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PG 1












The True Fountain of Youth was right under our nose

all the time -Sang Whang


Well, here we are at Lesson Four.
Id love to know what you have
learned so far, but the nature of
e-learning means Im not able to
ask you directly.
So what have you learned?
In Lesson One we discussed these key
Our modern lifestyle is about as far from
natural as we as a species have ever been.
Diabetes, cancer and heart disease have
become the great levelers of our lifestyle
excesses and ignorant attitudes.
What we ingest is the single most
important factor in longevity.

Fad diets dont work;

is the key.
Balance, in acid/
alkaline terms,
is the ratio of acid minerals and
alkaline minerals in our body.
Commercially prepared foods are usually acid forming. Natural foods are usually alkaline.
Its not the acid/alkaline nature of the food we consume; its the result of metabolising that
food the acid or alkaline balance left in our bodies that forms our disease resistance bank
In Lesson Two we took a look at the history of medical philosophy and learned about the work
of Dr Bechamp in identifying the ability of organisms in our blood to morph from beneficial
to malevolent based only on the pH of our blood.
We looked at the two schools of medical theory; Rationalism our accepted allopathic theory,
and Vitalism, the spurned theory of holistic health, or treating the body as more than the sum of
its separate parts.

Sang Whang: Alkaline Pioneer

Sang Whang was born in South Korea and attended school under Japanese occupation. Now a resident of USA, he speaks
Korean, Japanese and English. This allowed him to access previously unaccessed Japanese scientific data on ways to balance
body pH. He is a successful engineer, scientist inventor and researcher. A diagnosis of high blood pressure and the doctors
advice that he would have to take medication for the rest of his life spurred him to research acid/alkaline balance. Almost twenty
years later, he is healthy, drug free and travels the world spreading his message. His book, Reverse Ageing is an acid/alkaline
classic and has been translated into many languages. His website is at www.alkalife.com



There is no need to accept aging as a fact of life.

Anybody can do it. -Sang Whang

We learned how the rationalist model has been

overtaken by Big Pharma which has led to a
symptoms-based treatment rationale rather than a
primary cause-based treatment rationale.
We compared monomorphism the principle of
germ-created disease, with pleomorphism, the
principle of inner terrain-inspired disease.
Finally, we saw the column Acid/Alkaline
Balance for Dummies with its five major points.
You remember them, of course! here they are

1. As we age, acids, heavy metals, petrochemicals,

pesticides and other toxins accumulate in the bodys
genetically weakest and most devitalized organs.
2. As the blood supply to these vital organs is
reduced and their immunity is reduced because of
the same organic and inorganic acids and toxins,
these organs become bastions for viruses, bacteria,
and fungi, where they multiply in peace.
3. The function of these organisms is to consume
the accumulating toxic debris. This is rotting pure
and simple. Pleomorphism. These organisms are
4. These organisms of pleomorphism set up their
housekeeping in the compartments of the body that
are the most acid, the most oxidized and that have
the highest pollution with toxic metals. These areas
are where the bodys own immune cells are also
incapacitated - so anaerobic germs, viruses and
fungi multiply and thrive in an undisturbed state that
cannot be conquered..
5. The body rots and oxidizes from the inside out.
Balance begins at home, as early as possible in our
lives, not at the end in the hospital.

In Lesson Three, we reviewed Alkaline Pioneer, Dr Theodore

Baroodys book, Alkalize or Die.
We also reviewed the effects on the major organs of excessive
We discussed why acid/alkaline balance is the most important
health strategy youll ever make.
We looked at the inner sea in which our cells float, reproduce,
energize and feed.
We learned the importance of this inner seas correct
composition; alkaline, mineralised and saline.
Finally we examined (briefly) the necessity for ph testing, and
discussed the radical theory that protein limitation may be the
key to correct balancing of pH.
I also promised that wed look at ground-breaking research that
agreed with my own pet theories, so lets do that now.
You would have seen the pic of Sang Whang on page one. I met
Sang when he and his wife, Josephine, came to visit ION LIFE
here in Byron Bay two years ago. At that time he gave a superb
public lecture on acid/alkaline balance, which we managed to
record on video. Its a great watch.
It was Sang who alerted
me to Dr Lynda Frassettos
work on ageing and acidity.
In a nutshell, what she
found was that as we age,
(starting around age 45),
we lose the alkaline buffer
bicarbonates - in our blood.
By the age of 90, weve lost
almost 20% of bicarbonates
in our blood. From our
previous lessons, you would
understand the effect this
has on our ability to draw on
these alkaline salts to counter
excess acidity attacks.
Insufficient amount of bicarbonates in our blood reduces our
capabilities to manage (neutralize and dump) the acid our
body produces. This, says sang Whang, is THE CAUSE OF





