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For Rosa and Jshua PROSPECTS FOR DEMOCRACY North, South, East, West Edited by David Held Polity Press Copyeigh © thi coleton Pay Pres, 1993 Chapters 12.34.7810, 1415 (@ Fe Sie Ascaon 190 “Sse chatars wee piso Pula Ses ‘Spl ses Pps fr Dry (2) Each other chapter © the shor Fis pein 195 Pai Pree insaaon wih lacknal Poses ‘aepaned 198 Martin nd prodocion ‘Bisel Pblshers is Cowley Road onfond ORE JF UK A igh reed xe requ of ontcgs the puporsof ccm and seven ne prt acon maybe reper Cored nea sen, ohne many “Sem ory sy me ssn, mec shoecopyd ending or cer oe he eo smi he pak Esceptin she United Str f Arr, hak ld ‘Sheet comion al byway of reo emer, bee, ol edo shee eld who pa pi coat “hny frm of binding cover eer hn tin wich ‘rp ad woes sr condoning iE big mpd on he sbseac prc. ISBN 0715609380 sano 7607099 (gb) ACI tale sor for histo avalible Typeset in W808 2s Caton syns Res Oates 1. Pon) Ld oval ‘Thistook spine on acide paper CONTENTS Acknowledgements ‘The Contbutors Editor's Preface PARTI INTRODUCTION 1 Democracy: From Ciy-states to a Cosmopalitan Order? Deval eld PART Il_ CONTESTING DEMOCRACY: ‘THEORETICAL DISPUTES. 2 3 4 Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Democratization Deval Beha Deliberative Democracy and Social Choe David Miler ‘Must Feminists Give Up on Liberal Democracy? Anne Philips ‘Asroctonal Democracy ‘Pua Hie Direct Democracy: Setting Appropriate Terms of Debate en ‘The Caltral Parsulrty of Liberal Democracy Bhabha Par " 8 83 5s ” 9% 1m 16 156 PART I SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES ‘THE SCOPE AND LIMITS OF DEMOCRATIC POLITICS 8 Democray, Markets and Capital: Are there Necessary Bconomic Limits to Democracy? Chrtopher Person 9 Socal and Democracy ‘Ales Calne 10 Miltary Policies and the State System as impediment to Deracracy Rober (lohan 11 Democracy and the Me Si Kane 12 Democratic Cizenthip in «Post. communist Danio Zoe Without Foundations PART IV_ THE DYNAMICS OF DEMOCRATIZATION: RISKS AND POSSIBILITIES 13. Consoidations of Democracy ln A Hall 14 Democracy and its Fuure in Eastern Europe Paul G Let 15. The Aernatives to ‘Libera Democracy’ A Latin American Perspective Lawrence Whiehead 16 Sub-Saharan Aiea Ges Heche 17 Democratiation in Asia Dara Pr 18 The Pronpects for Democracy inthe Middle Bart ‘Siew ry Indes 69 m a a2 355, a0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The idea for his volume developed on of request by Jack Hayward on Icha ofthe Estoril Hoard of Pie Se, oe x mes eae of the joa on democracy td, in particular, the theme of ible aematines tbe democracy woud keto thank Jack Hayward nd the Board of Pl Std or the opportany ta deep the spec fee (PS, vo XL, 0.) anor thee perminon to make the speciale the bai of hie Boke ‘Chapters 1 (Dave eld, 2 (David Beetham), 3 (David Miler 4 (Anne Philips). 7 (Bhikhu Parl), 8 (Chratopher Pierson 10 (Rober Johansen, 11 Jobe Kean) and 18 (Laurence Whitehead) fst appeared inthe ouralThe other chapters were specally writes for his vlure| tnd are published here forthe Bs ume ‘My on chapter (chapter 1) develops themes which are part of ¢0 on sing research project sponsored by the Economic and Soil Research Counc (award no R080 23 1043). Their support k warmly aco lege “The intllectal support and friendship of Peter Held, Anthony CGddens Michal Stanwort and John Thompion remain fvauae aly, woold the to thank all howe at Polity, eapecily bec Haskin, Gil Mode, Nua Ross, Debbie Seymour, Pus Thomas and Frances Tomlinson. fr ther cate and professionals inthe pablcaton sf this book ba Apa 1992 THE CONTRIBUTORS David Beetham is Profesor of Polite a the University of Leds. is publiestions inclode Max Hob and the Theory of Mader Politi, Marais Sr Far of Fain, Barney and The Leomanon of Per. He i Chen working on problems of demoerai neo ‘Simon Beomley is Lestre in nterational Palisa Economy in the Deruranent of Pls atthe University of Leds Hei the author of Vines Hegemon and World Of a8 coathor of Taher (ith Kevin Bonnet, Bob Jessop and Tom Ling) He is caren working on 8 ‘nud ofthe development ofthe moders Mile Eastin he international system lan Budge is Profesor of Government a he University of Esex He wat Ving Profesor atthe Univers of Wisconsin 1969-70) UC (1989) Europes iver stu, Florence (1982-8), ence Cente, Bertin {i900 and Universtat Autonoma Barcelona (1991) eis author and co- ihr of ome tem books, and thiny-od aces, mainly on elections, farses and democratic theory He cureily Director of the Manifesto Research group engaged on comparative research on election and fovemnment programs and her epementation ‘Alex Calinicos was educated in Zimbabwe where he was born, snd a Ballo! Collge, One, and the Londo Schoo of Economic. He was Snr Research Fellow t Se Peters Callege, Oxford, 1979-8. He bas taupe polis atthe Unies of Yok ever since. Hooks node The ‘Rly ae 9f Karl Marx: Morn and Pip, Mati May gon Primer, The Hecoge of Mary a eis). Been Port aad Capi. ‘Tux Conraiurons a Joho A. Halle Profesor of Sovilogy at MeGil University ia Montreal ‘Quebec, Canada. He the athor of sever Books, nloding Per and {Libr Lert ade curently writing book on deren pes of word onder. Geotfey Hawthorn teaches sociology and poles at Cambridge Univers Hi moe recent Sook in Pla Words ply and nde ‘andi ior andthe il ae David Held is Profesor in Pali and Sacoogy athe Open Univers [Among hisrcent publstion tre Mad ofDemeray, Peal har and ‘BeMaemSate (cited) Paitin Per Tay revere interests fecuv onthe hanging neni of demccacy nthe contest ofthe gba ‘conemic tem and the evlig rete of interatonal decom: ‘making Hei arent wing Pounaiton of Dao he rma of ‘uta andthe ga oe Paul Hirst Profesor of Social Theory at Birkbeck Cologe, Universcy of London, He isthe sutur af several books inclaing for Thatcher Beprsetae Demand is Lit nie) The Phiri Thay of (Ae Senet iin of GD. Coll NF and HF Last Me {eres the edt board of Th Pais! Quarry and a member of the Counc and Executive of Charter 68, Robert C. Johansen i Senior Fellow and Die of Graduate Stes at the Kroc Intute fo International Peace Stodies: Professor of Govern ‘ect and lternaional Studies a the Unversity of Nove Dame (OSA thor of Te Naina tran the aman norton nay o US ‘oly, cotrbuing editor to Word Ply Dnurnh and othe Bose of Birectrs ofthe Arne Control Assocation in Washington, DC Joba Keane is Director ofthe Centre for the Study of Democracy and Profesor of Politi a the University of Westniater He has taght ait researched at the University of Feronto, Cambridge Univesity the Freie Unvertit Bern, dhe European Unversity lstitute and the University of Callers, San Diego. He isthe author of many essays and book, Inclding Pui if and Late Capa an Dera and Ciel Soi Ie ix curren completing a sady ofthe fe and wring of Thomas Paine and eding x thre volume Fstoy of Domo ‘al G Lewis i Senior Lecturer in Government athe Open University. ‘eas poblshed inthe re of comparative polis and East European ‘susie, with parr relrene to Poland He ithe tor of Doma fd Col Sty East Faroe is corrently preparing ir) af (Conal Boye sine 1948 Het ats engeged in wcllaborve esearch x ‘Tar Comrmnurons froect on regime change and pary development in Eas-Central Europe finde by the Econemie and Social Research Coun, David Mille is Oficial Fellow in Soils Poti Theory at Null College, Onfr. He works rsily on ies in contemporary palit theory, cng oil asic, market soialm and democratic theo His moat recent pubcations are Marke Site and Communi hal Pndtos matt cao a etd) Liber hit Pare is Profesor of Political Theory at dhe Universty of Hall fn wets Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Racial Eauaty, UK (1985-90) and Vice-Chancellor ofthe Univers of Baroda, Ida (18 4) He ithe author of Hlnmsh rend andthe Search fre ew Pad Phioophy, Man’r Theory of Ie, Contemporary Pita! Thnk, Gant ol Phy ad Cabin Traore He has cited. among other books. Benton's Pal Tgp, Kone and ‘elfin Pit and aba Dior ‘Anne Philips is Profesor of Politics athe City af London Polen. ‘Her plications incade Eqpendering Domaraty and Died Leal ‘htm fx ond ase She has recently co-edited, with Mihde Bret ‘Dein Thor comonprary omin aia Christopher Pierson is Seige Lacarer in Pais atthe Univers of ‘Sting He isthe nithor of Marat Thar and Dona Pas tnd ‘ond eh Wore Ses’ He carey working on prolers of sca detocraticrenewel and marker socials Davi Potter is