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A M E N D E D.
To which is Prefix'd,

A S H o R T C H R o N 1 c L e from the First

Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest
of Perfia by Alexander the Great.
By Sir I SA A C

N E W 7' 0 N.

L O N D O N:

Printed for }. Tonfon, }. Osborn, and T. Longman ;

and Sold by Meieurs Smith and Bruce, Bookfellers
on the Blind Key in Dublin. MDCCXXVIII.




A D A M,

As I could never hope to write

any thing my felf, worthy to be laid
A 2


v_/ , . . . .

[[iv }

before ro U R MAJEs7r; i
think it a very great happinef,
that it hould be my lot to uher in
to the world,

under Tour Sacred

Name, the last work of ar great a

Geniur ar any Age ever produced:
an Offering of fuch value in its
felf, ar to be in no danger of uffer
ing from the meannef of the hand
that preentr it. .

The impartial and univeral en

couragement which TOUR MA
fES TT has always given to Arts

and Sciences, entitler Tou to the best

returns the learned world is able

to make: And the many extraordi

nary Honours TOUR MAJESTT
vouchfafed the Author of the follow


[ v ]

ing fheets, give Tou a just right to

hir Productions. Thefe, above the
rest, lay the most particular claim
to Tour Royal Protection; For the
Chronology had never appeared in
its preent Form without 70 U R
MA j E S T 1s Influence; and
the Short Chronicle, which preceder
it, ir entirely owing to the Com
mandr with which Tou were pleaf
d to honour him, out of your
fingular Care for the education of
the Royal Iffue, and earnest defire
to form their mindr betimer, and
lead them early into the knowledge
of Truth.
The Author har

himelf acquaint

ed the Publick, that the following


[ vi ]

Treatife was the fruit of his va

cant hourr, and the relief be fome
timer had recoure to, when tired
with his other studier. What an
Idea does it raife of His abilitier,
to find that a Work of fuch labour
and learning, ar would have been
a fufficient employment and glory
for the whole life of another, was
to him diverion only, and amufe
ment ! The Subjei ir in its nature
incapable of that demonstration upon

which his other writings are founded,

but his uual accuracy and judiciouf
nefs are here no left obervable; And
at the fame time that he fupportr
his fuggestions, with all the autho
ritier and proof that the whole
compaff of Science can furnih,


[ vii ]
be offers them with the greatest cau
tion; And by a Modesty, that war

natural to Him and always accom

panier fuch fuperior talents, fetr a
becoming example to otherr, not to
be too preumptuauf in matterr fa

remote and dark. Tho' the Subjei be

only Chronology, yet, ar the mind
of the Author abounded with the
most extenstve variety of Knowledge,
he frequently interperfer Obervati
ons of a different kind; and occast
omally instills principler of Virtue and
Humanity, which feem to have been
always uppermost in his heart, and,
as they were the Constant Rule of hir
aiions, appear Remarkably in al
bir writings.


[ viii ]
fee Atronomy, and a just Oberva
tion on the courfe of Nature, affist
ing other parts of Learning to illu
firate Antiquity; and a Penetration
and Sagacity peculiar to the great
Author, dipelling that Mist, with
which Fable and Error had darken

ed it; and will with pleaure con

template the first dawnings of Tour
favourite Arts and Sciences, the no
blest and most beneficial of which
He alone carried farther in a few
years, than all the most Learned
who went before him, had been able
to do in many Ages. Here too,
MADAM, Tou will oberve, that
an Abhorrence of Idolatry and Per
fecution (the very effence and foun


[ ix ]

dation of that Religion, which maker

fo bright a part of T0 UR MA
# EST Ir character) was one of
the earliet Laws of the Divine Le

gilator, the Morality of the firt

Ages, and the primitive Religion
of both Jews and Chritians; and,
ar the Author addr, ought to be

the standing Religion of all Na

tions; it being for the honour of
God, and good of Mankind. Nor
will ToUR MAJ ESTr be dif:
pleaed to find his fentiments fo a
greeable to Tour own, whilst he con
demnr all oppreion; and every
kindof cruelty, evento brutebeasts;
and, with fo much warmth, inculcater

Mercy, Charity, and the indipen

fable duty of doing good, and pro

[x ]
moting the general welfare of man

kind: Thoe great ends, for which

Government war first instituted, and
to which alone it ir administred in
thir happy Nation, under a KING,

who distinguihed himelf early in op

pofition to the Tyranny which threat
med Europe, and chufer to reign in
the hearts of his fubjeir; Who, by
hir innate Benevolence, and Pater

nal Affection to hir People, establihes

and confirmr all their Libertier ; and,

by hir Valour and Magnanimity,

guards and defendr them.

That Sincerity and Opennef of

mind, which is the darling quality
of thir Nation, ir become more con

fpicuour, by being placed upon the


[ xi ]

Throne; And we fee, with Pride,

eminent for a Virtue, by which our
country is f deffrous to be distin

guihed. A Prince, whoe views and

heart are above all the mean arts of
Diguife, irfar out of the reach of any
temptation to introduce Blindnef and
Ignorance. And, as HIS MAJ E

STT ir, by his inceffantperonalcarer,

difpenfing Happinefr at home, and
Peace abroad ; Tou, AMADAM,

lead ur on by Tour great Example to

the most noble ufe of that Quiet and
Eafe, which we enjoy under Hir Ad
ministration, whilst all Tour hours of
leifure are employed in cultivating in

Tour Self That Learning, which Thu

fo warmly patronize in Others.

a 2

1 0 UR

[ xii ]
TO UR MA J E S T T does not
think the instructive Purfuit, an en
tertainment below Tour exalted Sta

tion; and are Tour Self a proof, that

the abstrufer parts of it are not be
yond the reach of Tour Sex. Nordoes
thir Study end in barren fpeculation;
It dicoverf itelf in a steady attach
ment to true Religion; in Liberality,
Beneficence, and all thoe amiable
Virtuer, which increafe and heighten
the Felicities of a Throne, at thefame
time that they blef All around it.
Thus, MADAM, to enjoy, together
with the highest state of publick Splen
dor and Dignity, all the retired Plea
fures and domestick Bleffings of pri
vate life; is the perfeiion of human
Widom, ar well as Happineff.


[ xiii ]

The good Effeir of this Love of

knowledge, will not stop with the
preent Age; It will diffue its Influ
ence with advantage to late Poste
rity: And what may we not antici
pate in our minds for the Generati
ons to come under a Royal Progeny,
fo defcended, fo educated, and formed
by fuch Patterns !

The glorious Prope giver ur

abundant reafon to hope, that Li

berty and Learning will be perpe

tuated together; and that the bright
Exampler of Virtue and Widom,
fet in thir Reign by the Royal Pa
trons of Both, will be tranmitted
with the Scepter to their Posterity,
till thir and the other Works of
Sir .

[ xiv ]


be forgot, and Time it felf be no
more: Which is the most fncere and
ardent wih of


May it plast Your MAJESTY,

mot obedient

and most duifil

ubjet and ervant,




C O N T E N T S.
Short chronicle from the first Me

mory of Things in Europe, to the

Peria by Alexander the page 1.



The Chronology of Ancient King

doms amended.

Chap. I. of the Chronology of the First

Ages of the Greeks.

P. 43

Chap. II. Of the Empire of Egypt.

Chap. III. of the Ayrian Empire.

p. I 9 I
p. 2 6 5

Chap. IV. of the two Contemporary)


of the Babylonians and pp. 294

V. A Defcription of the Temple
of Solomon.

{ P. 3 3 2

Chap.VI. Of the Empire of the Perians. p. 347




HO The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms

amended, was writ by the Author many years
fince ; yet he lately revis'd it, and was aually pre

paring it for the Pres at the time of his death.

But The Short Chronicle was never intended to

be made public, and therefore was not fo lately cor

reted by him. To this the Reader must impute it,
if he hall find any places where the Short Chroni
cle does not accurately agree with the Dates af:

figned in the larger Piece. The Sixth Chapter was

not copied out with the other Five, which makes
it doubtful whether he intended to print it : but be
ing found among his Papers, and evidently appear
ing to be a Continuation of the fame Work, and (as
fuch) abriagd in the Short Chronicle ; it was
thought proper to be added.
Had the Great Author himelf liv'd to publih
this Work, there would have been no occaion for
this Adverti/ement ; But as it is, the Reader is de

fired to allow for fuch imperfeions as are in/epa

rable from Posthumous Pieces ; and, in fo great a
number of proper names, to excue ome errors of

the Pre that have estaped. The following oner,

'tis hoped, are the most coniderable : viz.
P. 34. 1. 23. for Peloiris, read Petofiris.

P. 4. 1. 29. for Appion, read Appian.

P. 1o3. l. 2o. for Crete, read Sicily.
P. 16. 1. 1. for Alymnus, read Atymnur.


P. 138. l. 22. for Peleus, read Pelops.

* *

r , li


a sHor r

rRoM tHe

First Memory of Thing in Erp,

to the
cara of Persta by armar de cra.
- --- -

The INtroduction.
H E Greek Antiquities are full of

Poetical Fictions, becaue the Greek.

wrote nothing in Proe, before the

Conquet of Asta by Cyrus the Perfan.

Then, Pherecydes Seyrius and Cadmus Milestus
introduced the writing in Proe.


4thenienis, about the end of the Reign of Darius

Hyfastii, wrote of Antiquities, and digeted



The Introduction.
work by Genealogies, and was reckoned one
of the bet Genealogers. Epimenides the Hitorian.

proceeded alo by Genealogies ; and Hellanicus,

who was twelve years older than Herodotus, di

geted his Hitory by the Ages or Succeions of

the Prietees of funo Argiva. Others digested
theirs by the Kings of the Lacedemonians, or Ar
chons of Athens. Hippias the Elean, about thirty
years before the fall of the Perian Empire, pub
lihed a breviary or lit of the Olympic Vitors;
and about ten years before the fall thereof,

Ephorus the diciple of Iocrates formed a Chro

nological History of Greece, beginning with the
return of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus, and

ending with the fiege of Perinthus, in the

twentieth year of Philip the father of Alexander
the grcat : . But he digeted things by Genera
tions, and the reckoning by Olympiads was not

yet in ue, nor doth it appear that the Reigns of

Kings were yet fet down by numbers of years.

The Arundelian marbles were compoed fixty

years after the death of Alexander the great (An.
4. Olymp. I 28.) and yet mention not the Olym
piads: But in the next Olympiad, Timus Sicu
lus publihed an hitory in feveral books down
to his own times, according to the Olympiads,

comparing the Ephori, the Kings of Sparta, the

Archons of Athens, and the Prietees of


The Introduiion.

with the Olympic Victors, o as to make the

Olympiads, and the Genealogies and Succeions
of Kings, Archons, and Prietees, and poeti
cal hitories fuit with one another, according to
the bet of his judgment.

And where he left

off, Polybius began and carried on the hitory. :

So then a little after the death of Alexander

the great, they beganto fet down the Generations,

Reigns and Succeions, in numbers of years, and
by putting Reigns and Succeflions equipollent to
Generations, and three Generations to an hundred

or an hundred and twenty years (as appears by

their Chronology) they have made the Antiquities

of Greece three or four hundred years older than

the truth.

And this was the original of the

Technical Chronology of the Greeks. Eratosthenes

wrote about an hundred years after the death of

Alexander the great: He was followed by Apol

lodorus, and thee two have been followed ever

fince by Chronologers.
But how uncertain their Chronology is, and
how doubtful it was reputed by the Greeks of
thoe times, may be understood by thee pa:
fages of Plutarch. Some reckon, aith he, Lycurgus contemporary to Iphitus, and to have been

his companion in ordering the Olympic festivals:

amongst whom was Aritotle the Philoopher, argu
ing from the Olympic Dife, which had the name of
B 2.


of Lycurgus,

The Introduction.

Lycurgus upon it. Others fupputing the times by the

fucceion of the Kings of the Lacedmonians, as Era
tothenes and Apollodorus, afirm that he was not

a few years older than the first olympiad.


Aristotle and ome others made him as old as

the firt Olympiad; then Eratosthenes, Apollodo

rus, and ome others made him above an hun

dred years older: and in another place Plutarch

is * tells us: The congres of Solon with Croeus,

fome think they can confute by Chronology. But an
history fo illustrious, and verified by fo many wit
nefes, and (which is more) fo agreeable to the

manners of Solon, and fo worthy of the greatne

of his mind and of his widom, I cannot perfuade

my felf to rejeti becaue of fome Chronological Ca

mons, as they call them: which hundreds of authors
corretting, have not yet been able to constitute any
thing certain, in which they could agree among them

felves, about repugnancies. It eems the Chrono

logers had made the Legilature of Solon too
ancient to confit with that Congres.
For reconciling uch repugnancies, Chronolo
gers have ometimes doubled the perons of

So when the Poets had changed Io the

daughter of Inachus into the Egyptian Iis,

Chronologers made her husband Ostris or Bac
chus and his mitres Ariadne as old as Io, and

fo feigned that there were two Ariadnes, one


The Introduiion.
the mitres of Bacchus, and the other the mi

ftres of Thefeus, and two Minos's their fathers,

and a younger Io the daughter of fafus, wri
ting jafus corruptly for Inachus. And o they
have made two Pandions, and two Erechtheuss,

giving the name of Erechthonius to the first ;

Homer calls the firt, Erechtheus: and by uch

corruptions they have exceedingly perplexed An

cient Hitory.

And as for the Chronology of the Latines,

that is till more uncertain. Plutarch repreents

great uncertainties in the Originals of Rome :

and o doth Servius.

The old records of the

Latines were burnt by the Gauls, ixty and four

years before the death of Alexander the great;

and Agintus Fabius Piffor, the oldet hitorian of
the Latines, lived an hundred years later than that


In Sacred Hitory, the Affrian Empire began

with Pul and Tiglathpilafer, and lated about
17o years. And accordingly Herodotus hath

made Semiramis only five generations, or about

1 6 6 years older than Nitocris, the mother of the

lat King of Babylon.

But Cteias hath made

Semiramis 1 5 oo years older than Nitocris, and

feigned a long eries of Kings of Affria, whoe

names are not Affrian, nor have any affinity
with the Affrian names in Scripture.

The Introdufion.
The Priets of Egypt told Herodotus, that Menes
built Memphis and the umptuous temple of
Vulcan, in that City : and that Rhampfinitus,
Maris, Affchis and Pammiticus added magnifi
cent porticos to that temple. And it is not
likely that Memphis could be famous, before
Homer's days who doth not mention it, or that
a temple could be above two or three hundred
years in building. The Reign of Pammiticus

began about 65 5 years before Chrit, and I

place the founding of this temple by Menes a
bout 2 5 7 years earlier : but the Priets of

Egypt had o magnified their Antiquities before

the days of Herodotus, as to tell him that from
Menes to Meris (who reigned zoo years before

Pammiticus) there were 3 3 o Kings, whoe Reigns

took up as many Ages, that is eleven thouand
years, and had filled up the interval with feign

ed Kings, who had done nothing. And before

the days of Diodorus Siculus they had raied their

Antiquities fo much higher, as to place fix,

eight, or ten new Reigns of Kings between thoe
Kings, whom they had repreented to Herodotus to
fucceed one another immediately.

In the Kingdom of Sicyon, Chronologers have

fplit Apis Epaphus or Epopeus into two Kings,
whom they call Apis and Epopeus, and between

them have inerted eleven or twelve feigned


Il l'IllCS

The Introduction.

names of Kings who did nothing, and thereby

they have made its Founder gialeus, three hun
dred years older than his brother Phoroneus.
Some have made the Kings of Germany as old as
the Flood: and yet before the ue of letters,
the names and ations of men could carce be

remembred above eighty or an hundred years

after their deaths: and therefore I admit no Chro

nology of things done in Europe, above eighty

years before Cadmus brought letters into Europe;

none, of things done in Germany, before the rie

of the Roman Empire.
Now ince Eratosthenes and Apollodorus com

puted the times by the Reigns of the Kings of ,

Sparta, and (as appears by their Chronology till
followed) have made the eventeen Reigns of
thee Kings in both Races, between the Return of
the Heraclides into Peloponnefus and the Battel of

Thermopyle, take up 6 2 2 years, which is after the

rate of 3 6 4 years to a Reign, and yet a Race of
feventeen Kings of that length is no where to be
met with in all true Hitory, and Kings at a mo
derate reckoning Reign but 18 or 2 o years

a-piece one with another : I have tated the time

of the return of the Heraclides by the lat way

of reckoning, placing it about 34o years before

the Battel of Thermopyle. And making the Ta
king of Troy eighty years older than that Return,


The Introduiion.
according to Thucydides, and the Argonautic Ex
pedition a Generation older than the Trojan War,
and the Wars of Sefostris in Thrace and death of
Ino the daughter of Cadmus a Generation older
than that Expedition : I have drawn up the fol

lowing ChronologicalTable, o as to make Chro

nology fuit with the Coure of Nature, with
Atronomy, with Sacred Hitory, with Herodotus
the Father of Hitory, and with it felf; without

the many repugnancies complained of by Plu

tarch. I do not pretend to be exact to a year:
there may be Errors of five or ten years, and

fometimes twenty, and. Knot> much


A hort

[ 9 ]




First Memory of things in Europe to

the Conquest of #
by Alexander
the great.

The Times are fet down in years before Christ.

H E Canaanites who fled from fo/hua, re
tired in
numbers into Egypt, and
there conquered Timaus, Thamus,

or Thammuz

King of the lower Egypt, and reigned there un

der their Kings Salatis, Bon, Apachnas, Apophis,
janias, Affis, &c. untill the days of Eli
muel. They fed on fleh, and acrificed men
after the manner of the Phnicians, and were

called Shepherds by the Egyptians, who lived only

on the fruits of the earth, and abominated fleh

eaters. The upper parts of Egypt were in thoe

daysunder many Kings, Reigningat Coptos, Thebes,




A Short C H R o N I c L E.

This, Elephantis, and other Places, which by con

quering one another grew by degrees into one

Kingdom, over which Miphragmuthofis Reigned
in the days of Eli.

In the year before Chrit 1 i 25 Mephres Reign

ed over the upper Egypt from Syene to Heli
opolis, and his Succeor Miphragmuthofis made

a lasting war upon the Shepherds oon after, and

caued many of them to fly into Palestine, Idu

mea, Syria, and Libya ;

and under Lelex,

zeus, Inachus, Pelafgus, olus the firt, Ce

crops, and other Captains, into Greece. Before
thoe days Greece and all Europe was peopled by

wandring Cimmerians, and Scythians from the

backfide of the Euxine Sea, who lived a ram

bling wild fort of life, like the Tartars in the

northern parts of Aia: Of their Race was

Ogyges, in whoe days thee Egyptian trangers
came into Greece. The ret of the Shepherds

were hut up by Miphragmuthofis, in a part of

the lower Egypt called Abaris or Pelustum.
In the year 1 1oo the Philistims, trengthned
by the acces of the Shepherds, conquer Irael,
and take the Ark. Samuel judges Irael.

1 o 85. Hemon the on of Pelagus Reigns in


1 o 8o. Lycaon the on of Pelafgus builds Ly

cofura; Phoroneus the on of Inachus, Phoronicum,

A Short C H R o N I c L E.

afterwards called Argos; gialeus the brother

of Phoroneus and on of Inachus, gialeum, after

wards called Sicyon: and thee were the oldet

towns in Peloponnefus. Till then they built on
ly ingle houes cattered up and down in the
fields. About the fame time Cecrops built Ce
cropia in Attica, afterwards called Athens; and

Eleuine, the on of Ogyges, built Eleufis. And

thee towns gave a beginning to the Kingdoms
of the Arcadians, Argives, Sicyons, Athenians,
Eleuinians, &c. Deucalion flourihes.
1 o7o. Amois, or Tethmofis, the ucceor of
Miphragmuthofis, abolihes the Phnician cutom
in Heliopolis of acrificing men, and drives the
Shepherds out of Abaris. By their acces the

Philistims become o numerous, as to bring into

the field againt Saul 3 oooo chariots, 6ooo

horemen, and people as the fand on the ea

fhore for multitude. Abas, the father of Acrifius

and Prtus, comes from Egypt.

1 o 6 9. Saul is made King of Irael, and by

the hand of fonathan gets a great vitory over
the Philistims.

Eurotas the on of Lelex, and

Lacedemon who married Sparta the daughter of

Eurotas, Reign in Laconia, and build Sparta.
1 o 6o. Samuel dies.

1 o 5 9. David made King,

C 2.

1 o 48. The



A Short C H R o N I c1. E.

1 o 48. The Edomites are conquered and dif

pered by David, and ome of them fly into.
Egypt with their young King Hadad. Others
fly to the Perfan Gulph with their Commander
Oannes ; and others from the Red Sea to the

coat of the Mediterranean, and fortify Azoth

againt David, and take Zidon; and the Zido

nians who fled from them build Tyre and Ara
dus, and make Abibalus King of Tyre. Thee
Edomites carry to all places their Arts and Sci

ences; amongt which were their Navigation,

Atronomy, and Letters; for in Idumea they
had Contellations and Letters before the days
of job, who mentions them: and there Mofes
learnt to write the Law in a book.

Thee E

domites who fled to the Mediterranean, tranlat

ing the word Erythrea into that of Phnicia,

give the name of Phnicians to themelves,

and that of Phnicia to all the ea-coats of

Palestine from Azoth to Zidon. And hence

came the tradition of the Perfians, and of the
Phnicians themelves, mentioned by Herodotus,

that the Phnicians came originally from the

Red Sea, and preently undertook long voyages
on the Mediterranean.

1 o47. Acrifius marries Eurydice, the daughter

of Lacedemon and Sparta. The Phanician mari

ners who fled from the Red Sea, being ued to


A Short C H R o N I c L E.


long voyages for the fake of traffic, begin the

like voyages on the Mediterranean from Zidon;

failing as far as Greece, carry away Io the

daughter of Inachus, who with other Grecian wo

men came to their hips to buy their merchan

dize. The Greek Seas begin to be infeted with


1 o 46. The Syrians of Zobah and Damastus

are conquered by David. Nyffimus, the on of
Lycaon, reigns in Arcadia. Deucalion till alive.
1 o 45. Many of the Phnicians and Syrians.

fleeing from Zidon and from David, come under

the condut of Cadmus, Cilix, Phnix, Memblia

rius, Nyffeus, Thafus, Atymnus, and other Cap

tains, into Aia minor, Crete, Greece, and Libya;.
and introduce Letters, Muic, Poetry, the Offae
teris, Metals and their Fabrication, and other Arts,
Sciences and Cutoms of the Phnicians.


this time Cranaus the ucceor of Cecrops Reigned

in Attica, and in his Reign and the beginning

of the Reign of Nytimus, the Greeks place the
flood of Deucalion. This flood was ucceeded by
four Ages or Generations of men, in the firt of
which Chiron the on of Saturn and Philyra was
born, and the lat of which according to Hestod

ended with the Trojan War; and o places the De

ftruction of Troy four Generations or about 14o.
years later thn that flood, and the coming


A Short CHRoN I c L E.

of Cadmus, reckoning with the ancients three

Generations to an hundred years. With thee Ph

nicians came a fort of men skilled in the Religi

ous Myteries, Arts, and Sciences of Phnicia, and

fettled in everal places under the names of Cu
retes, Corybantes, Telchines, and Idei Daffyli.
1 o 43. Hellen, the on of Deucalion, and father

of olus, Xuthus, and Dorus, flourihes.

1 o 3 5. Erettheus Reigns in Attica. thlius,

the grandon of Deucalion and father of Endy

mion, builds Elis. The Idei Daffyli find out Iron
in mount Ida in Crete, and work it into armour

and iron tools, and thereby give a beginning to

the trades of miths and armourers in Europe;
and by finging and dancing in their armour, and
keeping time by triking upon one another's ar
mour with their words, they bring in Muic
and Poetry; and at the fame time they nure

up the Cretan fupiter in a cave of the ame

mountain, dancing about him in their armour.
1o34. Ammon Reigns in Egypt. He conquer
ed Libya, and reduced that people from a wan
dering avage life to a civil one, and taught
them to lay up the fruits of the earth; and

from him Libya and the deert above it were

anciently called Ammonia. He was the firt that

built long and tall hips with fails, and had a

fleet of uch hips on the Red Sea, and another


A Short CHRoN I c L E.


on the Mediterranean at Irafa in Libya. "Till then

they ued mall and round veels of burden, in

vented on the Red Sea, and kept within fight of

the hore. For enabling them to cros the eas

without eeing the hore, the Egyptians began in

the Stars: and from this
his days to
ning Atronomy and Sailing had their rie. Hi
therto the Luniolar year had been in ue: but this
year being of an uncertain length, and o, unfit
for Atronomy, in his days and in the days of

his ons and grandons, by oberving the Helia

cal Riings and Setting of the Stars, they found
of the Solar year, and made it con


fit of five days more than the twelve calendar

months of the old Luniolar year. Creua the
daughter of Erechtheus marries Xuthus the on of
Hellen. Erechtheus having firt celebrated the
Panathenea joins hores to a chariot. gina,

the daughter of Aopus, and mother of acus,


1o3o, Ceres, a woman of Sicily, in eeking

her daughter who was stolen, comes into Ar
tica, and there teaches the Greeks to fow corn ;
for which Benefation he was Deified after

death, She firt taught the Art to Triptolemus

the young on of Celeus King of Eleusts.

1928. Oenotrus the younget on of Lycaon,

the fanus of the Latines, led the firt Colony



A Short CHRoN 1cLE.

of Greeks into Italy, and there taught them to
build houes.

Perfeus born.

1 ozo. Arcas, the on of Callisto and grand

fon of Lycaon, and Eumelus the firt King of
Achaia, receive bread-corn from Triptolemus.
1 o 19. Solomon Reigns, and marries the daugh
ter of Ammon, and by means of this affinity is

fupplied with hores from Egypt; and his mer

chants alo bring hores from thence for all the

Kings of the Hittites and Syrians : for hoifes

came originally from Libya; and thence Nep
tune was called Equestris. Tantalus King of Phrygia
fteals Ganimede the on of Tros King of Troas.

1o17. Solomon by the affitance of the Tyrians

and Aradians, who had mariners among them ac
uainted with the Red Sea, fets out a fleet upon
fea. Thoe affitants build new cities in the

Perfian Gulph, called

1 o 15. The

Tyre and Aradus.

of Solomon is founded.

Minos Reigns in Crete expelling his father Asterius,

who flees into Italy, and becomes the Saturn of
the Latines.

Ammon takes Gezer from the Ca

maanites, and gives it to his daughter, Solomon's


1 o 14. Ammon places Cepheus at foppa.

of his father Ammon
1 o 1o. Sefac in the
invades Arabia Flix, and ets up pillars at the
mouth of the Red Sea. Apis, Epaphus or Epopeus,


C H R o N I c L E.

the on of Phroroneus, and Nyffeus King of B

otia, lain. Lycus inherits the Kingdom of his
brother Nyffeur.

tolus the on of Endymion

flies into the Country of the Curetes in Achaia,

and calls it tolia; and of Pronoe the daughter

of Phorbas begets Pleuron and Calydon, who
built cities in tolia called by their own names.

Antiopa the daughter of Nyffeus is ent home

to Lycus by Lamedon the ucceor of Apis, and
in the way brings forth Amphion and Zethus.
1 oo8. Sefac, in the Reign of his father Am

mon, invades Afric and Spain, and fets up pillars

in all his conquets, and particularly at the
mouth of the Mediterranean, and returns home

by the coat of Gaul and Italy.

1 oo7. Ceres being dead Eumolpus intitutes
her Mysteries in Eleuine. The Myteries of Rhea

are intituted in Phrygia, in the city Cybele. A

bout this time Temples begin to be built in
Greece. Hyagnis the Phrygian invents the pipe.
After the example of the common-councilof the
five Lords of the Philistims, the Greeks et up

the Amphitiyonic Council, firt at Thermopyle, by

the influence of Amphitiyon the on


lion; and a few years after at Delphi by the in

fluence of Acristus. Among the cites, whoe de
puties met at Thermopyle, I do not find Athens,
and therefore doubt whether Amphitiyon was

A Short CHRoN I c L E.


King of that city. If he was the on of Deu

calion and brother of Hellen, he and Cranaus

might Reign together in everal parts of Attica.

But I meet with a later Amphitiyon who enter
tained the great Bacchus. This Council worhip
ped Ceres, and therefore was intituted after her

1 oo 6. Minos prepares a fleet, clears the

Greek feas of Pyrates, and ends Colonies to the
Ilands of the Greeks, ome of which were not

inhabited before. Cecrops II. Reigns in At

tica. Caucon teaches the Myteries of Ceres in

1 oo 5. Andromeda carried away from foppa

by Perfeus. Pandion the brother of Cecrops II.
Reigns in Attica. Car, the on of Phoroneus,
builds a Temple to Ceres.
1 od 2: Sefac Reigns , in Egypt and adorns

Thebes, dedicating it to his father Ammon by the

name of No-Ammon or Ammon-No, that is the

people or city of Ammon : whence the Greeks

called it Diopolis, the city of fupiter. Sefac
alo ereted Temples and Oracles to his father in
Thebes, Ammonia, and Ethiopia, and thereby caued
his father to be worhipped as a God in thoe
countries, and I think alo in Arabia Felix: and

this was the original of the worhip of fupiter

Ammon, and the firt mention of Oracles that I
Ill Cet

A Short C H R o N I c L E.


meet with im Prophane Hitory. War between

Pandion and Labdacus the grandon of Cadmus.
994. geus Reigns in Attica.

993. Pelops the on of Tantalus comes in

to Peloponnefus, marries Hippodamia the grand

daughter of Acristus, takes tolia from tolus

the on of Endymion, and by his riches grows


99 o. Amphion and Zethus flay Lycus, put

Laius the fon of Labdacus to flight, and Reign
in Thebes, and wall the city about.

989. Ddalus and his nephew Talus invent

the aw,
ax, and
Arts in
king of

the turning-lath, the wimble, the chip

other intruments of Carpenters and
and thereby give a beginning to thoe
Europe. Dedalus alo invented the maStatues with their feet afunder, as if they



988. Minos makes war upon the Athenians,

killing his fon Androgeus. acus flou


987. Ddalus kills his nephew Talus, and

flies to Minos. A Priestes of fupiter Ammon, be

ing brought by Phnician merchants into Greece,

fets up the Oracle of fupiter at Dodona. . This
gives a beginning to Oracles in Greece : and

by their ditates, the Worhip of the Dead is

every where introduced.
D 2

9 8 3.

A Short C H R o N I c L E.


983. Siffphus, the on of olus and grand

fon of Hellen, Reigns in Corinth, and ome ay
that he built that city.
98o. Laius recovers the Kingdom of Thebes.

Athamas, the brother of Siffphus and father of

Phrixus and Helle, marries Ino the daughter of


979. Rehoboam Reigns. Thoas is fent from

Crete to Lemnos, Reigns there in the city He
phastia, and works in copper and iron.
978. Alcmena born of Eleffryo the on of
Perfeus and Andromeda, and of Lyfidice the
daughter of Pelops.

974. Sefac poils the Temple, and invades

Syria and Peria, etting up pillars in many
places. feroboam, becoming ubjet to Sefac,
fets up the worhip of the Egyptian Gods in

97 1. Sefac invades India, and returns with

triumph the next year but one: whence Triete

rica Bacchi. He ets up pillars on two moun

tains at the mouth of the river Ganges.

968. Theeus Reigns, having overcome the

Minotaur, and foon after unites the twelve

cities of Attica under one government.


carried on his vitories to Mount Cauca

fus, eaves his nephew Prometheus there, and

AEetes in Colchis.
9 67.

A Short C H R o N I c L E.


967. Sefac, paling over the Hellepont con

uers Thrace, kills Lycurgus King thereof, and

gives his Kingdom and one of his finging-wo

men to Oeagrus the father of Orpheus. Sefac
had in his army Ethiopians commanded by Pan,

and Libyan women commanded by Myrina or


It was the cutom of the Ethiopians

to dance when they were entring into a battel,

and from their skipping they were painted with

goats feet in the form of Satyrs.

966. Thoas, being made King of Cyprus by

Sefac, goes thither with his wife Calycopis, and

leaves his daughter Hypipyle in Lemnos.
965. Sefac is baffled by the Greeks and Scy
thians, loes many of his women with their
Queen Minerva, compoes the war, is received

by Amphittion at a feat, buries Ariadne, goes

back through Aia and Syria into Egypt, with

innumerable captives, among whom was Titho

nus the on of Laomedon King of Troy; and

leaves his Libyan Amazons, under Marthefia and
Lampeto, the ucceors of Minerva, at the river

Thermodon. He left alo in Colchos Geographi

cal Tables of all his conquests : And thence
Geography had its rie. His finging-women
were celebrated in Thrace by the name of the

Mues. And the daughters of Pierus a Thracian,


A Short CHRoN I c L E.


imitating them, were celebrated by the fame

Ila IllC.

964. Minos, making war upon Cocalus King

of Sicily, is flain by him. He was eminent for
his Dominion, his Laws and his Jutice: upon

his epulchre viited by Pythagoras, was this in

fcription, TOY A IOC, the epulchre of fu

piter. Danaus with his daughters flying from
his brother Egyptus (that is from Sefac) comes
into Greece. Sefac uing the advice of his Secre
tary Thoth, ditributes Egypt into xxxvi Nomes,

and in every Nome erets a Temple, and ap

points the feveral Gods, Fetivals and Religions
of the everal Nomes. The Temples were the
fepulchres of his great men, where they were
after death, each

to be buried and

in his own Temple, with ceremonies and feti

vals appointed by him; while He and his Queen,

by the names of Ostris and Iis, were to be wor

fhipped in all Egypt. Thee were the Temples
feen and decribed by Lucian eleven hundred
years after, to be of one and the fame age:

and this was the original of the everal Nomes

of Egypt, and of the feveral Gods and everal
Religions of thoe Nomes.

Sefac divided alo

the land of Egypt by meaure

his fol

diers, and thence Geometry had its rie. Hercu

les and Eurystheus born.

A Short



963. Amphitiyon brings the twelve Gods of

Egypt into Greece, and thee are the Dii magni ma
jorum gentium, to whom the Earth and Planets and
Elements are dedicated.

96 2. Phryxus and Helle fly from their tep

mother Ino the daughter of Cadmus. Helle is
drowned in the Hellepont, o named from her,
but Phryxus arrived at Colchos.
9.6o. The war between the Lapithe and the

people of Theffaly called Centaurs.

95 8. Oedipus kills his father Laius. Sthene
lus the on of Perfeus Reigns in Mycene.
95 6. Sefac is flain by his brother fapetus,
who after death was deified in Afric by the name

of Neptune, and called Typhon by the Egypti

ans. Orus Reigns and routs the Libyans, who
under the condut of fapetus, and his fon Anteus

or Atlas, invaded Egypt. Sefac from his ma

king the river Nile ueful, by cutting channels

from it to all the cities of Egypt, was called by
its names, Sihor or Siris, Nilus and Egyptus.
The Greeks, hearing the Egyptians lament, o
Siris and Bou Siris, called him Ostris and Bufiris.
The Arabians from his great ats called him
Bacchus, that is, the Great. The Phrygians call
ed him Ma fors or Mavors, the valiant, and by
contraction Mars. Becaue he et up pillars in
all his conquets, and his army in his father's

Reign fought againt the Africans with clubs, he


A Short C H R o N I c L E.
is painted with pillars and a club : and this is

that Hercules who, according to Cicero, was

born upon the Nile; and according to Eudoxus,
was flain by Typhon; and according to Diodorus,
was an Egyptian, and went over a

great part of

the world, and et up the pillars in Afric.


feems to be alo the Belus who, according to

Diodorus, led a Colony of Egyptians to Babylon,
and there intituted Priets called Chaldeans,

who were free from taxes, and oberved the tars,

asin Egypt. Hitherto fudah and Irael laboured

under great vexations, but henceforward Afa King

of fudah had peace ten years.

947. The Ethiopians invade Egypt, and drown
Orus in the Nile. Thereupon Bubaste the fifter

of Orus kills herelf, by falling from the top of

an houe, and their mother Ifis or Astra goes
mad: and thus ended the Reign of the Gods
of Egypt.
946. Zerah the Ethiopian is overthrown by

Afa. The people of the lower Egypt make

ofarfphus their King, and call in two hundred
thouand fews and Phnicians againt the Ethio

pians: Menes or Amenophis the young on of

Zerah and Cista Reigns.
944. The Ethiopians, under Amenophis, retire
from the lower Egypt and fortify Memphis a
gaint Ofarfphus. And by thee wars and the


A Short C H R o N I clE.


Argonautic expedition, the great Empire of Egypt

breaks in pieces.

Eurystheus the on of Sthene

lus Reigns in Mycene.

943. Evander and his mother Carmenta carry

Letters into Italy.

942. Orpheus Deifies the on of Semele by the

name of Bacchus, and appoints his Ceremo

94o. The great men of Greece, hearing of

the civil wars and ditrations of Egypt, reolve
to end an embay to the nations, upon the
Euxine and Mediterranean Seas, ubjet to that

Empire, and for that end order the building of .

the hip Argo.

93 9. The hip Argo is built after the pattern

hip in which Danaus came into
Greece: and this was the firt long fhip built
by the Greeks. Chiron, who was born in the

of the

Golden Age, forms the Contellations for the ue

of the Argonauts; and places the Soltitial and E

uinotial Points in the fifteenth degrees or mid

ofthe Contellations ofCancer,Chele,Capricorn,
and Aries. Meton in the year of Nabonaffar 3 16,
oberved the Summer Soltice in the eighth degree
of Cancer, and therefore the Soltice had then

gone back even degrees. It goes back one de

gree in about eventytwo years, and even

degrees in about 5o4 years.


Count thee years




A Short C H R o N I c L E.

back from the year of Nabonaffar 3 1 6, andthey

will place the Argonautic expedition about 9 3 6

years before Christ. Gingris the on of Thoas
flain, and Deified by the name of Adonis.

938. Thefeus, being fifty years old, teals He

lena then even years old.

Pirithous the on of

Ixion, endeavouring to teal Perfephone the daugh

ter of Orcus King of the Moloffians, is flain by
the Dog of Orcus; and his companion Theeus is
raken and imprioned.

Helena is et at liberty

by her brothers.

937. The Argonautic expedition. Prometheus

leaves Mount Caucaus, being fet at liberty by

Hercules. Laomedon King of Troy is flain by
Hercules. Priam ucceeds him. Talus a brazen

man, of the Brazen Age, the on of Minos, is

flain by the Argonauts.

culapius and Hercu

les were Argonauts, and Hippocrates was the

eighteenth from culapius by the father's fide,

and the nineteenth from Hercules by the mother's

fide; and becaue thee generations, being noted

in hitory, were mot probably by the chief of

the family, and for the mot part by the eldest

fons; we may reckon 28 or at the mot 3 o

years to a generation: and thus the eventeen

intervals by the father's fide and eighteen by the
mother's, will at a middle reckoning amount
unto about 5 o7 years; which being counted

A Short CHRoN I c L E.

backwards from the beginning of the Peloponne

an war, at which time Hippocrates began to

flourih, will reach up to the time where we have

placed the Argonautic expedition.
93 6. Theeus is et at liberty by Hercules.

934. The hunting ofthe Calydonian boar flain

by Meleager.
9; o. Amenophis, with an army out of Ethio
pia and Thebais, invades the lower Egypt, con
quers Ofariphus, and drives out the fews and
Canaanites :

and this is reckoned the econd

expulion of the Shepherds. Calycopis dies, and

is Deified by Thoas with Temples at Paphos and

Amathus in Cyprus, and at Byblus in Syria, and

with Priets and acred Rites, and becomes the

Venus of the ancients, and the Dea Cypria and

Dea Syria. And from thee and other places
where Temples were ereted to her, he was alo
called Paphia, Amathuia, Byblia, Cytherea, Salami
nia, Cnidia, Erycina, Idalia, &c. And her three
. waiting-women became the three Graces.

928. The war of the even Captains against


927. Hercules and culapius are Deified.

Eurystheus drives the Heraclides out of Peloponne

Jus. He is lain by Hyllus the on of Hercules.

Atreus the on of Plops ucceeds him in the
E a



A Short C H R o N I c L E.


Kingdom of Mycene. Menestheus, the great

grandon of Erechtheus, Reigns at Athens.

925. Theeus is flain, being cat down from a


924. Hyllus invading Peloponnefus is flain by


9 1 9. Atreus dies: Agamemnon Reigns. In the

abence of Menelaus, who went to look after
what his father Atreus had left to him, Paris teals

91 8. The econd war againt Thebes.

9 1 2. Thoas, King of Cyprus and part of Ph
nicia dies; and for making armour the Kings
of Egypt, is Deified with a umptuous Templeat
Memphis by the name of Baal Canaan, Vulcan.
This Temple was aid to be built by Menes, the
firt King of Egypt who reigned next after the
Gods, that is, by Menoph or Amenophis who

reigned next after the death of Ostris, Iis, Orus,

Bubaste and Thoth. The city Memphis was alo aid

to be built by Menes; he began to build it when

he fortified it againt Ofariphus. And from him

it was called Menoph, Moph, Noph, &c.; and is
to this day called Menuf by the Arabians. And

therefore Menes who built the city and temple

was Menoph or Amenophis. The Priets of Egypt
at length made this temple above a thound



A Short CHRoN I c L E.

years older then Amenophis, and ome of them

five or ten thouand years older : but it could

not be above two or three hundred years older

than the Reign of Pammiticus who finihed it, and

died 6 14 years before Christ. When Menophor
Menes built the city, he built a bridge there over
the Nile: a work too great to be
than the

Monarchy of Egypt.
9o 9. Amenophis, called Memnon by the Greeks,

built the Memnonia at Sufa, whilt Egypt was

under the government of Proteus his Viceroy.

9o4. Troy taken. Amenophis was till at Sufa;

the Greeks feigning that he came from thence to
the Trojan war.
993. Demophoon, the on of Thefeus by Phdra

the daughter of Minos, Reigns at Athens.

9o 1. Amenophis builds mall Pyramids in

896. Ulyes leaves Calypo in the Iland Ogygie

(perhaps Cadis or Cales.) She was the daughter
of Atlas, according to Homer. The ancients at
length feigned that this Iland, (which from At

las they called Atlantis) had been as big as all

Europe, Africa and Aia, but was funk into the

895. Teucer builds Salamis in Cyprus. Hadad

or Benhadad King of Syria dies, and is Deified at
Damacus with a Temple and Ceremonies,

887. Ame


A Short C H R o N I c L E.

887. Amenophis dies, and is ucceeded by his

fon Ramees or Rhampfinitus, who builds the

western Portico of the Temple of Vulcan. The

Egyptians dedicated to Qfiris, Iis, Orus enior,
Typhon, and Nephthe the fifter and wife of Typhon,
the five days added by the Egyptians to the
twelve Calendar months of the old Luni-olar

year, and aid that they were added when thee

five Princes were born.

They were therefore

added in the Reign of Ammon the father ofthee

five Princes : but this year was carce brought
into common ue before the Reign of Amenophis :
for in his Temple or Sepulchre at Abydus, they
placed a Circle of 3 6 5 cubits in compas, co

vered on the upper fide with a plate of gold, and

divided into 3 65 equal parts, to repreent all the
days of the year; every part having the day of
the year, and the Heliacal Riings and Settings of

the Stars on that day, noted upon it. And this

Circle remained there 'till Cambyes poiled the
temples of Egypt : and from this monument I
collet that it was Amenophis who etablihed this

year, fixing the beginning thereof to one of the

four Cardinal Points of the heavens.

For had

not the beginning thereof been now fixed, the

Heliacal Rifings and
of the Stars could
not have been noted upon the days thereof. The
Priets of Egypt therefore in the Reign of Ame

A Short C H R o N I c L E.

nophis continued to oberve the Heliacal Rifings

and Settings of the Stars upon every day. And
when by the Sun's Meridional Altitudes they had
found the Soltices and Equinoxes according to
the Sun's mean motion, his Equation being not

yet known, they fixed the beginning of this year

to the Vernal Equinox, and in memory thereof

ereted this monument.

Now this year being

carried into Chaldea, the Chaldeans began their

year of Nabonaffar on the ame Thoth with the

Egyptians, and made it of the ame length. And

th Thoth of the firt year of Nabonaffar fell upon
the 26th day of February: which was 3 3 days
and five hours before the Vernal Equinox, accord

ing to the Sun's mean motion. And the Thoth of

this year moves backwards 3 3 days and five
hours in 137 years, and therefore fell upon the
Vernal Equinox 1 37 years before the ra of Na
that is, 884 years before Christ.

And if it began upon the day next after the

Vernal Equinox, it might begin three or four
years earlier; and there we may place thedeath
of this King. . The Greeks feigned that he was
the on of Tithonus, and therefore he was born

after the return of Sefacinto Egypt, with Tithonus

and other captives, and o might be about 7o
or 75 years old at his death.

883. Dido


A Short C H R o N I c L E.


883. Dido builds Carthage, and the Phnicians

begin preently after to ailas far as to the Straights

Mouth, and beyond.

neas was till alive, ac

cording to Virgil.
87o. Hefiod flourihes. He hath told us him
elf that helived in the age next after the wars of

Thebes and Troy, and that this age hould end

when the men then living grew hoary and dropt
into the grave; and therefore it was but of an
ordinary length : and Herodotus has told us that
Hefiod and Homer were but 4o o years older than

Whence it follows that the detrution

of Troy was not older than we have repreented


86o. Mris Reigns in Egypt. He adorned

Memphis, and tranlated the feat of his Empire
thither from Thebes.

There he built the famous

Labyrinth, and the northern portico of the Tem

ple of Vulcan, and dug the great Lake called

the Lake of Mris, and upon the bottom of it

built two great Pyramids of brick : and thee

things being not mentioned by Homer or Hestod,
were unknown to them, and done after their

days. Mris wrote alo a book of Geometry.

85 2. Hazael the ucceor of Hadad at Da

mafeus dies and is Deified, as was Hadad before:

and thee Gods, together with Arathes the wife

of Hadad, were worhipt in their Sepulchres or


A Short CHRoN I cLE.


Temples, 'till the days of foephus the few; and

the Syrians boated their antiquity, not knowing,
faith foephus, that they were novel.
844. The olic Migration. Botia, formerly
called Cadmeis, is eized by the Baotians.
83 8. Cheops Reigns in Egypt. He built the
greatet Pyramid for his epulchre, and forbad the

worhip of the former Kings; intending to have

been worhipped himelf . '
8 25. The Heraclides, after three Generations,

or an hundred years, reckoned from their former

expedition, return into Peloponnefus. Hencefor

ward,to the end ofthe firt Meffenian war, reign

ed ten Kings of Sparta by one Race, and nine by
another; ten of Meffene, and nine of Arcadia :
which, by reckoning (according to the ordinary
coure of nature) about twenty years to a Reign,

one Reign with another, will take up about i 9o

years. And the even Reigns more in one of the
two Races of the Kings of Sparta, and eightin
the other, to the battle at Thermopyle; may take
up 15 o years more: and o place the return
of the Heraclides, about 8 zo years before

824. Cephren Reigns in Egypt, and builds ano

ther great Pyramid.
8o 8. Mycerinus Reigns there, and begins the

third great Pyramid. He hut up the body of



A Short C H R o N I c L E.

his daughter in a hollow ox, and caued her to

be worhipped daily with odours.
8o4. The war, between the Athenians and

Spartans, in which Codrus, King of the Athenians,

is flain.

8o 2. Nitocris, the fifter of Mycerinus, ucceeds

him, and finihes the third great Pyramid.
794. The Ionic Migration, under the condut
of the fons of Codrus.

79o. Pul founds the Ayrian Empire.

788. Aychis Reigns in Egypt, and builds the

eatern Portico of the Temple of Vulcan very
fplendidly; and a large Pyramid of brick, made

of mud dug out of the Lake of Mris. Egypt

breaks into everal Kingdoms. , Gnephafius and
Bocchoris Reign ucceively in the upper Egypt;
Stephanathis, Necepfos and Nechus, at Sais; Anyis
or Amofis, at Anyis or Hanes; and Tacellotis, at

776. Iphitus retores the Olympiads.


from this ra the Olympiads are now reckoned.

Gnephafius Reigns at Memphis.

772. Necepfos and Pelostris invent Astrology

in Egypt.

76o. Semiramis begins to flourih. Sanchoni

atho writes.

75 1. Sabacon the Ethiopian, invades Egypt,

now divided into various Kingdoms, burns



A Short C H RoN I cl E.


flays Nechus, and makes Anyis


747 Pul, King of Affria, dies, and is ucceed

ed at Nineveh by Tiglathilaffer, and at Babylon by
Nabonaffar. The Egyptians, who fled from Saba

con, carry their Atrology and Atronomy to Baby

lon, and found the ra of Nabonaffar in Egyptian

Tiglathpilaffer, King of Affria, takes Da

mafeus, and captivates the Syrians.

7 z 9. Tiglathpilaffer is ucceeded by Salma

72 1. Salmanaffer, King of Ayria, carries the

Ten Tribes into captivity.

7 I 9. Sennacherib Reigns over Ayria. Archias

the on of Evagetus, of the tock of Hercules,

leads a Colony from Corinth into Sicily, and

builds Syracufe.
717. Tirhakah Reigns in Ethiopia.

714. Sennacherib is put to flight by the Ethi

opians and Egyptians, with great flaughter.

71 1. The Medes revolt from the Affrians.

Sennacherib lain.

Afferhadon ucceeds him.

This is that Afferhadon-Pul, or Sardanapalus,

the on of Anacyndaraxis, or Sennacherib, who

built Tarfus and Anchiale in one day.

7 1 o. Lycurgus, brings the poems of Homer out
of Aia into Greece.

F 2.

7o8. Ly

A Short CHRoN I cLE.


7o 8. Lycurgus, becomes tutor to Charillus or

Charilaus, the young King of Sparta. Aristotle
makes Lycurgus as

as Iphitus, becaue his name

was upon the Olympic Dic. But the Dic was

one of the five games called the Quinquertium,

and the Quinquertium was firt intituted upon

the eighteenth Olympiad. , Socrates and Thucydi
des made the intitutions of Lycurgus about ; oo
years older than the end of the Peloponnefan war,
that is, 7o5 years before Christ.
7o 1. Sabacon, after a Reign of 5 o years, relin

quihes Egypt to his on Sevechus or Sethon, who

becomes Priet of Vulcan, and neglets military

698. Manaffeh Reigns.

697. The Corinthians begin firt of any men
to build hips with three orders of oars, called
Triremes. Hitherto the Greeks had ued long
vefels of fifty oars.

687. Tirhakah Reigns in Egypt.

681. Afferhadon invades Babylon.

673. The fews conquered by Afferhadon,
and Manaffeh carried captive to Babylon.
671. Afferhadon invades Egypt. . The go
vernment of Egypt committed to twelve princes.
668. The western nations of Syria, Phnicia
and Egypt, revolt from the Affrians. Afferha

don dies, and is ucceeded by Saofduchinus. Ma

naffeh returns from Captivity.

6 5 8. Phra

A Short CH R o N I cLE.

65 8. Phraortes Reigns in Media. The Pryta

nes Reign in Corinth, expelling their Kings.
657. The Corinthians overcome the Corcyreans
at ea: and this was the oldet ea fight.

655. Pammiticus becomes King of all Egypt,

by conquering the other eleven Kings with
whom he had already reigned fifteen years: he
reigned about 3 9 years more. Henceforward
the Ionians had acces into Egypt; and thence
came the Ionian Philoophy, Atronomy and

6 5 2. The firt Meffenian war begins: it lat

ed twenty years.
647. Charops, the firt decennial Archon of
the Athenians. Some of thee Archons might
dye before the end of the ten years, and the re

mainder of the ten years be upplied by a new


And hence the even decennial Ar

chons might not take up above forty or fifty

years. Saofduchinus King of Affria dies, and is
fucceeded by Chyniladon.
64o. fofiah Reigns in judea.
6 3 6. Phraortes, King of the Medes, is flain in

war againt the Affrians. Astyages ucceeds


635. The Scythians invade the Medes and

6 3 3 . Battus


A Short C H R o N I c L E.


6 ; 3. Battus builds Cyrene, where Irafa, the

city of Anteus, had tood.
6 27. Rome is built.

6 25. Nabopolaffar revolts from the King of

Affria, and Regns over Babylon. Phalantus leads
the Parthenians into Italy, and builds Tarentum.
6 17.

Pammiticus dies. Nechaoh reigns in


6 i 1. Cyaxeres Reigns over the Medes.

6 1 o. The Princes of the Scythians flain in a
feat by Cyaxeres.

6 o 9. fefiah flain. Cyaxeres and Nebuchadnez

zar overthrow Nineveh, and, by haring the
Ayrian Empire, grow great.

Archon of the

Athenians. The econd Meffenian war begins.

Cyaxeres makes the Scythians retire beyond Col
chos and Iberia, and eizes the Affrian Provin

ces of Armenia, Pontus and Cappadocia.

6 o 6. Nebuchadnezzar invades Syria and

6o4. Nabopolaffar dies, and is ucceeded by

his Son Nebuchadnezzar, who had already Reign

ed two years with his father.

6oo. Darius the Mede, the on of Cyaxeres,

is born.

5 99. Cyrus is born of Mandane, the Siter of

Cyaxeres, and daughter of Astyages.

5 9 6. Sufiana

A Short CHRoN I c I. E.

y 96: Sufiana and Elam conquered by Nebu

chadnezzar. Caranus and Perdiccas

fly from

Phidon, and found the Kingdom of Macedon.

Phidon introduces Weights and Meaures, and
the Coining of Silver Money.

5 9o. Cyaxeres makes war, upon Alyattes King

of Lydia.

5 88. The Temple of Solomon is burnt by

Nebuchadnezzar. The Meffenians being con
quered, fly into Sicily, and build Meffana.
5 85. In the ixth year of the Lydian war,
a total Eclipe of the Sun, predited by Thales,

May the 28th, puts an end to a Battel be

tween the Medes and Lydians: Whereupon they
make Peace, and ratify it by a marriage between
Darius Medus the on of Cyaxeres, and Ariene
the daughter of Alyattes.

5 84. Phidon preides in the 49th Olympiad.

5 8o. Phidon is overthrown. Two men choen

by lot, out of the city Elis, to preide in the O

lympic Games.
572. Draco is Archon of the Athenians, and
makes laws for them.

5 68. The Amphictions make war upon the

Cirrheans, by the advice of Solon, and take
Cirrha. Clisthenes, Alcmeon and Eurolicus com

manded the forces of the Amphictions, and were

contemporary to Phidon. For Leocides the on of




A Short CHRoN I c L E.


Phidon, and Megacles the on of Alcmeon, at

one and the fame time, courted Agarista the

daughter of Cliffhenes.
5 6 9. Nebuchadnezzar invades Egypt. Darius
the Mede Reigns.

562. Solon, being Archon of the Athenians,

makes laws for them.

5 57. Periander dies, and Corinth becomes

free from Tyrants.

5 5 5. Nabonadius Reigns at Babylon,


Mother Nitocris adorns and fortifies that City.

5 5 o. Piistratus becomes Tyrant at Athens.
The Conference between Crus and Solon.

549. Solon dies, Hegestratus being Archon of


544. Sardes is taken by Cyrus. Darius the

Mede recoins the Lydian money into Darics.
5 38. Babylon is taken by Cyrus.

536. Cyrus overcomes Darius the Mede, and

tranlates the Empire to the Perians. The fews
return from Captivity, and found the econd

5 29. Cyrus dies. Cambyes Reigns,

5 21. Darius the on of
Reigns. The
Magi are lain. The various Religions of the e
veral Nations of Peria, which conited in the
worhip of their ancient Kings, are abolihed;

and by the influence of Hyffafpes and Zoroaster,



A Short CHRoN I c L E.

the worhip of One God, at Altars, without

Temples is et up in all Peria.
5 zo. The econd Temple is built at ferua
lem, by the command of Darius.
5 15. The econd Temple is finihed and de


5 1 3. Harmodius and Aristogiton, flay Hippar

chus the on of Piistratus, Tyrant of the Athe

| 598. The Kings of the Romans expelled, and

Conuls ereted.

49 1. The Battle of Marathon.

48 5. Xerxes Reigns.

48o. The Paage of Xerxes over the Hellef:

pont into Greece, and Battles of Thermopyle and

464. Artaxerxes Longimanus Reigns.

457. Ezra returns into fudea. fohanan the

father of faddua was now grown up, having a

chamber in the Temple.
444. Nehemiah returns into fudea. Herodotus

43 1. The Peloponnefan war begins.

428. Nehemiah drives away Manaffeh the bro
ther of faddua, becaue he had married Nicafo

the daughter of Sanballat.

424. Darius Nothus Reigns.

422. San



A Short C H R o N I c L E.
42 2. Sanballat builds a Temple in Mount
Gerizim, and makes his on-in-law Manaffeh the

firt High-Priest thereof.

41 2. Hitherto the Priets and Levites were

numbered, and written in the Chronicles of the

fews, before the death of Nehemiah: at which

time either fohanan or faddua was High-Priet.
And here Ends the Sacred History of the Fews.

40 5. Artaxerxes Mnemon Reigns. The end

of the Peloponneian war.
3 5 9. Artaxerxes Ochus Reigns.
3 3 8. Arogus Reigns.

3 3 6. Darius Codomamnus Reigns.

3 3 2. The Perian Empire conquered by A

lexander the great.

3 3 1. Darius Codomamnus, the lat King of

Peria, lain.



[ 43 ]



.O F


C H A P.

E D.


Of the Chronology of the First Ages of

the Greeks.

LL Nations, before they began to keep

exataccounts of Time, have been prone

to raie their Antiquities; and this hu

mour has been promoted, by the Con

tentions between Nations about their Originals.
Herodotus tells us, that the Priests of gypt : Herod.1.2.

reckoned from the Reign of Menes to that of

Sethon, who put Sennacherib to flight, three
hundred forty and one Generations men, and

as many Priets of Vulcan, and as many Kings

G 2



Of the CHRoN or o Gy
of Egypt : and that three hundred Generations
make ten thouand years, for, aith he, three Ge
merations of men make an hundred years : and
the remaining forty and one Generations make
1 3 4o years : and o the whole time from the

Reign of Menes to that of Sethon was 1 1 34o

years. And by this way of reckoning, and al
lotting longer Reigns to the Gods of Egypt
than to the Kings which followed them, Hero
dotus tells us from the Priets of Egypt, that
from Pan to Amofis were 15 ooo years, and
from Hercules to Amofis 17ooo years. So alo
the Chaldeans boated of their Antiquity; for

Callisthenes, the Diciple of Aristotle,


nomical Obervations from Babylon to Greece,

faid to be of 1 9o 3 years
before the
times of Alexander the great. And the Chaldeans
boated further, that they had oberved the Stars

473 ooo years; and there were others who made

the Kingdoms of Affria, Media and Damafeus,

much older than the truth.
Some of the Greeks called the times before

the Reign of Ogyges, Unknown, becaue they

had No Hitory of them; thoe between his

flood and the beginning of the Olympiads, Fa

bulous, becaue their Hitory was much mixed
with Poetical Fables: and thoe after the begin

ning of the Olympiads, Hitorical, becaue


of the G R E Eks.


Hitory was free from uch Fables. The fabu

lous Ages wanted a good Chronology, and o

the Hitorical, for the firt 6o or 7o

The Europeans, had no
before the
times of the Perian Empire: and whatoever

Chronology they now have of ancienter times,

hath been framed ince, by reaoning and conje

ture. In the beginning of that Monarchy, A

cufilaus made Phoroneus as old as Ogyges and his
flood, and that flood 1 o 2 o years
than the

firt Olympiad; which is above 68o years older

than the truth: and to make out this reckon

ing his followers have encreaed the Reigns of

Kings in length and number. Plutarch tells us

that the Philoophers anciently delivered their Oraculo.
Opinions in Vere, as Orpheus, Heiod, Parmeni
des, Xenophanes, Empedocles, Thales; but after
wards left off the ue of Veres; and that Ari

farchus, Timocharis, Aristillus, Hipparchus, did

not make Atronomy the more contemptible by
decribing it in Proe; after Eudoxus, Heiod, and

Thales had wrote of it in Vere. Solon wrote in


Vere, and all the Seven Wie Men were addited

to Poetry, as Anaximenes affirmed. "Till thoe i Apud Di

days the Greeks wrote only in Vere, and while

they did o there could be no Chronology, nor

any other Hitory, than uch as was mixed with

e Plin. nat.

hist. l. 7.
c. 56.

Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
poetical fancies. Pliny, in reckoning up the
Inventors of things, tells us, that Pherecydes
Syrius taught to compoe dicourfes in Profe in
the Reign of Cyrus, and Cadmus Mileius to

f Ib. 1. 5.
C. 29.
g Cont. A

pion. ub

k In Axe

write History. And in ' another place he faith

that Cadmus Mileius was the first that wrote in
foephus tells us that Cadmus Milestus

and Acufilaus were but a little before the expe

dition of the Perians againt the Greeks : and
Suidas " calls Acufilaus a mot ancient Hitorian,


and aith that he wrote Genealogies out of ta

i Joeph.
cont. Ap.
l. I.

bles of braf, which his father, as was reported,

found in a corner of his houfe. Who hid them
there nay be doubted: For the Greeks ' had no
publick table or incription older than the Laws

of Draco. Pherecydes Athenienis, in the Reign of

Darius Hystapis, or oon after, wrote of the An
tiquities and ancient Genealogies of the Atheni
ans, in ten books; and was one of the firt Eu

ropean writers of this kind, and one of the bet;

k Diony.
l. I. initio.

whence he had the name of Genealogus; and by

Dionyius * Halicarnaffenis is faid to be econd to
none of the Genealogers. Epimenides, not the

Philoopher, but an Hitorian, wrote alo of the

ancient Genealogies: and Hellanicus, who was
twelve years older than Herodotus, digeted his
Hitory by the Ages or Succeions of the

Prietees of funo Argiva. Others digeted theirs



of the G R E E Ks.


by thoe of the Archons of Athens, or Kings

of the Lacedemonians. Hippias the Elean pub
lihed a Breviary of the Olympiads,

no certain arguments, as Plutarch' tells us: he

lived in the o 5th Olympiad, and was derided ""

by Plato for his

This Breviary eems

to have contained nothing more than a hort

account of the Vitors in every Olympiad.
Then " Ephorus, the diciple of Iocrates, formed Diodor.

a Chronological History of Greece, beginning

with the Return of the Heraclides into Peloponne-

fus, and ending with the

of Perinthus, in
the twentieth year of Philip the father of Alex
ander the great, that is,

years before the

fall of the Perian Empire : but " he digeted Polib, p,

things by Generations, and the reckoning by 37

the Olympiads, or by any other ra, was not
yet in ue among the Greeks. The Arundelian

Marbles were compoed fixty years after the

death of Alexander the great (An. 4. Olymp. I 28.)
and yet mention not the Olympiads, nor any

other tanding ra, but reckon backwards from

the time then preent. But Chronology was now

reduced to a reckoning by Years ; and in the
next Olympiad Timus Siculus improved it : for
he wrote a Hitory in feveral books, down to his

own times, according to the Olympiads; com

paring the Ephori, the Kings of Sparta, the Ar


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
chons of Athens, and the Priestees of Argos
with the Olympic Vitors, o as to make the

Olympiads, and the Genealogies and Succeions

of Kings and Prietees, and the Poetical Hito
ries fuit with one another, according to the bet
of his judgment : and where he left off, Poly
bius began, and carried on the Hitory. Era
tosthenes wrote above an hundred years after the
death of Alexander the great: He was followed

by Apollodorus; and thee two have been fol

lowed ever ince by Chronologers.

But how uncertain their Chronology is, and

how doubtful it was reputed by the Greeks of
n vita

fub initio,

thoe times, may be undertood by thee paages

of Plutarch. Some reckom Lycurgus, faith
contemporary to Iphitus, and to have been his
companion in ordering the Olympic festivals, amongst
whom was Aristotle the Philoopher ; arguing.from

the Olympic Dife, which had the name of Lycurgus

upon it. Others fupputing the times by the Kings of

Lacedmon, as Eratosthenes and Apollodorus,

afirm that he was not a few years older than the
first Olympiad. He began to flourih in the 17th
or 18th Olympiad, and at length Aristotle made
him as old as the firt Olympiad; and o did
Epaminondas, as he is cited by lian and Plutarch:
and then Eratosthenes, Apollodorus, and their fol

lowers, made him above an hundred years older.


of the GREEKs.


And in another place Plutarch tells us: The in solone.

Congre of Solon with Croeus, fome think they

can confute by Chronology. But a History fo illu
frious, and verified by fo many witneffes, and
which is more, fo agreeable to the manners of So

lon, and worthy of the greatne ofhis mind, and of

his wifdom, I cannot peruade my felf to rejeti be

caue offome Chronological Canons, as they call them,

which hundreds of authors corretting, have not yet
been able to constitute any thing certain, in which they
could agree amongst themfelves, about repugnancies.
As for the Chronology of the Latines, that
is till more uncertain. Plutarch repreents great


uncertainties in the Originals of Rome, and fo Numa.

doth Servius . The old Records of the Latines In Eneid.

were burnt " by the Gauls, an hundred and '

twenty years after the Regifuge, and fixty four" "

years before the death of Alexander the great:

and Quintus Fabius Pitior, the oldet Hitorian . Plutarch.
ofthe Latines, lived an hundred years later than in Romul.
that King, and took almot all things from
Diocles Peparethius, a Greek. The Chronolo

gers of Gallia, Spain, Germany, Scythia, Swede

land, Britain and Ireland are of a date still later;

for Scythia beyond the Danube had no letters,

'till Ulphilas their Bihop formed them; which
was about fix hundred years after the death of

Alexander the great : and Germany had none'till




Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
it received them, from the western Empire of
the Latines, above feven hundred years after the

death of that King. The Hunns, had none in

the days of Procopius, who flourihed 85 o years
after the death of that King :

and Sweden and

Norway received them till later. And things

faid to be done above one or two hundred years
before the ue of letters, are of little credit.
* Lib. I. in

Diodorus, " in the beginning ofhis Hitory tells


us, that he did not define by any certain pace the

times preceding the Trojan War, becaue he had
no certain foundation to rely upon : but from the

Trojan war, according to the reckoning of Apollo

dorus, whom he followed, there were eighty years
to the Return of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus;
and that from that Period to the firt Olympiad,

there were three hundred and twenty eight years,

computing the times from the Kings of the
Lacedemonians. Apollodorus followed Eratosthenes,

and both of them followed Thucydides, in reckon

ing eighty years from the Trojan war to the Return

in Lycurgo
fub initio.

of the Heraclides: but in reckoning 3 2 8 years

from that Return to the firt Olympiad, Diodorus
tells us, that the times were computed from the

Kings of the Lacedmonians; and Plutarch* tells

us, that Apollodorus, Eratosthenes and others fol
lowed that computation : and ince this reckon

ing is still received by Chronologers, and was


of the G R E E Ks.


gathered by computing the times from the Kings

ofthe Lacedemonians, that is from their number,

let us re-examin that Computation:

The Egyptians reckoned the Reigns of Kings

equipollent to Generations of men, and three
Generations to an hundred years, as above; and

fo did the Greeks and Latines: and accordingly

they have made their Kings Reign one with
another thirty and three years a-piece, and a

bove. For they make the feven Kings of Rome

who preceded the Conuls to have Reigned 244
years, which is 3 5 years a-piece : and the firt

twelve Kings of Sicyon, gialeus, Europs, &c.

to have Reigned 5 19 years, which is 44 years
a-piece : and the firt eight Kings of Argos,
Inachus, Phoroneus, &c. to have Reigned 371
years, which is above 46 years a-piece : and
between the Return of the Heraclides into Pelo

ponnefus, and the end of the first Meffenian

war, the ten Kings of Sparta in one Race; Eu

rysthenes, Agis, Echestratus, Labotas, Doryagus,

Agefilaus, Archelaus, Teleclus, Alcamenes, and

Polydorus: the nine in the other Race; Procles,

Sous, Eurypon, Prytanis, Eunomus, Polydestes,

Charilaus, Nicander, Theopompus : the ten Kings

of Meffene; Crephontes, Epytus, Glaucus, Isthmi
us, Dotadas, Sibotas, Phintas, Antiochus, Euphaes,

Aristodemus: and the nine of Arcadia; Cypfelus,

H 2



Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
Oleas, Buchalion, Phialus, Simus, Pompus, gi

neta, Polymnestor, chmis, according to Chro

nologers, took up 379 years: which is 3 8
years a-piece to the ten Kings, and 42 years
a-piece to the nine. And the five Kings of the

Race of Eurysthenes, between the end of the firt

Meffenian war, and the beginning of the Reign
of Darius Hystapis; Eurycrates, Anaxander, Eu

rycrates II, Leon, Anaxandrides, Reigned 2 o 2

years, which is above 4o years a-piece.

Thus the Greek Chronologers, who follow

Timeus and Eratosthenes, have made the Kings of
their everal Cities, who lived before the times of

the Perfian Empire, to Reign about 3 5 or 4o

years a-piece, one with
; which is a length
fo much beyond the coure of nature, as is not
to be credited. For by the ordinary coure of
nature Kings Reign, one with another, about

eighteen or twenty years a-piece: and if in

fome intances they Reign, one with another, five

or fix years longer, in others they Reign as

much horter : eighteen or twenty years is a
medium. So the eighteen Kings of fudah who
fucceeded Solomon, Reigned 3 9o years, which
is one with another 2 2 years a-piece. The

fifteen Kings of Irael after Solomon, Reigned

2 5 9 years, which is 174 years a-piece. The

eighteen Kings of Babylon, Nabonaffar &c.



of the G R E E Ks.


ed zo 9 years, which is 1 1; years a-piece. The

ten Kings of Perfia; Cyrus, Cambyes, &c. Reign

ed 2 o 8 years, which is almot 2 1 years a-piece.
The fixteen Succeors of Alexander the great,
and of his brother and on in Syria; Seleucus,
Antiochus Soter, &c. Reigned 244 years, after

- the breaking of . that Monarchy into various

Kingdoms, which is i 54 years a-piece. The
eleven Kings of Egypt; Ptolomus Lagi, &c.
Reigned 277 years, counted from the ame Pe
riod, which is 25 years a-piece. The eight in
Macedonia; Caffander, &c. Reigned 1 3 8 years,

which is 17; years a-piece. The thirty Kings of

England; William the Conqueror, William Rufus,

&c. Reigned 648 years, which is 21 ; years

a-piece. The firt twenty four Kings of France;
Pharamundus, &c.

Reigned 45 8 years, which

is 19 years a-piece: the next twenty four Kings

of France; Ludovicus Balbus, &c. 45 1 years,
which is 1 84 years a-piece : the next fifteen,
Philip Valefius, &c. 3 1 5 years, which is 2 1

years a-piece : and all the fixty three Kings of

France, 1 2 24 years, which is 19; years a-piece.
Generations from father to on, may bereckoned
one withanother at about 3 3 or 34 yearsa-piece,
or about three Generations to an hundred years:

but if the reckoning proceed by the eldet ons,

they are horter, o that three of them may be


Of the CHRoN o Lo G y
reckoned at about 75 or 8 o years : and the

Reigns of Kings are till horter, becaue Kings

are ucceeded not only by their eldet fons, but

fometimes by their brothers, and ometimes they

are flain or depoed; and ucceeded by others of
an equal or greater age, epecially in eletive
or turbulent Kingdoms. In the later Ages,
fince Chronology hath been exact, there is carce

an intance to be found of ten Kings Reigning

any where in continual Succeion above 26o
years : but Timsus and his followers, and I think
alo fome of his Predeceors, after the example

of the Egyptians, have taken the Reigns of

Kings for Generations, and reckoned three Ge
nerations to an hundred, and ometimes to an

hundred and twenty years ; and founded the

Technical Chronology of the Greeks upon this

way of reckoning.

Let the reckoning be re

duced to the coure of nature, by putting the

Reigns of Kings one with another, at about
eighteen or twenty years a-piece: and the ten

Kings of Sparta by one Race, the nine by ano

ther Race, the ten Kings of Meffene, and the nine
of Arcadia, above mentioned, between the Re

turn of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus, and the

end of the firt Meffenian war, will carce take up

above 18o or 19 o years: whereas according to

Chronologers they took up 379 years.



of the G R E EK s.


confirming this reckoning, I may add

another argument. Euryleon the on of AEgeus,

7 commanded the main body of the Meffenians y Pauan l. 4.

in the fifth year of the firt Meffenian war, and &c. c.13. 7.p. p.28.
was in the fifth Generation from Oiolicus the on

296. & l. 3.
C. I J. P. 245.

of Theras, the brother-in-law of Aristodemus,

and tutor to his fons Eurysthenes and Procles, as

l. 4.
Pauanias * relates : and by conequence, from *c.Pauan.
7. p. 296.

the return of the Heraclides, which was in the

days of Theras, to the battle which was in the

fifth year of this war, there were fix Generati
ons, which, as I conceive, being for the mot

part by the eldet fons, will carce exceed thirty

years to a Generation; and o may amount un
to 17 o or 18 o years. That war lated i 9 or

zo years : add the lat 15 years, and there

will be about 1 9o years to the end of that
war : whereas the followers of Timeus make it

about 379 years, which is above fixty years to

a Generation.

By thee arguments, Chronologers have

lengthned the time, between the return of the
Heraclides into Peloponnefus and the firt Meffe
nian war, adding to it about 1 9o years: and
they have alo lengthned the time, between that
war and the rife of the Perian Empire.


in the Race of the Spartan Kings, decended from

Eurysthenes; after Polydorus, reigned * thee Kings, a Herod. l. 7.

Of the C H R o N o L o Gy


Eurycrates, Anaxander, Eurycratides, Leon, A

naxandrides, Cleomenes, Leonidas, &c. And in

the other Race decended from Procles; after

b Herod. 1. 8.

Theopompus, reigned " thee, Anaxandrides, Archi

demus, Anaxileus, Leutychides, Hippocratides, A
riston, Demaratus, Leutychides II. &c. accordin
to Herodotus. Thee Kings reigned 'till the
year of Xerxes, in which Leonidas was flain by
the Perians at Thermopyle; and Leutychides I.
foon after, flying from Sparta to Tegea, died


The even Reigns of the Kings of

Sparta, which follow Polydorus, being added to

the ten Reigns above mentioned, which began

with that of Eurysthenes; make up eventeen
Reigns of Kings, between the return of the He
raclides into Peloponnefus and the fixth year of

Xerxes: and the eight Reigns following Theo

pompus, being added to the nine Reigns above

mentioned, which began with that of Procles,

make up alo eventeen Reigns : and thee e
venteen Reigns, at twenty years

one with

another, amount unto three hundred and forty

years. Count thee 34o years upwards from
the fixth year of Xerxes, and one or two years
more for the war of the Heraclides, and Reign
of Aristodemus, the father of Eurysthenes and Pro
cles; and they will place the Return of the He
raclides into Peloponnefus, 1 5 9 years after the

of the G R E eks.


death of Solomon, and 46 years before the firt

Olympiad, in which Corebus was vitor. But
the followers of Timus have placed this Return
two hundred and eighty years earlier. . Now

this being the computation upon which the

Greeks, as you have heard from Diodorus and
Plutarch, have founded the Chronology of their
Kingdoms, which were ancienter than the Per
fian Empire; that Chronology is to be retified,

by hortening the times which preceded the

death of Cyrus, in the proportion of almot two
to one; for the times which follow the death
of Cyrus are not much amis.

The Artificial Chronologers, have made Lycur

gus, the legilator, asold as Iphitus, the retorer of
the Olympiads; and Iphitus, an hundred and
twelve years, older than the firt Olympiad: and,
to help out the Hypotheis, they have feigned
twenty eight Olympiads older than the firt
Olympiad, wherein Corebus was vitor. But

thee things were feigned, after the days of Thu

cydides and Plato:

Socrates died three years

after the end of the Peloponnefan war, and Plato Plato in

* introduceth him aying, that the institutions of Minoe.
Lycurgus were but of three hundred years stand
ing, or not much more. And " Thucydides, in the l.

reading followed by Stephanus, faith, that the

Lacedmonians, had from ancient times ufed good

P. 13.


Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
laws, and been free from tyranny; and that from
the time that they had ued one and the fame admi
nistration of their commonwealth, to the end of the

Peloponneian war, there were three hundred years

and a few more. , Count three hundred years
back from the end of the Peloponneian war, and

. 14. P. OO.

they will place the Legilature of Lycurgus upon

the 19th Olympiad. And, according to Socra
tes, it might be upon the 22d or 23 d. Athe
neus tells
out of ancient authors (Hellanicus,
that Lycurgus the Legi
lator, was contemporary to Terpander the Mui
cian; and that Terpander was the firt man who

got the victory in the Carnea, in a folemnity of

muic intituted in thoe fetivals in the 26th

Olympiad. He overcame four times in thoe

Pythic games, and therefore lived at leat 'till
the 29th Olympiad : and beginning to flourih

in the days of Lycurgus, it is not likely that Ly

to flourih, much before the 18th


Olympiad. The name of Lycurgus being on

the Olympic Dic, Aristotle concluded thence,
that Lycurgus was the companion of Iphitus, in
Olympic games : and this argu
ment might be the ground of the opinion of
Chronologers, that Lycurgus and Iphitus were
contemporary. But Iphitus did not retore all the
ands Olympic games. He ' retored indeed the Racing


of the G REEKs.


in the firt Olympiad, Corebus beingvitor. In

the 14th Olympiad, the double stadium was

added, Hypenus beingvitor. And in the 18th

Olympiad the Quinquertium and Wrestling were
added, Lampus and Eurybatus, two Spartans,
being vitors: And the Dic was one of the

games of the Aginquertium.

: Pauanias tells

us that there were three Dics kept in the

Olympic treaury at Altis : thee therefore
having the name of Lycurgus upon them, hew


were given by him, at the intitution

of the Quinquertium, in the 18th Olympiad.

Now Polydeffes King of Sparta, being flain be
fore the birth of his fon Charillus or Charilaus,

left the Kingdom to Lycurgus his brother; and

Lycurgus, upon the birth of Charillus, became tu

tor to the child; and after about eight months

travelled into Crete and Afia, till the child grew

up, and brought back with him the poems of

Homer; and oon after publihed his laws, up

poe upon the 22d or 23d Olympiad; for he
was then growing old : and Terpander was a
Lyric Poet, and began to flourih about this time;
for " he imitated Orpheus and Homer, and fung | Plutarch.

Homer's veres and his own, and wrote the laws

of Lycurgus in vere, and was vitor in the Py-

thic games in the 26th Olympiad, as above. ***

He was the first who distinguihed the modes
I 2




Of the Chronology
of Lyric muic by everal names. Ardalus and

clonas oon after did the like for wind muic:

and from henceforward, by the encouragement
of the Pythic games, now intituted, everal emi
nent Muicians and Poets flourihed in Greece:

as Archilochus, Eumelus Corinthius, Polymnestus,

Thaletas, Xenodemus, Xenocritus, Sacadas, Tyr
teus, Tlefilla, Rhianus, Alcman, Arion, Steficho
rus, Mimnermnus, Alcus, Sappho, Theognis, Ana
creon, Ibycus, Simonides, chylus, Pindar, by
whom the Muic and Poetry of the Greeks were

brought to perfection.
Lycurgus, publihed his laws in the Reign of
Agefilaus, the on and ucceor of Doryagus, in the
Race of the Kings of Sparta
from Eu
rysthenes. From the Return of the Heraclides
into Peloponnefus, to the end of the Reign of
Agefilaus, there were fix Reigns: and from the
ame Return to the end of the Reign of Poly
deffes, in the Race of the Spartan Kings decend

ed from Procles, there were alo fix Reigns:

and thee Reigns, at twenty years a-piece one
with another, amount unto 1 2 o years; beides
the hort Reign of Aristodemus, the father of Eu
rysthenes and Procles, which might amount to
a year or two : for Aristodemus came to the
' Herod l. 6. crown, as ' Herodotus and the Lacedemonians
C. 52.
themelves affirmed.

The times of the deaths of


of the GREEKS.


Agefilaus and Polydetes are not certainly known :

but it may be preumed that Lycurgus did not
meddle with the Olympic games before he came
to the Kingdom; and therefore Polydestes died
in the beginning of the 18th Olympiad, or but

a very little before. If it may be uppoed that

the zoth Olympiad was in, or very near to the
middle time between the deaths of the two

Kings Polydeffes and Agefilaus, and from thence

be counted upwards the aforefaid i zo years,
and one year more for the Reign of Aristode

mus; the reckoning will place the Return of the

Heraclides, about 45 years before the beginning
of the Olympiads.
the the
on ofgames,

. 5. C. 4

the on of Thoas, the on of Andremon: Her

cules and Andremon married two iters: Thoas

warred at Troy : Oxylus returned into Peloponne

fus with the Heraclides. In this return he com
manded the body of the tolians, and recovered

Elea; ' from whence his ancetor tolus, the on , panan.

of Endymion, the on of Aethlius, had been driven s

by Salmoneus the grandon of Hellen.


the friendhip of the Heraclides, Oxylus had the

care of the Olympic Temple committed to him :
and the Heraclides, for his ervice done them,

granted further upon oath that the country of





Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
the Eleans hould be free from invaions, and be
defended by them from all armed force : And

when the Eleans were thus conecrated, Oxylus

restored the Olympic games: and after they
had been again intermitted, Iphitus their Kin
m Pauan.

" retored them, and made them

1- 5. c. 4.

Iphitus is by ome reckoned the fon of Henon,

by others the fon of Praxonidas, the on of He

mon: , but Hemon being the father of Oxylus, I

would reckon Iphitus the on of


fon of Oxylus, the on of Hemon. And by this

reckoning the Return of the Heraclides into Pelo
ponnefus will be two Generations by the eldet
n Pauan.

fons, or about 5 2 years, before the Olym

Paufanias " repreents that Melas the on of

1. 5. c. 18.

Antiffus, of the poterity of Gomuffa the daugh

ter of Sicyon, was not

above fix Generations

older than Cypfelus King of Corinth; and that he

was contemporary to Aletes, who returned with
the Heraclides into Peloponnefus. The Reign of
Cypfelus began An. 2, Olymp. 3 1, according to
hronologers; and fix Generations, at about
3 o years to a Generation, amount unto 1 8o

years. Count thoe years backwards from An.

2, Olymp. ; 1, and they will place the Return
of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus 5 8 years be

fore the firt Olympiad. But it might not be


of the G R E Eks.
fo early, if the Reign of Cypfelus began three or
four Olympiads later; for he reigned before the
Perian Empire began.

Hercules the Argonaut was the father of Hyl

lus; the father of Cleodius; the father of Aristo
machus; the father of Temenus, Crephontes, and
Aristodemus, who led the Heraclides into Peloponne

fus: and Eurystheus, who was of the ame age

with Hercules, was flain in the firt attempt of
the Heraclides to return : Hyllus was flain in the

fecond attempt, Cleodius in the third attempt,

Aristomachus in the fourth attempt, and Aristo
demus died as foon as they were returned, and

left the Kingdom of Sparta to his ons Eurysthe

mes and Procles.

Whence their Return was four

Generations later than the Argonautic expedition :

And thee Generations were hort ones, being by
the chief of the family, and fuit with the reck

oning of Thucydides and the Ancients, that the

taking of Troy was about 75 or eighty years
before the return of the Heraclides into Pelopon
nefus; and the Argonautic expedition one Gene

ration earlier than the taking of Troy. Count

therefore eighty years backward from the Return
of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus to the Trojan
war, and the taking of Troy will be about 76
years after the death of Solomon : And the Ar

gonautic expedition, which was one Generation



Of the CHRoN o L o Gy


earlier, will be about 43 years after it.


the taking of Troy to the Return of the Hera

clides, could carce be more than eighty years,

becaue Orestes the on of Agamemnon was a
youth at the taking of Troy, and his ons Pen
thilus and Tifamenus lived till the Return of the

culapius and Hercules were Argonauts, and

Hippocrates was the eighteenth incluively by the

father's fide from culapius, and the nineteenth
from Hercules by the mother's fide: and be
caue thee Generations, being taken notice of

by writers, were mot probably by the princi

pal of the family, and o for the mot part by
the eldet ons; we may reckon about 2 8 or at

the mot about 3 o years to a Generation. And

thus the eventeen intervals by the father's fide,

and eighteen by the mother's, will at a middle

reckoning amount unto about 5 o7 years:

which counted backwards from the beginning

of the Peloponnefian war, at which time Hippo

crates began to flourih, will reach up to the

43 d year after the death of Solomon, and there
lace the Argonautic expedition.
When the Romans conquered the Carthagini
ans, the Archives of Carthage came into their

hands: And thence Appion, in his hitory of

the Punic wars, tells in round numbers that Car


of the G R E E ks.

thage stood even hundred years: and So-:solin.

linus adds the odd number of years in thee ***

words : Adrymeto atque Carthagini author est a
Tyro populus. Urbem istam, ut Cato in Oratione
Senatoria autumat,

cum rex Hiarbas rerum in

Libya potiretur, Eliffa mulier extruxit, domo Phe

nix, e5 Carthadam dixit, quod Phenicum ore
exprimit civitatem novam; mox fermone verfo

Carthago dista est, que post annos feptingentos

triginta feptem exciditur quam fuerat extrutta.
Eliffa was Dido, and Carthage was detroyed in

the Conulhip of Lentulus and Mummius, in the

year of the fulian Period 45 68; from whence
count backwards 737 years, and the Encania
or Dedication of the City, will fall upon the
1 6th year of Pygmalion, the brother of Dido, and
King of Tyre. She fled in the eventh year of

Pygmalion, but the ra of the City began with

its Encenia. Now Virgil, and his Scholiat Ser
vius, who might have fome things from the ar

chives of Tyre and Cyprus, as

as from thoe
of Carthage, relate that Teucer came from the
war of Troy to Cyprus, in the days of Dido, a
little before the Reign of her brother Pygmalion;
and, in conjunction with her father,


prus, and ejected Cinyras: and the Marbles ay

that Teucer came to Cyprus even years after the
detruction of Troy, and built Salamis; and Apol
lodorus, that Cinyras married Metharme the daugh



Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
ter of Pygmalion, and built Paphos.


fore, if the Romans, in the days of Augustus, fol

lowed not altogether the artificial Chronology

of Eratosthenes, but had thee things from the
records of

Carthage, Cyprus, or Tyre;

the arrival

of Teucer at Cyprus will be in the Reign of the

Pygmalion : , and by conequence
the detrution of Troy, about 76 years later
than the death of Solomon.
z Diony

Dionyius Halicarnaffenis tells us, that in the

1. 1. p. 15.

time of the Trojan war, Latinus was King of the

Aborigines in Italy, and that in the

Age after that war, Romulus built Rome. By Ages
he means Reigns of Kings: for after Latinus
he names fixteen Kings of the Latines, the lat
of which was Numitor, in whoe days Romulus

built Rome : , for Romulus was contemporary to

Numitor, and after him Dionyius and others

reckon fix Kings more over Rome, to the begin

ning of the Conuls.

Now thee twenty and

two Reigns, at about 18 years to a Reign one

with another, for many of thee Kings were
flain, took up 3 96 years; which counted back
from the conulhip of funius Brutus and Vale

rius Publicola, the two firt Conuls, place the

Trojan war about 78 years after the death of

The expedition of Sefoffris was one Genera

tion earlier than the Argonautic expedition : for



of the GREEKS.
in his return back into

he left AEetes in

Colchis, and AEetes reigned there 'till the Argo

nautic expedition;

# Prometheus

was left by

Sefostris with a body of men at Mount Caucaus,

to guard that pas, and after thirty years was re
by Hercules the Argonaut: and Phlyas and
Eumedon, the fons of the great Bacchus, o the

Poets call Sefostris, and of Ariadne the daughter

of Minos, were Argonauts. . At the return of
Sefofiris into Egypt, his brother Danaus fled from
him into Greece with his fifty daughters, in a
long hip; after the pattern of which the hip
Argo was built : and Argus, the on of Danaus,
was the mater-builder thereof.

Nauplius the

Argonaut was born in Greece, of Amymone,

one of the daughters of Danaus, and of Neptune,
admiral of Sefostris: And two

the brother

others of the daughters of Danaus married Ar

chander and Archilites, the ons of Achaus, the on

of Creufa, the daughter of Erechtheus King of

Athens : and therefore the daughters of Da
naus were three Generations younger than Erech

theus; and by conequence contemporary to The

feus the on of geus, the adopted on of
Pandion, the on of Erechtheus. Thefeus, in

the time of the Argonautic expedition, was of

about 5 o years of age, and o was born about
the 3 3d year of Solomon : for he tole Helena

* jut before that expedition, being then 5 o years

|d Argonaut.
K 2

OlCl, l. i. v. 1o1,


Of the CHRoN o L o G Y
old, and he but even, or as ome ay ten. Pi

r Plutarch.
in Theeo,

rithous the on of Ixion helped Theeus to steal

Helena, and then Theeus went with Pirithous to
fteal Perfephone, the daughter of Aidoneus, or Or

cus, King of the Moloffians, and was taken in the

ation : and whilt he lay in prion, Castor and
Pollux returning from the Argonautic expedition,
releaed their fifter Helena, and captivated thra

the mother of Thefeus.

Now the daughters of

Danaus being contemporary to Thefeus, and ome

of their ons being Argonauts, Danaus with his

daughters fled from his brother Sefostris into
Greece about one Generation before the Argonau
tic expedition ; and therefore Sefostris returned

into Egypt in the Reign of Rehoboam. He came

out of Egypt in the fifth year of Rehoboam, 'and

1. I. P. 35.

fpent nine years in that expedition, againt the

Eatern Nations and Greece; and therefore return

ed back into Egypt, in the fourteenth year of

Rehoboam. Sefac and Sefostris were therefore

Kings of all Egypt, at one and the ame time :

and they agree not only in the time, but alo
in their ations and conquets. God gave Sefac
ns-sri nheo the Kingdoms of the lands, 2 Chron.
xii. Where Herodotus decribes the expedition
* Joeph.
Antiq. l. 4.

of Sefostris, joephus tells us that he decribed

c. 8,

the expedition of Sefac, and attributed his ati

ons to Sefostris, erring only in the name of

the King Corruptions of names are frequent

of the G R E Eks.
in history : Sefostris was otherwie called Sefo
chris, Sefochis, Sefoois, Sethofis, Sefonchis, Sefon
chofis. Take away the Greek termination, and
the names become Sefoff, Sefoch, Sefoos, Sethos,

Sefonch : which names differ very little from

Sefach. Sefonchis and Sefach differ no more
than Memphis and Moph, two names of the fame

city. Joephus " tells us alo, from Manetho, that Apion.

Contral. I.
Sethofis was the brother of Armais, and that

thee brothers were otherwie called gyptus

and Danaus; and that upon the return of Se
thosts or gyptus, from his great conquets into

Egypt, Armais or Danaus fled from him into


Egypt was at firt divided into many mall

Kingdoms, like other nations; and grew into
one monarchy by degrees: and the father of

Solomon's Queen, was the first King of Egypt,

who came into Phnicia with an Army : but

he only took Gezir, and gave it to his daughter.

Sefac, the next King, came out of Egypt with

an army of Libyans, Troglodites and Ethiopians,

2 Chron. xii. 3. and therefore was then King
of all thoe countries; and we do not read in

Scripture, that any former King of Egypt, who

Reigned over all thoe nations, came out of

Egypt with a great army to conquer other coun

tries. The acred hitory of the Iraelites, from
the days of Abraham to the days of Solomon, ad
Il M1tS


Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
mits of no uch conqueror. . Sefostris reigned

over all the ame nations of the Libyans, Troglo

dites and Ethiopians, and came out of Egypt
with a great army to conquer other Kingdoms.
The Shepherds reigned long in the lower part

of Egypt, and were expelled thence, jut before

the building of ferualem and the Temple; ac
cording to Manetho; and whilt they Reigned
in the lower part of Egypt, the upper part
thereof was under other Kings : and while

Egypt was divided into everal Kingdoms, there

was no room for any uch King of all Egypt
as Sefostris; and no hitorian makes him later
than Sefac : and therefore he was one and the

fame King of Egypt with Sefac. . This is no

new opinion : joephus dicovered it when he
affirmed that Herodotus erred, in



ations of Sefac to Sefoffris, and that the error

was only in the name of the King: for this

'is as much as to ay, that the true name of him

who did thoe things decribed by Herodotus, was

Sefac; and that Herodotus erred only in calling

him Sefostris ; or that he was called Sefostris by
a corruption of his name. Our great Chrono
loger, Sir fohn Marham, was alo of opinion

that Sefostris was Sefac : and if this be grant

ed, it is then mot certain, that Sefostris came

out of Egypt in the fifth year of Rehoboam to

invade the nations, and returned back into


of the GREEks.


Egypt in the 14th year of that King; and that

Danaus then flying from his brother, came into
Greece within a year or two after : and the

Argonautic expedition being one Generation later

than that invaion, and than the coming of
Danaus into Greece, was certainly about 4o or

45 years later than the death of Solomon. Pro

was on
Hercules* :thirty
and years,
there- Fab.
fore the Argonautic expedition was thirty years
after Prometheus had been left on Mount Cauca

fus by Sefofris, that is, about 44 years after the

death of Solomon.

All nations, before the jut length of the Solar

year was known, reckoned months by the
coure of the moon; and years by the ' returns , Gen. i 14.
of winter and ummer, pring and autumn :
and in making Calendars for their Fetivals, Cicero in
they reckoned thirty days to a Lunar month, Yerem.

and twelve Lunar months to a year; taking the gia"

nearet round numbers: whence came the di

viion of the Ecliptic into 3 6 o degrees. So

in the time of Noah's flood, when the Moon

could not be een, Noah reckoned thirty days

to a month: but if the Moon appeared a day

or twothebefore
the endwith
of the
the firt
* they
Cicero io
next month
day of
her ;Verrem.
appearing : and this was done generally, 'till

the Egyptians of Thebais found the length


Of the C H R o N o L o Gy

* I)jodor,
l. I.

b Cicero in

the Solar year.

So Diodorus tells us that the

Egyptians of Thebais ufe no intercalary months,

nr fubduct any days [from the month] as is done
by most of the Greeks. And Cicero, est confue
tudo Siculorum cterorumque Grcorum, quod fuos
dies meneque congruere volunt cum Solis Lunque
ratione, ut nonnumquam fiquid diferepet, eximant
unum aliquem diem aut fummum biduum ex menfe

[civili dierum triginta] quos illi czapsrues

upon Heiod's Tgic:

dies nominant. And Proclus,

s Gem. c. 6.

xa, mentions the fame thing. And Geminus:

TIBeris ) lui Toi; dezaoic, Ts p) ulvias
dyew G o enhvny, T $ wiavr, xa6' i^iov.

T z Ty vuy, T) Tv xenTuy ra

gafyeNAuevov, T Svew x} y', nyay T 7rd

Tta, ulujas, huas, wiavrg rTo Mxaov

:Tales oi "Exalweg t rs (S) iviavrs avu

qrs dydy T ino Tas juas rs unvas





Ti rexvn. gi 3 T up xa6' i^iov d yew Ta evi

avrg, r re Ta avra ga, T vlavr Tas

civTd, Svra Toi;

Ty1 uS)
d) Seoig1 iarrexial,


avny Gvay dlo zravl (;) To ag o'vyle?\ei



&ar Thy $ $eeuwy, T Ge9 duo K

T, noizr xal, T rag T, avTa, SvTas



Tlew. Tto 3 Tnaow roolws, xexa




euquvoy eivai roig 3eol.

** -

Tato d dNAwg ex


of the G R E Eks.


dy duvarro yvral, ei un di To9ra, ai irn

usea re, T, avr, Tra yyvollo. T $

:G) renvny dyeiv Tcs hucz, roi3rov gi r



dxoxo3 Toi; # Tenvne poriruois Tas re9an

yoea rv huspy yre&. Xa 3 rv rii; re

Alun, poriguy di Teyrnyoea Tv huspw



Ev u}) })


mu.Egz Vcz n


Texlun pav), K ruwanoi(plu) vsoulwia reorn

yogUSw' w i 3 hug ry Urpay
ru R T) .. 4


zroiirou, d'Ure9v zre9nygUav Thy $ 7 u

rov r ulw yyouvny party riis rexvne, Xa

dvr r avuavolos d'ixoulwiav xd xeray.
l xa3x8 3 noiras Ta huas Xa ry the






Texlun; portryj re9vuaray. 53e Ty

Tezoxoglu) r8 ulwg hugav kazcrny o'av Xa
avr r ovuarolos Teuaxdda ixcmeray.

Propoitum enim fuit veteribus, menes quidem agere

fecundum Lunam, annos vero fecundum Solem.

uod enim a legibus c Oraculis precipiebatur, ut

facrificarent fecundum tria, videlicet patria, men
fes, dies, annos; hoc ita diffinfie faciebant uni
verfi Greci, ut annos agerent congruenter cum Sole,
dies vero es menes cum Luna. Porro fecundum
Solem annos agere, est circa eadem tempestates anni
eadem facrificia Diis perfici, e5 vernum facrificium
femper in vere confummari, estivum autem in estate:


Of the C H R o N o L o G Y


fimilitere in reliquis anni temporibus eadem facrificia

cadere. Hoc enim putabant acceptum & gratum effe
Diis. Hoc autem aliter feri non poffet nii conver
fiones folstitiales & quinoffia in iidem Zodiaci
locis ferent. Secundum Lunam vero dies agere est
tale ut congruant cum Lune illuminationibus appel
lationes dierum.

Nam a Lun e illuminationibus ap

pellationes dierum funt denominat. In qua enim

die Luna apparet nova, ea per Synalaphen, feu
compoitionem vsounva, id est, Novilunium appel
latur. In qua vero die fecundam facit apparitionem,

eam fecundam Lunam vocarunt. Apparitionem Lune

que circa medium menis fit, ab ipo eventu d'ixo
punvaw, id est medietatem menis nominarunt. Ac
fummatim, omnes dies a Lun illuminationibus deno
minarunt. Unde etiam tricefimam menfis diem, cum
ultima fit, ab ipfo eventu Teuaxca vocarunt.
The ancient Calendar year of the Greeks con
fifted therefore of twelve Lunar months, and

every month of thirty days: and thee years

and months they correted from time to time,

by the coures of the Sun and Moon, omit

ting a day or two in the month, as cften as
they found the month too long for the coure
of the Moon; and adding a month to the year,
as often as they found the twelve Lunar months
d Apud La

too hort for the return of the four eaons.

Cleobulus, one of the even wie men of Greece,

ertium, in


of the G R E E Ks.


alluded to this year of the Greeks, in his Parable

of one father who had twelve ons, each of

which had thirty daughters half white and half

black : and Thales called the lat day of the Apud La
month reakca, the thirtieth : and Solon
the the
ten thirtieth,
lat days calling
of the that
ward from




' vay, the old and the new, or the lat day
f the old month and the firt day of the
new : for he introduced months of 29 and

3 o days alternately, making the thirtieth da

of every other month to be the firt day of
the next month. ,
To the twelve Lunar months the ancient i Cenorinus

Greeks added a thirteenth, every other year,

which made their Dieteris ;

and becaue this initium.

reckoning made their year too long by a month

in eight years, they omitted an intercalary month

once in eight years, which made their Ottaeteris,

one half of which was their Tetraeteris: And
thee Periods eem to have been almot as old

as the religions of Greece, being ued in divers

of their Sacra.

The * Ostaeteris was the An- e Apollo

nus magnus of Cadmus and Minos, and eems to

have been brought into Greece and Crete by the str. l. 16.
Phenicians, who came thither with Cadmus and .

Europa, and to have continued 'till after the

days of Herodotus : for in counting the length
L 2



Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
* Herodil. I of eventy years, " he reckons thirty days to a
Lunar month, and twelve fuch months, or 3 6 o

days, to the ordinary year, without the interca

lary months, and 25 uch months to the Die
teris: and according to the number of days
in the Calendar year of the Greeks, Demetrius

Phalereus had 3 6 o Statues ereted to him by

the Athenians. But the Greeks, Cleostratus, Har

palus, and others, to make their months agree

better with the coure of the Moon, in the

times of the Perfian Empire, varied the manner

of intercaling the three months in the Offaete
ris; and Meton found out the Cycle of interca

ling even months in nineteen years.

j Phutarch.
in Numa.

The Ancient year of the Latines was alo Luni

folar; for Plutarch' tells us, that the year of Nu
ma conited of twelve Lunar months, with inter
calary months to make up what the twelve Lunar

months wanted of the Solar year. The Ancient

year of the Egyptians was alo Luni-olar, and

continued to be o 'till the days of Hyperion, or
ostris, a King of Egypt, the father of Helius and
Selene, or Orus and Bubaffe : For the Iraelites

brought this year out of Egypt; and Diodorus

i Diodor.

tells " us that Ouranus the father of Hyperion ued

1. 3. P. 133

l. I. P. 13.

this year, and * that in the Temple of Ostris the

Priests appointed thereunto filled 3 6 o Milk
Bowls every day : I think he means one Bowl

of the Greeks.


every day, in all 3 6o, to count the number of

days in the Calendar year, and thereby to find
out the difference between this and the true

Solar year:

for the year of 3 6o days was the

year, to the end of which they added five


That the Iraelites ued the Luni-folar year is

beyond question. Their months began with
their new Moons. Their firt month was called

Abib, from the earing of Corn in that month.

Their Paover was kept upon the fourteenth
day of the firt month, the Moon being then
in the full :

and if the Corn was not then

ripe enough for offering the firt Fruits, the

Festival was put off, by adding an intercalary
month to the end of the year; and the harvet

was got in before the Pentecot, and the other

Fruits gathered before the Feat of the eventh

Simplicius in his commentary ' on the firt of i Apud

Aristotle's Phyical Acroasts, tells us, that fme

begin the year upon the Summer Solstice, as the Peo- menius.
ple of Attica; or upon the Autumnal Equinox, as
the People of Aia; or in Winter, as the Romans;
or about the Vernal Equinox, as the Arabians and
People of Damacus: and the month began, accord
ing to fome, upon the Full Moon, or upon the New.

The years of all thee Nations were therefore




Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
Luni-olar, and kept to the four Seaons : and

the Roman year began at firt in Spring, as I

feem to gather from the Names of their Months,
Quintilis, Sextilis, September, Ottober, November,
December: and the beginning was afterwards
removed to Winter. The ancient civil year of

the Affrians and Babylonians was alo Luni-olar:

for this year was alo ued by the Samaritans,

who came from feveral parts of the Affrian

Empire; and the fews who came from Baby
lon called the months of their Luni-olar year
after the Names of the months of the Babylonian
m Apud A

l. 14.

year: and Berofus " tells us that the Babylonians

celebrated the Feat Sacea upon the 1 6th day of
the month Lous, which was a Lunar month of

the Macedonians, and kept to one and the ame

Seaon of the year : and the Arabians, a Nation

who peopled Babylon, ue Lunar months to

n Suidas in

this day. Suidas " tells us, that the Sarus of

d pot.

the Chaldeans contains 2 2 2 Lunar months, which

are eighteen years, coniting each of twelve

Lunar months, beides fix intercalary months:
o Herod. l. I.

and when Cyrus cut the River Gindus into

3 6o Channels, he eems to have alluded unto

P Julian.
Or: 4.

the number of days in the Calendar year ofthe

Medes and Perians: and the Emperor fu
lian writes, For when all other People, that I
may fay it in one word, accommodate their months


of the G R E E K s.


to the courfe of the Moon, we alone with the

Egyptians meaure the days of the year by the

coure of the Sun.

At length the Egyptians, for the fake of Na

vigation, applied themelves to oberve the Stars;
and by their Heliacal Riings and Settings found
the true Solar year to be five days longer than
the Calendar year, and therefore added five days
to the twelve Calendar months; making the
Solar year to confit of twelve months and five
days. Strabo " and Diodorus acribe this inven- Strabo l.

tion to the Egyptians of Thebes. The Theban

Priests, aith Strabo, are above others faid to be 1. 1. p. 32.
Astronomers and Philoophers. They invented the
reckoning of days not by the coure of the Moon,

but by the coure of the Sun. To twelve months

each of thirty days they add yearly five
days. In memory of this Emendation of

the year they dedicated the five additional days

to ostris, Iis, Orus enior, Typhon, and Nephthei

the wife of Typhon, feigning that thoe days dor. l. 1. p. 9.

were added to the year when thee five Princes

were born, that is, in the Reign of Ouranus, or

Ammon, the father of Sefac : and in the Sepul- , Hecateus

chre of Amenophis, who Reigned foon after,

they placed a Golden Circle of 3 6 5 cubits in

compas, and divided it into 3 6 5 equal parts,

to repreent all the days in the year, and noted


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
upon each , part the Heliacal Rifings and
Settings of the Stars on that day; which Circle

remained there 'till the invaion of Egypt by

Cambyes King of Perfia. Till the Reign of Oura
nus, the father of Hyperion, and grandfather of

Helius and Selene, the Egyptians ued the old Lu

niolar year : but in his Reign, that is, in the

Reign of Ammon, the father of Oiris or Sefac,

and grandfather of Orus and Bubaste, the The
bans began to apply themelves to Navigation
and Atronomy, and by the Heliacal Rifingsand
Settings of the Stars determined the length of
the Solar year; and to the old Calendar year
added five days, and dedicated them to his five
children above mentioned, as their birth days:

and in the Reign of Amenophis, when by fur

ther Obervations they had ufficiently deter

mined the time of the Soltices, they might

place the beginning of this new year upon the

Vernal Equinox. This year being at length

into Chaldea, gave occaion to the

year of Nabonaffar; for the years of Nabonaffar

and thoe of Egypt began on one and the fame
day, called by them Thoth, and were equal and
in all repets the fame: and the firt year of

Nabonaffar began on the 26th day of February

of the old Roman year, even hundred forty and

feven years before the Vulgar ra of Christ,




of the G R E Eks.
and thirty and three days and five hours before

the Vernal Equinox,according to the Sun's mean

motion ; for it is not likely that the Equation
of the Sun's motion hould be known in the

infancy of Astronomy.

Now reckoning that

the year of 3 6 5 days wants five hours and 49

minutes of the Equinotial year; the begin

ning of this year will move backwards thirty
and three days and five hours in 137 years :

and by conequence this year began at firt in

Egypt upon the Vernal Equinox, according to
the Sun's mean motion, 1 37 years before the

ra of Nabonaffar began; that is, in the year

of the fulian Period 3 8 3 o, or 96 years after

the death of Solomon : and if it began upon

the next day after the Vernal Equinox, it might
begin four years earlier ; and about that time
ended the Reign of Amenophis : for he came not
from Sufa to the Trojan war, but died afterwards

in Egypt. This year was received by the Perian

Empire from the Babylonian; and the Greeks
alo ued it in the AEra Philippea, dated from the

Death of Alexander the great; and fulius Cefar

correted it, by adding a day in every four years,
and made it the year of the Romans.
Syncellus tells us, that the five days were

added to the old year by the lat King of the

Shepherds: and the difference in time tav


Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
the Reign of this King, and that of Ammon, is

but mall; for the Reign of the Shepherds

ended but one Generation, or two, before Am

mon began to add thoe days. But the Shep

herds minded not Arts and Sciences.

The firt month of the Luni-olar year, by rea

fon of the Intercalary month, began fometimes a

week or a fortnight before the Equinox or Sol

ftice, and ometimes as much after it. And this

year gave occaion to the firt Atronomers, who

formed the Asterims, to place the Equinoxes and
Soltices in the middles of the Contellations of

Aries, Cancer, Chele, and Capricorn. Achilles

u Iago

Tatius " tells us, that fme antiently placed the


Petavio edit.

Solstice in the beginning of Cancer, others in the

eighth degree of Cancer, others about the twelfth
degree, and others about the fifteenth degree thereof.
This variety of opinions proceeded from the

preceion of the

then not known to

the Greeks. When the Sphere was firt formed,

the Solstice was in the fifteenth degree or mid

dle of the Contellation of

Cancer : then it

came into the twelfth, eighth, fourth, and firt

degree ucceively. Eudoxus, who flourihed a

bout fixty years after Meton, and an hundred

years before Aratus, in decribing the Sphere of

the Ancients, placed the Soltices and Equinoxes

in the middles of the Contellations of Aries,


of the G REEKs.


Cancer, Chele, and Capricorn, as is affirmed

by * Hipparchus Bithynus; and appears alo by ad

the Decription of the Equinotial and Tropical
Circles in Aratus, " who copied after Eudoxus;


and by the poitions of the Colures of the E

quinoxes and Soltices, which in the Sphere of

Eudoxus, decribed by Hipparchus, went through
the middles of thoe Contellations. For Hip
parchus tells us, that Eudoxus drew the Colure

of the Soltices, through the middle of the great

Bear, and the middle of Cancer, and the neck

of Hydrus, and the Star between the Poop and

Mat of Argo, and the Tayl of the South F/6,
and through the middle of Capricorn, and of
Sagitta, and through the neck and right wing
of the Swan, and the left hand of Cepheus; and
that he drew the Equinotial Colure, throu
the left hand of
lax, and alon
middle of his Body,
cros the middle of

Chele, and through the right hand and fore-knee

of the Centaur, and through the flexure of Eri
danus and head of Cetus, and the back of Aries

a-cros, and through the head and right hand

of Perfeus.

Now Chiron delineated

Zhuara daurs the

Asterims, as the ancient Author of Gigantoma

chia, cited by * Clemens Alexandrinus, informs us: Strom 1:
for Chiron was

a pratical Atronomer, as may P. 306, 352.

M 2



Of the C H R o N o L o G Y
be there understood alo of his daughter Hippo:
and Mufeus, the on of Eumolpus and mater of

a Laertius

Proem. l. I.

Orpheus, and one of the Argonauts, made a

Sphere, and is reputed the firt among the

Greeks who made one: and the Sphere it elf
fhews that it was delineated in the time of the

Argonautic expedition ; for that expedition is

delineated in the Asterims, together with e
veral other ancienter Hitories of the Greeks,

and without any thing later. There's the golden

RAM, the enign of the Veel in which Phryxus
fled to Colchis; the BULL with brazen hoofs

tamed by fafon; and the TWINS, CA STOR

and PO L LUX, two of the Argonauts, with
the SWAN of Leda their mother.


the Ship ARGO, and HTDRUS the watchful

Dragon; with Medeas CUP, and a RA VE N
upon its Carcas, the Symbol of Death. There's

CH IRON the mater of fafon, with his A L

TA R and SACRIFICE. There's the Argo
naut HERCUL ES with his DA RT and VUL

TUR E falling down; and the DRAGON,

CRA B and LTO N, whom he flew; and the

HARP of the Argonaut Orpheus. All thee

relate to the Argonauts. There's O RIO N the

on of Neptune, or as ome ay, the grandon of

Minos, with his D OG S, and HAR E, and

RIVER, and SCORPION. There's the tory


of the G R E E Ks.
of Perfeus in the Constellations of PERSEUS,

PEA and CETUS: That of Callisto, and her

fon Arcas, in U R S A M A f OR and ARCTO

P HT LA X: That of Icareus and his daughter

Erigone in Bo OTES, P LAU STRU M


VIRGO. URSA MI N O R relates to one of

the Nures of fupiter, AUR I GA to Erechtho

mius, O PHIUCH US to Phorbas, SA GITTA
RIUS to Crolus the on of the Nure of the Mu

fes, CA PRICO R N to Pan, and A QUA RIUS

to Ganimede. There's Ariadne's CR O HYN,

Bellerophon's H O RSE, Neptune's DOLPH IN,

Ganimede's EAGLE, fupiter's GOAT with
her KIDS, Bacchus's


and the

FISH ES of Venus and Cupid, and their Pa

rent the SOUTH FISH. Thee with DELTO

TON, are the old Contellations mentioned by

Aratus: and they all relate to the Argonauts
and their Contemporaries, and to Perons one

or two Generations older : and nothing later

than that Expedition was delineated there

Originally. ANTI N O US and COM A B E

RENICE S are novel. The Sphere eems there
fore to have been formed by Chiron and Mu

feus, for the ue of the Argonauts: for the Ship

Argo was the firt long hip built by the Greeks.
Hitherto they had ued round veels of

bu i


Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
and kept within fight of the hore; and now,
upon an Embay to feveral Princes upon the
coats of the Euxine and Mediterranean Seas,

b Apollodor.

" by the ditates of the Oracle, and conent of

1. I. c. 9.

the Princes of Greece, the Flower of Greece were

Set. 16.

to fail with Expedition through the deep, in a

long Ship with Sails, and guide their Ship by
the Stars. The People of the Iland Corcyra
e Suidas in

* attributed the invention of the Sphere to

Aya ya? A 6

Nauficaa, the daughter of Alcinous, King of the

Pheaces in that Iland : and it's mot probable

d Apollodor. that he had it from the Argonauts, who " in
l. I. c. 9.
Set. 25.

their return home failed to that Iland, and

made ome tay there with her father. So then

in the time of the Argonautic Expedition, the
Cardinal points of the Equinoxes and Soltices
were in the middles of the Contellations of

Aries, Cancer, Chele, and Capricorn.

In the end of the year of our Lord 1 6 89

the Star called Prima Arietis was in r. 28. 5 1".

oo", with North Latitude 7. 8'. 5 8". And
the Star called ultima caude Arietis was in 8.

1 9. 3'. 42", with North Latitude z. 34'. 5".

And the Colurus quinotiorum paffing through
the point in the middle between thoe two Stars

did then cut the Ecliptic in 8 6". 44' : and by

this reckoning the Equinox in the end of the
year 1 689 was/gone back 3 6. 44'. ince the

of the G R E EKs.

Argonautic Expedition: uppoing that the aid

Colure paed through the middle of the Con

ftellation of Aries, according to the delineation

of the Ancients. The Equinox goes back fifty

feconds in one year, and one degree in eventy

and two years, and by conequence ; 6 44'.

in 2.645 years, which counted back from the

end of the year of our Lord 1 689, or begin

ning of the year 1 69o, will place the Argo
nautic Expedition about 25 years after the
Death of Solomon : but it is not neceary that
the middle of the Contellation of Aries hould

be exatly in the middle between the two Stars

called prima Arietis and ultima Caude : and it
may be better to fix the Cardinal points by the

Stars, through which the Colures paed in the


according to the decription of

Eudoxus above recited. By the Colure of the E

I mean a great Circle paling through

e Poles of the Equator, and cutting the E
cliptic in the Equinoxes in an Angle of 66;
degrees, the complement of the Sun's greatet De
clination; and by the Colure of the Soltices I

mean a great Circle paling through the fame

Poles, and cutting the Ecliptic at right Angles
in the Solstices: and by the Primitive Sphere,
that which was in ue before the motions of

the Equinoxes and Soltices were known:


Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
the Colures paed through the following Stars,
according to Eudoxus.
In the back of Aries is a Star of the fixth

magnitude, marked y by Bayer: in the end of the

year 1 689, and beginning of the year 1 6 9o, its

Longitude was 8. 9. 38' 45", and North Lati

tude 6. 7'. 5 6" : and the Colurus quinoffiorum
drawn though it, according to Eudoxus, cuts
the Ecliptic in . 6 58' 57". In the head of

Cetus are two Stars of the fourth Magnitude,

called v and # by Bayer: in the end of the

year 1 689 their Longitudes were 8.4. 3'. 9".

and 8. 3. 7'. 37", and their South Latitudes
9. 1 2'. 26". and 5. 5 3 . 7" : and the Colu

rus quinoffiorum paling in the mid way be

tween them, cuts the Ecliptic in 8. 6. 5 8'.

5 1". In the extremeflexure of Eridanus, rightly

delineated, is a Star of the fourth Magnitude, of
late referred to the breat of Cetus, and called

e by Bayer; it is the only Star in Eridanus

through which this Colure can pas; its Longi
tude, in the end of the year 1 689, was r. 25.
22'. I o". and South Latitude 25. 1 5". 5 o".

and the Colurus quinoffiorum paffing through

it, cuts the Ecliptic in 8. 7. i 2'. 4o". In
head of Perfeus, rightly delineated, is a Star of

the fourth Magnitude, called r by Bayer; the

Longitude of this Star, in the end of the year
I 6 89,

of the GREE ks.

1689, was 8. 23 25'. 3o", and North Lati
tude 34. 2 o'. 12" : and the Colurus quinotti

orum paffing through it, cuts the Ecliptic in 8.

6. I s'. 57". In the right hand of Perfeus,
rightly delineated, is a Star of the fourth Magni
tude, called n by Bayer; its Longitude in the
end of the year 1 689, was 8. 24. 2 5'. 27",
and North Latitude 37. 26". 5 o" : and the

Colurus quinoffiorum paling through it cuts the

Ecliptic in g. 4. 56' 49" ; and the fifth
part of the umm of the places in which thee
five Colures cut the Ecliptic, is 8. 6. 29'.
1 5": and therefore the Great Circle which in

the Primitive Sphere according to Eudoxus, and

by conequence in the time of the Argonautic
Expedition, was the Colurus quinostiorum pa
fing through the Stars above decribed; did in
the end of the year 1 689, cut the Ecliptic in
8. 6 29'. I 5": as nearly as we have been able
to determin by the Obervations of the Anci
ents, which were but coare.

In the middle of Cancer is the South Afellus,

a Star of the fourth Magnitude, called by Bayer
d); its Longitude in the end of the year 1 689,
was a. 4 23' 40". In the neck of Hydrus,
rightly delineated, is a Star of the fourth Magni
tude, called ? by Bayer; its Longitude in the

end of the year 1 689, was a. 5 59' 3".




Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
Between the poop and mat of the Ship Argo
is a Star of the third Magnitude, called i by
Bayer; its Longitude in the end of that year,
was a. 7. 5". 3 1". ... In Sagitta is a Star of the
fixth Magnitude, called 0 by Bayer; its Longi
tude in the end of the fame year 1 689, was
=. 6 29' 53". In the middle of Capricorn
is a Star of the fifth

called y by

Bayer; its Longitude in the end of the fame

year was =. 8 25'. ; 5": and the fifth part
of the umm of the three firt Longitudes, and

of the complements

of the two lat to 18 o De

grees; is s. 6. 28' 46". This is the new

Longitude of the old Colurus Solstitiorum paing
through thee Stars. The fame Colurus paes
alo in the middle between the Stars 4 and x,

of the fourth and fifth Magnitudes, in the neck

of the Swan; being ditant from each about a

Degree: it pasteth alo by the Star x, of the

fourth Magnitude, in the right wing of the
Swan; and by the Star o, of the fifth Magni

tude, in the left hand of Cepheus, rightly delineat

ed; and by the Stars in the tail of the South

Fih; and is at right angles with the Colurus

quinostiorum found above : and o it hath all

the charcters of the Colurus Solstitiorum rightly


of the G R E Eks.


The two Colures therefore, which in the time

of the Argonautic Expedition cut the Ecliptic in

the Cardinal Points, did in the end of the year
1 689 cut it in 8. 6. 29'; A. 6 29', nl. 6.

29'; and =. 6 29'; that is, at the ditance of

1 Sign, 6 Degrees and 29 Minutes from the

Cardinal Points of Chiron; as nearly as we have

been able to determin from the coare ober
vations of the Ancients :

and therefore the

Cardinal Points, in the time between that Expe

dition and the end of the year 1 689, have gone
back from thoe Colures one Sign, 6 Degrees and
29 Minutes; which, after the rate of 72 years
to a Degree, anwers to 26 27 years. Count
thoe years backwards from the end of the year

1 689, or beginning of the year 1 69o, and

the reckoning will place the Argonautic Expedi
tion, about 43 years after the death of Solomon.

By the ame method the place of any

Star in the Primitive Sphere may readily be

found, counting backwards one Sign, 6 29'.

from the Longitude which it
in the
end of the year of our Lord 1 689.

So the

Longitude of the firt Star of Aries in the end

of the year 1 689 was r. 28. 5 1". as above :

count backward 1 Sign, 6. 29% and its Lon

gitude, counted from the Equinox in the middle
of the Contellation of Aries, in the time of the


N 2.


Of the CHRoN o LoGY

Argonautic expedition, will be k. 22 22': and
by the fame way of arguing, the Longitude of the
time of the Argonautic
Expedition will be r. 1 9. 26' 8": and the
Longitude of Arturus w. 1 3. 24. 5 2": and
Lucida Pleiadum in

fo of any other Stars.

After the Argonautic Expedition we hear no

more of Atronomy 'till the days of Thales :
Laert. in

He * revived Atronomy, and wrote a book of

Plin. l. 2.

the Tropics and Equinoxes, and predited E

f Plin. l. 18. clipes; and Pliny ' tells us, that he determined the
c. 23.
Oceafus Matutinus of the Pleiades to be upon the
25 th day after the Autumnal Equinox: and
g Petav. Var,
E I 2.

