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5, MAY 2015


A Dual-Band Cavity Antenna Embedded

Within Multiple Metallic Enclosures
Ping Jack Soh, Senior Member, IEEE, Sen Yan, Hantao Xu, Student Member, IEEE,
and Guy A. E. Vandenbosch, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractThis work describes the design and evaluation of an

antenna to be embedded within multiple metallic cavity like structures of quite arbitrary shape. The design is based on an open
substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) implemented with RO 4003
substrate, aiming to miniature the cavity and suited for fabrication with printed-circuit board (PCB) technology. A pair of vias is
used to tune the resonances of the cavity for dual-band operation
[2.45 and 5-GHz wireless local area network (WLAN) bands], and
an open-loop resonator is introduced to enhance the bandwidth.
The cavity antenna is fed by a stripline to avoid cross coupling
with other devices. Evaluations have been performed both in freespace (FS) and inside multiple metallic cavities. Operating from
within the cavities, a good antenna performance is obtained with
a maximum 10-dB bandwidth of 4% at 2.45 GHz and 25% at
5.5 GHz. Simulations and measurements agree well. As a proof of
concept, the proposed antenna was connected to several WLAN
modules inside realistic metallic cavity environments and its operation was evaluated in a realistic indoor environment. These
real-life tests confirm that the maximum data rate of 54 Mb/s is
obtained for most practical situations, in which the antenna has to
Index TermsOpen waveguide antennas, slot antennas, wireless
local area network (WLAN) antennas.


N AN industrial antenna design, the presence of large

metallic objects in the immediate neighborhood of the
antenna has to be accounted for. While standalone antenna
design is an important element in the overall design procedure, the aspect of utmost importance is whether the final
practical operation of the system satisfies all requirements.
In most cases, antennas placed in the vicinity of or inside
metallic objects can easily show performance degradation. The
intended radiation pattern is distorted/suppressed, the antenna
is detuned/mismatched or even shorted out completely, and the
efficiency and gain degrade.

Manuscript received May 29, 2015; revised January 03, 2016; accepted
January 22, 2016. Date of publication March 08, 2016; date of current version May 03, 2016. This work was supported by AGFA Healthcare, Mortsel,
P. J. Soh is with the Advanced Communication Engineering (ACE) CoE,
School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia
Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis 02600, Malaysia (e-mail: pjsoh@ieee.org).
S. Yan, H. Xu, and G. A. E. Vandenbosch are with the ESATTELEMIC Research Division, Department of Electrical Engineering,
KU Leuven, Leuven 3001, Belgium (e-mail: sen.yan@esat.kuleuven.be;
xulxht@gmail.com; guy.vandenbosch@esat.kuleuven.br).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2016.2539374

Efforts in validating antennas in such environments complete

the design cycle and have been performed in recent investigations for various applications, for instance, for the wireless
local area networks (WLAN) module embedded in a laptop [1]
[5] and within the context of radio frequency identification
(RFID) [6]. For such embedded antennas, recent publications
have proposed several topologies such as the slot antenna [2],
the inverted-F antenna [3], and the monopole antenna [4]
[5]. While all these designs perform well in a compact form,
they have been investigated while mounted on ground planes
extending from the metallic enclosures.
The situation becomes even worse when an antenna has to be
installed inside a cavity-like structure. Antenna installation into
metallic cavities is typically aiming at meeting cosmetic, safety,
or robustness demands of the overall electronic system. An
additional aspect of concern for such antennas is the limitation
in terms of space and location inside the metallic cavity. This
needs to be considered in the initial design stage. With such limitations, techniques to miniaturize the antenna while producing
an optimal bandwidth and to efficiently feed RF power into the
structure need to be identified.
This paper describes the dedicated design of an antenna that
needs to be embedded in a predefined cavity-like structure (the
so-called panel), which, during operation, is inserted into a second larger cavity-like structure (the so-called bucky). Multiple
metallic enclosures are thus involved. The final application
is the wireless transfer of X-ray pictures from the medical
equipment forming the cavities to the WLAN installed in the
X-ray room. The proposed antenna must fit into the allocated
recessed locations defined at two edges of the panel. The
maximum antenna size is 65 54 7 mm3 , which is about
0.52 0.43 0.056 free-space (FS) electrical volume at
the lowest frequency of 2.4 GHz.
Since the antenna should be operating embedded within
the metallic enclosures, the Wifi cavity (WICAV) topology is
selected in order to avoid the mutual coupling with other electric components. An open slot at the edge of the cavity is used
as the radiator [7], [8], which can be located as close as possible near the outside of the panel and bucky. Compared to
other types of antennas, e.g., electric monopole, dipole, or patch
antennas, this topology ensures a stable performance in a quite
unpredictable environment filled with metal structures within
a one wavelength region. This unpredictability is due to the
fact that there are many different types of X-ray machines.
The open cavity topology ensures that most of the metal in
the immediate environment is shielded from the antenna. A
proper positioning and orientation of the slot further reduces

