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Mary Rodwell - The New Human - Lecture Slides

The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial

The evidence for the reality of Extraterrestrial Encounters

is supported scientifically through the Quantum
Hologram theory of physics, and linked to non- ordinary
states of consciousness.


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The Quantum Hologram nature of

consciousness and space time reality

The Holographic Model

-the Science






"Today we live in an exciting world where advances in space

exploration and astro-physics are matched by the wonder of UFO
sightings and abductions, and deeper human inner space
But because of the ethereal nature of the data these
developments are not studied by our prestigious university
community, largely because by their nature.
We perceive a need to extend this approach to a larger statistical
base with rigorous statistical techniques to expand the discussion
and provide a data base available to the academic community."

Dr Rudy Schild Professor of Astrophysics Harvard University

Executive Director FREE Statement to Mary Rodwell 2015

The FREE research model includes human

multi-dimensional experiences
Spirit communication.
Scientific Remote Viewing
NDE's (Near death
OBE's (Out of Body
Shamanic experiences
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Results of the FREE Survey 3000

85% Major transformation more spiritual)
50% Medical healing by Non human-intelligent
being (NHIB)
66% telepathic communications/messages
41% information received on new technologies
80% % experienced OBE's ( Out of body experiences)
95% Experienced some type of Paranormal Experiences
Human looking beings were the type most commonly seen by
experiencers not short or Tall Greys
64% saw a UFO
65.71 % had ET Contact but NO Abduction








Extra-terrestrial Contact reality: Its

literally physically happening..

John Mack Former Harvard
Professor of psychiatry , and
Pulitzer Prize recipient


It's also some kind of psychological, spiritual

experience occurring and originating perhaps
in another dimension.
The phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us
to open to realities that are not simply the
literal physical world, but to extend to the
possibility that there are other unseen
realities from which our consciousness, our, if
you will, learning processes over the past
several hundred years have closed us off."
Dr John Mack : Psychological Academic Model


The Encounter experience:

" re-animating our senses "
The New Psychological model
Harvard Psychiatrist
Professor Dr John Mack:

2 Psychiatry. HaivoTff Medical School

"What we seem to have no place for

or we have lost the place for
phenomena that can begin in the
unseen realm, and cross over and
manifest and show up in our literal
physical world, whereby we might
know the spirit world, which has
made the alien phenomenon so hard
to believe."
: Dr John Mack: Author Abduction & Passport to the Cosmos

Broadening the mandate from the physical to

non-physical to multidimensional realities
Ufology, nuts and bolts evidence of extraterrestrial reality:
Photographs/video of space craft and extraterrestrial forms.
Sightings by credible witnesses such as police, pilot etc.
Implanted objects
Marks and scars which fluoresce under black ultra violet light.
Whistleblower testimony, military and political disclosure
" Missing time ' episodes !
EM F magnetic changes in soil etc.
Multiple witness testimony.
Conscious recall.

DNA. Intelligent design. Extraterrestrial manipulationf Physical

and non-physical domain)Holographic nature.( DNA LINKS TO

The non-physical, multidimensional evidence

of Extraterrestrial reality
Out of body Experiences (O.B.E. ) i.e. astral travelling
Near death Experiences (NDE)
Time distortions, missing, and distorted time.
Healing during encounters, and healing abilities
Altered and enhanced senses
Heightened intelligence
Information/knowledge, downloads, such as advanced Physics etc. .
Heighted multidimensional senses such as telepathy, clairvoyance,
Past life recall, both on Earth and other planets

Telekinesis ( moving object with the mind)

Transformative changes in perspective, holistic lifestyles and attitude
Expressions of Contact/scripts/art/star languages
Shamanic types of Experiences
The multidimensional nature of DNA and its ET origins

" The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage

system in the entire universe. The immensity of complex, coded and
precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering.
The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design
Dr Francis Crick, Co-founder of
the DNA molecule concluded

DNA function like letters in a written language or

symbols in a computer code.

there were Extraterrestrial

genes in the Human Genome.

Dr Crick Author of 'Life Itself'




"They" programmed the molecules so

that when we reached a certain level of
intelligence, we would be able to access
their information, and they could
therefore teach" us about ourselves,
and how to progress.
For life to form by chance is

mathematically virtually impossible."

We are a 'designed' species,

whistleblower geneticist

"By certain methods of DNA dating,

one can tell numerous genes have
been recently added to the human
Ref 223 genes( sideways insertion of genetic

things openly, we would be ostracized.
Any work along these lines would be
rejected without any form of appeal. So
what can we do?"

" If colleagues in my field were to say

Geneticist whistle-blower : Intervention theory

Lloyd Pye with the 900 year old starchild/adult skull.




Is this evidence of human genes spliced with

Extraterrestrial genes?

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Two microscopic samples left of Akhenaten and right a

mummy of the same age. Akhenaten's bone is denser and
fundamentally different to the right normal bone in another
similar mummy.







Intelligent design: Who were the

Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt?
Stuart Fleischmann, Assistant Professor of Comparative Genomics at the
Swiss University in Cairo. 7yr study found anomalies in Pharaoh Akhenaten

A small fragment of desiccated brain tissue Akhenaten's

Akhenaten 14th century BC

Father of Tutankhamen



DNA suggests he had a higher cranial capacity because of

the need to house a larger cortex.

The gene called CXPAC-5, responsible for cortex

growth, suggests an anomaly, which is visible in the
image below:
Left Akhenaten and right Normal Brain tissue



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50 years of DNA research turned upside down. Scientists

discover second programming language within the human
Genetic code.
University of Washington Dr. John
Stamatoyannopoulos, Associate
Professor of genome sciences
reported Dec 2014 Science Mag.

