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All too often, our goals consists of little more than a

list .

-Make a million dollars

-Get my book published
-Travel the world
-Support my favorite charity
And so forth.
It s certainly a great start to write them down, but if you don t dig deeper with th
em, they re unlikely to happen as quickly and completely as I m sure you d want them t
I m sure you ve read plenty of information on how to improve the goals: add emotiona
l value, visuals, expand on the feelings you ll have when you achieve the goal, so
metimes timelines if that works for you, look at them more often, and so forth.
And all those ideas are great, but if you re not in alignment with your goal FULLY
and in the FIRST PLACE, you re basically wasting your time.
Remember: The alignment isn t just a surface, conscious alignment; you need to be
aligned at all levels. You need to address your what ifs and but.. s about the issue f
When you do that, you get out of your own way and can make things happen without
those patterns of self-sabotage that are all too familiar.
Here s a process with tapping to help you. Remember, the more issues you address o
n all aspects, of all your goals, the better your results will be! Perhaps commi
t to doing one goal/issue a day for 30 days and see what happens!
Step 1: Write down your goal, dream, aspiration
You can make this a specific goal, I want to earn a million dollars a year , a more
general goal, I want to bring peace to my relationship with my mom or it can be s
tated more as a vision: I d like to create dramatic social change
With ALL of this process, don t worry about getting it right; whatever language po
ps up in your head first, that s the right language. But do make sure to write it
Step 2: Write down your immediate gut response when you read that goal
How do you FEEL?
Are you 100% in alignment with it?
How does your body respond to reading it?
For example, you might feel and write down,
, I m excited, I m anxious

I feel uncomfortable when I read this

Be specific in your notes and give every feeling a 0-10 rating. So if you re feeli
ng anxious as you read the goal, write down, I m feeling anxious and then put a numb
er of its intensity next to it, 8 for example.

You can write down more than one emotion or feeling, and be as specific as possi
Do you feel tension in your stomach? Write that down.
Are you slightly nauseous? Write that down.
Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your goal if you shared it
with them
Friends, family members, society, co-workers, etc.
Whatever pops in your head first, write that down.
So if you think about sharing your goal with your mom, and you picture her sayin
g, That s a silly idea , then write that down PLUS how you FEEL about her thoughts.
Be specific and give it a number.
Step 4: Write down YOUR beliefs about the goal
For example . Part of me thinks this is impossible I ve never been able to do this befo
re who am I to achieve this
Note the feelings this brings up.
Be specific and give it a number.
Step 5: Systematically tap OUT all of this RESISTANCE and tap IN, positive feeli
ngs and expectations!
Go through each item that brought up an issue, and tap on it until you bring the
feelings around it down to 0 or a low number. Keep noting anything else that come
s up through the process.
You may not be able to do this in one session, so take your time with it.
When you have tapped through all the issues (and make sure to keep digging for m
ore hidden ones), you ve then cleared the way for your goal to become a reality.
Tapping Script Example
Let s go through one example of what this might look like together, so you can tap
I m just making up potential responses so you can see how it works.
Step 1: Write down the Goal
EXAMPLE: Goal: I want to earn $250,000 a year
Step 2: How do you FEEL?

EXAMPLE: Looking at this, I get a little nervous. There s a sinking feeling in the
pit of my stomach, and pressure around making this work. When I close my eyes,
I feel this sinking feeling at a 7 .
When I ask myself what this feeling is, it s anxiety. I m going to do some tapping o
n this now.
Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I
deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling about making $250,000, I ch
oose to relax now.
Karate Chop: Even though I feel uncomfortable in my body when I look at this goa
l, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Eyebrow: This sinking feeling
Side of Eye: I m feeling a little nervous
Under Eye: This sinking feeling
Under Nose: In the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: I feel pressure around making this work
Collarbone: I feel this anxiety in my stomach
Under Arm: All this anxiety
Top of the Head: All this sinking feeling
Keep on tapping on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some
relief and feel ready to move to the positive
Eyebrow: I chose to relax now
Side of Eye: And release this sinking feeling
Under Eye: I let it all go
Under Nose: From the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: All this anxiety
Collarbone: Releases now
Under Arm: All this fear about making $250,000 a year
Top of the Head: Releases now
Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your goal if you shared it
with them.
EXAMPLE: If I told my friends I wanted to make $250,000 a year, half of them wou
ld laugh at me and the other half would tell me I was being greedy.
When I think about telling my friends, I just feel small and not confident at al
l. This feeling is at an 8
Karate Chop: Even though I don t feel confident telling my friends about my goal,
I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I don t want my friends to know my goal, I deeply and com
pletely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I know they ll judge me if I tell them my goal, I deeply
and completely accept myself.
Eyebrow: I don t want to tell my friends
Side of Eye: When I think about telling them, it makes me feel small
Under Eye: This feeling of being small
Under Nose: I m worried that they ll judge me
Under Mouth: I m worried they won t like me
Collarbone: I m worried about what my friends will think
Under Arm: If I tell them my goal
Top of the Head: Or if I achieve my goal!

