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Standard Method of Test for Resilient Modulus of Unbound Granular Base/Subb: and Subgrade Soils—SHRP Protocol P46 e Materials AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 294-94 1. Scop AED RIEEIOE 8 RE STI TIL Amount of Matctil 4, SIGNIFICANCE AND USE Finer than 0.075-mm LA This method covers procedures (Ne. 200 sieve) in Az 4,1 The resilient modulus test peo tocreprng and esing itd ra wete vider ase consiuive enone lar basefsubbase materials and subgrade T 27 Sieve Analysis of Uween ress and deformation of pv Soils for determination of resilient modu Coarse and Fine Ag- nent construction materials for we'ia it lus under specified conditions represent- gregates Perce aetna pie y ing stress states beneath flexible and rigid T88 Panicle Size Analysis Seine oa pavements subjected to moving wheel of Soils j Toads, : 789 Determining the Lig ye? g me esillent modulus test po- 1.2. The methods described are appli uid Limit of Soils ee eee eT cable to: undisturbed sainples of natural T 90. Determining the Pas ees Seas cas 4 ‘and compacted subgrade soils, and to tic Limit and Plastic ubgrae soils under a variety of condi | disturbed sanpls of unbound base and ity Tides of Svils Seiad ee ea) a | subbase and subgrade soils prepared for 99 The Moisture-Density HESS states that eee ne | | testing by compaction inthe laboratory Relations of Sots 1 avements subjected to moving I 1.3. The value of resilient modulus Using @ 2.5-ke (5.5 wheel loads, | (M) determined fom this procedure is ib) Rammer and 305- | 4 measure ofthe elastic modulus of un- inn (24a) Drop bound base and subbase inaterials and 100. Specie Graviy of | subgrade soils recognizing certain none Suils linear characteristics. 233. Density of Scikin- ; i 1.4 Resilient modulus (M,) values Place by Block, 5. BASIC DEFINITIONS can be used with tuctural response anal Chunk or Core Sain- | Jsis models to calculate pavetent sttc- pling 1 Description of Soba: tural response to wheel loads, and with T 265 Laboratory Determi- S.LL 5) is the total axial stress (ma- | pavement design procedures 10 design sation of Moisture jor prineipal sess). | pavement structures Content of Soils S12 Syis the coal radial sess; that 4 1.5 The values sated in St units ate is, the applied confining pressure in he 4 to be regarded as the standard Avaxial chamber (winor prineipal tess) 16 This standard may involve haz- 53S, = S; ~ Sis the repeated | ‘ardous materials, operations, and equip- axial deviator stress for this procedure, | iment. This standard does not purport and is the difference between the major | to address all of he safety problems 3. SUMMARY OF TEST and stn priscpal ese in ae. i associated with suse sth responsi METHOD ial est. § \ Dility of the user of this standard to S14 6 isthe foal axa deformation | establish appropriate safety and health 3,1 A repeated axial deviator sess Ue 10S \ practices and determine the applicability of xed magnitude, fond duration (O11 SAS eis the resilient (recovered) f. ‘of regulatory limitations to use, second), and cycle duration (1 second) axial deformation due to Sy. i is applied to a cplindrical test specimen, -SL.6M, = Se, is defined as the t 2, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS During testing, the specimen is subjected relent modulus \ toa dynamic deviator stress anda static 5.47 "Load dations the tine inter { 2A AASHTO Standards: confining stess provided by means of va the specimen is subjected to devia | M 145 The Classification of a triaxial pressure chamber. The total tor stress. ! Soils and Soil-Ag- resilient (recoverable) axial deformation S148 Cycle duration isthe time ine gregste Mixtures for response of the specimen is measured terval between successive applicalions of Highway Constuction and sed to calculate the resilient mod- a deviator sts Purposes ulus, S19 Ys = GYe/ 1 + (wGIS) 794 1294 Yq = unit mass of dry soil, kilograms peer cubic meter (pounds per cu- bie foot) G = specific gravity of soil solids, ‘mensionless, moisture content of soil, (per cent), jegreeof saturation (percent), and ‘unit mass of water, kilograms per cubic meter (pounds per cubic foot) and may be assumed to be 1000 kilograms per cubic meter (624 pounds per cubic foot. NOTE 1—Both w and'S must be expressed ss numbers (eg, 20 percent is 20), and shal ‘be reported as numbers 52 Terminology: 5.2.1 Layer—That part of the pave rent produced with similar material and placed with similar equipment and tech- niques. The material within a particular layer is assumed to be homogeneous ‘52.2 Sample—A representative por- tion of material from one or more pave- meat layers, $2.3 Bulk Sample—That past of the pavement material that is removed from ‘an unbound base or subbase layer or from the subgrade. The material from one layer should never be mixed with the material from another Iayer—even if there is less than the desired amount to perform the specified tests. 