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Consider the following questions and post your answers in the Assignment Thread:

Consider and express in a sentence or two, what the basic storyline or premise is of this
short film?
An ethereal-looking girl gets the attention of a passing man, and when he takes her hand and a
flower, they rise into the air. His attitude goes from annoyance to excitement. He lets go of her
hand (and the flower) falls to the ground, baffled by the experience.
If this "film" needs music, what should the music "do" in supporting the storyline or the
action? Try to express this without referring to specific musical elements or devices.
It might be interesting to separate the magical from the nonmagical elements by using either
different themes or just silence vs. music.
Where would you start musicif not at 1:00:47:20?
:24 (TCG 01:00:22:17) - At the fade-in of the shot of her feet and then the rising to her face.
In general, what feel (mood) should the music have: comic, ethereal, magical; some of all
three, or something entirely different? Elaborate on this question by taking into
consideration and answering the following four questions, as well.
Ethereal would be perfect for her theme, or possibly ethereal/magical. Or you could do the
opposite, and make her theme profoundly sad, changing the whole meaning of the story.
What instrumentation/texture would support the desired feel or mood?
Harp, high woodwinds, strings. Maybe classical guitar, or piano, or a horn section. Sweet
sounds. Or, could be solo cello, solo piano, solo vocal, solo woodwind. Many possibilities for
How closely should the music follow (support, or mimic) the action? Elaborate
sufficiently on this point.
The quiet music might swell slightly or become repetitive as she tries to get the mans attention.
When there are shots of her, the ethereal theme takes over while we make his theme silence
and the sounds of the city (representing cold reality). Unless you wanted to make it comical, I
dont think the music should follow the action too closely.
If not by playing off the action, should it instead create a supporting mood or
atmosphere? Elaborate further on this.
There is an arc to the scene. The music might be the same. Beginning very simply, hopeful,
maybe mysterious, then building as they are rising, and reducing (or disappearing) again as he
is back to reality on the ground.

What about scoring the scene as highly dramatic, even "over the top!" What might be the
result in taking that approach?
It would seem very silly. The meaning might become satirical, or even slapstick.
Specifically, where and how should the music stop, or conclude?
At 1:01:08:12, where you see her empty hand that he has let go of.
Should there be any relationship, or connection between the music and the existing sound
You might be able to incorporate the chiming clock, and traffic sounds but it would need to be
If so, how could that be made to work? Could they be co-mingled throughout (run parallel), have
one featured with the other taking over at a point, utilize audio cross-fades between them, etc.?
I think rising and falling of the two in parallel could be very effective, especially if some parts
have music and the others dont. For example, on the last of the first set of chimes a theme
could come in, but fade out at the first of the second set of chimes (when he is on the ground).

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