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Candra uses the term Kraka several times in his grammar. For eg:-

ii& |E EEi (CV2/1/40), P\ EE S (CV1/3/7), EE

(CV2/2/6) etc. But the explanation for the word is not given in his grammar.
That may be because the term Kraka must be popular during those days.
Also he does not define the terms Ei, E, Eh, |nx, +{nx and

+vEh * Even though he does not define these terms and allocates only
cases, all these terms are used by him in his grammar.


Ei{ii E (AS1-4-49)
Ei& G +{i <]i EE EY i* i.e.That which is
especially desired by the agent to be accomplished by the action is called
Karma or object. For example E] Ei Here Pini employs accusative
case by the Stra Eh ui (AS2/3/2)

G{ ui


G& { uiHi* i.e. In the attainment of Kriy there

comes accusative case. In the example +nx& {Si', '{i' is not attained


from the word +nx' but from the action. For psita accusative case comes
due to '{i' and in the same way for anpsita also accusative case will be
employed. This is the first Stra of Candra in this section.

It is notable that While Pini defines Krakas first and then employs
the cases, Candra speakes only about cases. In the place of Pini's

Ei{ii E' ilH Sx{i, +Eli S (AS1/4/49 to 51) etc. the

above stated one is the only Stra for Candra. Here in the text of
Cndravykaraa one comment is quoted from Supadma Mrkaeya Sxpi

OS{ni* in |inx]]REi* in l Mhi O* M M`

\Si*" The book says that this is not seen in the commentary of

Cndravykaraa. In the examples M nMP {&, { M Si, Mhr

V, hE {xlx {SUi, { M Ii, ISxi x, hE v

i, hE vxi etc. the cases are employed by G{ ui (CV
2/1/43). But Pini employs accusative case by the Stra +Eli S (AS
1/4/51). In the examples + RPi, Ii, O MSUx ih {i etc.
also, in the system of Candra the second case is employed due to '{i'.
But Pini employs second case by the Stra ilH Sx{i (AS1/4/50).
Here Candra genaralises the rule of Pini. While talking about Karma he uses
two terms +{ and { instead of Karma. Here the Karma is substituted by
1. C V of Candragomin with Cndravtti, Kshitish Chandra Chatterji (Ed), Deccan College, Poona,
1961,vol.1, p.168.


+{ which is not defined. So it becomes a little difficult for the readers to

follow the term.


Mir|ixlnEEEhh Ei h (AS1/4/52)
Mitlx nEhEEh Sh & Ei h E i* i.e. the agent of
the causal verb with the sense of to move, to know, to make sound, or to
teach or an intransitive verb becomes the object or Karma of the causal verb.
The example for this Stra is jx +Mi M*


Mivnlx{x |V is the Stra of Candra which comes in

the place of the above Stra of Pini.

Milx vlxlx

nlxx{x S |V Ei uiHi* i.e. that which was agent

of the non-causal becomes the Karma (object) of the causal verb, when verb
has the sense to move, to know to make or to reach or is an
intransitive verb. Why accusative case will come only for verbs of motion
etc.? Observe the example {Sinx nnkx (He gets the food cooked by
Devadatta). Here the verb other than the above mentioned is used and so there
comes 'nnkx i.e. instrumental case. Why we are saying that of the non
causal ? Other wise it will be like MSUi nnk&* If somebody prompts


Devadatta to go i.e. hj nnkx Ynk Mi, here Devadatta is not used

in accusative case.

Here the Stra of Candra conveys the same meaning as that of Pini.
Except for some special cases the system of Candra is more acceptable than
Pini. Candra uses + instead of |ix which is simpler. Instead of

nE he uses nl which saves more mtrs. But the word +x{ is used
instead of +EE and this usage is rather confusing as stated before in the
Stra G{ ui (CV2/1/43). Altogether Candra has gained brevity in the
construction of the Stra.

The next Stra of Candra comes in the place of the Vrtika

+noix{n i S (Va1114). The meaning of the Vrtika is the

subject of the primitive verbs +n and o when used in the tmanepada
termination is either put in the Accusative or Instrumental case in the causal.
For eg:- +ni n H Hx (He makes the devotee bow down to the

otiRx (CV2/1/46) is the next Stra in Cndravykaraa.

onS |V Ei iRx |M ui i* i.e. The agent of


the verbs +n and o when used in the tmanepada termination is

optionally put in Accusative case. The example for this Stra is ni V

ix i& <i (He makes the servants see the king). Why the word iRx
is put in the Sutra? Observe the eg:- ni Sj nnkx, +ni M

hEx' i.e. Here the option is not permitted and only instrumental case will
come for the agent.

Here Candra makes the Vrtika into Stra. The meaning expressed by
both the grammarians is the same. According to the Pinian system when we
use the causative form of 'o' or the causative of 'n' prefixed by '+' the
subject should be in the objective case as per the rule oS (Va1108), As per
the Vrtika +noix{n i S (Va1114) when the causative of

o or n prefixed by + is used with the +ix{n termination, the above

said rule 'oS' is applicable optionally only and hence we get ni V

ix i& * But in CV in the |inh we see the usages ni Sj

nnkx, +ni M hEx' which are incorrect as per Pinian system.
According to Pinian system instead of these, the usages should be ni

Sj nnk and +ni M hE just because of the root taking the

Parasmaipada termination. But the above usages given in CV are incorrect
according to Pinian system. Ktantravykaraa remarks in this regard


"+ix{n <i E ? ni Sj j{&* +j |{iE{in ui* Sxpi

Ei ii |inxi* +ni M hEx* +|{iE{ii ii*

The Stra of Candra takes the place of Vrtikas '+nJtx (Va1109)',






(Va1107) etc. All these Vrtikas are partly utilised by Candra to make his
next Stra.
The meaning of the Vrtika '+nJtx (Va1109)' is the causals of the
roots +n and Jn do not govern Accusative case. For eg:- ]xzni

Jni (He causes the boy to eat his food). Stress is given in negation.
The meaning of the Vrtika 'xx (Va1109) is the causals of the
roots x and do not govern the Accusative case. For eg:- ix xi

i (He causes the servant to carry a load).

The meaning of the Vrtika 'nix (Va1105) is the agent of

ni in the non-causal is not changed into object in the causal form. For
eg:-ni nnkx* (He causes Devadatta to make sound)

The meaning of the Vrtika 'V{i|ix{Jx (Va1107) is

enumeration should be made of 'V{i' etc.For eg:- V{i i v

{j nnk&* ( Devadatta teaches dharma to his son).

2. Ktantravykaraa of arvavarman, Janakiprasad Dvivedi(Ed), Sampoornananda Sanskrit
University, Varanasi, 1987, vol.2, p.238.


The next Stra of Candragomin is x xJtnnGxn&'
(CV2/1/47). The meaning of this Stra is xinx |V Ei ui x

i* i.e. accusative case will not be applicable along with the non-casual
form of x etc. The example for this Stra is xi nnkx*

Candra's intention in making the above Stra seems to be brevity and he
succeeded in his venture. In Prauhamanorama we can see a sentence that k

|S +Gxnnx& x <iH3 This opinion can be seen in

Cndravykaraa in the above Stra. Bhaoji might have taken this opinion
from CV +i nnkx, Gxni nnkx etc. are the additional examples
seen in Cndravykaraa in this regard. But for the roots \' and Gxn'
there is no such regulation for Pini. V{i is not seen in Cndravykaraa.

The Vrtika xxiEiE xv&' (Va1110) and xx' (Va1109) are
combined in the next Stra of Candra.
The meaning of the Vrtika xxiEiE xv& (Va1110) is
when its subject in the causal is a word signifying a driver, obeys the general
rule. For eg:- i l x i& ( The driver drives the chariot and the
3. Prauhamanoram of Bhaoji Dkita with the commentary abdaratna of Hari Dkita,
Dvarikaprasad Dvivedi (Ed), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1980, p.324.


The meaning of the Vrtika 'xx (Va1109) is the causals of the

roots x and do not govern the Accusative case. For eg:- ix xi

i (He causes the servant to carry a load).

The next Stra of Candra is xxiE' (CV2/1/48). & |V

Ei xxii u i x i* i.e. The agent of the root is not put in

accusative case in its causal when it has not the meaning of driver . Why the
word +xxiE? Observe the eg:- i nx* (He causes the bullocks to

In Pinian system Ktyayana speaks of twice with the above
Vrtikas. But Candra says it with only one Stra and it seems to be simpler.
ie. Candra has effectively abridged the Vrtikas in the Pinian system.


The next Vrtika which is substituted by Candra is Il x

(Va1111). The meaning of the Vrtika is the root I which has the sense of

+ governs instrumental case. For eg:- Ii +z ]x


The Stra of Candra is I (CV 2/1/49). The meaning of this
Stra is Il |V Ei ui x i* ie. The subject of the root

I in the meaning of + is not put in accusative case in its causal form.

For eg:- Ii {hb nnkx* Why the word + in the Stra? Observe
the eg:- Ii nx (He makes the bullocks to injure the crops).

The meaning conveyed by Candra is the same as in the Vrtika.
The examples of +vRl E (AS1/4/46), +xS (AS1/4/47)

={xvR& (AS1/4/48), n& E S (AS1/4/43), +Cil x (Va 1087)

etc. also can be seen in the commentary of this Stra. Candra employs
Accusative case in Ovi by {I He also employs cases in

Ovi`i, Ivi etc. All these examples come in the purview of

Candra's G{ ui (CV2/1/43). But for Pini all these come under

+vRl E (AS1/4/46). Candra rejects the Pinian Stra +xS

(AS1/4/47). In the example vxi Candra employs the case by the
same Stra G{ ui (CV2/1/43). Further Candra merges ={xvR&
(AS1/4/48) also in his Stra G{ ui (CV2/1/43). Whereas Pini
employs second case in the examples jj{i Oxi {ivi

+li etc. by the Stra ={xvR& (AS1/4/48). Pinian system


prevents accusative case in the example Y Yxxi by theVrtika

+Cil x (Va 1087). But for Candra the locative case is employed here
from +v* Candra rejects the Stra n& E S (AS1/4/43) also of Pini.
He says +Ini <i EhI* +Ix nii {I* +I

niivI'4 With the above example Candra illustrates the maxim

Ii& EEh xi'' (Krakas are employed according to the intention
of the speaker). He proceeds to one more example to illustrate the maxim
quoted (Ii& EEh xi) - 'E tii ti * E tii

ti* E tii ti* En tii ti* E tii*

Ex tii*' etc. Here in the first example E' is considered as
Kartkraka and ti' as Karmakraka. In the other examples ti is
taken as EiEE and E' is changed from Karmakraka, to
Karaakrka etc. MB also supports the view of Candra in the above usage.
MB says jj ixj {ixj S Ii* i& {h Sx*
.. Sx S Y i* in l En tii ti*

E tii* E tii*'

Here we have to consider one matter. i.e.

'n' is a transitive verb and therefore when we change the voice the usage
should be in the Passive voice. Impersonal voice can not be used in the case of
this root. The correct usage is +I& nxi and +Ini is incorrect. This
has not been considered by Candra while refuting the Pinian Stra n& E

S (AS1/4/43).
4. C V, vol.1, p. 171.
5. M B on A.S1/4/23.



+xixih H (AS2/3/4) is the next Stra of Pini used by Candra.

The meaning of this Stra is, along with the niptas +xi and +xih the
second case is used.For eg:- +xi i &* +xih x J* etc.


xEvMxixih Hi (CV2/1/50) is the next Stra of Candra.

nHi ui i* i.e. A word governed by etc. takes the
second case affix. For eg:- O* nnk* vE nnk etc.

