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Turbo Fire Your Health and Fitness in 6 Minutes Flat

My step-by-step guide to living a nutritious, healthy and fit lifestyle

By Brandon Crowe
Alright folks, as promised, here are the Turbo Fire Your Health and Fitness in 6
Minutes Flat: My step-by-step guide to living a nutritious, healthy and fit lifestyle.
Below you will find simple (but very effective) methods as well as tips and tricks that can
help you drop a significant amount of body fat!
Think something like this is too good to be true? Try them for yourself and let me know
how you make out
First, I have to start with BIOLOGY 101
Calories, nutrients, and exercise! Oh my!
There is a lot to talk about when it comes to quick (but healthy) weight loss. However, it
all boils down to one wordMETABOLISM!
What exactly is metabolism?
Simply put, metabolism is the sum of all the reactions going on in your bodyincluding
the breakdown and use of food we eat. High metabolism= weight loss. Slow
metabolism= weight gain.
There are people that blame Mom and Dad for their slow metabolism. In part, they are
right to blame genetics. However, there are various ways to increase your metabolism
through nutrition and exercise. How exactly do you make your slow metabolism fast
enough to build your body into a fat-hungry furnace?
Why you arent losing any weight: reason #1: DIET!
When I say diet I dont mean eating a horrible meal plan of nothing but grapefruit and
green tea. I mean lifelong healthy eating habits that should become part of your every
day routine and that will help you in your battle against the bulge. I really need to stress
this point: diet accounts for 50-70% of your success. The upshot is that diet is just as
important as (if not more important than) the workout itself. Below I have included 10 of
my favorite healthy eating tips and tricks for quick (but healthy) weight loss:
1) Stop skipping meals and snacks!
Think of your metabolism and body as a wood furnace. You have your major blocks of
wood that represent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. MOST people (there are always
exceptions) need kindling to keep the fire burning throughout the day. That is exactly
how your body works. By eating regular small meals throughout the day that are high in
lean protein, fibrous vegetables, and healthy fats, your furnace is blazing all day while
you obliterate fat!

Skipping meals or snacks slows down your metabolism and stops you from burning fat!
In fact, doing so encourages your body to store food for your expected energy needs
later, when in reality you end up eating again anyway. You should eat a small meal
every 3-4 hours with each meal containing some protein.
Start off your day with a protein shake or Omega-3 eggs for a protein-powered breakfast
that will fire up your metabolism first thing in the morning!
2) Cut the carbs!
If you are looking to get lean and toned, only a few (2-3) meals should contain
carbohydrates. However, you can eat raw vegetables at any time and in any amount.
Actually, I recommend having vegetables with every meal of the day. I would consider
vegetables a type of free carbohydrate. Starchy carbs and sugar hit your blood stream
fast, raise insulin and cause storage of fat if you arent very active throughout the day.
Option for Snackers
Breakfast: protein + fat (zero or minimal carbs)
Snack: protein + fat (zero or minimal carbs) e.g almonds or a hard boiled egg
Lunch: protein + fat (zero or minimal carbs) e.g small piece of 70%+ dark chocolate
Snack: protein + carbs
Dinner: protein + carbs
Dinner: protein + some carbs + some healthy fat
Option for non-snackers
Breakfast: protein + healthy fat (zero or minimal carbs)
Lunch: protein + carbs
Dinner: protein + some carbs + some healthy fat
I designed it this way so your body has ample energy to fuel your workout and
repair/build lean muscle tissue. Also, it is designed to optimize your insulin levels. Insulin
is a great hormone if it is used at the RIGHT TIMES. At the wrong time, it will cause fat
storage in your body.
Also limit high sugar fruits, juices, sodas, latts, etc. from your eating habits throughout
the day. Carbs store excess water weight, and not only that, but high sugary carbs that
spike your insulin levels will cause fat storage in your body. I prefer eating my fruit before
and after the workout when the body can most easily use it for quick energy or repair.
Other than that, I get the rest of my carbs from either vegetable or whole grain sources.
Vegetables and whole grain carbs help minimize your insulin spike, which will in turn
tighten your waist.
3) Stop eating at restaurants!
Did you know that you consume 30-50% more calories each time you eat out compared
to when you eat at home? This is because foods that you order in a restaurant or that