There is a hidden code, or a

second code which contains
information which alters how
scientists read instructions in
the DNA and interpret
They have discovered genomes
use the genetic code to write
TWO separate languages, one
is written on top of the other.
These findings highlight that
DNA is an incredibly powerful
storage device.
Source Disclose TV April 2015

"We are not DNA determined"

Human experiences and attitude alters DNA expression.
The Biology of Belief.
Dr Bruce Lipton

Epigenetic control reveals that

environmental information alters the
read-out of the genes without changing
the underlying DNA sequenced code.
From a single gene, epigenetic regulation
can provide for 30 thousand different
variations of expression.


Kitlicr I urah.PiO.

DNA follows regular grammar and have set rules just like
human language. Human languages did not appear
coincidentally, but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

Human language will interact with

living DNA substance. They react to
language-modulated laser rays and
to radio waves, if the proper

frequencies are used.

It can explain why affirmations and
hypnosis can have such a powerful
effect on human bodies. And why we
are so influenced by what is said to us
both positive and negative.

Biophysicist and Biologist Pjotr Garjajev

Networked Intelligence



"Words can change Cactus DNA"

Luther Burbank
Luther Burbank botanist,
Horticulturist and pioneer in
agricultural science



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The secret of improved plant breeding

He changed the genetjc structure of
hundreds of plants including fruit
and vegetables;

He talked to his plants, as recorded

by the late Paramahansa Yogananda

in his "Autobiography of A Yogi."

In experiments to make spineless
cacti he told the plants you don't
need your protective thorns, I will
protect you. Gradually the useful
plant emerged was a thorn less

Multidimensional DNA produces magnetized wormholes

and transmits information from outside space-time to our
consciousness. Its a biological internet:
Living chromosomes function like a holographic computer using the endogenous DNA
laser radiation and can modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and
influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.
DNA cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum producing magnetized wormholes!
Microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black
holes (tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe) through
which INFORMATION can be transmitted outside of space and time.
DNA attracts the information and passes it to our consciousness.

A Multi-dimensional biological link to consciousness itself

This explains phenomena such as pre-cognitive insights, clairvoyance, intuition,
telepathy, past lives, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, remote
influencing with weather-patterns etc...
Dr. Pjotr GARAJAJEV & Vladimir POPONIN

Scientific research suggest Human DNA has physical and

multidimensional properties, so is this the key to
understanding the multiverses and the nature of human
Consciousness ?
What is the evidence Homo Sapiens our ancestors were 'intelligently " designed
with added extraterrestrial genes to the human genome?
a/Akhenaten anomalous tissue samples
b/whistleblower information DNA has altered genomes.
Research demonstrating at the very least two levels of information streams
embedded in DNA.
DNA operates multi-dimensionally through miniature wormholes to access
quantum information, explaining 'intuitive knowledge " such as telepathy and
clairvoyance etc.
Programmable and can be changed through human language.
Epigenetics demonstrates DNA is conditioned and affected by human experiences,
reality constructs, beliefs and attitudes to experiences.
Applicable to DNA of other species, not only to human, but plants etc
It has the ability to transform itself and affect others via its frequency
What impact is there on HUMAN DNA via our Extraterrestrial programmers and
encounters with them?

Downloaded information about the nature of

human DNA its ability to transform.
DR Ohlson scientist/Experiencer
The genes have all the characteristics of
genes, but on another level they contain
information of their origin with the tools to
transform into a higher form.
The information of the 'donors and their
background is there, a hidden 'key' and like
PC programmers hide their work.
This 'key' can be activated and these
'programmers' know the person is ready to
be contacted .
The activated ones spread a 'signal' to wake
others up!
I feel "they" are speeding this up.



Dr Ohlson PhD in Molecular Toxicology. Bachelor in

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. May 2015

The NEW HUMAN: Evolving species

Aquantum, Letter people.
" I came down to inhabit a human body as I have done
many times before." Dr L. ohlson










Disclosure from the ground up.

Time to come out of the 'space closet'
I consider Mantid to be my friends. This is the first time I saw them
without their disguise:
"The guidance and help I am receiving I know its important for me to stay
alive evolving and developing my abilities.

'I feel great changes are coming in my lifetime.



6 months ago I had a very strange healing experience and why I am

telling my story.

I asked for guidance to know if I was on track AND if I should 'come out.'
to give me a sign.

I had severe dislocation of my atlas vertebra which was causing extreme

discomfort. Spontaneously the vertebra rotates by 'itself' into the correct
position. I can now swallow without pain. This is what I call my 'sign' and
so I am coming out as promised. I continue with my health treatments,
workshops and retreats as long as I am asked for help."

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Dr L. Ohlson Phd.

Disclosure from the ground up. My multidimensional

extraterrestrial encounters.
Dr Ohlson PhD Scientist and Experiencer.
Dr Ohlson, Scientist/ Experiencer shares her
physical and multidimensional experiences with
numerous non-human intelligences and spirits, and
was prompted by Mantid beings to 'come out' and
share who she really is.
The many types of extraterrestrial beings she
NDE ( Near death experiences) and OBE( Out of
body Experiences)
Past life recall
Shamanic experiences
Healing experiences, both as a healer an healed by
these non human intelligences.
The 'intuitive' understanding of the New Human
upgrades i.e. 'letter People' Asperger's/ADHD,
Dyslexia, some types of Autism.
Multidimensional abilities .
Scientific and 'intuitive' understanding of loading /

energizing water .