The Stra of Candra is the combination of the Vrtika +i& {i&

xE|iM%{ (Va1442-1443) and +xixih H (AS2/3/4). The

word vE' is taken by candra from the aVrtika

=i& E vM{n j
uibixi ii%xj{ oi (Va1444)
Even though the word |i' is not there in the Stra of Candra the example

Ii x |ii E\Si' can be seen in the commentary. Here Candra cites

an eg:- +xi M{ix S n&* The word n& is not here along with
the word +xi as it is of the meaning v. So it is not put in accusative case.
Then how the usage E i EVxxih Mix ? The word +xih here is


not an indeclinable. But it is used in the third case. +xih governs second
case only when it is an indeclinable. By the maxim Ih|i{nH&

|i{nH Oh , in the above usage it is IhE*

The next Vrtika which is partly taken by Candra for his next Stra is

=i& E vM{n j
uibixi ii%xj{ oi (Va1444)
This Vrtika is split by Candra and put into many Stras. The meaning of this
Vrtika is, the words =i&, i&, vE, and the double forms of ={{,

+vv&, +vv, when they have the sense of nearness, govern the Accusative ;
sometimes other cases also. The part of the Vrtika uibixi is utilised
by Candra in his next Stra. For eg:- ={{ E etc.

The next Stra of Candra is ui%vn& (CV2/1/51). +vnM

i ui ui i* i.e. Along with +v etc. and with their double forms

Accusative case is used. Here by the word '+n' ; ""={, +v and +v&" are
mentioned. The Stra of Candra for the duplication is +v{v { (CV
6/3/3). From this we can understand what Candra meant by +n* For eg:-

+vv O, ={{ O , +v%v O etc. Why the word ui in the


Stra? Other wise the Accusative case won't be applied. Observe the eg: -

{ |n&*
Taking away from the Vrtika, Candra makes the same matter into

EvxixiM (AS2/3/5), +{M ii (AS2/3/6) etc. are also

exemplified in the commentary. vi, Gvi, G E] xn etc.are
the examples of G{ ui (CV 2/1/43) for Candra. But for Pini the
Accusative case is employed here by the Stra EvxixiM

(AS2/3/5). Here Candra says x +xE +vi& <i Eh B ii' .

Here notable point is that the term Karaa is not defined by Candra. In the
above example Pini employs the third case by the Stra +{M ii
(AS2/3/6). But in the example vi%xE x Sxx Mi&, Candra does
not admit Ehi* He says vi%xE x Sxx Mi& <i xj

EhivEiii' 7. From this it can be understood that even though he

rejects +{M ii (AS2/3/6), Candra admits vEi Eh' (AS1/4/42)
of Pini. Candra also rejects the Stra {i{\S EEv' (AS2/3/7).
Instead he employs fifth case in the example +t Ci nnk ni H

and <l%& GI vi from +v* In the example n H

and G I vi candra employs seventh case from +v*
6. C V, vol.1, p. 172.
7. Ibid.



+i&{i& xE|iM%{ (Va1442-1443) is used by Candra

to a certain extent in his next Stra . The meaning of this Vrtika is along with

+i&, {i&, , xE, and |i Accusative case is used. The example

for this Vrtika is +i& Eh*

The next Stra of Candra is {i i (CV2/1/52).

nixiHi ui i* i.e. Along with , + { & = with

i suffix, Accusative case is used. For eg:- i O , +i O , {i
O etc.






xE|iM%{ (Va1442-1443) are combined to a certain extent in

this Stra. Here also Candra does not include the word |i. But the example is
given in the Stra (CV2/1/60) as stated earlier.

The Stra of Pini which is used next by Candra is Bx{ ui
(AS2/3/31).The meaning of the Stra is Bxxix M ui i i.e. With the


word ending with the affix Bx{, the second case affix is employed as
well as the sixth. For eg:- nIhx O*, O *

The next Stra is Bx{. The meaning of this Stra is Bx{ M

ui i* i.e. when a word is joined with Bx{' there comes

accusative case. For eg:- nIhx O*, =kh O* etc.

The Stra of Candra saves more mtras than Pini. But for
Pini by Yogavibhga, the sixth case also is used along with Bx{.
Such an option is not seen in Cndra system. Candra uses only
accusative case with Bx{.

The next Stra of Pini which is taken by Candra is

IhilixM{ |i{x& (AS1/4/90). Bl i

|in& =HY& &* i.e. The word + is Karmapravacanya in the
senses Ih <ilix M and {. For example I |i, {,

+x tii ti* (The lightening is flashing in the direction of the



The Stra of Candra corresponding to the above Stra of Pini
is Ih{ilix (CV2/1/54). Ihnlx M ui

i* when joined with + in the sense of indicator, mere

statement of a circumstrance, and pervation, the word is put in
accusative case. For eg:- I tii*, I I i`i etc.

|i{ M S (CV 2/1/55)

Candra says one more Stra in this regard i.e. |i{ M S
(CV2/1/55). |i{ HIhn M Sl ui i* i.e. When
joined with |i and { in the sense of sign mere statement of a
circumstrance, and pervation, and also in the meaning of M, the word
is put in Accusative case.
This Stra comes in the place of IhilixM{

|i{x& (AS1/4/90), +M (AS1/4/91) and E|SxH ui

(AS2/3/8). Candra does not use the word Karmapravacanya. Thereby
he shortens the number of Stras of Pini.

The next Stra of Pini that is used by Candra is +xIh (AS
1/4/84). Ih ti +xHY& i* i.e. The word +x when it denotes a


sign, is called Karmapravacanya. For eg:- V{x |i (It rained after or in

consequence of the chanting of the prayers).
Candra says +xx (CV2/1/56) in lieu of the above Stra. Ihnl

M Sl%xx Hn ui i* i.e. Along with +x in the meaning of sign

etc. comes accusative case. For eg: - Ix tii* Here Candra says that

i{ Ih i* I Ix i`i' . i.e. For Candra the cause also

becomes the sign.

Here technically Pini is perfect. Even though Pini could employ
accusative case by his former Stra IhilixM{ |i{x&
(AS1/4/90), he employs the Stra +xIh (AS 1/4/84) to effect the Stra

i' (AS 2/3/23) in the place of the example {Vx V{i |i* In SK we

can see that {{ i ii +xx vi*' . But there is no such a technical

adjustment for Candra even though he expresses this view directly in the


iil' (AS 1/4/85) is the next Stra of Pini. iil ti +x&

E|SxY& i* i.e. The word +x is Karmapravacanya when it has the
8. C V, vol.1, p.173.
9. S K of Bhaoji Dkita with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and Tatvabodhin
commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda Sarma (Eds)
MLBD, Delhi, 1977,vol.1,p.337.


meaning of the third case. For eg:- xnxi x* (The army lying along
side the river).

Candra says l (CV 2/1/57) in the place of Pini's iil' (AS
1/4/85). The meaning of the Stra is l +xx Hi ui i* i.e. When

+x has the meaning of then it follows accusative case. For eg:xnxi x* (The army lying along side the river).
Here Candra becomes more accurate than Pini. Pini employed
Accusative case with +x' which has got all the meanings of instrumental
case. But Candra employed it with +x' which has the meaning of ' only.
Actually the intention of Pini also was the same.

The next Stra that is used by Candra is ={%vE S (AS 1/4/87).

+vE x S ti ={i |CY i* i.e. The word ={ is

Karmapravacanya when it has the meaning of inferior or superior. For
eg:- ={ &* (The gods are inferior to Hari). But here in the meaning of
superior the locative case is employed by Pini by the Stra nvE


SSx ij {i (AS2/3/9) and for that he gives the technical term

Karmapravacanya for ={.
Candra substitute ={x' (CV2/1/59) in the place of the above Stra of
Pini. The meaning of ={x' is x%l ={x Hi ui i* The word is
put in accusative case when it comes along with ={' in the meaning x'
(inferior). The example given in Cndravykaraa is ={Vx r& (The
warriors are inferior to Arjuna).

Here also Candra did not employ the technical term Karmapravacanya
and instead he employs only cases.

The next Stra of Pini is nvE SSx ij {i
(AS2/3/9). The meaning of the Stra is +j E|SxH {i i* i.e.
Where a word is governed by a Karmapravacanya in the sense of more
than or lord of there the seventh case is employed.
The next Stra in Cndravykaraa is {ivC (CV2/1/60). +vC

+l ={x Hi {i i i.e. In the meaning of 'more than' ={ is

accompanied by the Locative case. For eg:- ={J ph&*


%vx (CV2/1/61)
The next Stra of Candra is %vx (CV2/1/61).The meaning is

+l +vx Hi {i i* i.e. Along with +v' in the meaning

there comes locative case. For eg:- +vnk {\S&* (Brahmadatta is
the lord of Pclas).

Candra splits nvE SSx ij {i (AS2/3/9) into two.
i.e. (CV2/1/60) and (CV2/1/61). As far as the former Stra of Candra is
concerned Pini had to employ two Stras i.e. ={%vE S( AS 1/4/87) and

nvE SSx ij {i (AS2/3/9) . For the second Stra of

Candra also Pini employed two Stras nvE SSx ij {i
(AS2/3/9) and +v (AS1/4/97). So in the above case it is safe to say that
Candra saved more Stras than Pini.

The next Stra of Pini taken up by Candra is EiEhii
(AS2/3/18). The meaning of the Stra is +xi Ei Eh S

iiHi* i.e. The third case is employed in denoting the agent or the
instrument when it is not otherwise denoted. For eg:- h hx i *
(Bli is killed by Rma by an arrow).


The next Stra of Candra is Ei ii (CV2/1/62). The meaning
of this Stra is Ei EE ii Hi* i.e. To denote Kartkraka
comes instrumental case. The example given by Candra is Sjh Ei (done by
Caitra). Here Caitra is one who performs the act and so he is put in
instrumental case.

Eh' (CV 2/1/63)

The Stra of Candra that comes next is Eh'. The meaning of the
Stra is Eh EE ii i* i.e. For Karaa comes the instrumental case.
The example for this Stra is njh xi, {x Uxk etc.

Candra splits the Stra of Pini into two as Ei ii (CV2/1/62)

Eh (CV 2/1/63). The main difference in the Stra of Candra is Candra's

Stras do not come under the head +xi'. Moreover later grammarians
like Bhoja thought in the same way as Candra regarding the Stra +xi'.
A detailed discussion on this is given while explaining the Stra Eh ui
(SKBh 3/1/202) in the next chapter. Another point that is to be noted here is
Candra does not say anything about Kartkraka. But after all he is forced to
use the terms Ei EE and Eh EE in the meaning of Stras. But the
meanings of the terms are not clear according to the Cndra system. More


over Candra splits the Stra of Pini into two in order to include the
Vrtika |Ein ={Jx (Va 1466) in the Stra Eh (CV 2/1/63).
So it is a merit that there is no need of a Supplementary rule in the
Cndra system. Candra says |Ei{E& , |h YE& ,Mjh MM&,

<i i& j i Eh B ii*10.

i.e. Candra employs

instrumental case in the above examples by the Stra Eh (CV 2/1/63)

itself. In the same way the examples x vi, h vi, uphx

vx Ghi, {\SEx {x Ghi etc. also are justified by the same

Stra of Candra. i.e.Candra includes the Vrtika |Ein ={Jx
(Va 1466) in his Stra Eh.