are ready-made in a grocery store are higher in fat and salt to improve their taste. This
adds up in a hurry. As well, the portions are usually bigger and since you want to feel like
you got your moneys worth, you usually end up eating the whole meal regardless of
when you become full After all, it is embarrassing to ask for a doggy bag, so you
continue to pick away at whats on your plate even when you are full. When you stay
home and make the foods yourself, not only will you be saving your money, but you will
be saving your waistline too!
4) Stop eating so fast!
This is an easy rule to follow that doesnt require you to stay on a strict diet. Eat what
you like, just eat it twice as slowly as you normally would. By chewing more, you will end
up eating less, since your body will have the time needed to process the fact that you are
actually full! The added bonus is by eating slower and chewing more, you will increase
your enjoyment of the food. After all, your taste buds are in your mouthnot in your
5) Refrain from eating sugary, salty, and fatty foods!
Sugar, salt, and fat are things that you wouldnt normally come across in an ancient diet.
As a result, our bodies are programmed to eat copious amounts of such foods when we
encounter them. The more sugary, salty, and fatty foods that you eat, the more you
want to eat, and the more you will eat, etc, etc, etc.All of which translates into more fat
stored in your body!
6) Stop (or at least minimize) your alcohol intake!
How much alcohol are you currently drinking? An extra drink or two each day for a week
adds up to one pure pound of fat. The worst part is that you get zero nutritional value
from booze. In addition, we tend to overeat when we drink. You cant have one without
the other. Alcohol breaks our inhibitions, which causes us to overeat. This means that
you need to stop drinking, or at least start by cutting your normal rate in half.
7) Limit your sugary liquids!
A glass of juice here, a latt there, a can of pop here, another latt there it all adds up
as far as your calorie count is concerned. Not only that, it is pure sugar and fat calories.
This is the worst thing you can do to your body! Cut out the empty calories that you get
from sugary or fatty beverages and watch the pounds quickly melt away. I stick with
black coffee or tea and water throughout the day. If you think that is too bland for you,
use sweetener or a little bit of milkbut not the whole cow!
8) Track it!
Write down what you are eating and drinking daily. The truth will shock you! And by
writing it down, you will be holding yourself accountable for what you are putting in your
body. Simply by tracking your diet, you can lose up to 50% more weight than if you did

9) Drink more water

Water, water everywhere, so lets all have a drink- about a glass of water every hour for
maximum results. This is perhaps the most underappreciated facet of fat loss and
building lean muscle tissue. By drinking 13-16 cups (3-4 liters) of water a day, you will
burn fat because your body needs water for fat breakdown to take place. Not only that,
drinking that much water will make you feel full, even before you sit down to eat. Pretty
sneaky, I would say.
10) Eat more fish, flax seed, and supplements, as well as a good daily vitamin
By eating a daily diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids you will end up burning 400 more
calories a day! This is huge when it comes to burning fat. Do this for a week and you will
lose a pound of pure fat right there!
By taking a good-quality multi-vitamin on a daily basis, you will avoid low energy levels
and lethargy. Look for high levels of B12 and potassium to speed up weight loss!
Why you arent losing any weight: reason #2: The same boring routine, over, and
over, and over, and over
If you are doing the same workout routine day in and day out, you will have a really hard
time losing weight. Your body will stop changing and you will hit a plateau.
I see this all the time in the gym. Jimmy or Susie Smith drive to the gym, change, hit the
treadmill for 20 boring minutes, do a couple of machine exercises, do another 20
minutes of cardio, and go home. Same treadmill, same machines, same
By continually doing the same thing over and over, your nervous system figures out how
to master the movement and minimize how much work is required to increase
performance. The human body is smart like that. However, this isnt so good if you want
to create lean muscle and shed fat. You simply can not do the same exercises over and
over again and expect your body to respond in the same way it did during the first few
times you tried the workout.
It is critical to change up your fitness routine every few weeks, or every month at the very
latest. But it doesnt have to be complicated. Just by changing the amount of weight you
use, the amount of reps or sets you do, the order in which you perform your workouts,
the tempo you use to lift the weights, or decreasing the amount of time you rest, you are
adding the kind of variety that you will enable you to continually see results. And if you
are really ambitious, throw out the old workout and start with new exercises that you
have never tried before.
Why you arent losing any weight: reason #3: You weights are too light
You are using lightweights and endless repetitions.

This one is geared mainly toward the women out there, but I have seen many guys who
are guilty of this as well. They use mosquito-sized weights that you can barely see with
the naked eye and do rep after rep after rep after rep after.you get the picture. In their
minds, this is done for two reasons. Either they dont want to build bulky muscle, or
they want to tone. Let me debunk this myth by saying that women do not get bulky
when they lift weights. They become lean, mean, fat-burning machines.
Heck, most guys out there have a hard enough time getting bulky muscle, and we have
one huge advantage in that department- testosterone. In fact, we have twenty to thirty
times more testosterone than women. In order to build bulky and freakishly huge
muscles, women would have to have one or all of the following:

Extremely unusual and rare genetics

Drugs (illegal or otherwise)
Supplements (illegal or otherwise)