Profesor of Poll Science athe Open Uoiveeity, For frany years he wat Churperson ofthe Social Scenes Foundation Cour at that univer. He editor of the Jorma ef Comore and ‘impart Poi is research has focused 0 Drenurary and pie intra, nl is pubis ncade Goverement in Rural Pi nd nis Poa nis 1919-1983 Lawrence Whitehead i an Ocal Fellow in Poli at Nutelé College, Oxford. Universi He teacher padastes in contemporary Latin [Xmen poles and econemic ply ot Oxford Latin America Centre In 1980/1 he war Senior Research Ofer at she Latin American Program ofthe Wilton Center, reiponbl fora largescale comparative froject an trations orm authoritarian rae an prospects for deme ‘ac in Latin Ameria and Southern Europe The tof that reer ster puted in our vlures bythe Joos Hopkins Univesity Press (Franson fom duthrtrion Rat sited by Guilermo O'Doanel Philippe Sehimiter and Laurence Witches), Danilo Zole is Profesor of Poltical Plosophy atthe University of ‘Sena, aly. He hat been Aaocate Profemor atthe Universy of Florence, Research Associate at Boston University, and Visting Feist the University of Cambri, the University of Peaburgh and Harvard UUnisergy He ia member ofthe Academia Europ, His recent Boks include Sons pi x Oto Neath, Lo doar ii, Rf puma and Dow ond Comp, EDITOR'S PREFACE, Pract fr Lamy: rth Sth Eat Wot explores the ature a {ature of demecray.ehar doce Few: onthe strengths and init of lier! democracy od onthe strengths and its of alteraives to Face, on the ne hand, wth economic, soil and emironmental Frobleme which olen seen Beyond the contol of parla demo- ‘Sate plies and, on the other and, with socal movement and ational res seeking to redraw the Boundaries of polite Ue, how wale eral democracy he contemporary era Hw leitiate ae Thera demonraic tutions? What the relationship betwee ibe tlemocrag and other propane of pital emange apd transforma tion ‘Aesing these questions throws int rif another pressing sue: ace thee tny table sterner to Uber demoerse? For all those Interested in the prospects for democracy, thar question cies = fariclar pignaney since the dramas tansformation of Easter Extope and he Soviet Union, Liberal democracy appears tsumphant ro major aes ofthe globe a emai moders al Mars 3 Ste of dara. Those sho have championed alteraives to ibe ‘ernocrasy ether appear les confident han ever about these or re fngnged in a proses of re-examining their meri i rltonhip 0 Tats, demsary and other aditons of gland weil thought The question whether there are tle skernatves to ber democracy canbe thought of na ean vo wy Fst can beter feted sea question shout ea and principles hat, about whether ere ae jstiabe lterative conceptions to eral democracy foe ‘movern sates Secondly ran be understood a a guestion concen {rota ele, th do ther exit wade or ae there ikly 0 exit 2 Eosrow’s Pasrace Eorrow's Pasrace 3 ‘rorkable alternative forms of political onganization? OF coer in shor “requestons abou democrat Mes snd principles, andthe conditions femeement. ‘rapes or Diary then, concerned with an appratl of ter raves to liberal demacracy a well ae wih an ansement of Eber “mocracy tel indeed the ater ins perequiste ofthe armen and te “evr The bok vied it oar part aldhough nevtaly «numberof {guentons cat aro each part and some of the substantive concer of Particular section oveap Broadly, part | provide anintoction othe Some ss whole; par Il frases on curreat theoretical dspates about Uber dencracy and competing coneepsons of democn iepart tevtends the dacunaon by examining number of major substantive itucr which pose Findamental questions about the frm and nits of emocray and prt IV assesses the opportunites and potenti for ‘democracy in major reions ofthe work ‘Parc [const of chapter by David Held. The chapter begins by contrasting the main stra modes of democracy direct oF pare futory demeracy, irl reperentative. demoxracy and one-party fino» and then examines the easing and relevance of these trode inte ight of the intersection of politcal commits with exch tar inthe light that is ofthe growth of complex iterconnections mong stats and rocisen The chapter secs place new items 0 the gends of democratic theory by proseang the ease that democratic ‘Hoorke at” preocupy ise with the interconsectednes and ‘oman’ aa of peta asocations Par Tl comprises a chapters Inthe fst of these, David Beetham explores the relationship between Iiberalirs and democracy: Liberalism fas provide both foundation for modern democracy and constrain Upon te Beetham examines thi "Suay i order to reassess what ite Feral might place on democracy and what mis democracy shoud place on Hurl anbsions. He conchae: by reasesing the proper ope ni mits af emocrateaton In the flowing chapter, David Miler Cones che regulate esl of liberal democracy wih chose of ‘Titeratve democracy. and argues strongly in fvour of the later. ‘Comparing the liberal conception of democracy asthe agaregation of ladda peteences withthe deliberative conception of as 3 process th open debate lading tan agreed adgement on policy and ether Irate Miler examines the relevance of the problems identified in rai choice theory for democratic eas and practices He Snds not only thatthe literate alternative i more aractive than [eral dem ‘acy. but tha i ko les sierable othe objections of soil hoice ‘hoor ‘Emini arguments for amore actively papa democracy, nd the problem asocuted with representing ca heterogenet” and troup dilerence, Anne Pils the fourth chapter, aes Up the {fieston ofthe rtionship beeen ber democracy and the rue tached to pottieal partion by many feminists Philips eck to ‘plore the extent o whch feminism hasbeen and ought tbe tds Sith vera! democracy. She conles that fein wil contin to Inwpire a more substan democracy than that which i curently on lier bo that the simple ntposton of eral democracy wth “erative i nbef. "Aina the background ofthe rin of etaize tate socio a8 poitral mods, ani the marked ks of woepusted ee-market TElvaduaam Pal Hint otis in chaper 5th contin soa onal docrines coud ake tothe ref of democrat governance tnd tote reordering of econo fis and well serce Asocs: tna cine tat ery and human wells are bet served whens Imanyof he aces of soe as posable are organized by voluntary td demecratialy run aswocrions Exploring ths central postulate, First sees to show how usecationlit relationships can be but by {sent inter and groupe eely formed by commtoed india ‘Aug the asociatonlitpiniple could reinvigorate and guide dhe ‘Emocatzation of exten and scree, beer thought of Hat “autony ar supplement 0 and «hea competitor for he crrenty ‘dominant forms trol onganizaton,ichding repreventave ast democracy and agescle orpanizatons, Asotin i ex con ‘ive far anil pine" mode of organising soc elton that ‘anbe generaed rand through sce experestatonarst at ‘rer broader range of ctvies and sectors. “Tioughowt the fst wo centuren det democracy has generally teen compared tafvouasly with fiber! democracy 00 a oumber of ‘pounds Icing the ground tat i simply not ele in meer Sate and societies given thei size and comple The gathering of ‘Scns in enemies to debate and dese on mater of pble He Inappropriate std impractial model or contemporary democracies: ‘amor be adapted tone aco pace and me However, in lan Budge’ acount in chapter 6, development formation technology stich por simaltencots tosway communication within Teach, ae Interred as overaring tha contetional objection. The mers of ‘Sect democracy have ob re-debnted po ha techni esbiey i hand ideas Sat cape imo ee ‘racy af could be reazed ely through ‘unmedated popu vot on wbetearleed mars Be dave! demacny cn ke oe 4 Eorron's Paerace Eorron’s Pasrace 5 Tce hve dows atest sey omhoog a emf th reaton bemcen fal ight and acta igs; beeen Stmtmens to rea sess fe eel and practices which 0 ‘ei safiendy, bees concep he sate an pele, an ISdependen autor and sat vement in the ered fhe ius every He beseven notion of petal patie 8 =p irate aroctres fr being the gap Beween sate and sce). an the raya power cenres which sch arte and headers aot eh {Toute hee auras oa the esahlahment of democrat the omen! oh se of poli commis sn soa nequli. Ad is Sovak estan aber ey pra form democrat rem ol puliie hich the vel of ome bears ec eaton inched partion ov no prspation father “Toe implications these post Dl, of contra igi ce For demote to omthrharote reonceed asa doused threwomenon concerned onthe one hand. wih the reform of sae wer and on te her hand wh the enti ee society. Tis ‘Etats wscmicn the inp of pecs of wha have ce ‘Thee Cae uke deren: the ierdependet aso Thofboth sate and ene Such proce be premise on the pice i the itn been ie and cen mB ‘al mpect of eowras isan at the pg to ake deo SACRE he inequalities na conrsi tic en be posed by riveted stem of pce ap ers ores ut of our deere impurtance bh tow pts nt recorize he sect etsing scaly th adn cnet” From Crv-arareeTirs Cosmorouerix Oxven? 