0018-926X 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.



the near-field mutual coupling to other metal parts. The proposed WICAV antenna is implemented by standard multilayer
printed-circuit board (PCB) technology, and the final size of the
antenna is 51.5 40 3.6 mm3 .
To our best knowledge, this is the first reported open
cavity antenna with such topology. The performance of the
proposed antenna is evaluated via simulations and measurements in FS and while mounted into the two larger metallic
enclosures, i.e., panel and bucky. Besides, a comprehensive signal transmission/reception evaluation using two different types
of WLAN modules mounted into the panelbucky structure
is performed in a realistic indoor environment, with the aim
of benchmarking against the antenna provided by the WLAN
modules manufacturer.
The size of the WICAV antenna is related with its operating wavelength. In this design, dielectric loading is used to
miniaturize the cavity, which is realized by a multilayered
substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology [9], [10]. The
dual-band operation is obtained by designing the different
modes of the cavity. The basic mode of the cavity (TM110 ) is
designed around 2.4 GHz. A rectangularly shaped open loop
resonator is introduced to enhance the bandwidth in the lower
frequency band. The combination of cavity antennas and openloop resonators or split ring resonators (SRRs) has proven to
be able to remarkably decrease the resonant frequency and
improve the impedance matching [11], [12]. The higher order
modes (TM310 and TM130 ) of the cavity are located between
5 and 6 GHz. A pair of vias is introduced to tune the resonant
frequencies of the higher order modes and obtain a good matching [9], [10]. The stripline is used to feed the cavity in order to
reduce the coupling with other devices.
The topology of the WICAV antenna is depicted in Fig. 1. It
contains two layers of Rogers RO4003C (thickness 1.524 mm,
permittivity 3.38, and loss tangent 0.0021) that are bonded by
a layer of IS400 high-performance prepreg (0.46 mm thick,
permittivity 3.9, and loss tangent 0.022). The cavity resonator,
sized at 23 48.5 mm2 , is embedded within the substrate area
using 0.45-mm-diameter vias used to form its metallic walls.
One of the 48.5-mm sides is left open in order to function as
a radiating slot. The rectangularly shaped open-loop resonator
sized at 18 18.5 mm2 is integrated into this cavity. The cavity structure is fed by a 50- stripline, which in turn is fed by
a coaxial feed. Vias sized at 0.45 mm in diameter are implemented on both sides of this line at about /4 (calculated using
the guided wavelength at 2.45 GHz) in order to avoid parallel
plate modes. Vias are spaced 1.5 mm throughout the complete
design. In order to test the antenna, probe feeding is used from
the reverse side to the 50- stripline located on the intermediate
prepreg layer. The thickness of the cavity is 3 mm. It is totally
implemented using standard PCB technology.
The antenna is to be placed directly inside a fully covered
metallic enclosure sized at 375 450 7.5 mm3 , except for
a 70 7.5 mm2 radiating slot, which is then fully covered by

Fig. 1. WICAV antenna. (a) Cross section of the layer structure, (b) antenna
dimensions (in mm), and (c) fabricated antenna prototype.

a 1-mm-thick ABS plastic cover for water/dust-proofing purposes. This enclosure (named metallic enclosure 1, or ME1) is
intended to be placed into a larger metallic enclosure (ME2)
sized at 570 570 75 mm3 for WLAN operation in an
indoor environment. To enable the placement of ME1 into ME2,
one of its sides is left open during operation. Two types of ME2
have been investigated, a fully covered version (ME2A) and
another with a rectangular opening at its top (ME2B). These
enclosures are shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
To mitigate the possibility of the antenna embedded inside
ME1 ending up at the closed edge of ME2, two antennas are
placed inside ME1 (see Fig. 2) and labeled as slot 1 and slot 2,
Right from the start, a simplified model for the buckypanel
structure was used when the antenna was designed. This simplified structure consists of a small metallic cavity with a slot on
the side, which mimics the nearest metallic grid in the panel; see
the rectangle labeled with red (dashed) line in Fig. 2(b). This



Fig. 3. (a) Metallic enclosure 2, also called bucky: schematic and dimensions
of ME2A (in mm); photo of ME2A (b) and ME2B (c). During operation, the
bucky is slid into the X-ray machine.

