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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

June-July 2007 (Vol. 3, No. 6)

Notable & Quotable: "[R]esults support the hypothesis that coherence is critical in the
connection between conscious intention and DNA ... Specific thoughts and intentions are
generated by the brain/mind and are used to frequency modulate the coherent bio-fields
from the heart. When one is in a state of love the coherence is enhanced and the bio-fields
become stronger. This allows for a resonance between the coherent fields of the heart and
the coherent fields around the DNA molecule. This process is further enhanced by the
presence of subtle or spiritual energies which resonate with the body due to the toroidal
nature of the coherent bio-fields. Such an interaction allows the frequency information
associated with the original intention to manifest as a physical change in the DNA, whether it
be a confirmational change in the structure of the helix, a change in DNA replication or a
shift in the electrical properties. In this way our thoughts and intentions can manifest in the
body at the biochemical level bringing about actual physiological changes associated with
the healing process."

Glen Rein, Ph.D., "Effect of Conscious Intention on Human DNA" (Proc. Internat. Forum on New
Science, Denver, CO, October 1996)


1. "What Our Human Genome Tells Us," by Elisabet Sahtouris

2. "Managing Leaps in Consciousness," by Mary Bell

3. Interview with Sol Luckman on "Health & Science: The Next Generation," by Stuart Titus

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. What Our Human Genome Tells Us

Elisabet Sahtouris

The Human Genome Project's completion was greeted by a flurry of media commentary.
Although Science and Nature both made original reports available, few of us have the time
or expertise to sort through firsthand information. Unfortunately, the media reports often
presented difficulties in interpretation. They ranged from accounts of scientists' dismay that
our gene count was little higher than that of yeasts, worms and mice, along with confusing

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talk of "junk," "detritus" and "parasites" in much of our DNA, to a few opinions that the
awesome complexity of our DNA indicated the hand of God at work.

What then are we, the public, to believe? And whatever we choose to believe between these
extremes, how will this affect our voices with respect to the lucrative new opportunities such
projects open up for the genetic "engineering" of our selves and our potential clones and
"designer babies"?

Genomic Evolution as an Internet

Perhaps the key comments on the results came directly from Celera, the private team
completing the project and reporting in Science (February 16, 2001), "Taken together the
new findings show the human genome to be far more than a mere sequence of biological
code written on a twisted strand of DNA. It is a dynamic and vibrant ecosystem of its own,
reminiscent of the thriving world of tiny Whos that Dr. Seuss' elephant, Horton, discovered
on a speck of dust ... [I]n one of the bigger surprises to come out of the new analysis, some
of the 'junk' DNA scattered throughout the genome that scientists had written off as genetic
detritus apparently plays an important role after all."

What does it mean to discover that our genome is a "dynamic and vibrant ecosystem"? To
answer that question, to grok our DNA, we need to go back in evolution to complex systems
evolved by archeobacteria billions of years ago, when they alone held title to Earth. We
need to understand that their amazing lifestyle diversity was rooted in their ability to trade
DNA freely among themselves.

To this day, every bacterium around the planet can trade bits of DNA with any other it can
contact, and in microbiologist Lynn Margulis' words, they do so with all the fervor of traders
on the floor of a stock exchange. We have, in fact, been stymied by their ability to alter their
genomes in response to our anti-bacterial warfare.

This DNA information exchange begun in ancient times may well be seen as the original
Internet. The important thing to understand is that DNA has been and is traded as a
worldwide information system throughout evolution.

The DNA Internet Today

The greatest steps in evolution are arguably the evolution of nucleated cells (eukaryotes) as
the communal symbioses of archeobacteria (prokaryotes) and the later evolution of multi-
celled creatures from eukaryotes. Margulis demonstrated cell symbiosis in exquisite detail,
and successfully revised the classic tree of evolution showing it to be made entirely of
microbes except for the tips of one branch representing all multi-celled creatures! (National
Geographic, March 1998, p. 79).

The staggering pervasiveness of DNA in the biological world is memorably depicted by

Jeremy Narby in The Cosmic Serpent. Narby pointed out that if the six inches of DNA
packed into the invisibly small nucleus of each of our one hundred trillion cells were
stretched end to end, a jet plane traveling one thousand kilometers per hour would fly more
than two centuries to reach its terminus!

After this surprising result, Narby calculated that a single handful of living soil contains more
DNA than that of our entire bodies, bacteria being packed far more closely in soil than
cellular nuclei are in us. The genome project updates Narby's DNA measurement to six feet
of DNA molecule per human body cell, which leaves our poor jet pilot flying continually for
over 2,400 years! Let us revise the handful of soil accordingly into a full wheelbarrow load
and acknowledge that microbes are still the world's most pervasive and influential life forms.