Diff. l. 1.
C. 5.

thence Petavius computes the Longitude of

the Pleiades in r. 23 53' : and by cone

quence the Lucida Pleiadum had, ince the Ar

gonautic Expedition, moved from the Equinox
4. 26. 5 2":

and this motion, after the rate

of 72 years to a Degree, anwers to 32o years:

count thee years back from the time in which
Thales was a young man fit to apply himelf to

that is from about the

41t Olympiad, and the reckoning will place

the Argonautic Expedition about 44 years after
the death of Solomon, as above :

and in the

days of Thales, the Soltices and Equinoxes, by

this reckoning, will have been in

middle of
the eleventh Degrees of the Signs, But Thales,

of the G R E Eks.


in publihing his book about the Tropics and

Equinoxes, might lean a little to the opinion of

former Atronomers, o as to place them in the
twelfth Degrees of the Signs.

Meton and Euftemon, "in order to publih the Petay.

Lunar Cycle of nineteen years, oberved the P
Summer Soltice in the year of Nabonaffar ; 16,

the year before the Peloponnefan war began; and

Columella ' tells us that they placed it in the Columek
eighth Degree of Cancer, which is at leat even #####
Degrees backwarder than at firt. Now the E- ***
quinox, after the rate of a Degree in eventy
and two years, goes backwards even Degrees
in 5 o4 years:

count backwards thoe years

from the 3 1 6th year of Nabonaffar, and the Ar

gonautic Expedition will fall upon the 44th year
after the death of Solomon, or thereabout, as

above. And thus you ee the truth of what

we cited above out of Achilles Tatius; viz. that

fome anciently placed the Soltice in the eighth

Degree of Cancer, others about the twelfth De
gree, and others about the fifteenth Degree

Hipparchus the great Atronomer, compari

his own Obervations with thoe of former Af

tronomers, concluded firt of any man, that

the Equinoxes had a motion backwards in re

fpect of the fixt Stars : and his opinion was,




Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
that they went backwards one Degree in about
an hundred years. He made his obervations of

the Equinoxes between the years of Nabonaffar

5 86 and 6 1 8 : the middle year is 6o2,
which is 286 years after the aforefaid oberva
tion of Meton and Euftemon;

and in thee

years the Equinox mut have gone backwards

four degrees, and o have been in the fourth De
gree of Aries in the days of Hipparchus, and by

conequence have then gone back eleven De

grees ince the Argonautic Expedition; that is,
in 1o9o years, according to the Chronology of
the ancient Greeks then in ue:

and this is

after the rate of about 99 years, or in the next

round number an hundred years to a Degree,

as was then tated by Hipparchus. But it really
went back a Degree in eventy and two years,
and eleven Degrees in 792 years :

count thee

792 years backward from the year of Nabo

naffar 6 o 2, the year from which we counted
the 286 years, and the reckoning will place
the Argonautic Expedition about 43 years after
the death of Solomon.

The Greeks have there

fore made the Argonautic Expedition about three

hundred years ancienter
the truth, and

thereby given occaion to the opinion of the

great Hipparchus, that the Equinox went back
ward after the rate of only a Degree in an hun
dred years.


of the G R E Eks.


Hestod tells us that fixty days after the winter

Soltice the Star Arffurus roe jut at Sunet: and

thence it follows that Hestod flourihed about an

hundred years after the death of Solomon, or in

the Generation or Age next after the Trojan

War, as

himelf declares.

From all thee circumtances, grounded upon

the coare obervations of the ancient Astrono

mers, we may reckon it certain that the Argo

nautic Expedition was not earlier than the Reign
of Solomon : and if thee Atronomical argu
ments be added to the former arguments taken
from the mean length of the Reigns of Kings,
according to the coure of nature; from them
all we may afely conclude that the Argonautic
Expedition was after the death of Solomon, and
mot probably that it was about 43 years af
ter it.

The Trojan War was one Generation later

than that Expedition, as was faid above, everal

Captains of the Greeks in that war being fons

of the Argonauts : and the ancient Greeks

reckoned Memnon or Amenophis, King of Egypt,

to have Reigned in the times of that war,
feigning him to be the on of Tithomus the el
der brother of Priam, and in the end of that

war to have come from Sufa to the aflitance

ef Priam, Amenophis was therefore of the fame



Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
age with the elder

children of Priam, and was

with his army at Sufa in the lat year of that

war: and after he had there finihed the Memno

nia, he might return into Egypt, and adorn it

with Buildings, and Obelisks, and Statues, and
die there about 9o or 95 years after the death
of Solomon; when he had determined and fet

tled the beginning of the new Egyptian year of

365 days upon the Vernal Equinox, o as to
deerve the Monument above-mentioned in me

mory thereof.

Rehoboam was born in the last year of King

David, being 41 years old at the Death of So
lomon, 1 Kings xiv. 21. and therefore his fa
ther Solomon was probably born in the 18th

year of King David's Reign, or before : and two

or three years before his Birth, David beieged
Rabbah the Metropolis of the Ammonites, and
committed adultery with Bathheba: and the

year before this iege began, David vanquihed

the Ammonites,

their Confederates the Syri

ans of Zobah, and Rehob, and I/htoh, and Maacah,

and Damafeus, and extended his Dominion over

all thee Nations as far as to the entring in of

Hamath and the River Euphrates : and before

this war began he mote Moab, and Ammon, and

Edom, and made the Edomites fly, ome of them

into Egypt with their King Hadad, then a little


of the G R E EKs.


child; and others to the Philistims, where they

fortified Azoth againt Irael; and others, I
think, to the Perian Gulph, and other places
whither they could ecape : and before this he
had everal Battles with the Philistims: and all

this was after the eighth year of his Reign, in

which he came from Hebron to ferualem. We
cannot err therefore above two or three years,

if we place this Victory over Edom in the e

leventh or twelfth year of his Reign; and that
over Ammon and the Syrians in the fourteenth.

After the flight of Edom, the King of Edom

grew up, and married Tahaphenes or Daphnis, the

fifter of Pharaoh's Queen, and before the Death

of David had by her a on called Genubah, and

this on was brought up among the children of

Pharaoh : and among thee children was the
chief or first born of her mother's children, whom

Solomon married in the beginning of his Reign;

and her little fifter who at that time had no

breasts, and her brother who then fucked the

breasts of his mother, Cant. vi. 9. and viii. 1,

8 : and of about the ame Age with thee chil

dren was Sefac or Sefoffris; for he became King
of Egypt in the Reign of Solomon, 1. Kings xi.
4o; and before he began to Reign he warred

under his father, and whilt he was very young,

conquered Arabia, Troglodytica and Libya, and




Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
then invaded Ethiopia; and fucceeding his fa
'till the fifth year of Afa : and
therefore he was of about the fame age with the
children of Pharaoh above-mentioned ; and
might be one of them, and be born near the

of David's Reign, and be about 46 years.

old when he came out of Egypt with a great Ar
my to invade the Eat: and by reaon of his

great Conquets, he was celebrated in everal

Nations by everal Names. The Chaldeans cal

led him Belus, which in their Language ignified

the Lord:

the Arabians called him Bacchus,

which in their Language ignified the great : the

Phrygians and Thracians called him Ma fors, Ma
vors, Mars, which ignified the valiant: and
thence the Amazons, whom he carried from
Thrace and left at Thermodon, called themelves.

the daughters of Mars. . The Egyptians before

his Reign called him their Hero or Hercules;
and after his death, by reaon of his


works done to the River Nile, dedicated that

River to him, and Deified him by its names

Sihor, Nilus and gyptus; and the Greeks

hearing them lament o Sihor, Bou Sihor, called

* Arrian. 1 7.

him Ostris and Bufiris. Arrian * tells us that the

Arabians worhipped only two Gods, Clus and

Dionyus; , and that they worhipped Dionyus

for the glory of leading his Army into India.


of the G R E Eks.


The Dionyus of the Arabians was Bacchus, and

all agree that Bacchus was the ame King of
Egypt with Ostris: and the Clus, or Uranus, or
jupiter Uranius of the Arabians, I take to be
the ame King ofEgypt with His father Ammon,
according to the Poet:
guamvis thiopum populis, Arabumque beatis
Gentibus, atque Indis unus fit fupiter Ammon.

I place the end of the Reign of Sefac upon the

fifth year of A/a, becaue in that year Afa be
came free from the Dominion of Egypt, o as
to be able to fortify fudea, and raie that great
Army with which he met Zerah, and routed him.
Oiris was therefore flain in the fifth year of
Afa, by his brother Japetus, whom the Egypti
ans called Typhon, Python, and Neptune: an then

the Libyans, under fapetus and his on Atlas, in

vaded Egypt, and raied that famous war be
tween the Gods and Giants, from whence the

Nile had the name of Eridanus : but Orus the

fon of Ostris, by the affistance of the Ethiopians,

prevailed, and Reigned "till the 1 5th year of
Afa; and the the Ethiopians under Zerah in

vaded Eg

drowned Orus in Eridanus, and

were routed by Afa, o that Zerah could not re

cover himelf. Zerah was ucceeded by Ameno

O 2.



Of the C H R o N o L o G Y
phis, a youth of the Royal Family of the Ethiopi
ans, and I think the on of Zerah: but the

People of the lower Egypt revolted from

him, and fet up Ofariphus over them, and cal
led to their affitance a great body of men from
Phenicia, I think a part of the Army of Afa;
and thereupon Amenophis, with the remains of
his father's Army of Ethiopians, retired from the
lower Egypt to Memphis, and there turned the
River Nile into a new channel, under a new

bridge which he built between two Mountains ;

and at the ame time he built and fortified that

City againt Ofariphus, calling it by his own

name, Amenophor Memphis : and then he retired
into Ethiopia, and tayed there thirteen years; and
then came back with a great Army, and ub

dued the lower Egypt, expelling the People

which had been called in from Phnicia : and

this I take to be the econd expulion of the

1 In Moph.

Shepherds. Dr. Castel ' tells us, that in Coptic

this City is called Manphtha ; whence by con
tration came its Names Moph, Noph.

While Amenophis staid in Ethiopia, Egypt was

in its greatest ditration : and then it was, as I
conceive, that the Greeks hearing thereof con
trived the Argonautic Expedition, and fent the

flower of Greece in the Ship Argo to peruade

the Nations upon the Sea Coats of the Euxine

of the G R E E Ks.


and Mediterranean Seas to revolt from Egypt,

and fet up for themelves, as the Libyans, Ethio

pians and fews had done before. And this is a

further argument for placing that Expedition
about 43 years after the Death of Solomon; this

Period being in the middle of the ditration of

Egypt. Amenophis, might return from Ethiopia,
and conquer the lower Egypt about eight years
after that Expedition, and having fettled his
Government over it, he might, for putting a
ftop to the revolting of the eatern Nations, lead
his Army into Peria, and leave Proteus at Mem
phis to govern Egypt in his abence, and tay

fome time at Sufa, and build the Memnonia, for

tifying that City, as the Metropolis of his Domi
nion in thoe parts.
Androgeus the on of Minos, upon his over
coming in the Athenea, or quadrennial Games at
Athens in his youth, was perfidiouly lain out of
envy: and Minos thereupon made war upon the

Athenians, and compelled them to end every

eighth year to Crete even beardles Youths, and as
many young Virgins, to be given as a reward

to him that hould get the Victory in the like

Games intituted in Crete in honour of Andro

geus. Thee Games eem to have been celebrated

beginning of the Olaeteris, and the A

thenea in the beginning of the Tetraeteris, then

in the


I O2

Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
into Crete and Greece by the Phenicians:

and upon the third payment of the tribute of

children, that is, about eventeen years after the
faid war was at an end, and about nineteen or

twenty years after the death of Androgeus, The

feus became Vitor, and returned from Crete

with Ariadne the daughter of Minos; and com

m Euanthes ing to the Iland Naxus or Dia, " Ariadne was
apud Athe there relinquihed by him, and taken up by
num, l. 67.
P. 296.
Glaucus, an Egyptian Commander at Sea, and
became the mitres of the great Bacchus, who
at that time returned from India in Triumph;
and * by him he had two fons, Phlyas and Eu
Fab. 14.
medon, who were Argonauts. This Bacchus was


Ody. 1. 8.

caught in bed in Phrygia with Venus the mother

of neas, according to Homer; jut before he

V. 292.

came over the Hellepont, and invaded Thrace;

and he married Ariadne the daughter of Minos,

p Heiod.

according to Hestod ": and therefore by the Te


ftimony of both Homer and Heiod, who wrote

V. 945.

before the Greeks and Egyptians corrupted their

Antiquities, this Bacchus was one Generation
older than the Argonauts ; and o being King
of Egypt at the ame time with Sefostris, they
one and the ame King: for they agree
alo in their ations; Bacchus invaded India and

Greece, and after he was routed by the Army

of Perfeus, and the war was compoed, the


of the G R E Eks.


Greeks did him great honours, and built a Tem

le to him at Argos, and called it the Temple
of the Crefian Bacchus, becaue Ariadne was

buried in it, as Paufanias relates.


therefore died in the end of the war, jut before

the return of Sefostris into Egypt, that is, in the

14th year of Rehoboam : She was taken from
Naxus upon the return of Bacchus from India,
and then became the Mitres of Bacchus, and

accompanied him in his Triumphs, and there

fore the expedition of Theeus to Crete, and the
death of his father geus, was about nine or

ten years after the death of Solomon. Thefeus was

then a beardles young man, uppoe about 1 9
or zo years old, and Androgeus was flain about
twenty years before, being then about zo or 22
years old; and his father Minos might be about
25 years older, and o be born about the mid

dle of David's Reign, and be about 7o years.

old when he purued Dedalus into Crete: and

Europa and her brother Cadmus might come

into Europe, two or three years before the
birth of Minos.

justin, in his 18th book, tells us : A rege

Acaloniorum expugnati Sidonii navibus appuli Ty
ron urbem ante annum * * Troiane cladis condide

runt: And Strabo, that Aradus was built by the

men who fed from Zidon, Hence ' Iaiah calls


Tyre ***

Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
Tyre the daughter of Zidon, the inhabitants of the
Ile whom the Merchants of Zidon have repleni

ed: and Solomon in the beginning of his Reign

calls the People of Tyre Zidonians. My Servants,

faith he, in a Meage to Hiram King of Tyre,

fall be with thy Servants, and unto thee will I
give hire for thy Servants according to all that thou
defrest: for thou knowest that there is not amon

us any that can skill to hev timber like the Zido

dians. The new Inhabitants of Tyre had not
yet loft the name of Zidonians, nor had the old
Inhabitants, if there were any coniderable num

ber of them, gained the reputation of the new

ones for skill in hewing of timber, as they

would have done had navigation been long in

ue at Tyre. The Artificers who came from Zi
don were not dead, and the flight of the Zido
nians was in the Reign of David, and by con
fequence in the beginning of the Reign of Abi
balus the father of Hiram, and the firt King of

Tyre mentioned in Hitory. David in the .

twelfth year of his Reign conquered Edom, as
above, and made ome of the Edomites, and




chiefly the Merchants and Seamen, fly from the

Red Sea to the Philistims upon the Mediterranean,
where they fortified Azoth. For Stephanus tells


us: Tarlw aliger s Tv izravenstlav cir

Egvg Sandorn; pevycy: One of the Fugi



of the G R E Eks.


tives from the Red Sea built Azoth: that is, a

Prince of Edom, who fled from David, fortified

Azoth for the Philistims againt him. The Phi

listims were now grown very trong, by the ac

ces of the Edomites and Shepherds, and by their
affitance invaded and took Zidon, that being a

town very convenient for the Merchants

fled from the Red Sea: and then did the Zido

nians fly by Sea to Tyre and Aradus, and to o

ther havens in Aia Minor, Greece, and Libya,
with which, by means of their trade, they
been acquainted before; the great wars and

vitories of David their enemy, prompting

them to fly by Sea : for *they went with a great : Conon.
multitude, not to eek Europa as was pretended, N" 37
but to eek new Seats, and therefore fled from
their enemies: and when ome of them fled

under Cadmus and his brothers to Cilicia, Afia

minor, and Greece; others fled under other Com

manders to eek new Seats in Libya, and there

built many walled towns, as Nonnus affirms: ; Nonnus

and their leader was alo there called Cadmus,

which word ignifies an eatern man, and his *"*""
wife was called Sithonis a Zidonian. Many

from thoe Cities went afterwards with the great

Bacchus in his Armies : and by thee things, the
taking of Zidon, and the flight of the Zidonians

under Abibalus, Cadmus, Cilix, Thafus, Memblia




Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy



and other

Captains, to Tyre, Ara

dus, Cilicia, Rhodes, Caria, Bithynia, Phrygia,

Calliste, Thafus, Samothrace, Crete, Greece and

Libya, and the building of Tyre and Thebes, and

beginning of the Reigns of Abibalus and Cadmus
over thoe Cities, are fixed upon the fifteenth or
fixteenth year of David's Reign, or thereabout.
By means of thee Colonies of Phnicians, the
people of Caria learnt ea-affairs, in uch mall
vefels with oars as were then in ue, and be

gan to frequent the Greek. Seas, and people

fme of the Ilands therein, before the Reign of
Minos: for Cadmus, in coming to Greece, arrived
firt at Rhodes, an Iland upon the borders of
Caria, and left there a Colony of Phanicians,
who acrificed men to Saturn; and the Telchines

being repuled by Phoroneus, retired from Argos

to Rhodes with Phorbas, who purged the Iland

from Serpents; and Triopas,

of Phorbas,
carried a Colony from Rhodes to Caria, and

there poeed himelf of a promontory, thence

called Triopium: and by this and fuch like Co
lonies Caria was furnihed with Shipping and
z Athen. 1.4.

Seamen, and called * Phnice. Strabo and Hero

C. 23.
a Strabo.

dotus tell us, that the Cares were called Leleges,

1. i o. p. 661.

and became ubjet to Minos, and lived firt in

Herod. l. I.

the Ilands of the Greek Seas, and went thence

into Caria, a country poet before by ome of



of the G R E Eks.


the Leleges and Pelagi : whence it's

that when Lelex and Pelafgus came firt into

Greece to eek new Seats, they left part of their

Colonies in Caria and the neighbouring Ilands.

The Zidonians being till

of the

trade of the Mediterranean, as far wetward as

Greece and Libya, and the trade of the Red Sea

being richer; the Tyrians traded on the Red Sea

in conjunction with Solomon and the Kings of
judah, 'till after the Trojan war; and o alo did
the Merchants of Aradus, Arvad, or Arpad:
for in the Perian Gulph were two Ilands i strabo. i.

called Tyre and Aradus, which had Temples 14.

like the Phnician; and therefore the Tyrians and
Aradians failed thither, and beyond, to the Coats

of India, while the Zidonians frequented the

Mediterranean: and hence it is that Homer cele

brates Zidon, and makes no mention of Tyre.

But at length; * in the Reign of fehoram King - 2 Chron.

of judah, Edom revolted from the Dominion

of Judah, and made themelves a King; andvi o .

the trade of fudah and Tyre upon the ed Sea
being thereby interrupted, the Tyrians built
fhips for merchandie upon the Mediterranean,
and began there to make long Voyages to places

not yet frequented by the Zidonians; ome of

them going to the coats of Afric beyond the
Syrtes, and building Adrymetum, Carthage, Lep
P 2


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy

I o8 |

tis, Utica, and Capa; and others going to the

Coats of Spain, and building Carteia, Gades
and Tarteffus; and others going further to the
Fortunate Ilands, and to Britain and Thule.
jehoram Reigned eight years, and the two lat
years was fick in his bowels, and before that
ficknes Edom revolted, becaue of fehoram's

wicked Reign: if we place that revolt about.

the middle of the firt fix years, it will fall up
on the fifth year of Pygmalion King of Tyre, and
o was about twelve or fifteen years after the

taking of Troy: and then, by reaon of this re

volt, the Tyrians retired from the Red Sea,

and began long Voyages upon the Mediterranean;

for in the eventh year of Pygmalion, his Siter
Dido ailed to the Coat of Afric beyond the
Syrtes, and there built Carthage. This re
tiring of the Tyrians from the Red Sea to make

long Voyages on the Mediterranean, together

with the flight of the Edomites from David to
the Philistims, gave occaion to the tradition both

of the ancient Perians, and of the Phnicians

themelves, that the Phnicians came originally

from the Red Sea to the coats of the Me
diterranean, and
undertook lon
Herod. 1. I.

Voyages, as Herodotus relates : for Herodotus,

initio,& l. 7.

in the beginning of his firt book, relates that

circa medi

the Phnicians coming from the Red Sea to the


of the G R E E Ks.


Mediterranean, and beginning to make long

Voyages with Egyptian and Ayrian wares, among
other places came to Argos, and having fold
their wares, eized and carried away into Egypt
fome of the Grecian women who came to buy

them; and amongt thoe women was Io the

daughter of Inachus. The Phnicians therefore
came from the Red Sea, in the days of Io and
her brother Phoroneus King of Argos, and by

conequence at that time when David conquered

the Edomites, and made them fly every way
from the Red Sea; ome into Egypt with their

young King, and others to the Philistims their

next neighbours and the enemies of David. And
this flight gave occaion to the Philistims to call
many places Erythra, in memory of their being
Erythreans or Edomites, and oftheir coming from.
the Erythrean Sea; for Erythra was the name of

a City in Ionia, of another in Libya, of another

in Locris, of another in Botia, of another in

Cyprus, of another in tolia, of another in

Asta near Chius; and Erythia Acra was a pro

montory in Libya, and Erythrum a promontory
in Crete, and rythros a place near Tybur, and
Erythini a City or Country in Paphlagonia : and
the name Erythea or Erythre was given to the
Iland Gades, peopled by Phnicians. So Soli
nus, In capite Betice infula a continenti feptingentis :Edit,

Of the CHRoN o Lo G y


gentis paffibus memoratur quam Tyrii a rubro mari

profeffi Erytheam, Pni fua lingua Gadir, id est

piin. 1.4. fepen nominarunt. And Pliny, ' concerning a lit
C. 22.

tle Iland near it; Erythia ditta est quoniam Tyrii

Aborigines eorum, orti ab Erythraeo mari ferebantur.

Among the Phanicians who came with Cadmus

Strabo. 1.9.

into Greece, there were Arabians, and " Erythre

p. 4oI. &
1. Io. p. 447. ans or Inhabitants of the Red Sea, that is Edo
* Herod. 1. 5.

mites; and in Thrace there fettled a People who

were circumcied and called Odomantes, that is,

as ome think, Edomites. Edom, Erythra and

Phnicia are names of the ame ignification, the
words denoting a red colour: which makes it

probable that
Erythreans who fled from Da
vid, ettled in great numbers in Phnicia, that

is, in all the Sea-coasts of Syria from Egypt to

Zidon; and by calling themelves Phnicians
in the language of Syria, intead of Erythreans,
ave the name of Phnicia to all that Sea-coast,
i Strabo. 1. I.

P. 42.

and to that only. So Strabo: Oi pp yap

r, ponxas, xa rs Xidovgg T, xa 9 iud;
Xavra ra f' w T Qxeay pari, regg

T9les ka da r bvizes &ua?lo, ri i

Sa Aafla gu9c. Alii referunt Phnices Sido
nios nostros effe colonos eorum qui funt in Oceano,
addentes illos ideo vocari Phnices

[puniceos] quod

mare rubrum fit.


of the G R E Eks.


l. I.
Strabo * mentioning the firt men who left the kP.Strabo.

Sea-coats, and ventured out into the deep, and

undertook long Voyages, names Bacchus, Her
cules, fafon, Ulyffes and Menelaus ; and faith
that the Dominion of Minos over the Sea was

celebrated, and the Navigation of the Phnicians

who went beyond the Pillars of Hercules, and
built Cities there, and in the middle of the Sea

coats of Afric, preently after the war of Troy.

Thee Phnicians' were the Tyrians, who at that i Bochart.
time built Carthage in Afric, and Carteia in Spain, - 34. " " "
and Gades in the Iland of that name without

the Straights; and gave the name of Hercules to

their chief Leader, becaue of his labours and

fucces, and that of Heraclea to the city Carteia

which he built.

So Strabo: " Ex7?\zaly y x " Strabo.l. 3,

P. I4O.

Th hustga, Sancfine ei, Tlu) , deiw g

Toto xa ng, avr Kaxan [Kagtnia] rzu; Vid. Phil.

i reflaegxola sadioic aiAoy@- ka ranaud, Tranat.
N 359.
yaga Guw zrore

Tv Iv' vioi d'

xa HexAag lTua Ayaiv avrlu), y

igi xa. Tiuo Jn, s pnTi . He9xsa,
dvouc s Jau T tanauy degyvra Ta uyay
cafeonov, vsronas.



ad dextram


e nostro mari foras navigantibus, e ad quadraginta

inde stadia urbs Carteia vetusta ac memorabilis, olim
fatio navibus Hipanorum. Hanc ab Hercule qui

dam conditam aiunt, inter quos est Timosthenes, qui


Of the CHRoN o Lo G y

I I2

eam antiquitus Heracleam fuie appellatam refert,

offendique adhuc magnum murorum circuitum e5.
navalia. This Hercules, in memory of his build

ing and Reigning over the City Carteia, they cal

alo Melcartus, the King of Carteia.
, Canaan.


chart writes, that Carteia was at firt called Mel

: ': * carteia, from its founder Meleartus, and by an

Apherefis, Carteia; and that Melcartus ignifies
Melec Kartha, the King of the city, that is,
faith he, of the city Tyre : but confidering that
no ancient Author tells us, that Carteia was ever

called Melcarteia, or that Melcartus was King of

Tyre; I had rather ay that Melcartus, or Melec
cartus, had his name from being the Founder and
Governor or Prince of the city Carteia.


Melcartus the Tyrians failed as far as Tarteffus or

Tar/hi/h, a place in the Wetern part of Spain,
between the two mouths of the river Btis, and

: Aristot de there they met with much ilver, which they


purchaed for trifles: they failed alo as far as

r Plin. 1.7. tells

of Melcartus;
for appor
c. 56.
us, before
infula primus
3 Canaan
1. I. c. 39.

tavit Midacritus: And Bochart oberves that


Midacritus is a Greek name corruptly written for

Melcartus; Britain being unknown to the Greeks

long after it was dicovered by the Phnicians.

After the death of Melcartus, they ' built a Tem
l. 5. c. 1.
Pio- ple to him in the Iland Gades, and adorned

of the G R E Eks.

I 13

with the culptures of the labours of Hercules,

and of his Hydra, and the Hores to whom he

threw Diomedes, King of the Bistones in Thrace,

to be devoured. In this Temple was the golden
Belt of Teucer, and the golden Olive of Pygma

lion bearing Smaragdine

and by thee con

fecrated gifts of Teucer and Pygmalion, you may

know that it was built in their days. Pomponius
derives it from the times of the Trojan war; for

Teucer, even years after that war, according to

the Marbles, arrived at Cyprus, being banihed
from home by his father Telamon, and there

built Salamis: and he and his Poterity Reigned

there 'till Evagoras, the lat of them, was con
quered by the Perians, in the twelfth year of
Artaxerxes Mnemon. Certainly this Tyrian Her
cules could be no older than the Trojan war, be

caue the Tyrians did not begin to navigate the

Mediterranean till after that war: for Homer and

Hestod knew nothing of this navigation, and the

Tyrian Hercules went to the coats of Spain,

and was buried in Gades: fo Arnobius "; Tyrius Arnobili.

Hercules fepultus in finibus Hipanie : and Mela,

fpeaking of the Temple of Hercules in Gades,

faith, Cur fantium fit offa ejus ibi fepulta efficiunt.
Carthage : paid tenths to this Hercules, and ent : Bochart in

their payments yearly to Tyre: and thence it's

probable that this Hercules went to the coat of



Of the CHRoN o Lo G y

I 14

u Orof. l. 5.
C. I .

Florus l. 3.
C. I.

Sallut. in


Afric, as well as to that of Spain, and by his

dicoveries prepared the way to Dido: Orofius
" and others tell us that he built Capfa there.
joephus tells of an earlier Hercules, to whom Hi
ram built a Temple at Tyre: and perhaps there
might be alo an earlier Hercules of Tyre, who
fet on foot their trade on the Red Sea in the

days of David or Solomon.

Tatian, in his book againt the Greeks, relates,

that amongt the Phnicians flourihed three an
cient Hitorians, Theodotus, Hystcrates and Mo
chus, who all of them delivered in their histories,

tranlated into Greek by Ltus, under which of

the Kings happened the rapture of Europa; the

voyage of Menelaus into Phoenicia; and the league

and friendhip between Solomon and Hiram, when

Hiram gave his daughter to Solomon, and fur

nihed him with timber for building the Temple:

and that the fame is afirmed by Menander of

* Antiq. l. 8.

c. 2, 5. &
l. 9. c. 14.

Pergamus. . Joephus * lets us know that the

Annals of the Tyrians, from the days of Abiba
lus and Hiram, Kings of Tyre, were extant in his

days; and that Menander of Pergamus tranlated

them into Greek; and that Hiram's friendhip to
Solomon, and affitance in building the Temple,
was mentioned in them; and that the Temple
was founded in the eleventh year of Hiram:
and by the tetimony of Menander and the an

of the G REEK s.

I I5

cient Phnician historians, the rapture of Eu

ropa, and by conequence the coming

of her

brother Cadmus into Greece, happened within

the time of the Reigns of the Kings of Tyre

delivered in thee hitories; and therefore not

before the Reign of Abibalus, the firt of them,

nor before the Reign of King David his con

temporary. The voyage of Menelaus might be

after the detruction of Troy. Solomon therefore
Reigned in the times between the raptures of
Europa and Helena, and Europa and her brother
Cadmus flourihed in the days of David. Minos,

the on of Europa, flourihed in the Reign of

Solomon, and part of the Reign of Rehoboam:
and the children of Minos, namely Androgeus
his eldet fon, Deucalion his younget on and
one of the Argonauts, Ariadne the mistres of

Thefens and Bacchus, and Phedra the wife of

Thefeus; flourihed in the latter end of Solomon,
and in the Reigns of Rehoboam, Abijah and Afa:
and Idomeneus,

grandon of Minos, was at the

war of Troy: and Hiram ucceeded his father

Abibalus, in the three and twentieth year of Da
vid: and Abibalus might found the Kingdom of
Tyre about fixteen or eighteen years before,
when Zidon was taken by the Philistims; and
the Zidonians fled from thence, under the condut
of Cadmus and other commanders, to eek new


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy

1 16

feats. Thus by the Annals of Tyre, and the an

cient Phnician Hitorians who followed them,

Abihalus, Alymnus, Cadmus, and Europa fled from

Zidon about the fixteenth year of David's Reign :

and the Argonautic Expedition being later by a
bout three Generations, will be about three

hundred years later than where the Greeks have

placed it.

After Navigation in long hips with fails,

and one order of oars, had been propagated
from Egypt to Phnicia and Greece, and thereby
the Zidonians had extended their trade to Greece,

and carried it on about an hundred and fifty

years; and then the Tyrians being driven from

the Red Sea by the Edomites, had begun a new
trade on the Mediterranean with Spain, Afric,
Britain, and other remote nations; they carried
it on about an hundred and fixty years; and

then the Corinthians began to improve Naviga

tion, by building bigger hips with three orders
y Thucyd,

of oars, called Triremes.

l. 6, initio.
Eueb. Chr.

For " Thucydides tells

us that the Corinthians were the firt of the

Greeks who built uch, hips, and that a hip

carpenter of Corinth went

to Samos, about

3 oo years before the end of the Peloponneian

war, and built alo four hips for the Samians;
and that 2.6 o years before the end of that war,

that is, about the 29th Olympiad, there was a


of the G R E E Ks.

1 17

fight at ea between the Corinthians and the cor

cyreans, which was the oldet ea-fight menti
ned in hitory. Thucydides tells us further, that
the firt colony

the Greeks ent into Si

cily, came from Chalcis in Euba, under the con

dt of Thucles, and built Naxus; and the next

year Archias came from Corinth with a colony,

and built Syracue; and that Lamis came about
the ame time into Sicily, with a colony from
Megara in Achaia, and lived first at Trotilum,
and then at Leontini, and died at Thapfus near

Syracue; and that after his death, this colony

was invited by Hyblo to Megara in Sicily, and
lived there 245 years, and was then expelled by

Gelo King of Sicily. Now Gelo flourihed about

7 8 years before the end of the Peloponnefian
war :

count backwards the 78 and the 245

years, and about 1 2 years more for the Reign

of Lamis in Sicily, and the reckoning will place
the building of Syracufe about 3 3 5 years be
fore the end of the Peloponnefian war, or in the

tenth Olympiad; and about that time Eufebius

and others place it : but it might be twenty or
thirty years later, the antiquities of thoe days
having been raied more or les by the Greeks.
From the colonies henceforward ent into Italy:

and Sicily came the name of Grecia magna.


Of the CHRoN o Lo G y

I 18
* Thucyd.ib.

Thucydides * tells us further, that the Greeks

began to come into Sicily almot three hundred

years after the Siculi had invaded that Iland

with an army out of Italy : uppoe it 28o

years after, and the building of Syracufe ; 1 o

years before the end of the Peloponnefian war;
and that invaion of Sicily by the Siculi will be
of that war, that is,
5 9o years before the
in the 27th year of Solomon's Reign, or there
Apud Di
ony. 1. 1.
P. I.


Hellanicus * tells us, that it was in the

third Generation before the Trojan war; and in

the 26th year of the Priethood of Alcinoe,

Priestes of funo Argiva: and Philistius of Syra

cufe, that it was 89 years before the Trojan

war: whence it follows that the Trojan war

and Argonautic Expedition were later than the
days of Solomon and Rehoboam, and could not be
b Herod. 1.8.
-c. 137.;

much earlier than where we have placed them. .

The Kingdom of Macedon was founded by

Caranus and Perdiccas, who being of the Race

of Temenus King of Argos, fled from Argos in
the Reign of Phidon the brother of Caramur.
Temenus was one of the three brothers who led

the Heraclides into Peloponnefus, and hared the

conquet among themelves: he obtained Ar

gos; and after him, and his fon Cifus, the King
dom of Argos became divided among the pote

rity of Temenus, until Phidon reunited it, expel


of the G R E EK s.

I I9

ling his kindred. Phidon grew potent, appoint

ed weights and meaures in Peloponnefus, and
coined ilver money; and removing the Pifeans
and Eleans, preided in the Olympic games;
but was foon after ubdued by the Eleans and


Herodotus * reckons

that Perdiccas Herod.1.8.

was the first King of Macedon; later writers,

as Livy, Paufanias and Suidas, make Caranus

the firt King :

fustin calls Perdiccas the uc

ceor of Caranus; and Solinus faith that Perdic

cas ucceeded Caranus; and was the firt that ob

tained the name of King.

It's probable that

Caranus and Perdiccas were contemporaries, and

fled about the ame time from Phidon, and at

firt ereted mall principalities in Macedonia,

which, after the death of Caranus, became one
under Perdiccas. Herodotus tells us, that after i Herod. 1.8.

Perdiccas Reigned Areus, or Argeus, Philip, *'*

ropus, Alcetas, Amyntas, and Alexander, uc
ceively. Alexander was contemporary to Xer

xes. King of Perfia, and died An. 4. Olymp.

was ucceeded by Perdiccas, and he by
his on Archelaus : and Thucydides tells us that: Thucyd.
there were eight Kings of Macedon before this
Archelaus : now by reckoning above forty

years a-piece to thee Kings, Chronologers have

made Phidon and Caranus older than the Olym
piads; whereas if we hould reckon their Reigns

3 2O

Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
at about 1 8 or 2 o years a-piece one with an

other, the firt even Reigns counted backwards

from the death of this Alexander, will place the

dominion of Phidon, and the beginning of the

Kingdom of Macedon under Perdiccas and Ca
ranus, upon the 46th or 47th Olympiad, or

It could carce be earlier, becaue

Leocides the on of Phidon, and Megacles the on

of Alcmeon, at one and the fame time courted

Agarista, the daughter of Clisthenes King of Si

Herod. 1.6. cyon, as Herodotus tells tis; and the Amphitiy

C. I 27.

ons, by the advice of Solon, made Alcmeon, and

Clisthenes, and Eurolycus King of Theffaly, com

manders of their army, in their war againt Cir
rha; and the Cirrheans were conquered An. 2.
Olymp. 47. according to the Marbles. Phidon
therefore and his brother Caranus were contem

porary to Solon, Alcmeon, Clisthenes, and Euroly

cus, and flourihed about the 48th and 49th

Olympiads. They were alo contemporary in

days to Crfus; for Solon convered
with Crfus, and Alcmeon entertained and con

duted the meengers whom Crfus ent to con

fult the Oracle at Delphi, An. 1. Olymp. 5 6.
according to the Marbles, and was ent for by
Crfus, and rewarded with much riches.
But the times fet down in the Marbles before

the Perian Empire began, being collected by


I2 I

of the G R E Eks.
reckoning the Reigns of Kings equipollent to
Generations, and three Generations to an hun

dred years or above; and the Reigns of Kings,

one with another, being horter in the propor
tion of about four to even; the Chronology
fet down in the Marbles, until the Conquet of
Media by Cyrus, An. 4, Olymp. 6 o, will ap

proach the truth much nearer, by hortening the

times before that Conquet in the proportion of
four to even. So the Cirrheans were conquered
An. 2, Olymp. 47, according to the Marbles,

that is 54 years before the Conquet of Media;

and thee years being hortened in the propor
tion of four to even, become 3 1 years; which

fubduted from An. 4, Olymp. 6 o, place the

Conquet of Cirrha upon An. 1, Olymp. 5 3 :

and, by the like corretion of the Marbles, Alc
whom Crfus ent to conult the Cracle at Del
phi, An. 1, Olymp. 58; that is, four years be
fore the Conquet of Sardes by Cyrus : , and
the Tyranny of Pistratus, which by the Marbles
meon entertained and conduted the

began at Athens, An. 4, Olymp. 54, by the

like corretion began An. 3, Olymp. 57; and
by conequence Solon died An. 4, Olymp. 57.
may be ued alone, where other

arguments are wanting; but where they are not

wanting, the bet arguments are to be preferred.


I 22
s Strabo.l. 8.
P. 355.

Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
Iphitus preided both in the Temple of fu
piter Olympius, and in the Olympic Games, and
fo did his ucceors 'till the 2 6th Olympiad;
and o long the victors were rewarded with a
Tripos : but then the Pifeans getting above the
Eleans, began to preide, and rewarded the vi
tors with a Crown, and intituted the Carnea

to Apollo ; and continued to preide 'till Phidon

interrupted them, that is, 'till about the time of
) Pauan.
l. 6. c. 22.

the 49th Olympiad : for " in the 48th Olym

piad the Eleans entered the country of the Pi

feans, upeting their deigns, but were pre

vailed upon to return home quietly; afterwards.
the Pifeans confederated with feveral other Greek
nations, and made warupon the Eleans, and in
the end were beaten: in this war I conceive it
was that
i Paufan.

1. j. c. 9.

Phidon preided, fuppoe in the 49th

Olympiad; for 'in the 5 oth Olympiad, for

putting an end to the contentions between the
Kings about preiding, two men were choen by
lot out of the city Elis to preide, and their
number in the 65th Olympiad was increaed to.

nine, and afterwards to ten ; and thee judges

were called Hellenodice, judges for or in the
name of Greece. Paufanias tells us, that the
Eleans called in Phidon and together with him
celebrated the 8th Olympiad; he hould have

faid the 49th Olympiad: but Herodotus



of the G R E EKs.


that Phidon removed the Eleans; and both might

be true: the Eleans might call in Phidon againt
the Pifeans, and upon overcoming be refued
preiding in the Olympic games by Phidon, and
confederate with the Spartans, and by their
alistance overthrow the Kingdom of Phidan,

and recover their ancient right of prefiding in

the games.
Strabo * tells us that Phidon was the tenth k Strabo.18.

from Temenus ; not the tenth King, for between" 8.

Cifus and Phidon they Reigned not, but the
tenth from father to on, including Tenenus. If
27 years be reckoned to a Generation by the
eldet ons, the nine intervals will amount unto

243 years, which counted back from the 48th

Olympiad, in which Phidon flourihed, will place

the Return of the Heraclides about fifty years

before the beginning of the Olympiads, as above.

But Chronologers reckon about 5 1 5 years from
48th Olym
piad, and account Phidon the eventh from Te
the Return of the Heraclides to the

menus; which is after the rate of 85 years to a

Generation, and therefore not to be admitted.

Cyrus took Babylon, according to Ptolony's

Canon, nine years before his death, An. Na
bonaff. 2o 9, An. 2, Olymp. 6.O : and he took
Sardes a little before, namely An. 1, Olymp.

59, as Scaliger collects from Sosterates: Crafus

R a



Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
was then King of Sardes, and Reigned fourteen
years, and therefore began to Reign An. 3,
Olymp. 55.

After Solon had made laws for

the Athenians, he obliged them upon oath to

oberve thoe laws 'till he returned from his

travels; and then travelled ten years, going to

Thales of Miletus:
Egypt and Cyprus, and
and upon his Return to Athens, Piistratur be

gan to affet the Tyranny of that city, which

made Solon travel a econd time ; and now he

was invited by Crafus to Sardes; and Crafus,

before Solon viited him, had ubdued all Zafia
Minor, as far as to the River Halys; and there
fore he received that viit towards the latter

part of his

; and we may place it upon

the ninth year thereof, An. 3, Olymp. 57 : and

the legilature of Solon twelve years earlier,

An. 3, Olymp. 54 : and that of Draco till ten
years earlier, An. 1, Olymp. 5 2. After Solon
had viited Crfus, he went into Cilicia and ome
other places, and died 'in his travels: and this
Eph.ap.Plut. was in the econd year of the Tyranny of Pist
in vita Solo

fratus. Comias was Archon when Solon returned

from his firt travels to Athens; and the next

year Hegestratus was Archon, and Solon died be

fore the end of the year, An. 3, Olymp. 57,
as abeve : and by this reckoning the objetion
of Plutarch above mentioned is removed.

of the G R E E ks.


We have now hewed that the Phnicians of

Zidon, under the condut of Cadmus and other

captains, flying from their enemies, came into

Greece, with letters and other arts, about the fix

teenth year of King David's Reign; that Eu

ropa the fifter of Cadmus, fled ome days before
him from Zidon and came to Crete, and there be

came the mother of Minos, about the 18th or

zoth year of David's Reign; that Sefostris and

the great Bacchus, and by conequence alo Oiris,

were one and the ame King of Egypt with

Sefac, and came out of Egypt in the fifth year

of Rehoboam to invade the nations, and died 2 5

years after Solomon; that the Argonautic expedi

tion was about 43 years after the death of So
lomon; that Troy was taken about 76 or 78
years after the death of Solomon, that the Ph
nicians of Tyre were driven from the Red Sea by
the Edomites, about 87 years after the death of

Solomon, and within two or three years began to

make long voyages upon the Mediterranean,

failing to Spain, and beyond, under a commander

whom for his indutry, condut, and dicove
ries, they honoured with the names of Melcartus
and Hercules; that the return of the Heraclides

into Peloponnefus was about 1 5 8 years after the

death of Solomon; that Lycurgus the Legilator
Reigned at Sparta, and gave the three Dics to


Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
the Olympic treaury, An. 1, Olymp. 18, or
273 years after the death of Solomon, the Quin

quertium being at that time added to the O

lympic Games; that the Greeks began oon af
ter to build Triremes, and to fend Colonies into

Sicily and Italy, which gave the name of Grecia

magna to thoe countries; that the firt Meffe
nian war ended about 35 o years after the death
of Solomon, An. 1, Olymp. 37 ; that Phidan
was contemporary to Solon, and preided in the
Olympic Games in the 49th Olympiad, that
is, 3 97 years after the death of Solomon; that
Draco was Archon, and made his laws, An. 1,
Olymp. 52; and Solon, An. 3, Olymp. 54; and
that Solon viited Crfus Ann. 3, Olymp. 57, or
433 years after the death of Solomon; and Sar

des was taken by Cyrus 438 years, and Babylon

by Cyrus 443 years, and Ecbatane by Cyrus 445
years after the death of Solomon : and thee

periods being ettled, they become a foundation

for building the Chronology of the antient
times upon them; and
more remains
for ettling uch a Chronology, than to make
thee Periods a little exacter, if it can be, and

to hew how the ret of the Antiquities of

Greece, Egypt, Affria, Chaldea, and Media

may uit therewith.


of the G REEKs.


Whilst Bacchus madehis expedition into India,

Theeus left Ariadne in the Iland Naxus or Dia, as

above, and ucceeded his father geus at Athens;
and upon the Return of Bacchus from India,

Ariadne became his mitres, and accompanied

him in his triumphs; and this was about ten

years after the death of Solomon: and from that

time reigned eight

in Athens, viz. The

feus, Menestheus, Demop oon, Oxyntes, Aphidas,

Thymetes, Melanthus, and Codrus; thee Kings,

at 19 years a-piece one with another, might
take up about i 5 2 years, and end about 44
years before the Olympiads: then Reigned
twelve Archons for life, which at 14 or 1 5

years a-piece, the State being untable, might

take up about 174 years, and end An. 2,
Olymp. 3 3 : , then reigned feven decennial
reckoned at eventy
Archons, which are u
years; but ome of them dying in their Re
gency, they might not take up above forty years,.
and fo end about An. 2, Olymp. 43, about

which time began the econd Mefenian war:

thee decennial Archons were followed by the
annual Archons, amongt whom were the Le

gilators Draco and Solon. Soon after the death

of Codrus, his econd fon Neleus, not bearing
the Reign of his lame brother Medan at Athens,
retired into Aia, and was followed by his
youn ger:


Of the CHRoN o Lo G y
younger brothers Androcles and Cyaretus, and
many others: thee had the name of Ionians,
from Ion the on of Xuthus, who commanded

the army of the Athenians at the death of Erech

theus, and gave the name of Ionia to the coun

try which they invaded: and about 2 o or 25
years after the death of Codrus, thee new Co

lonies, being now Lords of Ionia, fet up over

themelves a common Council called Panionium,

and compoed of Counellors ent from twelve

of their cities, Miletus, Myus, Priene, Ephefus,

Colophon, Lebedus, Teos, Clazomene, Phoca, Sa

mos, Chios, and Erythrea: and this was the Io

nic Migration.
Vid. Diony.

When the Greeks and Latines were forming

1. I. P.44,45. their Technical Chronology, there were great
diputes about the Antiquity of Rome: the Greeks


made it much older than the Olympiads: ome

of them faid it was built by neas; others, by Ro

mus, the on or grandon of neas; others, by

Romus, the on or grandon of Latinus King of
the Aborigines; others, by Romus the on of U
lyffes, or of Acanius, or of Italus: and ome
of the Latines at firt fell in with the opinion
of the Greeks, aying that it was built by Romu
lus, the on or grandon of neas. Timus Si

culus repreented it built by Romulus, the grand

fon of neas, above an hundred years

of the G R E Eks.

I 29

the Olympiads; and o did Nevius the Poet,

who was twenty years older than Ennius, and
ferved in the firt Punic war, and wrote the

hitory of that war. Hitherto nothing certain

was agreed upon, but about I 49 or 1 5 o years
after the death of Alexander the Great, they

began to ay that Rome was built a econd time

by Romulus, in the fifteenth Age after the de
ftrution of Troy : by Ages they meant Reigns
of the Kings of the Latines at Alba, and rec
koned the firt fourteen Reigns at about 43 z
years, and the following Reigns of the even

Kings of Rome at 244 years, both which num

bers made up the time of about 67 6 years

from the taking of Troy, according to thee

Chronologers; but are much too long for the
coure of nature : and by this reckoning they
placed the building of Rome upon the fixth or
feventh Olympiad; Varro placed it on the firt
year of the feventh Olympiad, and was there
in generally followed by the Romans; but this
can carce be reconciled to the coure of na

ture: for I do not meet with any intance in

all hitory, ince Chronology was certain, where

in even Kings, mot of whom were flain,
Reigned 244 years in continual ucceion. The
fourteen Reigns of the Kings of the Latines,
at twenty years a-piece one with another, a

Of the CHRoN o L o Gy


mount unto 28 o years, and thee years counted

from the taking of Troy end in the 38th Olym

piad: and the even Reigns of the Kings of
Rome, four or five of them being flain and one

depoed, may at a moderate reckoning amount

to fifteen or fixteen years a-piece one with ano
ther : let them be reckoned at eventeen years

a-piece, and they will amount unto 1 1 9 years;

which being counted backwards from the Regi
fuge, end alo in the 38th Olympiad: and by
thee two reckonings Rome was built in the 38th

Olympiad, or thereabout. The 28o years and

the 1 i 9 years together make up 399 years ;
and the ame number of years aries by counting
the twenty and one Reigns at nineteen years

a-piece: and this being the whole time between

the taking of Troy and the
let thee years.
be counted backward from the Regifuge, An. 1,

Olymp. 68, and they will place the taking of

Troy about 74 years after the death of Solo


When Sefostris returned from Thrace into.

Egypt, he left etes with part of his army in

Colchis, to guard that pas; and Phryxus and his,
fifter Helle fled from Ino, the daughter of Cadmus,

to AEetes oon after, in a hip whoe enign was.

a golden ram : Ino was therefore alive in the
fourteenth year of Rehoboam, the year in which


of the G R E Eks.


Sefostris returnedinto Egypt; and by conequence

her father Cadmus flourihed in the Reign of
David, and not before. Cadmus was the father of

Polydorus, the father of Labdacus, the father of

Laius, the father of Oedipus, the father of Eteo

cles and Polynices who flew one another in their

youth, in the war of the even Captains at Thebes,
about ten or twelve years after the Argonautic
Expedition: and Therfander, the on of Polynices,

warred at Troy. Thee Generations being by the

eldet fons who married young, if they be
reckoned at about twenty and four years to a

Generation, will place the birth of Polydorus

upon the 18th year of David's Reign, or there

about : and thus Cadmus might be a young

man, not yet married, when he came firt into
Greece. At his firt coming he fail'd to Rhodes,
and thence to Samothrace, an Iland near Thrace
on the north fide of Lemnos, and there married

Harmonia, the fifter of fastus and Dardanus,

which gave occaion to the Samothracian myte

ries: and Polydorus might be their on, born
a year or two after their coming; and his fifter
Europa might be then a young woman, in the
flower of her age. Thee Generations cannot
well be horter; and therefore Cadmus, and his

fon Polydorus, were not younger than we have

reckoned them : nor can they be much longer,
S 2.


I 32

Of the C H R o N o L o G Y
without making Polydorus too old to be born in
Europe, and to be the on of Harmonia the fifter
of faius. Labdacus was therefore born in the
end of David's Reign, Laius in the 24th year
of Solomon's, and Oedipus in the feventh of Reho
boam's, or thereabout : unles you had rather ay,

that Polydorus was bornat Zidon, before his father

came into Europe; but his name Polydorus is in

the language of Greece.

Polydorus married Nyffeis, the daughter of
Nyfleus a native of Greece, and dying young,
left his Kingdom and young fon Labdacus un
der the adminitration of Nyffeus. Then Epopeus
King of gialus,
called Sicyon, tole
: Antiope the daughter of Nysieus, " and Nyffeus
thereupon made war upon him, and in a battle
wherein Nyffeus overcame, both were wounded

and died foon after. Nyffeus left the tuition of

Labdacus, and adminitration of the Kingdom, to


his brother Lycus; and

Epopeus or, as Hyginus

. s " calls him, Epaphus the Sicyonian, left his King

dom to Lamedon, who preently ended the war,
by ending home Antiope: and he, in returning

home, brought forth Amphion and Zethus. Lab

dacus being grown up received the Kingdom
from Lycus, and oon after dying left it again
to his adminitration, for his young fon Laius.

When Amphion and Zethus were about twenty



of the G R E E Ks.

I 33

years old, at the intigation of their mother An

tiope, they killed Lycus, and made Laius flee to
Pelops, and eized the city Thebes, and compaed
it with a wall; and Amphion married Niobe the

fifter of Pelops, and by her had everal children,

amongt whom was Chloris, the mother of Peri
clymenus the Argonaut. Pelops was the father of
Plisthenes, Atreus, and Thyestes ; and Agamemnon
and Menelaus, the adopted fons of Atreus, warred

at Troy. gisthus, the on of Thyestes, flew Aga

memnon the year after the taking of Troy; and
Atreus died jut before Paris tole Helena, which,
according to Homer, was twenty years before the oIliad.

taking of Troy. Deucalion the on of Minos, " was r Hyg n.

an Argonaut; and Talus another on of Minos, Fab. 14.
was flain by the Argonauts; and Idomeneus and
Meriones, the grandons of Minos, were at the

Trojan war. All thee things confirm the

ages of Cadmus and Europa, and their poterity,
above afligned, and place the death
or Epaphus King of Sicyon, and birth of Amphion
and Zethus, upon the tenth year of Solomon; and

the taking of Thebes by Amphion and Zethus, and

the flight of Laius to Pelops, upon the thirtieth
year of that King, or thereabout.


might marry the fifter of Pelops, the ame year,

and Pelops come into Greece three or four years

before that flight, or about the 26th year of



Of the CH roN o Lo GY

I 34

In the days of Erechtheus King of Athens, and

Celeus King of Eleuis, Ceres came into Attica;
and educated Tiptolemas the on of Celeus, and
q Homer.

Odyf. E.

P. 237.

taught him to fow corn. She lay with faston,

i.s. or faius, the brother of Harmonia the wife of

Cadmus ; and preently after her death Erechtheus
was flain, in a war between the Athenians and

Eleuinians; and, for the benefation of bringing

tillage into Greece, the Eleuinia Sacra were inti
r Diodor.
tuted to her ' with Egyptian ceremonies, by Ce
l. I. p.
leus and Eumolpus; and a Sepulchre or Temple
was ereted to her in Eleufine, and in this Tem

ple the families of Celeus and Eumolpus became

her Priets: and this Temple, and that which

Eurydice ereted to her daughter Danae, by the

name of funo Argiva, are the firt intances that
I meet with in Greece of Deifying the dead, with
Temples, and Sacred Rites, and Sacrifices, and I
nitiations, and a ucceion of Priets to perform
them. Now by this hitory it is manifet that
Erechtheus, Celeus, Eumolpus, Ceres, fastus, Cad
mus, Harmonia, Asterius, and Dardanus the bro
ther of fastus, and one of the founders of the

Kingdom of Troy,were all contemporary to one

another, and flourihed in theiryouth, when Cad

mus came firt into Europe. Erechtheus could not

be much older, becaue his daughter Procris con

vers'd with Minos King of Crete; and his grand


of the G R E E Ks.



fon Thepis had fifty daughters, who lay with Her

cules; and his daughter Orithyia was the mother
of Calais and Zetes, two of the Argonauts in their

youth; and his fon Orneus was the father of

Peteos, the father of Menestheus, who warred at "****
Troy : nor much younger, becaue his econd on
Pandion, who with the Metionides depoed his

elder brother Cecrops, was the father of geus,

the father of Thefeus; and Metion, another of his
fons, was the father of Eupalamus, the father of
Ddalus, who was older than Thefeus; and his

daughter Creua married Xuthus, the on of Hel

len, and by him had two ons, Acheus and Ion ;
and Ion commanded the army of the Athenians

againt the Eleuinians, in the battle in which his

randfather Erechtheus was flain : and this was

jut before the institution of the Eleuinia Sacra,

and before the Reign of Pandion the father of

geus. Erechtheus being an Egyptian procured
corn from Egypt, and for that benefaction was

made King of Athens; and near the beginning

of his Reign Ceres came into Attica from Sicily,

in quet of her daughter Proferpina. We cannot
err much if we make Hellen contemporary to .

the Reign of Saul, and to that of David at

Hebron; and place the beginning of the Reign
of Erechtheus in the 25th year, the coming of
Ceres. into Attica in the 3 oth year, and the dif

Of the C H R o N o L o G Y


perion of corn by Triptolemus about the 4oth

year of David's Reign; and the death of Ceres
and Erechtheus, and intitution of the Eleuinia
Sacra, between the tenth and fifteenth year of So


Dardanus, Erichthonius,

Tros, Ilus,

Laomedon, and Priamus Reigned ucceively at

Troy; and their Reigns, at about twenty years

a piece one with another, amount unto an hun
dred and forty years: which counted back from

the taking of Troy, place the beginning of the

Reign of Teucer about the fifteenth year of the
Reign of King David; and that of Dardanus, in
the days of Ceres, who lay with fastus the bro

ther of Dardanus : whereas Chronologers reckon

that the fix lat of thee Kings Reigned 296

years, which is after the rate of 49; yearsa-piece

one with another ; and that they began their
Reign in the days of Moes. Dardanus married
the daughter ofTeucer, the on of Scamander, and
fucceeded him : whence Teucer was of about the

fame age with David.

Upon the return of Sefofiris into Egypt, his

brother Danaus not only attempted his life, as
above, but alo commanded his daughters, who
were fifty in number and had married the ons

of Sefofiris, to flay their husbands; and then

fled with his daughters from Egypt, in a long

of the G REEK s.


fhip of fifty oars. . This Flight was in the four

teenth year of Rehoboam. Danaus came firt to
Lindus, a town in Rhodes, and there built a
Temple, and ereted a Statue to Minerva, and

lot three of his daughters by a plague which

raged there; and then failed thence with the

ret of his daughters to

He came to Ar

gos therefore in the fifteenth or fixteenth year of

Rehoboam : and at length contending there with
Gelanor the brother of Eurystheus for the crown
of Argos, was choen by the people, and Reigned
at Argos, while Eurystheus Reigned at Mycene ;
and Eurystheus
the ame
the with
ons ;1. Apolodor;
2. Set. 5.
of Sthenelus, by Nicippe the daughter of Pelops;
and Sthenelus was the on of Perfeus, and Reign
ed at Argos; and Danaus, who ucceeded him at
Argos, was ucceeded there by his on in law Lyn
ceus, and he by his on Abas; that Abas who is
commonly, but erroneouly, reputed the father

ofAcrifius and Pretus. In the time of the Argo

nautic expedition Castor and Pollux were beard
les young men, and their fifters Helena and Cly
temnestra were children, and their wives Phebe

and Ilaira were alo very young : all thee, with

the Argonauts Lynceus and Idas, were the grand
children of Gorgophone, the daughter of Perfeus,
the on of Danae,the daughter of Acrifius and Eu



Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
dice ; and Perieres and Oebalus, the husbands

f Gorgophone, were the ons of Cynortes, the on

of Amyclas, the brother of Eurydice. Mestor or

Mastor, the brother of Sthenelus, married Lyfidice,

another of the daughters of Pelops: and Pelops

married Hippodamia, the daughter of Evarete,

the daughter of Acristus. Alcmena, the mother of

Hercules, was the daughter of Eleffryo; and
Sthemelus, Mestor and Electryo were brothers of
Gorgophone, and ons of Perfeus and Andromeda :
and the Argonaut culapius was the grandon
of Leucippus and Phlegia, and Leucippus was the

on of Perieres, the grandfon of Amyclas thebrother

of Eurydice, and Amyclas and Eurydice were the
children of Lacedemon and Sparta: and Capaneus,
one of the feven Captains againt Thebes, was the
husband of Euadne the

of Iphis, the on

of Elector, the on of Anaxagoras, the on of Me

gapenthes, the on of Pretus the brother of Acri

fius. Now from thee Generations it may be ga

thered that Perfeus, Perieres and Anaxagoras

were of about the ame age with Minos, Peleus,

geus and Sefac; and that Acrifius, Pretus,
Eurydice, and Amyclas, being two little Genera
tions older, were of about the ame age with
King David and Erechtheus; and that the Tem

ple of funo Argiva was built about the ame

time with the Temple of Solomon; the ame be

of the G R EEks.

I 39

ing built by Eurydice to her daughter Danae, as

above; or as ome ay, by Pirafus or Piranthus,
the on or ucceor of Argus, and great grand
fon of Phoroneus: for the firt Prietes of that

Goddes was Callithea the daughter of Piran

thus; Callithea was ucceeded by Alcinoe, a

bout three Generations before the taking of Troy,

that is about the middle of Solomon's Reign: in

her Priesthood the Siculi paed out of Italy into

Sicily: afterwards Hypermnestra the daughter of
Danaus became Prietes of this Goddes, and
fhe flourihed in the times next before the Ar

gonautic expedition: and Admeta, the daughter

of Eurystheus, was Priestes of this funo about the
times of the Trojan war. Andromeda the wife of
Perfeus, was the daughter ofCepheus an Egyptian,
the on of Belus, according to Herodotus; and Herod.1.7.
the Egyptian Belus was Ammon : Perfeus took her
think a kinman of
from foppa, where
Solomon's Queen, reided in the days of Solomon,
Acrifius and Pretus were the ons of Abas : but

this Abas was not the fame man with Abas the

grandon of Danaus, but a much older Prince,

who built Abea in Phocis, and might be the
Prince from whom the iland Euba " was an- y Bochart.

ciently called Abantis, and the people thereof

Abantes : for Apollonius Rhodius * tells us, that . Apollon.
the Argonaut Canthus was the fon of Canethus,
T 2.

and 77


Of the CHRoN o Lo G y
and that Canethus was of the poterity of Abas;
and the Commentator upon Apollonius tells us fur
ther, that from this Abas the inhabitants of Euba

were anciently called Abantes. This Abas therefore

flourihed three or four Generations before the Ar


and o might be the father of

Acrifius: the ancetors of Acristus were accounted

Egyptians by the Greeks, and they might come

from Egypt under Abas into Euba, and from
therice into Peloponnefus. I do not reckon Phorbas
and his on
among the Kings of Argos, be
caue they fled from that Kingdom to the Iland.
y Conon.

