The research shows that initiatives of social economy are mechanisms able to generate
more sustainable local support systems. They also show that the network structure, based on
cooperation, appears to be a key mechanism in fostering social innovation policies.

Economia social e solidria

Out of the Shadows: Using Value Pluralism to Make Explicit Economic Values in Not-for-Profit
Business Strategies.
Jenny Green and Bronwen Dalton.
Journal of Business Ethics, volume 139, issue 2, pages 299 - 312, November 2016.
Abstract: in the last decade, Australian federal and state governments commitment to the economic
rationalist imperatives of performance measures, accountability for outcomes, and value-for-money has

driven significant change in the Australian not-for-profit community services sector. In an environment
shaped by neoliberal-inspired government policies and a renewed government commitment to austerity,
Australian not-for-profit community service organizations are now, more than ever, actively engaged in a
variety of income-generating strategies to achieve and/or maintain economic sustainability. Central to
this process is meeting the dual challenge of succeeding financially in a competitive environment and
simultaneously serving mission. In this context, it is time to more closely examine the impact of these
challenges, in particular the implications for the organizational values of not-for-profit community service
providers themselves. This paper reports on a qualitative study of fourteen not-for-profit community
service organizations, their core purposes, and their strategies for economic sustainability. In addition to
the new data presented here, this paper contributes to the broader theoretical frameworkthe lens of
value pluralism, which, we argue, provides a sharper focus on the relationship between mission and
La gestion des associations
Julien Bernet, Philippe Eynaud, Olivier Maurel, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal.
dition RS, novembre 2016.
Rsum: dans le prolongement de la gouvernance des associations (rs), cet ouvrage ouvre un espace
de rflexion et de dbat plus que ncessaire tant donn lampleur des mutations que connaissent les
associations. A partir dtudes de cas approfondies menes dans diffrents milieux, il rvle les limites
dune gestion formelle hrite de la gestion dentreprise. En effet, le rle des associations dans la socit
invite sinterroger sur la production de sens et donc autant sur le pourquoi que sur le comment. Les
auteurs plaident pour une gestion plurielle des associations dont les caractristiques ne sont ni celles du
service public, ni celles du secteur marchand. Ils proposent trois cls dentre pour lorienter : le projet,
lorganisation et laction. Cette grille de lecture de la vie associative ouvre des voies possibles pour
comprendre, agir et mettre en cohrence son fonctionnement avec les valeurs du projet associatif. Audel des associations, les questions poses par les auteurs renvoient au primtre plus large de
lconomie sociale et solidaire.
Lconomie sociale et solidaire en cooprations
Laurent Gardin et Florence Jany-Catrice (dir.).
dition Presses universitaire de Rennes (PUR), 224 pages, octobre 2016.
Rsum: cet ouvrage est un livre ouvert de lESS en cooprations , cest--dire quy est propose une
grammaire des cooprations, dans toutes les facettes que ces cooprations en marche peuvent suggrer
ou susciter. Les acteurs conjuguent ces cooprations comme autant de co-construction , de
coproduction , de partenariat , de collaboration , voire de dialogue social . Cest cette prsence
multiforme, multiniveaux et multiacteurs qui est ici dcrite, explore et analyse. Si cette grammaire fait
sens, alors la coopration exige un supplment de rflexivit sur les finalits des actions communes.
conomie collaborative et (in)justice sociale
Matthieu de Nanteuil et Marc Zune.


Rsum: la faillite de lentreprise de coursiers vlo livrant des repas domicile, Take eat easy, a montr
le visage brutal des cessations dactivit dans lconomie dite collaborative , quand les travailleurs ne
bnficient pas des droits sociaux lmentaires. Dans la plupart des pays o lentreprise tait implante
(France, Angleterre, Espagne), cette cessation dactivit sest solde par le non-paiement des prestations

ralises, quelles aient t fournies par les restaurateurs ou par les coursiers, mis sur un pied dgalit
face lchec conomique. Il ny a quen Belgique que, suite un accord entre lentreprise et la
cooprative de portage salarial Smart, 400 coursiers ont pu obtenir le paiement effectif de leurs salaires
en proportion des activits ralises. La cooprative salarie ses membres par la conversion de leurs
prestations (obtenues en tant que travailleurs autonomes , essentiellement dans le secteur artistique)
en rmunrations, respectant la lgislation sur le salaire minimal et ouvrant les droits la Scurit sociale.


Marco para el fomento de la economa solidaria en territorios rurales

de Colombia
Juan Fernando lvarez, Hernando Zabala Salazar, Alberto Garca Mller
y Crescencio Orrego
New book about the promotion of solidarity economy in rural
territories in Colombia.
This book is available in open Access: http://www.cirieccolombia.org/documentaci%C3%B3n/libros/Libro%20Econom%C3%AD

Dutch social housing in a nutshell: examples of social innovation for

people and communities
AEDES - vereniging van woningcorporaties
Abstract: concepts social housing organisation domijn, tenant
organisations, rent arrears, dwellings number, netherlands elderly,
homeless people, young people, people live, dutch social housing sector,
eigen haard, care complexes, quality of life, aedes aedes, social housing
organisation dwelling, rent discount, rent contract, waterweg wonen,
sustainable home, social dwelling, nutshell real, life cases zero energy
homes acceleration, euros, handle with care dutch social housing
providers, social care, mental health care institute, energy index, profit
dutch social housing organisations, pressure dutch social housing
organisations, zero energy bill six social housing organisations,
neighbourhood investments care, life cases care residences living
independently with, housing market zero energy homes , care home,
wonen limburg, housing organisation, social housing organisation wonen
limburg, social housing organisation jutphaas wonen, social housing
organisation eigen haard, social housing, life cases social profits from
neighbourhood investments, life cases real, good quality homes social
housing organisations, expenses investments development of new
dwellings renovation, europe aedes brussels office aedes, dwellings
percentage of dwellings, order, yearly rent increases, social supervision
of people, social rent levels, social landlords average amount of monthly


