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7 Secrets to a Soul-Full Life

By: Cathy Brennan Prosperity Coach

These are the 7 secrets to a soul-full life. Experiencing meaningful prosperity is available to
everyone! If you choose it, yes, that means YOU too. Incorporate these tips into your
everyday life and you will be amazed at the results.
Here is tip number 1:

Align - Whatever you focus on expands; if you constantly think there's not enough....guess
what there isn't. By focusing on what's good and the abundance you already have, you create
fertile ground for creating more abundance. Aligning your energy with your desires is
critical; your reality always resonates with the energy you're putting out, consciously and
unconsciously. See yourself as successful, whatever that looks like for you; great
relationships, a booming business, personal fulfillment, money, house, car, really envision
your life as you want it to be, feel what it feels like and reduce your resistance. You will begin
to experience synchronistic events that help bring it to reality.
Coaching Action:
Identify something you wish to manifest and focus 5 minutes of positive thought on it each
Tip #2:
Authenticity - This is all about walking your talk. People instinctively know when someone
isn't being authentic. You can feel that disconnect. When your thoughts, words, feelings, and
actions are not congruent, you're not walking your talk. It also consumes a large amount of
energy, just like telling a lie you have to keep track of it all. When you're authentic you have
all that energy to devote to fulfilling your dreams. Being authentic means being real, it
requires that you be conscious of how you're showing up in the world. It also requires some
vulnerability and humility, the ability to move past your ego.
Coaching Action:
For the next 24 hours write down areas of your life that you are being authentic and those that
you are not. Celebrate the areas you are being authentic. Choose 1 area where you aren't being
authentic and take some action.

Here is Tip #3:

Courage - By moving through fears to take an action, speak the truth, be authentic, or try
something new, you are beginning a transformation. Often times when working toward a
dream or goal you encounter stumbling blocks like limiting beliefs and old behavior patterns.
When you lose touch with the present moment, these stumbling blocks become mountains
that stop us in our tracks. It takes courage to persevere, look at the blocks and find a way

around, over or through them. Courage is the ability to step through the fog of fear and be
authentic, stand for your values, embrace your unique brilliance, and live your soul purpose.
Coaching Action:
Remember a time when you acted courageously. Write down the memory. Over the next 2
days look for ways to stregthen your courage muscle.

Here is Tip #4:

Connect - Connecting to a higher power; the universe, God, Spirit, source energy,
whatever you choose to call it, is foundational to living a soul-filled life. When you connect
with the inner stillness inside you you're able to tap into infinite wisdom. It becomes possible
to move past the ego and hear your soul purpose. You can see the interconnectedness of all
things and still come from a place that isn't dependant on outside influences. When you are
connected or centered you're living on Purpose.

Coaching Action:
Over the next 2 days every time you feel worried, anxious, or frazzled take a 1 - 2 minute
break to breathe. Simply close your eyes and take 10 deep slow breaths, pausing a moment
before you exhale. Notice how you feel afterwards.

Here is Tip #5:

Fun - Fun is a top priority for soul-full people. It makes you feel good and feeling good
attracts more things to feel good about (positive energy flow). When you're living a soul-filled
life it feels good. The higher vibration feelings like joy, happiness, enthusiasm, and
appreciation resonate with the similar vibrational feelings or energy. By adding fun into the
mix you're moving your energy in positive flow and attracting more of the same. So be a little
silly, have some fun, let your hair down, sing in the shower, play a game, skip down the street,
do what ever is fun for you. Infusing fun into every day improves your health, makes you
happier, more productive, and more efficient.

Coaching Action:
Over the next 2 days add a little bit of fun into your morning, afternoon, and evening. It can
be a joke, taking 5 minutes to swing on a swing, singing along with your favorite song,
whatever makes you feel good. Notice how the difference in the flow of your day.

