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Big 5 v2= v1+ at

d=0.5v2+v1t d=v1t+ 12at2

d= v2t-12at2 v22=v12+2ad d = Area under a velocity-time graph
Slope of a velocity-time graph v = slope of a distance-time graph
Vector Addition(tip to tail) Vector = both magnitude and direction Scalar = only
magnitude, no direction Ex. Time = scalar, displacement = vector
Graphical Vector Addition
Ad din g tw o ve cto rs A an d B gra phi cal ly ca n be vis ual ize d lik e tw o suc ces
siv e wa lks , wit h the ve cto r su m bei ng the ve cto r dis tan ce fro m the be gin
nin g to the
Ex a m pl e of Ve ct or Co m po ne nt s
Fin din g the co mp on ent s of ve cto rs for ve cto r ad diti on inv olv es for mi ng a
rig ht tria ngl e fro m eac h ve cto r an d usi ng the sta nd ard tria ngl e tri go no me
try .
Polar Form Example
Combining Vector Components
Aft er fin din g the co mp on ent s f or the ve cto rs A an d B, an d c om bin ing the
m to fin d the co mp on ent s of the res ult ant ve cto r R, the res ult ca n be put in
pol ar for m by Aft er fin din g the co mp on ent s f or the ve cto rs A an d B, the se
co mp on ent s ma y be jus t si mp ly ad de d to fin d the co mp on ent s of the res
ult ant ve cto r R.
Air Navigation Problems (Tail to tail) This sort of problem is when you have one full
vector and 2 partial vectors. Steps: 1- Draw the full vector
2- Pick the partial vector of which you know the direction. Draw it tail to tail (or tip
to tip) with the full vector 3- Draw the other partial vector TIP to TAIL River Crossing
Problems (Tip to Tail) This sort of problem is when you have 2 full vectors and you
are missing a partial vector. Steps: 1- Draw both full vectors 2- Use the vector
component, Pythagorean theorem method Vector Acceleraton To determine vector
acceleration we must use vector subtraction first to solve for v2 - v1 first as in a=
v2-v1t Now technically v2 - v1 is the same as adding the negative vector of v1 to
v2. i.e. x + (-y) = x - y Basically, to subtract 2 vectors you need to add the opposite
vector. ** this only affects the directions not whether the magnitude itself is positive
or negative i.e. to make 12m/s [N] negative, it becomes 12 m/s [S] i.e. to make
30m/s [S10W] negative, it becomes 30m/s [N10E] Then, you need only draw out the
diagram and do vector addition as usual.
Unit 2: Forces and Motion Newtons Laws of Motion 1- Every object in a state of
uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is
applied to it. 2- The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and
the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by
their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the

force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector. 3- For every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Free body Diagrams
Means acceleration Force, Friction, Motion, General Notes Force = a push or pull in
a given direction Friction = force that resists motion between objects whose
surfaces are in contact due to microscopic welds Uniform Motion = motion in a
straight line at a constant speed Net force = Mass times Acceleration Coefficients of
Friction The greek letter (pronounced mew) represents the coefficient of friction
Kinetic Friction: Friction that occurs when object is moving k Static Friction: Friction
that occurs when the object is not moving but a force is still being applied to it s
Formula for friction: Ff = kFn The coefficient of friction has no units because
when rearranged, its newtons over newtons which cancel out. When speed is
constant, acceleration = 0 and therefore, net force = 0 based on the Fnet = ma
formula Universal Gravitation G = Universal Gravitational Constant G = 6.67 x 10-11
(measured in Nm2kg2) It is used in the formula Fg= Gm1m2r2 Where r is the
distance between the centres of the 2 objects
Fg = mg Fg = Fn when a = 0 on the vertical plane Fn = mg
Also, g= Gm1r2 For the Earth, g = 9.8m/s^2 Units Mass: kg Time: s Distance: m
Speed: m/s Forces: N (newtons) Acceleration: N/kg or m/s^2
Unit 3: Energy Work A force through a distance Work = applied force times
displacement W= Fd **Force and displacement have to be in the same direction
Work is measured in Joules (J) A joule is equal to a Newton times a metre (J = Nm) In
some situations, there may be force and motion but no work is done 1- No applied
force; no force required to keep object moving 2- No displacement; unable to move
object though a force is exerted 3- Force and displacement are in different directions
Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy GPE is the energy stored in an
object due to its distance above the Earth (measured in Joules) Symbol = Ep or Eg
formula = Ep= mgh m = mass
g= 9.8 h = height (mg as in Fg=mg and h as derived from W= Fd, but the d is h)
Kinetic Energy is the energy of a moving object Also measured in joules Symbol =
Ek Formula = Ek=mv2 Conservation of Energy In any transfer of energy, the total
amount of energy remains constant. ET = Ek = EP ET = Total Energy ET1 = ET2
Efficiency and Power When energy is transferred from one form to another, some
energy is transformed to a form that is not useful (though no energy is actually lost)
Efficiency = (useful output enery/total input energy)x100 Power = rate at which
work is done Measured in Watts Power = work/time

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