At 1year old, she demonstrated she was different!

Remote Influencing(SRV) : I could hide in plain sight and go into the mind of another and
convey " I was not there." I believe I controlled their awareness.

Telekinesis Moving objects with mind: At I year old I was able to move a large object
without help.
Past life recall: One life in Paris, charged with Witchcraft. She discovered it related to 167S
witch-hunt, "The Oracle Glass" she re-experienced part of the protocols as mentioned in
this book. In another PL she experienced what appeared to be double vision when visiting
Karnack Egypt. What she recalled spontaneously was corroborated by archeologists later

Healing abilities : She accidently discovered healing abilities as she learned how to focus
her energy. Using this 'force' she created a fire in her TV as she attempted to switch it on
though her mind.

Perceiving Aura's : During her Doctoral studies she began to see 'coloured hazes around
Shamanic experiences, perceiving 'old men' in my room sending energy orbs into her body
Out of Body experiences ( OBE ) travelling through tunnels to 'other realms"

NDE Near death Experience and INSTANT healing puzzling the Doctors
Mental Health Check: Concerned she was assessed by a chief medical Doctor at the psychiatric
dept. He concluded I was one of the most stable and rational people he had met.

The non- human beings drawn by Dr Ohlson

"Ram-Ta " is her most recent.
Ram-Ta told her that he is to keep her safe and
protected when she 'came out' with her story.
The connection is a long standing one.
Contact with:
Intelligences from the Andromeda Galaxy
Gold 'monk' Buddha
Fairy 'Pixie beings
Water Spirit
Native American( Guardian)
Shadow people
Blue orb
Water spirit
Small brown flat skull beings appear during
healing sessions
Eagle man
Avatar human and solid, fully conscious
interaction on train
Cat being, and leopard being during a healing
on my family
Various spirits who have passed on, and
other entities


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12 old guys they guide and teach me !

The "twelve old guys"; coming to
guide me and teaching me
different things in a kind of a
shamanicway, with feelings/
pictures/energy orbs/abductions,
but also by letting me experience
different tests and almost failing/
dying( NDE) but in the last
moment helping me to solve the
task/problem. They were the ones
to "help" me understand. I have
conversations when I am awake
and in meditation.




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Dr Ohlson.

2.5 metre tall Amphibian & my healing of an

Old Knee Injury from football damage at 16
A bright white/ blue light in the bedroom, I saw a hole in the
wall with a large room like a laboratory and people in white lab
coats and other beings:
A huge box like object like an aquarium from this room moved
over the lower part of my legs and covered me on all sides.
Inside of this energy box contained a blue energy light, it was so
strong it radiated out and was being filled up with white silvery
smoke suddenly there was a green hand with larger scales on the
back of the arm, five green fingers but much longer than human,
nails more like claws, a little finger and webbed , the feet like
frogs feet. Then a 'voice' saying to me they showed me this so I
wont be afraid. I asked mentally why are you doing this?

The answer " because you have our DNA"

I blacked out & awoke with my whole body vibrating, I still
believed it to be a 'dream' 2 hours later when I woke my body
felt strange and my feet felt like they were standing on air, there
was none of the intense pain I felt while walking. The arch of my
foot was normal ( not flat) all pain and inflammation was gone.
Dr Ohlson





The Cone Heads and my experience of healing with them.

" I think I was one of these beings in a past life "
Dr Ohlson
Cone heads found in Peru



The healing encounter with the Cone head

video created by Daniel Verdon

The room had a green, yellow

white haze. I focused on a small
being. From his forehead there
was a white beam, it made a
90deg angle turn over his hands,
and into my body. He had a tight
light silvery/ light bluish, slim suit
and boots of the same color . A
buckle of clear glass,( the shape of
a bun) with a swirl yellow and
green strokes rotating fast, these
were the cause of the green/
yellow light in the room. I was
able to leave my body and look at
this being from all perspectives. I
just KNEW they were healing and
transforming my body. I felt very


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My Healing abilities
increased & assisted
through my ET HEALING
encounter with a Cone
headed being.

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I never experienced fear from any of

my encounters. Every night for the
following week I had visits from this
being healing me .
I was receiving things that looked like
green laser beams ... green lines of
different lengths ( like Morse code )
After this experience my healing
abilities reached a new level I felt like
thousands of needles were being
pressed into them.
I began having problems with
computers and electrical devices
interfering with silica chip computers
i.e. 60 Herz so I would try and control

it. Dr Ohlson

Cone head Being and symbols also seen and drawn

by Heather Patterson. Qld. Australia.


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Healing from orbs
The family have had many paranormal
A small blue sphere/haze the size of a football in
our bedroom above my husbands head, out of
it came this small sphere, when I poked it felt
like a membrane, which broke, an electric green
phosphorous color spread down our arms, we
both felt it. The orb continued to move over my
body to my knees, the saucer shaped object
inside the orb was still spinning.

I read that in 1966 an account by Wilbert B

Smith the Canadian Government had observed
such phenomenon before and as the UFO came
out of the orb it expanded to be a large UFO
and disappeared. It was speculated this
phenomenon was some kind of time travel

Expanding UFO's within

some Orbs



orb (JOiH\ Sausti'

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DR Ohlson.