25 In shor, if democratic fe involves no more than a pric wie, cient atv wil be gly coined to the ‘ive’ rea of foci and he rope of hei acson wl depen largely on the esurces they can command. Fer opporunies wil eit or etiens tact 8 ‘tien: that as paripante in public He, Bat f democracy i ner ‘ood a double sted proces, thin stat of lr might be erste by Crewing opportunites or peuple 10 estalah themacves ‘in ther ‘spaciyofbingcizens* The sctive tien could ance again return tothe centre of pbc evolving hin or heslfp the elms of bse Rate and cv society, Ofcourse, the nature a thi ivalverent wel fern each of these rans, scoring to ts organizational pd inst tional festres, But oppartunitis wil atleast have Ben rete fora those acted bythe decision-making suctrs of ther commits to Dartcipatein the Iter’ regulation oro the try of democracy hat 0 fermented However, democracy has another side Democracy. Globalization and Internationel Governance Throughou the nineteenth and went centuries democratic theory has tended to asume a 'gmmetcal and ‘congruent relationship eeween poles’ docion-nakers and the veces of poltal seciions Inf. symmetry and congruence have often bees ken or tranted at 60 eral povots ise between ciizensoners and the ‘Econ maker thom they aren pil, le to ld to secu; nt secondly, tween the outpt (desis pies, nd so ona decion- ‘Bakers and thir constituents = akimatly, the peop’ in dele ven the erce of modem democracies have tend to share this sssumption:llwig the naratve of democracy ax convatonall they have thought ofthe problem of poiveal accountabty gabe al 1 atonal problem. Cootenporry representative srctres ae they ho inet responsive to thr eee nd sesing vaio Forms of participatory democracy. or contemporayiterpetation the relevance of replica they place emphasis on making the pica Process more wansparent and elle more open, andredletve of, the heterogenous wants and needs ofthe peop’ Ber the problem for defender ar enc alice of modern democratic sqstemn that onal apd bal interconnectednss contests the ta tional atonal resolutions athe hey questions of demncaithery ad practi The very proces of governance can escape the rac of the aton-stte National communities by no meant eacvely make and es Davo Hew kewrmine deisions and plies fr thenseves, and governments by m0 incon dccrmine wha eight or apgropate exe for thee own ‘hacna®™ Tote some recent easnpler 2 decison ty scrense interest fates an attempt ste ination or exchangerate asta i mos Ciken taken ans ‘ntona decision, although st may well silat Econom changes ince outs Sra a decison vo permit the Tres of the esnforeste may contre to ecological damage fit eon he hoses which rally at he responsibly ofa given et pola seen makers ‘Thee decisions slong wh poles on {fet as diverse ao investment. ane procurement and AIDS. ae ‘pally reared a ling within te legitimate domain of ator of Ceereign ravostte Yet in 2 word of eon an lobo ner Connecter thre ae major quesons tobe pat about the cberence, Sah and accounsbly of national deciaon-making ents them an Fromter, decisions made by quis-eyionsl or quas-supranatona “xeeniznins such av the Boropesn Communit. the Noeth antic “Freay Organization or the International Monetary Fund diminish the range of decane apes to given national ‘maorties. The ie of = Conmaiy which gly govem elf apd determines sown fate = ides athe ver het ofthe democrat oly sl is, acorn ody deeply problemate, Any snl seston sn democratic teary {hae polite! relotone aes ur could Be, symmetncal oF “congruent appears unused. Ite iadeyncy ofthis assumption can be fly shown sues are raised whieh gto the hear of emoeratic thought. The idea hi cos Kegtimates govesnment and the rate system more generally has een ‘Shit to mctecmth and twentieth century Uber demexrats® The Titer have faused onthe ballot bok as the mechani whereby the Invi! eizenexpestespoiteal preferences and ezens a whole trolly cone thority on goverment to enact laws aod rete Eomomic td social ie The principle of mantra othe pine thar dcrsons whe ase the largest amber a wes should prea s tthe root the ain pla ernon to be regarded as worthy oF Teptimote* Bur the very iden of coment through election. and the particlr notion that he velevant conaitueis of aumtary agreement Grete commas of bounded terry ora sate, Become ab lems as soon as the irue nf mtiona reponal and al Inter omectedness is considered and the nature of « so-alled elvan ‘Smug is comested Whose comet is necemary aad whose arian is josted in deisons concerning fr instance. AIDS, or Sivan the use in seneableresoures! Whats the relevant row Crry-states 10 4 Cosmovotiran Onoek? 7 conurney: rao regal rnermatoal? To whom de dso taker have to july hr deo? To whom should they beacon {Bie Fuster, what arth ipicton br the dw eimate al of decnon ae in poli with pte e-nd-enh consequrcer {arrears of pea any of whore might hve no deo skein the destin maing pve? “Tero founds ders the bs on whch india re ‘ned i and ee rom paripation a dena ecg oo? ies haere ed the pripton gh eh bu th eae of these deconstst fe ech beyond atonal fonts The Smplctons af dhs we conden nr onl for the catego of ‘onset nd leita bet orl they ear erry tence tacos the mening of repens. the prope form sc ‘rope a pal paca, and the velerunce ofthe demos fon ste ced with aneting pater f son a conse b theinterainal ede the guano the ng ae ad ele af pets OF eure, thse consideration would proaty come wile ‘print chose nto and counties whine inapendence and en hae ben deepy alee bythe hogs reat of copes la seb they Jo come sa ure toma nthe wee in ener eps the sgnfcane of hese ata faher i it aecrnry wo amine why fo mow ofthe nntenth td tretech Cenurie Jeneracy atone ha no ben acopanicd by ‘Semocrae aso amy stew the stuart foming under peau n+ ay which maker te resto beeen ‘Eocracy wie bodes nd enor obra ae ent ‘ocen why contemporary ceunsancs cen te pos of rethinking deoxy regal rad pa level and why demaacy tt rach lvls anspor’ condone evelopment of en {cacy within lal and natal sommes I shal eden to she thar democracy within tatowsate rg queen demo Ahn a newer of erway tras attra oe that such requirement thwarted by the arp arse of the Sovereign te ora he ring ono ths rare the ried ‘Nason mtm in he smc aesathofthe Second World Wa ‘one thle one can gpa the pony, sala cok tosh. fn tena onto of ae Sonny andthe Wesphaion err The hitony of the modern intersate stern, and of intentional relations more general hus bore He eatin to any demacae * Davin Hawn principle of ogaizaton In th ara of wo palin Hobbes way of {Rung bout poss power roto asoen een ead the tron sg! ct of he ean a esate a the oa level ese comparison beac atrstional rons andthe ate Gente esrb te eres sem of tes Ding 4 seeinr tore sf mar war a oan al icone thea serch sts ey wach sexu oe itr ringed By any hier eg or orl ere. inna oie afar isthe acount his Bee sone wih thee tncy fiers pen Ream nme inte sf ber rk that he ye eri ates incapacitate nd tht th anarchy ces Seaeranhe petal bene i ay saree aie to ence mora ‘chavr an! aged inert ade to pre omer pls tert avant tres Ts up ew of tats has ad “Jeu inurnc on tthe aay and prac of iteration Earn een timec te aera conn prima epanaton [Hiei and rer of werd ata atau the modern Siew mason state tng to ch wl ava ar 2 ‘erp tecondut eran ens na hae hh mses the pls ofthe overeat “Feoncmtan of eas an Ee olen sate’ cain wo supreme uthonty i etogton tha sc a es ter ates a een ootenmy apc wi hi own bres tn he ‘Sora the apd eroon of Cason sony rom the te seth ‘Shr the developmental soviet par feces of mul tconison where ste granted each ther Fale Fromm hie eagesve tere and crm Accrd “tay smerny ied the seri bythe moder te of nde ‘itecce hat of epee of tf ton oer a friar pee and racy And inthe wel of reins amo Meee pei of the sveegh equality of a at raul fetime nea the paramount ple governing the fra inc of es twa ene aati howeer representa