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Nature seen from this perspective is nothing short of astonishing--a vast self-organizing and
reorganizing DNA information system, largely microbial. Some scientists see viruses as
blueprint packets ancient bacteria created to mail out in multiple copies--highly efficient DNA
distribution at a distance. Smaller packets of tradable DNA are called plasmids.

Lewis Thomas, former head of Yale Medical School, better known for his wonderful science
essays, suggested in Lives of a Cell that ancient bacteria may have invented us as big taxis
to get around in safely. I think it more likely we are conference centers for their information
exchange. After all, we continually breathe in and absorb bacteria, viruses, plasmids and
other loose snippets of DNA, permitting them to throng about in our guts, cells and even

Scientists express surprise at how much "biological activity" goes on in our genomes, and at
bacteria living in them. They now see that over forty times as much DNA as that in known
genes is devoted to TEs--transposable elements known since Barbara McClintock's
pioneering work half a century ago showing that TEs not only move about but do so in
response to stress on the organism. Her results have been supported by many later
researchers, including Eshel ben Jacob, who sees the genomes of bacterial colonies as
group minds able to respond intelligently to stress on their colonies.

It seems reasonable to suppose that our genomic system, too, is behaving intelligently as a
constant hive of activity now known to edit and repair itself. If it did not know what it was
doing, I believe it would revert to chaos in very short order.

Genetic "Engineering"

We now know genomes repair mutations and other errors. Evolution may proceed primarily
in response to crisis situations, when genomes get inventive, drawing on their great libraries
of information to develop new gene configurations.

At present the global genomic system, including our own genomes, is under assault from
human-produced toxins. Some come from industrial wastes, some from industrial products,
such as our highly destructive agricultural chemicals. And then there are the assaults of our
antibiotics and genetic "engineering."

My consistent quotation marks around the word "engineering" are deliberate. To engineer
something requires a thorough understanding of the system in question, and I question
whether genetic engineers understand how genomic systems work. Rather than seeing their
intelligent self-maintenance and responsive creativity, they see genomes as dumb
mechanisms. They are surprised when crop genomes, for example, either reject gene
implants as bodies reject organ implants, or make multiple copies, sending them out to weed
species that become as immune to the sprays sold with the engineered seed as the crop

Because it now becomes clear that genes can be traded across, as well as within, species,
there is no question that we can do enormous damage by playing with this powerful but non-
containable technology. It is already impossible to guarantee organic corn and soybeans,
because we cannot contain our genetic implants within geographical locations or within
species. Some medications are now failing in people who have ingested genetically altered
foods; other warning signs are flaring up daily.

Where Next?

The actual results of the genome project indicate that our genomes are closely related to

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and intertwined with those of all other genomes. Gene Myers, the Celera computer scientist
who assembled the genome map, said, "The system is extremely complex. It's like it was
designed. There's a huge intelligence there. I don't see that as being unscientific. Others
may, but not me." ("Breaking the Human Code," The Washington Post, February 19-25,

I'm with Myers. Earthlife has had almost four billion years of experience in evolving living
systems--why should they not be intelligent? As their genome complexity and intelligence
are revealed to us, I suggest we become humble pupils and put our genetic "engineering" on
hold until we truly understand its potential, consequences, and dangers. If we then combine
our conscious intelligence with that of the larger system in which we are embedded, we may
be able to bring real health to ourselves and all ecosystems. The alternatives are too gloomy
to contemplate, so I'll invest my optimism in our own intelligence!

Copyright (c) 2007 by Elisabet Sahtouris. All Rights Reserved.

[Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D., is an internationally known evolution biologist and futurist, author, speaker and
consultant on Living Systems Design. She has taught at the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T., was a
science writer for the Horizon/Nova TV series and a United Nations consultant on indigenous peoples. Her
current focus is on evolution biology as a model for globalization and organizational change. Her recent books
are EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, and Biology
Revisioned. The foregoing article previously appeared in WorldWatch Magazine. For more information visit

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Multidimensional: adjective used to indicate the multi-layered nature of reality beyond what
the five senses can perceive in three-dimensionality. The human electromagnetic or auric
fields can be thought of as a geometric matrix that allows access to a number of increasingly
subtle dimensions or frequency domains. This unfolding of perception to the full range
represented by the electromagnetic fields, and corresponding chakras, is what it means to
become "multidimensional."

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2. Managing Leaps in Consciousness

Mary Bell

There are many levels of consciousness as they exist within the universe. Each level has its
own natural laws and operates from its unique place within the whole. What you understand
in a particular way from one level of consciousness might look entirely different from another
perspective. To be conscious is to know what is going on around and in you and to see it for
what it is. To be spiritually conscious is to be aware of the Truth, the Reality, and know the
falseness of this state of existence, both internally and externally. It is to become liberated
from the confines of the mind.