The Stra of Pini is H%|vx (AS2/3/19). The meaning is

lx H +|vx ii i* i.e. Along with a word which has the

meaning of , the third case is employed for other than the principal
word. For eg:- {jh Mi& {i (Father who came with his son).

The next Stra is lx (CV2/1/65).

nlx M ii

i* i.e. with the meaning of ' there comes instrumental case. For
eg:- {jh Mi& {i ( The father who came along with his son).
10. C V, vol.1, p. 174.


The meaning conveyed by both the grammarians is the same. Here the
specification of Pini as +|vx' cannot be found in the Stra of Candra.

Instead Candra says in the commentary that ii{ `n|vx B i* .

This is a technical error from the part of Candra. Here it will be interesting to

note SK that x{ nx i* r xi xni' . i.e. without '

and which covey the meaning of there comes accusative case as stated by
Pini in r x'

Next Stra of Pini is <iliIh (AS2/3/21). E\Si|E |{i

Ih ii i* i.e. Any mark or attribute, by which is indicated the

existence of a particular state or condition is put in the third case to express
this relation. For eg :- V]i{&* (He is an ascetic by matted hair)

The next Stra of Candra is Ih' (CV2/1/66). 'Ih ixi ii

i' i.e. The third case is employed from the mark or attribute by which the
existence of a particular state is indicated. The example for this Stra given by
Candra is Ehbx UjpIi (saw the student by fact of having a
11. C V, vol.1, p. 174.
12. S K of Bhaoji Dkita with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and Tatvabodhin
commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda Sarma (Eds)
MLBD, Delhi, 1977,vol.1,p.638.


Candra abridges the Stra of Pini. But by including the word

<ili' in his Stra Pini solves the problem of coming ii' in the
example I |i tix' But how can Candra overcome this problem is a
matter of question. The example of xRME&' (AS2/3/20) also can be
seen in the commentary of this Stra. In the commentary Candra remarks that

ix RMxRMx EiIi*13. Here Ktantravykaraa makes a comment


h B iii SxpM* n- ix RMx +RMx EiIi


<i .
The next Stra of Pini is Y%xi Eh The meaning of this Stra
is { Vxi& Eh ii i* i.e. The object of the verb -Y is
optionally put in the third case. Example is {j {i Vxi (he knows
his father)

The next Stra of Candra is Y { ' (CV2/1/67). The meaning
of this Stra given by candra is Vxin { iiii i'* i.e.
After the verb - Y the third case is optionally employed in denoting the ject.
The example given for this is j i Vxi (He knows his mother)
13. C V, vol.1, p.175.
14. Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p. 239.


Candra conveys the same meaning by saving more mtrs than Pini.
Here instead of Karma, Candra uses the term { which is rather confusing.

The next Stra of Pini used by Candra is i' (AS2/3/23). il

ii i i.e. When a word denotes cause it takes the third case affix.
Here any thing capable of accomplishing a desired object is called i&. The
example given is nhbx P]& (a pot is made by the stick).


The next Stra of Candra is i' (CV2/1/68). The meaning is

iiGM ii i* The example given for this Stra is +zx i (lives

by rice) and t & (by learning, got fame) etc. From the example +zx

i it can be assumed that like Pini, Candra considers the result also as


Different aspects of Hetutva are also includeed by Pini in his Stra.

But it is not clear in the case of Candra.


The next Stra of Pini considered by Candra is +Eih {\S
(AS2/3/24). EiVi oh ii ii& {\S i. A word implying debt,
considered as a cause but not as an agent, takes the fifth case affix. For
example ii r&* (he has been bound on account of a debt of a hundred

The next Stra of Candra is @h {\S (CV2/1/69). @h i {\S

i* i.e. If debt is the cause then there comes ablative case. For eg:- ii
Here Candra does not use the word +Ei' in his Stra. But Pini
uses that word to avoid ablative case in the example ix xvi&'* But
according to Candra in the example ix xvi&' there functions instrumental
case with 'Ei ii' (CV2/1/62) itself.


Mh%j (AS2/3/25) is the coming Stra of Pini. Mh

ijRM {\S i* i.e. The fifth case is employed optionally when


the noun expresses an attribute, being the cause of a thing, provided that it is
not of the feminine gender. For eg:- VRVVbx r&*

The proceeding Stra of Candra is Mh (CV2/1/70). {RMi i

{\S i* i.e. When cause becomes an attribute, there optionally comes

ablative case. For eg:- VRn r& and Vbx r&* (he has been bouned by
reason of his dullness)

Candra shortens the Stra of Pini by ommiting certain words from
the Stra. Pini adds the word +j in his Stra to restrict the fifth case
in the example nv H&* To get ablative case for the word which is not an
attribute and which has a feminine gender, Pini devides his above Stra into
two by the process of MM* But Candra attains the same result in a better
way. He avoids the word +j and thereby shortens his Stra. By his
same Stra Candra attains the third case and the fifth case in the word which is
not an attribute. In the example nv H&, Candra restricts the usage of the
fifth case by li*

Eventhough this is the case here, Patajali has limited the usage of

li to certain numbered places. This case does not come to his list.


He may be done that to prevent the irregular usages that can be justified if the

li is permited everywhere.
The next Stra of Pini is ` i|M (AS2/3/26). in|M i

ti ` i i.e. The sixth case affix is employed after a noun implying the
cause of an action, when the word 'Hetu' is used along with such a word.
The example for this is +z ii (He dwells for the sake of food).

The next Stra of Candra is ` ix' (CV2/1/71). inx M i

` i* When a noun is used along with the word i' the noun gets
genitive case just to indicate ii (causation) eg:- +z ii (He dwells
for the sake of food)

Certainly Candra abridges the Stra aptly. Here the Stra of Candra excells


xxii S (CV2/3/27) is the next Stra of Pini. xx in S

|M i ti ii i, ` S* i.e. after a Sarvanman when it signifies


the cause of an action, and the word 'Hetu' is used with it, the sixth case
affix is employed, as well as the third . For eg:- Ex ix i* E i&
Ktyyana supplements here with a Vrtika xk{|M |nx'
(Va 1473) i.e. when the words xk, Eh or its synonyms are used, almost
all cases cane be employed.


& n il& (CV2/1/72) is the corresponding Stra of Candra. il&

nM n& H xi* i.e. Along with the words having the
meaning of i all the cases can be employed with the pronouns. For eg:- E

i&? E i? Ex ix, E i? Eri& ? E i&? Ex i? etc

(for the sake of what does he live?)

Candra combined a rule of Pini along with its supplementary rule. In
the example of the rules of both Pini and Candra it can be noted that only
the forms derived from the stem E are used. So it is strongly doubted that
the word xx& can be elicited and E& or Eki can be read in its
In the Pinian system, in the supplementary rule the word | is used.
S.C. Vasu, the transilator of SK has pointed out that the use indicates that the


first and second cases should not suffix to words other than pronouns even if
they denote hetu. But in Cndra system we hardly find anything to obtain
this meaning.

Consider the Pinian Stra Sil |nx (AS2/3/13). The meaning is

|nx Sil i i.e. Sampradna is put in the fourth case. Here +xi'
is understood. For eg:- | M nni i.e. He gives the cow to the Brhmin.
As there is this Adhikra we get the form nx |& Here there is one more
supplementary rule i.e. 'Eh& EhY |nx S EY' i.e. after some
verbs (especially to sacrifice), the object gets the name of instrument (karaa)
and the recipient (sampradna) is called object. So the usage {x p Vi
(he sacrifices with an animal to Rudra) is equivalent to { p nni* (he
gives an animal to Rudra).


|nx Sil (CV2/1/73) is the next Stra of Candra. E |ni

ij Sil i* i.e. When something is given to somebody with pleasure the
recipient shall be said in the fourth case. For eg:- n& {{ nni

( He

offers flowers to Devas).

Why the word |nx' is used in this Stra?

Otherwise in the place of

VE j nni the usage will be VE j nni whch is not permissible.


According to Pini's rule, the example given first is correct and also by
the use of the technical word |nx the usage VE j nni can also be
justified. Here one thing is to be noted. In the Mahbhya there is a sentence

JhbEv& i S{] nni* As per the supplementary of the said Pinian

rule G |i { |nx' this usage can be regularized whreas no
rule in the Cndra system can regularize Patajali's usage reffered to above.
Also Candra has not given |nx' as a technical name. Whereas
Pini explains it as Eh |i |nx '' ( AS 1/4/32).

The next Stra of Pini is

Slx |h& (AS1/4/33). The

meaning of the Stra is Slx vix |M |h%l& |nx i* In the

case of Verbs having the signification of the root S 'to like' the person or
thing that is pleased or satisfied is called Sampradna. For eg:- Si

H&* (devotion pleases Hari)


Si (CV2/1/74) is the next Stra of Candra. The meaning of the

Stra is SH EE Sil i* i.e. After the word denoting pleasure
(especially by the way of taking in something) the fourth case should be
suffixed. For eg:- Si nnk (Devadatta gets pleased by sweets)


Candra has very fruitfully abridged the Stra of Pini - 'Slx

|h&' (AS1/4/33). All the purposes of the original Stra have been served
by the Stra of Candra and there has been no overlapping. The purpose served
by the word |h is exactly served by the use of i{. The suffix i{' is
ordained to convey the sense of base either by possession or containing (vide
Pini's rule inizi i{* Here the word stands for the word
denoting something to which the suffix i{' is added)

One more notable thing is that in the vtti of this Stra , Candra has
used the term EE' eventhough he has not such a head Stra. In this regard
technically Candra is not perfect.

Another important point is that the examples of Pinyastras

PxRl{ Y{x&, {{i& (AS1/4/34& 1/4/36) etc. also can be

seen in the commentary of he above Stra. It is given explanation in the
commentary that El nnk vi, nnk xi, i`i E Uj&,

nnk {i, {{& {ii ? inl Sil i* ({I i

nnk vi, {{h {ii* i.e. If we want to convey the sense of most
desired (<{ii) there can be usage nnk Pi- praises Devadatta, {{h

{i -loves flowers)


I.e. how the usages like Praises Devadatta, She hides for the sake of

The girl stand for the boys, she condemns for Devadatta., he

covets to get flowers etc? Here Vttikra comments that in all the cases the
fourth case can be used for conveying the sense 'for the purpose there of'

inl'. Actually in these cases even if the fourth case is employed in the
sense pointed out here the meaning won't be complete unless the secondary
sense (Ih) is employed. Though he has tried to abridge the two Stras

PxRl{ Y{x& (AS1/4/34), and {{i& (AS1/4/36) of Pini

the effort cannot be considered effective because the sense wished to be
conveyed is not perfectly noted by the usages unless there is some help.

The Stra of Pini is vkh& (AS1/4/35) which means when we
use v conveying the sense 'to owe' the creditor is to be considered as in
the dative case and accordingly as per Sil |nx' the fourth case shall be
employed. For eg:- H vi I & (Hari owes liberation to his


vkh ( CV 2/1/75) is the next Stra of Candra. The meaning of the

Stra given by Candra is vikh EE Sil i* i.e. In the case of
the verb vR in the accusative (v+hS) the creditor is to be in the fourth case.


For eg:- nnk M vi

(Devadatta asks for a cow to Yajadatta.

Yajadatta then pledges to give him a cow. In this sense i.e. promises to give
a cow to Devadatta, the usage is nnk M vi* Why the word =kh' in
the Stra? Because the +vh (debtor) is to be put in the first case

When Candra uses the word =kh he directly ordains the suffix to be
used without employing the technical term Dative. The Stra of Candra is a
bit longer (1/2 mtra) than Pini. The application of the case ending is direct.
This can be considered otherwise there is neither betterment nor any defect.


