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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

February 2007 (Vol. 3, No. 2)

Notable & Quotable: "Although we outwardly acknowledge the possibility of our

relationship to a higher power, is it possible that over time and through the struggle to
survive, we have forgotten the meaning that such a relationship implies? If we believe that
our human family is the result of a 'chance' mingling of molecules that resulted in our
complex and intelligent species, then there is a sense that we're alone in the cosmos, and
our survival may truly be based upon the strongest and fittest. If, however, we discover that
our global family has been 'created'--that we are the intentional product of a greater
intelligence--then the sense of our role in creation must also change. Perhaps new clues,
such as those that we find by reading human DNA as an original language, may help us
better understand the nature of our evolution. Ultimately, we may find that the answer to our
mystery lies at the heart of our genetic map."

Gregg Braden, The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future (Hay House, Inc.,


1. "DNA Variability, Holographic Blueprints & Life's Symphony," by Mike Adams

2. "A New Lease on Life," by Sol Luckman

3. "The Healing Power of Sound," by Lia Scallon

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. DNA Variability, Holographic Blueprints & Life's Symphony

Mike Adams

Announced with great fanfare in late November of last year, scientists have discovered that
human DNA is far more variable than previously thought. Contrary to previous beliefs, as
much as ten percent of human genes vary wildly from one person to the next. The
mainstream press is hailing the discovery as some sort of breakthrough that will shed light
on so-called "incurable" diseases and give researchers the ability to create more targeted
medicines. In reality, this new DNA discovery explains why most pharmaceuticals fail to
work for most people.

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More importantly, this discovery humbles us, showing us that even our top scientists know
less about human DNA than they once thought. Researching DNA is a lot like researching
astronomy: the more we learn, the less we realize we know. It's as if every newly discovered
fact unveils the existence of ten new questions we never even knew existed.

The mainstream media, in its usual limited view, is reporting this discovery as a
breakthrough that will help scientists develop new drugs to treat disease. Every "Eureka!"
moment having anything to do with the genetic code seems to lead the media to the same
advertiser-pleasing conclusion, but they haven't even begun to realize the big story here.
The real news in this discovery, which has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals or even
medical science, is larger and more profound than any of us could have possibly imagined.

Where Are the Missing Blueprints?

Until today, it was widely believed that individual genes directly controlled physical traits in
the human body (and even mental and behavioral traits, according to some). But now it
turns out that a surprisingly large number of individuals have wild variations in their genetic
code, such as multiple copies of the same gene or even entire genes that are missing from
their DNA. And yet they're not walking around without a kidney, for example, or missing their
left eyeball!

It's all quite shocking and rather difficult to explain from a Western point of view in which
scientists believe that DNA is like a computer program containing sequential instructions for
building a physical organism. The truth is, there aren't enough genes in the human genome
to even build a human being in the first place. A human has about 30,000 genes, yet an
adult human has trillions of specialized cells governed by millions of different chemical
reactions. How do 30,000 genes control all this?

Only a few years ago (2001), humans were believed to have 100,000 genes while all simple
life forms contained far fewer. But this assumption of humans being some "advanced" life
form proved utterly false. It turns out that the mustard weed contains the same number of
genes as humans, and even the common mouse has nearly as many. From certain types of
worms to common trees, there are many organisms on the planet that have very nearly the
same number of genes as human beings--and some have more!

Even more surprising to most is the fact that human beings appear to actually be human-
bacteria hybrids. We are not all human, in other words. At least 200 genes in our genetic
code were mysteriously borrowed from bacteria, we now know. Nobody is sure how they got
there, but we are sure they exist.

Furthermore, if we look at the composition of cells in the typical human body, and start
counting them, we realize that most of these cells are not human. It's a shocking statement,
but entirely true. The vast majority of cells contained in the human body are bacteria cells--
about 100 trillion of them for a typical human organism.

In other words, most of the cells you walk around with you are not even you. The importance
of this is in understanding that the human organism does not exist in isolation from the world
around it. Regardless of what we believe, we are all closer to nature than we think. In fact,
we literally live with nature inside us, permeating our cells.

