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VARIANT Adventures in Albion Role-Playing in the Land of Faerie by David J. Ritchie Practically my frst thought upon finish ing Albion for Ares 11 was: "I want to do ‘more with this world.” Of course, thar'snot a nique ides. Most designers these days tend {0 think in terms of systemic multiverse ("...and then there's the minigame version, ‘and, after that, a computer game...and then We can do.a source book..."). The facts the tendency probably started when God spent ‘much of the Severth Day daydreaming about what other nifty things he could do with his Universe. Be that as it may, one of the con- cepts which most naturally presented itselt was to find a way to marry the world of Albion with the DragonQuest system. ‘The crucial problem in consumating such a marriage is that the AVbion game con tains many elements analogous to Dragon- ‘Quest, but few real equivalencies. Thus, AV bion’s Elves and Humans are equivalent to Dragonduest’s Elves and Humans, but Trolls ‘and Gnomes in the boardgame bear litle re semblance to the beings of that name in Dra- gonQuest. Therefore, the main focus of this ticle willbe upon the conversion of the num- bers and terminology appiving to the Persons, Magic Items, Enchantments and Places of Power in Albion into numbers and terms un \erstandable to DragonQuest player. ‘The Characteristics Summary for Owel- Jers in Albion lists each of the Persons repre: sented in Albion, followed by their Dragan: Quest characteristics (PS, MD, AG, EN, MA, WP, FT, PC, and PB), Aspect, Type (Race or type of entity), Magical College if any), Spells, Rituals and Magic Talents known {if any), Skils known and the number of Wea ‘pons the Person is likely to have Rankin, The {average Rank for each Spell, Talent, Ritual, Skill or Weapon is listed after each ranked abiity. The Skills Tebe lists the ikeinood of 2 Person knowing a particular Skill (based on Race) and what his Rank with that Skills likely tobe. The Weapons Table ists the type ‘of Weapons typically found in Albion, who will know how to use ther and at what Rank in the same manner asthe Skills Table, Using ‘these three items together, it should be possible to convert Albion Persons into Dra- gonQuest NPC's of approximately the same strength ‘Whon using the Summary and the two Tables provided, Albion Gnomes are consid- «ered to be equal to DragonQuest Dwarves in «allways except that the traditional Dwarvish “antipathy toward Elves is ignored for all such Persons resident in Albion. A/bion Trolls are, in actualy, Stone Giants (though Trolls ot Fomorians are the terms usualy applied by the Elves 19 rofer to them). Wherever Giants are referred to in these rules, Stone Giants are meant. The Cait Sith is 8 Demonic Presi- ent for purposes of conjuration, and the rt tal necessary to bringing it onto this plane in- volves the sacrifice by torture of a progres- sion of House Cats until the Cait Sith ap- pats. The Cait Sith's specific Skills, Spells ‘and Ranks wil have to be determined by the GM whenever it is used in @ Dragonuest ‘campaign. The Worm is identical to a Green Dragon in all ways except that it has no ‘wings and all references 1o wings o: flying should be ignoted. Callach's Waff isa Wight, ‘taining all the Skills and Weapon Ranks as. signed to Callach, but without Callach’s ma- ical abilities. The Ancients are simply long- lived Elves, All Enchanted Hexes and Wild Magic Hexes on the Albion map are treated as High Mana areas and all Mundane Hexes are treat ‘ed a5 Low Mana areas for purposes of Dre- gonQuest adventures. in Albion. Terrain types are equivalent except as follows: Clear hhexes should be treated as Fields for purpos- 8 of Encounters; Faerie roads will constant ly change location and direction when non- Elves attempt to use them; Plains end Wastes do not existin Albion; Caer Brangingle, Caer Oonagh, The Dniffeld Knowe and Forador are all treated as Ruins; Wigan's Pen is treat- fed as a Crypt: The Mousa Stout, all Faerie Knowes and Gnomish Dalvings are treated 25 