Healing connected to UFO's and the consciousness cancer

connection: Courtesy of Grant Cameron (USA)
Grant wrote : It was a large
tumor on the back of the neck
The orb caused a large tumor to
disappear on a local

Healing orb


A picture of the orb just before

it entered the body in the mans
bedroom, this whole event was
caught on camera.
Note: slide 87 IONS presentation
Grant Cameron



Oh,Ichose to do it,I volunteered to come back to

earth,Ichose to do this.
The two Grey's they are still with me, they tell me to stay on track.
Ihave been here on Earth 27 times before"

"Why me?

John 15 yr old UK

John: "The 'Grey beings' arrived when I was in my

garden. I can see orbs, whitey gold and two smaller ones,
they are here to make me feel warm, they are family!
The big one is great nana the other one is nanna's dad,
(grandfather) and granddad's brother. They are here to
make me feel comfortable to reassure me."
I asked him how he knew what the 'orbs of light' were.
John said, he just knew.
I asked why they are there with him.
John: " They had come with the Grey's to support me, to
make me feel comfortable so I wouldn't be frightened.
When the 'Grey's left the 'orbs of light', went onto the
space craft with them!

"They do not mean to frighten us."

NDE: When I thought of my kids I could "scroll" back and

forth in sort of a "tunnel" with "photos" of them.
Dr Ohlson
In this experience every bit of color lifted from my
body and when it came to my heart/head,
instantaneously all pain left and everything went dark.
I felt happy and loved, something I never felt before .

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I thought of my kids I could "scroll" back and forth in

sort of a "tunnel" with "photos" of them. The
"photos" looked at more separate and intense as I
went "into" them and check up on thoughts and
feelings the kids had and if they were doing ok.
I could barely discern the night sky and stars and and
experienced overwhelming feeling of love and
belonging. And "swoosh", I was there and then my
brain blanked out. When I woke much later I had a
terrible ache in my whole body and I thought -"Oh
no, I'm back" and I started to cry. "
Artwork courtesy Ben McGuire

A near death experience (NDE) following

acute septicemia & miraculous cure!

Transformative changes since NDE.

The doctors who witnessed this agreed it was a
miraculous recovery after Dr Ohlson said she was
instantly healed from massive sepsis. Her organs
were undamaged, which is medically impossible. .


6 months after this NDE, Dr Ohlson experienced

high strangeness.
Perceived auras and energies around people
Was able to 'see' through solid objects .
Discernment: Know when someone is lying .
Encountered 'spirits' and share messages.
The cherished encounters are with extra
terrestrials, both as visitors, teachers or healers .



1 :

Healing techniques from my 'non-visible '

Dr Ohlson was taught Quantum healing through her
encounters, and how it reaches problems at the atomic level.
I got taught by my non- visible "friends" how to enhance and direct my energy.
How to partly leave my body to be able to "go into" my clients body and "feel" the
problem. I do the same thing to connect to their past lives or problems in their
present that can cause the imbalance leading to the problem.
I "correct" and balance any imbalanced energies. I also reload them with higher
frequencies and thus they are helped on the energy level.
This is proven to halt cancers but if the treatment ceases before the cancer is
cured the cancer grows extremely fast with death as the only end. If the cancer is
cured but the karma is not balanced the cancer returns., maybe in another part of
the body.
Manipulate matter: Such as: I can open a tight lid if I focus my energy outside my
body to reach the atoms and elevate them so I can then move the lid.
Dr Ohlson


I was told I was only 22% humanoid the

rest is a form of light energy
When I speak in the star languages I feel I am giving directives to

Every time I take a video from my phone it records spacecraft.

I can be gone for hours. I have woken up with tree-material in my
hair I had not left the house since I washed it? I believe I am
traveling at night to different dimensions, times, and my actual
physical body goes, not just the soul.

In 2009, I began being awaken once or twice in the night between

around 1:00 and 3:00. It was as if someone grabbed me and shook
me. I can only describe it as similar to a rush of adrenalin or an
electric current going through my body. Once I woke myself up
speaking another language!!!
Note: There are recordings of star languages being spoken in sleep
state( Emma Strong)


Emma Strong speaking STAR language with the orbs.

Sometimes it will spontaneously come out of my mouth
when I am speaking English " (USA)


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"Something takes over my hand. I tell them to try to

slow down and keep within the notebook lines.

Emma Strong(USA)


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Russian Scientists found DNA can be influenced and

reprogrammed by words and frequencies.
Von Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludotf DNA is not just responsible for the
authors Vernetzte Intelligenz/
construction of our body but as data
storage which in communication follows
Networked Intelligence
the same rules as language.


Die!Nti vth oiili'ne

It just requires the RIGHT

FREQUENCIES to be re-programmed!!
Living chromosomes function like a
holographic computer using the
endogenous DNA laser radiation, are able
to modulate certain frequency patterns
onto a laser ray and will influence the DNA
frequency and thus the genetic information

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known

our body is programmable by language,
words and thought. Now been scientifically
proven and explained. |

Many of these glyphs are actually 'formulas' on its

way to forming matter. T. McGrath Physicist
Deborah Lapatina (USA) speaks and
writes star languages



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Light formulas and cosmic language

transmissions, Deborah explains.

Its hard for me not to sing, as signing the

frequencies are an integral part of the
These languages carry billions of bits of
information in a bridge format. Human
language is linear, speaking singing 'light
language' feels spiral and wave like.
Sensation of being awash with layers of
knowing, that is understood, but cannot
be articulated in a linear word string.
Advanced beings use telepathy, or direct
thought transference


The scripts have changed as I have shifted

in my consciousness. Deborah L

I have gone from glyph-like pictogram drawings to different scripts

it's really fast, fluid writing with a lot of dots. Often I am told to go back and add more
dots and even very long, thin flowing lines, then there is 'corner line intersecting' light
I have been experiencing feelings (sadness) of the light codes becoming so script-like
( almost like scribbling) and moving away from a more artistic expression. However I feel
this has occurred with my personal expansion in consciousness and possibly receiving
information that requires being closer to not being expressed in any style of what humans
term 'writing'.