Epigenetic Factors

There is no mention of epigenetics in all this news about the human genome. Although little
understood by mainstream science, epigenetic factors control the expression of genes,

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activating or deactivating them based on environmental factors such as nutrition or exposure

to synthetic chemicals.

Epigenetic factors are also inherited, passed from one generation to the next, meaning that
if one woman suffers from chronic nutritional deficiencies when she conceives a child, the
detrimental side effects of that nutritional deficiency will be passed down through multiple
generations (at least four generations, according to Pottenger, but perhaps as many as
seven according to others).

So DNA is not the only archive of information passed from mother to child. Even if we
understood everything about DNA, we would still miss the big picture unless we also
understood epigenetic factors--yet most old-school researchers and Western scientists don't
even believe in epigenetic factors, adhering to the outdated point of view that genes alone
control everything, and that all disease is predetermined, with environmental factors having
little or no effect.

The Human Genome Reflects the Patterns of Nature

Most Western scientists currently believe the human genome is effectively like a biological
computer program--a series of instructions that tells the cells how to construct a complete
organism containing trillions of new cells. Of course, there's no real explanation as to how a
mere 30,000 genes could oversee the construction, maintenance and operation of such a
highly complex organism. As Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome
Research Institute, said, "It's astounding that we get by with so few protein-coding genes,
but that seems to be sufficient because here we all are." It's hard to argue with logic like

Indeed, it does work. But not in the way Western scientists believe. My personal theory of
the human genome takes special note of the multiple copies of many genes that have now
been observed across a wide spectrum of the human population. Some people carry one,
two, three or even four copies of the same gene.

If you look at nature, where else do you notice copies of the same information? In
harmonics, of course. A complex sound such as a single note on a violin is not made up of a
simple square wave tone, but a highly complex harmonics which gives the violin its special
tone and timbre--a sort of auditory personality. On an oscilloscope, these harmonic levels
often appear as copies of the same underlying waveforms.

Such "overtones" are present throughout the human experience. Simple saying the word
"we," for example, involves shaping the mouth and tongue into an arrangement that creates
complex, high-frequency overtones. The "ee" sound is the highest multi-frequency overtone
sound created in human speech, but every vowel sound has its own unique pattern of
repeating information. From low to high, the progression is "uuu," "ooo," "aaah," "eh," "eee."

Physically, a human being is more like musical expression than a set of construction
blueprints. The human body has near-perfect symmetry and economies of expression
through fractal geometry that are quite evident in the structure of the circulatory system, for
instance, or the nervous system. Just look at a drawing of veins and arteries and you'll
notice the fractal patterns of geometry--the same patterns drawn in the underside of a leaf.

The same is also true of human hair and skin cells. Every police detective knows that the
human fingerprint is made up of readily identifiable patterns that are connected through a
sort of biological artistry. In any human fingerprint, notice the loops, swishes and curves that
give strong clues to the underlying fractal geometry. Fingerprints aren't built with cellular

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bricks, they're built with repeating patterns that give us strong clues about the true structure
of our DNA. (Fractal geometry is also the dominant form of physical structure in nature, by
the way. In fact, it was the study of plant leaves and mollusk shells that led to the discovery
of fractal geometry.)

Throughout the human body, from the lining of the cells of the stomach to the structure of
the eye, we find patterns that go way beyond mere construction blueprints. The human body
is a symphony, a grand musical masterpiece played out in billions of variations across the

And DNA, in my view, is a holographic reflection of the whole being. The repeating patterns
of genes and the symmetry of the double helix are all expressions of music. The human
genome is a symphony, and it is through this symphony that we play the music of life.
Combined with environmental and energetic factors (such as parental love), the symphony
of human DNA creates a physical being. But it doesn't stop there. DNA also helps create the
framework for an emotional being, an energetic being, and a spiritual being.

Some scientists see nothing but cold, hard construction blueprints in DNA. Others see God
in the symphony, or Mother Nature directing the orchestra. I see a miracle of life, created
with such masterful poetry and music that it is something to behold, to honor, and to be
humbled by. It is the ultimate statement of our connection to nature, for everywhere you
look, you see the same patterns we express, carried out in a range of melodies through the
plants, the animals, and even the waters and skies. Closely examining ourselves, we cannot
help but observe nature.