Caverns (unless fully occupied by their residents at the time a party enters them): Cuillan Braes, Dera Donegal, Derwent’s Watch, Fir Ciis, Fi Darnig, Gils Rest, Kelpie Braes, Povis Heath, Ravenglass, ‘Rona's Bath, Denby Plinth, The Giant's Dance and the Seat of Moray are all considered Places cof Power for purposes of the DragonQuest rules and the appropriate benefits for Adepts (of the Colloge of Earth Magics apply to them: Fir Chilis, Fir Darcig, Povis Heath and The Gi ‘ant’s Dance are al places where blood sacti- fice has been habitually performed so that only Druidic Earth Magicians can benefit from occupying them; Dermor’s Dyke is tweated as an Extreme Danger Levol-Field... all other nan-fortress hexas are High Danger ‘areas, Treat a league as.a mile in DG. ‘The 13 Enchantments in Albion can be worked into a DragonQuest campaign in the following manner: 01, 03, 04 are powers of a particular Magical Item, rather than being types of Spells or Rituals. 2 and 13 are func- tions of particular hexes in Albion (e.g. they ‘are special Dowers inherent in a particular lo- tation and work just lke Talents. 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, are a special ype of Ritual which can be performed by any Magic User with 120+ points of Rank in magical Spells, Talents and Rituals. They are learned at ‘cost of one months study and 600 sp from an ‘Adept who already knows them. These Rit- ‘uals may be listed on a Character Record by writing the letter “a,” followed by the num: ber of the Ritual on'the Enchantment Sum: mary. The Magic User must occupy the ap- propriate area listed in the Albion rules and ‘must conduct an extended Ritual in order to cast these Enchantments. The Ritual has @ Base Chance of 5% per full day spent in the performance of the Ritual (minimum of 1 day ‘and maximum of 151. Casters may stop to eat {and sleep for 8 hours in every 24, but may do othing else during the performance of the Ritual. Adepts may not work in relays (e.g, only one caster may perform each Ritual These Fituals will work only in the area shown on the Albion map and should not be implementod in OragonQuest campaigns in ‘other worlds since they are so powerful. The results of each of the 18 Enchantments listed in Albion are discussed in the Enchantment ‘Summary on page 10. Persons cannot achieve Rank with these Rituals, The Magic Items in Albion work exactly 28 described in the Magic Item Summary on ‘page 10. These items operate according to the rules governing Magic Items in the Dra- gonQvest supplement, Arcane Wisdom, and 3re_consonamt with these supplementary rules. Players may use the Magic tems from Allbion without reference to Arcane Wisdam by simply realizing that the magic powers bound into each item are permanent. They 0 not work only temporarily 38 is the case ‘with magic items formed by means of the In vesiment Ritual described in the basic Dra- gonduest ules. In general, conversion rates are as fol lows: 1 Wound in A/bion equals & Damage Points in OraganQuest; 1 point of Magic Strength equals an MA of about TS and each ‘additional point increases MA by 2 of adds ‘about 20 points worth of magical Ranks (re: member, these are powarfut folks, not your run of the mill dungeon crashersi; 1 Mana Point in Albion should be translated into an increase of 5 in aff Cast Chances in Dragon ‘Quest (thus, a Mana Level of 5 means that all Cast Chances are increased by 25 ‘The following monsters are common in Albion: ali Undead, Riding Animals, Com: ‘mon Avians, Aquatic Mammals, Other Sea Creatures, Giant Humanoids lother than Ti- tans), Fairy Folk, Earth Dwellers. and Crea- tures of Night ard Shadow, all Elementals, Hellhounds, Unicorns, Nagas, Wyverns, Suarime, Salamanders, Giant Land Turtles, Basiisks, Manta Rays, Pike and Sharks, Gry phons, Gargoyles, Harpies, Wolves, Wea- sels, Fats, Stags, ‘Oxen, Boars, Bear, Wild Cats, House Cats and Neanderthals. Other types of monsters should not normally ap- ppear and the GM should choose from among those listed above for encounters. The En- ‘counter Table