Here is Tip #6:

Choice - In all things we have a choice, by recognizing and actively choosing you move
more quickly toward success. Most of us recognize choice when it comes to what color shirt

or what do you want to eat, but it's more difficult to recognize that you have a choice about
how you feel. When something goes wrong you can choose to blame or you can choose to
learn from it. You have a choice on how you view something ie: glass half empty or half full.
You can choose to act or to take no action. Acknowledging that you have a choice helps keep
you in the present moment. Consciously choosing to be happy or focused keeps the ball in
your court and allows you to create your day.
Coaching Action: At each meal for the next two days stop for a moment and consciously
choose how you want to feel in the next few hours and notice how this shifts your energy.

Here is Tip #7:

Expressing - How you show up in the world is how you're expressing yourself. What gets
you going? Where does your passion live? Expressing yourself is about bringing your unique
brilliance to the world. Connecting the why you do the things you do with how your doing
them. It's your soul purpose expressed in the real world. This doesn't have to be a grand
gesture, by infusing the little things with your soul purpose you have a big impact. Each of the
previous secrets is a piece of the puzzle. How you express your soul purpose into physical
reality, is a combination of choosing to align authentically while remaining connected and
sprinkling some fun in for good measure.
Coaching Action: Make a list of your top 3 passions, things you just love, that really get you
fired up. Now find little ways to add them into every day life. Keep a list handy so you see it
regularly to remind you.

Feeling the Energy

Many people can feel the energy of a chakra, some can not. Often it takes a little practice.
Start by taking a few deep breaths and hold a hand over one of your chakras about 8 inches
away. Gradually move your hand closer until you can feel a warm sensation, keep your eyes
closed and try to feel any movement in the warmth(chakra energy).
If you can't feel it just try again aonther time or with another chakra. If this one does'nt
resonate with you try the breathing activity. As you get e feel for your chakras you will be
able to tell where the energy is slow and can focus your attention there.

Get comfortable, keeping arms and legs uncrossed. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths in
through your nose and out your mouth.
Now breathe in slowly starting at the first chakra(root) and moving up through each
chakra. (you may need more than one breathe to get through all 7 chakras). Imagine
the breath moving through the chakra up to the next one.
After one cycle through the chakras, start again breathing in through the first chakra
and notice if the breath flows easily or if there is resistance.
Again move through all 7 chakras. The areas that you felt resistance are the chakras
needing balancing.

Bridging the gap from where you are to where

you want to be

The Root of It All

The first chakra is the root chakra. It's located at the base of
the spine, specifically the area between the genitals and the anus.
The color most often associated with the root chakra is
red. This chakra is our base, the begining of our journey, it's the
foundation upon which we build. It is all about our survival and
tribal needs.

Feelings and Emotions

The root chakra is focused on our survival needs. The basics like food, shelter, and
clothing as well as our need for community,relationships, and legacy.
It is with this energy that we balance our service to others both giving and recieving
in a healthy
appropriate way.
It is here we work the fine line of accepting old family and community beliefs and
adopting new ones that better suit our current situations. This is where our journey to
self awareness begins starting by looking outward and ending with seeking
With a well balanced root chakra there is a grounded, stable feeling, and a solid
sense of security.
An under active root chakra will show up with a fearful, nervous state and a feeling
of not belonging or fitting in.
An overactive root chakra will show up as resistance to change, materialistic, and
controlling(in an attempt to feel secure).


The root chakra governs the pelvis, legs, feet, skelatal system, lymphatic system,and
sexual organs.
If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the root chakra
with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your
current plan).
When you breath into the root chakra visualize white healing light infusing the chakra
and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then

Sex and Money

The second chakra is the sacral or pelvic chakra. It's located
about 3 inches below the navel,at the base of the spine .
The color most often associated with the sacral chakra is
orange. This chakra is where our soul embraces the body, the
innocent self, it's where creativity and sexuality reside. It is
all about our relationships with other people, money, and pleasure.
Feelings and Emotions

The sacral chakra is focused on our creativity, emotions, sexuality, and play. We use this
chakra to balance energy exchanges, including partnerships, money, fun, and responsibility.
It is with this energy that we balance our lives experiencing joy and freedom without
obsessing over it.It is here we walk the fine line of controlling and free falling.
This is where our creativity flows from. With a well balanced sacral chakra one is able to
enjoy life comfortable with emotions, pleasure, and balance.
An underactive sacral chakra can show up as pessimism, flat, lifeless approach to life, a
powerlessness, feelings of guilt, low or no libido, obsessions, blocked creativity, and/or
An overactive sacral chakra can show up as aggression, dramatic behavior, overly emotional,
and hypersexuality.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.

