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indirizzo: ftp://ftp.lonatigroup.

user: santoni
password: Sant0n1-seDe2010
address: ftp://ftp.lonatigroup.com/
user: santoni
password: Sant0n1-seDe2010
direccin: ftp://ftp.lonatigroup.com/
user: santoni
password: Sant0n1-seDe2010
Se utilizzi Internet Explorer 7o superiore per vedere la pagina,
selezionare pagina > "Apri file FTP"
If use the Internet Explorer 7 or upper, to view this page, select from PAGE > "Open FTP site
in Windows Explorer"
Favor notar que si uds abren el file FTP con Internet Explorer, desde el menu "PAGE" , se
necessita seleccionar la opcin "Open ftp site in Windows Explorer "

Si consiglia lutilizzo come browser Internet Explorer
Se si utilizzano altri tipi di browser ( Firefox, Mozzilla ) si consiglia lutilizzo da persone
We recommend to use the browser Internet Explorer
Is its used another browser ( Firefox, Mozzilla ) its advisable the use by expert people
Nos aconsejamos de utilizar como browser Internet Explorer
Si se utiliza un otro tipo de browser ( Firefox, Mozzilla ) se aconseja utilizzarlo da personal

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