Western Scientists Refuse to Hear the Music

For Western scientists to think they have figured out the Human Genome, and that they can
now use it to design new synthetic drugs that hijack the biochemical orchestra of the human
body, is the epitome of medical arrogance. Most of these scientists refuse to recognize the
miracle of human life, believing instead in the superiority of Man over nature. They would
destroy a thousand symphonies to sell another million dollars' worth of pharmaceuticals.

They are the music stoppers, the nature deniers ... the rationalists. They believe all things
are compartmentalized and separated. There is no connection between living things,
according to the rationalists, and living creatures are nothing more than players in some
cruel game called Survival of the Fittest.

Yet we are all unique, creative expressions of the same universal tune. Our very blueprint--
our DNA--is a symphony of expression that will never be understood until researchers start
to think holographically rather than sequentially. DNA is a wonderful mystery, as is any good
symphony, or novel, or collection of poetry. And just as a novel is more than the sum of its
words, a human being is more than the accounting of his or her DNA. Let me give you a
simple example to make this all more apparent.

In the paragraph below, each word represents a gene. What is this paragraph trying to say?

a, a, a, above, air, all, almost, alone, and, and, and, anywhere, as, breadth, brought, by,
cluster, color, combining, crate, crooked, dropped, evening, fine, first-water, follow, freedom,
from, glossy, greater, hair, hazy, i, i, image, in, in, in, in, it, it, it, it, it, i've, i've, i've, jewel,
later, little, luster, might, moon, moon, new, of, of, of, of, on, one, one, or, ornament, over,
please, pulled, put, run, seen, shining, shining, slowly, some, sorts, start, the, the, the, the,
the, the, tilted, tree-and-farmhouse, trees, tried, tried, try, walking, wallow, water, with, with,
wonder, you, your.

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Presented as such, it seems to be nonsense. This is the Western view of the human
genome, where each "word" (or gene) stands on its own, existing in some isolated way for
the purpose of governing the construction of some correlated physical structure. Western
scientists even use the term "words" to describe genes, and they describe the variation in
the protein sequences as different "spellings" of those words. Yet they completely miss the
grammar of those words: the linguistics, the music, the poetry.

Now let's take those same words (genes) and rearrange them to create music. Or poetry, in
this case, courtesy of Robert Frost:

The Freedom of the Moon

I've tried the new moon tilted in the air

Above a hazy tree-and-farmhouse cluster
As you might try a jewel in your hair.
I've tried it fine with little breadth of luster,
Alone, or in one ornament combining
With one first-water start almost shining.

I put it shining anywhere I please.

By walking slowly on some evening later,
I've pulled it from a crate of crooked trees,
And brought it over glossy water, greater,
And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow,
The color run, all sorts of wonder follow.

Do you see the difference? These are the same words as the nonsense paragraph shown
earlier, but now suddenly they create something far more complex and intelligent than the
sum of their parts! Through the arrangement of words, or the symphony of words, Robert
Frost takes us on a journey that touches on the human experience, our relationship with
nature, and the meaning of life itself. All this has been brought forth by a set of words that
seemed meaningless when read in isolation, absent their (holographic) interrelationships.

DNA is poetry. As long as Western scientists continue to look at genes in isolation, they will
only see a scramble of isolated words whose meaning remains elusive. But genuine, curious
scientists who are true enough to their own hearts to take a leap of faith at believing in the
symphony of nature will find something far different in human DNA. They will find poetry,
symmetry, harmonics--a song of life that, if truly understood, would humble even the most
brilliant among us.

Last year's discovery of widespread variability in the genetic code (and gene copies, and
missing genes) is not something to be viewed as a way to sell more drugs. That view insults
nature herself. This discovery is far more profound. It gives us an important clue that can
help humankind remember where we came from. It reminds us that we are part of nature,
not its conquerors or masters. We are, in fact, an expression of the very phenomena we are
attempting to understand. If we read the poetry of DNA correctly, we will realize that life itself
is not about the accumulation of wealth, or stuff, or power over others, but rather the
discovery of self.