Rhodes; nor do I reckon Crotopus among them,

becaue he went from Argos, and built a new

Narrat. I 3.

city for himelf in Megaris, as ' Conon relates.

z Paufan.

l. 5. c. I.
l. I. c. 7.

We aid that Pelops came into Greece about

the 26th year of Solomon: he * came thither in

the days of Acrifius, and in thoe of Endymion,

and of his ons, and took AEtolia from tolus.

Endymion was the on of Athlius, the on of Pro

togenia, the fifter of Hellen, and daughter of Deu
calion : Phrixus and Helle, the children of Atha

mas, the brother of Siffphus and on of olus,

the on of Hellen, fled
their tepmother Ino,

the daughter of Cadmus, to AEetes in Colchis, pre

fently after the return of Sefostris into Egypt :
and fafon the Argonaut was the on of fon,
the on of Cretheus, the on of olus, the


of the G R E E Ks.


of Hellen: and Calyce was the wife of Athlius,

and mother of Endymion, and daughter of olus,

and fifter of Cretheus, Siyphus and Athamas :

and by thee circumtances Cretheus, Siyphus and

Athamas flourihed in the latter part of the Reign

of Solomon, and in the Reign of Rehoboam :
Athlius, olus, Xuthus, Dorus, Tantalus, and

Danae were contemporary to Erechtheus, fastus

and Cadmus; and Hellen was about one, and
Deucalion about two Generations older than E

rechtheus. They could not be much older, becaue

Xuthus the
of Hellen nor
* married
could l.; Pauan.
7. c. 1.
they be much younger, becaue Cephalus the on of
Deioneus, the on of olus, the eldet fon of Hel

len, married Procris the daughter of Erechtheus; ; Paun.

and Procris fled from her husband to Minos.


Upon the death of Hellen, his younget on

Xuthus was expelled Theffaly by his


olus and Dorus, and fled to Erechtheus, and " 7 " "

married Creua the daughter of Erechtheus; by

whom he had two fons, Achaeus and Ion, the

younget of which grew up before the death of

Erechtheus, and commanded the army of the
Athenians, in the war in which Erechtheus was
flain: and therefore Hellen died about one Gene
ration before Erechtheus.

Siyphus therefore built Corinth about the


I 42

Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
end of the Reign of Solomon, or the beginning
of the Reign of Rehoboam. Upon the flight of
Phrixus and Helle, their father Athamas, a little

King in Botia, went ditracted and flew his

fon Learchus; and his wife Ino threw her elf

into the ea, together with her other on Meli

certus; and thereupon Siyphus intituted the
Isthmia at Corinth to his nephew Melicertus. This

was preently after Sefostris had left AEetes in Col

chis, I think in the fifteenth or fixteenth year of
Rehoboam : o that Athamas, the on of olus

and grandon of Hellen, and Ino the daughter

of Cadmus, flourihed 'till about the fixteenth

year of Rehoboam. Siyphus and his ucceors

Ornytion, Thoas,

Demophon, Propodas, Doridas,

Hyanthidas Reigned ucceively at Corinth,

'till the return of the Heraclides into Peloponne
fus: then Reigned the Heraclides, Aletes, Ixion,
Agelas, Prumnis, Bacchis, Agelas II, Eudamus,
Aristodemus, and Telefes ucceively about 17o

years, and then Corinth was governed by Pryta

nes or annual Archons about 42 years, and af
ter them by Cypfelus and Periander about 48
years more.

Celeus King
* Hefych, in


Eleufis, who was contempo

rary to Erechtheus, was the fon of Rharur, the

fon of Cranaus, the ucceor of Cecrops; and in

the Reign of Cranaus, Deucalion fled with his


of the G R E E K s.


ons Hellen and Amphitiyon from the flood which

then overflowed Theffaly, and was called Deuca
lion's flood : they fled into Attica, and there

Deucalion died oon after; and Paufanias tells us

that his epulchre was to be een near Athens.

His eldet on Hellen ucceeded him in Theffaly,
and his other fon

married the

ter of Cranaus, and Reigning at Thermopyl,

ereted there the Amphisiyonic Council ; and
Acrifius foon after
the like Council at

Delphi. This I conceive was done when Am

phitiyon and Acristus were aged, and fit to be
Counellors; uppoe in the latter half of the
Reign of David, and beginning of the Reign
of Solomon; and foon
fuppoe about the
middle of the Reign of Solomon, did Phemono
become the firt Prietes of Apollo at Delphi,
and gave Oracles in hexameter vere: and then
was Acristus lain accidentally by his grandon
Perfeus. The Council of Thermopyle included
twelve nations of the Greeks, without Attica, and

therefore Amphitiyon did not then Reign at A

thens: he might endeavour to ucceed Cranaus, his
wife's father, and be prevented by Erechtheus.
Between the Reigns of Cranaus and Erech
theus, Chronologers place alo Erichthonius, and
his on Pandion; but I take this Erichthonius
and this his fon Pandion, to be the ame with.

I 44

Of the Chronology
Erechtheus and his on and ucceor Pandion,

the names being only repeated with a little va

riation in the lit of the Kings of Attica: for

Erichthonius, he that was the

e Themit.

Orat. 19.
f Plato in
Alcib. I.

of the Earth,

nured up by Minerva, is by Homer called E

rechtheus; and Themistius * tells us, that it was
Erechtheus that firt joyned a chariot to hores;

and Plato ' alluding to the tory of Erichthonius

in a basket, faith, The people of magnanimous

Erechtheus is beautiful, but it behoves us to be

hold him taken out: Erechtheus therefore immedi

ately ucceeded Cranaus, while Amphitiyon Reign

ed at Thermopyle. In the Reign of Cranaus the
Poets place the flood of Deucalion, and therefore

the death of Deucalion, and the Reign of his

fons Hellen and Amphitiyon, in Theffaly and Ther

mopyle, was but a few years, uppoe eight or

ten, before the Reign of Erechtheus.
z Paufan.

1. 8. c. 1, 2,
3, 4, J.

The first Kings of Arcadia were ucceively

* Pelafgus, Lycaon, Nyttimus, Arcas, Clitor, py
tus, Aleus, Lycurgus, Echemus, Agapenor, Hip
pothous, AEpytus II, Cypfelus, Oleas, &c. Under Cyp
felus the Heraclides returned into Peloponnefus,
as above : Agapenor was one of thoe who

courted Helena; he courted her before he reign

ed, and afterwards he went to the war at Troy,
and thence to Cyprus, and there built Paphos.

Echemus flew Hyllus the on of Hercules. Ly



of the G R E E k s.

I 45

curgus, Cepheus, and Auge, were " the children

of Aleus, the on of Aphidas, the on of Arcas, rolio

the on of Callisto, the daughter of Lycaon: ^

Auge lay with Hercules, and Anceus the on of
Lycurgus was an Argonaut, and his uncle Ce

pheus was his Governour in that Expedition; .

and Lycurgus tay'd at home, to look after his
Aleus, who might be born about 75
years before that Expedition; . and his grand
father Arcas might be born about the end of

the Reign of Saul, and Lycaon the grandfather

of Arcas might be then alive, and dye before
the middle of David's Reign; and His younget
fon Oenotrus, the fanus of the Latines, might

grow up, and lead a colony into Italy before

the Reign of Solomon. Arcas received ' bread l. 8.

corn from Triptolemus, and taught his people to

make bread of it; and o did


the firt

King of a region afterwards called Achaia: and

therefore Arcas and Eumelus were contemporary
to Triptolemus, and to his old father Celeus, and
to Erechtheus King of Athens; and Callisto to
Rharus, and her father Lycaon to Cranaus: but
Lycaon died before Cranaus, o as to leave room
Deucalion's flood between their deaths.


eleven Kings of Arcadia, between this Flood

and the Return of the Heraclides into Pelopon
nefus, that is, between the Reigns of Lycaon
and Cypfelus, after the rate of about twenty


c. 4

Of the CH R o N o Lo Gy


years to a Reign one with another, took up

about 2 2 o years, and thee years counted back
from the Return of the Heraclides, place the

Flood of Deucalion upon the fourteenth year of

David's Reign, or thereabout.
k Herod. l. 5.
c. 58.

Herodotus * tells us, that the Phnicians who

came with Cadmus brought many dotrines in

to Greece: for amongt thoe Phnicians were a
fort of men called Curetes, who were skilled in
the Arts and Sciences of Phnicia, above other

1. Io. P. 464,
465, 466.

men, and ' ettled ome in Phrygia, where they

were called Corybantes ; ome in Crete, where
they were called Idei Daffyli; ome in Rhodes,
where they were called Telchines; ome in Samo
thrace, where they were called Cabiri; ome in
Euba, where, before the invention of iron, they

wrought in copper, in a city thence called Chal

in Lemnos, where they alited Vulcan;
and ome in Imbrus, and other places : and a
coniderable number of them ettled in tolia,

which was thence called the country of the Cu

retes ; until tolus the on of Endymion, having

flain Apis King of Sicyon, fled thither, and by

the affitance of his father invaded it, and from

his own name called it tolia: and by the af

fitance of thee artificers, Cadmus found out

gold in the mountain Pangeus in Thrace, and

copper at Thebes; whence copper ore is till

called Gadmia. Where they ettled they



of the G REEK s.


first in copper, 'till iron was invented, and

then in iron; and when they had made them
felves armour, they danced in it at the acri
fices with tumult and clamour, and bells, and

pipes, and drums, and fwords, with which they

ftruck upon one another's armour, in muical
times, appearing eized with a divine fury; and
this is reckoned the original of muic in Greece:
Solin.c. Po
Studium crepitu
de- lyhit.
aris cum
Daffyli" modulos

prehenfos in verificum ordinem transtuliffent : and

" Iidorus, Studium muicum ab Ideis Daffylis cap.
tum. Apollo and the Mues were two Generations later. Clemens calls the Idei Daffyli bar-: ciem.

barous, that is strangers; and faith, that they "" " "
were reputed the firt wife men, to whom both
the letters which they call Ephefian, and the in
vention of muical rhymes are referred: it eems
that when the Phnician letters, acribed to Cad

mus, were brought into Greece, they were at

the ame time brought into Phrygia and Crete,
by the Curetes; who ettled in thoe countries,

and called them Ephefian, from the city Ephefus,

where they were firt taught. The Curetes, by

their manufacturing copper and iron, and ma

king words, and armour, and edged tools for
hewing and carving of wood, brought into Eu
rope a new way of fighting; and gave Minos



Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
an opportunity of building a Fleet, and gain
ing the dominion of the eas; and fet on foot
the trades of Smiths and Carpenters in Greece,
which are the foundation of manual trades:

r Pauan.

the fleet of Minos was without fails, and

l. 9. c. II.

Dedalus fled from him by adding ails to his

veel; and therefore hips with fails were not
ued by the Greeks before the flight of Dedalus,

and death of Minos, who was flain in puru

ing him to Sicily, in the Reign of Rehoboam.
Ddalus and his nephew Talus, in the latter part
of the Reign of Solomon, invented the chipax,
and faw, and wimble, and perpendicular, and
compas, and turning-lath, and glew, and the
potter's wheel; and his father Eupalamus invent
ed the anchor : and thee things gave a begin
ning to manual Arts and Trades in Europe.
4 Strabo

1. IO. P. 472,
473. Diodor.
l. 5. c. 4.

The Curetes, who thus introduced Letters,

and Muic, and Poetry, and Dancing, and

Arts, and attended on the Sacrifices, were no
les ative about


intitutions, and for

their skill and knowledge and mytical pratices,

were accounted wife men and conjurers by the

vulgar. In Phrygia their myteries were about

Rhea, called Magna Mater, and from the places

where he was worhipped, Cybele, Berecynthia,

Peffinuntia, Dindymene, Mygdonia, and Idea Phry
gia : and in Crete, and the Terra Curetum, they

of the G R E Eks.

I 49

were about fupiter Olympius, the on of the Cre

tan Rhea: they repreented, ' that when fupiter * Strabo
was born in Crete, his mother Rhea caued him
to be educated in a cave in mount Ida, under

1. 1o. p. 468.
472. Diodor.

l. 5. c


Lucian de
their care and tuition; and " that they danced ffacrificiis.

about him in armour, with great noie, that his Apollod. l. I.

father Saturn might not hear him cry; and c.&c.1. 2.fe.
fe. I,
when he was grown up, affifted him in conquer
ing his father, and his father's friends; and in
memory of thee things intituted their myte
Boch. in:
ries. Bochart brings
from Palestine, and *Canaan.
l. r.
thinks that they had the name of Curetes from C. I J.

the people among the Philistims called Crethim,

or Cerethites : Ezek. xxv. I 6.

Zeph. ii. 5.

1 Sam. xxx. 14, . for the Philistims conquered

Zidon, and mixed with the Zidonians.

The two firt Kings of Crete, who reigned

after the coming of the Curetes, were Asterius
and Minos; and Europa was the Queen of Aste
rius, and mother of Minos; and the Idean Cu

retes were her countrymen, and came with her

and her brother Alymnus into Crete, and dwelt
in the Idean cave in her Reign, and there edu

cated fupiter, and found out iron, and made

armour: and therefore thee three, Asterius, Eu
ropa, and Minos, mut be the Saturn, Rhea and

jupiter of the Cretans. Minos is uually called

the on of fupiter; but this is in relation to

: ,

Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y

I 5o

the fable, that fupiter in the hape of a bull, the

Enign of the Ship, carried away Europa from

Zidon: for the Phnicians, upon their firt com
ing into Greece, gave the name of fao-pater,

fupiter, to every King: and thus both Mi

nos and his father were fupiters.


Athen an ancient author cited by Athenus, " aid that

l. 13. p. 6OI.

Minos was that fupiter who committed the rape

upon Ganimede; though others faid more truly

that it was Tantalus: Minos alone was that fu
piter who was mot famous among the Greeks
for Dominion and Jutice, being the greatet
in all Greece in thoe days, and the only

. Plutarchin legilator. Plutarch * tells us, that the people of


Naxus, contrary to what others write, pretend

ed that there were two Minos's, and two Ari
adnes; and that the firt Ariadne married Bac

chus, and the lat was carried away by Thefeus:

y Homer II but " Homer, Hestod, Thucydides, Herodotus, and

Strabo, knew but of one Minos; and Homer

decribes him to be the on of fupiter and Eu

ropa, and the brother of Rhadamanthus and Sar
pedon, and the father of Deucalion the Argonaut,
and grandfather of Idomeneus who warred at
Troy, and that he was the legilator of Hell:


- Herod.1. 1. Herodotus * makes Minos and Rhadamanthus the

fons of Europa, contemporary to geus: and

Fab. Apollodorus and Hyginus ay, that Minos, the



of the G R E E ks.


father of Androgeus, Ariadne and Phedra, was

the on of fupiter and Europa, and brother of
Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon.
us know that
of Lucian
Minos was
by Europa
the name
Rhea, deLucian

in the form of a woman fitting in a chariot

drawn by lions, with a drum in her hand,
and a Corona turrita on her head, like Astarte

and Iis; and the Cretans anciently hewed the : Diodor.

houe where this Rhea lived : and "Apollonius } ut
Rhodius tells us, that Saturn, while he Reigned"* v. 1236.
over the Titans in Olympus, a mountain in Crete,
and fupiter was educated by the Curetes in the

Cretan cave, deceived Rhea, and of Philyra be

got Chiron : and therefore the Cretan Saturn and
Rhea, were but one Generation older than Chi

ron, and by conequence not older than Aste

rius and Europa, the parents of Minos; for Chi

ron lived till after the Argonautic Expedition,

and had two grandons in
Expedition, and
Europa came into Crete above an hundred years

before that Expedition: Lucian tells us, that the : Lucian.

Cretans did not only relate, that fupiter was *"*"
born and buried among them, but alo hewed
his epulchre: and Porphyry tells us, that Py-t Porphyrin

thagoras went down into the Idean cave, to ee "*"*

his epulchre: and Cicero, in numbering three Nat.

Jupiters, faith, that the third was the Cretan



Of the C H R o N o Lo G Y


jupiter, Saturn's fon, whoe epulchre was hew

ed in Crete: and the Scholiat upon Callimachus

e lets us know, that this was the epulchre of


Minos: his words are, Ey Krn c7 T rd

q r Mva@- izreyyeo flo, MINQOC TOT

AOC TA OC. t xoy $ r Mr@- d
zrnneqn, ge aeine (p6nvau, AIOC TAqOC.
a, rra y xeiv Ayai Kgre; rv roqooy ra
A. In Crete upon the Sepulchre of Minos was

written, Minois Jovis epulchrum : but in time

Minois wore out, fo that there remained only,

ovis epulchrum, and thence the Cretans called

it the Sepulchre of Jupiter. By Saturn, Cicero,
who was a Latine, undertood the Saturn o call

ed by the Latines : for when Saturn was ex

pelled his Kingdom he fled from Crete by ea,

to Italy; and this the Poets expret by aying,
that jupiter cat him down to Tartarus, that is,
into the Sea: and becaue he lay hid in Italy,
the Latines called him Saturn; and Italy, Satur
nia, and Latium, and themelves Latines: o ' Cy-

prian; Antrum fovis in Creta vifitur, e5. fepulchrum

ejus ostenditur: & ab eo Saturnum fugatum effe
manifestum est: unde Latium de latebra ejus no

men accepit: hic literas imprimere, hic fignare

nummos in Italia primus instituit, unde erarium

Saturni vocatur; es ruficitatis hic cultor fuit, inde

falcem ferens fenex pingitur: and Minutius Felix;

of the G R E E Ks.

I 53

Saturnus Creta profugus, Italiam metu filii fevi

entis acceerat, es fani fuceptus hopitio, rudes
illos homines agrestes multa docuit, ut Grculus

e politus, literas imprimere, nummos fignare, in

frumenta conficere: itaque latebram fuam, quod
tuto latuiffet, vocari maluit Latium, e urbem
Saturniam de fuo nomine.** Ejus filius fupiter Crete
excluo parente regnavit, illic obiit, illic filios ha
buit; adhuc antrum fovis viitur, e fepulchrum
ejus offenditur, e- ipfis facris fuis humanitatis ar

; * Quantum
apud ip- loget.
quam argumenfideliorarerum
ta docent,andnuquam
fam Italiam, in qua Saturnus post multas expediti
ones, postque Attica hopitia confedit, exceptus ab
fano, vel fane ut Salii volunt. Mons quem inco
luerat Saturnius dictus : civitas quam depalaverat

Saturnia ufque nunc est. Tota denique Italia post

Oenotriam Saturnia cognominabatur. Ab ipo pri
mum tabule, e imagine fignatus nummus, e6, inde
erario preidet. By Saturn's carrying letters into

Italy, and coyning money, and teaching agri

culture, and making intruments, and building
a town, you may know that he fled from Crete,
after letters, and the coyning of money, and ma
nual arts were brought into Europe by the Ph
nicians; and from Attica, after agriculture was

brought into Greece by Ceres; and o could not

be older than Asterius, and Europa, and her bro


Of the C H R o N o L o G Y

I 54

ther Cadmus : and by Italy's being called Oenotria,

before it was called Saturnia, you may know
that he came into Italy after Oenotrus, and o
was not older than the fons of Lycaon. Oeno
trus carried the firt colony of the Greeks into
Italy, Saturn the econd, and Evander the third;

the Latines know nothing older in Italy

than fanus and Saturn : and therefore Oenotrus
was the fanus of the Latines, and Saturn was

contemporary to the ons of Lycaon, and by

conequence alo to Celeus, Erechtheus, Ceres,
and Asterius : for Ceres educated Triptolemus the
fon of Celeus, in the Reign of Erechtheus, and

then taught him to plow and fow corn: Arcas

the on of Callisto, and grandon of Lycaon, re
ceived corn from Triptolemus, and taught his
people to make bread of it; and Procris, the

daughter of Erechtheus, fled to Minos the on of

Asterius. In memory of Saturn's coming into

Italy by ea, the Latines coined their firt mo

ney with his head on one fide, and a hip on
Saturnal. lib.
I . C.


the other.

Macrobius' tells us, that when Sa

turn was dead, fanus ereted an Altar to him,

with acred rites as to a God, and intituted
the Saturnalia, and that humane acrifices were

offered to him; 'till Hercules driving the cattle of

Geryon through Italy, abolihed that cutom :
by the human acrifices you may know that janus


of the G REEK s.

I 55

was of the race of Lycaon; which charater

agrees to Oenotrus. Dionyius Halicarnaffenis tells
us further, that Oenotrus having found in the

wetern parts of Italy a large region fit for pa

fturage and tillage, but yet for the mot part
uninhabited, and where it was inhabited, peo
pled but thinly; in a certain part of it, purged
from the Barbarians, he built towns little and
numerous, in the mountains; which manner of

building was familiar to the ancients : and this

was the Original of Towns in Italy.

Paufanias " tells us that the people of Elis,

who were best skilled in Antiquities, related

this to have been the Original of the Olympic ** **
Games : that Saturn Reigned first, and had a

Temple built to him in Olympia by the men of

the Golden Age; and that when Jupiter was
newly born, his mother Rhea recommended him
to the care of the Idi Datyli, who were alo
called Curetes: that afterwards five of them,
called Hercules, Poeonius, Epimedes, Jaius, and
Ida, came from Ida, a mountain in Crete, into
Elis; and Hercules, called alo Hercules Idus,
being the oldest of them, in memory of the
war between Saturn and Jupiter, instituted the

game of racing, and that the vitfor hould be re

warded with a crown of olive; and there
erected an altar to fupiter Olympius, and called
X 2



Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
thee games Olympic : and that ome of the
Eleans aid, that Jupiter contended here with Sa
turn for the Kingdom; others that Hercules

Idus instituted thefe games iu memory of their

vifory over the Titans : for the people of Ar
e Paufan. 1.8.

cada had a tradition, that the Giants fought

C. 29.

with the Gods in the valley of Bathos, near the

p Diodor.

river Alpheus and the fountain Olympias. " Before

l. 5. p. 183.

the Reign of Asterius, his father Teutamus came

into Crete with a colony from Olympia; and up

on the flight of Asterius, ome of his friends

might retire with him into their own country,
and be purued and beaten there by the Idean
Hercules: the Eleans aid alo that Clymenus the
grandon of the Idean Hercules, about fifty

years after Deucalion's flood, coming from Crete,

celebrated thee games again in Olympia, and
ereted there an altar to funo Olympia, that is,

to Europa, and another to this Hercules and the

ret of the Curetes ; and Reigned in Elis 'till he
4 Pauan 1.5.

c. 8. 14.

was expelled by Endymion, who thereupon ce

lebrated thee games again: and fo did Pelops,
who expelled tolus the on of Endymion; and
fo alo did Hercules the on of Alcmena, and A

treus the on of Pelops, and Oxylus : they might

be celebrated originally in triumph for vitories,
firt by Hercules Ideus, upon the conquet of.

Saturn and the Titans; and then by Clymenus,


of the G R E Eks.


upon his conaing to Reign in the Terra Curetum;

then by Endymion, upon his conquering Clyme
nus; and afterwards by Pelops, upon his con
quering tolus; and by Hercules, upon his kil

ling Augeas; and by Atreus, upon his repel

ling the Heraclides; and by Oxylus, upon the
return of the Heraclides into Peloponnefus. This
Jupiter, to whom they were intituted, had a

Temple and Altar ereted to him in Olympia,

where the games were celebrated, and from the
place was called fupiter Olympius : Olympia was a
place upon the confines of Pia, near the river
In the ' Iland Thafus, where Cadmus left his C.* Herod.
brother Thafus, the Phnicians built a Temple to
Hercules Olympius, that Hercules, whom Cicero 'calls
* Cic. de na
ex Ideis Dailylis; cui inferias afferunt. When the tura
myteries of Ceres were intituted in Eleufis, there rum. lib. 3.

were other myteries intituted to her and her

daughter and daughter's husband, in the Iland

Samothrace, by the Phnician names of Dii Ca

biri Axieros, Axiokerfa, and Axiokerfes, that is,

the great Gods Ceres, Proferpina and Pluto: for
' fastus a Samothracian, whoe fifter married Cad t Diodor.
mus, was familiar with Ceres; and Cadmus and P.
fastus were both of them intituted in thee

myteries, fastus was the brother of Dardanus,




Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
and married Cybele the daughter of Meones King
of Phrygia, and by her had Corybas; and after
and Corybas went
into Phrygia, and carried thither the myteries of

his death, Dardanus,

. I

P. 3,

the mother of the Gods, and Cybele called the

goddes after her own name, and Corybas called
her priets Corybantes: thus Diodorus; but Di
onyius aith " that Dardanus intituted the Samo


thracian myteries, and that his wife Chryes

learnt them in Arcadia, and that Ideus the on

of Dardanus intituted afterwards the myteries

of the mother of the gods in Phrygia : this
Phrygian Goddes was drawn in a chariot bylions,
and had a corona turrita on her head, and a
drum in her hand, like the Phnician Goddes

Astarte, and the Corybantes danced in armour at

her acrifices in a furious manner, like the Idei


and Lucian * tells us that he was the

Cretan Rhea, that is, Europa the mother of Mi


and thus the Phnicians introduced the

pratice of
dead men and women a
mong the Greeks and Phrygians; for I meet with
no intance of Deifying dead men and women
in Greece, before the coming of Cadmus and Eu
ropa from Zidon.

From thee originals it came into fahion a

mong the Greeks, leg eil, parentare, to celebrate

of the G R E E Ks.

I 59

the funerals of dead parents with fetivals and in

vocations and acrifices offered to their ghots,
and to eret magnificent epulchres in the form
of temples, with altars and tatues, to perons of
renown ; and there to honour them publickly
with acrifices and invocations:

every man

might do it to his ancetors; and the cities of

Greece did it to all the eminent Greeks : as to

Europa the fifter, to Alymnus the brother, and

to Minos and Rhadamanthus the nephews of Cad
mus; to his daughter Ino,and her on Melicertus;

to Bacchus the on of his daughter Semele, Ari

farchus the husband of his daughter Autonoe, and
jafius the brother of his wife Harmonia; to Hercu
les a Theban, and his mother Alcmena; to Danae

the daughter of Acrifius; to culapius and

Polemocrates the on of Machaon; to Pandion

and Thefeur Kings of Athens, Hippolytus the on

of Thefeus, Pan the on of Penelope, Proferpina,
Triptolemus, Celeus, Trophonius, Castor, Pollux,
Helena, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Amphiaraus and

his on Amphilochus, Heffor and Alexandra the

fon and daughter of Priam, Phoroneus, Orpheus,
Protefilaus, Achilles and his mother Thetis, Ajax,
Arcas, Idomeneus, Meriones, acus, Melampus,

Britomartis, Adrastus, Iolaus, and divers others.

They Deified their dead in divers manners, ac



Of the CHRoN o L o Gy
cording to their abilities and circumtances, and

the merits of the peron; fome only in private

families, as houhold Gods or Dii Penates; o

thers by ereting gravetones to them in pub

lick, to be ued as altars for annual acrifices;
others, by building alo to them epulchres in the
form of houes or temples, and ome by ap

pointing mysteries, and ceremonies, and fet

crifices, and fetivals, and initiations,

and a

ucceion of priets for performing thoe insti

tutions in the temples, and handing them down
to poterity. Altars might begin to be ereted
in Europe a little before the days of Cadmus, for

facrificing to the old God or Gods of the Co

lonies, but Temples began in the days of Solo
y Arnob.adv.

mon; for ' acus the on of gina, who was

gent. l. 6.
P. I 3 I.

two Generations older than the Trojan war, is by

fome reputed one of the first who built a Tem
ple in Greece. Oracles came firt from Egypt
into Greece about the fame time, as alo did the

cutom of forming the images of the Gods

with their legs bound up in the fhape of
the Egyptian mummies: for Idolatry began in

Chaldea and Egypt, and pread thence into Ph

nicia and the neighbouring countries, long be
fore it came into Europe; and the Pelafgians
propagated it in Greece, by the ditates of the
Oracles :


of the GREEKs.
Oracles. The countries upon the Tigris and the

Nile being exceeding fertile, were firt frequent

ed by mankind, and grew firt into Kingdoms,
and therefore began firt to adore their dead
Kings and Queens: hence came the Gods of
Laban, the Gods and Goddees called Baalim

and Ahtaroth by the Canaanites, the Dmons or

Ghots to whom they acrificed, and the Moloch

to whom they offered their children in the days

of Moes and the Judges. Every City et up the
worhip of its own Founder and Kings, and by
alliances and conquets they pread this worhip,
and at length the Phnicians



brought into Europe the pratice of Deifying the

dead. The Kingdom of the lower Egypt began
to worhip their Kings before the days of Moes;
and to this worhip the econd commandment

is oppoed: when the Shepherds invaded the

lower Egypt, they checked this worhip of the
old Egyptians, and pread that of their own
Kings : and at length the Egyptians of Coptos

and Thebais, under Miphragmuthofis and Amofir,

expelling the Shepherds, checked the worhip of

the Gods of the Shepherds, and Deifying their
own Kings and Princes, propagated the worhip
of twelve of them into their conquets; and
made them more univeral than the fale Gods

of any other nation had been before, o as to be




Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y
called, Dii magni majorum gentium. Sefostris con

quered Thrace, and Amphitiyon the on of Pro

Herod. 1.2. metheus brought the twelve Gods from Thrace


into Greece: Herodotus * tells us that they came

" and by the names of the cities of


Egypt dedicated to many of thee Gods, you

may know that they were of an Egyptian ori
inal: and the Egyptians, according to Diodorus,

1. 1. p. 8.

* uually repreented, that after their Saturn

and Rhea, Reigned fupiter and fano, the pa
rents of Ostris and Ifis, the parents of Orus and

By all this it may be undertood, that as the

Egyptians who Deified their Kings, began their

monarchy with the Reign oftheir Gods and He
roes, reckoning Menes the firt man who reign
ed after their Gods ; o the Cretans had the

Ages of their Gods and Heroes, calling the first

four Ages of their Deified Kings and Princes, the

Golden, Silver, Brazen, and Iron Ages. Hestod
b Heiod.

opera. v. 18.

* decribing thee four Ages of the Gods and

Demi-Gods of Greece, repreents them to be four
Generations of men, each of which ended when

the men then living grew old and dropt into

the grave, and tells us that the fourth ended
with the wars of Thebes and Troy: and o many
Generations there were, from the coming of the

Phanicians and Curetes with Cadmus and Europa




of the G R E Eks.
into Greece, unto the destrution of Troy. Apol
lonius Rhodius aith that when the Argonauts came
to Crete, they flew Talus a brazen man, who re

mained of thoe that were of the Brazen Age,

and guarded that pas : Talus was reputed * the Apollon.
fon of Minos, and therefore the fons of Minos f.
lived in the Brazen Age, and Minos Reigned in

the Silver Age: it was the Silver Age of the Greeks

in which they began to plow and ow Corn,
and Ceres, that taught them to do it, flourihed in
the Reign of Celeus and Erechtheus and Minos.
Mythologits tell us that the lat woman with
whom fupiter lay, was Alcmena; and thereby

they eem to put an end to the Reign of fu

piter among mortals, that is to the Silver Age,
when Alcmena was with child of Hercules; who

therefore was born about the eighth or tenth

year of Rehoboam's Reign, and was about

34 years old at the time of the Argonautic ex

pedition. Chiron was begot by Saturn of Philyra

in the Golden Age, when fupiter was a child in

the Cretan cave, as above; and this was in the

Reign of Asterius King of Crete: and therefore

Asterius Reigned in Crete in the Golden Age; and

the Silver Age began when Chiron was a child:

if Chiron was born about the 3 5th year of Da

vid's Reign, he will be born in the Reign of

Asterius, when jupiter was a child in the Cretan
Y 2.



Of the CHRoN o LoGY

cave, and be about 88 years old in the time

of the Argonautic expedition, when he invented.

the Aterims; and this is within the reach of

nature. The Golden Age therefore falls in with

the Reign of Asterius, and the Silver Age with

that of Minos; and to make thee Ages much.
longer than ordinary generations, is to make
Chiron live much longer than according to the
coure of nature. This fable of the four Ages
feems to have been made by the Curetes in the

fourth Age, in memory of the firt four Ages of

their coming into Europe, as into a new world;

and in honour of their country-woman Europa,

and her husband Asterius the Saturn of the .

Latines, and of her on Minos the Cretan jupi

ter, and grandon Deucalion, who Reigned 'till
the Argonautic expedition, and is ometimes :

reckoned among the Argonauts, and of their

great grandon Idomeneus who warred at Troy.
Hestod tells us that he himelf lived in the fifth

Age, the Age next after the taking of Troy, and

therefore he flourihed within thirty or thirty
five years after it: and Homer was of about the

ame Age; for he "lived ome time with Mentor

idir. in Ithaca, and there learnt of him many things
concerning Ulyffes, with whom Mentor had been
peronally acquainted : now Herodotus, the oldet

meri Her- .

Herod.1.2. Hitorian of the Greeks now extant, tells us,


- -

- -


----- -----

of the G R E Eks.
that Hestod and Homer were not above four hun

dred years older than himelf, and therefore they

flourihed within 1 1 o or 1 2 o years after the

death of Solomon; and according to my reckon

ing the taking of Troy was but one Generation


Mythologits tell us, that Niobe the daughter

of Phoroneus was the firt woman with whom

jupiter lay, and that of her he begat Argus,

who ucceeded Phoroneus in the Kingdom of
Argos, and gave his name to that city; and
therefore Argus was born in the beginning of
the Silver Age: unles you had rather ay that
by fupiter they might here mean Asterius; for
the Phnicians gave the name of fupiter to every.
King, from the time of their firt coming into
Greece with Cadmus and Europa, until the inva

fion of Greece by Sefostris, and the birth of Her

cules, and particularly to the fathers of Minos,
Pelops, Lacedemon, acus, and Perfeus.
The four firt Ages ucceeded the flood of
Deucalion; and ome tell us that Deucalion was

the on of Prometheus, the on of fapetus, and

brother of Atlas: but this was another Deuca

lion; for fapetus the father of Prometheus, Epi


Atlas, was an Egyptian,

of Ostris, and flourihed two

the brother
generations after

the flood of Deucalion.



Of the CHRoN o Lo G y
I have now carried up the Chronology of

the Greeks as high as to the firt ue of letters,

the firt plowing and fowing of corn, the firt
manufaturing of copper and iron, the begin
ning of the trades of Smiths, Carpenters, Joy
ners, Turners, Brick-makers, Stone-cutters, and

Potters, in Europe; the firt walling of cities a

bout, the firt building of Temples, and the
original of Oracles in Greece; the beginning of
navigation by the Stars in long hips with fails;

the ereting of the Amphitiyonic Council; the

firt Ages of Greece, called the Golden, Silver,
Brazen and Iron Ages, and the flood of Deuca
lion which immediately preceded them. Thoe

Ages could not be earlier than the invention and

ue of the four metals in Greece, from whence

they had their names ; and the flood of Ogyges

could not be much above two or three ages

earlier than that of Deucalion : for among uch
wandering people as were then in Europe, there
could be no memory of things done above
three or four ages before the firt ue of letters :
and the expulion of the Shepherds out of Egypt,
which gave the firt occaion to the coming of
people from Egypt into Greece, and to the
building of houes and villages in Greece, was
fcarce earlier than the days of Eli and Samuel;

for Manetho tells us, that when they were




of the Greeks.


forced to quit Abaris and retire out of Egypt,

they went through the wildernes into Judea,
and built ferualem : I do not think, with Ma

netho, that they were the Iraelites under Moes,

but rather believe that they were Canaanites;

and upon leaving Abaris mingled with the Phi

their next neighbours: though ome of
them might affist David and Solomon in building
Jerualem and the Temple.
Saul was made King', that he might recue : , sam ir
Irael out of the hand of the Philistims, who op- :
preed them; and in the econd year of his
Reign, the Philistims
into the field a
gaint him thirty thouand chariots, and fix thouand
horfemen, and people as the fand which is on the fea
fbore for multitude : the Canaanites had their hores
from Egypt; and yet in the days of Moes all the

chariots of Egypt, with which Pharaoh purued If:

rael, were but ix hundred, Exod. xiv. 7. From the

great army of the Philistims againt Saul, and the

eat number of their hores, I eem to gather that
the Shepherds had newly relinquihed Egypt, and
joyned them : the Shepherds might be beaten
and driven out of the greatet part of Egypt,
and hut up in Abaris by Miphragmuthofis in the
latter end of the days of Eli; and ome of them

fly to the Philistims, and trengthen them againt

Irael, in the lat year of Eli , and from the Phi

I 63

Of the CHRoN o Lo G y
listims ome of the Shepherds might go to Zi
don, and from Zidon, by fea to Afia minor and
Greece: and afterwards, in the beginning of the

Reign of Saul, the Shepherds who still remain

might be forced by Tethmofis or
Amofis, the on of Miphragmuthofis, toleave Aba

ed in

ris, and retire in very great

numbers to the

Philistims ; and upon thee occaions everal of

them, as Pelafgus, Inachus, Lelex, Cecrops, and

Abas, might come with their people by ea from

Egypt to Zidon and Cyprus, and thence to Afia
minor and Greece, in the days of Eli, Samuel

and Saul, and thereby begin to open a com

merce by ea between Zidon and Greece, before
the revolt of Edom from fudea, and the final

coming of the Phnicians from the Red Sea.

Pelafgus Reigned in Arcadia, and was the
father of Lycaon, according to Pherecydes Athe
nienfis, and Lycaon died jut before the flood of

Deucalion ; and therefore his father Pelafgus might

come into Greece about two Generations before

Cadmus, or in the latter end of the days of Eli:

Lycaon acrificed children, and therefore his

ather might come with his people from the

Shepherds in Egypt, and perhaps from the re
gions of Heliopolis, where they acrificed men,
'till Amois abolihed that cutom. Miphragmu

thofis the father of Amofis, drove the Shepherds




of the G R E E ks.
out of a great part of Egypt, and hut the re
mainder up in Abaris : and then great numbers
might ecape to Greece; fome from the regions
of Heliopolis under Pelafgus, and others from
Memphis and other places, under other Captains :
and hence it might come to pas that the Pelaf:
gians were at the firt very numerous in Greece,
and pake a different language from the Greek,

and were the ringleaders in bringing into Greece

the worhip of the dead.
Inachus is called the on of Oceanus, perhaps
becaue he came to Greece by ea: he might
come with his people to Argos from Egypt in
the days of Eli, and feat himelf upon the river
Inachus, o named from him, and leave his terri

tories to his ons Phoroneus, gialeus, and Phegeus,

in the days of Samuel : for Car the on of Phoro
neus built a Temple to Ceres in Megara, and
therefore was contemporary to Erechtheus. Phoro

neus Reigned at Argos, and gialeus at Sicyon,

and founded thoe Kingdoms; and yet gialeus
is made above five hundred years older than Pho

roneus by fome Chronologers : but " Acufilaus,


* Anticlides and ' Plato, accounted Phoroneus the i


oldet King in Greece, and Apollodorus tells us,

gialeus was the brother of Phoroneus. gialeus Timo.

died without iffue, and after him Reigned Europs,
Telchin, Apis, Lamedon, Sicyon, Polybus, Adrastus,and


1 Herod. 1.2.

m Hygin.

Fab. 7.

Of the C H R o N o Lo G Y
Agamemnon, c c. and Sicyon gave his name to the
Kingdom: Herodotus' faith that Apis in the Greek
Tongue is Epaphus; and Hyginus, " that Epaphus
the Sicyonian got Antiopa with child : but the
later Greeks have made two men of the two names

Apis and Epaphus or Epopeus, and between them

inferted twelve feigned Kings of Sicyon, who

made no wars, nor did any thing memorable,

and yet Reigned five hundred and twenty

years, which is, one with another, above forty

and three years a-piece. If thee feigned Kings

be rejeted, and the two Kings Apis and Epo
peus be reunited; gialeus will become contem

porary to his brother Phoroneus, as he ought to

be; for Apis or Epopeus, and Nytteus the guar
dian of Labdacus, were lain in battle about the

tenth year of Solomon, as above ; and the firt

four Kings of Sicyon, gialeus, Europs, Telchin,

Apis, after the rate of about twenty years to a

Reign, take up about eighty years; and thee

years counted upwards from the tenth year of

Solomon, place the beginning of the Reign of

4Egialeus upon the twelfth year of Samuel, or

thereabout: and about that time began the

1. 3. c. 6.
o Homer.
Il. T. vers,

Reign of Phoroneus at Argos; Apollodorus " calls

Adrastus King of Argos; but Homer tells us,

that he Reigned firt at Sicyon: he was in the

firt war againt Thebes. Some place fanifcus

of the G R E E Ks.

17 1

and Phestus between Polybus and Adrastus, but

without any certainty.


Lelex might come with his people into La

comia in the days of Eli, and leave his territories

to his fons Myles, Eurotas, Clefon, and Polycaon

in the days
Samuel. Myles fet up a quern,
or handmill to grind corn, and is reputed the

firt among the Greeks who did o : but he flou

rihed before Triptolemus, and eems to have had

his corn and artificers from Egypt. Eurotas the

brother, or as fome ay the on of Myles, built
Sparta, and called it after the name of his

daughter Sparta, the wife of Lacedemon, and

mother of Eurydice. Clefon was the father of Py
las, thefather of Sciron, who married the daugh
ter of Pandion the on of Erechtheus, and con

tended with Nifus the on of Pandion and bro

ther of geus, for the Kingdom; and acus

adjudged it to Nifus. Polycaon invaded Meffene,
then peopled only by villages, called it Mef:
fene after the name of his wife, and built
cities therein.

Cecrops came from Sais in

into Attica: and

t to Cyprus,


in the days of Samuel, and marry Agraule the

daughter of Asteus, and ucceed him in At
tica foon after, and leave his Kingdom to Cra

naus in the Reign of Saul, or in the beginning

Z 2


Of the CHRoN o Lo G Y


of the Reign of David: for the flood of Deu

calion happened in the Reign of Cranaus.
Of about the ame age with Pelafgus, Inachus,

Lelex, and Atteus, was Ogyges; he Reigned in

Botia, and ome of his people were Leleges :
and either he or his on Eleufis built the city
Eleufis in Attica, that is, they built a few hou

fes of clay, which in time grew into a city.

Acufilaus wrote that Phoroneus was older than

Ogyges, and that Ogyges flourihed 1 o 29 years

before the firt Olympiad, as above; but A
cufilaus was an Argive, and feigned thee, things

in honour of his country : to call things Ogy

gian has been a phrae among the ancient Greeks,
to ignify that they are as old as the firt me

mory of things; and fo high we have now

carried up the Chronology of the Greeks. Ina

be as old as Ogyges, but-Acufilaus

and his followers made them even hundred

years older than the truth; and Chronologers,

to make out this reckoning, have

races of the Kings of Argos and Sicyon, and
changed everal contemporary Princes of Argos
into ucceive Kings, and inerted many feigned
Kings into the race of the Kings of Sicyon.
Inachus had everal ons, who Reigned in fe
veral parts of Peloponnefus, and there built Towns;
as Phoroneus, who built Phoronicum, afterwards

of the G R E EK s.


called Argos, from Argus his grandon; gialeur,

who built gialea, afterwards , called Sicyon,

from Sicyon the grandon of Erechtheus; Phegeus,

who built Phegea, afterwards called Pophis, from
Pophis the daughter of Lycaon: and thee were
the oldet towns in Peloponnefus: then Siyphus,
the on of olus and grandon of Hellen, built
Ephyra, afterwards called Corinth; and Athlius,
the on of olus, built Elis : and before them

Cecrops built Cecropia, the cittadel of Athens; and

Lycaon built Lycofura, reckoned by ome the
oldet town in Arcadia; and his ons, who were

at leaft four and twenty in number, built each

of them a town; except the younget, called

Oenotrus, who grew up after his father's death,

and failed into Italy with his people, and there

fet on foot the building of towns, and became

the fanus of the Latines. Phoroneus had alo
feveral children and grand-children, who Reigned
in everal places, and built new towns, as Car,

Apis, &c. and Hemon, the on of Pelagus,

Reigned in Hemonia, afterwards called Theffaly,

and built towns there.

This diviion- and

fubdiviion has made great confuion in the hi

flory of the firt Kingdoms of Peloponnefus, and
to the vain-glorious
thereby given

Greeks, to make thoe kingdoms much older

than they really were : but by all the reckonings,

above- .

I 74

Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
abovementioned, the firt civilizing of the
Greeks, and teaching them to dwell in houes

and towns, and the oldet towns in Europe,

could carce be above two or three Generations

older than the coming of Cadmus from Zidon

into Greece; and might mot probably be occa
fioned by the expulion of the Shepherds out of

Egypt in the days of Eli and Samuel, and their

flying into Greece in coniderable numbers:
but it's difficult to fet right the Genealogies
and Chronology of the Fabulous Ages of the
Greeks, and I leave thee things to be further

Before the Phnicians introduced the Deifyin

of dead men, the Greeks had a Council of El

ders in every town for the government thereof,

and a place where the elders and people wor

fhipped their God with acrifices : and when

many of thoe towns, for their common afety,
united under a common Council, they ereted

a Prytaneum or Court in one of the towns,

where the Council and People met at certain
times, to conult their common afety, and wor

fhip their common God with acrifices, and

to buy and fell: the towns where thee Coun

cils met, the Greeks called Muoi, peoples or

communities, or Corporation Towns: and at

length, when many of thee Muoi for their


of the G R E EK s.

I 75

common afety united by conent under one

common Council, they ereted a Prytaneum in

one of the Muoi for the common Council

and People to meet in, , and to conult and

worhip in, and feat, and buy, and ell; and

this Muog they walled about for its afety, and
called Tlu rAty the city : and this I take to

have been the original of Villages, Market

Towns, Cities, common Councils, Vetal Tem

ples, Feats and Fairs, in Europe: the Prytaneum,

zv rauiov, was a Court with a place of wor

fhip, and a perpetual fire kept therein upon an
Altar for acrificing: from the word Ega, fire,
came the name Vesta, which at length the peo
ple turned into a Goddes, and o became fire
worhippers like the ancient Perians: and when
thee Councils made war upon their neighbours,

they had a general commander to lead their

armies, and he became their King.
- So Thucydides tells us, that under Cecrops; Thucyd.

and the ancient Kings, untill Theeus; Attica k

having in Theeo.
Magistrates and Prytanea : neither did they
confult the King, when there was no fear of
danger, but each apart administred their own
was always inhabited city by city,




had their own Council,

and even fometimes made war, as the Eleu

finians with Eumolpus did against Erechtheus :


Of the C H R o N o L o G Y


but when Theeus, a prudent and potent man ob

tained the Kingdom, he took away the Courts and
Magistrates of the other cities, and made them all
meet in one Council and Prytaneum at Athens.
a Strabo. 1.9. Polemon, as he is cited by Strabo, tells us, that
p. 396.

in this body of Attica, there were 17 o Muoi,

r Apud Stra
bonem, l. 9.

one of which was Eleuis: and Philochorus re

, p. 397.

lates, that when Attica was infested by fea and

land by the Cares and Boeoti, Cecrops the first

of any man reduced the multitude, that is the
17o towns, into twelve cities, whoe names were
Tetrapolis, Epacria, Decelia, Eleuis,
Aphydna, Thoricus, Brauron, Cytherus, Sphet
tus, Cephiffia, and Phalerus ; and that Theeus
contraffed thoe twelve cities into one, which was

The original of the Kingdom of the Argives

was much after the fame manner : for Pauanias

1. 2. c. I 5.

' tells us, that Phoroneus the fon of Inachus

was the first who gathered into one commu

nity the Argives, who 'till then were feattered,

and lived every where apart; and the place
Strabo. l. 8.

where they were first affembled was called Pho

ronicum, the city of Phoroneus: and Strabo ' ob

-P -337.

ferves, that Homer calls all the places which he

reckons up in Peloponneus, a few excepted, not

cities but regions, becaue each of them con
fisted of a convention of many Muoi, free
to wmf,

of the G R E E Ks.


towns, out of which afterward noble cities

were built and frequented: fo the Argives com

poed Mantina in Arcadia out of five towns,

and Tegea out of nine; and out of fo many
was Hera built by Cleombrotus, or by Cleony
mus: fo alo gium was built out of feven or
eight towns, Patr out of feven, and Dyme out
of eight; and fo Elis was eretted by the conflux
of many towns into one city.
the Arcadians
" tellstheus,firt
he 1.; Pauan.
8. c. 1. 2.
and that accounted
was their firt King; and taught the ignorant
people to built houes, for defending themfelves
from heat, and cold, and rain; and to make

them garments of skins; and instead of herbs

and roots, which were fometimes noxious, to eat

the acorns of the beech tree; and that his

fon Lycaon built the oldet city in all Greece:
he tells us alo, that in the days of Lelex the
lived in villages apart. The Greeks there
ore began to build houes and villages in the

days of Pelafgus the father of Lycaon, and in

the days of Lelex the father of Myles, and by
conequence about two or three Generations be

Flood of Deucalion, and the coming of


Cadmus; 'till then * they lived in woods and : Plin. l. 7.

caves of the earth. The first houes were of ***

clay, 'till the brothers Euryalus and Hyperbius


A a



Of the C H R o N o Lo G Y
taught them to harden the clay into bricks,
and to build therewith. In the days of Ogyges,
Pelafgus, zeus, Inachus and Lelex, they began
to build houes and villages of clay, Doxius the
fon of Clus teaching them to do it; and in
the days of Lycaon, Phoroneus, gialeus, Phe

geus, Eurotas, Myles, Polycaon, and Cecrops, and

their ons, to aemble the villages into Muoi,
y Diony.
l. I. P. Io.

and the Muoi into cities.

When Oenotrus the on of Lycaon carried a
Colony into Italy, he ' found that country for
the most part uninhabited ; and where it was

inhabited, peopled but thinly: and feizing a

part of it, he built towns in the mountains,
little and numerous, as above:

thee towns

were without walls; but after this Colony grew

numerous, and began to want room, the

expelled the Siculi, compaed many cities with

walls, and became poffest of all the terri

tory between the two rivers Liris and Tibre:

and it is to be undertood that thoe cities had
1. 2. P. 126.


their Councils and Prytanea after the manner

of the Greeks : for Dionyius * tells us, that the
new Kingdom of Rome, as Romulus left it, con
fifted of thirty Courts or Councils, in thirty
towns, each with the acred fire kept in the
Prytaneum of the Court, for the Senators who
met there to perform Sacred Rites, after the

Illa IlIler

of the G R E E ks.


manner of the Greeks : but when Numa the

fucceor of Romulus Reigned, he leaving the

feveral fres in their own Courts, instituted one

common to them

all at Rome: whence Rome

was not a compleat city before the days of


When navigation was fo far improved that

the Phanicians began to leave the ea-hore, and
fail through the Mediterranean by the help of
the tars, it may be preumed that they began
to dicover the ilands of the Mediterranean,
and for the ake of trafic to ail as far as Greece:

and this was not long before they carried away

Io, the daughter of Inachus, from Argos. The
Cares firt infeted the Greek feas with piracy,
and then Minos the fon of Europa got up a
potent fleet, and ent out Colonies: for Diodorus

* tells us, that the Cyclades ilands, thoe near Diodor,

Crete, were at firt deolate and uninhabited;
but Minos having a potent fleet, ent many Co
lonies out of Crete, and peopled many of them;

and particularly that the iland Carpathus was

firt eized by the foldiers of Minos: Syme lay
wate and deolate 'till Triops came i
a Colony under Chthonius : Strongyle or Naxus
was firt inhabited by the Thracians in the days
of Boreas, a little before the Argonautic Expedi
tion : Samos was at firt deert, and inhabited
A a 2


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy


only by a great multitude of terrible wild beasts,

'till Macareus peopled it, as he did alo the
ilands Chius and Cos. Lesbos lay wate and de
folate 'till Xanthus failed thither with a Colony:
Tenedos lay deolate 'till Tennes, a little before the
Trojan war, failed thither from Troas. Aristeus,
who married Autonoe the daughter of Cadmus,
carried a Colony from Thebes into Cea, an iland
not inhabited before: the iland Rhodes was at

firt called Ophiufa, being full of ferpents, before

Phorbas, a Prince of Argos, went thither, and
made it habitable by detroying the erpents,

which was about the end of Solomon's Reign; in

memory of which he is delineated in the heavens
in the Contellation of Ophiuchus. The dicovery
of this and ome other istands made a report
that they roe out of the Sea: in Afia Delos
b Ammian.
l. 17. c. 7. emerfit, e5. Hiera, e5. Anaphe, e5 Rhodus, aith "Am
Plin. l. - 2.
mianus: and Pliny; clare jampridem infule, Delos
c. 87.
e Rhodos memorie produntur enate, postea minores,

ultra Melon Anaphe, inter Lemnum & Hellepon

tum Nea, inter Lebedum e5 Teon Halone, &c.

Diodorus tells us alo, that the even ilands

1. 3. p. 2O2.

called olides, between Italy and Sicily, were de

fert and uninhabited 'till Lipparus and olus, a
little before the Trojan war, went thither from

Italy, and peopled them : and

that Malta and

Gaulus or Gaudus on the other fide of Sicily,



of the



were firt peopled by Phnicians ; and o was

Madera without the Straits: and Homer writes

that Ulyffes found the Iland Ogygia covered

with wood, and uninhabited, except by Calypo
and her maids, who lived in a cave without

houes; and it is not likely that Great Britain and

Ireland could be peopled before navigation was

propagated beyond the Straits.
The Sicaneans were reputed the firt inhabi
tants of Sicily: they built little Villages or

Towns upon hills, and every Town had its

own King; and by this means they pread

over the country, before they formed themelves

into larger governments with a common King:

Philistus faith that they were tranplanted into : Apud Dio
Sicily from the River Sicanus in Spain; and Dio*

they inwere
a Spanih
rom thethat
he means

P. 17.

res " who oppoed Hercules when he returned : Dionycia,

from his expedition againt Geryon in Spain, and 3*3*
endeavoured to pas the Alps out of Gaul into

Italy. Hercules that year got into Italy, and

made ome conquets there, and founded the
city Croton ; and "after winter, upon the arrival Donyf ib.
of his fleet from Erythra in Spain, ailed to
Sicily, and there left the Sicani: for it was his

custom to recruit his army with conquered peo

ple, and after they had affisted him in mak


Of the C H R o N o L o Gy
ing new conquests to reward them with new

feats: this was the Egyptian Hercules, who had

a potent fleet, and in the days of Solomon ailed
to the Straits, and according to his cutom et
up pillars there, and conquered Geryon, and re
turned back by Italy and Sicily to Egypt, and
was by the ancient Gauls called Ogmius, and by
the Egyptians ' Nilus: for Erythra and the coun
try of Geryon were without the Straits. Dionyius

k Diony.
l. 2. P. 34.

* repreents this Hercules contemporary to Evander.

i Diodor.

Diodorus, ' were called Eteocretans; but whence

The firt inhabitants of Crete, according to

** P** they were, and how they came thither, is not
faid in hitory : then failed thither a Colony of

Pelafgians from Greece; and oon after Teuta

mus, the grandfather of Minos, carried thither a
Colony of Dorians from Laconia, and from the
territory of Olympia in Peloponnefus: and thee

feveral Colonies pake everal languages, and fed

on the pontaeous fruits of the earth, and lived
quietly in caves and huts, 'till the invention of
iron tools, in the days of Asterius the on of

Teutamus; and at length were reduced into one

Kingdom, and one People, by Minos, who was
their firt law-giver, and built many towns and
fhips, and introduced plowing and fowing, and
in whoe days the Curetes conquered his fa
ther's friends in Crete and Peloponnefus. The

of the G R E EKs.


Curetes" acrificed children to Saturn, and accord-


ing to Bochart were Philistims; and Eufebius

faith that Crete had its name from Cres, one of
was thewho
of up
the fupiter
iland, : itbut

. I .


have been peopled by Colonies which pake dif

ferent languages, 'till the days of Asterius and
Minos, and might come thither two or three
Generations before, and not above, for want of

navigation in thoe eas.

The iland Cyprus was dicovered by the

Phnicians not long before; for Eratosthenes tells

us, that Cyprus was at first fo overgrown with i
woed that it could not be tilled, and that they
first cut down the wood for the melting of
copper and filver, and afterwards when they be

gan to fail fafely upon the Mediterranean, that

is, preently after the Trojan war, they built
stips and even navies of it : and when they
could not thus destroy the wood, they gave
every man leave to cut down 'what wood he
pleaed, and to poffe all the ground which he

cleared of wood. So alo Europe at firt abound

ed very much with woods, one of which, called

the Hercinian, took up a great part of Germany,

being full nine days journey broad, and above
forty long, in fulius Cear's days : and yet the
Europeans had been sutting down their woods,
TO .


Of the CHRoN o L o Gy


to make room for mankind, ever fince the in

vention of iron tools, in the days of Asterius

and Minos.

All thee footteps there are of the first

peopling of Europe, and its Ilands, by ea; be
fore thoe days it eems to have been thinl

peopled from the northern coat of the Euxine

Jea by Scythians decended from faphet, who
wandered without houes, and heltered them
felves from rain and wild beats in thickets

and caves of the earth; uch as were the caves

in mount Ida in Crete, in which Minos was
educated and buried; the cave of Cacus, and

the Catacombs in Italy near Rome and Naples, af

terwards turned into burying-places; the Syringes
and many other caves in the fides of the moun

tains of Egypt; the caves of the Troglodites be

tween Egypt and the Red Sea; and thoe of the
P Strabo.

Phaurusti in Afric, mentioned by " Strabo; and

1. 17. p. 828,

the caves, and thickets, and rocks, and high

places, and pits, in which the Iraelites hd

themelves from the Philistims in the days of
Saul, 1 Sam. xiii. 6. But of the tate of man

kind in Europe in thoe days there is now no

hitory remaining.
The antiquities of Libya were not much older
4 Diodor.

than thoe of Europe ; for Diodorus tells us,

1. 3. P. 132,

that Uranus the father of Hyperion, and grand



of the G R E E Ks.
father of Helius and Selene, that is Ammon the

father of Sefie, was their first common King,

and caued the people, who 'till then wandered
and down, to dwell in towns: and Hero

otus ' tells us, that all Media was peopled by Herod.1.1.
Muoi, towns without walls, 'till they revolted

from the Affrians, which was about 2.67

years after the death of Solomon: and that after
that revolt they fet up a King over them, and
built Ecbatane with walls for his feat, the firt

town which they walled about ; and about 72.

years after the death of Solomon, Benhadad King

of Syria ' had two and thirty Kings in his . ; King.xz.
army againt Ahab : and when fostuah con-
quered the land of Canaan, every city of the
Canaanites had its own King, like the cities of
Europe, before they

one another; and

one ofthoe Kings, Adonibezek, the Kingof Bezek,

had conquered eventy other Kings a little be
fore, fudg. i. 7., and therefore towns began to
be built in that land not many ages before the
days of fo/huah: for the Patriarchs wandred
there in tents, and fed their flocks where-ever

they pleaed, the fields of Phnicia not being yet

fully appropriated, for want of people. The
countries firt inhabited by mankind, were in

thoe days o thinly peopled, that four Kings Generxir.

from the coasts of Shinar and Elam invaded and

B b



Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
poiled the Rephaims, and the inhabitants of the
countries of Moab, Ammon, Edom, and the

Kingdoms of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and

Zeboim ; and yet were purued and beaten by
Abraham with an armed force of only 3 1 8
men, the whole force which Abraham and the

princes with him could raie : , and Egypt was

Exod. i.

o thinly peopled before the birth of Moes, that

9 . Pharaoh aid of the Iraelites ; " behold the people


of the children of Irael are more and mightier

than we: and to prevent their multiplying and
growing too trong, he caued their male chil
dren to be drowned.