may stillbe used if permissable ‘monsters are substituted for those that do rot fit into Albion. In closing, a word on character relation- 10 ships and the social structures of Albion might be in order. Elves and Dwarves (Gnomes in Albion terminology) are very ‘closely alied inthis world. Both are faced by the menace of the Stone Giants and by the increasing depredations of mankind, "Men ate not the most common entities in Albion (unlike @ normal DragonQuest world...but, then, this the Land of Faerie). In fact, men are late-comers to Albion and ‘are second class citizens even to their reluc- tant ales, the Stone Giants. Human culture is primitive, semi-tribal and utilizes a system Cf obligations similar to that which may be oundin pre-Notman Britain, lish and Dwarvish cultures are ex- tremely well-developed, though Elvish cul- ture is definitely on the wane. Both have 3 strong urban element. The culture of the Stone Giants is a pure clan culture, its divi- Siveness mitigated only by the custom of fol MAGIC ITEM SUMMARY 01. The Book of Glamours lasts so long asthe her is carried in pain view. If the herb is concealed ina sack or otherwise kept away from suiight, it wil cease to fune= tion since it requires sunlight Yor ts effect. Gamours ists ‘ormally take rom Ito T5days, {A book of powerful magie weten inthe Ane lent tongue of the High Elves, the Book of 13 of the powerful Enchant ments trom Albion, and any Adopt who por forme any of the special Rituals mentioned In ‘the Enchantment Stmmary accompanying ths Brcle while reading from this book automat Cally cost the Ritual no dee rolls necessary and Backfreis impossible). Inadditon, takes {nly 1 full day to perfor those Rituls which Once reurned to the sunlight, it immediately begins to function agen. The ero deteriorates atthe rato of 10% atficacy per month add to tho Porcoption of wach observer per month nce the herb was picked) 08. Dana's Torque The Willpower of the wearer is increased By 50% (round up) and may cause the earth tO 2, The Book of Gyres ‘quake a inthe Earth Tromor Spell'-22 ofthe College of Black Magic, but with a radius of 2 Leagues. The quake is inated simply by the wearer wiling it and the tremor lasts 30 sec propriate ares 03, Bron’s Curse ‘Works in exactly the same manner as OT except ‘thatthe only Enchantment affected is the Er Chantmont of the Elements and non-Adepts tan automatically ast the spell asf they were ‘depts! by reading the book aloud in the ap- fonds. There wil be 0 radi of T5 feet eround the wearer that wil not be affected, however [Now Aideps may rely wear and use the Torque 06. Finn's Race “The Finn's Rade arifoct is act containing the bans forthe mariago which the effect uoon Humans (ony immed thai looking at any part of the treasure ‘This fabulous treasure ls valued atin excess of 150,000 GP's. However, it boars the curs that whoever sees twill dose above al eo (in luding honor) and wil perform any crime to {in any o al ofthe vreasure. Treat 26 3 eas ‘with @ Rank of 70 expressed in the folowing ‘words: "You wil do everything in your power to sequite ao this treasure." The Geas takes rely upon ‘mombors of the Rade wore colobrating when Slain. The Rado, soll, consists of 800 ghostly fevers who wander about Drifeld Knows ‘The ghosts specialize in entcing thei vetns toon them (instead of searing thom to death ‘8 the normal ghostly practice), and they ap- ‘ear far more corporeal than normal ghosts Consoquentiy, they are extiemely dangerous tnd are Bealy to rick an unguspecting party to ‘example Bofors the 04, Cott Piey & {ware of the malevolent nature of thei host ‘The artifact gives total contol of the age (simiar1o@ Contol Spel to whoever isin pos (S'8) of tho Col ‘Ace, awa ‘The planthas the eect ofa Spelof Invisibility 2 of Sorceres ofthe Mind except that I atfecte al persons within 15 feet ofthe bearer of the her (who need not be an ‘automaticaly successtul and Sen 07. Gwydion’s Staff - (nly Adapts with combined Ranks of 20+ in ‘magic Spells, Talents ond Rituals may use this Saft. immediately Increases