A shift of consciousness occurs obviously, when we move from one level of experience to
another. As we do that, we say "Ah-ha. I get it. Now I understand." We can then describe
our new insight from that level of reality. As we make this shift in consciousness, the
structure that holds the previous level in place must fall away so that a new structure can
replace it. When this happens, we go through what could be called a death and rebirth

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experience. You probably have gone through this process many times in this lifetime.

Since September 11, 2001, many of us are aware that there is more than a usual shift in
consciousness going on; maybe even a quantum leap. This phenomenon has surprised
even those of us who have been preparing for this shift for a long time. Astrology is helpful in
explaining this phenomenon, as are Mayan, Egyptian and Native American traditions.

We are indeed going through a huge shift in consciousness. We are moving from a state of
self-consciousness to one of unity consciousness. And we are going whether we like it or
not. What does this mean? It means the false structure of the third dimension is falling away
as what is real is taking its place. This is happening in our external world at the
transpersonal level, as well as at a personal level within us.

Why? Because the time during which we are to learn from the third-dimensional level is
finished. It is now time for the false structure of our world to dissolve both inside and out, as
our real nature takes its place. We are going through changes through which we are
beginning to understand consciously that there is no separate self but only unity in all things.
The implications of this shift in consciousness are mind-boggling.

You see the shift happening in the outside world as the stock market falters, businesses fail
and layoffs occur. The same type of breakdown is occurring inside our bodies, as old forms
dissolve so that new forms can take their place. These changes may result in symptoms,
which at first seem like illness, but are not. They are signs that you are going through a
metamorphosis; you are changing from one form to another. The old form that you have
identified as yourself is dissolving as a new level of understanding or perception takes its

This new perception allows you to, often demands that you consider the good of the whole
in making your decisions and living your life. Through this new perception, you no longer
experience yourself as a separate person, but as a part of a greater whole. And from this
perception, you no longer can ignore what is going on in the world as though it is separate
from you--because it isn't. At the same time, you may also experience a number of
disturbing symptoms while going through this process. It is important to know this because
you may become frightened or not get the help that is available if you don't understand what
is really going on.

As the old form that you have identified as yourself dissolves, you may experience the sense
of loss of self, which can be terrifying. A strong sense of self is certainly something we all
aspire to and that is greatly revered in our culture. If this is not achieved through the normal
growth and development process, it may be reached through psychotherapy, self-help or
other means of personal development. During the process that I am describing, this very
same "self" dissolves and falls away. You may become depressed, feel disoriented and
experience lapses in time. You may have difficulty concentrating or remembering things.
You may have crying spells for no apparent reason or find yourself reviewing issues you
thought you had dealt with long ago.

As your body cleanses, you may experience a variety of physical symptoms that are not only
uncomfortable, but may mimic a disease process. Hormonal changes are common, but
unexplainable. You may have menopausal symptoms before you could possibly be in
menopause, or feel like you have PMS long after you stopped having periods. Diagnostic
testing may be negative, or it may be positive, but there is no obvious explanation for what is
causing the irregularity. You may wonder if you are losing it, developing a serious disease
like Alzheimers or Multiple Sclerosis, or if you are going to die.

Actually, that is exactly what is happening: a part of you is dying. It is the false structure

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within you, the ego that is dying. The good news is that right underneath what is falling away
is something else: your Real Self. And it will emerge after you have dealt with all of your
fears and have surrendered to this greater consciousness that is You. There are a number
of things that can assist and accelerate this process.

First, be reassured by knowing what really is happening and reframe your experience. You
are not sick, you are transforming. You are not losing yourself, you are gaining more of
Yourself. Second, surrender to the process and get help in dealing with the symptoms from
practitioners who also understand this process. You may need support on the physical level
to release toxins or by-products of catabolism that are building up--for example, herbs,
minerals, vitamins, or structured water. You may need to change your diet or take different
supplements that support your new energy level. You may need energy work or
psychotherapy to deal with the emotional or spiritual issues that have surfaced.

In my practice as a spiritual healer, I work energetically on many different levels to assist this
process. As each change occurs universally, we must integrate it personally through the
different levels of our energy fields or the process becomes difficult and we experience
suffering. By working from the unitive state, all levels can heal simultaneously.

Restructuring and releasing of cellular debris on the physical level can facilitate immediate
relief and balance in the body as more room is made for your new form. Exaggerated
emotional states can be released, quickly and easily, by finding the root and healing it
across time. On the mental level, there may be thought-forms that can be released and
replaced with more positive thinking. As the older pattern of consciousness is replaced with
the new, an element of ease and peace comes into the process of transformation.