Thee footsteps there are of the first peopling

of the earth by mankind, not long before the
days of Abraham; and of the overpreading it
with villages, towns and cities, and their


ing into Kingdoms, firt maller and then greater,

until the rie of the Monarchies of Egypt, Af:
fyria, Babylon, Media, Perfia, Greece, and Rome,
the firt great Empires on this fide India. A
braham was the fifth from Peleg, and all man

kind lived together in Chaldea under the Go

vernment of Noah and his fons, untill the days

of Peleg: o long they were of one language,

one ociety, and one religion : and then they
divided the earth, being perhaps diturbed by
the rebellion of Nimrod, and forced to leave off
buildin 8

of the G R E E Ks.


building the tower of Babel; and from thence

they pread themelves into the feveral countries
which fell to their fhares, carrying along with
them the laws, cutoms and religion, , under
which they had 'till thoe days been educated
and governed, by Noah, and his fons and grand
fons : and thee laws were handed down to A

braham, Melchizedek, and fob, and their contem

poraries, and for ome time were oberved by

the judges of the eatern countries: fo fob *tells * Job xxxi.

I I.

us, that adultery was an heinous crime, yea an

iniquity to be punihed by the judges: and of ido

latry he 7 aith, If I beheld the fun when it fined, y26.Job xxxi,
or the moon walking in brightnefs, and my heart
hath been fecretly inticed, or my mouth hath kifed
my hand, this alo were an iniquity to be punihed
by the judge : for I hould have denied the Godthat
is above: and there being no dipute between fob

and his friends about thee matters, it may be pre

fumed that they alo with their countrymen
were of the fame religion.

Melchizedek was a

Priet of the mot high God, and Abraham vo

luntarily paid tythes to him ; which he would

fcarce have done had they not been of one and

the ame religion. The firt inhabitants of the

land of Canaan eem alo to have been origi

nally of the ame religion, and to have conti

nued in it 'till the death of Noah, and the days
B b 2


z I Chron.

Of the CHRoN o Lo Gy
of Abraham; for ferualem was anciently * called

xi. 4. j.

Judg. i. 21;

jebus, and its people febufites, and Melchize

2 Sam.v. 6.

dek was their Priet and King : thee nations re

volted therefore after the days of Melchizedek

to the worhip of fale Gods; as did alo the

poterity of Imael, Eau, Moab, Ammon, and
that of Abraham by Keturah: and the Iraelites
themelves were very apt to revolt : and one
reaon why Terah went from Ur of the Chaldees,

to Haran in his way to the land of Canaan; and

why Abraham afterward left Haran, and went
into the land of Canaan, might be to avoid the
worhip of fale Gods, which in their days be

gan in Chaldea, and pread every way from

thence ; but did not yet reach into the land of

Canaan. Several of the laws and precepts in

which this primitive religion conited are men
tioned in the book of job, chap. i. ver. 5, and
chap. xxxi, viz. not to blapheme God, nor to
worhip the Sun or Moon, nor to kill, mor
feal, nor to commit adultery, nor trust in riches,
nor oppref; the poor or fatherle, nor curfe
your enemies, nor rejoyce at their misfortunes :
but to be friendly, and hopitable and merciful,
and to relieve the poor and needy, and to fet
up fudges. This was the morality and religion
of the firt ages, till called by the fews, The

precepts of the fons of Noah: this was the re


of the G R E EKs.


ligion of Moes and the Prophets, comprehended

in the two great commandments, of loving the
Lord our God with all our heart and foul and
mind, and our neighbour as our felves: this

was the religion enjoyned by Moes to the un

circumcied tranger within the gates of Irael,
as well as to the Iraelites : and this is the pri
mitive religion of both fews and Christians, and
ought to be the tanding religion of all nati

ons, it being for the honour of God, and good

of mankind : and Moes adds the precept of
being merciful even to brute beasts, f as not
to fuck out their blood, mor to cut of their
fleh alive with the blood in it, nor to kill them

for the fake of their blood, nor to frangle

them; but in killing them for food, to let out
their blood and pill it upon the ground, Gen.
ix. 4, and Levit. xvii. I 2, 13. This law was

ancienter than the days of Moes, being given

to Noah and his ons long before the days of A
braham : and therefore when the Apotles and
Elders in the Council at ferualem declared that
the Gentiles were not obliged to be circumcied

and keep the law of Moes, they excepted this

law of abstaining from blood, and things fran

gled, as being an earlier law of God, impoed

not on the

of Abraham only, but on all

nations, while they lived together in Shinar un


I 9o

Of the CHRoN o Lo G y, &c.

der the dominion of Noah: and of the fame

kind is the law of abstaining from meats offered

to Idols or falfe Gods, and from fornication.
So then, the believing that the world was framed
by one fupreme God, and is governed by him;
and the loving and worhipping him, and ho
nouring our parents, and loving our neigh
bour as our felves, and being merciful even to
brute beasts, is the oldet of all religions: and
the Original of letters, agriculture, navigation,
muic, arts and ciences, metals,


carpenters, towns and houes, was not older in

Europe than the days of Eli, Samuel and David;

and before thoe days the earth was fo thinly

peopled, and o overgrown with woods, that

mankind could not be much older than is re

preented in Scripture.

C H A P.

19 I

C H A P.


Of the Empire of Egypt.


E Egyptians anciently boated of a very

great and lating Empire under their Kings

Ammon, Oiris, Bacchus, Sefofiris, Hercules, Mem

non, &c. reaching eatward to the Indies, and wet

ward to the Atlantic Ocean ; and out of vanit

have made this monarchy ome thouands of years

older than the world : let us now try to retify

the Chronology of Egypt, by comparing the

affairs of Egypt with the ynchronizing affairs of
the Greeks and Hebrews.

Bacchus the conqueror loved, two women,

Venus and Ariadne: Venus was the mitres of

Anchifes and Cinyras, and mother of neas, who

all lived 'till the detrution of Troy; and the
fons of Bacchus and Ariadne were Argonauts; as
above: and therefore the great Bacchus flourih
ed but one Generation before the Argonautic

expedition. This Bacchus ' was potent at ea,

conquered eatward as far as India, returned in

triumph, brought his army over the Hellepont; " " "
conquered Thrace, left muic, dancing and poetry

there, killed Lycurgus King of Thrace, and Pen

theus the grandon of Cadmus; gave the King



Of the EM PIRE
dom of Lycurgus to Tharops; and one of his
mintrells, called by the Greeks Calliope, to Oea

grus the on of Tharops; and of Oeagrus and

Calliope was born Orpheus, who failed with the

Argonauts : this Bacchus was therefore contem

porary to Sefoffris; and both being Kings of
Egypt, and potent at ea, and great conquerors,
and carrying on their conquets into India and
Thrace, they mut be one and the fame man.
The antient Greeks, who made the fables of

the Gods, related that Io the daughter of Ina

chus was carried into Egypt, and there became
the Egyptian Iis; and that Apis the on of Pho
roneus after death became the God Serapis; and
fome aid that Epaphus was the on of Io: Sera
pis and Epaphus are Oiris, and therefore Ifis and
Oiris, in the opinion of the ancient Greeks who
made the fables of the Gods, were not above

two or three Generations older than the Argo

nautic expedition. Dicearchus, as he is cited by

the choliat upon Apollonius, repreents them

two Generations older than Sefofiris, aying that
after Orus the on of Ostris and Iis, Reigned
Sefonchofis. He eems to have followed the opi
nion of the people of Naxus, who made Bac
chus two Generations older than Thefeus, and

for that end feigned two Minos's and two A

riadnes; for by the conent of all antiquity


of E G Y P T.


Oiris and Bacchus were one and the ame King

of Egypt : this is affirmed by the Egyptians, as well
as by the Greeks; and ome of the antient My

thologits, as Eumolpus and Orpheus, called 0 1.e Diodor.

I. P. 7.
firis by the names of Dionyus and Sirius. Oiris
was King of all Egypt, and a great conqueror,
and came over the Hellepont in the days of
Triptolemus, and ubdued Thrace, and there killed
Lycurgus; and therefore his expedition falls in
with that of the great Bacchus. Oiris, Bacchus
and Sefostris lived about the ame time, and b
the relation of hitorians were all of them Kings

of all Egypt, and Reigned at Thebes, and a

dorned that city, and were very potent by land

and ea: all three were great conquerors, and car

ried on their conquets by land through Aia,
as far as India :

three came over the Helle

fpont, and were there in danger of loing their

army: all three conquered Thrace, and there put
a top to their vitories, and , returned back
from thence into Egypt : all three left pillars
with incriptions in their conquets: and


fore all three mut be one and the ame King

of Egypt; and this King can be no other than

Sefac. All Egypt, including Thebais, Ethiopia and
Libya, had no common King before the expul
fion of the Shepherds who Reigned in the lower
Egypt ; no Conqueror of Syria, India, Aia
C c


Of the E M P I R E

I 94

and Thrace, before Sefac; and the acred history

admits of no Egyptian conqueror of Palestine be

fore this King.

Apud Dio-

Thymetes " who was contemporary to Orpheus,

" * and wrote a poey called Phrygia, of the actions

of Bacchus in very old language and charater,
faid that Bacchus had Libyan women in his ar
my, amongst whom was Minerva a woman born
in Libya, near the river Triton, and that Bacchus
commanded the men and Minerva the women.

: Diodor

Diodorus calls her Myrina, and faith that he

***" was Queen of the Amazons in Libya, and there

conquered the Atlantides and Gorgons, and then

made a league with Orus the on of Iis, ent

to her by his father Ostris or Bacchus for that
purpoe, and paling through Egypt ubdued

the Arabians, and Syria and Cilicia, and came

through Phrygia, viz. in the army of Bacchus,
to the Mediterranean; but paing over into Eu
rope, was flain with many of her women by the

Thracians and Scythians, under the condut of

Sipylus a Scythian, and Mopus a Thracian whom
King of Thrace had banihed. This
was that Lycurgus who oppoed the paage of
Bacchus over the Hellepont, and was oon after
conquered by him, and flain : but afterwards
Bacchus met with a repule from the Greeks, un
der the condut of

Perfeus, who flew many of



of E G Y P T.

I 95

his women, as Paufanias relates, and was a

f Paufan. I 2.
c. 2O. P. I 55.

isted by the Scythians and Thracians under the

condut of Sipylus and Mopus; which repul

fes, together with a revolt of his brother Danaus
in Egypt, put a top to his victories: and in
returning home he left part of his men in Col
chis and at Mount Caucaus, under AEetes and Pro

metheus; and his women upon the river Thermo

don near Colchis, under their new Queens Mar

theia and Lampeto: for Diodorus * peaking of. Dodor.

the Amazons who were feated at Thermodon,

1. 3. p. 13o.
& Schol. A

faith, that they dwelt originally in Libya, and pollonii. 1. 2.

there Reigned over the Atlantides, and invading
their neighbours conquered as far as Europe: l.h Ammian.
22. c. 8.
and Ammianus," that the ancient Amazons break

ing through many nations, attack'd the Atheni

ans, and there receiving a great flaughter re i Jutin. l. 2.

tired to Thermodon: and fustin, 'that thee Ama C. 4.
zons had at firt, he means at their firt com

ing to Thermodon, two Queens who called them

daughters of Mars; and that they con

quered part of Europe, and ome cities of Aia,
viz. in the Reign of Minerva, and then ent
back part of their army with a great booty,
under their aid new Queens; and that Marthe

fia being afterwards flain, was ucceeded by her

daughter Orithya, and he by Pentheilea; and
that Theeus captivated and married Antiope the
C c 2



Of the E M P I RE
fifter of Orithya. Hercules made war upon the
Amazons, and in the Reign of Orithya and Pentheilea they came to the Trojan war : whence

the first wars of the Amazons in Europe and

Afia, and their ettling at Thermodon, were but
one Generation before thoe ations of Hercules

and Thefeus, and but two before the Trojan war,.

and fo fell in with the expedition of Sefofris :

and ince they warred in the days of Ifis and
her on Orus, and were a part of the army of
Bacchus or Ostris, we have here a further


ment for making Oiris and Bacchus contempo

rary to Sefostris, and all three orte and the ame
King wit Sefas.
The Greeks reckon Ofiris and Bacchus to be

fons of fupiter, and the Egyptian name of fu

piter is Ammon. Manetho in his 11th and 12th

Dynasties, as he is cited by Africanus and Eufe

bius, names thee four Kings of Egypt, as reign
ing in order ; Ammenemes, Gefongefes or Sefon
choris the on of Ammenemes, Ammenemes who

was flain by his Eunuchs, and Sefstris who

fubdued all Aia and part of Europe: Gefngefes
and Sefonchoris are corruptly written for Sefon
ohosts; and the two firt of thee four Kings,
Ammenemes and Sefonchois, are the fame with
the two lat, Ammenemes and Sefostris, that

is, with Ammon and Sefar; for Diodorus


of E G Y P T.

I 97

faith that ostris built in Thebes a magnificent

temple to his parents fupiter and funo, and * * *

two other temples to fupiter, a larger to fu

piter Uranius, and a les to his father fupiter

Ammon who reigned in that city: and ' Thymetes abovementioned, who was contemporary to
Orpheus, wrote exprely that the father of Bac
chus was Ammon, a King Reigning over part of


Libya, that is, a King of Egypt Reigning over

all that part of Libya, anciently called Ammonia.

" aith All
i Algn
ros xaneiro
was anciently

\{4{4aoy 1 a.

Ammonia from Ammon: this is that King of

Egypt from whom Thebes was called No-Ammon,

and Ammon-no, the city of Ammon, and by the

the city of fupiter Ammon : Se

fostris built it umptuouly, and called it by his

father's name; and from the ame King the
* River
Ammon, theAmmonium
people called
l. 6,
and called
the promontory
in AmmoArabia C,, Plin.

felix had their names.

The lower part of Egypt being yearly overflowed by the Nile, was carce inhabited before
the invention of corn, which made it ueful :

and the King, who by this invention firt peo

pled it and Reigned over it, perhaps the King
of the city Meir where Memphis was afterwards
built, eems to have been worhipped by his ub



0f the E M P IR E
jets after death, in the ox or calf, for this bene
fation : for this city tood in the mot conve

nient place to people the lower Egypt, and from

its being compoed of two parts
on each
fide of the river Nile, might give the name of
Mizraim to its founder and people; unles you
had rather refer the word to the double people,
thoe above the Delta, and thoe within it: and

this I take to be the tate of the lower Egypt,

'till the Shepherds or Phnicians who fled from

fo/buah conquered it, and being afterwards

conquered by the Ethiopians, fled into Afric
and other places : for there was a tradition

that ome of them fled into Afric; and St.

D. Augu- Austin confirms this, by telling us that the
flin. in eX
" a common people of Afric being asked who they
fub initio.

were, replied Chanani, that is, Canaanites. Inter

rogati rustici nostri, faith he, quid fint, Punice
repondentes Chanani, corrupta fcilicet voce ficut
in talibus folet, quid aliud repondent quam Cha


;belloo Van-de maanei?

Procopius alo tells us of two pillars





Chron.l.i. from fo/huah: and Eufebius tells us, that thee

Canaanites flying from the ons of Irael, built
tit. Shebijth. Tripolis in Afric; and the ferualem Gemara, that


the Gergefitesfled from fohua, going into Afric:

and Procopius relates their flight in this manner.


of EGY PT.


'Enre $ iudi d * igoea; xy@- la3 liya

%. rdvaks, einiv drder, ffey Te Ta Maw8

ry #$vns Ailw A3e, rg qxhalo. E

zreid) Ecoi c/4 Aiyzls civexgnay, ci
xi W IIanaugvne dey yeylo Mn uy)
oop, dyn, , avr, # d} nyharo, Svxei.

adx) $ tlu) iysuoray 'Inr, r Navi


s s re tlu) IIanauglw ry. Aety rtov:

eiyaye derlu) i t tou? xor

x3 dystna prw. Jadedu poc, Tlu) xgay

xe T #0m rala xarass Vaupos, Tas

nxet Uzrer ragsgaro, dvrnro Te ralc

zrai, doev va. Trs 3 h c7a3aAaoria X

ex, u iros uixer fi Aiyzla der, pol

vn unara dvoudsro. Parias's $ s r

wanauv i peshwa aws naw duonymrau,
oivnoy ra dxalrara dveyedlzalo. y

Ta53 rlwro #9yn roAvay6grrara, Tseys

raio re 'leardiol, dana dla druara

xola, is d) avra i J Egaoy igoea xa

Ai. ros o nas izre duaxw ri xenua rv -

a Arlw seyrwyv for SZ isr tij rarev

d'Hayasdlec, in Aiyzlov, dus one izgn
Tay, #19a xe9v sdra o priw ixavv voixhra

Of the EM PIRE


a, veles, ne Aiyzl ronvay0ra &n

tanaig hy as Aiw uxeu gwnv Tisy Hga




x^s; xov la3a Te is iu ti powkov

por xgu poi xn). Ruando ad Mauros nos
historia deduxit, congruens nos exponere unde orta

gens in Africa fedes fixerit. Quo tempore egreffi

gypto Hebrei jam prope Palestine fines venerant,
mortuus ibi Moes, vir fapiens, dux itineris. Suc

ceffor imperii fatus feus Nave filius intra Pale

finam duxit popularium agmen; es virtute ufus
fupra humanum modum, terram occupavit, genti
bufque excifis urbes ditionis fue fecit, es invitii
famam tulit. Maritima ora que a Sidone ad gypti
limitem extenditur, nomen habet Phnices. Rex

unus [Hebris] imperabat ut omnes qui res Ph

nicias fcripfere confentiunt. In eo traffatu nume
rofe gentes erant, Gergefei, febufei, quoque aliis
nominibus Hebrorum annales memorant.

Hi homi

nes ut impares fe venienti imperatori videre, dere

lifto patrie folo ad finitimam primm venere AE

gyptum, fed ibi capacem tante multitudinis locum

non reperientes, erat enim gyptus ab antiquo
fcunda populis, in Africam profesti, multis con
ditis urbibus, omnem eam Herculis columnas uque,
obtinuerunt: ubi ad meam tatem fermone Phanicio

utentes habitant. By the language and extreme

poverty of the Moors, decribed alo by Proco


of E G Y P r.

2O I

pius, and by their being unacquainted with

merchandie and ea-affairs, you may know that

they were Canaanites originally, and peopled

Afric before the Tyrian merchants came thither.
Thee Canaanites coming from the Eat, pitched
their tents in great numbers in the lower Egypt,
in the Reign of Timaus, as Manetho writes, Manetho

and eailythen
the Abaris,
country, they
and ereted

l. I.

Kingdom there, and Reigned long under their

own Kings, Salatis, Beon, Apachnas, Apophis,
|fanias, Affis, and others ucceively: and in

the mean time the upper part of Egypt called

Thebais, and according to "Herodotus, gyptus, Herod.1.2.
and in Scripture the land of Pathros, was under
other Kings, Reigning perhaps at Coptos, and
Thebes, and This, and Syene, and * Pathros, and Jerem.
Elephantis, and Heracleopolis, and Meir, and

other great cities, 'till they conquered one an- '*

other, or were conquered by the Ethiopians :
for cities grew great in thoe days, by being
the feats of Kingdoms : but at length one of
thee Kingdoms conquered the ret, and made
a lating war upon the Shepherds, and in the
Reign of its King Miphragmuthofis, and his fon
Amofis, called alo Tethmois, Tuthmois, and Tho
mofis, drove them out of Egypt, and made
them fly into Afric and Syria, and other places,
D d



Of the E M P IR E
and united all Egypt into one Monarchy; and
under their next Kings, Ammon and Sefac, en

larged it into a great Empire. This conquering

worhipped not the Kings of the Shep
erds whom they conquered and expelled, but

Man o " abolihed their religion of acrificing men,

and after the manner of thoe ages Deified
" their own Kings, who founded their new Do
Euch minion, beginning the hitory of their Empire
: s. with the Reign and great ats of their Gods
and Heroes: whence their Gods Ammon and

Rhea, or Uranus and Titea; Ostris and Iis; Orus

and Bubaffe; and their Secretary Thoth; and Ge
nerals Hercules and Pan; and Admiral fapetus,

Neptune, or Typhon; were all of them Thebant,

and flourihed after the expulion of the Shep
herds. Homer places Thebes in Ethiopia, and the
:1. Diodor.
Ethiopians reported that * the Egyptians were a
3. P. IOI colony drawn out of them by Ostris, and that

thence it came to pas that mot of the laws

of Egypt were the fame with thoe of Ethiopia,
the Egyptians learnt from the Ethio
pians the cutom of Deifying their Kings.
When fof ph entertained his brethren in
Egypt, they did eat at a table by themelves,
and he did eat at another table by himelf;

and the Egyptians who did eat with him were

at another table, becaue the Egyptians might


of E G Y P r.


not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that was

an abomination to the Egyptians, Gen. xliii.

3 2. Thee Egyptians who did eat with foeph

were of the Court of Pharaoh; and therefore
Pharaoh and his Court were at this time not

Shepherds but genuine Egyptians; and thee

Egyptians abominated eating bread with the

Hebrews, at one and the ame table: and of

thee Egyptians and their fellow-ubjets, it is

faid a little after, that every Shepherd is an abo
mination to the Egyptians: Egypt at this time
was therefore under the government of the

genuine Egyptians, and not under that of the

After the decent of facob and his ons into
Egypt, foeph lived 7o years, and o long con

with the Kings of

and 64 years after his death Moes was born :

and between the death of foeph and the birth
of Moes, there aroe up a new King over Egypt,

Exod. i. 8. But this King .

of Egypt was not one of the Shepherds; for he
which knew not Joeph,

is called Pharaoh, Exod. i. 11, 2 z : and Mofes

told his ucceor, that if the people of Irael
fhould acrifice in the land of Egypt, they

fhould facrifice the abomination of the Egyp

tians before their eyes, and the Egyptians would
fone them, Exod. viii. 26. that is, they hould
D d 2



Of the E M P IR E
facrifice heep or oxen, contrary to the religion
of Egypt. The Shepherds therefore did not
Reign over Egypt while Irael was there, but
either were driven out of Egypt before Irael
went down thither, or did not enter into Egypt

'till after Moes had brought Irael from thence:

and the latter mut be true, if they were driven

out of Egypt a little before the building of the

temple of Solomon, as Manetho affirms.
a Diodor.

Diodorus faith in his 4oth book, that in

apud Pho
tium in Bib

Egypt there were formerly multitudes of stran

gers of feveral nations, who ued foreign rites
and ceremonies in worhipping the Gods, for
which they were expelled Egypt; and under
Danaus, Cadmus, and other skilful commanders,
after great hardhips, came into Greece, and other
places; but the greatest part of them came into
Juda, not far from Egypt, a country then un
inhabited and defert, being conduffed thither
by one Moes, a wife and valiant man, who

after he had poest himelf of the country, a

mong other things built Jerualem, and the
Temple. Diodorus here mitakes the original of
the Iraelites, as Manetho had done before, con
founding their flight into the wildernes under
the condut of Moes, with the flight of the

Shepherds from Miphragmuthofis, and his on

Amofis, into Phnicia and Afric; and not know

of E G Y P T.

2o 5

ing that fudea was inhabited by Canaanites, be

fore the Iraelites under Moes came thither:

but however, he lets us know that the Shep

herds were expelled Egypt by Amois, a little
before the building of ferualem and the Tem

ple, and that after everal hardhips everal of

them came into Greece, and other places, under
the condut of Cadmus, and other Captains, but
the mot of them ettled in Phnicia


Egypt. We may reckon therefore that the ex

pulion of the Shepherds by the Kings of The
bais, was the occaion that the Philistims were

fo numerous in the days of Saul; and that fo

many men came in thoe times with colonies

out of Egypt and Phnicia into Greece; as Le

lex, Inachus, Pelagus, AEzeus, Cecrops, gia

leus, Cadmus, Phnix, Membliarius, Alymnus,

Abas, Erechtheus, Peteos, Phorbas, in the days
of Eli, Samuel, Saul and David: ome of them

fled in the days of Eli, from Miphragmu

thois, who conquered part of the lower Egypt;

others retired from his ucceor Amois into
Phnicia, and Arabia Petrea, and there mixed

with the old inhabitants; who not long after

being conquered by David, fled from him and

the Philistims by ea, under the conduct of Cadmus and other Captains, into Aia Minor,
Greece, and Libya, to eek new feats, and there



Of the E M P I RE
built towns, ereted Kingdoms, and fet on foot
the worhip of the dead: and ome of thoe

who remained in fudea might alit David and

Solomon, in building ferualem and the Temple.
Among the foreign rites ued by the trangers
in Egypt, in worhipping the Gods, was the

facrificing of men; for Amois abolihed that

cutom at Heliopolis: and therefore thoe tran
gers were Canaanites, uch as fled from fohua;

for the Canaanites gave their feed, that is, their

children, to Moloch, and burnt their fons and
their daughters in the fire to their Gods, Deut.
xii. 3 1. Manetho calls them Phnician stran

After Amois had expelled the Shepherds, and

extended his dominion over all Egypt, his on
and ucceor Ammenemes or Ammon, by much

greater conquets laid the foundation of the

Egyptian Empire: for by the aitance of his

young on Sefostris, whom he brought up to
hunting and other laborious exercies, he con
uered Arabia, Troglodytica, and Libya : and
him all Libya was anciently called Am
monia: and after his death, in the temples
ereted to him at Thebes, and in Ammonia and

at Meroe in Ethiopia, they fet up Oracles to

him, and made the people worhip him as the
God that ated in them : and thee are the

of E G Y P T.


oldest Oracles mentioned in hitory; the Greeks

therein imitating the Egyptians : for the " Ora- : Herod.1.2.

cle at Dodona was the oldet in Greece, and

was fet up by an Egyptian woman, after the

example of the Oracle of fupiter Amnon at


In the days of Ammon a body of the Edo

mites fled from David into Egypt, with their

young King Hadad, as above; and carried thi

ther their skill in navigation: and this eems to

have given occaion to the Egyptians to build
a fleet on the Red Sea near Coptos, and might
ingratiate Hadad with Pharaoh : for the Midia
nites and Ihmaelites, who bordered upon the
Red Sea, near Mount Horeb on the outh ide of

Edom, were merchants from the days of facob

the Patriarch, Gen. xxxvii. 28, 3 6. and by their

merchandie the Midianites abounded with gold

in the days of Moes, Numb. xxxi. 5o, 5 1,
5 2. and in the days of the Judges of Irael,
becaue they were Ihmaelites, fudg. viii. 24.
The Ihmaelites therefore in thoe days grew rich
by merchandie; they carried their merchandie
on camels through Petra to Rhinocolura, and

thence to Egypt : and this trafic at length

came into the hands of David, by his conquer

ing the Edomites, and gaining the ports

Red Sea called Eloth and Ezion-Geber, as may

Of the E M P IR E
be undertood by the 3 ooo talents of gold
of Ophir, which David gave to the Temple,
1 Chron. xxix. 4. The Egyptians having the art
of making linen-cloth, they began about this
time to build long Ships with fails, in their
ort on thoe Seas near Coptos, and having
learnt the skill of the Edomites, they began now

to oberve the poitions of the Stars, and the

length of the Solar Year, for enabling them to
know the poition of the Stars at any time,
and to fail by them at all times, without fight
of the hoar : and this gave a beginning to
Atronomy and Navigation : for hitherto they
had gone only by the hoar with oars, in round
vefels of burden, firt invented on that hal

low fea by the poterity of Abraham; and in

paing from iland to iland guided themelves

by the fight of the ilands in the day time, or
by the fight of fome of the Stars in the night.
Their old year was the Luniolar year, derived
from Noah to all his poterity, 'till thoe days,

and conited of twelve months, each of thirty

days, according to their calendar : and to the
end of this calendar-year they now added five

days, and thereby made up the Solar year of

twelve months and five days, or 3 6 5 days.
e Plutarch.
de Ifide.

The ancient Egyptians feigned * that Rhea

P. 355.
lay ecretly with Saturn, and Sol prayed that
Diodor. l. I.

P. 9.


of E G Y P T.


fhe might bring forth neither in any month, nor

in the year; and that Mercury playing at dice
with Luna, overcame, and took from the Lunar

year the 7 : d part of every day, and thereof

compoed five days, and added them to the
year of 3 6o days, that he might bring forth
in them; and that the Egyptians celebrated
thoe days as the birth-days of Rhea's five chil

dren, Oiris, Orus enior, Typhon, Iis, and

Nephthe the wife of Typhon: and therefore, ac
cording to the opinion of the ancient Egypti
ans, the five days were added to the Luniolar

calendar-year, in the Reign of Saturn and Rhea,


of Ostris, Iis, and Typhon; that is,

in the Reign of Ammon and Titea, the parents

of the Titans; or in the latter half of the Reign
of David, when thoe Titans were born, and by

conequence oon after the flight of the Edo

mites from David into Egypt : but the Solitices

not being yet ettled, the beginning of this new

year might not be fixed to the Vernal Equinox
Reign of Amenophis the ucceor of
Orus junior, the on of Oiris and Iis

When the Edomites fled from David with

their young King Hadad into Egypt, it is pro

bable that they carried thither alo the ue of

letters: for letters were then in ue among he

poterity of Abraham in Arabia Petrea, and
E e


Of the E M P I RE

2 IO

upon the borders of the Red Sea, the Law be

ing written there by Moes in a book, and in

tables of tone, long before: for Moes marry

ing the daughter of the prince of Midian, and
dwelling with him forty years, learnt them
among the Midianites: and fob, who lived
d Augustin.

among their neighbours the Edomites, menti

de Civ. Dei.

ons the writing

l. 18. c. 47.

of words, as there in

ue in his days, job. xix. 23, 24. and there is

no instance of letters for writing down founds,

being in ue before the days of David, in any
other nation beides the poterity of Abraham.
The Egyptians acribed this invention to Thoth,
the ecretary of Oiris; and therefore Letters be

gan to be in ue in Egypt in the days of

Thoth, that is, a little after the flight of the
Edomites from David, or about the time that

Cadmus brought them into Europe.

Apud Pho
Helladius * tells us, that a man called Oes,
tium, c. 279.

who appeared in the Red Sea with the tail of a

fih, o they painted a ea-man, taught Atro

f Fab. 274.

nomy and Letters: and Hyginus, that Euhadnes,

who came out of the Sea in Chaldea, taught
the Chaldeans Atrology the firt of any man ;

he means Atronomy: and Alexander Polyhistor.

z Apud Eu
feb. Chron.

* tells us from Berofus, that Oannes taught the

Chaldeans Letters, Mathematicks, Arts, Agri
culture, Cohabitation in Cities, and the Contruc

of E G Y P T.

2 I I

tion of Temples; and that everal uch men

came thither ucceively. Oes, Euhadnes, and
Oannes, eem to be the ame name a little va

ried by corruption; and this name eems to

have been given in common to everal ea-men,
who came thither from time to time, and by

conequence were merchants, and frequented

thoe eas with their merchandie, or ele fled
from their enemies : o that Letters, Atrono

my, Architeture and Agriculture, came into

Chaldea by fea, and were carried thither by

fea-men, who frequented the Perian Gulph,

and came thither from time to time, after all

thoe things were pratied in other countries

whence they came, and by conequence in the

days of Ammon and Sefac, David and Solomon,
and their ucceors, or not long before. The
Chaldeans indeed made Oannes older than the

flood of Xifuthrus, but the Egyptians made

Ofiris as old, and I make them contemporary.
The Red Sea had its name not from its co

lour, but from Edom and Erythra, the names of

Eau, which fignify that colour: and ome "


tell us, that King Erythra, meaning Eau, in- i 7 c s.

vented the veels, rates, in which they navi

gated that Sea, and was buried in an iland

thereof near the Perfan Gulph : whence it fol

lows, that the Edomites navigated that Sea from

E e 2


2I 2

Of the E M P IR E
the days of Efau; and there is no need that
the oldet Oannes hould be older. There were

boats upon rivers before, uch as were the boats

which carried the Patriarchs over Euphrates and
fordan, and the firt nations over many other
rivers, for peopling the earth, eeking new
feats, and invading one another's territorites:

and after the example of uch veels, I/imael

and Midian the ons of Abraham, and Efau his

grandon, might build larger vestels to go to the

ilands upon the Red Sea, in earching for new
feats, and by degrees learn to navigate that ea,
as far as to the Perian Gulph : for hips were
as old, even upon the Mediterranean, as the days
of facob, Gen. xlix. 13. fudg. v. 17. but it is
probable that the merchants of that ea were
not forward to dicover their Arts and Sciences,

upon which their trade depended : it eems

therefore that Letters and Atronomy, and the

trade of Carpenters, were invented by the mer

chants of the Red Sea, for writing down their
merchandie, and keeping their accounts, and

guiding their hips in the night by the Stars,

and building hips; and that they were propa
gated from Arabia Petrea into Egypt, Chaldea,

Syria, Aia minor, and Europe, much about

one and the ame time; the time in which

David conquered and dipered thoe merchants:


of E G Y P T.


for we hear nothing of Letters before the days

of David, except among the posterity of Abra

ham; nothing of Atronomy, before the Egyp

tians under Ammon and Sefac applied them
felves to that tudy, except the Contellations
mentioned by fob, who lived in Arabia Petrea

among the merchants; nothing of the trade of

Carpenters, or good Architeture, before So
lomon ent to Hiram King of Tyre, to upply him
with uch Artificers, aying that there were none
in Irael who could skill to hew timber like the

Diodorus ' tells us, that the Egyptians fent l. Diodor.

I. p. 17.
many colonies out of Egypt into other coun
tries; and that Belus, the fon of Neptune and
Libya, carried colonies thence into Babylonia,

and feating himelf on Euphrates, instituted

priests free from taxes and publick expences,
after the manner of Egypt, who were called
Chaldans, and who after the manner of Egypt,
might oberve the Stars : and Paufanias * tells us, kl. Pauan.
4. c. 23.
that the Belus of the Babylonians had his name
from Belus an Egyptian, the fon of Libya : and
Apollodorus; ' that Belus the fon of Neptune and dor.Pl
l. 2.
Libya, and King of Egypt, was the father of
C. I

gypts and Danaus, that is, Ammon: he tells

us alo, that Buiris the fon of Neptune and Lii
anaffa [ Libyanaa] the daughter of Epaphus,


Of the E M P IR E

2 I4

was King of Egypt; and Eufebius calls this

King, Bufiris the fon of Neptune, and of Libya
the daughter of Epaphus. By thee things the
later Egyptians eem to have made two Beluss,
the one the father of Oiris, Iis, and Neptune,
the other the on of Neptune, and father of

gyptus and Danaus: and hence came the opi

nion of the people of Naxus, that there were
two Minos's and two Ariadnes, the one two
Generations older than the other; which we

have confuted. The father of gyptus and

Danaus was the father of Oiris, Iis, and Ty

phon; and Typhon was not the grandfather of

Neptune, but Neptune himelf.
Sefostris being brought up to hard labour
by his father Ammon, warred firt under his

father, being the Hero or Hercules of the Egyp

tians during his father's Reign, and afterward

their King : under his father, whilt he was very

young, he invaded and conquered Troglodytica,
and thereby ecured the harbour of the Red Sea,

near Coptos in Egypt; and then he invaded E

thiopia, and carried on his conquet outhward,
as far as to the region bearing cinnamon: and
his father by the aflitance of the Edomites hav

ing built a fleet on the Red Sea, he put to ea,

and coated Arabia Felix, going to the Perfian
Gulph and beyond, and in thoe countries et


of E G Y P T.


up Columns with incriptions denoting his con

quests; and particularly he et up a Pillar at
Dira, a promontory in the traits of the Red
Sea, next Ethiopia, and two Pillars in India, on
the mountains near the mouth of the river



m TT):


o Dionyius :
Esta re ginal, Qua p49 Aiovra


Esw zrvudrolo ai pov Qxsayoio,

Iyy usarolrw w &ger1v v3a Te Tafyng

A60xy dog Nvoyaiov ch nAarau laxvnrdet.

Ubi etiamnum columne Thebis geniti Bacchi
Stant extremi juxta fluxum Oceani

Indorum ultimis in montibus: ubi e5 Ganges

Claram aquam Nyffeam ad planitiem devolvit.

After thee 'things he invaded Libya, and

fought the Africans with clubs, and thence is

painted with a club in his hand : o Hyginus; Fab 75.

Afri e5 AEgyptii primum fustibus dimicaverunt,
postea Belus Neptuni filius gladio belligeratus est,

unde bellum distum est: and after the conquet

of Libya, by which Egypt was furnihed with
hores, and furnihed Solomon and his friends;

he prepared a fleet on the Mediterranean, and

went on wetward upon the coat of Afric, to
fearch thoe countries, as far as to the Ocean

and iland Erythra or Gades in Spain; as


2 i6

1. 5. c. 21.

Of the EM PIRE
bius informs us from Panyafis

and there he conquered Geryon, and at the

mouth of the Straits et up the famous Pillars.

P Lucan.

P Venit ad

occafum mundique



1. IO.

Then he returned through Spain and the outh

ern coats of France and Italy, with the cattel

of Geryon, his fleet attending him by ea, and
left in Sicily the Sicani, a people which he had

brought from Spain: and after his father's death

he built Temples to him in his conquets;
whence it came to pas, that fupiter Ammon was
worhipped in Ammonia, and Ethiopia, and Arabia,
Lucan. l. 9. and as far as India, according to the Poet:
Quamvis thiopum populis, Arabumque beatis
Gentibus, atque Indis unus fit fupiter Ammon.
The Arabians worhipped only two Gods, C
lus, otherwie called Ouranus, or fupiter Ura
nius, and Bacchus; and thee were fupiter Am

mon and Sefac, as above: and o alo the peo

r Herod. 1. I.

ple of Meroe above Egypt worhipped no

other Gods but fupiter and Bacchus, and had
an Oracle of fupiter; and thee two Gods were
fupiter Ammon and Oiris, according to the
language of Egypt.
At length Sefostris, in the fifth year of Reho
boam, came out of Egypt with a great

of E G Y P r.


of Libyans, Troglodytes and Ethiopians, and poil

ed the Temple, and reduced fudea into ervi
tude, and went on conquering, firt eatward
toward India, which he invaded, and then

wetward as far as Thrace: for God had given

him the kingdoms of the countries, 2 Chron. xii.
2, 3, 8. In this Expedition he pent nine Diodo:

years, etting up pillars with incriptions in all i

his conquets, ome of which remained in Sy-


ria 'till the days of Herodotus. He was accom

panied with his fon Orus, or Apollo, and with

fome finging women, called the Mufes, one

of which, called Calliope, was the mother of Or
pheus an Argonaut : and the two tops of the

mountain Parnafus, which were very high, were

dedicated the one to this Bacchus, and the : Pauan.

other to his on Apollo: whence Lucan; "

. .

Parnaffus gemino petit ethera colle,

Lucan 1. f.

Mons Phbo, Bromioque facer.

. In the fourteenth year of Rehoboam he returned
back into Egypt, leaving AEetes in Colchis, and

his nephew Prometheus at mount Caucaus, with

part of his army, to defend his conquets from

the Scythians.

Apollonius * Rhodius and his

fcholiat tell us, that seonchof King of all "***

Egypt, that is Sefac, invading all Aia, and a
great part of Europe, peopled many cities
F f



Of the E M P I RE
which he took; and that a, the Metropolis

of Colchis, remained stable ever fince his days

with the posterity of thoe Egyptians which he
placed there, and that they preferved pillars or
tables in which all the journies and the bounds

y Herod.
l. 2. c. IC9.

of fea and land were defcribed, for the ufe of

them that were to go any whither: thee tables
therefore gave a beginning to Geography.
Sefostris upon his
home " divided

Egypt by meaure amongt the Egyptians; and

this gave a beginning to Surveying and Geo
* In vita Py
thag. c. 29.
a Diodor.

1. 1. P. 36.

metry: and * famblicus derives this diviion of

Egypt, and beginning of Geometry, from the

Age of the Gods of Egypt. Sefostris alo di
vided Egypt into 3 6 Nomes or Counties, and
dug a canal from the Nile to the head city of
every Nome, and with the earth dug out of
it, he caued the ground of the city to be rai
ed higher, and built a Temple in every city for
the worhip of the Nome, and in the Temples
fet up Oracles, ome of which remained 'till
the days of Herodotus: and by this means the

Egyptians of every Nome were induced to wor

fhip the great men of the Kingdom, to whom
the Nome, the City, and the Temple or Se
pulchre of the God, was dedicated: for every

Temple had its proper God, and modes of

worhip, and annual festivals, at which the


of EGY PT.


Council and People of the Nome met at certain

times to acrifice, and regulate the affairs of the
Nome, and administer jutice, and buy and fell;
but Sefac and his Queen, by the names of Ost

ris and Iis, were worhipped in all Egypt : and

becaue Sefac, to render the Nile more ueful,
dug channels from it to all the capital cities of
Egypt; that river was conecrated to him, and
he was called by its names, AEgyptus, Siris,
Nilus. Dionyius tells us, that the Nile was Diony de

called Siris by the Ethiopians, and Nilus by the ""

people of Siene. From the word Nahal, which
fignifies a torrent, that river was called Nilus;
and Diodorus tells us, that Nilus was that King Diodor.

who cut Egypt into canals, to make the river ****

ueful: in Scripture the river is called Schichor,
or Sihor, and thence the Greeks formed the
words Siris, Sirius, Ser-Apis, O-Siris; but Plu

tarch tells us, that the yllable O, put before i Plutarch.

the word Siris by the Greeks, made it carce in-

telligible to the Egyptians.

I have now told you the original of the
Nomes of Egypt, and of the Religions and

Temples of the Nomes, and of the Cities built

there by the Gods, and called by their names :
whence Diodorus tells us, that of all the Pro- : Diodor.

vinces of the World, there were in Egypt only ****

many cities built by the ancient Gods, as by Jupi
F fz


Of the E M P IR E
ter, Sol, Hermes, Apollo, Pan, Eilithyia, and

f Lucian. de

Dea Syria.

many others: and Lucian ' an Affrian, who had

travelled into Phnicia and Egypt, tells us, that
the Temples of Egypt were very old, thoe in
Phoenicia built by Cinyras as old, and thoe in
Ayria almost as old as the former, but not alto
gether fo old: which fhews that the Monarchy

of Affria roe

? after the Monarchy of Egypt,

as is repreented in Scripture; and that the

Temples of Egypt then tanding, were thoe

built by Sefofiris, about the ame time that the
Temples of Phnicia and Cyprus were built by
Cinyras, Benhadad, and Hiram. This was not the

firt original of Idolatry, but only the ereting

of much more umptuous Temples than for

merly to the founders of new Kingdoms: for

Temples at firt were very mall;
jupiter angusta vix totus stabat in de.

Ovid. Fast. l. 1.

Altars were at firt ereted without Temples, and

this cutom continued in Persta 'till after the
days of Herodotus : in Phnicia they had Altars
with little houes for eating the acrifices much

earlier, and thee they called High Places: uch

was the High Place where Samuel entertained
Saul; uch was the Houe of Dagon at Ahdod,

into which the Philistims brought the Ark; and


of E G Y P T.

22 I

the Houe of Baal, in which fehu flew the Pro

phets of Baal; and uch were the High Places

of the Canaanites which Moes commanded If
rael to detroy : he * commanded Irael to de- Exod.

ftroy the Altars, Images, High Places, and


Groves of the Canaanites, but made no men- ja Deutvii

tion of their Temples, as he would have done 5. & xii. 3.

had there been any in thoe days. I meet with
no mention of umptuous Temples before the

days of Solomon: new Kingdoms begun then to

build Sepulchres to their Founders in the form

of umptuous Temples; and uch Temples Hi

ram built in Tyre, Sefac in all Egypt, and Ben
hadad in Damafeus.
For when David " mote Hadad-Ezer King * 2 Sam.viii.

of Zobah, and flew the Syrians of Damafeus

who came to affit him, Rezon the fon of lia- 23.
dah fed from his lord Hadad-Ezer, and gathered
men unto him and became Captain over a band, and

Reigned in Damacus, over Syria : he is called

Hezion, 1 King. xv. 18. and his ucceors men
tioned in hitory were Tahrimon, Hadad or Ben
hadad, Benhadad II. Hazael, Benhadad III. **

and Rezin the on of Tabeah. Syria became ub

jet to Egypt in the days of Tahrimon, and re

covered her liberty under Benhadad I; and in

the days of Benhadad III, until the reign of

the lat Rezin, they became ubjet to Irael:




Of the E M P IR E

and in the ninth year of Hofhea King of fudah,

Tiglath-pilefer King of Affria captivated the Sy
rians, and put an end to their Kingdom : now
Aia 19. Joephus
worhipped tells
both us,
Adar,thatthattheis Hadad
his days

and his fucceor Hazael as Gods, for their bene

fastions, and for building Temples by which they

adorned the city of Damacus: for, faith he, they
daily celebrate folemnities in honour of thee Kings,
and boast their antiquity, not knowing that they
are novel, and lived not above eleven hundred

years ago. It eems thee Kings built umptu

. Janin.
- 1,36.

ous Sepulchres for themelves, and were wor

hipped therein. fustin * calls the firt of thee

two Kings Damacus, aying that the city had

its name from him, and that the Syrians in

honour of him worhipped his wife Arathes as

a Goddef, ufing her Sepulchre for a Temple.

! Diodor

Another intance we have in the Kingdom of

Byblus. In the ' Reign of Minos King of Crete,

***** when Rhadamanthus the brother of Minos carried

colonies from Crete to the Greek ilands, and

gave the ilands to his captains, he gave Lemnos

to Thoas, or Theias, or Thoantes, the father of

Hypipyle, a Cretan worker in metals, and by

conequence a diciple of the Idei Daffyli, and
perhaps a Phnician: for the Idei Datiyli, and
Telchines, and Corybantes brought their Arts and

of E G Y P T.



Sciences from Phnicia: and " Suidas faith, that

he was decended from Pharnaces King of Cy- ::::::

prus; Apollodorus, " that he was the on of Sando- ! "

chus a Syrian; and Apollonius Rhodius, that Argo

Hypipyle gave Jaon the purple cloak which

the Graces made for Bacchus, who gave it to ' " " ".

his fon Thoas, the father of Hypipyle, and King

of Lemnos: Thoas married Calycopis, the mo- , Homer

ther of neas, and daughter of Otreus King

of Phrygia, and for his skill on the harp was# ...

called Cinyras, and was aid to be exceedingly

beloved by Apollo or Orus: the great Bacchus

loved his wife, and being caught in bed with gn. V 19*
her in

Phrygia appeaed him with wine, and

compoed the matter by making him King of

Byblus and Cyprus; and then came over the
Hellepont with his army, and conquered Thrace :

and to thee things the poets allude, in feigning

that Vulcan fell from heaven into. Lemnos, and

that Bacchus appeaed him with wine, and ; Pauan.

reduced him back into heaven: he fell from ****
the heaven of the Cretan Gods, when he went

from Crete to Lemnos to work in metals, and

was reduced baek into heaven when Bacchus

made him King of Cyprus and Byblus : he

Reigned there 'till a very great age, living to

the times of the Trojan war, and becoming ex
ceeding rich; and after the death of his wife

Of the E M P I RE
Calycopis, he built Temples to her at Paphos,


is and Amathus, in Cyprus; and at


Byblus in Syria;

and intituted Priets to her with Sacred Rites

C 2.


and luftful Orgia; whence he became the Dea


ink - Cypria, and the Dea Syria: and from Temples


in ereted to her in thee and other places, he

1. c. was alo called Paphia, Amathuia, Byblia, Cythe
rea, Salaminia, Cnidia, Erycina, Idalia.
tradit a Cinyra facratum vetustiffimum Paphie

p. 75.

Veneris templum, Deamque ipam conceptam mari

huc appulam: Tacit. Hist. l. 2. c. 3: From

her failing from Phrygia to the iland Cythera,
and from thence to be Queen of Cyprus, he
was aid by the Cyprians, to be born of the froth

of the ea, and was painted failing upon a

fhell. Cinyras Deified alo his on Gingris, by the
name of Adonis; and for aiting the Egyptians
with armour, it is probable
himelf was
Deified by his friends the Egyptians, by the
name of Baal-Canaan, or Vulcan : for Vulcan was

celebrated principally by the Egyptians, and was

a King according to Homer, and Reigned in
Lemnos; and Cinyras was an inventor of arts,


mon. ad

' and found out copper in Cyprus, and the

, miths hammer, and anvil, and tongs, and la

7 ver; and imployed workmen in making ar

mour, and other things of bras and iron, and
was the only King celebrated in history for

of E G y p r.


working in metals, and was King of Lemnos,

and the husband of Venus; all which are the

charaters of Vulcan: and the Egyptians about the

time of the death of Cinyras, viz. in the Reign

of their King Amenophis, built a very umptuous
Temple at Memphis to Vulcan, and near it a
fmaller Temple to Venus Hopita; not an E
gyptian woman but a foreigner, not Helena but
Vulcan's Venus : for Herodotus tells us, that the , Herod. 12.

region round about this Temple was inhabited

1. 3.
by Tyrian Phnicians, and that " Cambyes going C.Herod.

into this Temple at Memphis, very much de

rided the tatue of Vulcan for its littlenes; For,
faith he, this statue is most like thofe Gods which
the Phoenicians call Patci, and carry about in the

fore part of their Ships in the form of Pygmies : and

* Bochart faith of this Venus Hopita, Phniciam, Bochart.
Venerem in gypto pro peregrina habitam.
gun. . .

As the Egyptians, Phnicians and Syrians

in thoe days Deified their Kings and Princes,
fo upon their coming into Aia minor and Greece,

they taught thoe nations to do the like, as hath

been hewed above. In thoe days the writing
of the Thebans and Ethiopians was in hierogly
phicks; and this way of writing eems to have
fpread into the lower Egypt
the days of

Mofes: for thence came the worhip of their

Gods in the various hapes of Birds, Beats, and
G g


: 4.

Of the EM PIRE


Fihes, forbidden in the econd commandment.

Now this emblematical way of writing gave

occaion to the Thebans and Ethiopians, who in
the days of Samuel, David, Solomon, and Reho

boam conquered Egypt, and the nations round


ereted a great Empire, to repreent

and ignify their conquering Kings and Princes,

not by writing down their names, but by mak
ing various hieroglyphical figures; as by paint
ing Ammon with Ram's horns, to
King who conquered Libya, a country aboundin
with heep; his father Amofis with a Scithe, to

fignify that King, who conquered the lower

Egypt, a country abounding with corn; his fon
Oiris by an Ox, becaue he taught the con
quered nations to plow with oxen; Bacchus
with Bulls horns for the ame reaon, and with.

Grapes becaue he taught the nations to plant

vines, and upon a Tiger becaue he ubdued

India; Orus the on of Ostris with a Harp, to fig

nify the Prince who was eminently skilled on
that instrument; fupiter upon an Eagle to fig
nify the ublimity of his dominion, and with a
Thunderbolt to repreent him a warrior; Venus
in a Chariot drawn with two Doves, to repre
fent her amorous and luftful; Neptune with a

Trident, to ignify the commander of a fleet

compoed of three quadrons; geon, a Giant,


of E G Y P r.


with 5 o heads, and an hundred hands, to fig

nify Neptune with his men in a hip of

oars; Thoth with a Dog's head and wings at his

cap and feet, and a Caduceus writhen about
with two Serpents, to ignify a man of craft,
and an embaador who reconciled two contend

ing nations; Pan with a Pipe and the legs of a

Goat, to ignify a man delighted in piping and
dancing; and Hercules with Pillars and a Club,
becaue Sefofiris et up pillars in all his conquets,
and fought againt the Libyans with clubs: this
is that Hercules who, according to ' Eudoxus, was , Apud A

flain by Typhon ; and according to Ptolomeus

* Hephstion was called Nilus, and who con-, poi, ,.

Geryon with his three ons in Spain, and
et up the famous pillars at the mouth of the
Straits : for Diodorus mentioning three Hercules's, , Diod. 1. 3.

the Egyptian, the Tyrian, and the on of Alc- 4f.

mena, laith that the oldest fourihed among the
Egyptians, and having conquered a great part
of the world, fet up the
in Afric: and

Wafeus, " that Ostris, called alo Dionyius, came c h

into Spain and conquered Geryon, and was the g Hip.
first who brought Idolatry into Spain. Strabo
tells us, that the Ethiopians called Megabars : strabo
fought with clubs : and ome of the Greeks " " P 77
* did o 'till the times of the Trojan war. Now "Homer.

from this hieroglyphical way of writing it came

Gg 2



Of the E M PIRE
to pas, that upon the diviion of Egypt into

Nomes by Sefofiris, the great men of the King

dom to whom the Nomes were dedicated, were

repreented in their Sepulchers or Temples of

the Nomes, by various hieroglyphicks; as by
an Ox, a Cat, a Dog, a Cebus, a Goat, a Lyon,
a Scarabaeus,

an Ichneumon, a Crocodile, an

Hippopotamus, an Oxyrinchus, an Ibis, a Crow,

a Hawk, a Leek, and were worhipped by the

Nomes in the hape of thee creatures.

e Diodor.

1. 3. P. I 32
I 33

The Atlantides, a people upon mount Atlas

conquered by the Egyptians in the Reign of

Ammon, related that Uranus was their firt King,

and reduced them from a favage coure of life,

and caued them to dwell in towns and cities,

and lay up and ue the fruits of the earth, and

that he reigned over a great part of the world,
and by his wife Titea had eighteen children,

among which were Hyperion and Bafilea the

parents of Helius and Selene; that the brothersof

Hyperion flew him, and drowned his fon Helius,
of the ancients, in the Nile, and di

vided his Kingdom amongt themelves; and

the country bordering upon the Ocean fell to

the lot of Atlas, from whom the people were
called Atlantides. By Uranus or fupiter Uranius,

Hyperion, Bafilea, Helius and Selene, I understand

jupiter Ammon, Ostris, Iis, Orus and Bubaffe i

of E G y p r.


and by the haring of the Kingdom of Hyperion

amongst his brothers the Titans, I undertand

the diviion of the earth among the Gods men
tioned in the Poem of Solon.

For Solon having travelled into Egypt, and

convered with the Priets of Sais about their

antiquities, wrote a Poem of what he had

learnt, but did not finih it; ' and this Poem , putoa
fell that
into atthethe
of of
of Timeo. &
the who

cules's Pillars there was an Iland called Atlan

tis, the people ofwhich, nine thouand years be

fore the days of Solon, reigned over Libya as far
as Egypt, and over Europe as far as the Tyrrhene

fea; and all this force colleted into one body

invaded Egypt and Greece, and whatever was
contained within the Pillars of Hercules, but

was reited and topt by the Athenians and o

ther Greeks, and thereby the ret of the nations

not yet conquered were preerved: he faith alo

that in thoe days the Gods, having finihed
their conquests, divided the whole earthamongt
themelves, partly into larger, partly into mal
ler portions, and intituted Temples and Sacred
Rites to themelves; and that the Iland Atlan

tis fell to the lot of Neptune, who made his

eldet on Atlas King of the whole Iland, a

part of which was called Gadir; and that in the



Of the EM PIRE
history of the faid wars mention was made of
Cecrops, Erechtheus, Erichthonius, and others
before Theeus, and alo of the women u ho war
red with the men, and of the habit and statue

of Minerva, the study of war in thoe days

being common to men and women. . By all
thee circumtancesit is manifet that thee Gods

were the Dii magni majorum gentium, and lived

between the age of Cecrops and Thefeus; and that

the wars which Sefofiris with his brother Nep

tune made upon the nations by land and fea, and
the reitance he met with in Greece, and the

following invaion of Egypt by Neptune, are

here decribed; and how the captains of Sefoffris

fhared his conquets amongt themelves, as the

captains of Alexander the great did his conquets
long after, and intituting Temples and Priets
and acred Rites to themelves, caued the nati

ons to worhip them after death as Gods : and

that the Iland Gadir or Gades, with all Libya,

fell to the lot of him who after death was

Deified by the name of Neptune. The time

therefore when thee things were done is by

Solon limited to the age of Neptune, the father

of Atlas; for Homer tells us, that Ulyffes pre
fently after the Trojan war found Calypo the
daughter of Atlas in the Ogygian Iland, per
haps Gadir; and therefore it was but two Gene


of E G Y P T.

23 I

rations before the Trojan war. This is that Nep

tune, who with Apollo or Orus fortified Troy
with a wall, in the Reign of Laomedon the f
ther of Priamus, and left many natural children
in Greece, ome of which were Argonauts, and
others were contemporary to the Argonauts ;
and therefore he flourihed but one Generation.

before the Argonautic expedition, and by cone

quence about 4o o years before Solon went into
Egypt : but the Priets of Egypt in thoe 4oo

years had magnified the tories and antiquity of

their Gods o exceedingly, as to make them nine
thouand years older
Solon, and the Iland
Atlantis bigger than all Afric and Aia together,
and full of people; and becaue in the
Solon this great Iland did not appear, they
pretended that it was funk into the ea with all
its people: thus great was the vanity of the

Priets of Egypt in magnifying their antiqui


The Cretans affirmed that Neptune was the s Apud Die.

first man who fet out a fleet, having obtained this
Prefeffure of his father Saturn; whence posterity
reckoned things done in the fea to be under his go

vernment, and mariners honoured him with facri

fices: the invention of tall Ships with fails " is ' Pamphus
alo acribed to him. He was firt worhipped in


Africa, as Herodotus ' affirms, and therefore i Herod ia.

Reigned 3



Reigned over that province : for

his eldet on

Atlas, who ucceeded him, was not only Lord of

the Iland Atlantis, but alo Reigned over a great

part of Afric, giving his name to the people

called Atlantii, and to the mountain Atlas, and

i Plutarch the Atlantic Ocean. The ' outmot parts of the

in "de

earth and

promontories, and whatever


upon the fea and was wahed by it, the Egypti

ans called Neptys; and on the coats of Marno

rica and Cyrene, Bochart and Arius Montanus

place the Naphthuhim, a people prung from Miz
raim, Gen. x. 1 3 ; and thence Neptune and his
wife Neptys might have their names, the words

Neptune, Neptys, and Naphthuhim, ignifying the

King, Queen, and people of the ea coats. The
Greeks tell us that fapetus was the father of

Atlas, and Bochart derives fapetus and Neptune

from the fame original: he and his on Atlas

are celebrated in the ancient fables for making

war upon the Gods of Egypt; as when Lucian

Lucian de *fight
being full
tells and
and Neptune,
of Apollo
Python, or Orus and Typhon; and where Agathar
Ag e cides' relates how the Gods of Egypt fled from
" the Giants, till the Titans came in and fived
them by putting Neptune to flight; and where
Hyginus " tells the war between the Gods of

' *

AEgypt, and the Titans commanded by Atlas.


of E G Y P r.


The Titans are the poterity of Titea, ome of

whom under Hercules affifted the Gods, others

under Neptune and Atlas warred againt them:

reafon, the
" the
Priests in
and had
no honour.


By Hercules, I undertand here the

eneral of the forces of Thebais and Ethiopia

whom the Gods or great men of Egypt called

to their alitance, againt the Giants or great
men of Libya, who had flain Ostris and invaded
Egypt : for Diodorus faith that when Oiris Diodor.

made his expedition over the world, he left his "" "
kinfman Hercules general of his forces over all
his dominions, and Antus governor of Libya

and Ethiopia. Anteus Reigned over all Afric to

the Atlantic Ocean, and built Tingis or Tangieres :
Pindar tells us that he Reigned at Irafa a town

of Libya, where Cyrene was afterwards built : " ***

he invaded Egypt and Thebais; for he was beaten
by Hercules and the Egyptians near Antea or
Anteopolis, a town of Thebais ; and Diodorus

tells us that this town had its name from


tus, whom Hercules flew in the days of Oiris. " " ***
Hercules overthrew him everal times, and every
time he grew stronger by recruits from Libya,
his mother earth; but Hercules intercepted his

recruits, and at length flew him. In thele wars

Hercules took the Libyan world from Atlas, and
H h


Of the E M P IR E


made Atlas pay tribute out of his golden or

chard, the Kingdom of Afric. Anteus and
Atlas were both of them fons of Neptune, both

of them Reigned over all Libya and Afric, be

tween Mount Atlas and the Mediterranean to

the very Ocean; both of them invaded Egypt,

and contended with Hercules in the wars of the

Gods, and therefore they are but two names of

one and the ame man ; and even the name At
las in the oblique caes eems to have been com

pounded of the name Anteus, and ome other

word, perhaps the word Atal, cured, put before

it: the invaion of Egypt by Antus, Ovid hath

relation unto, where he makes Hercules ay,

Svoque alimenta parentis


This war was at length compoed by the inter

vention of Mercury, who in memory thereof
was aid to reconcile two contending erpents,
by casting his Ambalador's rod between them:
and thus much concerning the ancient state of
Egypt, Libya, and Greece, decribed by Solon.
The mythology of the Cretans differed in ome

things from that of Egypt and Libya : for in

the Cretan mythology, Calus and Terra, or Ura
wus and Titea, were the parents of Saturn and


of E G y p r.