The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which

degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what
they require for nutrition and, as far as we know,
the pulsation of life may go on forever. Dr Alexis Carroll
Sang says; The age of 45 is the average age
when human beings start to show symptoms
of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and
many other adult degenerative diseases.
And since we cannot manage the acid, we
accumulate acidic wastes in our body. These
wastes show up as cholesterol, fatty acid,
uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney
stones, etc.
He continues:
In the January/February 2003 issue of
American Industrial Hygiene Association
Journal, Dr. Gospodinka R. Pradova
published the result of a 10-year study of
industrial pollution in Bulgaria. The study
compares two groups of people in a plastic
manufacturing plant: one group working

The medical
society considers
the reduction of
bicarbonates in
the blood as an
inevitable fact of
aging. I argue that
the reduction of
bicarbonates in
the blood is the
cause of aging
and diseases,
not the result of
aging. As long as
we can replenish
bicarbonates in the
blood, we dont have
to age!


in the plant with chemical pollution, the other in the nonpolluted office environment of the same company. The
conclusion shows that people living/working in a polluted
environment have less amount of bicarbonates in their
blood than people working in a clean environment.
We too live in a world that was changed from an
agricultural environment to an industrial environment,
which produces more pollution. Our stressful lifestyles create more acid, which causes us to use up more
bicarbonates. Some foods are more acidic than others,
especially high protein meat products and highly acidic soft
drinks. These are the reasons why we lose bicarbonates in
the blood as we age.

Dr Sherry Rogers

When I heard Sang talk, I was very excited. He was the

embodiment of what he taught. He was alive, alert, and had
an ease about him that made him a pleasure to be with. He
was, in my eyes, a true Alkalarian.
I mentioned earlier that Dr Frassettos research agreed
with my own pet theories. In her paper, she described
how our levels of certain essential alkaline minerals has
dramatically reduced as we have come into this century.
The graph below shows how our pre-agricultural sodium
intake has completely overtaken our potassium intake.
There could of course be much more shown but the
massive rise in acid food intake was not part of the study.
However, its enough to show us that we have radically
changed our mineral uptake without changing our body
metabolism. We are still using our pre-agricultural body.
Its the Model T of bodies and we are still coming off the
assembly line without change!


As people
age, overall
renal function
the ability to
excrete acid.
- Dr Lynda

Frassetto et al, Am J Physiology

1996 271 F1114-1122


new dis-ease began to be felt and experienced.
Compared with the Stone Age diet, the
modern human diet is both excessive
in NaCl and deficient in fruits and
vegetables which are rich in K+ and
HCO3-yielding organates like citrate.
With the modern diet, the K+/Na+ ratio
and the HCO3/Cl ratio have both
become reversed. Yet, the biologic
machinery that evolved to process
these dietary electrolytes remains
largely unchanged, genetically fixed in
Paleolithic time. Thus, the electrolytic
mix of the modern diet is profoundly
mismatched to its processing machinery.
Dietary potassium modulates both the
pressor and hypercalciuric effects of
the modern dietary excess of NaCl. A
marginally deficient dietary intake of
potassium amplifies both of these effects,
and both effects are dose-dependently
attenuated and may be abolished either
with dietary potassium or supplemental
KHCO3. The pathogenic effects of a
dietary deficiency of potassium amplify,
and are amplified by, those of a dietary
excess of NaCl and in some instances
a dietary deficiency of bicarbonate
precursors. Thus, in those ingesting the
modern diet, it may not be possible to
discern which of these dietary electrolytic
dislocations is most determining of
salt-sensitive blood pressure and
hypercalciuria, and the hypertension,
kidney stones, and osteoporosis they
may engender. Obviously abnormal
plasma electrolyte concentrations rarely
characterize these dietary electrolytic
dislocations, and when either dietary
potassium or supplemental KHCO3
corrects the pressor and hypercalciuric
effects of these dislocations, the plasma
concentrations of sodium, potassium,
bicarbonate and chloride change little
and remain well within the normal range.
-Relationship and Interaction between
Sodium and Potassium
R. Curtis Morris, Jr., MD, Olga Schmidlin,
MD, Lynda A. Frassetto, MD and Anthony
Sebastian, MD
Department of Medicine, Division of
Nephrology, University of California, San
Francisco, San Francisco, California