The ego doesn't want to die because it thinks it is real. So it will "fight to the death" to stay
alive. But the truth is, the ego is only who we think we are and it is now time to live from our
Real Selves. The ego self is the false structure that must die or transcend into what is real.
Many spiritual traditions speak of this process. "Die before you die," they say. "Then you will
know that there is no death." Of course, this is the truth. But you will not know it from
believing it; you must experience it directly. "You are That," as Gangagi says. Until you know
your real nature, you are not finished here. And it is happening, like it or not.
Adapted from Kicking and Screaming to Enlightenment: A Journey to the Real Self. Copyright (c) 2007 by Mary
Bell. All Rights Reserved.

[Mary Bell, R.N.C., is a spiritual healer, author, teacher and channel who has been in private practice for
fifteen years. Her passion is to bring ease and grace to the transformational process. She specializes in
understanding and integrating the shift in consciousness that is occurring, employing a unique blend of new
age and traditional spirituality in her work. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and
has been teaching her own work since 1995. In addition to seeing clients, Mary also conducts "Healing from
the Unitive State" seminars. For more information visit http://www.foundationforunity.com.]

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Support your evolutionary path of light--with sound.

Did You Know ... that a previously undetected form of intelligent light or intention energy
(emanating from higher dimensions and distinguishable from both gravity and
electromagnetic radiation) which Dr. Eli Cartan first termed "torsion" in 1913 after its twisting
movement through the fabric of space-time, possibly gives rise to DNA? Many decades after
the work of Cartan, the concept of torsion energy was alive and well enough to inspire an
entire generation of Russian scientists, who authored thousands of papers on the subject in
the 1990s alone. The ancient Greeks were well aware of this potent energy, calling it
"aether" and understanding that it is directly responsible for universal manifestation. In the
1950s Russian scientist Nicolai Kozyrev conclusively proved the existence of this life-giving
subspace energy, demonstrating that, like time, it flows in a sacred geometric spiral that has
been called phi, the Golden Mean, and the Fibonacci sequence. In the face of overwhelming
evidence of its existence, modern scientists are returning to the notion of aether using such
phrases as "zero point energy" and "vacuum potential." Recently, physicists Richard
Feynman and John Wheeler went so far as to calculate that the amount of torsion energy
contained inside a light bulb could literally bring the world's oceans to a boil!

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at


3. Interview with Sol Luckman on "Health & Science: The Next Generation"

Stuart Titus

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STUART TITUS: Today, it's a real pleasure for me to introduce to our listening audience Sol
Luckman, author of Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method.

SOL LUCKMAN: Thanks for having me.

STUART TITUS: This is a fabulous book that contains a lot of your great work and
information you've obtained over the years. Conscious Healing, from the back cover, is: "Far
more than the inspiring story of the development of a revolutionary technique for DNA
activation. A brilliant synthesis of modern and ancient healing wisdom, this cutting-edge text
is essential reading for anyone interested in energy medicine, consciousness research,
quantum biology, human evolution, or personal enlightenment."

SOL LUCKMAN: That's a mouthful.

STUART TITUS: Well, it certainly is. It's so great to have you here with us. Perhaps you can
give us a brief overview of this technique you've developed?

SOL LUCKMAN: I'll be happy to. Briefly, the Regenetics Method arose from a realization
that has been scientifically explored in a number of places, including in Russia by Dr. Peter
Gariaev, that sound and light waves modulated to human language frequencies can
stimulate DNA for healing and increasing consciousness. It can do this because DNA
appears to follow semantic or grammatical rules, giving a lot of credence to the notion that in
the beginning was the Word. It's a fascinating field of study that has been called wave-
genetics, electrogenetics, and, by us, Regenetics.

STUART TITUS: And this is done on a remote basis? I mean, the individual being treated is
not necessarily right in front of you.

SOL LUCKMAN: True. This is another of the realizations that came out of the research done
by the Gariaev group and also Vladimir Poponin, as well as some other research groups. It
appears that DNA activated by language, or radio and light waves, which we think of as
thought and intention, actually opens up something akin to wormholes in the space matrix
through which information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light in a superluminal
fashion--a phenomenon that's attracting a lot of scientific speculation these days.

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STUART TITUS: It's great to know that this sort of consciousness has been coming to light.
It would be very interesting to measure consciousness with an index. Perhaps there's a way
we could map the overall consciousness of human society. You're certainly making some
great contributions in this area, and I enjoyed reading your book thoroughly.

SOL LUCKMAN: Thanks. In terms of a scale of consciousness, there is such a thing that
has been put forth in an interesting book by Dr. David Hawkins called Power versus Force.
Hawkins' model includes a scale of consciousness ranging through the different emotional
states and tracking them numerically, from something like fear or shame down on the
bottom all the way up through very enlightened states of consciousness, including
unconditional love. Many people who have used the scale have been very happy with it.