The Stra of Pini which substitutes the next Stra of Candra is

Gvplx |i E{& (AS1/4/37). Gvtlx |M |i E{& &

|nxY& i * i.e. In the case of the verbs having the sense of 'krudh' to
be angry 'druh' to injure ry to envy, asy to detract the person
against whom the feeling of anger etc is directed is called Sampradna. For
eg:- Gri, pi, <i, +i (He is angry upon hari or bears
malice to Hari, or is jealous of Hari or finds faults with Hari). Here Hari is in
Dative case.


The Stra of Candra here is E{lx%x{ (CV2/1/76). The meaning of
the Stra is E{lx%x{ Sil i* Dative case should be used after the
stem showing something subject to anger but not affected by it. For eg:-

nnk Gvi* (he is angry upon Devadatta) Sj pi (he bears malice to

Caitra), j <i (he is jealous of Maitra), Ynk +i (he finds faults
with Yajadatta). Here dative case is employed as per the above Stra. Here
Cndravtti says +x{ <i E? (Why do we say not affected?) To get the
usages nnkGvi, nnkpi etc.

Here Candragomin combines the three Stras of Pini. In this regard
Ktantravtti says SxpM i E{lx%x{ <i j Eh& +E

Sil vk* {Ixi Gvnx {Mh x{Mh\S |M ui

xi +x{ <i Sxi* 15. (i.e. by stating the Stra E{lx%x{. Candra
employs dative case for intransitive verbs also. By saying +x{' in the Stra
we can understand that when there is intention of { if Gv etc. is followed
or not by prefixes, accusative case can be used).

The example for vI |x&' (AS1/4/39) can be seen in the

commentary Cndravtti. But Candra considers nnk vi, nnk <Ii
15. C V, vol.1, p. 177.


n etc. as the example of inl' (CV 2/1/79). He includes vI

|x&' in the Stra inl* But Pini considers that in the case of the verbs
rdh 'to propilate' , or k- 'to look' to the person about whose good or bad
fortune questions are asked is called Sampradna and thereby the fourth case.
But for Candra, in the case of any verb, the person about whose good or bad
fortune questions are asked is put in the fourth case.

Also Pini by the Stra Gvp{]& E (AS1/4/38) ordains that

in the case of the verbs 'krudh' and 'druh' when preceded by the
prepositions, the person against whom the feeling of anger is expressed and
bears malice to is called Karma. But according to Candra the usage nnk

+i also become correct which is not allowed by Pini.


The Stra of Pini which substitutes the next Stra of Candra is

+x|iMhS' (AS1/4/41). +x|i Mhi& EE {{ EiiHY

i* i.e. In the case of the verb g, preceded by 'anu' and 'prati' and
meaning 'to encourage by repeating', the person who has the agent of the prior
action, which is repeated is called Sampradna. The example for this Stra is

j +xMhi or |iMhi (they encourage the Hotri, ie. the Hotri priest
invokes first)


The Stra of Candra which takes the place of the above Stra of Pini
is |ix Mh { (CV2/1/77). |ix{ Mhin { ij Sil

i* From the { of M and which is followed by |i and +x, comes

the dative case. The example for this is given as j |iMhi* {j +xMhi*

The example of the Pinian Stra MilEh uiSil

S]xvx (AS2/3/12), Gl{{n S Eh lxx& (AS2/3/14), ilSS

Sxi (AS2/3/15) C{ {tx S (Va 1459) =i{ix Y{i S (Va
1460) etc. can be seen in the Vtti of this Stra. In the example O MSUi'
Candra employed the Stra (CV2/1/79).

But if he omits the Stra

MilEh-----' then in the expression x Vi, the usage according

to Candra will be x Vi* O MSUi is the example for G{

ui* In the expression M] +|{i {l MSUi the usage {l is

justified by the Stra inl (CV 2/1/79) by Candra and according to
Cndravykaraa the expressions {xlx MSUi and {l MSUi are justified by
the Stras G{ ui (CV 2/1/43) and Eh (CV 2/1/63) respectively. In
the place of ilSS Sxi (AS 2/3/15) and Vrtikas C{ {tx S
(Va 1459) and =i{ix Y{i S (Va 1460) Candra has only one Stra inl
(CV2/1/79)* Bv& Vi, {E Vi etc which are the examples of ilSS


Sxi' of Pini, Candra gets the cases Bv&, {E etc. by the Stra
According to Pinya system j E{i M&, H& Yx E{i'
are the examples of C{ {tx S and i E{ ti' is the
example of the Vrtika =i{ix Y{i S' but Candra says that the cases in
these examples can be justified with the Stra inl. Here the verb C{ and
other verbs meaning 'to be fit' or 'adequate for', 'result in', 'bring about',
'accomplish', 'produce', 'tend to' etc govern the dative case. Also the fourth
case affix is employed with the force of indicating a portent or calamity. But
for Candra there is no such regulations and all these are employed with inl*

Pini employs fourth case along with some words by the Stra x&

ivb MSS (AS2/3/16). The meaning of the Stra is

BM Sil i* i.e. the fourth case affix is employed in conjunction with
words nama 'salutation' , svasti 'peace' svha, svadh 'terms used while
offering ablations to gods and pits respectively', alam 'a match
for' 'sufficient for' and vaa 'a term of oblation'.

The example for this Stra is x& (salutation to Hari). Here along
with x&' the fourth case ' is employed according to the above Stra.


The Stra of Candra which substitutes the above Stra of Pini is x&

iv]UHl& (CV2/1/78)* x& +n& HlS M Sil i*

i.e. Along with the words x& etc. and with the meanings of H etc., the
fourth case is employed. For eg;- x n& (salutation to Devas) n&
(svha to Devas) v {i& (svadh to the pits) b p& (Vaad to
rudras) + (an athlete is a match for another athlete) l

(same as above). In all these cases dative case is employed with this
Stra by Candra.

The word of +bMSS' of Pini is substituted by Candra as

bUHl& and through this substitute Candra's Stra becomes more


Here comes one Paribh in Pinian system that ={{nH&

EEH i.e. A case termination, which if it were added to a base

would show that the person or thing denoted by that base is instrumental in
bringing about the action denoted by the verb of a sentence, possesses greater
force than a case termination which might be added to the same base, because
of the presence in the same sentence of a word requiring the addition of that
particular termination, and it accordingly is added in preference to the latter.


But in Cndra system such a matter cannot be expressed because the Kraka
relations are not expressed in Cndravykaraa. But Candra uses the word
Kraka several times in his Vykaraa. Then how the usage xEi nx'
is to be justified according to Cndravykaraa is matter of dialama.


inl Sil S (Va 1458) is used by Candra for his next Stra. The
meaning of this Vrtika is the fourth case affix should be employed when the
sense is that of 'for the purpose thereof '.

The example for this Vrtika is

H Vi (he worships Hari for the purpose of getting emancipation).

Here H' is in the fourth case according to the above Vrtika.


Candra substitutes the above Vrtika with the Stra inl'

(CV2/1/79). In Cndravtti the explanation is given as i <n inl* inl

ti Sil i* (i.e. inl means this is for that when such a sense
is indicated then there comes Dative case. Example for this is { n (the
log is meant for the sacrificial post (pillar)), r xMi, (He becomes ready
for rddha) r zi (he becomes ready for the battle) etc. According to
Candra in all the above examples cases are employed as per the above Stra.


A number of Stras of Pini are abridged by Candra through the
above Stra. For instance r xMi, r zi etc are the examples of

Gl{{n S Eh lxx& (AS2/3/14) according to Pini. But Candra

includes this Stra of Pini in inl (C 2/1/79)
Ktyyana substitutes one Vrtika to Eh |i |nx (AS
1/4/32) as G |i %{ |nx (Va1085) . The example for this
Vrtika is {i i' (she sleeps for her husband). Candra includes this
example also in inl and omits the Vrtika.
Candra also includes the following Stras of Pini in his

Stra inl'


vI |x&

(AS 1/4/39)


|iR & { Ei

(AS 1/4/40)


MilEh uiSil S]xvx



ilSS Sxi

(AS 2/3/15)


C{ {tx S

(Va 1459)


=i{ix Y{i S




(AS 1/4/36)

So this Stra of Candra has a wide range and he tried to abridge the Stras of
Pini to make the learners easier to study the Kraka part.



xEhxn |h (AS2/3/17)
|hV xi& Eh Sil kE* i.e. In denoting the indirect object,
which is not an animal, of the verb manya 'to think' the dative case is
optionally employed, when contempt is to be shown. For eg:- x i ih x

ih (I do not consider you worth a straw). Here according to the above

Stra dative case is employed optionally

In the place of the above Stra of Pini, Candra says x{

Eixn (CV 2/1/80). xin { ix xnVi Ei

Mx Sil i* i.e. The dative case may optionally be suffixed to
the stem noting the object of the root (nn) but other than x, EE, +z etc.
and that too for indicating contempt. The example given is the same as that
given by Pini. One more example can be seen as x i x x, x i x

x (I do not consider you even as a dog).

He indicates that if there were no specification xi&' then, along
with other roots also the dative case will be optionally employed. But this not
correct. The usage is x i ih Sxi* If xi&' is not there in the
Stra, here also the usage will come as x i ih Sxi which is not a
correct usage. Why the root x' is used with the Vikaraapratyaya


(Eh|i) x? In the usage x i ih x, accusative case only is

correct. Never should there be an option of the dative case.

Why the word Ei?

In the usage +x on x, x

E`J' the dative case cannot be employed as x' is not used here to
indicate contempt. Why the word +xn? x i x x (I don't consider
you a boat) x iz x (I don't consider you rice) x i M x (I don't
consider you a fox). In the usage though the sense of contempt is conveyed
the words x, +z & M are used and therefore the fourth case should not be
Why don't the dative case is used after the stem n (you) in the above
usages? Contempt won't be conveyed if the dative case is employed.

The Stra of Candra comes in the place of Pini's aphorisms

xEhxn |h (AS 2/3/17) and the Vrtika +|hi{x

xEEzEMVi S' (Va 1464). The Vrtika written here is as
per Siddhntakaumud. The original Vrtika seen in this regard is xEh

|E EiiOh (AS 2/3/17 Va1). But this meaning is not conveyed by the
Vrtika read in the Siddhntakaumud. The opinion given in the Mahbhya

about this Stra is nin|hiinxni I . Considering this,




16. M B, vol.II. p. 251.








Here Vasu comments as, the word +|h 'which is not an animal' in the
Stra is useless and should be removed. Because even when the object of
comparison is an animate being, it will not take the dative as x i x

x (I do not regard even as a dog) 17.

iuplavadha reads {i ih

ih i i& &



and Bhaikvya reads


and ih i Pxxnx% . In the second and

third usages cited, even though contempt is indicated it is not emphatically

conveyed. So most of the grammarians consider this incorrect. Of the
above reason in the Cndra system it is negated and exemplified
accordingly. [The second and third examples can be justified considering
that the root x' of Tandi is used. There is no specific indication to
ensure that the usage is formed from the root x' in the nn]


w{%{nx (AS1/4/24)
+{ & ixv wvi EE{nx i* i.e. A noun whose
relation to an action is that of a fixed point from which depature takes
place, is called Apdna or ablation. For eg:- On +i* (He comes
from the Village). Here according to this Stra O' is the Apdna. And
17. S.K of Bhaoji Dkita, Srisa Chandra Vasu ( Ed & Translator), MLBD, Delhi, 1995,
vol.1, p. 354.
18. Siuplavadha, M.M. Pt. Sivadutta Dadhicha (Ed), Krishnadas Acadamy, Varanasi, 1986, .15/61.
19. Bhaikvya, Candiprasadacarya Dadhimatha (Ed), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi,
1991, v.8/99.
20. Ibid. v.2/45.


so comes the fifth case according to the Stra +{nx {\S (AS2/3/28)

The Stra of Candra corresponding to the above Stra of Pini is

+v& {\S (CV2/1/81). The meaning of the Stra is {nlv& {\S i*

i.e. The refernce point of something is to be put in the fifth case. The example
for this Stra is On MSUi (He goes from the Grma). Here O' is put in
the fifth case as per the above Stra.