The sacral chakra governs the bladder, intestines, and pancreas.
Issues like lower back pain, sciatica, libido over or under
activity, ob/gyn problems, and urinary problems can reside in this chakra.
If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the sacral chakra
with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your
current plan).
When you breath into the sacral chakra visualize white healing light infusing the
chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter
clockwise then clockwise.

Power Play
The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. It's located below the rib cage at the solar
plexus.The color most often associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow. This
chakra is where our personal power resides. It's where parental and societal
messages are held. Self esteem, ego,personality, and 'who am I' are the cornerstones

Feelings and Emotions

The solar plexus chakra is focused on self identity, who we are, and how we present ourselves
to the world.A balanced third chakra presents as happy, self respecting, relaxed, flexible
demeanor.There is a strong sense of personal power and the ability to engage with others in a
confident yet approachable manner.
An under active solar plexus chakra can show up as timidity, aloofness, passivity,
indecisiveness, isolation, unapproachable, or a feeling of being deprived or invisible.
An overactive solar plexus chakra can show up as judgemental, stubborn, critical, ggressive,
or domineering behaviors or the inability to feel satisfied.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.
The solar plexus chakra governs the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys
and adrenal glands.
If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the solar
plexus chakra with your
breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your
current plan). When you
breath into the solar plexus chakra visualize white healing light infusing the
chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter
clockwise then clockwise.

Love is All Around

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It's located in the center of the chest. The
color most often associated with the heart chakra is green. This chakra is where
our emotional attachment to others resides. It's where love in all its forms is
held. Inspiration, hope, trust, and generosity are the cornerstones here.

Feelings and Emotions

Love is the basis for all human experience. The heart chakra is focused on love, compassion,
generosity, and trust. The ability to see the good in others as well as ourselves is inherent
in the heart chakra. Healthy balanced emotional attachments with others are a sign post of a
well balanced heart chakra.
An under active heart chakra can show up as a lack of compassion, martyrdom,
possessiveness, a cold, distant demeanor, and/or a feeling of being unloved. It can also be
exhibited by constantly looking for sense of self or self esteem externally.
An overactive heart chakra can show up as jealous, stingy, or angry behaviors. It also shows
up as a pervading feeling of being taken advantage of or suffocating others with 'love'.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.

The heart chakra governs the heart, circulatory system, lungs, breasts, shoulders,
arms, hands, and blood.
If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the heart
chakra with your
breath and some extra cleansing may be of value (in conjunction with your
current plan). When you
breath into the heart chakra visualize white healing light infusing the chakra and
gently move it,
either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise.

Walking Your Talk

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It's located in the middle of your neck, your throat. The
color most often associated with the throat chakra is blue. This chakra governs
communication both speaking and hearing the truth. It's where your will, convictions, beliefs,
and self expression are held.

Feelings and Emotions

Communication is essential for survival.The throat chakra is all about communucation, the
ability to speak your truth and hear others when they speak their truth. Our convictions,
beliefs, and will are the foundations of the throat chakra.
A well balanced throat chakra shows up as centered,well spoken, good sense of timing, and
the ability to 'go with the flow'. An under active throat chakra can show up as a resistance to
change, stubborness, and/or not talking much or communicating well.
An overactive throat chakra can show up as domineering, hyperactivity, or very talkative,
the type of person you can't get a word in edge wise with.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.

The Throat chakra governs the throat, thyroid gland, vocal chords, mouth, neck, and
ears. Some of the physical sypmtoms can be sore throat, loss of voice, thyroid
problems, earaches, tooth and gum problems and headaches. If you are
experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the
Throat chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value (in
conjunction with your current plan). When you breath into the chakra visualize
white healing light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your
hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise .

I've Got a Feeling.....

