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Prayers for Your Homeschool

The prayer of a righteous {mom} is powerful and effective. James 5:16 NIV

Prayers For Parents: Vision & Provision

Gods Vision and Plan for Your Homeschool
Father, Your Word says, Unless the Lord builds the
house, its builders labor in vain. It also says, You
can make many plans, but the Lords purpose will
prevail. So, we ask You, first of all, for Your vision
and plan for our homeschool. We purpose to obey
completely and to follow Your plan for our family.
In Jesus Name, Amen. (Ps. 127:1 NIV; Pr. 19:21 NLT)
Wisdom & Understanding
Father, as we undertake a new school year in our
home, we ask that You would give us spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that we might grow in
our knowledge of You. We ask You to give us a
complete understanding of what You want to do
in our lives, so the way we live will always honor
and please You. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Eph. 1:17 NLT;
Col. 1:9-10 NLT)

Guidance to Make the Right Decision

Father, please help us to make the right decisions
for our family concerning our homeschool, learning methods, and curriculum choices. I ask You to
lead us in the right path. Tell us clearly what to do,
and show us which way to turn. In Jesus Name,
Amen. (Ps. 5:8 NLT)
Father, although I may feel very weak or inadequate homeschooling my children, Your Word
says, Let the weak say, I am strong. Therefore, I
align myself with Your Word. I believe that You are
the Strength of my life. I am strong in You, Lord,
and in the power of Your might. I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You for
Your strength as I homeschool my children. In
Jesus Name, Amen. (Joel 3:10 KJV; Ps. 27:1 KJV; Eph. 6:10 KJV;
Phil. 4:13 NIV)

Financial Provision
Father, I thank You for promising that if we would
honor You with our finances by tithing and joyfully
giving, that You would bless us abundantly. Right
now, I stop worrying and stressing about our finances because You know what we need, and I believe You will provide for our family. I determine to
seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness,
and I know that all the things we need (finances,
food, clothing, shelter, curriculum, supplies, etc.)
will be given to us. You are always faithful to supply
all our needs according to Your riches in glory by
Christ Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen. (Mal. 3:10 KJV; 2 Cor.

Prayers for Childrens Ability to Learn

Father, I pray that You help our children to grasp
hold of what they need to know and learn. I ask
You to give them the aptitude for understanding
and wisdom. Thank You that they have the mind
of Christ and that their memory is blessed. In Jesus
Name, Amen. (Dan. 1:17, 20 AMP; 1 Cor. 2:16 KJV; Pr. 10:7 KJV)
Knowledge & Understanding
Father, I ask You to help my children become well
versed in every branch of learning, gifted with
knowledge and good sense, and to be quick to
understand. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Dan. 1:4 NLT, NKJ)
Wisdom & Discernment
Father, I pray that my children become skillful in all
wisdom and discernment, and competent to
stand and serve in places of leadership and authority. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Dan. 1:4 AMP)
Father, I ask You to give my children ability, understanding, intelligence, and knowledge. In Jesus
Name, Amen. (Ex 31:3 AMP)
Father, just as Jesus grew in favor with You and
with man, I ask that my children would grow in
favor with You and with man. I thank You that they
are surrounded with Your favor everywhere they
go. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Lk. 2:52 NIV; Ps. 5:12 NIV)
Father, I pray that my children realize and understand that they can do all things through Christ
who strengthens them. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Phil.
4:13 KJV)

9:7 AMP; Matt. 6:25, 33 AMP; Phil. 4:19 KJV)

Created by Alisha @ Flourish alishagratehouse.com

Prayers for Your Homeschool

The prayer of a righteous {mom} is powerful and effective. James 5:16 NIV

Prayers for the Training

& Discipline of Children
To Diligently Train Your Children
Father, we determine to train our children in the way
they should go, knowing that when they are old,
they will not depart from it. Help us to keep Your
Word in our minds and hearts so that we may teach
and impress them diligently upon the minds and
hearts of our children. We will talk of them when we
sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we
lie down, and when we rise up. Thank You for Your
gracious help. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Pr. 22:6 KJV; Dt. 6:67 AMP)

To Tenderly Correct or Discipline a Child

Father, Your Word says, A refusal to correct is a
refusal to love; love your children by disciplining
them. I ask You to help us to always reflect Your
love to our children, continually showing them forgiveness and mercy. Help us to raise them in the
tender nurture, training, discipline, counsel, and
admonition of You. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Pr. 13:24

Prayers for Childrens Future

Obedience to Gods Will & Plan for Their Life
Father, I pray that my children conform to Your will in
every purpose, thought and action. I pray that they
will follow Your plan for them and habitually practice what is pleasing to You. In Jesus Name, Amen.
(1 John 2:1; 3:22 AMP)

Receiving Guidance & Counsel

Father, I ask You to continue guiding my children
with Your counsel, leading them to their glorious
destiny. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Ps. 73:24 NLT)
Future Destiny
Father, I thank You that You have the lives of my
children all planned out. Plans to take care of them,
and not to abandon them, plans to give them a
hope and a future. I believe that my children are
Your handiwork, and that they will do good works for
You. They will live the good life which You prearranged and made ready for them to live. In Jesus
Name, Amen. (Jer. 29:11 MSG, NIV; Eph. 2:10 AMP)

MSG; Eph. 6:4 AMP)

General Prayers for Children

Prayers for Childrens Relationships
Honoring Parents
Father, I pray that my children will obey and honor
us as their parents all the days of their lives, so that all
will be well with them and that they will live long on
the earth. This is well pleasing to You. In Jesus Name,
Amen. (Eph. 6:1 KJV; Col. 3:20 KJV)
Walking in Love With One Another
Father, Your Word says, How wonderful, how
beautiful when brothers and sisters get along! So, I
pray that my children will be kind and affectionate
to one another with brotherly love, honoring and
preferring one another. I declare that our home
reflects Your love and peace to all who enter. In
Jesus Name, Amen. (Ps. 133:1 MSG; Rom 12:10 NKJ)
Godly Friendships/Relationships
Father, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my
children. Friends who love purity, who are pure in
heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will
sharpen them and love them at all times. In Jesus
Name, Amen. (Pr. 17:17 KJV, NLT; Pr. 22:11 AMP; Pr. 27:17 KJV)

Father, I pray that all my children will be disciples
taught of You and obedient to Your will, and that
their peace and undisturbed composure will be
great. In Jesus Name, Amen. (Is. 54:13 AMP)
Healing & Health
Father, according to Your Word, Jesus Himself took
stripes on His body so that we could be healed. He
took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Therefore, I thank You for healing my child. I believe that
he/she is healed and continues to experience excellent health in life. In Jesus Name, Amen. (1Pet. 2:24
KJV; Mt. 8:17 KJV)

Safety & Protection

Father, I thank You that my children dwell in the
secret place of the Most High and abide under the
shadow of the Almighty. You are their refuge, their
fortress, their God, in You will they trust. No evil shall
befall them, neither shall any plague come near
their dwelling. You give Your angels charge over
them to keep them in all their ways. They call upon
You and You answer them. You are with them in
trouble and deliver them. With long life You satisfy
them and show them Your salvation! In Jesus Name,
Amen. (Ps. 91 KJV)

Created by Alisha @ Flourish alishagratehouse.com

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