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2015 HE international Conference on Power, Insumeatation, Control and Computing (PICC) Analysis of power oscillation damping capability of STATCOM-POD and optimal placement of PMUs in TEEE-14 bus system R Visakhan Electrical and El lectronics ‘Asha Anu Kurian Electrical and Electronics Hridya K R Electrical and Electronics Sainigits college of engineering Saintgits college of engineering Saintgits college of engineering Saintgits college of engineering India Email: heydzvish@ gmail.com India Abstract—The main issue considering power system secur {is how to reduce the overshoot and have better rate of damping. ‘of power system oscillations. Generally Power System Stabilizer (PSS) are used for power system oscillation damping, but inter area oscillations are not effectively damped with PSS, so Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices with supplementary controller are used for effective damping of power syst oscillations. For performance analysis the results of eigenvalue ‘analysis and Time domain simulation results are compared for results Validation. The controllers such as power oscillation damper and power system stabilizer are tuned according eigenvalue analysis by considering system stability. The mai ‘objective is to reduce the peak overshoot and setling time of inter area oscillations thereby improving power system sta ‘The optimal placement of phasor measurement units (PMUs) are also done through annealing optimization technique and resulls of annealing methods are validated using system observabilty index. ‘Analysis of static synchronous compensator with power oscillation ‘damper (STATCOM-POD) in terms of power oscillation damping. is carried out for different case studies such as A three phase short circuit fault line outage and load contingency. The proposed ‘works are simulated on an IEEE 14 bus standard test system ‘The test system for the proposed work is modeled and simulated using MATLAB/PSAT, Results shows that by proper tuning of POD with FACTS controllers the power oscillations are damped faster than conventionally used PSS and by the optimal placement of PMUs , the cost of installation of PMUs can be reduced to reat extent, Keywords- PSS,POD,STATCOM,PMU,TRASI,BOI ,SORI,FACTS,low frequency oscillation damping 1. INtRopueTION ‘As the load demand is increasing day by day the complexity of the load connected also increased o a drastic ‘manner. This resulted in frequent grid instability issues and stability analysis was much complex phenomenon . Since the power system is an inter connected network the inter ‘area oscillation and local azea oscillations were main issues considering the rotor angle stability. Due to some transients there may be low frequency oscillations, which should be addressed in a perfect manner to maintain the grid stability condition. In earlier times as the network was not so complex, the main issue was to damp local area oscillation which was casily done with the help of AVRs [1] 998-1-4678-8072-0/151$31.00 ©2015 IEEE India India But due the large scale demand for the loads , the size of network also increased hence by adjusting the excitation of AVRs system oscillations were not damped properly. ‘Then came the PSS which is connected to the generators “which shows large participation factors towards power system. oscillation, The PSS cancels the negative damping torques produced by AVR action and maintains the system stability So conventionally PSS was used in power system mainly to ‘damp local modes of oscillations [2] ‘After the development of power electronics devices such as switching converters and inverters there came the FACTS devices which could provide adequate active and reactive powers at the point of injection there by maintaining the grid stability . Here in this paper FACTS devices with Supplementary controller is used to damp system oscillations, The supplementary controller which is used in the system under study is the POD(power oscillation damper) which ‘can provide the required damping torque needed for the system in addition to the synchronizing torque developed by FACTS devices. Hence by using FACTS-POD the power system oscillation can be damped faster compared to other ‘conventional devices [3] ‘The power system oscillations are classified according to the part or area of power system affected by them, These oscillations are mainly classified into intra plant oscillations with frequency range if 2 t0 3 Hz, which are caused when ‘machines on the same bus oscillate against one another and the torsional oscillations which occurs between rotating plants in a network. Torsional oscillations have much higher frequency range of 10-46 Hz which are associated with the turbine generator shalt. These can occur predominately ‘when a multi-stage turbine generator is connected to the grid trough a series compensated line, Next is the local area oscillations having much low frequency range of about 1 Hz or less than 1 Hz, These type of oscillations occurs in the networks which have wo or mote interconnected areas and if these oscillations persists in the system for much longer time, may lead to system collapse [1]. Here the main concern is given for inter area oscillations by doing different case studies [4],(5] 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pos ‘The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes about the optimal placement of PMUs. Section IIT illustrates the modeling of STATCOM. Section IV about the objective function and constraints. Section V tabulates the results of eigenvalue analysis with different system conditions. Section ‘Vi comparative time domain simulation with STATCOM-POD and tuning of PSS parameters are presented. Section VI about transient stability index. Finally Section VIII conclusion of the work is presented. Here the simulation model used is MATLABIPSAT toolbox [6]. The main contribution of the work is that system oscillations are damped in a faster manner hence the system reliability could be increased. I. OPTIMAL PLACEMENT OF PMU IN IEEE- 14 avs Phasor measurement units ate those equipment’s which are used for the state estimation of a power system network. ‘These synchro phasors provide the voltages of the buses 10 Which it is implanted and the line currents of the all lines which are connected to that bus. These datas from the PMUs are transmitted through GPS system to the base stations for the data processing. The datas collected from the PMUs are the time synchronized datas so that we will be able to access the real time datas of a network PMUs are very much better than SCADA systems because PMUs can provide the phase angle measurements directly and the measurements done by PMUs are time synchronized, These PMUs process data at 30 samples per second which makes the datas collected from PMUs more reliable [7]. Tn earlier days the measurement accuracy with SCADA system was about 40 micro seconds -But in case of PMU. GPS system has been used so the measuring accuracy of 1 nano second to 10 nano second is achieved.so GPS technology is the best suited technology to be used in power system. With the help of PMU we can measure voltage magnitudes, phase angles, power ,urtents, angular velocity of generators, fault current and many , which makes the power network highly redundant (8) ‘The main consideration of PMU placement in a network is the optimal locations of PMUs. This optimal location of PMUs make the whole network to be observable so that any disturbance or contingency can be easily detected for system stability. By optimal location of PMUs we can reduce the cost of installation through the removal of placing PMUs at ‘unwanted location [9]. Approximately the cost of one unit of PMU is about 19000 US dollar -The rules which has to be followed for placing the PMUs are given below: 1) Assign one voltage measurement to a bus where a PMU has been placed, including one current measurement to each branch connected to the bus itself 2) Assign one voltage pseudo-measurement to each node reached by another equipped with 2 PMU. 3) Assign one current pseudo-measurement fo each branch connecting two buses where voltages are known. This allows interconnecting observed zones, 4) Assign one current pseudo measurement to each branch ‘where current can be indirectly calculated by the Kirch- hoff current lav, 998-1-4678-8072-0/15831.00 ©2015 IEEE Instrumeatation, Control and Computing PIC) Here annealing method is used for the optimal installation of PMUsFlow chart representation algorithm for annealing ‘method is given below , which is implemented in IBEE-14 bbus system using PSAT toolbox in MATLAB and results are tabulated. ig. |. Flow char for sanesting method Barer See oa From the tabulation results of annealing method its is seen that there are three set of values for optimal placement of PMUs. The selection of one set from these is done through analyzing the value of system observablity redundancy in- ddex(SORD) [10] ,the high value of redundancy index indicates that the monitoring system is highly reliable SORT index is ‘expressed in terms of Bus observability index(BOD[11]. BOL is used to define the performance quality of the optimization technique used .BOT is represented as 3, B= m+) a Where 1 is the maximum connectivity of ith bus:The degree of connectivity is found from graphical network analysis of IEEE-14 bus system IEEE-14 bus structure form is shown in g2. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pos Fig, 2. TEEE-16 busin structure form From this structural form of IEEE-14 bus represented in the Fig.2 the connectivity of each bus of IBEE-14 bus is tabulated in table I. TABLE IL TARULATION oF us NUMER AND DBOREE OF CoNNECHVITY OF IBEE-L4 a3 From the table JI we can find the connectivity factor 9 for bus observablity index. The optimal placement of PMUs in TEEE-14 bus is tabulate in table ‘Three set of optimal location values are found using the annealing method Selection of optimum set of values is done through analyzing the values of system observability redundancy index(y). which is given by > ¢ SORI for each set of solution is tabulated in table.IIL Bares TIE ‘The SORI values are highest for the set of bus number 2,6.7 and 9 so optimal placement of PMUs in IEEE-14 bus system are at bus numbers such as 2,6,7 and 9.The PMUs placed can be further reduced bu considering bus number 7 as the zero injection bus because the maximum connectivity to this bus is only 3 and the datas can be measured using pseudo measurement technique with the help of other PMUs. So finally PMUs are placed at bus numbers 2,6 and 9. Thus 998-1-4678-8072-0/15831.00 ©2015 IEEE Instrumeatation, Control and Computing PIC) there is great reduction in cost of installation and reliability of system is