And "self" does not exist in isolation. We are, in every way imaginable, intertwined. We are
all made of the same stuff, wrought from the same patterns of nature, and in fact, formulated
from the same musical notes played out in five billion unique but compatible tunes. With this
discovery, Western science has concluded we are all more different from each other than
previously thought. Yet it is more plausible that this discovery provides evidence that we are

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all unique verses of the same universal poem.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Mike Adams. All Rights Reserved.

[For more information on Mike Adams' pursuits as a "health ranger," click here.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

DNA Activation: electrogenetic mode of intercession capable of noninvasively stimulating a

self-healing potential in the genome, specifically by way of consciously stimulating a
molecular rearrangement of transposons or "jumping DNA."

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2. A New Lease on Life

Sol Luckman

In 1998 after nearly three years suffering from a mysterious chronic illness, I celebrated my
thirtieth birthday by compiling a list of my thirty or so terrifying symptoms. I saved it as a
memento in the event I ever found a cure for the elusive disease that had debilitated me.

The list included asthmatic chest tightness; acute chemical sensitivities; severe food
allergies; Candida overgrowth; migraines and "brain fog"; fatigue and insomnia; migratory
toothache and backache; muscle twitching and tremors … all of which combined to produce
such emotionally devastating intangibles as hopelessness and desperation.

By the time I got around to making my list, I'd already undergone dozens of "negative"
medical tests. Despite an inexplicably low white blood cell count, I apparently didn't have
AIDS or leukemia. Despite my frightening neurological sensations, doctors scoffed at the
idea I might be suffering from MS or Parkinson's.

The only diagnosis I ever received was as meaningless as it was frustrating: depression.
Naturally, I was becoming depressed. But I knew depression was the result not the cause of
whatever was degenerating my once athletic body.

Having exhausted my allopathic options, I embarked on a bewildering odyssey into the world
of alternative therapies. Suspecting heavy metals, I had my amalgam fillings replaced with
nonmetallic materials. I followed this protocol with twenty-eight DMPS intravenous chelation
treatments in an attempt to remove toxic mercury from my tissues, while supplementing with
vitamin and DMSA oral chelation.

This procedure produced only temporary results. Meanwhile, I took handfuls of nearly every
supplement on the market to halt my deterioration. I experimented with ozone and infrared
saunas. I tried reiki, acupuncture, homeopathy, biofeedback, magnets, "zappers." I
underwent NAET, BioSET, EMDR, hypnosis, even "psychic surgery." I tried practically
everything and spent thousands of dollars, but after nearly six years, I was sicker than ever
and getting worse.

The word "inspiration" best conveys the intuitive process I began in 2002 that led me to

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consider the radical notion that if I could somehow "reset" myself at the genetic level, all my
bizarre symptoms would eventually go away. I found myself on this path after reading a
disturbing book by Harvard-trained Leonard Horowitz entitled Emerging Viruses. Basing his
claims on meticulous research, Dr. Horowitz persuasively argues that vaccines are the real
cause of a variety of autoimmune diseases, including AIDS.

This may strike anyone who accepts the official line that vaccines are safe and effective as
unbelievable. But after a year spent testing Horowitz's ideas at the energetic level using
kinesiology (muscle testing), I concluded belief isn't required for immune-wrecking
retroviruses to penetrate the bloodstream via "immunizations" and alter one's genetic code,
potentially sabotaging health under a myriad of creative diagnoses such as "fibromyalgia,"
"chronic fatigue" and "multiple chemical sensitivity." Even the medical establishment recently
linked certain childhood vaccines to autism.

At this point I was fortunate to stumble on another book that forever changed the way I
viewed medicine: The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, by French
anthropologist Jeremy Narby. Dr. Narby spent years studying the seemingly miraculous
healing techniques of Amazonian shamans (medicine men), who apparently cure people
using sound to stimulate a self-healing potential in human DNA.