Keep on tapping on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some
relief and feel ready to move to the positive
Eyebrow: I release this feeling of being small
Side of Eye: I chose to feel big!
Under Eye: I m confident in my goal
Under Nose: And I release any anxiety about it
Under Mouth: I m confident in what I want for myself
Collarbone: And I m confident that the right people will support me
Under Arm: Feeling strong and confident
Top of the Head: Feeling strong and confident!
Continue on to Step 4 and 5, rinse and repeat. :)
Seriously, the KEY on this process is to get specific on your issues, on your fe
elings and to be SYSTEMATIC about it, going through all the different ASPECTS of
the issue.

7 Things Successful People Do Differently

What is it that makes some people successful in life, able to reach whatever goa
l they like, while others get stuck in the same place for years, if not decades?
Is it their education? Where they were born? Who their family is? Is it genet
The reality is it s none of the above.
In my working with thousands of people over the years to help them change their
lives, to help them create both financial success and personal fulfillment, I ve f
ound 7 things in particular that successful people do differently.
I ve outlined them below. How many of these 7 things are you doing?
1 They first change how they think and feel
Change-your-mindset-smallLet s start with how they think:
Talk to anybody who built success in their life and they ll tell you that they cha
nged their thinking in order to get different results. Every one of us is a pro
duct of our thinking. Our finances, relationships, health, happiness and every
other area are dictated by our thinking. If you want a different result in life
, you need to change your thinking first.
How they feel:
Very often people get hung up on thinking like successful people and forget a key
element: what they re feeling. Listening to your emotions is critical to understa
nding what is holding you back, both consciously and unconsciously.
Successful people know that our emotions drive everything. If you re feeling over
whelmed, afraid, stressed, sad, depressed or any other negative emotion, your br

ain is less resourceful and less able to help you make good decisions and take i
mportant action. If you want to have more energy, make better decisions, be mor
e creative and have more success in life, develop the habit of paying attention
to your emotions and then doing what s needed to be in the right emotional state (
like using Tapping, which we ll get to later!) :)
2 They believe they deserve success
Be You And Believe In Yourself Successful people believe they deserve success, u
nsuccessful people do not.
The area where this is most evident is with money. Financially successful peopl
e generally feel they deserve to be successful, and so they ve created it in their
So what qualifies somebody as deserving success
ey create for it in their own brain.

or not? Only one thing the rules th

Oftentimes people, consciously or unconsciously, think they don t deserve success

because of false beliefs like, I m not a good enough person or, I don t work hard enoug
h or, I m not smart enough or any other of a laundry list of negative limiting belief
In order to find out what you believe about success just SAY and COMPLETE these
two phrases out loud:
I don t deserve success because (say what first comes up, don t question it).
I deserve success because (say what first comes up, don t question it!)
When you say those two phrases out loud, your unconscious brain will give you th
e reasons that have been programmed as to why you believe one way or the other.
If you re not getting the answer you d like (or you re surprised by what s coming up),
don t worry, I ll show you how to change your belief systems around success in the c
oming days, all using EFT Tapping.
Remember, at the end of the day every, and I mean EVERY, person deserves success
. Every person is capable of growth, of love, of giving beyond themselves, and
being rewarded for it. Anyone can succeed financially, in relationships, with t
heir health, in any area of their life.
In the coming days, I ll show you how to get there.
3 They do whatever it takes to overcome events and patterns from the past that d
on t serve them
Past-and-FutureMost of the habits, patterns and beliefs that we have today were
developed between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. They weren t developed conscious
ly, they were essentially downloaded from our parents, and from other people and
events happening around us at the time.
We didn t have choice as to what beliefs were given to us, or what events were hap
pening around us. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs, patterns and experience
s were negative and have limited us in our adult life.
Some have had tougher upbringings than others, with more negative experiences an
d more negative beliefs about themselves and the world, but regardless of the ex
periences there is good news .
Today, as adults, we have choice over what beliefs, patterns and habits we want
to keep or discard, and we have choice over the meanings we give our past experi