Fig. 2. Metallic enclosure 1 (ME1) also called panel: (a) schematic and dimensions (in mm) and (b) photo of the physical structure. The cover closing ME1
from the top is not shown in the photo. The red (dashed) line indicates the
location of the antenna.

was done to grasp the most important effects of the strongly

reduced (with respect to other antenna types), but still present
mutual coupling with the immediate environment. Note that it
is not really useful to take into account the environment in full
detail during the design, since the details of the environment
may change considerably over the wide range of different X-ray
Simulations have been performed with CST Microwave
Studio. In order to evaluate the repeatability of the multilayered
PCB manufacturing and the stability of the substrate properties,
nine different antennas were fabricated from different parts of a
substrate sheet. Tests have been performed in FS and inside the
A. Antenna Evaluation in FS
Measured and simulated S11 shown in Fig. 4(a) indicates a
good agreement. Although the measured S11 is slightly different from simulations in the lower (2.4 GHz) band, the trends
observed are very similar. The little disagreement is mainly due

to fabrication tolerances. One of the main issues is the fact that

it is very hard to keep the center bonding layer (IS400 prepreg)
at exactly the designed thickness, which may cause a frequency
shift. Note that in FS, the antennas do not achieve a satisfactory 10-dB reflection coefficient, because, as explained in the
previous section, they were designed taking into account a simplified panelbucky structure. This is the best that can be done
because in practice these panelbucky topologies considerably
differ depending on the actual X-ray machine involved. In the
lower band around 2.4 GHz, the two resonances are the basic
mode of the open-loop resonator and the TM11 mode of the
cavity, respectively. In the upper band, TM31 and TM13 modes
are located near 5.4 and 5.7 GHz. The second mode of the openloop resonator can also be observed at ca. 4.9 GHz. Fig. 5 shows
the z-component of the electric field distribution at several frequencies. The related modes at the different frequencies can be
clearly observed. The measured S11 of nine fabricated prototypes is shown in Fig. 4(b). The excellent agreement between
the different prototypes indicates that the chosen topology and
the technique utilized to realize them yield a very stable result.
A high manufacturing yield can be expected.
Radiation patterns were evaluated at two frequencies (2.4
and 5.2 GHz) in an anechoic chamber. The results are shown
in Fig. 6. Both the xz (placed horizontally) and yz planes
(placed vertically) are plotted. These plots indicate a good
directivity in the forward direction (where the radiating slot is
placed), with low cross-polarization levels at both frequencies.
It is also worth mentioning that the radiation pattern is of less
importance when taking into account the arbitrariness of the
metal enclosures that will be placed around the antenna in the
final configuration.



Fig. 4. (a) Simulated and measured S11 for Ant. 1, (b) measured S11 of nine
fabricated prototypes extracted from different parts of the same substrate sheet.

Fig. 6. Measured radiation patterns for antenna prototype 11 1 at (a) 2.4 and
(b) 5.2 GHz. (Legend: black solid = co-polarized xz plane; red dotted = crosspolarized xz plane; purple dashed = co-polarized yz plane; blue short dash =
cross-polarized yz plane).

metallic enclosure before the cover is applied, with an RF cable

passing through to feed the structure. The antennas were evaluated at least three times and averaged in both locations (slot
1 and slot 2). The results depicted in Fig. 7(a) indicate a good
agreement between the two antenna prototypes when placed in
the two slots of ME1. The matching is enhanced compared with
the results in FS, especially in the upper band.

C. Antenna Evaluated Inside ME2

Fig. 5. Z-component of the electric field in the cavity.

B. Antenna Evaluation Inside ME1

The antenna is first evaluated in ME1. Taking into account
the excellent agreement between prototypes, only two antennas (prototype numbered 1 and 2) were measured inside the
enclosures. Double-sided tape is used to fix the antenna into the

The following evaluation involves the placement of ME1 into

ME2, yielding the final operating structure. Since ME2 is a
fully covered metallic enclosure at three of its sides, considering the two slots in ME1, there are two resulting operational
possibilities; see Fig. 2. Due to the square shape of ME2 and
the rectangular shape of ME1, the operation of the antenna
when placed into the different slots in this final configuration
is expected to vary. This is due to the different topological
Since the two antennas, namely ant. 1 and ant. 2, performed
very similar when evaluated in ME1 in both slots, the investigation was further limited to only one antenna prototype, namely
ant. 1. Evaluations performed when it was placed into ME1 and
consequently into ME2 are shown in Fig. 7(b).