Rhea, and Saturn and Rhea were the parents of

fupiter and funo; and Hyperion, fapetus and the

Titans were one Generation older than fupiter;
and Saturn was expelled his Kingdom and ca
ftrated by his on fupiter: which fable hath no

place in the mythology of Egypt.

During the Reign of Sefac, jeroboam being

in ubjetion to Egypt, et up the Gods of

Egypt in Dan and Bethel; and Irael was without
the true God, and without a teaching Priest and
without law: and in thoe times there was nopeace
to him that went out, mor to him that came in,

but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants

of the countries; and nation was destroyed of
nation, and city of city : for God did vex them
with all adverity. 2 Chron. xv. 3, 5, 6. But in
the fifth year of Afa the land of fudah became

quiet from war, and from thence had quiet

ten years; and Afa took away the altars of

trange Gods, and brake down the Images, and

built the fenced cities of fudah with walls and

towers and gates and bars, having ret on every

fide, and got up an army of 5 8oooo men,
with which in the fifteenth year of his Reign
he met Zerah the Ethiopian, who came out a
gaint him with an army of a thouand thouand

Ethiopians and Libyans: the way of the Libyans

was through Egypt, and therefore Zerah was
H h 2



Of the E M P IR E
now Lord of Egypt : they fought at Mare/bah
near Gerar, between Egypt and fudea, and Ze
rah was beaten, o that he could not recover

himelf: and from all this I eem to gather that

Ostris was flain in the fifth year of Afa, and

thereupon Egypt fell into civil wars, being in
vaded by the Libyans, and defended by the E
thiopians for a time; and after ten years more
being invaded by the Ethiopians, who flew Orus
the on and ucceor of Oiris, drowning him
in the Nile, and eized his Kingdom. By thee

civil wars of Egypt, the land of fudah had ret

ten years. Oiris or Sefostris reigned long, Ma

netho aith 48 years; and by this reckoning he

began to Reign about the 17th year of Solo
mon ; and Orus his on was drowned in the 1 5th
* Plin. 1. 6.

C. 29.

year of Afa: for Pliny ' tells us, gyptiorum

bellis attrita est thiopia, viciim imperitando fer
viendoque, clara c6 potens etiam uque ad Trojana

bella Memnone regnante. Ethiopia, erved Egypt

'till the death of Sefofiris, and no longer; for
f Herod. l. 2.
Herodotus ' tells us that he alone enjoyed the
Empire of Ethiopia: then the Ethiopians became
free, and after ten years became Lords of Egypt
and Libya, under Zerah and Amenophis.
When Afa by his vitory over Zerah became
fafe from Egypt, he aembled all the people,

and they offered acrifices out of the poils, and


of E G Y P T.


entered into a covenant upon oath to eek the

Lord; and in lieu of the veels taken away by
Sefac, he brought into the houe of God the things
that his father had dedicated, and that he
himelf had dedicated, Silver and Gold, and Waffels.
2 Chron. xv.

When Zerah was beaten, o that he could not

recover himelf, the people ' of the lower Egypt apud

revolted from the Ethiopians, and called in to phum cont.

their aflitance two hundred thouand fews and

P. I O2,

Canaanites; and under the condut of one Ofar-

fiphus, a Priet of Egypt, called Uforthon, Ofor

chon, Oforchor, and Hercules gyptius by Mane
tho, caued the Ethiopians now under Memnon to

retire to Memphis: and there Memnon turned the

river Nile into a new channel, built a bridge

over it and fortified that pas, and then went

back into Ethiopia : but after thirteen years, he

and his young on Ramees came down with
an army from Ethiopia, conquered the lower
Egypt, and drove out the fews and Phnicians;
and this ation the Egyptian writers and their

followers call the econd expulion of the Shep

- herds, taking Ofariphus for Moes.
Tithomus a beautiful youth, the elder brother
of Priamus, went into Ethiopia, being carried

thither among many captives by Sefoffris: and

the Greeks, before the days of Heiod, feigned




Of the E M P IR E
that Memnon was his on : Memnon therefore, in

the opinion of thoe ancient Greeks, was one

Generation younger than Tithomus, and was

born after the return of Sefostris into Egypt :

fuppoe about 1 6 or 2 o years after the death of

Solomon. He is faid to have lived very long, and

fo might die about 95 years after Solomon, as
we reckoned above: his mother, called Ciffia by
w Diodor.

1. I. p. 31.

chylus, in a tatue erected to her in Egypt,

" was repreented as the daughter, the wife, and
the mother of a King, and therefore he was
the on of a King; which makes it probable

that Zerah, whom he ucceeded in the Kingdom

* Herod. l. 2.

of Ethiopia, was his father.

Hitorians * agree that Menes Reigned in E

gypt next after the Gods, and turned the river

into a new channel, and built a bridge over it,
and built Memphis and the magnificent Temple
of Vulcan: he built Memphis over-againt the
lace where Grand Cairo now tands, called by

the Arabian hitorians Meir : he built only the

body of the Temple of Vulcan, and his ucce:

fors Ramees or Rhampfinitus, Meris, Aychis,

and Pammiticus built the wetern, northern,
eatern, and outhern portico's thereof; Pammi
ticus, who built the lat portico of this Temple,
Reigned three hundred years after the vitory of
Afa over Zerah, and it is not likely that this

of E G Y P T.


Temple could be above three hundred years in

building, or that any Menes could be King of
all Egypt before the expulion of the Shepherds.
The lat of the Gods of Egypt was Orus, with
his mother Iis, and fifter Bubaste, and ecretary
Thoth, and unkle Typhon; and the King who
reigned next after all their deaths, and turned
the river and built a bridge over it, and built
Memphis and the Temple of Vulcan, was Mem
non or Amenophis, called by the Egyptians Ame
noph; and therefore he is Menes: for the names
Amenoph, or Menoph, and Menes do not much
differ; and from Amenoph the city Memphis
built by Menes had its Egyptian names Moph,
Noph, Menoph or Menuf, as it is till called by
the Arabian hitorians: the neceity of fortify

ing this place againt Ofarfphus gave occaion to

the building of it.

In the time of the revolt of the lower Egypt

under Ofariphus, and the retirement of Ameno

phis into Ethiopia, Egypt being then in the

greatest distraction, the Greeks built the hip
Argo, and fent in it the flower of Greece to
AEetes in Colchis, and to many other Princes on
the coats of the Euxine and Mediterranean eas;

and this hip was built after the pattern of an

Egyptian hip with fifty oars, in which Danaus

with his fifty daughters a few years before fled

Of the EM pirr
from Egypt into Greece and was the firt long

hip with fails built by the Greeks: and uch a

improvement of navigation, with a deign to
fend the flower of Greece to many Princes upon
the ea-coats of the Euxine and Mediterranean

feas, was too great an undertaking to be et on

foot, without the concurrence of the Princes and

States of Greece, and perhaps the approbation of

the Amphitiyonic Council; for it was done by

the ditate of the Oracle. This Council met

every half year upon tate-affairs for the welfare

of Greece, and therefore knew of this expedi
tion, and might end the Argonauts upon an
embay to the aid Princes; and for concealing

their deign might make the fable of the golden

fleece, in relation to the hip of Phrixus whoe

enign was a golden ram : and probably their

deign was to notify the ditration of Egypt,

and the invaion thereof by the Ethiopians and

Iraelites, to the faid Princes, and to peruade

them to take that opportunity to revolt from

Egypt, and et up for themelves, and make a

league with the Greeks : for the Argonauts went
y Strabo.1. 1. through , the Kingdom of Colchis by land to the
p. 48.
Armenians, and through Armenia to the Medes;
which could not have been done if they had

not made friendhip with the nations through

which they paled: they viited alo Laomedon


of E G Y P T.
King of the Trojans, Phineus King

24 I
of the Thra

cians, Cyzicus King of the Doliones, Lycus King

of the Mariandyni, the coats of Myfia and

Taurica Cherfnefus,

the nations upon the

Tanais, the people about Byzantium, and the

coats of Epirus, Corfica, Melita, Italy, Sicily,
Sardinia, and Gallia upon the Mediterranean;

and from thence they* croed the ea to Afric,

and there conferred with Euripylus King of Cy

yth. Ude 4.

rene : and " Strabo tells us that in Armenia and Strab:':':


P. 2 I, 45, 46.

Media, and the neighbouring places, there were

frequent monuments of the expedition of Ja
fon ; as alo about Sinope, and its fea-coasts; the
Propontis and the Hellepont, and in the Medi

terranean: and a meage by the flower ofGreece

to o many nations could be on no other ac
count than tate-policy; thee nations had been

invaded by the Egyptians, but after this expedi

tion we hear no more of their continuing in
fubjetion to Egypt.

The Egyptians originally lived on the fruits : Diodor.

of the earth, and fared hardly, and abtained from " " "
animals, and therefore abominated Shepherds:
Menes taught them to adorn their beds and
tables with rich furniture and carpets, and

brought in amongt them a umptuous, delicious

and voluptuous way of life : and about a hun
dred years after his death, Gnephafihus one of his
I i



Of the EM PIRE
ucceors cured him for it, and to reduce the
luxury of Egypt, caued the cure to be entered

in the Temple of fupiter at Thebes; and by this

cure the honour of Menes was diminihed a

mong the Egyptians.

The Kings of Egypt who expelled the Shep
herds and ucceeded them, Reigned I think
firt at Coptos, and then at Thebes, and then at
Memphis. At Coptos I place Miphragmuthofis and

Amofis or Thomofis who expelled the Shepherds,

and abolihed their cutom cf acrificing men,
and extended the Coptic language, and the name.

of Ala Kfla, gyptus, to the conquet. Then

Thebes became the Royal City of Ammon, and
from him was called No-Ammon, and his con

quest on the wet of Egypt was called Ammonia.

After him, in the ame city of Thebes, Reigned o
firis, Orus, Menes or Amenophis, and Rameffes:
but Memphis and her miracles were not yet ce
lebrated in Greece; for Homer celebrates Thebes as

in its glory in his days, and makes no mention

of Memphis. After Menes had built Memphis,
Mris the ucceor of Rameffes adorned it, and

made it the feat of the Kingdom, and this was.

almot two Generations after the Trojan war.

Cinyras, the Vulcan who married Venus, and

under the Kings of
Reigned over Cyprus
and part of Phnicia, and made armour for thoe

of E G Y P T.


Kings, lived 'till the times of the Trojan

war : and upon his death Menes or Memnon

might Deify him, and found the famous Tem

ple of Vulcan in that city for his worhip, but
In a plain * not far Manetho.

not live to finih it.

from Memphis are many mall Pyramids, faid to

be built by Venephes or Enephes ; and I upet
that Venephes and Enephes have been corruptly
written for Menephes or Amenophis, the letters

AM being almot worn out in ome old ma

nucript: for after the example of thee Pyra
mids, the following Kings, Maris and his uc
ceors, built others much larger. The plain in
which they were built was the burying-place of
that city, as appears by the Mummies there
found; and therefore the Pyramids were the

fepulchral monuments of the Kings and Princes

of that city: and by thee and uch like works
the city grew famous foon after the days of



therefore flourihed in the Reign of


Herodotus " is the oldet hitorian now extant "Herd. '.*

who wrote of the antiquities of Egypt, and had

what he wrote from the Priets of that country:
and Diodorus, who wrote almot 4oo years after
him, and had his relations alo from the Priets

of Egypt, placed many nameles Kings be

tween thoe whom Herodotus placed in continual
I i 2.



0f the E M P IR E
fucceion. The Priets of Egypt had therefore,
between the days of Herodotus and Diodorus, out
of vanity, very much increaed the number of

their Kings: and what they did after the days

of Herodotus, they began to do before his days;
for he tellsus that they recited to him out of their
books, the names of 3 3 o Kings who Reigned

after Menes, but did nothing memorable, exce

Nitocris and Mris the lat of them : all thee

Reigned at Thebes, 'till Mris tranlated the feat

of the Empire from Thebes to Memphis.


Mris he reckons Sefoffris, Pheron, Proteus,

Rhampfinitus, Cheops, Cephren, Mycerinus, Affchis,

Anyis, Sabacon, Anyis again, Sethon, twelve
contemporary . Kings, . Pammitichus, Nechus,

Pammis, Apries, Amafis, and Pammenitus. The

Egyptians had before the days of Solon made
their monarchy 9ooo years old, and now they

reckon'd to Herodotus a ucceion of 33 o Kings

Reigning fo many Generations, that is about
1 1 oco years, before Sefofiris: but the Kings who
Reigned long before Sefofiris might Reign over
feverallittle Kingdoms in everal parts of Egypt,
before the rife of their Monarchy; and by con

fequence before the days of Eli and Samuel, and

fo are not under our conideration : and thee

names may have been multiplied by corruption;

and ome of them, as Athothes or Thoth, the

of E G Y P T.


ecretary of Ostris; Toforthrus or culapius a

Phyician who invented building with quare

ftones; and Thuor or Polybus the husband of
Alcandra, were only Princes of Egypt. If with

Herodotus we omit the names of thoe Kings

who did nothing memorable, and confider only
thoe whoe ations are recorded, and who left

fplendid monuments of their having Reigned

over Egypt, uch as were Temples, Statues,
Pyramids, Obelisks, and Palaces dedicated or a

cribed to them, thee Kings reduced into good

order will give us all or almot all the Kings
of Egypt, from the days of the expulion of the
and founding of the Monarchy,

downwards to the conquet of Egypt by Cam

byfes : for Sefostris Reigned in the Age of the
Gods of Egypt, being Deified by the names of
Ofiris, Hercules and Bacchus, as above; and
therefore Menes, Nitocris, and Maris are to be

placed after him; Menes and his on Ramees

Reigned next after the Gods, and therefore Ni
tocris and Mris Reigned after Ramees : Mris
is fet down immediately before Cheops, three
times in the Dynatys of the Kings of Egypt

compoed by Eratosthenes, and once in the Dy

naties of Manetho; and in the fame Dynaties
Nitocris is et after the builders of the three

great Pyramids, and according to Herodotus her



Of the E M P I RE


brother Reigned before her, and was flain, and

fhe revenged his death; and according to Syn
cellus he built the third great Pyramid; and the
builders of the Pyramids Reigned at Memphis,

and by conequence after Mris. Now from

thee things I gather that the Kings of Egypt
mentioned by Herodotus ought to be placed in
this order; Sefostris, Pheron, Proteus, Menes,
Rhampfinitus, Mris, Cheops, Cephren, Mycerinus,

Nitocris, Aychis, Anyis, Sabacon, Anyis a

gain, Sethon, twelve contemporary Kings, Pfam
mitichus, Nechus, Pammis, Apries, Amafis, Pfam

Pheron is by Herodotus faid to be the on and

fucceor ofSefostris. He was Deified by the name

of Orus.

Proteus Reigned in the lower Egypt when

Paris failed thither; that is at the end of the
e Herod. 1.2.

Trojan war, according to Herodotus :

and at

that time Amenophis was King of Egypt and E

thiopia: but in his abence Proteus might be
governor of ome part of the lower Egypt un
der him; for Homer places Proteus upon the ea
coats, and makes him a ea God, and calls

him the ervant of Neptune; and Herodotus aith

that he roe up from among the common peo
ple, and that Proteus was his name tranlated
into Greek, and this name in Greek ignifies only

of E G y p r.


a Prince or Preident. He ucceeded Pheron, and

was ucceeded by Rhampfinitus according to He

rodotus; and fo was contemporary to Amenophis.
Amenophis Reigned next after Orus and Iis
the lat of the Gods; he Reigned at firt over

all Egypt, and then over Memphis and the up

per parts of Egypt; and by conquering Ofarst
phus, who had revolted from him, became King
of all Egypt again, about 5 1 years after the
death of Solomon. He built Memphis and ordered

the worhip of the Gods of Egypt, and built a

Palace at Abydus, and the Memnonia at This and
Sufa, and the magnificent Temple of Vulcan in

Memphis; the building with quare ftones being

found out before by Toforthrus, the culapius of
Egypt : he is by corruption of his name called
Menes, Mines, Minaeus, Mineus, Minies, Mnevis,

Enephes, Venephes, Phamenophis, Oymanthyas, Ost

mandes, Ifmandes, Imandes, Memnon, Arminon.

Amenophis was ucceeded by his on, called by

Herodotus, Rhampfinitus, and by others Ramfes,

Ramifes, Ramefes, Ramees, Ramestes, Rhampfes, e Ammian.

Remphis. Upon an Obelisk ereted by this King i 7 +

in Heliopolis, and ent to Rome by the Emperor
Constantius, was an incription, interpreted by

Hermapion an Egyptian Priest, expreing that

the King was long lived, and Reigned over a
great part of the earth: and Strabo, * an eye-witnes ;l. Strato.
17. p. 817.

Of the E M P 1 R e
nes, tells us, that in the monuments of the

Kings of Egypt,

above the Memnonium were in

fcriptions upon Obelisks, expreing the riches of

the Kings, and their Reigning as far as Scythia,

h Antial. l. 2.
c. 6o.

Baffria, India and Ionia: and Tacitus " tells us

from an incription een at Thebes by Cefar Ger

manicus, and interpreted to him by the Egypti
an Priets, that this King Ramees had an army

of 7ooooo men, and Reigned over Libya, E

thiopia, Media, Perfia, Bafiria, Scythia, Arme
nia, Cappadocia, Bithynia, and Lycia ; whence
the Monarchy of Ayria was not yet rifen.
This King was very covetous, and a great col
letor of taxes, and one of the richet of all

the Kings of Egypt, and built the western por

tico of the Temple of Vulcan.

Mris inheriting the riches of Ramees,

built the northern portico of that Temple more
fumptuouly, and made the Lake of Mris,
with two great Pyramids of brick in the midt

of it : and for preerving the diviion of Egypt

into equal hares amongt the foldiers, this King
wrote a book of urveying, which gave a be
ginning to Geometry. He is called alo Maris,
Myris, Meres, Marres, Smarres; and more cor

ruptly,by changing M into A, T, B, >, YX, A,

&c. Ayres, Tyris, Byires, Soris, Uchoreus, La
chares, Labaris, &c.

of E G Y P T.


. Diodorus ' places Uchoreus between Oymanduas 1.i Diodor.

I p. 32.
and Myris, that is between Amenophis and M

faith that he built Memphis, and fortified

it to admiration with a mighty rampart of
earth, and a broad and deep trench, which was

filled with the water of the Nile, and made

there a vat and deep Lake for receiving the

water of the Nile in the time of its overflowing,
and built palaces in the city; and that this
place was fo commodiouly feated that mot of

the Kings who Reigned after him preferred it

before Thebes, and removed the Court from

thence to this place, o that the magnificence of

Thebes from

time began to decreae, and

that of Memphis to increae, 'till Alexander Kin

of Macedon built Alexandria. Thee great works
of Uchoreus and thoe of Mris favour of one

and the ame genius, and were certainly done

by one and the fame King, ditinguihed into

two by a corruption of the name as above; for
this Lake of Uchoreus was certainly the ame with
that of Mris.

After the example of the two brick Pyramids

made by Mris, the three next Kings, Cheops,
Cephren and Mycerinus built the three great Py

ramids at Memphis; and therefore Reigned in

that city. Cheops hut up the Temples of the
Nomes, and prohibited the worhip of the Gods

K k.


Of the E M P IR E


of Egypt, deigning no doubt to have been

worhipped himelf after death : he is called alo
Chembis, Chemmis, Chemnis, Phiops, Apathus, A
pappus, Suphis, Saophis, Syphoas, Syphaois, Soi

phis, Syphuris, Anoiphis, Anoists : he built the

bigget of the three great Pyramids which tand
together; and his brother Cephren or Cerpheres
built the econd, and his on Mycerinus founded
the third : this lat King was celebrated for cle
mency and jutice; he hut up the dead body

of his daughter in a hollow ox, and caued her

to be worhipped daily with odours : he is cal
led alo Cheres, Cherinus, Bicheres, Moftheres,
Mencheres. He died before the third Pyramid
was finihed, and his fifter and ucceor Nitocrir.
finihed it.

Then Reigned Affchis, who built the eatern

portico of the Temple of Vulcan very plendid
ly, and among the mall Pyramids a large Py
ramid of brick, made of mud dug out of the
Lake of Maris: and thee are the Kings who
Reigned at Memphis, and pent their time in
adorning that city, until the Ethiopians and the
Affrians and others revolted, and Egypt lot
all her dominion abroad, and became again.
divided into feveral mall Kingdoms.

One of thoe Kingdoms was I think at Mem

phis, under Gnephafius, and his on and ucceor

of E G Y P T.

25 I

Bocchoris. Africanus calls Bocchoris a Saite; but

Sais at this time had other Kings: Gnephafius,

otherwie called Neochabis and Technatis, cured

Menes for his luxury, and caued the cure to

be entered in the Temple of fupiter at Thebes;
and therefore Reigned over Thebais: and Boc
choris fent in a wild bull upon the God Mnevis
which was worhipped at Heliopolis. Another of

thoe Kingdoms was at Anyis, or Hanes, Ifa.

xxx. 4. under its King Anyis or Amois; a

third was at Sais, under Stephanathis, Nechepfos,

and Nechus; and a fourth was at Tanis or Zoan,

under Petubastes, Oforchon and Pammis: and

Egypt being weakned by this diviion, was in

vaded and conquered by the Ethiopians under

Sabacon, who flew Bocchoris and Nechus, and

made Anyis fly. The Olympiads began in the

Reign of Petubastes, and the ra of Nabonaffar

in the 2 2d year of the Reign of Bocchoris, ac
cording to Africanus; and therefore the diviion
of Egypt into many Kingdoms began before the
Olympiads, but not above the length of two
Kings Reigns before them.
After the tudy of Atronomy was fet on foot

for the ue of navigation, and the Egyptians by

the Heliacal Riings and Settings of the Stars
had determined the length of the Solar year of
3 65 days, and by other obervations had fixed
K k 2.



Of the Empire
the Soltices, and formed the fixt Stars into

Aterims, all which was done in the Reign of

Ammon, Sefac, Orus, and Memnon; it may be

preumed that they continued to oberve the

motions of the Planets; for they called them
after the names of their Gods; and Nechepfos or

Nicepfos King of Sais, by the aflistance of Pe

tofiris a Priet of Egypt, invented Atrology,
grounding it upon the apets of the Planets,
and the qualities of the men and women to
whom they were dedicated : and in the begin
ning of the Reign of Nabonaffar King of Baby
lon, about which time the Ethiopians under Sa
bacon invaded Egypt, thoe Egyptians who fled

from him to Babylon, carried thither the Egypti

an year of 365 days, and the tudy of Atro

nomy and Atrology, and founded the ra of

Nabonaffar; dating it from the firt year of that
King's Reign, which was the 22d year of Boc
choris as above, and beginning the year on the

fame day with the Egyptians for the ake of their

calculations. So Diodorus": they fay that the

Babylon, being Colonies of the E
gyptians, became famous for Astrology, having

**** Chaldans in

learnt it from the Priests of Egypt: and

Hestieus, who wrote an hitory of Egypt,

, joten

peaking of a diater of the invaded Egyptians,

Ani: i. 1. faith ' that the Priests who furvived this difaster,
C. 4.

of E G Y P T.


taking with them the Sacra of Jupiter Enyalius, came

to Sennaar in Babylonia. From the 15th year of

Afa, in which Zerah was beaten, and Menes or

Amenophis began his Reign, to the beginning of
the AEra of Nabomaffar, were 2oo years; and
this interval of time allows room for about

nine or ten Reigns of Kings, at about twenty

years to a Reign one with another; and o ma

ny Reigns there were, according to the account
fet down above out of Herodotus; and therefore
that account, as it is the oldet, and was re

ceived by Herodotus from the Priets of Thebes,

Memphis, and Heliopolis, three principal cities of

Egypt, agrees alo with the coure of nature,
and leaves no room for the Reigns of the many
nameles Kings which we have omitted. Thee
omitted Kings Reigned before Mris, and by

conequence at Thebes; for Maris tranlated the

feat of the Empire from Thebes to Memphis:

they Reigned after Ramees; for Ramees was

the on and ucceor of Menes, who Reigned
next after the Gods. Now Menes built the body
of the Temple of Vulcan, Ramees the firt por
tico, and Mris the econd portico thereof, but

the Egyptians, for making their Gods and King

dom look ancient, have inferted between the

builders of the firt and econd portico of this

Temple, three hundred and thirty Kings of




Of the EM PIRE
Thebes, and uppoed that thee Kings Reigned
eleven thouand years; as if any Temple could

ftand o long. This being a manifet fition, we

have corrected it, by omitting thoe interpoed
Kings, who did nothing, and placing Mris the
builder of the econd portico, next after Ramees
the builder of the firt.

In the Dynaties of Manetho ; Sevechus is

made the ucceor of Sabacon, being his on ;

and perhaps he is the Sethon of Herodotus, who
became Priest of Vulcan, and negleted military
dicipline : for Sabacon is that So or Sua with

whom Hofhea King of Irael conpired againt

the Ayrians, in the fourth year of Hezekiah,
Anno Nabonaff. 24. Herodotus tells us twice or

thrice, that abacon after a long Reign of fifty

years relinquihed Egypt voluntarily, and that
Anyis who fled from him, returned and Reigned
again in the lower Egypt after him, or rather
with him: and that Sethon Reigned after Saba

con, and went to Pelustum againt the army of

Sennacherib, and was relieved with a great mul
titude of mice, which eat the bow-trings of the
m Herodot.

1. 2. c. 141.

Affrians; in memory of which the tatue of

Sethon, een by Herodotus, " was made with a

Moue in its hand. A Moue was the Egyptian

fymbol of detrution, and the Moue in the

hand of Sethon ignifies only that he overcame


of E G Y P T.


the Affrians with a great detrution. The Scrip

tures inform us, that when Sennacherib invaded

fudea and beieged Lachi/h and Libnah, which

was in the 14th year of Hezekiah, Anno Nabo

naff. 34. the King of fudah truted upon Pha

raoh King of Egypt, that is upon Sethon, and
that Tirhakah

King of Ethiopia came out

alo to

fight againt Sennacherib, 2 King, xviii. 21. &

xix. 9. which makes it probable, that when
Sennacherib heard of the Kings of Egypt and

Ethiopia coming againt him, he went from Lib

nah towards Pelustum to oppoe them, and was

there urprized and fet upon in the night by

them both, and routed with as great a laughter

as if the bow-trings of the Allyrians had been

eaten by mice. Some think that the Affrians
were mitten by lightning, or by a fiery wind
which fometimes comes from the outhern

parts of Chaldea. After this victory Tirhakah

fucceeding Sethon, carried his arms wetward
through Libya and Afric to the mouth of the
Straits : but Herodotus tells us, that the Priets

of Egypt reckoned Sethon the lat King of

Egypt, who Reigned before the diviion of
Egypt into twelve contemporary Kingdoms,
and by conequence before the invaion of
Egypt by the A|jrians,



For Afferhadon King of Ayria, in the 68th
year of Nabonaffar, after he had Reigned about
thirty years over Ayria, invaded the Kingdom
of Babylon, and
carried into captivity
many people from Babylon, and Cuthah, and
Ava, and Hamath, and Sepharvaim, placing
them in the Regions of Samaria and Damafeus:

and from thence they carried into Babylonia

and Affria the remainder of the people of
Irael and Syria, which had been left there by
Tiglath-pilefer. This captivity was 65 years af
ter the firt year of Ahaz, Ifa, vii. 1, 8. &
2. King. xv. 37, & xvi. 5. and by conequence
in the twentieth year of Manaffeh, Anno Nabo

naff 69. and then Tartan was ent by Affer

hadon with an army againt Ahdod or Azoth, a
town at that time ubjet to fudea, 2 Chron.

xxvi. 6. and took it, Ifa. xx. 1 : and this pot

being ecured, the Affrians beat the fews, and
captivated Manaffeh, and ubdued fudea : and
in thee wars, Iaiah was faw'd aunder by the

command of Manaffeh, for prophefying againt

him. Then the Affrians invaded and ubdued
Egypt and Ethiopia, and carried the Egyptians
and Ethiopians into captivity, and thereby put
an end to the

Reign of the Ethiopians over

Egypt, Ifa. vii. 18. & viii. 7. & x. I 1, 12, &


of E G Y P T.
xix. 23. & xx. 4.


In this war the city

No-Ammon or Thebes, which had hitherto con

tinued in a flourihing condition, was mierabl

wated and led into captivity, as is decribed
by Nahum, chap. iii. ver. 8, 9, 1 o; for Nahum
wrote after the lat invaion of fudea by the

Affrians, chap. i. ver. 15 ; and therefore de

fcribes this captivity as freh in memory : and

this and other following invaions of Egypt un

der Nebuchadnezzar and Cambyes, put an end
to the glory of that city. Afferhadon Reigned

over the Egyptians and Ethiopians three years,

Ifa. xx. 3, 4. that is until his death, which
was in the year of Nabonaffar 8 1, and there

fore invaded Egypt, and put an end to the

Reign of the Ethiopians over the Egyptians, in

the year of Nabonaffar 78 ; o that the Ethio

pians under Sabacon, and his ucceors Sethon

and Tirhakah, Reigned over Egypt about 8o

years: Herodotus allots 5 o years to Sabacon, and

Africanus fourteen years to Sethon, and eighteen

to Tirhakah.

The diviion of Egypt into more Kingdoms

than one, both before and after the Reign of

the Ethiopians, and the conquet of the Egyp

tians by Afferhadon, the prophet Iaiah " eems

to allude unto in thee words: I will fet, faith "

L l



Of the E M P IR E
he, the Egyptians against the Egyptians, and

they hall fight every one against his brother, and

every one against his neighbour, city against city,
and Kingdom against Kingdom, and the Spirit of

Egypt /hall fail. And the Egyptians will I give

over into the hand of a cruel Lord [viz. Afferha
don] and a fierce King hall Reign over them.

Surely the Princes of Zoan [Tanis] are fools, the

counel of the wife Councellors of Pharaoh is be

come brutih : how long fay ye unto Pharaoh, I am

the fon of the ancient Kings. The Princes of

Zoan are be come fools: the Princes of Noph

[Memphis] are deceived, even they that were
the stay of the tribes thereof. In that day there
fhall f. a high-way out of Egypt into Ayria,
and the Egyptians /ball ferve the Ayrians.
After the death of Afferhadon, Egypt remain

ed ubjet to twelve contemporary Kings, who

revolted from the Affyrians, and Reigned to
gether fifteen years; including. I think the
three years of Afferhadon, becaue the Egypti
ans do not reckon him among

: Herod.



They built the Labyrinth adjoining to the Lake

*** of Maris, which was a very magnificent truc

ture, with twelve Halls in it, for their Palaces:

and then Pammitichus, who was one of the

twelve, conquered all the ret. He built the


of E G y p r.


lat Portico of the Temple of Vulcan, founded

by Menes about 26o years before, and Reign

ed 54 years, including the fifteen years of his

Reign with the twelve Kings. Then Reigned

Nechaoh or Nechus, 17 years ; Pammis fix
years; Vaphres, Apries, Eraphius, or Hophra, 2 5
years; Amafis 44 years; and Pammenitus fix

months, according to Herodotus. Egypt was

fubdued by Nebuchadnezzar in the


but one of Hophra, Anno Nabonaff. 178, and

remained in ubjetion to Babylon forty years,
Fer. xliv. 3o. & Ezek. xxix. 12, 13, 14, 17,

19. that is, almot all the Reign of Amafis, a

plebeian et over Egypt by the conqueror :

the forty years ended with the death of Cyrus;

for he Reigned over Egypt and Ethiopia, accord

ing to Xenophon. At that time therefore thoe

nations recovered their liberty; but after four
or five years more they were invaded and con

quered by Cambyes, Anno Nabonaff 2 23 or

224, and have almot ever ince remained in

fervitude, as was predited by the Prophets.

The Reigns of Pammitichus, Nechus, Pammis,
Apries, Amafis, and Pammenitus, fet down by
Herodotus, amount unto 1464 years: and o

many years there were from the 78th year of

Nabonaffar, in which the dominion of the Ethi
L l 2.



Of the E M PIRE
cians over Egypt came to an end, unto the

2 24th year of Nabonaffar, in which Cambyfes

invaded Egypt, and put an end to that King
dom : which is an argument that Herodotus was
circumpet and faithful in his narrations, and
has given us a good account of the antiquities
of Egypt, o far as the Priets of Egypt at
Thebes, Memphis, and Heliopolis, and the Carians

and Ioniams inhabiting Egypt, were then able

to inform him: for he conulted them all; and

the Cares and Ionians had been in Egypt from

the time of the Reign of the twelve contem
porary Kings.
r Plin. l. 36.
c. 8, 9.

Pliny tells us, that the Egyptian Obelisks were

of a fort of tone dug near Syene in Thebais,
and that the firt Obelisk was made by Mitres,
who Reigned in Heliopolis; that is, by Mephres.
the predeceor of Miphragmuthofis; and that
afterwards other Kings made others: Sochir,
that is Sefochis, or Sefac, four, each of 48.

cubits in length; Ramifes, that is Ramees, two;

Smarres, that is Maris, one of 48 cubits in

length; Eraphius, or Hophra, one of 48; and

Neffabis, or Neffenabis, one of 8o. Mephres
therefore extended his dominion over all the

upper Egypt, from Syene to Heliopolis, and af.

ter him, Miphragmuthofis and Amois, Reigned


of E G y p r.
Ammon and Sefac, who ereted the first


Empire in the world: and thee four, Amois,

Ammon, Sefac, and Orus, Reigned in the four

ages of the great Gods of Egypt; and Ame

nophis was the Menes who Reigned next after
them : he was ucceeded by Ramees, and M

ris, and ome time after by Hophra.

Diodorus recites the ame Kings of Egypt with , Diodor.

Herodotus, but in a more confued order, and ***
repeats fome of them twice, or oftener, under
various names, and omits others : his Kings
are thee; fupiter Ammon and funo, Oiris
and Iis, Horus, Menes, Bufiris I, Bufiris II,
Omanduas, Uchoreus, Myris, Sefoofis I, Sefoo
fis II, Amafis, Affifanes, Mendes or Marrus,
Proteus, Remphis, Chembis, Cephren, Mycerinus
or Cherinus, Gnephatthus, Bocchoris, Sabacon,
twelve contemporary Kings, Pammitichus, **

Apries, Amafis. Here I take Sefoofis I, and Se

foofis II, Bufiris I, and Bufiris II, to be the

fame Kings with Oiris and Orus : alo offman

duas to be the ame with Amenophis or Menes :

alo Amafis, and Affifames, an Ethiopian who

conquered him, to be the fame with Anyis

and Sabacon in Herodotus : and Uchoreus, Men

des, Marrus, and Myris, to be only everal

names of one and the ame King. Whence the



Of the E M P I RE
catalogue of Diodorus will be reduced to this:

fupiter Ammon and funo; Qfiris, Bufiris or

Sefoofis, and Iis; Horus, , Bufiris II, or Sefoo
fis II; Menes, or offmanduas; Proteus; Remphis
or Ramees; Uchoreus, . Mendes,

Marrus, or

Myris; Chembis or Cheops; Cephren; Myceri

nus; * * Gnephafihus; Bocchoris; Amafis, or

Anyis; Astifanes, or Sabacon; * twelve con

temporary Kings; Pammitichus; * * Apries;

Amafis: to which, if in their proper places

you add Nitocris, Aychis, Sethon, Nechus, and

Pammis, you will have the catalogue of Hero


The Dynasties of Manetho and Eratosthenes

feem to be filled with many uch names of

Kings as Herodotus omitted : when it hall be

made appear that any of them Reigned in
Egypt after the expulion of the Shepherds, and
were different from the Kings decribed above,
they may be inerted in their proper places.
Egypt was conquered by the Ethiopians under
Sabacon, about the beginning of the ra of
Nabonaffar, or perhaps three or four years be
fore, that is, about three hundred years before

Herodotus wrote his history; and about eighty

years after that conquet, it was conquered
again by the A|jrians under Afferhadon :
til C

of E G Y P T.


the hitory of Egypt et down by Herodotar

from the time of this lat conquet, is right
both as to the number, and order, and names

of the Kings, and as to the length of their

Reigns: and therein he is now followed by
hitorians, being the only author who hath
given us fo good a hitory of Egypt, for
that interval of

time. If his hitory of

the earlier times be les accurate, it was becaue

the archives of Egypt had uffered much dur

ing the Reign of the Ethiopians and Ayrians:
and it is not likely that the Priets of Egypt,
who lived two or three hundred years after
the days of Herodotus, could mend the mat

ter: on the contrary, after Cambyes had carried

away the records of Egypt, the Priets were

daily feigning new Kings, to make their Gods

and nation

ancient; as is manifet by

comparing Herodotus with Diodorus Siculus, and

both of them with what Plato relates out of

the Poem of Solon : which Poem makes the

wars of the great Gods of Egypt against the

Greeks, to have been in the

of Cecrops,
Erechtheus and Erichthonius, and a little

thoe of Thefeus; thee Gods at that time inti

tuting Temples and Sacred Rites to them

felves. I have therefore choen to rely up


Of the E M P IR E, &c.


on the tories related to Herodotus by the Priests

of Egypt in thoe days, and correted by the

Poem of Solon, o as to make thee Gods of

Egypt no older than Cecrops and Erechtheus,

and their ucceor Menes no older than Thefeus
and Memnon, and the Temple of Vulcan not

above 28o years in building: rather than to

corret Herodotus by Manetho, Eratosthenes, Dio
dorus, and others, who lived after the Priets of

Egypt had corrupted their Antiquities much

more than they had done in the days of Hero

C H A P.


Of the Ass Y R I AN Empire.

S the Gods or ancient Deified Kings and

Princes of Greece, Egypt, and

Syria of

Damacus, have been made much ancienter than

the truth, o have thoe of Chaldea and Affyria :
for Diodorus tells us, that when Alexander the Diodor.

great was in Aia, the Chaldeans reckoned ** ***

473 ooo years ince they firt began to oberve
the Stars; and Cteias, and the ancient Greek
and Latin writers who copy from him, have
made the Ayrian Empire as old as Noah's flood
within 6o or 7o years, and tell us the names of

all the Kings of Ayria downwards, from Belus

and his feigned on Ninus, to Sardanapalus the
lat King of that Monarchy : but the names
of his Kings, except two or three, have no affi

nity with the names of the Ayrians mentioned

in Scripture; for the A|hrians were uually
named after their Gods, Bel or Pul; Chaddon,
Hadon, Adon, or Adonis; Melech or Moloch;
Atfur or Affur; Nebo; Nergal; Merodach: as in
thee names, Pul, Tiglath-Pul-Affur, Salman
M m



Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

Afur, Adra-Melech, Shar-Aur, Aur-Hadon,
Sardanapalus or Aur-Hadon-Pul, Nabonaffar or
Nebo-Adon-Affur, Bel-Adon, Chiniladon or Chen
El-Adon, Nebo-Pul-Affur, Nebo-Chaddon-Affur,
Nebuzaradon or Nebo-Affar-Adon, Nergal-Affur,

Nergal-Shar-Affur, Labo-Affur-dach, Shefeb-Affur,

Beltes-Affur, Evil-Merodach, Shangar-Nebo, Rab
faris or Rab-Affur, Nebo-Shahban, Mardacem

pad or Merodach-Empad. Such were the Affrian

names; but thoe in Ctestas are of another fort,

except Sardanapalus, whoe name he had met

with in Herodotus. He makes Semiramis as old as

the firt Belus; but Herodotus tells us, that he

was but five Generations older than the mother

of Labynetus: he repreents that the city Ninus

was founded by a man of the ame name, and:
Babylon by Semiramis; whereas either Nimrod or

Affur founded thoe and othercities withoutgiving

his own name to any of them: he makes the

Affrian Empire continue about 136 o years,

whereas Herodotus tells us that it lated only 5 oo

years, and the numbers of Herodotus concerning

thoe ancient times are all of them toolong: he
makes Nineveh detroyed by the Medes and Ba

bylonians, three hundred years before the Reign

of Astibares and Nebuchadnezzar who detroyed.
it, and fets down the names of even or eight
feigned Kings of Media, between the destruction,

Of the AssyRIAN Empire.

of Nineveh and the Reigns of Astibares and

Nebuchadnezzar, as if the Empire of the Medes,

ereted upon the ruins of the Affrian Empire,
had lated 3 oo years, whereas it lated but 7 2 :

and the true Empire of the Affrians decribed

in Scripture, whoe Kings were Pul, Tiglath-pi
lefar, Shalmanefer, Sennacherib, Afferhadon, &c.
e mentions not, tho' much nearer to his own

times; which hews that he was ignorant of the

antiquities of the Ayrians. Yet omething of

truth there is in the bottom of ome of his

ftories, as there ues to be in Romances; as, that

Nineveh was destroyed by the Medes and Baby

lonians; that Sardanapalus was the lat King of

the Affrian Empire; and that Astibares and

Astyages were Kings of the Medes : but he has
made all things too ancient, and out of vain
glory taken too great a liberty in feigning names
and tories to pleae his reader.
When the fews were newly returned from

the Babylonian captivity, they confeed their

Sins in this manner, Now therefore our God,
let not all the trouble feem little before thee that
hath come upon us,on our Kings, on our Princes, and

on our Priests, and on our Prophets, and on our fa

thers, and on all thy people, fince the time of the

Kings of Ayria, unto this day ; Nehem. ix. 3 2.

that is, fince the time of the Kingdom of Af

M m 2




Of the Assy RI A N Empire.

fyria, or fince the rie of that Empire: and
therefore the Affrian Empire aroe when the

Kings of Affria began to afflict the inhabitants

of Palestine; which was in the days of Pul:

he and his ucceors afflited Irael, and con

quered the nations round about them; and up

on the ruin of many mall and ancient King
doms ereted their Empire, conquering the
Medes as well as other nations : but of thee

conquets Cteias knew not a word, no not o

as the names of the conquerors, or that

there was an Ayrian Empire then tanding;
for he uppoes that the Medes Reigned at that
time, and that the Affrian Empire was at an
end above 2 5 o years before it began.
However we mut allow that Nimrod found

ed a Kingdom at Babylon, and perhaps extend

ed it into Affria: but this Kingdom was but
of mall extent, if compared with the Empires
which roe up afterwards; being only within

the fertile plains of Chaldea, Chalonitis and Af:

fyria, watered by the Tigris and Euphrates: and
if it had been greater, yet it was but of hort
continuance, it being the custom in thoe early

ages for every father to divide his territories

amongt his ons. So Noah was King of all the
world, and Cham was King of all Afric, and
faphet of all Europe and Aia minor; but they

Of the Assy R I A N Empire.

left no standing Kingdoms. After the days of Nim
rod, we hear no more of an Affrian Empire'till
the days of Pul. The four Kings who in the days
of Abraham invaded the outhern coat of Canaan

came from the countries where Nimrod had Reign

ed, and perhaps were ome of his poterity who
had hared his conquets. In the time of the
Judges of Irael, Meopotamia was under its own
King, fudg. iii. 8. and the King of Zobah Reign
ed on both fides of the River Euphrates till
David conquered him, 2 Sam. viii, and x. The
Kingdoms of Irael, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Phi

listia, Zidon, Damafeus, and Hamath the great,

continued ubjet to other Lords than the Affy
rians, 'till the days of Puland his ucceors; and
fo did the houe of Eden, Amos i. 5. 2. Kings
xix. 12. and Haran or Carrhe, Gen. xii. 2 Kings
xix. 12. and Sepharvaim in Meopotamia, and
Calneh near Bagdad, Gen. x. I o, Ifa. x. 9, 2 Kings

xvii. 3 1. Sefac and Memnon were great conque

rors, and Reigned over Chaldea, Affria, and

Peria, but in their hitories there is not a word

of any oppoition made to them by an Affyrian
Empire then tanding: on the contrary, Sufiana,
Media, Perfia, Bafiria, Armenia, Cappadocia, &c.

were conquered by them, and continued ub

jet to the Kings of Egypt till after the long
Reign of Ramees the fon of Memnon, as above.



Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

Homer mentions Bacchus and Memnon Kings of
Egypt and Perfia, but knew nothing of an Af:
fyrian Empire. fonah prophefied when Irael was
in afflition under the King of Syria, and this
was in the latter part of the Reign of fehoahaz,

and firt part of the Reign of foa/h, Kings of

Irael, and I think in the Reign of Mris the
fucceor of Ramees King of Egypt, and about
fixty years before the Reign of Pul; and Nine

veh was then a city of large extent, but full of

patures for cattle, o that it contained but about
i 2oooo perons. It was not yet grown fo great
and potent as not to be terrified at the preach

ing of fonah, and to fear being invaded by its

neighbours and ruined within forty days : it

had ome time before got fice from the domi

nion of Egypt, and had got a King of its
own ; but its King was not yet called King of
Ayria, but only King of Nineveh, fonah iii.
6, 7. and his proclamation for a fat was not
publihed in everal nations, nor in all Affria,

but only in Nineveh, and perhaps in the villages

thereof; but oon after, when the dominion of
Nineveh was etablihed at home, and exalted

over all Ayria properly o called, and this King

dom began to make war upon the neighbourin
nations, its Kings were no longer called Kings of
Nineveh, but began to be called Kings of Affria.


Of the Assy R I AN Empire.

27 I

Amos prophefied in the Reign of feroboam

the on of joast King of Irael, oon after fe

roboam had ubdued the Kingdoms of Damafeus

and Hamath, that is, about ten or twenty years

before the Reign of Pul: and he * thus reproves Amos vi

Irael for being lifted up by thoe conquests ; '3 '+
Te which rejoyce in a thing of nought, which fay,
have we not taken to us horns by our frength ?
But behold I will raie up against you a nation, O houfe

of Irael, faith the Lord the God of Hosts, and they

Jhall affiiti you from the entring in of Hamath unto

the river of the wildernef. God here threatens to
raie up anation againt Irael; but what nation.
he names not ; that he conceals 'till the Affri

ans hould appear and dicover it. In the prophe

fies of Iaiah, feremiah, Ezekiel, Hofea, Micah,

Nahum, Zephaniahand Zechariah, which werewrit

ten after the Monarchy grew up, it is openly
named upon all occaions; but in this of Amos
not once, tho' the captivity of Irael and Syria
be the ubjet of the prophey, and that

rael be often threatned: he only faith in gene

ral that Syria hould go into captivity unto Kir,
and that Irael, notwithtanding her preent
greatnes, hould go into captivity beyond Damaf:
cus ; and that God would raie up a nation to.

afflit them: meaning that he would raie up

above them from a lower condition, a nation



Of the Assy RIA N Empire.

whom they yet feared not : for o the Hebrew

word =Pa ignifies when applied to men, as in

Amos v. 2. i Sam. xii. I 1. Pal. cxiii. 7. fer. x.
2 o. l. 3 2. Hab. i. 6. Zech. xi. I 6.

As A

mos names not the Ayrians; at the writing

of this prophecy they made no great figure in
up againt
Irael, and by conequence roe up in the days
the world, but were to be

for after feroboam had

of Pul and his

conquered Damafeus and Hamath, his ucceor

Menahem detroyed Tiphfah with its territories up
on Euphrates, becaue they opened not to him :

and therefore Irael continued in its greatnes

'till Pul, probably grown formidable by ome

vitories, caued Menahem to buy his peace.

Pul therefore Reigning preently after the pro
phely of Amos, and being the firt upon record
who began to fulfill it, may be jutly reckoned
the firt conqueror and founder of this Empire.
For God stirred up the fpirit of Pul, and the pi

rit f Tiglath-pileer King of Ayria, 1 Chron.

V. 2. O.

The ame Prophet Amos, in prophefying a

gaint Irael, threatned them in this manner,
* Amos vi.2.

with what had lately befallen other Kingdoms:

Past ye, aith he, unto Calneh and fee, and from
thence go ye to Hamath the great, then go

down to Gath of the Philistims. Be they better



Of the Assy RIAN Empire.


than thefe Kingdoms ? Thee Kingdoms were

not yet conquered by the Ayrians, except that
of Calneh or Chalonitis upon Tigris, between
Babylon and Nineveh. Gath was newly van
q ihed " by Uzziah King of fudah, and Ha- 2 Chron.
math * by feroboam King of Irael: and while

the Prophet, in threatning Irael with the Affy- xiv.

rians, intances in deolations made by other

nations, and mentions no other conquet of

the Affrians than that of Chalomitis near Nine
veh; it argues that the King of Nineveh was
now beginning his conquets, and had not yet
made any great progres in that vat career of
vitories, which we read of a few years after.

For about even years after the captivity of

the ten Tribes,

when Sennacherib warred in

Syria, which was in the 1 6th Olympiad, he

this haft
the King
ent thou
of fudah:
Be- : King.
heardto what
the Kings
of Ayria

have done to all Lands by destroying them utterly,

and /halt thou be delivered? Have the Gods of the
nations delivered them which the Gods of my fathers

have destroyed, as Gozan and Haran and Reeph,

and the children of Eden which were in [the

Kingdom of] Thelafar? Where is the King of

Hamath, and the King of Arpad, and the King
of the city of Sepharvaim, and of Hena and
Ivah? And Iaiah * thus introduceth the King of . Ia x 8.
N n


Of the Assy RIAN Empire.

Affria boasting: Are not my Princes altogether
as Kings ? Is not Calno [or Calneh] as Carche
mih? Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not Samaria

as Damacus ? As my hand hath found the King

doms of the Idols, and whoe graven Images did ex

cel them of Jerualem and of Samaria; hall I not

as I have done unto Samaria and her Idols, fo do to

Jerualem and her Idols ? All this deolation is re

recited as freh in memory to terrify the fews,

and thee Kingdoms reach to the borders of Affy

ria, and to fhew the largenes of the conquets
they are called all lands, that is, all round about

Ayria. It was the cutom of the Kings of Affy

ria, for preventing the rebellion of people newly

conquered, to captivate and tranplant thoe of

feveral countries into one another's lands, and

intermix them variouly : and thence it appears

h I Chron.
v. 26.

" that Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and Gozan,

2 King, xvi.

and the cities of the Medes into which Galilee

9. & xvii. 6,
24. &

and Samaria were tranplanted; and Kir into

Ezra iv. 9.

which Damacus was tranplanted; and

and Cuth or the Sufanchites, and Hamath, and
Ava, and Sepharvaim, and the Dinaites, and the

Apharfachites, and the Tarpelites, and the Ar

chevites, and the Dehavites, and the Elamites,

or Perians, part of all which nations were led

captive by Afferhadon and his predeceors into

Samaria; were all of them conquered by the

Affrians not long before.

Of the Assy RIAN Empire.

In thee conquets are


involved on the wet

and outh fide of Affria, the Kingdoms of

Meopotamia, whoe royal feats were Haran or
Carrhe, and Carchemih or Circutium, and Sephar
vaim, a city upon Euphrates, between Babylon

and Nineveh, called Sippare by Berofus, Abyde

nus, and Polyhistor, and Sipphara by Ptolomy;
and the Kingdoms of Syria feated at Samaria,
Damacus, Gath, Hamath, Arpad, and Refeph,

a city placed by Ptolomy near Thapacus: on the

fouth fide and outh-eat fide were Babylon and
Calneh, or Calno, a city which was founded by
Nimrod, where Bagdad now tands, and gave
the name of Chalonitis to a large region under
its government; and Thelafar or Talatha, a ci

of the children of Eden, placed by Ptolomy in

Babylonia, upon the common tream of Tigris
and Euphrates, which was therefore the river
of Paradie; and the Arckevites at Areca or

Erech, a city built by Nimrod on the eat fide

of Pafitigris, between Apamia and the Perfian

Gulph; and the Sufanchites at Cuth, or Sufa,

the metropolis of Sufiana : on the eat were
Elymais, and ome cities of the Medes, and Kir,

' a city and large region of Media, between Ely i Ia. xxii
mais and Affria, called Kirene by the Chaldee
Paraphrat and Latin Interpreter, and Carine
by Ptolomy: on the north-eat were Habor or
N n 2




Of the Assyri An Empire.


and Media; and the Apharfachites, or men of

Chaboras, a mountainous


Arrapachitis, a region originally peopled by

Arphaxad, and placed by Ptolomy at the bottom
of the mountains next Affria : and on the

north between Ayria and the Gordiean moun

tains was Halah or Chalach, the metropolis of
Calachene: and beyond thee upon the Capian

fea was. Gozan, called Gauzania by Ptolomy.

Thus did thee new conquets extend every wy
from the province of Ayria to coniderable
ditances, and make up the great body of that

Monarchy : , o that well might the King of

Affria boat how his armies had detroyed all
se lands. All thee nations * had till now their
everal Gods, and each accounted his God the
God of his own land, and the defender there

**ii is

of, againt the Gods of the neighbouring

countries, and particularly againt the Gods of

Affria; and therefore they were never till

now united under the Ayrian Monarchy, e:
pecially fince the King of Affria doth not

boat of their being conquered by the Affy

rians oftner than once: but thee being mall
Kingdoms the King of Ayria eaily overflow
i z Chron, ed them : Know ye not, faith ' Sennacherib to
*"***" the fews, what I and my fathers have dome unto
all the people of other lands ?---- for no God of


Of the Assyr IAN Empire.


any nation or kingdom was able to deliver his peo

ple out of mine hand, and out of the hand of my

fathers: how much lefs hall your God deliver you out
of mine hand? He and his fathers therefore, Pul,
Tiglath-pilefer, and Shalmanefer, were great con
querors, and with a current of victories had

newly overflowed all nations round about Af

fyria, and thereby et up this Monarchy.
Between the Reigns of feroboam II, and his
fon Zachariah, there was an interregnum of

about ten or twelve years in the Kingdom of

Irael: and the prophet Hofea " in the time Hoea
& x. 6,

of that interregnum, or foon after, mentions :

the King of Affria by the name of fareb,

conqueror by the name of Shalman;
and perhaps Shalman might be the firt part of
the name of Shalmanefer, and Iareb, or Irib,
for it may be read both ways, the lat part of

the name of his ucceor Sennacherib: but who

ever thee Princes were, it appears not that

they Reigned before Shalmanefer. Pul, or Belus,

feems to be the firt who carried on his con

quets beyond the province of Ayria : he con

quered Calneh with its territories in the Reign
of feroboam, Amos i. 1. vi. 2. & Ifa, x.

8, 9. and invaded Irael in the Reign of


nahem, 2 King. xv. 19. but tayed not in the

land, being bought off by Menahem for a thou



Of the Assy RIAN Empire.


and talents of filver : in his Reign therefore

the Kingdom of Affria was advanced on this

fide Tigris: for he was a great warrior, and

feems to have conquered Haran, and Carchemist,

and Refeph, and Calneh, and Thelafar, and might
found or enlarge the city of Babylon, and build
the old palace.
n Herod.

l. iii. c. 15.

Herodotus tells us, that one of the gates of

Babylon was called the gate of Semiramis, and
that he adorned the walls of the city, and

Herod. 1. i. the
c. 184.

Temple of Belus, and that he was five

Generations older than Nitocris the mother of

Labynitus, or Nabonnedus, the lat King of Ba

bylon; and therefore he flourihed four Gene
rations, or about 1 3 4 years, before Nebuchad

mezzar, and by conequence in the Reign of

Tiglath-pilefer the
of Pul: and the fol
lowers of Ctefias tell us, that he built Babylon,
and was the widow of the on and ucceor

of Belus, the founder of the Affrian Empire;

that is, the widow of one of the ons of Pul:

* Berof

but " Berofus a Chaldean blames the Greeks for

Pn l '

acribing the building of Babylon to Semiramis;

and other authors acribe the building of this
city to Belus himelf, that is to Pul: fo Curtius

Curt. l. 5.
C. I,

tells us; Semiramis Babylonem condiderat, vel

ut plerique credidere Belus, cujus regia offenditur:
and Abydemus, who had his hitory from the

Of the Assy R I AN Empire.


ancient monuments of the Chaldeans, writes,


Ayera, Binoy BavNva Teixet regista?"

T xpr 5 t ixysvur dopariluja: Tervrou l. 9. e. 4".

$ nh, Naaxooygogoy, T uxp Maxs?-vv apzig auvay sv, xa?.rmv^.ov. Ti re:
ported that Belus compaed Babylon with a wall,
which in time was abolihed: and that Nebuchad

nezzar afterwards built a new wall with brazen

gates, which food'till the time f the Macedonian
mpire: and o Dorotheus ' an ancient Poet of
Sidon 5


Azcn Bavnv, Tva Bnxolo zr?urua.

The ancient city Babylon built by the Tyrian Belus;

That is, by the Syrian or Affrian Belus;

the words Tyrian, Syrian, and Affrian, being

anciently ued promicuouly for one another:
Herennius tells us, that it was built by the on Heren.

be Nabonaffa
and thisofon
of Belus;
and SipThelafar,
the conquet
pare, Belus might eize Chaldea, and begin to
build Babylon, and leave it to his younger on :


for all the Kings of Babylon in the Canon of

Ptolony are called Affrians, and Nabonaffar is

the firt of them: and Nebuchadnezzar " reck- " Abyden.

oned himelf decended from Belus, that is,

from the Ayrian Pul: and the building of e. 4.


Of the AssyRIAN Empire.

a .si Babylon is acribed to the Affrians by * Iaiah:

Behold, faith he, the land of the Chaldeans:

This people was not 'till the Ayrian founded it for

them that dwell in the wildernef, [that is, for
the Arabians.] They fet up the towers thereof, they

raied up the palaces thereof; . From all this it

feems therefore that Pul founded the walls and

the palaces of Babylon, and left the city with

the province of Chaldea to his younger on Na
bonaffar; and that Nabonaffar

what his

father began, and ereted the Temple of fupi

ter Belus to his father : and that Semiramis lived

in thoe days, and was the Queen of Nabonaf:

far, becaue one of the gates of Babylon was

called the gate of Semiramis, as Herodotus af
firms : but whether he continued to Reign
there after her husband's death may be doubted.
Pul therefore was ucceeded at Nineveh by
his elder on Tiglath-pilefer, at the ame time that

he left Babylon to his younger on Nabonaffar.

Tiglath-pilefer, the econd King of Affria, warred
in Phanicia, and captivated Galilee with the
two Tribes and an half, in the days of Pekah

King of Irael, and placed them in Halah, and

at the river Gozan, places
lying on the wetern borders of Media, between
Allyria and the Capian ea, 2 King. xv. 29, &

Habor, and Hara,

1 Chron. v. 26. and about the fifth or fixth


Of the Assyr i An Empire.

28 I

year of Nabonaffar, he came to the affitance of

the King of fudah againt the Kings of Irael
and Syria, and overthrew the Kingdom of Sy-

., .

ria, which had been feated at Damafeus ever

fince the days of King David, and carried a

way the

to Kir in Media, as Amos had

propheied, and placed other nations in the re

gions of Damafeus, 2 King. xv. 37, & xvi.
5, 9. Amos i 5. foeph. Antiq. l. 9. c. 13.
whence it eems that the Medes were conquer

ed before, and that the Empire of the Ayrians

was now grown great : for the God of Irael
ftirred up the fpirit of Pul King of Ayria, and
the fpirit of Tiglath-pileer King of Ayria to
make war, 1 Chron. v. 26.

Shalmanefer or Salmanaffer, called Enemeffar by

Tobit, invaded' all Phnicia, took the city of Sa- , Tobit.i.

maria, and captivated Irael, and placed them in

Chalach and Chabor, by the river Gozan, and in Joeph Ant

the cities of the Medes; and Hofea * eems to

fay that he took Arbela : and his uccefor Sen- 14.

nacherib aid that his fathers had conquered al

fo Gozan, and Haran or Carrhe, and Refeph or
Refen, and the children
the Aradii, 2 King. xix.
Sennacherib the on
14th year of Hezekiah
took everal cities of

of Eden, and Arpad or

I 2.
of Shalmanefer in the
invaded Phnicia, and
fudah, and attempted

O o



Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

Egypt; and Sethon or Sevechus King of Egypt
and Tirhakah King of Ethiopia coming againt
him, he lot in one night 1 85 ooo men, as
fome ay by a plague, or perhaps by lightning,
or a fiery wind which blows ometimes in the

neighbouring deerts, or rather by being ur

pried by Sethon and Tirhakah : for the Egypti
ans in memory of this ation ereted a tatue

to Sethon, holding in his hand a moue, the

Egyptian ymbol of destrution. Upon this
defeat Sennacherib returned in hate to Nineveh,
a Tobit. i.
I J.

and * his Kingdom became troubled, o that

Tobit could not go into Media, the Medes I
think at this time revolting : and he was oon
after flain by two of his ons who fled into
Armenia, and his on Afferhadon (ucceeded him
At that time did Merodach Baladan or Mardocem

pad King of Babylon end an embay to Heze

kiah King of fudah.
Tobit. i.