Intrigued enough to delve into this subject, I learned that the power of sound to activate DNA
had recently been documented by the Gariaev group, a Russian team that brought together
geneticists and linguists. One revolutionary implication of their research is that to activate
DNA, one can simply use words. While Western researchers clumsily (and dangerously) cut
and splice genes, the Russian team created sophisticated devices capable of noninvasively
repairing damaged chromosomes by simply applying vibration and language (i.e., words) to

When it became apparent that my illness resulted from a series of hepatitis and yellow fever
vaccines I received in 1995, I realized the only way I would ever get well was to activate my
DNA's own self-healing potential. I also knew this could only be accomplished by using
sound. I theorized that the correct combination of sounds, intentionally geared to the body's
electromagnetics, could erase vaccination damage by "resetting" the human bioenergy field.

With the assistance of my partner Leigh, I set out to prove this theory, believing if I could
heal myself, I could help others. Our research took us to South America, where we
succeeded in developing a technique for DNA activation and electromagnetic repatterning
we called Potentiation.

Three and a half years later, having "potentiated" ourselves and hundreds more, Leigh's
asthma and allergies to pollen and cats have completely disappeared, and I'm visibly a new
man. I can swim two miles at top speed. I can eat and drink whatever I please. Smoke and
perfume no longer bother me. I sleep well, my pain is gone, joy has replaced my
"depression," and the only lists I make these days are of all the exciting things I plan to do
with my new lease on life.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the internationally acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics
Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the
Regenetics Method of DNA activation have appeared in Atlantis Rising, Well Being Journal, Renaissance,
Odyssey, Sedona Journal of Emergence, and Metamorphosis, and also have been featured in the alternative
medicine anthology Message of Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind, edited by Amy Biddle, and Heal Yourself with
Breath, Light, Sound and Water by Denis Ouelette. In addition, he has been a featured guest of Dr. Stuart Titus
on the Internet radio show "Health & Science: The Next Generation." Nexus New Times called Conscious
Healing, which also received a five-star endorsement from the Midwest Book Review and was recently

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translated into Turkish, a "paradigm-reworking book" that introduces a "revolutionary healing science that's
expanding the boundaries of being." The Developers and all trained Facilitators of the Regenetics Method do
not purport to diagnose or treat illness of any kind. The Developers and Facilitators make no claims, promises
or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. For more information click here.]

Did You Know ... that in the words of David A. Jernigan and Samantha Joseph in
"Illuminated Physiology and the Medical Uses of Light," "Top researchers believe that our
thoughts cause the mind to set up a morphogenetic field, which in turn fuels bio-
holographic ... projections in the heart. These projections in the heart use biophotonic (laser-
like) coherent emissions to transmit information and control inputs to the DNA and from the
DNA to the entire crystalline matrix to support the thought command. In theory, heart-
generated light traveling through the liquid crystalline matrix 'optical fibers' of the body can
produce 'supercontinuum light,' thereby maintaining its coherence and resulting in the multi-
system wide effects seen when one biophotonic emission frequency from the heart is sent
through the body's crystalline matrix ... [DNA contains] photo-receivers and photo-
transmitters, and it may be that DNA is where the coherent signal is split into
supercontinuum light to produce the 'super-biohologram' that is the human body. It would
seem that our thoughts are commands to the heart. The heart photonically imprints the DNA
with the information to make the thought command come true."

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at


3. The Healing Power of Sound

Lia Scallon

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was ... a sound--the very breath of God. In
Sanskrit, "Nada Brahma" means, "The world is sound." As in the Bible, so too ancient Hindu
scholars claimed that the universe arose first out of sound, which gave rise to light, which
then became matter. Modern science seems inclined to concur. The controversial theory of
the Big Bang proposes that our universe exploded into being out of one great sound. The
Hindu belief is that the "soundless sound" is the subtlest element. It is beyond the speed of
light, contains all universal knowledge, and is the cohesive Source of all that is.

Every planet, indeed every layer of life, vibrates to sound. Many living organisms, in addition
to human beings, communicate so richly through sound that it is hard to imagine their
survival without it. Bird song and the songs of whales, for example, are bewilderingly
complex, and decidedly musical.