maintained. Ml. STATCOM A STATCOM (or Static Synchronous Compensator) is a voltage regulating device. It is based on a power electronics that Yollage-source converter and can act as either a source or sink of reactive AC power. It is a member of the Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) family which detects and instantly compensates for voltage fluctuations or Hicker, as well as controls power factor. Cost of STATCOM is about 50 US dollar/kVAr [9] A. STATCOM MODELING ‘The implemented STATCOM model is a curtent injection model. To exchange the reactive power between the ac system and STATCOM , the STATCOM current is always Kept in ‘quadrature to the bus voltage. In the dynamic model STAT COM modeled as a time constant regulator. The STATCOM Which is connected as a shunt device in bus number 9 of ‘modified IEEE-14 bus system provides the adequate reactive power to maintain the system stability [12] ‘The shunt current and the reactive power injected at the STATCOM node are given, respectively seisn = (Ky (Vey + Viren -V) isn) /Te @) @ = s¥isn#V o Fig. 3, STATCOM cieit and contol black diagram, where, iszr is the shunt current of STATCOM, JK, is the time constant of stabilizer, Veep is the reference voltage of regulator, V.row is the normalized output voltage of POD, V is the bus voltage, 7; is the time constant of regulator, q is the reactive power of STATCOM Fig. 4. Maximar loud parameter with and without contllets ia BEE-(4 2015 HE IV. OBIECTIVE FUNCTION FoR TUN POD PARAMTERS (6 OF PSS AND For reducing the steady state ertor and for efficient power system oscillation damping-The area under the rotor speed deviation should be reduced (o zero because rotor speed deviation effects the system oscillation T. = K.Ab + KpAw & © ‘Thus from the above relation itis inferred that by reducing the area under the curve Aw vis time we can reduce the system oscillation. So objective function is given by = | actat o Aw =un(t) —aalt) 8) Where: Aw is the rotor speed deviation of generator followed by a disturbance and T is the time range of simulation w(t) is the variation of angular frequency of synchronous {generator connected to bus number 2 without any controller. a(t) is the variation of angular frequency of synchronous generator connected to bus number 2 with PSS in fist ease and with STATCOM-POD jin second case during a disturbance, Tis the time of simulation, A, POD parameters limits 1) POD Gain range: < Kpop = 50 2) Washout time constant range: ‘The main consideration of washout time constant is that it should be long enough to pass stabilizing signals at the frequencies of interest relatively unchanged , but not so long that leads to undesirable generator vollages excursions as a result of controller action during system islanding condition Ideally.the POD controller should not respond to system wide range of frequency [13] For local mode of oscillations in the range of 0.8Hz to Hz , a washout of 1.5 seconds is satisfactory From the view point of low frequency inter area oscillations Ty ‘of 10 seconds or higher is desirable .since lower time constants cause negative 7, component [14]. 05 < Ty <20 Phase compensators time constants 0.01 < Ty, Ty,T,,Tr <2 4) Anti windup limiter: Positive output limit: 0.1 to 0.2 Negative output limit: -0.05 to -0.1 Regulator Time constant range: 0.05 < Tw < 0.1 998-1-4678-8072-0/15/$31,00 ©2015 IEEE international Conference on Power, Instumeatation, Control and Computing (PICC) TABLE IV. TuxuD VALUE OF POD PARAMETERS CONSIDERING TABLE V. TUNED VALUE OF PSS paRAstenERS CONSIDERING Solution of objective function by Matrix method: TABLE VL Anka oF Onrgerive runction wort PSS AND is inferred from table. VI that Area under the curve Aw vis time is increased with STATCOM-POD than with PSS. It imply that STATCOM-POD gives good power oscillation ‘damping result. V._ EIGENVALUE ANALYSIS Here Figenvalue analysis of IBEE-14 bus system is done with the help of power system analysis toolbox in MAT LAB.The cigenvalues of the system are found for three dif- ferent system conditions, The system conditions are without controller ,with PSS in AVR 1 and finally with STATCOM- POD in bus 9 of IEEE-14 bus system [15] ‘AND ROTOR ANOLE OF SYN GEN 2 From the tabulation of results itis seen that damping ratio is gelting improved when STATCOM-POD is implemented than PSS, Thus from the analysis of the damping ratios for each, ‘case itis inferred that system oscillations are damped in much, faster rates with STATCOM-POD. VI. SIMULATION AND RESULTS Different case studies are done in IEEE-14 bus system to determine the effect of STATCOM-POD in power os- cillation damping Then the effects of conventional PSS is compared with STATCOM-POD to show the effectiveness of STATCOM with POD as supplementary controller. Time domain simulation is done in PSAT toolbox in MATLAB and results are plotted for rotor speed of synchronous generator 2 power generation of generator 2 and rotor angle difference of synchronous generator one and two with respect to time duration of simulation for different case studies, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Powe, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) A, Casel: A Three phase short cireut fault ‘A three phase short circuit fault is implanted at bus number 5 of IEEE-14 bus system at time t=1.00 seconds and cleared at time t=1.05 seconds TeoasiaTOH rn - |—-wastaeauec) Tre 5. Rotor speed of syn gen 2 with respect to ine Fig.S represents the comparative plots between without controller .with PSS. and with STATCOM-POD Here the y-axis represents the rotor speed of synchronous generator 2 land X-axis represents the time of simulation, Tre Fig. 6. Power generation of syn gon 2 with espect to time Fig.6 represents the comparative plots between without controller .with PSS. and with STATCOM-POD Here the y-axis represents the teal power generation of synchronous ‘generator 2 and X-axis represents the time of simulation. From Fig.