So..at last, heres how I see the whole

picture. I need to declare again that
this is how I see it; not backed up by
double blind randomized studies of
thousands of subjects, not arrived
at in a laboratory or in a series of
experiments. Its simply the result of
what I have observed, learned and
applied to my own life over the last
five years.
It appears to me that we have gotten severely
out of step with our own evolution. We have
created a world that dispenses our daily bread
(life essentials) in ways that our bodies have
not had time to adapt to. I dont think there will
be much argument about this point.
If you go onto the net youll find a popular
diet called the Paleolithic Diet, based on what
the author of the diet believes we would
have eaten in Paleolithic times. If you
look up raw food on the net youll see
hundreds of health testimonials from
people who went back to basics with
large amounts of alkaline-forming
foods. If you read Dr Robert O Young,
Sapoty Brooks book Eco-Eating, Sherry
Rogers, Daniel Reid, Daviid Niven
Miller or any one of the many books by
doctors, researchers etc. about what has
happened to us, it extremely hard not to
conclude that since we took the path of
cooked food, we unleashed a storm of
new substances on our bodies that they
had never experienced before. Some
raw food people even go so far as to say
that cooked food unleashed a storm of
psychosis upon us that has never been
recognised or understood.
Then we had the industrial revolution,
the need to store and transport food, the
need for preservative, antifungals, anti
oxidants... you know the score.
And all through this period our bodies
just kept on doing what they had done
since time began... even though a whole

Heres when Dr Frassettos research rang a

bell for me. She was saying that we are not
how we used to be; that we are in the midst of
an evolutionary change in the way the body
reacts to its environment, and that it is now
taking steps to save iself that it never had to
take before.
So even though there are undoubtedly some
truly awful toxins that we are routinely
exposed to, it seems to me that our bodies have
turned an evolutionary corner and may not
even be capable of caring for us adequately
Of course there are specifics; Chronic
Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cystitis, Crohns
Disease, Lupus... there are now so many
diseases that we never heard about in the
past; but was there one simple cause that
gave one overall effect that included in

With increasing
age, humans
become slightly
but significantly
more acidic.
- Dr Lynda

Frassetto et al J. Geronology 1996 51A



Paleolithic no more.

all of the above? Sure, we can say mercury

has caused nerve damage, or DDT, or
Glysophates.. but these are, as I see it, bitpart
players in a far larger picture of general
change to the environment we have created as
our biosphere. Sang Whang saw the change
as evidenced by the general symptom of
inflammation, caused by increasing acidity.
Inflammation happens at every level, in
every organ, and attracts a response form
the body, creating an ongoing war of acid
(inflammation) and alkaline (donation or
Its even become a part of our language; we hear
inflammatory language, meaning that it will
stress us when we hear it. When we stress, we
manufacture acid. When we manufacture acid
(after stress) we enter into a state of reaction.
When we are in a state of reaction we are stressed,
and so the circle turns; we become acid because
we are stressed and we become stressed because
we are acid. I have spoken to at least a thousand
sufferers of Chronic Fatigue in the last six years
and its difficult not to conclude that it becomes an
ever deepening spiral downwards of stress to acid
to stress to acid.
I can go far further with this theory: I attended
a conference recently where experts on Child
Autism spoke. Gluten was described as an opiate.
Bread, of course, acidifies the body; so that slice
of bread, even if it is wholegrain, is an opiate
and acidifier, creating a habit of addictionand
inflammation. Indeed, when we observe the rages
of kids who are deprived of their hit of junk
food, once again its difficult not to see it as an
addiction. New Scientist of Feb 2003 even had a
cover story with similar claims. (See Right Hand
The problem of an inflamed, acidic body is, as
I see it, not just a series of symptoms that cause
discomfort. I believe that an acidic body is an outof-balance body. Like a one-sided seesaw, it just
cant work the way it should. Everything is just
not quite right, and the effects pass on from one
metabolic inner system to another as the problem
manifests deeper and deeper within the body.
It manifests as high blood pressure because the