It's like it is streams of frequencies in condensed smaller expressions in a barely

recognizable 3D format/perception.
These days I seem to be in a very accelerated shift away from 'human patterning'. It's been
very intense! I find that others are experiencing much the same.
I titled it this Stablizer. I realized/was shown these three significant patterns created a triad
of blockage and kept me bound up in karmic manipulation.
It was described to me that neediness programs are distortions of the authentic
unadulterated receptivity, a cluster of negative money programs are distortions of the
authentic unadulterated prosperity of authentic unadulterated power.
These refer to the receptivity, prosperity and power we are all born with and are also basic
tenets of how the universe operates. An authentic triad of 'freedom to create'.



I wish to share an example that contained several simultaneous expressions of

my work ie the singing, the cetecean and the light language.



The upgrades demonstrating our future potential of
our extraterrestrial creators?
"Ihave come to the
conclusion that not only
are Star children amongst
us, but the rapid
advancement of the human
species is due to alien
intervention in our bodies
and minds."

Dr Roger Leir. The Aliens and the Scalpel.


The New Human

Born with FULL awareness into terrestrial

The conscious awareness of these new babies is
increasing to override the dominant conditioning
and programming that occurs from birth these new

The DNA of New Human has ten fold the

amount of information , things such as
telepathy , manipulation of time and space
and non-verbal communication are all
conscious abilities and is natural , learning
skills and abilities are more advanced:




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Their molecular structure allows the cells of the body

to vibrate faster everything is accelerated, including
the immune systems .
T. Taylor/Experiencer : art Lloyd Canning

Molecular Biologist Dr William Brown Extraterrestrial

Genetic Manipulation: The NEW HUMAN
"I believe genetic modification is occurring right now in Utero are actually
producing "New Humans" Their NEW genetic architecture allows them to
see the world in a multidimensional fashion. I believe research would show
dormant genetic regions are being integrated into the biological systems and
occurring in all of us to produce expanded awareness. "

Dr W. Brown PhD www.

WilliamBrownScienceofLife .com

The Exponential increase in ADD, Autistic and Indigo children.

Their brains work faster. I believe they already 'KNOW ' what
they are being taught.
The 'intrinsic" understanding of knowledge and information
operates at bio-molecular level. Its trans-generational
It is "encoded" within the atomic structure of the DNA
molecule. It can be accessed more efficiently to produce
savant like characteristics . The modification of the DNA , is
more like a remodeling of the genome to make dormant
regions accessible, AGAIN!!
The 'Hybrids' are altogether a new species of human.

The New Human programs

Dr Ohlson calls the 'letter" people that bring different
multidimensional skills to humanity
"The programs such as ADD, ADHD, Asperger's, the
" Letter people", I do not believe these are 'broken
genes' but instead offering new multidimensional
skills to prevent limited re-programming of a third
dimensional reality.
It is not so simple as foreign DNA. it's a combination
of genetically improved bodies, in combination with
souls from different places in our Universe,
incarnating in these 'improved ' bodies. The souls
have different frequencies/vibrations depending on
their evolutionary status and that plays a role in
activation of the DNA in that particular body. I
believe we also have to take into account the
collective soul of Homo sapiens; Dr ohlson. PhD in





Molecular Toxicology Bachelor in biochemistry and molecular

.Artwork Lloyd Canning( The New Human)


The enhanced sense/senses as a 'letter

person' The New Programs
Scientific tests showed above normal
Above normal sensory cells for pressure in her
Hear /Hz above and below normal range.
Aware of minute differences in the shades of
color's than normal.
Taste and smell enhanced
Sensitive to all frequencies, and would feel
overwhelmed at times by the sensory overload.
Sensitivity to radioactive radiation, energy fields
and energies beaming out from angry people,
as well as love and happiness. If we can learn
how to focus and control our own energy field
we would be less prone to get ill from our
surroundings. We can use our own self healing

Connected to the matrix



Dr Ohlson PhD.

Differences in Letter People and their

dietary requirements
I observed the calculated levels of acetylcholine
and dopamine in the brain is 'higher' in letter
Acetylcholine is formed from choline in the
vitamin B family and "letter people" need more
choline (but also other vitamin B family
members) because they use more of it. So
that's the simplicity behind the "cure" for
"letter people".
More vitamin B's and MSM
(methylsulfonulmethane) to help in the
enzymatic reactions in the brain and the
formation of acetylcholine from choline
The effect comes a few days after the first
intake and if you stop taking the supplements
the first signs of imbalance (ADHD and so on)
can be noticed after a few days, depending on
how much stress you are exposed to.
Dr Ohlson PhD.







Always Dialed Into Higher Dimensions

" My Internet browser can browse
into Chaos be it here on Earth or
in the multiverse.
Ican perceive hidden layers of
order and make sense of it."

ADHD: I am not limited to

the square template of the
Universe I am wired into a
multidimensional Universe







" I came through a portal in the Sun"

David 10 yrs UK
Many of the children born
these days have memories
intact from their previous
existence on board craft as
extraterrestrials. They are kept
on track by continuing their
interaction with their cosmic
family while they
are in human form. Tracey T
Images taken of the SUN with
what appears to huge space
craft in its corona



Past Life recall:

5 yr old Peter knew as much as there was to know on

Andromeda because he said he is from there.