5.24 Test Sample—That past of the unbound base or subbase layer or sub trade which is prepared and used for the specified test, The quantity of the test sample may be the same but will usually be Less thas the bulk sample. S28 Test Specimen—For the pu pose of this procedure, a test specimen is defined as (i) that part of the thin- ‘walled tube sample ofthe subgrade which is used for the specified tests and (i) that past of the test sample of unbound ‘granular base or subbase materials or un- leeated subgrade soils which is remolded tothe specified moisture and density cor dition by recompaction in the laboratory. $2.6 Unbound Granular Base and Subbase Materials—These include soil- aggregate mixtures and naturally oc- curring materials used in each layer of base or subbase, No binding or stabilizing ‘agent is used to prepare unbound granular nase or subbase layers 5.2.7 Subgraude—These include nat ual foundation or embankment. soils ‘which are prepared and compacted before the placement of subbase and/or base layers 5.2.8 Material Type 1—For the pur- poses of this procedure (resilient modulus fests), Marerial Type 1 includes: (@) all ‘unbound granular base and subbase mate- rial, and (i) all untreated subgrade soils which meet the criteria of less than 70 percent passing the 2.00-mm (No. 10) sieve and 20 percent maximum passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, Testing parameters used for Type 1 unbound ma- terials are different from those specified for Material Type 2. Type | will always include AASHTO classification A- soils and may include A-I-b, A-2, or A- 3 soils 5.2.9 Material Type 2—For the pur- pose ofthis procedure (resilient modulus tests), Material Type 2 includes all un tveated subgrade soils not meeting the ei- teria given above in Section 5.28 (i. Generally, thin-walled tube samples of untreated subgrade soils fal in this Type 2 category. Type 2 will always include AASHTO classification A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7 soils and may include A- 2, and A-3 soils 5.210 Resilient Modulus of Un ound Materials —The modulus of anun- boil material is determined by repeated load triaxial compression tests on test specimens of the unbound material sam. ples. Resilient modulus (M) is the ratio of the amplinde of the repeated axial siress 10 the amplitude of the resultant recoverable axial strain, APPARATUS GAL Triaxial Pressure Chamber— “The pressure chamber is used to contal the test specimen and the confining fluid during the test. A wiaxial chamber suit fable for use in resilient testing of soils is shown in Figure 1. The chamber is similar to most standard twiaxial cells, but is somewhat larger to accommodate the internally mounted load measuring device, and includes additional outlets for the electrical leads fom the load suring device. The deformation is HODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 795 measured externally with two spring foaled LYDT's as shown in Figure 1 Air shall be used in the triaxial chamber as the confining fluid. 62 Loading Device: 62.1 ‘The extemal loading device must be capable of providing variable ‘magnitudes of repeated loads for fixed cycles of load and rest period. A closed loop electro- hydraulic system is required for this procedure 6.2.2 A load duration of 0.1 seconds and” cycle duration of 1 second is re- quired. A haversine shaped stress pulse form shall be used. 6.3 Load and Specimen Response ‘Measuring Equipment: 63.1 The axial load measuring de- vice should be an electronic load cell and will be located between the specimen ccap and the loading piston as shown in Figure 1, The following load cell eapaci- ties are recommended: Sample Diameter Maximum Load Capacity new 345.N (100 1) 102 (40 2610 N (600 1) 152 60) 6230 8 (4400 Bb) 6.3.2 Test chamber pressures shall bbe monitored with conventional pressure ‘gages, manometers or pressure transduc- ers accurate to 1 kPa (0.1 psi) 6.33 Axial Deformation—Meas- wing equipment for all materials shall consist of two Linear Variable Differen- tinl Transducers (LYDT's) clamped to the piston rod ouside the test chamber as shown in Figure 1, Spring-loaded LYDT's are required, ‘The following LVDT ranges are recommended: Sapte Diameter ain) Range new © 13 mum (005 im) a2 (40, 25 mm (01 in) 13260 = 64 mm (025 in) All the LVDT's shall meet the follow ing specific Lineity £25 percent of full Repeatability 221 patceat of full 2m VAC) orm Moe) Minin sensitivity 796 MBTHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING igeron = | 1— EE Nae Ley oa wove AL oe Cn s Fe ee FIGURE 1 Teiaxial Chamber With External LYDT's a 6.3.4 Suitable signal excitato ditioning, and recording equipment are required for simultaneous recording of axial load and deformations. The signal shall be clean and free of noise (use shielded cables for connections). If a filter is used, it should have a frequency which cannot attenvate the signal. The LYDT’s should be wired separately so ‘each LVDT signal can be monitored in- dependently, NOTE 2—In order to minimize errors in testing specimens, LYDT's should be cali brated daily and load cells should be «al brated once a week using 2 suitable proving Fing. The foad cell should he calibrate se annually by an external agency. The entice rystem (transducer, conditioning, andre cording devices) should be calibrated using static stmples of known mvadulus, Per Internal Load Cell ‘odie checks of the system should be per- Formed using reference samples, GA. Specimen Preparation Equip ment—A variety of equipment is re ‘quired to prepare undisturbed samples for testing and to obtain compacted spec- imens that are representative of field cou- ditions. Use of different materials and different methods of compaction in the field requires the use of varying compac- tion techniques in the laboratory. See ‘Annex A and Annex B of this procedure for specimen compaction equipment. 65 Equipment for trimming test specimens from undisturbed thin-walled tube samples of subgrade soils shall be as described in T 296. 