21. 2 King.
xix. 37.
Ptol. Canon.

Afferbadon, called Sarchedon by Tobit, Afor

dan by the LXX, and Affaradin in Ptolony's
Canon, began his Reign at Nineveh, in the year
of Nabonaffar 42 ; and in the year 6 8 extend
ed it over Babylon : then he carried the remain
der of the Samaritans into captivity, and peo
pled Samaria with
brought from feve

ral parts of his Kingdom, the Dinaites, the A

pharfachites, the Tarpelites, the Apharfites, the


Of the Assy RIAN Empire.

Archevites, the Babylonians, the Sufanchites, the
Dehavites, the Elamites, Ezra iv. 2, 9. and

therefore he Reigned over all thee nations. Pe

kah and Rezin Kings of Samaria and Damafeus,
invaded fudea in the firt year of Ahaz, and
within 65 years after, that is in the 2 1 ft year
of Manaffeh, Anno Nabonaff. 69, Samaria by

this captivity ceaed to be a people, Ifa. vii. 8.

Then Afferhadon invaded fudea, took Azoth, car

ried Manaffeh captive to Babylon, and capti- : Ia rr. I,

vated alo Egypt, Thebais, and Ethiopia above * *

Thebais: and by this war he eems to have put

an end to the Reign of the Ethiopians over
Egypt, in the year of Nabonaffar 77 or 78.

In the Reign of Sennacherib and Afferhadon,

the Ayrian Empire eems arrived at its great
nes, being united under one Monarch, and
containing Ayria, Media, Apolloniatis, Sufiana,
Chaldea, Mefopotansa, Cilicia, Syria, Phnicia,

Egypt, Ethiopia, and part of Arabia, and reach

ing eatward into Elymais, and Paretacene, a
province of the Medes: and if Chalach and Cha
bor be Colchis and Iberia, as ome think, and as

may eem probable from the circumciion ued

by thoe nations 'till the days of Herodotus, we
are alo to add thee two Provinces, with the

two Armenia's, Pontus and Cappadocia, as far as

to the river Halys: for " Herodotus tells us, that Herod:li.

O o z




Of the Assy RIAN Empire.

the people of Cappadocia as far as to that river
were called Syrians by the Greeks, both before
and after the days of Cyrus, and that the Affy
rians were alo called Syrians by the Greeks.

Affrians in
the latter end of the Reign of Sennacherib, I
think upon the flaughter of his army near Egypt
and his flight to Nineveh: for at that time the
Yet the Medes revolted from the

etate of Sennacherib was troubled, o that Tobit

could not go into Media as he had done be

fore, Tobit i. 15. and ome time after, Tobit
advied his on to go into Media where he

might expect peace, while Nineveh, according

to the prophey of fonah, hould be detroy

ed. Ctestas wrote that Arbaces a Mede being

admitted to fee Sardanapalus in his palace, and
oberving his voluptuous life amongt women,
revolted with the Medes, and in conjuntion

with Beleis a Babylonian overcame him, and

caued him to fet fire to his palace and burn
himelf: but he is contradited by other au


thors of better credit; for Duris and * many

s others wrote that Arbaces upon being admitted

into the palace of Sardanapalus, and eeing his
effeminate life, flew himelf; and Cleitarchus, that
Sardanapalus died of old. age, after he had lost
his dominion over Syria : he lot it by the re
volt of the wetern nations ; and Herodotus.



Of the Assy RIAN, Empire.

' tells us, that the Medes revolted firt, and de

fended their liberty by force of arms againt * * 96.

the Affrians, without conquering them; and
at their firt revolting had no King, but after
fome time et up Dejoces over them, and built

Ecbatane for his reidence; and that Dejoces

Reigned only over Media, and had a peace
able Reign of 54 years, but his fon and uc
ceor Phraortes made war upon his neighbours,

and conquered Peria; and that the Syrians alo,

and other wetern nations, at length revolted

from the Affrians, being encouraged thereunto

by the example of the Medes; and that after
the revolt of the wetern nations, Phraortes in

vaded the Affyrians, but was flain by them in

that war, after he had Reigned twenty and two
years. He was ucceeded by Astyages.
Now Afferhadon eems to be the Sardanapalus
who died of old age after the revolt of Syria,

the name Sardanapalus being derived from Af

ferbadon Pul. Sardanapalus was the " on of

Anacyndaraxis, Cyndaraxis, or Anabaxaris, King 539.
of Ayria; and this name eems to have been
corruptly written for Sennacherib the father of
Afferhadon. Sardanapalus built Tarfus and An

chiale in one day, and therefore Reigned over

Cilicia, before the revolt of the wetern nations:

and if he be the ame King with Afferhadon,



Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

he was ucceeded by Saofduchinus in the year
of Nabonaffar 8 1 ; and by this revolution Ma
naffeh was fet at liberty to return home and for

tify ferualem : and the Egyptians alo, after the

Affrians had harraed Egypt and Ethiopia three
years, Ifa. xx. 3, 4. were fet at liberty, and
continued under twelve contemporary Kings
of their own nation, as above. The Ayrians

invaded and conquered the Egyptians the firt

of the three years, and Reigned over them two
years more: and thee two years are the inter

regnum which Africanus, from Manetho, places

next before the twelve Kings. The Scythians of
Touran or Turquestan beyond the river Oxus be

gan in thoe days to infet Peria, and by one

of their inroads might give occaion to the re
volt of the wetern nations.

In the year of Nabonaffar 1 o 1, Saofduchi

nus, after a Reign of twenty years, was ucceed

ed at Babylon by Chyniladon, and I think at
Nineveh alo, for I take Chyniladon to be that
Nabuchodonofor who is mentioned in the book

of fudith; for the hitory of that King uits

bet with thee times: for there it is aid that

Nabuchodonoor King of the Ayrians who

Reigned at Nineveh, that great city, in the
twelfth year of his Reign made war upon Ar
phaxad King of the Medes, and was then left

Of the Assy R I AN Empire.


alone by a defection of the auxiliary nations of

Cilicia, Damacus, Syria, Phnicia, Moab, Am

mon, and Egypt; and without their help rout

ed the army of the Medes, and flew Arphaxad:
and Arphaxad is there aid to have built Echa
tane, and therefore was either Dejoces, or his

fon Phraortes, who might finih the city founded

by his father : and Herodotus tells the fame tory i Herod.

of a King of Affria, who routed the Medes, " " "*

and flew their King Phraortes; and faith that
in the time of this war the Affrians were left
alone by the defetion of the auxiliary nations,

being otherwie in good condition: Arphaxad

was therefore the Phraortes of Herodotus, and by

conequence was flain near the beginning of

the Reign of fofiah: for this war was made
after Phnicia, Moab, Ammon, and Egypt had

been conquered and revolted, fudith i. 7,

8, 9. and by conequence after the Reign of
Afferhadon who conquered them : it was made
when the fews were newly returned from ca
tivity, and the Veffels and Altar and Temple
were fanffified after the profanation, fudith

iv. 3. that is oon after Manaffeh their King

had been carried captive to Babylon by Affer
hadon; and upon the death of that King, or
fome other change in the Ayrian Empire, had
been releaed with the fews from that captivity,


Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

and had repaired the Altar, and retored the a
crifices and worhip of the Temple, 2 Chron.
xxxiii. 1 1, 1 6.

In the Greek verion of the

book of fudith, chap. v. 18. it is faid, that

the Temple of God was cast to the ground; but
this is not faid in ferom's verion ; and in the

Greek verion, chap. iv. 3, and chap. xvi. 2.o,

it is faid, that the veffels, and the altar, and the
houe were fanffified after the prophanation, and in
both verions, chap. iv. 1 1, the Temple is re

preented tanding.
After this war Nabuchodonofor King of Af:
fyria, in the 13th year of his Reign, according
to the verion of ferom, ent his captain Holo

fernes with a great army to

himelf on

all the wet country; becaue they had diobeyed

his eommandment: and Holofernes went forth
with an army of 1 2ooo hore, and 1 2oooo

foot of Affrians, Medes and Perians, and re

duced Cilicia, Meopotamia, and Syria, and Da

mafeus, and part of Arabia, and Ammon, and

Edom, and Madian, and then came againt fu
dea: and this was done when the government
was in the hands of the High-Priest and Antients

of Irael, fudith iv. 8. and vii. 23. and by

conequence not in the Reign of Manaffeh or
Amon, but when fofiah was a child. In times

of properity the children of Irael were apt to


Of the Assy R1 AN Empire.

go after fale Gods, and in times of afflition

to repent and turn to the Lord. So Manaffh a

very wicked King, being captivated by the
releaed from
Affyrians, repented; and
captivity restored the worhip of the true God:
So when we are told that foiah in the eighth
year of his Reign, while he was yet young, be
gan to feek after the God of David his father, and

in the twelfth year of his Reign began to purge

Judah and Jerualem from Idolatry, and to de
froy the High Places, and Groves, and Altars
aud Images of Baalim, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 3. we
may undertand that thee ats of religion were

occaioned by impending dangers, and ecapes

from danger. When Holofernes came againt the
wetern nations, and poiled them, then were
the fews terrified, and they fortified fudea,

and cryed unto God with great fervency, and

humbled themfelves in fackcloth, and put a/bes on
their heads, and cried unto the God of Irael that
he would not give their wives and their children
and cities for a prey, and the Temple for a profa
nation: and the High-priest, and all the Priests put
on fackcloth and ahes, and offered daily burnt

offerings with vows and free gifts of the people,

fudith iv. and then began fofiah to feek after
the God of his father David: and after fudith

had lain Holofernes, and the Affrians were fled,

P p




Of the Assy Rr A N Empire.

and the fews who purued them were returned
to ferualem, they worhipped the Lord, and offe
red burnt offerings and gifts, and continued feast
ing before the fanftuary for the pace of three
months, fudith xvi. 18. and then did fofiah

purge fudah and ferualem from Idolatry:

Whence it eems to me that the eighth year of
fofiah fell in with the fourteenth or fifteenth of
Nabuchodonofor, and that the twelfth year of
Nabuchodonofor, in which Phraortes was flain,

was the fifth or fixth of fofiah. Phraortes Reign

ed 22 years according to Herodotus, and there
fore ucceeded his father Dejoces about the 4 oth.
year of Manaffeh, Anno Nabonaff 89, and was

flain by the Affrians, and ucceeded by Astya

ges, Anno Nabonaff, 1 1 1. Dejoces Reigned 5 3
years according to Herodotus, and thee years

began in the 1 6th year of Hezekiah; which

makes it probable that the Medes dated them

from the time of their revolt: and according

to all this reckoning, the Reign of Nabuchodo
nofor fell in with that of Chyniladon; which
makes it probable that they were but two names
of one and the ame King.
i Herod.

l. I. c. i O3.
Steph. in

Soon after the death of Phraortes' the Scythi

Madyes or Medus invaded Media,
and beat the Medes in battle, Anno Nabonaff.
ans under

I 13, and went thence towards Egypt, but



Of the AssYR IAN Empire.


were met in Phnicia by Pammitichus and bought

off, and returning Reigned over a great part of
Afia : but in the end of about 2.8 years were
expelled; many of their Princes and comman
ders being flain in a feat by the Medes under
the conduct of Cyaxeres, the ucceor of Astya
ges, jut before the detrution of Nineveh, and
the ret being oon after forced to retire.

In the year of Nabonaffar i 23, Nabopolaar

the commander of the forces of Chyniladon the


King of Affria in Chaldea revolted from him,

and became King of Babylon; and Chyniladon

was either then, or oon after, ucceeded at Ni-""
neveh by the lat King of Ayria, called Sarac

by Polyhistor: and at length Nebuchadnezzar, the

fon of Nabopolaffar, married Amyite the daugh
ter of Astyages and fifter of Cyaxeres; and by
this marriage the two families having contrat
ed affinity, they conpired againt the Ayrians;
and Nabopolaffer being now grown old, and
Astyages being dead, their fons Nebuchad
nezzar and Cyaxeres led the armies of the two
nations againt Nineveh, flew Sarac, destroyed

the city, and hared the Kingdom of the Affy

rians. This vitory the fews refer to the Chal

deans; the Greeks te the Medes; Tobit, Poly

histor, foephus, and Cteias to both. It gave a
beginning to the great uccees of Nebuchad
Pp z



Of the Assy RI A N Empire.

nezzar and Cyaxeres, and laid the foundation
of the two collateral Empires of the Babylonians
and Medes; thee being branches of the Ayri
an Empire: and thence the time of the fall of
the Allyrian Empire is determined, the conque

rors being then in their youth. In the Reign of

fofiah, when Zephaniah prophefied, Nineveh and
the Kingdom of Affria were tanding, and
their fall was predited by that Prophet, Zeph.
i. 1, and ii. I 3. and in the end of his Reign
Pharaoh Nechoh King of Egypt, the ucceor of
Pammitichus, went up againt the King of Af
fria to the river Euphrates, to fight againt Car
chemi/h or Circutium, and in his way thither flew

Ffofiah, 2 Kings xxiii. 29. 2 Chron. xxxv. 2o.

and therefore the lat King of Affria was not

yet flain. But in the

and fourth year of

jehoiakim the ucceor of fofiah, the two con

querors having taken Nineveh and finihed their
war in Affria, proecuted their conquets wet

ward, and leading their forces againt the King

of Egypt, as an invader of their right of con
i 2 Kings
quet, they beat him at Carchemih, and ' took
xxiv. 7. Jer.
xlvi. 2. Eu

apud Eueb.
Prp. l. 9.
, 35.

from him whatever he had newly taken from

the Affrians : and therefore we cannot err above

a year or two, if we refer the detrution of

Nineveh, and fall of the Affrian Empire, to the

fecond year of


Anno Nabonaff. 1 4a.


Of the Assyri An Empire.


The name of the lat King Sarac might perhaps

be contrated from Sarchedon, as this name was

from Afferhadon, Afferhadon-Pul, or Sardanapalus.

While the Affrians Reigned at Nineveh, Per

fia was divided into feveral Kingdoms;


amongt others there was a Kingdom of Elam,

which flourihed in the days of Hezekiah, Ma

naffh, fofiah, and fehoiakim Kings of fudah,

and fell in the days of Zedekiah, fer. xxv. 25,

and xlix. 34, and Ezek. xxxii. 24. This Kingdom

feems to have been potent, and to have had
wars with the King of Touran or Scythia beyond
the river Oxus with various ucces, and at

length to have been ubdued by the Medes and

Babylonians, or one of them. For while Nebu

chadnezzar warred in the wet, Cyaxeres reco

vered the Affrian provinces of Armenia, Pontus,

and Cappadocia, and then they went eastward a

gaint the provinces of Perfia and Parthia.

Whether the Pifchdadians, whom the Perfians
reckon to have been their oldet Kings, were
Kings of the Kingdom of Elam, or of that of

the A|jrians, and whether Elam was conquered

by the Affrians at the ame time with Babylo

nia and Sufiana in the Reign of Afferhadon, and -

foon after revolted, I leave to be examined.



0f the Empires (f the

C H A P.


of the two Contemporary Empires of

the Babylonians and Medes.
Y the fall of the Affrian Empire the

Kingdoms of the
and Medes
grew great and potent. The Reigns of the
Kings of Babylon are stated in Ptolemy's Canon :
for undertanding of which you are to note

that every King's Reign in that Canon began

with the lat Thoth of his predeceor's Reign, as
I gather by comparing the Reigns of the Ro
man Emperors in that Canon with their Reigns
recorded in years, months, and days, by other
Authors: whence it appears from that Canon

that Afferhadon died in the year of Nabonaffar

8 1, Saofduchinus his ucceor in the year 1 o 1,

Chyniladon in the year 1 2 3, Nabopolaffar in the

year 144, and Nebuchadnezzarin the year 1 87.

All thee Kings, and ome others mentioned in

the Canon, Reigned ucceively over Babylon, and
this lat King died in the 37th year of fecho
niah's captivity, 2 Kings xxv. 27. and there

fore fechoniah was captivated in the 1 5 oth

year of Nabonaffar.


Babylonians and Medes.

This captivity was in the eighth year of
Nebuchadnezzar's Reign, 2 Kings xxiv. i 2. and

eleventh of fehoiakim's : for the firt year of

Nebuchadnezzar's Reign was the fourth of feho

iakim's, fer. xxv. 1. and fehoiakim Reigned

eleven years before this captivity, 2 Kings xxiii.
3 6. z Chron. xxxvi. 5. and fechoniah three

months, ending with the captivity; and the

tenth year of fechoniah's captivity, was the

eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar's Reign, fer.

xxxii. 1. and the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in
which ferualem was taken, was the nineteenth
of Nebuchadnezzar, fer lii. 5, 12. and there
fore Nebuchadnezzar began his Reign in the
year of Nabonaffar 142, that is, two years be
fore the death of his father Nabopolaffar, he be

by his father; and fehoia

ing then made
kim ucceeded his father fofiah in the year of
Nabonaffar 1 39; and ferualem was taken and

the Temple burnt in the year of Nabonaffar

16 o, about twenty years after the detrution of

The Reign of Darius Hystapis over Peria, by

the Canon and the conent of all Chronologers,
and by everal Eclipes of the Moon, began in
pring in the year of Nabonaffar 2 27 : and in
the fourth year of King Darius, in the 4th day
of the ninth month, which is the month Chifleu,.
when i

Of the Empirer of the


when the Jews had fent unto the houe of God,

faying, hould I weep in the fifth month as I have
dome thefe fo many years ? the word of the Lord

came unto Zechariah, aying, peak to all the

people of the Land, and to the Priests, faying ;
when ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and feventh
month even thofe feventy years, did ye at all fast
unto me ? Zech. vii. Count backwards thoe e

venty years in which they fated in the fifth

month for the burning of the Temple, and in
the eventh for the death of Gedaliah; and the

burning of the Temple and death of Gedaliah,

will fall upon the fifth and eventh fe wih
months, in the year of Nabonaffar i 6 o, as a

As the Chaldean Atronomers counted the

Reigns of their Kings by the years of Nabonaffar,

beginning with the month Thoth, o the fews,
as their Authors tell us, counted the Reigns of
theirs by the years of Moes, beginning every

year with the month Nian : for if any King

began his Reign a few days before this month
began, it was reckoned to him for a whole
year, and the beginning of this month was
accounted the beginning of the econd year of
his Reign; and according to this reckoning the
firt year of fehojakim began with the month

Nifan, Anno Nabonaff. 139, tho' his Reign


Babylonians and Medes.

might not really begin 'till five or fix months
after; and the fourth year of fehoiakim, and firt
of Nebuchadnezzar, according to the reckoning

of the fews, began with the month Nifan,

Anno Nabona 1 42 ; and the firt year of Ze
dekiah, and of feconiah's captivity, and ninth
year of Nebuchadnezzar, began with the month
Nifan, in the year of Nabonaffar 1 5 o ; and
the tenth year of Zedekiah, and 18th of Nebu

chadnezzar, began with the month Nifan in the

year of Nabonaffar 1 5 9. Now in the ninth year
of Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar invaded fudea and
the cities thereof, and in the tenth month
of that year, and tenth day of the month, he

and his hot beieged ferualem, 2 Kings xxv. 1.

fer. xxxiv. 1, xxxix. 1, and lii. 4. From
this time to the tenth month in the econd year

of Darius are jut eventy years, and accordingly,

upon the 24th day of the eleventh month of the
fecond year of Darius, the word of the Lord came
unto Zechariah,------- and the Angel of the Lord
faid, Oh Lord of Hoffs, how long wilt thou 'not

have mercy on Jerualem, and on the cities of Ju

dah, against which thou hast had indignation, thefe

threefcore and ten years, Zech. i. 7, 1 2: So then

the ninth year of Zedekiah, in which this indig
nation againt ferualem and the cities of fudah
began, commenced with the month Nian in
Q q



Of the Empirer of the

the year of Nabonaffar 1 5 8 ; and the eleventh
year of Zedekiah, and nineteenth of Nebuchad
nezzar, in which the city was taken and the
Temple burnt, commenced with the month
Nifan in the year of Nabonaffar 1 6 o, as above.
By all thee charaters the years of fehoia
kim, Zedekiah, and Nebuchadnezzar, eem to be

fufficiently determined, and thereby the Chro

nology of the fews in the Old Tetament is
conneted with that of later times: for between

the death of Solomon and the ninth year of Ze

dekiah, wherein Nebuchadnezzar invaded fudea,
and began the Siege of ferualem, there were
3 9o years, as is manifet both by the prophey

of Ezekiel, chap. iv, and by umming up the

years of the Kings of fudah; and from the
ninth year of Zedekiah incluively to the vulgar

2 King.
xxiii. 29, &c

ra of Christ, there were 5 9 o years : and both

thee numbers, with half the Reign of Solomon,
make up a thouand years.
In the end of the Reign of fofiah, Anno
Nabonaff. 1 3 9, Pharaoh Nechoh, the ucceor of
Pammitichus, came with a great army out of E

gypt againt the King of Ayria, and being

denied paage through fudea, beat the fews
at Megiddo or Magdolus before Egypt, flew fo

fiah their King, marched to Carchemih or Cir

cutium, a town of Meopotamia upon Euphrates,


Babylonians and Medes.


and took it, poet himelf of the cities of

Syria, ent for fehoahaz the new King of fu
dah to Riblah or Antioch, depoed him there,
made fehojakim King in the room of fofiah,

and put the Kingdom of Judah to tribute :

but the King of Ayria being in the mean time
beieged and ubdued, and Nineveh detroyed
by Afuerus King of the Medes, and Nebuchad

nezzar King of Babylon, and the conquerors

being thereby entitled to the countries belong
ing to the King of Ayria, they led their vi
torious armies againt the King of Egypt who
had eized part of them. For Nebuchadnezzar,
affited by Astibares, that is, by Astivares, Eupole;

Affuerus, Ackfweres, Axeres, or Cy-Axeres, King

of the Medes, in the * third year of fehoiakim, l.
came with an army of Babylonians, Medes, Sy-


rians, Moabites and Ammonites, to the number of. Dan. i. 1.

1oooo chariots, and 1 8oooo foot, and i 2oooo
hore, and laid wate Samaria, Galilee, Scythopo

lis, and the fews in Galaaditis, and beieged feru

falem, and took King fehoiakim alive, and
bound him in chains for a time, and carried P

to Babylon Daniel and others of the people, and is

part of what Gold and Silver and Bras they



found in the Temple: and in the fourth year *"*"*

of fehoiakim, which was the twentieth of Na

bopolaffar, they routed the army of Pharaoh Ne

Q_q 2



Of the Empires of the

choh at Carchemih, and by puruing the war
took from the King of Egypt whatever pertain
ed to him from the river of Egypt to the river
of Euphrates. This King of Egypt is called by

Apud Jo. Berofus, the Satrapa of Egypt, Cle-Syria, and

" Phanicia; and this victry over him pt an end

to his Reign in Cle-Syria and Phnicia, which
he had newly invaded, and gave a beginning to
the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar there: and by the

conquets over Affria and Syria the mall King

dom of Babylon was ereted into a potent Em

oeph. Ant.

Nebuchadnezzar was ating in Syria,

his father
: and
Nebuchadndied, having he

l. 1o. c. 11, 2 1 years ; and Ne

ezzar upon the news

thereof, having ordered his affairs in Syria re

turned to Babylon, leaving the captives and his
army with his ervants to follow him : and from
henceforward he applied himelf ometimes to
war, conquering Sittacene, Sufiana, Arabia, E

dom, Egypt, and fome other countries; and

fometimes to peace, adorning the Temple of
Belus with the poils that he had taken; and

the city of Babylon with magnificent walls and

gates, and tately palaces and penfile gardens,
as Berofus relates; and amongt other things he
cut the new rivers Naarmalcha and Pallacopas.
above Babylon, and built the city of Teredon.

Babylonians and Medes.


udea was now in ervitude under the King

of Babylon, being invaded and ubdued in the

third and fourth years of fehoiakim, and Jehoia
kim ferved him three years, and then turned and
rebelled, 2 King. xxiv. 1. While Nebuchadnezzar

and the army of the Chaldeans continued in

Syria, fehojakim was under compulion; after

they returned to Babylon, fehojakim continued

in fidelity three years, that is, during the 7th,
8th and 9th years of his Reign, and rebelled
in the tenth : whereupon in the return or end
h 2 King.
of the year, that is in pring, he ent " and xxiv.
12, 14
beieged ferualem, captivated feconiah the on : Chro.
and ucceor of Jehoiakim, poiled the Tem- ***
ple, and carried away to Babylon the Princes,

craftsmen, miths, and all that were fit for war:

and, when none remained but the pooret of

the people, made 'Zedekiah their King, and i 2 Kings

bound him upon oath to erve the King of Ba
bylon : this was in pring in the end of the is, i, is.
eleventh year of fehoiakim, and beginning of the
year of Nabonaffar 1 5 o.

Zedekiah notwithtanding his oath * revolted, : Ezek.xvii.

and made a covenant with the King of Egypt,
and therefore Nebuchadnezzar in the ninth year
of Zedekiah ' invaded fudea and the cities there- i 2 King.

of, and in the tenth fewih month of that Jer. xxxii. 1,

year beieged ferualem again, and in the ele- & xxxix i,



Of the Empirer of the

venth year of Zedekiah, in the 4th and 5th
months, after a iege of one year and an half,

took and burnt the City and Temple.

Nebuchadnezzar after he was made King b

his father Reigned over Phnicia and Cle-Syria
" after the death of his father 43
years, and " after the captivity of feconiah
37; and then was ucceeded by his on Evilme

Cann. & 45 years,


rodach, called Iluarodamus in Ptolemy's Canon.

: Hieron in ferome tells us, that Evilmerodach Reigned
""*". 19. even years in his father's life-time, while his
father did eat gras with oxen, and after his
father's retoration was put in prion with feco
miah King of fudah 'till the death of his father,
and then ucceeded in the Throne.

In the fifth

year of feconiah's captivity, Belhazzar was next

in dignity to his father Nebuchadnezzar, and was

deigned to be his ucceor, Baruch i. 2, 1 o,
1 1, 12, 14, and therefore Evilmerodach was

even then in digrace. Upon his coming to the

, , King. Throne he brought his friend and companion
** * feconiah out of prion en the 27th day of the
twelfth month; o that Nebuchadnezzar died in

the end of winter, Anno Nabonaff. 187.

Evilmerodach Reigned two years after his fa
ther's death, and for his luft and evil manners

was flain by his fifter's husband Nerigliffar, or Ner

galaffar, Nabonaff. 189, according to the Canon.


Babylonians and Medes.


Nerigliffar, in the name of his young on

Labofordachus, or Laboafferdach, the grand-child
of Nebuchadnezzar by his daughter, Reigned

four years, according to the Canon and Bero

fus, including the hort Reign of Laboa||erdach
alone: for Laboafferdach, according to Berofus and

Joephus, Reigned nine months after the death

of his father, and then for his evil manners was

flain in a feat, by the conpiracy of his friends

with Nabonnedus a Babylonian, to whom by con

fent they gave the Kingdom : but thee nine

months are not reckoned apart in the Canon.
Nabonnedus, or Nabonadius, according to the
Canon, began his Reign in the year of Nabo

naffar 1 93, Reigned eventeen years, and ended

his Reign in the year of Nabonaffar 2 i o, be

ing then vanquihed and Babylon taken by Cyrus.
Herodotus calls this lat King of Babylon, Laby
mitus, and ays that he was the on of a former
Labynitus, and of Nitocris an eminent Queen of
by the father he eems to undertand
that Labynitus, who, as he tells us, was Kin

when the great Eclipe of the Sun

predited by Thales put an end to the five years

war between the Medes and Lydians; and this

was the great Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel calls the i Dan.v. ,,

lat King of Babylon, Belhazzar, and faith that
Nebuchadnezzar was his father: and foephus


Of the Empirer of the


tells us, that the lat King of Babylon was cal

r Jof. Ant.
1. IO. C. II,

led Nahoandel by the Babylonians, and Reigned

feventeen years; and therefore he is the lame

King of Babylon with Nabonnedus or Labynitus;

and this is more


to acred writ than to

make Nabonnedus a tranger to the royal line:

for all nations were to ferve Nebuchadnezzar

and his posterity, till the very time of his land

fhould come, and many nations hould ferve

themfelves of him, fer. xxvii. 7.


was born and lived in honour before the fifth

year of feconiah's captivity, which was the

eleventh year of Nebuchadnezzar's Reign; and
therefore he was above 3 4 years old at the death
of Evilmerodach, and o could be no other King

than Nabonnedus: for Laboafferdach the grand

fon of Nebuchadnezzar was a child when he

f Herod. 1. I.

c. 184, 185.

Herodotus tells us, that there were two fa

mous Queens of Babylon, Semiramis and Nito

cris; and that the latter was more skilful : he

oberving that the Kingdom of the Medes, hav

ing ubdued many cities, and among others
Nineveh, was become great and potent, inter
cepted and fortified the paages out of Media
into Babylonia; and the river which before was
ftraight, he made crooked with great windings,
that it might be more fedate and les apt to

Babylonians and Medes.


overflow: and on the fide of the river above

Babylon, in imitation of the Lake of Maris in

Egypt, he dug a Lake every way forty miles
road, to receive the water of the river, and

keep it for watering the land. She built alo a

bridge over the river in the middle of Babylon,
turning the tream into the Lake 'till the bridge . . .

was built. Philostratus aith," that he made a


the river
themeanriver C.oniI . i 1.
flowed, and under which they might walk cros
the river : he calls her Mn3ia, a Mede.

Berofus tells us, that Nebuchadnezzar built a

penfile garden upon arches, becaue his wife was

a Mede and delighted in mountainous propets,

fuch as abounded in Media, but were wanting

in Babylonia: , he was Amyite the daughter of

Astyages, and fifter of Cyaxeres, Kings of the

Nebuchadnezzar married her upon a

league between the two families against the King

of Affria : but Nitocris might be another wo

man who in the Reign of her on Labynitus, a

voluptuous and vicious King, took care of his

affairs, and for ecuring his Kingdom againt

the Medes, did the works above mentioned.

This is that Queen mentioned in Daniel, chap. v.


I O,



'Jo, cont.
Apion. l. I.
C. 2 I

Of the Empirer of the

joephus relates out of the Tyrian records,
that in the Reign of Ithobalus King of Tyre,
that city was beieged by Nebuchadnezzar thir
teen years together: in the end of that iege
Ithobalus their King was lain, Ezek. xxviii. 8,

9, 1 o. and after him, according to the Tyrian

records, Reigned Baal ten years, Ecnibalus and
Chelbes one year, Abbarus three months, Mytgo
nus and Gerastratus fix years, Balatorus one year,
Merbalus four years, and Iromus twenty years:
and in the fourteenth year of Iromus, ay the
Tyrian records, the Reign of Cyrus began in Ba

bylonia; therefore the iege of Tyre began 48

years and ome months before the Reign of
Cyrus in Babylonia: it began when ferualem
had been newly taken and burnt, with the Tem

ple, Ezek. xxvi and by conequence after the

eleventh year of feconiah's captivity, or 1 6 oth
year of Nabonaffar, and therefore the Reign of

Cyrus in Babylonia began after the year of Nabo

naffar 2 o 8 : it ended before the eight and
twentieth year of feconiah's captivity, or 1 76th
year of Nabonaffar, Ezek. xxix. 17. and there

fore the Reign of Cyrus in Babylonia began be

fore the year of Nabonaffar 2 11. By this argu

ment the firt year of Cyrus in Babylonia was
one of the two

years 2. O 9, 2 1 o.

Cyrus invaded Babylonia in the year of Nabo


Babylonians and Medes.


maffar zo9 ; * Babylon held out, and the next

year was taken, fer. li. 39, 57. by diverting 9o 9i.

* *

the river Euphrates, and entring the city

through the emptied channel, and by conequence after midummer: for the river, by the
melting of the how in Armenia, overflows


yearly in the beginning of ummer, but in the

heat of ummer grows low. " And that night y Dan. v.

was the King of Babylon flain, and Darius the


Mede, or King of the Medes, took the King- i 13. e. ".

dom, being about threefcore and two years
old: o then Babylon was taken a month or
two after the ummer oltice, in the year of
Nabonaffar 2 1 o; as the Canon alo repreents.

The Kings of the Medes before Cyrus were

Dejoces, Phraortes, Astyages, Cyaxeres, or Cyaxa

res, and Darius: the three firt Reigned be

fore the Kingdom grew great, the two lat
were great conquerors, and ereted the Empire;

for chylus, who flourihed in the Reigns of

Darius Hystapis, and Xerxes, and died in the


introduces Darius thus com

plaining of thoe who peruaded his on Xerxes


to invade Greece; *

v. 7I.

Toryd rw gyor isw Szagyarujov



Mysoy, aieiungov oiov 83'ro,

R r 2


Of the Empirer of the


T ) dgv >v c}{exevey Terw:

'E3 rs riuny Zsig dya Tlwd' onarer,

'Ev av&eg: roang 'Ariad@ un?.orpa
Tayv, xola oxizile9v s3vlieuov.

MG- j v d rr@- iyeuay gr:

"ANA@- d weva zrc rd yov ivvrs'

pres avr Svuv oiaxose pav.

Ter@- 3 da avr Kpos, sudauy dv, &c.

They have done a work
The greatest, and most memorable, fuch as never
For it has emptied the falling Sua:
From the time that King Jupiter granted this ho
That one man hould Reign over all fruitful Aia,
Having the imperial Scepter.

For he that first led the Army was a Mede;

The next, who was his fon, finiht the work,
For prudence dire8fed his foul;
The third was Cyrus, a happy man, &c.

The Poet here attributes the founding of the

Medo-Perian Empire to the two immediate

predeceors of Cyrus, the first of which was

a Mede, and the econd was his on: the econd

was Darius the Mede, the immediate prede

ceor of Cyrus, according to Daniel; and there
fore the firt was the father of Darius, that is,


Babylonians and Medes.

3 9

Achfuerus, Afuerus, Oxyares, Axeres, Prince

Axeres, or Cy-Axeres, the word Cy ignifying

a Prince: for Daniel tells us, that Darius was

the on of Achfuerus, or Ahafuerus, as the Ma

foretes erroneouly call him, of the feed of the

Medes, that is, of the feed royal : this is that

Affuerus who together with Nebuchadnezzar took

and destroyed Nineveh, according to Tobit :
which ation is by the Greeks alcribed to Cyax
eres, and by Eupolemus to Astibares, a name
perhaps corruptly written for Affuerus. By this

vitory over the Affrians, and ubverion of

their Empire feated at Nineveh, and the enfu
ing conquets of Armenia, Cappadocia and Per
fia, he began to extend the Reign of one
man over all

Afia ; and his fon Darius the

Mede, by conquering the Kingdoms of Lydia

and Babylon, finihed the work : and the third
King was Crus, a happy man for his great
fuccees under and againt Darius, and large
and peaceable dominion in his own Reign.
Cyrus lived eventy years, according to Cicero,
and Reigned nine years over Babylon, according
to Ptolemy's Canon, and therefore was 6 1 years
old at the taking of Babylon; at which time
Darius the Mede was 6 2 years old, according
to Daniel:

and therefore Darius was two Ge

nerations younger than Astyages, the


3 Io
y Herod.

Of the Empirer of the

ther of Cyrus: for Astyages, according to both
7 Herodotus and Xenophon, gave his daughter

1. 1. c. 17,
18. Xeno

Mandane to Cambyes a Prince of Perfia, and

phon. Cy
ropd. l. 1.

by them became the grandfather of Cyrus; and

P. 3.

Cyaxeres was the on of Astyages, according

* to Xenophon, and gave his Daughter to Cyrus.
1. I. P. 22.
* Cyropd. This daughter, faith Xenophon, was reported to
p. 228, 229. be very handome, and ued to play with Cyrus
when they were both children, and to ay that
z Cyropd.

1. viii.

he would marry him : and therefore they were

much of the ame age. Xenophon aith that Cy

rus married her after the taking of Babylon;
but he was then an old woman: it's more
probable that he married her while he was

young and handome, and he a young man;

and that becaue he was the brother-in-law of

Darius the King, he led the armies of the King

dom until he revolted: o then

Astyages, Cyax

eres and Darius Reigned ucceively over the

Medes; and Cyrus was the grandon of Astyages,

and married the fifter of Darius, and ucceeded
him in the Throne.
b Herod.

Herodotus therefore" hath inverted the order of

l. I. c. 73.

the Kings Astyages and Cyaxeres, making Cyax

eres to be the on and ucceor of Phraortes,

and the father and predeceor of Astyages the

father of Mandane, and grandfather of Cyrus,
and telling us, that this Astyages married Ariene


Babylonians and Medes.

the daughter of Alyattes King of Lydia, and

, taken

prioner and deprived of

his dominion by Cyrus: and Pauanias hath co

WaS at

pied after Herodotus, in telling us that Asty

ages the on of Cyaxeres Reigned in Media in
the days of Alyattes King of Lydia. Cyaxeres

had a fon who married Ariene the daughter

of Alyattes; but this on was not the father of
Mandane, and grandfather of Cyrus, but of the
ame age with Cyrus : and his true name is
preerved in the name of the Darics, which

upon the conquet of Crfus by the condut

of his General Cyrus, he coyned out of the
gold and filver of the conquered Lydians : his
name was therefore Darius, , as he is called by
Daniel; for Daniel tells us, that this Darius was

a Mede, and that his father's name was Affu

erus, that is Axeres or Cyaxeres, as above: confi

dering therefore that Cyaxeres Reigned long,

and that no author mentions more Kings of
Media than one called Astyages, and that f:
chylus who lived in thoe days knew but of
two great Monarchs of Media and Peria, the
father and the on, older than Cyrus; it eems

to me that Astyages, the father of Mandane and

grandfather of Cyrus, was the father and pre

deceor of Cyaxeres; and that the on and uc
ceor of Cyaxeres was called Darius. Cyaxeres,


3 12
c Herod.

1. 1. c. 106,

Of the Empirer of the

* according to Herodotus, Reigned 4o years, .
and his ucceor 3 5, and Cyrus, according to
Xenophon, even : Cyrus died Anno Nabonaff. 2 1 9,
according to the Canon, and therefore Cyax
eres died Anno Nabonaff. 177, and began his
Reign Anno Nabonaff. 137, and his father

Astyages Reigned 26 years, beginning his Reign

at the death of Phraortes, who was flain by

the Ayrians, Anno Nabonaff. 1 1 1, as above.

Of all the Kings of the Medes, Cyaxeres was
d HerOd.

1. I. c. 1o3.

the greatet warrior. Herodotus aith that he

was much more valiant than his ancetors, and

that he was the firt who divided the King

dom into provinces, and reduced the irregular
and undiciplined forces of the Medes into di

cipline and order: and therefore by the testi

mony of Herodotus he was that King of the
Medes whom chylus makes the firt conque
ror and founder of the Empire; for Herodotus
repreents him and his on to have been the

e Herod, ib.

two immediate predeceors of Cyrus, erring on

ly in the name of the on. Astyages
thing glorious : in the beginning of his Reign
a great body of Scythians commanded by Ma
dyes, invaded Media and Parthia, as above,
and Reigned there about 28 years; but at
length his on Cyaxeres circumvented and flew
them in a feat, and made the ret fly to their

Babylonians and Medes.

3I 3

brethren in Parthia; and immediately after, in

conjuntion with Nebuchadnezzar, invaded and

fubverted the Kingdom of Affria, and detroyed


In the fourth year of fehoiakim, which the

jews reckon to be the firt of Nebuchad

nezzar, dating his Reign from his being

made King by his father, or from the month
Nifan preceding, when the vitors had newly

fhared the Empire of the Ayrians, and in pro

ecuting their vitory were invading Syria and
Phnicia, and were ready to invade the nations
round about; God ' threatned that he would i Jer. xxv;

take all the families of the North, that is, the

armies of the Medes, and Nebuchadnezzar the

King of Babylon, and bring them against Ju

da, and against the nations round about, and
utterly destroy thoe nations, and make them an
astonihment and lasting defolations, and caufe

them all to drink the wine-cup of his fury; and

in particular, he names the Kings of

and Egypt, and thoe of Edom, and Moab, and

Ammon, and Tyre, and Zidon, and the Iles of
the Sea, and Arabia, and Zimri, and all the

Kings of Elam, and all the Kings of the Medes,

and all the Kings of the North, and the King

of Seac; and that after feventy years, he
would alo punih the King of Babylon,


3 I4

Of the Empires of the

in numbering the nations which hould uffer,
he omits the Affrians as fallen already, and
names the Kings of Elam or Perfia, and Sefac

or Sufa, as ditinct from thoe of the Medes

and - Babylonians;

and therefore the Perians

were not yet ubdued by the Medes, nor the

King of Sufa by the Chaldeans: and as by the
punihment of the King of Babylon he means
the conquet of Babylon by the Medes; o by
the punihment of the Medes he eems to mean
the conquet of the Medes by Cyrus.
After this, in the beginning of the Reign
of Zedekiah, that is, in the ninth year of Ne
buchadnezzar, God threatned that he would

give the Kingdoms of Edom, Moab, and Am

mon, and Tyre and Zidon, into the hand
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, and that all
the nations hould ferve him, and his fon, andhis

fon's fon, until the very time of his land hould come,
and many nations and great Kings hould ferve
themelves of him, Jer. xxvii.

And at the ame

time God thus predited the approaching con

quest of the Perians by the Medes


confederates: Behold, aith he, I will break the

bow of Elam, the chief of their might: and up

on Elam will I bring the four winds from the
four quarters o heaven, and will fcatter them
towards all thoe winds, and there fall be no

Babylonians and Medes.


nation whither the outcasts of Elam /ball not

come: for I will caue Elam to be dimayed

before their enemies, and before them that feek
their life; and I will bring evil upon them, even
my fierce anger, faith the Lord; and I will fend
the fword after them 'till I have conumed them;
and I will fet my throne in Elam, and will destroy
from thence the King and the Princes, faith
the Lord: but it fball come to pa in the latter

days, viz. in the Reign of Cyrus, that I will

bring again the captivity of Elam, faith the Lord.
er. xlix. 35, ec. The Perians were therefore

hitherto a free nation under their own King,

but oon after this were invaded, ubdued, cap
tivated, and dipered into the nations round
about, and continued in ervitude until the

Reign of Cyrus: and fince the Medes and Chal

deans did not conquer the Perians 'till after the
ninth year of Nebuchadnezzar, it gives us oc

caion to enquire what that active warrior Cy

axeres was doing next after the taking of
When Cyaxeres expelled the Scythians, ome :
of them made their peace with him, and taid 73, 74

in Media, and preented to him daily ome of

the venion which they took in hunting : but

happening one day to catch nothing, Cyaxeres

in a paffion treated them with opprobrious



Of the Empires of the

language : this they reented, and foon after
killed one of the children of the Medes, dref

fed it like venion, and preented it to Cyax

eres, and then fled to Alyattes King of Lydia;
whence followed a war of five years between

the two Kings Cyaxeres and Alyattes : and

thence I gather that the Kingdoms of the Medes
and Lydians were now contiguous, and by con

fequence that Cyaxeres, oon after the conquet of

Nineveh, eized the regions belonging to the
Affrians, as far as to the river Halys. In the
fixth year of this war, in the midt of a battel
between the two Kings, there was a total
h Herod.
Ibid. Plin.
1. 2. c. 12.

Eclipe of the Sun, predited by Thales; " and

this Eclipe fell upon the 28th of May, Anno

Nabonaff 1 6 3, forty and even years before

the taking of Babylon, and put an end to the

battel: and thereupon the two Kings made
peace by the mediation of Nebuchadnezzar
King of Babylon, and Syennefis King of Cilicia;
and the peace was ratified by a marriage, be

tween Darius the on of Cyaxeres and Ariene

the daughter of Alyattes : Darius was therefore
fifteen or fixteen years old at the time of this
marriage; for he was 6 2 years old at the ta
king of Babylon.
In the

year of Zedekiah's Reign,

the year in which Nebuchadnezzar took feru


Babylonians and Medes.


falem and detroyed the Temple, Ezekiel com

paring the Kingdoms of the Eat to trees in
the garden of Eden, thus mentions their bein
conquered by the Kings of the Medes and Chal
deans: Behold, faith he, the Ayrian was a

Cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, --------- his

height was exalted above all the trees of the

field, ----- and under his fhadow dwelt all great

nations, -------- not any tree in the garden ofGod was
like unto him in his beauty: ----- but I have de
livered him into the hand of the mighty one of
the heathen, ----- I made the nations to fbake at

the found of his fall, when I cast him down to the

grave with them that defcend into the pit : and
all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Le

banon, all that drink water, hall be comforted

in the nether parts of the earth: they alo went
down into the grave with him, unto them that
be flain with the fword, and they that were his

arm, that dwelt under his hadow in the midst of

the heathen, Ezek. xxxi.

The next year Ezekiel, in another prophefy,

thus enumerates the principal nations who had

been ubdued and flaughtered by the conquer

ing word of Cyaxeres and Nebuchadnezzar.
Ashur is there and all her company, viz in Hades

or the lower parts of the earth, where the

dead bodies lay buried, his graves are about



Of the Empirer of the

him; all of them flain, fallen by the fword,
which caued their terrour in the land of the liv

ing. There is Elam, and all her multitude

round about her grave, all of them flain, fallen.
by the fword, which are gone down uncir
cumcied into the nether parts of the earth, which
caued their terrour in the land of the living : yet

have they born their hame with them that go

down into the pit. ------- There is Mehech,
* The Scy

Tubal, and all her multitude * ; her graves are

round about him: all of them uncircumcied, flain
by the fword, though they caued their terrour
in the land of the living. ----- There is Edom,
her Kings, and all her Princes, which with their

might are laid by them that were flain by the

fword. ---- There

be the Princes

of the North all

of them, and all the Zidonians, which with their

terrour are gone down with the flain, Ezek.
xxxii. Here by the Princes of the North I un
dertand thoe on the north of fudea, and
chiefly the Princes of Armenia and Cappadocia,

who fell in the wars which Cyaxeres made in

reducing thoe countries after the taking of
Nineveh. Elam or Perfia was conquered by the

Medes, and Sufiana by the Babylonians, after the

ninth, and before the nineteenth year of Ne
buchadnezzar: and therefore we cannot err

much if we place thee conquets in the twelfth



Babylonians and Medes.


3 I9

or fourteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar: in the

nineteenth, twentieth, and one and twentieth

ear of this King, he invaded and ' conquered i Jer. xxvii.

Judea, Moab, Ammon, Edom, the Philistins and

Zidon; and ' the next year he beieged Tyre, xxv s.

and after a iege of thirteen years he took it, in 'la xxi

the 35th year of his Reign; and then he * in- ***"

vaded and conquered Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya;

and about eighteen or twenty years after the

death of this King, Darius the Mede conquered

the Kingdom of Sardes; and after five or ix
years more he invaded and conquered the Em
pire of Babylon : and thereby finihed the work

propagating the Medo-Perfian Monarchy OVer

all Afia, as chylus repreents.

Now this is that Darius who coined a great

number of pieces of pure gold called Darics,
or Stateres Darici: for Suidas, Harpocration, and
the Scholiat of Aristophanes' tell us, that thee -Aape

were coined not by the father of Xerxes, but by rpocr.: in:

an earlier Darius, by Darius the first, by the firt

King of the Medes and Perians who coined ritophanis.

gold money. They were tamped on one fide
with the effigies of an Archer, who was crowned with a piked crown, had a bow in his left
hand, and an arrow in his right, and was

cloathed with a long robe; I have een one

of them in gold, and another in ilver: they



Of the Empires of the

were of the ame weight and value with the
Attic Stater or piece of gold money weighing
two Attic drachms. Darius eems to have learnt

the art and ue of money from the conquered

Kingdom of the Lydians, and to have recoined
their gold: for the Medes, before they conquer
:Herod.l.l. ed
had no money.
" tells
c. 7I.
us, the
when Croeus
was preparing
to invade
Cyrus, a certain Lydian called Sandanis advied

him, that he was preparing an expedition a

gainst a nation who were cloathed with leathern
breeches, who eat not fuch vittuals as they

would, but fuch as their barren country afford

ed ; who drank no wine, but water only, who eat

no figs nor other good meat, who had nothing

to lofe, but might get much from the Lydians:

for the Perians, . faith Herodotus, before they

conquered the Lydians, had nothing rich or va
* Ifa.xiii. 17. luable: and " Iaiah tells us, that the Medes re
garded not filver, nor delighted in gold; but the

Lydians and Phrygians were exceeding rich, even

Plin. l. 33 infinitum
to a proverb
: Midas
pondo xxxiv millia invenerat, prter vafa aurea
aurumque fatium, & in eo folia ac platanum
vitemque. Aga vittoria argenti quingenta mil

C. 3-

lia talentorum reportavit, & craterem Semiramidis

eujus pondus quindecim talentorum colligebat. Talen


Babylonians and Medes.


tum autem gyptium pondo octoginta capere Varro

tradit. What the conqueror did with all this gold

and filver appears by the Darics. The Lydians,
according to Herodotus, were the firt who , Herod. i.v.

coined gold and filver, and Crafus coined gold ***

monies in plenty, called Crafei; and it was not
reaonable that the monies of the Kings of Ly
dia hould continue current after the overthrow

of their Kingdom, and therefore Darius recoin

ed it with his own effigies, but without altering
the current weight and value: he Reigned
then from before the conquest of Sardes'till after
the conquet of Babylon.

And ince the cup of Semiramis was preerv

ed 'till the conquet of Crfus by Darius, it is

not probable that he could be older than is re
preented by Herodotus,
This conquest of the Kingdom of Lydia put
the Greeks into fear of the Medes: for Theognis,

who lived at Megara in the very times of thee

wars, writes thus,

a Theogn.
Tv uczt,

v. 761.

IIhgp, xaesla uer dAAAAoiri Ayoles,

Mnv ry My eiirse zrAsuoy.

Let us drink,talking pleaant things with one another,

Not fearing the war of the Medes.
T t


of the Empires of the


Ibid.v.773. And again, '

Ar, $ gegry eus), Mdo" drpuxe

Tir} rn&b, ira roi naoi ed pe9run

He@- irtexou s xxerrs runog ikaruas,
Teprtpo: xiscgy iegri 3aAn,
Hadroyle xogoi, iaxtliv r, rv se Bu".
H yaye Mooix, apeyilw irgw
Ka zdaw'Exxrov naopbgov dx^a r pois,

"Ina@- juerlw rwvde pAaore tn".

Thou Apollo drive away the injurious army of the

From this city, that the people may with joy

send thee choice hecatombs in the

| ;

Delighted with the harp and chearful fraffing,

And chorus's of Poeans and acclamations about
thy altar.
For truly I am afraid, beholding the foly
And fedition of the Greeks, which corrupts thepeo
ple: but thou Apollo,

Being propitious, keep this our city.

The poet tells us further that dicord had de

ftroyed Magneia, Colophon, and Smyrna, cities

of Ionia and Phrygia, and would detroy the


Babylonians and Medes.


Greeks; which is as much as to ay that the

Medes had then conquered thoe cities.

The Medes therefore Reigned 'till the taking
of Sarder: and further, according to Xenophon
and the Scriptures, they Reigned 'till the taking

of Babylon: for Xenophon tells us, that afterf Cyrop.1.8.

the taking of Babylon, Cyrus, went to the King
of the Medes at Ecbatane and ucceeded him in

the Kingdom ; and Jeron, that Babylon was

taken by Darius King of the Medes and his "*"
kinfinan Cyrus: and the Scriptures tell us, that
Babylon was detroyed by a nation out of the
north, ferem. l. 3, 9, 41. by the Kingdoms of
Ararat Minni, or Armenia, and Ahchenez, or

Phrygia minor, fer, li. 27. by the Medes, Ifa.

xiii. 17, 19. by the Kings of the Medes and the

captains and rulers thereof, and all the land of

his dominion, fer, li. I 1, 28. The Kingdom of
Babylon was numbred and finihed and broken and
iven to the Medes and Perians, Dan, v. 26. a 8,
to the Medes under Darius, and then to

the Perians under Cyrus : for Darius Reigned

over Babylon like a conqueror, not oberving

the laws of the Babylonians, but introducing the
immutable laws of the conquering nations, the
Medes and Perians, Dan. vi. 8, 12, 1 5 ;

and the Medes in his Reign are fet before the

Perians, Dan. ib.

& v. 28, & viii. 2.o.

T t 2



Of the Empires of the

as the Perfians were afterwards in the Reign of

Cyrus and his ucceors fet before the Medes,

Esther i. 3, 14, 18, 19. Dan. x. 1, 2 o. and

xi. 2. which fhews that in the Reign of Darius

the Medes were uppermot.

You may know alo by the great number of

provinces in the Kingdom of Darius, that he
was King of the Medes and Perians: for upon
the conquest of Babylon, he et over the whole
Kingdom an hundred and twenty Princes, Dan.

vi. I. and afterwards when Cambyfes and Darius

Hystapis had added ome new territories, the
whole contained but 1 27 provinces.

The extent of the Babylonian Empire was

much the ame with that of Nineveh after the

revolt of the Medes. Berofus faith that Nebu

chadnezzar held Egypt, Syria, Phnicia and A
rabia : and Strabo adds Arbela to the territories

of Babylon; and aying that Babylon was an

" Strabo.
1. 16. initio.

ciently the metropolis of Ayria, he thus de

fcribes the limits of this Ayrian Empire. Conti
guous," faith he, to Peria and Sufiana are the

Ayrians: for fo they call Babylonia, and the

greatest part of the region about it: part of which
is Atturia, wherein is Ninus [or Nineveh;] and
Apolloniatis, and the Elymans, and the Par

tac, and Chalonitis by the mountain Zagrus, and

the fields near Ninus, and Dolomene, and
Chalachene, and Chazene, and Adiabene, and


--- ---- ----------------

Babylonians and Medes.


the nations of Meopotamia near the Gordyans,

and the Mygdones about Niibis, unto Zeugma
upon Euphrates; and a large region on this fide

Euphrates inhabited by the Arabians and Syrians

properly fo called, as far as Cilicia and Phoenicia
and Libya and the fea of Egypt and the Sinus
Ifficus: and a little after decribing the extent

of the Babylonian region, he bounds it on the

north, with the Armenians and Medes unto the

mountain Zagrus; on the eat fide, with Sufa

and Elymais and Paretacene, incluively; on the

fouth, with the Perian Gulph and Chaldea; and
on the wet, with the Arabes Scenite as far as

Adiabene and Gordyea: afterwards peaking of

Sufiana and Sitacene, a region between Babylon

and Sua, and of Paretacene and Coffea and Ely

mais, and of the Sagapeni and Siloceni, two

little adjoining Provinces, he concludes, " and Strab.t. 16.

thefe are the nations which inhabit Babylonia '**
eastward: to the north are Media and Armenia,

excluively, and westward are Adiabene and Me-

fopotamia, incluively; the greatest part of Adia

bene is plain, the fame being part of Babylonia:
in fome places it borders on Armenia: for the
Medes, Armenians and Babylonians warred fre
quently on one another. Thus far Strabo.

When Cyrus took Babylon, he changed the

Kingdom into a Satrapy or Province: whereby


Of the Empirer of the

the bounds were long after known: and by

* Herod. l. I.

this means Herodotus * gives us an etimate of

C. I 92.

the bignes of this Monarchy in proportion to

that of the Perfians, telling us that whilst ever

region over which the King of Peria Reigned

in his days, was distributed for the nourihment
of his army, befides the tributes, the Babylo
nian region nourihed him four months of the twelve

in the year, and all the rest of Aia eight : fo the

power of the region, faith he, is equivalent to

the third part of Aia, and its Principality, which

the Perians call a Satrapy, is far the best of all
the Provinces.
y Herod. 1. 1.

c. 178, &c.

Babylon " was a quare city of 1 2 o furlongs,

or 1 5 miles on every fide, compaed firt with a
broad and deep ditch, and then with a wall

fifty cubits thick, and two hundred high. Eu

phrates flowed through the middle of it outh
ward, a few leagues on this fide Tigris: and in
the middle of one half wetward tood the

Kings new Palace, built by Nebuchadnezzar; and

in the middle of the other half tood the Tem

ple of Belus, with the old Palace between that

z Ifa. xxiii.

Temple and the river: this old Palace was built

by the Affrians, according to * Iaiah, and by
conequence, by Pul and his fon Nabonaffar, as
above: they founded the city for the Arabians,
aud fet up the towers thereof, and raied the

Babylonians and Medes.


Palaces thereof; , and at that time Sabacon the

Ethiopian invaded
and made great multi
tudes of Egyptians fly from him into Chaldea,
and carry thither their Atronomy, and Astro
logy, and Architecture, and the form of their
year, which they

there in the AEra of

Nabonaffar: for the pratice of oberving the

Stars began in Egypt in the days of Ammon, as
above, and was propagated from thence in the
Reign of his on Sefac into Afric, Europe, and
Afia by conquet; and then Atlas formed the
Sphere of the Libyans, and Chiron that of the
Greeks, and the Chaldeans alo made a Sphere of

their own. But Atrology was invented in Egypt

by Nichepfos, or Necepos, one of the Kings of
the lower Egypt, and Petostris his Priet, a little
before the days of Sabacon, and propagated
thence into Chaldea, where Zoroaster the Le

gilator of the Magi met with it: o Paulinus,

uique magos docuit mysteria vana Necepfos:

And Diodorus, * they fay that the Chaldans in. Diod. 1. 1.

Babylonia are colonies of the Egyptians, and be-? "

ing taught by the Priests of Egypt became famous

for Astrology. By the influence of the ame
colonies, the Temple of fupiter Belus in Babylon.
feems to have been ereted in the form



b Herod. l. I,
c. 181.

Of the Empirer of the

Egyptian Pyramids: for " this Temple was a
olid Tower or Pyramida furlong quare, and a
furlong high, with even retrations, which
made it appear like eight towers tanding upon
one another, and growing les and les to the

top : and in the eighth tower was a Temple

with a bed anda golden table, kept by a woman,
after the manner of the Egyptians in the Temple
of fupiter Ammon at Thebes; and above the
Temple was a place for oberving the Stars:

they went up to the top of it by teps on the out

fide, and the bottom was compaed with a

court, and the court with a building two fur

longs in length on every fide.

The Babylonians were extreamly addited to
Sorcery, Inchantments, Atrology and Divina
tions, Ifa. xlvii. 9, 12, 13. Dan. ii. 2, & v.
1 1. and to the worhip of Idols, fer. l. 2, 4o.
and to feating, wine and women. Nihil urbis
ejus corruptius moribus, nec ad irritandas illicien

dafque immodicas voluptates instruttius. Liberos

conjugeque cum hopitibus stupro coire, modo pre
tium flagitii detur, parentes maritique patiuntur.
Convivales ludi tota Perfide regibus purpuratifque

cordi funt : Babylonii maxime in vinum e5 que

ebrietatem fequuntur effust funt. Feminarum convi
via ineuntium in principio modestus est habitus;

dein fumma quque amicula exuunt, paulatimque



Babylonians and Medes.


pudorem profanant : ad ultimum, honos auribus fit,

ima corporum velamenta projiciunt. Nec meretricum
hoc dedecus est, fed matronarum virginumque, apud

quas comitas habetur vulgati corporis vilitas. Q.

Curtius, lib. v. cap. 1. And this lewdnes of their
over with the name of civi


lity, was encouraged even by their religion :

for it was the cutom for their women once in

their life to fit in the Temple of Venus for the

ue of strangers; which Temple they called

Succoth Benoth, the Temple of Women: and
when any woman was once fat there, he was

not to depart 'till fome tranger threw money

into her boom, took her away and lay with

her; and the money being for acred ues, he

was obliged to accept of it how little oever,

and follow the tranger.

The Perians being conquered by the Medes

about the middle of the Reign of Zedekiah,

continued in ubjetion under

'till the end

of the Reign of Darius the Mede : and Cyrus,

who was of the Royal Family of the Perfians,
might be Satrapa of Peria, and command a
body of their forces under Darius; but was not
yet an abolute and independant King: but after

the taking of Babylon,

he had a vitorious

devotion, and Darius was returned

army at

from Babylon into Media, he revolted from


U u


e Suidas in

Herod. 1. 1.

c. 123, &c.