So sensitive are we humans to sound that noise pollution has been called the most common
modern health hazard. High levels of unpleasant sounds cause blood vessels to constrict;
blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rates to increase; extra fats to be released into the
bloodstream; and the blood's magnesium levels to fall. People are adversely affected not
only by loud sounds but also by those that are dissonant or inharmonic.

For thousands of years, cultures throughout the world have used music to heal the body,
mind, and spirit. Only recently, however, has the field of sound healing emerged into full-
scale public awareness. Studies have shown that music can reduce stress, enhance
immune system function, slow down and balance brainwave activity, reduce muscle tension,
increase endorphin levels, and evoke feelings of love and inner peace.

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Sound can also mean something to us that is not adequately explained just by analysis of
the physical changes it causes. Sound vibration can open doorways to other dimensions by
altering the vibrational reality. For millennia, many great spiritual traditions have prescribed
the repetition of certain sounds to promote the experience of transcendent realities. The
ritualistic use of specific chants, prayers, incantations, affirmations and holy words is truly

Ancient civilizations believed that each soul held its own musical frequency, a sort of
individual soundprint throughout every cell of the body. In ancient Atlantis, it is believed, this
soundprint was referred to as the "wam," or the soul's music. In the crystalline caves of
Atlantis, the healing priestesses would attune the wam simply by striking the appropriate
crystal matrix and creating a resonant tone that would bring the individual back into
harmony.The first Tibetan masters developed a way to reproduce and preserve the wam by
creating sacred tools which include the dorje, the bell, and the Tibetan "singing" bowl.

Today, we have seen the emergence of quartz crystal singing bowls that have evolved from
the computer industry, which uses their intense energy field to grow quartz silicon chips.
Each crystal bowl is digitally attuned to the diatonic musical scale--C, D, E, F, G, A, B--which
is vibrationally connected with the chakra system. The bigger the bowl, the deeper the
sound and the more it resonates with the physical. The smaller the bowl, the higher the
sound and the more it resonates with the spiritual. The sound emitted by playing the crystal
bowls as musical instruments is considered one of the purest tones in the world.

Crystals are rainbow channels of light and can be programmed for healing. The sound
produced by the bowls intensifies the seven rainbow lights of the crystals. When we enter
into the sound of the crystal bowls their seven rainbow tones activate different states of
consciousness.The vibrational frequencies of the bowls resonate with the physical body and
the subtle energy field around the body, facilitating the harmonization of the heart and the
mind, the physical with the spiritual.

Certain meditation practices that emphasize repetitious chanting of special sounds, or

mantras, are associated with demonstrable health benefits. Sound expert James D'Angelo
believes that sounds sung or words spoken by a person have the strongest impact upon the
individual's chemical changes, especially mantras repeated regularly, which can bring about
very decisive changes.

In his book Healing with the Voice D'Angelo writes that "the subtle and powerful vibrations
produced by the human voice purify and balance energies within the body to help promote
total wellbeing." He believes toning--the repetition of single vowel sounds or syllables--and
chanting are the highest forms of healing vibration using the voice. The repetition of the
sound penetrates deep into the psyche and can calm the mind or boost energy levels.
Different sounds can be directed to specific areas of the body to enhance wellbeing.

Sound has tremendous power. The ancients understood that a simple sound could
reorganize the body's structure. Specific tones correspond to specific areas of the body.
Each chakra can be balanced by a specific tone. In fact, sounds can affect all the various
senses and organs of the body and can stimulate the deterioration or regeneration of these
systems. Sounds that are harmonious can activate the body and create healing.

We are coming closer to a full understanding of how music can heal us. Music affects us
physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. We can now say with certainty that
our responses to music are far more complex, subtle and far-reaching than we previously
imagined. Many experts now recognize the existence of the "energy anatomy" which
underlies the physical anatomy and is every bit as real as the body.

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There has been some remarkable work done on the effects of sound--in particular music--on
the fetus within the womb. French physician Alfred Tomatis understood that the ear is the
first organ to hook up to the brain's developing neural systems and that the foetus begins to
hear by the second trimester in the womb. Dr. Tomatis realized that interference with
hearing in utero and the first years of life could lead to listening, learning, and emotional
disabilities later on.