oF Siepresenate weve ht para reine "The conten of mteaatnl cer which emerged to cai and ermine the mesa sytem ba been leeds the Wespala Soe he Pence of Wea of To ih rug oa ed Reena phase he Ths You Wart The mode overspend i tit ci though some woul gue sl as ody) I lathe emerge fer comma consi freee Sst thc difeeses yey a fen Before: whi Faow Cirvtrates v0 4 Cosmonourray Oxon? 29 ngage in diplomatic lations ba others minimal cooperation which Seek to place thei on nauonl interes above ll ther, and which cept te loge of he pine a lecivener, that nthe rnp tat might eventually makes ight nthe international werd - tha appropri tion Becomes legimation®” The model of Westphalia sunmaried in table TL" oats Lt The Mal of Wea 1 Tie word consis oad is ded by, wvertgn sate which ‘Rvognse no superar tory 2 The presses lw making the secement of disputes and aw “norcmen re argl i the ha of rads sate subj othe Toga te compete aga fr power 3 ileences amang states are fe eed by fore the eile of ‘fectve power hae say. rualy no egal eters eit arb he est to foreitcntoml eal standards ford ania rotecton, 4, Resposbity oes order rong cts res rite ater concerning onl ose affected: calc intent n romance ‘nth terion a rece Allan are regarded seul ber the a pl rae not take ‘Secount of asyametic of power 6 Tovernacoal aw ioctl othe etabiahmet of minimal ale oensence: the creation a ending elation mang tte and ‘ees au bat nl to the ete that allows sation plea lijeeotes tobe met 17 The mnmieaion of pediment on state freedom he ‘coectve “This famework of iternationl airs had a lasting and paradoxical ‘quay rich in implications an increasingly developed and nerioked fates mem endorsed the right of exch state to autonome Pendent acon Ar one commentator har pty noted, the pat of thi teas that states were ‘not sujet to international moral requirement because they represent separate and dierete political vrders with m0 common aunty among ther’ In this staan, the Weld const of ‘Separate pital powers pursing her wn interests backed utes Uetheir organization of coercive power™ “The conaaton athe modern tuts system rensked rom the exp sion af Earope across the lab Ifthe Iberian monarchies led the fry weave of European gbakzstion: thei onion was eraded inthe seven teonthcestury by the Dutch, andsubsequent hy the Englah Key etues| ifthe modem state sytem the envazaton of poll power, the » Dav Hen ‘expansion famine rue he legitmaton of power hrough cms {orrepestaton the emergence of mased nies ~ which exsted in Europe in emo inthe ssteentn century, were to become prevalent features a he etre bal system" ‘While the difsion of European power manly ccared though the red of seen stay an commerial endeavours, Europe came connected to glbl sytem of trade and production relation Shipe At the cente af the later were pew and expaning capitalistic Economic shanna whch had the crgin a te stent cent, rin what sometimes ale the Tong sateen cerury ranting om ‘hour 1150 go 1610" Capa ras rom the Benning an nternational ‘Suir capil never alles its sprtons tobe determined by rational ound lone Consequenty the emergence of expan ushered in Tandemental change inthe word order made pone, for the Hest ime genuinely ga interconnections among sates and societies ppenevated the ant corners ofthe wor apd brought reaching Shanges tothe dynamics and nature of pole! rule “The development of dhe world copia econo nialy tok the for ofthe expansion of marke lations, deven by a lowing ned or aw ata and the ators of production Capitalism stimulated this Cdn and wag in urn, ioe bys Tews to make a dtnction ictwecn the expansion of capitalist market relations based onthe desire {upsell and acemlate mobl esurce aptly sd the formation ‘fndustial capitalism invelting highly dtintve las relations base Inialy on thowe tho ow an ostol the means of production and those whe have ol then labouring capacity to sel [only wih the {eelopment af eptlam n Etrope ater 1800, adn partclar with the formation of the capitalist organization of reduction om the tual ofthe eigtenthceury, tht the atte of apts andthe pts sar gan to consege” Prom thi period. the abjecves of stor became Inked to econome objectner mary endeavour ahd lngues cane ore diet coonerted wit the prs of economic ‘Sante than they had been in eater periods ™ “The eablstion of economic ie ~ roa. the grt of complex cemom nterconnestion song sates and socetee has not by an? tneane sen. of courte, # auem process. alectng each ream an ‘Sounty ina sina way. From te utc, ths peocess has involved ret ‘os fo the autonomy and independence of many for example the fworrenivellapse of pon-Enropesnclizaons among them the Mortem: Indian and Chinese the donanizing eects f western ule om {ange number of sl sets, andthe nei degradation ofthe from Bupeas apd European worlds caused by he dave trade fat Feow Cry-srates 10 4 Commorouiraw OnbeK? —_3t baat hasbeen characterized both by techy and eve fear Hirwchy dove the ero ef coonras balan he Comin ty thors cantlaon af conn power ements a the'wer tnd nonh. Wit the decline af Ewes crest the {wench cn. ate en fhe Cal War cementing tas anus ce move gins chan evra he dtreant oF Iran he fost ie a eopole k hat e emre ‘Seu ofthe dng ida comes ll plot sper Sis che primary anna within cho heer we ame of ira per Whie hare may be ance abot the pees ‘cin fae he ct he anc ne a thes the hah! suc of he eonome proenes of beer {in iy pace the ang eonomic poner fhe wee fonts co postions “he ther de of herchy i unevenness: Thi fers to the an seta eer somone ealzaton pon thc We shances endo Being of peopl, cases hic promi movement ed the re The conta of thse prcen ef wren” et ero icrm hough they wl pot be Socumened ere Thc se bony ‘oncned th peop, ne and ger and cry, wah ‘Sunes af pve and depaton hun tng te cet of te South ong non-ses nd uang women Heer che exten of Scan poverty inthe north a Eup andthe US he peiene of ‘remanent wane neal ren Sag Pero of marked owt and te fate a many indus peoples Eakee the aprounate more of conceiog aumento fe ‘tro toe. Coctenmas i phomenon af bah icra sod ‘svonddvelopnest The gnc a sol and ple eeteason imate ehh or ening senate Sn i "the eicve power which sovereignty bestows i toa icant degre connected he eenone sures he dap ft ot people Cer he sures piyean mob wiley cern 0 {Saison nthe al sre cl ccm tans epg ee itera dito ofa ad the spp ea reer ft ‘onal onm sewers The ong sare any aes ‘Seniesa thera under peare ems ay Soares ad ice pee bre them on te esa ie invetbeen agparett muy oun rt sie The spd sere a suonmy io may thd won somes wa ey ‘edt the arog fr raton fom clonal caninaion Dee ‘orci hac hot the wow inporane to thane sow at 2 Devo Het ‘a previous been deni isha dare sovereignty nota ours che Sure thing ay fr or praca sovereignty. The oen weak and bt fiden econo any tid word cunts eave dem vlnerabe Ia ependent on scm forces apd rlasons ovr which they have its ary cont Atongh the insematinaizaion of production and France places many instrament of economic contol Beyond even the ‘owt peril countries the poskion af those atthe lower end of the Faas hierarchy experiencing the worst eects of unevenness ‘Shetty worse Pati independence fen provides at best ony brie respite fom se povesee of manasa in he wo economy In eons Sh hose ofthe sub Sahara here the boundaries of he sate (ith 0 Sill exceptions do ot eorespond othe boundaries any sates hat. ‘Coste ble clonantion where there hax been 0'estbised ab oF ‘hersng central authors an ecepting role and where some ofthe ‘ont cemestaryhunan secures have een Been absent ndependence hasbeen ht th many sper of ely Agus this background, the achievement of any form af democracy x sigieae. Neverles, the achievement fs handicapped ty vlnerabty tothe international ‘onomy bya resource se which trestening the autora {i pliteal oganzations and by social groups often deeply dvd by ‘ee power hardship ad real axel xb eh calural and “ther cnserasons In ado, i andieapped by the very spate (Fhe international piel sete which aver india tates, oked iho he competing prs heir or secur and etrest who Ipsec means to pete dhe countable and regulon of ome of the nt perl nes ordering national and nteratonal aa eit mal and economve mig ch atimatly determines the efecive epiwment of les and resources within and across Borders ss the ‘Westphlan wrk ‘Te sntrmatimal onder and the United Notion Carer “Thetionicsmygles dhe Fst