STUART TITUS: That's great to know. Sol, you actually did a Potentiation session on me. I
was here in the United States, and you were down in South America. It's fascinating how
these energies are able to travel throughout the world, know how to tune us in just like a cell
phone knows how to ring in right to your number, and allow for healing to take place.

SOL LUCKMAN: Interestingly, in light of the medium we're on, an Internet radio show, the
research groups I've mentioned--Gariaev, in particular--liken DNA to a biological Internet,
and healings are effectively emails that travel along what Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist,
would call the morphogenetic network. The notion of distance healing has been scientifically,
statistically proven by studies that have been done on prayer and healing. One of the most
famous writers on this subject is Dr. Larry Dossey, a former cardiologist and author of
Healing Words and Reinventing Medicine, books that eloquently outline the case for
distance healing through prayer, for example. What we've done with the Regenetics Method
is to take these concepts and look at them through the lens of DNA, and for distance-healing
purposes, through the lens of DNA as a biological Internet, a field phenomenon that
interconnects species regardless of time and distance. There have been many other studies
on quite serious disease conditions involving prayer and healing.

STUART TITUS: It's just great, Sol, that Regenetics has come to the point where you have
Facilitators doing this wonderful work. Now, perhaps you can tell us just a little about the
Mission of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics?

SOL LUCKMAN: We like to say that the work we do represents a bio-spiritual healing path
"for those with ears to hear" and that this healing path proceeds through integrated DNA
activation. The Regenetics Method involves three separate DNA activations. The first is
called Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning. Sessions take place on a specified
timeline so that after you have the first one, you wait approximately five months to receive
the second one. This allows for integration time.

STUART TITUS: Great words, "bio-spiritual healing path."

SOL LUCKMAN: We also like to distinguish "healing" from "curing." We make a point of
doing that in Conscious Healing, where healing really means "wholing." It's becoming
integrated, realizing our oneness with creation, what we call Unity Consciousness, as
opposed to or at least not to be confused with curing, which represents the alleviation of
symptoms. Of course, both can be experienced at one time in healing.

STUART TITUS: That's a wonderful distinction, particularly for those on a spiritual path and
those consciously evolving. We have the power within us to heal ourselves.

SOL LUCKMAN: Absolutely. Regenetics is inherently co-creative. We like to call ourselves

facilitators, not healers, not practitioners, and certainly not doctors. Regenetics requires the
individual to step up to the plate, so to speak, and meet us in the middle. We encourage

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people to commit to walking their highest path by using this form of “ener-genetic” activation
to follow their own highest calling, whatever that is.

STUART TITUS: There's no one set formula that works for everyone?

SOL LUCKMAN: We deliver specific DNA activations. Each activation is particular to the
genome as we understand it and employs language and thought. Individual experiences of
these activations can vary greatly. Generally, we've observed that as one progresses
through the three activations, one goes into older and deeper levels of trauma and toxicity
and begins clearing on those levels. This means that if a problem is more or less a surface
problem, often it can be corrected within the context of the first session. If it's a deeper
problem, the second session very often can help. And if it's very deep down into what we
think of as the emotional level and belief system, then the third activation has shown the
most promise in such instances.

STUART TITUS: A great layered approach. Certainly, I've been very fortunate to experience
some of your work and I'm aware of your brilliance in the field. But perhaps for others just
tuning in and hearing about Potentiation and the Regenetics Method for the first time, we
can take a step back and speak a little about how this work has evolved and why it seems
so powerful in its uses today?

SOL LUCKMAN: I was very sick at the time I began developing this work. It's my belief
based on research that I was negatively impacted by a series of vaccinations I received
back in the mid-'90s that left me with a chronic condition that defied medical diagnosis for
going on eight years. I had terrible food allergies. At one point I could only eat meat and
vegetables. I couldn't even season them because of severe allergic reactions. I experienced
environmental sensitivities, sleep deprivation, inexplicable rashes, tingling in my nerves and
extremities--things that were very puzzling to everyone. Then I happened on the world of
allergy elimination, specifically Dr. Devi Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique, or
NAET, and an offshoot called BioSET developed by one of Nambudripad's students, a
chiropractor named Ellen Cutler. This work definitely helped me--so much so that I actually
trained in a derivative of BioSET and offered it professionally for a while. I found that over a
period of about a year, however, my health began to deteriorate again. It's a little hard to
explain what happened then unless I use a word like "inspiration." Around 2002 I began to
suspect that one could go beyond allergy elimination and perform what I've since called an
"ener-genetic reset" of the body's bioenergy blueprint that would have a more profound and
permanent healing impact. At this stage I was reading a wealth of new material such as
Jeremy Narby's The Cosmic Serpent, which is about DNA and shamanic healing. I started to
understand the relationship between DNA and sound, specifically the vowels. It appears that
the five vowels correspond to the five nucleotides or protein bases of DNA and RNA. In
essence, we can use specific vowel sequences, spoken or sung, to "play" DNA a little like a
piano. With the help of my partner Leigh, I developed Potentiation, which I performed on
myself. Within about six months, I was back on my feet--which is quite phenomenal as I was
really extremely ill starting out.