tho users Cast Chance by 20 and his Magic Resistance by 30. Only Eves (or half-alven persons] may use the stat All others sutfer 2010 points of damage fo Endurance whenever thoy attempt 0 U thestatt 08, The Maicoatof Gofannon A bojewslled coat of sivared mal, the mallcoat ‘weighs 10% of the weight of normal chainmal, ‘may be used by Adepts without prejudice to ‘thelr magical functions, sdsorbs 9 points of ‘damage per hit and makes the wearer imperv- ‘ust the Hand of Torbay. (08, Nuada's Helm ‘Tho woare of thie holm has his Walpower and Perception each increased by 5, his Physical Strength increased by 3 and his Agility and Mana Desert ech increased by2- In ad helm absorbs 2 points of damage asa towut of the aca aura caste about th ‘ears Itcanbo worn addon to ther amoe 10. The Red Cleaver ‘This Battle Axe doos +5 damage and may be used by anyone, regardless of PS or AG, with ‘ut penalty. The item also confers good luck ‘on the bearer so that any physica’ blow has ts chances of lanaing for damage to the bearer ‘docteased by 10. Magical Spas are notatfoct {ed [but blows from magical weapons are). Oth ‘rwise, teat as anormal Battle Axe. 1. Lyme's Hammer “This weapon has the property of draining ener Ay from those It strikes ond transferring i to {he wicider ofthe weapon. Each sme damage ENCHANTMENT SUMMARY ‘Quest campaigns and adventures, 01, Shake the Earth ‘See Magic ltem05, (2, EnchontmentofForealling otknow why. ‘The 13 Enchantments in Albion have the fol lowing effects when employed in Dragon. ‘Any Enchanter (Adept with 1204 points of Rank in Spalls, magical Talents and Rituals) who occupies Denby Pinth may spend 1 1015 {ay attempting to calla frend orally to him with 2 chance of success of 8% per day spent incaling. The porsoncallod wil, the atompt is a success, experience a need to go to the ‘source of the calling end will experience Sense of urgency inthis regard, though he wil (3. Sorying Enchantment See Magic tem 10. 04. Enchantment ofthe Elemente ‘Seemagic hem02. 05. Enchantmontof Storm Caling ‘aw Enenaner occupying @ coastal nex may Call Fl Gale which wil arivain 24-48 hours, ‘occupy the entire sea bordering the hex and Tast fortwo wooks. 06. Enchentment of Fimbutwinter ‘Any Enchanter eceupying 8 mountain hex may call down a blzzard upon all of Albion as aro Sultof this ritual. Th blzard wil artive in 24-aBhours and wllast two wooks. 7. Enchantment of Reinmoking ‘The easter calls monsoon ke rains upon al of ‘Albion which rive within 24-48 hours and last fortwo wooks. (Note: The procedence estab lished in Albion rules for 04,05, 06 and 07 fs imnmne when hae Russ ar ompovedin {8 DragonQuest campaign and may prevent ‘some enchantment trom belng effective.) (08. Enchantment of Mental Attack Enchantars who occupy their home hex or 2 sate place where they can leave their body un turbed may enter a trance es part ofthis Rit- ual, During this trance, they wil leave their ody and seek out any fe within a number of ‘Leagues equal to their Magical Aptitude. The ‘wo persons then engage in combat asf they were in each other’ physical presence (fight {an arene combet using the blank hex gid side (Of the Dragonduest Tactical Display). Treat this combat esa Duel Arcane in that’ mustbe lowing @ common warchief (the so-called Speaker of the Clans) in times of trouble. Large family units of 8 t0 30 will exist in iso- lated mountain glens, but rarely wil the great Brochs, which are ‘clan seats of power, house more than 500 Stone Giants (while the ‘average human settlement might have twice is removed from Fatigue as a result of a blow from Lyme's Hammer, 1 point of Fatigue ‘added to the strking character's Fatigue for {very 2 points of Fatigue subtracted from the target. However, the bearer of the Hammer ‘cannot have his Fatigue increased beyond his ‘maximum Fatigue. Rating in thie, manner Otherwice, treat ae aWar Hammer. P—-7 “2. Tolbane ‘This Great Axe does +12 damage and has 2 BC of 70, Otherwise, it has the same properties Great Axe. Dueto the grest fear of the "Tol for this weapon, any time