nd Second Word Was le to a grow ing chnuwederent that the eatre and proces of international vretnancenoi have ta ching if the mt extreme forms of lence ona haranity wene to be awed, and the growing interconnected Meo andmerdcpemence of mations sega. Sy he sujet ope and vers seers the Wexghahan sooeption of international Fexulato.parssls conception of ternational ere al ald ‘fat and remo, opinion moved aint the doctrine that iter: ‘ational li, as Oppenbsim put ii a Taw Benen eater only and ‘clisivel# Single persons and spoups became recognized as subjects ‘ot ternational aw fs enerll accepted for example. that persons as Individuals are sje of iterasonal awe the basi of rh doe iments atthe Charters ofthe Noremberg and Tokyo. War Crimes “Tatunal, the Univenal Declaration of Human Rights of 194K the (Covenants om Cin an Poleal Rigs of 1966, andthe European Con ‘estion on Fluman Rights of 198 ‘Opinion has abo moved asin the doctrine shat international lw ima about pital and seatepe (state) firs. According to this postion, international law is concerned prowess wth orchestrating “nd reusing econonse, sol and erbvonmenal matters Linked 0 ‘bsnl increases in the number of ‘actors in world poles ~ for texumple the UN, the UN Economic and Socal Coan, UNCTAD, the ‘Werld Bank the Ineration! Monetary Fund the Food and Agrclrl Organization and the Werld Heath Organization ~ there have een many pressret increase the scope ofiteratonal in Faced wth thi ‘Eyckpment, there re thove wh chaacerie the changing reach of imernationalaw as being ever les concerned wih the feedom or bert. ‘faater, and ever mere ith the genera welfare ofl howe nthe bal [yatem who are able to make ther ce count nal the influential legal doctrine that the oly tue source of inter satioal law i the coment sates = ether thei eapremed Sngent, or thei implied content ~ as been fundamental challenged. Tay. 4 Imber of sources of iteration Taw jostle for recognition. These faclude the traditional sources auch as international conventions or ‘wets (general ov parca) which are recogized by sates ter national custom or pactice which provides eidence ofan accepted rule (set of rules: and the underlying principles of low recognized “Giied ations Tey alo ince the wl ofthe interoatonal cm ‘munity, which can assume the sat of i” or be the hi of inter= ational legal obligation’ under erin ccumstances®™ The later repre sents breakin pile withthe requirement ofnivdal tate conten inthe making of nterational rales sd espns Although the Westpalun model of iteraional law bad eres throughout the mor era, particulaly daring the dated ers ofthe League of Nations, rar ot nti er the Second Words War thst newt model ofineratonal aw and scout was widely advocated nd accepted culminating inthe adoption othe UN Charter The image tinterntional elation projected bythe Charter (and veld doc sents) was one of states sil jealousy “sovereign bt linked together Ina mrad of eating: under pressure to resolve disagreements By u Davo Heo esol means and according to legal cei abet fn principle 12 Sai reactions onthe reso to fre; and conned to ober ‘ern standard with egard to the renter ofall persone on thle tery cling thei nm citizens! OF eos. how restive the proven o the Charter have ben to sae, nd o what extent they five been asl” opertonaled, are inportant questions, Before Addesing them ywever, eating clement ofthe Charter model hous beserthed ace able 12) 7 Tie wer conmuniy com of rein ante, cmaaed trogh {seach o ate both ahd aeons Sige Dom and gaps rege epi ncaa ‘Sane aera ee 2 Ecru pone opr by ei powers st ems or reign ‘coups ae epee gh ofrnagion tds cia le ‘Shang thr fre od beeen 3 Thorn pudad stg of sands nd lot ich cl ato

‘he inernatonl egal sytem, nado, globlation can engender a tearencer of polities dierence at much at an awareness somon ‘eri: enhanced eternal communications can high confit ‘of iterest and Holy, and ot terely renner to mtu in postive terms. globuliation init at leat tw dint pheno- Faow Cirvstares 70 Cosmovouizay Onven? Sn Ft meget wep nd wl ay Soh E mer ee son eee —rr—"_ Lr —_ --—hErrr——t—‘_O Sein ececlagell ornate iniarne and ga ong a h”” Sn nS etc ed seh i ia ce ay le oo ———— .—rr——C cae cen ols nahh eho rs het aa pe eee a. —C—rti“‘i‘iés—sS=|= ae sere ged ee! se rrrrC—t— rr eee aT sted DCL se tm be ay Bl se ea ici el ie oar ce Sie ei lng ta ee ey ne Sista al tee ohne copes anther pn See re ert poae cate ele lone |. - = =~ ~—d SF Sova nei tte eri buna SC Loe cana a een me aay ig na te ems rT a r—— Cr saga Bhs lease Seem te seta prs EIN AD Eo ed aw ee becom profs doc proc eping wiih cy mach tGoont's nt ef ws nl ping compe ois ere of fro Tho mig ha apron to demoray be devo! Wha es csc hrc Aesig ts gunn eq ting ‘sic gone bout he nnd coe dees db Beye at ves te pa dose ten Since ee et agua coer es hc & mint ae pre th an ‘eased gap mai nd win te meer eral we ‘mnie psy f deme ty mos sheridan CSpaing ine doce oni te gars Tere sha anecoet athe common ole dmc Te meno canbe sed yng aon some inate Treats, te Sonmaptan model of demas re snes the crn of eed anes fe Ae nd And he sheen a tw ‘heehee a che Eaopea Parner) tha ‘oe hoe engsied in ace tego iden ‘Stern snd eran Alpe sth dereoprers ‘Remo cs the pty of neste cond too ‘ton and natin te wan costes eed scrig te esa sope of contr tenia os eon ‘peri ental gorcamensl ers pe many 22K dma tron tte on hbase fetap athe certo i cle sper ed ach rea pr ‘Sncaiy eps conaaener ou ses ‘and onthe ges the someon moe So crac sates eutectic eps ween paiement nko sap ans Eisenia dis-wakog” sche athe be Sand {nesta tee ad tte rene af terion cone ‘Senet gaps dna ts ce mesg fol auton hs actin tremens he ‘both within and beyond political associations. “ Ie thease ton af ator tl demerteastes toutes sccemned ertcompoet ce SIL eon sen The (ar ponte to toa cane tte the Come Ae nd ees sepia strength special veto power in he Secarty Coun to those Irth crrent ce former superpower satis, An ahora aster of [Bl democraie state and sites wo neck uneeservedy fo place Brincipes of democnte repesecation abowe those of superpower plies Moreover uni the General Antmbl of he UN, would ot to hegn witha en, be sn anembly fal masons: ir would Be an ‘sembly of democratic nation which woud daw in others oer te perhaps bythe sheer neeaty of Being a member if ther systems of forerance are to enjoy legitimacy inthe ees tei om populations ‘rsach the new arse in tr eey stages can Best be tho of cnsplement tothe UN which would eter replace over tie seep ina modied formas second chamber'= necessary meeting place fr al states respective af the nature of thei eines ‘Ofcourse the ides of new desocrtcnterasonal seb open to a amey of bjesons commonly put fo simdar adheres Would have any teeth to implement decison? How would democratic iter ional tn beefed? Wold there be a centred police snd Ilan fore? And soferth These concer ae sigfcant But any of them can be met tnd countered For istance, needs toe essed that ny global legative itu shoold be conceived above all as 8 ‘andar setong into, Ahovgh a dation ought fo be mate Sevwcen legal trument which woud have the sats of le ine pendently of any farther negotiation oration on the part of a region oF ate or local goverment and instruments which would roqie farther ‘Sscuson with them, implementation ofthe deta ofa broad range of recrsendasons would be a matter for nonglbal levels of gover tnce™ Io sakdton, the gueton of lwenforcement at 4 rejoal and foal ewt isnot beyond reelution io plncpe: = proprtion of ation-ute' police and mary perhaps « geoing proportion over "ime could be seconded tothe net steratonal authors and placed their diploma routine bas. To thir end avenues cou be estab Tshed to meet the concern that ‘covenant, widow the sword are Dut words ™ Ely, oly to the exten that the new fra of policing’ are lacked lgo an soternatinal_democrate framework would there be good sounds fr thinking that new setiement Could be crested eter cece power and accuntabiy I sich a setement seem lke Faas shouldbe orphsve that 2 anny to imagine tat one fan advocate democracy today without cononting the range of ses Slahorted here I'he emerging intemational order to be demorai, Shwe aves have tobe comadered. eventhough ther dete ae of ‘use open to hither peifeaton. 