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Research Note

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet., Jaboticabal, v. 21, n. 2, p. 176-178, abr.-jun. 2012

ISSN 0103-846X (impresso) / ISSN 1984-2961 (eletrnico)

Calyptosporasp. in Brachyplatystomavaillantii
trapped at the Vigia, State of Par, Brazil
Calyptosporasp. emBrachyplatystomavaillantiicapturadas no municpio deVigia, Estado do Par, Brasil
Moacir Cerqueira da Silva1*; Srgio Carmona da So Clemente2;
Jos Antnio Picano Jnior3; Michele Velasco Oliveira da Silva4; Edilson Rodrigues Matos4
Instituto da Sade e Produo Animal, Universidade Federal Rural da Amaznia UFRA, Belm, PA, Brasil

Faculdade de Veterinria, Universidade Federal FluminenseUFF, Niteri, RJ, Brasil

Laboratrio de Microscopia Eletrnica, Instituto Evandro ChagasIEC, Belm, PA, Brasil

Laboratrio de Pesquisas Carlos Azevedo, Instituto da Sade e Produo Animal, Universidade Federal Rural da AmazniaUFRA,
Belm, PA, Brasil

Received July 18, 2011

Accepted December 19, 2011

The article describes the first occurrence of hepatic coccidiosis in catfish of the species Brachyplatystomavaillantii,
captured in the coastal region of the Vigia city , state of Par, Brazil, caused by species of the genus Calyptospora,
family Calyptosporidae. Thirty specimens of piramutabas were examined where 60% were infected with liver location,
featuring numerous mature and immature oocysts, grouped or isolated, with four sporocysts in pyriform shape. They
were described on their morphology and dimensions of the oocysts and sporocysts, obtained from light microscopy and
differential interference contrast.
Keywords: Coccidiosis, Brachyplatystomavaillantii, Calyptospora, Piramutaba, liver.

O artigo descreve a primeira ocorrncia de coccidiose heptica em bagres da espcie Brachyplatystomavaillantii,
capturados na regio costeira do Municpio de Vigia, Estado do Par, Brasil, causada por espcies do gnero Calyptospora,
famlia Calyptosporidae. Foram examinados trinta exemplares de piramutabas, dos quais 60% encontravam-se
parasitados com localizao heptica, apresentando vrios oocistos maduros e imaturos, agrupados ou isolados, com
quatro esporocistos de formato piriforme. So descritas as caractersticas morfolgicas e dimenses dos oocistos e
esporocistos, obtidas a partir de microscopia de luz em campo claro e em contraste interferencial de fases.
Palavras-chave: Coccidiose, Brachyplatystomavaillantii,Calyptospora,piramutaba, fgado.

Coccidia comprise a large group of obligate intracellular

parasites frequently found in all classes of vertebrate hosts as
well as in some invertebrates.Some pathogenic and parasitic
forms affect mollusks and fish (MATOSetal., 2004). Indeed,
coccidia are common in marine and freshwater fish including the
genus Calyptospora (DAVIES; BALL, 1993; MOLNR, 2006).
The family Calyptosporidae was first described in fishes by
Overstreetetal. (1984) and comprises only five species:
Calyptosporafunduli (OVERSTREETetal., 1984); C.empristica
(FOURNIEetal., 1985); C.serrasalmi (CHEUNGetal., 1986);
*Corresponding author: Moacir Cerqueira da Silva
Instituto da Sade e Produo Animal, Universidade Federal Rural
da AmazniaUFRA, Av. Pte. Tancredo Neves, 2501, Terra Firme,
CEP 66077530, Belm, PA, Brasil
e-mail: moacir_silva@oi.com.br

C.tucunarensis (BKSI; MOLNR, 1991), and C.spinosa

(AZEVEDOetal., 1993).
Three species of the genus have been described parasitizing
the liver of Brazilian fish: C. serrasalmi in Serrasalmus niger
(CHEUNGetal., 1986), C.tucunarensis in Cichla ocellaris
(BKSI; MOLNR, 1991), and C.spinosa in Crenicicha lepidota
(AZEVEDOetal., 1993). Moreover, Bonaretal. (2006) reported
the occurrence of Calyptosporasp. and Dawestrema cycloancistrium
(Ancyrocephalinae) in sevenjuvenile specimensoffish species
Arapaimagigas (aka pirarucu) which were exported from Manaus
to the USA and became ill died four tosix weeksafter arrival
showed lesions mainly inthe liver,gills,brain,and gastrointestinal
tract. Further, among the most common parasites found in
the Amazonfish, Azevedoetal. (1993) found C.spinosa in
fish of the species Hoplosternumlittorale (aka tamoat) and in
Crenicichlalepidota (aka jacund), all naturally occurring in the
Amazon River basin.