Fig. 7. (a) Simulated and measured S11 when the antennas are placed inside
slot 1 and slot 2 of ME1. (b) Measured S11 with the same antenna prototype
placed in slots 1 and 2 in ME1 and ME2A/ME2B.

In the upper band, the S11 and BW are about the same as in
Fig. 7(a) in three cases. Only the result for ME2B slot 1 is much
worse. The initial 25% BW is reduced to only 12%. After carefully checking ME2B (the bucky), a metallic fastener was found
in front of slot 1, which partially blocked the antennas radiating slot. On the other hand, the BW in the lower 2.4-GHz band
grows slightly larger regardless of the slot where the antenna
is inserted. A BW of 2%4% is observed when the antenna is
placed into ME2A and ME2B.
The realized gain of the antenna was measured in FS,
and when positioned within ME1 and ME2, respectively; see
Table I. The higher band is clearly more robust than the lower
band, where the antenna is easily influenced by the neighboring
metallic parts. The realized gain for ME2B slot 1 is much lower
than for the other situations. This was caused by the metallic
fastener in front of the radiation slot, as mentioned before.


A. Evaluation Requirements and Setup
The previous sections clearly indicate that the antenna is
performing well when operated from inside the two metallic
enclosures in both configurations (slot 1 and slot 2). Since

the application concerns a wireless communication in an

indoor environment, an indoor communication quality study
has been performed. For this purpose, two WLAN modules
have been used. The first module is model AWUS036H from
Alfa Network Inc., Taiwan [13], which operates in the 2.4-GHz
WLAN band. It is connected to the antenna for transmit
(Tx)/receive (Rx), and its link performance is evaluated using
Alfa WLAN Utility software [13]. Since the modules Tx power
is 28 dBm, which is 17 dB more than in the applications targeted, attenuators of 20 dB, 16 dB, and 10 dB were used
both at the transmit and the receive sides. The second module is model SparkLAN WUBR-508N, embedded with a Ralink
RT5572 chipset, supporting the 802.11a/b/g/n standards in the
2.4- and 5-GHz frequency bands. Link capability is evaluated
with the Microsoft wireless LAN utility [14]. A Hirose U.FL
(Ultra Small Surface Mount Coaxial Connector) [15] is used
for connecting the external antennas to the modules.
Antenna 111 and the WiFi module were placed into ME1,
which was then inserted into ME2; see Fig. 8. Due to the size
and weight of the structure, it is placed on a trolley and pushed
along a line covering different distances, from 13 to +13 m
centered around a Cisco WLAN router (AIR -LAP1142N C
-K9 [16]), see Fig. 9(a), or going toward the router only, see
Fig. 9(b), without changing the orientation of ME2. The router
supports both the 2.4-GHz (802.11 g) and 5-GHz (802.11a)
ISM bands. This working band is adapted automatically within
any specific environment. The positive sign indicates that the
radiating edge of the antenna is within the line of sight (LoS)
of the router, and conversely, the negative sign indicates that
the antenna is facing away from the router. In some cases, a
practical Line of Sight is implemented, by placing a humansized object in the direct path between the WiFi module and the
router. During evaluation at each distance, the setup is allowed
a 1-min settling time before the readings are taken. In order to
prevent leakage of RF signals from open slots other than the
radiating slot, a few metal plates are used as shielding. The reason is that in real applications, the metallic enclosures (ME1
and ME2) will be inserted into a rack in the X-ray machine,
making the radiating slot the main source of radiation. This
situation is mimicked in the test setup.
This indoor evaluation has been performed with the following configurations:
1) Configuration 1.1: The Tx and Rx links of the
AWUS036H WLAN module [13] are separated using a



Fig. 9. Two communication test configurations with antenna and module inside
ME box on a trolley: (a) module AWUS036H, the Cisco WLAN router, the
practical indoor test environment, (b) module SparkLAN WUBR-508N, the
router, and practical indoor test environment.
Fig. 8. WiFi module and WICAV antenna in slot 1 of ME1: (a) module
AWUS036H, circulator and attenuators placed in a shielded absorbing box
with the AUT connected and placed in slot 1 of ME1, (b) module SparkLAN