STUART TITUS: This is a story that many of us can relate to. I had a lengthy bout with
Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as it was then diagnosed, and was fortunately able
to recover. But there are still many people looking for solutions. I know from all the work
you've done, Sol, and everything I've been able to experience with you, that you've come up
with some very profound work here. I'm just thrilled to have you on the show.

SOL LUCKMAN: It's an honor to be here.

STUART TITUS: Many people I know are familiar with kinesiology or muscle testing.
Perhaps you could describe that for some of our newer listeners and how it led you to the

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first stage of your healing technique called Potentiation?

SOL LUCKMAN: First of all, kinesiology or muscle testing is a conflicted field. It has shown
great promise; it has also met with resistance and misunderstanding. It's important to point
out that with our kinesiology, having learned to muscle-test for strong and weak muscle
responses working with a number of clients coming to us for allergy elimination, Leigh and I
were very naive. As it turns out, that's not a bad thing to be in kinesiology, because one of
the problems with muscle testing is that when one has a lot of preconceived notions about
what one is testing for, the testing sometimes gets sloppy and inaccurate. So we were sort
of testing in good faith, without a lot of emotional or ego attachment to what we were finding.
One of the extraordinary things we discovered was that there are nine bioenergy fields and
that each governs a specific set of interrelated functions in the human body. We think of
each of these fields as an "ecosystem." For example, you might have one field that
energetically governs the function of bacteria, that controls the elimination of heavy metals,
that also regulates the lungs, and that has certain emotions attached to it. Our testing began
to present a wonderfully open-ended, or at least expanded, version of what it means to be
human. The nine electromagnetic fields interface in a gridlike fashion with what have been
called the chakras in the Eastern esoteric and healing traditions. The fields appear to be
sonic in nature, sound-based; the chakras appear to process light energy. Here we have a
connection between sound and light. A fascinating field called bioholography looks at the
human body as, in essence, a hologram within a holographic universe, a hologram being an
intersection of electromagnetic waves--in the case of the human body, sound and light
waves. DNA functions as a transducer or translator between sound and light waves. We
literally pull in universal energy in the form of sound (going back to the Music of the Spheres
and other ancient notions such as the Nada Brahma or "the world is sound" philosophy) and
then translate that sound into usable energy in the form of light, which in certain traditions
has been called chi or prana. In Regenetics we call this the Genetic Sound-light Translation

STUART TITUS: Would you postulate, Sol, that perhaps people who are sick have a
problem with this translation?

SOL LUCKMAN: I would indeed. I'd say that many illnesses are due to genetic damage in
one form or another. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, author of a number of books on DNA, would say
that our antennas have been clouded, that our reception is not what it should be. If one can
clear out obstructions at the ener-genetic level, obstructions that might be toxicity, that might
be trauma, that might come from vaccines, that might come from emotional problems or
experiences, then one can promote the proper functioning of the organism and restore

STUART TITUS: Excellent. Getting into a little broader picture, I'm looking at this
bioenergetic field pattern that I guess would distinguish a human from a lion or a tiger. We
all have certain genetic or electromagnetic field patterns. Would you say that's correct?

SOL LUCKMAN: Absolutely. Going back to our work in kinesiology with a number of clients,
while "mapping" the electromagnetic fields, we began to encounter certain individuals who
didn't share the same patterning we typically encountered. There was a predominant pattern
we discovered, then there were certain individuals who simply had their fields in different
orders. In one group, we might find the ninth field governing the function of the liver, for
example, and in another group we might find the first field regulating liver function. As we did
more research, we ended up finding a total of twelve energy families--we call them
Electromagnetic Groups--whose bioenergy signatures are really quite different one from
another. This was fascinating, as it helped explain, for instance, why some people get sick
from amalgam fillings and other don't. Then we found that these energy families lined up
with the twelve pairs of cranial nerves. It's as if the twelve Electromagnetic Groups add up to

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the collective Mind of Humanity. Even more interestingly, perhaps, these twelve groups lined
up with the twelve tectonic plates--as if there's indeed a connection between human
consciousness and earth consciousness. So this model began to expand in very large and
even cosmic directions pretty quickly.