Candra has tried to abridge a lot of Stras of Pini through this Stra
also. The Stra of Candra comes in the place of w{%{nx (AS1/4/24)
and +{nx {\S (AS2/3/28). The examples of jlx i& (AS 1/4/25),

{Vf& (AS1/4/26), hlx{i& (AS1/4/27), +xir xnxSUi

(AS1/4/28), +Ji{M (AS 1/4/29), VxEi& |Ei& (AS1/4/30), & |&



VM{|nlx{Jx (Va1079), { EhvEh S (Va14741475), iSvExh ii& {\S (Va1477), itHnvx& |l{i
(Va1479), Ei{i S H (Va1478) etc. can be seen in the commentary
of this Stra. i.e. All these Stras are covered by the aphorism +v& {\S'
(CV2/1/81) of Candra. As usual there is no technical name Apdna as that
of Pini and only case is indicated by Candra.


The above Stras of Pini have been refuted by Patajali.

Considering this opinion of Patajali, Candra includes these Stras of Pini
in the Stra +v& {\S.

In the Tatvabodhin commentary of

Siddhntakaumud, we can see that Ei - EE|Eh MhJx&

xi <i iOhx Y{iiVVM{nx ii{ExkSiin iE


jlx- <in jh S |iSJ .

Pini employs fifth case for nEn' as per his rule +xniinC----
whereas Candra justified it by his Stra +v& {\S. Ktantravykaraa
says SxpM i - +vIil{ {\S ii* ii& {Si, ii&

={]i . Ktantra says that something cannot be accepted or refuted just

because it is said in a particular text or by a specific author. If we try to refute
anything already said that will result in doubling the effort on it. i.e.

|iJiJii ixjxini
EilE {I{i x ti*
ixjxi|hix jh {Oi

|iJxx ix uMh{Vi' **


{\S{R{& (AS2/3/10) is the next Stra of Pini. The meaning of

the Stra is Bi& E|SxM {\S i* i.e. The fifth case is employed
21. S K of Bhaoji Dkita, with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and
Tatvabodhin commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda
Sarma (Eds), MLBD, Delhi, 1977, p. 658.
22. Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p.246.
23. Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p.248.


when a word is governed by the Karmapravacanya +{, +R, & {. For

eg:- +{& &* (The samsra is outside of Hari).


{{ Vx (CV 2/1/82)
Vx ix {{ M {\S i* Here the correct reading
is {{ Vx' . This seems to be a mistake by the printers or the
copiers. The example given +{ jMi ] n&, supports the suggested
reading. So the meaning can be read as Vx ix {{ M

{\S i i.e. when { and +{ indicating evasion are used, the fifth
case should be employed in the word denoting the connecting substance.
The example for this is +{ jMi ] n& (Evading Trigarta shower
was poured). Why do we say {{ Vx?

i.e. Why should we

particularise the meaning. If we don't specifically say so in the usage I

{tii' also, we should have to admit the fifth case. But the fifth case
is not justifiable here because { used here denotes IIh wherein
it is considered Karmapravacanya by Pini. In such case Pini
employs accusative case as per his rule E|SxH ui'.
According to Candragomin also the objective case is justified as per his
Stra |i{ M S' (CV 2/1/55)


In the example +{]{ji ] n&'

(it rained in all places including

Palputra or it rained in all places except Palputra) also Candra accepts

+v& {\S' instead of {\S{R{&

Instead of {\S{R{& (AS2/3/10), +{{ Vx (AS1/4/88),

+RnSx (AS1/4/89) etc., there is a single Stra for Candra {{

As per Pini +RnSx, the indclinable +R when used in the sense

n and +v is Karmapravacanya.

So says Kaumud


SxOhnv{ .

|ixv|inx S i (AS2/3/11) is the next Stra of Pini. This

means +j E|SxM {\S i* i.e. The fifth case is employed along
with the Karmapravacanya |i when it has the sense of substitute or
exchange .

|ix |ixv|inx& (CV2/1/83) is the Stra of Candra. The

meaning of the Stra is |ixv |inx S ixx |ix M {\S i*

(|i which denotes resemblance or returning governs the ablative case. The
24. S K of Bhaoji Dkita, with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and
Tatvabodhin commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda
Sarma (Eds), MLBD, Delhi, 1977, vol.I, p. 667.


examples for the Stra are +xVxi& |i (Abhimanyu resembles Arjuna)

and x i& |i|SUi (He returns grams in lieu of sesames) . Why
the word |ixv|inx&' is put in the Stra? When |i' is not used in the
sense of resemblance or returning , it should not govern fifth case. For
eg:- I |i tii ti. Here |i' is used in the sense Ih'

The Stra of Candra comes in the place of Pini's |ixv|inx S

i (AS2/3/11). Pini uses two Stras to employ ablative case in such

example whereas Candra employs by a single Stra.
In the example Ei%vMSUi?, Ei& {MSUi? etc., the indeclinable

+v and { do not have any specific meaning of their own. In such cases
Pini ordains the ablative case by his rule +{nx {\S* By +v{


he gives +v' and {' the designation of E|Sx'.

Though Karmapravacanya generally governs accusative, in the case of +v

and { where the rule +v{ +xlE' is applicable, they don't govern the
accusative case. We can perceive here is the evasion of the designation Mi'
The Stra of Pini in connection with the next Stra of Candra is

+xniinCn\Sk{nVH* i.e. Along with +x, +i etc. the fifth

case is employed. For eg:- @i Ehi* (excepting Ka).


Candra's Stra is @i ui S' (CV2/1/84) @inx M ui i

{\S S* @i governs accusative and ablative case. For eg:- @i {l, @i

{li (except Prtha)
In this regard the Editor of Cndravykaraa Kshitish Chandra Chattrrji
notes, Candra following the footsteps of Devanandin prescribes the
accusative also in connection with @i. Pini and Sarvavarman prescribe the
ablative alone. @ii MM& Ei& @iM uil* il S Sxp j25

@i ui S nv]& - 2/3/2 .
But in Pinian system we can employ accusative case with ii%xj{

oi' in
=i& E vM{n j
uibixi ii%xj{ oi (Va 1444)
But in Cndra system we will get accusative case directly by the Stra itself.
So the Editor's note quoted above attracts discussion.



In this regard



xiMiiiMi& |Mi&* 'ii%xj{ oi' <i ui* '@i

ui S' <i Sxp j*


and Tatvabodhin comments here El i

i {vxi '<i |M <i Si, |n%i nk&* +x i 'ii%xj{

25. C V, vol.1, p. 180.
26. S K , vol.1, p.665.


oi' <i oOhSSj SUiin @iM ui{ vi&*

+x Jx '@i ui S' <i SxpjxE 27

{lMxxiixi (AS2/3/32) is the Stra of Pini in the

place of the next Stra of Candra. The meaning of the Stra of Candra is

BM ii i {\Sui S* i.e..Along with {lM, x, xx etc. the

third, second and fifth cases are employed optionally.


x ii S ( CV 2/1/85) is the next Stra of Candra. The meaning

is xnx M ii{\S i& ui S* i.e. x governs third, fifith
and second cases. For eg:-

x ix, x ii, x i (without


As per aphorism {lMx especially by the use of the word

+xi the use of the third case is optional. The word ui, in Bx{
ui and the word {\S in the aphorism +{nx {\S' are attracted here
and as a result there are three cases justifiable when using the words.

27. Op. cit.


But Candra splits the Stra of Pini into two because according to
Candra, only with x' these three cases can be employed. He explains
his contradiction with the next Stra i.e. {lMxx (CV2/1/86) also

Same Stra as the above.

{lMxx (CV 2/1/86)

Bi M ii{\S i&* i.e. Along with {lE' and xx'
the third and the fifth cases can be employed optionally. For eg:- {lE

nnkx, {lE nnki (without or different from Devadatta) xx nnkx

or xx nnki. Here'xx' also has the sense of exclusion R xx S


As stated earlier Candra devides the Stra of Pini into two. Just as
Pini, Candra prescribes the third and fifth cases where {lE or xx is
used. But Pini prescribes second case also along with these words. But
Candra has only fifth and third cases along with {lE and xx *


According to Cndra system only two cases are permisive and second case
does not come along with {lE and xx *

28. Amarakoa with Pramevar commentary of Vachaspati T.C. Parameswaran

Pravartaka Co- Operative Society Ltd., Kottayam, 2000, v.3.

Moosad, Sahitya



Eh S iE{ESUEi{kSx (AS 2/3/33) is the Stra of

Pini which comes in the place of the next Stra of Candra. The meaning of
the Stra is B%pSx& Eh ii{\S i&* i.e. When expressing an
instrument Kraka, after the word stoka (little), alpa (little), Kcchra (hardly)
and Katipaya (some), the third as well as fifth case affix is used, when they do
not denote material objects (i.e.They are used as adverbs and not as
adjectives). For eg:- iEx iEu H& (he got off easily).

The next Stra of Candra is iE{ESUEi{n +ili Eh
(CV2/1/87). iEn%iSx& Eh EE ii{\S i&* i.e. the
third and fifth cases are prescribed to express the instrument Kraka after the
stems iE, +{, ESU and Ei{ when they do not denote material objects.
For eg:- iEx H&, iEn H&*
Here why the word +ili'? (When these do not indicate material object?).
If it is not said so, in the case where iE' etc, denotes something material,

the said Stra should not be applied, instead of it the 3 case is applicable
considering the sense of Karaa or instrumental case. For eg:- iEx h

i&* Here iEx is adjective to h. So it is felt as if it were denoting

something material. Why the word Eh? (in the instrumental sense)? When


there is no instrumental sense, the 3 and 5 cases should not be added


optionally but the second may be applied by the Stra G{ ui'* For
eg:- iE Si*

The primary fact that is to be noted here is there is no Kraka relation
i.e. Eh' according to Candra. Candra does not say anything about the word
Karaa. But he uses the word Eh' in his Stra. The examples of Pinian
rules nxiEl& `xi' (AS2/3/34), nxiEl ui S'
(AS2/3/35), {ivEh S' (AS2/3/36) etc. can also be found in this Stra
of Candra. Pini ordains that after the words having the sense of dra
(distant) and antika (near) the second, third and fifth cases are employed. This
rule applies only when these words have their original Prtipadika signification
and do not qualify a substance, because the anuvtti of 'when they do not
donote (Or qualify) material objects' (+pl&) is understood here also. But
in Cndravtti it can be seen that n On, +xiE On <iv {\S* i.e.
Here these cases are justified as they are applied from +v (reference point).
In the same way Cndra system says that n O, +xiE Oi xv

`* i.e. Here the sixth case is employed because relation is expressed.