2 Desio Hero The implctions fr iternatioal ci saciety ofall his ae in part dear A democratic nctwork of ates and cl wee incompatible ‘rth the eence of poesia ets of soil reltion ad organizations ‘eich any wie a the very bass of ther operations, sptematialy stort Geocraeeoninons and process. At sake ar, among other ‘ings. the curtaent of the power of corporations to constrain and Inloeace the poi agenda (rough such diverse measures the public funding of elections, the use of olden shares” and tien “Sretors and the restriction of the acti of power wansnationg Interest yroupe 10. purbe their interes unchecked (through Tor example the regulation of Bargaining procedures to minimize the use of orc tare hin and beeween pie and private swoon, at the enactment of rales iting the sponortip of poll repe= ‘eter by seta interenty,whether thee be perce indasin or tage union individuals and peoples are to be esd equal in determining the onton of hiro existence here st bese soil spheres. or instance. privately and cooperatively owned esterpises inde pendent commnications media. and aitonomol un ultra centres ‘which alow ther members conta ofthe revources ther dpa shout iret antererence frm political agencies «other third Parte"? At asa hee il society that nether simply planned n0¢ ‘merely marke oentated but, eather open to organizations scans tad agencies pursing their own projec, subject to the constraints oF lemoeratc process and «common sractare of acton® “The hey features ofthis model ae set ou in tble 13. The conmo- politan model of democracy present 4 programme of possible tans ormations wth shor” and long-term polities mpcations I doesnot present an all-rnothing choc, but rater Las down» decom of Pile change th ler points of eiatton (ee spend. ‘Would sconnopelitan framework of democray,azing is details could te adequately shed nut, hve the cngaiztiona resources procera legal ssstsionl and military = to aker the dspam Fesource prection and drbution and of ale erestion and enforce en in he contemporary er? kwould be dept mileadingfo sees that would inal have these apubisties Nevertbelest, comma iment to the extension apd deepening of mechanisms of demorraic [stcountaity across major rion an snerationlstrctures would elp to eplaterevources an oces whi ar alent beyond the reach ‘of national democratic mechanisms and tavements, Moreover i ommiment othe protertom ar strengthening sna ihn ‘hefner development 2 regional and iteration court stem, row Crr-srares 10 4 Conworourran Onoen? $3 Thais 13 The Conmeplin Mal of Demecraey 1 Tegal order consis of mail pd oveayping networks of erlang the pata scl and econo 2 pops nd ncaa true ight of elf determiation ‘pened yp commlent nda ana ands ee ‘Site ahs The sate composed gt hin vd aos ‘ichncmork of poner Topher these hr ona the Bs Of Sacapomerng ee ner x democrat mtematoal a 15 Emalog and aw -nfrcement cn be developed with his frame tert ats mete ctons ad levee slong wh an expen of “cites ginal nd intertnal curs to motor and check pial and socal autho. 4 Legal principe are doped wich dein ee fom and scope of ‘did ant elect ston within the organs wd sci ow sate enc sce. Certain stants ate speed or the trenteat oll wind 9 pelea regime civ sociation can icgmmcty ole 55 Rea consequence the principle of ao coerive relations gore the element uf dates tough these a force remain electre “pon ne lat esr te fea ranma atch fo erate ‘Srncwai nteretonl nw 6 The dfnce os determinaton, the eeason of common sre {acon andthe preservtion ofthe democratic god we the overall folie pres. 2 eterminne pine of oc jute low: the ma gern of the prac, stun andthe expen of resources st be mule wih the Gemucrat roe anda common Famenrk of woul! id the proces whereby india and groups could ste their overinet for the enactment key human rigs ‘In addivon the esalishment of regional authorities as major inde pendent vices in wor polities might contribute Fae othe eason [rth ol dtm ofthe wor hy the US athe forty USSR. Likewise the new insttuonal focus a the pl level on major transnational fuer would go some way toward eradicating setaran approaches 19 ‘here question, and to countering hierarchy and some ofthe major Symmetries in iechance Final new set of eon and global rules Sn procedures might help prevent pbc alas fom Yecoming 2 ‘oaznire of inightng snag ntuns holy soa to sete pressing Soe ome 4“ Davin Het ‘Of cure there would he new posible danger ~ no political scheme is fee rom suc rinks But what wuld et te would Bethe eying {tthe creation of pew iterationaldemerati culture a peo Set olf fom the partisan lame of the nation-state. Such develops Frat ake years ot desde to Become entrenched But 1989-91 has Shoven that pois change eam take place at a extraordinary sped ‘el na doubt partly a est ofthe proses of aeton Conch In order to avid possible mituaderstandings about the argument sere above i might be sei by wa ofaconclason tempeh Terran they secpy and the ground they reject This ean be done by Issestingeieal a numberof conceptl pares fequeny fund Poli discourse: glam vers cura diversi conan ‘evs potties: pola! ambition vers pial feaslity:partiatry ret demotracy versus eral representative demonruy Ad bl governance Fom shove vers the extension of grstouts ascations {fom below. Although these panes provide mach ofthe tension hich changes the debate aboe the possi of democracy beyond Borers, {here are ood restos for doubting the coherence "To beg with sobalm and cultural diversity are not simply opposites For bal inereonnectedoes i ale ormang dene eh ta relaons ating cltres one to another The ee haw td in wh tray cultures ae inked and intereated, ot how a sled cults ives can persis the ae of pabliraon. ‘Second the jntaoston of contttonalom ~ or the elaboration of theoretical mes of princes of pte organization wth pls 2 pact ats. sets up another tube pari. Polis peal Gperates within a amework ~ abet a shifting Famework ~ of uk, Posies thot ome pters and most en aut de are ofthe rls hic wl shape an linc pola activity, For ples 1 rot about the wave in which res and resources are dire, Produced und lgitmated. The ghertion i wheter pits will be Shape hy an esplict femal conmitution or model Which might princi, be ope an intel or whether pls wl be subject to $n enwrten conatation whith altogether more ifcl to ine 2 defences the ace of unaccountable seein of poe “Til the question of Fan cannt spl best up in opps vio to the qucton of palitalamuon, For what ans tay Int he ease tomorow Who atsputhe remakable hangeso Brow Cirverates 10 4 Cosnorouiraw Onoen? 45 1989.90 in Eastern Europe? Whe foresaw the fl of eommenism in the Soviet Union’ The proving intrconnetednes between sats and societies i generating coseguencs, tended and unintended fo he Sbity of repimes, goverment apd states. While the quesion of| Puli feast a the utmost sinscance would Be nave to jt pose spy with programmes of poliiealanbition Fourthly. versions of patipatory democracy cannot simply be ‘opposed to liberal reretentatve democracy Programmes of part patory oF direct democracy ae aght with compleier and [goeione Likewise, Hhera repreenative democriy dove not phy Imean one set of posse institutions or forms The natre of Hera ‘Eiocrary tel an intensely contested tur, So whe there sem ta be fe rounds or eceting the eral dtnctin beeen sate nd Dickey there are no equally good rounds for unerisealy accepting ‘Ether of thee in thet Ubeal form, The jutaposton of patiption ‘with Hera representative denocracy leaves moat of pla analyst ne ae Fithiy, the problems of gatal povernnce from above cannot be solved though the extension of grasoots democracy shone. For the {guess have to be posed: which grassroots and which democracy? ‘There ae many toil movements formance, righting nation movement othe Evgnice movement - which highlight how the very tore of «grassroots movement can be contests and fought over “Grarroes movements are hy no means mere noble we. Like most socal economic or pola orm they can apearin sway of ships ‘wath »vanety of patterns of internal organisation An appeal to the ature or inherent goodnese of rauroot atocations and movement Dypames the never work of theoreti rales "Toda, any attempt to sct out postion of what could be eal ‘coheed stopianimy mis begin oth rom where Weare =the esting puter politcal lations and prcemes and um an anlss of what tight be: ese plies rn and principles I atop to be embeds mus be linked into pater and movements as che are Busi ths contest of embedednes nut singly ta be ale sn the shapes and pattems