Les coopratives: nouvelles pratiques, nouvelles analyses

Sandrine Ansart, Amlie Artis, Virginie Monvoisin (Dir).
Rsum: Lorigine de cet ouvrage est une rencontre entre des
universitaires et des reprsentants des coopratives qui a eu lieu
Grenoble en avril 2016 et dont lobjet tait de confronter les points de
vue des professionnels et des universitaires la fois sur les nouvelles
pratiques des coopratives, et les nouvelles analyses en cours. Le
contexte dans lequel sinscrit la vie des coopratives est en effet modifi
par de nombreux lments : la loi de juillet 2014 sur lconomie Sociale
et Solidaire (ESS), lapparition des Coopratives dActivit et dEmploi
(CAE), des Socit Coopratives dIntrt Collectif (SCIC), lubrisation de
la socit, Du cot universitaire, les auteurs qui sintressent aux
coopratives sont peut-tre moins isols, parce quils ont fait leffort de
sinscrire dans le cadre de certains paradigmes de lconomie
industrielle, de la gestion et/ou de la sociologie des organisations, que
ce soit en France ou dans le monde anglo-saxon. Les analyses des
universitaires et celles des professionnels ne sont pas juxtaposes, mais
plutt en chos, comme le montre la rflexion sur la spcificit des
banques coopratives ou leur banalisation. Les contributions runies
dans ce livre sappuient aussi bien sur lhistoire que sur lactualit la plus
rcente. Ce livre est la fois un outil pdagogique pour les enseignants
et un ouvrage de rfrence pour les praticiens impliqus dans les grands
dbats sur les coopratives.

L'innovation locale l'preuve du global. Un dfi pour les acteurs

Juan-Luis Klein, Bernard Pecqueur, Kirsten Koop et Sid Ahmed Soussi
(sous la dir.).
Presses de l'Universit du Qubec, 2016
Rsum: partir de cas issus du Qubec, du Canada, de la France et du
Brsil, cet ouvrage prsente un survol des enjeux qui touchent les
acteurs locaux qui doivent innover afin de faire converger le
dveloppement conomique et le dveloppement social, et favoriser

lmergence de milieux socialement innovateurs. Il montre que cest

travers des tensions et des compromis entre les citoyens porteurs
dinnovations sociales et les instances publiques toutes les chelles que
peuvent se construire des processus de transformation institutionnelle,
que ce soit en matire de syndicalisme, dimmigration, de genre ou de
dveloppement territorial. Cest grce aux dmarches participatives,
partenariales et collaboratives mises en place par les acteurs sociaux
partir dexprimentations sociales que la socit pourra se transformer.

La socit contre ltat: mouvements sociaux et stratgie de la rue au

Abderrahmane Rachik
La Croise des Chemins, 2016

Rsum: Lanalyse des mouvements sociaux permet dexaminer le

processus du changement social et la nature de la relation qui lie lEtat
au citoyen. Aprs lexplosion des diffrentes meutes au Maroc (1981,
1984 et 1990), la conqute pacifique de lespace public urbain devient
subitement un enjeu politique de taille. Depuis, la politique ne se droule
plus seulement dans les sphres conventionnelles. Elle se fait galement
dans la rue. Face laugmentation des mouvements sociaux
protestataires, le pouvoir politique hsite, tolre, autorise, dialogue,
mais interdit galement avec violence des marches et des sit-in non
autoriss. En 2005, les actions collectives des diffrents mouvements
sociaux dans lespace public (sit-in, manifestation, marche, etc.) se sont
traduites en 700 protestations, soit une moyenne de deux sit-in par jour.
Ce chiffre passe de 5.000 actions en 2008 6.438 en 2009 pour atteindre
8.600 en 2010 et plus de 18.000 actuellement, soit 50 protestations
collectives par jour. Sous le gouvernement men par le PJD, le nombre
de protestations a t multipli par 26 par rapport lanne 2005. En
cherchant lintgration sociale et spatiale dune population fragile, les
politiques publiques engages provoquent des effets pervers. Elles ont
pour consquence de nourrir lespoir et multiplier les attentes sociales,
et les revendications collectives.

Este informe uma publicao bimensal do NISP baseada em pesquisa prvia dos responsveis sobretudo
em sites e boletins on-line de outros ncleos de pesquisa ligados s reas de inovao social, economia
social, sociedade civil, administrao pblica, sociologia pragmtica e polticas pblicas. Para esta edio
foram utilizados como referncia:
CiriecAgora.org Info Agora of the General Interest and the Social Economy (Boletim do CIRIEC
ECO-SOC INFO (Boletim da Chaire en Economie Sociale da UQAM Quebc - Canad):

Inside ISTR (Boletim da International Society for Third-Sector Research):

OBSERVGO (Boletim do Observatrio de Administrao Pblica da ENAP Quebc - Canad):
Site do Centro de Pesquisa em Inovao Social (CRISES) Quebc Canad:
Site do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociologie Pragmatique et Reflexive (GSPR) Paris-Frana:
Site da Pragmata Association d`etudes pragmatistes Paris Frana:
Cairn: Chercher, Reprer, Avancer:
Carolina Andion
Julia F. Graeff
Daniel Ouriques Caminha
Colaboraram com esta edio
Luiza Moriggi da Silva


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