He discovered that the only sounds that penetrated the womb were high-frequency sounds.
After extensive research he found that the two most positive sound experiences for the fetus
were the mother's voice, filtered through a special device to omit all but high-frequency
sounds, and the music of Mozart. Music, rhythm, tone and the vibration of sound serve to
organize matter--to create structure in space and time. These effects are clear and
measurable. The high frequencies of Mozart, in particular, stimulate and charge the creative
and motivational regions of the brain.

Don Campbell, in his two books on the "Mozart effect," has also shown what an effective
tool music is for assisting brain development in infants. Music can play a crucial part in the
wiring of a young child's brain. Many studies have demonstrated that newborns clearly
recognize and prefer music that their mothers listened to or sang during pregnancy. This
applies equally to stories read to babies in utero.

Tomatis also found that different frequencies and rhythms of sound had remarkably different
effects on his patients' state of being. High-frequency sounds increased energy levels and
created feelings of calm, while low-frequency sounds often proved disorienting.

Unfortunately, we are surrounded by low-frequency sound in modern life--the constant hum

of computers, fridges, microwaves, buses, jackhammers, etc. This creates body imbalance
which, when severe enough, develops into a state of "dis-ease." The more we expose
ourselves to the high-vibration sounds found in the symphony of nature, to redress the
balance, the better. Birdsong, the gentle sound of a breeze, cascading waterfalls and
streams and the rhythm of waves breaking on the shore--these are all healing for the body
and soothing for the soul.

The pioneering studies of Dr. Marcel Vogel and Irzhak Bentov revealed that, in a state of
deep relaxation or meditation, the electromagnetic field surrounding our head literally
attunes to the basic electromagnetic field of the earth itself! The earth's harmonic resonance
has been measured at approximately 8 cycles per second, or 8 Hertz (Hz). The frequency
range of the electrical activity of the brain that we access, in states of deep relaxation, is
also around 8 Hz. Is this correspondence just a coincidence? Perhaps this explains why we
feel so rejuvenated when surrounded by a forest, mountains, or water. Perhaps this is also a
key to understanding how our inner and outer environments can be orchestrated to a higher
level of harmony.

Music is a universal language. Its gifts are the feelings, memories, enjoyment, and tears it
creates. Music creates emotion and emotion produces actual chemical reactions in the
bloodstream (neuropeptides are released) which affect organs and systems. Harmonic
sound equals harmonic emotion equals harmonic body.

The human body itself is intrinsically musical, right down to the DNA that makes up our
genes. Even our DNA has its own melody. The idea that DNA and music might be
connected is seen in the work of geneticist Susumu Ohno. In order to understand Dr. Ohno's
insights, we need to grasp that every organism's genes are composed of strands of DNA,
which in turn are made up of four so-called nucleotides. In an imaginative leap, Dr. Ohno
assigned musical notes to these four substances The result was a melodic composition that
was finally fleshed out with harmonies by his wife, Midori, a musician. Transcribed, the

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scores were then performed by professional musicians on instruments such as piano, organ,
violin, and viola.

Dr. Ohno has so far notated over fifteen "songs of the DNA" in a variety of living organisms.
He finds that the more evolved an organism, the more complicated its music. To listeners
knowledgeable of classical music, these DNA-based compositions have been taken
variously for the music of Bach, Brahms, Chopin, and other great composers. These
melodies are majestic and inspiring. Many hearing them for the first time are moved to tears;
they cannot believe that their bodies, which they thought to be mere collections of
chemicals, contain such uplifting, inspiring harmonies.

Sound can also produce form. This relates directly to sacred geometry. Sacred geometry
originates in nature. Budda's lesson on sacred geometry was to silently hold up a flower.
The incredible symmetry and patterning within a flower produces an overwhelming sense of
awe. The human body is also a reflection of such sacred geometry. The exact proportions of
individual parts of the body to each other create a set of harmonics that mirror the harmonics
in all life.