v. 21, n. 2, abr.-jun. 2012

Calyptospora sp. in Brachyplatystoma vaillantii 177

There is a lackof studies on ictioparasitosesin fish of

higheconomic valuesuch as the one contemplated by this study
(Piramutaba Brachyplatystomavaillantii,). Such knowledgeis
important tocorrelatedisease outbreakswithbiotic and abiotic
factorsand for implementation ofnecessary mitigation measures to
avoid or minimize the impact on fish stocks. Thus, the objectiveof
this study was to describe the morphology of Calyptosporaoocysts
foundin the liver of B.vaillantii,byconventional light
microscopyanddifferential interference contrast and thereby to
make an initial assessment of the coccidiosis affecting this fish
from the Amazon River basin.

Material and Methods

Thirty specimens of B.vaillantii weighing 380-450g and
measuring between 28.5 and 45.5cm were captured in the estuary
at the Municipality of Nazareth Vigia in the State of Par, Brazil
(0051S and 4808W) by fishermen and donated to this study.
The specimens were necropsied following the methods described
by Azevedoetal. (1993). To highlight the oocysts, sporocysts,
and sporopodium contours we employed differential interference
contrast(Nomarski) optics.

Results and Discussion

In fresh preparations of the 18 B.vaillantii specimens found
positive for liver coccidiosis and, a large amount of grouped and
isolated spherical oocysts were observed (Figure1a). In many
cases, the host hepatic parenchyma was replaced by numerous
groups of oocysts, distributed irregularly.Azevedoetal. (1993)
foundinfectionsin which the liverofthe host C.lepidota
also heldnumerousgroupsofoocystsof Calyptospora sp.
arrangedirregularlyin the liver parenchyma.
The main organ affected by Calyptosporasp. in the examined
fish was the liver, corroborating the findings reported for
Arapaimagigas (ALBUQUERQUE; BRASIL-SATO, 2010),
C.lepidota (AZEVEDOetal., 1993; 1995), C.ocellaris
(BKSI; MOLNR, 1991), fishes of the genus Serrasalmus
(CASALetal., 2007), S.niger (CHEUNGetal., 1986), and
Fundulusnotti(FOURNIEetal., 1985). Theprevalenceofinfected
livers diseasewas60%,a finding similarto the rates reportedby
Azevedoetal. (1993) and Bksi and Molnr (1991) in studying
the infectious diseases caused by Calyptospora in fish species.
Morphological analysis revealed several groups of spherical
oocysts, each containing four pirifom sporocysts (Figure1c),
within which sporozoites and sporodiums with lateral projections
were found (Figure1b). Similar findings were reported previously
by Azevedoetal. (1993) in C.lepidota, parasitized by C.spinosa.
These findings are expected for the genus Calyptospora, which was
originally shown to infect fish species by Overstreetetal. (1984).
Measurements showed that the mean diameter of oocyts was
20.8m, and the mean length and width of sporocysts were 8.9 and
4.15m, respectively. The biometric data obtained from sporulated
oocysts were similar to those described by Fournieetal. (1985)
regarding C.empristica, Duszynskietal. (1979) for C.funduli,
Cheungetal. (1986) for C.serralsalmi, Bksi and Molnr (1991)

Figure1. Calyptospora sporulated oocysts a)isolated and grouped,

containing four sporocysts and distributed among liver cells of
B.vaillantii.Fresh preparation, 400X.; b)Two sporocysts showing
sporopodium with lateral projections (small arrow) and the
veil(arrowheads) Nomarski,1000X.; c)Grouped of sporulated
oocysts among liver cellsofB.vaillantii(*). Nomarski, 1000X.

for C.tucunarensis, Azevedoetal. (1993) for C.spinosa, Bonaretal.