tisused ime fight against a” Stone Giant, there is a chance thet the Stone Giants) will run away {each Stone Giant within 1 fot must roll suc cessfully against Wipower on D100 each Pulse ‘spond the run runing away from the Wiel rot Tolbane) =p 1. Brigit’ Cloak “ The wearer (who may be a non-Adept scam pletely invisible except for those pars of hi body not covered by the cloak (it has a hood ‘andisanklelongth ona mensized figure 1. Gertex' Wend * “Thabearay, it an Adopt, may wila circle ofinvis- ‘bility to extend from the tp of thewand TS text Jnall rections, making those within the ecle Invisible to anyone outside of it. In adtion, ‘the weather for2 Leaguesin all directions from the bearer wil wove be fai an sunny during ‘the cay {with some light tain occurring very late aright 18. The Handof Torbay ‘Anyone touched by the wearer of thie glove ‘must roll against Endurance an 10. Ifthe that, @ Dwervish city ten times that and an Ehish Knowe three times that). Contacts with the rest of the world wil be rare for all ‘dwellers in Albion, though men will be more ‘active in this regard. In this insular area, trav- falers will be shunned and only long-stand- ing allies wil have any claim of trust from the sults greater than Endurance, the person st fers a number of points of damage to Endur {ance equal tothe eifferonce betwaen the dice ‘oll and the person's Endurance 5 16. Herle's Ring “The waster ofthis ring (mey be a non Adept) sees at will what is happening everywhere he ‘chooses to look to a distance of 2 MA in Leagues. The wearer must, however, have been to the place he is sttempting to look into atsome timo in the past (e.g, must have some fort of familarty with or must know 9 spect fie person in tat place and have reason tobe: 7. Misha’s Rod 7 J am anes ae tarmac ieeaceanane Soh erasennee eterna Hideauecen mate iioneneaammasaae Pennines rates Speman 18. The Moray Crystal ‘An Adept may look into the crystal and detor mine the whereabouts andienties of any po- {entilly hostile entties within 9 radius of 6 Leagues. It takes 6 hours per siting to effec: tively sort out the vast amount of information provided and the Adept must concontrata on fhe crystal the entire time, we, xy ~ 18. Ogme’s Are Treat as Trollbane oxcopt that Stone Glan are notattado! the tm locals. Common adventurers will normally be despised and sometimes killed outright where they are of a different race. More fre- ‘quently, thay will be jailed by the citizenry un- less protected by some patron of great stat- tre. Only the hardest souls need cross the seas nto Albion! 10, 20. The Serving Glass Be aatgnaict EEE Ryko ms rane cet SAear cen eee ara emrenemrise Sr simmers onset ne rane Ete atoati BO an EET Loe se nse Sesto cece rete ect scie f 2 thse Tatra tare no coms Sra Tags etre ear anton onda see Sar Nn et on ‘aint Endurance exactly as descrined under ‘the Handot Torbay. 23, The Teeth ofthe Dragon ‘The Worm has 107 teeth and a skeleton (with ‘maximum characteristics] will spring up in D10 Seconds wherever each tooth is cast The ake ‘tans will ob0y the indvgual including 8 non ‘Adept who cast the teeth in all things. They re- ‘main animated se long a5 the caster maintans 8 Sight concentration on them (eg. ovough bractcaly anything except the caster faling ‘sleep. Once deactivated, the skeletons cru bleto dust. Each toothmay be used once. n to the death ino quarter may be shown). Since the combat takes place onthe astral plane, no fone ee can interfere. However the cone. {ences of the combet will manifest them. Slves on this plane inte form of mysteriously appearing abrasions, contusions, ote. (08. Enchantment of Vortex Creation ‘The caster creates a numberof magical toma- doce equal to his MA\ within an area four ‘across that entiaiy within range ‘equal 1 his MA in Leagues. The vortices ap- ‘ear within 24 hours of the Ritual being per- ormedand remeinin the area for O10 dave. 10. Enchantment of Mind Control “This Ritual works exact lke the Spell of Con- twoling Persons (G7) ofthe Collegeof Soreer os ofthe Mind oxcopt it has a range equal to the casters MA in Leagues and uses the Base Chance listed inthis article's encnantments. 