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UZ it!

Jakob Nielsen


International Usability:
Big Stuff the Same, Details Differ
User testing on 3 continents
confirmed that the main usability
guidelines hold worldwide, but many
other considerations exist to better
support international users.
iPad Usability: Year One (May 23)

Social media postings and RSS feeds

More reports and usability guidelines

Paper prototyping:
How-to video

E-commerce and B2B sites

Age groups:
Children, Teens, Students New since
December 15 , Seniors


Jakob's column on Web usability


Mobile sites

Training Video

Email newsletters


Corporate sites:
Company image, PR, IR

Agile usability

financial, government, tech


Donations to non-profits

Utilize Screen Space (May 9)

Intranet usability
Intranet design annual
Enterprise 2.0
Intranet portals
Design guidelines for intranets
Intranet IA


Eyetracking Web Usability

Prioritizing Web Usability
Designing Web Usability
The Practice of Simplicity
Recommended books by other authors
Consulting Services
Nielsen Norman Group offers
usability reviews, training, user testing,
and a conference.


Usability Week 2011 Conference

San Francisco: June 13-18

Toronto: July 11-15
New York City: August 1-6

About Jakob Nielsen

Biography and
Papers and essays
About This Site
Why this site has
almost no graphics
Copyright and reprint


by Jakob Nielsen

Full-day seminars, including

A 1 (structure)
A 2 (navigation)
Fundamental Guidelines for Web
UsabilityuTest.com Testing the Limits
The Independent Website redesign: Why do we
get so angry when the websites we love update
their look?
The Guardian The art of slow reading Has
endlessly skimming short texts on the internet
made us stupider?
The Guardian Jakob Nielsen critiques the
iPad's usability failings
Daily Telegraph Apple iPad apps
MORE News...

Web Usability
Return on investment (ROI)

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