66 Miscellaneous Apparatus—This includes calipers, micrometer gauge, 7294 steel rule (calibrated to 0.05 mm (0.02 in) rubber membranes from 0.2 to 08 in (0.01 to 0.031 in.) thickness, rubber O-rings, vacuum source with’ bubble chamber and regulator, membrane ex- pander, porous stones, scales, moisture ‘content cans and data sheets, as requite. 7. PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMENS 7A Specimen Size—Specimen length should not be less than tv0 times the lianyeter Mini Flea 28 in) of Particle size. (Nominal particle sizes the sieve opening for which 95 percent ofthe material passes dung the sieve analysis) The following guidelines, based on sieve analysis tes resus shall be sed todeter- mine the test specimen size TAL Use the 7L-nm (2.80, diame ter undisturbed specimen from the thin- walled tube samples for cohesive sub: rade soils (Material Type 2). The speci- men length shall be atleast vo times the diameter {142 sun (5.6 in.) and the specimen shall be prepared as described Section 7.2. If undisturbed subgrade samples are unavailable or unsuitable for testing, then 71mm (28-in) diameter olds shall be used to econstitute Type 2 test specimens TA2 Use 102-mm (4.0, diameter split molds to reconstitute 203 mv ( in.) high test specimens forall Type 1 soils when the nominal particle size does not exceed 19.0 nn (in) TAS Use 152-mm (6.0 in) diameter split molds to prepare 305. (12 high test specimens forall Type 1 mate als with nominal particle sizes between 19.0 and 31.5 mm Che and 1h in), with ‘ut removing any conse searegae 71d more than’ percent ofa samn- ple is retained on the 31-5-mm (1!%it,) sieve, remove the patticles retained on the 31.5-mm sieve prior 10 specimen preparation. If more than 10 percent of e is plus 31.5-mom material, the specimen shall not be tested 72 Undistrbed Specimens-—Uadis turbed subgrade soil specimens are tsinmed and prepared as described in T 296, using the thin-walled tube semples ofthe subgeade soil. Determine the nue ral moisture content (ofthe tube sam- rie following the procedure outlined in T294 1265 and record in the test report, Detet ne the in situ density of the subgrade sil as specified in T 233. The following procedure shall be fol owed for the thin-walled tube samples ‘721 To be suitable for testing. & specimen of suicient length (generally ttrice the diameter of the specimen after preparation) must be cut from the tube ample, and must be fiee from defects that would result in unacceptable or bi ved test results. Such defects include ‘racks in the specimen, edges sheared of that cannot be repaired during prepara- tion, presence of particles much larger than that typical for the material (exam- ple, 25.0-mm (L-in.) gravel in a fine- soil), presence of “foreign ob- Jets” such a large roots, wood particles, ‘rgani¢ material and gouges duc to gravel huanging on the edge of the tube. 7.2.2 Ifa good undisturbed subgrade sample is unavailable from a particular focation, a reconstituted specimen shall be prepared as described in Seetions 7:3, 7a, and 7.5. Select a sample for reconsti- tution, Determine the in situ moistere content (W) of material that is representa tive of the sample to be reconstituted {about 200 grams ofthe sample for mois ture content determination) Following the procedure outined in 'T 265, and record fn the test report. Assume the in-place Uensity measured in the field as the basis for reconstitution, In the absence of the in sity moisture content and if in-place densities are not known, select the opti- tum moisture content aud 95 percent of the maximum dry density (determined for the same layer using T 99 for reconstit tion of the test specimen) 7221 ‘The moisture content of the laboratory compacted specimen should hot vary more than + 0.5 percentage pint from the in. sity moisture content Sbiained for that layer. The dry density ff the laboratory compacted specimens should not vary by move than = 5 percent ofthe in-place dry density for that layer. 72.22 Where thin-walled tube sam- ples were not retsieved or are unsuitable for testing, then a representative test sam- ple from the bulk samples of subgrade Shall be used to prepare reconstituted Specimens according to Sections, and 75 "73. Laboratory Compacted Speci ‘mens—Reconstituted test _ specimens ‘hall be prepared fo approximate the in METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING situ dry density (Y,) and moisture content (00). These laboratory compacted speci mens shall be prepared for all unbound fgranular base and subbase material and for all subgrade soils for which undis- turbed tube specimens coutd not be ob- tained. FAA Ar the sample is damp, dry it until it becomes friable. Drying may be in ait or by use of a drying apparatus shih thatthe temperature does not exceed 60°C (1400°F). Then thoroughly break up the aggregations in such a manner a8 10 avoid reducing the natural sizeof individ wal particles. "7:32. Determine the moisture content {ov of the air-dried sample. The sample for moisture content shall have a mass of not less than 200 g for samples with @ maximum particle size smaller than the {4:75-mnm (No, 4) sieve and not less than 500g for samples with a maxinnum ps tle size greater than the 4.75-mam (No. 4) sieve. 7.33. Determine the total volume (V) of the compacted specimen to be pre- pared. The height ofthe compacted speci- men must be slightly greater that that required for resilient testing to allow for tuimming of the specimen ends. An ex: cess of 13 mm (0.5-in.) is generally ade- uate for this purpose. 