Successful people are aware of how limiting old beliefs, habits, patterns and ex
periences can be and they do whatever it takes to change them.
That doesn t mean it s always easy. Overcoming childhood abuse issues, or deep-root
ed self-confidence issues, or overwhelmingly negative thought patterns can be a
challenge, but successful people are committed to their growth, no matter what.
They know that the past does not equal the future. That past challenges can be
dwelled upon for years, or accepted as necessary life lessons on their path.
Overcoming limiting beliefs and difficult events from your past is something tha
t EFT Tapping is especially powerful at helping with, more so than any other tec
hnique I ve ever seen. I ve had the privilege of using Tapping to help people with
some enormous challenges through our Tapping Solution Foundation, like veterans
with PTSD, children genocide survivors in Rwanda, 1st responders of the Sandy Ho
ok school shooting (my home town), and much more.
In the coming days, I ll show you exactly how to do it for yourself. I ll show you
how to overcome any obstacle from your past.

They silence their critical voice

Tremenous-Courage-2A common misconception is that successful people don t have dou

bts, that they don t have a critical voice, that they re not afraid when they face t
ough challenges. Reality couldn t be further from the truth.
Successful people face all of these challenges regularly, and probably more ofte
n than unsuccessful people because of how much they challenge themselves, they j
ust use tremendous courage to never let it stop them.
The good thing is that courage is a muscle that can be flexed and developed over
time. Every successful person had to overcome their critical voice over little
things before they got to bigger and bigger things.
Building this muscle starts with having the courage to address your critical voi
ce, on anything big or little, to listen to what it has to say, and overcome it.
I ll show you exactly how in the coming days. Together, we ll flex your courage mus
cle. :)

They re willing to fail, repeatedly

Failure-JourneySuccessful people see failing as a part of the learning process.

And no matter how much they fail, they re never willing to quit.
They also never see failure as defining who they are. When unsuccessful people
fail, they see themselves as a failure. Learn to never see yourself as a failur
e and to see failure as a learning process, and you ll never in fact do the one th
ing you re avoiding failing.
How s that? you re thinking. Because failing implies that the journey is over. If yo
u see individual failures as a part of a longer journey of success, then you in
fact never actually fail. :)
Here are some of the most successful people ever who never let individual failur
es stop them:

1 Henry Ford
Failed in his early business projects and was left broke 5 times be
fore he founded Ford Motor Company.
2 R. H. Macy
Founder of the Macy s department store, R.H. Macy started seven faile
d businesses before finally hitting it big with his store in New York City.
3 Walt Disney
Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he lacked imagi
nation and had no good ideas. After that, he started a number of businesses that
didn t last long and ended with bankruptcy and failure.
4 Albert Einstein
Einstein didn t speak until he was four and didn t read until he w
as seven, which made his teachers and parents think he was mentally handicapped,
slow and anti-social.
5 Jerry Seinfeld
The first time he walked on stage he froze and was jeered and b
ooed off stage. Do you think he quit after that? Nope. The very next night he
came back and completed his set to laughter and applause.
I could go on and on with people like this but I think you get it. :) Failure
never exists IF you see it as part of a longer journey of success.
And if you want to know how to overcome individual setbacks quicker, and overcom
e fears easier, to reach success faster, I ll show you how in the coming days, usi
ng Tapping of course. :)

They do the important things first, not the easy things

Important-Things-FirstPretty much every person I talk to or come across on a dai

ly basis feels that they have too much going on, that they re too busy. It seems
to just be a part of this modern lifestyle.
When it comes to our time, and what we do with it each day, successful people ha
ve one tremendously important trait that makes them successful they do the importa
nt things FIRST, not the easy things.
If you wait until you have more time to do the important things, you ll run out of
time and it will never get done. It s why people don t exercise, or write that boo
k, or start that business
Successful people prioritize their life differently. They know that the importa
nt stuff is what will get them to where they want to be. They do the big tasks
on projects at the beginning of the day, and they leave the emails to later in t
he day.
If you want to be more successful, learn how to do the tasks that matter first.
7 They get clear on what they want and who they want to be, and then take daily
action to get there
Clarity-2Successful people know that there is tremendous power in clarity. They
get clear on what they want to achieve and who they want to be in life, and they
take consistent daily action to get there.
They never let their current limitations stop them from seeing a better future.
Unsuccessful people get hung up on their current situation and current challenge
s and never allow themselves to have seemingly unrealistic futures.
Successful people allow themselves to dream and then work to get there, even if
there isn t a clear path to achieving what they want.
They also see themselves not just as they are now, but better than they are now.

They hold a vision for themselves of how they can grow into being more successf
ul, happier, more giving people.
If you struggle to dream big or find yourself finding reasons for why your dream
s can t come true, don t worry, together we ll work to eliminate the mental blocks tha
t are keeping you from building an empowering future.

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