Pini does not accept such a relation here as stated before. In the expression

n Mi&' '+xiE Mi&' etc Candra employs second case by the Stra G{
ui'. According to Pini it can be justified by taking it to be Gh
(adverb) where the widely accepted maxim Ghx Ei Ci S'


can be considered to have operated. It is to be noticed in this regard that the

examples shown by the interpreters of Pini are not justified by CV
satisfactorily. In Cndravtti it can be seen that nnMi&, +xiEnMi&, nh

i`i, +xiEx i`i, n i`i, +xiE i`ii l H&*'

According to Candra in all of those cases, the case ending suffixes can
be justified in their respective senses, Karman or the object, Karaa or the
instrumental, +{nx

or +v i.e. point of reference and +vEh or

He further adds n {xl&, +xiE {xl& <i Gh*

iMxii* i.e. in these examples the 2nd case can be justied considering
n and +xiE as adverbs; where the maxim quoted earlier is applicable. One
may ask how these can be considered adverbs. The answer is 'Bhavati' or
the sense 'exists' is there without being expressed by an utterance.

By the Stra of Candra it is really a merit that Candra superceeds

Pini by using a single Stra as against four of the latter.


+v%vEh (AS1/4/45) is the next Stra of Pini. EiEu

iz`G& +v& EEvEhY i* i.e. That which related to the
action as the site where the action is performed, by reason of the agent or the
object being in that place, is called Adhikaraa or the location.


i.e. That in which the action is supported or located is called dhra. For eg:-

E] +i (he is seated on the mat) here the action of sitting is supported by

the mat and so it become the '+vEh'
Pini employs seventh case for '+vEh' by the Stra '{ivEh S'


{iv (CV2/1/88) is the preceding Stra of Candra. The meaning of

the Stra is +v {i Hi* i.e. To indicate dhra or location


the 7 case is used. By this rule ordains 7 case after any stem expressing the
location for eg:- E] +i (he sits on the mat) +E Ex& (birds in the
sky) i i (oil in gingilly), MRM M& (cows in ganga) etc.

This Stra of Candra comes in the place of Pini's +v%vEh
(AS1/4/45), {ivEh S (AS2/3/36) and the Vrtika Hx

Eh{Jx (Va 1485) etc. Pini, in his Stra {ivEh S' uses 'ca'

an indeclinable equivalent to the Englsh 'and'. By this he has ordained the 7

case after nxiEl* or stems denoting the sense of distant and near.

The example given here by Candra is very interesting i.e. MRM M& (cows
are on the bank of the Gaga). Here the location cannot be strictly of the


character because wearing is not in the Gaga. Moreover Candra does not
define +v but he allocates Vibhakti for dhra.
Cndravitti comments here that Eh <iv B {i" i.e. in the
example +vi Eh (versed in grammar) also the seventh case is
employed for location itself. So according to Candra there is no need of the
Vrtika Hx Eh{Jx (Va1485)


xkiEM (Va1460).
The Vrtika means locative case may be used after the word denoting
the 'object' or 'purpose'. When it is related by M or with the object.
The example for this is

Sh u{x xi nxixi E\V

E S xi x {EE i&*
Man kills the tiger for his skin, the elephant for his tusks, the chamari cow for
her hair and the musk deer for its musk.
Here the third case would have otherwise come in denoting Hetu. The
present Vrtika prevents that.
Candra substitutes the Vrtika with a Stra namely xkn {x"
(CV2/1/89). He further comments on this Vrtika that {x M |Vxi

{i i* i.e. Seventh case is to be employed with words denoting fruit or


purpose when it is connected with the object. The example for this is the same
as before stated in the description of the Vrtika.

This is a notable thing that when Candra tries to simplify the rules of
Pini, he makes one Vrtika of Ktyyana into Stra.


Ktantravykaraa says Sh r xv { u{x xiivEhi

Iii ESi* SxpMx i xn |iJi* il S- xkn{xi*'29.

From this indication in Ktantravykaraa, it is clear that he is not satisfied
with the Stra {iv to allocate the seventh case in the above example.
Just as Pini, Candra also thinks that +vEi' is not enough for S*


S x Ih (AS.2/3/37) is the next Stra of Pini. This

aphorism means by the action of what so ever, the time of another action is
indicated, that takes the seventh case affix. The example for this Stra is M

nx Mi& (the cows being milked, he went away).

Candra's Stra in the place of the above Stra is iG GSx
(CV2/1/90). The meaning of this Stra in Candra's own words is G

Gxi Sx i, ii& {i* i.e. When one Kriya becomes the sign
29. Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p.292.


of another Kriya then from the former action comes the locative case. For
eg:- M nx Mi& (the cows being milked he went away). Why the word
Kriya is used in this Stra? Observe the example V]& & RH. Here
seventh case is evaded when the indicating element is not an action. i.e. The
word G' in 'iG' is used to evade seventh case where the indicating
element is not an action. Why GSx is used in this Stra? RH &

nnk&* The word GS' is meant to evade locative case where the
element indicated is not an action.

The aphorism of Candra replaces Pini's S x Ih*
(AS.2/3/37). The example of the Vrtika (supplementary rule) +h

Eii%xhEii iu{i S (AS 2/3/37,Va1) can also be seen under this

aphorism of Candra in Cndravtti. Candra has certainly saved a lot of Mtras
in his Stra compared to that of Pini. According to Candra, in the example

\Vx h +i, and x h \Vi etc. also the

locative case is employed by his Stra iG GSx*

The next Stra of Pini is ` Sxn (AS2/3/38). The meaning of this
Stra is +xnvC Ih `{i i&* i.e. The sixth and seventh cases
are employed when disregard is to be shown after that by whose action; the


time of another action is indicated.

For eg: ni ni |Vi

(disregarding the weeping sons and the rest, he went for sanysa)

The Stra of Candra also is the same as the above ` Sxn
(CV2/1/91). The meaning of the Stra is G Gxi Sx i,

ii& ` i {i S, +xn Mx* i.e . The sixth and seventh cases are
employed when disregard is to be shown, after that by whose action the time of
another action is indicated. For eg:- Gi& |Vi (disregarding the weeping
sons and the rest, he became a Sanysin)

Both Stras, i.e. of Candra and Pini bear the same meaning and have
the same destination. But in Cndravykaraa we can see the examples of the
Pinian Stra v{innI|i|iS (AS2/3/39) in the
Cndravtti. There Candra comments M i xv `, M i

{i i.e. Candra does not have the meaning of xv for

locative. Pini by his above aphorism employs locative case in the meaning
of xv" (master - subordinate relationship). Also the meanings
lord, ruler, an heir, witness, a surety, begotten etc. are also allotted to both
sixth and seventh. But meanings are not shown by Candra to sixth and seventh



iS xvh (AS2/3/41) is the next Stra of Pini which is used by

Candra. ViMhGY& nnEn {lCEh xvh iii&

`{i i&* i.e. The sixth and the seventh case affixes are used after these
words from which separation is made of an individual from the whole. For
eg:- xh x h& `&* (Brhmaa is the best among men or of men).


i xvh (CV2/1/92) is the preceding Stra of Candra. The

meaning of this Stra also is the same as that of Pini. In Cndravtti the
meaning is given as ViMhG& nnEn {lCEh xvh*

iii Gi ii& `{i i&* i.e. The sixth and the seventh cases are
used after those words from which an individual is specified from the whole
class. For eg:- Eh M {zIi&* Eh M {zIi&* (among cows
the black one gives more milk) & Evx {li & Evxx

{li (among the cereals, rice is the most desirable) MSUi vxi& wi&*
MSUi vxi& wi&* (among the goes, the runners are the fastest)
Even though Candra covers the same matter as that of Pini, he saves
mtra. The examples of the Stra {\S H (AS2/3/42), vx{hS


{i|i& (AS2/3/43) |iiE ii S (AS2/3/44), xIj S {

(AS2/3/45) etc. are also given in the Cndravtti of this Stra.

Cndravtti says l& {]{jE& Ei& <iv {\S* . Ie.

According to Candra there is no need of an additional Stra and ablative case
is used in the above example to denote the reference point. Here Candra
debars the employment of the fifth case when the thing specified is different or
devided from that from which specification is intended. According to Candra
in such occasions also ablative case can be employed to denote the reference
point. Cndravtti again says i v&, {i x{h& <i B {i*

Bvii . Candra justifies the above examples with his rule

{iv' ( CV2/1/88). i.e. The seventh case is employed from the location.
Candra opines that there is no need of another Stra namely vx{h

{i|i&' (A.S 2/3/43). But from the location itself the seventh case can be
employed in such examples.
In the same way in the examples like E |i&, EiE& etc. Candra
employs locative case from location. He debars the Stra |iiE

ii S' (AS2/3/44) of Pini. Here Candra comments E& |i&,

EiE <i Ei Eh ii* il {h {xni* {

{xniv B {i . In the above example Pini employs

instrumental case and the locative case by the Stra xIj S { (AS2/3/45).
i.e. Pini says in this regard that when an affix declaring the time of an
30. C V, vol.1, p.183.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.


Asterism is elided by lup, the seventh and the third case affixes are used after
the word, whose affix is so elided. Even though Candra has abridged many
Stras of Pini, a notable thing here is the examples like x{h Y i&,

vx{h i |i { +x , { x& etc. won't come into the range of

Cndravykaraa. i.e. In the example x{h Y i& (the servent is good
towards the king), a bare statement of a fact is intended and the respect is not
denoted and so the word Y& is not put in the locative case. In Cndra system
such an option is not seen and obviously there is a chance to come locative
case in the above example also. Similarly in Cndra system there is a chance
for the locative case to come along with v and x{h when used with |i
Also Candra has not considered the Vrtika +|ini H'
(Va1493). So Cndra system allowes to employ locative case in the example

vx{h i |i { +x * or otherwise Candra does not say anything

about this example. Similarly in the example { x&' the third case won't
occure as there is no elision. But for Candra, the usage here is doubtful.

Pini employs first case by the Stra |i{nElRM{hSxj

|l' (A.B. 2/3/46). |i{nElj RMjtvC {hj Jj S

|l i* i.e. Where the sense is that of the crude form or where there is the
additional sense of gender only, or measure only or number only, the first case
affix is employed. For example =SS&, xS&, Eh&, &, Yx*


The Stra of Candra corresponding to the above Stra of Pini is

+lj |l (CV 2/1/93). +iH nlj |lHi* i.e. Where

there is nothing to denote other than the sense of the Prakti or stem the first
case affxes shall be employed. For eg:- I&, j, {x etc.

The lengthy Stra of Pini is abridged by Candra in a very effective
manner. In this matter Candra considers the opinion of Mahbhya and
accordingly makes his aphorism. Here one thing is to be taken into
consideration. i.e. lpRMJEEh |i{nEl&* (i.e. The stem
has five meanings such as its own meaning, matter, gender, number, and
Kraka) Taking this view into consideration Candra says j, {x

x{Ei RM{ nl B* il ph&, J, +fE <i {h{ nl

B* BE u <i J{ nl B But according to Pini J and
EE are not the meaning of Prtipadika. So he did such a lengthy


vx S (AS2/3/47) is the next aphorism of Pini considered by

Candra. vx |l i* i.e. When the sense is that of addressing, the
first case affix is employed. For eg:- *



vx (CV2/1/94) is the Stra of Candra in lieu of the above Pinian

Stra. vx |l Hi* i.e. The first case affix is employed to
indicate the sense of addressing. Here the examples given are nnk,

nnk, vM nnk*
By avoiding 'S' in the Stra of Candra he has saved mtras. The
meaning of the Stra given in both the systems is the same. But in the
Cndravykaraa the two examples are noteworthy. Candra gives in these
examples two indeclinables as denoting address or Sambodhana. They are
and vE* Amarakoa reads vRxixxxn&' i.e. vE indicates scolding
and dishonouring. ' also denotes exclamation. But there is no indication
about being used to denote addressing.
By Pinian system second case is employed along with vE and by
the Vrtikas

=i& E ----(Va1444) and

+i& {i&

xE|iM%{ (Va 1443).