The sixth chakra is the brow or third eye chakra. It's located in the middle of your
forehead, your brow. The color most often associated with the brow chakra
is indigo. This chakra houses the energy for ideas, insight, wisdom, and
intuition.truth. It's where you sense any psychic activity.

Feelings and Emotions

The Brow Chakra is where insight and intuition live. It's about being open to inner
wisdom and having the confidence to rely on your own ideas, insights, and intuition.
This is also the chakra that house the energy for psychic development.
A balanced brow or third eye chakra is exhibited by an open mind and a sense of
An under active brow chakra can show up as fearful, worry, self doubt,envious,
rigid thinking, superstitious,stubbornness, and/or relying on others to think for you.
An overactive brow chakra can show up as impatient, fearful, highly sensitive,
manipulative, or belittling of others.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.

The brow or third eye chakra governs the brain, nervous system, eyes, nose,
and ears. Some of the physical sypmtoms can be poor sight, learning difficulties,
insomnia,and pain. If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas
focusing on the brow chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may
be of value (in conjunction with your current plan). When you breath into the
chakra visualize white healing light infusing the chakra and gently move it,
either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise .

It's All About Connection

The seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It's located at the top of your head. The color most
often associated with the crown chakra is violet. This chakra is all about your connection to a
higher power, your spirituality. This is where you hold the interconnected integration of the

Feelings and Emotions

The Crown Chakra is your spiritual center, where you recognize and communicate with your
higher power. This is where you experience yourself as part of the whole.
A balanced crown chakra shows up as open to the divine, feeling connected, and part of the
An under active crown chakra can show up as self denial, feelings of shame or being
misunderstood, rigid thinking, unaware of spiritual nature, and a negative self image.
An overactive crown chakra can show up as a need to feel indispensable, craving
sympathy frequent frustration, and over intellectualizing.
By regularly cleansing and balancing the chakras you can keep a balanced state.

The crown chakra does not govern any body part, but is associated with the central
nervous system. If you are experiencing difficulty in this area try focusing on the
crown chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value (in
conjunction with your current plan). When you breath into the chakra visualize
white healing light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your
hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise .

Christiane Northrup

Understanding how energy works in your body can

help you decipher your individual bodys unique
language. The chakras are the energy centers in the
physical body where your beliefs and emotions are
transformed into your state of health.
As you study each of your chakras, youll discover
how your family legacy together with your current
thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can directly affect the
health of your tissues and organs.
Whether you believe in chakras as literal places in
the body or as metaphoric ones, they can help you
activate mind/body connections to help you heal.

Each of the seven chakras of the human body is

associated with specific organ systems and specific
emotional states:

The SeVenth cHakra

The connection to your Divine purpose and

The Sixth cHakra

The third eye and the center of your intuition.

The FIFTH cHakra

The communication and expression of your inner

The FOURTH cHakra

The heart of your emotional energy powered by love.

The THIRD cHakra

The emergence of your personality and identity.

The SECOND cHakra

The center of your relationships.

The FIRST cHakra

The foundation of your emotional health.
Remember the law of attraction. The people and circumstances we attract to us
are always a reflection of our own thoughts and beliefs. Update your beliefs, if


Chakra Hierarchy
Somewhat like Dr. Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs which moves from survival, to
sex, to emotional well-being, etc., the chakras have a similar hierarchy.

The first chakra at the base of the spine vibrates with the energy of safety and

The second chakra across from the genitals holds the energy of sex, procreation and

The third chakra at the solar plexus carries the energy of emotional expression.

The fourth chakra at the heart vibrates love.

The fifth chakra is at the throat and holds the energy of communication.

The sixth chakra is at the third eye between the brows and holds energy for
insight, awareness and wisdom.

The seventh chakra is at the crown of the head and and helps us open to our

Using Chakras for Healing

Most people who are familiar with the chakras do not realize that you can activate and
amplify the energy of the chakras to assist yourself and others for the purpose of healing.
Since energy follows thought, when you put your attention into the chakras, you are also
bringing energy there. Since breath carries the life-force energy, breathing may also amplify
the energy. When you have learned to link powerful body awareness exercises with focused
breathing, and vortex the chakras, the energy you generate becomes remarkable.

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