generated by past groups and movements ic has be nmeted according t standards ere and peinpen These. ‘ie Flom rom a theory of democracy Final the history a pratce of democracy has vat now bees ‘ented othe ie f locality [the cast, the commit the ation} i i ly tha i the ature i wil be centred on the fate tinal or global domain. would be immensely ae to cli tha ‘thee arty stright solutions tothe pbs posed by bal ” Davin Hato interconnects wth ix complex ander profoundly uneven effets bt theres. without doen inesapably important set of questo tobe ssresedCenainly. ne can Sd many god easons or beng optic ‘howt ntingspat orward nd many Bood reason for tinking that ‘his junctre democracy wl face another erties Arresonx Objecves ofthe Conmoptan Model of Democracy asatie hee ‘Sort Liner Polcy/governnce five the thie world scant ‘vomiting apo) ein = ee a a 2 retin of UN sod amine 2” New Chaner of Rg and Des (cote mlarte Be) Inada’ Stren oie of 8 Bad mil waitin 3 Satin of pal alo 4 Complore the Irom bl lp em Intemational Cr New ne Fan ign Cou re poral ‘lt Ain dem cis Sexier ei Ne Segoe From Cor-srares ro 4 Commoroueran Onsea? a7 ‘cones of ‘yoshi {ie eptoat nitin ‘heruovunraleswa pine aon sf pene of omc + Gt ee re te ee er rt ‘prconoeneec center cae aera ena Hence ies RSS Sacer eRe taee steer 1 Seer reat es eon een | EES s tae omens i at 2 EE ibe acceso an Renae d Mirhmora boar trhem oP eae 2 SSRICTa TN emi iy wet ERS oe Se meee ee Ea i ree coerce emcee eacren emcee bag eget wer pata imanera TRE NGS wc Ct Pn 9 ee) Ee Peak Te ain Me Frain Pla hgh and “tn Ro cn Pomc owas eH 11 ‘Theremin view empszs in shor tht fe feo of eso cones oc ah ae thf prt hae aoe sn Tee pes ott nei ce feck om nde negra ie 1a Bien te are Farad 8 Huey ea nc te een te ee ie ai e101 ik wt gga Fy Day nk Ct Won ee ea ~~ —e oe ee en aegrcn Peak ee oom — =~ +~«~ 2 Cie eee Gove ere ma Suppose a correct anower exits any sme sie sion in cu stances where thee = complete conten on the ende which the ‘econ shoud serve tt much mare ket tha he ee wl concer ‘competing claims which canot all be met simkancosy in ce ances where no resolution of the competion can be deemed jective igh In the deliberative conception the aim i reach ‘aereement hich might be ached in iferent ways One way forthe paripants to agre ona substantive norm. wich all concn thinking Isthe appropriate nom for the cases hand. Another way to gre on 8 proved which abstracts fom the merits ofthe arguments sand by parila laimants. (Ths suppose the queton i ow an auadle resource ach ar tract of land should be alos ts Between tread troupe that lay claim to ie One posibity would be to agree om Principle sch as tha the resource should go tothe group whi pede t ‘ost or which could ue mnt productively, then on he Basi the Srqunents advanced decide which group that Was, Akemvely the Atberatig dy might el tat re not competent to make such 8 Judgement and opt insted for a procedural sluon, sich sharing the fesoure out equally between the groups, rutng i between them, oF feciding by lot In either eae, the outcome fa decison which al the bates involve ay fel tobe reasonable, but thi doce ot entail te Felcting any wanscendent standard of juice or rightnen. The femphass inthe deierative conception vo the way in which a process Sf open dacsson in which all pots of tew tan be beard ry Teptimate he outcome when thi iste o eet the dcssion that has preceded i noton deliberation ae dacoveryproceare in search of ‘My im inthis chapter ito see whether deliberative dena may be les rurale than iberal dermeray othe probs posed by sca ‘hoie theory for democracy in general In arging inthis wa 1m npareny reversing «common opinion that wc shoe obliges to ahindon populist model af democracy. in which democrat decisions se represented at expresion of the people's choise or the popolar Ss favour of ierar models in which democratic election are ontrved merely 8 4 sneguard aprns the energence of Sania flrs Dernocray o this ew ia matter ofthe vores having the ih 1 pero mera to remove fom aie goverment hich hey ave ome to dike. An notion hatte voters should in some me ose ‘tay determine pbc policy misguided. Ths argument play some le Inthe casscaldeences of ier demecrary by Schumpeter and Dah 8 Davo Musee and her more seenty been developed at length end with great inellecual force by Willa Riker From my. perspective, however, both Herland populism as understood by Riker counts arnt onthe Hberalidel of democracy For populism ithe view tha individuals preferences shouldbe mulated by ving to el genera wil which then guides poly wat sn Raker sene lees in hat tes he purpose of| ‘ecionsin neg erms a valing the removal unpopular leader. Both is ce democracy aa matter of gueyating voters preference: they ier ver he question af wheter policy ean Be oxen thi, ‘roniy the pesonel of government The lea that democratic dion fhe nota mater of garegating preferences at all bu of eaching sree Jaden foreign to Bs TEs ime ow remind readers of the challenge which social choice theory poses for thet iberal views of democracy. Sappove a voting pbc Hos so decide besueen a number of pay options = suppose, to ‘kes concrete cae, ha the ame is how Bea shold generate is “ec and the pic hat chaos Between oa ied fired, Fred and nuclear power satons The message af socal choice theory tnd ie partly fs moet celebrated consituent, Arows general Dm theorem that one canna devise a mechanism fr making ich decions which stancusy mest numberof quite weak and ‘sonable sounding cnitons that we might wane to impose (euch ws ‘ontonicty or the reguiement that a ster reste postion of ne {Gpuon in his or her cnn peronal ranking thi eannot hae he ect f| Towering iin the socal rain “Fins one might at. it Me problem posed by socal choice for democracy = that iin genera there fs o Iie 19d rational Way lamang voter preferences to each 0 sovial decision ~ vt i aie two tore specie problems. The fst the arbitrarnes of Ecnon ues tnd the second the nearamavoiabiy of sate Sting or more set of apporunies for sats wong Decision ‘sal rnd speaking into cate. hich along Riker we ms {al auioteian and poronal methods of selecting preferred ‘utcome Majin ries proceed by olevng voter series of bina hoice and depending on which option wins which encounters et fn overall Winer Soy in our exaype voters would bead to choowe swcon coal tnd for generating crit. between con and gm SSToah, There oul bem sents of joie onthe questions sckee then meee or dcoverng the veal hose Posional res ak Sees to rank the sabe options and then compute a winner sing ‘Hoe parca th far infra, Th ots mag be asked oan b, Cnowe 79 ‘he ene apo fom to 4 on thr blo paper and then a winner ‘ould be fd by some rl char gga pon to points each See ome Se cace snd one pit eh i cones “Te problem of branes rie ese i thee which fhe many posite res het matcher our iusive sense of ang the fnton whch the wes mo petro tp he psi anh wa So ty given re pomble To ge example where tng that rile fradtcer sn catcone tet seo repent 1 ear Pe of hat Trroci deca shed be Arvog rain ren © mong CSmendr i the Condorct ele tat my opton which beats al the thes ina sees oftnuy choc shuld be the alc Bat there Sn urns any parr cic that sachs Condorcet wine on beround so there complete Ths ar ih eat Col a toe eo acer per hich tr wat benten by one ofthe other pons the rae ob complete hatha be extended fo cape ‘th th psy, ot here eno extension ate say he age ne" Amon postion les the ove ste aoe he Bord Count. with seores ech option according othe place ha i each tote raking so thet my top oon ges point my cond option ‘FT points and soon igh he ay down One problem wath stat ‘Tanah make te feron among gute popalrepions depend wp tre ‘ray sme voters srk way or econ opio if thee aon the San puper Fal tn eben tht the Condes and Borda ules do ot cesta converge thet 4 Conder winner my tx, bot» scree opcon ay be ted yuo he Bard ou “Thi mighocor where the Canerer inner “ule pone tan y wes the fin choc ofr nner of poole ended to be red ver lw hone wh were guns theese pion = pet tity ees refed dy es lo Here tnt tl earthy esol jp Ther ase forthe option with mot fire preference a acs fr he Srp Proposal which comes sony hgh tit people ekg "Tre scond protien vate voting, which ane repressing ur tru peeencer whe ou vote wah the awa cesng he ‘hance of your vated option Obviwly the sate he dents ‘your having some noledge of the