blood is the consistency of jam as it becomes

It manifests as plaque as the body combines
cholesterol and free calcium to line the arteries to
protect them against the glass shard-like crystals of
acid in the blood.
It manifests as free calcium as the body
unsuccessfully attempts to withdraw the exact
amount of calcium from our bones to balance an
acid attack - and overdoes it!
It manifests as excess production as free radicals
to dispose of the putrefying food that has leaked
into our gut.
It manifests as putrefactive food leakage (leaky gut
Syndrome) as undigested acidic food is discharged
from the stomach into the lower gut and burns
through the gut wall.
It manifests as an overloaded (alkaline-producing)
pancreas as it attempts to satisfy a stomach unable
to break down food before dumping it into the
lower intestine.
It manifests as a stomach unable to process food
properly because it cant get adequate supply of
acid from a blood supply system not capable of
moving acid fast enough to the stomach because it
has high blood pressure - as a result of excess acid!
It manifests as lack of energy because acidic blood
cant hold the oxygen that balanced alkaline blood
It mainifests as exhausted adrenal glands,
overworked with thousands of false alarms every
time excess acid is eaten or we choose to stress.
It manifests as a weak heart when inadequate
circulation forces it to work ever harder just
to push thickened blood through your 67,000
miles of veins, arteries and capillaries. (An organ
weighing 300 grams that is expected to pump 8000
litres of blood every day)
It manifests as cancer when the free radicals overproduced by an acidic unbalanced system attack
healthy cells.

A number of studies

have been carried

out in rats to look
at processed foods
and addiction. Dr.
Ann Kelley, professor
of neuroscience
at Wisconsin
University, together
with Matthew Will,
has been studying
rats and diet for a
number of years. One
study found that a
high-fat diet appears
to alter the brain
biochemistry in a
similar way to drugs
such as morphine.
They say this is due
to the release of
opioids - chemicals
in the brain - that
reduce the feeling of
being full.


Next Issue:
an alkaline

W e are not a body with a brain.

It manifests as acne or eczema or psoriasis as

acid waste builds under the skin, inflaming and
irritating you.
It manifests as a plague of osteoporosis as the
bones become a meagre framework, robbed of
calcium as efficiently as white ants rob a home of
structural timber.
There is more, and I challenge you to begin a
self-examination of your own health to begin to
trace the symptoms back to the cause. As you read
more, observe more, understand more, I know you
too will start to see the world through pH vision.
Finally, I need to point out another observation I
have made.
Until you begin to change, you cant really know
what I am talking about. Every day I talk with
people who have embarked on the Alkaline
lifestyle. Every one of them repeats the same
mantra; Why didnt I know this before?
Well, You are never ready until you are ready,
and I believe that - very unfortunately - most of us
are only ready when we hurt so much we have to
There are exceptions. Mike walked into our office
after shopping for a mattress at the shop next door.
A typical Boomer, he and his partner were both
on the
of agerelated

degeneration, and unknown to me, his

immediate problem was heartburn. He
spent just long enough to have a glass of
alkaline water just to see what it tastes
like before he disappeared. He was back
at the door the next day because he had
experienced no heartburn that night - for
the first time in years. Cause and effect
had conspired to show him that help was
at hand.
For every Mike, however, there are a
hundred Harrys who call up and grill
me about clinical trial data, doctors
endorsements, therapeutic goods
administration approvals... all to ensure
they dont get to make the quantum leap
I offer. These days I look at their fear as an aspect
of acidity. They are inflamed and addicted to a
lifestyle where in exchange for a short term high
of food, drink or stress buzz, that suffer with all
the symptoms of acidosis.
Its my observation, therefore, and I trust you can
hear this - that we are not a body with a brain.
We are a body - perhaps even more than a body
- that communicates and thinks through every
single cell we are made up of. If our cells are not
balanced we wont think clearly. Its quite easy to
see that an acidic person thinks differently to an
alkaline person, and a couple of examples might
assist, even if they are extreme. Saddam Hussein
would undoubtedly be acidic. The Dalai Lama is
an alkalarian. The whole Shaolin Monk order is
known as alkaline because of their spiritual and
physical disciplines.
The nature of acid addiction means that you
cannot maintain an even emotional state. Your
cells are calling out for another hit. Your
systems are not capable of fulfilling the needs of
your organs of elimination and you are in truth a
walking toxic waste dump.
Thinking is not a mere brain process. Deepak
Chopra has talked about children who have lost
massive parts of their brain but still manage to
carry on life and thinking. Thinking is cellular,
and therefore I am no longer surprised when I see
people who cant really think outside of the acidbox they have become.

A number of studies

have been carried

out in rats to look
at processed foods
and addiction. Dr.
Ann Kelley, professor
of neuroscience at
Wisconsin University,
together with Matthew
Will, has been studying
rats and diet for a
number of years. One
study found that a highfat diet appears to alter
the brain biochemistry
in a similar way to drugs
such as morphine.
They say this is due to
the release of opioids
- chemicals in the brain
- that reduce the feeling
of being full.

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