` (AS2/3/50) is the next Stra of Pini. The meaning of the

Stra is EE|i{nEliH& nxv& &* ij ` i*
i.e. The sixth case affix is employed in the remaining cases where there is the


sense, such as the relation, like the relation between property and its owner etc.
different from that of a word related to a verb (Kraka), and from that of a
nominal Stra (Prtipadika). For eg:- Y& {& (King's man).


` xv (CV2/1/95) is the Stra of Candra corresponding to the

Stra of Pini. xv ` Hi* i.e. When a relation is expressed
there comes the sixth case. For eg:- Y& {& (King's man). Here the king
and the man are mutually related as owners and the subordinate.

According to the Stra of Pini, an explanation for the term '' is
needed to understand his Stra ` (AS2/3/50). Where as Candra defines
the term ' in his Stra itself as xv* So the Stra of Candra has more
clarity than that of Pini. But the examples given under this Stra in
Cndravtti abridge a lot of Stras of Pini.
In Cdravtti a statement can be seen like { Vxi* xiYx%{

{%i& Ehii* EhI i h {j Vxi The usage

{& Vxi can be justified as the ghee ({) is not a Karaa. It has of
course a relation to the knowledge (diagnosis). When this fact is considered the
example is very apt. Even when it is a false knowledge (imagination/allution)


ghee cannot be a Karaa and when we consider Kraatva in connection with

recognition we may say h {j Vxi (he recognises his son by voice).
Candra says that the usages like i& i, (Remembers his mother) {&

ni (Protects with ghee), E <] (orders according to ones desire or

decision), Bv& nE ={Ei* (fire wood refines the water) can be justified
with ` xv' itself. But accodrding to Pini the sixth case is employed

by the rule Enx{ xvjI `* .

But Candra says

{I Bv nE{Ei* The same rule is applied by Candra in the

example S Vi and S Vi* But according to Pini in the example

S M V the sixth case is employed by the Stra Vlx

SxxV& (AS2/3/54) But this usage is not shown by Candra in his
grammar. Instead he gives the example of Enx{ xvjI

`* or otherwise Candra generalises the rule of Pini excluding Sx*

Again considering the Vrtika +Vxi{i S' (Va1507)


Candra says Vxi{{ xvI ` i* . Here it is to be

noted that Candra employs ` (genitive case in the meaning xv) and
Pini employs EE` (genitive case in the meaning of Kraka). In
Pinian system the ultimate result of the Vrtika and the Stra is the
employment of Samsa in the terms SV& and

Sxi{& . Here

33. S.K of Bhaoji Dkita with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and
Tatvabodhin commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda
Sarma (Eds) MLBD, Delhi, 1977,vol.1, p.364.
34. C V, vol.I, p. 184.


Blamanorama says +j SVn `& i* `&


{xvi* B M Sxi{ <ij{ v* . Here according to

Candra the employment of Samsa becomes a question. The example given
by Candra is S Vi, S xi{i* Candra puts the example S

Vi and S xi{i under G{ ui (CV 2/1/43). Candra also

considers that the examples {& xli, S =VVi, S xxi,

S |xi, S x|xi, S |hxi, S =z]i, S =iGli

etc. are also the examples of ` xv

(CV 2/1/94).


hE{xli, SVVi, S xxi, S |xi, S x|xi, S

|hxi, Sz]i, SiGli etc. come under G{ ui (CV
2/1/43). In the above examples of Candra which are considred by him under

` xv, Pini believes that they are EE` whereas for Candra all
of them are `* or the variety of meanings expressed by Pini cannot be
got from the usage of Candra. Candra has just tried to employ the sixth case
somehow. The validity of the term =iGli is illustrated then. Candra says in
this regard v]nii Glii |{xi* Glx Gl&, Gl Ei Gli




comes under P]n schedule. It is accepted that the roots of the

said schedule are to be considred i (one having the indicatory ). There

fore i & (AS6/4/92) is to be employed here and the form will be

Gli* But Strakra himself uses the term as Gli* Here

35. S K of Bhaoji Dkita with Blamanoram Commentary of Vsudeva Dkita and
Tatvabodhin commentary of Jnendra Saraswat, Giridhara Sarma and Parameswarananda
Sarma (Eds) MLBD, Delhi, 1977, vol.1, p.364.
36. C V, vol.1, p.184.
37. (vi 801 n {{n)


Ktantravykaraa says

=iGlxiGl&, i Eii Sxp&* +xl


xxvinw& i, iSS xi nRM* . Here Blamanorama says


i i%{ 'i &' <i x i* < nPx{ixi* . i.e. The root Gl

takes in the causative Vdhi irregularly.

For Candra in the example S {x] also the sixth case is employed
by the Stra ` xv* But here Pini says that lx

Vx|hx]Gl{ Eh ` i* One important thing here is when

these roots mean 'to injure' then only the object of the Verbs takes the sixth
case and if the meaning is not 'to injure' then there will be like vx{h*
Here the meaning is not 'to injure' and so there comes EtM` and

Samsa. But Candra considers that +{ vxx {x]* . It is not

clear how Samsa is employed by Candra in such examples. But in both the
examples the sixth case has the same meaning of xv. In the example S

{x], and vx& {x] Candra employs the same Stra G{ ui (CV
2/1/43) The sixth case in the examples VE j nni, (He gives cloths to
the washerman) Pxi& {` nni (shows his back to one who beats him)

h nni (somebody gives something to the Brhmin)etc. Candra


justifies x j xv ` |ir, iRxix{ xv i . i.e. There is

no negation of the sixth case denoting relation in these examples. Relation

Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p. 267.

S.K, vol.1, p.680.
C V , vol.1, p.184.


can be considered even with finite verbs. According to Pini also these can
be justified as per `

Like this the examples i i (deals or stakes hundred), i

ni (he stakes or deals in hundred), i {hi (he stakes or deals in

hundred) etc. are also justified by Candra by the same Stra ` xv* But
for Pini the object of the Verbs and {h when thery are treated as
synonyms, i.e. when they mean 'dealing in sale and purchase transactions'
or 'staking in gambling' takes the sixth case affix. Also the object of the the
verb n' when having the above mentioned sense of dealing or staking
takes the sixth case affix. i.e. Pini here also employs EE` whereas
Candra has only the meaning of xv for the sixth case.

Candra further comments that {I j ui . i.e. When the

intention is {' then there comes accusative case. Candra further adds

+Inii Eh, +Ix nii {, +I niiv, +Ih nii

xv* i.e. As +I& takes the third case as it is expressive as instrumental
+Ix ni takes second case as it is {' +I ni is put in locative
case as it expresses location and in +Ih ni only relation is expressed
and so it is put in the sixth case.
As per Pini in the expression h ni (somebody praises the
Brhmin) only the objective case is permissible as the root n here means to
42. Op. Cit.


praise. Same is the case with the example i |ni i |ni, ix

|ni, i |ni for Candra. But for Pini the object of the verb n
when having the sense of dealing or staking optionally takes the sixth case
affix, when it is preceded by an Upasarga. For example i i

|ini (he deals in or stakes a hundred) ix |ni can be got according

to the Pinian system by the aphorism n& E S (AS1/4/43) which
means that which is especially auxiliary in the accomplishment of the action,
of the verb n' to play is called Karma (object), as well as Karaa

The Pinian rule Ei%l|M E%vEh (AS2/3/64) ordaining the


6 case after words denoting time is also included in the present rule by
Candra. See his words in this regard. {\SEi%x RH <i xv, ux

RH <iv, ux RH <i Eh 43.

Candra considers that in the

example {\SEi%x RH (eats five times a day) the relation is expressed

by the sixth case, in the example ux RH (he eats for two days), the
seventh case is employed from location and in ux RH (eats twice a day) ,
the third case is employed from Karaa.

But for Pini here also comes

EElH* ux RH cannot be justified accoding to the Pinian

system. Along with u&' which is having the EiS' suffix +x is not
applicable for Pini.
43. Op. cit.


Candra considers that i& +E, +{ ] etc. show relation. i.e.

Here the sixth case is employed by the CndraStra ` xv. According to
Pinian school these are the examples of EiEh& Ei (AS2/3/65) which
means the sixth case shall be employed to the stem denoting subject or object
of an action denoted by a word ending in a kt suffix. Cndravykaraa
further reads il SE nnk E], nE Ynk E`x, x

{hx& j Eii* x j Ei& {hxx <i Ei ii . Here

according to the Pinian system when the agent and object are both used, the
agent is put in the instrumental or genitive case, and the restriction of the
present Stra regarding object does not apply when kt terminations are of
feminine gender ending in +E or +. In the examples SE nnk E]
and nE Ynk E`x, we have +' and +E' respectively. This
matter is conveyed by the Vrtika j|iEEx x& (Va 1513). In
the same manner according to Pinian system there is an option in the
remaining affixes. According to some, when affixes are faminine other than

+E' or + as, x {hx& j Ei& or x j Ei& {hxx (The

creation of the Stra by Pini is wonderful) there is an option for the cases .
Some held the option of this Vrtika as unrestricted by any such condition.
This is conveyed by the Vrtika (Va 1513). But for Candra in all
the above examples the sixth case is employed to express the relation. i.e. by
his Stra ` xv* And in the last example the third case in the word

{hxx is employed by him by the Stra Ei ii (CV 2/1/62)

44. Op. cit.


For Pini when a primary noun is accompanied by both its agent and
its object, generally only the object is put in the genitive, the agent being
denoted by the instrumental. For example +S M n%M{Ex. But
some hold the view that this rule is optional. i.e. both can be used as +S

M n%M{Ex, +M{E (wonderful is the milking of a cow by one

who is not a cow herd)

But for Candra in the above example the third case employed by the
Stra Ei ii (CV 2/1/62) and sixth case is employed to express relation.
Candra considers that the example Y i& also express relation and employs
sixth case by the same above Stra. But for Pini the sixth case is employed
here by the Stra H S ix (AS2/3/37) which means the pastparticiple
ending in H when used in the sense of the present tense is used with the
genitive. This Stra of Pini debars the Stra x Ex`Jlix
(AS2/3/69) by which genitive is prohibited after x` affixes.

