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Despite Glaring Evidence, Mainstream

Media, Pundits Ignore BP, Goldman-

Sachs Financial Connections To Obama
Media Turns Blind Eye To Obama Ties To Big Oil, Ignores
Evidence That BP Bought and Paid For Obama
NOTE: It is now going on day 70, and STILL there is complete inaction,
ineptitude and nonchalance on the part of President Obama and his
administration – bought and paid for by BP Oil – to exert his influence over his
friends – to cause BP Oil to speedily contain and clean up this oil mess.

The fiasco developing in the Gulf of Mexico concerning the BP Oil Catastrophe is
certainly an important issue that needs to be looked at, but the reaction of the
dumbed-down citizenry of America is what seems to be humorous – yet, equally

A normal, thinking American would detect that there is at least some kind of
disconnect between the administration, their supporters, advisers, etc. – if not, a
deep conflict of interest.

However, the mainstream media, the conservative and liberal pundits, and even
some alternative media are turning a blind eye to what is actually going on, and
deliberately – so it seems – ignoring the “money-trail” which connects the dots
of the whole situation.

Of course, most of America does not fit into the category of “normally thinking
Americans.” Sporting events, reality shows, and celebrity gossip – not to
mention, the release of the newest “gadgets” – have preoccupied the focus of
otherwise thinking of Americans. Most of these people are so caught up with the
false left-right paradigm, that Bush is being blamed for the BP oil catastrophe

Before I go any further, I must reiterate and clarify. I am not a Bush-Cheney

supporter, nor am I a Republican. I am also not a Democrat. Believe it or not, it
is possible to be against the policies of President Obama and not be pro-Bush.
While it does not fit into the model of the false left-right paradigm which infects
the minds of everyday Americans, it is entirely possible.

I am also a detractor, if not suspicious, of the “Tea Party” movement, which has
been watered down by the infiltration and hijacking of Glen Beck, Sarah Palin,
other neo-conservatives, and the Republican party in general. I know, confusing
– isn't it? Not for clear-minded, free-thinking individuals – it isn't.

I think of my position as libertarian conservative, but not neo-con . . . anyway,

on with the problem at hand.

Bloggers and commenters on various blogs throughout the internet are

unfortunately demonstrating just how infectious this false left-right paradigm
actually is. One only needs to see some of their user names to see how deep this
hypnotic misconception runs.

I was on my local city website, NOLA.COM, the other day, and I could not help
but jump in the conversation. Uneducated, misguided, blind-sighted Obama
supporters were commenting on every article about the BP oil spill, blaming
Bush-Cheney, the Republican party and big oil. Naturally, most of these
individuals also consider “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report” as viable
news sources.

Naturally, I got on there and started writing replies to these people stating that
not only was the GOP a “big oil” political party, but the Democratic party was a
“big oil” party as well – and the Obama administration was up to their necks in
oil money.

My responses outlined these facts, and provided these same links as proof. I
ALWAYS try to use MSM, left-leaning sources, as paradigm victims love to
accuse anything that disagrees with them to be a fabrication. Here are some
sample evidences I used to prove my points; I was subsequently banned from
the site(ironically, the site is filled with damage control-themed BP

Here is the undeniable proof that got me banned from NOLA.COM for telling
the truth. Keep in mind, those who threw insults, cursed at me, called me names,
ridiculed Cheney's hospitalization, wished his death, GOP haters, etc. All of their
comments are still there and their accounts are intact. Censorship in America.

✔ Barack Obama received more money from BP Oil than ANY OTHER
politician in the last 20 years – Republican or Democrat. (Reuters,

✔ Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to Barack Obama, lives in a luxury

Washington D.C. apartment given to him by BP Oil Execs (L.A. Times,

✔ Goldman Sachs, a part owner of BP, was the second highest contributor
to Barack Obama, giving him just a little over $1 million (CNN,

✔ The current chairman of Goldman Sachs was also the chairman of BP oil.
He stepped down from BP in 2009 ( Wikipedia,

✔ Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, BP gave more money to Obama (Washington

Independent, http://washingtonindependent.com/226/does-exxon-

✔ George Soros, Who Helped Bankroll Obama's 2008 campaign, is an

aggressive investor in oil, and he is instrumental and is influential in
Brazilian Oil Company Petrobras. (The Guru Focus,

✔ Curiously, CEO of BP, Tony Hayward dumped 1/3 of his BP stock

holdings($2.1 million dollars) weeks before the oil rig explosion (The UK
Daily Telegraph

✔ Coincidentally(NOT!), Goldman Sachs dumped 44% – 4,680,822 shares

– of its stock in BP Oil weeks before the spill – no other oil company, just
BP. This also represented an unusual transaction, being two times the
size of any normal stock trade for an institution its size. (Raw Story,