734 Determine the mass of oven dry soil solids (WW) and water (W.) re- quired to obtain the desired dry density (Y.) and moisture content (3) as Follows 1W, (kilograms) = Yo (kilograms per ‘eubic meter) X V (cubic metets) W, (kilograms) = W, (kilograms) ww ¢percent/100) OR 1W, (pounds) = ¥, (pounds per cubic oot) * V (cubic feet) We. (pounds) = W, (pounds) w ¢percent/100) 7.38 Determine the total mass ofthe prepared! material sample (W.) required toabtain W, to produce the desired speci nen of volume V at dry density Yu and moisture content W, (grams) = W, (1 + w/100) 73.46 Determine the mass of the dried sample QW,), with the moisture content Gv). required to obtain W,, including an 797 additional amount W,, of at least 200 grams to provide material forthe determi- hation of moisture content at the time ‘of compaction Wa (grams) = (WW. + Wad % (+ W100) 737. Determine the mass of water (OW, required to inerease the mass from the existing dried mass of water (W,) (0 the mass of water (W,) corresponding (0 the desired compaction moisture con teat (w. W, (grams) WW, Wi) % (Hf 100) W, (grams) IW, + W) (100) W.. (grams) - 73.8 Place the mass of the sample (W,) determined in Section 7.3.7 into @ mixing pan, 73.9 Addthe water (W,,) tothe sam- plein small amounts and mix thoroughly after each addition, "7.3.10 Place the mixture in a plastic ‘bag, Seal the bag and place it in @ second bag and seat it. "JBL After mixing and storage, de- termine the mass of the wet soil and con- tainer tothe nearest gram and record th value on the appropriate data sheet. "74 Compaction Methods and Equip- iment for Reconsttuiing Specimens: FAA Compacting Specimens for ype I Materials—The general method ‘of compaction for these soils willbe those fof Annex A of this procedure, 742 Compacting Specimens for Type 2 Materials—The general method ‘of compaction for Type 2 materials will be that of Annex B of this procedure. TAS Moisture and Density for Com- paction—When the in sita density and fmoisture content are known fron the field {data (see Seetion 7.2.2) he sample should te compacted to this in situ dry density and moisture content ‘Jka Moisture and Density for Com paction when Field Data is not Avail Tible-in the absence ofthe field data and the in situ density and moisture contents fre not known, one of the following pro- cedures is used Fadl Unbound Granular Base and Subbase Maverials (Type 1)—Use the re- sults of T 180 to establish the maximum ‘ry density and the optimum moisture 798 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING T2094 content. Sefect the optimum moisture pacted spe content and 95 percent of the maximum are placed in the riax- vice. Bring the loading device down and jal chamber and loading apparatus in the couple it to the triaxial chamber piston ry density for sample compaction following steps. and apply a seating pressure to the san 74.4.2 Subgrade Soils (Tye 1)— _B.l.A-L Place the iaxial chamber ple of 14 kPa (2 psif in ovder to obta Subgrade soils may be categorized as base assembly on a table close to the full contact of the piston with the top ‘Type 1 oF as Type 2 according to the loading frame. If the chamber has a re- platen. criteria of Section 5. Inthe ease of Type movable bottom platen (sample base) 8.1.2 Conduct she Resilient Modulus 1 subgrade soils, use the results of T 99 tighten it firmly to obtain an air tight seal. Test—The following steps ate required {oestablish the maximum dry density and Place a porous stone on the to conduct the resilient modulus test on the optimum moisture content. Select the top of the pedestal or bottom end plate a specimen of Type 2 soil which has ‘optinium moisture content and 95 percent of the triaxial chamber been installed in the triaxial chamber and of the maximum dry density for sample Carefully place the specimen placed under the loading frame compaction. ‘onthe porous stone. Place the membrane ‘B.L-2.1 Open all drainage valves 7.443 Unbound Material Type 2~ ow a membrane expander, apply vacuum to the specimen, Generly subgrade sels ineasined) tothe membranecxpande ten cartlly BALR2.iiisnot aeny connected sreincldedin the usbourdimateal Type place the mebrane on ie sample and. comic! heat ress supply neo he 2 category. Stet the optimum moire remove te vac andthe membrane oll chamber and appy conning content and S5-perent masini dry expander Seal tie membrane toe ped. presse of 41 KPa (6 fu) to the tet density for asinple compaction as de- extn or botiom pla) wih an Ovag Specimen A minimum cota lod sf Sibel in Seton 7.442, or otter pressure sak Cr TAA The sample dy density and" RAAA Pace the top plston (wih pled Toad sal be mansined ding moistre conten shuld tt fer by Tome incided) onthe specimen fold feet la ppitonn more tha 3 percent of the insu dey the membrane and sel tio the op aL23. Condtionng Begin the deny and peoelage pl of hein glaten ud tn Orang ot some other tent by apg 1000 pel Sis mse content respecvely Tor ressre seal devine den of 28 KP pa) onng “ype I neil and 2 percent of hein "ALLS" Hf te specnen has boon a havesne shaped lad pulse consisting sity density and 0.5 preen of tein compaced inside a rubber membrane of a 0 second loa followed by & 09" a —ChLrrtr.Ci«iCizCs:SCia(itéCSCiCiCsCiCOMCi‘CSCCSCO CCC tis rempenvely (Gee Note 3, thee: aleadyaliried 9 erbber membrane sequence coalcn sump coer, Inded sample doe not eet hs eile Im lace, steps in. Serine S112, ing tat ly te emiation of te effects Maritshuld beusearded a. i es the “apecnensseshig" te pied on loading od the slininaon of ila NOTE3—Exonpi:ifte deste den. he top of te peel or buon end loading yer loading. To cond sine 1 ig (20 Ist) an dsted pe he taal chamber re ‘moisture content is 8.0 percent for a Type | Connect the specimen’s bot- of initially imperfect contact between the sala dy densiybetven 184 an 198087 om Grinage line tote factun souree en platens athe test apeten 2 (16M ad 1236 tlt) anda mitre rough the medium of bubble G24 TtngSpocinen— The te canent Reine 70 a 910 peat wos SA vacuum of 7 Kw (0 Poh, ini pesorned owing te Teal I bubbles ae present check for fesage sequence shown in Tble 1. Begin by | i ieéeeBeEéss c——CLrt—~—.._—C:=C=«iaOrCsCiC*iCSCS*sSs«sistC«s«s«atiwaCSsSCiC‘SCiSKSCisCSCSCaiza}§$ Peele ees a .