$ and Fig6 it is inferred that with STATCOM- POD the first swing of the oscillation is reduced and electro- ‘mechanical oscillations are damped faster compared to systems ‘when no controller is used and when conventional PSS was im- planted in AVR 1 of synchronous generator 1, Thus the whole system becomes more reliable and stable with STATCOM- POD. 998-1-4678-8072-0/151831.00 ©2015 IEEE B. Case2: A line outage ‘A line outage between the bus 2 and bus 4 at time second is sinmulated using the PSAT toolbox in MATLAB, Time domain simulation is done with this system disturbance condition without controller ,with PSS and with STATCOM- POD in IEEE-14 bus system, . epnvowurn : "sien a ae Sak [ih eso a ; | Sot | | es) ig. 7. Rotor speed of aya gem 2 with eespeet 1 tine Fig.7 represents the comparative plots between without controller with PSS and with STATCOM-POD Here the ‘y-axis represents the rotor speed of synchronous generator 2 and X-axis represents the time of simulation. ewasasTON rm sno i TH Fig. #. Power generation of tym gon 2 with respect to tine Fig.8 represents the comparative plots between without controller with PSS and with STATCOM-POD Here the y-axis represents the real power generation of synchronous generator 2 and X-axis represents the time of simulation, From the graphs in Fig.7 and Fig.8 it is inferred that the STATCOM-POD is capable of maintaining a balance between ‘damping coefficient Ky) and synchronizing coefficient Kg at ‘much faster rate than power system stabilizer. This is done by 2015 HE improving the damping ratio, which is proportional to Kp and inversely proportional to Ks €. Cased: A load contingency ‘A load contingency was simulated in power system analysis toolbox by uniform increase of real and reactive power of all the loads in IEEE-14 bus system . Here a sudden increase of 10 % load is given at time (=1 seconds and respective graphs are plotted through time domain simulation. Fig, 9. Rotor speed of so gen 2 with respect te Fig.9 represents the comparative plots between without controller .with PSS and with STATCOM-POD Here the y-axis represents the rotor speed of synchronous generator 2 and X-axis represents the time of simulation. Fig, 10. Power gencration of ayn gon 2 with espect to Sine Fig.10 represents the comparative plots between without controller .with PSS and with STATCOM-POD Here the y-axis represents the real power generation of synchronous (generator 2 and X-axis represents the time of simulation. From Fig.9 and Fig.10 the time domain sinvulation results it is inferred that better response in terms of peak overshoot 998-1-4678-8072-0/15/$3100 ©2015 IEEE international Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) and settling time is obtained with STATCOM-POD than that with PSS only. Thus STATCOM-POD improves the dynamic performance and damping of low frequency oscillations for all variables. There by improving the transient stability margin of the network, VII. TRAN ‘An index was defined using the maximum rotor angle difference to analyze the severity of the angular separation between synchronous generators in a network following a SO ims three-phase short circuit fault. The transient rotor angle severity index (TRAST) is defined as follows [16] 360° — a creasr ~ (380 Mts ° RAST = (Soom ate) ° Where, Berend 48, represent the postdistubance and pre disturbance maximum rotor angle difference in the network respectively ig, LL, Rotor angle ellerence of sym gen 1-2 with rexpect a ime ‘The TRASI is a comparative measure of rotor angle separation following a transient grid fault in the network. The index varies from 0 to LTRASI value should always be near to one for better system stability and reliability (16). Here in IBEE-14 system a three phase short circuit fault was given to ‘bus number 5 and results are plotted with STATCOM-POD. ‘The the TRAST value with this FACTS-POD is found to be 0.9897 which implies that the system is stable after when a three phase fault is occurred with STATCOM-POD. VIII. ConcLusion In this work analysis of power oscillation damping capabil- ity of STATCOM-POD is analyzed through optimal placement of IEEE-14 bus system in MATLABIPSAT toolbox Jn the first stage of the work optimal placement for STATCOM- POD and conventional power system stabilizer is found using power flow studies and validated the optimal location of these devices using time domain simulation.Jn the second stage of the work optimal placement of PMUs are found using annealing optimization technique and the results are validated 2015 IEEE International Conference on Poser, Instcumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) using system observability redundancy index (SORD).In the third stage the parameters of PSS and POD are tuned ac- cording to the eigenvalue analysis. 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