11, Enchantment of Dispeing Magic ‘This Ritual works in exaety the same manner ‘as the Ritual of Dissipation (01) ofthe Cologe (of Naming incantavone except that hae 3 ‘ange eaual to the caster’s MA in Leagues and affects allmagic (Spel, Rituals and Talents) in ‘24 Lesque squere rea, The effects wil lst for ‘B10 hours after she Ritual successfully com pleted, so twill be impossible during that tne for Talents to operate within the affected area ‘oF fornew Spells or Rituals tobe cast 12. Enchantmentof Strength ‘The caster and the target must be touching {and the Ritual cannot be performed over one sof. The object ofthe spell hashisPS doubled {for D10 days, after which he suffers a Fatigue loss equal to the incrse in PS. If the loss ro- {duces Fatigue to "0," thebalanceis subtracted from Endurance. if Endurance is reduced to °0,"theobject of the Ritual dies. 13. Enchantment of Vision Persons occupying Derg Donegal, Derwent’ Watch, Ravenglass, the Denby Plinth or the ‘Seat of Moray may perform this Ritual Once successful the caster may observe the ac tions, conversations etc, of any one pany of persons within a range equsl to the casters MA in Leagues. The effects last as long asthe Caster continues to maintain concentation on ‘the object of the Ritual the may eat and tal but net sleep or perform violant action or concentration wil be broken), 20 2 CHARACTERISTICS SUMMARY FOR DWELLERS IN ALBION AnuMeco) 2) om te ew ws 88S hiwantieBiack ala Ww Mom ew 878 Abwontwshed 6a Wt! Wa “ile ef» m8 0 6 6« Slr Ore Eve 0 mw Ww ww 6 beh Go =i 4s anquetineOwad 28a) 182) ew) Wena Gan SSB Bogan Reap 23082081 Wane Gam +a 2 a8 Wer Mumay SSS 2a» 7a ma Moon ef wae 202210 m8 _Deoth Hunan 4 igtShecmades 7 w 22am “tle ers wa a 7 conser Base ww 4 De Demon mw ew Catach 1306 218 eet Human 46S Callach’s Watt B wm 5 0 6 8 B B 3 Death Wight 44-2 Bo 44 24 Cursemnvet08 21100 1B “Le eNom ss Coleantiedve a? wz 16 Ww Sm ef ww 24364 Cooantheavenge S12 21487125 818 Dew Gm” ~~ CotntbeStape ww 18 We Mw Deh ea?) Siw 8 ComaeSwodongie 2 a1 21 8B 194 Sun Huma Oasis Sieg 21218 8s Ay ei OsndoRedhand 232m Ww 21 Desh Myon 00 Dobe theSerer WW 71828282388 Desh Hmon 4A a3 Darwentobiner 23236) eB Desh YT #77 DuraisteWhe zm 2 we te es es fico, CromPincs 212) 22216 we) te ef sea EmineDeepaaver 91881) m2 “Lle owe a) 38 63 Fiera 0” nm m0 leew GaWechibeSwinner 28217) aww 16 Moon Gan’ 6878 Getlxteoy a) we Mw ie er ew 8 734 GasynBewiy 27219 @ W212) 212 Dee Ga 2-3-3 8 53 GrogmGecitean a2 19919 15 Sma IneTobod a! ai) Ba Moo Gn 1-4 6 BBs ia ins e178 2119-2 VorwlHumn Moaooihe Gi Ba 21 a 19 22 18 2 —Deth Gm @2 8 36 a6 Mostin ©1721 212310 dew) Ow @ aw 76 73 5 MdntiiePoece 2021 0 wm za "Men ewe 67 es MehatheWee 22232321218 Ae ew MovgutheEnchanses 1820 2218 2) a9 4 2m "Mooney 9) SOO ea Opmetontit ET Aurore ahaa a BW De Gn Seanthefiyner 19a le NS Soragentte Warde 201718 zs 21_ 16 ble Owe QU aa 8a Tumphtethad a1 zt wa “lew gw Wid ene va ww mo Am bee 8 778 WomatMoumSiou 8502918 Wz a) HO 8-2 eet Gram 87 Te Winter= Winter Stars) ‘Type=Race or Specles as per Dragondusst ‘ules (Giant=Stone Giant, College= The ‘number of the section in the Dragonduesr rules which describes the College of Magic to ‘which the person belongs: Spells = The num ber of Spels known and thei average Rank (frst number i the umber of Spells; seconds the Rank); Skilla= The number of Skil known and their average Rank (Test numbers the number of Skils; second is the average Rank); Weapons = The number of Weapons inwhich the person has Rank and the average ‘second isaverage Rank). Magical College is fo lowed by a second numbor. Ths indicates the ‘number of the school within the Collage to ‘which the Adept belongs (e.g. 44-1 indicates that the Adept of the Colege of Colestal ‘Magics is a Star Mage since Stor Mage isthe fret echool stad uncer that Cole) Notes: The fest four columns give the per- centage chance that one of the personsin A= bion wil own (though not necessary be car rying) a particular weapon. The second four alums give the average Rank thatthe por- WEAPONS TABLE Possession ar obNT itn mane ar aan twa omanr 10% 95% 20% 25% 48 2 5 OK 8% —~ON 78K 63 5 6 Shor Sword 10% POSH SCO 3 4 P Hand Axe 10% PF 1S% 20% 2 3 3 War civ a a P 3 P Mace 5% P se 2 3 2 War Hammer 10% 5% 0% 3 3 4 War Pek 5% P 5% 10% 2 2 a Battle Axe 0% 10% —~10%~—25% 5 3 4 Mattock 10% 10% 5% 40% 3 2 4 Groat Axe 3% 0% 5 5 Giant Axe P e P P P P P P me P 7? 