=—=—i—a‘_sSsSsS B18. Slide he assembly apparats to 5) seconting the vereal recovered tufbed samples and laboratory ‘com ino positon under the axial long de- ia ny ine thepenanent 1204 ‘rant Contig Pressure Sequence ‘s, No Pa o a 1 4 2 at 3 a 4 a 5 4 6 a 1 2 8 a ° a 0 a u ° 2 0 a ° “ 0 ° strain of the sample exceeds 10 percent, stop the test and report the result on att appropriate data sheet 128 At the completion of the roading sequences, disassemble the tiak- ial cell 2.9 Measure the length of the specimen after the test, 1.2.10 Correct dhe specimen gage length for permanent deformation. A simple correction is done by taking a faverage of the specimen length measure iment before and alter the tes. BL2AL Remove the membrane from the specimen aud use the entire specimen to deterimine moisture content Record this value on the appropriate data sheet. 8.2. Resilient Modulus Test for Type 1 Materials—the procedure described in this section applies to all unbound ‘granular base and subbase materials and All unbound subgrade soils which contain Tess than 70 percent passing the 2.00 rm (10 sieve) and. maxinsum of 20 percent passing the 075mm (No. 200) sieve. B21 Assembly of the Triaxial Chamber—Follow steps. in Sections through When compac- tion is completed, place the porous stone and top sample eap on the surface of the specimen, Roll the rubber membrane off the rim of the mold and over the sample cap, If the sample cap projects above the tim of the mold, the membrane METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING Sequence for Type 2 Sails Desitor Number of Suess Sy ‘oad ‘ee Applications 28 28 au 55 ° 28 a 4 en a 55 o should be sealed tightly against the ca with the O-ring seal. If i€ does not, the seal can be applied later. $2.11 Place the triaxial chamber base assembly on a table close to the foading frame. If the chamber has a re- movable bottom platen (sample base) tighten it firmly to obtain an airtight seal 2.1.2 Place a porous stone on the top of the pedestal or bottom end plate chamber. 8.2413 Carefully place the specimen ‘on te porous stone. Place the membrane ‘on a metnbrane expander, apply vacuum to the membvane expander, then carefully place the membrane on the sample and emove the vacuum and the membrane ‘expander, Seal the membrane tothe ped testal (or bottom plate) with an O-ring or other pressure seas. 82.1.4 Place the top platen (with toad cell included) on the specimen, fold up the membrane, and seal it to the top platen with an O-ring or some other pressure seal 8.2.15 if the specimen has been ‘compacted inside a rubber membrane fand the porous stones and sample are already attached to the rubber membrane jn. place, steps in Sections 8.21.2,, and are omitted. Instead, the "specimen assembly” is placed on the top of the pedestal or bottom end plate of the triaxial chamber. 8.2.16 Connect the specimen’s bot tom drainage line to the vacuum source 79 through the medium of a bubble eham- ber. Apply a vacuum of 7 kPa (1 psi). I bubbles are present, check for leakage caused by poor connections, holes inthe fembrane, of imperfect seals at the cap land base. The existence of an airtight seal ensures that dhe membrane will remain firmly in contact with the specimen. Leakage through holes in the membrane ccan frequently be eliminated by coating the surface of the membrane with liquid rubber latex or by using a second mem- borane, ‘21.7 When leakage has been elim- inated, disconect the vacuum supply and place the chamber on the base plate, the load cell on the porous stone, and the cover plate on the chamber. Insert the loading piston and obtain a firm con. rection with the load cell. Tighten the chamber tie rods firmly. 2.1.8 Slide the assembly apparatus into positon under the axial loading de- vice. Bring the loading device down and couple it to the triaxial chamber piston fand apply a seating pressure to the samn- ple of 14 kPa (2 psi) in order to obtain full contact of the piston with the top platen. {82.1.9 Connect the chamber pres- sure supply Tine and apply a confining pressure of 103 kPa (15 psi ‘82.1.10 Remove the vacuum supply fom the vacuum saturation inlet and close this line B22 Conduct the Resilient Modulus Test—Alter the test specimen has been prepared aul placed in the loading, de- Vice, the following steps are necessary to conduct the resilient modulus testing: IF not already done, adjust the position of the axial loading device for tiaxial chamber base support as nec~ essary 10 couple the load-generation de- Vice piston and the triaxial chamber pis- ton, The triaxial chamber piston should bear finmly on the Toad cell, This ean the done by applying a seating pressure ‘ol 14 kPa (2 psi. A minimum contact Joad of 10 percent (-18,) of the maximum applied load shall be maintained during all repeated Toad determinations. Adjust the recording devices for the LVDT's and load cell as needed. 