10 dB in the higher frequency band when placed inside

B. Indoor Evaluations





broadband circulator. A 20-dB attenuator is added on the

Tx side, and a 10-dB attenuator on the Rx side. The
antenna under test (AUT) is placed as the Rx on this module, and a monopole (with about 2 dBi of gain) is used as
the Tx antenna of this module; see Fig. 8(a).
Configuration 1.2: The setup is kept as in Configuration
1.1, except that the AUT and monopole are now
interchangedthe AUT is used as the Tx antenna and the
monopole is used as the Rx.
Configuration 1.3: The broadband circulator used in
Configurations 1.1 and 1.2 is removed. The AUT is used
as the Tx antenna together with a 16-dB attenuator. The
monopole is now used as the Rx antenna at the Cisco
WLAN router.
Configuration 2.1. The proposed WICAV cavity antenna
is disconnected from the WiFi module. The link performance is measured using the built-in antenna.
Configuration 2.2. The proposed WICAV cavity antenna
is connected to the WiFi module and installed in one of
the two possible slots in ME1. Slot 1 is further evaluated
because of its smaller size, which is expected to generate
a higher effect on the performance of the antenna due to
the proximity of the surrounding metallic walls. Notice
in Fig. 7 that the S11 for slot 1 is degraded to less than

The indoor test results for module 1 are summarized in

Table II. It can be seen that the signal strength, link quality, and
link speed are increasing as the distance between the WLAN
router and the trolley is decreasing. There is also a significant difference in the link performance between the situation
where the antenna is facing the router and the situation where
the antenna is looking away from the router. However, for the
worst case scenario, which is 13 m (with the antenna facing
away from the router), a minimum 11 Mb/s speed is still possible. Note that these indoor tests have been set up in a way that
the link power budget is worse than in the actual practical situation in the field (margins up to 3 dB at Tx and 13 dB at Rx
were used). Thus, a better performance is expected during real
The indoor test results for module 2 are summarized in
Table III. It is clearly seen that using the proposed WICAV
antenna connected to the WiFi module considerably enhances
communication quality. The signal strength is represented by
the number of bars (05). The distance has the same effect as
for module 1. Also here, there is a significant difference in the
link performance for the antenna facing toward or turned away
from the router. Furthermore, LoS conditions help to improve
the communication link when the radiating slot is facing the
router. For the worst case scenario of configuration 2.2, which




signals within a room sized at 26 6 m2 , even when no LoS

is available, at sufficient bit rates. The built-in miniaturized
printed antenna is able to provide largely reduced bit rates only.

A novel, dual-band cavity resonator antenna optimized for
operation from inside two metallic enclosures has been proposed for dual-band WLAN operation. Its compact size is
achieved by loading the cavity with dielectric and by integrating a rectangular open-loop resonator to enable resonance at the
lower 2.4-GHz WLAN band. This antenna is fully implemented
on a RO4003C substrate and its cavity walls are formed using
vias. Simulations and measurements for nine antenna prototypes indicated a good agreement. All antennas are operational
with satisfactory reflection coefficients, radiation patterns, and
gains. The final evaluation performed in a room sized at 26
6 m2 with the antenna placed inside the enclosures indicated
proper antenna operation with a maximum link speed of 54
Mb/s for most situations.



The authors appreciate the technical contributions of P.

Pandelaers, P. Lambrechts, and J. Vercammen from AGFA
Healthcare n.v., Mortsel, Belgium, and Dr. V. Volski of the
ESAT-TELEMIC Research Division, KU Leuven, Leuven,


*No means that there was a person standing in between the antennas,
mimicking a realistic situation in an X-ray room.

is at a distance of 13m (with the antenna facing away from the

router) and non-LoS conditions, a considerable 18 Mb/s link
rate is still achieved. Without the external antenna, at 13 m,
barely a 1 Mb/s link, even with LoS conditions, is established.
From this evaluation, it can be concluded that the antenna
placed in ME2 is capable of transmitting and receiving WLAN

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Ping Jack Soh (S10M14SM15) was born in