STUART TITUS: Wow, that's fascinating. So perhaps some people are more disposed, say,
to be athletes, others are healers, others are intellectuals. Would you say these are the kind
of things that your Electromagnetic Groups reveal?

SOL LUCKMAN: To a certain extent, yes. For anyone familiar with astrology, in which there
are twelve zodiacal signs, the twelve Electromagnetic Groups add a very helpful dimension
to personality assessment and understanding people's behavioral patterns.

STUART TITUS: So this is like electromagnetic astrology, if you will.

SOL LUCKMAN: Yes, there are astrological elements that come into play within the
electromagnetic blueprint, as well. They are connected. Truly, if we come from the stars, if
we're stardust, if the theory of Panspermia is correct, DNA itself came from space and
seeded the planet. So it's not at all surprising that the heavens should profoundly impact us
in tangible, physical ways.

STUART TITUS: We're all interconnected. Just look at the changes taking place at the
moment at a very accelerated rate compared to the previous history of the human species.
It's fascinating what's going on in such a compressed period of time.

SOL LUCKMAN: I couldn't agree with you more. As you know, the second half of Conscious
Healing addresses the evolutionary picture from a perspective of conscious evolution.

STUART TITUS: We were just talking about the electromagnetic and astrological signature
we all carry. This comes right back to our DNA, or its base form as the energetic component
that exists within us. I believe your research has been very profound in this regard. There's a
good portion of our brain that we don't use, and we're also only using a very limited portion
of our DNA. I thought you might like to describe some of your findings and thoughts along
these lines?

SOL LUCKMAN: Some of the studies that have been done on the apparently unused portion
of our DNA have been fascinating. That about ninety-seven of our DNA appears from
normal levels of assessment to be dormant and doing nothing has baffled biologists. We like
to call this DNA that has been dubbed "junk" DNA (a phrase which says a lot about certain
aspects of the scientific mentality) potential DNA. Research in wave-genetics by the Gariaev
group shows that the apparently unused portion of DNA is actually what you might also call
spiritual DNA. This DNA appears to be the interface between consciousness and what we
think of as matter. And it appears that consciousness can actually take segments of this
DNA, which are sometimes called transposons, and transpose them or move them around
to form a different composition. Bruce Lipton's research has shown that consciousness can
change DNA, that organisms can adapt to their environment. Another biologist named Glen
Rein's work shows that emotions can impact DNA and that our emotional state actually
regulates our ability to heal. When we're in an expanded emotional state, it appears that our
DNA expands kind of like an accordion, and RNA can then access DNA's healing codes.
When we're in a contracted emotional state, such as in fear, then DNA contracts, and RNA
has a more difficult time accessing these healing codes. So we began looking at "junk" or
potential DNA not as some useless segment of the genome, but as a very malleable place
of potential, including the potential for self-healing--our theory being that when healing is
promoted through the use of sound and intention such as in Regenetics, what's happening
is a molecular rearrangement of transposons in the genome.

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STUART TITUS: How fascinating. We have to think that being able to tap into potential
DNA, as you eloquently call it, can facilitate evolution of our species. The change we can
bring about in the world is absolutely unlimited.

SOL LUCKMAN: You're touching on the reason why our work has gravitated to DNA and
why so much work in the new-paradigm healing modalities is gravitating toward DNA. It all
comes back to DNA, doesn't it? That's what creates us, and to change the creation, to
change consciousness, and perhaps even to change physiology, we have to work at the
level of DNA--and moreover, we have to use elements that DNA responds to. Since DNA
appears to be a transducer of sound and light waves, sound and light waves become the
obvious choice for stimulating DNA's potentials.

STUART TITUS: You've probably done as much research as anyone on the planet in this
area. Recently, it was mentioned to me that is DNA actually a mineral salt.

SOL LUCKMAN: Yes, DNA is incorrectly named an acid. It's actually a salt, which lends
even more credence to the notion that DNA is an electromagnetic transducer. It's a
conductor of energy and, very literally, an antenna.

STUART TITUS: Now, Sol, let's talk about the Potentiation session. What does that look and
feel like for the individual?

SOL LUCKMAN: Depending on whether the individual is having an in-person or distance

session, that obviously changes things. Although we currently do not, our Facilitators
perform the work in person. For remote sessions, a time is established that works for both
parties. The session lasts thirty minutes. A scheduling letter is sent to the client that outlines
the basics for the individual to be able to put himself or herself in a proper position to receive
the activation. That boils down to being in a comfortable state where you can honor the half-
hour as a new beginning. We follow up the session with a letter and the person's
Electromagnetic Group, which includes a timeline for how the energy progresses through
the electromagnetic fields. A lot of this is detailed on our website.

STUART TITUS: I know you use certain sounds or frequencies to help activate the healing
process. Perhaps you could describe that in a little better detail?