82.23 Set the confining pressure (0 103 kPa (15 psi) and apply 1000 repeti- tions of an axial deviator stress of 103 kPa (1S psi) using a haversine shaped Toad pulse consisting of a 0.1-second i \ 800 Metuops or sameting ano testne ( P¥> LILA 204 TABLE2 Testing Sequence for Type 15 Plot Log M, versus Log $y (Type 1) of Contig Devisior Log M, versus Log S, (Type 2). Attach vee = ante the apropos. Deleon heap _ : Tal prop coeficets (ks a efor Type Wo - : Aiton Tard hy adh or Type 2) ong et = a sims repression, Beample las ae : ‘ao shown in gue 6 (ype 1) a Pau : tte Tepe ; im” Sipe relationship for Type 1 Mite i Woah gue 8: 6 103 100 -M, = ky(S)"" Where S, ; 3 ‘o = bate sess ; a tt sa : i tro 0 ° | n 2 tio ia ge 7 a ‘ M2 biG Wee, 8 i S | 0 aha = tps Toad followed by a 0.9-second rest pe- riod. The drainage valve should be open htoughout the resilient testing. This stress sequence constitutes the sample conditioning. 82.2.4 Testing the Sample. The test- ing is performed following the loading sequences in Table 2 using a haversine shaped load pulse consisting of a 0.1- second load followed by 2 0.9-second rest period, Decrease the deviator stress {0 21 kPa (3 psi) and set the confining pressure to 21 kPa (3 psi) (Sequence No. 1, Table 2). Apply 100 repetitions of eviator stress and record the average of the deformations of the last five load cycles on the appropriate data form, 8225 Continue with Sequence No. 2 increasing the deviator stress to 41 kPa (6 psi) and repeat 8.2.24 at this new stress level 8.22.6 Continue the test for the re ‘maining load sequences in Table 2 (3 ‘o 45) recording the vertical recovered deformation. If, at any time the total vertical permanent strain deformation ex- ceeds 10 percent, stop the test and report the results on an appropriate data form. 82.2.7 Atte completion of the load sequences in Table 2, reduce the confin- ing pressure to zero and disassemble the Uianial cell Measure the length of the specimen after the test Comrect specimen gage lengths for permanent deformation. A imple correction is done by taking at average of lengths measured before and after the test 822.10 Remove the membrane from the specimen and use the entire sample to determine the moisture con- tent, Record this value on an appropriate data sheet 9. CALCULATIONS, 9.1 Perform calculator (abular arrangement shown through Figure 5, 9.L.1 Calculate the mean and stan- dard deviation of the load and recover- able deformation, The mean values are used to calculate the deviator stress and the resilient stexin using the in Figure 2 10, REPORT 10.1 Report the following informa tion: 10.11 formation, 10.2 Test Results, 10.21 Record the test data for each specimen of Type 1 material on forms similar to Figures 2 and 3, Record the test, data for each specimen of Type 2 material on forns similar to Figures 4 and 5, 10.22 M Relationships and Plots: Specimen identification is Report the regression equation and the coefficient of determination on the data plot. 10.3 Comments should be included with the test results LL. PRECISION AND BIAS LLL At the present time, there is ingofficient data available to justify pro- viding « precision and bias statement for this test method, 12, KEYWORDS 12.1 Resilient modulus, pavem esign, materials testing, laboratory equipment, unbound granular base, sub- base, and subgrade. ANNEX 1 COMPACTION OF TYPE 1 SOILS AM. SCOPE ALL This method covers the com paction of Type L soils for use in resilient rrodlus testing. ‘AL2 ‘Type 1 soils will be recom- pacted usig 102-mm and 152mm (4.0 ‘and 6.0-n.) split molds and vibratory compaction. Split molds 102-mm (4.0- neler shall be used to reco 203-nm (8-in.) high test samples for all Type 1 material with a nominal 1294 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 801 1, SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 2, SPECIMEN INFORMATION: SPECIFIC GRAVITY ‘SPECIMEN DIAMETER, mm ‘TOP. MIDDLE BOTTOM AVERAGE MEMBRANE THICKNESS, mm NET DIAMETER, mm HEIGHT OF SPEC. + CAP + BASE mm HEIGHT OF CAP + BASE, mm INITIAL LENGTH, Lo, mm AFTER TEST LENGTH, Ly. mm INSIDE DIAMETER OF MOLD, mm PELLET I 3, SOIL SPECIMEN MASS: INITIAL MASS OF CONTAINER AND WET SOIL, . FINAL MASS OF CONTAINER AND WET SOIL, . (MASS OF WET SOIL USED, g . Il | 4, SOIL SPECIMEN VOLUME: INITIAL AREA, Agen? INITIAL VOLUME, Ao * Lo,mm? ee oe ee ‘5. SOIL PROPERTIES: WET DENSITY, kg/m? COMPACTION MOISTURE CONTENT ” SATURATION, S, PERCENT DRY DENSITY, Ys, ke/m? MOISTURE CONTENT AFTER M, TESTING, PERCENT. 6. COMMENTS FIGURE 2. Example Data Sheet for Recording Spec for Type 1 Soils particle size which does not exceed 19.0 A2, APPARATUS place on the triaxial cell base. I is essen- tam (fe in.), Split molds 152-mm (6.0- ‘ial that an airtight seal is obtained in) in diameter shall be used to prepare 2.1 102mm (40-in) diameter -—-—«A32_Place. the two porous stones 305-mm (12-in. high test samples for split mold and the top platen on the bottom platen. all Type | materials with nominal particle "422" 152-mm (64-in.) diameter Determine the total height ofthe top and [sizes between 19.0 and 31.5 mm (and split mold, bottom platens and stones (othe nearest I'/, in). Cohesionless soils are com- pacted readily by use of a split mold ‘mounted on the base of the triaxial cell porous stone if used, Measure te thickness as shown in Figure Al. Compaction A3. PROCEDURE fof the rubber membrane with a micrometer forces are generated by a small hand- 34 Place the rubber membrane held air hammer. AAA Tighten the bottom platen into over the bottom platen and lower porous ‘A2.3 Vibratory compaction device. 