peferences ler vrs ean {thon that here tll no decom rl tat not vlna to sea mailto sone oes con oat” an ‘up tamer ay hao ong thou Suppose ee eng + Imraan dion ue pole by sostge voting to Hak he ‘herpes of Comet wine Tas seppoe nour ample eat Davo Mussa _ = she Condon wine f none woes sincera act Fariculryasre tml omer, Dt avery strony eomeited 0 foaled sauon Ucanot fener power deeing cal 8 ‘eneeen hes options hrf oer hk kee we ca sto the ‘Mier Sandwagon by ting inser fr ga when the choice ‘ivcea wv andmcetr poe poe thus revenge emergence Star poe as Con ne ig he Sthtry nde bing employed nthe hope tat coal all. Ea {PT po woun Segal and (knw hat ge. be hl chine they Tea bot te shane aly sce ein at ath ie Theo coure no urate that ny sae Stent sec my apponentsnay behave seatepcaly ton Bat hi ol Teneo unlerine fe manne of the vet econ which in thee cocomstones weld have eye im tobe ead ying We poplar 1S cheng posed by soil chic to deoerati theory an be reduced two use caine, that there smo re for ageing ‘Sohal pecrnces hiv fr on rt nd oper {Woes peers and ta eal eey rae sujet to sate Tanlasonso ht ten it would proses pale acme fr throne erences eveyone voted sincere the aca otcomes IER rhe Sed by rap ing "ering om ha the eral ew femora, penis sich as Iter rrpnd te tr shalenge by elucig he space ofthe ‘ect proceso that of proving aan guint at Rake cl Sony een hs sald te eek ance the oun oF ‘leon sto some doe tary athe sol ice a how {Snot appre why they shold pk ofr removal poplar {waa ears Colman snd Fe pot ths pt Wel seer cto. te em snr oa sac ten senso unde te raew fdemoet sn SHSM ee ee oft pee anon he ned the aro oting meen ‘Can th peoblems of sci cove e aide altogether by sitching tosine deere ideal of democracy? Sol choice theory posts Drsinsaarve Desocnscy avo Soci Cuoiee ores with gen pecfeenes ovr outcomes, ad it sometimes Saget hat once we alow thar nt pens my er the ‘onto esion main. ete loge apy. ® a ts reponse {ton simple-minded So long there is problem of alga the tote wher nthe pt of deaon "cong tobe me peas thee or more poy tone se sli play an hare rani Preference fron there teres the ol che yn aply& Seesson rae mx be ond snd his © potent uel the rose of afrarnss and Stee manpalation. I iy accu of {ciberatve democracy Tinted a, sgh al coensus wa he ideal ging dean. mod be ge sara to suppose tht ‘vey istine of deiberton wold clit eneninous epee ors wills have tobe tten and whee sting caw penal silo hc probleme Rather than seeping aa ai hc ther at tok, mya is tne mare hmted on f showing thst deltas denen) has the reoureer 0 aerate the soci che problems faced by the plea Community The ese I shall mae hat oman pecs The st Concerns the way which deibrson may tn the Fags rete ces that have fo be algae the Bal agement Te ced oners the way in hch knowledge othe ae of pian ie “elbertng body may inivence the che a eesion re The fst part othe suet adens one ofthe ns of Ao’ iil there, namely the regent Sat the sacl coe peo ‘clr shold beable toaceommndae ty pole set idl nk dering ‘of outcomes. ‘Thi atom may ined seem sleet Sepeas to pck up the ber sea that eth person ene tongs ttve preferences eo he choose otha ay its on inde Fak ordesings nl be nrminaory a Rierp thep ay al "comand tht prohibits» eron tom choosing some prerence ‘rer moray racepale ost east onl) rm eps of ‘eyocen)" Ba rater tha some enteral point psaie ways ‘tanking aerate, the posses Lvs coment tha soe Inlet of peerener mig spntaneuny be wansfomed tug the proces of deliverain that he foal set of rains em ca Acton ha to erent was much slr thon he onal se is rere owe could drop Avon's ued eandon our the seicreueen i the cil eon ceo eo ‘ope wth al ble es of pratbogen rings T's shorty sat thi gh lp te rele the scl ‘oie rblems we have ented But fst we need to cans why ‘ome ital pseenes sight be sinioied ith ay. The se 2 Davo Mute scighforard cove tat of prefrece orders that ae ato ‘late the ate edn enna beets Tose he ney ply ‘ample someone i ge energy sources erly onthe a ‘Shrsonmentl soundness tnd opin wth the rank order col £0, Siar power However inthe course of debate rong evidences pro- ced ibow the ninesphen secs sshrag power stone ich decay pases es Slow gu nom a enronmenth Join aie Misi nt soy har he orginal rank oder completes Sevens Besse ter ay be eer ae stances fom ih ‘en appropriate Bur then aun ay eh one waa 90 ‘elds hve abe stances ste et of deat to eal the Son odesings ins slr purer of coherent pte “Aiecnd ce tin preeences hat ae so repugnant he ora eit fhe sey wid whch the decison re Being made that 90 {he lig vo nance thom ina publ context. Ths sem Be ugh the postion, wih racst Beet in comerporary Bea: & Saber ot people nem prey bu ti pene econ hat ther cannot De acted pial rae ie PctaertAd his Ac consrain th set of plies hac be oper. You ma vo" Stiga resins or tress, butte ft that Yo cannot event these esos pal ss that he pais you ast hare {he general ott they cat exp csemit eoveen SALE wate immigrants “The most imporant way in which deliberation may ar in preeeace howeves tat tine ny aig desir ofthe UEtberntwe ideal Prerenes hit are not so much imal as nary Stitegrdng wl tend be mated bythe proces of public dba ‘Toueaten tee engaged in pli debate we mus argue a ems that ny ober particant ook peril acep and Tod or sok Sivan tamer Os Bob Candin bas ott point hen we a2 public lene mus launder our pretences wo thal pi enatedones ae expresd | Scan here hepsi Pele Spreaung one se of preterences debate and voting aceordiag 1 ‘osher tc at deiion tne wong pu hit could any occur st ‘Recon ome om resi nd ha may bea et ‘SSsoo for having an ope wtng wer ener condition het “rouinte to dlbewtne democracy Brenan and Psst ne ‘Putman Howere even onder a secret blot seems f0 8 lacie ht we eas he poy sh ‘Rhein nn for ne poston an then og or ner Ti [ES sboot human poychogy sae thats 9 have comm Sure econe poston pb you would finds demeaning overeat © Deumuxarive Dewocnacy ano Sociai Cuoice 82 4 ors posure the pin of mail dessin do ot ys ‘oni tc but hk ws wey ae Snce ths i stout the moran elt of public diction i croc oyun abot dlr democracy woud ea ht foie wo unre X wi some emp eden, eon at Sawn direct om the ldo pais The rece of erence comes fam paolo epee which to uae the eh oF Jes In there exeimen + number et reson eo teesing of il which the cece hand age the ceed Ey evel blaced. Ty te tensed oe tre aly? sot py wees on th bs oh thy rds ier mock je ied evel betwen the bo views The uct ‘dh ett wl he jy ena each pone eld prt Some ing jis, ad then sal proportase guty anno gly tert net boweer ho mate oval the st aly Iie which he serch sree pretence oa ene sre ‘Thacin were he prec of otic eponos eggs ta ther realéoube sto the ult orimocenes ofthe ced, You sald gi the ‘cured the bevel tht Jou by staring sor uly verdes Now the leniency norm is ays preset tote dort but te point fo. stich Iwan to dw atrtin ha allowing the erst prod of ‘Eemion before aking then tov thi colecne vet ied the cone noes nthe pot guly eon, The be erplnaton steno be tha tect aun sot te ort tome periph wenn thinking Ye he al eae pking recat grec on th otter vehi the ene ofthe doe caher word the elle of Gicusin o o sites same poe fm apart agerent to enrich eon hr ‘outs en to appa cvs ote so (ite Roce in et ny ha cs cn acta sms ko tat an rate nor indacng paps to hi ‘Remar arming 8 coin Lindo foop, Bron petking Ascusion hat the eer of tuning vaso of separ nua into group who ae one anchor Soopers Fehape can win isrte hs nth some Cxprmental den tht ne eng {Peps conontngs can Wane’ Dieta Each meres gen¢ ral sam of money ad tld hat he ors an ether tes tor rel donat 0a coninon po! whereapon wil oud in cate and shared eq aug ames he op, Obl ‘evyone dont eveyone diester ncome bathe ney tmonal gto dof ol ak he money, athe expermer a ‘deserting sent pro of dausson meta doled th te “ Dasto Musa cooperation, rom 37S percent to TAB per cen Exacy what the formative mechan at work hee ay be open to. question, But ‘lly the tet f debate wr to generate a norm of cooperation within {he troup strong enough inthe great majority of eases to overise inciualseifrteres, A group of ends would have no diclty Creating theselves rom «Prone Dilemma they woul rus one Shuster akeny Taking to ane anser appears to bea fury fective tra of ling ends in this cave “Te upto ofthis agurer ithat re ave good reasons expect the

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