Peter is ADHD
Electrical engineer Edward(USA) His partner and two children have seen
many craft and had encounters. Both children, daughter 7 yrs and son 12yrs
have 'conscious recall" with multi-dimensional awareness and past life recall
Peter 12yrs old:

do great things, something amazing

happened before I died we left something on the
moon to help earth , I was sent to help:"

"I can

The father researched anomalies on the moon

It suggested there was a machine located there which worked
with consciousness, both biological and mechanical . Edward
asked his son if this was accurate.
Peter immediately said YES .
Was this certitude from his past life recall?

Note: In my research a number of children some under ten years old have
mentioned the moon is occupied and that there is advanced technology
there from other civilizations

1965 - 1967 - Base discovered on dark

side of the moon Sergeant Karl Wolfe:
Air Force worked with the tactical air
command Langley AFB in Virginia.



Something Big on the Moon

Apollo 8 5.8/16

While working at a NSA facility witnessed photographs

taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the moon that showed
clearly detailed artificial structures of domes, mushroom
shaped buildings and towers. These photos were taken
prior to the Apollo landing in 1969. He said "I remember
going home and naively thinking thatIcan't wait to hear
about this on the evening news, and here it is more than
30 years later, andIhope to hear about it tonight" he
said at the 2001 National Press Club
At the National Press Club he stated he was willing to
testify under oath before congress regarding his


"My past life was on Orion. I was a light physicist,

working on Time travel technology"
The closest to my understanding is the work of
Nikola Tesla 9 year old( USA)


Conscious Past Life recall:
"/ come from Andromeda" peter nyrs/ADHD USA
Peter past life recall of his origins
ie Andromeda :
A' mother' with 'blue skin'
The language was thought forms with telepathy

Multidimensional abilities!
He has EVEN asked me to explain what I was doing

at work because he couldn't understand the

computer code I was writing at the time.

He feels he can read peoples minds and it can be

He claims to 'see' through other peoples eyes at
Peter sees UFO's he acts as if its all normal.


\ /


"Arthur's music is about shifting our DNA"
"I felt it was always the same energy and a good feeling:" Arthur
Arthur knew the titles before he
played the music: Mother
"When I play the 3 minutes song
my hands cramp up from doing it
normally but with this I can
change speed and do it for 12
minutes and I don't feel any pain
at all. Its like my hands are doing
it by itself
When I have finished I feel
drowsy like I am going to pass

These songs I need to give to

people to wake them up!
Arthur llyrs WA/Australia

This being was Nice


11 yr old Arthur's music from the Extraterrestrials similar

to the same experiences of Celebrated Violinist & artist
Julienna's Okah
Musician, author commented:
"I believe Arthur is contacted by the aliens
or master musical spirits. Its amazing
composition, genius. I liked it very much.
The first one is combined a few bars of
Beethoven's music.
My alien experiences happened also in
childhood and went far beyond .
When I was over taken by the entity I felt
something similar to what he was saying. I
received amazing power, but I was left
drained and crashed. As a result, I could
not go to school."
Julliena Okah author One Life Many World

Arthurs 'Songs"

Track 1Insanity
Track 2 Decoding
human DNA
Track 3 Learning
Track 4 Meditation
Track 5 Going within

Track 6 Arrival


Transformative Julliena Okah's "Otherworldly

experiences" with ET beings, spirits,
Her NDE and OBE's led to becoming a celebrated
violinist and artist






lil iimtii

Julliena comments on 11 year old

Arthur's music
My alien experiences happened
also childhood and went far
When I was overtaken by the
entity. I felt something similar to
what Arthur is saying.
It was an amazing power I
received but I was drained and
crashed afterwards as he is too.
Definitely Arthur is contacted by
the aliens or master musical spirits.
Amazing composition. Genius. I
liked the music a lot.

Lx / 1




Is it possible to Communicate with non -biological solid matter?

"My son is 10 years old. He
is not really sure how he
can communicate with
rocks but he just puts his
finger on the rock and the
words come into his head.
What else he knows about
1. Communicate with
2 Communicate with
Heightened sense
Empathic: Feel other
people's emotions. If
someone is crying he
will tear up and will
feel their sadness."

Rocks seem like they are actually living, this little meteor
told me( abilities) they have:
They do not, cough or breathe, like we do etc. but they
communicate through your mind.
This little meteor told me:
1/ They can communicate by putting your finger on it, and
you can hear it talking in your head, its like your own voice,
but its really the rock
2/They have feelings, this rock told me when it was
crashing on Earth and people were scared it made it sad,
but happy in the water.
3/ The meteor told me it made friends with the puffer fish
and the shark.
It told me where it crashed which was London, and it also
has likings and it likes space."


I was taught to use/feel Crystals

I was taught how to "feel" the
crystals and stones I sometimes

Physically they show heat and

electrical conductivity
I teach others how to do this in
my workshops. It's very handy to
use crystals and their vibrations
when you need to do self-healing.
They have quite an impact.
Dr Ohlson
Dr Harry Oldfield has shown
entities in crystals through his PIP
technologies working with
healers and crystals using pulsed
high frequency electro-magenetic
stimulation of crystals to
rebalance the human energy field
r \
Polycontrast Interference
Photography (PIP)


Healing techniques from 'non-visible '


Dr Ohlson taught Quantum healing through her encounters, and how it

reaches problems at " atomic level"
I got taught by my non- visible "friends" how to enhance and direct my
How to partly leave my body to be able to "go into" my clients body and
"feel" the problem. I do the same thing to connect to their past lives or
problems in their present that can cause the imbalance leading to the

I "correct" and balance any imbalanced energies. I also reload them with
higher frequencies and thus they are helped on the energy level.