Sabah, Malaysia. He received the Bachelor and
Masters degrees in electrical engineering (telecommunication) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM), Johor, Malaysia, in 2002 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, in 2013.
He is currently a Senior Lecturer with the School
of Computer and Communication Engineering
(SCCE), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP),
Perlis, Malaysia, and the Deputy Dean of the universitys Research
Management and Innovation Center (RMIC). From 2002 to 2004, he was a
Test Engineer with Venture Corp., Johor, Malaysia, working on hardware and
software test solutions for the manufacturing of all-in-one printers. In 2005, he
was with Motorola Solutions Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, as an R&D
Engineer. There, he worked on the characterization and testing of new two-way
radios antennas and RF front-ends. From 2006, he joined SCCE-UniMAP as
a Lecturer and was then also appointed as the Deputy Director of the Centre
for Industrial Collaboration (CIC) between 2007 and 2009. He went on leave
from UniMAP in 2009 to pursue his Ph.D. and research attachment in KU
Leuven. Affiliated to the ESAT-TELEMIC Research Division, Department
of Electrical Engineering, he was first a Research Assistant (20092013),
and then a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (20132014), and is currently an
External Research Affiliate. Within the Ph.D., he was also involved in antenna
design and characterization for AGFA Healthcare, Mortsel, Belgium, which
resulted in a filed European patent. He has also filed another two and is the
holder of a granted Malaysian patent. His research interests include the design,
development, and modeling of flexible, textile, conformal, and planar antennas,
on-body communications, metamaterials, and microwave measurements.
Dr. Soh was the recipient of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
(AP-S) Doctoral Research Award in 2012, the IEEE Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship for Medical Applications in
2013, and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist
Award in 2015. He was also the second place winner of the IEEE Presidents
Change the World Competition and IEEE MTT-S Video Competition, both in
2013. Two of his authored journals were also awarded the CST University
Publication Award in 2012 and 2011.
Sen Yan was born in Xianyang, China. He received
the Bachelor and Masters degrees in information and
telecommunication engineering from Xian Jiaotong
University (XJTU), Xian, China, in 2007 and 2010,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium, in 2015.
From 2007 to 2010, he was a Research Assistant
with the Electromagnetics and Communication
Laboratory, XJTU. From 2011 to 2015, he was a
Research Assistant with the Department of Electrical
Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research
Fellow with KU Leuven. His research interests include microwave metamaterials and metasurfaces, wearable devices, and textile antennas.

Hantao Xu (S12) was born in Guangzhou,

Guangdong, China. He received the Bachelors
degree in electronics and information engineering from South China Agricultural University,
Guangdong, China, in 2008, and the M.S. degrees
in electronics engineering (cum laude) and electrical
engineering (cum laude) from Groep T Hogeschool,
Leuven, Belgium, and KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
in 2009 and 2011, respectively. He is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the ESAT-TELEMIC
Research Division, KU Leuven.
His research interests include beamsteering technology, array signal processing, and smart antenna architecture and implementation.
Guy A. E. Vandenbosch (M92SM08F13)
received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium, in 1985 and 1991, respectively.
From 1991 to 1993, he held a Postdoctoral
Research Position with the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven. Since 1993, he has been a Lecturer,
and since 2005, a Full Professor with the same
university. He has taught or teaches courses
Engineering, Electronics, and Electrical Energy, and Digital Steer- and
Measuring Techniques in Physics. From September to December 2014, he
was a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His work has
been published in ca. 230 papers in international journals and has led to ca.
330 papers at international conferences. His research interests include electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, planar antennas and circuits,
nano-electromagnetics, EM radiation, EMC, and bio-electromagnetics.
Dr. Vandenbosch has been a Member of the Management Committees of
the consecutive European COST actions on antennas since 1993. Within the
ACE Network of Excellence of the EU (20042007), he was a Member of the
Executive Board and coordinated the activity on the creation of a European
antenna software platform. At present, he leads the EuRAAP Working Group
on Software and represents this group within the EuRAAP Delegate Assembly.
From 2001 to 2007, he was the President of SITEL, the Belgian Society of
Engineers in Telecommunication and Electronics. From 2008 to 2014, he was a
Member of the board of FITCE Belgium, the Belgian branch of the Federation
of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Union. In the period 1999
2004, he was the Vice-Chairman, and in the period 20052009, the Secretary
of the IEEE Benelux Chapter on Antennas en Propagation. Currently, he is the
Chairman of this Chapter. In the period 20022004, he was the Secretary of the
IEEE Benelux Chapter on EMC. In the period 20122014, he was the Secretary
of the Belgian National Committee for Radio-electricity (URSI), where he is
also in charge of Commission E.

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