0.25 mm (0.01 in). 'A3.3.- Remove te top platen and upper 802 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTIN 294 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: RESILIENT MODULUS TESTING. A 8 c o — - G H oa J K iB uw canter| noo | wean | surat | Apied |e bo [reese Oo | wean | se Ow Coring| Devoe | Davao] Denaton| "Bor | tyor at” | tyOT Ae. [Roemer reese} Reston] wean | ee | Sees Presure| Stees.| toad’ | oftnad | stexs | Ready | Reading [Oetmaton|Celrmton| ‘Stan | ofM, | at |S Seite | sta | ‘at | "a | eer | ze | Mase [oreo mao ron i | ak | oS a fai 21 | at 62. eee oie | ae 69 ot | tos 69 69 a ae 69 138 _ co | 207 a 103 103 - 103 207 ns 138 | 103 —| 138 138 __ a 136 [276 * obtained from the las Hve load eyes FIGURES stone, Secure the membrane to the bot- tom platen using an O-ring or other means to obtain. an aittight seat ‘ARS Place the split mold around the bottom platen and draw the membrane ‘up through the mold. Tighten the split ‘mold firmly in place. Exercise care t0 avoid pinching the membrane, A3G Sueich the membrane tightly cover the rim of the mokd. Apply a vacuum to the mold to draw the membrane in con- fact, If wrinkles ae present in te me ‘ane, release the vacuum, adjust the me ‘ane and reapply the vacuum. The use of 1 porous plastic forming jacket line helps to ensure thatthe membrane fits smoothly inside the mold. The vacuum is maintained Uhyughout the compaction procedure. ‘ABT Measure, (0 the nearest 0.25 1mm (0.01 in.), the inside diameter of the membrane Tied mold and the distance between the top of the lower porous sone and the top of the mold. ABB Defermine the volume, Y, of the specimen to be prepared using the diameter determined iu step A3.7 and a Example Data Sheet for Resi wt Modulus of value of height between 142 mm (5.6 in.) and the height measused in step A3.7 ‘ABO Determine the mass of mate Fial, at the desired water content, 10 be ‘compacted into the volume, V, to obtain the desited density ‘ARO Establish the number of lay- ers, N, to be used to compact the sol. For this proceduee, N should be an odd number and shall have a minitnuin value of 3. The thickness of individual layers shall be limited to 305 mm (12 in). Determine the mass of wet soil, W, re quired for each layer We = IN where w total mass of test specimen to pro- duce appropriate density, N= numberof layers tobe compacted. 1 ABIL Place the total required mass ‘of soil, Wy into a mixing pan. Add the required amount of water, Wye and mix thoroughly. Type 1 Solls ARIZ Determi soil and the mixing pan. AQA3 Place the amount of wet soil, ‘Wy into the mold, Avoid spillage. Using a spatula draw soil away from the inside ‘edge of the mold to form a small mound at the center. AQL4 Insert the vibrator head and vibrate the soil until the distance from the surface of the compacted layer to the rim of the mold is equal to the distance sasured in step A3,7 minus the thick- ness of the layer selected in step A3.10. “This may require removal and reinsertion ‘of the vibrator several times until experi ence is gained in gaging the vibration ‘ime which is required. AB.AS. Repeat steps A3.13 and A3.14 for each new layer. The measured dis- nce fromm the surface of the compacted layer to the rim of the mold is succes- sively reduced by the layer thickness se Tected in step A3.10. The final surface shall be a smooth horizontal plane. |A3.AG When the compaction process is completed, determine the mass of the T294 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING |, SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 2, SPECIMEN INFORMATION: SPECIFIC GRAVITY SPECIMEN DIAMETER, mm ‘TOP. MIDDLE BOTTOM AVERAGE MEMBRANE THICKNESS, mm NET DIAMETER, mm HEIGHT OF SPEC. + CAP + BASE HEIGHT OF CAP + BASE, mm INITIAL LENGTH, Lo, mm AFTER TEST LENGTH, Ly. mm INSIDE DIAMETER OF MOLD, mm 3. SOIL. SPECIMEN MASS: MASS OF WET SOIL USED. ¢ 4, SOIL SPECIMEN VOLUME: INITIAL AREA, Agmim? INITIAL VOLUME, Ay * Lo.mm? 5. SOIL PROPERTIES: WET DENSITY, kg SATURATION, S,PERCENT DRY DENSITY, Yu, kg/m? INITIAL MASS OF CONTAINER AND WET SOIL. ¢ : FINAL MASS OF CONTAINER AND WET SOIL, § . COMPACTION MOISTURE CONTENT ” MOISTURE CONTENT AFTER M, TESTING.PERCENT 803 LLEEEELETEE T COMMENTS tested. (Notes: * Ifa thin-walled tube is used for resilient modulus testing, these items do not need to be reported. + fa thinowatled tube is used for resilient modulus testing, record the moisture content ofthe pavement layer being FIGURE 4 Example Data Sheet for Recording Specimen Information for Type 2 Solls mixing pan and the excess sol. This mass subtracted from the mass determined in step A3.12is the mass ofthe wet soil used (mass of specimen). Verify the compac- tion water, W.of theexcess soil. The mos ture content of this sample shall be con- ducted using AASHTOT 265-86.Proceed ‘with Section 8.2 of tis procedure ANNEX IT COMPACTION OF TYPE 2 SOILS BI. SCOPE BAL This method covers the com- paction of Type 2 soils for use in resilient ‘modulus testing B12. The general method of compac- tion of Type 2 soils will be that of static foading ‘(also known as the double plunger method). If testable thin-walled Tubes ate available, specimens shall not bbe recompacted BI}. Specimens. shall be recom: | 808 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 1294 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: = RESILIENT MODULUS TESTING. ' a 8] oye F 6 # i y [eyo Mean | aoa | Mean Chamber | Nominal | Mean | Standard | Amped | Reco. Cat | Reooy-Del.