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2 chamada de Ingls 9 ano - I etapa - Prof.

Rivan Fidelis Total de escores 40

English Teacher: How to Become an English Teacher in 5 Steps
English Teachers help students develop their English-language reading, writing
and speaking skills at primary, secondary and postsecondary schools. The degree
needed to become an English Teacher varies based on what and where you would like
to teach, but a minimum of a bachelors degree is usually required. You will need state
teaching if you plan to teach at a public K-12 school. []
ENGLISH teacher: how to become an English teacher in 5 steps. Dosponvel em :

01. A citao acima apresenta as funes de professores de Lngua Inglesa, assim como
os requisitos necessrios para se ministrarem aulas. De acordo com o texto, o requisito
comum para se tornar professor deve ser:
(01 escore)
a) ajudar os alunos a ler, escrever e falar ingls.
b) obter um certificado para ensinar em escolas pblicas.
c) obter um diploma universitrio na rea.
d) aprender a ler, escrever e falar ingls.
e) querer ensinar em escolas primrias e secundrias.
02. The conjunctions and and but express respectively:
a) cause / alternative.
b) opposition / explanation.
c) condition / consequence.
d) time / reason.
e) addition / contrast.

(01 escore)

Video song clips

Some pop song videos are like haikus, like fantastic short stories put to film and
music. Others are simply by products of a very fast-moving industry from which
extremes of quality are to be expected. Video clips, as a relatively new art form, have
caught on amazingly fast, principally because they are powerful marketing tools for
selling recordings. Few stars release recordings for the juvenile market today without
the backing of videos, and many major films count on important soundtracks sales for
publicity and added revenue (for example, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, La
Bamba, etc.)
03. According to the text:
a) alguns filmes apostam nas trilhas sonoras como publicidade.
b) a produo de vdeos aumenta a venda de CDs.
c) muitos artistas ainda lanam CDs sem acompanhamento de vdeos.
d) os videoclipes so seguramente uma antiga forma de arte.
e) o custo da produo de CDs tem diminudo muito.

(01 escore)

04. Retire do texto:

(05 escores)
a. Duas palavras cognatas; ________________________ e _______________________

b. Um adjetivo; _______________________________.
c. Duas conjunes (conectores) ____________________ e ______________________

06. Match the columns.

(1) juvenile
(2) outcast
(3) nervously
(4) content
(5) momentous

(05 escores)

) pariah.
) glad/ happy.
) very important.
) young.
) anxiously.

07. Decide if the following are fragments or complete sentences. Write (F) Fragment
or (CS) Complete Sentence.
(06 escores)
a. Because he was the pariah of the village. ____________
b. As Andy and Danny walked towards the sports Center. ___________
c. They became friends since they were little girls. ____________
d. When the judges called them. ____________
e. Andy was happy after the competition finished. ____________
f. The boys decided to keep mum. ____________
08. Complete the following text with the words from the box.




(06 escores)


Henry: I had a ______________________ incident last week.

Julia: Really? What happened?
Henry: I was driving my car to school. I was in a hurry because I had a very important
exam. Then I stopped at a traffic light when I saw this girl running _________________
towards my car. She looked ___________________ and shouting, Help! I thought it
was an emergency, so I got out of the car. I wanted to help. However, the girl was part
of a band of thieves! Another man suddenly appeared, hit me, and took my car!
Julia: Oh, my God! Did you call the police?
Henry: I couldnt. I was practically ___________________. A woman approached to
help me, but I thought it would be worse.
Julie: What do you mean, worse?
Henry: This woman looked very old, poor, even _____________________ ! I thought
she was an outcast.
Julia: Come on! How can you say that?
Henry: Well, the shouting girl was beautiful. She wore nice _____________________
clothes. She completely deceived me!
Julia: Who was the dumb at the end?
Henry: Youre right. I should not judge people because of their looks!
Julia: So, your car was robbed.
09. Answer the questions according to the text.

(04 escores)

a) Why was Henry driving to school in a hurry?

b) What happened to his car?
c) Who deceived him?
d) Did he do his exam?
Read the excerpt below, from the novel Annabel, by Kathleen Winter.
Wayne's sadness over Jacinta was the sadness all sons and daughters feel when their
ferry starts moving and the parent stands on the dock, waving and growing tiny. A
sadness that stings, then melts in a fresh wind.
WINTER, Kathleen. Annabel. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 2010. p. 309.
stings: aflige

10. What does the excerpt describe?

a) A family conflict.
b) A goodbye scene.
c) A cold afternoon.
d) A lonely place.
e) A riverside camping.

(01 escore)

He tricks his classmates into doing his chores, poses as a pirate, discovers
buried treasure, fakes his own death, and attends his own funeralall in one very
exciting summer.
Who is this daredevil? Hes Tom Sawyer, the beloved bad boy of American
Tom is the main character in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a novel written by
Samuel Langhorne Clemensbetter known by his pen name, Mark Twain. Twain
had been writing since he was a teen. He was already a famous travel writer when the
book was published in 1876. Americans loved his sharp-edged humor. He had a
special knack for poking fun at important people, like businessmen and politicians
and getting away with it.
Tom Sawyer was Twains rst book for young people. He based the story on his
own childhood growing up in Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. In the books
early chapters, it seems that Tom is nothing more than a troublemaker. He skips
school. He plots practical jokes with his best friend, Huck Finn. He lies and cheats his
way out of doing chores. But by the end of the story, Tom has saved his beloved friend
Becky from certain death. And he has risked his life to help free a man wrongly
accused of murder. He might be a jokester and a sneakbut he is also a hero, honest
and brave. Go Tom!
Today, Tom Sawyer is a classic read by people of all ages. The book has been
translated into dozens of languages. Twain himself is considered by many to be the
greatest American writer of all time. He wrote 28 books, dozens of short stories, and
hundreds of lectures. Yet when Tom Sawyer was rst published, it was a op.
It took the popular sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), to make
the name Tom Sawyer famous.
Over the years, Twain tried to make Tom Sawyer grow up. He wrote stories that
showed Tom and Huck as young adults. But readers rejected them, and today the

stories are barely read. It seemed that Twains fans didnt want Tom to get older. And so
nearly 150 years later, Tom Sawyer is still about 12 years old, and as popular as ever.

11. Write (T) True or (F) False according to the text.

(05 escores)
a. Mark Twain is Samuel Langhorne Clemens most famous character. ( )
b. The novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published in 1876. ( )
c. Tom Sawyer was the first writers book for young people. ( )
d Mark Twain wrote nearly 150 books. ( )
e. Tom Sawyer lived in Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. ( )
12. Unscramble the sentences.
(05 escores)
a. believe / I / so / you / cant / are / dumb /
b. momentous / graduated / was / we / a / there / When / ceremony
c. never / supports / He / encourages / anybody / or
d. cant / criticism / She / peoples / stand
e. invite / party/ your / all / you / to / acquaintances / Did / the

Have a great performance!

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