SOL LUCKMAN: I'm happy to. If you were to go to a Facilitator's office to experience the
work, you'd probably lie down on a massage table. The Facilitator would read an invocation
that outlines the intentions for the session on the part of the Facilitator. We purposefully
keep our intentions in a generic vein. The vast majority of the studies that have been done
on prayer and healing show conclusively that the less attachment to the outcome on the part
of the pray-er, the more successful the healing. So we don't say, "Please heal this
condition." We keep it in the spirit of intending all results to be in the client's highest good.
The individual receiving Potentiation would then hear a series of sounds that come out a bit
like a chant. The Regenetics Method employs all vowels. Some have said Potentiation
sounds Native American, others say it sounds Hawaiian or Indian. The sounds are
combined with a specific thought process on the part of the Facilitator. Performing the
session tends to put the Facilitator in a suspended state of consciousness, almost into an
Eastern meditative state. Interestingly, some of our Facilitators have commented that
performing the work has significantly advanced their healing in areas that have included


SOL LUCKMAN: The chanting lasts for approximately thirty minutes. It's completely

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nondenominational. We're not affiliated with any religion, and we don't consider ourselves to
be a religion. At the end of thirty minutes, there's a short closing of the session. Then the
client is given the appropriate Schematic for his or her Electromagnetic Group, complete
with a timeline for how the energy moves through the fields. Afterward, the Facilitator is
available to answer questions as they come up. Five months later, the client is eligible to
receive the second session, which is called Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement.

STUART TITUS: At that point, the person is just ready or has processed enough

SOL LUCKMAN: Effectively, yes. There's an important aspect of the work we haven't
touched on that to a large degree distinguishes what we do from most other forms of DNA
activation. This has to do with the Fragmentary Body. The Fragmentary Body is associated
with the second electromagnetic field and chakra (the sex chakra). This particular
field/chakra is basically a bioenergy drain. It represents a surplus. We think of it as the
Duality Principle imprinted into human electromagnetics by DNA. Over the first five months
following Potentiation, the Fragmentary Body is "sealed." Our working theory is that this
stops a person's bioenergy loss. That, in and of itself, tremendously facilitates healing on all
levels. "Sealing" has proven to be quite profound. There's very often a noticeabe shift that
occurs at the five-month mark.

STUART TITUS: So Articulation is really the second stage, if you will?

SOL LUCKMAN: Yes. It's a form of bioenergy enhancement. If you can imagine DNA as a
wind sail on a ship going through space, a solar wind sail, then the genome is positioned in
a certain way to receive galactic energy, Source energy. In the model we're using,
astrophysically that energy comes from the center of the galaxy, and Articulation is a way of
attuning our wind sails to receive more energy at the genetic and cellular levels. Energy in
this model is universal creative consciousness. So you're receiving not only bioenergy as
fuel for healing, but that bioenergy itself is more consciousness. Thus you're working not
only on the physical level but, in particular with Articulation, on the mental level to help
correct behavioral ruts one might be in, for example.

STUART TITUS: Then there's a third activation?

SOL LUCKMAN: There is. It's called Elucidation and involves going even deeper and
working through the emotional body and belief system to help the individual go to a higher
level of self-empowerment.

STUART TITUS: Wow. This is just great work, Sol. I'm certain those you've trained to be
Facilitators are experiencing some fabulous results--not only personally, but with their clients
as well. I'm sure our listeners would love to have some contact information for you.

SOL LUCKMAN: The easiest thing to do is to go to our website,

http://www.phoenixregenetics.org, where you can contact us, and also sign up for your free
subscription to DNA Monthly. There's also a preview page for Conscious Healing, which can
be purchased online.

STUART TITUS: I recommend that everyone do that. DNA Monthly is a fabulous publication.
I've certainly enjoyed receiving it. Sol, it's been a great pleasure having you on “Health &
Science: The Next Generation.”

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman and Stuart Titus. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the internationally acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics

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Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the
Regenetics Method of DNA activation have appeared in Atlantis Rising, Well Being Journal, Kindred Spirit,
Renaissance, Odyssey, Sedona Journal of Emergence and Metamorphosis, and also have been featured in
the alternative medicine anthologies Message of Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind and Heal Yourself with Breath,
Light, Sound and Water. Nexus New Times called Conscious Healing, which also received a five-star
endorsement from the Midwest Book Review and was recently translated into Turkish, a “paradigm-reworking
book” that introduces a “revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being.” For more
information visit http://www.phoenixregenetics.org. To learn about Dr. Stuart Titus's innovations in
microcurrent technology, as well as the radio show "Health & Science: The Next Generation," visit

Coming in our August issue ... "Embryonic Holography" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit

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Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
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Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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