This is proven to halt cancers but if the treatment ceases before the cancer
is cured the cancer grows extremely fast with death as the only end. If the
cancer is cured but the karma is not balanced the cancer returns, maybe in
another part of the body.
Manipulate matter:

I can open a tight lid if I focus my energy outside my body to reach the
atoms and elevate them so I can then move the lid.

9 yr old Cathy talks to water to heal it

with a Star language ( Europe)
I am here to help my family
'wake up" Everyone is sleeping!
Cathy speaks 3 star languages

My Blue Guide is 'Emenoke'

And male guide Green ET.

and knows where these

languages are from, she talks to
water to heal it!




Parents have to listen.

Something will happen in the
next 5 years to this planet






Children say they can 'heal' water with

'star languages' Is this possible?
I have no problem believing this.
The spiral formations I've been
working with in my water research
are loading energy back in the water
and helps healing/recharging
(strengthens the energy field/the
aura) whatever it is pointed at.
Rightly used, it could be a bliss for
humanity in rebuilding our earth. "
Healing works on a cellular level
whether you believe it or not. The
healing from my hands affected the
protein binding to a gene p53 which
plays a role in turning genes on and
Dr L Ohlsen PhD

Scientist: Dr Masaru Emoto has

shown both prayer and loving intent
can alter the nature of water.
Author Messages in Water




Drawn to healing technology & 'Energized

water " inspired by her ET encounters
DR Ohlson "I describe it as energy balancing to

facilitate the body healing on its own"

I began with unconventional but scientific research with "whirled"


I use stress profiling with a medical diagnostic instrument called the

It's a way to energize water with more 'Life force' which was with
the collaboration, with the University of Stockholm and the Royal
institute of Technology Stockholm
Dr Ohlson PhD


The Human body is 50 -75% WATER. If human

language/ frequencies can alter both DNA and water
what affect could star languages/frequencies have
on the human body and Human DNA?


gj i









1 <k

it should be borne in mind that the nature of Extraterrestrial
communications that in a majority of instances Star visitors
communicate with humans by telepathic transfer of mental
images and concepts, rather than by words and speech "


everything is made up of the same matter resonating at

different harmonics, so the Ets are able to communicate with
us, directing thought on subatomic levels and so activate
these symbols are meant to communicate
the nature of the macrocosm
Tracey Taylor


The Decoders:
Tracey's Taylors pictures:
My 7 year old can read them!



I wanted to see what my son made of these

images by Tracey Taylor. He said:
"They contain information about Aliens
The pictures contain images of harvesters
of Energy , machines which harvest the
suns energy. There are different types, the
other pictures contain information about
the aliens , One is about the 7 who will be
coming. There are eagle people and cat/
lion people. They have ancient messages "



* Ancient Future
*Evolutionary Creation

* Possibilities

A 7 year olds understanding of

Extraterrestrial art. USA
'I honestly wish he was making this up Mary ."
I asked my son about the pyramids in Tracey's paintings.
"...that's how they [aliens] will come, that's where they will land and arrive.

It is also a teleportation machine.

Tracy Taylors


*7J)0 ETs v

The big pyramid isn't the only one. There are others. They will come at the
pyramids and then fly over the ground to the south pole and then shoot up to the
north pole (by way of a teleporter) and then fly down to the pyramids again."
[He made hand motions which indicated that the craft would teleport or pass
through the center of the Earth, from pole to pole. )

Mother: " When you say others, do you mean other pyramids? "
Son: "I mean other teleport places on every continent. Places all over the world."
Mother :" So, there are other types of teleportation places other than the big
pyramid [Pyramid of Khufu?"
Son: "Yes! In the side of the hill. Lots of hills. Hundreds of them around the
world. It's actually a place where the aliens do science there."



I stopped asking questions.

I think I just needed to digest this. He was starting to scare me...again.
Her 7 year old son has Dyslexia, and says he sees the information in his mind.

2006 Russian
Documentary " Third Reich
-Operation UFO



American astrophysicist Kip Thorne andhis
colleagues substantiated the possibility of
nearly instantaneous movement in space and
time travel. They put forward the idea of
wormholes, and black holes. According to
which black holes are located, at close
distances to our planet, and take the form of
worm holes.

Astrophysicist Kip Thorne claims there are

inter-dimensional wormhole portals above
the earth near Alaska and Antarctica.
A UFO was reported to leave the Earth from out of
the ocean near the coast of Alaska going 7,000 mph
up into space. It may have been leaving the Earth to
possibly enter a wormhole portal near Alaska, one
of the two portals above the Earth, the north portal
is Alaska and the south portal is Antarctica

according to American astrophysicist Kip Thorne in

the translated


Reich - Operation
ntists and high level military



Kip Thorne concluded that near to Earth, there's an
entrance into a wormhole leading to the star Vega.

These worm holes can be usedfor

instantaneous movement in space
and time travel

Space School: The school on Mars.