Of the Empires of the

Darius, in conjunction with the Perfans under
him; they being incited thereunto by Harpagus
a Mede, whom Xenophon calls Artagerfes and A

tabazus, and who had aited Cyrus in conque

ring Crfus and Asta minor, and had been inju
red by Darius. Harpagus was ent by Darius
with an army againt Cyrus, and in the midst

of a battel revolted with part of the army to

Cyrus: Darius got up a freh army, and the next
year the two armies fought again : this lat bat
tel was fought at Pafargade in Perfia, accordin
d Strabo.

to Strabo; and there Darius was beaten

l. 15. p. 73o.

taken Prioner by Cyrus, and the Monarchy was

by this vitory tranlated to the Perfians. The

last King of the Medes is by Xenophon called
Cyaxares, and by Herodotus, Astyages the father
of Mandane : but thee Kings were dead before,
and Daniel lets us know that Darius was the

true name of the lat King, and Herodotus,

by Cyrus in
Herod. l. I. * that the lat King was
c. 127, &c.

the manner above decribed; and the Darics

coined by the lat King tetify that his name

was Darius.

This victory over Darius was about two years

after the taking of Babylon : for the Reign of
Nabonnedus the lat King of the Chaldees, whom
foephus calls Naboandel and Belhazzar, ended
in the year of Nabonafar 2 1 o, nine years be

Babylonians and Medes.

33 I

fore the death of Cyrus, according to the Canon:

of the Kingdom of the
Medes to the Perians, Cyrus Reigned only even
but after the

years, according to Xenophon; and pending

the even winter months yearly at Babylon, the ***

three pring months yearly at Sufa, and the
two fummer months at Ecbatane,

he came

the eventh time into Perfia, and died there in the

fpring, and was buried at Pafargade. By the

Canon and the common conent of all Chrono

logers, he died in the year of Nabonaffar 2 1 9,

and therefore conquered Darius in the year of
Nabonaffar 2 1 2, eventy and two years after the
detrution of Nineveh, and beat him the firt

time in the year of Nabonaffar 2 1 1, and re

volted from him, and became King of the

Perians, either the ame year, or in the end of
the year before. At his death he was eventy

years old according to Herodotus, and therefore

he was born in the year of Nabonaffar 149, his
mother Mandane being the fifter of Cyaxeres, at
that time a young man, and alo the fifter of

Amyite the wife of Nebuchadnezzar, and his fa

ther Cambyfes being of the old Royal Family of
the Perfians.
U u z





A Defcription of the i
C H A P.


A Defcription of the TEM P L e of


See Plate I.
& II.

H E Temple of Solomon being detroyed

by the Babylonians, it may not be amis

here to give a decription of that edifice.

I 3, 14.

This * Temple looked eatward, and tood

in a quare area, called the Separate Place: and

b Ezek. xl.

* before it tood the Altar, in the center of

a Ezek. xli.


another quare area, called the Inner Court,

or Court of the Priests: and thee two quare

areas, being parted only by a marble rail,
made an area 2oo cubits long from wet
to eat, and I oo cubits broad : this area was
compaed on the wet with a wall, and
e Ezek. xl.

* on the other three fides with a pavement fift

29, 33, 36.

cubits broad, upon which tood the build

ings for the Priets, with cloyters under them:

and the pavement was faced on the infide with
a marble rail before the cloyters: the whole made

an area 25 o cubits long from wet to eat, and

zo o broad, and was compaed with an outward

Court, called alo the Great Court, or Court of


TE M PLE of Solomon.



the People, " which was an hundred cubits

broad on every fide; for there were but two k

Courts built by Solomon: and the outward Court ; "

was about four cubits lower than the inward,

and was compasted on the wet with a wall,

and on the other three fides with a pavement Ezek sl.

fifty cubits broad, upon which stood the build- ;

ings for the People. All this was the ' Sanffu- Ezek. xl, 5.
ary, and made a quare area 5 o o cubits long, x
and 5 oo broad, and was compaed with a *"*

walk, called the Mountain of the Houfe : and

this walk being 5 o cubits broad, was compa

fed with a wall fix cubits broad, and fix high,
and fix hundred long on every fide : and the
cubit was about 2 1:, or almot 2 2 inches of

the Englih foot, being the acred cubit of the

fews, which was an hand-breadth, or the fixth

part of its length bigger than the common


The Altar stood in the center of the whole ;

and in the buildings of " both Courts over a- :

gainst the middle of the Altar, eatward, outh

ward, and northward, were gates" 25 cubits ` Ezek sl.

broad between the buildings, and 4o long;

with porches of ten cubits more, looking, to
wards the Altar Court, which made the whole

length of the gates fifty cubits cros the pave

ments. Every gate had two doors, one at either


Plate III

A Decription of the ,
end, ten cubits wide, and twenty high, with
pots and threholds fix cubits broad, within
the gates was an area 28 cubits long between
the threholds, and. 13 cubits wide: and on

either fide of this area were three pots, each

fix cubits quare, and twenty high, with ar
ches five cubits wide between them: all which

posts and arches filled the 28 cubits in length

between the threholds; and their breadth be
ing added to the thirteen cubits, made the

whole breadth of the gates 25 cubits. Thee

pots were hollow, and had rooms in them
with narrow windows for the porters, and a
ftep before them a cubit broad : and the walls
of the porches being fix cubits thick, were alo

Plate I. hollow for everal ues. At the eat gate of the

i Chron. fix
Court,at the
gate, ' were
xxvi. 17.
Were four, and at



**" the north gate were four; the people * went in

and out at the outh and north gates: the
*** in
' east
for theThere
King, were
gatewashe opened
ate the only
alo four gates or doors in the wetern wall of

-, chron, the Mountain of the Houfe : of thee " the

,/ }

; 16 mot northern, called Shallecheth, or the gate

of the caufey, led to the King's palace, the
valley between being filled up with a cauey :
the next gate, called Parbar, led to the uburbs

Millo :

TE M P L E of Solomon.


Millo: the third and fourth gates, called Afup

pim, led the one to Millo, the other to the
city of ferualem, there being teps down into the
valley and up again into the city. At the gate
Shallecheth were four porters; at the other
three gates were fix porters, two at each gate:
the houe of the porters who had the charge of

the north gate of the People's Court, had alo the

charge of the gates Shallecheth and Parbar :
and the houe of the porters who had the

charge of the outh gate of the People's Court,

had alo the charge of the other two gates
called Afuppim.
They came through the four wetern gates
into the Mountain of the Houfe, and went


up from the Mountain of the Houe, to the ::::: 3

gates of the People's Court by even teps, and
from the People's Court to the gates of the
Priest's Court by eight teps: and the arches in inte II &
the fides of the gates of both courts led into I
cloyters under a double building, upported : ; King yi.
by three rows of marble pillars, which butted

directly upon the middles of the fquare pots, ''

and ran along from thence upon the pave
ments towards the corners of the Courts: the

axes of the pillars in the middle row being

eleven cubits

ditant from the axes of the

pillars in the other two rows on either hand;



A Defcription of the
and the building
to the fides of the
gates: the pillars were three cubits in diameter
below, and their baes four cubits and an half

fquare. The gates and buildings of both Courts

p Ezek. xl.

were alike, and faced their Courts: the cloy

I 9, 3 I, 34,

fters of all the buildings, and the porches of

all the gates looking towards the Altar. The
row of pillars on the backfides of the cloysters

37. -

adhered to marble walls, which bounded the

Plate I.

cloyters and upported the buildings: thee

buildings were three tories high above the cloy
King. vi.

36, & vii. 12.

fters, and were upported in each of thoe

ftories by a row of cedar beams, or pillars of

cedar, standing above the middle row of the

marble pillars: the buildings on either fide of
every gate of the People's Court, being 187;
r Ezek. xl.

cubits long, were ditinguihed into five cham

bers on a floor, running in length from the
gates to the corners of the Courts: there ' be
ing in all thirty chambers in a tory, where
the People ate the Sacrifices, or thirty exhe
dras, each of which contained three chambers,

a lower, a middle, and an upper: every exhe

dra was 37 ; cubits long, being upported by

Plate III.

four pillars in each row, whoe baes were 4;

cubits quare, and the distances between their

baes 6; cubits, and the ditances between the

axes of thepillars eleven cubits: and where two


TEM P L E of Solomon.


exhedras joyned, there the baes of their pillars

joyned; the axes of thoe two pillars being

only 4; cubits ditant from one another: and

perhaps for trengthning the building, the pace

between the axes of thee two pillars in the

front was filled up with a marble column 4:

cubits quare, the two pillars tanding half out
on either fide of the finie column. At the "*"*
ends of thee buildings, ' in the four corners off Ezek, zivi.
the Peoples Court, were little Courts fifty cubits ** **

fquare on the outide of their walls, and forty

on the infide thereof, for tair-caes to the build

ings, and kitchins to bake and boil the Sacrifices

for the People, the kitchin being thirty cubits

broad, and the tair-cae ten. The buildings on

either fide of the gates of the Priests Court were
alo 37; cubits long, and contained each of -

them one great chamber in a tory, ubdivided

into maller rooms, for the Great Officers of the

Temple, and Princes of the Priets : and in

the outh-eat and north-eat corners of this

court, at the ends of the buildings, were kitchins

and tair-caes for the Great Officers; and per

haps rooms for laying up wood for the Altar.
In the eatern gate of the Peoples Court, fat

a Court of Judicature, compoed of 23 Elders.

The eatern gate of the Priests Court, with the
buildings on either fide, was for the High-Priet,
X x



A Defcription of the
his deputy the Sagan, and for the Sanhedrim or
Supreme Court of Judicature, compoed of e

t Ezek. xl.

venty Elders. ' The building or exhedra on the

eatern fide of the outhern gate, was for the
Priests who had the overfight of the charge of
the Sanftuary with its treauries: and thee were,
firt, two Catholikim, who were High-Treaurers
and Secretaries to the High-Priet, and exa

mined, tated, and prepared all ats and ac

counts to be igned and ealed by him; then
feven Amarcholim, who kept the keys of the

feven locks of every gate of the Sanftuary, and

thoe alo of the treauries, and had the over

fight, direction, and appointment of all things

in the Sanftuary; then three or more Gisbarim,
or Under-Treaurers, or Receivers, who kept the
Holy Vefels, and the Publick Money, and re

ceived or dipoed of uch ums as were brought

in for the ervice of the Temple, and account
ed for the ame. All thee, with the High-Priet,

compoed the Supreme Council for managing

the affairs of the Temple.
u Ezek. xl.

The Sacrifices " were killed on the northern

39, 4 I, 42;


fide of the Altar, and flea'd, cut in pieces and

falted in the northern gate of the Temple; and

therefore the building or exhedra on the eatern
fide of this gate, was for the Priets who had the
overfight of the charge of the Altar, and Daily

Service :

TE M P L e of Solomon.


Service : and thee Officers were, He that re

ceived money ofthe People for purchaing things

for the Sacrifices, and gave out tickets for the
ame; He that upon fight of the tickets deli
vered the wine, flower and oyl purchaed; He
that was over the lots, whereby every Priet

attending on the Altar had his duty affigned;

He that upon fight of the tickets delivered out
the doves and pigeons purchaed; He that ad
minitred phyic to the Priets attending; He
that was over the waters; He that was over the

times, and did the duty of a cryer, calling the

Priets or Levites to attend in their miniteries ;

He that opened the gates in the morning to be

gin the ervice, and hut them in the evenin
when the ervice was done, and for that

received the keys of the Amarcholim, and re

turned them when he had done his duty ; He

that viited the night-watches; He that by a

Cymbal called the Levites to their tations for

finging; He that appointed the Hymns and et

the Tune; and He that took care of the Shew
Bread: there were alo Officers who took care of

the Perfume, the Veil, and the Wardrobe of the


The exhedra on the wetern fide of the outh

gate, and that on the wetern fide of the north

gate, were for the Princes of the four and twenty
X x 2


A Defcription of the


of the Priets, one exhedra for twelve of the

Plate II.

Princes, and the other exhedra for the other

twelve: and upon the pavement on either fide

x Ezek. xlii.

of the Separate Place * were other buildings

1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
8, 13, 14.

without cloyters, for the four and twenty

of the Priets to eat the Sacrifices, and lay up

their garments and the mot hly things : each

pavement being 1 oo cubits long, and 5 o broad,
had buildings on either fide of it twenty cubits
broad, with a walk or alley ten cubits broad

between them: the building which bordered

upon the Separate Place was an hundred cubits
long, and that next the Peoples Court but fifty,
y Ezek. xlvi. the other fifty cubits wetward ' being for a
19, 2O.
z Ezek. xlii.

5, 6.

flair-cae and kitchin : thee buildings * were

three tories high, and the middle tory was
narrower in the front than the lower tory, and

the upper tory still narrower, to make room for

galleries; for they had galleries before them,
and under the galleries were cloets for laying up
the holy things, and the garments of the Priets,
and thee galleries were towards the walk or


ran between the buildings.

They went up from the Priests Court to the

Porch of the Temple by ten teps: and the

1 King.
vi. 2. Ezek.
xli. 2, 4, 123
13, 14

* Houe of the Temple was twenty cubits broad,

and fixty long within; or thirty broad, and e

venty long, including the walls; or eventy cu

TE M P L E of Solomon.

34 I

bits broad, and 9o long, including a building

of treaure-chambers which was twenty cubits
broad on three fides of the Houe ; and if the

Porch be alo included, the Temple was an t i King. vi.

hundred cubits long. The treaure-chambers ? ***

were built of cedar, between the wall of the

Temple, and another wall without: they were

* built in two rws three stories high, and o- . Ezeksti.

pened door againt door into a walk or gallery 6, te

which ran along between them, and was five
cubits broad in every tory; o that the breadth

of the chambers on either fide of the gallery,

including the breadth of the wall to which
they adjoined, was ten cubits; and the whole

breadth of the gallery and chambers, and both

walls, was five and twenty cubits: the chambers

were five cubits broad in the lower tory, fix i 1 King.vi.

broad in the middle tory, and even broad in

the upper tory; for the wall of the Temple

was built with retrations of a cubit, to ret

the timber upon. Ezekiel repreents the cham

bers a cubit narrower, and the walls a cubit

thicker than they were in Solomon's Temple :

there were * thirty chambers in a tory, in all : Ezek xii.

ninety chambers, and they were five cubits

high in every tory. The ' Porch of the Temple Chron.
was 1 2 o cubits high, , and its length from " *
fouth to north equalled the breadth of the
Houe :

A Defcription of the


Houe: the Houe was three tories high, which

made the height of the Holy Place three times
thirty cubits, and that of the Most Holy three
times twenty: the upper rooms were treaure
e i King vi chambers; they * went up to the middle cham
; ang
ber by winding tairs in the outhern houlder of
the Houe, and from the middle into the
h 2 Chron.
XX. J.

i 2 King.

Some time after this Temple was built, the

Jews " added a New Court, on the eatern fide
of the Priests Court, before the King's gate, and
therein built ' a covert for the Sabbath: this

xvi. 18.

Court was not meaured by Ezekiel, but the

dimenions thereof may be gathered from thoe

of the Womens Court, in the econd Temple,

built after the example thereof : for when Ne

buchadnezzar had detroyed the firt Temple,

Zerubbabel, by the commiions of Cyrus and
Darius, built another upon the fame area, ex

cepting the Outward Court, which was left open

k Ezra vi.
3, 4,

to the Gentiles : and this Temple * was fixty

cubits long, and fixty broad, being only two
ftories in # ht, and having only one row of
about it: and on either fide

of the Priests Court were double buildings for

the Priets, built upon three rows of marble

pillars in the lower tory, with a row of cedar

beams or pillars in the tories above: and the


TE M P L E of Solomon.


cloyter in the lower tory looked towards the

Priests Court : and the Separate Place, and Priests

Court, with their buildings on the north and
fouth fides, and the Womens Court, at the

eat end, took up an area three hundred cubits

long, and two hundred broad, the Altar tand

ing in the center of the whole. The Womens
Court was fo named, becaue the women came

into it as well as the men : there were galleries

for the women, and the men worhipped upon
the ground below: and in this tate the econd
Temple continued all the Reign of the Perians;
but afterwards uffered ome alterations, epe
cially in the days of Herod.

This decription of the Temple being taken

principally from Ezekiel's Viion thereof, and the
ancient Hebrew copy followed by the Seventy,
differing in ome readings from the copy fol
lowed by the editors of the preent Hebrew, I
will here ubjoin that part of the Viion which
relates to the Outward Court, as I have deduced

it from the preent Hebrew, and the verion of

the Seventy compared together.

Ezekiel chap. xl. ver. 5, Sc.

And behold a wall on the outide of the Houfe
round about, at the ditance of fifty cubits from plate I.


A Defcription of the
it, aabb: and in the man's hand a meauring reed
fix cubits long by the cubit, and an hand-breadth :
fo he meaured the breadth of the building, or wall,
one reed, and the height one reed. Then came

Plate III.

he unto the gate of the Houe, which looketh to

vards the east, and went up the feven steps thereof,
A B, and meaured the threhold of the gate, CD,
which was one reed broad, and the Porters little

chamber, E F G, one reed long, and one reed broad;

and the arched paage between the little chambers,

FH, five cubits : and the fecond little chamber,HIK,

a reed broad and a reed long; and the arched paf:

fage, IL, five cubits: and the third little chamber
L M N, a reed long and a reed broad: and the

threhold of the gate next the porch of the gate

within, O P, one reed: and he meaured the porch

ofthe gate, QR, eight cubits; and the posts thereof

T, st, two cubits ; and the porch of the gate,
QR, was inward, or toward the inward court;
and the little chambers, EF, HI, LM, e f, hi,
lm, were outward, or to the east; three on this

fide, and three on that fide of the gate. There was

one meaure of the three, and one meaure of the
posts on this fide, and on that fide; and he mea

fured the breadth of the door of the gate, Cc, or D d,

ten cubits; and the breadth of the gate within
between the little chambers, E e or Ff, thirteen

cubits; and the limit, or margin, or step before the


TEMPLE of Solomon.


little chambers, EM, one cubit on this fide, and

the step, em, one cubit on the other fide; and the

little chambers, E FG, HIK, L M N, efg, hik,

l m n, were fix cubits broad on this fide, and fix
cubits broad on that fide : and he meaured the
whole breadth of the gate, from the further wall
of one little chamber to the further wall of ano
ther little chamber: the breadth, Gg, or Kk, or
N n, was twenty and five cubits through; door, FH,
against door, fh: and he meaured the posts, EF,

HI, and LM, ef, hi, and lm, twenty cubits

high; and at the posts there were gates, or arched
paages, FH, IL, fh, il, round about ; and from
the eatern face of the gate at the entrance, Cc,
to the wetern face of the porch of the gate within,
Tt, were fifty cubits: and there were narrow win
dows to the little chambers, and to the porch
within the gate, round about, and likewife to the
posts; even windows were round about within:
and upon each post were palm trees.
Then he brought me into the Outward Court, and
lo there were chambers, and a pavement with pil
lars upon it in the court round about, thirty

chambers in length upon the pavement, upported

by the pillars, ten chambers on every fide, ex
cept the wetern : and the pavement butted upon
the houlders or fides of the gates below, every

gate having five chambers or exhedr on either

Y y


Plate I.


A Defcription, &c.
fide. And he meaured the breadth of the Outward
Court, from the fore front of the lower-gate, to the
fore front of the invard court, an hundred cubits


Then he brought me northward, and there was

a gate that looked towards the north; he meaured

the length thereof, and the breadth thereof, and
the little chambers thereof, three on this fide, and
three on that fide, and the posts thereof, and the
porch thereof, and it was according to the meaures

of the first gate; its length was fifty cubits, and

its breadth was five and twenty : and the win
dows thereof, and the porch and the palm trees
thereof were according to the meaures of the gate

which looked to the east, and they went up to it

by feven steps : and its porch was before them, that
is inward. And there was a gate of the inward
court over against this gate of the north, as in
the gates to the eastward: and he meaured from
gate to gate an hundred cubits.

C H A P.

kkkk. Zozo- 4x4. Cear, cer =


: N


z zzzz/~v~ CAzzz--C2/&r azzza/




1. ZZ.- -Zg/Zerrz

Gazze g/ 4e

Z% zarze Czzzz-/; ozvez- zz'/zc/%

N tS



razze 44e Gazzz/ee/%-zzzz.

m . ZZe Jezervezzz Gazze


z4e Zrzarr Cozzrz.



n. Zhe Worzherz, Gazze g/ //e

.razzzze Czzzz-, zv4ez-e z/ze d'az

czyer zveze./&a: a/ &c.

o p q r s t. Z 4e Z3zzi&truze cver

|iH sa. e||


4%e C%:v.rzez /z-z4e Zrz/Zr,

vzz rze /zzze C%.zzzz/eza (rza4:
avza/) zrz eeze/ .Zozzazz/er

g/ o zrze/p, zvere. /r che ZZ z4

Zrz.rz- azzz./..//zzazzz, q:/z- z/e

("zer:reez:rg/ che Gazne/tearv

.zzza/ Zezrzzz.v. r. /Gz- z/e


g/ z4e //ar an

o zczye: ezzza/s zara/ t /r

z4e Arzzz.ee.- g/^ e/e /zverz4y:
/zzz Cotezyc g/Arze/r.
u ur. Z7z-c & Z-zer-zr zzz zzz/zc/4

zz ez-e O'&zzz--Cz/&c ezzza/Xc/. :

zzz r. /Gr z/ze Arte/Zr .
x. Z%e AZ,zare or


zv/zc/i ( 4:zez/zez zzzz/, //e

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-s -zst:

.rza g^ re Jozazzzzze Azce)

zr zzzoze/vazrzzezz4zr4 (r =


/ k\\

-1 & &




cz-zA &/zzz z/ze recozza/A/z/z.

N. Z%e ZZe/, //zee.

O. ZZe zzzzz ZZo4 /%zce.

PPPP Z%z, z ZZeezrzzz-e =

C%a/zz6ez:r, ziz Zrzo zovz:r, Ozen:
zzz zz az.za/%/:z zavz zzazzzz/?
aor zzza/co/zz2zz/fzzzz 4x4,

7ze/Z / K zg/Z642/%car.
Q. Z%e o'zzzzz-r /zzzZzzz zo z/e
AZZ (AZ, CZ6zz7zz/ez: .

RRRR. &c. Z%e Azer(/(&zz.:7r

ze zzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz Cozzzyr

97 Z'z /& zoozz. Z zvezmezz^

ezzezcz z 4 7 zeu pazraz.
Z%z, zzee Uzavzar /gz/, 2.
zzzczzz ((zarzez: , Azzz ze
zzzzzer 'Zozzar zzazrrozzerz/azzz

z4e 4zzen z zzzze room zr

62 z/rzar /g/fre z/azz. Zez'e

zz ere 2z (.zzzzezr zz erzc/.

Uzazzz zzzz/z/ez ezezza/zzz/v,

z zzzz/ cz z/(:z S.S. Aezzeezz

z4e ZazZ z.zr.

T.T. Z ze Czerr zzz zz/ze/

zz ere Kkzz /r z4e Z2 /e

g/ //e /zz-ezz4z.7zez Cazaz://is.

- -










C H A P.


Of the Empire of the Perians.

rR US having tranlated the Monarchy
to the Perians, and Reigned even years,
was ucceeded by his on Cambyes, who Reign

ed even years and five months, and in the

three lat years of his Reign ubdued Egypt:

he was ucceeded by

or Smerdis the

Magus, who feigned himelf to be Smerdis the

brother of Cambyfes.

Smerdis Reigned even months, and in the

eighth month being dicovered, was lain, with

; o the Per
a great number of the
fians called their Priets, and in memory of
this kept an anniverary day, which they
called, The flaughter of the Magi. Then Reign

ed Maraphus and Artaphernes a few days, and

after them Darius the on of Hystapes, the

fon of Arfamenes, of the family of Achemenes,
a Perfian, being choen King by the neighing

* **

Valer.l. 9.
his *toname
of hisOchus.
hore :Hebefore
have M:
on this
eems he
reformed the contitution of the Magi, making

his father Hystapes their Mater, or Archimagus;

Y y z




Of the E M P I R E

" Porph de

for Porphyrius tells us, "that the Magi were a

lib. 4.

fort of men fo venerable amongst the Perians,

that Darius the fon of Hyftapes wrote on the

monument of his father, amongt other things,

that he had been the Master of the Magi. In
this reformation of the Magi, Hystafes was
affited by Zoroastres: fo Agathias ; The Perians
at this day fay fimply that Zoroatres lived under

Hytalpes: and Apuleius; Pythagoram, aiunt, in

ter captivos Cambyfe Regis [ex gypto Babylo
nem abdutos] dotfores habuiffe Perfarum Magos,
e prcipue Zoroastrem, omnis divini arcani An
tistitem. By Zoroastres's converfing at Babylon
he eems to have borrowed his skill from the
Q. Curt.
Lib. iii. c. 3.

Chaldeans; for he was skilled in Atronomy,

and ued their year : o Q. Curtius; * Magi prox
imipatrium carmen canebant: Magos trecentie fex
aginta quinque juvenes fequebantur, puniceis ami
culis velati, diebus totius anni pares numero : and
Ammianus ; Scienti multa ex Chaldeorum arcanis

Bastrianus addidit Zoroastres.

From his conver

fing in feveral places he is reckoned a Chal

* Suidas in


dean, an Affrian, a Mede, a Perfian, a Bastrian.

Suidas calls him a Perfo-Mede, and faith that
he was the most skilful of Astronomers, and first
author of the name of the Magi received among
them. This skill in Atronomy he had doubt

les from the Chaldeans, but Hystafpes travelled



of the PERSIA N s.


into India, to be intruted by the Gymnofi

phists : and thee two conjoyning their skill
and authority, intituted a new fet of Priets or
Magi, and intructed them in uch ceremonies

and myteries of Religion and Philoophy as

they thought fit to etablih for the Religion
and Philoophy of that Empire; and thee in
ftruted others, 'till from a mall number they

grew to a great multitude: for Suidas tells us,

that Zoroastres gave a beginning to the name of
the Magi: and Elmacinus; that he reformed the
religion of the Perians, which before was divided
into many fests : and Agathias; that he intro
duced the religion of the Magi among the Perians,

changing their ancient facred rites, and bringing

in feveral opinions : and Ammianus * tells us, Ma l. Ammian.
23. c. 6.
giam effe divinorum incorruptiffimum cultum, cujus
fcientie feculis prifcis multa ex Chaldeorum arcanis

Baffrianus addidit Zoroastres: deinde Hystafes Rex

prudentiffimus Darii pater; qui quum fuperioris In
die fecreta fidentius penetraret, ad nemorofam
quamdam venerat folitudinem, cujus tranquillis fi
lentiis prcelfa Brachmanorum ingenia potiuntur;
eorumque monitu rationes mundani motus e5- fide

rum, puroque facrorum ritus quantum colligere po

fuit eruditus, ex his que didicit, aliqua fenibus

Magorum infudit; que illi cum diciplinis prenti

endi futura, per fuam quique progeniem, posteris



Of the E M P I R E


etatibus tradunt. Ex eo per fecula multa ad pre

fens, una eademque profapia multitudo creata, Deo
rum cultibus dedicatur. Feruntque, fi justum est credi,
etiam ignem clitus lapfum apud fe fempiternis

foculis custodiri, cujus portionem exiguam ut fau

ffam priffe quondam Aiaticis Regibus dicunt: Hu

jus originis apud veteres numerus erat exilis, ejuf:

que mysteriis Perfice potestates in faciendis rebus
divinis folemniter utebantur. Eratque piaculum aras

adire, vel hostian contrettare, antequam Magus con

'ceptis precationibus libamenta diffunderet precuro
ria. Verum autti paullatim, in amplitudinem gentis
folide concefferunt es nomen: villafque inhabitan
tes nulla murorum firmitudine communitas, e6, le

gibus fuis uti permiffi, religionis repettu funt ho


So this Empire was at firt com

poed of many nations, each of which had

hitherto its own religion : but now Hystaffes
and Zoroastres colleted what they conceived to

be bet, establihed it by law, and taught it to

others, and thoe to others, 'till their diciples
became numerous enough for the Priesthood
of the whole Empire; and intead of thoe

various old religions, they et up their own inti

tutions in the whole Empire, much after the
manner that Numa contrived and intituted the

religion of the Romans : and this religion of

the Perian Empire was compoed partly of the


of the PERSIAN s.


intitutions of the Chaldeans, in which Zoroastres

was well skilled; and partly of the intitutions
of the ancient Brachmans, who are uppoed to
derive even their name from the Abrahamans, or

fons of Abraham, born of his econd wife Ke

turah, intruted by their father in the worhip

of O N E G o D without images, and ent into the

cat, where Hystaffes was intructed by their uc

ceors. About the ame time with Hystafpes
and Zoroastres, lived alo Ostanes, another emi

nent Magus : Pliny places him under Darius

Hystapis, and Suidas makes him the follower
of Zoroastres : he came into Greece with Xerxes,
and eems t be the Otanes of Herodotus, who

dicovered Smerdis, and formed the conpiracy

againt him, and for that ervice was honoured
by the conpirators, and exempt from ubjetion
to Darius.

In the acred commentary of the Perfian

rites thee words are acribed to





O f Euftb.


Ge g dopstapr@-,
xsc.?\lu) xay
rg, gly
di AG,

gg, dvouotTa7@ , ivox@- rals xaA3, d3

e9x"T@', dya3y aya3tar@, pe9vuy

(pe9vura7@ gi $ ratne svrouas

d\xauoung, adroial@, pvTixs, T
Aa@-, raps, isp voix uy@ vpsTs.

g. 1. 1.


Of the E M P I R E
Deus est accipitris capite: hic est primus, incorrup
tibilis, eternus, ingenitus, fine partibus, omnibus
aliis diffimillimus, moderator omnis boni, donis non

capiendus, bonorum optimus, prudentium prudentiffi

mus, legum quitatis ac justitie parens, ipe fui doc

tor, phyicus perfettus e fapiens & facri phy

fici unicus inventor: and the ame was taught by
Ostanes, in his book called Offateuchus.


was the Antient God of the Perian Magi, and

they worhipped him by keeping a perpetual

fire for Sacrifices upon an Altar in the center
of a round area, compaed with a ditch, with
out any Temple in the place, and without pay
ing any worhip to the dead, or any images.
But in a hort time they declined from the

worhip of this Eternal, Inviible God, to wor

fhip the Sun, and the Fire, and dead men, and
images, as the
Phnicians, and Chal
deans had done before : and from thee uper
ftitions, and the pretending to
the words Magi and Magia, which ignify the

Priests and Religion of the Perians, came to be

taken in an ill ene.

Darius, or Darab, began his Reign in pring,

in the fixteenth year of the Empire of the Per

fians, Anno Nabonaff. 227, and Reigned 3 6

years, by the unanimons conent of all Chrono

logers. In the econd year of his Reign the


of the PE Rs 1 A N s.


fews began to build the Temple, by the pro

phelying of Haggai and Zechariah, and finihed it
He fought the Greeks at Marathon
in October, Anno Nabonaff. 2 s 8, ten years be
fore the battel at Salamis, and died in the fifth

year following, in the end of winter, or begin

ning of pring, Anno Nabonaff. 263. The years
of Cambyfes and Darius are determined by three
Eclipes of the Moon recorded by Ptolemy, o
that they cannot be diputed : and by thoe

Eclipes, and the Propheies of Haggai and Ze

chariah compared together, it is manifet that the
years of Darius began after the 24th day of the
eleventh fewi month, and before the 25th day .
of April, and by conequence in March or April.

Xerxes, Achchirofch, Achfweros, or Oxyares,

fucceeded his father Darius, and pent the firt

five years of his Reign, and omething more,

in preparations for his Expedition againt the
Greeks: and this Expedition was in the time of

the Olympic Games, in the beginning of the

firt year of the 75th Olympiad, Callias being
Archon at Athens; as all Chronologers agree. The
great number of people which he drew out of Su g HEch.

fa to invade Greece, made chylus the Poet ay ": Perf v. 763.

T 3' dgv >ov exevTev 7reTv.

It emptied the falling city of Sua.

Z z



Of the E M P I R E
The paage of his army over the Hellepont began
in the end of the fourth year of the 74th
Olympiad, that is in fune, Anno Nabonaff. 268,

and took up a month; and in autumn, , after

three months more, on the 1 6th day of the

month Munychion, at the full moon, was the

battel at Salamis; and a little after that an

Eclipe of the Moon, which by the calculation

fell on Offob. z. His firt year therefore began in

fpring, Anno Nabonaff. 263, as above:he Reign
ed almot twenty one years by the conent of all
writers, and was murdered by Artabanus, cap
tain of his guards; towards the end of winter,
Anno Nabonaff. 284.

Artabanus Reigned even months, and upon

upicion of treaon againt Xerxes, was flain

by Artaxerxes Longimanus, the on of Xerxes.

Artaxerxes began his Reign in the autum
nal half year, between the 4th and 9th fewih
months, Nehem. i. 1. & ii, 1, & v. 14. and

Ezra vii. 7, 8, 9. and his 2 oth year fell in with

the 4th year of the 8 3d Olympiad, as Africa

h Apud.
Hieron. in

nus " informs us, and therefore his firt year

Dan viii.

began within a month or two of the autumnal

Equinox, Anno Nabonaff. 284. Thucydides re
lates that the news of his death came to Athens

in winter, in the feventh year of the Peloponnesten

war, that is An. 4. Olymp. 88. and by the

of the P E Rs 1 A N s.

2 55

Canon he Reigned forty one years, including the

Reign of his predeceor Artabanus, and died a
bout the middle of winter, Anno Nabonaff. 3 2 5
ineunte: the Perians now call him Ardchir and
Bahaman, the Oriental Chritians Artahafeht.
Then Reigned Xerxes two months, and Sogdian
feven months, and Darius Nothus, the batard

fon of Artaxerxes, nineteen years wanting four

or five months; and Darius died in ummer, a

little after the end of the Peloponneian war, and

in the ame Olympic year, and by conequence

in May or fune, Anno Nabonaff. 344. The 13th
year of his Reign was coincident in winter
with the 2 oth of the Peloponnestan war, and the

years of that war are tated by indiputable cha

raters, and agreed on by all Chronologers :

the war began in pring, Ann. 1. Olymp. 87,
lated 27 years, and ended Apr. 14. An. 4.

Olymp. 93 .
Thenext King was Artaxerxes Mnemon, the on
of Darius: he Reigned forty fix years, and died
Anno Nabonaff. ; 9o. Then Reigned Artaxerxes
Ochus twenty one years ; Arfes, or Arogus, two
years, and Darius Codomannus four years, unto
the battel of Arbela, whereby the Perian Mo

narchy was tranlated to the Greeks, Oslob. 2.

An. Nabonaff. 417; but Darius was not flain

untill a year and ome months after.
Z z 2.

I have


Of the E M P I R E
I have hitherto tated the times of this Mo

narchy out of the Greek and Latin writers: for the

fews knew nothing more of the Babylonian and

Medo-Perfian Empires than what they have out
of the acred books of the old Tetament; and
Kings, nor years of

therefore own no more

Kings, than they can find in thoe books: the

Kings they reckon are only Nebuchadnezzar, E

vilmerodach, Belhazzar, Darius the Mede, Cyrus,

Ahafuerus, and Darius the Perian; this lat Darius
they reckon to be the Artaxerxes, in whoe

Reign Ezra and Nehemiah came to ferualem,

accounting Artaxerxes a common name of the

Perian Kings : Nebuchadnezzar, they ay, Reign

ed forty five years, 2 King. xxv. 27. Belhaz
zar three years, Dan. viii. 1. and therefore E
vilmerodach twenty three, to make up the e

venty years captivity ; excluding the firt year

of Nebuchadnezzar, in which they ay the
Prophey of the eventy years was given. To
Darius the Mede they aflign one year, or at
mot but two, Dan. ix. 1. to Cyrus three years
incomplete, Dan. x. 1. to Ahafuerus twelve
years 'till the cating of Pur, Esth. iii. 7. one
year more 'till the fews mote their enemies,
Esth. ix. 1. and one year more 'till Esther and
Mordecai wrote the econd letter for the keep

ing of Purim, Esth. ix. 29. in all fourteen



of the PE Rs 1 A N s.
years ; and to Darius the Perian they allot
thirty two or rather thirty fix years, Nehem.
xiii. 6. o that the Perian Empire from the

building of the Temple in the econd year of

Darius Hystafis, flourihed only thirty four
years, until Alexander the great overthrew it :
thus the fews reckon in their greater Chronicle,
Seder Olam Rabbah. joephus, out of the acred
and other books, reckons only thee Kings of

Perfa; Cyrus, Cambyes, Darius Hystafpis, Xerxes,

Artaxerxes, and Darius: and taking this Darius,
who was Darius Nothus, to be one and the ame

King with the last Darius, whom Alexander the

great overcame; by means of this reckoning he

makes Sanballat and faddua alive when Alexander
the great overthrew the Perfian Empire. Thus all
conclude the Perfan Empire with

Artaxerxes Longimanus, and Darius Nothus, al

lowing no more Kings of Peria, than they
found in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah; and

referring to the Reigns of this Artaxerxes,

and this Darius, whatever they met with in

profane hitory concerning the following Kings

of the ame names: fo as to take Artaxerxes

Longimanus, Artaxerxes Mnemon, and Artaxerxes

Ochus, for one and the ame Artaxerxes; and
Darius Nothus, and Darius Codomannus, for one

and the ame Darius; and faddua, and Simeon




Of the E M P 1 R e
justus, for one and the ame High-Priet. Thoe
fews who took Herod for the Meffiah, and were
thence called Herodians, eem to have grounded
their opinion upon the eventy weeks of years,
which they found between the Reign of Cyrus
and that of Herod: but afterwards, in applying
the Prophey to Theudas, and fudas of Galilee,
and at length to Barchochab, they eem to have

fhortned the Reign of the Kingdom of Perfia.

Thee accounts being very imperfect, it was
neceary to have recoure to the records of the
Greeks and Latines, and to the Canon recited,
by Ptolemy, for tating the times of this Empire.
Which being done, we have a better ground

for undertanding the hitory of the


down in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, and

adjusting it; for this hitory having uffered by

time, wants ome illutration: and firt I hall

ftate the hitory of the fews under Zerubbabel,

in the Reigns of Cyrus, Cambyes, and Darius Hy

This history is contained partly in the three
firt chapters of the book of Ezra, and firt five

veres of the fourth; and partly in the book of

Nehemiah, from the 5th vere of the eventh

chapter to the 9th vere of the twelfth : for Ne

hemiah copied all this out of the Chronicles of

the fews, written before his days; as may ap

of the P E Rs 1 A N s.
pear by reading the place, and conidering that


the Priets and Levites who fealed the Covenant

on the 24th day of the eventh month, Nehem.

x. were the very ame with thoe who returned

from captivity in the firt year of Cyrus, Nehem.

xii. and that all thoe who returned ealed it :

this will be perceived by the following compa



- * :

rion of their names. -


The Priets who returned. The Priets who ealed.

Nehemiah. Ezra ii. 2.




. Serajah.




Ezra. Nehem. 8.





Malluch: or Melicu,


Neh. xii. 2, 14.

Hattu/h. . .


Shechaniah or Shebaniah, Shebaniah.

Neh. xii. 3, 14.


Rehum : or Harim,ib. 3, 15. Harim.



Obadiah or Obdia.
Ginnetho :

Of the E M P 1 R E


Ginnetho: or Ginnethon, Ginnethon.

.. . ..

Neh. xii. 4, 16.



:}< . .

Mehullam . . . .



fe/hua. '




' fe/hua.



Sherebiah. rinnv,

Shebaniah rrahu.

judah : or

. . .





Hodaviah, Hodijah.

Ezra ii. 4o. & iii. 9.

K2dea; Septuag,

The Levites, festua, Kadmiel, and Hodaviah or fu

dah, here mentioned, are reckoned chief fathers

among the people who returned with Zerubbabel,

Ezra ii. 4o. and they aited as well in laying

the foundation of the Temple, Ezwa iii., 9. as

in reading the law, and making and fealing the

covenant, Nehem, viii. 7. & ix. 5. & x. 9,
I O.

Comparing therefore the books of Ezra and

Nehemiah together; the hitory of the fevs un

der Cyrus, Cambyes, and Darius Hystapis, is that


of the PERs 1 A N s.


they returned from captivity under Zerubbabel,

in the firt year of Cyrus, with the Holy Vestels
and a commiion to build the Temple; and
came to ferualem and fudah, every one to his
city, and dwelt in their cities untill the eventh
month; and then coming to ferualem, they
firt built the Altar, and on the firt day of

the eventh month began to offer the daily

burnt-offerings, and read in the book of the
Law, and they kept a folemn fat, and ealed a
Covenant; and thenceforward the Rulers of the

people dwelt at ferualem, and the ret of the

people cat lots, to dwell one in ten at ferufa
lem, and the ret in the cities of Judah : and in

the econd year of their coming, in the econd

month, which was fix years before the death of

Cyrus, they laid the foundation of the Temple;

but the adverfaries of Judah troubled them in
building, and hired counfellors against them all
the days of Cyrus, and longer, even until the
Reign of Darius King of Peria: but in the e

cond year of his Reign, by the prophefying of

Haggai and Zechariah, they returned to the work;
and by the help of a new decree from Darius,
finihed it on the third day of the month Adar,

in the fixth year of his Reign, and kept the

Dedication with joy, and the Palover, and Feat
of Unleavened Bread.

A aa



Of the E M P I R E
Now this Darius was not Darius Nothus, but

Darius Hystapis, as I gather by conidering that

the econd year of this Darius was the feventieth

of the indignation againt ferualem, and the

cities of fudah, which indignation commenced
with the invaion of ferualem, and the cities
of fudah by Nebuchadnezzar, in the ninth year
of Zedekiah, Zech. i. I 2. fer. xxxiv. 1, 7, 2 z.

& xxxix. 1. and that the fourth year of this

Darius, was the eventieth from the burning of

the Temple in the eleventh year of Zedekiah,
Zech. vii. 5. & fer. lii. I 2. both which are

exatly true of Darius Hystapis : and that in the

fecond year of this Darius there were men living

who had een the firtTemple, Hagg. ii. 3. where

as the econd year of Darius Nothus was 1 6 6 years

after the deolation of the Temple and City.

And further, if the finihing of the Temple be de
ferred to the ixth year of Darius Nothus, fe/hua

and Zerubhabel mut have been the one High

Priet, the other Captain of the people an hun
dred and eighteen years together, beides their
ages before; which is
too long : for in

the firt year of Cyrus the chief Priests were Se

rajah, feremiah, Ezra, Amariah, Malluch, She
chaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, Iddo, Ginnetho, Abijah,

Miamin, Maadiah, Bilgah, Shemajah, joiarib,

jedaiah, Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, fedaiah: thee

of the PER SI A N s.

3 3

were Priets in the days of fe/hua, and the

eldest fons of them all, Merajah the fon of Se

rajah, Hananiah the on of feremiah, Mestullam
the on of Ezra, &c. were chief Priets in the

days of foiakim the on of fe/hua: Nehem. xii.

and therefore the High Priet-hood of fe/hua was

but of an ordinary length.
I have now tated the history of the fews

in the Reigns of Cyrus, Cambyfes, and Darius

Hystapis: it remains that I state their hitory

in the Reigns of Xerxes, and Artaxerxes Longi

manus: for I place the hitory of Ezra and Ne

hemiah in the Reign of this Artaxerxes, and

not in that of Artaxerxes Mnemon : for during

all the Perian Monarchy, until the lat Darius
mentioned in Scripture, whom I take to be

Darius Nothus, there were but fix High-Priests

in continual ucceion of father and on,

namely, fe/hua, foiakim, Elia/bib, foiada, fona

than, faddua, and the eventh High-Priet was
Onias the on of faddua, and the eighth was
Simeon fustus, the on of Onias, and the ninth

was Eleazar the younger brother of Simeon.

Now, at a mean reckoning, we hould allow
about 27 or 28 years only to a Generation

by the eldet fons of a family, one Generation

with another, as above; but if in this cae we

allow 3 o years to a Generation, and may ful

A a a 2



Of the E M P I R E
ther uppoe that festua, at the return of the
captivity in the firt year of the Empire of the
Perians, was about 3 o or 4o years old; foia
kim will be of about that age in the 16th

year of Darius Hystapis, Eliahib in the tenth

year of Xerxes, foiada in the 19th year of
Artaxerxes Longimanus, fonathan in the 8th year
of Darius Nothus,

faddua in the 1 9th


of Artaxerxes Mnemon, Onias in the 3d year

of Artaxerxes Ochus, and Simeon fustus two
years before the death of Alexander the Great:

and this reckoning, as it is according to the

coure of nature,

o it

agrees perfetly well

with hitory; for thus Eliahib might be High

Priet, and have grandfons, before the feventh
year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Ezra x. 6. and
without exceeding the age which many old men
attain unto, continue High-Priettillafter the 3 2d
year of that King, Nehem. xiii. 6, 7. and his

grandon fohanan, or fonathan, mighthavea cham

ber in the Temple in the eventh year of that

King, Ezra x. 6, and be High-Priet before

Ezra wrote the ons of Levi in the book of

Chronicles ; Nehem. xii. 23. and in his High

Priethood, he might flayhis younger brother fefus
in the Temple, before the end of the Reign of
Artaxerxes Mnemon: foeph. Antiq. l. xi. c. 7.

and faddua might be High-Priet

se: the


of the PERs I A N s.


death of Sanballat, foeph. ib. and before the

death of Nehemiah, Nehem. xii. 2 2. and alo

before the end of the Reign of Darius Nothus ;

and he might thereby give occaion to foephus
and the later jews, who took this King for the
lat Darius, to fall into an opinion that Sanballat,
faddua, and Manaffeh the younger brother of
jaddua, lived till the end of the Reign of the
lat Darius : foeph. Antiq. l. xi. c. 7, 8. and

the aid Manaffeh might marry Nicafo the daugh

ter of Sanballat, and for that offence be chaed

from Nehemiah, before the end of the Reign of

Artaxerxes Longimanus; Nehem. xiii. 28. foeph.

Antiq. l. xi. c. 7, 8. and Sanballat might at

that time be Satrapa of Samaria, and in the

Reign of Darius Nothus, or oon after, build

the Temple of the Samaritans in Mount Geri

zim, for his on-in-law Manafeh, the firt High

Priet of that Temple; foeph. ib. and Simeon

justus might be High-Priet when the Perian

Empire was invaded by Alexander the Great,
as the fews repreent, foma fol. 69. 1. Liber

fuchafis. R. Gedaliah, &c. and for that reaon

he might be taken by fome of the fews for

the ame High-Priet with faddua, and be

dead ome time before the book of Eccleiasti
cus was writ in Hebrew at ferualem, by the

grandfather of him, who in the 38th year of



Of the E M P I R E
the Egyptian ra of Dionyius, that is in the

77th year after the death of Alexander the

Great, met with a copy of it in Egypt, and
there tranlated it into Greek: Eccleiast. ch. 5 o.

e5 in Prolog, and Eleazar, the younger bro

ther and ucceor of Simeon, might caue the
Law to be tranlated into Greek, in the beginning
of the Reign of Ptolemus Philadelphus : Joeph.
Antiq. l. xii. c. 2. and Onias the fon of Simeon
fustus, who was a child at his father's death,
and by conequence was born in his father's old

age, might be o old in the Reign of Ptole

meus Euergetes, as to have his follies excued to

that King, by repreenting that he was then

grown childih with old age. . foeph. Antiq.

I. xii. c. 4. In this manner the ations of all
thee High-Priets fuit with the Reigns of the

Kings, without any training from the coure

of nature: and according to this reckonin
the days of Ezra and Nehemiah fall in

the Reign of the firt Artaxerxes; for Ezra and

Nehemiah flourihed in the High-Priesthood of
Elia/bib, Ezra x. 6.

Nehem. iii. 1. & xiii. 4,

28. But if Elia/hib, Ezra and Nehemiah be placed

in the Reign of the econd Artaxerxes, ince

they lived beyond the 3 2d year of Artaxerxes,
Nehem. xiii. 28, there mut be at leat 1 6 o

years allotted to the three firt High-Priests, and


of the PERs I A N s.
but 42 to the four or five lat, a diviion too

unequal: for the High Priethoods of festua,

joiakim, and Eliahib, were but of an ordinary
length, that of fe/hua fell in with one Gene
ration of the chief Priets, and that of foia
kim with the next Generation, as we have

fhewed already; and that of Elia/bib fell in with

the third Generation : for at the dedication of

the wall, Zechariah the on of fonathan, the on

of Shemaiah, was one of the Priets, Nehem. xii.

3 5, and fonathan and his father Shemaiah, were

contemporaries to foiakim and his father fe/hua:
Nehem. xii. 6, 18.

I oberve further that in

the firt year of Cyrus, fe/hua, and Bani, or

Binnui, were chief fathers of the Levites, Nehem.
vii. 7. 15. & Ezra ii. 2. 1 o. & iii. 9. and that

fozabad the on of festua, and Noadiah the on

of Binnui, were chief Levites in the feventh

year of Artaxerxes, when Ezra came to ferufa

lem, Ezra viii. 3 3. o that this Artaxerxes be

gan his Reign before the end of the econd
Generation : and that he Reigned in the time
of the third Generation is confirmed by two
intances more; for Mehullam the on of Bere
chiah, the fon of Mefhezabeel, and Azariah the

fon of Maafeiah, the on of Ananiah, were fa

thers of their houes at the repairing of the

wall; Nehem. iii. 4, 23. and their grandfathers,




Of the E M P 1 R E
Me/bazabeel and Hananiah, ubcribed the cove

nant in the Reign of Cyrus: Nehem. x. 21, 23.

Yea Nehemiah, this fame Nehemiah the on of

Hachaliah, was the Tirfhatha, and ubcribed it,

Nehem. x. 1, & viii. 9, & Ezra ii. 2, 6 3 . and

therefore in the 3 1 d year of Artaxerxes

Mnemon, he will be above 18o years old, an age

furely too great. The fame may be faid of Ezra,
if he was that Priet and Scribe who read the

Law, Nehem. viii. for he is the on of Serajah,

the on of Azariah, the fon of Hilkiah, the fon

of Shallum, &c. Ezra vii. 1. and this Serajah

went into captivity at the burning of the Tem

ple, and was there lain, 1 Chron. vi. 14, 2

King. xxv. 18. and from his death, to the

twentieth year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, is above

2oo years; an age too great for Ezra.

I confider further that Ezra, chap. iv. names

Cyrus, *, Darius, Ahafuerus, and Artaxerxes, in

continual order, as ucceors to one another, and

thee names agree to Cyrus, *, Darius Hystafis,

Xerxes, and Artaxerxes Longimanus, and to no

other Kings of Peria : fome take this Ar

taxerxes to be not the Succeor, but the Prede

ceor of Darius Hystapis, not conidering that

in his Reign the fews were buy in building
the City and the Wall, Ezra iv. i 2. and by con
fequence had finihed the Temple before. Ezra


of the PE Rs I A N s.
decribes firt how the people of the land hin

dered the building of the Temple all the days

of Cyrus, and further, untill the Reign of Darius;
and after the Temple was built, how they hin
dered the building of the city in the Reign of
Ahafuerus and Artaxerxes, and

then returns back

to the story of the Temple in the Reign of

Cyrus and Darius; and this is confirmed by com
paring the book of Ezra with the book of
Edras : for if in the book of Ezra you omit
the tory of Ahafuerus and Artaxerxes, and in

that of Edras you omit the ame tory of Ar

taxerxes, and that of the three wife men, the

two books will agree : and therefore the book

of Edras, if you except the tory of the three

wife men, was originally copied from authentic

writings of Sacred Authority. Now the story of

Artaxerxes, which, with that of Ahafuerus, in the
book of Ezra interrupts the tory of Darius, doth

not interrupt it in the book of Edras, but is

there inerted into the tory ofCyrus, between the
firt and econd chapter of Ezra; and all the ret
of the tory of Cyrus, and that of Darius, is told
in the book of fdras in continual order, with
out any interruption : o that the Darius which
in the book of Ezra precedes Ahafuerus and Ar
taxerxes, and the Darius which in the fame book

follows them, is, by the book of Edras, one

B b b



Of the E M P I R E
and the fame Darius; and I take the book of

Edras to be the bet interpreter of the book

of Ezra: o the Darius mentioned between

Cyrus and Ahafuerus, is Darius Hystapis; and

therefore Ahafuerus and Artaxerxes who uc

ceed him, are Xerxes and Artaxerxes Longima

nus; and the fews who came up from Arta

.xerxes to ferualem, and began to build the city

and the wall, Ezra iv. 13. are Ezra with his

companions : which being undertood, the hi

ftory of the fews in the Reign of thee Kings

will be as follows.

After the Temple was built, and Darius Hy

ffafpis was dead, the enemies of the Jews in the

beginning of the Reign of his ucceor Ahafue
rus or Xerxes, wrote unto him an accuation a

gaint them; Ezra iv. 6. but in the eventh year

of his ucceor Artaxerxes, Ezra and his com

panions went up from Babylon with Offerings

and Vestels for the Temple, and power to be
ftow on it out of the King's Treaure what

fhould be requiite; Ezra vii, whence the Tem

ple is aid to be finihed, according to the com
mandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes

King of Peria: Ezra vi. 14. Their commi

fion was alo to fet Magitrates and Judges over
the land, and thereby becoming a new Body
Politic, they called a great Council or Sanhe

of the P E Rs 1 A N s.
drim to eparate the people from trange wives;
and the were alo encouraged to attempt the

building of ferualem with its wall : and thence

Ezra aith in his prayer, that God had extended
mercy unto them in the fight ofthe Kings of Peria,
and given them a reviving to fet up the houfe of .
their God, and to repair the defolations thereof,
and to give them a WA L L in Judah, even in
Jerualem. Ezra ix. 9. But when they had be
gun to repair the wall, their enemies wrote a
gaint them to Artaxerxes: Be it known, fay

they, unto the King, that the Jews which came up

om thee to us, are come unto Jerualem, building
the rebellious and the bad city, and have fet up the

walls thereof, and joined the foundations, &c. And

the King wrote back that the fews hould ceae

and the city not be built, until another com
mandment hould be given from him: where

upon their enemies went up to Jerualem, and

made them ceafe by force and power; Ezra iv.
but in the twentieth year of the King, Nehe

miah hearing that the fews were in great af

flition and ditres, and that the wall of feru

falem, that wall which had been newly repaired

by Ezra, was broken down, and the gates there

of burnt with fre; he obtained leave of the

King to go and build the city, and the Gover
nour's houe, Nehem. i. 3. & ii. 6, 8, 17. and
B b b 2




Of the E M P I R E
coming to ferualem the ame year, he conti
nued Governor twelve years, and built the wall;
and being oppoed by Sanballat, Tobiah and Ge

/hem, he perited in the work with great reo

lution and patience, until the breaches were made

up : then Sanballat and Gehem ent meengers

unto him five times to hinder him from etting

up the doors upon the gates: but notwith

ftandinghe perfited in the work, until the doors
were alo fet up : fo the wall was finihed in the

eight and twentieth year of the King, fof ph.

Antiq. l. xi. c. 5. in the five and twentieth day
of the month Elul, or fixth month, in fifty and

two days after the breaches were made up, and

they began to work upon the gates. While the

timber for the gates was preparing and eaon
ing, they made up the breaches of the wall;
both were works of time, and are not jointly
to be reckoned within the 5 2 days: this is the
time of the lat work of the wall, the work of

fetting up the gates after the timber was ea

foned and the breaches made up. When
he had et up the gates, he dedicated the wall
with great olemnity, and appointed Officers
over the chambers for the Treaure, for the of
ferings, for the First-Fruits, and for the Tithes,
to gather into them out of the fields of the ci

ties, the portions appointed by the law for the


of the PE Rs 1 A N s.


Priests and Levites; and the Singers and the

Porters kept the ward of their God; Nehem. xii.
but the people in the city were but few, and
the houfes were unbuilt : Nehem. vii. 1, 4. and
in this condition he left ferualem in the 3 2d

year of the King; and after ome time returning

back from the King, he reformed uch abues
as had been committed in his abence. Nehem.

xiii. In the mean time, the Genealogies of the

Priets and Levites were recorded in the book

of the Chronicles, in the days of Elia/bib, foiada,

fonathan, and faddua, until the Reign of the next
King Darius Nothus, whom Nehemiah calls Da
rius the Perfian : Nehem. xii. i 1, 22, 2 ; . whence
it follows that Nehemiah was Governor of the

jews until the Reign of Darius Nothus. And

here ends the Sacred Hitory of the fews.
The hitories of the Perfians now extant in
the Eat, repreent that the oldet Dynasties of

the Kings of Peria, were thoe whom they call

Pifchdadians and Kaianides, and that the Dynasty
of the Kaianides immediately ucceeded that of
the Pifchdadians. They derive the name Kaiani
des from the word Kai, which, they ay, in the
old Perian language ignified a Giant or great

King; and they call the firt four Kings of

this Dynaty, Kai-Cobad, Kai-Caus, Kai-Cofroes,
and Lohorap, and by Lohoraf mean Kai-Axeres,


Of the E M P I R E
or Cyaxeres: for they ay that Lohoraf was the
firt of their Kings who reduced their armies to

good order and

and Herodotus affirms
the ame thing of Cyaxeres: and they ay fur
ther, that Lohorap went eatward, and conquer
ed many Provinces of Perfia, and that one of
his Generals, whom the Hebrews call Nebuchad

nezzar, the Arabians Bocktanaffar, and others

Raham and Gudars, went wetward, and conquer

ed all Syria and fudea, and took the city of feru
falem and detroyed it : they eem to call Nebu
chadnezzar the General of Lohorap, becaue he
affited him in ome of his wars. The fifth King

of this Dynaty, they call Kifchtap, and by this

name mean fometimes Darius Medus, and fome

times Darius Hystafpis: for they ay that he was

contemporary to Ozair or Ezra,and to Zaradust or

Zoroastres, the Legilator of the Ghebers or fire

worhippers, , and etablihed his dotrines

throughout all Peria; and here they take him
for Darius Hystapis: they ay alo that he was
contemporary to feremiah, and to Daniel, and
that he was the on and ucceor of Lohorap,
and here they take him for Darius the Mede.

The fixth King of the Kaianides, they call Baha

man, and tell us that Bahaman was Ardchir

Diraz, that is Artaxerxes Longimanus, fo called

from the great extent of his power : and yet


of the P E Rs I A N s.


they ay that Bahaman went wetward into Me

opotamia and Syria, and
Belhazzar the

on of Nebuchadnezzar, and gave the Kingdom

to Cyrus his Lieutenant-General over Media: and

here they take Bahaman for Darius Medus. Next

after Ardfchir Diraz, they place Homai a Queen,

the mother of Darius Nothus, tho' really he did

not Reign : and the two next and lat Kings of

the Kaianides, they call Darab the batard on of

Ardfchir Diraz, and Darab who was conquered

by Afcander Roumi, that is Darius Nothus, and Da

rius who was conquered by Alexander the Greek:

and the Kings between thee two Darius's they
omit, as they do alo Cyrus, Cambyfes, and Xerxes.
The Dynaty of the Kaianides, was therefore that
of the Medes and Perians, beginning with the

defetion of the Medes from the Affyrians, in the

end of the Reign of Sennacherib, and ending with

the conquet of Peria by Alexander the Great.

But their account of this Dynaty is very im

perfect, ome Kingsbeing omitted, and othersbe

ing confounded with one another : and their
Chronology of this Dynasty is till wore; for to

the firt King they affign a Reign of 1 2 o years,

to the econd a Reign of 15 o years, to the
third a Reign of 6 o years, to the fourth a Reign
of 1 2 o years, to the fifth as much, and to
the fixth a Reign of 1 1 2 years.



Of the E M P I R E, Sc.
This Dynaty being the Monarchy of the
Medes, and Perfians; the Dynaty of the Pifchda
dians which immediately preceded it, mut be

that of the Affrians : and according to the ori

ental historians this was the oldet Kingdom in
the world, ome of its Kings living a thouand
years a-piece, and one of them Reigning five
hundred years, another even hundred years,
and another a thouand years.

We need not then wonder, that the Egypti

ans have made the Kings in the firt Dynaty of
their Monarchy, that which was feated at Thebes
in the days of David, Solomon, and Rehoboam, o

very ancient and o long lived; ince the Perians

who began to

have done the like to their

Reign in Affria two hundred years after the

death of Solomon; and the Syrians of Damafeus
have done the like to their

Adar and Ha

zael, who Reigned an hundred years after the

death of Solomon, worhipping them as Gods, and

boasting their antiquity, and not knowing, aith

Joephus, that they were but modern.
And whilt all thee nations have magnified

their Antiquities o exceedingly, we need not

wonder that the Greeks and Latines have made

their firt Kings a little older than the truth.




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