| Mean | sid Dev. of Standard [Gonning| Devitr | Devator| Deviaton | Oev. | “LvDT#1 | ‘LVDTA2 | Recoverbie| Recoversse ean |” Dax Pressure | Sress | “Load | ottoad | stess | Readng | Reading | Detomaton | Delomaion ott | | [SotkPa) | SethPa) | kyr | thor” | mrayt | trom | em | tm | timmy | min | ae | Pe) [at | 4 C a1_| 28 7 ar [at E a | 55 |_a | 69 [at [14 21_| 28 a1 [at [- ar | _s5 i ar | 69 : t o | 0 | 2 - o | a _[— f o_| 55 7 7 of ee : - : * obtained om teas five load cyies i | FIGURES Example Data Sheet for Resilient Modulus of ‘Type 2 Soils a i & | pacted in a Timm (28in.) diameter ' A, Ray - onset mold The process is one of compacting > oe a known mass of soil to a voluie that | is fixed by the dimensions of the mold) i assembly (mold shall be of a suficient 4100000 size to produce specimens 71 man (28 ) in diameter and 142 mau (5.6 ia.) in height). Atypical _mold assembly is shown in Figure BI. Several steps are required for static compaction 10000 ae 32, APPARATUS B21 As shown in Fi 4 2 B32. PROCEDURE, Resilient Modulus, kPa BAL Five layers of equal mass sal be used to compact the specinens using this procedure, Determine the mass of wel sol, We lo be used per layer where ve Bulk Stress, kPa ” WwW. = WS. 183.2 ‘Place one of the loading rams ino the specien mold TA Place the mass of si, W, de ep 3.1 ato Ue spec 1000 FIGURE 6 Example Logarithmic Plot of Resilient Modulus (MI) vs. Bulk Stress (8) for Type 1 Materials 294 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING Hy = Kisy? = 2705) Foon +0000 7 2 a § 8 : 3B 1000 2 5 3 © Me (contning pressure =21 KPa) « AL Mr (confining pressure =0 kPa) 100 FIGURET Example arithmie Pl 10 Deviator Stress, kPa lot of Resilient Mor us (M,) ¥8. Deviator ‘Stress (S,) for Type 2 Materials mold, Using a spatula, draw the soil away from the edge of the mold to form ‘slight mound in the center. B34 Insert the second ram and place the assembly in the static foading. ma- chine. Apply a small load, Adjust the position of the mold with respect t0 the soit mass, so that the distances from the mold ends to the respective load ram caps are equal. Soil pressure developed by the initial loading will serve (o hold the mold in place. By having both load ing rams reach the zero volume change simultaneously, more uniform layer den- sities are obtained, B35. Slowly increase the load until the loading caps rest firmly against the ‘mold. Maintain this load for a period of not fess than 60 seconds, The amount ‘of soil rebound depends on the rate of loading and load duration. The slower the rate of loading and the longer the load is maintained, the less the rebound. ‘To obtain uniform densities, extreme care rust be taken to center the fist soil layer exactly between the ends of the specimen mold, Checks and any neces- sary adjustments should be made after completion of steps B4 and BS. 1B3.6 Decrease the load to zero and remove the assembly from the loading ‘machine. 1B3.7 Remove the loading ram. Sear- ify the surfaces of the compacted layer and put the mass of wet soil W, for the second layer in place and form a mound, 805 ‘Add a spacer ring and insert the load- ing ram, B38 Invert the assembly and repeat step B37, 1B3.9 Place the assembly in the load- 1g machine, Increase the load stowly ‘until the spacer tings firmly contact the fends of the specimen mold. Maintain is load for a period of not less than 60 seconds B30 Repeat steps B3.7, B29, 3.9 to compact the remaining wo layers BB.11 After compaction is com- pleted, determine the moisture content ‘of the remaining soil using T 265. B3.12 Using the extrusion ram, press the compacted soil out of the specimen ‘mold and into the extrusion mold. Extri= sion should be done slowly to avoid mpact loading the specimen, 3.13 Using the extrusion mold, carefully side the specimen off the ram, ‘onto a solid end platen, The platen should be circular with a diameter equal to that of the specimen and have a minimum thickness of 13 mm (0.5 in.). Platens shall be of a material which will not absorb soil moisture. B3.14 Determine the mass of the compacted specimen tothe nearest gra Measure the height and diameter to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in). B3.15 Place a platen similar to the ‘one used in step B3.13 on top of the spec- 3.16 Using a vacuum membrane expander, place the membrane over the specimen, Carefully pull the ends of the membrane over the end platens. Secure the membrane to each platen using O- rings or other means to provide an ait- light seal, Proceed with Section 8.1 of this procedure 806 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND T 7294 (A) VIBRATING LOAD GENERATOR (© CHAMBER TE ROD. (8) RUBBER MEMBRANE (© ALUMINUM OR STEEL SPLIT SAMPLE MOLD. (a moc cuae (0) poRous pLasmie MOLD UINER @.coMPACTOR HEAD (© vacuum surruy ive (©) Porous stone (THICKNESS) rt tin BorTos pLaTEN n TH] quo ctampen pase UT Toy PLATE vacuum wnsorrom SATURATION DRAINAGE tne une note: 2 Dimesin vais wt opecinen ie 5m 10.25 = O02 mn) sn ha pesinen dame. FIGURE AL Appa fatus for Vibratory Compaction of Type 1 Un nd Materials T2094 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING. 807 y Ka BD Lo-s0, oA-s0-25%m LOADING RAM ‘eh er EXTRUSION RAM [SPACER FING (90. REDD Vanes wT peor aver EXTRUSION MOLD FIGURE BI Apparatus for Static Compaction of Type 2 Unbound Materials MAXIMUM APPLIED LOAD FACTOR - PERCENT 8 se @ 8 f 8 a eo 14 (so) wo1ovs avotonoKo

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