Concert pianist Lorin Hollander has described the rich visual imagery he has experienced,
all his life, while playing the works of the great composers. Hollander was astonished when
he later discovered that these forms, which he had visualized since childhood, were
practically identical to many of the beautiful tile designs on Islamic mosques scattered
throughout the Middle East. These images, he states, often take the form of highly complex
geometric designs. His experience affirms Pythagoras's assertion: "There is geometry in the
humming of the strings. There is music in the spacings of the spheres."

For more than two hundred years, modern researchers have been validating this connection
of sound and vibrations to physical form. The first to make the connection was the German
Ernst Chaldni, who in 1787 detailed his research in Discoveries Concerning the Theory of
Music. In that pioneering work, he explained ways to make sound waves generate visible
structures. He detailed how a violin bow, drawn at a right angle across a flat plate covered
with sand, produces patterns and shapes. Today, those patterns and shapes are called
Chaldni figures.

The study of wave phenomena--that is, the ability of sound to organize and repattern matter-
-is called cymatics. Sound-forms can be seen by subjecting mediums such as sand, water or
clay to a continuous sound vibration. Cymatic photos taken by Dr. Hans Jenny represent
sound-forms. They were obtained by placing various mediums on a steel plate with a crystal
sound oscillator attached to the bottom. The oscillator creates a pulse, which vibrates the
steel plate. The forms on the plate are examples of sound organizing matter.

Then there are Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto's experiments with water. Dr. Emoto's
research into the nature or water reveals a vast array of form and structure, as reflected in
the crystalline shapes that result when water is exposed to subtle energies. One experiment
had a group of people projecting love and gratitude to water samples. When the water was
crystallized by freezing it, and then photographed, the water specimens revealed stunningly
beautiful forms and shapes. Other water samples exposed to negative words or thoughts
reflected ugly forms, colours, and shapes.

Music was shown to have a similar effect on water as words and thoughts. The music of
Mozart produced beautiful, hexagonal crystalline shapes while those exposed to heavy
metal were distinctly dull, formless, and ugly. Dr. Emoto's research is based on the premise
that everything in the universe vibrates with what he calls "hado," a vibrational frequency or
resonance wave that is the true source of all living forms in the universe. He has concluded
that anything in tune with Mother Nature manifests as beautiful, hexagonal crystal

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structures. Since our bodies are over seventy percent water, we have to assume that
everything we hear, think and say affects our overall body structure as well as those with
whom we interact.

Poet Cathie Guzetta summarized this science best when she wrote, "The forms of
snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to
some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants, and human beings may
be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form." Pythagoras anticipated such a view
when he said, many thousands of years ago: "A stone is frozen music."

Another fascinating finding by Hans Jenny was his observation that, when the vowels of
ancient languages like Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of
the written symbols for those vowels. Contemporary languages, including English, did not
generate similar patterns.

Dr. Jenny concluded that all natural phenomena were ultimately dependent on, if not entirely
determined by, frequencies of vibration. "Every cell pulsates, reflects and interacts with
acoustic oscillations," he observed. Even the earth and sun vibrate in unison. As a result,
Jenny argued that physical healing could be aided or hindered by tones. He claimed that
different frequencies influenced different genes, cells, and various structures in the body.

We can safely assume that sounds affect both our physical and spiritual wellbeing. The body
is a self-healing instrument, genetically pre-programmed to heal itself. Certain types of
music can heal us by assisting the body to come into its natural state of balance and
harmony. As we acknowledge the potent properties of sound, let us seize this powerful tool
and use it to bring harmony and healing into our lives.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Lia Scallon. All Rights Reserved.

[Lia Scallon is an internationally acclaimed recording artist, healer and channel for "The Sounds of Sirius,"
She has released five beautiful meditation CDs of her work--a unique healing therapy that uses sound vibration
to effect profound physical, emotional and spiritual healing. To learn more about Lia's work or to purchase Lia's
CDs, click here.]

Coming in our March issue ... "Doorways in Consciousness: An Exploration of

Resonant Being" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit

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Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
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responsibility, legal, medical or otherwise, for the information published as a free information service in their

[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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