Candra employs sixth case in the examples <ni, i Uj

x etc by the same Stra ` xv* Pini employs genitive case here
by the Stra +vEhSxS (AS2/3/68) which means the past participle in

H' is used with the genitive when the former expresses loction. This Stra
also is an exception to the prohibition about x` by the Stra x


Ex`Jlix (AS 2/3/69). Here Candra comments i Ujh


xi Ei ii . i.e. Candra gets the usage Ujh' by the aphorism

Ei ii (CV 2/1/62). But for Pini this case is employed here by the
Stra EiEhii' and the 'H' |i is not here in the meaning of

Candra considers that +nx {Sx, +nx {Sx& etc. are the examples of

G{ ui (CV 2/1/43). But for Pini the above exemplify the Stra x
Ex`Jlix (AS 2/3/69). Pini debars the sixth case to express
the agent or the object when the word is governed by an active particple which
is the substitute of , or when the word is formed by the affix =, or =E or
governed by an Indeclinable, or by a past participle in H and Hi or by a
word ending in an affix having the sense of J or by a man of agency formed
by ix.
In the same way Candra employs accusative case by the same Stra

G{ ui in the examples E] SE& ( desiring to make a mat), +ME

h I +& (they say those who are to visit Varanasi are demons) E]
Ei O Mi& (having made a mat, he went to the village), (E] Ei) O
Mix (After finishing the mat, he went to the Village) Ei ES {x&
(how many are changing their armours) +vx {h (learning chanting),

45. C V, vol.1, p.185.


Ei E]x (makers of mats) etc . Pini debars the sixth case in all the above
mentioned examples by the Stra x Ex`Jlix (AS 2/3/69)

In Pinian system the Vrtika Exv&' (Va 1519) declares that

there is no prohibition of sixth case in the case of the word EE. So there is
the example n& EE& . Candra says that in the above example the sixth
case is employed to express relation

In the example <iE& E] i' the sixth case is restricted by Pini

by the Stra x E----- (AS 2/3/69) as <iE& is the word formed by

Jl affixes and here i becomes the third case. According to Candra

here comes instrumental case by the Stra Ei ii (CV 2/1/62). In all the

examples Candra comments xv i ` i . i.e. The sixth case

is to be applied when a relation is to be shown.

Pinian system covers the examples S ux and S ux by the

Vrtika u& i (Va 1522). i.e. the sixth case is optionally employed when
the root u takes the affix i, S or S ux. The Stra of Pini x

E----' prohibits only EE` and not `* The sixth case

employed by ` (AS 2/3/50) can be employed in all the cases and that is
done by Candra and he does not employ EE`* Candra considers that
46. Op. cit.


S ux is an example of ` xv and S ux is an example of

G{ ui (CV 2/1/43).
In the example E] EE& Vi (maker of mat goes) , O M (the one
goes who goes to the Village), i n (he owes hundred) etc. Candra
employs second case by the same Stra G{ ui* But in these examples
Pini debars the sixth case by the Stra +Exnvh& (AS 2/3/70)
which says that the sixth case affix is not used when the word is governed by a
verbal noun in +E' denoting futurity, or in <x denoting futurity
and indebtedness . But for Candra such a prohibition is not needed as he
employs sixth almost every where in the same meaning of relation . In
usages like i {E& (one who complete a century), {j{j nE& (seer
of sons and grandsons) etc. Candra employs the sixth case in the same
meaning of relation and for Pini it is by ` ' (AS 2/3/50).
The sixth case is optionally employed by Pini in denoting the agent
when the word is governed by a future passive Pariciple by the Stra Eix

Ei (AS2/3/71). Thus the example i& E]& Ei& or i E]&

Ei&* (A mat should be made by you). But here Candra gets the sixth case by
his Stra ` xv and the third case by Ei ii'. In the same way the
sixth and third cases are employed by Pini and Candra in the examples O

G] J nnk and O G] J nnkx*


In short Pini's Stra Y%nl Eh (AS2/3/51), +vMln Eh

(AS2/3/52), E\& |iix (AS2/3/53), Vlx SxxV& (AS2/3/54),






Vx|hx]Gl{ (AS2/3/46), {h& l& (AS2/3/57),

ninl (AS2/3/58), {M (AS2/3/59), | ni|nx
(AS2/3/61), Ei%l|M E%vEh

(AS2/3/64), EiEh& Ei

(AS2/3/65), =|{i Eh (AS2/3/66), H S ix (AS2/3/67),

+vEhSxS (AS2/3/68), x

Ex`Jlix (AS2/3/69),

Exv& (Va 1519), u& i (Va 1522), +Exnvh&

(AS2/3/70), Eix Ei (AS2/3/71), etc. are abridged by Candra to one
Stra ` xv (CV 2/1/95). The variety of meanings expressed by Pini
to the sixth case is reduced by Candra to the one meaning of relation. More
over he employs the case according to the principle Ii& EEh xi*
Ktantravykaraa says

SxpM ix jhix l
xln vHIli&


The next Stra of Pini which in dealt by Candra is ili{

iixi (AS2/3/72). The meaning of this Stra is the third or the sixth
case affix may optionally be employed, when the word is joined with another
47. Ktantravykaraa, vol.2, p. 301.


word meaning 'like to' or 'resemblance' excepting i' and ={' i.e.

ilM ii i{I `* For eg:- i& o& Eh Ehx

(like Ka)

ilii (CV2/1/96) is the corresponding Stra of Candra.

il& nM ` i, ii . i.e. Along with the words which denote
likeness, there the sixth and third cases are employed optionally. For eg:- i

nnk, i nnkx (like Devadatta) or o nnk, o nnkx

Candra has saved matras than that of Pini.

But the word

+i{' is not there in the Stra of Candra. To substantiate, it is stated

thus < Ei ii x i - +Vx i xi E{ x Si? xi

il* E i? iM{l?


. Candra says that +Vx i xi

and E ={ x do not tell the same meaning. i.e. The words i and

={ does not have the same sense. But they are iM{l* i.e.
iM& xv&* in{ ={&, inl& i Thus says the
meaning of the word in Ktantravykaraa
This explanation only can satisfy the Stra of Candra. So even though
Candra has succeeded in abbreviating the Stra, the Stra of Pini excels him
in technical perfection.
48. C V, vol.1, p. 186.


Next Stra of Pini which comes close to matter of Candra is Sil

SppEJli& (AS2/3/73) which means BinlM Sil

i{I ` +* i.e. The fourth as well as the sixth case affix may be
employed, when blessing is intended in connection with the words +'
(long life), p (joy), p (good fortune), E (welfare), J (happiness), +l
(prosperity), and i (good ). For example + SVi Eh Eh

(let long life be to Ka)


iJ Sil S (CV2/1/97) is the next Stra of Candra. The

meaning of this Stra is iJ M Sil i ` S* i.e. When using
the words indicating i (good) and J (happiness or well being), the fourth
as well as the sixth cases may be employed. For example i nnk, i

nnk (good to Devadatta), J nnk J nnk (Happiness to


+plElS (CV2/1/98)
The meaning of this Stra in Candra's own words is

+tliJlS M `Sil i&, + Mx* When using

the words with the meaning +, i and J the fourth and sixth cases are


employed optionally with an intention of blessing. For example +

nnk, + nnk
The single Stra of Pini is split up by Candra into two. It is to be
noted that Candra uses the word +l' twice in his second Stra. By the

second one he may be indicating that with the words +l, |Vx etc the 6

and 4 cases are to be used. But here a notable thing is Candra always tries to
abridge the Stra of Pini. But here he makes one Stra of Pini in to two.
Here we are sure to reach the conclusion that the second Stra is mainly meant
to be employed where there is blessing. Here Kik reads +nxlOh

Ei i.e.. As that of Candra KV also recommends that we shall take into









SppEJli& (AS2/3/73). Here in connection with this

matter one more thing is that while Pini reads p and p seperately
Candra reads in his Stra only pl which includes p also.

49. K V , of Jayditya- Vmana with Vivaraapacik- Nysa of Jinendrabuddhi and

Padamajar of Haradatta Mira, p. 620


Stras in Kraka which do not show any difference

between Pini and Candra
The next Pinian Stra which is used by Candra is Gxi
(AS1/4/53). The meaning of the Stra is Gh & Ei h E i*
i.e.The agent of the verb in its non-causal form, in the case of and E is
optionally called Karma or object when these verbs are causal. For eg:- i

i ix * ( He causes the servant to take the load).

The next Stra of Candra is 'G' (CV2/1/45). \& E\S |V

Ei ui i* i.e.. The agent of the verbs and E in its non-causal

form is optionally called Karma or object in its causal form. For eg:- i

nnk nnkxi (He makes Devadatta to take the load) or Ei E]

nnk nnkxi (He makes Devadatta to make the mat)
The next Stra of Pini is 'x' (AS 1/4/86). The meaning of the Stra
is x ti +x& |Mi * i.e.The word +x' is Karmapravacanya, when it


means inferior or subordinate to. For eg: - +x &* (The gods are
inferior to Hari).

The Stra of Candra corresponding to the above Stra of Pini is 'x'
(CV2/1/58). The meaning also is the same as that of Pini that x +l +xx

Hi ui i* With +x in the meaning of 'x' comes accusative case.

For eg: - +xVx r& (The warriors are inferior to Arjuna).

The next Stra of Pini taken by Candra is {Gh

|nxxi (AS 1/4/44). xiE i Eh {Gh* ix

vEi EE |nxY i* i.e. In the case of hiring on wages, that
which is especially auxiliary in the accomplishment of the action of the verb

{ + G\ is optionally called Sampradna.For eg: - ix i {Gi&*

The next Stra of Candra is {GSil S' (CV 2/1/64). The
meaning of this Stra is {Ghi& Eh EE Sil i ii S* i.e. For
the instrument of the root {G\ the fourth as well as the third case is
employed. For eg:- i {Gi%x* ix {Gi%x*


Candra's main intention was to simplify the grammar of Pini and he

succeeded in his dream. But in technical perfection he could not surpass
Pini. He could include easily understandable words in the place of some
complicated words used by Pini. But by allocating only cases without the
Kraka relation he suffered a lot in interpretation. More over in simplifying
the grammar of Pini, Candra could not express the variety of meanings
given to the cases by Pini. Candra has also omitted some Stras of Pini
without any consideration. Candragomin thoroughly studied the texts of
Pini, Ktyyana and Patajali and he embodied all the suggestions and
corrections of them and sometimes he included the opinions of the KV also.

The division of the subject matter into Adhyya and Pda is common to
both. Candra substitutes shortrer and easier words for Pini's longer and
difficult words. For instance in the place of synonyms such as ,

+xi, +Sh etc he uses the shortest term . Similarly he

substitutes the following words.

+ to Panini's |ix
+v to Panini's +{nx
+v & p to Panini's +vEh
and many more. Similary he abridges the Stra like +lj |l (CV 2/1/93)
for Pini's long contruction |i{nElRM{hSxj |l (AS2/3/46)


By omitting the Y Stras of Pini Candra has gained brevity in his Stra.
But a notable thing is that in some cases even though Candra has not defined
the technical terms of Pini, he was forced to use them. While talking about
Karma he uses two terms +{ and { instead of Karma. But he does not
define these terms which want explanation. In the Stras of Candra he uses
the term Kraka several times without defining them. By substituting
another word in the place of Karma, Candra has saved a lot of Stras of
Pini. In the place of Ei{ii E' (AS 1/2/49), Eh ui (AS
2/3/2), ilH Sx{i (AS 1/2/50) +Eli S (AS 1/2/49)etc. Candra has
only one Stra G{ ui (CV2/1/43). So here the Karma is substituted by

+{' which is not defined. Relation is the main meaning given by Candra to
the sixth case. Thus he has abridged eighteen Stras and three Vartikas in the
Pinian system. By doing so one more theory of Candra comes to light i.e.

(Ii& EEh xi) Krakas are allotted according to the intention of

the speaker. Division of the genitive case in Pinian system is mainly made to
negate some compound formation which will misguide the listeners to an
extent. The concept of intention is widely elaborated by and misinterpreted by
scholars. Some want to establish it as a tool to restrict the formations which
will be against the common usage. While others consider it as a technique to
ratify the usages even though they are grammatically wrong. In
Cndravykaraa we cannot see such discussions on genitive case.

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