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Teaching in the Sunday School
There always seems to be a need for Godly, dedicated teachers and workers in the
Sunday School. If you feel that the Lord has been speaking to you about this very
important ministry, the following information will be of value in making a decision
concerning teaching in the Sunday School of Trinity Baptist Church. May God bless you
to know and do his will.
One of the first things to realize is the gravity of such a job. The Sunday School
teacher is not only dealing in the temporal attitudes, practices and lives of those in the
class. but also in the eternal destiny of the students. Such a position has certain
instructions. qualifications and requirements. While this pamphlet is not exhaustive, it
will at least give the reader some idea of what is expected of the teacher. A profound
knowledge of the Bible is not necessary, but a working knowledge is helpful. Printed
Sunday School lessons are given to the teachers, and these lessons are discussed at the
weekly teachers' meeting. At this meeting an attempt is made to answer your questions
and help solve problems that may arise. The teacher is not just left hanging without
knowing what to do.
A teacher teaches first and foremost with his/her life. Before we get into the
qualifications for Sunday School teachers, I'd like to make mention of a want-ad I read
one time for public school teachers. I wish I had kept the ad for future reference, but I
didn't: however. 1 can remember much about it. I was just a very young minister, and it
made quite an impression on me. The list of requirements and standards of moral
excellence was higher than most churches have for their Sunday School teachers. It
required total abstinence from all alcoholic beverages and tobacco. It detailed places at
which the teacher was not to be found. It even gave a brief of the clothing to be worn
whether on or off the job The ad was dated in the 1800's. 1 realized that we had indeed
come a long way. and I wasn't sure it was the right way. Now, I'm not trying to take us
back to the old days. but I do think that we need to understand the importance of the lifestyle of those who have influence over maturing minds. So, let's proceed to the following
criteria which are given so that the Sunday School might have organizational quality and
that the teacher might better maintain a Christian testimony.

* Be saved and know it!

* Be scripturally baptized and a member in good standing of Trinity Baptist Church.
* Believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired word of God and preserved in the English
language in the KJV (the only version used at TBC).
* Be in accord with the overall program of the church and Pastor, including a willingness
to be in subjection to that program. A Sunday School teacher to an extent should be a
team player, not having a personal agenda to promote. This does not mean that the
teacher is expected to be the Pastor's puppet, but it does mean that someone has to call
the shots. If it gets to the point that one feels he cannot go along with the program, he
should quietly bow out without trying to sow the seeds of discord.
* Attend all of the church services, including the weekly teachers' meeting. unless
Providentially hindered. This is for the benefit of the teacher's own spiritual well-being,
as well as for the testimony involved. As to the weekly teachers/workers meeting, it is a
time of training, strategy, organization and instruction. It is very important.
* Don't be on time; be early. A S.S. teacher should be in the classroom 15 minutes before
time to start!
*Tithe. This may seem like a money-hungry statement, but tithing is more that just a
means of financing God's work; it is a measure of one's love, care and obedience. It is a
revelation of one's priorities.
*Visit. This does not have to be at the regularly scheduled visitation programs as long as
the teacher visits. But, be it said that the scheduled visitation programs are a very good
time to visit. It allows others to "see" your good works and offers the discipline of a set
time to visit.
*Lead a separated life. As Pastor I ask teachers to obselVe the following in order to set an
example and have a good testimony. 1 know that mankind has a tendency to rebel at this
kind of thing. I also know that most churches have shelved whatever standards they once
had. But, I haven't, so here goes.
* Abstain from any use of drugs and stimulants other than for medicinal purposes. This
includes the total abstinence from the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
* Abstain from attending the movie theater.
* Abstain from gambling. (Personally, I even have an aversion to a deck of cards because
of their association.)
* Abstain from swearing, which includes using God's name(s) as a by-word. fill-in or
expletive. Also, one would be wise to develop gentle. polite speech patterns. Refrain from

the usage of the coarse, base language of the world, even in referring to parts of the
human anatomy. Use the proper medical terms. Use language for "polite society."
* Abstain from gossip. Much damage can be done by this sin.
* Abstain from dancing.
* Dress in a fashion that is in keeping with high Christian ideals, whether at church, work
or play. That means no shorts (including Bermuda) on men or women, no half tops. .
Keep the body covered. Clothing should be modest. If it's questionable, don't! That means
no mixed swimming. Today's bathing suits are not modest. In order to set the example for
young ladies, female teachers are asked to wear dresses to all church services. Male
teachers should dress up to go to church. Set the example for young men. A dress shirt
and tie look good for the house of God. Attach a sense of importance with going to
church. That is not asking too much. Show to the world that our Lord is worth the
trouble. Also, men should have conservative haircuts. Fellows, if it gets over the ears or
collar, it's time to go to the barber. Men need to look like men and women need to look
like women.
The above standards of separation may seem too grievous. Some will label them as
legalistic, but please remember the gravity of the job. Also, the world loves to carefully
watch Sunday School teachers. The Devil's crowd is just waiting for an opportunity to
point out so & so who teaches on Sunday and does such & such through the week. For far
too long teaching Sunday School has been treated far too lightly. If followed in the right
spirit, these standards will help - certainly not hurt - one's testimony. Please, don't cast
these things aside without at least praying about them.
* In general. try to do the best possible for the Lord. Keep the proper commandments.
Follow the Biblical mandate to "prove all things," and abstain from the very appearance
of evil (I Thess. 5:21-22). No, I don't expect perfection; nobody could teach. I couldn't
preach! But I do feel that we need to take seriously the need for a holy life - especially in
those who would be teachers of others. By the way, one should guard against a
Pharisaical attitude that seems to be all to easily developed when a list of do's and don'ts
are followed. The foregoing will not make one a dynamic Christian. but they'll help.
Heavy emphasis must be laid upon love, compassion and an understanding spirit. An
honest effort at developing the fruit of the Spirit must be constantly attempted. The
Christian virtues and graces involved with character and personality are very important!
Humility, cooperation, diplomacy, punctuality, dependability and a thankful, joyful,
persevering spirit are very much needed.
Think about it. Pray about i.t. Then if you feel that God is leading you in this area and
that you can and will try to follow the format, contact the Pastor and let him know. It is
also a good thing to get down on the knees and tell God. A double good time to do both is
at the invitation time of a service. Kneel at the altar and commit your life to the task of
teaching 5.5.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Pastor.

A Piece of Plastic Clay

"I took a piece of plastic clay
And idly fashioned .it one day,
And as my fingers pressed it still,
It moved and yielded to my will.
I came again when days were passed;
The bit of clay was hard at last,
The form I gave it still it wore,
But I could change that form no more.
"I took a piece of living clay
And touched it gently day by day,
And molded with my power and art
A young child's soft and yielding heart.
I came again when years were gone;
It was a mind I looked upon;
That early impress still he wore,
And I could change that form no more."

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