✔ Weeks before the oil spill, Haliburton acquired Boots & Coots, a Houston-
based oil well intervention/oil safety/oil spill cleanup company, an
investment criticized by many as an “unwise” investment at the time
(Houston Chronicle,

✔ On March 31st, Obama lifted a 20 year moratorium on offshore drilling,

opening the Gulf of Mexico to new exploration and new competition
amongst oil companies (Bellona,

✔ As early as February 2010, BP engineer referred to this particular rig as

a “nightmare rig.” (AOL News, http://www.aolnews.com/gulf-oil-

✔ Jimmy Harrell, chief operator for Transocean who owned the rig was
well aware of problems and warned of such a disaster. Harrell is quoted
is telling an unknown person on the phone, “"Are you f****g happy? Are
you f****g happy? The rig's on fire! I told you this was gonna happen."
( Mother Jones http://motherjones.com/blue-marble/2010/06/rigs-fire-

✔ BP representatives knowingly and willfully gave the wrong orders on

how to prevent an explosion on the rig. In order to control the pressure,
cement(known as mud in the industry), is normally thrown down to seal
of leaks. Instead, BP reps overruled the opinions of the workers and
ordered sea water to be thrown down. This is clear evidence of criminal
negligence, ineptitude, or criminal sabbotage. (NOLA.com,

Am I saying that this whole incident was staged? It would seem so.

This can be easily evidenced in the way that the US Coast Guard is handling the
events on the Gulf Coast. It seems as though that the US Coast Guard has
been seriously compromised, and is usurping its authority as an
arm of the United States military – all at the explicit direction of the
commander-in-chief Barack Obama.

Instead of the Coast Guard protecting and “guarding” the Gulf coastline and the
Gulf in general, they have now taken on the function of BP Oil's private
security detail. In essence, the Chicago mob thug goon administration under
Obama has allowed BP to use an arm of the United States military as its private
security force. Has BP paid for this? I would say, yes – in the form of a $20
billion “deposit,” now known as an escrow fund.

The US Coast Guard has now become a criminal institution by

violating the 10th amendment states rights on the Gulf Coast, and
acting as a bully force – using intimidation, threats of imprisonment, cover-ups,
rejecting aid, lying, etc., especially if media even comes remotely close to talking
to BP contractors and employees on the Gulf Coast. (Raw Story,

When you connect all of these dots, it becomes apparent that this is all an
elaborate scheme – by the goons in the Obama administration – to pass Cap
& Trade legislation. In other words, they will allow this contrived
catastrophe to continue as long as necessary in order to pass climate change

The spin would be something along these lines: “If cap & trade climate change
legislation were passed, none of this would have happened. In fact, even if it
did, we could dip into the funds collected through the carbon tax to contain and
clean up this mess in a matter of weeks not days. The oil disaster in the Gulf,
while tragic, serves as a constant reminder of how much we need cap & trade
legislation as soon as possible, in order to avoid such disasters in the future.”

Obama has been a big proponent for cap & trade legislation, which calls for a tax
on carbon emissions, applying to both individual and corporate entities.
Goldman Sachs, along with Enron, devised a carbon credit investment scheme.
(The Corbett Report,

BP and Goldman Sachs have been Obama's biggest cheerleaders for Cap & Trade
legislation. Why, you may ask? Because Goldman Sachs, part owner of BP,
stands to make billions off of cap and trade legislation. ( Truth Out,

What needs to happen, you may ask, to stop all of this?

All Gulf States Attorneys General need to launch criminal

investigations into the role of BP and THE FEDERAL
GOVERNMENT in allowing this disaster to happen.

Second, all of the states along the coast need to call a joint session of their state
legislature and declare their 10th amendment right under the
constitution of the United States of America. This would give the states
full control over guarding their respective coastlines.

Then, the National Guard of each respective state would be mobilized, as the
National Guard is an entity owned by the state in which it resides. The
governors of the states should then issue either a joint or separate address to
their constituents saying that the US Coast Guard is involved in high
treason if they try to stop any cleanup and containment efforts by
their state. They should also state that they will resist any attempts at
intimidation, blocking aid, bullying, etc. by any means necessary, as it is
clear that the US Coast Guard does not have the security of the country in mind,
has BP's interests in mind, and is severely compromised – all at the direction
of Barack Obama.

Any governor who does not want to do this will be regarded as complicit in this
ploy, or unwilling to stop a Chicago mob thug goon take over – a federalization –
of their coastline via the rogue US Coast Guard – at the direction of Barack

Get on the phone, email, write letters, etc. to your governor, your representatives
and senators at state and federal levels, etc.

Let them know that YOU KNOW what is REALLY GOING ON, and

If they do not act, you will hold them as complicit or “chicken” to stand up for
the rights of your state and your personal rights.

In closing, this YouTube Video about this situation about sums it up:


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