(2006) for Calyptosporasp. and Albuquerque and Brasil-Sato
(2010) for Calyptosporasp.
Table1 shows the comparative biometric data regarding
sporulated oocyst size and shape, and sporocyst length and


Silva, M.C. et al.

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet.

Table 1. Comparative measurementsof sporulated oocysts and sporocysts of the genus Calyptospora.


23.0-26.0 Racket, Elliptical body



Fournieetal. (1985)
Duszynskietal. (1979)
Cheungetal. (1986)
Bksi and Molnr (1991)
Azevedoetal. (1993)
Bonaretal. (2006)
Albuquerque and Brasil-Sato (2010)
Current study

width,of the Calyptosporaspecies described in the literature. A new

morphological and structural description of C.serrasalmi revealed
mean oocyst diameter of 25.4m (CASALetal., 2007). Although
the mean oocyst size found in the present study is smaller than
that reported by Casaletal. (2007), it is similar to that described
for C.spinosa by Azevedoetal. (1993). Analyses of shape and
size of spocysts revealed they were similar to those reported for
C.serrasalmi by Cheungetal. (1986) and Calyptosporasp. by
Bonaretal. (2006), both studying Brazilian fishs.
The morphological and biometrical characteristics of the oocysts
and sporocysts observed bylightandNormarskimicroscopy,
suggest that they belong to species of the genusCalyptospora;since
coccidiaoocystsof this taxonomic category arespherical and
of similar size; and each contain four sporocysts. This finding
corroborates the evidence reported by Azevedoetal. (1993),
who noted the morphological similarity between sporocysts of
C.fundulea, C.empristica, C.serrasalmi, and C.tucunarensis, also
observed inthis study.

lepidota Heckel,1840 (Teleostei) from Amazon River. Eur J

Protistol 1993;29(2):171-175. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/

This study extend the occurrence of Calyptosporasp. for anew
Neotropical host, the piramutaba B.vaillantii.

Casal G, Padovan I, Matos E, Padovan P, Matos P, Magalhes A,etal.

Morphological and ultrastructural redescription of Calyptospora serrasalmi
Cheung, Nigrelli & Ruggieri,1986 (Apicomplexa: Calyptosporidae), a
parasite found in two new host species of the genus Serrasalmus. Braz J
Morphol Sci2007;24(1):11-16.


Davies PJ, Ball SP. The biology of fish coccidia. Adv Parasitol1993;
32:293366. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0065308X(08)60210-9

Thisstudywassupported by the Coordenao de

Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior pela bolsa de estudos
(CAPES). We thank theInstituto Acquamazonfor providing
access to the fish, the Laboratrio de Pesquisas Aquticas Carlos
Azevedo of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amaznia for
helping with the histopathological studies, and the Laboratrio
de Microscopia Eletrnica do Instituto Evandro Chagas for help
with Normaski optics and the Andrea Kaufmann-ZehPhD. for
revising the English translation.

Albuquerque MC, Brasil-Sato MC. First report of Calyptosporasp.
(Apicomplexa, Calyptosporidae) in forage characid fish from
the Trs Marias Reservoir, So Francisco Basin, Brazil. Eur J
Protistol2010;46(2):150-152. PMid:20163938.
Azevedo C, Matos P, Matos E. Morphological data of Calyptospora
spinosa n.sp. (Apicomplexa, Calyptosporidae) parasite of Crenicichla

Azevedo C, Matos P, Matos E. Ultrastructural data on sporogony of the

coccidian parasite Calyptospora spinosa from the liver of the Amazonian
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Parasitol1991;18(2):127-132. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00017665
Bonar C, Poynton SL, Schulma FY, Rietcheck RL, Garner MM. Hepatic
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Cheung PJ, Nigrelli RF, Ruggieri GD. Calyptospora serrasalmi sp. nov.
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niger Schomburgk. J Aquaricult Aquat Sci1986;4(3):54-57.

Duszynski DW, Solangi MA, Overstreet RM. A new and unusual

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Fundulus grandis. J Wildl Dis1979;15:543-552. PMid:522224.
Fournie JW, Hawkins WE, Overstreet RM. Calyptospora empristica n.sp.
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Fundulus notti. J Eukaryot Microbiol1985;32(3):542-547. http://dx.doi.
Matos E, Casal PM, Corral L, Azevedo C. Microrganismos parasitos de
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