We don't learn anything we learn on Earth! 7yearoidusA

My daughter described Mars as a desert: The aliens fed her
and were nice & they spoke telepathically, she learnt
paranormal skills : She saw babies in a crib and aliens of
various ages . She interacted with a teenage Alien in this

school and learnt the most from her: When she returned the
aliens cloaked their craft so we couldn't see them:
"I was levitated out of bed to a space ship with three legs ,
there are Grey aliens some are small and some are tall .
On Mars I learnt to 'look through walls, I can still do this at
times. I don't learn anything we learn here on earth.
I finished magic school, its mostly science . I learnt about
time, space and gravity, time controls everything, time
controls all:"
7 year old: ( 3 reports from children)





There is life on Mars, and has been life on Mars, and a Mars,
Earth connection, there are bases there.( 9 yrs) USA


The taller green Alien standing on Mars in front of the

Dome: 7yr old girl (USA)

" This Alien is important to the

alien community because he is

very different to the Gray
The Gray Aliens don't need
clothes because of their species
of Aliens.
The green alien is rare, it
doesn't talk at all.
The Gray ones talk all the time
The Domes can be black or





Bottom Picture:

A Mysterious Dome on Mars taken

by Mars Rover

5 yr old girl explains her drawings trips on Space craft

My daughter has is no fear!
Samantha Mowat Canada
My daughter explained ; "Its a boy, a special friend who walks through the window, it doesn'1
matter if it (the window) is open or closed. He comes in when we are in our bunk beds."
I asked why he came to see her?
she said; " he telling me all about your baby. It's a boy baby that will come in your tummy
soon. He (the being) comes at night, he was telling me all about outer space." She then went
on to say... "I woke up in the night and I thought I heard little foot steps, then I just went back
to sleep. I thought it was you (mom & dad) but I saw a white foot, and I said; "don't be afraid,
I'm a nice person. I'm sorry I scared you" I said that so it wouldnt be afraid of me.


" I am texting word for word what she says..."

"All that is happening is they are in a space ship, in a craft.

The craft is grey and the windows are blue. Okay. That's one of our special friends, a girl,

"she is half girl and half special friend. Her hair is half girl and her body is
special friend. The color of her hair is light brown, she has thin hair. That's
a boy that's jumping out so he can look out, he's not tall enough yet.
Those are stars and the moon and the sun, the big ones are planets,
planets Mercury, Mars and Jupiter."
The special friend has a Hybrid body, her hair on her head is not as thick as hers.
Her home is cold and everyone is leaving and Mars is their new home.
7 yrs Canada




My last life I was on Mars,

I used to build 'Interstellar Craft" ....zac 16 years USA
Mars has many anomalies on its surface


There have been Wars on

Mars with various groups
of Extraterrestrials






Boriska ( Russia ) I used to fly from Mars

to Earth






Hi |

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1 J*


Multi- dimensional conscious awareness

Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage
Pre-birth and past life recall on earth or other planets
or Universes
Sense of Mission
Connection to other star systems and other
Awareness of being taught on space craft numerous
multi-dimensional skills
Connection and communication with all sentience
both animal and plants
Pre-cognition and clairvoyance
Telepathy and telekinesis abilities
Thought influencing
Healing abilities
Resonance to truth
Operating at higher frequencies
Awareness of manipulation conspiratorial
information, such as covert agencies on this planet



I was taken on board craft to learn how to levitate things.

( 7 year old) Australia
The 'Mantid' are my family( 8 years)USA
I saw many other children on the space ship, some were not human. ( 7 year old) USA
I am an ambassador from Arcturas, I come as an ecological engineer.! 17 yrs( NZ)

People built the sphinx to tell people in the future " they ' the Extraterrestrials are REAL: The
ordinary people were humans. The rulers were not human but like 'Cat beings" ( 8 yrs.Qld.)
School programs are like a 'virus' we are infected with this virus, and it extinguishes our
'light."(9yrs) Europe

There are 'special ' schools for children like us on the ocean floor, underground bases &. off
planet. (9 yrs)USA
There are lots of moons that are artificial like around Saturn and Jupiter, some people are
affected by them. (9yrs) USA



Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage


'We have come to help."

'There is a race of beings upon the planet, increasing in number, although
visually and physically in-distinguish-able to most humans. They are the 'the
bringers of light', and are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial
The New Children are born without programs and will bring about a Global
Tracey Taylor, artist/experiencer.




The children and young people who are being born, many have conscious recall
of where they are from. A deep and profound understanding of who they are, and
their previous star origins.
They do not need governments to tell them we are not alone in the Universe they
already know we are not.
They know the planet is in dire shape, both ecologically and spiritually.
They know we are lied to and manipulated.
They know that we are educated and programmed into limiting, and limited
They know about covert technologies which control the public and its fear based
They are aware of their abilities
They know about the many species visiting our planet.

The NEW HUMAN is here to 'wake ' humanity UP!!

The day science begins to study non-physical

phenomena, it will make more progress in one
decade than in all the previous centuries of its
existence . To understand the true nature of the
Universe, one must think of energy, frequency and
vibration. Nikola Tesla


Homo Novis, here to help the New

Human: Lea explains



' Mi

The New Human & Consciousness shift!

" Humanity has been at this

point three times, but we have
been knocked off course.

It's due to the ' shift' thats

affecting everyone. It's the
star seeds and indigos of the

planet (like us)

This time there is a 95% chance

we will make it, and possibly a
100% chance we are headed up
to a higher level."

Gaia cherishes us because we

can help the vibration of the
planet more than any others.

Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage

"You don't have to worry Nanna
' they're ' guiding us home!"
8yearoldQld: Australia


Facebook www.facebook.com/acern.com.au








Email: Experiencer.co@gmail.com


Experiencer Liberation Day

October 1st
Ivolve Theater 624 South Pacific Ave. San Pedro,
CA 90731
Speaking at CERO






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