When compared to lifting light weights, it has been proven that lifting heavy weights for
short durations of time and limited rest will:

Burn more calories

Rev your metabolism
Burn more fat
Build a tight, toned, and athletic body

You need only look at the bodies of sprinters and marathon runners to debunk this myth.
I have seen many overweight long distance runners (obviously still in better shape than
the average North American), but I have never seen a chubby sprinter. Sprinters look
more athletic and have a significantly lower body fat percentage than endurance
Why you arent losing any weight: reason #4: Improper exercise intensity
You are probably not losing any weight because of improper exercise intensity. By
intensity, I mean how hard you work out when you are exercising.
I know that most things in society are done in excess. It seems that this trend continues
when we look at the typical exerciser. They perform marathon workouts at a very low
intensity for 60 minutes or more. But I have news for you: a leisurely walk on the
treadmill for 60-90 minutes while you read a newspaper, check email or Facebook, etc.
will not help with your fat loss no matter what the calorie display says. In fact, you are
burning your muscle. This slows down your metabolism and just makes you GAIN
The fact is that high intensity, short duration workouts burn fat during and up to 48 hours
after the workout! You should focus on doing shorter but more intense workouts instead
of doing longer but less intense ones.
One more important point about high intensity exercise: it causes surges of fat-fighting
hormones like adrenaline, while suppressing fat-causing hormones like cortisol. Working

at a 3-6 second per rep tempo for 30-60 seconds will give you about 8-15 reps per
exercise. This anaerobic way of working out will build lean and toned muscle, ramp your
metabolism, and fight fat exactly where you need it the most (all over your body). Check
out the special workout report on 6 Minute Turbo Charged Metabolic Fat Burn Workout
located at the end of this document.
Committed to your success,
Brandon Crowe, CPT
Crowe Fitness Inc.
P.S. Think it cant be done? Try it! Take action now! I have clients that are losing 50 lbs
or more of pure fat by following some of the same tipsof course they also have the
support of a wicked trainer!
Who knows, maybe you will be next
Swing me an email with any questions you might have: crowefitness@gmail.com
And here is the deal. Are you looking to get in the best health and fitness of your entire
life?? I have made it my lifes mission to help as many people as possible get healthy
and fit, and I would love to quickly share my global mission with you
I have spent the last decade helping people get healthy and fit. I am part of a time that
has helped literally thousands and thousands of people reclaim their health.
Normally, my personal training services are over $1000 a month. My small bootcamp
class members pay $200 a month. Even if you were to get my to make a monthly meal
plan for you, you would be looking at $97 a month. What I am offering you today is a
chance to have me as your virtual personal trainer
You will get: workouts videos sent to you weekly, nutrition manuals, meal plans, workout
guides, and a closed facebook group for interaction with me and other members for extra
support. I will be in contact you on a regular basis to make sure you are moving in the
right direction toward your goal.
So, if you are moving from curious to serious with your desire to change your health
and fitness level, you can get me as your ONLINE personal trainer for only $7, check out
Bonus Workout Report: 6 Minute Turbo Charged Metabolic Fat Burn Workout
1) Alternating between 2 moves (squats and push upsor knee push ups)
2) 30 seconds of hard work followed by 15 seconds of rest
3) Do this for 6 minutes and you are done. Or repeat as desired/as time permits
4) Alternate between one day on and one day off to keep the fat burn going until you get
to your next workout (48 hours later)!

The Workout:
1) Speed Squats 30 seconds
a. Squat down until your knees are below 90 degree making sure your
weight is in your heels and your knees dont pass your toes (this activates
your butt muscles)
b. Do as many as you can in 20 secondsset a goal and do more than that!
2) Rest 15 seconds
3) Push Ups 30 seconds
a. Either regular or from your knees; make a straight line, keep your butt
down, abs tight, and hands at shoulder width
b. Go down until you almost touch the ground and then head back up
c. Do as many as you can in 20 seconds try to beat your previous best!
4) Rest 15 seconds
5) Speed Squats 30 seconds
6) Rest 15 seconds
7) Push ups 30 seconds
8) Rest 15 seconds
9) Speed Squats 30 seconds
10) Rest 15 seconds
11) Push ups 30 seconds
12) Rest 15 seconds
13) Speed Squats 30 seconds
14) Rest 15 seconds
15) Push ups 30 seconds
16) Rest 15 seconds
6 minutes and you are DONE! Repeat as desired or as time permits. Remember to
change exercises every few weeks to maximize your results!
I am here to help you in your body transformation: crowefitness@gmail.com
Rather than paying literally THOUSANDS for my personal training services, you still
have a limited time offer to get me as your online personal training for only $7, check out

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