4 P 0% ow 3? 4 2 Groat Gio P P P P Great Spear P a pa P P ‘Sing 0% 8% 3 4 3 ‘Short Bow me 8% a? 5 a Composite Bow P 5% 5 OP P 2 ‘Great Bow 10% 8% «1% «8% a3 2 3 Giant Bow Pp 10% PF P P 4 P P ThowingDan 5% PN 1% PC a Garon 5% 1% 15% «8% 30 3 3 ‘Shieise 7% 5% 50% 60% 42 3 3 son wil have with the weapon. A P means that the weapon will never be owned by per sons of that race {for physical or cultral ‘eosonsh centage chance that one ofthe persons in A ‘ion wilpossess a particular Skil. The second ‘our columns give the average Rank that por son can be expected to possess. The Worm {nd the Cat Sith are not covered by thie table, CCaach’s Wall wil have whatever Skils and ‘SKILLS TABLE svat cr One wane eur osama ome ‘Alchem 10% 1% 5% 8 1 ‘Assassin sy 1% 4% 8% 3 2 ~~ ~6 ‘Astroloe 10% 8% 6% 1% 7 6 8 2 Beast Master 80% 80% @5% OK 9 77S 1% 5% et 1 % 20% 40% 8% 8 ACS 0% 0% 0% 6% 9-2 8S 5% 5% 9% HOC} itary 5% 100% me 8 8 6 7 Novigstor 4% 5% W% s&s 2S 1 Ranger 75% 95% 50% 70% s8 Sov 2% 10% 40% 1% 32S Thiet 1% 5% S% 5&2 24S Troubadour 00% 5% 15% 20% = a4 Notes: The fst four columns give the per- Rank Calach had when ave, Note that those Eves called Ancients (Sean, Corin, Dunats, ‘Mishe and Gerflax) will have 8 20% higher chance of having a particular Skil than ther nish cousine and wal have an average Rank ‘3-10 higher (depending upon person). mm 13 Reader's Report In the last isue of Ares, | mentioned that 1 would tel you which game proposals have boon Teeding back wo The isto! the top ten games follows: 1 Alon city (8) 2 Universe (4) 2 Return of the Staniess ‘Steel Rat (2) 4 Ghostship (4) 5 The Sagitarian Encounter (8) 6 The Forever Ship (7) 7 Bolo 8) 8 Foundetion and Empive (4) 9 Empire ofthe Stel Reaches (4) 10 Galactic Trader (4) We have already pubished or wil pubs five of the games on the ist (Universe, Return of the SSM, The Democles Mission [Ghostship) in Ares 13, Emotes ofthe Stolar Raachos 26 The Sword and the Stars, and Galactic Nader as Star Trade. ‘We are curently negotiating for permission to do Bolo and Foundation and Empire in future ssu0s (of Ares. The lest the suggestions ace stil under Consideration they all were proposed using a Voy {390 of the Pandora/ Citadel of Blood game $y tom, and we do not want to overwork such 3 poe ‘lar gaming approach ‘What is of interest is that aff the best rated roposals have a science fiction theme. In gener Science ficon proposal do much beter than fen. tasy propesas. The best rated fantasy proposal — which isnot realy fantasy at al, but ovtor — Horror Hote (which wil appear in Aras 18). To gi You an idea of how low fantasy games generally ‘ate, heres ais of the fen worst red games: ‘Jack the Ripper (2) StarGods (2) Corporate Wars (1) ‘Aquarius Mission (5) ‘Across the Warp of Time (6) nee and Future King (6) Fane the Mad (1), PsiFi(s) Tho Lost World (4) A Clash of Sorcery (7) Six out ofthe ten tes oe fantasy (though to bbe completly far, Once and Future King and ‘Across the Warp of Time were offered in soveral Configurations ~ some configurations doing bet {erthon others). In general, fantasy game pro sal usualy does not scare higher than about 70 fr 80, making ethor the game proposals of the ‘raader reaction rather epic ‘One faedbock question asked your response ona scale of 1108. 10 whore your intrest ay to Wards science fiction or Tantasy. A response of & Incteated equal imerest. The overall response 10 the question was litle over. Thus, we are a bit uzded in that you express intrest in fantasy Games, but they are never rated vary high inthe ‘eedback ‘Michael Moore

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